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Textile industry effluents contain large number of dyes. Dyes are found to be toxic and considered to be resistant to biodegradation. Methylene blue (MB) is a representative of a class of dyestuffs resistant to biodegradation. In this work a detailed and systematic investigation of heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation of MB in aqueous TiO 2 suspension is presented using 8W low-pressure 'mercury vapor lamp with a focus to study the effect of various experimental parameters such as initial concentration of MB, concentration of TiO 2 as well as addition of electron scavenger H 2O 2 to obtain complete degradation and decolorization of MB. Degradation was found to increase in the order UV+TiO 2+H 2O 2 > UV+TiO 2 > UV+H 2O 2 > UV. The photodegradation of MB was monitored spectrophotometrically by estimating molar concentration changes of MB according to the Beer-Lambert's law. The rate constants for this heterogeneous photocatalysis were evaluated as a function of concentration of MB, H 2O 2 and TiO 2. A pseudo-first order kinetic has been used to describe the results.
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment______________________________________Vol.14 (4) Dec. (2010)
Kinetics of Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue
in a TiO2 Slurry Reactor
Ovhal Sheetal D. and Thakur Pragati*
Department of Chemistry, University of Pune, Ganeshkhind, Pune, INDIA
Textile industry effluents contain large
number of dyes. Dyes are found to be toxic and
considered to be resistant to biodegradation.
Methylene blue (MB) is a representative of a class of
dyestuffs resistant to biodegradation. In this work a
detailed and systematic investigation of heterogeneous
photocatalytic degradation of MB in aqueous TiO2
suspension is presented using 8W low-pressure
mercury vapor lamp with a focus to study the effect of
various experimental parameters such as initial
concentration of MB, concentration of TiO2 as well as
addition of electron scavenger H2O2 to obtain
complete degradation and decolorization of MB.
Degradation was found to increase in the order
UV+TiO2+H2O2 > UV+TiO2 > UV+H2O2 > UV. The
photodegradation of MB was monitored spectropho-
tometrically by estimating molar concentration
changes of MB according to the Beer-Lambert’s law.
The rate constants for this heterogeneous
photocatalysis were evaluated as a function of
concentration of MB, H2O2 and TiO2. A pseudo-first
order kinetic has been used to describe the results.
Keywords: Titanium dioxide, Hydrogen peroxide, Methyl-
ene blue, Photocatalyst.
In recent years, heterogeneous photocatalysis on
metal oxide semiconductor particles has attracted
increasing attention as a promising method for the removal
of toxic organics from water1-3. It utilizes low intensity
ultraviolet light with semiconductors acting as
photocatalyst and leads to complete mineralization of
pollutants to environmentally harmless compounds. The
photocatalytic reactions allow thermodynamically
unfavorable reactions to occur and allow destruction of
non-biodegradable refractory contaminants. While catalytic
processes require high temperature or high pressure,
photocatalytic oxidation is a promising technique for many
purposes due to its ability to operate at or slightly above
ambient conditions4. A variety of organic molecules can be
photocatalytically oxidized and eventually mineralized
according to the following general reaction5-8:
Semiconductor, hν
Organic molecules + O2 CO2+H2O + mineral
The photocatalysts commonly used are TiO2, ZnO,
CdS, Fe2O3, WO3 with TiO2 being frequently reported as
the most active in organic degradation experiments. In
wastewater treatment processes involving semiconductors,
non toxicity and insolubility, both in dark and on illum-
ination, are important considerations. TiO2 satisfies these
requirements; moreover, it is extremely stable in aqueous
suspensions with diminishing rate of photo corrosion.
Textile dyes represent the main source for aquatic
pollution with colored compounds. Several studies on
photocatalytic degradation of various photostable dyes have
been reported in the literature10. During dyeing process of
textile industry, approximate amounts of 1-15% are
discharged in wastewater 11. Dyes constitute more complex
entities and present a significant challenge to
environmental chemists because of the persistent
environmental health risks12. Cationic dyes are extensively
used for dyeing cotton, wool and silk. The risk of the
presence of these dyes in wastewater may arise from the
burns effect of dye, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Reactive dye such as a Methylene Blue (MB) dye is widely
used in the textile industries because of the simple dyeing
procedure and stability during washing process13.
The data reported recently in the literature on the
photocatalyzed degradation of certain dyes by
heterogeneous photocatalytic processes are not sufficient
for industrial or for large scale pilot plant applications
because several experimental parameters e.g. light
intensity, reactor geometry, pH, temperature, concentration
of reactant and concentration of TiO2 have complex effects
on the degradation reaction and thus also on treatment
cost14. It was reported that the use of inorganic oxidants
such as H2O2, ClO3-, BrO3- and S2O8- in TiO2 system
increase the quantum efficiencies either by inhibiting
electron-hole pair recombination through scavenging
conduction band electrons at the surface of TiO2 or by
offering additional oxygen atom as an electron acceptor to
form the superoxide radical ion(O2-.).15-17 According to the
investigation on H2O2, adequate dose of H2O2 leads to a
faster degradation of organic compounds in the TiO2
photocatalytic system.18 However the degradation is
suppressed if excess H2O2 is used. This is due to the
undesirable consumption of OH. radicals that are
previously formed by H2O2 leading to generation of less
reactive HO2. radicals instead.19
Herein, we have investigated the systematic study
on the photocatalytic degradation of MB in aqueous TiO2
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment______________________________________Vol.14 (4) Dec. (2010)
suspension under UV light irradiation with a focus to study
the effect of various experimental parameters such as initial
concentration of MB, concentration of TiO2 as well as
addition of electron scavenger e.g. H2O2 to obtain complete
degradation and decolorization of MB.
Material and Methods
Reagents: TiO2 (LR grade Merck with 99 % purity:
mixture of anatase and rutile) of band gap = 3.2 eV and
BET surface area of 50 ± 15 m2g-1 , H2O2 (30%, w/w,
Merck), Methylene blue (Qualigens Fine Chemicals) were
used as received.
Photoreactor: The experiments were carried out in batch
immersion well photocatalytic reactor procured from
‘Scientific Aids and Instruments Corporation’, Chennai,
India. The reactor consists of double wall immersion well
made of quartz which was placed inside the glass reactor
fitted with standard joint. The whole assembly of the
reactor as procured from the manufacturer also consists of
8W low-pressure mercury vapor lamp (peak emission at
254 nm) which was placed inside the immersion well.
Water was circulated through the inlet and outlet provided
by the reactor in order to maintain the constant temperature
between 30 ± 10C.
Analysis: Effect of various experimental parameters such
as time of irradiation, catalyst concentration, substrate
concentration and effect of addition of electron scavenger
H2O2 was studied. For that, from the stock solution of MB
of concentration 0.01 mol/L, various solutions of desired
concentrations were prepared in Millipore water. The
photodegradation experiments were carried out in
photoreactor in which 250 ml of MB solution was taken.
The solution was agitated with the help of aeration pump
and magnetic stirrer. To study the effect of time of irradia-
tion, photocatalytic degradation of MB was studied over
the range of 3-8 hrs. Fig.2 shows spectral changes
occurring during the photo degradation of MB. Effect of
catalyst and H2O2 concentration was studied by varying the
amounts of TiO2 ranging from 50 to 125mg/250mL and
0.2g to 0.6g/250mL for H2O2. For the optimized catalyst
concentration, various experiments were carried for the
substrate concentration of MB ranging from 1.0x10-5
to1.0x10-4mol/L. When TiO2 was used, the suspension was
stirred in the dark for 30 min before irradiation which was
found to be sufficient to reach an equilibrated adsorption.
The suspension was then irradiated with UV lamp. In each
case the suspension was sampled at convenient time,
filtered through 0.2 μm, 13 mm diameter millipore disc and
then analyzed by Schimadzu UV-Visible Spectro-
photometer (UV-1650PC) to measure the concentration of
dye in suspension.
Results and Discussion
Kinetics of MB disappearance: Fig.3 shows the kinetics
of the disappearance of MB on initial concentration of
5.0x10-5 mol/L under different conditions. There was no
observable loss of MB when the irradiation was carried out
in the absence of TiO2. The presence of TiO2 and H2O2
combination shows rapid degradation of MB. Experimental
results are presented in fig.3 and table 1, together with
correlation coefficients for each of the fitted lines. The
results show that the degradation rate depends on different
experimental conditions.
This fitting indicates that the photocatalytic
degradation of MB in aqueous TiO2 suspensions can be
described by the pseudo- first order kinetic model. As it can
be seen from the values given in table1, the change in the
rate constant is 0.0351h-1when the reaction condition is
only UV and 0.9096 h-1 when the reaction condition is UV
and TiO2 along with H2O2 .This shows that rate of reaction
is UV+ TiO2+ H2O2> UV+ TiO2 > UV+ H2O2 >UV. The
UV+ TiO2+ H2O2 system shows higher rate of degradation
as compared to the UV+ TiO2 because the addition of
hydrogen peroxide to the system increases the
concentration of OH., since it inhibits the electron-hole
recombination, according to the following equation20:
TiO2 (e-) + H2O2= TiO2 + OH- + OH.
Effect of TiO2 concentration on MB degradation: The
effect of varying concentration of TiO2 was studied.
Experiments were performed with various amounts of
catalyst powder (50 – 125 mg / 250 ml) at 5.0x10 -5 mol/L
initial concentration of MB. The curve in fig.3 shows that
% degradation goes on increasing with an increase in the
TiO2 concentration up to 100 mg and then it is decreased.
As the concentration of catalyst is increased, the number of
photons absorbed and the number of MB dye molecules
adsorbed are increased owing to an increase in the number
of TiO2 particles. The density of particles in the area of
illumination also increases and so the rate is enhanced15.
Maximum degradation was obtained at a TiO2
concentration of 100 mg/250ml.
Beyond this the substrate molecules available are
not sufficient for adsorption by the increased number of
TiO2 particles. Hence the additional catalyst powder is not
involved in catalyst activities and the rate does not increase
with an increase in the amount of catalyst beyond a certain
limit21. Also at high TiO2 concentrations particles aggregate
which reduce the interfacial area between the reaction
solution and the photocatalyst. Thus the number of active
sites on the catalyst surface decreases. The increase in
opacity and light scattering by the particles may be the
other reasons for the decrease in the degradation rate.22
Effect of initial substrate concentration on MB degrad-
ation: The effect of substrate initial concentration on degr-
adation of MB dye was studied at different concentrations
varying from 5x10-5to 1x10-4mol/L since the pollutant
concentration is a very important parameter in water trea-
tment. Experimental results are presented in fig.4 and table
3 which show that the degradation rate depends on the
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment______________________________________Vol.14 (4) Dec. (2010)
initial concentration of MB. The rate constant k decreases
with increase in the initial concentration of MB which
confirms that kinetics of MB is not a simple first order but
pseudo first order. Furthermore, the slopes of the lines in
fig.5 and the k values in table 3 show that the degradation
rate decreases with increases in initial concentration.
The initial concentration dependence of the
photodegradation rate of MB can be based on the fact that
the degradation reaction occurs on TiO2 particles as well as
in solution. With an increase in dye concentration, the
solution becomes more intense colored and the path length
of photons entering the solution is decreased thereby fewer
photons reached the catalyst surface. Hence, the production
of hydroxyl and superoxide radicals is reduced.
Therefore, the photo degradation efficiency is
reduced23. Moreover, at the higher concentration, the
number of collisions between dye molecules increases
whereas the number of collisions between dye molecules
and .OH radical decreases. Consequently, the rate of
reaction is retarded.24-25 From fig.4, it can be seen that the
degradation rate constant obtained in this study is
proportional to the reciprocal of the initial MB
Effect of addition of H2O2 on MB degradation: The
effect of addition of H2O2 to the system with optimized
catalyst concentration and optimized initial substrate
concentration was studied. For these studies, the amount of
H2O2 added ranged from 0.2g/250mL to 0.6g/250mL. The
obtained results are depicted in fig.6 and table 4 which
show pseudo-first order kinetics. Maximum degradation
rate was obtained for 0.4g of H2O2 concentration. The
addition of H2O2 to the heterogeneous system increases the
concentration of OH. radicals:
TiO2 (e-) + H2O2 TiO2 + OH - + OH.
Being an electron acceptor, H2O2 does not only
generate .OH radicals but it also inhibits electron hole
recombination process at the same time, which is one of the
most important practical problems in using TiO2 as
photocatalyst. When the H2O2 concentration becomes high,
the excess H2O2 consumes hydroxyl radicals and it
performs like a hydroxyl radical scavenger26:
H2O2 + .OH HO2. + H2O
Maximum rate of degradation was achieved in the
first hour only. Complete degradation was achieved in 3 hrs
after addition of H2O2.
The results obtained in the present study show the
great efficiencies of advanced oxidation processes in the
degradation of MB dye which are resistant to other
conventional treatment processes. Degradation was found
to increase in the order UV+TiO2+H2O2 > UV+TiO2 >
UV+H2O2 > UV. The photodegradation followed pseudo-
first order kinetics and was dependant on concentration of
TiO2, initial concentration of substrate and hydrogen
peroxide concentration.
The photo degradation rate goes through a
maximum when increasing the concentration of TiO2 due to
particle aggregation and reduction in the interfacial area
between the reaction solution and the photocatalyst. The
employment of UV+TiO2+H2O2 process led to complete
decolorization and degradation of MB.
In presence of high H2O2 concentration, the excess
H2O2 consumes hydroxyl radicals and performs like a
hydroxyl radical scavenger giving maximum photo degra-
dation rate at 0.4 g/L. The observations of this investigation
clearly demonstrated the importance of choosing the
optimum degradation parameters which are essential for
any practical application of photocatalytic oxidation proc-
ess. Obtained results of applications of heterogeneous
photocatalysis along with H2O2 with high degradation rate
make it the most appealing choice for MB degradation.
First author is thankful to University Grant
Commission (UGC), New Delhi and Center for Nano ma-
terials and Quantum Systems (CNQS), Department of
Physics, University of Pune, for financial support.
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Table I
Pseudo-first order kinetics data for the different
Process k(h-1) R2
UV 0.0351 0.9817
UV/ H2O2 0.6423 0.9851
UV/TiO2 0.7066 0.9760
UV/TiO2/H2O2 0.9096 0.9819
Table II
Effect of concentration of TiO2 on photogradation rate
of MB
Weight of TiO2(g)
per 250 mL k(h-1) R2
50 0.2394 0.9579
75 0.3894 0.9691
100 0.7069 0.9749
125 0.3441 0.9765
Table III
Effect of initial concentration of MB on photogradation
C0 mol/L k(h-1) R2
0.000010 1.5689 0.9955
0.000050 0.7684 0.9562
0.000067 0.3167 0.9615
0.000100 0.1044 0.9843
Table IV
Effect of H2O2 addition on the photodegradation rate of
H2O2 g
/250 mL k(h-1) R2
0.0 0.7024 0.9869
0.2 0.8518 0.9637
0.4 0.9240 0.9574
0.6 0.7840 0.9724
Fig. 1: Schematic representation of the processes occurring
in and on semiconductor particles during the photo
catalytic mineralization of organic molecules by oxygen.
OH. + Pollutants
CO2 + H2O
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment______________________________________Vol.14 (4) Dec. (2010)
Fig. 2 : Spectral changes occurred during
photodegradation of MB dye after time interval of 60
minute pH = 5.58, TiO2 = 100 mg/250 mL,
[MB] = 5 x 10-5 mol/L
Fig. 3: Effect of different experimental conditions on the
photodegradation of MB
pH = 5.58, TiO2 = 100 mg, [MB] = 5 x 10-5 mol/L
Fig. 4: Effect of TiO2 concentration on the photo
degradation rate of MB
pH = 5.58, [MB] = 5 x 10-5 mol/L
Fig. 5: Effect of initial concentration of MB on the
photo degradation rate
pH = 5.58, TiO2 = 100 mg/250 mL
Fig. 6: Effect of initial concentration of H2O2 on the
photo degradation rate, pH = 5.58,
TiO2 = 100 mg/250 mL, [MB] = 5 x 10-5 mol/L
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(Received 28th June 2010, accepted 15th November 2010)
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Irradiation time in hrs
In C/C0
TiO2 in mg/250mL
In C/C0
Irradiation time in hrs
Irradiation time in hrs
In C/C0
... The degradation of methylene blue dye in the presence of TiO 2 under UV irradiation follows the pseudo-first-order kinetic model (Ovhal and Thakur, 2010). The value of the kinetic constant obtained through this model with the data in Fig. 10 is 0.004 min − 1 . ...
Despite the widespread use of membrane separation processes for water treatment, operation costs and fouling still restrict their application. Costs can be overcome by recycled membranes whereas fouling can be mitigated by membrane modification. In this work, the performance of recycled reverse osmosis membranes modified by greener titanium dioxide (TiO2) and graphene oxide (GO) in different modification routes were investigated and compared. The use of recycled membranes as a support acted more than a strategy for costs reduction, but also as an alternative for solid waste reduction. Low adhesion of nanoparticulate materials to the membrane surfaces were verified in depositions by self-assembly, whereas filtration and modification with dopamine generated membranes with well adhered and homogeneous layers. Considering the stability, permeability, and rejection efficiency of dyes as model substrates, the membranes modified with the aid of dopamine-TiO2-GO were the most promising. The nanomaterials increased the membrane hydrophilicity and formed a hydrated layer that repels the organic contaminants and reduces fouling. Besides membrane rejection, adsorption (contribution: ∼10%) and photocatalysis (contribution: ∼20%) were additional mechanisms for pollutants removal by the modified membranes. The photocatalytic membrane modified with dopamine-TiO2-GO was furthermore evaluated for the removal of six different pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs), noticing gains in terms of removal efficiency (up to 95.7%) and fouling mitigation for the modified membrane compared to the original membranes. The photocatalytic activity still contributed to a simultaneous degradation of PhACs avoiding the generation of a concentrated stream for further disposal.
... Los radicales °OH se generan in situ por la aplicación directa o por la combinación de agentes oxidantes como el ozono, el peróxido de hidrógeno, la radiación ultravioleta o las sales férrico/ferrosas, entre otras. Entre la gran variedad de tecnologías disponibles las más comunes son: la combinación UV y peróxido (UV/H 2 O 2 ) (Li et al., 2011), el reactivo Fenton (Fe 2+ /H 2 O 2 ) (Gogate, 2010) y dos de sus variantes como el foto-Fenton (Saatci et al., 2010) y el hierro cerovalente (Fe 0 ) (Kallel, 2009), que es una combinación de las anteriores, o la fotocatálisis (UV/TiO 2 ) (Ovhal, 2010). La continua innovación de estas tecnologías está propiciando nuevos desarrollos con la aplicación de microondas (Zhao, 2011), nuevos catalizadores, ultrasonidos (Khatri, 2011;Mahamuni, 2010), entre otros. ...
Full-text available
Resumen Cada año se vierten millones de metros cúbicos de aguas residuales a los cuerpos de agua, las cuales son tratadas de forma inadecuada, siendo estos procedimientos ineficientes para alcanzar lo requerido por la ley o para uso dentro de los procesos industriales. En estos casos, y debido a la escasez del hídrico, se está recurriendo al uso de los procesos de oxidación avanzada como tratamiento alternativo. Estos procesos se basan en procesos fisicoquímicos capaces de producir cambios profundos en la estructura química de los contaminantes, involucrando la generación y uso de es-pecies transitorias de gran poder oxidante, principalmente el radical hidroxilo, el cual puede ser generado por medios fotoquímicos o por otras formas de energía y posee alta efectividad para la oxidación de materia orgánica. Esta revi-sión tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis de la influencia de los tratamientos en el proceso de descontaminación. Palabras clave Aguas residuales, tratamiento alternativo, procesos de oxidación avanzada. Abstract Every year millions of cubic meters of wastewater are discharged into water bodies, which are treated in an inadequate way, these procedures being inefficient to achieve what is required by law or for use within industrial processes. In these cases, and due to the scarcity of water, the use of advanced oxidation processes is being used as an alternative treatment, which are based on physicochemical processes capable of producing profound changes in the chemical structure of pollutants, involving the generation and the use of transitory species with great oxidizing power, mainly the hydroxyl radical, which can be generated by photochemical means or by other forms of energy, and is highly effective in the oxidation of organic matter. This review aims to perform an analysis of the influence of treatments on the decontamination process.
... Los radicales °OH se generan in situ por la aplicación directa o por la combinación de agentes oxidantes como el ozono, el peróxido de hidrógeno, la radiación ultravioleta o las sales férrico/ferrosas, entre otras. Entre la gran variedad de tecnologías disponibles las más comunes son: la combinación UV y peróxido (UV/H 2 O 2 ) (Li et al., 2011), el reactivo Fenton (Fe 2+ /H 2 O 2 ) (Gogate, 2010) y dos de sus variantes como el foto-Fenton (Saatci et al., 2010) y el hierro cerovalente (Fe 0 ) (Kallel, 2009), que es una combinación de las anteriores, o la fotocatálisis (UV/TiO 2 ) (Ovhal, 2010). La continua innovación de estas tecnologías está propiciando nuevos desarrollos con la aplicación de microondas (Zhao, 2011), nuevos catalizadores, ultrasonidos (Khatri, 2011;Mahamuni, 2010), entre otros. ...
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Cada año se vierten millones de metros cúbicos de aguas residuales a los cuerpos de agua, las cuales son tratadas de forma inadecuada, siendo estos procedimientos ineficientes para alcanzar lo requerido por la ley o para uso dentro de los procesos industriales. En estos casos, y debido a la escasez del hídrico, se está recurriendo al uso de los procesos de oxidación avanzada como tratamiento alternativo. Estos procesos se basan en procesos fisicoquímicos capaces de producir cambios profundos en la estructura química de los contaminantes, involucrando la generación y uso de especies transitorias de gran poder oxidante, principalmente el radical hidroxilo, el cual puede ser generado por medios fotoquímicos o por otras formas de energía y posee alta efectividad para la oxidación de materia orgánica. Esta revisión tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis de la influencia de los tratamientos en el proceso de descontaminación.
... In this context, it is extremely relevant to provide information of the photon fluence or irradiance of any experimental set-up. Failure to report these values will result in technical reports that cannot be benchmarked or compared to other works in literature ( Duta et al., 2018 ;Ovhal and Thakur, 2010 ). ...
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This review compiles recent advances and challenges in the photocatalytic treatment of natural water by analyzing the remediation of cyanotoxins. The review frames the treatment need based on the occurrence , geographical distribution, and legislation of cyanotoxins in drinking water while highlighting the underestimated global risk of cyanotoxins. Next, the fundamental principles of photocatalytic treatment for remediating cyanotoxins and the complex degradation pathway for the most widespread cyanotoxins are presented. The state-of-the-art and recent advances on photocatalytic treatment processes are critically discussed, especially the modification strategies involving TiO 2 and the primary operational conditions that determine the scalability and integration of photocatalytic reactors. The relevance of light sources and light delivery strategies are shown, with emphasis on novel biomimicry materials design. Thereafter, the seldomly-addressed role of water-matrix components is thoroughly and critically explored by including natural organic matter and inorganic species to provide future directions in designing highly efficient strategies and scalable reactors.
... The increase in the TOC removal from 3 to 6 mM of H 2 O 2 is due to the higher concentration of oxidant present in solution that generates more hydroxyl radicals in the presence of the radiation (Eqn 2). However, after that point the degradation performance is found to be decreased because the excess H 2 O 2 acts as a radical scavenger 48,49 and produces hydroperoxyl radicals (HO 2 . , as shown in Eqn 6), 49 which have a smaller oxidation potential than the hydroxyl radicals. ...
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Background Photocatalytic degradation of Orange II (OII) dye has been carried out with commercially available materials, namely sodium Y zeolite (NaY), ammonium Y zeolite (NH4Y), and reduced graphene oxide (RGO). The catalysts were characterized by N2 adsorption at −196 °C, pH at the point of zero charge (pHpzc), and ultraviolet/visible (UV/Vis) diffuse reflectance absorbance. The initial screening of processes like adsorption, oxidation with hydrogen peroxide alone, direct photolysis, combination of H2O2 with the catalyst, and/or with UV/Vis radiation has been done. For the process with better performance (radiation combined with the oxidant and using the materials as photocatalysts), a parametric study was carried out to evaluate the effect of pH, H2O2 concentration, catalyst dose, radiation intensity, and radiation type (UV/Vis or visible radiation) in OII degradation and mineralization. Results The screening demonstrated that radiation plays an important role in the hydroxyl radical formation and, inherently, in the oxidation of OII and in the mineralization of the organic compounds formed. Still, for all catalysts tested, the existence of optima in terms of pH (2.0), catalyst dose (100 mg L⁻¹), and H2O2 concentration (6 mM) was found, while the maximum radiation intensity (500 W m⁻²) and UV/Vis radiation incidence benefits the oxidation process. However, the best process performance was achieved when using the catalyst that absorbs more radiation (RGO), yielding OII and TOC removals of 97.7% and 87.9%, respectively, after 90 min of reaction time. Conclusion Taking into account the great performance reached, a possible application of such catalysts in the treatment of textile dyeing effluents is anticipated. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry (SCI)
This study investigates the combined effects of UV/TiO2 and UV/H2O2 processes on the degradation of 1,2-dichlorobenzene in aqueous media, employing a recycled current photo-reactor equipped with a water jacket. Evaluation of various factors—initial pH, TiO2 dosage, initial H2O2 concentration, pollutant concentration, and temperature—contributed to the optimization of degradation rates and operational costs for both processes. For the degradation of 50 mg/L of DCB, the optimal operating conditions were found to be for UV/TiO2: pH = 3, [TiO2] = 30 mg/L and T = 25 °C, and for UV/H2O2: pH = 3, [H2O2]0 = 350 mg/L and T = 25 °C. After 60 min of irradiation time, the degradation efficiency, pseudo first order rate constant and operational cost value for the UV/TiO2 and UV/H2O2 processes were as 98.9%, 0.0771 min−1, 11.6 /m3and96.3/m3 and 96.3%, 0.0573 min−1, 11.8 /m3 respectively. Also, thermodynamic parameters of activation energy, enthalpy change, entropy change and standard Gibbs free energy were calculated as 21.78 (kJ/mol), 19.37 (kJ/mol), −0.20 (kJ/mol K) and 73.34 (kJ/mol at 25 °C) for UV/TiO2 process and 7.62 (kJ/mol), 5.18 (kJ/mol), − 0.25 (kJ/mol K) and 80.14 (kJ/mol at 25 °C) for UV/H 2O2 process. The investigation also encompassed the exploration of 13 hybridization scenarios, including UV/TiO2/ H 2O2 and UV/H2O2/TiO2, revealing notable findings. Notably, a specific hybridization scenario, namely UV/TiO2 (30 mg/L)/ H 2O2(250 mg/L), demonstrated a significant synergistic effect (29.5%). Evaluating pollutant mineralization unveiled compelling results, with approximately 85% mineralization achieved after 90 min for the UV/TiO2(30 mg/L)/H2O2(250 mg/L) scenario, showcasing a remarkable synergism (44%) in the mineralization process.
This thesis presents the development of photoactive heterostructures of Bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) and Titanium dioxide (TiO2) and their application in photocatalysis under visible light irradiation, considering their abundance, non-toxicity, and high stability. The higher recombination rate in both materials, and the large band gap of TiO2 (3.2eV) limit their applications. Hence, band gap engineered TiO2/BiVO4 nanocomposites were synthesized by a modified Sol-gel method in the powder form with the stoichiometry of (1-x) TiO2: x BiVO4 (x= 0.2,0.8 &0.5) and another set with the low stoichiometry of BiVO4 ((100-x)%TiO2: xBiVO4); x= 0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5) was also synthesized considering the photocatalytic response from different contaminants. Considering their application in water treatment the powder was deposited as films using Radio-frequency sputtering. Films of two different architectures were developed: the first one is the composition of X=0.5 from sol- gel synthesized structures was chosen to make the target. And in the other, a layered heterostructure film with TiO2 layer over BiVO4 was deposited varying deposition time, power, chamber atmosphere and substrates. The optical, morphological, and electrochemical characterizations were performed. The UV-Visible characterizations confirmed the redshift in band gap depending on the stoichiometry of BiVO4 (≈2.4eV) and TiO2 (≈3.2eV). The X-ray diffractograms confirmed the formation of desired crystalline Monoclinic-BiVO4 (101, 103) and Anatase TiO2 (101) phases. The heterostructure formation was identified from TEM micrographs which clearly show the presence of junctions between planes. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy corroborated the presence of surface states at the interface between the heterostructures causing higher charge separation efficiency within the structures which influenced the photocatalytic efficiency of the materials. A complete degradation of the organic dyes such as acid blue and methylene blue was observed using the powder structures within 20 minutes of irradiation. Arsenic (III) oxidation and removal was performed using Central Composite Design (CCD) by Response Surface Method (RSM) and a complete removal of Arsenic was observed within an hour of irradiation. The deposited films demonstrated near and above 90 % of organic dye degradation within 180 minutes of irradiation, among which the layered architecture was more efficient. The re-usability test results confirmed the stability of the films without much reduction in their performance.
The existence of fullerenes, Single-Wall Carbon Nanocones (SWNCs), especially Nanohorns (SWNHs), Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube (SWNT) (CNT) (NT), NT-Fullerene Bud (NT-BUD), Nanographene (GR) and GR-Fullerene Bud (GR-BUD) in cluster form is discussed in organic solvents. Theories are developed based on columnlet, bundlet and droplet models describing size-distribution functions. The phenomena present a unified explanation in the columnlet model in which free energy of cluster-involved GR comes from its volume, proportional to number of molecules n in cluster. Columnlet model enables describing distribution function of GR stacks by size. From geometrical considerations, columnlet (GR/GR-BUD), bundlet (SWNT/NT-BUD) and droplet (fullerene) models predict dissimilar behaviours. Interaction-energy parameters are derived from C60. An NT-BUD behaviour or further is expected. Solubility decays with temperature result smaller for GR/GR-BUD than SWNT/NT-BUD than C60 in agreement with lesser numbers of units in clusters. Discrepancy between experimental data of the heat of solution of fullerenes, CNT/NT-BUDs and GR/GR-BUDs is ascribed to the sharp concentration dependence of the heat of solution. Diffusion coefficient drops with temperature result greater for GR/GR-BUD than SWNT/NT-BUD than C60 corresponding to lesser number of units in clusters. Aggregates (C60)13, SWNT/NT-BUD7 and GR/GR-BUD3 are representative of droplet, bundlet and columnlet models.
This paper discusses the existence of single-wall carbon nanocones (SWNCs), especially nanohorns (SWNHs), in organic solvents in the form of clusters. A theory is developed based on a bundlet model describing their distribution function by size. Phenomena have a unified explanation in bundlet model in which free energy of an SWNC, involved in a cluster, is combined from two components: a volume one, proportional to number of molecules n in a cluster, and a surface one proportional to n1/2. Bundlet model enables describing distribution function of SWNC clusters by size. From purely geometrical differences, bundlet (SWNCs) and droplet (fullerene) models predict different behaviours. The SWNCs of various disclinations are investigated via energetic–structural analyses. Several SWNC’s terminations are studied, which are different among one another because of type of closing structure and arrangement. The packing efficiencies and interaction-energy parameters of SWNCs/SWNHs are intermediate between fullerene and single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) clusters; an in-between behaviour is expected. However, the properties of SWNCs, especially SWNHs, are calculated close to SWNTs. The structural asymmetry in the different SWNCs, entirely characterized by their cone angle, distinguishes the properties of some, such as P2.
This chapter discusses the existence of single-wall carbon nanocones (SWNCs), especially nanohorns (SWNHs) in organic solvents in the form of clusters. A theory is developed based on a bundlet model describing their distribution function by size. Phenomena have a unified explanation in bundlet model in which free energy of an SWNC, involved in a cluster, is combined from two components: a volume one, proportional to number of molecules n in a cluster, and a surface one proportional to n1/2. A bundlet model enables describing distribution function of SWNC clusters by size. From purely geometrical differences, bundlet (SWNCs) and droplet (fullerene) models predict different behaviours. The SWNCs of various disclinations are investigated via energetic–structural analyses. Several SWNC’s terminations are studied which are different among one another because of the type of closing structure and arrangement. Packing efficiencies and interaction-energy parameters of SWNCs/SWNHs are intermediate between fullerene and single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) clusters.
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The kinetics of the photocatalytic degradation of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) in the presence of TiO2 has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. The effects of the catalyst loading, the initial concentration of 4-NP, H2O2 and the added Cu2+ ions on the degradation rate have been examined. A pseudo-first order kinetic model has been used to describe the results. A linear dependence of the rate constant upon the reciprocal of the initial 4-NP concentration has been obtained. The addition of H2O2 increases the reaction rate while Cu2+ ions has a detrimental effect. With the intention of predicting the primary intermediates, geometry optimizations of the reactants, the products and the transition state complexes have been performed with the semi-empirical PM3 method. The molecular orbital calculations have been carried out by an SCF method using RHF or UHF formalisms. Based on the results of the quantum mechanical calculations, the rate constants of the two possible reaction paths have been calculated by means of the transition state theory, and 1,2-dihydroxy-4-nitro-cyclohexadienyl radical which then forms 4-nitrocatechol has been determined as the most probable primary intermediate by the application of three different theoretical shortcut methods.
The interest in heterogeneous photocatalysis is intense and increasing, as shown by the number of publications on this theme which regularly appear in this journal, and the fact that over 2000 papers have been published on this topic since 1981. This article is an overview of the field of semiconductor photocatalysis : a brief examination of its roots, achievements and possible future. The semiconductor titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) features predominantly in past and present work on semiconductor photocatalysis; as a result, in the most of the examples selected in this overview to illustrate various points the semiconductor is TiO 2 .
Wastewaters from textile industry contain various pollutants including a high content of organic matter, surfactants, additives and dyes. Dyes have obtained notoriety as hazardous substances, because most of them are toxic and considered to be resistant to biodegradation. Recently, advanced oxidation processes (AOP) have received considerable attention because it is possible to degrade organic compounds and colour from wastewaters. The decolourisation of Vat Green 01 textile dyestuff and real textile wastewater was investigated using UV radiation in the presence of H2O2 as function of pH, hydrogen peroxide concentration and dye concentration (in the study with the dyestuff). The results showed that the degradation increases as the initial H2O2 concentration increased up to a certain point at which hydrogen peroxide inhibited the wastewater photolytic degradation. The decolourisation rate follows pseudo-first order kinetic with the respect to the dye concentration.
The kinetics of the photocatalytic degradation of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) in the presence of TiO2 has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. The effects of the catalyst loading, the initial concentration of 4-NP, H2O2 and the added Cu2+ ions on the degradation rate have been examined. A pseudo-first order kinetic model has been used to describe the results. A linear dependence of the rate constant upon the reciprocal of the initial 4-NP concentration has been obtained. The addition of H2O2 increases the reaction rate while Cu2+ ions has a detrimental effect.With the intention of predicting the primary intermediates, geometry optimizations of the reactants, the products and the transition state complexes have been performed with the semi-empirical PM3 method. The molecular orbital calculations have been carried out by an SCF method using RHF or UHF formalisms. Based on the results of the quantum mechanical calculations, the rate constants of the two possible reaction paths have been calculated by means of the transition state theory, and 1,2-dihydroxy-4-nitro-cyclohexadienyl radical which then forms 4-nitrocatechol has been determined as the most probable primary intermediate by the application of three different theoretical shortcut methods.
The recent studies of concurrent oxidative and reductive processes occurring in the photocatalytic treatment are reviewed mainly focusing on the fate of carbon and nitrogen in the presence/absence of oxygen. The unusual possibility of photocatalysis to achieve degradation of organic compounds by concurrent reductive and oxidative reactions is discussed using the average oxidation numbers of C and N in the system. The effects of their initial values and of the nature of the organic substrate are outlined.
The photocatalytic degradation of various dyes (Orange II, Orange G, Congo Red, Indigo Carmine, Crystal Violet, Malachite Green, Remazol Blue and Methyl Yellow) has been studied, using P25 Degussa as catalyst. All dye solutions underwent a decolourization. The kinetics of reaction have been studied and were found to be zero or first order with respect to the dyes. This was compared with the adsorption properties. The effect of the addition of hydrogen peroxide has been studied. An enhancement of the rate has been observed in all cases and the order with respect to the additive was found to be almost zero. It is difficult to give a general picture of the kinetics using these very different dyes but the process was found to be effective for the decolourization of textile wastewater.
The textile industry consumes considerable amounts of water during the dyeing and finishing operations. Dyes are extensively used and hence wastewaters discharged in rivers or public sewage treatment plants are highly contaminated. In this work, a detailed investigation of the adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of the safira HEXL dye, an anionic azo dye of reactive class, is presented. H2O2 and UV light have a negligible effect when they are used on their own. The adsorption of dye on the semiconductor shows a strong dependence on the pH and follows a Langmuir adsorption model. The photodegradation kinetics is discussed in terms of the Langmuir–Hinshelwood model.The effect of pH, amount of photocatalyst, UV light intensity and hydrogen peroxide concentration is discussed. The relative photonic efficiency of the system is reported using phenol as a standard organic compound.
Particulate suspensions of TiO2 irradiated with natural solar light in a large experimental plant catalyze the oxidation of a typical organic contaminant: pentachlorophenol (PCP). The addition of oxidants, concentration of which is kept constant during treatment, such as hydrogen peroxide, peroxymonosulphate (oxone) and peroxydisulphate increases the rate of photodegradation of PCP in the following order: S2O2−8>Oxone>H2O2. Peroxydisulphate (10 mM), selected as the best oxidant studied, has been applied to the development of a solar photocatalytic plant for the treatment of commercial pesticide rinsates found in the wastewater produced by a pesticide container recycling plant, which includes the correct treatment of this highly contaminating effluent. The first results, without process or hardware optimisation, show that peroxydisulphate enhances the photocatalytic mineralization rate at least five times.