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Abstract and Figures

This study investigates different UV doses (mJ/cm(2)) and the effect of dark incubation on the survival of the algae Tetraselmis suecica, to simulate ballast water treatment and subsequent transport. Samples were UV irradiated and analyzed by flow cytometry and standard culturing methods. Doses of ≥400mJ/cm(2) rendered inactivation after 1day as measured by all analytical methods, and are recommended for ballast water treatment if immediate impairment is required. Irradiation with lower UV doses (100-200mJ/cm(2)) gave considerable differences of inactivation between experiments and analytical methods. Nevertheless, inactivation increased with increasing doses and incubation time. We argue that UV doses ≥100mJ/cm(2) and ≤200mJ/cm(2) can be sufficient if the water is treated at intake and left in dark ballast tanks. The variable results demonstrate the challenge of giving unambiguous recommendations on duration of dark incubation needed for inactivation when algae are treated with low UV doses.
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Ultraviolet radiation as a ballast water treatment strategy: Inactivation of
phytoplankton measured with ow cytometry
Ranveig Ottoey Olsen
, Friederike Hoffmann
, Ole-Kristian Hess-Erga
, Aud Larsen
Gunnar Thuestad
, Ingunn Alne Hoell
Stord/Haugesund University College, Klingenbergvegen 8, 5414 Stord, Norway
University of Bergen, P.O. Box 7800, 5020 Bergen, Norway
Uni Research Environment, Thormoehlensgt. 49b, 5006 Bergen, Norway
Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Thormoehlensgt. 53 D, 5006 Bergen, Norway
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 27 August 2015
Received in revised form 8 December 2015
Accepted 10 December 2015
Available online xxxx
This study investigates different UV doses (mJ/cm
) and the effect of dark incubation on the survival of the algae
Tetraselmis suecica, to simulate ballast water treatment and subsequent transport.
Samples w ere UV irradiated and analyzed by ow cytometry and standard culturing methods. Doses of
400 mJ/cm
rendered inactivation after 1 day as measured by all analytical methods, and are recommended
for ballast water treatment if immedi ate impairm ent is required. Irradiation with lower UV doses (100
200 mJ/cm
) gave considerable differences of inactivation between experiments and analytical methods. Never-
theless, inactivation increased with increasing doses and incubation time. We argue that UV doses 100 mJ/cm
and 200 mJ/cm
can be sufcient if the water is treated at intake and left in dark ballast tanks. The variable re-
sults demonstrate the challenge of giving unambiguous recommendations on duration of dark incubation need-
ed for inactivation when algae are treated with low UV doses.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Tetraselmis suecica
Ultraviolet irradiation
Esterase substrate
Flow cytometry
Dark incubation
1. Introduction
Ships use water as bal last to ensure stability an d trim during the
voyage, and ambient water is pumped into ballast tanks in the hull of
the ships. It is traditionally discharged without any treatment and
represents a global vector for aquatic invasion. A multitude of organisms
like virus, bacteria, algae and zooplankton are carried around the world
in ship's ballast tanks (David et al., 2007; Drake et al., 2007; Hallegraeff
and Bolch, 199 1). Some organisms survive in ballast tanks and are
released into new environments. If nonindigenous species adapt and es-
tablish in a new environment, they might have an impact on the native
species and cause ecological change in the ocean (Gollasch et al., 2015;
Ruiz et al., 1997). It is of importance to minimize and prevent dispersal
of species by ballast water discharge to hinder potential harm to ecosys-
tems, the economy, or human health (Ruiz et al., 2000).
In 2004 the International Maritime Organization (IMO) established
standards for ballast water treatment through the International Con-
vention for the Control and Management of Ship's Ballast Water and
Sediments (International Maritime Organization, 2004). Regulation D-
2 of the Convention sets the standard regarding category and concen-
tration of organisms at discharge. The Convention will enter into force
12 months after being ratied by 30 States representing 35% of the mer-
chant shipping tonnage. In August 2015 44 States, representing 32.86%
of the world tonnage, have ratied the Convention. The upcoming
IMO regulations have led to development of various ballast water treat-
ment systems (BWTS) that facilitate disinfection of ballast water (David
and Gollasch, 2015; Delacroix et al., 2013; Lloyd's Register Marine's,
2015a, 2015b; Stehouwer et al., 2015; Werschkun et al., 2012, 2014).
All BWTS have to be approved by nationa l authorities according to
IMO regulations and/or the regulations of other national bodies (e.g.
U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)).
When selecting and installing a BWTS, the shipping companies have
to consider different technical and operational aspects (Lloyd's Register
Marine's, 2015a, 2015b). The BWTS use a range of different treatment
technologies, from processing the water with solid liquid separation
to chemical- (active substances) and/or physical disinfection (e.g. UV).
The main operational cost for UV based BWTS is related to power con-
sumption (Werschkun et al., 2014). Ship owners can reduce such
costs by lowering the UV intensity, providing that the ship's discharged
ballast water still complies to Regulation D-2 (International Maritime
Organization, 2008a). It is therefore of interest to determine the lowest
lethal UV dose and to estimate the time required for inactivation when
stored in ballast tanks after irradiation.
UV irradiation is performed either by low pressure (LP) or medium
pressure (MP) UV lamps (Oguma et al., 2002; Werschkun et al., 2012;
Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2015) xxxxxx
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (I.A. Hoell).
MPB-07359; No of Pages 6
0025-326X/© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
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Please cite this article as: Olsen, R.O., et al., Ultraviolet radiation as a ballast water treatment strategy: Inactivation of phytoplankton measured
with ow cytometry, Marine Pollution Bulletin (2015),
Zimmer and Slawson, 2002). LP lamps emit UV-C radiation, primarily
at 254 nm, which is most efciently absorbed by nucleic acids
and causes DNA damages (Sinha and Häder, 2002). UV induced DNA
damages can be reversed by DNA repair mechanisms, referred to as
photoreactivati on and dark repair (Sancar and Sancar, 1988; Sinha
and Häder, 2002). MP UV lamps emit radiation spanning the UV-A, -B
and -C bands causing additional damage to proteins and enzymes. For
instance, UV-B radiation can affect key components in photosynthesis
(Fiscus and Booker, 1995; Holz inger and Lütz, 2006; Kottuparambil
et al., 2012), causing energy deprivation in phytoplankton cells. Thus,
it has been argued that MP UV lamps can cause a higher degree of inac-
tivation compared to LP UV lamps (Kalisvaart, 2001; Oguma et al.,
UV irradiation can leave cells in different conditions (live, dead or
damaged), whereof the viability of damaged cells at discharge is uncer-
tain (Olsen et al., 2015). Damaged cells can be unculturable, though they
can be m etabolic active and may pose a health risk (Oliver, 2010).
Further, cellular DNA repair mechanisms can restore the genetic infor-
mation (Sancar and Sancar, 1988; Sinha and Häder, 2002; Zimmer and
Slawson, 2002) causing the cell to grow and replicate after discharge
(Liebich et al., 2012; Martínez et al., 2012, 2013). Additionally, the ter-
minology describing the organisms at discharge can be confusing or un-
clear. The IMO Convention refers to viable organisms (International
Maritime Organization, 2004), and the Guidelines for approval of ballast
water management systems (G8) dene viable organisms as organ-
isms and any life stages thereof that are living (International Maritime
Organization, 2008a). USCG also uses the term living (United States
Coast Guard, 2012).
Determining the condition of UV irradiated cells is a complex task.
On the other hand, cheap, fast and reliable methods to analyze ballast
water are necessary for approval of BWTS technologies and for compli-
ance testing of ballast water discharge (International Maritime
Organization, 2013). Testing for compliance can be performed in two
steps; an indicative and a detailed analyses. An indicative analysis is a
relatively simple and quick measurement that gives a rough estimate
of the number of viable organisms in the ballast water at discharge. Ex-
amples of indicative analysis methods are e.g. BallastCAM and various
uorescence or ATP detections (Drake et al., 2014; First and Drake,
2013, 2014; Gollasch and David, 2012, 2015; van Slooten et al., 2015).
If an indicative analysis shows compliance to Regulation D-2, there
is no need for a detailed analysis. Should the indicative analyses
be non-compliant, however, a detailed analysis must be undertaken
to give robust and direct measurements determinin g the concen-
tration of viable organism in ballast water discharge accord ing to
Regulation D-2. Quantication of live ba cteria traditionally relies on
cultivation me thods, which is time-consuming and may give false
negatives as several species are uncultivable although viable (Roszak
and Colwell, 1987; Staley and Konopka, 1985). Flow cytometry (FCM)
has been suggested as a promising method for detaile d an alysis
(Inte rnational Maritime Organization, 2013; Peperzak and Gollasch,
2013). FCM facilitates rapid detection, enumeration and characteriza-
tion of organisms in combination with uorescent dyes, and enables
to study populations and communities indirectly (Peperzak and
Brussaard, 2011; Shapiro, 2000).
Previously a FCM protocol was developed to distinguish between
live and dead Tetraselmis suecica cells (Olsen et al., 2015). For UV irradi-
ated samples the FCM protocol could not distinguish between live and
damaged cells, as the latt er contain both dying and repairable cells.
The current study uses the FCM protocol to elaborate on different UV
doses and the effec t of dark incubation on inactivation of the alga e
T. suecica, to simulate a ballast water treatment and subsequent trans-
port. Our specic objectives were to:
1) Determine the minimum UV dose that permanently inactivates the
2) Quantify effects of different UV doses on T. suecica.
3) Estimate the time of dark incubation required to permanently inac-
tivate the algae treated with UV doses lower than minimum perma-
nently inactivation dose.
4) Provide recommendations for ballast water management.
2. Material and methods
The phytoplankter specie T. suecica (Strain K-0297, Scandinavian
Culture Collection of Alga and Protozoa, University of Copenhagen,
Denmark) was selected as a test organism. It was cultured in 24 PPT
articial sea water (Marine SeaSalt, Tetra, Melle, Germany) added
0.12% Substral (The Scotts Company (Nordic) A/S, Naverland, Glostrup,
Denmark), at 15 °C, 100 rpm, 14:10 light:dark cycle and 90 lx light
intensity (Flora-Glo, T8, 20 W). The culture was diluted in growth medi-
um to a density of 10
live cells ml
prior to irradiation, monitored by
Irradiation was performed using a collimated beam MP UV lamp
(800 W) (BestUV, Hazerswoude, The Netherlands) (Olsen et al., 2015).
For each experiment three samples of 15 ml diluted T. suecica culture
were irradiated with the same UV dose in a petri dish (inner diameter
6 cm, culture depth 7 mm) while mixed with a 1 × 0.4 cm magnetic stir
bar at 200 rpm in room temperature (RT). The intensity (mW/cm
the UV lamp was xed and the exp osure times used were 155, 233,
311, 622 and 1244 s for UV doses 100, 150, 200, 400 and 800 mJ/cm
spectively. The irradiated sam ples were tr ansferred to sterile 50 ml
polypropylene tubes (Fisher Scientic), so was the control samples, in-
cluding 2 × 15 ml non-irradiated cells and 10 ml dead cells. The dead
cells were killed by xation with formaldehyde at 5% nal concentration
(36.538% formaldehyde, Sigma-Aldrich). All tubes were wrapped in
aluminum foil and incubated in the dark with loosened lids at 15 °C.
First, a pre-study over 5 days was performed to observe the inactiva-
tion effect of different UV doses and dark incubation, and to test wheth-
er this effect was in terpretable with FCM. This was followed by two
complete experiments, denoted as exp-I and exp-II, and an overview
oftheset-upfortheseexperimentsisgiveninFig. 1.
For FCM analysis, th e samples were stained with 5-ca rboxy uo-
rescein diacetate acetoxymethyl ester (CFDA-AM) and analyzed with
an Attune Acoustic Focusing Cytometer (Olsen et al., 2015). The samples
in the pre-study were analyzed at days 1, 3 and 5 after treatment . In
exp-I samples were analyzed at days 1, 3, 6, 9, 13 and 22, and in exp-II
samples were analyzed at days 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 and 22 aft er treatment
(Fig. 1). The samples in exp-I and -II were analyzed at different intervals
due to logistics. A previously dened gate (i.e. a collection of single cell
FCM-signals) in the FCM dot plots was used for analysis. The gate was
Fig. 1. Experimental set-up showed by a ow diagram. This set-up was followed in the
pre-study, exp-I and exp-II.
2 R.O. Olsen et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Olsen, R.O., et al., Ultraviolet radiation as a ballast water treatment strategy: Inactivation of phytoplankton measured
with ow cytometry, Marine Pollution Bulletin (2015),
dened based on plate count results from non-irradiated cells, and re-
gression analysis was used for validation of the gate (Olsen et al., 2015).
To determine the number of culturable cells, plate count analysis
was performed 1 day after UV treatment (Olsen et al., 2015 ). Also at
day 1, a most probable number (MPN) analysis was performed. The
samples were dil uted in growth medium (24 PPT ar ticial sea water
added 0.12% Substral) in 10-fold series up to 10
dilution to a total
volume of 1 ml pr. we ll in 48 well plates (Greiner Bio-One, Austria)
and incubated at 15 °C, 14:10 light:dark cycle and 90 lx light intensity.
Positive growth was determined by a change in color in to green as
detected by the eye, a nd scored against the MPN table for a three-
replicate design from FDA's Bacterial Analytical Manual (U. S. Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), 2010), which gives rough results in
When the numbers of live/damaged cell signals in FCM dot plots
were approximately 10% of the total number of cells, a regrowth check
was performed for verication. For exp-I this procedure was carried
out at day 22 for samples treated with 100200 mJ/cm
and at day 2
for samples treated with 400 and 800 mJ/cm
, and for exp-II at day 20
for samples treated with 100200 mJ/cm
and at day 3 for samples
treated with 400 and 800 mJ/cm
. 1 ml of the sample was added
to 9 ml growth medium in 50 ml Erlenmeyer asks. No visible change
to green color indicated that there were no reproductive cells in the
sample. The asks, trays and plates were incubated at 15 °C in the
dark for 3 weeks.
3. Results
FCM analysis in the pre-study showed that inactivation increased
with higher UV doses and during the dark incubation period (data not
shown). Based on these results, two complete experiments were carried
out (exp-I and -II), and these results are presented below.
UV irradiation with doses 400 mJ/cm
inactivated the algae perma-
nently as demonstrated by all analysis methods. FCM analyses (Fig. 2b, d)
Fig. 2. Line graphs showing % gated signals (=live and damaged cells) of the total number of cells (=live, damaged and dead cells) from exp-I (a, b) and exp-II (c,d).Errorbarsindicate1
standard deviation of 3 replicates.
3R.O. Olsen et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Olsen, R.O., et al., Ultraviolet radiation as a ballast water treatment strategy: Inactivation of phytoplankton measured
with ow cytometry, Marine Pollution Bulletin (2015),
of samples irradiated with 400 and 800 mJ/cm
displaye d b 4% and
0.1% live/damaged cell signals after 1 day, respectively. The numbers
of live and damaged cells remained at this level or were further reduced
during the incubation period. Plate count and MPN did not show any
growth at UV doses 400 mJ/cm
and neither did regrowth check per-
formed at days 2 and 3 for exp-I and exp-II, respectively.
As observed in the pre-study, FCM analysis of UV irradiated samples
showed a re lationship between in activation and UV doses. Th is was
examined at day 1, when an immediate effect of UV treatment was
observed, and again the number of live/damaged cells decreased with
higher UV doses. Table 1 shows a comparison of the results from FCM,
MPN and plate count from exp-I and -II. The co ntrol samples were
all in the same range, but MPN results showed N 11,000 cells ml
cating that the samples should have been diluted further. The results
for the UV irradiated samples, varied when using different analysis
methods. In exp-I there were good agreements between live/damaged
cell numbers obtained by FCM and MPN analysis, but the plate count
analysis resulted in considerably lower numbers at day 1. For exp-II ,
comparable results were obtained using plate count and MPN analysis
whereas the results using FCM gave considerable higher live/damaged
cell numbers.
For samples treated with UV doses 100, 150 and 200 mJ/cm
vation of cells was dependent on time of dark incubation as demonstrat-
ed by FCM (Fig. 2a, c ). Generally, the numbers of live/damaged cells
decreased during incubation, and were fewer in UV irradiated samples
than in the stained controls. In exp-I the percentage of live/damaged
cells in the UV irradiated samples ( Fig. 2a) decreased throughout the
incubation period and amounted to 3% at day 22. The samples treated
with 100 mJ/cm
behaved similar to the stained controls during incuba-
tion, but at day 22 the percentage of live/damaged cells was lower than
the stained controls also for samples treated with this UV dose. In exp-II
(Fig. 2c) inactivation increased during incubation, and b 3% live/
damaged cells were observed at days 22, 10 and 3 in the samples treated
with 100, 150 and 200 mJ/cm
, respectively. Regrow th check s per-
formed at days 22 and 20 for exp-I and exp-II, respectively, were nega-
tive for all UV irradiated samples and positive for the control samples
(data not shown).
Considerable variations were observed betwee n the results from
the two experiments when looking at a detailed level. Firstly, the per-
centage of live/damaged cells in the stained controls varied at day 1
(Fig. 2a, c), being 92% and 54% in exp-I and exp-II, respectively. Second-
ly, for the samples UV irradiated with 200 mJ/cm
, the inactivation rate
varied between the experiments (Fig. 2a, c) and the number of FCM live/
damaged cells uctuated (Table 1). T hirdly, some rep licates showed
large standard deviations; most evident in exp-I (Fig. 2a). Fourthly, at
the rst days after UV irra diati on, it was observed more cells in the
treated samples than in the controls (Table 1).
4. Discussion
The aim of this study was to evaluate inactivation by different UV
doses and dark incubation on the algae T. suecica, to give recommenda-
tions for ballast water management regarding treatment and transport.
UV doses 400 and 800 mJ/cm
rendered T. suecica cells unculturable
and without esterase activi ty 1 day after irradiation whereas doses
200 mJ/cm
did not necessarily inactivate the cells. This indicates
that the minim um UV dose that permanently inactivates this algal
specie is somewhere between 200 and 400 mJ/cm
which is similar to
the dose Ou et al. (2012) found to be lethal after UV-C radiating the
cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa (Ou et al., 2012). The samples
irradiated with UV doses 100, 150 and 200 mJ/cm
culturable and esterase active T. suecica cells 1 day a fter irradiation,
but the inactivation increased with higher UV doses. Our results are in
line with previous studies of freshwater green algae Chlorella ellipsoidea,
Chlorella vulgaris,andScenedesmus quadricanda, and the cyanobacteria
M. aeruginosa which showed li mited sensitivity to UV-C irradiation
with doses 200 mJ/cm
(Ou et al., 2012; Tao et al., 2010).
Comparing the different analysis methods at day 1 for the samples
UV irradiated with doses 200 mJ/cm
revealed that the numbers of
FCM gated cells were higher than the numbers of cfu detecte d by
plate count. Such discrepancy between plate count and FCM results
has also been observed in other studies of UV irradiated bacteria and
alga (Kramer and Muranyi, 2014; Olsen et al., 2015 ; Schenk et al.,
2011). UV induced DNA damage can block transcription and replication,
inhibiting growth and reproduction (Oguma et al., 2002; Sinha and
Häder, 2002). DNA damaged cells are not detected as live by growth as-
says, though they can express activity (Davey, 201 1; Hammes et al.,
2011; Villarino et al., 2003); explaining the contradicting results from
FCM and plate count analysis.
Plate count and MPN analysis are based on reproductive capacity
and one could expect these growth assays to give comparable results.
However, the results obta ined by the MPN were similar to th e plate
count results in exp-II and to FCM in exp-I. This illustrates the challenge
of getting reproducible results when analyzing UV irradiated organisms
with methods that analyze different cellular characteristics. Furt her,
growth assays may introduce errors as a majority of the microbes are
uncultivable (Roszak and Colwell, 1987; Staley and Konopka, 1985). In
addition, the MPN positive growth was determined by the eye, though
Table 1
FCM, plate count and MPN results from exp-I and exp-II. Results are all in cells ml
. When 0 cfu was detected by the plate count method, the values show b 10 as the results are obtained
by 100 µl being spread on the agar plates. The MPN values show b 3 when no visible green color was observed, according to the MPN table (U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
2010). n.d. = no data. 1 standard deviation (±) for FCM and plate counts, as well as 95% condence intervals for MPN, are in brackets.
Experiment Analysis Time (days) Control 100 m J/cm
150 m J/cm
200 mJ/cm
400 m J/cm
800 m J/cm
Exp-I FCM 1 8231 (1222) 13,902 (572) 10,003 (318) 8531 (1437) 488 (348) 3 (1)
3 5248 (183) 12,202 (1012) 8896 (2926) 6402 (3494) 55 (45) 2 (1)
6 4373 (1185) 12,221 (1601) 9453 (343) 5468 (1959) 16 (6) 2 (2)
9 8485 (2377) 12,218 (1549) 10,195 (1183) 4812 (1386) 12 (6) 1 (1)
13 8258 (714) 9949 (2110) 5533 (2666) 2239 (958) 5 (2) 2 (2)
22 4160 (968) 1354 (970) 512 (627) 304 (321) 8 (7) 5 (4)
MPN 1 N 11,000
b 3(09.5) b 3(09.5)
Rate count 1 8667 (577) 7467 (503) 8400 (1249) 5040 (170) b 10 b 10
Exp-II FCM 1 10,419 (883) 9016 (332) 3946 (1464) 973 (682) 169 (37) 21 (12)
3 9915 (198) 8429 (1518) 2893 (1203) 617 (382) 126 (23) 13 (2)
6 10,688 (954) 5320 (966) 1587 (607) 344 (197) 100 (40) 11 (6)
10 6366 (577) 2663 (363) 597 (275) 180 (45) 73 (11) 7 (1)
15 4327 (476) 1190 (167) 427 (74) 172 (53) 105 (22) 9 (3)
22 2441 (481) 642 (141) 406 (223) 214 (57) 111 (50) 11 (3)
MPN 1 n.d. 4600
b 3(09.5) b 3(09.5) b 3(09.5)
Rate count 1 10,187 (2510) 4107 (508) 950 (416) 48 (50) b 10 b 10
4 R.O. Olsen et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Olsen, R.O., et al., Ultraviolet radiation as a ballast water treatment strategy: Inactivation of phytoplankton measured
with ow cytometry, Marine Pollution Bulletin (2015),
uorometry determination would have been a more objective analysis
method and could potentially have given a slightly different outcome.
However, the MPN method was validated by another researcher and
by microscopy.
The FCM results showed that inactivation increased with the time of
dark incubation. Phytoplankton are photosynthetic organisms requiring
light as an energy source (McMinn and Martin, 2013) and dark incuba-
tion will naturally affect their viability over time (Gollasch and David,
2010), especially if the cells continue with unchanged activity causing
them to run out of energy (Jochem, 1999). Additionally, incubation in
darkness will limit photoreactivation ; the repair mechanism which
removes UV induced DNA lesions and reverses damages by using the
energy of light (Sinha and Häder, 2002), leaving the cells unrepaired
and dying. Other studies have reported limited or no photoreactivation
in UV irradiated Escherichia coli during incubation at darkness (Oguma
et al., 2001; Yin et al., 2015; Zimmer and Slawson, 2002). In agreement
with other studies the control samples contained reproducible cells
even after 3 weeks of dark incubation (Gollasch and David, 2010;
Olsen et al., 2015). T. suecica's ability to survive in darkness over time
implies it does not overrate effects of UV treatments and makes it an ap-
propriate indicator organism for ballast water monitoring.
Some of the variation on results between exp-I and -II, such as vari-
ation in the stained controls day 1, difference in inactivation rate when
irradiated with doses 200 mJ/cm
, large standard deviations and more
cells in treated samples than in untreated ones, indicates that the algal
culture used in exp-I contained a greater portion of fresh and healthy
cells than the culture used in exp-II. Natural sea water shows great var-
iability and contains a diverse community of algae species in different
cellular phases varying with time and space and may have different tol-
erance and response to the same UV doses applied (Rastogi et al., 2010;
Sinha et al., 1998; Xiong et al., 1997). Although not intentionally, our
study indeed demonstrated that the UV treatment/dark incubation re-
quired for inactivation is dependent on the status of the ballast water
inhabiting organisms. Therefore, our results imply that organisms in
ballast water treated with UV doses 100200 mJ/cm
are inactivated
when left in dark ballast tanks over a period of time. Our results also
demonstrate the challenge of giving recommendations regarding dura-
tion of dark incubation needed for inactivation when using lower UV
doses. It is, however, important to keep in mind that controllable exper-
iments in a laboratory differ from a ow-through chamber in a commer-
cial BWTS and that a B WTS comprise two or more treatment stages,
enhancing the inactivation efciency. Other factors can, however, also
inuence the inactivation efciency in a BWTS, like biotic and abiotic
particles in the sea water protecting the microbes during UV irradiation
(Hess-Erga et al., 2008; Tang et al., 2011) and a BWTS has to be optimal
under the prevailing circumstances whatever factors exist that may pre-
vent inactivation.
UV irradiation as a treatment technology has been criticized due to
the uncertainty regarding inactivation at discharge but is more environ-
mental friendly than chemical disinfection and creates no harmful by-
products (Jung et al., 2012). In addition, UV irradiation represents little
risk for the operators and less training is required to run the systems
(International Maritime Organization, 2008b).
This study was performed in a laboratory with cultures of T. suecica
and with the MP UV lamp as the sole treatment source. For future stud-
ies it would be of interest to do experiments with T. suecica in real BWTS
with MP UV technology. Such studies would improve our ability to give
recommendations regarding UV doses and duration of dark incubation
of T. suecica. To evaluate whether ou r FCM protocol is applic able to
other microbes, laboratory studies should be performed with natural
sea water irradiated with different UV doses. If analysis of natural sea
water is feasible with our FCM protocol, the experiment needs to be re-
peate d in a BWTS to evaluate inactivation in a system where it is
intended to be used. The microbial community in ballast water is very
diverse and organisms will vary with season, location and environmen-
tal conditions. The level of metabolic activity can vary between various
algae species, and the response to environmental changes and inactiva-
tion treatments can differ (Jochem, 1999, 2000; Olsen et al., 2015). Al-
though there are in dications that the majority of phytoplankton
species can be detected by the esterase substrates uorescein diacetate
(FDA) and 5-chloromethyluoorescein diacetate (CMFDA) (Peperzak
and Brussaard, 2011), we are therefore aware that uorescing signal
from esterase substrates can vary over a large range of intensities
(Dorsey et al., 1989). Our recommendation at this point is thus to
treat the ballast water with UV doses close to 400 mJ/cm
in order to
permanently inactivate the organisms. The variable results for UV
doses 100200 mJ/cm
demonstrate the challenge of giving unambigu-
ous recommendations on duration of dark incubation needed for
This research was founded by the Norwegian Research Council
(project BallastFlow, project no. 208 653) and Knutsen OAS Shipping
AS, and supported by Solstad Shipping, Stord /Haugesund University
College, VRI Rogaland, UH-nett Vest and TeknoVest. We thank Sandra
Schöttner (UiB, Bergen, Norway), Stephanie Delacroix, August Tobiesen
(Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo, Norway) and Per Lothe
(Knutsen OAS Shipping AS, Haugesund, Norway) for helpful discus-
sions. Specia l thanks to Sa ndra Schöttner fo r assistance with the UV
lamp and experimental set-up.
Davey, H.M., 2011. Life, death, and in-between: meanings and methods in microbiology.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol . 77 (16), 55715576.
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Please cite this article as: Olsen, R.O., et al., Ultraviolet radiation as a ballast water treatment strategy: Inactivation of phytoplankton measured
with ow cytometry, Marine Pollution Bulletin (2015),
... Although Neutral Red can have false positive and false negative results (Elliott and Tang, 2009), it has been found more accurate than certain other dyes, such as SYTOX green and cell digestion assays (Zetsche and Meysman, 2012), and it is not outright selective between autotrophic and heterotrophic taxa, or motile and non-motile organisms. Nevertheless, staining methods are susceptible to false positive outcomes, especially after ultraviolet treatment when cell membrane integrity may not be damaged immediately (Olsen et al., 2016). One disadvantage of working with preserved samples is the time lag between sample collection and analysis, which negates the earlier-mentioned benefit of in-tank sampling (possible prevention of non-compliant discharges). ...
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Ships’ ballast water and sediments are vectors that contribute to the unintentional spread of aquatic non-native species globally. Ballast water management, as well as commissioning testing of ballast water management systems and compliance monitoring under the regulations of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) aim at minimizing the unwanted spread of organisms. This study compiles data for treated ballast water samples collected and analyzed from 228 ships during 2017–2023. The samples were collected from the ballast discharge line or directly from the ballast tank for enumeration of living organism concentrations in the categories of ≥50µm and <50 to ≥10µm -sized organisms, as well as indicator microbes in comparison to the ballast water performance standard of the IMO (Regulation D-2). In addition, several ship-specific factors were examined to infer potential factors affecting compliance rates. Nearly all ships were compliant with the ballast water performance standard for indicator microbes and <50 to ≥10µm -sized organisms, whereas almost half of all samples exceeded the limit of ten viable organisms m⁻³ for the ≥50µm -sized organisms. Compliance testing results did not differ significantly between sampling years, indicating that compliance rate did not change through time. The rate of compliance was higher for commissioning testing than compliance testing. Clear ship- or system-specific factors that lead to compliance or non-compliance were not detected, even though type of ballast water management system, filter mesh size associated with the system and source of ballast water affected compliance significantly either for the samples taken from the discharge line, or ballast tank. As compliance did not improve significantly over time, compliance testing of ships’ ballast water should be undertaken to ensure that the systems remain operational after commissioning and ships meet requirements of the D-2 standard. Furthermore, the study outcomes promote further research on the efficiency of filter mesh sizes and different filtration units associated with ballast water management systems, to improve mechanical removal of larger organisms. Finally, as several ships exceeded the compliance limit by hundreds or thousands of living organisms, technological advancements and operational measures may be needed to improve the overall reliability of ballast water management.
... The importance of this wastewater management has been determined through there are some different methodologies proposed to treat completely before discharging into the ocean sea environment. The ballast water treatment mechanism includes three types of treatment process such as the mechanical, physical, and chemical one [15] like Figure 8.2. In reality, the ballast water management is an important system in response to the stringent regulations of the international maritime organization (IMO). ...
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The ocean environment pollution is a critical issue due to the development of the shipping transportation industries. The number of ship is being increased following the years along with the sea environment pollution. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) especially pays attention to the environment issues related to the ship operation activities at ports in the world nowadays. In where, the Ballast Water Management (BMW) convention is very significant to manage to discharge the wastewater from ships. Then, the de-ballasting procedure must be concerned carefully to monitor and evaluate the wastewater quality. In this research, the evaluation and pre-treatment of the ballast water have been researched for the ships in order to decrease and eliminate the harmful species from discharging procedures. The validation of these wastewater treatment process has been conducted for a certain large size ship at the Western Australia port. This research is significant to contribute the wastewater treatment techniques as well as the transportation industry.
... The damaged DNA and cells are unable to undergo normal DNA modification and DNA replication leads to the inactivation of the organism (Hess-Erga et al. 2010;Martínez et al. 2012). The effectiveness of the UV process for treating ballast water is affected by different types of UV lamps (low-pressure UV lamps harm DNA, and medium-pressure UV lamps harm DNA, proteins, and enzymes) (Olsen et al. 2016). This includes the UV wavelength, the radiation dose, the length of time the ballast water is exposed to the UV lamp, the temperature, the salinity, and the turbidity of the water, all of which affect the final treatment effect (Sanz et al. 2007;Chen et al. 2016;Sun & Blatchley 2017;Romero-Martinez et al. 2020;Rivas-Zaballos et al. 2021). ...
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In recent years, the issue of invasive alien species brought on by ballast water has drawn increasing attention, and advances in ballast water treatment technologies have been made. One of the most popular combined ballast water treatment technologies utilized in ballast water management systems (BWMSs) globally is filtration + UV-C radiation. During the actual voyage of the ship, ballast water is treated by the BWMS and then enters the dark ballast tanks until the ballast water is discharged. Marine organisms are able to complete DNA damage caused by UV radiation in dark ballast tanks. Therefore, the length of holding time affects the effectiveness of the BWMS in treating ballast water. The objective of this study was to examine the efficacy of filtration + UV-C irradiation treatment at different holding times for the removal or inactivation of phytoplankton and zooplankton populations during simulated ballast water treatment. Results indicate that the holding time after the filtration + UV-C radiation treatment increased the inactivating efficacy, especially for zooplankton in natural seawater. For phytoplanktons in ballast water, the strongest impact on the treatment efficacy was reached with a holding time of 24 h. HIGHLIGHTS This experiment uses natural seawater for large-scale simulation experiments.; This experiment investigated the effect of holding times on the filtration + UV-C radiation over a wide range (within 0–120 h).; This experiment has a comparative significance on the effect of the problem of DNA repair and regeneration of phytoplanktons on the treatment effect of filtration + UV-C radiation treatment.;
... On the other hand, higher life forms and crustacean organisms are highly resistant to UV-based treatment and therefore UV-based treatment systems do not have sufficient effect on such organisms. To overcome the current limitations, the UV method can be used in conjunction with advanced oxidation techniques based on oxidizing radicals formed by photolysis in a significant proportion of BWTSs (Wu et al.and among these mechanisms photo repair is the most important, therefore lower UV doses may be sufficient if the water is treated at the intake and left in dark ballast tanks;higher UV doses may be more efficient in the absence of postdark treatment(Olsen et al., 2016;Romero-Martínez et al., 2021).The purpose of ultrasound (US) technology is to create acoustic cavitation with high-frequency vibrations created in the liquid and to benefit from the disinfectant effect of the physical and chemical processes that occur during this period.When the microscopic gas bubbles formed during cavitation burst, very high local heat is released, and it also causes the formation of disinfectants such as hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide(Sassi et al., 2002;Viitasalo et al., 2005). The effect of this technology depends on the size of the organism, results can be obtained with lower energy in a shorter time in large organisms compared to small organisms(Gavand et al., 2007;Holm et al., 2008). ...
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Transporting non-native species in ballast tanks has been a major challenge over the years. The number of surviving species in the host environment is quite small compared to those of all introduced. However, even a single species can cause great harm to the environment, economy, and public health. Ballast water treatment issues are difficult and complex as the performance of the treatment is highly affected by the variable characteristics of the seawater. In addition, targeted organisms are in a wide spectrum. The International Convention on the Control and Management of Ship Ballast Water and Sediments requires ships to manage ballast water with a Type Approved System in compliance with the Ballast water discharge standard defined in the Convention. The Ballast Water Management Systems Approval (G8) Guide was revised in 2016 and accepted as the BWMS Code (Ballast Water Management Systems Approval Code) as the mandatory regime in 2018. According to the implementation schedule of this mandatory approval regime, the ballast water management system installed on or after 28 October 2020 must be type-approved according to the IMO’s revised G8 requirements. Several systems use different methods with their limitations. However, the ballast water problem does not seem to end only with the installation of the systems on ships. Although substantial international progress has been made in ballast water management (both technically and regulatory), there are still several issues regarding effectiveness, compliance monitoring, and the environment.
... These actions increase seawater pollution and disturb the marine eco-system due to the translocation of non-native species and transport by vessels [6]. In addition, the diffusion of penetration species severely affects industries that depend on coastal and marine environments, the cost of related structures and human health [7]. Therefore, reducing the invasion of micro-organisms' through BW is crucial to the shipping industry [8]. ...
Selecting the efficiency of the technologies and reasonable strategies to ensure compliance with stricter international regulations on ballast water are issues that need to be focused on. Particularly, in a period of economic decline, these auxiliary costs due to the regulation enforcement may be a significant burden for vessel operators, especially those with old vessels, where the maintenance costs are high. Because of these new limitations on marine transport, which has been regarded as a more eco-friendly alternative than other forms of transportation, maritime policymakers in each country may need to take prudence in making policy decisions. Nevertheless, few studies have evaluated the existing alternatives that can decrease the invasion risk due to ballast water release, and fewer have developed a general system for determining the optimal technology. Accordingly, in this study, an empirical analysis focusing on the alternatives of ballast treatment systems considered by Korean shipping companies is performed. As the main approach, surveys and interviews are conducted to examine how Korean shipping companies' real response directions help cope with the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments. The results indicate that, among 15 sub-criteria of considerations for response by Korean shipping companies, approval is the most considerable factor. In addition, through the description analysis of Korean shipping companies, a difference in the recognition and response direction according to firm size and vessels' age was observed. This study's findings provides valuable suggestions for designing government policies for the shipping industry's ballast water management.
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Until recently, the selection of ballast water treatment (BWT) systems was based on a predetermined set of criteria that did not include evaluations for system utilization due to lack of experience. The experience-building phase for the systems began, especially with the entry of the Ballast Water Management Convention into force. For effective assessment and decision-making, the evaluations of expert seafarers responsible for using ballast water treatment systems on-board ships are of paramount importance. This study was completed by evaluating the experience and evaluations of 50 expert seafarers (24 deck personnel and 26 engine personnel) working in a Turkish maritime company in three phases to contribute to the decision-making and system evaluation processes: 1- The failure reports written by the ship personnel of the maritime company were examined, and bilateral interviews with expert seafarers working on these tankers were held; 2- an online questionnaire was prepared and presented to seafarers; 3Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to obtain a common perspective of the seafarers. In this study's first phase, 'ideal system characteristics' were determined. Based on these characteristics, an online questionnaire was prepared in the second phase of this study and presented to seafarers. In the third phase, a set of six criteria was developed, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to obtain the common perspective of 50 participants. Pairwise comparisons revealed that ‘Rare alarms and malfunctions’ was the most important criterion from the perspective of all seafarers and UV-type BWTSs were 1.76 times more preferable than the electrochemical (El-Chem) type BWTSs as a common approach.
The transfer of ship ballast water poses significant risks to the aquatic ecosystem and human health. To mitigate the influences of non-native species, ballast water management systems (BWMS) have been installed on international ships to ensure proper treatment of ballast water before discharge. This study investigates whether ballast water discharges managed by BWMS meet the requirements of the D-2 standard for organisms in different size classes. Representative ballast water samples were collected from 28 ships (a total of 20 different BWMS) arriving in Shanghai during the period 2020-2022. Results have shown that two samples (7.1 %) exceeded the D-2 Standard. The compliance rates varied among different vessel types, with cargo vessels achieving a compliance rate of 81.8 %, while LNG vessels and container vessels achieved 100 % compliance. The potential to achieve higher levels of ballast water management will increase as crews improve their skills in operating BWMS and BWMS is further developed.
Pelagic photosynthesis and respiration serve critical roles in controlling the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in seawater. The consumption and production via pelagic primary production are of particular importance in the surface ocean and in freshwater ecosystems where photosynthetically active radiation is abundant. However, the dynamic nature and large degree of heterogeneity in these ecosystems pose substantial challenges for providing accurate estimates of marine primary production and metabolic state. The resulting lack of higher‐resolution data in these systems hinders efforts in scaling and including primary production in predictive models. To bridge the gap, we developed and validated a novel automated water incubator that measures in situ rates of photosynthesis and respiration. The automated water incubation system uses commercially available optodes and microcontrollers to record continuous measurements of DO within a closed chamber at desired intervals. With fast response optodes, the incubation system produced measurements of photosynthesis and respiration with an hourly resolution, resolving diel signals in the water column. The high temporal resolution of the time series also enabled the development of Monte Carlo simulation as a new data analysis technique to calculate DO fluxes, with improved performance in noisy time series. Deployment of the incubator was conducted near Ucantena Island, Massachusetts, U.S.A. The data captured diel fluctuations in metabolic fluxes with an hourly resolution, allowed for a more accurate correlation between oxygen cycling and environmental conditions, and provided improved characterization of the pelagic metabolic state.
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Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad laivyba yra tarpvalstybinės logistikos grandinės dalis, svarbu siekti ekologiškumo gabenant krovinius tarptautiniu mastu. Kadangi jūrų transportas yra svarbus pasaulio ir Europos prekybai bei ekonomikai, pastaraisiais metais jūrų transporto sektorius ėmėsi svarbių priemonių, kad sumažintų savo neigiamą poveikį aplinkai. Straipsnyje atskleidžiami laivų balastinių vandenų neigiamo poveikio aplinkai faktai gabenant prekes jūrų transportu. Taikant inovatyvias technologijas, identifikuotos prevencijos priemonės, kurių pagalba numatoma sustabdyti ekologinę taršą su laivų balastiniais vandenimis, vadovaujantis Tarptautinės konvencijos dėl laivų balastinių vandenų ir nuosėdų kontrolės bei valdymo įgyvendinimu.
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Probing the physiological state of phytoplankton at the single-cell level provides valuable insight in ecological studies as well as in environmental monitoring of pollution or UV impacts. This paper reviews the recent progress in assessing the physiological state of phytoplank ton with flow cytometry by inherent cell properties such as cell size and chlorophyll autofluorescence, specific fluorescent dyes, and newly developed molecular probes and enzyme substrates. It is reported how nitrogen and iron limitation as well as the effect of copper pollution could be derived from changes in cell inherent properties. Effects of Cu were also recorded by monitoring cell membrane potentials and esterase activity. Photosynthetic capacity of algae was assessed by changes in chlorophyl l fluorescence with the electron transport inhibitor DCMU, by a cytometric adaptation of the pump-and-probe approach, and molecular probes for Rubisco. Antibodies were also applied to mark non-terminal stages in the cell DNA replication cycle, to detect non-proliferating cells, to assess DNA damage caused by UV-B radiation and to quantify diatom stickiness. Fluorescein diacetate proved useful to discriminate metabolically active from inactive cells and to reveal strategies of dark survival in algae. T he activity of alkaline phosphatase was recorded by a new fluorigenic substrate ELF, and polyclonal antibodies against nitrate reductase (NR) provided measurements of the NR abundance. An outlook will show how recent developments in molecular probes might affect the future analysis of marine ecosystems and their communities.
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Disinfection of microbes is of importance to prevent the spread of pathogens and non-indigenous species in the environment. Here we test the applicability of using flow cytometry (FCM) to evaluate inactivation of the phytoplankter Tetraselmis suecica after UV irradiation and labeling with the esterase substrate 5-carboxyfluorescein diacetate acetoxymethyl ester (CFDA-AM). Non-irradiated and UV irradiated samples were analyzed with the plate count technique and FCM for 24days. The numbers of colony forming units were used as a standard to develop a FCM protocol. Our protocol readily distinguishes live and dead cells, but challenges were encountered when determining whether UV damaged cells are dying or repairable. As damaged cells can represent a risk to aquatic organisms and/or humans, this was taken into account when developing the FCM protocol. In spite of the above mentioned challenges we argue that FCM represents an accurate and rapid method to analyze T. suecica samples. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.
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The spread of aquatic invasive species through ballast water is a major ecological and economical threat. Because of this the International Maritime Organization (IMO) set limits to the concentrations of organisms allowed in ballast water. To meet these limits ballast water treatment systems (BWTSs) were developed. The main techniques used for ballast water treatment are Ultraviolet radiation (UV) and electrochlorination (EC). In this study, phytoplankton re-growth after treatment was followed for six BWTSs. Natural plankton communities were treated and incubated for 20 days. Growth, PSII efficiency and species composition were followed. The three UV systems all showed similar patterns of decrease in phytoplankton concentrations followed by re-growth. The two EC and the chlorine dioxide systems showed comparable results. However, UV and chlorine-based treatment systems showed significantly different responses. Overall, all BWTSs reduced phytoplankton concentrations to below the IMO limits, which represents a reduced risk of aquatic invasions through ballast water.
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To minimize the dispersal of aquatic nuisance species through shipping, ballast water can be treated to kill, remove, or inactivate organisms.Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is used in some ballast water management systems to address this goal. Because UV treatment renders cells nonviable(by sterilizing them, preventing reproduction) and does not necessarily kill organisms instantaneously, the efficacy of UV treatmenthas been verified historically by regrowth assays in which microorganisms are cultured (and thus, reproduce) under optimal growthconditions. Although regrowth assays are definitive, they are time consuming—lasting for days or weeks—and, importantly, are applicableonly to organisms amenable to culturing. Furthermore, these estimates of cell concentrations are often accompanied by large error estimates.In this paper, several rapid alternatives to regrowth assays are described and evaluated. An ideal approach would shorten or simplify theanalysis burden and, potentially, could be used for shipboard testing to determine compliance with national and international ballast waterstandards. Complicating this task is the requirement that compliance with the ballast water standards will be determined by quantifying thenumber of living organisms in ships’ ballast water, and while organisms may be living following UV treatment, they may not be viable (i.e.,they may not reproduce). To address this dichotomy , alternatives to regrowth assays were categorized based upon the complexity of theanalysis and the means used to determine the status of microorganisms (either as viable or living): 1. Instantaneous growth and cellreplication, 2. Cell activity and metabolic rates, 3. Cell structural integrity, and 4. Biomolecule presence and status. With the suite ofapproaches currently available, it is not possible to determine the viability of organisms rapidly, that is, within minutes of collecting a ballastwater sample. Measurements of the photosystem integrity via variable fluorescence and the presence of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) arecurrently the most promising for rapidly estimating concentrations of living cells in compliance testing of ballast water discharges; however,extensive validation is required to verify the applicability of these approaches for the complexity of real-world samples.
The Law on Adoption of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments was published in the ''Official Gazette International Contracts'' 3/10. The Law was brought by the Croatian Parliament on 30 April 2010. The Convention was established in London on 13 February 2004, in a single original in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages. With the decision on ratification the text of the Convention was published in English and in Croatian translation. The Convention was developed as a standard nomotechnical structure normally used in international contracts, and particularly in conventions as universal legal sources (''visa''), including: preamble, subjects (parties to the IMO member state), definitions (administrations, ballast waters, certificate, gross tonnage, harmful aquatic organisms and pathogen sediments, ship etc.); general obligations, implementation, dispute settlement, relationship to international law and other agremeents, signature, ratification, acceptance, approval, accession, entry into force, denunciation etc. The Convention regulates the following: control of transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathtogens through ships' ballast water and sediments; scientific and technical research and monitoring, surveys and issuance of certificates, violations, ship inspections, detection of violations and control of ships, notification of control actions, undue delay to ships, technical assistance, co-operation, communication of information etc. It is specific for this Convention that Regulations for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (Regulation A-1 to Regulation A-5) are introduced as well as Management and Control Requirements for Ships (Regulation B-1 to B-6) and Special Requirements in Certain Areas (Regulation C-1 to C-3), Standards for Ballast Water Management (Regulation D-1 to D-5) and Survey and Certification Requirements for Ballast Water Management (Regulations E-1 to E-5). This paper elaborates on the cited contents.
In this chapter we focus on ballast water management systems (BWMS) which are currently in use as well as treatment approaches manufacturers have chosen for the development of future BWMS. The main purpose of this review is to identify the current availability of BWMS technologies worldwide. Until January 2014 we brought together information of 104 different BWMS. To achieve the ballast water discharge standards, different water treatment technologies are used, mostly in combination, and applied in different stages of the ballasting process. In general, the treatment processes can be split in three stages, i.e., pre-treatment, treatment and residual control (neutralisation). Among the 104 BWMS identified, 100 apply their treatment at the uptake, some of those BWMS require also a treatment during ballast water discharge (in-line treatment) and three BWMS apply treatment only during the voyage (in-tank treatment). The majority of BWMS use filtration or a combination of hydrocyclone and filtration as pre-treatment separation step. The dominating treatment processes are to use an active substance, mostly generated on board by electrolysis/electrochlorination. The second most frequent treatment process is UV. BWMS to be installed for operation on vessels need to be type approved by a state. By the writing of this chapter more than 30 BWMS were type approved. It should be noted that the development of BWMS is a very dynamic market with newly proposed BWMS appearing almost on a monthly basis. The chapter also outlines how BWMS are applied on vessels, their capacities and installation requirements, which BWMS were type approved, and what projected global market for BWMS may exist. A recent calculation on the estimated value of the global market for purchasing and installing BWMSs resulted in an estimated turn-over of possibly $50 '74 billion. The chapter ends with a list of manufacturers, commercial names of their BWMS, applied treatment technologies used and links to BWMS web pages where available.
The annual number of new species records world-wide has paralleled shipping and is increasing. For example, in ICES member countries a new introduction forming a new population beyond its natural range occurs approximately every 9 weeks. The introduction of non-indigenous species by ships’ ballast water is known since more than 100 years, but it was not until 1970s that the first biological samples from ballast water were taken. Since, more than 1,000 species were identified from ballast tanks, including human pathogens. It was estimated that 3,000-7,000 different species are moved each day around the globe by ships and it was concluded that shipping is the prime species introduction pathway with each vessel having the potential to introduce a species. However, not all species find a suitable situation in the new environment, but it was suggested that >2,000 aquatic non-indigenous species have been introduced world-wide, of which in minimum 850 are likely introduced by ships. Not all introduced species are considered harmful, in some cases this is quite the reverse, as some support important industries. However, a number of introduced species had almost catastrophic and seemingly irreversible impacts and all of the summed impacts amount to considerable costs of billions of Euro annually. Consequently, a precautionary approach suggests that every vessel transporting ballast water should be treated as a potential risk by enabling introductions of harmful species. This chapter summarises key aspects of the current knowledge on species transfers with vessels ballast water.
SYNOPSIS. Non-indigenous species (NIS) are increasingly conspicuous in marine and estuarine habitats throughout the world, as the number, variety, and effects of these species continue to accrue. Most of these NIS invasions result from anthropogenic dispersal. Although the relative importance of different dispersal mechanisms varies both spatially and temporally, the global movement of ballast water by ships appears to be the largest single vector for NIS transfer today, and many recent invasions have resulted from this transfer. The rate of new invasions ' may have increased in recent decades, perhaps due to changes in ballast water transport. Estuaries have been especially common sites of invasions, accumulating from tens to hundreds of NIS per estuary that include most major taxonomic and trophic groups. We now know of approximately 400 NIS along the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the U.S., and hundreds of marine and estuarine NIS are reported from other regions of the world. Although available information about invasions is limited to a few regions and underestimates the actual number of NIS invasions, there are apparent differences in the frequency of NIS among sites. Mechanisms responsible for observed patterns among sites likely include variation in supply of NIS, and perhaps variation in properties of recipient or donor communities, but the role of these mechanisms has not been tested. Although our present knowledge about the extent, patterns and mechanisms of marine invasions is still in its infancy, it is clear that NIS are a significant force of change in marine and especially estuarine communities globally. Taxonomically diverse NIS are having significant effects on many, if not most, estuaries that fundamentally alter population, community, and ecosystems processes. The impacts of most NIS remain unknown, and the predictability of their direct and indirect effects remains uncertain. Nonetheless, based upon the documented extent of NIS invasions and scope of then effects, studies of marine communities that do not include NIS are increasingly incomplete.
In the past, the purpose of ballast water sampling studies was limited to general scientific interest, awareness raising or the determination of organism numbers per water volume. In this chapter we focus on compliance control sampling with BWM requirements as set out in the BWM Convention. Key aspects described are sampling methods and approaches to take a representative ballast water sample and the need for a harmonised sampling approach, to avoid that the ballast water of a vessel is proven compliant in one port, but would not be proven compliant in another port just because of different sampling methods or approaches used. In this chapter we describe suitable compliance control sampling methods and approaches and address both indicative and detailed sampling. Details on possible sampling access points, equipment and other details recommended for in-tank and in-line sampling are given. Further, recommendations are given how samples should be handled, including suitable sample transport and storage conditions. Another subject of this chapter addresses organism detection technologies for indicative and detailed sample analysis for compliance control with BWM standards. Suitable organism detection technologies are recommended in the end of the chapter.