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Economical solution to remove microbes from harvested roof water


Abstract and Figures

Scarcity of potable water is being experienced throughout the world due to increasing population (demand) and environmental pollution. These shortages are experienced more by poor rather than the rich, who can afford costly modern technologies for survival. Roof water harvesting is an ideal technique to collect and store water for drinking purposes. However, with time, in spite of all the precautions, there is a possibility of development of microbes in stored water that makes it unsafe for drinking. Moreover, microbe infected water is one of the major concern in most parts of developing countries. There are many water purification methods, although, most of them are expensive and beyond the reach of many people, especially in rural areas. In India, since ancient times, Ayurveda recommends use of copper pots / vessels for storing drinking- water, but, in last few decades, copper is replaced by steel, plastic and earthen pots. In conventional water distribution system chlorine is used to disinfect drinking water, but, it has several detrimental effects, so replacement of chlorine is essential. In this study an attempt was made to study the best method among the Copper, Silver treatment, earthen pot or Plastic jugs for removal of biological contamination from drinking water for domestic use. The result revealed that copper vessel showed maximum inhibitory effect on coliform as well as total bacterial count at 12 hrs and 24 hrs. There was a slight increase in pH and Copper concentration but it remains within the permissible limits laid by World Health Organization. The findings indicate that vessel or pot made up of copper could be used for antimicrobial treatment for purification of drinking water. It would be very economical solution to disinfect potable water, without any energy requirements, which could be adopted in urban / rural areas of the developing countries.
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Eco. Env. & Cons. 20 (Suppl.) : 2014; pp. (S143-S148)
Copyright@ EM International
ISSN 0971–765X
*Corresponding author’s email:
Economical solution to remove microbes from
harvested roof water
Darshana Patel, P.K. Shrivastava* and D.P. Patel
Department of Natural Resource Management, ASPEE College of Horticulture & Forestry,
Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari 396 450, Gujarat, India
(Received 10 June 2014; accepted 21 July, 2014)
Scarcity of potable water is being experienced throughout the world due to increasing population (demand)
and environmental pollution. These shortages are experienced more by poor rather than the rich, who can
afford costly modern technologies for survival. Roof water harvesting is an ideal technique to collect and
store water for drinking purposes. However, with time, in spite of all the precautions, there is a possibility
of development of microbes in stored water that makes it unsafe for drinking. Moreover, microbe infected
water is one of the major concern in most parts of developing countries. There are many water purification
methods, although, most of them are expensive and beyond the reach of many people, especially in rural
areas. In India, since ancient times, Ayurveda recommends use of copper pots / vessels for storing drinking-
water, but, in last few decades, copper is replaced by steel, plastic and earthen pots. In conventional water
distribution system chlorine is used to disinfect drinking water, but, it has several detrimental effects, so
replacement of chlorine is essential. In this study an attempt was made to study the best method among the
Copper, Silver treatment, earthen pot or Plastic jugs for removal of biological contamination from drinking
water for domestic use. The result revealed that copper vessel showed maximum inhibitory effect on coliform
as well as total bacterial count at 12 hrs and 24 hrs. There was a slight increase in pH and Copper concentration
but it remains within the permissible limits laid by World Health Organization. The findings indicate that
vessel or pot made up of copper could be used for antimicrobial treatment for purification of drinking
water. It would be very economical solution to disinfect potable water, without any energy requirements,
which could be adopted in urban / rural areas of the developing countries.
Key words: Harvested roof water, Water purification, Copper vessel, Drinking water
Water is the vital component of all living organisms,
besides it is the primary source to cause the disease
like diarrhea‚ typhoid and various other diseases to
the human being. The major danger associated with
drinking water is its possibility of contamination by
sewage, decay of plant, animal and human waste.
Microbial decay of organic material leads to multi-
plication of host of pathogens that mix with water
which acts as a carrier of bacteria causing infectious
disease as enteric fever or dysentery. Potable use of
such water leads to infections and disease. Provid-
ing safe drinking water to the majority of the
world’s population especially to those in developing
countries‚ is still a major problem. According to the
World Health Organization, an estimated 4.1% of
the total global burden of disease is contributed by
diarrhea illness: around 88% of that burden is due to
unsafe water supply, sanitation and hygiene, with
children in developing countries being the most
common victims (WHO, Burden of disease and cost
S144 Eco. Env. & Cons. 20 (Suppl.) : 2014
effectiveness estimates, 2004). Escherichia coli
(ETEC), rotavirus, Vibrio cholera, and species of Shi-
gella, spreads through contaminated water and food
or from person to person (Qadri et al., 2005). In In-
dia, many states still have outbreaks of cholera.
During 1996-2007, at least 2,22,038 individuals were
affected by cholera (Kanugo et al., 2010). In develop-
ing countries the public water distribution system
are often poorly maintained. moreover‚ treated wa-
ter is also often observed to be re-contaminated be-
cause of unsafe storage and handling practices
within household (Mintz et al., 2001); thus‚ it is im-
portant to explore effective strategies and ap-
proaches that are affordable‚ simple, maintenance
free and that which can be implemented at home
and are acceptable to the population. Storing water
in gold‚ silver and copper pots finds mention in an-
cient texts of Ayurveda for purification of water
(Sharma, 2004). In recent years, this practice has
been replaced by the use of earthen pot‚ steel and
plastic containers as gold‚ silver and copper are ex-
The antimicrobial effect of copper and copper al-
loys on pathogens such as Escherichia coli (Sharan et
al., 2010, Dhanalakshmi and Rajendran, 2013)‚ Sal-
monella, Shigella (Dhanalakshmi and Rajendran,
2013)‚ Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) (Niiyama et al. 2013), Mycobacterium tuber-
culosis (Copper Development Center, 2004;
Godbole, 1971), Influenza A virus (Noyce, 2007)and
Salmonella typhi and Vibrio cholera (Kanugo et al.
2010) has been reported. Copper’s antimicrobial
properties have been recognized and applied by
many ancient cultures for disease control and water
treatment. (Borkow and Gabbay, 2005; Gorman and
Humphreys, 2012). Copper is an essential micronu-
trient for plant, animal and human health (Interna-
tional Copper Association, 2012. Copper Develop-
ment Association, 1988) but rarely occurs naturally
in drinking water. Human body requires copper in
very small amount, its higher concentration in
drinking water can cause health hazard. Elevated
levels of copper for 14 days or more can cause per-
manent kidney and liver damage in infants under
the age of one year and can cause nausea‚ vomiting
and diarrhea and stomach cramps in people of all
ages (David, 2003). Very high level copper can cause
a bitter metallic taste in water and result in blue-
green stains on water surface (Healthy drinking
waters for rhode islanders, 2003).
Materials and Method
Due to shortage of good quality drinking water in
Navsari Agricultural University campus, roof water
harvesting was taken up in several buildings of the
University. Storage tank were designed to meet the
demands of the people using the building. Though,
chemical water quality of all storage tanks was
found to be below 50 TDS during four year of moni-
toring. However, it was found that in spite of adopt-
ing all precautions; there remains the possibility of
development of microbes in stored water, so this
study was planned to remove microbes before con-
suming the water.
Collection of sample for treatment
The harvested roof water during monsoon was col-
lected from a building where the residents did not
follow the recommended measures of storage, mak-
ing it vulnerable for development of microbes. Wa-
ter was collected in a big sterilized 50 liter capacity
plastic container. Initial water sample showed 50 to
130 total coliform (MPN/100 mL) and 3.5x 103 to
5.3x 103 total bacterial count, that tank was kept for
24 hrs at room temperature, later, five replications
were prepared.
Treatment and control
Five liter water was kept in five different vessels /
pots, the treatments consisted of: T1= water stored
in a Copper vessel, T2 = Silver Treatment (Silver
strip of 30 cm x 10 cm x 0.03 cm size immersed in
container), T3= water passed through commercially
available cloth filter, T4= water stored in an Earthen
pot and T5= Control. These storage vessels were
thoroughly cleaned each time before use with 70 %
alcohol, sterile distilled water and surface sterilized
with UV light.
Microbiological analysis
Enumeration of bacterial growth
All pots were incubated at room temperature (20-25
oC) up to 24 hrs. Samples were collected after every
0 hrs‚ 6 hrs‚12 hrs‚ 24 hrs in sterilized glass bottle
and analyzed immediately or at times stored in re-
frigerator to avoid multiplication during holding
time. The whole experiment was replicated four
Samples were analyzed for total bacterial count
(CFU/mL) and total coliform (MPN/100 mL). Total
bacterial count were determined by plating on Nu-
trient agar (Standard Plate Count) and incubated at
37μC for 24 hrs while multiple tube technique was
used for the enumeration of Most Probable Number
of total coliform bacteria by using standard method
i.e. presumptive coliform test‚ confirmatory test and
complete confirmation test (Bureau of Indian Stan-
dards 2012) Nutrient agar (NA) as a basal medium
and MacConkey agar as a differential medium were
used to determine enteric bacteria.
Detection of pH and Copper
pH was analyzed at 0 hr‚ 6 hrs‚12 hr and 24 hr by
using pH meter (Systronics make, μ pH system 362)
and Copper concentration was analyzed after every
2 hrs interval in T1 water samples till 60 hr by using
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Laboratory study was conducted to find the copper
residue in water at different time’s periods of stor-
age. The collected water samples were tested before
and after different treatment at 6 hrs, 12 hrs and 24
hrs time intervals for reduction of total coliform
count by MPN test (Fig. 1) in lactose broth and on
the nutrient plate to measure the total bacterial
count (Fig. 2) as the colony forming unit. Table 1
and Table 2 show statistical analysis regarding re-
duction in total coliform (MPN/100 mL) and total
bacterial count (CFU/ml) in different treatment
with time, i.e. 6 hr, 12 hr and 24 hr. According to the
results, the treatment trend was found consistent
with the duration as interaction is Non Significant.
The pH in all treatment sample and level of cop-
per in T1 (Figure 3) leached in to the test sample, but
it remained within the WHO permissible limit set
by WHO [ pH<8.5 and 1.3 mg/L of copper] the
(WHO. Guideline for Drinking water Quality, 1993),
even when drinking water is stored till 4 to 5 days.
The major public health problems in many develop-
ing countries are the enteric fever and cholera by the
global initiatives in water and sanitation (Ochiai et
al., 2005; Gaffga et al., 2007), prior most due to lack
of adequate sanitation facilities and awareness for
safe drinking water, alongside issues related to per-
sonal hygiene (Araya et al., 2004). The contamina-
tion occurs during the transport and /or storage at
the household level (Espirito Santo et al., 2011). As
it’s a known fact that during ancient time copper
pots were used for storage of drinking water and
many experiments proved the copper has antimi-
crobial activity mainly on the water borne patho-
gens (Noyce et al., 2007; Preethi Sudhaa et al., 2009,
Sharan et al., 2011).
The oligodynamic effect a toxic effect of metal
ions on living cells, algae, molds, spores, fungi,
viruses, prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorgani-
sms, even in relatively low concentrations. Several
metal ions, especially heavy metals, show this effect
Fig. 2. %Reduction in CFU with time in different
Fig. 1. %Reduction in MPN with time in different
Fig. 3. Copper residue in water stored in copper pot for
eight days
S146 Eco. Env. & Cons. 20 (Suppl.) : 2014
Table 1. ANOVA RBD-% reduction in MPN with time
Treatment 6 hr 12hr. 24 hr pooled
T1=Copper Treatment 66.86 85.18 89.57 80.54
T2=Silver treatment 56.44 81.54 87.64 75.21
T3=Filtration 47.18 63.36 65.64 58.73
T4=Earthen pot 52.35 64.94 72.94 63.41
T5=Control 41.23 58.36 55.84 51.81
SEM 2.12 2.7 1.76 2.04
CD 6.53 8.32 5.44 3.96
Time 52.81
h1 ---
h2 - - - 70.68
h3 - - - 74.33
SEM - - - 6.24
CD - - - 17.64
Interaction(T x H)
SEM - - - 2.22
CD - - - 6.39
CV% 8.04 7.64 4.75 6.76
Table 2. ANOVA RBD- % reduction in Total Bacterial Count with time
Treatment 6 hr 12hr. 24 hr pooled
T1= Copper Treatment 48.64 66.94 80.74 65.44
T2= Silver treatment 40.51 60.05 75.69 58.75
T3= Filtration 36.08 47.5 60.65 48.08
T4= Earthen pot 39.28 53.25 63.16 51.9
T5 =Control 13.49 34.09 44.8 30.79
SEM 3.12 1.63 1.95 1.39
CD 9.61 5.03 6.03 3.96
h1 (6 hr) - - - 35.6
h2 (12 hr) - - - 52.37
h3 (24hr) - - - 65.01
SEM - - - 6.24
CD - - - 17.64
Interaction(T x H)
SEM - - - 2.32
CD ---NS
CV% 17.54 6.24 6.02 9.13
to various degrees. Bacteria are in general affected
by the oligodynamic effect. Viruses in general are
not very sensitive to this effect, since viruses are not
considered to be metabolically active outside
their host range. Certain metals, such as silver,
copper and copper alloys, are known to be far more
poisonous to bacteria than others, such as stainless
steel and aluminum. Silver is capable of rendering
stored drinking water potable for several months.
Water of Low pH or acid rain water when col-
lected in Copper vessel for domestic consumption
can cause poisoning in humans. The U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency’s Maximum Contami-
nant Level (MCL) in drinking water is 1.3 milli-
grams per liter. The MCL for copper is based on the
expectation that a lifetime of consuming copper in
water at this level is without adverse effect (gas-
trointestinal). Copperiedus can occur from eating
acid foods cooked in uncoated copper cookware or
from exposure to excess copper in drinking water or
other environmental sources.
Copper treatment was best followed by water
treated with silver strip, while cloth filtration and
earthen pot are less effective for reduction of bio-
logical contamination (total coliform and total bac-
terial count).
The result of copper treatment at 6 hr, 12 hr and
24 shows reduction in total coliform by 67%, 85%
and 90% as well as total bacterial count by 49%, 67%
and 81%, respectively. While, in Silver treatment, re-
duction in total coliform was 56%, 82% and 88% and
total bacterial count by 41%, 60% and 76% respec-
tively. In Filtration treatment, reduction in total
coliform 47%, 63% and 65% and total bacterial count
by 36%, 48% and 61% respectively. In Earthen pot
reduction in total coliform 52%, 65% and 73% and
reduction in total bacterial count by 39%, 53% and
63% respectively.
As per the statistical analysis after 6 hr incubation
Copper treatment (T1) was best treatment flowed
by Silver Treatment (T2) and Earthen pot (T4), T4
was at par, but better than Filtration (T3) and Con-
trol (T5). Whereas, after 12 hrs of incubation, Cop-
per treatment (T1) and Silver Treatment (T2) are at
par, but better than Filtration (T3), Earthen pot (T4)
and Control (T5). After 24 hr incubation, Copper
treatment (T1) was the best method than Silver
Treatment (T2) and Filtration (T3), Earthen pot (T4)
and Control (T5) were at par for removal of bacterial
contamination from drinking water. Filtration (T3)
Earthen pot (T4) and Control (T5) were found to be
less effective in removal of bacterial contamination
from water. Silver Treatment (T2) was also effective
but use of silver become too costly so among all of
these treatment the best as well as cost effective
method was the Copper treatment (T1)
Studies have shown the merits of copper surfaces
for their use in improving public hygiene in
healthcare facilities, the potential use of copper for
the purification of drinking-water, especially in de-
veloping countries, has not been widely studied.
Therefore, results of our study indicate that copper
holds potential to provide microbial-safe drinking-
water to the rural areas in developing countries. The
use of copper pots in Indian households is common
therefore, likely to be socially accepted by the
people. Its functioning is not dependent on fuel,
electricity, replaceable filters, intensity of sunlight,
etc. to operate or maintain it; it is simply a passive
storage of water. This takes into account the condi-
tions prevailing in rural villages and the urban
slums of developing countries. The health benefit
that can be achieved by using copper pot as water-
purification device will far outweigh the cost of the
pot, if divided over the members in a rural family,
especially when it will be a one-time investment
with no recurring costs.
To disinfect harvested rain water for drinking pur-
pose, against any microbial activity, water could be
safely stored in a copper vessel for 12 hr and 24 h to
reduce Coli-form by 85% and 90% and total bacte-
rial count by 67% and 81 % respectively.
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Full-text available
Metallic copper has been shown significantly to reduce methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) contamination of the ambient surroundings of the beds of MRSA-carrying patients in dermatology wards. The aim of this study was to determine whether a bed sheet made of copper-coated film will reduce the spread of MRSA contamination in the environment of a heavily-colonized patient. The bacterial count was highest on the bed sheet. MRSA cell counts on the surface of the non-film-coated control sheet were high (6,600-11,000 colony forming units (cfu)), but those on the copper film were considerably lower (20-130 cfu). Use of metallic copper on the bed sheets of patients who are likely to be a source of MRSA contamination may help to prevent the spread of MRSA contamination in hospital wards.
Full-text available
This study provides information on the antibacterial effect of copper against the water-borne pathogens Salmonella Typhi, Salmonella Typhimurium and Vibrio cholerae. Suspensions of each pathogen were kept in water within a traditional copper vessel at 30°C for 24 h. Samples were withdrawn, diluted and plated onto suitable growth media. Conventional enumeration of healthy (uninjured) bacteria was carried out using standard aerobic incubation conditions. Additionally, reactive oxygen species-neutralised (ROS-n) conditions were achieved by adding the peroxide scavenger sodium pyruvate to the medium with anaerobic incubation, to enumerate uninjured (ROS-insensitive) and injured (ROS-sensitive) bacteria. Differences between log-transformed means of conventional (aerobic) and ROS-n counts were statistically evaluated using t tests. Overall, all three pathogens were inactivated by storage in copper vessels for 24 h. However, for shorter-term incubation (4-12 h), higher counts were observed under ROS-n conditions than under aerobic conditions, which demonstrate the presence of substantial numbers of sub-lethally injured cells prior to their complete inactivation. The present study has for the first time confirmed that these bacterial pathogens are inactivated by storage in a copper vessel within 24 h. However, it has also demonstrated that it is necessary to account for short-term sub-lethal injury, manifest as ROS-sensitivity, in order to more fully understand the process. This has important practical implications in terms of the time required to store water within a copper vessel to completely inactivate these bacteria and thereby remove the risk of water-borne disease transmission by this route.
Full-text available
Metallic copper surfaces rapidly and efficiently kill bacteria. Cells exposed to copper surfaces accumulated large amounts of copper ions, and this copper uptake was faster from dry copper than from moist copper. Cells suffered extensive membrane damage within minutes of exposure to dry copper. Further, cells removed from copper showed loss of cell integrity. Acute contact with metallic copper surfaces did not result in increased mutation rates or DNA lesions. These findings are important first steps for revealing the molecular sensitive targets in cells lethally challenged by exposure to copper surfaces and provide a scientific explanation for the use of copper surfaces as antimicrobial agents for supporting public hygiene.
Full-text available
To more accurately define the annual incidence of cholera in India, believed to be higher than reported to the World Health Organization (WHO). We searched the biomedical literature to extract data on the cases of cholera reported in India from 1997 to 2006 and compared the numbers found to those reported annually to WHO over the same period. The latter were obtained from WHO's annual summaries of reported cholera cases and National health profile 2006, published by India's Central Bureau of Health Intelligence. Of India's 35 states or union territories, 21 reported cholera cases during at least one year between 1997 and 2006. The state of West Bengal reported cases during all 10 years, while the state of Maharashtra and the union territory of Delhi reported cases during nine, and Orissa during seven. There were 68 outbreaks in 18 states, and 222 038 cases were detected overall. This figure is about six times higher than the number reported to WHO (37 783) over the same period. The states of Orissa, West Bengal, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Assam and Chhattisgarh accounted for 91% of all outbreak-related cases. The reporting of cholera cases in India is incomplete and the methods used to keep statistics on cholera incidence are inadequate. Although the data are sparse and heterogeneous, cholera notification in India is highly deficient.
Full-text available
Copper has been used as a disinfectant since ancient times and recent research has demonstrated that antimicrobial copper surfaces may have practical applications in healthcare and related areas. The present study was carried out to establish the effects of temperature and pH on inactivation and sub-lethal injury of Escherichia coli in water stored in a copper vessel, to determine the operational limits of the process in terms of these variables. To investigate the effects of temperature, a bacterial suspension at pH 7.0 was stored for up to 48 h in copper vessels at 5, 15, 25 and 35 degrees C. For pH, a bacterial suspension was stored at 30 degrees C for up to 48 h in copper vessels at pH 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0. Both temperature and pH had substantial effects on inactivation and injury, with the fastest inactivation observed at elevated temperature and at pH values furthest from neutrality, while the greatest amount of sub-lethal injury, manifest as sensitivity to conventional aerobic enumeration, was observed at a temperature of 35 degrees C. These findings have important implications for the practical application of copper-based water disinfection methods, in terms of their likely efficacy under environmental conditions.
Full-text available
We assessed gastrointestinal effects in 1,365 adults exposed to either < 0.01 (controls), 2, 4, or 6 mg copper/L of drinking water for 2 months in a randomized, double-blind community-based study. The risk of symptoms increased with increasing Cu exposure and decreased with time. The best model by counting-process analysis included Cu concentration and sex. The risk of symptoms remained significantly higher in women than in men during weeks 1-4 for all concentrations tested; at week 1 comparison with the < 0.01-mg/L group showed that differences became significant in women at 4 mg/L [relative risk (RR) = 1.53; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.02-2.05), and in men at 6 mg/L (RR = 1.9; 95% CI, 1.02-2.79). At week 2 for men and week 4 in women, the Cu concentration required to obtain significant differences on symptom report was > 6 mg Cu/L. We conclude that exposure to Cu in drinking water results in gastrointestinal symptoms, which are modulated by Cu concentration, time, and sex.
The antimicrobial effect of copper has long been recognized and has a potential application in the healthcare setting as a mechanism to reduce environmental contamination and thus prevent healthcare-associated infection (HCAI). To review the rationale for copper use, the mechanism of its antimicrobial effect, and the evidence for its efficacy. A PubMed search of the published literature was performed. Extensive laboratory investigations have been carried out to investigate the biocidal activity of copper incorporated into contact surfaces and when impregnated into textiles and liquids. A limited number of clinical trials have been performed, which, although promising, leave significant questions unanswered. In particular there is a lack of consensus on minimum percentage copper alloys required for effectiveness, the impact of organic soiling on the biocidal effect of copper, and the best approach to routine cleaning of such surfaces. Limited information is available on the ability of copper surfaces to eradicate spores of Clostridium difficile. Additional studies to demonstrate that installing copper surfaces reduces the incidence of HCAI are required and the cost-effectiveness of such intervention needs to be assessed. Further research in a number of key areas is required before the potential benefits of using copper routinely in the clinical setting to prevent and control infection can be confirmed and recommended.
Water inoculated with 500-1000 colony forming units/ml of Escherichia coli, Salmonella Typhi and Vibrio cholerae was stored overnight at room temperature in copper pots or in glass bottles containing a copper coil devised by us. The organisms were no longer recoverable when cultured on conventional media, by contrast with water stored in control glass bottles under similar conditions. The amount of copper leached into the water after overnight storage in a copper pot or a glass bottle with a copper device was less than 475 parts per billion, which is well within the safety limits prescribed by the WHO. The device is inexpensive, reusable, easy to maintain, durable, does not need energy to run and appears to be safe. It has the potential to be used as a household water purification method for removing enteric bacteria, especially in developing countries.
Since 1990, the number of people without access to safe water sources has remained constant at approximately 1.1 billion, of whom approximately 2.2 million die of waterborne disease each year. In developing countries, population growth and migrations strain existing water and sanitary infrastructure and complicate planning and construction of new infrastructure. Providing safe water for all is a long-term goal; however, relying only on time- and resource-intensive centralized solutions such as piped, treated water will leave hundreds of millions of people without safe water far into the future. Self-sustaining, decentralized approaches to making drinking water safe, including point-of-use chemical and solar disinfection, safe water storage, and behavioral change, have been widely field-tested. These options target the most affected, enhance health, contribute to development and productivity, and merit far greater priority for rapid implementation.