
Instagram: Motives for its use and relationship to narcissism and contextual age

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Instagram is the fastest growing social network site globally. This study investigates motives for its use, and its relationship to contextual age and narcissism. A survey of 239 college students revealed that the main reasons for Instagram use are "Surveillance/Knowledge about others," "Documentation," "Coolness," and "Creativity." The next significant finding was a positive relationship between those who scored high in interpersonal interaction and using Instagram for coolness, creative purposes, and surveillance. Another interesting finding shows that there is a positive relationship between high levels of social activity (traveling, going to sporting events, visiting friends, etc.) and being motivated to use Instagram as a means of documentation. In reference to narcissism, there was a positive relationship between using Instagram to be cool and for surveillance. Theoretical contributions of this study relate to our understanding of uses and gratifications theory. This study uncovers new motives for social media use not identified in previous literature.

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... While the relationship between overt narcissism and social media use is not significant (Gentile et al., 2012), an effect of covert narcissism has been proven. For example, narcissists prefer online communities consisting of shallow relationships, as such communities afford them complete control over their self-presentation (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). Facebook nonusers had more covert narcissistic traits, whereas frequent Facebook users demonstrate higher levels of (Ljepava et al., 2013). ...
... People with higher narcissism scores engage in more self-promotional activities on Facebook and spend more time on social networking sites (Mehdizadeh, 2010). Furthermore, narcissists are more likely to post personal photographs that emphasize their attractiveness on Facebook (Kapidzic, 2013) and to comment on friends' photos on Instagram (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). These findings reveal a positive relationship between customers' narcissistic traits and their various behaviors in brand communities, including CCB and CPB. ...
... High scores on the HSNS show the presence of covert narcissistic traits. Due to its high level of reliability and validity (Hendin & Cheek, 1997;Ljepava et al., 2013;Sheldon & Bryant, 2016), we adopted this scale in the current study. The Cronbach's α value for this ten-item measure was .758. ...
This study examines the effects of user participation in brand communities on social networking sites. First, the concept of customer value cocreation behavior is introduced to observe user participation. Through the lens of customer value cocreation behavior, the study proposes two types of user participation, customer citizenship behavior (CCB) and customer participation behavior (CPB), which are operationalized as two second-order constructs in the study. In addition, two antecedents of CCB and CPB, namely, community identification and narcissism, are included in the research model with the purpose of encouraging customer value cocreation behavior. The results, based on data collected from 324 customers who are followers of a smartphone brand’s Facebook page, indicate that community identification is likely to significantly affect both CCB and CPB, which in turn foster community satisfaction. Surprisingly, while narcissism is found to have a direct effect on CCB, the relationship between narcissism and CPB is not supported.
... In understanding metrosexual male body image, several studies have emerged. In previous studies, masculine roles shape male drive (De Jesus et al., 2015), shopping designcentric men's centre (Banytė et al., 2015), male-centred shopping design (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016), interpersonal intelligence and narcissism (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016), metrosexual characteristics in advertising (Arnie et al., 2017), the image of the male body with muscular arms and healthy skin is dominated by the consumption of body nutrition products (Pranata, 2020), the image of the male body with muscular arms and healthy skin is dominated by the consumption of body nutrition products , the capitalist industry constructs the meaning of metrosexual men among Indonesian millennials through skin care products , the male body as a target of capitalist exploitation rivals the female body . ...
... In understanding metrosexual male body image, several studies have emerged. In previous studies, masculine roles shape male drive (De Jesus et al., 2015), shopping designcentric men's centre (Banytė et al., 2015), male-centred shopping design (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016), interpersonal intelligence and narcissism (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016), metrosexual characteristics in advertising (Arnie et al., 2017), the image of the male body with muscular arms and healthy skin is dominated by the consumption of body nutrition products (Pranata, 2020), the image of the male body with muscular arms and healthy skin is dominated by the consumption of body nutrition products , the capitalist industry constructs the meaning of metrosexual men among Indonesian millennials through skin care products , the male body as a target of capitalist exploitation rivals the female body . ...
... Instagram is the fastest growing social network in the world and is often linked as users strive to appear as something that is cool (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). Instagram is also known as the world's most popular social network for sharing photos, so people who tend to post photos, update their profile pictures more frequently, and spend more time scrolling on Instagram (Moon et al., 2016;Lee et al., 2019;Lengkong & Dewi, 2021). ...
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The research aims to discover the cultural industry's power by looking at body discipline practices in online skincare shopping activity among metrosexuals. Using virtual ethnography, we focus on Instagram postings that focus on digital text as a medium for seeing the form of discipline of metrosexual men. Regarding the research informants, the researcher determined six informants. The characteristics of these informants in this study are male, living/residing in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya. Males interested in facial skincare products often. purchase through online shopping (repetition buying). Informants were obtained through a search using the keyword ‘metrosexual’ in the Instagram search field by and examined profiles that contain some information. Search results are sorted only among Indonesian metrosexuals. Data analysis began with observation of the informant's Instagram account profile from the Text/Photo/Video/Comment that can be accessed publicly. Followed by interviews to explore the understanding of the meaning behind the practice of online shopping through Instagram posts. The results of this study show that by developing self-care expertise, the cultural industry and body discipline of metrosexual men through online skincare buying activities contribute to disciplining their bodies. Disciplinary power is applicable to metrosexual males who receive discipline from facial skincare product businesses as well as from guys who post about these products. According to Adorno's research, social media is used as a disciplining tool by the cultural business for metrosexual guys, and this is perceived through the lens of the panopticon mechanism.
... Studies should analyze specific SM platforms, as they offer different advantages and experiences-both from an enterprise and user perspective [13,14]. Secondly, there is a specific paucity of research on the Instagram platform in hospitality in comparison to other SM networking sites and platforms [15], a surprising cleft, given Instagram's unique aesthetic platform [16] and that its users tend to be more engaged with positive vibes, pictures, comments and good experiences [17]-of great value to hotels who desire to instill such emotions and engagements to their (potential) guests. Thirdly, much less attention has been given to the segmentation and analysis of the content generated by both hotels (supply side) and guests (demand side), as well as to identifying the type of content that captivates and generates the engagement of users (ergo, what is considered Instagrammable in the world of hotels?). ...
... Specifically, Instagram is a visual storytelling platform offering a blend of information and image-based experiences [35], a beneficial combination for both hotels and their (potential) guests who wish to showcase what they offer and experience, respectively. It is therefore telling that research has unearthed positive relationships between high levels of social activity (e.g., travelling, dining) and being motivated to use Instagram as a means of documentation [16], as well as being an important source of information and inspiration in the destination selection process [36]. ...
... Instagram also offers unique possibilities for hotels and (potential) guests due its aesthetic platform [16] and that its users are more engaged with positive vibes, pictures, comments and good experiences [17]. With users seeking (and receiving) such positive experiences, it is understandable that Instagram scored significantly higher than other SM platforms with regards to entertainment when assessed by users [14]. ...
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This paper examines Instagram’s increasing influence on the hotel industry, an area that remains under-researched from both consumer and hotel perspectives. Through a sequential explanatory design, combining a quantitative analysis of 1031 posts with qualitative interviews from hotel professionals, the research uncovers the types of content that resonate most with users and how hoteliers strategically leverage Instagram. The findings reveal which content formats, hotel attributes and post characteristics capture audience attention. Additionally, the study offers unique insights into Instagram’s distinct role compared to other social media platforms in the hotel industry. The study provides a novel definition of what makes a hotel “Instagrammable” from both consumer and industry viewpoints, offering valuable insights into how hotels can strategically harness Instagram to attract and engage their audience.
... Known for its ephemeral messaging Snapchat provides images/videos sent with timelines that disappear after being viewed along with features such as Stories & Discover for more lasting material [38,39] . Tik Tok, one of the most popular short-form video platforms, is known for its algorithm-based content discovery and viral challenges that attract a largely youthful generation [40,41] . Messaging applications like WhatsApp Facebook Messenger WeChat etc. are used to communicate in real-time via text voice or video calling [36] . ...
... Social Media sites flood users with a never-ending flow of content -from personal updates to adverts, news articles and viral videos [41,49] . The plethora of data might appear daunting and unmanageable which is commonly referred as "information overload." ...
... This is a platform where there can be an exchange of ideas on culture leading to the promotion of global consciousness and mutual respect [49] . The opportunities provided by social media for individuals who want to connect globally improve their understanding of other cultures, thereby making them more culturally competent while expanding their perspectives [41,59,62] . ...
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This study is a discussion about the role that social media plays in enhancing communication among individuals, highlighting its prospects and related challenges. This research examines the impact of social media on improving communication among individuals and its prospects and challenges. This study had taken an integrated approach of secondary data analysis methodology through an extensive systematic review of the existing literature, along with the Canadian Research Data Collection (CREDC) national web-survey, to collect the attitudinal and behavioral insight of social media users on different platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn considering theoretical frameworks like Social Presence Theory and Media Richness Theory. Further, this conceptual review used PRISMA guidelines to examine how social media improves communication. Eligibility and exclusion criteria ensured peer-reviewed article selection and credibility. Study reveals that social media platforms significantly enhance interpersonal communication by fostering increased interconnectedness, more accessible information, and community formation. Notably, while these digital environments have considerable benefits, such as the facilitation of learning and support networks, they are also fraught with challenges, including misinformation, privacy concerns, and potential adverse effects on mental health. These findings therefore have dual approaches to reaping the benefits of social media in communication: the promotion of user education to reduce misinformation and building up digital literacy, while there is also a need to consider regulations that will protect against violation of privacy and cyberbullying. It is at this point that stakeholders will, arguably, have fewer difficulties in making use of social media to continue developing active citizenship and rich interpersonal relationships. Future research is encouraged to further explore the implications of emerging technologies on social media communication practices.
... Studies should analyze specific SM platforms as they offer different advantages and experiences -both from an enterprise and user perspective [13,14]. Secondly, there is a specific paucity in research on the Instagram platform in hospitality in comparison to other SM networking sites and platforms [15], a surprising cleft, given Instagram's unique aesthetic platform [16], and that its users tend to be more engaged with positive vibes and pictures, comments and good experiences [17] -of great value to hotels who desire to instill such emotions and engagements to their (potential) guests. Thirdly, much less attention has been given to the segmentation and analysis of the content generated by both hotels (supply side) and guests (demand side), as well as identifying the type of content that captivates and generates engagement of users (ergo, what is considered instagrammable in the world of hotels?). ...
... Specifically, Instagram is a visual storytelling platform offering a blend of information and image-based experiences [27], a beneficial combination for both hotels and their (potential) guests who wish to showcase what they offer and experience, respectively. It is therefore telling that research has unearthed positive relationships between high levels of social activity (e.g., travelling, dining) and being motivated to use Instagram as a means of documentation [16], as well as being an important source of information and inspiration in the destination selection process [28]. ...
... Instagram also offers unique possibilities for hotels and (potential) guests due its aesthetic platform [16] and that its users are more engaged with positive vibes, pictures, comments and good experiences [17]. With users seeking (and receiving) such positive experiences, it is understandable that Instagram scored significantly higher than other SM platforms with regards to entertainment when assessed by users [14]. ...
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This paper examines Instagram's increasing influence on the hotel industry, an area that remains under-researched from both consumer and hotel perspectives. Through an explanatory sequential design, combining a quantitative analysis of 1,031 posts with qualitative interviews from hotel professionals, the research uncovers the types of content that resonate most with users and how hoteliers strategically leverage Instagram. The findings reveal which content formats, hotel attributes, and post characteristics capture audience attention. Additionally, the study offers unique insights into Instagram’s distinct role compared to other social media platforms in the hotel industry. As the first study to define what makes a hotel "instagrammable" from both consumer and industry viewpoints, it provides valuable insights into how hotels can strategically harness Instagram to attract and engage their audience.
... Özellikle Instagram, sosyal medyada benliğin sunumu için önemli bir platform görevi görmektedir. Instagram'ın işlevselliği, kullanıcıların metin başlıkları ekleyerek açıklamayı seçebilecekleri görsel bir sunum sağlamaktadır (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). Öyle ki dijital öncesi zamanda ebeveynler için genellikle "gerçek" benlik olarak tanımlanan bireysel benlik ile ebeveyn olarak canlandırdıkları ilişkisel benlik arasında bir farklılık yaşanmazken dijitalleşmeyle birlikte ağ bağlantılı benlik önem kazanmıştır (Brighenti, 2007). ...
... Sosyal medyada çerçevelenen, çekilen, seçilen ve dağıtılan kıyafet, konum veya yüz ifadelerinin seçiminin tesadüfi olmadığı gerçeğidir (Giddens, 1991). Bu sunum tercihlerinin her biri, benliğin anlatısal sunumuna katkıda bulunan unsurlardır ve yaygın olarak yeni medyada ve özellikle de Instagram'da uygulanmaktadır (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). Bu nedenle çocuklar da dahil olmak üzere tüm bu unsurlar özenle seçilmekte ve benliğin anlatısında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır (Shumaker vd., 2017 ...
Instagram, Facebook ve TikTok gibi sosyal ağ sitelerinde rutin paylaşımların artması ebeveynliğin çağdaş kültürde görünür ve tanınır olmasına neden olmuştur. Bunun sonucu olarak da "Sharenting" olarak adlandırılan davranış “Birinin çocuklarına ait haberleri, görselleri vb. paylaşmak için sosyal medyayı alışkanlık haline getirmesi” küresel ölçekte yayılmıştır. Araştırmada, ünlü futbolcu ebeveynlerin sharenting kapsamında, yeni medya aracılığıyla oluşturdukları içeriklerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Sharenting’e yönelik tutumun boyutunun tespiti, spesifik ebeveyn kesimin yeni medyada yaşamı sürdürme konusundaki amaçlarını anlamamıza yardımcı olacağı düşünülmektedir. Araştırma kapsamında, Instagram’da 2022-2023 yılları arasında en fazla takipçi sayısına sahip Türk ve yabancı uyruklu 10 ünlü futbolcunun hesaplarında paylaşmış oldukları 19.450 gönderi incelenmiştir. Araştırmada, Instagram’da paylaşılan içerikler kategorilere ayrılmış ve nitel yöntemsel yaklaşım benimsenmiş olup veriler betimsel analiz tekniği ile incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın kuramsal çerçevesini ise kimlik ve benlik kavramını inceleyen Goffman’ın dramaturjik teorisi ve sosyal medyada idealleştirilen kimlik sunumu oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma sonucunda, ünlü futbolcu ebeveynlerin sharenting kapsamlı paylaşımlarının ticari bir meta taşıdığı, ideal kimlik sunumunda sharenting’in bir temsil aracı olarak kullanıldığı, kişisel yaşama ait paylaşımlarla yeni bir ebeveyn kimliği inşa edildiği ve mahremiyet sınırının da aşıldığı tespit edilmiştir.
... Over the time, social media is also used as a media for marketing (Kotler & Keller, 2012). Instagram become a promising media for marketers because large of users number and Instagram users have more strength social interactions in the use of social media (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). Moreover, according to data posted on the ...
... Digital marketing is marketing activities carried out using various web-based media such as blogs, websites, emails, ad-words or social networks (Sanjaya & Tarigan, 2009). Digital marketing Social media marketing is one of strategy from digital marketing. ...
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Instagram, a popular global mobile photo and video sharing platform with variety of features has become an important marketing tools especially for hotel. These paper aim to examine the consumer behavior model toward marketing on Instagram including factors and impact.This study express integrated model between marketing and social psychology theories through Instagram Hotel. Data have been collected via a structural online survey which respondent expected to visit the live Instagram Hotel then fill out the survey. Structural equation model (SEM) has been used to test the model. Compliance as a part of social psychology hasn’t strong affected for attitude toward Instagram rather than Identification and Internalization. On the other side, Hotel Booking Intention and Intention of e-WOM is impact from marketing. This study provided guidelines for hotel marketers to create marketing strategy through Instagram with considering how to create value for customer rather than impress customer with giving reward. Intention to purchase and e-WOM are impact of marketing definitely, however it would be starting with strategic approach that is by creating interactive ways (attractive photos and videos) by utilizing variety of Instagram features.The major limitation of this study is sample collection process due to on boundary of sample criteria to get strong point for analysis.
... This article focuses on Instagram, aligning with Pittman and Reich (2016), who consider that this image-based social network allows for greater intimacy than Twitter or Facebook. Users who create an Instagram account do so to express their identity, become popular or satisfy their need for social interaction by imitating their social references on the network (Sheldon and Bryant, 2016). ...
... This paper focuses on Instagram, aligning itself with Pittman and Reich, (2016), who consider that this image-based social network allows for greater intimacy than Twitter or Facebook. Users who create an Instagram account do so to express their identity, become popular or satisfy their need for social interaction by imitating their social references on the network (Sheldon and Bryant, 2016). This desire to imitate influencers with whom they identify motivates them to buy products, services, brands or imitate their physical appearance or lifestyles based on the principle of social identity (Tajfel, 1974;Turner and Reynolds, 2010). ...
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Objective: In a context where beauty plays a fundamental role as a generator of empathy and trust, sexualised communication floods social networks as a method of attracting attention. Does this type of communication really generate attention and trust, and is it influenced by gender and type of sender? Methodology: This study analyses sexualised communication on Instagram, based on a selection of two influencers (male and female) and two peers (male and female), and a sample of 40 young people (aged between 18 and 25) and attempts to provide answers on the differences in evaluation, in terms of credibility, trust, recommendation capacity, attention or memorization.The study is approached from a dual methodological perspective; through neuroscience techniques, encephalogram (EEG) and galvanic skin response (GSR), and through surveys to measure the declarative and rational part.Results: The results suggest that when the receiver is female and the sender is a female peer, the values of attention, valence, trust and recommendation are the lowest, and therefore the use of this type of communication is not recommended.However, the study suggests that when the receiver is male, the analysed values improve (attention and memorization), even being higher in aspects of credibility when the sender is a female peer.Limitations: The limitations are centred on the methodology, which is carried out on a small sample and a small selection of stimuli, which is usual in this type of study.Practical implications: The study offers clear practical implications for content creators on social media.keywords: Instagram; sexualised communication; self-sexualisation; “fitinspiration”; sex-ual objectification
... Rather, marketers and social media influencers should be aware of how followers interpret the information obtained from user-generated content as credible information. Despite the need to understand the elements determining information credibility, few studies have addressed the factors influencing the level of information credibility on social media (Li & Suh, 2015;Lis, 2013;Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). Social media influencers have been positioned as a tool to increase the reach of brand content through EWOM marketing. ...
Social media influencers are extremely helpful resources when gathering data and information about a product or service. The fact that this particular information originates from a third party that is not under the direct control of the product or service manufacturer makes it particularly valuable. This study investigated attractiveness, expertise, trustworthiness, homophily, and information quality as the determinants of social media influencer attributes and their influence on information credibility among women who had experience watching beauty product review videos created by beauty influencers on YouTube in Malaysia. In this study, data was gathered through the distribution of an online questionnaire, employing purposive and snowball sampling techniques, resulting in 384 valid responses for analysis. The data was examined using structural equation modeling (SEM) with IBM-SPSS-AMOS version 24.0. The model presented a strong fit to the data. The results support the roles of expertise, homophily, trustworthiness, attractiveness, and information quality in influencing information credibility. In other words, customers will believe that the information posted by a social media influencer is credible so long as the customers view that the influencer is someone knowledgeable, beautiful, and trustworthy; that the influencer is comparable to the customers; and that the information is of high quality.
... (Verrastro, Fontanesi, Liga, Cuzzocrea, & Gugliandolo, 2020). Sheldon and Bryant (2016) discovered that in addition to monitoring other people (friends and strangers), university students use Instagram primarily for self-promotion purposes, such as documenting their lives for others, expressing and showcasing their creativity, and increasing their popularity among peers. Given that Instagram is a platform for self-expression, presentation, and image management, it's no surprise that young 27 people use it to seek validation or attention in the form of "likes." ...
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Dysfunctional appearance beliefs are important risk factors in the development of body dissatisfaction. Social media is the most powerful tool in propagating appearance-ideals. This paper analyses the relationship between use of Instagram, appearance ideal internalization, body image dissatisfaction and the social pressure to adhere to the constructed appearance standards in a sample of college-going young adults (N=103, aged 19-21, 64% females) in Kochi. Furthermore, this study uses The Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-3 (SATAQ-3) (Thompson, Berg, Roehrig, Guarda, & Heinberg, 2004)and The Figure Rating Scale (Stunkard, Sørensen, & Schulsinger, 1983) to examine and compare the difference in Instagram mediated attitude towards appearance-related variables between female and male samples. The paper is an attempt to assess and quantify the societal pressure to adhere to the stereotypes and idealized body images proposed by Instagram. Cultivation theory in regard to body image effects is also being elucidated in this paper.
... . (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016) ، . (Mujawar & Kulkarni, 2015) . ...
... Si se añaden las estrictas condiciones de publicación, que controlan el tipo de imágenes que se pueden publicar (en algunos casos con políticas radicales, como la concerniente a la prohibición de la publicación de desnudos), las dudas sobre la equivalencia son evidentes.Sin embargo, parece evidente que esta red social, de amplia difusión entre la población más joven(Marcelino, 2015), está redefiniendo por completo la forma en la que interactuamos con las imágenes hasta el punto de crear nuevas dinámicas que adquieren la forma de canon(Manovich, 2017). Si bien es cierto que estas dinámicas se encuentran condicionadas por determinadas prácticas que establecen relaciones dentro de la publicación de creaciones, no desde el impulso y la necesidad creativa sino desde una necesidad compulsiva de gratificación(Sheldon y Bryant, 2016), la dominancia de la plataforma como lugar de intercambio de imágenes crea un espacio ineludible para la distribución de las obras generadas incluso desde lo que podríamos denominar como «marginalidad digita» De la misma manera, la existencia dentro de Instagram del fenómeno influencer instaura una dinámica de oposición mainstream/alternativo totalmente asimilable a la que se da en el papel. Queda, como duda, la cuestión de si las limitaciones impuestas por las plataformas provocan algún tipo de autocensura que cercene la libertad creativa de forma soterrada.Asimismo, debe contemplarse en este debate el factor relativo al uso preferente de estas redes que en la actualidad se produce a través de dispositivos móviles, que favorecen una inmediatez absoluta a la vez que definen nuevos contextos de visualización e interacción, tanto desde el punto de vista del consumo y lectura de estas imágenes como del de la interacción social que se establece.Sin duda, los instatoons se encuentran en el origen de nuevas formas de creación digital que se están popularizando en los últimos años, como los webtoons. ...
El fanzinismo en el cómic ha sido un espacio de desarrollo del movimiento feminista durante el siglo XX. La introducción de nuevas herramientas digitales y de las redes sociales ha supuesto profundos cambios que afectan a la producción, la distribución y la creación de comunidades a través de las redes sociales, pero ha mantenido la esencia de la libertad de expresión feminista en el ámbito del fanzine de cómic. En este artículo se hace una revisión de las relaciones entre fanzinismo, feminismo y cómic digital, con especial atención a la rápida evolución que se ha dado en el siglo XXI en España.
... Instagram was selected as the social media platform for the research process. Given that internet users allocate a greater portion of their time to Instagram in comparison to other social media platforms, it becomes essential for organizations to gain insights into the reasons behind consumers' utilization of Instagram and the gratifications they derive from it (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). The primary reason for choosing Instagram as the social media platform is the belief that it is the most effective tool for brands to communicate with consumers through visuals. ...
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In reaching out to consumers, social media marketing is indispensable. The prominence of social media serves as a vital metric for corporations and brands, and it currently occupies a pivotal role within digital marketing strategies. This study focuses on the analysis of posts published on Instagram by two Turkish clothing brands since the beginning of 2023, with the aim of identifying factors that enhance user engagement. According to the results obtained through ordered logistic regression analysis, factors such as the use of images in posts, the presence of a celebrity figure in the post, and the inclusion of tags increase the likelihood of heightened engagement levels. These findings are expected to provide valuable insights for social media marketers and researchers in devising effective Instagram strategies.
... x.php/racc humano en cuanto a la relación entre una amplia cantidad de variables psicológicas vinculadas al uso de Internet. En los últimos años las investigaciones estuvieron relacionadas con el impacto del uso de Internet sobre el bienestar psicológico (e.g., Frison & Eggermont, 2016;Kraut et al., 2002;Livingstone, 2008;Lup et al., 2015;Niu et al., 2015;Schemer et al., 2021); los diferentes motivos del uso de Internet (Kircaburun et al., 2020;Lupano Perugini & Castro Solano, 2021;Ramirez & Broneck, 2009;Sheldon & Bryant, 2016), las habilidades necesarias para su uso (e.g., Hargittai et al., 2019) y las consecuencias de su uso excesivo o problemático (Caplan, 2010;Weinstein & Lejoyeux, 2010;Yellowlees & Marks, 2007) entre otros temas de interés. ...
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The aim of this research was to study the relation between Dual Personality Model’s trait continuums (combinations of pathological and positive traits; de la Iglesia & Castro Solano, 2021) and internet use, and to compare them with Five Factor Model traits (FFM; Costa & McCrae, 1984). Sample was composed by 745 internet users with an average age of 38.7 years old (SD = 14.4; 57% female). Internet use with leisure motive was higher in those with less emotional management (EMI) and those with lack of interest in others (IOI), and it was lower in those with high adherence to rules (ARI), impulse control (ICI) and greater environmental control (ECI). Additionally, utilitarian and work use was higher in those with higher IOI and ECI. Regarding personality adjustment (PAI) in a global assessment, healthy personality profiles are characterized by a utilitarian and work use, and those with pathological personality profiles use internet with recreational or social motives. Trait continuums significantly increased the explained variance regarding the use of utilitarian platforms and all kinds of internet use, when compared to FFM traits. Findings give further evidence of the utility of incorporating continuums traits assessment when studying personality, given that the conjointly association of pathological and positive aspects increases the explanation of the phenomenon in a significant manner.
... Also, Instagram's visual appeal, though not as dominant as Facebook and Viber, holds a significant place among the respondents surveyed. This supports the previous findings of (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). Its emphasis on visual content, stories, and direct messaging appeals to users seeking a more visually oriented and interactive experience. ...
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This research investigated the evolving role of emojis in shaping paralanguage within social media communication, with a particular focus on how these visual symbols enhance linguistic and emotional expression. The study examined the nuanced ways in which emojis contribute to the overall tone, context, and meaning in written discourse, while also considering cultural and contextual variations in emoji usage among individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Conducted with a sample of 55 Year-3 Bachelor of Education students at a university in Fiji, where English is a second language, the research employed a mixed methods approach to analyze data on the usage and perception of emojis in social media communication. This paper argues that emojis play a crucial role in conveying emotions, fostering engagement, and adding personality to messages, thereby augmenting textual communication with emotional nuance and clarity, leading to more empathetic and meaningful online interactions. The findings indicate that emojis are widely used across various communication channels, including text messages, comments, and direct messages, reflecting their versatility and widespread adoption. Respondents overwhelmingly perceive emojis as positive tools that enhance the effectiveness of digital communication by conveying emotions, fostering engagement, and adding personality to messages. The study also highlights the significant role emojis play in nonverbal communication, particularly in expressing emotions that may be difficult to articulate through text alone. By providing emotional nuance, clarity, and depth, emojis contribute to more empathetic and meaningful interactions in online spaces. Overall, this research provides valuable insights into the dynamic interplay between emojis and paralanguage in contemporary digital communication, signifying the importance of these symbols in enriching text-based exchanges and fostering more engaging and emotionally resonant social media interactions.
... Recognition needs also contribute to Instagram addiction. Sheldon and Bryant (2016) found that Instagram users actually focus more on showing personal identity and self-expression. The formation of personal identity and self-expression is a form of recognition needs, namely the need to be noticed, the need to show our existence in front of other people (Adristiyani. ...
... Facebook Use: Ways baby boomers use Facebook to achieve gratifications -sharing family photos, joining groups, commenting, messaging, etc. (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). ...
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Aim of the Study: Baby boomers, individuals born between 1946 and 1964, represent an influential generational cohort in several nations. This study looked at the Facebook behaviors, motivations, and perceptions of baby boomers in Pakistan. Methodology: For data collection, aged 58 and older respondents were selected. Rich insights into this generation's experiences with social media were gathered through in-depth interviews with a select sample. Findings: According to the findings, users predominantly used Facebook for social networking, entertainment, and information searching. A strong cultural emphasis on relationships with family members seems to boost the social drivers of Facebook use in Pakistan. Privacy hazards, disinformation, and addiction were major concerns. Attitudes ranged from enthusiastic to skeptical, due to gaps in digital literacy and activity levels across the respondents. The pros and cons of staying in touch were evaluated against its drawbacks of wasting time. Conclusion: The changing digital landscape involves engagement tactics that meet the needs of this cohort without assuming resistance or homogeneity. Further studies should be conducted to investigate cross-generational comparisons and how user experiences may change over time.
... Melalui konten visual berkualitas tinggi yang menampilkan produk, proses pembuatan, dan testimoni pelanggan, Keripik Pisang "Leunah" mampu menarik perhatian Gen Z dengan konten relevan seperti meme dan tren terkini. Informasi kesehatan produk yang menyoroti tidak adanya bahan kimia berbahaya dalam Keripik Pisang "Leunah" juga penting dalam menarik perhatian konsumen muda yang sadar kesehatan dan cemilan yang direkomendasikan untuk dikonsumsi [12]. Pada Gambar 8 ditampilkan sosial media Instagram digunakan untuk pemasaran produk sebagai berikut: Pemasaran berbasis online memerlukan pemeliharaan rutin dan strategi canggih untuk memastikan keberhasilan jangka panjang. ...
UMKM di Kabupaten Lumajang termasuk produsen keripik pisang mengalami penurunan drastis pasaca pandemi COVID-19. Pisang merupakan salah satu potensi sumber daya alam dengan varietas unggulannya yaitu pisang Agung dan pisang Kirana. Namun, produksi keripik pisang belum memanfaatkan potensi ini secara maksimal, menyebabkan ketimpangan di sektor pertanian dan ketahanan pangan. Sebagai solusi, abdimas menjalin kemitraan dengan pelaku industri yang mampu menjamin mutu keripik pisang yang berkualitas. Ibu Sulasmi, pelaku industri kecil dipilih untuk mengembangkan keripik pisang "Leunah" yang bebas bahan pengawet dan berbahaya. Kolaborasi ini bertujuan meningkatkan perekonomian lokal dan mengentaskan kemiskinan sesuai dengan SDG’s 1 dan SDG’s 8. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif bermitra dengan Keripik Pisang “Leunah” di Kecamatan Kunir, Kabupaten Lumajang. Data yang digunakan terdiri dari data primer melalui pengamatan di lapangan dan data sekunder berupa dokumen, wawancara, dan observasi. Pembaruan metode produksi konvensional dilakukan untuk efisiensi, seperti penggunaan mesin perajang pisang berdinamo dan mesin peniris minyak. Upaya digitalisasi melalui repackaging dan promosi di media sosial serta marketplace dilakukan agar industri kecil ini bisa bertahan dan memperluas pasar.
... When it comes to sharing food images on Instagram, these motivations are fulfilled through documenting and showcasing one's own creations, searching for recipes and inspiration, and keeping an eye on what others are eating. 6,7 Due to its visual nature, Instagram may influence users to follow recommendations or imitate the diets of popular Instagram celebrities. 8 media may contribute to impaired eating attitudes and predict orthorexia nervosa symptoms. ...
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Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between compulsive use of social media and orthorexia, with a focus on the mediating role of eating attitudes. Patients and Methods The study involved 255 participants between the ages of 18–65 who did not have any psychiatric disorders or developmental disabilities. The participants completed a Sociodemographic Information Form, Orthorexia Nervosa Inventory, Social Media Addiction Scale, and Eating Attitudes Test. Results The results showed a positive correlation between orthorexia and all other scales and sub-scales. Multiple regression analyses revealed that eating attitudes were a significant predictor of all sub-dimensions of orthorexia. Additionally, the sub-dimension of Conflict on the Social Media Addiction Scale was found to predict the Impairments sub-dimension of orthorexia. Further analysis using the PROCESS macro showed that compulsive use of social media not only directly predicted orthorexia, but also indirectly through eating attitudes. Conclusion These findings emphasize the importance of addressing both compulsive use of social media and eating attitudes when working with individuals who exhibit orthorexic symptoms in clinical settings.
... The small and intimate networks prevalent on Snapchat encourage more private communication within existing relationships (Choi & Sung, 2018;Piwek & Joinson, 2016;Vaterlaus et al., 2016;Xu et al., 2016). In contrast, young Instagram users are particularly preoccupied with drawing attention and gaining validation from other users, especially via "likes" (Dumas et al., 2017;Lee et al., 2015;Sheldon & Bryant, 2016;Stsiampkouskaya et al., 2021). Moreover, self-presentations on Instagram are visible to wider, more public, and often persistent networks of followers (Choi & Sung, 2018). ...
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Social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat offer adolescents many opportunities to control how other users see and perceive them. By observing their peers’ self-presentations and receiving feedback on their own self-presentations from them, adolescents learn what is typical (descriptive norms) and appropriate (injunctive norms) on different social media platforms. Based on computer-assisted face-to-face surveys with German Instagram and/or Snapchat users aged between 14 and 16 years ( N = 1,002), we examined the impact of descriptive and injunctive norms on adolescents’ self-presentation practices on social media. Drawing on the theory of normative social behavior and the affordances approach, we also considered the norm-moderating factors of outcome expectations, group identity, platform differences, and perceived content persistence. We provide evidence that both descriptive and injunctive peer norms influence adolescents’ staged self-presentations, authentic self-presentations, and presentations of everyday life, although none of the moderating factors reached practical significance.
... Supporting this proposition, novel obtained gratifications have emerged in U&G qualitative studies. For example, Pinterest is used to meet needs related to organization and fashion (Mull & Lee, 2014), Instagram facilitated creativity and documenting the world/experiences through photos (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016), YikYak met needs related to anonymous communication with people in a specific geographic area (Vaterlaus, 2017), and TikTok created new social connections outside of the app (Vaterlaus & Winter, 2021). ...
... Marwick, (2012) posits that social media being embedded in modern life allowed for social surveillance to be normalized through using social media to broadcast information, survey content created by others, and regulating one's own content based on the perceptions of the audience. Much of the discussion about social surveillance revolves around watching and allowing others to watch, bringing in the discussion of voyeurism (Marwick, 2012) and narcissism (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). Deriving pleasure from watching and being watched is a direct consequence of this proliferation of social media use, particularly in new media consumption and engagement. ...
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p class="Default"> Introduction: Surveillance is traditionally associated with negative authoritative monitoring to control society and often viewed as invasion of state authority that disregarded citizens’ right to privacy. However, ongoing technological advancements in networked, mobile and digital technologies facilitate social transformations in surveillance. Users of digital technology can also engage in surveillance. This research explored Malaysian social media users’ awareness and perception of social surveillance and investigated the manner of which social surveillance was utilised. Methods: Drawing upon a series of in-depth interviews conducted via Facebook messenger with a selected group of Malaysian social media users, this paper explored how Malaysians understand social media as a tool of surveillance and empowerment. Malaysians, being some of the most active users on social media platforms in the world were selected for this study. Findings: Findings suggested that surveillance did not merely subject individuals to scrutiny but also offered opportunities for empowerment because of that scrutiny. Empowerment through social surveillance brought benefits to individual users and also encourages an expansion of surveillance activities. However, most do not perceive such conduct as surveillance because the interviewees viewed institutional surveillance as actual surveillance while social surveillance as a concept was foreign to them. Originality: Surveillance studies is still an emerging field in Southeast Asia and is rarely taught as an independent subject in Malaysia. This perspective of this research considered the use of surveillance as a tool for empowerment and this is not an area that is studied much in this part of the world.</span
... His research shows that these sounds and visuals induce effects on Generation Z users who are fond of the provision of entertainment and being 'in vogue' for a short period on the app given their day to day busy and technologically advanced self. In line with this, other research suggests that Generation Z prefers platforms that offer instant gratification through short, impactful content (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). Instagram Reels allows users to upload videos of duration between 15 to 30 secondsseems to encourage this behavior perfectly as the users are able to watch compressed volumes of content within a short time. ...
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The rise of Instagram Reels has transformed social media content consumption,particularly among Generation Z. In this work, the authors explore how these short-form video Reels format, transformed the viewing behavior, the levels of engagement and the content of preference among the Generation Z. The questionnaire used in the study was distributed among 120 respondents aged 18-25, which made it possible to identify such factors as ad entertainment value, the ability to discover the content, and the influence of Reels on fashion trends and buying patterns. The findings suggest that Reels have become a dominant platform for daily media consumption, with Generation Z favoring its quick,visually-driven content. The study also highlights how influencers and brands have effectively used Reels to engage this tech-savvy generation. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of social media’s evolving landscape and its impact on content consumption behaviors.
... In addition to being the primary source of information for international students during the COVID-19 isolation, social media was also a primary channel to connect with other people (RQ1b). This finding is not surprising considering that during normal times the main reasons for social media use are social interaction and relationship maintenance (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). However, there were differences in the intensity of social media use among students from different continents. ...
According to media systems dependency theory, the more dependent a person is on the media for satisfying their needs, the more important the media will be to that person. This is particularly true in times of uncertainty such as health crises or natural disasters. While several studies have examined how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted international students' mental health in Canada and Australia, no study has looked at how international students studying in the United States used media and interpersonal channels during this global crisis. Therefore, we surveyed 194 US-based international students from four continents, representing 54 countries to answer this question. Results revealed that of all types of media, international students mostly relied on social media in English to meet information, orientation, and play needs during the pandemic. Cultural differences emerged in the reliance on friends for surveillance, relaxation, and orientation, with European students reporting contact with American friends more than international students from other continents. African students, on the other hand, reported significantly higher reliance on social media and their friends back home.
... Kualitas visual termasuk filter, pencahayaan, pembingkaian, hingga pemotongan ditujukkan untuk menampilkan gambar yang ideal. Kategori ini menampilkan orang tua sebagai sosok yang peduli dengan penampilannya sendiri termasuk bagaimana orang tua mengasuh asuh anak-anak mereka (Holiday et al., 2022;Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). ...
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Sharenting has now become a global trend on social media. The phenomenon that we can see in Indonesia is that many social media users who are millennial parents share content about their children's activities on social media. Sharenting is also considered a place for millennial parents to build their digital reputation. This research aims to prove the influence of sharenting on millennial parents' self-presentation on social media. The right approach to help researchers answer this research question is through a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques use online surveys distributed through advertising features on the Facebook platform. After filtering the online questionnaire data, the total number of respondents taken was 518 respondents. All respondents met the respondent criteria, namely millennial parents (age range 24-39 years), regularly sharing their children's activities on social media, and active users of popular social media. The research hypothesis will be tested using regression tests, correlation tests, partial tests (t), and simultaneous tests (f). The measurement method uses a Likert scale. Meanwhile, the data's validity was tested using validity and reliability tests. The research results prove a significant influence of sharenting activities on the self-presentation of millennial parents on social media. The relationship between the two variables is also stated to be positive. Then, the strength of the two variable relationships enters into a strong correlation. From the calculation results, the higher the sharenting, the higher the self-presentation. In the context of self-presentation, millennial parents use sharenting to display positive aspects of their lives, especially related to family life and their role as modern parents. For millennial parents, self-presentation on social media can also affect their reputation in the online environment. By building a positive image as caring and involved parents, they can strengthen their social connections and expand their support network online.
The penetration of short-form content in daily life is undeniable. TikTok is one of the most popular and fastest-growing short-form video applications globally. This study examined the underlying motives for using TikTok and explored differences in psychological symptoms related to TikTok usage patterns (i.e., active vs. passive). A survey of 500 TikTok users identified six prominent reasons for engaging in TikTok. These are "information-seeking," "time-killing," "self-expression," "trend-seeking," "escapism," and "inspiration-seeking." In addition, the active use of TikTok was positively associated with dependency and addictive symptoms. The results contribute to the understanding of TikTok and other short-form videos by uncovering motives and demonstrating the distinguished outcomes of usage types.
The current research investigates the determinants of information avoidance in the use of mobile social applications (apps) from a social comparison perspective. It specifically examines how cognitive dissonance, emotional exhaustion, and gender differences shape the comparison process, ultimately leading to information avoidance. An online survey with 458 app users was conducted to collect data. Structural equation modeling with partial least squares (PLS-SEM) was employed to empirically test our proposed model. The findings indicate that social comparison serves as a significant source of cognitive dissonance and emotional exhaustion, which in turn lead to information avoidance within mobile social apps. Furthermore, gender differences positively moderate the relationship between social comparison and emotional exhaustion, with the effect being stronger for women than for men. This study enhances the understanding of information avoidance through the lens of social comparison by examining both cognitive and emotional dimensions. Additionally, it analyzes gender differences in social comparison, providing a more comprehensive view of how men and women engage with and are affected by comparison processes.
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Fiziksel aktivite birçok sistem hastalığına olduğu gibi, mental sağlığa da olumlu katkılar sağlamaktadır. Fiziksel aktivite psikolojik iyi olma düzeyini artırmaktadır. Stresle baş etme konusunda bir kalkan görevi görmektedir. Kaygı düzeyini azaltmaktadır. Yaygın görülen psikolojik bozukluklardan biri olan depresyonu önlemede ve depresyon belirtilerini azaltmada etkilidir. Bireylerin öz güvenine ve benlik algısına olumlu katkılar sağlar. Sosyal ilişkiler konusunda bireyleri geliştirmektedir. Stres, kaygı ve depresyon düzeylerini düşürmek için, psikolojik iyi oluş, öz güven, beden imajı ve sosyal ilişkiler konusunda yaşam kalitesini artırmak için fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri artırılabilir. Toplumun mental sağlık seviyesini artırmak için bireyleri sedanter yaşam tarzından uzaklaştıracak programların planlanması faydalı olabilir.
This article concentrates on identifying problematic usage of Instagram, emphasising the mediation effects of Instagram use gratification among students. A quantitative methodology was employed via a structured questionnaire survey. A sample comprising 392 students from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in Iran was selected utilising a stratified random sampling technique. The students’ ages varied from 18 to 47, with the majority being in the younger group of 18 to 23. The pattern and purpose of using Instagram influence the gratification derived from its use. Instagram use gratification demonstrates significant associations with social isolation; however, this correlation is not evident to the purposes and patterns of Instagram usage. The findings indicated that no substantial relationships existed between the patterns of Instagram usage and the gratification obtained from it, nor with Instagram addiction. However, a significant correlation was observed concerning the purpose of Instagram usage. The mediating effect of Instagram gratification was notably significant solely in social isolation. The moderating influences of gender, academic discipline, marital status and parental educational level were deemed insignificant. The implications arising from this study are subsequently discussed.
The study develops a 33 items Influencer Following Motives Scale for analyzing why people follow social media influencers. The study unfolds in four stages: initial item formation through interviews and literature review, item refinement via exploratory factor analysis, validation of the scale through confirmatory factor analysis, and final validation using the Multi-Trait Multi-Method Matrix. The scale identifies eleven motivational dimensions: Beauty, Authenticity, Learning, Boredom, Expertise, Entertainment, Aesthetics, Curiosity, Sharing, Similarity, and Information. The developed measurement scale aids in understanding follower motivations, offering insights for influencers and content creators to engage their audience more effectively.
In 2025, China witnessed its own “Year of the Podcast.” Podcast, an auditory medium that dominates the Western market, is once again enjoying a “renaissance” in China after years of silence. This article begins by tracing the development trajectory of Chinese podcasting and examining the reasons behind its “renaissance.” Then, based on Grounded Theory Methodology, this article utilizes user reviews from Little Universe, the first Chinese RSS podcast application on the App Store, as research samples. Assisted by qualitative research software Nvivo12, it analyzes the motives of Chinese podcasting users and the corresponding development strategies of Chinese podcasting. The research reveals that emotional needs, platform needs, and cognitive needs are the three prominent categories of needs, accounting for 45%, 34%, and 22%, respectively. Chinese podcasting users are particularly concerned about the adaptability of podcasting platforms to various devices in changing usage scenarios, the future direction of commercialization, and the usefulness and diversity of podcast programs. Unlike Western podcasting, social needs play a crucial role in Chinese podcasting, but there are divergent opinions among Chinese users regarding them. Therefore, the development of social functions needs to be carefully controlled within certain limits.
Purpose. The study objective is to examine the activity and motivation of students from the University of Physical Education in Krakow (Poland) on Instagram regarding their posting behaviour related to travel topics.Method. The main research method used in the study was an online diagnostic targeted population survey using the questionnaire technique. The research was conducted between 27 December 2022 and 31 January 2023 on a sample of 630 students from the University of Physical Education in Krakow (Poland).Findings. Instagram is a social media platform popular among young people. They use it often and regularly (most of them do so on a daily basis) and in a diversified manner. Users prefer using smartphones for browsing and sharing content. Seven out of ten surveyed students share content in the form of posts, although they do so relatively rarely. Students from tourism-related majors travel more often and notice more travel-related posts on Instagram compared to students from other fields. They show a greater tendency towards publishing posts related to tourism, and their profiles contain a larger number of travel-themed photos in relation to the total number of photos. Furthermore, a positive relationship can be noted between the frequency of traveling and the amount of noticed travel-related posts, as well as between the frequency of traveling and the activity of posting such content on Instagram. The main motives for publishing travel photos on Instagram are: archiving travel photos, the desire to show off to others, and improving one’s own well-being.Research and conclusion limitations. The research was conducted among students from one specific university, which limits its universality. Additionally, due to the nature of the questionnaire study, a comprehensive analysis of the content of the published material was not possible.Practical implications. The results of the study can be useful for tourism organisations and travel agencies planning tours of specific tourist attractions, so as to enable their clients to take the most attractive photos. Additionally, analysing preferences for publishing travel-related content can help in creating educational programmes tailored to the needs of students and identifying potential travel influencers. The study can also provide information on students’ preferences regarding taking photos during tourist trips.Originality. This study introduces a new perspective on the relationship between Instagram and tourism, taking the specificity of the studied group into consideration.Type of paper. An article presenting the results of empirical study.
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Instagram is a popular contemporary means of self-presentation and selfdisclosure for women, with both positive and negative effects on their selfidentification. This study explores how young female Instagram users' identity is constructed through the analysis of their self-presentation management strategies. 16 semi-structured interviews with active female Instagram users were conducted using the visual method of photo-elicitation and analyzed using thematic analysis. Drawing upon postmodern feminist theories, four main themes emerged: the woman in Instagram, posting photos as a means of self-presentation, as a means of interaction with others, and as a means of constructing female identity. The participants seem to value the experience of their digital self-presentation as an enjoyable process that they willingly engage in while projecting an image permeated by the social imperatives for femininity; this is in line with cultural practices of post-feminism.
Conference Paper
Instagram users “see” the world differently than non-users. What may seem pedestrian to the everyday passerby reveals itself differently to the Instagram user; the world is full of opportunities to express themselves. This new way of seeing has changed the way that users think about, interact with, and value their everyday environments. As I argue, Instagram is not just a feature of our phones; it is a unique embodied experience. Through the lens of post-phenomenology, I explore this unique embodied experience that Instagram affords its users; one which is becoming increasingly embedded in the way we construct our human environments. To do this, I develop a framework through which we can understand this relationship between user, technology, and environment, ultimately evoking questions about the nature of self-hood, the extended self, and the ontology of “places”.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
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In diesem Artikel wird analysiert, wie mithilfe von Social-Media-Netzwerken ehemalige Kontakte gesammelt, verwaltet und bewusst reaktiviert werden. Es stellt sich somit die Frage, warum vergangene Freundschaften nicht nur als digitalisierte Erinnerungen verwahrt, sondern die Möglichkeit der Wiederaufnahme (passiver) Kontakte befördert und Zugriff auf private Daten erlaubt werden, obwohl die Kontakte oft nur als digitalisierte Erinnerungen Relevanz im Leben der Interviewten aufweisen.
The study involved 247 young adults (155 women and 92 men). The age of the subjects ranged from 18 to 34 years (mean age 22.8 years). 137 respondents indicated that they have secondary education, 86 respondents indicated that they have higher education, 16 respondents higher education and 8 basic education. The study was conducted in the format of an online survey. Two quantitative research tools were used in the quantitative study – The Multidimensional Facebook Intensity Scale (Orosz, Toth-Kiraly, Bothe, 2016), which was adapted to investigate the intensity of Instagram use (Keyte et al., 2020), and the “Fear of Missing Out scale” (Przybylski et al., 2013). The subjects were asked two additional questions assessing the peculiarities of involvement in the Instagram network and socio-demographic questions. The results of the study revealed that women are more likely to use the Instagram network, spend more time in the app, and have a higher expression of FOMO than men. The results of this study also showed that a stronger FOMO was associated with a longer time spent on Instagram among men. Among other things, the more pronounced FOMO is associated with more frequent checks of the Instagram app. Finally, the higher intensity of Instagram use by young adults is associated with a stronger expression of FOMO.
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Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh literasi digital dan media sosial instagram terhadap perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa di Kota Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Jumlah sampel sebesar 347, Sampel penelitian diambil menggunakan teknik Multistage Random Sampling yakni menggunakan purposive sampling dan proportional random sampling. Data akan diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan software SPSS versi 25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara langsung, literasi digital berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap perilaku konsumtif, Media sosial instagram berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap perilaku konsumtif, serta literasi digital dan media sosial instagram berpengaruh positif secara simultan terhadap perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa.
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Las repercusiones de la plataformización en medios alternativos brasileños vistos a través del contenido generado por los usuarios The impact of platformization in brazilian alternative media seen through user-generated content Resumen El estudio aborda las repercusiones de la plataformización en la producción y difusión de Contenido Generado por el Usuario (CGU) en medios alternativos brasileños, así como su influencia en la capacidad de alcanzar audiencias en este país. Se buscó comprender la presencia creciente de CGU en plataformas de redes sociales que refleja oportunidades expandidas de participación en línea, atrayendo a grupos históricamente marginados y permite que los medios alternativos movilicen individuos y compartan sus producciones. Se empleó la observación de múltiples casos y el análisis de contenido centrado en las publicaciones de videos de CGU en las cuentas de Instagram de dos medios alternativos brasileños, Jornalistas Livres y Mídia NINJA. El análisis se llevó a cabo en octubre de 2022, previo a la elección presidencial brasileña. Los resultados revelaron una dependencia significativa de los medios alternativos en el CGU, representando alrededor del 40 % de las publicaciones analizadas. La intersección entre la plataforma y los medios alternativos presenta desafíos y oportunidades; mientras amplía la visibilidad y el alcance, también puede
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Media literacy is a challenge and a necessity for teacher education because media content is present in everyday school and social life. Moreover, it is often used or accessed without the necessary knowledge. Therefore, media literacy is fundamental for people to be able to consume and produce content critically and analytically. The aim of this study was to understand the production of content in social media carried out by Professor Alba Marília and its relationship with media literacy. For this purpose, a netnography study was conducted to analyze her most popular YouTube videos and Instagram stories. The comments on the videos in both social networks were analyzed, which, like the interviews, served as a basis for understanding how Ferrés and Piscitelli's (2012) dimensions of media literacy can be observed in the professor's profiles. The results show that the teachers' videos make some dimensions of media literacy explicit, such as language and technology. It can be concluded that Alba Marília, with an accessible pedagogical approach, demonstrates media literacy and commitment to teacher training, enriching activities.
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"Selfies" are amateur photographs people take of themselves, usually with a smartphone. Sharing selfies on social media has become a popular activity, prompting questions about its psychological meaning and dispositionally-relevant motives. This study was performed to examine the association between narcissism, a personality trait characterized by inflated self-views and attempts to seek attention and admiration from others, and frequency of posting selfies on social networking sites. In addition, the association between posting selfies and three facets of narcissism (i.e., Leadership/Authority, Grandiose Exhibitionism, Entitlement/Exploitativeness) was explored. These questions were addressed in a nationally representative sample of 1204 men and women who completed an online survey. Results showed that narcissism, as well as the Leadership/Authority and Grandiose Exhibitionism facets, but not Entitlement/Exploitativeness, exhibited positive and significant associations with selfie-posting frequency. Age did not moderate the predictive effects of narcissism or any of its three dimensions, indicating that the relationship between narcissism, its facets, and posting selfies is not age dependent. However, the more adaptive Leadership/Authority facet emerged as a stronger predictor of selfie posting among women than men, whereas the maladaptive Entitlement/Exploitativeness facet predicted selfie posting among men, but not women. Interpretations and implications of these findings are discussed.
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Despite rapid adoption of social media as a means of music listening, little is known about users’ motivations. This study applies the uses and gratifications approach to users’ motivations for using music listening applications on Facebook. Participants completed an online survey, and 153 out of 576 respon- dents indicated that they used a Facebook music listening application. A principal axis factor analysis identified three different motivations for this usage, namely entertainment, communication, and habitual diversion gratifications. The entertainment and communication gratifications replicate those found in prior uses and gratifications research concerning other social networking features, illustrating the strong similarity between uses of music and social media. However, the habitual diversion gratification may serve to distinguish listening applications from other features. Identifying and explaining these factors is relevant to social media users, musicians and application designers, as they explain what motivates a means of music listening that is gaining prominence.
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Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) offers the opportunity to both enact and respond to public performances of self, as well as to follow and interact with actual public figures. However, to date, we know little about how users’ attitudes about fame intersect with their social media behaviors. The present survey study (Mturk; n = 371) investigated links between fame appeal and participants’ Facebook and Twitter use. Fame attitudes were measured via a scale tapping the appeal of Visibility (e.g., being on the cover of a magazine), Status (e.g., traveling first class), and Prosocial (e.g., being able to financially support friends and family) aspects of fame, as well as time spent fantasizing about fame and the perceived realism of becoming famous one day. Visibility was the most robustly and consistently predictive of active and celebrity-oriented social media behaviors (posting and responding vs. reading; increased number of media figures followed, more frequent responses to media figure posts). Fame Fantasy and Fame Realism showed similar, although less robust, patterns. Individuals with active Facebook and Twitter accounts showed increased fame affinity relative to those with only one or none. Findings showcase the fame-relevant function of social media and the common motivational threads that may tie fame interest to social media use.
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A new measure of hypersensitive narcissism was derived by correlating the items of H. A. Murray's (1938) Narcism Scale with an MMPI-based composite measure of covert narcissism. In three samples of college students (total N 403), 10 items formed a reliable measure: the Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale (HSNS). The new HSNS and the MMPI-based composite showed similar patterns of correlations with the Big Five Inventory, and both measures correlated near zero with the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, which assesses overt narcissism. Results support P. Wink's (1991) distinction between covert and overt narcissistic tendencies in the normal range of individual differences and suggest that it would be beneficial for personality researchers to measure both types of narcissism in future studies. (Hendin, H.M., & Cheek, J.M. (1997). Assessing Hypersensitive Narcissism: A Reexamination of Murray's Narcism Scale. Journal of Research in Personality, 31, 588-599.)
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In this study, we examined gender differences in video game use by focusing on interpersonal needs for inclusion, affection, and control, as well as socially constructed perceptions of gendered game play. Results of a large-scale survey (n = 534) of young adults’ reasons for video game use, preferred game genres, and amount of game play are reported. Female respondents report less frequent play, less motivation to play in social situations, and less orientation to game genres featuring competition and three-dimensional rotation. Implications for game design are discussed.
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We examined audience uses of the Internet from a uses-and-gratifications perspective. We expected contextual age, unwillingness to communicate, social presence, and Internet motives to predict outcomes of Internet exposure, affinity, and satisfaction. The analyses identified five motives for using the Internet and multivariate links among the antecedents and motives. The results suggested distinctions between instrumental and ritualized Internet use, as well as Internet use serving as a functional alternative to face-to-face interaction.
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Social media is a critical area of interest for marketing scholars and practitioners. Recent research has shown that 88% of marketers are using social media and that they are spending over $60 billion annually on social media advertising (Gil-Or, 2010; Smith, 2011). Successfully making contact with consumers via social media is predicted to show great returns for marketers in the coming years (Okazaki, Katsukura, & Nishiyama, 2007). Despite the importance of social media, there is little understanding of how and why consumers use social media. Uses and gratifications theory, which has its roots in the communications literature, can be an integral part of developing better scales and measurement instruments for social media marketers. The basic premise of uses and gratifications theory is that individuals seek out media that fulfill their needs and leads to ultimate gratification (Lariscy, Tinkham, & Sweetser, 2011). Uses and gratifications theory has specific relevance to social media, but it has not been given prominence in the marketing and social media literature. Therefore this paper seeks to apply uses and gratifications theory to help explain why consumers use social media. In particular, this research seeks to (1) demonstrate the importance of uses and gratifications theory to social media, (2) to apply uses and gratifications theory to social media, and (3) to identify the uses and gratifications that consumers receive from using social media. By applying uses and gratifications theory, this research seeks to provide a better and more comprehensive understanding of why consumers use social media. We begin by briefly summarizing the literature on social media and uses and gratifications theory. Next, we describe the methodology used and the research findings. Last, the article discusses the implications and conclusions of the current research.
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According to Schutz's theory of interpersonal motives and the uses and gratifications perspective, people communicate to gratify felt needs or wants. In this study we examined two main antecedents affecting motives for communicating interpersonally: life‐position and locus‐of‐control. Canonical correlation analysis supported our expectations for a sample of 428 persons: life position indicators were related to interpersonal communication motivation, and interpersonal motivations were congruent with the locus‐of‐control predisposition. We discussed the implications of these findings.
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A survey with 172 students was conducted at a large southern research university to examine how unwillingness-to-communicate in interpersonal communication influences gratifications sought and gratifications obtained from Facebook use. The study investigated the relationship between two dimensions of unwillingness-to-communicate (approach-avoidance and reward) and different motives of Facebook use. In addition, it examined the relationship between unwillingness-to-communicate and the behavioral and attitudinal outcomes of Facebook use (e.g., the number of hours spent on Facebook, duration of use, the number of Facebook friends, satisfaction with Facebook). Results of multiple regression analysis revealed that respondents who felt anxiety and fears in their face-to-face communication used Facebook to pass time and feel less lonely more than other respondents, but they had fewer Facebook friends. Overall, this paper finds evidence that people who are involved in online relationships are those who are willing to communicate in real life, rather than the opposite. Such results seem to justify the rich-get-richer hypothesis, which states that the internet primarily benefits extraverted individuals. Our results are in contrast to findings that socially anxious individuals are more likely to form relationships online. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Within the cultural context of MySpace, this study explores the ways emerging adults experience social networking. Through focus group methodology, the role of virtual peer interaction in the development of personal, social, and gender identities was investigated. Findings suggest that college students utilize MySpace for identity exploration, engaging in social comparison and expressing idealized aspects of the selves they wish to become. The public nature of self and relationship displays introduce feedback mechanisms by which emerging adults can legitimize images as associated with the self. Also, male–female differences in self-presentation parallel, and possibly intensify, gender norms offline. Our study suggests that social networking sites provide valuable opportunities for emerging adults to realize possible selves; however, increased pressure for female sexual objectification and intensified social comparison may also negatively impact identity development. A balanced view, presenting both opportunities and drawbacks, should be encouraged in policies regarding youth participation in social networking sites.
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A hypothesized need to form and maintain strong, stable interpersonal relationships is evaluated in light of the empirical literature. The need is for frequent, nonaversive interactions within an ongoing relational bond. Consistent with the belongingness hypothesis, people form social attachments readily under most conditions and resist the dissolution of existing bonds. Belongingness appears to have multiple and strong effects on emotional patterns and on cognitive processes. Lack of attachments is linked to a variety of ill effects on health, adjustment, and well-being. Other evidence, such as that concerning satiation, substitution, and behavioral consequences, is likewise consistent with the hypothesized motivation. Several seeming counterexamples turned out not to disconfirm the hypothesis. Existing evidence supports the hypothesis that the need to belong is a powerful, fundamental, and extremely pervasive motivation.
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Emerging adulthood is proposed as a new conception of development for the period from the late teens through the twenties, with a focus on ages 18-25. A theoretical background is presented. Then evidence is provided to support the idea that emerging adulthood is a distinct period demographically, subjectively, and in terms of identity explorations. How emerging adulthood differs from adolescence and young adulthood is explained. Finally, a cultural context for the idea of emerging adulthood is outlined, and it is specified that emerging adulthood exists only in cultures that allow young people a prolonged period of independent role exploration during the late teens and twenties.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the consequences of friend networking sites (e.g., Friendster, MySpace) for adolescents' self-esteem and well-being. We conducted a survey among 881 adolescents (10-19-year-olds) who had an online profile on a Dutch friend networking site. Using structural equation modeling, we found that the frequency with which adolescents used the site had an indirect effect on their social self-esteem and well-being. The use of the friend networking site stimulated the number of relationships formed on the site, the frequency with which adolescents received feedback on their profiles, and the tone (i.e., positive vs. negative) of this feedback. Positive feedback on the profiles enhanced adolescents' social self-esteem and well-being, whereas negative feedback decreased their self-esteem and well-being.
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The present research examined how narcissism is manifested on a social networking Web site (i.e., Narcissistic personality self-reports were collected from social networking Web page owners. Then their Web pages were coded for both objective and subjective content features. Finally, strangers viewed the Web pages and rated their impression of the owner on agentic traits, communal traits, and narcissism. Narcissism predicted (a) higher levels of social activity in the online community and (b) more self-promoting content in several aspects of the social networking Web pages. Strangers who viewed the Web pages judged more narcissistic Web page owners to be more narcissistic. Finally, mediational analyses revealed several Web page content features that were influential in raters' narcissistic impressions of the owners, including quantity of social interaction, main photo self-promotion, and main photo attractiveness. Implications of the expression of narcissism in social networking communities are discussed.
People are increasingly viewing, providing, and recommending video content through the Internet. Applying the uses and gratifications framework, along with contextual age and generational theory, this study identifies and compares motivations for, and their influence on, traditional TV viewing and online user-shared video use among a U.S. sample of adult Internet users. Further, this study explores the form and role of audience activity through online user-shared video recommendations (type, channel, and social relation). Overall, the basic U&G motivations also apply to the new online media world, but differ in levels and influence.
This study examined the user gratifications obtained from Pinterest, an image-sharing social networking site, by applying the traditional mixed-method approach of the uses and gratifications framework (U&G). In the first phase of the study, using a qualitative questionnaire, a preliminary list of descriptive terms was collected from 27 college students who use Pinterest. From the list, an item analysis extracted 54 descriptive terms, which served as the basis for the item generation in the second phase of the study. In the second phase, using a quantitative online survey method, data was analyzed from 243 college students who use Pinterest. A confirmatory factor analysis revealed five dimensions of uses and gratifications obtained from the image-sharing SNS: ‘fashion’, ‘creative projects’, ‘entertainment’, ‘virtual exploration’, and ‘organization’. Furthermore, the results propose new measures for the uses and gratifications of Pinterest.
This study examines why individuals use the website from a uses and gratifications perspective. Male and female users who were 18 and over completed an online survey. The results of the study indicate that individuals overwhelmingly use for information-seeking purposes, followed by entertainment, convenience, interpersonal utility, and pass time. Further, there was an overall higher usage of each need for the readers and writers of restaurant reviews compared with readers only, suggesting more involvement for the reader and writer group. Frequency of usage and perceived influence of restaurant reviews were also positively related to the majority of motives. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed, as well as suggestions for future research.
The article examines the use of social media by Internet users related to advertising and marketing, called "consumers' online brand-related activities (COBRA)." Interviews are conducted with such Internet users through instant messaging as to their motivations for engaging with brands and brand name products through social media. It was found that a desire for information, a desire for entertainment and the possibility of reward were the primary motivations for COBRA activity by Internet users, with entertainment being the primary motivation for the generation of brand-related social media content.
Despite the recent popularity of online social networks, there are few available studies that explain the differences between real life and internet social networks. Authoritative information about the outcomes of using social networking websites is even more sparse. In an attempt to close this literature gap, this exploratory study found that online social networks and real life social networks are significantly different in terms of social network size. The results also show that gender and extroversion are the major predictors of both online social network size and time spent online for social networking. Perhaps the most interesting finding is the negative impact of self-esteem on inclusion of strangers in online social networks. Additionally, directions for future research are provided.
Internet sites such as YouTube represem importam changes in the way in which video content can be delivered. YouTube lets viewers access videos on demand and makes it easy for them to share videos with others. The unique nature of on-demand user-supplied video content is of particular interest to the electronic publishing community because of the relative ease with which videos can be produced, uploaded, and shared. Users are now active participants in the media distribution chain. Because users play an active role in the production, distribution, and receipt of YouTube's media content (e.g., creating, sharing, and viewing), it is appropriate to examine YouTube use from an audience-centered perspective. One such approach is a theoretical framework called "uses and gratifications." It is used in this study to look at how college students view and share news content on the YouTube Web site. We found that different motives predicted watching and sharing different types of news-related content. Viewers of news in a more traditional format were doing so primarily for information reasons; viewers of news in comedy and satire formats were doing so primarily for entertainment. Interpersonal communication motives predicted sharing of news videos on YouTube. The results suggest that viewers may be driven by one set of motives for watching news clips on YouTube, and a different set of motives for sharing them.
Abstract The rising popularity of social networking sites raises the question of whether and how personality differences are manifested on them. The present study explores this topic through an analysis of the relationship between narcissism and motivations behind Facebook profile picture selection. A survey that assesses motivations emphasizing physical attractiveness, personality, and social ties was conducted with 288 undergraduate students. The study found narcissism to be a significant predictor of the motivation for selecting profile pictures that emphasize attractiveness and personality for both men and women. The findings are discussed in terms of the dynamic self-regulatory processing model of narcissism.
This study surveyed 3,747 Weblog readers online from April 23, 2003, to May 22, 2003, to examine their motives for using Weblogs. Weblog users tend to be young, highly educated men with high incomes. Respondents report moderate to high levels of trust in government, high self-efficacy, and high interest in political and general news. A factor analysis revealed six primary motivations for accessing Weblogs: information seeking and media check, convenience, personal fulfillment, political surveillance, social surveillance, and expression and affiliation. Additionally, hierarchical regression found that political involvement predicted all six Weblog motivations. Further, each of the independent variables predicted at least one of the Weblog motivations.
This article investigates the uses and motivations for connecting to blogs. Rather than relying on motivations from preexisting scales measuring traditional media or Internet use that must be adapted for blogs, motivations are derived from open-ended questions about blog use from a preliminary survey. The current study is based on a follow-up survey conducted in 2007 to quantitatively investigate blog use. Factor analysis of 56 motivational items resulted in nine motivational factors: Convenient Information Seeking, Anti-Traditional Media Sentiment, Expression/Affiliation, Guidance/Opinion Seeking, Blog Ambiance, Personal Fulfillment, Political Debate, Variety of Opinion, and Specific Inquiry. This article also offers suggestions for reducing the number of motivational variables.
The aims of the investigation were to initiate the development of “contextual age” as an alternative life-position concept to chronological age in communication and aging research, and to examine the relationships between contextual age and socio-demographic characteristics, television viewing patterns, and viewing motivations. The sample consisted of 340 non-confined respondents, aged 55 to 92. Factor analysis located four contextual age dimensions: interaction, life satisfaction, economic security, and self-reliance. The results of the Pearson and canonical correlation analyses suggest: the importance of an individual's degree of interpersonal interaction, social activity, life satisfaction, economic security, mobility, and physical health for indicating television usage; a series of interactant associations among contextual age, socio-demographic, viewing pattern, and viewing motivation variables; and the heuristic potential of the contextual age concept for assessing life-position and communication behavior.
The social networking site, Facebook, has gained an enormous amount of popularity. In this article, we review the literature on the factors contributing to Facebook use. We propose a model suggesting that Facebook use is motivated by two primary needs: (1) The need to belong and (2) the need for self-presentation. Demographic and cultural factors contribute to the need to belong, whereas neuroticism, narcissism, shyness, self-esteem and self-worth contribute to the need for self presentation. Areas for future research are discussed.
Research on social network sites (SNSs) typically employ measures that treat SNS use as homogenous although the user-base, user practices, and feature sets of these tools are increasingly diverse. Using a uses and gratifications approach, we address this problem by reconceptualizing SNSs as collections of features. Survey data collected from undergraduate students at a large Midwestern university (n=267) revealed that users’ motivations for using Facebook predict their use of different features, such as status updates and Wall posts, but features that share similar capabilities do not necessarily share underlying motivations for use. When these results are contrasted against models employing a more unidimensional measure of Facebook use, we find differences between motivations for both general Facebook use and use of specific features of the site. This suggests that unidimensional measures of SNS use obfuscate motivations for using specific features. Theoretical and methodological implications of these findings and this approach are discussed.
Playing online games is experience-oriented but few studies have explored the user’s initial (trial) reaction to game playing and how this further influences a player’s behavior. Drawing upon the Uses and Gratifications theory, we investigated players’ multiple gratifications for playing (i.e. achievement, enjoyment and social interaction) and their experience with the service mechanisms offered after they had played an online game. This study explores the important antecedents of players’ proactive “stickiness” to a specific online game and examines the relationships among these antecedents. The results show that both the gratifications and service mechanisms significantly affect a player’s continued motivation to play, which is crucial to a player’s proactive stickiness to an online game.
Twitter is an Internet social-network and micro-blogging platform with both mass and interpersonal communication features for sharing 140-character messages, called tweets, with other people, called followers. Hierarchical OLS regression of survey results from 317 Twitter users found that the more months a person is active on Twitter and the more hours per week the person spends on Twitter, the more the person gratifies a need for an informal sense of camaraderie, called connection, with other users. Controlling for demographic variables does not diminish this positive relationship. Additionally, frequency of tweeting and number of @replies, public messages between Twitter users, mediate the relationship between active Twitter use and gratifying a need for connection. Results are discussed in light of uses and gratifications theory.
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