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The Importance of Flexibility for Functional Range of Motion



The current discussion about the lack of available research evidence to support the effectiveness of preactivity stretching for injury prevention and performance enhancement seems to detract from the widely accepted idea that stretching exercises are important for long-term maintenance of FROM. Despite questions about the validity of long-held assumptions pertaining to the relationship between preactivity stretching exercises and subsequent short-term susceptibility to injury, flexibility is clearly an important aspect of optimal function. All flexibility-assessment techniques (e.g., goniometric measurement of isolated joint mobility and FMS) and all stretching methods (e.g., active, passive, contract-relax, spray and stretch, etc.) should be used as tools in your professional "toolbox." Remember the old saying, "If the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, then everything you are fixing starts to look like a nail." Understanding how, when, and why to use each tool will maximize the benefits an athlete will ultimately realize from the treatments he or she is provided.
... Una musculatura acortada restringe la óptima acción muscular y, por tanto, puede ser considerada como un factor limitante del rango de movimiento (Zakas, Galazoulas, Zakas, Vamvakoudis & Vergou, 2005) pudiendo ocasionar alteraciones en el aparato locomotor (Croisier, Forthomme, Namurois, Vanderthommen y Crielaard, 2002;Sexton & Chambers, 2006). La condición poliarticular de la musculatura isquiosural, su diversidad de funciones, su carácter tónico-postural y el elevado número de fuerzas tensionales a las que se ve sometida (Davis, Ashby, McCale, McQuain & Wine, 2005), hacen que esta musculatura presente una fuerte tendencia al acortamiento Sainz de Baranda, Ferrer, Santonja, Rodríguez & Andújar, 2001;Santonja & Martínez, 1992). ...
... Así, pobres valores de flexibilidad isquiosural han sido asociados con lesiones de la zona lumbar (Biering-Sorensen, 1984;Caillet, 1988;McGill, 2002) y de las extremidades inferiores (Croisier et al., 2002;Sexton & Chambers, 2006). Por ello, numerosos autores recomiendan la realización sistemática de un programa de estiramientos. ...
... Athletes, professionals, and individuals from the general population require flexibility and fluid range of motion (ROM). A lack of functional ROM increases these populations' likelihood of injury (Doğan et al., 2019;Sexton & Chambers, 2006). To find novel and efficient ways to boost flexibility and ROM, previous studies have examined the combination of mental practice with physical training (Guillot, Tolleron, & Collet, 2010;Williams, Odley, & Callaghan, 2004). ...
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Mental imagery (MI) has been shown to influence flexibility when used with stretching. Currently, little evidence supports the efficacy of MI as an independent tool to increase flexibility. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to assess if a guided MI protocol could influence subject range of motion (ROM) measures. Thirty individuals with no history of lower limb injuries underwent initial measures, random group assignment, and post-intervention measures. The imagery group followed a guided visualization of a hamstring stretch, and the control group remained still for the same amount of time. No significant group by time differences were found between the two groups for any of the recorded measures. Although statistical significance was not demonstrated, a post hoc power analysis showed a small effect size on the ANOVA test for knee extension. This study shows that an acute MI-only protocol may not positively influence ROM measures in the hamstring musculature. Future work should use familiarization periods to determine if a learning effect is related to the efficacy of an MI protocol to influence flexibility and validated imagery assessment methods. Future work should also utilize different musculature and stretches to determine if visualization has a uniform influence globally and if different stretch variations may be more efficacious in influencing flexibility.
... Background Individuals from the general population, athletes, and other professionals require flexibility and fluid range of motion (ROM). A lack of functional ROM increases these population's likelihood of injury (Doğan et al., 2019;Sexton & Chambers, 2006). In an attempt to find novel and efficient ways to boost flexibility and ROM, previous studies have examined the combination of mental practice with physical training (Guillot, Tolleron, & Collet, 2010;Williams, Odley, & Callaghan, 2004). ...
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Mental imagery (MI) has been shown to influence flexibility when used with stretching. Currently, little evidence supports the efficacy of MI as an independent tool to increase flexibility. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to assess if a guided MI protocol could influence subject range of motion (ROM) measures. Individuals with no lower limb injuries affecting hamstring flexibility underwent initial measures, random group assignment, and post-intervention measures. The imagery group followed a guided visualization of a hamstring stretch, and the control group remained still for the same amount of time. Independent T-Test, Dependent T-Test, and a repeated-measures ANOVA were part of the statistical analysis plan. Thirty individuals enrolled in the study. No significant differences between groups at baseline were found for baseline demographics and ROM measures. No significant group by time differences were found between the two groups for any of the recorded measures. Although statistical significance was not demonstrated, a posthoc power analysis showed a small effect size on the ANOVA test for knee extension. The current investigation’s evidence shows that an acute MI-only protocol may not significantly influence ROM measures in the hamstring musculature. Future work should use familiarization periods to determine if a learning effect is related to the efficacy of an MI protocol to influence flexibility and validated imagery assessment methods.
... Hamstring flexibility is considered to be especially important for athletes since their range of motion (ROM) is larger than that of non-athletes. Decreased hamstring flexibility reduces exercise performance ability, and may cause musculoskeletal problems such as hamstring injury and pain (Biering-Sørensen, 1984;Sexton & Chambers, 2006). An accurate evaluation of hamstring flexibility leads to better muscle performance and the prevention of possible musculoskeletal injuries (Heiderscheit, Sherry, Silder, Chumanov, & Thelen, 2010). ...
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Along with advancements in science and technology, anthropometric measurements using electronic devices have become possible, and research is being actively conducted on this topic. Recently, devices using Bluetooth that are portable because of their small size have been developed to allow real-time measurements and recording. This study investigated the concurrent validity and intra-trial reliability of a recently developed Bluetooth-embedded inertial measurement unit. Thirty-seven healthy, young adult participants (age = 22.1±1.2 years, height = 166.8±1.6 cm, mass = 61.9±12.3 kg) were included in the study. The knee extension angles during active knee extension were measured for validity, using both the Bluetooth-embedded inertial measurement unit and the standard goniometer. Intra-trial reliability was tested for consistency during repeated measurements. The intra-class correlation coefficients value for the concurrent validity between the Bluetooth-embedded inertial measurement unit and standard goniometer was 0.991, and the values for the intra-trial reliability of the two devices were 0.973 and 0.963, respectively. Based on its high validity and reliability, the Bluetooth-embedded device may be useful for evaluating functional impairment and exercise performance ability by real-time measurements of joint ranges of motion in clinical rehabilitation or sports fields.
... Adventitious hamstring shortness often develops after degeneration in the bottom lumbar area [5,6]. Tight hamstrings following an activity limit the mobility of the hips and may cause lower extremity injuries [7]. It loads stress, especially on the lumbosacral region of the spine, the back annular part of the disk, posterior ligaments, and the erector spinal muscles; this causes recurring micro traumas, and thus injuries. ...
... According to Marshall et al., 2 , flexibility is physical capacity of muscle tissue to lengthen or stretch beyond resting length. It is important in rehabilitation, postural balance, maintaining full range of motion, injury prevention and optimization of musculoskeletal function, such as strength and power 3 . ...
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O objetivo foi verificar a influência de cinco diferentes séries de alongamento passivo sobre a flexibilidade dos músculos isquiostibiais de mulheres jovens. A amostra foi constituída de 45 estudantes universitários do Curso de Fisioterapia. A amplitude de movimento do quadril e do joelho foi avaliada com goniômetro manual, através de dois testes: Elevação do Membro Inferior Estendido e Extensão de Joelho modificado, antes a após o alongamento. O alongamento foi realizado uma vez por semana, com número de séries diferente: uma; duas; três;quatro e cinco séries de 30 segundos, sendo a ordem estabelecida por sorteio. Os dados referentes ao pré e pós-teste foram comparados utilizando o teste t para amostras pareadas. Para comparação entre o número de séries foi utilizada a One-Way ANOVA, na presença de diferenças o post hoc de Bonferroni foi utilizado (α= 0,05). Os resultados demonstram que o pós teste teve aumento significativo na amplitude de movimento quando comparado ao pré para todos os testes. Na comparação entre as séries foi encontrado aumento significativo na ADM de quadril quando foram realizadas três, quatro e cinco séries de alongamento no teste Elevação do Membro Inferior Estendido e em quatro e cinco séries no teste de Extensão de Joelho modificado. Os dados permitem concluir que os exercícios de alongamento, independente do número de séries, aumentam a ADM articular. No entanto, a aplicação de quatro séries é o mais adequado para ganhos de ADM por apresentar melhores resultados.
... Lastly, participants in BearFIT also improved their flexibility levels from pre-to post-assessment. Flexibility contributes to health by reducing the risk of injury, and increasing physical performance and functioning [48] and this becomes increasingly important with increasing age [49]. Although flexibility normally declines throughout the aging process, maintaining flexibility is associated with maintaining mobility, and the ability to complete essential daily tasks such as bathing, walking up and down stairs, getting dressed, and others. ...
... En este sentido, Pastor 59 observó que los nadadores de alto nivel tenían un gran rango de movimiento de la flexión dorsal y lumbar del raquis, con elevados valores de cifosis torácica, y por lo tanto, el empleo del CSR podría no ser apropiado. Un fallo en la detección del riesgo de lesión como consecuencia del uso de un test con baja validez (resultado final alterado) podría evitar la prescripción de un apropiado programa de estiramientos, con lo que se incrementaría el riesgo de dolencias como consecuencia de una limitada flexibilidad isquiosural 60 . Por tanto, el análisis de la validez de los diferentes protocolos SR para estimar la flexibilidad isquiosural debería ser específico para cada modalidad deportiva. ...
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The sit-and-reach tests are widely used for clinicians, coaches and sport scientist to estimate hamstring flexibility. Several sit-and-reach tests have been reported in the scientific literature, such as: a) classic sit-and-reach test, b) V sit-and-reach test, c) back-saver sit-and-reach test, d) modified sit-and-reach test and e) toe-touch test. There are some differences regarding the subject position (uni- or bilateral, sitting or standing, hip position) and the equipment used (measuring with or without a box, executed on the table or floor) among sit-and-reach tests. The choice of either test will be based on: a) the functionality of assessing methodology; b) the relative and absolute reliability (intra and inter tester); as well as c) the validity for estimating hamstring flexibility. This knowledge will allow clinicians, coaches and physical conditioning trainer to select an appropriate sit-and-reach test to categorize their athletes-patients (validity study) and to monitor the efficacy of the treatment performed (relative and absolute reliability study) for maintenance or improvement hamstring muscle flexibility. The main purposes of this systematic review are to analyze and compare the reliability and validity of sit and reach tests for estimating hamstring and low back flexibility.
Flexibility is one of the fundamental elements of the physical condition in certain sports disciplines, especially in the various forms of gymnastics. In these disciplines a range of motion (ROM) articulate maximum in most joints for the execution of technical gestures ends higher value in the regulations is required. The hamstring is a two-joint muscle group, due to its origin and insertion, has effects on the knee, hip and static and dynamic pelvis. For the effect that the continued practice of gymnastics can have on the extensibility of the hamstring muscles, evaluations were performed with the test distance finger-plant test lumbo-horizontal angle in flexion and test the vertical angle of 94 female gymnasts specialty of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics (GEG) aged between 9 and 18 years of national and international level. The results of the three assessments indicate that all gymnasts have a hamstring muscle extensibility higher than the average of the general population and higher than other modalities. In addition there has been a significant increase in flexibility with increasing age of the gymnasts. These results demonstrate the high requirements of flexibility and ROM of this sport, flexibility are gradually acquiring the gymnasts as they ascend age category.
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