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Learning opportunities in 3 on 3 versus 5 on 5 basketball game play: An application of nonlinear pedagogy



This study investigates the differential learning opportunities in 5 on 5 versus 3 on 3 basketball game play. Video-analysis of the game performance of thirty basketball players (10-11 years) resulted in significantly higher scores on all game performance components (GPCs: cognitive decision making component (DM), motor skill execution efficiency (MSEfficiency) and motor skill execution efficacy (MSEfficacy) component), indicating more learning opportunities during 3 on 3 game play. The actual game performance level, showed only significantly higher scores for the percentage of positive decisions for cutting actions in the 5 on 5 condition. Future research is needed to indicate to what extent learning results are easier or faster attained when using small sided games, based on the nonlinear pedagogy framework, and second which is the optimal game play situation to assess game performance, and this for players of a different game performance level or for different stages.
Learning opportunities in 3 on 3 versus 5 on 5 basketball
game play: An application of nonlinear pedagogy
Ghent University, Belgium
(*)Department of Movement and Sports Sciences,
(**)Department of Educational Studies
This study investigates the differential learning opportunities in 5 on 5 versus
3 on 3 basketball game play. Video-analysis of the game performance of thirty bas-
ketball players (10-11 years) resulted in significantly higher scores on all game per-
formance components (GPC’s: cognitive decision making component (DM), motor
skill execution efficiency (MSEfficiency) and motor skill execution efficacy (MSEf-
ficacy) component), indicating more learning opportunities during 3 on 3 game
play. The actual game performance level, showed only significantly higher scores for
the percentage of positive decisions for cutting actions in the 5 on 5 condition.
Future research is needed to indicate to what extent learning results are easier or
faster attained when using small sided games, based on the nonlinear pedagogy
framework, and second which is the optimal game play situation to assess game per-
formance, and this for players of a different game performance level or for different
KEY WORDS: Game Performance, Motor skill acquisition, Small-sided games,
Task constraints.
The constraints-led dynamical system approach, building further on the
information-movement coupling principle, is promoted as a framework for
understanding the process of motor skill acquisition in sport and exercise
(Davids, Button, & Bennett., 2008; Araújo, Davids, Bennett, Button, &
Chapman, 2004). This constraints-led approach views influential factors
within the learning environment as constraints that guide the acquisition of
movement coordination and control (Newell, 1986, 1996). Modelled as
Correspondence to: Isabel B. Tallir, Department of Movement and Sports Sciences, Ghent
University, Watersportlaan 2, B-9000 Gent, Belgium. E-mail:
Int. J. Sport Psychol., 2012; 43: 420-437
doi: 10.7352/IJSP 2012.43.420
dynamical systems, team sports display characteristics of complexity due to
the potential for interactions that emerge between performers over time. The
decisions and the actions of a single player become dependent on what
neighboring players (either teammates or opponents) are doing and on the
immediate events prior to a sub-phase emerging. This contextual depen-
dence in behaviour signifies that player interactions are not deterministic
(entirely predictable), nor completely random (entirely variable). Conse-
quently, invasion game play can be characterized as a nonlinear dynamical
system (Chow et al., 2006) since it is composed of many interacting parts
(e.g., players, ball, referees, court dimensions) (e.g., Gréhaigne, Bouthier, &
David, 1997; McGarry et al., 2002).
Based on the influences of motor learning frameworks on motor skill
acquisition and decision-making nonlinear pedagogy was presented by
Chow and colleagues (2006) as a methodology for games teaching, capturing
how phenomena such as movement variability, self-organization, emergent
decision making, and symmetry-breaking occur as a consequence of interac-
tions between agent-agent and agent-environment constraints. Nonlinear
pedagogy highlights the interactive role that key constraints (i.e., performer,
task and environmental) play in learning contexts to shape emergent move-
ment behaviors which arise during practice (Chow et al., 2006, 2007; Davids,
et al., 2008). Since sports are dynamic non-linear systems and as such, sport
skill learning should also be non- linear (Chow et al., 2007). This can be
achieved by pedagogical manipulation of three elements; game constraints
(such as changing game rules), performer constraints (such as how the per-
former is permitted to move), and environmental constraints (such as chang-
ing spaces or equipment). Chow et al. (2009) noted that one of the strengths
of tactical instructional approaches, such as Teaching Games for Under-
standing (TGfU) (Griffin & Butler, 2005), is that it enables learners to prac-
tice in a managed environment with all key information sources present, so
that perceptual and action processes in learners can become tightly coupled
during practice. The lack of variability in the traditional “closed” training
drills reduces the opportunity for players to learn how to adapt movement
solutions to changing environmental demands. While closed drills may pro-
vide a simplified environment that allows players to execute skills with
increased precision and reduced error, modified games provide players with
an opportunity to better calibrate the execution of the skill with relevant and
reliable perceptual variables, such as the locations of defenders relative to
teammates (Passos, Araújo, Davids, & Shuttleworth, 2008). Therefore,
unlike the traditional approaches, tactical instructional approaches advocate
a student-centered emphasis for learning tactics and skills in modified games
(e.g., Griffin, Butler, Lombardo & Nastasi, 2003). This is an perfect illustra-
tion of the motor learning principle of information-movement coupling
which proposes that the motor learning of the skills needed in games should
involve the process of task simplification, rather than traditional methods of
part-task decomposition (Davids et al., 2008). Task simplification refers to a
process whereby scaled-down versions of tasks are created in practice and
performed by learners to simplify the process of information pick-up and
coupling to movement patterns. In these scaled-down modified game con-
texts, important information-movement links are maintained in practice and
are not disrupted in practice task design. This implies that the information
available to be actively explored by players during practice must represent
the same task and environmental constraints that exist during performance.
Otherwise, the information-movement couplings that emerge during prac-
tice will be attuned to perceptual variables different from those available
during performance or in other words decision-making practices should be
based on performer-environment interactions rather than a traditional per-
former- or task-centered approach (Chow et al., 2009).
A logical consequence of the evolution to more student-centered
instructional approaches, such as for example Teaching Games for Under-
standing (TGfU) and application of motor learning principles for games
learning was a comparable shift in research focus. Whereas the initial studies
were process/product studies, the focus of the more recent research ques-
tions is more about the knowledge construction of the individual learners in
relation to their learning environment (Richard & Wallian, 2005).
The purpose of the present study was to investigate if players experience
more and/or different learning opportunities while playing 3 on 3 half-court
versus 5 on 5 full court basketball game play or in other words if the manip-
ulation of the task constraints (here number of players) results in a differen-
tial number and type of learning opportunities.
Four junior competition basketball teams or 42 players of 11-12 years old participated in
this study. Game play of 30 players (23 boys, 7 girls) (mean age = 11.08 ± 0.55 years) was
analysed. Each team was divided in two subgroups (team A and team B) to play against each
other during the 5 on 5 (and 3 on 3) games (see table 1). These subgroups remained the same
for the two assessment moments. To assure an equal distribution of play level in both sub-
groups the coach of each team subjectively ranked the players from 10 to 5, where 10 indi-
cated the player with the highest play level and 5 was used to indicated the player with the low-
est play level (see table 1: (player)level). During the 5 on 5 and the 3 on 3 game play the players
always marked an opponent of an comparable play level of the other subgroup of their own
team. Only one-on-one defence was permitted, between the pairs of attackers and defenders
as established previously by the coaches. This last rule, one-on-one defence, was important in
that the matching of opposing players enabled differences in technical ability to be more eas-
ily controlled. Of each team only the players with highest rankings (numbers 1 to 30) were
included in data-analysis (see table I)
Data collection. The study consisted of two assessment moments orga-
nized on two different testing days during which the players played respec-
tively 5 on 5 and 3 on 3 basketball game play sessions of 5 minutes. Both
assessment moments were organized for each team on a day players had no
basketball training or were involved in a competition match. At the begin-
ning of each testing day, players started with a warming-up of 10 minutes.
Players participated in four 5 on 5 game play session of 5 minutes, with 5
minutes of rest between the game play sessions. This procedure was repli-
Team Compositions Of The Game Play Sessions During The 3 On 3 And The 5 On 5
Assessment Moments
Assessment moment 1 Assessment moment 2
(5 on 5) (3 on 3)
Team Session Playerslevel Playerslevel Playerslevel Playerslevel
team A team B team A team B
11(1)10-(2)8-(3)7-(4)6-(31)5(5)9-(6)8-(7)8-(8)6-(32)51-2-3 5-6-7
2 (1)10-(2)8-(3)7-(4)6-(31)5(5)9-(6)8-(7)8-(8)6-(32)51-31-4 5-32-8
3 (1)10-(2)8-(3)7-(4)6-(31)5(5)9-(6)8-(7)8-(8)6-(32)52-3-4 6-7-8
4 (1)10-(2)8-(3)7-(4)6-(31)5(5)9-(6)8-(7)8-(8)6-(32)51-2-31 5-6-32
21(9)10-(10)8-(11)6-(12)8-(33)7(13)9-(14)7-(15)6-(16)8-(35)79-10-11 13-14-15
2 (9)10-(10)8-(11)6-(12)8-(34)7(13)9-(14)7-(15)6-(16)8-(35)734-12-33 13-16-35
3 (9)10-(10)8-(11)6-(12)8-(33)7(13)9-(14)7-(15)6-(16)8-(35)710-11-12 14-15-16
4 (9)10-(10)8-(11)6-(12)8-(34)7(13)9-(14)7-(15)6-(16)8-(35)79-10-33 13-14-35
31(17)10-(18)9-(19)8-(36)9-(37)6(20)10-(21)8-(22)7-(38)8-(39)517-18-40 20-21-38
2 (17)10-(18)9-(19)8-(36)9-(37)6(20)10-(21)8-(22)7-(38)8(40)417-19-37 20-22-39
3 (17)10-(18)9-(19)8-(36)9-(37)6(20)10-(21)8-(22)7-( 38)8-(39)518-19-40 21-22-38
4 (17)10-(18)9-(19)8-(36)9-(37)6(20)10-(21)8-(22)7-(38)8-(40)417-18-37 20-22-39
41(23)8-(24)10-(25)8-(26)9-(41)6(27)9-(28)10-(29)7-(30)9-(42)523-24-25 27-28-29
2 (23)8-(24)10-(25)8-(26)9-(41)6(27)9-(28)10-(29)7-(30)9-(42)523-26-41 27-30-42
3 (23)8-(24)10-(25)8-(26)9-(41)6(27)9-(28)10-(29)7-(30)9-(42)524-25-41 28-29-42
4 (23)8-(24)10-(25)8-(26)9-(41)6(27)9-(28)10-(29)7-(30)9-(42)523-24-26 27-28-30
Note 1. Of each team only the players with highest ranking (numbers 1 to 30) were included in data-analysis.
Note 2. Italic numbers were not included in the game performance analysis.
cated for the 3 on 3 game play sessions which occurred one week later. Here
the players played two or three game play sessions of 5 minutes. Players were
told to play 3 on 3 (or 5 on 5) whereby they had to cover the same player (of
an equal game performance level) during each 5 minutes game session (see
table 1). All game sessions were videotaped to allow post hoc analysis of
game performance. To put the entire playing area on the screen 4 digital
video cameras (Sony Handycam DCR-HC20E PAL) were used. The 4 cam-
eras were positioned at 3 meter height at both sides of the center line and
were pointed in the direction of the basketball goal.
The dimensions of the 5 on 5 basketball court was 14m x 26m, whereas
for the 3 on 3 games the court dimensions were 14m x 13m. This implies a
relative playing area per individual player of 36.4 m2(= 364m2 /10) in the 5
on 5 game play sessions versus 30.3 m2(= 182 m2/ 6) in the 3 on 3 game play
sessions. In both game play situations two basketball goals were used.
Players’ heart rates were recorded every 5 seconds during all the game
play sessions by means of a heart rate monitor (Polar type RS400). This
allowed direct measurement of a physiological response to both game play
situations. Heart rates monitored during the rest period were not analysed.
Coding instrument. The coding instrument of Tallir et al. (2007) was
used to asses every observable offensive action, both on- and off-the-ball. For
every offensive action three game performance components (GPC’s) were
assessed, namely a decision-making component (DM), a motor skill execu-
tion efficiency component (MSEfficiency) and a motor skill execution effi-
cacy component (MSEfficacy). Consequently, each action resulted in a posi-
tive or a negative score for each of the three game performance components.
The DM component was coded positive/negative when a player took a cor-
rect/incorrect decision in a particular game situation. For the MSEfficiency
component the different aspects of the executed skill were coded positive /
negative when the skill was executed technically correct/incorrect, respec-
tively. The MSEfficacy component was coded positive/negative if the action
had a successful / unsuccessful outcome. The entire coding instrument
included 95 categories and is presented in appendix 1. Content validity of
this instrument was assured in Tallir et al. (2007). The test-retest reliability
coefficients of the instrument in this former study were above 0.95 and the
Cronbach’s  inter-observer reliability coefficients were higher than 0.73 for
the three components.
An advantage of this coding instrument (see figure) compared to the
Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI; Oslin, Mitchell, & Grif-
fin, 1998) is that it made it possible to determine, not only the total number
of learning opportunities, but also the proportion, of both the positive and
the negative scores, of the four game performance categories (in case: con-
trol, scoring and creating scoring opportunities (CSO: dribble, pass, cut-
ting), setting up an attack) because this coding instrument identified every
off- and on the ball-action (Tallir et al. 2007) (see appendix 1).
Data-analysis. The software “Catmovie” was used to analyse the offen-
sive (on and off-the-ball) game performance. Catmovie (http://www-cam- is a software program that allowed coding all
the categories of the GPC (DM, MSEfficiency and MSEfficacy) for every
game play action. This software program made it possible to assess all the
necessary components and their categories on screen while watching a con-
tinuously repeated interval of 5 seconds of the game session before moving
on to the next interval. Data-analysis was done in this manner for one player
at a time during the entire game play session of 5 minutes. Since the number
of 3 on 3 game play sessions (2 or 3 sessions for every player) was not identi-
cal to the number of 5 on 5 game play sessions (4 sessions for every player)
the average numbers of the three GPC (DM, MSEfficiency and MSEfficacy)
per game play session were calculated. Further, as a reflection of game per-
formance, the average proportion of positive scores for the three GPC and
the four game performance categories per game play session will be reported
in percentages to indicate the distribution of positive and negative scores.
Only the positive percentages are reported since the negative percentages are
the remaining percentages to 100%.
Statistical analysis. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences, version 19.0 (IBM Corporation, New York, USA). Level
of significance for all statistical analyses was set at a .05 alpha level and the
size of effect was provided by partial Eta squared (ηp2). Post-hoc LSD test
were used to further analyse the main effects.
A repeated measures ANOVA, with one independent (condition: 3-3 vs.
5-5) was used to compare, firstly the differences in the average numbers per
session of the three GPC (DM, MSEfficiency, MSEfficacy), secondly the dif-
ferences in the average positive proportional values of the GPC (DM, MSEf-
ficiency, MSEfficacy) per session.
In a next step the three GPC were analyses in more detail. For the three
GPC (DM, MSEfficiency, MSEfficacy) a RMANOVA with repeated mea-
sures of the average numbers per session of the game performance categories
(in case: control, scoring and CSO (dribbling, passing, cutting actions), set-
ting up an attack) was executed, followed by a RMANOVA with repeated
measures of the positive proportional values of the game performance cate-
gories (in case: control, scoring and CSO (dribbling, passing, cutting
actions), setting up an attack).
To compare the physiological response of the players to both game play
situations the heart rate results during the 3 on 3 and 5 on 5 game play ses-
sions a RMANOVA was used to compare the average heart rates of the play-
ers in both game play situations.
For the three GPC a main effect condition was found F(3,27)=78,69, p
<.001, ηp2= .90. Significantly higher averages numbers were found during
the 3 on 3 condition compared to the scores during the 5 on 5 condition (see
table II). Effect sizes of the average numbers of the three GPC’s were.86, .89
and .88 for DM, MSEfficiency and MSEfficay respectively.
Comparison of the average positive proportional values of the average
numbers of the three GPC indicated that for every GPC the positive pro-
portional values were not significantly different in both game conditions
F(3,27)= .74, p = ns, ηp2= .08 (see table III).
The former results were analyzed more detailed at the level of the four
game performance categories (in case: control, scoring and CSO, setting up
an attack). The average numbers per session of the decision making compo-
Average Numbers Per Session Of The Three Game Performance Components (GPC’s: DM, MSEfficiency,
MSEfficacy) During 5 On 5 And 3 On 3 Game Play Together With The P-Values And Effect Sizes (
5on5 3on3 Fp
DM 29.88 (9.49) 50.35 (8.18) 175.22 .001 .858
MSEfficiency 92.23 (40.87) 164.87 (38.81) 239.82 .001 .892
MSEfficacy 30.20 (11.33) 52.09 (10.27) 203.53 .001 .875
Note. Standard deviation in brackets.
Average Positive Proportional Values (In Percentages) Of The Three Game Performance Components
(GPC’s: DM, MSEfficiency, MSEfficacy) During 5 On 5 And 3 On 3 Game Play
5on5 3on3
DM 80.15 (10.45) 79.78 (12.76)
MSEfficiency 85.83 (5.83) 83.97 (12.71)
MSEfficacy 78.91 (7.03) 76.75 (13.01)
Note. Standard deviation in brackets.
nents of the game performance categories were significantly different F(6,24)=
60,06, p <.001, ηp2= .94 between both game conditions. For all game perfor-
mance categories, except for setting up an attack significantly higher scores
were found in the 3 on 3 condition compared to the scores during the 5 on 5
condition (see table IV). For the game performance category setting up an
attack scores were significantly higher in the 5 on 5 condition compared to
the 3 on 3 condition for the DM and the MSEfficacy component. For the
MSEfficiency higher scores were found for setting up an attack in the 5 on 5
condition. Effect sizes for the game performance categories varied between
.36 and .86.
Average Numbers Per Session Of The Three Game Performance Components (GPC’s: DM, Msefficiency,
Msefficacy) Of The Game Performance Categories (In Case: Control, Scoring And Creating Scoring
Opportunities (CSO: Dribbling, Passing, Cutting Actions), Setting Up An Attack) During 5 On 5 And 3
On 3 Game Play Together With The P-Values And Effect Sizes (
5on5 3on3 Fp
Decision-making component
Control [cat 09-10]5.43 (2.58) 9.85 (2.73) 142.15 .001 .83
Scoring [cat 11-12]1.65 (1.07) 4.30 (1.74) 107.54 .001 .79
Creating scoring Dribbling [cat 13-16]4.18 (2.32) 7.19 (2.34) 88.09 .001 .75
opportunities (CSO) Passing [cat 14-17]5.23 (2.66) 8.93 (2.55) 66.11 .001 .70
Cutting [cat 15-18]2.75 (1.54) 4.21 (1.43) 31.11 .001 .52
Setting up an attack [cat 19-20-21-22-23-24]5.29 (1.52) 3.58 (.96) 24.69 .001 .46
Motor skill efficiency
Control [cat 25-26-27-28-29-30-31]4.71 (2.22) 7.07 (1.87) 58.78 .001 .67
Scoring [cat 35-36-37-38-39-40-41-42-43-44-45-46]1.66 (1.07) 4.31 (1.77) 104.39 .001 .78
Creating scoring Dribbling 3.21 (1.89) 5.55 (2.07) 78.08 .001 .73
opportunities (CSO) [cat 47-48-49-50-51-52-
Passing 3.92 (2.10) 6.34 (1.81) 49.45 .001 .63
[cat 57-58-59-60-61-62]
Catching 5.49 (2.44) 9.92 (2.51) 162.73 .001 .85
[cat 63-64-65-66-67-68]
Cutting 2.47 (1.51) 3.89 (1.57) 25.49 .001 .47
[cat 69-70-71-72-73-74]
Setting up an attack [cat 75-76-77-78]3.02 (.68) 4.34 (1.38) 23.02 .001 .44
Motor skill efficacy
Control [cat 79-80]5.24 (2.58) 9.69 (2.69) 174.03 .001 .86
Scoring [cat 81-82]1.68 (1.07) 4.24 (1.73) 90.14 .001 .76
Creating scoring Dribbling [cat 83-84]3.76 (2.20) 6.52 (2.54) 78.15 .001 .73
opportunities (CSO) Passing [cat 91-92-93]9.88 (4.52) 17.336 (4.38) 125.82 .001 .81
Cutting .95 (.63) 1.45 (.60) 16.24 .001 .36
[cat 85-86-87-88-89-90]
Setting up an attack [cat 94-95]8.72 (2.75) 6.03 (1.38) 23.63 .001 .45
Note. Standard deviation in ( ) brackets. Detailed description of the game performance categories can be
found in the appendix and is noted in []brackets.
In a next step the focus is on the positive proportional values of the game
performance categories. Comparison of the average positive proportional
values of the decision making components of the game performance cate-
gories (in case: control, scoring CSO (dribbling, passing, cutting actions),
setting up an attack) resulted in a main effect of condition F(6,24)= 3.34, p
<.05, ηp2= .46 (see table V). Significantly higher averages positive propor-
tional values of the decision making component during the 3 on 3 condition
were only found for the game performance category CSO cutting actions
compared to the 5 on 5 condition F(1,29)= 12,59, p <.001, ηp2= .30 (see table
V). Identical analyses were executed on the average positive proportional
values of the motor skill efficiency and efficacy components of the game per-
formance categories. Results for the motor skill efficiency component F(6,24)=
.36, p = ns, ηp2= .08 and for the motor skill efficacy component F(7,23)= 2.17,
p = ns., ηp2= .40 showed no significant differences between both conditions
when comparing the average positive proportional values of the both com-
ponents of the game performance categories (see table 5).
Average Positive Proportional Values Of The Three Game Performance Components (GPC’s: DM,
Msefficiency, Msefficacy) Of The Game Performance Categories (In Case: Control, Scoring And Creating
Scoring Opportunities (CSO: Dribbling, Passing, Cutting Actions), Setting Up An Attack) Together
With The P-Values And Effect Sizes (
5on5 3on3 Fp
Decision-making component
Control 87.37(13.61) 85.88(14.68) .33 ns .011
Scoring 76.79(29.93) 86.66(15.15) 2.33 ns .074
Creating scoring Dribbling 73.62(25.63) 77.84(19.02) .96 ns .032
opportunities (CSO) Passing 85.70(10.60) 85.32(11.00) .03 ns .001
Cutting 57.01(27.08) 43.08(21.94) 12.59 .001 .303
Setting up an attack 81.78(14.10) 82.84(13.69) 0.14 .ns .005
Motor skill efficiency
Control 92.85 (6.22) 90.09 (8.63) 3.96 ns .120
Scoring 88.19 (2.75) 95.79 (3.79) 2.85 ns .090
Creating scoring Dribbling 91.74 (17.70) 90.37 (17.59) 0.09 ns .003
opportunities (CSO) Passing 86.92 (7.89) 85.82 (10.58) .27 ns .009
Catching 90.26 (8.68) 91.10 (7.20) .45 ns .015
Cutting 41.15 (25.08) 32.59 (21.44) 6.69 ns .188
Setting up an attack 69.26 (19.18) 72.24 (18.61) .92 ns .031
Motor skill efficacy
Control 99.44 (2.12) 98.86 (3.31) 1.36 ns .045
Scoring 48.51 (27.07) 45.95 (21.28) .14 ns .005
Creating scoring Dribbling 90.09 (20.12) 92.46(18.24) .21 ns .007
opportunities (CSO) Passing 91.57 (5.21) 92.66 (4.43) .72 ns .024
Cutting 29.34 (27.04) 30.31 (24.01) .06 ns .002
Setting up an attack 72.30 (19.81) 73.39 (18.79) .12 ns .004
Note. Standard deviation in brackets.
Comparison of the average heart rates in both game play conditions
F(1,28)= 7,0, p <.05, ηp2= .20 resulted in significantly higher heart rates in the
5 on 5 condition (M = 185.07 ± 10,76) compared to the 3 on 3 condition (M
= 180.80 ± 12,10).
A crucial prerequisite for (motor) learning to occur is exercising, and more
specifically the frequent repetition of a skill (Newell, 1996). For games teach-
ing, this means it is crucial to select appropriate learning activities (Silverman,
2003) that reflect players’ developmental readiness and that allow certain
aspects of the game to come into play more often so that players get more in-
game repetitions on key tactics and motor skills (Metzler, 2000). So, in games
teaching the learning activities should contain constraints that are representa-
tive of those that players will face during game play (Renshaw et al., 2010) for
an integrated development of both components of game performance. In the
absence of a theoretical framework a similar statement was already made by
Turner and Martinek (1992) two decades earlier, namely that through game
play more adaptable schemata for motor skills may be developed.
The general purpose of this study was therefore to compare the amount
of learning opportunities in the 3 on 3 modified game compared to the 5 on
5 full basketball game. For the assessment of the number of learning activi-
ties and the related game performance the game performance coding instru-
ment of Tallir et al. (2007) was used. This instrument distinguishes three
GPC’s (the decision-making component, the motor skill execution efficiency
component and the motor execution efficacy component) of every observed
offensive action, on and off-the-ball and was consequently preferable to the
Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) (Oslin et al., 1998)
where all “decisions made” are assessed as one game component, which
makes it impossible to identify in more detail whether a decision is related to
dribbling, passing or shooting.
The significantly higher scores on the three GPC in the 3 on 3 game play
condition indicated that in this game play situation players experienced more
learning opportunities compared to the 5 on 5 full game play condition. This
confirms Metzlers’ (2000) statement that small-sided or modified games (in
this study the 3 on 3 game play), contain more in-game repetitions of key tac-
tics and motor skills. Capel (2000) noted that small-sided games provide
more learning opportunities compared to the full game. When the focus is on
the analysis of the different game performance categories (control, score,
CSO and setting up an attack) the larger amount of learning opportunities in
the 3 on 3 game play situation is only found for the game performance cate-
gories control, score, CSO. This may originate from the smaller amount of
players which indirectly offered the players more space and time to make
decisions and to execute these decisions. For the game performance category
setting up an attack the numbers in the DM component and the MSEfficacy
component were higher in the 5 on 5 game play situation, while the MSEffi-
cacy component showed higher scores in the 3 on 3 game play situation. In
the 5 on 5 condition players may experience the need for setting up more
than in the 3 on 3 game play situation because of the crowed situation with
ten players on the playing field. The actions related to setting up an attack are
however not executed correctly, whereas they show nevertheless have a suc-
cessful outcome. This finding shows similarities to the variability principle of
the constraints-led approach (Davids et al., 2008). However, it should be
acknowledged that the assessment of the MSEfficiency component was not
detailed enough in this study to effectively draw this conclusion.
If the increase in learning opportunities found in this study results in an
improvement of game performance remains an unanswered question. Com-
parison of the game performance of the players in both game play situations
showed that the positive proportional values of the three GPC’s are not sig-
nificantly different in both game play situations, except for the cutting
actions. In the 5 on 5 game play the proportion of positive cutting actions in
the decision-making component was significantly higher as compared to the
3 on 3 game play. This may originate from the fact that during 5 on 5 game
play players execute more actions off the ball since they have less opportuni-
ties to execute on the ball actions because of the larger number of players.
The results of the present study underline the importance of future
research to investigate to what extent learning results are easier or faster
attained when applying the non-linear pedagogy principles (Davids et al.,
2008). It is necessary to evaluate the impact of the manipulation of a task
constraint, e. g. the rules of the game, the equipment used, size of the playing
area, and number of players involved during a learning experiment on games
teaching. This should add empirical support to the current lack of strong evi-
dence (Strean and Bengoechea, 2002) in favour of the more student-centered
instructional approaches such as Teaching Games for Understanding
(TGfU). It was stated a decade ago by Rink (2001) that selection of the learn-
ing task may be one of the most important decisions made by physical edu-
cation teachers and this still holds true as illustrated by Chow et al. (2009)
who mentioned that it is a challenge for future research to extend under-
standing of nonlinear pedagogy principles in games teaching research.
Another unanswered question in this domain is the search for the opti-
mal game play situation to assess game performance or what game situation
with its specific constraint reflects the developmental status of the players
whose game performance is to be assessed. This nonlinear pedagogy research
topic may even be extrapolated to investigation of the statement made by Sil-
verman (2003) that players will learn more if they get developmental appro-
priate practice during the game play learning activities holds.
Overall, the findings of this study showed that 10-11 year old players
experienced more learning opportunities during 3 on 3 game play as com-
pared to 5 on 5 game play. Since creating learning situations with a lot of
learning opportunities is not an isolated objective, in physical education
lessons as well as in competitive training sessions, the physical load was mea-
sured in both game play situations. Results showed that players had signifi-
cantly lower average heart rates while playing 3 on 3 game play as compared
to the 5 on 5 full game. Heart rates between 170 and 190 BPM are an indi-
cator of high physical exertion, whereas heart rates above 190 BPM occur
during maximal physical exertions. Since the heart rate results of the players
in this study are both covered by the zone of high physical exertion the dif-
ference found between both game play conditions should be nuanced.
Apparently, the smaller dimensions of the basketball court in the 3 on 3
small-sided games, resulting in the lack of long runs during counterattacks,
did not result in clear differential physical requirements compared to the full
game. The conclusion with regard to the physical activity and fitness aims in
physical education lessons as well as in basketball training is that full games
as well as small-sided games can be used to obtain these goals, but that small-
sided games (in case 3 on 3) have the additional advantage of more potential
for learning (and improving) decision-making and motor skill execution.
A limitation of the present study is the fact that the dynamic environ-
mental interactions are not taken into account (Chow et al 2007) in the analy-
sis of game performance. In a recent study of Vilar, Araujo, Davids and But-
ton (2012) the ecological dynamics framework is proposed as a framework to
substantiate insights in successful and unsuccessful performance in game
play. The assessment of the MSEfficacy component of game performance in
this study is far more rudimentary. In fact, it is limited to the assessment of
the observed outcomes of the decisions as they are executed by players dur-
ing game play (Turner & Martinek, 1999).
A final suggestion for future research is related to the fact that repetition,
an important component of exercising, is related to the number of learning
opportunities and is, indeed, a very important prerequisite for learning to
occur. However, one should avoid that players are guided continuously dur-
ing game play, culminating in the development of teacher or coach depen-
dent performers (Turner & Martinek, 1992). Therefore it is important that
learning activities, such as small-sided games, provide players with a maxi-
mum of in-game repetitions of motor skills without losing the focus on prac-
tising decision-making skills and thus enticing players to continuously reflect
on their game performance. Therefore the instructions and feedback the
learners receive also need to be carefully chosen. According to Metzler
(2000) players’ motivation and thus their learning results depend on the pres-
ence of challenging learning activities. An interesting aspect for future
research may be to investigate the motivational aspects of these small-sided
games compared to the full game.
Date Condition
Participants’ number
Game performance Decision-making
Motor skill execution
Control Pivoting in the direction
of the basket. (cat09)
Not pivoting or not piv-
oting in the direction of
the basket. (cat10)
Holding the ball with two
hands. (cat25)
Knees, hip and elbow
bent. (cat26)
Feet parallel and aimed
at the basket. (cat27)
Pivoting without travel-
ling foul. (cat28)
Pivoting according to the
position of the defender.
Holding the ball with one
hand or holding the ball
with two hands but close
to the floor. (cat30)
Knees, hip and elbow not
bent. (cat31)
Feet not parallel and not
aimed at the basket.
Pivoting with travelling
foul. (cat33)
Pivoting without taken
the position of the
defender into account.
Player stays in possession
of the ball. (cat79)
Player looses the ball.
Scoring Standing close to the bas-
ket and trying to score
when there is no
defender nearby. (cat11)
Standing close to the bas-
ket and not trying to
score when there is no
defender nearby.
Standing far away from
the basket and trying to
score while there was free
space to dribble closer to
the basket.
Standing under the bas-
ket and trying to score.
Trying to score while a
team-mate was in a
favourable position.
Trying to score while
there is close defence.
Feet parallel and aimed
at the basket. (cat35)
Holding the ball in
shooting pocket. (cat36)
Overhand shooting.
Bow in trajectory of the
ball. (cat38)
Clear flexion-extension
movement. (cat39)
Ball hits square on the
basket or the ring. (cat40)
Feet not parallel and not
aimed at the basket.
No shooting pocket.
Not shooting overhand.
No bow trajectory of the
ball. (cat44)
Clear flexion-extension
movement is missing.
Ball misses square on the
basket or the ring. (cat46)
Ball ends in the basket.
Ball misses the basket.
The game performance coding instrument (Tallir et al. 2007)
Date Condition
Participants’ number
Game performance Decision-making
Motor skill execution
Dribbling to take the
free space to the basket.
Dribbling to create
space. (cat13)
Dribbling on the spot.
Not dribbling while
there was free space to
the basket.
Dribbling while a team-
mate stands free in a
favourable scoring posi-
tion. (cat16)
Pass to a team-mate
who stands free and/or
in a more favourable
position. (cat14)
Pass while there was
free space to dribble to
the basket.
Pass to a team-mate
who does not stand
free. Pass to a team-
mate while there was a
scoring opportunity.
No travelling foul at the
start of the dribble.
No travelling foul dur-
ing the dribble. (cat48)
No travelling foul at the
end of the dribble.
Dribble with view on
the game. (cat50)
Travelling foul at the
start of the dribble.
Travelling foul during
the dribble. (cat52)
Travelling foul at the
end of the dribble.
Dribble with the back
aimed at the game.
Not dribbling while
moving with the ball.
Useless dribble (e.g.
when catching a ball).
In the cutting direction.
Not too high, not to far.
Passing with two hands
(chest or bounce pass).
Not in the cutting
direction. (cat60)
Too high, to far, not far
enough. (cat61)
Not passing with two
hands (no chest or
bounce pass). (cat62)
In the running direc-
tion. (cat63)
Not too high, not too
far. (cat64)
With two hands. (cat65)
Not in the running
direction. (cat66)
Too high, too far.(cat67)
Not with two hands.
Dribble ends in a scor-
ing opportunity. Players
stays in possession of
the ball. (cat83)
Player looses the ball.
Ends in ball possession.
Ball possession (after
control with dribble).
Ball is lost. (cat93)
Ends in ball possession.
Ball possession (after
control with dribble).
Ball is lost. (cat93)
(Continued) APPENDIX
Date Condition
Participants’ number
Game performance Decision-making
Motor skill execution
Cutting Cutting to the basket
after giving a pass.
Not cutting to the bas-
ket while the player
with the ball undertakes
an action to the basket.
Cutting to the basket
while the player with
the ball undertakes an
action to the basket.
Not cutting after giving
a pass.
Running behind the
player with the ball.
Cutting and returning
immediately. (cat18)
Cutting immediately
after giving a pass.
Not cutting when there
is an action to the bas-
ket. (cat69)
Asking the ball while
cutting. (cat70)
Eye contact while cut-
ting. (cat71)
Not cutting immedi-
ately. Cutting while
there is an action to the
basket. (cat72)
Not asking the ball
while cutting. (cat73)
No eye contact while
cutting. (cat74)
Leads to a good passing
opportunity. (cat85)
Leads to ball posses-
sion. (cat86)
Leads to a scoring
opportunity. (cat87)
Does not lead to a good
passing opportunity.
Does not lead to ball
possession. (cat89)
Does not lead to a scor-
ing opportunity. (cat90)
Setting up an attack Moving to lose the
Player is free in the
around the spots.
Not moving when he
can receive the ball.
Player can receive the
ball left and right from
the player with the ball.
Remain standing with
defence in the passing
lane. (cat22)
Free but too far away
from the player with the
ball. (cat23)
Free, but not remain
Two players on one side
of the ball. (cat24)
Change of speed and
direction. (cat75)
Free, remain standing.
No change of speed and
Remain standing in a
useless position. (cat77)
Free, but not remain
standing. (cat78)
Player can receive the
ball. (cat94)
Player cannot receive
the ball. (cat95)
(Continued) APPENDIX
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Manuscript submitted May 2012. Accepted for publication September 2012.
... The topic is relevant in this sport because improving the performance in 3×3 basketball is something everyone wants and will need continuously, for any team. Based on the analyzed scientific studies on improving the finishing, efficiency and effectiveness of the left hand in 3×3 basketball (Bonev & Petrov, 2020;Lenoir, et al., 2012;Perez Fernandez, 2023;Rasulovna, 2022), it can be concluded that the use of the dominant and non-dominant hand is not sufficiently appreciated and given importance. The non-dominant hand is not sufficiently trained, whereas the analysis of the scientific literature allows concluding that it would be of great benefit to both the players and the team as a whole. ...
... Consequently, this gives a playing advantage to the opposing player, who is also strong on the left side, or both sides equally strong, creating a situation to make deceptive moves. The opponent becomes unpredictable and thus has a better chance of outplaying the player, which confirms the task, training the left side for passing is essential, which other researchers have underlined in their research, because the level of the non-dominant hand must be trained so that both hands become dominant (Lenoir et al., 2012). ...
Conference Paper
The aim of the study is to study and analyze the effectiveness of the 3×3 players’ left-hand (non-dominant hand) outplay and to test its effectiveness. Research methods – pedagogical observation, experiment and survey methods. This study used a pedagogical observation and experiment to see how special exercises for the left (non-dominant) hand improve the effectiveness of the hoop and the pass. To verify the hypothesis of the study, the authors conducted a survey, semi-structured interview with (n-2) 3×3 basketball coaches, (n-8) male 3×3 basketball players aged between 20 and 37 years and two expert coaches participated in the study. The study found that the nature of the physiological effects of the exercises used to train basketball players varied significantly. The specific conditioning exercises in 3×3 basketball depend on the combination of physical activities – the type of exercises used, their intensity and duration, the number of rest breaks and the number of repetitions. The authors of the paper developed four exercises (Focus on the left hand; Passing “in one movement”; Passing “with a pause” and Passing “with several movements”) for training the left hand (non-dominant hand) of 3×3 basketball players in order to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. Comparing the results of testing the athletes before and after the experiment, the authors concluded that the outplay performance to the left with the left (non-dominant) hand right-handed athletes improved by 2.03% after 6 months of training with the developed exercises.
... Four studies analysed the differences between playing 3 vs. 3 and 5 vs. 5 [33][34][35][36]. The games with fewer players showed more situations with potential for learning and improving decision-making and motor skills, due to the higher number of 2-point shots, possessions, and passes. ...
... A reduction in the number of players involves an increase in the actions done by players [21,[33][34][35][36][37]. These results can be considered normal; fewer players per team involves more ball contact by players (dribble, rounds, passes, and shots). ...
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The purpose of this scoping review was to analyse the effect of rules modification on technical and tactical action in young basketball. The publications search period ranged from January 2007 to December 2021. The search covered the following electronic databases: SCOPUS, SportDiscus, and the Web of Science core collection. Following this search process, 18 articles were included in the review. The following variables were analysed: characteristics of the sample, the constraints manipulated, the duration of the intervention, and the effect on technical-tactical actions. The studies reviewed modified the following constraints: (a) number of players (66.7%), (b) court dimensions (27.8%), (c) ball/player interactions (11.1%), and (d) ball/player interactions, basket height, game time and number of baskets (5.6%, respectively). The findings show that rule manipulation can increase players' participation and promote the variability of players' actions. The current evidence about rule modification in youth basketball presents areas in which more studies are needed to have a complete perspective of their impact in practice and competition through the different stages of players' development. Taking into account individual needs and developmental stages, further studies should consider different age groups (e.g., from U-10 to zU-14) and female players. Expanding scientific knowledge in this area would help coaches make short-and long-term plans in accordance with players' developmental stages.
... With the evolution of sports, it has been observed that in recent years, the tactical skills have shown interest in researchers as a way to assess and monitor sports teachinglearning-training process in soccer (Andrade et al., 2021;Praça et al., 2017;Rodrigues et al., 2020;Américo et al., 2016), handball, (Ribeiro et al., 2021;Amaral et al., 2018), volleyball (Fonseca et al., 2019;Mazzardo et al., 2018), and tennis (Aburachid et al., 2018). In this regard, tactic is related to the knowledge of the athlete and game logic, named as tactical knowledge evaluated here in basketball studies (Jiménez et al., 2009;Greco et al., 2010;Bourbousson et al., 2010;Leite et al., 2011;Gray & Sproule, 2011;Tallir et al., 2012;Folle et al., 2017;Pagé et al., 2019), which is an important requisite to measure performance in sport disciplines and it is considered a predictor of success in invasion team sports (Kannekens et al., 2011). ...
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Introduction: In sports declarative tactical knowledge (DTK) refers to the athlete's ability to verbalize or narrate the facts relevant to task performance, referred to as “knowing what to do” in a given game situation. Understanding this variable is a relevant factor for progression of content in training sessions. Purpose: This study aimed to assess DTK levels among young basketball athletes in U14 and U17 categories throughout a season, which we objectively and subjectively obtained through participation of coaches and athletes (selfassessment). Materials and methods: Sixty-seven female basketball athletes (average age, 14.6±1.2) considering U14 (n=29) and U17 (n=38), and seven coaches (average age, 32.7±7.9) from respective teams participated in the study. The DTK Test in Basketball was used for objectively assessing DTK. The Subjective Assessment of the Coach (SAC) and Athlete’s Subjective Self-Assessment (ASS) were used for promoting subjective assessment. Results: Our results demonstrated significant differences in DTK levels regarding SAC and ASS throughout the season. Furthermore, most of the coaches overestimated DTK levels of their athletes in both categories and were more precise in the SAC in the U17 category. The ASS showed that the players overestimated themselves in both categories at all moments throughout the season. Conclusions: It is concluded that most of the coaches had difficulties in recognizing the DTK level of their U14 and U17 athletes, as well as the athletes, as they overestimated their knowledge when assessed subjectively. Thus, coaches and athletes were clearly found to have difficulty acknowledging tactical potential, important construct in the assessment of tactical ability.
... The internalization is faster and easier when dynamic games are used, and this is because the pupils each have a different training level [14]. ...
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The purpose of this research is to determine whether there are differences in regards to basketball learning through dynamic games between 11-12-year-old female and male middle schoolers. The subjects of the research were 40 pupils, of which 19 males and 21 females, aged 11- 12, from the “Alexandru cel Bun” Middle School of Bacau. The ANOVA test showed that there are statistically significant differences between the average time recorded by the girls and boys in almost all the challenges. In conclusion, it can be said that basketball is learned differently by 11-12- year-old pupils, according to their gender.
... In another study, Tallir et al. (2012) compared 3:3 and 5:5 basketball games and found that small side games that provide a differential learning environment have more positive effects on variables in the actual game, and in another study, Schollhorn et al. (2012) provided clear evidence of the superiority of the differential learning approach, taking into account the results of their tests on soccer technique in their research. Similarly, Coutinho et al. (2018) reported that enriched training programs based on differential learning and physical literacy seem to have the potential to improve the in game performance of attacking players in football and the results obtained from this study confirmed their hypothesis that there are improvements in physical, technical, creative and tactical performances, especially in the U15 age group, and can be used to improve performance in the training of attacking players in football. ...
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Aim: Improvement of skills in handball means an increase in performance. There are two main learning methods in sport: traditional (classical) and differential learning. The aim of our study was to determine the effect of plyometric training with differential learning method on agility and handball-specific coordination skills in 11-13-year-old handball athletes who are new to the sport. Methods: In this study, 44 male secondary school students aged 11-13 years from Istanbul and Adana provinces, who were new to sports, volunteered to take part in this study. Two groups of 22 students each were randomly selected as classical training group and differential learning group. All groups were given handball training for 4 weeks as adaptation training. The training sessions were conducted four days a week for 1.5 hours for 12 weeks. Pre-tests were applied before the training period started, and post-tests were applied at the end of 12 weeks. In the study, T-test, zigzag running, obstacle tests as motor skill agility tests; For handball coordination skills, handball slalom dribbling, wall quick pass, hand wall toss pass tests were applied. Results: Differential learning group (T-test, zig-zag running, obstacle, handball slalom dribbling, wall quick pass, hand wall toss pass tests) were statistically significant compared to the results of the classical training group (p
... Indeed, children have more learning opportunities during smallsided games to increase tactics or strategies than participating in full gameplay (Buchheit et al., 2009). Additionally, smallsided games, in handball as an example, can be a useful exercise to increase the number of contacts with the ball for each player, resulting in more dribbles, passes, and shots (Sassi et al., 2005;Köklü et al., 2011;Tallir et al., 2012). This may contribute to better technical skills (Buchheit et al., 2009;Iacono et al., 2015) during physical education and handball training. ...
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To examine the effects of combined positive verbal encouragement and general technical guidelines on technical and psychophysiological parameters in pupils during a small-sided handball passing game. Twenty secondary school pupils (age, 16 ± 1 years; body mass, 55.3 ± 6.6 kg; body height, 1.77 ± 0.13 m; BMI, 22.6 ± 2.2 kg m⁻¹) performed small-sided games (2 × 10 min) with three conditions: small-sided game (1) with combined verbal encouragement and technical instruction; (2) with technical instruction; (3) without any instruction (control) in which the passes for each pupil in each set was measured together with the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and feeling mood after the first and second set. Results: A two-way analysis of variance demonstrated that the combined condition resulted in more passes compared to the technical instruction and control conditions, while the number of passes increased in set 2 for all conditions. RPE and the feeling mood were also differently between the conditions. Combined verbal encouragement and technical instruction during handball exercise were more beneficial for optimal passing numbers, positive mood with less perception of physical effort compared to only technical instruction and a control condition. The results evidenced positive acute effects of combined verbal encouragement and technical instruction during handball, indicating the usefulness of these training methods for optimal passing numbers, positive mood with less perception of physical effort in physical education pupils. Future studies should evaluate the applicability combined verbal encouragement and technical skills in the training of other conditioning capacities and the individual responsiveness of players toward verbal encouragement tasks.
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dt. Der CLA stellt empirisch fundiert individuelle Problemlösungen zugunsten von situations-und individuumsübergreifenden Idealbewegungen ins Zentrum der Vermittlung. Hierbei wird durch Veränderungen von Aufgaben-, Umwelt-und individuellen Bedingungen das problembezogene Handeln beeinflusst, wenngleich die Berücksichtigung der Anwendbarkeit unter den schulischen Rahmenbedingungen von Sportunterricht noch aussteht und folgend diskutiert wird. engl. The constraints-led approach is empirically based and places individual problem solving at the centre of teaching in favour of ideal movements across situations and individuals. In this context, problem-related action is influenced by changes in task, environmental and individual constraints, although the applicability under the school framework conditions of physical education has yet to be considered and will be discussed below.
تناولت الدراسة تحليل مجموعة من مباريات كأس العالم 2016 و استخلصت نتائج الدراسة أن حالات اللعب في مباراة 3×3 هي أولاً الأداءات المهارية الهجومية بعد الاستحواذ على الكرة و التي تتطلب الخروج إلى خارج قوس الثلاث نقاط قبل محاولة التصويب بعد تصويبه ناجحة من الفريق المنافس أو بعد الاستحواذ على الكرات المرتدة من المتابعات الدفاعية بعد التصويبات غير الناجحة للفريق المنافس أو الكرات المخطوفة داخل قوس الثلاث نقاط و ثانيا : الأداءات المهارية الهجومية بعد الاستحواذ على الكرة و التي لا تتطلب الخروج خارج قوس الثلاث نقاط قبل محاولة التصويب و حالاتها (1) بعد المتابعة الهجومية (2) عند استلام الكرة من المكان أو من الحركة خارج قوس الثلاث نقاط (3) قطع الكرة خارج قوس الثلاث نقاط و استحواذ.
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Coaching behaviours often derive from sporting traditions, instinct and previous experiences. Practitioners tend to follow traditional, inherited methods rather than adopt new evidence-based approaches associated with athlete development. This article reviews literature relating to theoretical constructs of a novel coach education framework (CEF) developed by the Irish Rugby Football Union. The three constructs included are: self-determination theory (SDT), explicit learning theories (ELT) and implicit learning theories (ILT). A total of 82 publications met the inclusion criteria (SDT: n = 18, ELT: n = 28, ILT: n = 36). This review supports the efficacy of these constructs in isolation for promoting effective coaching practices and provides a justification for future implementation of the framework and its evaluation. This framework may have the potential to address a shortfall in current coach education formats, which have traditionally focused on What content should be used for athlete development as opposed to How practitioners can coach more effectively.
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This study examined the effectiveness of two approaches for basketball instruction, the Invasion Games Competence Model (IGCM) and the Traditional Approach (TRAD) on the actual game performance of primary school children (10-11 yrs). Data were collected by means of video-analysis of 3 on 3 and 3 on 1 game play conditions. Actual game performance of two groups of 13 participants was assessed by coding cognitive decision-making (DM), motor skill execution efficiency (MSEfficiency), and motor skill execution efficacy (MSEfficacy). All three components improved in both groups, but the learning profile was different, with the IGCM group showing a major increase in game performance from pre-test to post-test, while the traditional group caught up at the retention test. Game performance was always better in the 3 on 1 condition compared to the 3 on 3 condition. This study shows the beneficial short-term effects of the IGCM instructional method on actual game performance.
This book is a collection of essays written by teacher educators with a passion for sharing knowledge, research, and insights about the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach. The intended audience for this collection is teacher educators and graduate and undergraduate students in physical education and sport pedagogy as well as practicing teachers and coaches interested in helping students and players to become better games players. All our authors presented at the Fourth International TGfU Conference, which provided an arena for a restatement of the importance of games as a learning process. The conference was held in May 2008 at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada. The next seminar will begin the newly adopted four-year cycle in 2012 in the United Kingdom and will be hosted by Loughborough University in Leicestershire. This event will mark the 30th anniversary of the seminal TGfU paper written by Bunker and Thorpe in 1982. TGfU has become a significant movement in physical education worldwide. The 2008 TGfU conference was attended by 355 participants (150 teachers, 40 coaches, 40 graduate students, and 125 researchers and teacher educators) who represented 26 countries from 6 continents. Over 90 presentations, including 22 practical sessions, took place at the conference. The 2008 conference was able to achieve a more desirable balance in research, theory, and practice. The planning committee spent a great deal of energy targeting the K-12 schools, coaching organizations, and their networks.
In this paper we propose that research in motor behavior has failed to meet the obligation of studying how children learn important sport skills. In particular, understanding the specific sport knowledge base is essential to studying skilled sport behavior. To support this view we review the research in the cognitive area relative to the development of expertise. We then attempt to justify why a similar approach is useful for motor behavior researchers and why they should undertake the study of sport skill acquisition. Finally, we offer a paradigm within which sport skill research might take place.
The purpose of the research was to make a cross-cultural analysis and systematize models of physical education based on the ideas of L.A. Be-lyaeva, P.S. Gurevich, I.G. Fomicheva by means of vector modeling. Conclusions. The contradictions between acute and potential corporal-spiritual abilities and human needs necessary for adaptation, socialization, individualization and enculturation in the natural and sociocultural environments and between social requirements to human corporal-spiritual conditions and its real conditions are the main factors pf physical education. One teaches and learns to live in a constantly changing world. In physical education one should use all the variety of natural and sociocultural factors, conditions and abilities capable of rendering both accidental and organized effect on human development, flexible forms, means and methods of recreation, education, development and training to achieve poly-variability of training-educative process and construction of sports environment to form health, physical and sports culture of children and youth, active, competent and tolerant personality ready for identity formation in the constantly changing world. Regarding physical education of a certain person: every individual should in some measure pass the stages of individual and sociocultural development, presupposing adaptation, socialization, self-realization and enculturation, thus at primary school the key modality of physical education can be recreative-adaptive, at secondary - socioorientating, at senior and professional school - personally-focused or sports-recreative. The specified model of physical education is always the same in practice, they correlate with each other, complementing and making up for their specific faults and limits.
The purpose of this article is to report on the development and validation of the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). The GPAI is a multi-dimensional system designed to measure game performance behaviors that demonstrate tactical understanding, as well as the player's ability to solve tactical problems by selecting and applying appropriate skills. The GPAI provides analyses of individual game performance components (e.g., decisions made, skill execution, and support) and/or overall performance (e.g., game involvement and game performance). The individual game performance components were developed and evaluated by experts to determine validity and reliability. The GPAI protocol was field tested across three categories of games: invasion (soccer and basketball), net/wall (volleyball), and field/run/score (softball). Validity and reliability were examined through three separate studies using middle school physical education specialists and their sixth-grade classes. Findings suggest that the GPAI provides a valid and reliable method for assessing game performance.