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A Generic Data Dispatcher For Corba-Based Applications



In this paper we present a generic data dispatcher which can distribute data without any requirements with regard to the data format. Two major topics to be considered are determination of the actual message type and dynamic creation of sub-sequences which can be sent to different servers. An example based on the CORBA framework was implemented to prove the concept.
Markus Aleksy, Ralf Gitzel, Martin Schader
Department of Information Systems
University of Mannheim
Schloß (L 5,6)
68131 Mannheim, Germany
In this paper we present a generic data dispatcher which can
distribute data without any requirements with regard to the
data format. Two major topics to be considered are deter-
mination of the actual message type and dynamic creation
of sub-sequences which can be sent to different servers. An
example based on the CORBA framework was imple-
mented to prove the concept.
Key Words
Data dispatching, dynamic type handling, CORBA
1. Motivation
The development of distributed applications suffers
from two major restrictions network bandwith and
computational capacity. The latter can be addressed
by a dispatcher which assigns the data packages to
different workers which in turn solve the sub-
problems assigned to them in parallel (Master-Slave-
Pattern [1], Object Group Services/Join-Services
Pattern [2], [3]). Within the CORBA context, these
workers are realised by servers.
A dispatcher can also be used to remedy band-
width shortage by allowing applications to make use
of the optimum package size. Small messages are
joined into a single one and are then separated to be
distributed to their respective recipients.
A dispatcher of a generic nature can thus be used
by a great number of applications.
Our example implementation is based on the
Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA) [4]. This standard’s popularity has steadily
increased ever since the release of specification 2.0,
not only due to its platform and language independ-
ence, but primarily because of its interoperable sys-
tem architecture. With its help, data exchange be-
tween implementations based on different vendors’
CORBA products is made possible.
Of further interest is the Interface Definition Lan-
guage (IDL) which is used in this paper to explain the
concepts employed in an easy and programming lan-
guage independent way.
2. Design goals
The following topics where our primary concern
during the development of the dispatcher:
Generality: The service was designed to allow a
wide spectrum of applications to utilise it. The
consequence is that the dispatcher has to support
different data types and dispatching strategies.
Strong Typing: Despite the generic nature of data
transmission, the programmer is still able to dis-
cern data types to avoid runtime errors.
Portability: the solution chosen is strictly con-
forming to the standard and thus not tied to a
specific ORB product or platform.
Before delving deeper into the functionality of the
dispatcher, possible designs for message formats shall
be introduced.
3. Data formats
To ensure the sensible distribution of data, it must be
provided in an array-like structure. The structure of
an array (i.e., a collection of elements) provides a
natural criterion for the division into pieces to be sent
to single servers. This is not necessarily the case with
other data structures or even primitive types. Differ-
ent strategies can be used to decide which servers will
handle which elements.
CORBA provides two array-like data structures:
plain arrays and sequences. Section 3.1 will address
the peculiarities of the latter. Afterwards, the use of
different data formats in a single CORBA method call
will be covered. There are two aspects to be consid-
ered. First, a method can be used for sequences of
different types. This addresses the basic dispatcher
case of sending a single type of data to different ma-
What is more, sequences can also be comprised of
different data types. This allows the dispatcher to
provide servers with different needs with data.
3.1. Transmission of arbitrary arrays and
sequences with a single type of elements
The CORBA standard encompasses the definition of
various primitive data types e.g. long or double,
composite data types such as enum and struct, the
template types sequence and string, object types
and value types.
The transfer of several elements of the same type
is handled by sequences or arrays. An array is defined
using a typedef, specifying a type and a name, and
providing the number of elements in brackets. Thus
an array can contain but one type.
Sequences are vectors of variable length which can
contain data of an arbitrary type. A sequence can
either be bounded, i.e., restricted with regard to
maximum size or unbounded. The latter are only
limited by memory vacancy.
Due to their greater flexibility, we will focus on
sequences in the following sections. Of course, the
same concepts also apply to arrays.
In order to allow different types of sequences or
arrays to be transmitted, the CORBA IDL type any is
used which is mapped to a wrapper class, Any, in
Java. An
variable is able to store any type of data
without loss of type information. The following code
sample illustrates this feature. As one can see, arrays
of ulong, sequences of long, and even matrices
(sequences of sequences) can all be handled by an
interface Server {
typedef unsigned long uLong[1000];
typedef sequence<long> longSeq;
typedef sequence<sequence<float> >
void dispatch(in any message);
Figure 1 illustrates this data format. The elements
(grey) are encapsulated in the sequence which in turn
is wrapped by the any.
However, this approach assumes that all servers to
be contacted will be able to handle the data type
transmitted. Servers which expect different data types
can be handled according to the technique discussed
in the next section.
Fig. 1: Data format for the transmission of
elements of the same type
3.2. Transmission of arbitrary arrays and
sequences with elements of arbitrary
In order to transfer subsequences of different types in
a single sequence special measures have to be taken.
In the simplest case it is sufficient to use a sequence
of any elements as illustrated in the following IDL
interface Server {
typedef sequence<any> anySeq;
void dispatch(in any message);
argument can contain an arbitrary
type. Therefore, the above-defined anySeq, a se-
quence which can hold elements of different types,
can be used. Passing a message of type
allows the inclusion of vastly different types of data
according to the needs of a specific server.
Should additional information on the elements be
required the above scheme can be modified to contain
. The changes can be seen in Fig. 2. In
addition to the data to be sent, the elements also con-
tain information on the dispatching strategy, server
references etc. The following IDL interface gives an
example for this advanced version. Notable changes
to the original version are the definition of the
sage struct consisting of data and dispatch in-
formation and the corresponding sequence mes-
sageSeq. The dispatch method uses the latter as
a parameter.
interface Server {
struct Message {
Object receiver;
string method;
any data;
typedef sequence<Message>
void dispatch(in messageSeq msg);
Fig 2: Data format for the transmission of
arbitrary data plus additional information
This way, different types of data can be dis-
patched, be it primitives, arrays, sequences, or com-
posite types.
4. Data distribution technique
Realising the dispatcher described above in a
CORBA environment requires the solution to two
major obstacles inherent to the problem. These are:
sequence recognition and
creation of sub-sequences based on a distribution
4.1. Sequence recognition
Despite CORBA’s strong typing, it is impossible for
the dispatcher to readily recognise all types it is re-
quired to handle because it is possible to define ali-
ases via typedefs. Consider the following example:
module typetest {
typedef sequence<long> longSeq;
struct stru {
double d;
unsigned long ul;
typedef sequence<stru> structSeq;
interface iface {
void op();
typedef sequence<iface> ifaceSeq;
interface Dispatcher {
void dispatch(in any message);
Without further analysis, it is impossible to discern
an alias such as longSeq, structSeq, or iface-
Seq as being a sequence, e.g., recognising longSeq
as a sequence of longs. Yet, since the dispatcher is
only able to handle the latter, it must somehow inter-
pret the alias to get to the actual type. The following
Java code snippet illustrates how that problem can be
TypeCode tc = message.type();
TCKind.tk_alias) {
tc = tc.content_type();
The basic idea behind this while loop is that we
look at the type of the message and if it is an alias we
re-establish the original type. The loop addresses the
fact that there might be aliases of aliases.
In the end, a sequence should be recognised
) or else an appropriate
error handling has to be started.
Now that the nature of the message has been as-
sured, sub-sequences can be generated.
4.2. Creation of sub-sequences
The creation of sub-sequences might seem trivial at
first, yet there are some technical aspects to take care
of. The sub-sequences are generated to be sent to the
various applications that should handle the original
messages. For efficiency reasons, messages to the
same destination are grouped, therefore new se-
quences arise instead of single messages.
Sub-sequence generation consists of the following
Preparation: the data has to be extracted from the
sequence to be analysed.
which contain
Distribution: the data has to be distributed into
sub-sequences according to a dispatcher strategy
(see section 4.3).
Sub-sequence generation: the new sequences
have to be generated.
The major problem is that we have a sequence of
elements of unknown types. Since the dispatcher is
generic in nature, few assumptions can be made about
Both preparation and generation make heavy use
of CORBA’s ability to dynamically use types which
have not been defined locally. The basic CORBA
interfaces to use in this case are DynAny, DynSe-
quence and DynAnyFactory. DynAny enables
the construction of an Any at runtime, without having
static knowledge of its type. Recall that
is a
wrapper class and therefore we need a way to access
its content. Normally, it would be accessed via type-
classes. However, since these are
statically generated by the IDL compiler they are not
necessarily available to the dispatcher. Any values
can be dynamically interpreted and constructed
through DynAny objects. A DynAny object is asso-
ciated with a data value, which corresponds to a copy
of the value inserted into an Any. The DynSe-
quence interface is derived from the DynAny inter-
face. DynSequence objects are associated with
The DynAnyFactory, introduced in specifica-
tion 2.4 [4], provides us with functionality which was
originally found in the ORB class in CORBA version
2.3 [5]:
create_dyn_any: This method creates a
new DynAny object from an Any value. A copy
of the TypeCode associated with the Any value
is assigned to the resulting
object. The
value associated with the DynAny object is a
copy of the value in the original Any.
Dynamic creation if an Any involves creating a
object using this method, passing the
TypeCode associated with the value to be cre-
Depending on the TypeCode, the created object
may be of type DynAny, or one of its subtypes, such
. Thus, the returned reference has
to be narrowed to one of the complex types, such as
DynSequence or DynArray, where appropriate.
A reference to the factory object is obtained by the
following piece of code:
ORB orb = ORB.init();
org.omg.CORBA.Object obj =
DynAnyFactory da_factory =
A DynSequence offers, amongst others, the fol-
lowing methods:
get_elements: This method returns the ele-
ments of the sequence as a sequence of Anys.
set_length: This method sets the length of
the sequence.
set_elements: This method sets the elements
of a sequence. The length of the DynSequence
is set to the number of elements in the array
passed to the method.
to_any: This method is inherited from Dy-
nAny. It creates an Any value from a DynAny
object. A copy of the TypeCode associated with
the DynAny object is assigned to the resulting
Any. The value associated with the DynAny ob-
ject is copied into the
Using these classes, the preparation step can be
handled in the following way:
DynAny da_in =
DynSequence ds_in =
Any[] as_in = ds_in.get_elements();
Any[] as_out =
new Any[number_of_data];
as_in contains all elements from the sequence re-
ceived, which have been extracted from the dynami-
cal sequence. as_out is used to temporarily store
the sub-sequence to be send next. The strategy by
which to decide on sub-division is explained in detail
in section 4.3.
After deciding which elements to include in a sub-
sequence, the actual data structure (in the form of a
of the proper type) has to be con-
structed using the data from the as_out array. The
code for this step has the following appearance:
DynAny da_out = da_factory.
DynSequence ds_out =
In our case, the tc-Argument is the type code
, since we want a
of exactly this type. After narrowing the object we
end up with the DynSequence that only has to be
set to the proper size (via
) and filled
with the data from as_out using set_elements.
Note that while we now have the data structure we
want to send to the applications, we still have to
change the type to make it compatible with our
method which requires an in parameter of type any.
The above steps result in the following code:
message = ds_out.to_any();
The code fragments are put into context in the exam-
ple implementation in appendix A.
4.3. Dispatcher strategies
As mentioned in section 4.2, the division into sub-
sequences is based on certain rules, which make up
the dispatcher strategy. The following, which are used
in our Object Group Service/Join Service (OGS/JS)
project [2],[3], are to be considered core strategies,
yet other rule sets may be implemented as well:
ANYTHING: The dispatcher sends the complete
elements to all workers.
: The elements are distributed to
the servers in a round-robin fashion, one element
at a time.
: With this strategy, the dispatcher
uses the value of data_length as the specifi-
cation of the number of data elements to be sent
to each worker. The amount of data specified in
data_length is assigned to each worker, e.g.,
if data_length=3, the first worker gets the
first three elements, the second worker gets the
next three elements, and so on, until no elements
are left. Should the number of elements to be
transmitted exceed the product of the number of
workers and data_length, the surplus ele-
ments are lost. In the opposite case, some work-
ers might receive no data at all.
strategy is used, the
will be evaluated to determine the individual
quantity of elements to be assigned to each spe-
cific worker. The sequence data_size consists
of an array of integers whose values reflect the
number of elements the corresponding worker
has to process. Thus, data_size[i] contains
the number of elements to be delivered to worker
i+1. It is permissible to have the value 0 con-
tained in the sequence, in which case the corre-
sponding worker does not get any data. Should
the actual number of elements to be distributed
be bigger than the sum of the integer values con-
tained in data_length, the additional ele-
ments are simply neglected. In the opposite case,
the specified quantities are being delivered as
long as there are elements left. If the dispatcher
runs out of data, dispatching is terminated, so
that some workers might possibly remain uncon-
Default: If the dispatcher is not able to recognise
the data format provided (i.e., if it is not a
CORBA sequence), it will use its default dis-
patching strategy which is equivalent to the
The following code snippet shows the IDL defini-
tion of the appropriate part of the message format
used in our OGS/JS project:
enum DataDispatchStrategy {
typedef sequence<unsigned long>
struct DataStructure {
DataDispatchStrategy dds;
sizeSeq data_size;
unsigned long data_length;
any data;
5. Conclusion
The solution presented here offers several interesting
advantages. It allows parallel data processing, regard-
less of programming language, operating system,
hardware and CORBA product utilised. Also is does
not matter whether the data format was defined at
development time or not.
However, it was impossible to achieve total port-
ability. The reason for this is inherent to the CORBA
standard itself. As mentioned before, the functionality
of the dynamic classes such as DynAny was found in
the ORB class in the case of Java
org.omg.CORBA.ORB – in version 2.3.
This, however, has changed in version 2.4 where
said functionality has found its way into its own
classes in the package org.omg.DynamicAny.
Porting our approach – or any other application –
from version 2.3 to 2.4 requires the mentioned
changes, even if the program is completely compliant
with the standard.
[1] F. Buschmann, R. Meunier, H. Rohnert, P. Sommerlad,
and M. Stal, A System of Patterns Pattern-Oriented Soft-
ware Architecture (John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1996)
[2] M. Aleksy, A. Korthaus, A CORBA-Based Object
Group Service and a Join Service Providing a Transparent
Solution for Parallel Programming, Proc. of the Interna-
tional Symposium Software Engineering for Parallel and
Distributed Systems, Limerick, Ireland, 2000, 123-134
[3] M. Aleksy, M. Schader, A Scalable Architecture for
Parallel CORBA-based Applications, Proc. of the 13
IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distrib-
uted Computing and Systems, Anaheim, USA, pp. 200-205
[4] OMG, CORBA/IIOP 2.4 Specification, OMG Technical
Document Number 00-10-01, 2000,
[5] OMG, CORBA/IIOP 2.3 Specification, OMG Technical
Document Number 99-10-07, 1999,
Markus Aleksy graduated in Management
Information Systems in 1998 at the University of
Mannheim, Germany. Currently he is a Ph.D. student
in the Department of Information Systems at the Uni-
versity of Mannheim. His research interests include
design, implementation, and evaluation of distributed
systems, especially CORBA.
Ralf Gitzel, is a Ph.D. student at the University
of Mannheim, Germany, where he graduated in Man-
agement Information Systems in 2000. His research
interests include distributed systems, code generation,
and information visualisation.
Prof. Dr. Martin Schader studied Business
Administration, Operations Research, and Computer
Science at the University of Karlsruhe. He holds a
doctorate degree from the University of Karlsruhe
and obtained his habilitation at University of Augs-
burg. Currently he is a professor of Management
Information Systems at the University of Mannheim.
Appendix A: Example Implementation
synchronized void distribute(Any message) {
try {
// get TypeCode
TypeCode tc = message.type();
// get real type
while(tc.kind() == TCKind.tk_alias) {
tc = tc.content_type();
// is it a sequence?
if(tc.kind() == TCKind.tk_sequence) {
// resolve data into a DynSequence
org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAny da_in = da_factory.create_dyn_any(message);
// cast to DynSequence
org.omg.DynamicAny.DynSequence ds_in =
// create Any-array to access the elements
Any[] as_in = ds_in.get_elements();
// create Any-array to save the new generated subsequences
Any[] as_out = new Any[number_of_data];
// copy the elements to subsequence
// e.g.: as_out[i] = as_in[j];
// create a new DynAny
org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAny da_out =
// cast to DynSequence
org.omg.DynamicAny.DynSequence ds_out =
// set number of elements in the subsequence
// set elements
message = ds_out.to_any();
// distribution of the subsequence
// e.g.: send(message);
catch(org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyPackage.InvalidValue ex) {
catch(org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyPackage.TypeMismatch ex) {
catch(org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyFactoryPackage.InconsistentTypeCode ex) {
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Conference Paper
Full-text available
The field of distributed parallel programming is predominated by tools such as the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) and the Message Passing Interface (MPI). On the other hand, mainly standards like the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), Remote Method Invocation (RMI), and the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) are used for distributed computing. In this paper, we examine the suitability of CORBA-based solutions for meeting application requirements in the field of parallel programming. We outline concepts defined within CORBA which are helpful for the development of parallel applications. Subsequently, we present our design of an object group service and a join service which facilitate the development of CORBA-based distributed and parallel software applications by transparently encapsulating typical forking and joining mechanisms often needed in that context
Full-text available
In this paper we present a scalable architecture for parallel CORBA-based systems. It extends CORBA's basic synchronous communication model and enables enhanced flexibility in programming applications where a client makes requests to a multitude of servers and expects one single result as a response. Individual requests may be distributed depending on system load and may involve several layers of distribution. The architecture we discuss was tested with a CORBA-based implementation. KEY WORDS: CORBA, group communication, load balancing 1.
A Scalable Architecture for Parallel CORBA-based Applications
  • M Aleksy
  • M Schader
M. Aleksy, M. Schader, A Scalable Architecture for Parallel CORBA-based Applications, Proc. of the 13 th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Anaheim, USA, pp. 200-205
3 Specification, OMG Technical Document Number 99-10-07
  • Corba Omg
OMG, CORBA/IIOP 2.3 Specification, OMG Technical Document Number 99-10-07, 1999, pub/docs/formal/99-10-07.pdf