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Increased blubber cortisol in ice-entrapped beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas)

  • Adenauerio

Abstract and Figures

Entrapments of whales in sea ice occur occasionally in the Arctic and often last several weeks or months, resulting in emaciation or death of whales. These events provide a unique opportunity for investigating the physiological response to a prolonged or chronic stress in an otherwise healthy population of marine mammals. By measuring cortisol in blubber, a peripheral tissue, we expect to see a reflection of long-term or chronic stress rather than short-term or acute stress. Adipose tissue should be less subject to rapid changes compared to blood cortisol, reflecting stressors experienced over a longer period of time, and should not be affected by potential stress associated with sampling. We measured blubber cortisol of 29 beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) entrapped in November 2006 in Husky Lakes basin and 26 whales from the same population (Eastern Beaufort Sea) during regular seasonal harvests in July of 2006 and 2007. Mean cortisol concentrations (±SEM) were seven times higher in blubber from entrapped whales (1.76 ± 0.32 ng/g wet weight) compared to whales from regular seasonal harvests (0.26 ± 0.042 ng/g wet weight) and appeared to increase with whale age. Our results provide a measure of blubber cortisol from a prolonged stress and demonstrate blubber cortisol as a useful indicator of longer-term exposure to stress in beluga whales.
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Increased blubber cortisol in ice-entrapped beluga whales
(Delphinapterus leucas)
Marci R. Trana
James D. Roth
Gregg T. Tomy
W. Gary Anderson
Steven H. Ferguson
Received: 7 April 2015 / Revised: 18 December 2015 / Accepted: 20 December 2015
ÓSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Abstract Entrapments of whales in sea ice occur occa-
sionally in the Arctic and often last several weeks or
months, resulting in emaciation or death of whales. These
events provide a unique opportunity for investigating the
physiological response to a prolonged or chronic stress in
an otherwise healthy population of marine mammals. By
measuring cortisol in blubber, a peripheral tissue, we
expect to see a reflection of long-term or chronic stress
rather than short-term or acute stress. Adipose tissue should
be less subject to rapid changes compared to blood cortisol,
reflecting stressors experienced over a longer period of
time, and should not be affected by potential stress asso-
ciated with sampling. We measured blubber cortisol of 29
beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) entrapped in
November 2006 in Husky Lakes basin and 26 whales from
the same population (Eastern Beaufort Sea) during regular
seasonal harvests in July of 2006 and 2007. Mean cortisol
concentrations (±SEM) were seven times higher in blubber
from entrapped whales (1.76 ±0.32 ng/g wet weight)
compared to whales from regular seasonal harvests
(0.26 ±0.042 ng/g wet weight) and appeared to increase
with whale age. Our results provide a measure of blubber
cortisol from a prolonged stress and demonstrate blubber
cortisol as a useful indicator of longer-term exposure to
stress in beluga whales.
Keywords Delphinapterus leucas Glucocorticoid
Steroid hormones Stress
In the Arctic, seasonal fluctuations in sea ice create a
dynamic landscape where conditions change daily, espe-
cially during spring and fall when freeze-up and melt
occur. During the fall freeze-up, areas of open water close
gradually and occasionally quickly before freezing over
entirely and whales in these areas can become trapped,
unable to access open water (Weaver and Richard 1989;
Heide-Jørgensen et al. 2002; Laidre et al. 2012). Entrap-
ments are more likely in specific areas of the Arctic, such
as inlets, sounds, lakes and straits (Harwood 2007). These
areas are thought to attract whales because of abundant fish
and other prey (Weaver and Richard 1989). Entrapments
occur periodically and are considered a natural event
causing emaciation or death of arctic whales, particularly
monodontids (beluga and narwhal) (Weaver and Richard
1989; Heide-Jørgensen et al. 2002; Laidre et al. 2012).
Beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas), whose distribution
is limited to the Arctic and Subarctic, are particularly
susceptible to entrapment events because they live in close
&James D. Roth
Marci R. Trana
Gregg T. Tomy
W. Gary Anderson
Steven H. Ferguson
Department of Biological Sciences, 50 Sifton Road,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada
Department of Chemistry, 594 Parker Building, University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 501 University Crescent,
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N6, Canada
Polar Biol
DOI 10.1007/s00300-015-1881-y
association with sea ice, using it for shelter and refuge from
predators (Huntington 1999; Heide-Jørgensen et al. 2013).
During stressful events (e.g., entrapments), a complex
neuroendocrine system present in all vertebrates stimulates
the release of a series of hormones causing an increase in
glucocorticoid (GC) hormones such as cortisol from the
adrenal gland, the primary GC in marine mammals (Oki
and Atkinson 2004). The release of GC hormones into the
circulation following exposure to short-term stressors is
considered beneficial for organisms (i.e., acute stress)
¨stl and Palme 2002) and serves as a physiological
mechanism for mobilizing energy stores and triggering
behaviors that aid in escape or defense (Boonstra 2004).
However, if the stressor persists (i.e., chronic stress),
continued stimulus of the endocrine systems involved can
hinder vital functions, ultimately causing illness, decreased
reproduction and, in worst-case scenarios, death (Boonstra
et al. 1998; Boonstra 2005).
By measuring stress hormones in tissues that reflect
long-term exposure to stressors, it is possible to monitor
changes in the stress experienced by individuals over
prolonged time periods (Davenport et al. 2006; Bortolotti
et al. 2008; Saco et al. 2008; Okuliarova
´et al. 2010). In
pigs, plasma progesterone enters adipose tissue within
16–50 h following release (Hillbrand and Elsaesser 1983),
and other steroid hormones in vertebrates, like cortisol,
may also enter adipose tissue at a similar rate, where they
accumulate over a period of time (Mead 1963). In marine
mammals, collecting blood and saliva requires capture and
often reflects capture stress, while the collection of feces,
although noninvasive, is often difficult and samples can
become contaminated by seawater during collection
(Amaral 2010). Blubber can be collected non-lethally with
the use of remote biopsy and is unlikely to reflect imme-
diate stressors associated with collection (Kellar et al.
2006). Therefore, as with hair (Davenport et al. 2006;
Manenschijn et al. 2011) blubber may indicate whether
prolonged exposure to potential stressors is correlated with
increased blubber cortisol concentration. Factors such as
decreased food availability, social instability or other
environmental changes may be detectable in blubber cor-
tisol concentrations and provide an indication of overall
population health.
Entrapments generally occur over several weeks so we
can use samples collected from entrapped whales to show a
measure of prolonged stress. During entrapments, whales
experience separation from social groups and decreased
food availability, leading to emaciation. As the ice freezes
over, they become exposed to predation by humans and
polar bears until eventually access to the water surface for
breathing is reduced (Porsild 1918; Weaver and Richard
1989). Other than our previous methodological study
(Trana et al. 2015), only one measurement of cortisol from
cetacean blubber has been published, in which short-
beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, exhibited
increased measures of cortisol during beach strandings
(Kellar et al. 2015). Identifying additional measures of
prolonged stress provides support for the use of blubber as
a measure of chronic stress that we can use for comparison
when examining the health of the beluga whale populations
across their range. Therefore, we examined differences in
blubber cortisol between beluga whales trapped in the ice
during freeze-up and beluga whales harvested during
annual subsistence hunts. Subsistence hunt practices of
marine mammals are regulated by several management
plans and agreements for both population sustainability and
humane treatment (Marine Mammal Regulations, SOR/93-
56), so we assume regular beluga harvest events to be
short-term stressors compared to ice entrapment events.
Blubber samples obtained for our study are from different
seasons, but season has been found to have little effect on
blubber cortisol of other marine species (Kellar et al. 2015)
so we assumed no effect of season in our sample group. We
also examined age and sex influences on cortisol from
trapped whales.
Materials and methods
Study area
Husky Lakes, in the northern portion of Northwest Terri-
tories, Canada, are the inner most inlets extending off
Liverpool Bay into the Beaufort Sea (Fig. 1). Some beluga
Fig. 1 Location of the 2006 beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas)
entrapment, Eastern Beaufort Sea, Husky Lakes, Canada
Polar Biol
whales from the Eastern Beaufort Sea population enter
Liverpool Bay in late July or early August and may go
farther inland in some years, entering Husky Lakes (Hig-
don and Ferguson 2012). Beluga whales from this popu-
lation typically begin migrating west to the Bering Sea in
mid-August and early September, but occasionally whales
remain in various basins of Husky Lakes and become
trapped when their only exit to the Arctic Ocean freezes
over (Higdon and Ferguson 2012). In 2006, freeze-up in
Husky Lakes began in September, and 250 whales were
counted at the surface within the lakes during an aerial
survey on September 6th (Fisheries Joint Management
Commission 2008a). On November 14th, following seven
additional whale count surveys that documented the dete-
riorating condition of the whales, most of the original 250
whales were thought to have escaped, and management
actions were taken to cull the remaining 37 entrapped
whales, which were humanely harvested by the local
community between November 15 and 23. A survey the
following summer observed 8 additional whale carcasses
thought to be related to this event, but no samples were
collected (Fisheries Joint Management Commission
Sample collection
Blubber samples were collected from whales culled during
the 2006 entrapment event in Husky Lakes immediately
following the humane harvest. Samples were also collected
during the seasonal subsistence harvest from the same
population (Eastern Beaufort Sea) in July of 2006 and
2007. The location on the body where blubber subsamples
were taken was not recorded for any whales used in this
study. Inuit have hunted beluga whales for human and dog
food for over 500 years in the Mackenzie River estuary
(Harwood et al. 2002). Each summer, contemporary hun-
ters from coastal communities hunt from small (ca 5 m
long) aluminum boats and typically harpoon the whale
prior to killing it with a rifle shot to the head or neck (C222
calibers). Hunt duration, from time of pursuit to death, is
regulated and designed to be as quick and humane as
possible (typically 1–2 h). All samples provided by hunters
were frozen and archived at Fisheries and Oceans Canada,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, in -40 °C freezers. A tooth was
extracted from each whale for aging based on one growth
layer group of dentine deposited annually (Luque et al.
2007). Our 1 g subsamples spanned all blubber layers,
from skin to muscle, to avoid variation in cortisol associ-
ated with blubber depth, and we selected samples without
any visible discoloration, which reflects sample degrada-
tion (Trana et al. 2015). We removed outer edges of all
blubber subsections to avoid potential contamination and
freeze-dried samples to remove water.
We extracted cortisol from blubber samples using a
modified version of the Kellar et al. (2006) method for
extracting blubber progesterone and then measured cortisol
concentrations using radioimmunoassay (Trana et al.
2015). We vortexed the freeze-dried blubber samples with
a series of solvent rinses starting with ethanol then acetone
followed by acetonitrile and finally hexane; this removed
cortisol from the lipid rich matrix (see Trana et al. 2015 for
complete details). The extracted sample was dissolved in a
radioimmunoassay (RIA) buffer at 250 lL aliquots/sample.
RIA buffer was composed of 10 mL phosphate buffer
[71.6 g Na
O, 15.3 g NaH
in 1 L
milli-Q (ultrapure) water], 0.9 g NaCl, 0.5 g bovine serum
albumin and 90 mL milli-Q water. We then added titrated
cortisol (5000 disintegrations per minute) (PerkinElmer,
Waltham, Massachusetts, USA) and 1:3200 dilution of
cortisol antibody (Fitzgerald Industries, Acton, Mas-
sachusetts, product code 20-CR50) to the sample mixture.
According to the manufacturer, cross-reactivity of the
antibody used was 100 % for cortisol, 5.7 % for
11-deoxycortisol, 3.3 % for corticosterone, 36 % for
prednisolone and \0.7 % for cortisone. All assay compo-
nents were the same as those recently validated for mea-
surement of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites in
Richardson’s ground squirrels (Urocitellus richardsonii)
(Hare et al. 2014). After incubation, 100 lL of a charcoal–
dextran buffer solution (2.5 g charcoal, 0.25 g dextran in
50 mL RIA buffer) was added to the mixture. The super-
natant was decanted into scintillation vials mixed with
scintillation fluid (Ultima Gold, PerkinElmer, Waltham,
Massachusetts, USA) and counted for radioactivity for
5 min in a scintillation counter (Tri-Carb
3110TR, Perk-
inElmer Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts, USA). Each assay
contained a standard concentration curve measured in
triplicate of 10 concentrations ranging from 0.05 to
25 ng mL
. Each sample was run in duplicate (Trana
et al. 2015). Method validation steps included assessing
inter-assay variation (14 %, n=22), intra-assay variation
(6 %, n=20), parallelism (see Trana et al. 2015, Fig. 2),
extraction efficiency (77 ±4 %; mean ±SEM) and sam-
ple quenching (less than 1 %) (Trana et al. 2015).
Data analysis
Statistical analyses were performed in JMP
10 (SAS
Institute Inc. 2012). Cortisol concentrations were log-
transformed to improve normality. We tested for differ-
ences in cortisol concentrations between the July 2006 and
July 2007 harvest using a ttest. Because our July subsis-
tence harvest samples did not contain any known females,
we tested for sex differences in entrapped whale cortisol
concentrations using a ttest. We then examined the effect
of source (entrapment vs subsistence harvest) and age on
Polar Biol
cortisol concentrations in both entrapment and seasonal
harvests using a general linear model. All cortisol values
are reported as mean ±standard error (ng/g of wet weight)
unless otherwise specified.
We measured cortisol concentrations in 29 entrapped whales
(26 males and 3 females), 8 whales harvested in July 2006
(all unknown sex) and 18 whales harvested in July 2007 (12
males and 6 of unknown sex). Samples from the 2006 and
2007 subsistence harvests did not differ in cortisol concen-
tration (t
=-0.51, p=0.613), so these samples were
pooled for comparison with entrapped whales. Likewise,
cortisol concentrations did not differ between males
(1.68 ±0.33) and females (2.47 ±1.78) from the entrap-
ment (t
=0.39, p=0.697), but our sample size of
females was too low to make strong inferences about sex
differences. We found no interaction between whale age and
source (entrapment event or seasonal harvest; F
p=0.203), and the model with no interaction term was
highly significant (F
=13.13, p\0.0001, r
Cortisol concentrations in samples from the entrapment
event (1.76 ±0.32) were seven times higher than in samples
from the subsistence harvests (0.25 ±0.04; Fig. 2), and
cortisol appeared to increase with age of whales, but age was
nonsignificant (Fig. 3).
The elevated blubber cortisol concentrations from whales
that had been trapped in the ice for over 2 months support
the use of blubber cortisol as an indicator of long-term
stress. While the time difference of exposure to a stressor
between a seasonal harvest event (minutes to hours) and a
gradual enclosure of an ice entrapment event (in this case,
two months) is obvious, we do not know when either event
first initiates the stress response that leads to the release of
cortisol. However, starvation and decreased access to water
surface for breathing are certain to be a perceived threat to
any marine mammal and would fit the definition of a
prolonged (chronic) exposure to stress (Busch and Hay-
ward 2009). Short-term stressors, lasting minutes, are less
likely to become incorporated into peripheral tissues and
are more likely to be regulated prior to peripheral tissue
incorporation through negative feedback regulation. These
feedback loops are thought to help optimize the benefits of
low GC levels and prevent the damage caused by high GC
levels (Busch and Hayward 2009). Additionally, the high
capacity for GC storage in adipose tissue and the slow
Fig. 2 Blubber cortisol concentrations for beluga whales (Delphi-
napterus leucas) from the Husky Lake entrapment in November 2006
(n=29) and Beaufort Sea subsistence harvests in July 2006 (n=18)
and 2007 (n=8). Data were pooled across sexes. Horizontal box
lines are the lower quartile, median and upper quartile values.
Whisker lines indicate the range of concentrations. Ice-entrapped
whales had a sevenfold higher concentration of blubber cortisol than
seasonally harvested whales (F
=19.85, p\0.0001)
Fig. 3 Cortisol concentrations (log-transformed ng/g wet weight)
plotted against age in years obtained from a single tooth cementum or
dentine growth layer group in male (circle) and female (diamond)
beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from the Husky Lake
entrapment in November 2006 (n=29) and the Beaufort Sea
subsistence harvests in July 2006 (n=26). Cortisol appeared to
increase with age (b=0.0164), but age was nonsignificant
=4.02, p=0.052)
Polar Biol
breakdown or release of cortisol from adipose compared to
blood indicate a longer window of physiological time
unaffected by rapid fluctuations observed in blood (Des-
lypere et al. 1985; Mead et al. 1986; Szymczak et al. 1998;
Galic et al. 2010). The exact mechanism and metabolism of
GCs in adipose tissue are largely unknown. The observed
body condition difference between the hunted whales and
the trapped whales indicates the added stress of starvation.
Cortisol is intended to modulate glucose levels and meta-
bolism so cortisol found in the blubber of entrapped whales
is likely a result of several systems all related to physio-
logical stress (e.g., nutritional stress, potential stress from
social changes and lowered access/competition for
breathing). Starvation is a physiologically stressful event so
body condition has been correlated with increased cortisol
(Macbeth et al. 2012).
The cortisol concentrations we measured in beluga
whale blubber are lower than concentrations obtained from
other cetaceans. Kellar et al. (2015) reported mean values
of 3.99 and 24.3 ng/g in blubber from bycatch and stranded
dolphins, respectively (a sixfold difference between
groups), and although our values were much lower in both
subsistence harvest and entrapped beluga whales (0.25 and
1.79 ng/g, respectively), the difference between groups
was similar (a sevenfold increase in entrapped whales).
Beluga whales have an extremely thick blubber layer that
plays an important role in thermoregulation. When mobi-
lizing energy stores from fat for migration, beluga use fat
surrounding their organs first, to maintain their thick
blubber layer (Brodie 1975; Luque and Ferguson 2009;
Hauser et al. 2014). This difference between monodontids
and other whales may play a role in the lower mean con-
centrations of cortisol in the blubber of beluga whales.
Indeed sampling within the blubber layer can vary in cor-
tisol concentrations (Trana et al. 2015).
Although our control samples were collected at a dif-
ferent time of year than the entrapped samples (July vs
November, respectively), the sevenfold difference in cor-
tisol was much higher than the seasonal differences in
plasma cortisol concentration found in stress-induced har-
bor seals (Gardiner and Hall 1997), suggesting seasonality
alone did not account for these differences. Seasonal
changes in the energetic demands of the environment and
changes in reproductive activity could potentially influence
GC concentrations, which are typically highest during the
breeding season in vertebrates (Romero 2002). If short-
term changes in cortisol levels are less likely in blubber
than in blood, then blubber cortisol levels may not differ
seasonally. In fact, in the only published study examining
seasonality in blubber cortisol, cortisol extracted from
blubber of stranded short-beaked common dolphins did not
vary seasonally (Kellar et al. 2015). Yet plasma cortisol
concentrations vary seasonally in many mammals (Romero
2002; Reeder and Kramer 2005; Romero et al. 2008) and
are often exaggerated in species at higher and lower lati-
tudes (Reeder and Kramer 2005). Regardless, beluga whale
breeding likely occurs in late winter–early spring (Kelley
et al. 2014), outside both sampling time frames in the
present study, so any effect of breeding on our cortisol
results is unlikely. Lastly, blood perfusion rates and
metabolism could differ seasonally due to water tempera-
ture differences (Irving and Hart 1957), but we would
expect this difference to decrease the difference in cortisol
between the two groups rather than inflate the difference.
Water temperature was not measured during the collection
of our samples so we were unable to test for these effects.
Our results suggest a possible relationship between
cortisol and beluga whale age. Cortisol can change with
age because of changes in metabolism, reproductive
activity and senescence and can be significantly elevated in
older individuals when faced with a stressor because
feedback mechanisms do not function as well in older
individuals (Sapolsky et al. 1984). Although the interaction
between age and source (harvest, entrapment) was not
significant, the data appear to suggest that while entrapped
blubber cortisol concentrations may have increased with
age, the relationship was less evident in whales from the
subsistence harvest. Age effects can be exaggerated in
some species during stressful events due to a breakdown in
the hippocampus in older individuals (Sapolsky et al.
1984), but a larger sample size may be needed to determine
whether this age effect occurs in beluga whales only during
extremely stressful events like entrapments. In addition, the
reproductive status of females may affect cortisol concen-
trations in some species, but our sample included only
three known females and differences were not detected
between sexes.
For the 2006 Husky Lake entrapment event, we know
freeze-up began in September and whales harvested in
November appeared by visual observation to be in poor
condition, but no measures of body condition were taken
(Fisheries Joint Management Commission 2008b; Kocho-
Schellenberg 2010; Higdon and Ferguson 2012). As it is
difficult to identify when whales physiologically perceived
the event as a stressor, instigating the initial release of
cortisol, monitoring whale dive (ability to take normal
breaths) and forging behavior in addition to collecting
blubber biopsy samples throughout an entrapment event
would provide an estimate for duration of stress. Beluga
whales are thought to enter the Husky Lakes to feed, so
prey may have been available during the entrapment event
(Harwood 2007). This information would be valuable as a
tool for estimating the effect of stress on individuals that
escape entrapments and would also provide a measure of
time from initial release of cortisol to when it is reflected in
the blubber.
Polar Biol
No published data of cortisol incorporation in blubber
exist due in part to the difficult nature of monitoring these
measures in a laboratory setting. Natural entrapments may
provide a situation where cortisol incorporation into adi-
pose tissue could be collected by biopsy dart over the
weeks and months of entrapment. These measures would
show how cortisol incorporates into the blubber over time.
Our cortisol measurements from this event provide a ref-
erence for measuring increased stress in other marine
mammal populations and suggest this method could be
used to measure and compare stress among healthy and
threatened marine mammal populations.
Acknowledgments We thank the faculty, staff and students of
Biological Sciences at University of Manitoba and Fisheries and
Oceans Canada for their assistance in method optimization and
sample acquisition, including: Randi Anderson, Blair Dunn, Olwyn
Friesen, Janet Genz, Ryan McDonald, Lisa Peters, Kerri Pleskach,
Bruno Rosenberg. We would like to thank the laboratory technicians,
Tera Edkins, Maureen Hanzel, Amanda Hoedl and Karlyn McFadyen,
who assisted in processing samples. Our appreciation extends to the
Inuvialuit communities, Fisheries Joint Management Commission,
and Fisheries and Oceans Canada who were responsible for collecting
the samples. Finally, we thank the agencies that provided funding for
this research, including the Molson Foundation, ArcticNet, University
of Manitoba, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and The Natural Science
and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
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Polar Biol
... Therefore, blubber cortisol concentrations may be useful as a method of monitoring chronically elevated levels of cortisol in beluga whales (Trana et al. 2015, 2016. Blubber cortisol concentrations vary with season, size, sex, and age (Kershaw & Hall 2016, Trana et al. 2016, which can make comparisons challenging. However, comparing cortisol concentrations among different populations or groups rather than standalone measurements of single populations may still serve as a way to assess relative population health (Trana et al. 2016, Watt et al. 2021b. ...
... Blubber cortisol concentrations vary with season, size, sex, and age (Kershaw & Hall 2016, Trana et al. 2016, which can make comparisons challenging. However, comparing cortisol concentrations among different populations or groups rather than standalone measurements of single populations may still serve as a way to assess relative population health (Trana et al. 2016, Watt et al. 2021b. ...
... CS whales had slightly elevated blubber cortisol concentrations while the other populations did not differ, suggesting CS beluga whales may be experiencing marginally higher prolonged elevation in circulating levels of cortisol relative to the other 3 populations studied. The cortisol concentrations measured here were comparable to reported concentrations of blubber cortisol in beluga whales and other whales (Trana et al. 2016, Mingramm et al. 2020, Watt et al. 2021b, though lower than concentrations reported in some other cetaceans (e.g. Kellar et al. 2015, Kershaw et al. 2017). ...
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Changing conditions in the Arctic have had severe consequences for many marine mammals. In this study, we examined blubber cortisol using radioimmunoassay in 4 Canadian beluga whale Dephinapterus leucas populations. The endangered Cumberland Sound population had higher cortisol levels (mean ± SE: 0.65 ± 0.11 ng g ⁻¹ ) than populations not at risk: Eastern Beaufort Sea (0.31 ± 0.03 ng g ⁻¹ ; p < 0.001), Eastern High Arctic-Baffin Bay (0.32 ± 0.09 ng g ⁻¹ ; p = 0.004), and Western Hudson Bay (0.44 ± 0.04 ng g ⁻¹ ; p = 0.004). To evaluate if measured cortisol differences were due to differences in diet, we compared stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen (δ ¹³ C and δ ¹⁵ N) and dietary fatty acids among populations. Beluga whales from Eastern Beaufort Sea had lower δ ¹³ C (p ≤ 0.017) and higher δ ¹⁵ N (p < 0.001) values than other measured populations, while Western Hudson Bay beluga dietary fatty acid profiles differed from other measured populations (p < 0.001). Population and sex were significant predictors of blubber cortisol (p ≤ 0.017). Females exhibited higher cortisol than males. Despite diet differences among populations, neither stable isotopes nor fatty acids were significant predictors of cortisol, suggesting differences in cortisol levels were unrelated to diet. Other factors, such as increased risk of predation, hunting pressure, vessel traffic, or differences in baseline blubber cortisol concentrations may be contributing to elevated cortisol levels in Cumberland Sound beluga whales. Measuring blubber cortisol in combination with chemical indicators of diet provides a useful method for monitoring population health and can be used to inform management and conservation.
... The low cortisol values measured in the present study could be related to biological factors or to measurement error. Namely, the 60% extraction efficiency could explain low cortisol values, but this extraction efficiency is within the range of values regularly published (e.g., 30% from beluga blubber, Loseto et al. 2017; 63% from harbor seal blubber, Kershaw and Hall 2016; 77% from beluga blubber, Trana et al. 2016; 73% from humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae blubber, Beaulieu-McCoy et al. 2017). Alternately, low cortisol measurements could suggest that there is little cortisol to be measured in blubber relative to other tissues. ...
... As such, low levels of stress during challenging conditions could be an evolved trait of ringed seals and other animals in highly variable environments, allowing them to remain sensitive and responsive to additional stressors, such as predation (Champagne et al. 2015). Similarly, low cortisol measurements have been observed in other Arctic marine mammals (Macbeth et al. 2012;Trana et al. 2016;Watt et al. 2016), lending support to this idea. Increases in measured cortisol over time are a noteworthy trend given that the climate will likely continue to warm (IPCC 2014). ...
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Climate change in the Arctic has widespread and complex effects on the health of animals and their populations. We used radioimmunoassay to measure blubber cortisol in ringed seals (Pusa hispida) sampled) to examine chronic stress relative to biology (age, sex, length), body condition (blubber depth), and diet (δ 13 C, δ 15 N, and isotopic niche size). Ulukhaktok ringed seals had higher cortisol concentrations overall (0.46 ± 0.04 ng/g) than Arviat ringed seals (0.36 ± 0.03 ng/g), and these higher concentrations were associated with higher muscle δ 15 N and lower blubber thickness. In contrast, blubber cortisol concentrations for Arviat ringed seals decreased with blubber depth and increased with age, though testing of age effects individually suggests that age-related patterns are weak. Annual mean cortisol concentration increased from 2003 to 2012 in Arviat ringed seals, but low sample sizes precluded analysis of annual patterns for Ulukhaktok ringed seals. The trend of increased cortisol over time in Arviat ringed seals suggests that they might be experiencing greater chronic stress over time, which could have implications for numerous population health metrics including reproduction and pup recruitment.
... Blubber steroid hormone analysis in large whales has primarily been conducted in individuals that were stranded, by-caught, or killed by ship strikes or native hunts (Mansour et al., 2002;Kellar et al., 2006Kellar et al., , 2013Kellar et al., , 2015Trego et al., 2013;Trana et al., 2016;Dalle Luche et al., 2019). Hormone data from these individuals are valuable but characterized by random availability, potentially compromised health status, and possibly skewed glucocorticosteroid levels due to stress experienced during stranding, capture, or death (Atkinson et al., 2015;Kellar et al., 2015;Trana et al., 2016). ...
... Blubber steroid hormone analysis in large whales has primarily been conducted in individuals that were stranded, by-caught, or killed by ship strikes or native hunts (Mansour et al., 2002;Kellar et al., 2006Kellar et al., , 2013Kellar et al., , 2015Trego et al., 2013;Trana et al., 2016;Dalle Luche et al., 2019). Hormone data from these individuals are valuable but characterized by random availability, potentially compromised health status, and possibly skewed glucocorticosteroid levels due to stress experienced during stranding, capture, or death (Atkinson et al., 2015;Kellar et al., 2015;Trana et al., 2016). More recently, hormone values along with demographic trends have been collected from biopsy blubber samples from free-ranging whales (Teerlink et al., 2018;Cates et al., 2019;Goertz et al., 2019;Mingramm et al., 2019). ...
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Information on stress, reproductive fitness, and health is difficult to obtain in wild cetaceans but critical for conservation and management. The goal of this study was to develop a methodology requiring minimal blubber mass for analysis of reproductive and stress steroid hormones and, hence, suitable for cetacean biopsies. Blubber biopsies and samples were collected from free-ranging and stranded gray and fin whales. Steroid hormones were extracted from blubber samples as small as 50 mg using liquid-liquid extraction methodology developed to handle the high fat content of blubber. Samples were analyzed via liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry for 10 hormones: aldosterone, androstenedione, cortisol, cortisone, corticosterone, 17β-estradiol, estrone, 17α-hydroxyprogesterone, progesterone, and testosterone. As part of the optimization, homogenization via bead beating and blade dispersion were compared, and the former found superior. To investigate optimal yet minimal tissue mass required, hormone panels were compared among paired 50, 150, and 400 mg samples, the latter two being commonly reported masses for hormone blubber analysis. Results indicated that 50 mg of blubber was suitable and sometimes superior. Additionally, significant differences in precision values were observed between species, possibly stemming from differences in blubber composition, and relevant to homogenization technique selection and calibration methods that use blubber matrix matches obtained from a species other than the study species. Based on recovery and precision values, our methodology was accurate and precise in the measurement of spiked known quantities for all 10 hormones, confirming the methodology capabilities in 50 mg blubber mass in both species. Altogether, and in our specific sample sets, all endogenous hormones, except corticosterone, were identified above the detection limit in 50 mg gray whale blubber samples while all endogenous hormones, except aldosterone, cortisone, estrone, and progesterone, were detected in 50 mg fin whale blubber samples. We present a robust methodology for the analysis of multiple reproductive and stress steroid hormones in minimal masses of cetacean blubber compatible with small biopsies. Finally, we identified statistically significant differences in corticosteroid concentrations between stranded and free ranging animals.
... At present, tissue biopsy is being applied to cetacean research, allowing for the simultaneous collection of all skin samples from the epidermis to the blubber. The collection of multiple tissues increases the potential number of analyses that can be performed, such as genetics on the epidermis (possibly including dermis) (Dalebout et al., 1998), endocrinology, and toxicology on blubber (Mansour et al., 2002;Trana et al., 2015Trana et al., , 2016Yordy, Mollenhauer et al., 2010, and consequently expands the range of information that can be obtained from an individual. Biopsy samples from free-ranging cetaceans have been obtained using crossbows (Lambertsen, 1987;Weinrich et al., 1992) or rifles (Barrett-Lennard et al., 1996) with a biopsy tip. ...
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Biopsy has recently become a preferred protocol for sampling the skin and blubber of many cetacean species, although it is desirable to collect as minimally invasive as possible. Here, the effect of biopsy sampling on the captive common bottlenose dolphins was evaluated by analyzing the process of wound healing and changes in hematological and blood biochemical parameters after biopsy using a puncher developed to collect up to the inner layer of the dolphin blubber. Results showed that the wounds caused by biopsy were closed in as early as 1 day and completely covered with the epidermis within 5–11 days. Blood fibrinogen, which generally increases due to a wound‐induced inflammatory response or activation of the coagulation system, was significantly elevated after the biopsy indicating ongoing tissue repair, while other parameters did not exhibit significant differences. Furthermore, histological observation and RNA extraction of samples were performed to investigate the versatility of this method to cetacean research. Histological examination revealed three distinct layers of the blubber in the biopsy samples. Moreover, total RNA extracted from biopsy samples exhibited sufficient quality and quantity for gene expression analyses. Overall, the puncher utilized in our study represents a valuable and minimally invasive tool for investigating various aspects of small cetacean studies.
... Ice entrapments are a potential cause of mortality for species such as white whales [355] and narwhals [356] or migratory species that are unfamiliar with Arctic sea ice patterns, such as killer whales [357,358]. Rain-on-snow events, including ice tidal surges and winter precipitation, and severe storms can result in unreliable breathing holes due to rapid ice formation preventing breathing access [352,359] as well unfavourable conditions to construct birth lairs [360]. ...
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The impacts of climate change on the health of marine mammals are increasingly being recognised. Given the rapid rate of environmental change in the Arctic, the potential ramifications on the health of marine mammals in this region are a particular concern. There are eleven endemic Arctic marine mammal species (AMMs) comprising three cetaceans, seven pinnipeds, and the polar bear (Ursus maritimus). All of these species are dependent on sea ice for survival, particularly those requiring ice for breeding. As air and water temperatures increase, additional species previously non-resident in Arctic waters are extending their ranges northward, leading to greater species overlaps and a concomitant increased risk of disease transmission. In this study, we review the literature documenting disease presence in Arctic marine mammals to understand the current causes of morbidity and mortality in these species and forecast future disease issues. Our review highlights potential pathogen occurrence in a changing Arctic environment, discussing surveillance methods for 35 specific pathogens, identifying risk factors associated with these diseases, as well as making recommendations for future monitoring for emerging pathogens. Several of the pathogens discussed have the potential to cause unusual mortality events in AMMs. Brucella, morbillivirus, influenza A virus, and Toxoplasma gondii are all of concern, particularly with the relative naivety of the immune systems of endemic Arctic species. There is a clear need for increased surveillance to understand baseline disease levels and address the gravity of the predicted impacts of climate change on marine mammal species.
... These stressors include pollution, ocean noise, declining prey stocks, and interactions with vessels and fisheries (17)(18)(19)(20). There is evidence of individual stress responses to these extrinsic stressors (21)(22)(23) and that the characteristics of these stress responses vary with life-history stage (24)(25)(26). Underlying these responses are changes in HPA axis responsiveness. ...
Intrinsic stressors associated with life-history stages may alter the responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and responses to extrinsic stressors. We administered adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) to 24 free-ranging adult female northern elephant seals (NES) at two life-history stages: early and late in their molting period and measured a suite of endocrine, immune and metabolite responses. Our objective was to evaluate the impact of extended, high-energy fasting on adrenal responsiveness. Animals were blood sampled every 30 min for 120 min post-ACTH injection, then blood sampled 24 hrs later. In response to ACTH injection, cortisol levels increased 8-10-fold and remained highly elevated compared to baseline at 24 hr. Aldosterone levels increased 6-9-fold before returning to baseline at 24 hr. The magnitude of cortisol and aldosterone release were strongly associated, and both were greater after extended fasting. We observed an inverse relationship between fat mass and the magnitude of cortisol and aldosterone responses, suggesting that body reserves influenced adrenal responsiveness. Sustained elevation in cortisol was associated with alterations in thyroid hormones; both tT3 and tT4 concentrations were suppressed at 24 hr, while rT3 increased. Immune cytokine IL-1β was also suppressed after 24 hrs. of cortisol elevation, and numerous acute and sustained impacts on substrate metabolism were evident. Our data suggest that female NES are more sensitive to stress after the molt fast and that acute stress events can have important impacts on metabolism and immune function. These findings highlight the importance of considering life-history context when assessing the impacts of anthropogenic stressors on wildlife.
... Previous studies on cetacean cortisol levels have used serval different sample sources, which include blood (e.g., in T. truncatus [13,42] and D. leucas [43]), feces (e.g., in bottlenose dolphins [13,42] and right whales, Eubalaena glacialis [44]), blow (e.g., in D. leucas [45]), saliva (e.g., in bottlenose dolphins [18]), skin (e.g., in harbor porpoises, Phocoena phocoena [46], and bottlenose dolphins [41]) and blubber (e.g., in short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis [39], narwhals, Monodon monoceros [47], and beluga whales [43,48]). The concentration of cortisol in blood samples has been suggested to reflect the acute stress level [13,42,43], while skin, blubber and baleen have been suggested to reflect the cortisol status over multiple weeks and years [12,39,41,49]. ...
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As people’s focus broadens from animals on farms to zoos and aquaria, the field of welfare science and the public’s concern for animal welfare continue to grow. In captive animals, stress and its causes are topics of interest in welfare issues, and the identification of an objective method that can be used to assess animals’ stress as a physiological state is essential. Both behavioral and physiological parameters can be used as indicators in order to assess animal stress quantitatively. To validate this approach, acoustic activity and the sloughed scrape skin cortisol concentration were used to evaluate the animal welfare of captive beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas). The acoustic activity (5 min at 10:00 am) of three captive D. leucas was routinely recorded by a transducer and analyzed using audio editing software. The calls were separated into three main categories: whistles, pulses, and combo calls. The sloughed scrape skin samples were collected non-invasively once a week from all three animals’ fluke and/or flipper. Cortisol was extracted using a modified skin steroid extraction technique, and detected via commercially available enzyme immunoassays. The results showed that the cortisol concentration increased by varying levels when the whales encountered the same event. In addition, the number and distribution of the calls changed along with the events. This indicated that the changes in the cortisol concentration and acoustic behavior may have reflected the fluctuations in the environment and body condition. Therefore, the scrape cortisol measurement and acoustic recordings could be used to monitor stress levels in captive beluga whales. We recommend that aquaria consider incorporating skin scrape cortisol and acoustic activity monitoring into their standards for animal welfare.
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Society is showing a growing concern about the welfare of cetaceans in captivity as well as cetaceans in the wild threatened by anthropogenic disturbances. The study of the physiological stress response is increasingly being used to address cetacean conservation and welfare issues. Within it, a newly described technique of extracting cortisol from epidermal desquamation may serve as a non-invasive, more integrated measure of a cetacean’s stress response and welfare. However, confounding factors are common when measuring glucocorticoid hormones. In this study, we validated a steroid hormone extraction protocol and the use of a commercial enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test to measure cortisol concentrations in common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) epidermal samples. Moreover, we examined the effect of sample mass and body location on cortisol concentrations. Validation tests (i.e., assay specificity, accuracy, precision, and sensitivity) suggested that the method was suitable for the quantification of cortisol concentrations. Cortisol was extracted from small samples (0.01 g), but the amount of cortisol detected and the variability between duplicate extractions increased as the sample mass decreased. In common bottlenose dolphins, epidermal skin cortisol concentrations did not vary significantly across body locations while there was a significant effect of the individual. Overall, we present a contribution towards advancing and standardizing epidermis hormone assessments in cetaceans.
Cortisol is secreted from the adrenal cortex in response to stress, and its circulating levels are used as robust physiological indicators of stress intensity in various animals. Cortisol is also produced locally in adipose tissue by the conversion of steroid hormones such as cortisone, which is related to fat accumulation. Circulating cortisol levels, probably induced by cold stress, increase in cetaceans under cold conditions. However, whether cortisol production in subcutaneous adipose tissue is enhanced when fat accumulation is renewed during the cold season remains unclear. Therefore, in this study, we examine the effect of environmental temperature on the expression of cortisol synthesis-related enzymes and a glucocorticoid receptor in the subcutaneous fat (blubber) and explore the association between these expressions and fluctuations in circulating cortisol levels in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Skin biopsies were obtained seasonally from eight female dolphins, and seasonal differences in the expression of target genes in the blubber were analyzed. Blood samples were collected throughout the year, and cortisol levels were measured. We found that the expressions of cytochrome P450 family 21 subfamily A member 2 (CYP21A2) and nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 1 (NR3C1), a glucocorticoid receptor, were increased in the cold season, and 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (HSD11B1) showed a similar trend. Blood cortisol levels increased when the water temperature decreased. These results suggest that the conversion of 17-hydroxyprogesterone to cortisol via 11-deoxycortisol and/or of cortisone to cortisol is enhanced under cold conditions, and the physiological effects of cortisol in subcutaneous adipose tissue may contribute to on-site lipid accumulation and increase the circulating cortisol concentrations. The results obtained in this study highlight the role of cortisol in the regulation of the blubber that has developed to adapt to aquatic life. (*Link to free download for 50 days:
The impacts of environmental changes and anthropogenic threats in marine mammals are a growing concern for their conservation. In recent years, efforts have been directed to understand how marine mammals cope with stressors and to assess and validate stress biomarkers, mainly levels of glucocorticoid hormones (e.g. cortisol) in certain body tissues. The aims of this study were to assess the impact of different causes of stranding (chronically affected and bycaught striped dolphins) on cortisol concentrations in serum and in blubber; and to evaluate the association between cortisol levels in these tissues. Blubber and blood samples were collected from striped dolphins (n = 42) stranded on the Mediterranean coast between 2012 and 2018. Cortisol concentrations were measured by using enzyme immunoassay. A high correlation was found between circulating and blubber cortisol concentrations (R2 = 0.85, p < 0.01). Necropsies and pathological studies concluded that a third of the dolphins were bycaught in fishing nets and released by fishermen (Bycaught animals group), while the other two thirds were euthanized, or died, due to a disease or chronic condition (e.g. calves separated from the mother or animals infected with dolphin morbillivirus or Brucella ceti) that impeded survival (Chronically affected animals group). Cortisol concentrations (mean ± SD) were six times higher in chronically affected animals (35.3 ± 23 ng cortisol/g blubber and 6.63 ± 3.22 μg cortisol/dl serum) compared to those bycaught in fishing nets (6.2 ± 4.3 ng cortisol/g blubber and 1.15 ± 1.51 μg cortisol/dl serum). Results suggests that serum and blubber cortisol concentrations can contribute in inferring the overall health and welfare of free-ranging cetaceans. However, further research is required to understand better the kinetics of blubber cortisol incorporation and removal, the factors involved in these processes, and the local conversion of cortisol in the blubber.
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We validated a radioimmunoassay-based method quantifying fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGMs) from captive male and female Richardson’s ground squirrels Urocitellus richardsonii. Blood samples were drawn to explore the correlation between plasma cortisol and FGM concentrations. We also injected groups of squirrels with normal saline (CTL; control), adre-nocorticotropic hormone (ACTH; stimulating adrenal activity), or dexamethasone (DEX; suppressing adrenal activity). Potential correlations between stress and behaviour were explored through quantification of fecal pellet production and the intervention necessary to elicit defecation, as well as the behaviour of subjects in the context of handling. Changes in plasma cortisol concentration between capture (baseline), and following handling (stress-induced) were also quantified for free-living squirrels. While glucocorticoid concentrations recovered from feces during our captive-animal study were not well correlated with plasma cortisol concentrations, and uncorrelated with defecation or behaviour, FGM concentrations did reflect the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. FGM concentrations increased significantly during initial captivity, but declined to baseline level as individuals acclimated to the novel environment. Injection of subjects with ACTH increased FGMs above baseline, confirming activation of the HPA axis. Plasma cortisol concentrations increased significantly with induced stress, indicating that capture and handling activated the glucocorticoid stress response even among previously handled, free-living subjects. Our findings validate a non-invasive tool that will afford new insight into the physiological processes underlying social, reproductive and antipredator behaviour of Richardson’s ground squirrels.
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Three ice entrapments of Monodontids have been reported in the western North Atlantic since 1993. Hunters in Disko Bay, West Greenland, discovered one in March 1994 that included about 150 narwhals (Monodon monoceros). The entrapment occurred during a sudden cold period which caused ice to form rapidly. The trapped whales were subject to hunting, but about 50 of the killed whales could not be retrieved in the ice. The whales were trapped in a small opening in the ice and because of that they would probably have succumbed even if not discovered by hunters. Two entrapments involving white whales or belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) occurred in the eastern Canadian Arctic in May 1999; one in Lancaster Sound discovered by polar bear (Ursus maritimus) researchers and one in Jones Sound discovered by hunters. The first included one bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) and about 40 belugas that were being preyed upon by polar bears. The second involved at least 170 belugas, of which about 100 were killed by polar bears and 17 were taken by hunters. The entrapments in Disko Bay and Jones Sound both occurred in areas where entrapments have previously been reported, whereas the one in Lancaster Sound was in a new area.
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When paired with dart biopsying, quantifying cortisol in blubber tissue may provide an index of relative stress levels (i.e., activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis) in free-ranging cetacean populations while minimizing the effects of the act of sampling. To validate this approach, cortisol was extracted from blubber samples collected from beach-stranded and bycaught short-beaked common dolphins using a modified blubber steroid isolation technique and measured via commercially available enzyme immunoassays. The measurements exhibited appropriate quality characteristics when analyzed via a bootstraped stepwise parallelism analysis (observed/expected = 1.03, 95%CI: 99.6 - 1.08) and showed no evidence of matrix interference with increasing sample size across typical biopsy tissue masses (75-150mg; r2 = 0.012, p = 0.78, slope = 0.022ngcortisol deviation/ultissue extract added). The relationships between blubber cortisol and eight potential cofactors namely, 1) fatality type (e.g., stranded or bycaught), 2) specimen condition (state of decomposition), 3) total body length, 4) sex, 5) sexual maturity state, 6) pregnancy status, 7) lactation state, and 8) adrenal mass, were assessed using a Bayesian generalized linear model averaging technique. Fatality type was the only factor correlated with blubber cortisol, and the magnitude of the effect size was substantial: beach-stranded individuals had on average 6.1-fold higher cortisol levels than those of bycaught individuals. Because of the difference in conditions surrounding these two fatality types, we interpret this relationship as evidence that blubber cortisol is indicative of stress response. We found no evidence of seasonal variation or a relationship between cortisol and the remaining cofactors.
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Narwhal and beluga whales are important species to Arctic ecosystems, including subsistence hunting by Inuit, and little is understood about their mating ecology. Reproductive tract metrics vary across species in relation to mating strategy, and have been used to infer mating ecology. Reproductive tracts from beluga and narwhal were collected between 1997 and 2008 from five beluga stocks and two narwhal stocks across the Canadian Arctic. Tract length for males and females, relative testes mass for males, and tusk length for male narwhal were measured. We assessed variation relative to species, body size, stock, maturity, and season. Significant variation was found in testes mass across month and stock for beluga, and no significant difference between stock or date of harvest for narwhal. Beluga had significantly larger testes relative to body size than narwhal, suggesting they were more promiscuous than narwhal. A significant relationship was found between narwhal tusk length and testes mass, indicating the tusk may be important in female mate choice. No significant differences were found between narwhal and beluga reproductive tract length for males or females. The mating systems suggested for narwhal and belugas by our results mean the two species may respond differently to climate change.
Standard metabolism is estimated for the fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus, from the energy yield of lipid stores consumed while in regions of limited prey availability. The metabolic rate appears better described by a surface rather than a volumetric rule. The larger body size of some Antarctic Balaenoptera compared with those of the Northern Hemisphere is attributed to selection for body proportions that reduce the specific metabolic rate and establish an optimal surface area for deposition of a lipid cache. Such proportions allow short-term forays into areas where prey is extremely dense but of restricted seasonal availability, and permit extended use of lipid stores during exclusion to warmer but less productive waters. Thus, adult body size within species is inversely correlated with the length of the feeding season and directly correlated with prey availability during that period. As differences in diversity of prey and/or their year-round availability become less marked between hemispheres, so do the body-size differences of the lesser rorquals. This is also applied to odontocetes. Thermal homeostasis is considered to be equally dependent upon morphology and behavior. Minimal densities of prey necessary for the maintenance of rorquals could be estimated from certain known parameters.
Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) has been used opportunistically in biological studies of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Alaska, but no previous research has documented this knowledge systematically. This first such effort, which took place in Norton Bay, Buckland, and Point Lay, Alaska, provided descriptions of migratory and local movements, feeding, calving, ecological interactions, and human influences on distribution and behavior. The results are consistent with those of previous studies but add considerable detail, including descriptions of avoidance and habituation responses to anthropogenic noise, which appear to depend in part on association with hunting activities. Making greater use of TEK will benefit both research and management by providing better information and by expanding the collaborative process developed through co-management.