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The power of crowds: Combining humans and machines can help tackle increasingly hard problems



Human computation, a term introduced by Luis von Ahn (1), refers to distributed systems that combine the strengths of humans and computers to accomplish tasks that neither can do alone (2). The seminal example is reCAPTCHA, a Web widget used by 100 million people a day when they transcribe distorted text into a box to prove they are human. This free cognitive labor provides users with access to Web content and keeps websites safe from spam attacks, while feeding into a massive, crowd-powered transcription engine that has digitized 13 million articles from The New York Times archives (3). But perhaps the best known example of human computation is Wikipedia. Despite initial concerns about accuracy (4), it has become the key resource for all kinds of basic information. Information science has begun to build on these early successes, demonstrating the potential to evolve human computation systems that can model and address wicked problems (those that defy traditional problem-solving methods) at the intersection of economic, environmental, and sociopolitical systems.
By Pietro Michelucci1 and Janis L.
Human computation, a term intro-
duced by Luis von Ahn (1), refers to
distributed systems that combine
the strengths of humans and com-
puters to accomplish tasks that nei-
ther can do alone (2). The seminal
example is reCAPTCHA, a Web
widget used by 100 million
people a day when they tran-
scribe distorted text into a box
to prove they are human. This
free cognitive labor provides
users with access to Web con-
tent and keeps websites safe
from spam attacks, while feed-
ing into a massive, crowd-pow-
ered transcription engine that
has digitized 13 million articles
from The New York Times ar-
chives (3). But perhaps the best
known example of human com-
putation is Wikipedia. Despite
initial concerns about accuracy
(4), it has become the key re-
source for all kinds of basic in-
formation. Information science
has begun to build on these
early successes, demonstrat-
ing the potential to evolve hu-
man computation systems that
can model and address wicked
problems (those that defy
traditional problem-solving
methods) at the intersection of
economic, environmental, and
sociopolitical systems.
Like reCAPTCHA, many hu-
man computation systems har-
ness the combined efforts of
individuals to integrate fast,
repetitive work into a single
answer. In doing so, they often
take advantage of human vi-
sual perception, which remains
unmatched by machines. Of-
ten, small tasks are distributed
to many individuals—a method
termed microtasking (see the
figure, panel A). In one exam-
ple, 165,000 citizen scientists
in 145 countries are using the
EyeWire platform to map the
three-dimensional structure of
retinal neurons. This mapping provides
the first glimpse of how the structure and
organization of neurons in a mammalian
retina function to detect motion (5). Visual
microtasking is also being used to speed up
medical analysis in projects such as Ma-
lariaSpot, in which 22 casual gamers count
parasites as accurately as a single trained
pathologist (6).
Microtasking is well suited to problems
that can be addressed by repeatedly apply-
ing the same simple process to each part
of a larger data set (see the figure, panel
A), such as stitching together photographs
contributed by residents to decide where
to drop water during a forest fire. Mi-
crotasking alone, however, is inadequate
for addressing wicked problems, such as
climate change, disease, and
geopolitical conflict, which
are dynamic, involve multiple,
interacting systems, and have
nonobvious secondary effects,
such as political exploitation
of a pandemic crisis. These
problems require world knowl-
edge, multistep reasoning, and
creative abstraction to illumi-
nate new mitigation strate-
gies. The human computation
ecosystems of the future (see
the figure, panel C) have huge
The power of crowds
Combining humans and machines can help tackle increasingly hard problems
Evolution of human computation
systems. (A) Crowdsourcing breaks
large tasks down into microtasks, which
can be things at which humans excel,
like classifying images. The microtasks
are delivered to a large crowd via a
user-friendly interface, and the data are
aggregated for further processing. (B)
Complex workflows funnel crowdworkers
into roles such that workers at each
step use and augment the information
provided by previous workers. (C) In
creating problem-solving ecosystems,
researchers are beginning to explore how
to combine the cognitive processing of
many human contributors with machine-
based computing to build faithful
models of the complex, interdependent
systems that underlie the world’s most
challenging problems. Prototypes
of these systems provide online
workspaces that allow participants
to engage in open-ended activities
where they contribute, combine, revise,
connect, evaluate, and integrate data
and concepts within a common analytic
framework and, in some cases, prescribe
or take actions in the real world. These
ecosystems hold promise for responding
more effectively to disasters as well as
chronic challenges like climate change
and geopolitical conflict.
Large task
Assign task / Collect results
New task
Problem-solving ecosystem
Shared workspace
Social systems
32 1 JANUARY 2016 • VOL 351 ISSUE 6268
Published by AAAS
1 JANUARY 2016 • VOL 351 ISSUE 6268 33
potential to help address wicked problems,
but are currently being explored in less
wicked contexts.
Prototypical examples include the Poly-
math Project (7), which helped prove an
80-year-old mathematical theorem, and
ePluribus Problem Solver (8), which pro-
duced a factually accurate and well-con-
structed journalistic article based on just
a handful of photographs distributed to
naïve public participants. In both
cases, diverse participants worked
in tandem to generate new insights
with real-time collective intelli-
gence, rather than first gathering
the human-based inputs and then
processing them afterwards. This
is made possible by enabling par-
ticipants to work independently, feeding
participants novel viewpoints from the
community, and allowing for multiple, vis-
ible solutions. In the case of the Polymath
Project, human contributors adhered to a
set of established ground rules, whereas
in ePluribus, a computer program and its
user interface enforced the ground rules.
Designing increasingly complex systems
also requires increased understanding of
the human-machine feedback loop. For ex-
ample, systems can be designed to enhance
individual contributions. This is the case
for CrowdCrit, which elicits professional-
quality critiques of graphics design from
the general public. It does this by build-
ing domain knowledge into the workflow,
so that nonexperts are guided to provide
expert-like feedback (9).
In CrowdCrit, a computer augments
human performance, but the reverse is
also possible: Human inputs can be used
to guide computers to be more effective,
as seen in interactive genetic algorithms,
which apply the process of natural selec-
tion to evolve new solutions. These al-
gorithms mutate, recombine, and prune
candidate solutions to ensure that each
successive generation of ideas improves
upon the previous one. However, imple-
menting such algorithms for real-world
applications often requires contextual
knowledge and cognitive capabilities that
elude machines. By having humans do
the steps that computers cannot do, such
as producing, combining, and evaluating
ideas, an interactive evolutionary algo-
rithm produced expert-quality solutions
for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill (10).
Until recently, systems that transcend
simple microtasking had to be created
from scratch due to a lack of supportive
infrastructure. Today, workflow tools have
emerged to accelerate development and
improve the reliability of human com-
putation systems. The TurKit toolkit, for
example, has enabled iterative task delega-
tion (see the figure, panel B) in the gen-
eralized crowdsourcing platform Amazon
Mechanical Turk, so that contributors can
build on each other’s work (11). Further-
more, QuikTurkit enables real-time crowd
responses by prefetching answers before
they are needed and queuing multiple jobs
at the same time (12). These architectural
building blocks simplify the development
of human computation ecosystems (see the
figure, panel C).
In the majority of human computation
systems, a small number of participants
do most of the work. Given this unusual
distribution of effort, we need to improve
our understanding of how to maximize re-
cruitment and retention of participants,
enhance skill development, and maximize
the total effort that participants contribute
to projects (13). It may be even more chal-
lenging to maximize the efficiency with
which human inputs, information sharing,
and machine-based processing work to-
gether. Machines tend to give predictable
outputs, such that errors can always be
traced to faulty code or design, but humans
are less predictable in terms of their avail-
ability and the quality of their work.
Human computation thus requires a de-
parture from traditional computer science
methods and can benefit from design ap-
proaches based on integrated understand-
ings of human cognition, motivation, error
rates, and decision theory. Research relat-
ing task performance to workflow design
and participant experience is sparse; new
A-B tests that examine how manipulat-
ing such factors can increase performance
would increase the predictability of future
Crowdsourcing arose with citizen sci-
ence as a form of volunteerism, but now
spans the gamut from work (paid mi-
crotasking) to play (games for good). As
more work is done in crowdsourcing en-
vironments, we need to consider what this
means for the labor force, unemployment
rates, and the economy. On the one hand,
crowdsourcing provides on-demand labor
for companies; however, it is currently out-
side the purview of labor laws. This must
be addressed so that crowdworkers are
protected from exploitation.
Some believe that faster computer pro-
cessing speeds will eventually bridge the
gap between machine-based intelligence
and human intelligence. However, human
computation already affords a tremen-
dous opportunity to combine the respec-
tive strengths of humans and machines
toward unprecedented capabilities in the
short term. It is important that
nefarious uses, such as disinforma-
tion engineering, in which human
computation systems are designed
to incite panic, steal information,
or manipulate behavior (14), are
not overlooked. Community-driven
guidance concerning transparency,
informed consent, and meaningful choice
is emerging to address the ethical and
social implications of increasingly perva-
sive and diverse forms of online partici-
pation (15). Ethical standards can help to
ensure that human computation remains
1. L. von Ahn, thesis, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA (2005).
2. A. J. Qu inn, B. B . Beders on, in Proceedings of the SIGCHI
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
(Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 2011;, pp.
3. L. vo n Ahn, B. M aurer, C. McM illen , D. Abraham , M. Blum ,
Science 321, 1465 (2008).
4. J. Gi les, Nature 438, 900 (2005).
5. J. S. K im et al., Nature 509, 331 (2014).
6. M . A. Lu engo -Oroz, A . Arran z, J. Frean , J. Med. Internet
Res. 14, e167 (2012).
7. T. Gowers, M. Nielsen, Nature 461, 879 (2009)
8. K. Greene, D. Thomsen, P. Michelucci, Secur. Inform. 1, 12
9. K. Luther et al., in Proceedings of the 18th ACM
Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative
Work; Social Computing (Association for Computing
Machinery, New York, 2015; http://doi.acm.
org/10.1145/2675133.2675283), CSCW ’15, pp.
473–48 5.
10. J. V. Nick erson, Y. Sakam oto, L. Yu, in CHI 2011 Workshop
on Crowdsourcing and Human Computation,
M. Bernstein et al., Eds. (Association for Computing
Machinery, New York, 2011), pp. 1-4.
11 . G. Litt le, L. B. Ch ilton , M. Gold man, R. C . Mille r,
in Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Workshop on
Human Computation (Association for Computing
Machinery, New York, 2009;
cfm?id=1600159), pp. 29–30.
12 . W. S. Laseck i, C. Hom an, J. P. Bigham, Hum. Comput.
10.15346/hc.v1i1.29 (2014).
13. D. Easley, A. Gh osh, in Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM
Conference on Economics and Computation (Association
for Computing Machinery, New York, 2015; http://doi., pp. 679–696.
14. D. W. McDonald et al., Interactions 21, 72 (2014).
1 5. A. Bowse r, A. Wigg ins, Hum. Comput. 2, 19 (2015).
We are gra teful to J. P. Bigham, R . J. Crouse r, J. Hendle r, A. Kittur,
W. Lasecki, and T. Malone for insightful comments, and to M.
Grady for help with the artwork.
“Human computation thus requires a
departure from traditional computer
science methods…
1Human Computation Institute, Fairfax, VA 22032, USA.
2Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
14850, USA. E-mail:
Published by AAAS
Quasi group role assignment (QGRA) presents a novel social computing model designed to address the burgeoning domain of self-service spatiotemporal crowdsourcing (SSC), specifically for tackling the photographing to make money problem (PMMP). Nevertheless, the application of QGRA in practical scenarios encounters a significant bottleneck. QGRA provides optimal assignment strategies under conditions where both the number of crowdsourced tasks and workers remain stable. However, real-world crowdsourcing applications may necessitate the phased integration of new tasks. With the rapid increase in the number of tasks, a set of residual tasks inevitably exists that are difficult to complete. To maximize the completion of crowdsourced tasks, workers may be assigned low-yield or even unprofitable tasks. Given the reluctance of crowdsourcing workers to be overstretched for these tasks, along with the inherent characteristics of self-service crowdsourcing tasks, this can lead to the failure of the assignment scheme. To tackle the identified challenges, this article proposes the QGRA with agent satisfaction (QGRAAS) method. Initially, it sheds light on a creative satisfaction filtering algorithm (SFA), which is engineered to perform optimal task assignments while actively optimizing the profitability of crowdsourcing workers. This approach ensures the satisfaction of workers, thereby fostering their loyalty to the platform. Concurrently, in response to the phased changes in the crowdsourcing environment, this article incorporates the concept of bonus incentives. This aids decision-makers in achieving a tradeoff between the operational costs and task completion rates. The robustness and practicality of the proposed solutions are confirmed through simulation experiments.
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This chapter outlines the evolution of collective intelligence, starting from its ancient roots and concluding with modern digital platforms. It discusses intelligence theories, project examples, and the impact of technology on collaborative efforts. Key focuses include the role of the internet and online communities in boosting our collective IQ, with a particular emphasis on Douglas Engelbart's contributions and the open-source movement, as exemplified by Linux's development. The chapter examines how digital transformation has facilitated new forms of community and knowledge sharing, significantly influencing fields such as management, decision-making, and organizational learning. Various scholars and their definitions of CI are discussed, including Pierre Lévy's vision of universally distributed intelligence and the concept of swarm intelligence in biological sciences. We then move on to practically implemented CI projects, exploring crowdsourcing as a manifestation of CI in business and social projects and examining possibilities of harnessing the wisdom of crowds for problem-solving and innovation. The chapter concludes with a presentation of the current state of collective intelligence academic research.
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Collective intelligence in our highly connected world is a topic of interdisciplinary interest. Previous research has demonstrated that social network structures can affect collective intelligence, but the potential network impact is unknown when the task environment is volatile (i.e., optimal behavioral options can change over time), a common situation in human evolutionary history. Here, we report a laboratory experiment in which a total of 250 participants performed a "restless" two-armed bandit task either alone, or collectively in a centralized or decentralized network. Although both network conditions outperformed the solo condition, no sizable performance difference was detected between the centralized and decentralized networks. To understand the absence of network effects, we analyzed participants' behavior parametrically using an individual choice model. We then conducted exhaustive agent-based simulations to examine how different choice strategies may underlie collective performance in centralized or decentralized networks under volatile or stationary task environments. We found that, compared to the stationary environment, the difference in network structure had a much weaker impact on collective performance under the volatile environment across broad parametric variations. These results suggest that structural impacts of networks on collective intelligence may be constrained by the degree of environmental volatility.
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Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag erörtert Spannungsfelder, die sich aus der fortwährenden digitalen Transformation der Gesellschaft und dem „ChatGPT-Schock“ derzeit neu formieren. Anhand des Beispiels der Erschließung handschriftlicher Dokumente werden diese Felder analysiert und es wird versucht, die verschiedenen sich ändernden Rollen und Verständnisse auszuloten. Dies umfasst die Anteilseigner aus Bibliothek als traditionellem Informationsdienstleister, Plattformbetreiber als Mediatoren, Wissenschaft wie auch Gesellschaft, wobei sich die Technik zunehmend vom passiven Werkzeug zum handelnden Akteur wandelt. Aus diesen Überlegungen heraus wird eine Zukunftsperspektive einer prozess-orientierten Wissensschaffung abgeleitet, zu der alle genannten Akteure als „Co-Produzenten“ beitragen.
Given the complex nature of cyber-physical-social systems (CPSSs), understanding their mechanism is essential for analyzing and controlling their actions while minimizing potential harm. However, studying CPSS in the real world is costly and constrained by legal and institutional factors. Computational experiments have emerged as a new method for quantitative analysis, and this article proposes a method of using computational experiments for analyzing CPSS, which consists of model docking, experiment design, and experiment analysis. The cloud manufacturing service ecosystem (CMSE) is used as a typical case study to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method by simulating different operation strategies. The results show that the computational experiments method is effective in providing new means and ideas for analyzing CPSS.
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Extreme weather events, such as windstorms, hurricanes, and heat waves, exert a significant impact on global natural catastrophes and pose substantial challenges for weather forecasting systems. To enhance the accuracy and preparedness for extreme weather events, this study explores the potential of using expert crowdsourcing in storm forecasting research through the application of stigmergic collaboration. We present the development and implementation of an expert Crowdsourcing for Semantic Annotation of Atmospheric Phenomena (eCSAAP) system, designed to leverage the collective knowledge and experience of meteorological experts. Through a participatory co-creation process, we iteratively developed a web-based annotation tool capable of capturing multi-faceted insights from weather data and generating visualizations for expert crowdsourcing campaigns. In this context, this article investigates the intrinsic coordination among experts engaged in crowdsourcing tasks focused on the semantic annotation of extreme weather events. The study brings insights about the behavior of expert crowds by considering the cognitive biases and highlighting the impact of existing annotations on the quality of data gathered from the crowd and the collective knowledge generated. The insights regarding the crowdsourcing dynamics, particularly stigmergy, offer a promising starting point for utilizing stigmergic collaboration as an effective coordination mechanism for weather experts in crowdsourcing platforms but also in other domains requiring expertise-driven collective intelligence.
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Objective: The aim of the study was to explore community interest in mental health topics during and before the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: We gathered and analysed a large dataset (over 3 billion) of views of 1763 English Wikipedia mental health articles, and their counterparts in nine other language versions of Wikipedia, between the period of January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2020. Results: The results of this study show that the patterns of Wikipedia searches during the pandemic changed. Interest in articles about insecurities and paraphilias increased. There were more searches for child abuse-related topics. Views for depression decreased. Discussion: We hypothesise that during the lockdown and enforced video communication, people’s concern about self�image and privacy arose, and the tendency to follow one’s desires online increased. There may be a possible interaction between media coverage and the novelty with the saturation of a given concept in the public discourse. The observations on the online interests of peers may become a sensitive predictor and early sign of arising new phenomena and increase of ongoing public health problems. The results of this study and future in�depth research may contribute to providing preventive programs including screening digital tools, and online apps for early intervention.
Misinformation detection (MID) has recently gained attention as a research question. We discover that many efforts have been made in response to the innovative research issues and MID research approaches as an empowering and developing rapidly research field. Misinformation typically spreads faster, profound, and wider in social networks. It is crucial to identify disinformation on social media since people are less able to distinguish between true information and false information due to an abundance of information and limited attention. Exploration of misinformation detection received little attention from the computational NLP research community. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture for detecting misinformation in Gujarati text. In the architecture, the significance of domain experts, crowd intelligence, and fact-checking website interaction has been depicted. Additionally, we define certain special Gujarati language traits for the early detection of counterfeit news. We have built a classifier incorporating domain experts to identify fake news and present outcomes for the automatic fake news detection and its class. We showed the findings of the experiments performed on the news article corpus that we built by fetching the articles from newspaper websites and applications. We found that stochastic Gradient Descent and NuSVC achieved the accuracy 88% using TFIDF and CV respectively, which is the highest among all models we experimented.KeywordsMisinformation DetectionFake News DetectionCrowd IntelligenceSocial Network Data AnalysisText Classification
Conference Paper
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Successful identification of blood vessel blockage is a crucial step for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis. These blocks can be identified from the spatial and time-depth variable Two-Photon Excitation Microscopy (TPEF) images of the brain blood vessels using machine learning methods. In this study, we propose several pre-processing schemes to improve the performance of these methods. Our method includes 3D-point cloud data extraction from image modality and their feature-space fusion to leverage complementary information inherent in different modalities. We also enforce the learned representation to be sequence-order invariant by utilizing bidirection dataflow. Experimental results on The Clog Loss dataset show that our proposed method consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art pre-processing methods in stalled and non-stalled vessel classification.
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Social computing technologies offer many broad societal level impacts such as more effective crisis response, individually tailored education, effective workforce retraining, participatory governance, citizen journalism, entertainment and leisure activity, and improvements in individual wellness and healthcare, to name a few. The key supporting social computing systems are those that effectively facilitate networks of users that can quickly spread information. These systems need to have relatively high connectivity. Most phishing scams are happy to spam email accounts and find individuals. Instead, the sucker network needs to be a well-connected network of people who are all equally gullible and influenceable. A third supporting technology is an information recasting tool. Information has many different properties that can be manipulated.
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Human computation allows computer systems to leverage human intelligence in computational processes. While it has primarily been used for tasks that are not time-sensitive, recent systems use crowdsourcing to get on-demand, real-time, and even interactive results. In this paper, we present techniques for building real-time crowdsourcing systems, and then discuss how and when to use them. Our goal is to provide system builders with the tools and insights they need to replicate the success of modern systems in order to further explore this new space.
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How does the mammalian retina detect motion? This classic problem in visual neuroscience has remained unsolved for 50 years. In search of clues, here we reconstruct Off-type starburst amacrine cells (SACs) and bipolar cells (BCs) in serial electron microscopic images with help from EyeWire, an online community of 'citizen neuroscientists'. On the basis of quantitative analyses of contact area and branch depth in the retina, we find evidence that one BC type prefers to wire with a SAC dendrite near the SAC soma, whereas another BC type prefers to wire far from the soma. The near type is known to lag the far type in time of visual response. A mathematical model shows how such 'space-time wiring specificity' could endow SAC dendrites with receptive fields that are oriented in space-time and therefore respond selectively to stimuli that move in the outward direction from the soma.
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We present the initial discoveries from an investigation of massively collaborative problem solving (MCPS) assembled from two independent projects attempting to foster large scale distributed collaboration to solve complex problems, including those relevant to local and national security. Two preliminary investigations for a DARPA Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program are discussed herein. Instead of a linear approach to problem solving, in which many people are asked to perform a similar task until consensus is reached, the described problem solving environments encourage deep reasoning to emerge by combining small contributions from many individuals to solve dynamic and previously unsolved problems. The environments encourage problem solvers to decompose a complex problem into parts so that it can be solved by a community with diverse skills and experiences. Social consensus then plays a role in crafting the aggregate solution. However, as the number of collaborators goes up, the number of disruptive attempts by malicious individuals to derail the solution may also increase. We discuss potential applications of MCPS for security and intelligence, and system security issues MCPS must address.
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There are 600,000 new malaria cases daily worldwide. The gold standard for estimating the parasite burden and the corresponding severity of the disease consists in manually counting the number of parasites in blood smears through a microscope, a process that can take more than 20 minutes of an expert microscopist's time. This research tests the feasibility of a crowdsourced approach to malaria image analysis. In particular, we investigated whether anonymous volunteers with no prior experience would be able to count malaria parasites in digitized images of thick blood smears by playing a Web-based game. The experimental system consisted of a Web-based game where online volunteers were tasked with detecting parasites in digitized blood sample images coupled with a decision algorithm that combined the analyses from several players to produce an improved collective detection outcome. Data were collected through the MalariaSpot website. Random images of thick blood films containing Plasmodium falciparum at medium to low parasitemias, acquired by conventional optical microscopy, were presented to players. In the game, players had to find and tag as many parasites as possible in 1 minute. In the event that players found all the parasites present in the image, they were presented with a new image. In order to combine the choices of different players into a single crowd decision, we implemented an image processing pipeline and a quorum algorithm that judged a parasite tagged when a group of players agreed on its position. Over 1 month, anonymous players from 95 countries played more than 12,000 games and generated a database of more than 270,000 clicks on the test images. Results revealed that combining 22 games from nonexpert players achieved a parasite counting accuracy higher than 99%. This performance could be obtained also by combining 13 games from players trained for 1 minute. Exhaustive computations measured the parasite counting accuracy for all players as a function of the number of games considered and the experience of the players. In addition, we propose a mathematical equation that accurately models the collective parasite counting performance. This research validates the online gaming approach for crowdsourced counting of malaria parasites in images of thick blood films. The findings support the conclusion that nonexperts are able to rapidly learn how to identify the typical features of malaria parasites in digitized thick blood samples and that combining the analyses of several users provides similar parasite counting accuracy rates as those of expert microscopists. This experiment illustrates the potential of the crowdsourced gaming approach for performing routine malaria parasite quantification, and more generally for solving biomedical image analysis problems, with future potential for telediagnosis related to global health challenges.
Conference Paper
Feedback is an important component of the design process, but gaining access to high-quality critique outside a classroom or firm is challenging. We present CrowdCrit, a web-based system that allows designers to receive design critiques from non-expert crowd workers. We evaluated CrowdCrit in three studies focusing on the designer's experience and benefits of the critiques. In the first study, we compared crowd and expert critiques and found evidence that aggregated crowd critique approaches expert critique. In a second study, we found that designers who got crowd feedback perceived that it improved their design process. The third study showed that designers were enthusiastic about crowd critiques and used them to change their designs. We conclude with implications for the design of crowd feedback services.
Conference Paper
Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is an increasingly popular web service for paying people small rewards to do human com- putation tasks. Current uses of MTurk typically post inde- pendent parallel tasks. This paper explores an alternative iterative paradigm, in which workers build on or evaluate each other's work. We describe TurKit, a new toolkit for deploying iterative tasks to MTurk, with a familiar impera- tive programming paradigm that effectively uses MTurk workers as subroutines, such as the comparison function of a sorting algorithm. The toolkit handles the latency of MTurk tasks (typically measured in minutes), supports pa- rallel tasks, and provides fault tolerance to avoid wasting money and time. We present a variety of iterative experi- ments using TurKit, including image description, copy edit- ing, handwriting recognition, and sorting.
Conference Paper
The rapid growth of human computation within research and industry has produced many novel ideas aimed at organizing web users to do great things. However, the growth is not adequately supported by a framework with which to understand each new system in the context of the old. We classify human computation systems to help identify parallels between different systems and reveal "holes" in the existing work as opportunities for new research. Since human computation is often confused with "crowdsourcing" and other terms, we explore the position of human computation with respect to these related topics.
The 'Polymath Project' proved that many minds can work together to solve difficult mathematical problems. Timothy Gowers and Michael Nielsen reflect on the lessons learned for open-source science.
CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) are widespread security measures on the World Wide Web that prevent automated programs from abusing online services. They do so by asking humans to perform a task that computers cannot yet perform, such as deciphering distorted characters. Our research explored whether such human effort can be channeled into a useful purpose: helping to digitize old printed material by asking users to decipher scanned words from books that computerized optical character recognition failed to recognize. We showed that this method can transcribe text with a word accuracy exceeding 99%, matching the guarantee of professional human transcribers. Our apparatus is deployed in more than 40,000 Web sites and has transcribed over 440 million words.