
Resilience and Recovery: Findings from the Kauai Longitudinal Study

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... expression also semantically implies a narrative of resilience. Werner (2005) sheds light on how individuals, particularly students, navigate their way to resources that foster resilience within personal and systemic challenges. The student's journey, as implied in their challenge to the teacher's skepticism, mirrors Werner's (2005) definition of resilience-the ability to bounce back and redefine one's trajectory. ...
... Werner (2005) sheds light on how individuals, particularly students, navigate their way to resources that foster resilience within personal and systemic challenges. The student's journey, as implied in their challenge to the teacher's skepticism, mirrors Werner's (2005) definition of resilience-the ability to bounce back and redefine one's trajectory. The student's implicit narrative of overcoming obstacles and surpassing low expectations aligns with Werner's findings on the significance of resilience in educational trajectories (Werner, 2005). ...
... The student's journey, as implied in their challenge to the teacher's skepticism, mirrors Werner's (2005) definition of resilience-the ability to bounce back and redefine one's trajectory. The student's implicit narrative of overcoming obstacles and surpassing low expectations aligns with Werner's findings on the significance of resilience in educational trajectories (Werner, 2005). The student's journey is a testament to the capacity of individuals to overcome adversity and thrive, even when confronted with discouragement from figures of authority. ...
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This paper explores the relationship between teachers and learners, particularly within Mathematics education, examining how language and discourse influence relationship dynamics. It acknowledges historical educational hierarchies where teachers exerted authority and students assumed passive roles. Through the lens of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), the study scrutinizes a Swahili meme, ‘Wewe mwalimu wa mathe uliyesema sitofika mbali, hapa ni wapi?’ (‘You, the math teacher who said I wouldn’t go far, where is this?’), which reflects students’ doubts and potential discouragement from math teachers. Employing qualitative methods like digital ethnography and purposeful sampling, the research examines the meme’s interpretations, employing CDA to dissect linguistic features such as deixis, modifiers, modality, interrogative structures, proniminal and iron or rhetoric, and socio-cultural contexts. The analysis reveals the meme’s strategic use of these linguistic elements to challenge power dynamics, evoke reflection, and convey deeper meanings. The implied meanings of the meme expression include questioning authority, validation of student agency, a narrative of resilience, critique of the educational system, and the significance of teacher-student interactions. The study has also shown that the hapa ni wapi? ‘Where is this’ expression has impacts on Math’s teachers and teachers at large. Such impacts are focused on power dynamics, identity representation, the role of teachers, emotional impact, and pose challenge to the educational system. This study, highlights the influential role of teachers in shaping students’ lives, emphasizes the importance of language use in education, and promotes a more inclusive and growth-oriented learning environment.
... Fergus ve Zimmerman (2005) yılmazlığın altında koruyucu ve teşvik edici faktörlerin yattığını belirtmiştir. Bu faktörler farklı kategoriler altında sınıflandırılabilmektedir. İçsel ve dışsal olarak ikiye ayrıldığı gibi (Gizir ve Aydın, 2009); bireysel, ailevi ve sosyal/çevresel olarak da sınıflama yapılmaktadır (Werner, 2005). Bazı araştırmacıların sonuçlarına göre bireysel ve aile faktörlerine ek olarak birçok farklı değişkenden (zamanın iyi kullanımı, okul, dini inanç, öz-yeterlik, amaç, sosyal beceri, problem çözme becerisi, vb.) bahsedilmiştir (Benard, 1991;Masten, 2009;McMillan ve Reed, 1994;Zolkoski ve Bullock, 2012). ...
... Alan yazın taramasında da belirtildiği gibi öğrencilerin akademik performansını olumlu etkileyen yılmazlığın altında yatan sebepler ile ilgili birçok sonuç bulunmaktadır. Koruyucu ve teşvik edici faktörlerin farklı kategoriler altında sınıflandırılsa da genel olarak bireysel /içsel ve ailevi ve sosyal/dışsal olarak ayrılmaktadır (Benard, 1991;Fergus ve Zimmerman, 2005;Gizir ve Aydın, 2009;Masten, 2009;McMillan ve Reed, 1994;Werner, 2005). Analizler görüşme soruları hazırlanırken kullanılan kategoriler (bireysel, aile ve çevre ile ilgili faktörler) dikkate alınarak yapılmıştır. ...
... Bu çalışmanın sonuçları risk altındaki başarılı çocuklarla yapılan benzer çalışmaların sonuçları ile de uyumludur. Bu çalışmalar bireysel faktörlerin yılmazlık üzerinde önemli bir etkisi olduğunu belirtmektedirler (Bernard, 1997;Fergus ve Zimmerman, 2005;Gizir ve Aydın, 2009;Masten, 2009;McMillan ve Reed, 1994;Werner, 2005). Reis, Colbert ve Thomas (2005) sosyoekonomik düzeyde dâhil olmak üzere birçok farklı risk faktörleri de bulunan lise çocukları ile yaptıkları üç yıl süren çalışmalarında başarılı olan çocukların yılmazlığını etkileyen faktörleri incelemişlerdir. ...
Bu vaka incelemesinin amacı sosyoekonomik dezavantaja sahip bir ailede yetişen kardeşlerin akademik başarıları ve yılmazlıkları arasındaki ilişkinin kardeşlerin görüşleri doğrultusunda incelenmesidir. Bir ailenin sahip olduğu çok düşük gelir, köyün dışında izole bir hayat, elektrik, su, ulaşım gibi temel ihtiyaçlardan yoksunluk gibi ciddi risk faktörlerine rağmen kardeşlerin okulda çok başarılı olması bu araştırmayı özel kılan en önemli sebeptir. Veriler üç kız kardeşten ikisi ile yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmelerden elde edilmiştir. Görüşme verileri, yılmazlık kuramı çerçevesinde, bireysel özellikler, aile ve çevre boyutları dikkate alınarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre risk altında olan kardeşler başarılarının altında daha çok bireysel ve aile ile ilgili etmenlerin yattığını düşünmektedirler. Kardeşlerin yaşadığı çevrenin, okula karşı olan tutumlarının ve öğretmenlerinin bazı özelliklerinin de okulda başarılı olmalarını olumlu etkilediği söylenebilir.
... La resiliencia puede desglosarse en varios aspectos compuestos de habilidades y creencias (Kotliarenco et al., 1997;Benard, 1996;Werner, 2005). Estos mecanismos de protección sugieren un perfil general de lo que un adolescente resiliente ha integrado en sus herramientas psicosociales y emocionales. ...
... El desarrollo de la resistencia (negarse a aceptar mensajes negativos acerca de uno mismo) y del desapego (distanciarse de la disfunción) sirve como un poderoso protector de la autonomía. e) El sentido de propósito y la creencia en un futuro positivo, incluyendo establecer objetivos, las aspiraciones educativas, la motivación del aprovechamiento, la persistencia, la esperanza, el optimismo y la conexión espiritual (Werner, 2005;Benard, 1996). ...
... La praxis de "Nuestra Escuela" en esta área corresponde a las conciencias críticas presentadas por Werner (2005) que ayudan a crear un conocimiento de los desafíos, ya sean personales, sociales o en este caso orgánicos al individuo debido a las experiencias de trauma o problemas de salud mental. Parte del mecanismo protector que es la conciencia crítica contempla la creación de estrategias para superarlos (Benard, 1996). ...
... In contrast, risk factors such as anxiety (Tillery et al., 2017), fear of pain (Cousins et al., 2015a), school problems (Richard et al., 2016), parents' stress levels (Fee & Hinton, 2011), and neighborhood stressors (Koinis-Mitchell et al., 2012) were identified. Also, mistreatment by others (Jaffee et al., 2007), poor parental health (Masten & Coatsworth, 1998), socioeconomic disadvantage (Werner, 1993), and community conflict (Luthar, 1999) were described to be the opposite of what was protective (Rutter, 1987). In relation to resilience, risk, perceived or real, was associated with the greater possibility of less favorable outcomes within various contexts (Luthar & Zelazo, 2003;Tusaie & Dyer, 2004). ...
... The measurement of resilience as an ability directly with the BRS showed that a majority of the APs that comprised this study's sample are capable of bouncing back from the challenges of having a COC (and/or from additional stressors). The combined 79.2% of APs who scored normal or high on RA corresponded with previous prevalence rates of resilient children ranging from 15 to 84% across different studies (Richardson, 2002;Rutter, 1985;Tusaie & Dyer, 2004;Tusaie et al., 2007;Vanderbilt-Adriance & Shaw, 2008;Werner, 1993Werner, , 2005Werner & Smith, 1982). Only 13.9% of APs scored high on RA, which was less than those who scored low (20.8%) or normal (65.3%), but these proportional differences coincided with preceding findings. ...
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The theoretical literature on resilience shows there is no consensus regarding whether resilience is an ability; interactive process involving the individual, group, and community; both ability and process; or favorable outcome. A definitive part of the research on children’s resilience featured the assessment of an indicator of resilience (e.g., health-related quality of life) and involved pediatric patients with prolonged illnesses. The present study examined resilience directly as an ability and process, and related protective or risk variables, with validated instruments among adolescent patients with chronic orthopedic conditions. One-hundred fifteen adolescent patients assented (parents/legally authorized representatives consented), with 73 completing the study questionnaire. Fifteen, 47, and 10 scored low, normal, or high, respectively, on resilience-ability (one with missing data). These three groups differed significantly on the number of years living with family, individual personal skills, self-esteem, negative affect, anxiety, and depression. Resilience-ability positively correlated with number of years living with family, individual personal skills, and self-esteem, but negatively with duration of chronic orthopedic condition, negative affect, anxiety, and depression. Duration of chronic orthopedic condition negatively correlated with individual peer support among those scoring high on resilience-ability. For girls, duration of chronic orthopedic condition negatively correlated with resilience-ability, educational context, and self-esteem, but positively correlated with caregiver physical and psychological caregiving for boys. Findings underscored the consequence of resilience for these adolescent patients, with their chronic orthopedic conditions affecting daily function and life quality. Implementation of best practices to nurture and enhance their health-related resilience will promote a lifetime of well-being.
... Thus, a large body of evidence implies the existence of individual differences in vulnerability to mental illness after adverse experiences (20). This differential sensitivity may depend on polygenic (18,21), neurobiological (22,23), environmental (24), psychological (25), and social factors (20). ...
... Thus, a large body of evidence implies the existence of individual differences in vulnerability to mental illness after adverse experiences (20). This differential sensitivity may depend on polygenic (18,21), neurobiological (22,23), environmental (24), psychological (25), and social factors (20). A composite vulnerability factor referred to as "resilience" has been the focus of research on preventative strategies in mental healthcare research (6), but is there a related and perhaps even more fundamental and tangible treatment target? ...
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Addressing global mental health is a major 21st-century challenge. Current treatments have recognized limitations; in this context, new ones that are prophylactic and effective across diagnostic boundaries would represent a major advance. The view that there exists a core of transdiagnostic overlap between psychiatric disorders has re-emerged in recent years, and evidence that psychedelic therapy holds promise for a range of psychiatric disorders supports the position that it may be transdiagnostically effective. Here, we propose that psychedelic therapy's core, transdiagnostically relevant action lies in its ability to increase neuronal and mental plasticity, thus enhancing the potential for change, which we consider to be a key to its therapeutic benefits. Moreover, we suggest that enhanced plasticity via psychedelics, combined with a psychotherapeutic approach, can aid healthy adaptability and resilience, which are protective factors for long-term well-being. We present candidate neurological and psychological markers of this plasticity and link them with a predictive processing model of the action of psychedelics. We propose that a model of psychedelic-induced plasticity combined with an adequate therapeutic context has prophylactic and transdiagnostic potential, implying that it could have a broad, positive impact on public health.
... Значительный вклад в развитие идей ресурсного подхода вносят исследования в рамках концепции жизнеспособности (resilience) личности и группы. Как пишет Э. Вернер, «лонгитюдные исследования … неизменно показывали, что даже среди детей, подвергающихся множественным стрессорам, лишь у меньшинства развиваются серьезные эмоциональные расстройства или стойкие проблемы с поведением» (Werner, 2005). ...
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В коллективной монографии представлено теоретико-эмпирическое иссле- дование ментальных ресурсов субъекта при разных вариантах развития – ти- пичном и атипичном, связанном с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Рассмотрена феноменология представлений о собственных ресурсах и специфика системы ментальных ресурсов в разные возрастные периоды.
... Although much of the research on resilience following adversity has been conducted with samples from underresourced environments (e.g., Werner, 1993), some studies have investigated resilience following childhood adversity specifically among college student samples. This is important because research with general population samples may not generalize to college students. ...
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This study examined the relations between childhood maltreatment and several domains of functioning (i.e., relational, educational, psychological, autonomy, drinking consequences) and three moderators (i.e., emotion regulation, meaning-making, and social support) of these relations among college students. We hypothesized that most students with a history of childhood maltreatment would display adaptive functioning in these domains and that emotion regulation, meaning-making, and social support would buffer the relations between childhood maltreatment and poorer functioning. Data were collected from undergraduate students at one midwestern university (N = 312). Childhood maltreatment, the five domains of functioning, and three moderators were assessed using online surveys. Half of the sample met cutoffs for either low (23%) or moderate-to-severe (28%) childhood maltreatment. The majority (54% to 82%) of students with either level of childhood maltreatment displayed adaptive functioning (above the 25th percentile) across the five domains of functioning. In ordinal regression analyses, students exposed to maltreatment, particularly moderate-to-severe maltreatment, had significantly lower odds of adaptive relational, educational and psychological functioning (but higher odds of adaptive functioning in terms of drinking consequences). Emotion regulation, meaning-making, and social support did not moderate the relations between maltreatment and any outcome. Of the three moderator variables, emotion regulation was most consistently associated with functioning, with emotion regulation difficulties being related to poorer functioning. Research on maltreatment in undergraduate college students needs to acknowledge resilience, as many students with histories of maltreatment display adaptive functioning. Further research on potential moderators is needed.
... A kora gyermekkori intervenció során a gyermeket, a családját, a szűkebb és tágabb szociális környezetét komplex rendszerként kezeljük. Hosszú idő óta tudjuk, hogy ebben a rendszerben a fejlődést befolyásoló tényezők kapcsán a rizikó-és védőfaktorok összjátéka, a gyermek belső tényezői, a családi komponensek és a családon kívüli, közösségi faktorok kombinációi nyilvánulnak meg (Garmezy, 1985;Werner 2000Werner , 2005. Korábbi kutatások már igazolták, hogy a biológiai és környezeti rizikótényezők ritkán állnak önmagukban, jellemzőbb a halmozódásuk a gyermek vagy egy család életében, egymás hatását erősítve növelik a károsodás bekövetkeztének az esélyét (Rutter, 1979;Sameroff et al., 1987;Sameroff, 1998). ...
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A korai életszakaszban nyújtott prevenciós és intervenciós szolgáltatások kiemelt jelentőségűek a gyermek fejlődése, a család megerősítése és a társadalom jövője szempontjából. A kora gyermekkori intervenció elméleti megalapozása, a nemzetközi trendek és gyakorlat áttekintése segíti a hazai beavatkozási pontok meghatározását, az ellátórendszer fejlesztési irányainak kijelölését. A nemzetközi tapasztalatokra és a korábbi kutatási, fejlesztési eredményekre építve a koordinált, integrált, interdiszciplináris team működésen alapuló szolgáltatói rendszerek adaptálható elemeinek hazai modellbe való integrálása egy hatékonyabban működő rendszer kialakításához járul hozzá. Ezzel segítve elő, hogy az eltérő, megkésett fejlődésű és veszélyeztetett gyermekek problémája minél korábbi életkorban felismerésre és azonosításra kerüljön, és ennek nyomán családjaikkal együtt időben hozzájussanak a megfelelő, szükségletalapú ellátásokhoz, szolgáltatásokhoz.
... Similarly, Kirmayer and colleagues (2011) developed a rich qualitative understanding of resilience among Aboriginal Peoples in Canada through focus group discussions and key informant interviews in their Roots of Resilience Project, which manualized their research protocol for other investigators interested in adopting a similar approach (Dow et al., 2008;Kirmayer et al., 2011). Almost 70 years from its inception, Werner's 40-year longitudinal study of all 698 infants born on the island of Kauai in 1955 still stands as an exemplar of resilience research through its identification of protective factors on the individual, familial, and communal levels, which were identified through interviews with study participants and caregivers in their home environment (Werner, 1990(Werner, , 2005. ...
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As psychological resilience has been increasingly recognized as contextually constructed, mixed methods studies that map out local ecologies of resilience have become increasingly common. However, the direct adaptation of quantitative tools for cross-cultural use based on qualitative findings has been relatively lacking. The current review aims to provide an overview of existing measures of resilience used cross-culturally and to synthesize the protective and promotive factors and processes (PPFP) of resilience identified within these measures into a single resource. A January 2021 search of PubMed for studies of the development of psychological resilience measures that excluded studies of non-psychological resilience yielded 58 unique measures. These measures contain 54 unique PPFP of resilience, ranging from individual to communal-level characteristics. This review is intended to serve as a complementary tool for adapting standardized measures for stakeholders requiring an assessment tool that is attuned to their context for mental health risk assessment and intervention evaluation.
... It had an interdisciplinary team from the health area, which sought to identify what factors differentiated children who managed to positively lead their lives, despite being exposed to various adversities, such as poverty, stress, lack of family structure, from children who get involved in risky situations. or who developed some psychological pathology (Werner, 2005;Melillo, 2005;Infante, 2005;Rozemberg, 2013;Barbosa, 2019;Silva, 2019). ...
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Temos o prazer de lançar o SEGUNDO livro internacional voltado a área do desenvolvimento do ano de 2023, que tem como título Development and its applications in scientific knowledge , essa obra é editada pela Seven Publicações Ltda, tendo a composição de diversos capítulos voltados ao desenvolvimento e disseminação do conhecimento nas diversas áreas do desenvolvimento.
... O estudo conhecido como Kauiai Longitudinal Study, de Werner e Smith, durante 32 anos, monitorou 698 crianças nascidas no ano de 1955, com o objetivo de saber o impacto dos fatores de risco biológicos e sociais, e seus fatores de proteção. Contava com uma equipe interdisciplinar da área de saúde, quebuscavam identificar que fatores diferenciavam as crianças que conseguiram positivamente conduzir suas vidas, embora expostas a diversas adversidades, como pobreza, estresse, falta de estrutura familiar, das crianças que se envolverem em situações de risco ou que desenvolveram alguma patologia psicológica(Werner, 2005;Melillo, 2005;Infante, 2005;Rozemberg, 2013;Barbosa, 2019;Silva, 2019). No Brasil, o termo resiliência, adotado pela psicologia, se originou da física e da engenharia, e teve como estudo pioneiro, em 1996, o trabalho que investigava a população de rua, através do Centro de Estudos Psicológicos sobre Meninos e Meninas de Rua, o CEP-RUA, criado pela professora Silvia Helena Koller, associando o conceito à percepção dos sujeitos sobre a significação dos traumas e como reagem a esses acontecimentos ...
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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar na literatura as contribuições dos projetos sociais esportivos (PSE) e sua ligação com o desenvolvimento da imagem corporal dos discentes e a promoção da resiliência através do esporte. Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa da literatura, onde se buscou um caminho que apresentasse estudos de vertentes dos PSE, colhendo, especialmente, os textos que abordassem a resiliência. Os PSE, por serem um tema recente, ainda têm uma literatura escassa. A resiliência também é um tema novo e que precisa de mais estudos. Mais escassa ainda é a temática da resiliência em PSE, havendo uma grande lacuna a ser preenchida. Os estudos encontrados apresentam, em grande parte, que os PSE proporcionam benefícios graças à prática regular esportiva e colaboração na formação moral dos seus alunos; porém, há também um "lado sombra do esporte", mostrando que muitos dos PSE são paliativos, pois possuem objetivos rasos e sem finalidades claras. Para uma melhor análise da contribuição dos PSE e o desenvolvimento da resiliência, faz-se necessário mais estudos que relacionem estas temáticas, pois o material encontrado, ainda é pouco. Mesmo assim, este artigo apresenta os conceitos mais usados relacionados a estes temas, tentando contribuir para uma maior discussão. Como muitos jovens atendidos pelos PSE são sujeitos em vulnerabilidade social, que cotidianamente sofrem diversos traumas ligados as suas condições sociais e culturais, para que consigam sair da imobilização causada por esses traumas, e que aconteça a superação dessas adversidades, havendo uma ressignificação de sua imagem corporal: há necessidade de um potencial de reação, processo conhecido como resiliência. Assim, os PSE podem ser uma importante ferramenta na promoção da resiliência de seus alunos, por serem um alicerce para a superação de adversidades. Palavras-chave: Projeto social esportivo; Resiliência; Esporte educacional. Abstract This research aims to investigate in the literature the contributions of sports social projects (PSE) and their connection with the development of the student's body image and the promotion of resilience through sport. This article is a narrative review of the literature, where a path was sought to present studies of PSE strands, collecting, especially, the texts that addressed resilience. For being a current theme, the PSE still has scarce literature. Resilience is also a new topic that needs further study. The issue of resilience in PSE is even lower, with a large gap to be filled. The findings show to a large extent that PSEs provide benefits thanks to the regular practice of sports and collaboration in the moral formation of their students. However, there is also a "shadow side of the sport", showing that many of the PSEs are palliative, as they have shallow goals and no clear goals. For a better analysis of the contribution of PSE and the development of resilience, more studies are needed that relate to these themes because the material found is still tiny. Even so, this article presents the most used concepts related to these themes, trying to contribute to a more significant discussion. Many youths assisted by the PSE are socially vulnerable subjects who daily suffer traumas linked to their social and cultural conditions. However, they can get out of the immobilization caused by these traumas and overcome these adversities by re-signifying their image body. Hence, there is a need for a reaction potential, a process
... O estudo conhecido como Kauiai Longitudinal Study, de Werner e Smith, durante 32 anos, monitorou 698 crianças nascidas no ano de 1955, com o objetivo de saber o impacto dos fatores de risco biológicos e sociais, e seus fatores de proteção. Contava com uma equipe interdisciplinar da área de saúde, quebuscavam identificar que fatores diferenciavam as crianças que conseguiram positivamente conduzir suas vidas, embora expostas a diversas adversidades, como pobreza, estresse, falta de estrutura familiar, das crianças que se envolverem em situações de risco ou que desenvolveram alguma patologia psicológica(Werner, 2005;Melillo, 2005;Infante, 2005;Rozemberg, 2013;Barbosa, 2019;Silva, 2019). No Brasil, o termo resiliência, adotado pela psicologia, se originou da física e da engenharia, e teve como estudo pioneiro, em 1996, o trabalho que investigava a população de rua, através do Centro de Estudos Psicológicos sobre Meninos e Meninas de Rua, o CEP-RUA, criado pela professora Silvia Helena Koller, associando o conceito à percepção dos sujeitos sobre a significação dos traumas e como reagem a esses acontecimentos ...
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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar na literatura as contribuições dos projetos sociais esportivos (PSE) e sua ligação com o desenvolvimento da imagem corporal dos discentes e a promoção da resiliência através do esporte. Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa da literatura, onde se buscou um caminho que apresentasse estudos de vertentes dos PSE, colhendo, especialmente, os textos que abordassem a resiliência. Os PSE, por serem um tema recente, ainda têm uma literatura escassa. A resiliência também é um tema novo e que precisa de mais estudos. Mais escassa ainda é a temática da resiliência em PSE, havendo uma grande lacuna a ser preenchida. Os estudos encontrados apresentam, em grande parte, que os PSE proporcionam benefícios graças à prática regular esportiva e colaboração na formação moral dos seus alunos; porém, há também um “lado sombra do esporte”, mostrando que muitos dos PSE são paliativos, pois possuem objetivos rasos e sem finalidades claras. Para uma melhor análise da contribuição dos PSE e o desenvolvimento da resiliência, faz-se necessário mais estudos que relacionem estas temáticas, pois o material encontrado, ainda é pouco. Mesmo assim, este artigo apresenta os conceitos mais usados relacionados a estes temas, tentando contribuir para uma maior discussão. Como muitos jovens atendidos pelos PSE são sujeitos em vulnerabilidade social, que cotidianamente sofrem diversos traumas ligados as suas condições sociais e culturais, para que consigam sair da imobilização causada por esses traumas, e que aconteça a superação dessas adversidades, havendo uma ressignificação de sua imagem corporal: há necessidade de um potencial de reação, processo conhecido como resiliência. Assim, os PSE podem ser uma importante ferramenta na promoção da resiliência de seus alunos, por serem um alicerce para a superação de adversidades.
... In the literature, psychosocial stress did not have any negative effect on the PS [56]. PS may be "resilient" schizotypal traits, buffering the negative effects of ERI [52,57]. PS individuals may be less likely to be affected by ERI, which in turn motivates them to pursue potential rewards in the future. ...
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The schizotypy construct is useful for studying the effects of environmental stress on development of subclinical negative symptoms. The relationship among self-report motivation, effort–reward imbalance (ERI), and schizotypal features has seldom been studied. We aimed to examine the possible moderation effect of schizotypal traits on ERI and reward motivation. Eight-hundred-and-forty-three college students were recruited online to complete a set of self-reported measures capturing schizotypal traits, effort–reward imbalance and reward motivation, namely the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ), the Effort–Reward Imbalance-School Version Questionnaire (C-ERI-S) and the Motivation and Pleasure Scale-Self Report (MAP-SR). We conducted multiple linear regression to construct models to investigate the moderating effects of schizotypal traits on the relationship between ERI and reward motivation. Stressful ERI situation predicted the reduction of reward motivation. Negative schizotypal traits showed a significant negative moderating effect on the relationship between ERI and reward motivation, while positive and disorganized schizotypal traits had significant positive moderating effects. Schizotypal traits subtypes differently moderate the relationship between ERI and reward motivation. Only negative schizotypal traits and stressful ERI situation together have negative impact on reward motivation.
... The reason why school principals can contribute to student resilience is because student resilience can itself be supported by external factors (Egeland, Carlson & Sroufe, 1993;Gizir & Aydın, 2009;Masten, 2001;Masten & Coatsworth, 1998;Werner, 2005), for example, to create a school climate where the students socially support each other, to have high expectations for all students without discrimination, to offer students active participation and involvement in school life, to create positive school life are some essential factors that can increase student resilience (Benard, 1991;2004, p.108;Foster, 2013;Henderson & Milstein, 1996). So, support from the school principal strengthens students' resilience behaviours (Hernandez & Cortes, 2011). ...
This research aims to explore the relations between social justice leadership, sense of school belonging, and student resilience. The research was conducted with 549 high school students. The data was collected through the social justice leadership scale, the psychological sense of school membership scale, and student resilience scale. The research tested the mediator role of sense of school belonging in the relationship between social justice leadership and student resilience. The findings showed that sense of belonging has a full mediator role; in other words, social justice leadership improves student resilience by increasing the sense of school belonging. In this context, a school leader who wants to increase the academic and social resilience of the students should carefully consider all harmful effects caused by social differences at school and improve the quality of school life. School leaders also should involve students in their decision-making processes and provide students with a critical consciousness that can criticize and challenge discriminatory and oppressive practices. Generally, school leaders should contribute to the development of student resilience by improving students’ school context in all aspects.
... Research has also identified low self-concept is a risk factor for poor life outcomes, while increased self-concept related to reduced offending Werner, 2005). ...
... Samo zjawisko resilience można rozpatrywać jako dynamiczną zdolność powrotu do równowagi po przebytej traumie, "samonaprawiania" (ang. self-righting-tendency) (Werner 2005). Meatanalizy dotyczące resilience są nadal nieliczne ze względu na niespójności definicyjne i operacyjne niniejszej koncepcji (Masten & Cicchetti 2 016). ...
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W artykule zaprezentowano polską adaptację narzędzia Teachers’ Resilience Scale (M. Platsidou, A. Danilidou). Skala służy do diagnozowania resilience wśród nauczycieli. W artykule zawarto informacje dotyczące procedury adaptacyjnej – opracowania polskiej wersji językowej i sprawdzenia właściwości psychometrycznych skali. Badania walidacyjne zostały przeprowadzone wśród 317 nauczycieli. Podstawowa struktura skali zbliżona jest do wersji oryginalnej - eksploracyjna i konfirmacyjna analiza czynnikowa potwierdziły jej czteroczynnikową strukturę (Kompetencje osobiste, Spójność rodziny, Kompetencje społeczne i wsparcie współpracowników, Znaczenie duchowości). Uzyskane dane empiryczne wskazują na satysfakcjonującą rzetelność, stabilność i trafność prezentowanego narzędzia.
... v rodine postihnutej alkoholizmom) nemusí nevyhnutne znamenať problémy v dospelosti. Významné zistenia v kontexte tohto problému priniesla longitudinálna štúdia Kauai (Werner, 2005), ktorá identifikovala viaceré protektívne faktory, prispievajúce k reziliencii detí z rizikového psychosociálneho prostredia. Medzi identifikované protektívne faktory patrili napríklad určité osobnostné vlastnosti jednotlivca (napríklad sebadôvera, vyššia miera inteligencie, vyššia ašpiračná úroveň), tzv. ...
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Liberalism urgently needs social renaissance. By uncritical discussion of its shortcomings and advantages, we have committed a situation, where we regard this ideology as a synonym of neoliberalism, libertarianism or the policy of the new right, which excludes deeper social thinking and the need of eliminating inequalities among people. The text has the ambition to point to the example of one of the most relevant followers of social line - John Dewey, to prove, that liberalism is, on the contrary, a deep social ideology which agrees with the possibility of negative consequences of the natural lottery on the individual or with the redistribution in society, which is often referred as the socialist instrument . The result of the text is to update and correctly interpret the social thinking of this ideology.
... Past research has indicated interventions focussed on building resilience through strengthening protective factors central to the concept, may offer the potential for the prevention and reduction of mental health problems in children and adolescents [15,22,[28][29][30][31], and in particular aid in reducing such problems during times of increased risk or adversity [25,29,[32][33][34][35]. With childhood and adolescence being critical periods of development, there is a need to reflect on the strengths and limitations of resilience-focussed interventions. ...
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Internationally, the mental health of children and adolescents is undoubtedly an important construct of theoretical, clinical, and policy level concern. Worldwide, five mental disorders (depression, alcohol misuse, bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder) represent half of the 10 leading causes of disability and premature death; with mental disorders accounting for 15–30% of disability adjusted life years in the first three decades of life. This provides a solid rational founded in implications for population health as to why reducing and preventing mental health problems in children and adolescents deserves attention. Past research has indicated interventions focussed on building resilience through strengthening protective factors may offer the potential to address mental health problems in children and adolescents, and in particular aid in reducing such problems during times of increased risk or adversity. With childhood and adolescence being critical periods of development, there is a need to reflect on the strengths and limitations of resilience-focussed interventions and anticipated future needs of the world’s youth. This conceptual analysis identifies a number of future research directions that may meaningfully add to the evidence base and improve implementation, evaluation, and impact of resilience-focussed interventions. These largely relate to refining the understanding of how resilience protective factors relate to mental health problems in children and adolescents. Important issues and potential opportunities to improve the related research field include improved reporting of intervention content; improved measurement of resilience protective factors in intervention trials; continued reporting and review of evidence of association between protective factors and mental health outcomes; and incorporation of mediation analysis within intervention trials. There is a need for further intervention studies in this space to be conducted as rigorous trials of resilience-focussed approaches based on such evidence of association, with clearly posited mechanisms of change, and inclusive of analysis of differential intervention effects. The suggested implications for research made in this conceptual analysis will aid in improving the quality of the evidence base relevant to the fostering of resilience and prevention of mental health problems in children and adolescents.
... The reason why school principals can contribute to student resilience is because student resilience can itself be supported by external factors (Egeland, Carlson & Sroufe, 1993;Gizir & Aydın, 2009;Masten, 2001;Masten & Coatsworth, 1998;Werner, 2005), for example, to create a school climate where the students socially support each other, to have high expectations for all students without discrimination, to offer students active participation and involvement in school life, to create positive school life are some essential factors that can increase student resilience (Benard, 1991;2004, p.108;Foster, 2013;Henderson & Milstein, 1996). So, support from the school principal strengthens students' resilience behaviours (Hernandez & Cortes, 2011). ...
... The results of this study also complement findings from the field of resilience research, in that positive environmental, relational and personal factors can have a Table 3 Estimated marginal mean self-reported educational/vocational difficulties scores in adolescence and adulthood in Transient PEs and control groups remediation effect on the mental health and functioning of children and adolescents [32]. The Kauai Longitudinal Study found that, by mid-life the majority of high risk adolescents, including those with poor mental health, poor coping and delinquency, were functioning well [33,34]. Furthermore, they were satisfied with their interpersonal relationships and had been contributing to their communities. ...
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Background Psychotic experiences (PEs) are not uncommon in young people and are associated with both psychopathology and compromised global functioning. Although psychotic experiences are transient (short-lived, self-resolving and non-recurring) for most people who report them, few studies have examined the association between early transient PEs and later functioning in population samples. Additionally, studies using self-report measures of interpersonal and educational/ vocational difficulties are lacking. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between transient psychotic experiences and self-reported interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in adolescence and young adulthood. Methods Participants were 103 young people from a longitudinal population-based study cohort of mental health in Ireland. They attended for baseline clinical interviews in childhood (age 11–13) and were followed up in young adulthood (age 19–25). Participants who reported psychotic experiences at baseline but not at follow-up were classified as having transient psychotic experiences. Data from both time-points were used to examine the association between transient psychotic experiences and self-reported interpersonal and educational/ vocational difficulties in young adulthood using poisson regression modelling. Results Young people with a history of transient psychotic experiences reported significantly higher interpersonal (adj IRR: 1.83, 95%ileCI: 1.10–3.02, p = .02) and educational/vocational (adj IRR: 2.28, 95%ileCI: 1.43–3.64, p = .001) difficulties during adolescence. However, no significant differences in interpersonal (adj IRR: 0.49, 95%ileCI: 0.10–2.30, p = .37) or educational/vocational (adj IRR: 0.88, 95%ileCI: 0.37–2.08, p = .77) difficulties were found in young adulthood. Self-reported interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in young people both with and without a history of transient psychotic experiences decreased between adolescence and young adulthood. Conclusions Young people with transient psychotic experiences have increased interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in adolescence but these may not persist into the young adult years. This finding indicates that early psychotic experiences may not confer high risk for long-term interpersonal or educational/vocational deficits among young people who experience these phenomena transiently.
... The results of this study also complement ndings from the eld of resilience research, in that positive environmental, relational and personal factors can have a remediation effect on the mental health and functioning of children and adolescents (31). The Kauai Longitudinal Study found that, by mid-life the majority of high risk adolescents, including those with poor mental health, poor coping and delinquency, were functioning well (32,33). Furthermore, they were satis ed with their interpersonal relationships and had been contributing to their communities. ...
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Background Psychotic experiences (PEs) are not uncommon in young people and are associated with both psychopathology and compromised global functioning. Although psychotic experiences are transient (short-lived, self-resolving and non-recurring) for most people who report them, few studies have examined the association between early transient PEs and later functioning in population samples. Additionally, studies using self-report measures of interpersonal and educational/ vocational difficulties are lacking. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between transient psychotic experiences and self-reported interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in adolescence and young adulthood. Methods Participants were 103 young people from a longitudinal population-based study cohort of mental health in Ireland. They attended for baseline clinical interviews in childhood (age 11-13) and were followed up in young adulthood (age 19-25). Participants who reported psychotic experiences at baseline but not at follow-up were classified as having transient psychotic experiences. Data from both time-points were used to examine the association between transient psychotic experiences and self-reported interpersonal and educational/ vocational difficulties in young adulthood using poisson regression modelling. Results Young people with a history of transient psychotic experiences reported significantly higher interpersonal (adj IRR: 1.83, 95%ileCI: 1.10- 3.02, p = .02) and educational/vocational (adj IRR: 2.28, 95%ileCI: 1.43- 3.64, p = .001) difficulties during adolescence. However, no significant differences in interpersonal (adj IRR: 0.49, 95%ileCI: 0.10-2.30, p = .37) or educational/vocational (adj IRR: 0.88, 95%ileCI: 0.37-2.08, p = .77) difficulties were found in young adulthood. Self-reported interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in young people both with and without a history of transient psychotic experiences decreased between adolescence and young adulthood. Conclusions Young people with transient psychotic experiences have increased interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in adolescence but these may not persist into the young adult years. This finding indicates that early psychotic experiences may not confer high risk for long-term interpersonal or educational/vocational deficits among young people who experience these phenomena transiently.
... The results of this study also complement ndings from the eld of resilience research, in that positive environmental, relational and personal factors can have a remediation effect on the mental health and functioning of children and adolescents (31). The Kauai Longitudinal Study found that, by mid-life the majority of high risk adolescents, including those with poor mental health, poor coping and delinquency, were functioning well (32,33). Furthermore, they were satis ed with their interpersonal relationships and had been contributing to their communities. ...
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Background Psychotic experiences (PEs) are not uncommon in young people and are associated with both psychopathology and compromised global functioning. Although psychotic experiences are transient (short-lived, self-resolving and non-recurring) for most people who report them, few studies have examined the association between early transient PEs and later functioning in population samples. Additionally, studies using self-report measures of interpersonal and educational/ vocational difficulties are lacking. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between transient psychotic experiences and self-reported interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in adolescence and young adulthood. Methods Participants were 103 young people from a longitudinal population-based study cohort of mental health in Ireland. They attended for baseline clinical interviews in childhood (age 11-13) and were followed up in young adulthood (age 19-25). Participants who reported psychotic experiences at baseline but not at follow-up were classified as having transient psychotic experiences. Data from both time-points were used to examine the association between transient psychotic experiences and self-reported interpersonal and educational/ vocational difficulties in young adulthood using poisson regression modelling. Results Young people with a history of transient psychotic experiences reported significantly higher interpersonal (adj IRR: 1.83, 95%ileCI: 1.10- 3.02, p = .02) and educational/vocational (adj IRR: 2.28, 95%ileCI: 1.43- 3.64, p = .001) difficulties during adolescence. However, no significant differences in interpersonal (adj IRR: 0.49, 95%ileCI: 0.10-2.30, p = .37) or educational/vocational (adj IRR: 0.88, 95%ileCI: 0.37-2.08, p = .77) difficulties were found in young adulthood. Self-reported interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in young people both with and without a history of transient psychotic experiences decreased between adolescence and young adulthood. Conclusions Young people with transient psychotic experiences have increased interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in adolescence but these may not persist into the young adult years. This finding indicates that early psychotic experiences may not confer high risk for long-term interpersonal or educational/vocational deficits among young people who experience these phenomena transiently.
... These actions were all reported by participants in the study. They also complement existing evidence on the protective roles of formal and informal supports for young people [48,49], trusted adults in a young person's life [50], and involvement in meaningful hobbies and social activities [51][52][53]. Each animation ends with a message that combines hope and realism. ...
Background Mental ill-health is one of the most significant health and social issues affecting young people globally. To address the mental health crisis, a number of cross-sectoral research and action priorities have been identified. These include improving mental health literacy, translating research findings into accessible public health outputs, and the use of digital technologies. There are, however, few examples of public health–oriented knowledge transfer activities involving collaborations between researchers, the Arts, and online platforms in the field of youth mental health. Objective The primary aim of this project was to translate qualitative research findings into a series of online public mental health animations targeting young people between the ages of 16 and 25 years. A further aim was to track online social media engagement and viewing data for the animations for a period of 12 months. Methods Qualitative data were collected from a sample of 17 youth in Ireland, aged 18-21 years, as part of the longitudinal population-based Adolescent Brain Development study. Interviews explored the life histories and the emotional and mental health of participants. The narrative analysis revealed 5 thematic findings relating to young people’s emotional and mental health. Through a collaboration between research, the Arts, and the online sector, the empirical thematic findings were translated into 5 public health animations. The animations were hosted and promoted on 3 social media platforms of the Irish youth health website called SpunOut. Viewing data, collected over a 12-month period, were analyzed to determine the reach of the animations. Results Narrative thematic analysis identified anxiety, depression, feeling different, loneliness, and being bullied as common experiences for young people. These thematic findings formed the basis of the animations. During the 12 months following the launch of the animations, they were viewed 15,848 times. A majority of views occurred during the period of the social media ad campaign at a cost of €0.035 (approximately US $0.042) per view. Animations on feeling different and being bullied accounted for the majority of views. Conclusions This project demonstrates that online animations provide an accessible means of translating empirical research findings into meaningful public health outputs. They offer a cost-effective way to provide targeted online information about mental health, coping, and help-seeking to young people. Cross-sectoral collaboration is required to leverage the knowledge and expertise required to maximize the quality and potential reach of any knowledge transfer activities. A high level of engagement is possible by targeting non–help-seeking young people on their native social media platforms. Paid promotion is, therefore, an important consideration when budgeting for online knowledge translation and dissemination activities in health research.
... Findings from this study also complement those from the eld of resilience research that have demonstrated the remediation effect that positive environmental, relational and personal factors can have on the mental health and functioning of children and adolescents (38). The Kauai Longitudinal Study found that, by mid-life the majority of high risk adolescents, including those with poor mental health, poor coping and delinquency, were functioning well, satis ed with their interpersonal relationships and contributing to their communities (39,40). Thus, the improvements observed in this study by young adulthood could, at least in part, be explained by the potential for vulnerable youth to catch up with their less vulnerable peers during the early to mid-adult years. ...
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Background Psychotic experiences are not uncommon in young people and are associated with both psychopathology and compromised global functioning. Although psychotic experiences are transient for most people who report them, few studies have examined the association between early transient PEs and later functioning in population samples. Additionally, studies using self-report measures of interpersonal and educational/ vocational difficulties are lacking. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between transient psychotic experiences and self-reported interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in adolescence and young adulthood. Methods Participants were 103 young people from a longitudinal population-based study cohort of mental health in Ireland. They attended for baseline clinical interviews in childhood (age 11-13) and were followed up in young adulthood (age 19-25). Participants who reported psychotic experiences at baseline but not at follow-up were classified as having transient psychotic experiences. Data from both time-points were used to examine the association between transient psychotic experiences and self-reported interpersonal and educational/ vocational difficulties in young adulthood using poisson regression modelling. Results Young people with a history of transient psychotic experiences reported significantly higher interpersonal (adj IRR: 1.83, 95%ileCI: 1.10- 3.02, p = .02) and educational/vocational (adj IRR: 2.28, 95%ileCI: 1.43- 3.64, p = .001) difficulties during adolescence. However, no significant differences in interpersonal (adj IRR: 0.49, 95%ileCI: 0.10-2.30, p = .37) or educational/vocational (adj IRR: 0.88, 95%ileCI: 0.37-2.08, p = .77) difficulties were found in young adulthood. Self-reported interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in young people both with and without a history of transient psychotic experiences decreased between adolescence and young adulthood. Conclusions Young people with transient psychotic experiences have increased interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in adolescence but these may not persist into the young adult years. This finding indicates that early psychotic experiences may not confer high risk for long-term interpersonal or educational/vocational deficits among young people who experience these phenomena transiently.
... These actions were all reported by participants in the study. They also complement existing evidence on the protective roles of formal and informal supports for young people [38,39], trusted adults in a young person's life [40], and involvement in meaningful hobbies and social activities [41][42][43]. Each animation ends with a message that combines hope and realism. ...
BACKGROUND Mental ill-health is one of the most significant health and social issues affecting young people globally. To address the mental health crisis a number of cross-sectoral research and action priorities have been identified. These include the adoption of meaningful knowledge transfer activities and the use of digital technologies. There are, however, few examples of knowledge transfer activities involving collaborations between researchers, the Arts and online platforms in the field of youth mental health. OBJECTIVE The primary aim of this project was to translate qualitative research findings from into a series of online public mental health animations targeting young people between the ages of 16 and 25 years. A further aim was to track online social media engagement and viewing data for the animations for a period of 12 months. METHODS Qualitative data were collected from a sample of 17 Irish youth aged 18-21 years as part of the longitudinal population-based Adolescent Brain Development study. Interviews explored the life histories and the emotional and mental health of participants. Narrative analysis revealed five thematic findings relating to young people’s emotional and mental health. Through a collaboration between research, the Arts and the online sector, these empirical thematic findings were translated into five public health animations. The animations were hosted and promoted on three social media platforms of the Irish youth health website, Engagement and viewing data were collected over a 12-month period. RESULTS Thematic analysis revealed that anxiety, depression, feeling different, loneliness and being bullied were common experiences for young people. These thematic findings formed the basis of the animations. During the 12 months following the launch of the animations, they achieved over 550,000 impressions on the Facebook, Twitter and YouTube platforms. The animations were viewed almost 16,000 times. A majority of engagement and views occurred during the period of the social media ad campaign at a cost of 3.5 cent per view. There was a low rate of link clicks from social media platforms to the host website during the promotion period. Animations on feeling different and being bullied accounted for the majority of impressions and views. CONCLUSIONS This project demonstrates that online animations provide an accessible means of translating and sharing empirical research findings and are a cost-effective way to provide information about mental health, coping and help-seeking. Cross-sectoral collaboration is required to leverage the knowledge and expertise required to maximise the quality and potential reach of any knowledge transfer activities. Additionally, paid promotion is essential to reach non-help-seeking young people on their native social media platforms and is important in maximising the reach and impact of online public health promotion.
... Keeping in mind that the present study specifically focused on resilience and aggression in middle adulthood, it is important to consider that some longitudinal studies indicate that the passage of time tends to have an impact on individuals" ways of adapting to different situations in life. It has been noted that by the time individuals reach their middle adulthood, their destructive or aggressive tendencies start to waver and they resort to being resilient in the face of stressors 35 . In addition to this, while some individuals in their middle adulthood are able to competently cope with the hard times, for some it becomes a challenge due to their previous adverse experiences 36 . ...
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The ability to be resilient in the face of adversity requires the absence of unhealthy coping behaviors, one of which is aggression. Middle adulthood is the developmental stage of various midlife stressors. Limited data is available with regards to this age group especially in Pakistan. The present study was conducted to determine the relationship between resilience and aggression in middle adulthood. For this purpose, 200 participants (100 men; 100 women) with Mage = 42.67 years & SD = 6.04, from different work places and residential areas of Karachi, Pakistan participated in the study. The Brief Resilience Scale was used to measure resilience whereas aggression was measured using the Short Form of the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire. Pearson product-moment correlation and regression analysis, conducted using the SPSS, indicated the presence of a significant negative correlation between resilience and aggression. This study would help in understanding how resilience and aggression plays a role during middle adulthood. It would further be beneficial for mental health professionals to identify, devise, and implement better ways of enhancing resilience and helping people to deal with adversities in a healthy manner.
... Findings from this study also complement those from the field of resilience research that have demonstrated the remediation effect that positive environmental, relational and personal factors can have on the mental health and functioning of children and adolescents (35). The Kauai Longitudinal Study found that, by mid-life the majority of high risk adolescents, including those with poor mental health, poor coping and delinquency, were functioning well, satisfied with their interpersonal relationships and contributing to their communities (36,37). Thus, the improvements observed in this study by young adulthood could, at least in part, be explained by the potential for vulnerable youth to catch up with their less vulnerable peers during the early to mid-adult years. ...
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Background: Psychotic experiences in young people have known associations with childhood adversity and functional deficits. However, few studies have focused only on childhood psychotic experiences that remit during adolescence (transient psychotic experiences). Additionally, studies using self-report measures of interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties are lacking. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between childhood adversity and transient psychotic experiences and transient psychotic experiences and self-reported interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in adolescence and young adulthood. Methods: Participants were 103 young people from a longitudinal population-based study cohort of mental health in Ireland. They attended for clinical interview in childhood (age 11-13) and young adulthood (age 19-25). Data on childhood adversity were collected at baseline. Data on self-reported interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties were collected at follow-up. Data on psychotic experiences were collected at both times. Associations between childhood adversity, transient psychotic experiences and self-reported interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties were examined. Results: Young people with a history of transient psychotic experiences reported an almost 3.5-fold increase in odds of childhood victimization (OR 3.43 CI 1.21-9.71). They also reported significantly higher interpersonal ( p = 0.03) and educational/vocational ( p = 0.001) difficulties during adolescence. However, no significant differences in interpersonal ( p = 0.91) or educational/vocational ( p = 0.35) difficulties were found in young adulthood. The higher rates of childhood victimization found did not account for any observed differences. Self-reported interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in young people both with and without a history of transient psychotic experiences decreased between adolescence and young adulthood. Conclusions: Young people with transient psychotic experiences have increased interpersonal and educational/vocational difficulties in adolescence but these may not persist into the young adult years. These findings may indicate that early transient psychotic experiences do not confer high risk for persistent interpersonal and/or educational/vocational deficits and young people who experience these phenomena transiently. Thus, psychotic experiences in childhood that remit by young adulthood may not be a strong risk indicator for future functioning deficits, as experienced and/or perceived by individuals themselves.
... Psychological resilience is a broad concept since it refers to a wide range of phenomena, such as, for instance: recovering from traumatic experiences like loss of a close person (Bonanno, 2006) or being sexually abused (Maree & Venter, 2018), adapting to new life situations (Mulholland, Watt, Phil- pott, & Sarlin, 1991), school successes of children from minorities (Kim & Honig, 1998), growing up in poor or pathological families, mental health of children growing in families dealing with mental illnesses of some of its members (Beardslee & Podorefsky, 1988) and so forth (Luthar, 2006;Werner, 1993Werner, , 1994. Psychological resilience has even been considered a form of emotional giftedness (Eber- söhn & Maree, 2006). ...
This manuscript elaborates on the construct of mathematical resilience and the importance of engaging children in mathematically rich conversations from the earliest age. We begin with a review of the existing literature addressing these issues. Since little has been written thus far on how exactly the early childhood facilitators, such as parents and pre- or elementary school teachers, could support the growth of these competences in young children, we give examples of several everyday life situations and a mathematical puzzle that can be used for the purpose of enhancing mathematical discussions with young children. We argue that mathematical richness can be extracted from seemingly ordinary situations and give some practical hints on how parents and pre- and elementary school teachers could make a use of them in order to foster (not only mathematical) resilience in young children.
Günümüzde afetler toplumları ve bireyleri derinden etkileyen karmaşık ve sık görülen olaylar haline gelmişlerdir. Afetlerin olumsuz etkilerinin azaltılması ve ortadan kaldırılması noktasında; afet ve acil durumlarda görev alan kişilerin afetlere ilişkin tutumları, kriz sonrası yönetim faaliyetleri ve bireylerin görevlerini yerine getirirken kendilerini adamalarının önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışma afet ve acil durumlarda görev alan bireylerin afet tutumlarının, kriz sonrası yönetim faaliyetleri üzerindeki etkisinde kendini adamanın düzenleyici rolünü incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini Aksaray ilinde afet ve acil durumlarda görev alan 228 kamu çalışanı oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada elde edilen verilerin analizlerinde PROCESS Macro V4.1, AMOS 24 ve SPSS 26 programları kullanılmıştır. Afet tutumları ve kriz sonrası yönetim faaliyetleri arasındaki ilişki incelendiğinde; afet tutumu ve afet tutumunun alt boyutlarından bilişsel ve davranışsal tutum ile kriz sonrası yönetim faaliyetleri arasında anlamlı ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Duyuşsal tutum ve kriz sonrası yönetim faaliyetleri arasında ise anlamlı bir ilişki bulunamamıştır. Ayrıca afet tutumları ve kriz sonrası yönetim faaliyetleri arasındaki ilişkide kendini adamanın düzenleyici etkisinin olmadığı bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu araştırma kapsamında değişkenlerle ile ilgili alan yazındaki çalışmalar incelenmiş ve bu bilgilerden yola çıkılarak uygulamalı bir çalışma planlanmış, konu ile ilgili literatüre katkıda bulunmak amaçlanmıştır.
Egzersizin Beyin ve Mental Sağlık Üzerindeki EtkisiMehmet Fatih İNCİBAŞFiziksel Aktivitenin Sedanter Bireylere EtkileriGülşah KOLDAŞMerve UCASigara ve SporEmine AYTİŞSpor, Kültür ve Sağlık Perspektifine Kısa Bir BakışMerve UCAGıyasettin BAYDAŞSporcularda Ergojenik Destekler Ve Fonksiyonel BesinlerYaren ARAYHalil İbrahim BİNİCİSporcularda Yeme BozukluklarıBurak ERİMAyşenur TAŞLITaekwondo’da Laktatın RolüAhmet Talha ÖZTÜRKSporda Sosyal Medya ve Psikolojik SağlıkFaik Orhun TAPŞINYakup AKYEL
Bu araştırma, pandemi sürecinde görev yapan öğretmenlerin psikolojik sağlamlıkları ve hayat boyu öğrenme yeterlilikleri değişkenleri arasında bulunan ilişkiyi incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma İstanbul ili Tuzla ilçesinde görevine devam eden 414 öğretmenle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme Anahtar Yeterlikleri Ölçeği ve Yetişkin Psikolojik Sağlamlık Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Veri analizinde t testi, ANOVA, korelasyon ve regresyon uygulanmıştır. Normal dağılım göstermeyen alt boyutlar için parametrik olmayan testler kullanılmıştır. Ulaşılan sonuçlar, öğretmenlik mesleğine devam eden kişilerin psikolojik sağlamlıklarının ve hayat boyu öğrenme yeterlilik düzeylerinin iyi durumda olduğunu göstermiş, eğitim düzeyi ve mesleki çalışmalara katılım geçmişi gibi faktörlerin bu yeterlikleri etkilediğini ortaya koymuştur. Psikolojik sağlamlık açısından yaş ve medeni durumun etkisi belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, öğretmenlerin hayat boyu öğrenme yeterlilikleri ile psikolojik sağlamlıkları arasında korelasyonel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu ve regresyon analizine göre öğretmenlerin hayat boyu yeterlilik düzeylerinin psikolojik sağlamlık düzeylerini yordadığı tespit edilmiştir. Hayat boyu öğrenme yeterliliği öğretmenler için psikolojik sağlamlıkları adına koruyucu bir faktör olarak nitelenebilir. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, ilgili alan yazınıyla uyumlu olarak tartışılmıştır. Psikolojik sağlamlık kavramının günümüz dünyasında büyük önem kazandığı göz önüne alındığında mevcut koruyucu faktörlere bilimsel olarak yenilerini ekleyebilmek oldukça önemlidir. Öğretmenlere yönelik eğitim programları ve faaliyetler, öğretmenlerin hayat boyu öğrenme becerilerini desteklemeye yönelik olarak tasarlanması ve uygulanması öneri olarak sunulabilir.
In the last 20 years the term resilience has gained increasing importance in psychology and gradually also in psychotherapy. Meanwhile, there is a wealth of literature on resilience and a number of programs to strengthen it. This creates the impression that it is clear what is meant by resilience and how it can be measured and promoted. Yet, this is not the case.
Unaccompanied minor asylum seekers (UMAS) are at higher risk to develop psychological disadvantages, lower health-related quality of life, and lower income compared to their Norwegian peers. Beside of their risks, studies suggest that most of UMAS are surprisingly well adjusted and resilient. Few studies have focused on UMAS recourses and strength to understand their capacity and adaption. Although their degree of resilience seems to be depended on social support and meaningful relationships, Norwegian studies have not yet included their social support system in their samples. The aim of this study is to elaborate how employees in Norways child protected services promote resilience in UMAS. A qualitative research design in three steps as been conducted. A narrative analysis of relevant research and theoretical approaches has been used to assess a semi-structured interview. The interviews aimed to explores employee’s reflections on UMAS adjustment. A thematic analysis has been used to understand the data in the context of resilience theories. The findings are being discussed in the light of the salutogentetic paradim and ecological system view. The findings emphasis interventions that support UNAS social network and meaningful relationships to promote their resilience and prevent psychological and socioeconomical disadvantages. More studies are needed to closer elaborate the relationship between UMAS and the health and care services, and include their employees in the research.
Before entering university, students are not always equipped with the tools to cope with stressful life events. During the transition to university, students may experience challenges that accompany this new stage of their life. However, research has shown that throughout this period, students can foster their strengths, resilience, and authentic leadership capabilities, supporting their well-being and transition to university. This study used a sequential explanatory mixed method design to examine the relationship between resilience, authentic leadership, and well-being through the transition from high school to university. The quantitative component of the research study followed the principles of Descriptive Correlation Design, and the qualitative component employed a Phenomenology approach. Participants were first-year university students at Queen’s University in Ontario, living both in and out of residence. Survey data, comprised of demographic questions, the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ), and open-ended questions were gathered from 1012 participants. Fourteen participants that scored in the 75th percentile or higher on the CD-RISC participated in focus groups, and 10 of those individuals were also interviewed. Results indicate that resilience is significantly correlated to authentic leadership. A two-tailed bivariate correlation analysis found the CD-RISC25, the ALQ, and each of the subfactors of the ALQ statistically significant at the 0.01 level. A confirmatory factor analysis and a reliability analysis for the ALQ’s four factors were valid and reliable for students living both in and out of residence. Results indicated relationships between the four central constructs of the study: resilience, authentic leadership, well-being, and transition. The unifying theme, ‘Strength-Based Values for Authenticity’ emerged from the surveys, focus groups, and interviews. Analysis of findings yielded four major categories: challenges through the transition experience, foundations of growth, values-based strengths and characteristics, and readily available coping mechanisms. Data showed that highly resilient students were able to draw on their strengths more effectively through their transition to university, specifically when they were engaged in value-based leadership positions. Implications for practice include suggestions for educational wellness curricula; practices that support resilience, values-based leadership, and positive well-being; transitional support; and lessons learned from COVID-19’s impact on first-year students.
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This research aims to examine the resilience of adolescents according to their exposure to cyberbullying, gender, grade level, parental education level, school type and time spent on social media. Participants consisted of 1040 high school students between the ages of 14-19. Data were collected using the APRS, CVS and PIF, and analyzed with the two-factor ANOVA technique. Data analysis shows that the resilience of the adolescents not exposed to cyberbullying was found to be higher than the adolescents exposed to cyberbullying. It is seen that the resilience of girls is higher than that of boys. It is observed that the resilience of the students decreases as the time they spend daily on social media increases. In addition, it is seen that the education level of the mother had a significant effect on the resilience of the students. It is determined that the variables of father's education level, high school type and grade level do not differ significantly on the resilience of the students. It is found that the joint effect of exposure to cyberbullying and mother's education level has a significant effect on resilience, while the interactions of other variables do not have a significant effect on resilience.
Background We sought to develop and validate age-specific instruments for measuring early childhood resilience at ages 3, 5 and 8 in the Taiwan Birth Cohort Study, a national longitudinal study. Methods Using data from 18,553 mother-infant pairs, we conducted exploratory factor analysis (EFA) on a simple random half of our sample. We then used the remaining half of these data for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to further assess the fit of three CFA models (i.e., first-order, second-order, and bifactor). Psychometric properties, distributions, and inter-item and inter-factor correlations of each instrument were also evaluated. Results EFA and CFA showed that the bifactor model of resilience (which included a general resilience factor and five specific factors) had the best fit for all three resilience scales, with 19 items at year 3, 18 items at year 5, and 19 items at year 8. All three resilience scales showed good psychometric properties, including construct validity, internal consistency, and normal distributions. For predictive validity, we found that in the face of adversity (measured by the High Risk Family Score), individuals with high resilience scores at age 3 had better general health scores at ages 3, 5, and 8 compared to those with low resilience scores. Conclusions We describe the development and validation of age-appropriate survey instruments to assess resilience in young children at the population level. These instruments can be used to better understand how resilience can impact child health over time, and to identify key factors that can foster resilience.
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This study examined whether resilience capacity moderates the association of daily perceived stress and affect with cortisol diurnal slope among relocated emerging adults. Relocated undergraduates ( N = 98; aged 18–25 years) were recruited from three groups: Resilient, Vulnerable, and Control. The Resilient group required Risky Family Questionnaire (RFQ) scores ≥ 29 and Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) scores ≥ 3.6. The Vulnerable group required RFQ scores ≥ 29 and BRS scores ≤ 3. The comparison Control group required RFQ scores ≤ 21 and T-scores < 60 on PROMIS anxiety and depression symptoms. Mixed-effects models were used to test the unique associations of perceived stress, negative affect, and positive affect x group interactions (predictors) on diurnal cortisol slope (outcome) across 14 consecutive days. The Resilient group did not moderate the associations between daily stress or affect on cortisol diurnal slope. Instead, both the Resilient and Vulnerable groups with early family risk, showed a steeper diurnal slope unique to higher stress and a flatter slope unique to higher negative affect. Results suggest that riskier early family life was significantly associated with altered cortisol diurnal slope outcomes to stress (i.e., demand) and negative affect (i.e., distress). These associations were not attenuated by current resilience capacity.
In diesem Kapitel erörtern wir Gründe für die Untersuchung der menschlichen Entwicklung, zu denen – neben der Begeisterung für Kinder – die Verbesserung der Erziehung, die Förderung sozialpolitischer Maßnahmen zum Wohl der Kinder sowie der Gewinn von Antworten auf faszinierende Fragen über das Wesen des Menschen gehören. Das Kapitel vermittelt außerdem eine Einführung in wichtige Grundfragen der Kindesentwicklung, die als Leitthemen für alle weiteren Kapitel dienen. Es führt auch einige historische Herangehensweisen zur Beantwortung dieser Grundfragen sowie Ansätze und Methoden, mit denen diese Fragen in der modernen Forschung untersucht werden, ein.
Social media have become part of millions of users’ everyday life, leading to the proliferation of the daily stressors associated with them, particularly social media-induced overloads. Therefore, understanding the individual characteristics that enable users to resist such stress factors and ultimately buffer negative follow-up effects, such as exhaustion and discontinuance behavior, is important for researchers and practitioners. Grounded in psychological resilience theory, we examine if a user’s resilience (one’s ability to bounce back) has the power to mitigate the effects of this critical chain of influence by inhibiting the stressors. Structural equation modelling on survey data from 194 social network users confirms that resilience decreases perceived information and social overload. We also find that self-efficacy is a protective factor leading to resilience. Therein, this short paper raises awareness on resilience’s function as a shield against the adverse effects of social media and provides a comprehensive outlook for future research.
Der Begriff Resilienz hat in den letzten 20 Jahren in der Psychologie und allmählich auch in der Psychotherapie zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Mittlerweile gibt es eine Fülle an Literatur zu Resilienz und eine Reihe von Programmen zu ihrer Stärkung. Dadurch entsteht der Eindruck, dass es ganz klar ist, was mit Resilienz gemeint ist und wie sie zu messen und zu fördern ist. Dem ist aber nicht so.
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En este artículo se aborda el papel de los líderes en el desarrollo de la resiliencia organizacional ante los desastres. Las catástrofes afectan a millones de perso nas en todo el mundo, y seguirán ocurriendo. La investigación se orienta a responder la pregunta: ¿cómo pueden los líderes desarrollar la resiliencia en sus organizaciones frente a eventos extremos, específicamente ante los terremotos? El fenómeno se estudia desde la perspectiva de la experiencia mexicana tras el terremoto del 19 de septiembre de 2017 en la Ciudad de México. El estudio contrasta las definiciones y los marcos conceptuales de resiliencia existentes para apoyar el desarrollo de la resiliencia organizacional en caso de desastres, por parte de los líderes. Este estudio participativo se realizó con doce líderes para documentar las lecciones aprendidas y comprender los mecanismos de desarrollo de la resiliencia con los que apoyaron a sus organizaciones durante la recuperación del terremoto. Los hallazgos reflejan la conceptualización de la resiliencia como un proceso no lineal, que permite su intervención para desarrollar acciones en las etapas de anticipación, respuesta y adaptación.
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Research on institutional care and its long-term effect on life trajectories provides crucial and sometimes unexpected insights. In a qualitative study in Switzerland, we have conducted 37 narrative interviews with people who experienced residential care between 1950 and 1990. The analysis was based on a reconstructive life course perspective and grounded theory. The findings show a complex interplay of residential care context (here: narratives from expert discourses) and intersubjective experiences during and after care. Most interviewees learned from their experiences to be sceptical of social relationships and of all kinds of state interventions-even decades after having left. A few were able to take charge of their lives and steer them in an individually successful direction. In these cases too, results point to fragile concepts of success. Thus, critical questions about residential care in these decades remain. We suggest that rather than abolish residential care facilities, we need to gather more evidence about the factors that contribute to high-quality out-of-home-placements. As professional settings, they can enable young people individually. They need to avoid responding to children as 'objects of care', by neglecting all subjective dimensions and reproducing a pattern of powerlessness with a strong focus on formal, measurable goals. K E Y W O R D S child welfare, vulnerability
Der Beitrag setzt sich mit den Disziplinen „Innovations- und Systemmanagement“ auseinander. Für eine nachhaltige Organisationsentwicklung sind beide Bereiche unverzichtbar. Auch wenn diese Disziplinen in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften und im Management getrennt voneinander betrachtet werden, tragen sie in ihren Grundsätzen Gemeinsamkeiten mit sich, welche es in der betrieblichen Praxis, für ein nachhaltiges Handeln zu kombinieren gilt. Das „Innovationsmanagement“ wird in Unternehmen oft als separate Abteilung geführt, die sich darauf spezialisiert Neues hervorzubringen, um die Attraktivität am Markt zu steigern. Damit in Verbindung sehen Organisationen das „Innovationsmanagement“ als eigenen Prozess, welcher dem eigentlichen Produktentwicklungsprozesses vorgelagert wird. Häufig wird Innovationsmanagement als Teilbereich des gesamten unternehmerischen Systems gesehen. Selten aber wird das „Innovationsmanagement“ als integrativer Bestandteil eines jeden unternehmerischen Prozesses gesehen, der durch Wissenstransfer und Kommunikation der Mitarbeiter lebensfähig gemacht wird.
The negative impacts of childhood maltreatment are vast and span multiple domains. Recently, studies have examined the characteristics of maltreated children who exhibit a lack of negative outcomes; in other words, children who displayed resilience. Though resilience has become a more prevalent topic, the perspectives of practitioners working with children following maltreatment have been inadequately represented. The purpose of the current study was to explore the perspectives of practitioners working with maltreated children to better understand the factors that promote and inhibit resilience. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were completed with practitioners who provide services to maltreated children (N=27). After audio-recording and professional transcription, the research team engaged in a process of thematic coding and analysis, with collaborative theme development. Study codes yielded two primary themes relating to factors that inhibit or promote resilience among maltreated children. Internal factors referred to characteristics of the individual child that could influence their likelihood of displaying resilience. External factors referred to context and circumstances outside of the child that can impact the development and display of resilience. Practitioners understood resilience as the interaction of internal and external factors which influence the degree to which children display resilience following maltreatment. The findings help to incorporate practitioner perspectives into current conceptualizations of resilience. This study carries implications for increased reliance on translational research in the resilience field, reflecting the perspectives and needs of direct service providers. Further, the results help us to better understand how practitioner perspectives shape the interventions they deliver to build resilience capacity.
“Resilience after trauma is one of the most compelling phenomena in contemporary traumatic stress research” (Nugent et al., European Journal of Psychotraumatology 5, 2014), para. 1). Indeed, resilience is compelling. The health practitioner may view patient or client resilience as unexpected strength amid inner turmoil or environmental chaos. The health researcher or academic may observe resilience as one’s ability to survive amid the negative forces related to physiological, cognitive, or emotional trauma. Regardless of perspective, resilience is appreciated by most as something positive, some phenomena that offers the ability to bounce back during hard times (Tugade and Fredrickson, Journal of Personality & Social Psychology 86:320–333, 2004). To understand the value of resilience to health and well-being, especially as it relates to trauma, we must understand it at the basic level. Accordingly, the purpose of this chapter is to provide a foundational understanding of these constructs: resilience and trauma. They are used frequently in varying roles – independent and outcome variables – in disaster research. Trauma-focused research with resilience outcomes is gaining ground in health literature. Therefore, we find it necessary and compelling to provide conceptual clarity to these constructs, distinctly and connectedly. Later, this chapter provides a brief overview of these constructs through the lens of behavioral health.
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Para afrontar las problemáticas de salud pública, se parte de la visión de que se deben reorganizar todos los recursos disponibles en el contexto y reconstruir el sistema. Y una vez superada la adversidad, se habrá alcanzado niveles superiores en el desarrollo comunitario. A partir de la interacción con un «otro significativo» y desde la interrelación sistémica de cada uno de los niveles (individual, grupal, comunitario) se pueden alcanzar estos logros, al combinar estas acciones con la fuerza mancomunada que emana de lo multidisciplinar y lo intersectorial, al actuar desde la prevención y promoción de salud, a partir de la educación asumiendo una postura histórica-cultural, ética y comprometida con el mejoramiento humano y el bienestar psicosocial. Las autoras de estas páginas han sido testigos de cómo se ha ido fortaleciendo el Programa Universitario de Atención Primaria de Salud y cómo ha ido contribuyendo a los procesos de resiliencia, tanto de la comunidad educativa que lo ejecuta, como del contexto en donde se realiza la intervención.
Introduction: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are common in the USA and associated with multiple health sequelae. Physical intimate partner violence (IPV) is a type of revictimization that some adults with ACEs may be more prone to. Positive and supportive childhood environments may buffer the effects of ACEs, but little is known about the differential associations between physical IPV and ACEs and supportive childhood environments. We sought to illustrate racial/ethnic and gender differences in the adjusted predicted probability of physical IPV across multiple ACE and supportive childhood scores. Methods: We used multivariate linear regression to model the predicted probability of experiencing physical IPV across ACE (physical, psychological, sexual, household environment, mother's abuse) and supportive childhood scores in a national sample (National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions-III, 2012-2013, n = 35,614). Data analyses were conducted in 2019. Results: American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) women demonstrated the highest proportion of experiencing physical IPV (21%). AI/AN men had the highest mean physical ACE score (1.6/4), while AI/AN women had the highest mean scores for all other ACE typologies. ACE scores were positively associated with predicted physical IPV among women, and among AI/AN women in particular. Supportive childhood scores were negatively associated with predicted physical IPV primarily among women. Conclusion: Physical IPV and ACEs are exceedingly high among AI/AN women. A better understanding of differential associations between childhood experiences and IPV is needed to more effectively tailor childhood and family-based health promotion strategies among multiple diverse communities.
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