High-energy clutch works in a severe condition, the power which passes the cluth can reach two or three hundred kilowatts, whether the friction disk can work normally directly related to the working performance and working reliability of the clutch. The research object of the papers is a certain type of high-energy density clutch, and dynamics analysis of combination process of the cluth is done, and the mechanical model of the combination process of wet cluth is established. By using ADAMS software, the simulation model of high-energy is established, change of contact force and distribution law of contact force is analyzed and summarized. By analyzing the change of contact force, the vibration law of cluth is studied. The results show that: the total combination time is about 0.26 seconds; the distribution law of pressure on the disk is decided to time and location. the pressure of four point which is mutual 90 degrees on the disk is analyzed, there exists apparent pressure cyclical fluctuations at each four point; by analyzing the contact force, the peak value of contact force can reach 25 kN, and the peak value appears at the time of 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.22, 0.25 seconds, the cluth librates in the axial direction by the cycle of 0.05 seconds. The results provides boundary conditions for a further analysis of the temperature field, flow field of the clutch.