
An evaluation of independent entrepreneurship obstacles in industrial SMEs

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Improving socio-economic structure and resources of any society to a great extent depends on the efficacy of the research methods and technological developments being practiced in that society. This paper investigates the factors that influence these practices in general and the entrepreneur factor in particular, which plays a significant role in infusing creativity and innovation into socio-economic structure of the society and provides insights into tackling problems entrepreneurs face in the context of the study, a province in southeast Iran. The study draws on data from survey questionnaires distributed among 160 experts and entrepreneurs across the region. The analysis indicated that entrepreneurship is a significant element in influencing the productivity and economic development of the province. Three main factors influencing the quality of services provided by entrepreneurs were identified as environmental, organizational and personal obstacles. The study suggests that in order to have an efficient entrepreneurship and thereby an economically dynamic and growing society, governmental organizational and other institutions engaged in entrepreneurship development need to take these factors into account. Moreover, the study came up with some sub-categories of these three factors which are assumed to help the entrepreneurship practitioners improve the services they provide.

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... Based on the description of the Sukirman (2014) that developed the description of Zimmerer and Scarborough (2005), it can be concluded that entrepreneurship is a condition of someone who can create an innovative product. This description was also consistent with Yaghoobi et al. (2010), Jong and Winnekers (2008). Yaghoobi et al. (2010) state that entrepreneurs are people who dare to open independent, productive activities. ...
... This description was also consistent with Yaghoobi et al. (2010), Jong and Winnekers (2008). Yaghoobi et al. (2010) state that entrepreneurs are people who dare to open independent, productive activities. While Jong and Wennekers (2008) define entrepreneurship is risk-taking to run their own business by utilizing existing opportunities to create new ventures or innovative approaches so that the managed businesses grow big and independent in the face of challenges and competition. ...
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Currently, batik with natural coloring in various regions in Indonesia is much sought and developed. The ability of business management to be one of the keys to develop the business of natural staining batik. The natural coloring process is longer than synthetic coloring. The process of making the coloring compositions also requires a lot of trials to get the colors that match the desired ones. In the other side, natural coloring batik also has a specific market. This research will trace and reveal facts of the process of natural batik business management. The result is (1) Natural batik business has a progressive grow because the process of innovation done by owners in several ways. (2) The cultural development of batik is carried out by all types of entrepreneurship, and the process depends on the vision possessed by the business owner and his entrepreneurial spirit. The development of local and national culture was done through keeping the batik design and batik patterns of the ancestral heritage, Involving the expert craftsmen from generation to generation and developing batik motifs and patterns (3). Awareness of preserving the environment by batik entrepreneurs comes along with the processing of natural batik coloring itself.
... La tabla 1 cubre un campo general e identifica cinco grupos de obstáculos relacionados con: 1) la falta de habilidades y motivaciones personales, 2) los complicados y excesivos marcos legales para iniciar un negocio, (Grilo & Thurik, 2006) (Hirsch & Brush, 1984 (Djankov et al., 2002(Djankov et al., , 2008 (Fogel et al., 2006) (Sykes & Block,1989) (Fatoki & Chindoga, 2011) (Bardasi et al., 2005 (Arayesh, 2011) (Low, 2006) (Suzuki et al., 2002) (Yaghoobi et al., 2010) (Jeddi & Zanyani,2001) (Bitzenis & Nito, 2005 (Martins et al., 2004) (Grilo & Thurik, 2005) (Marsili, 2002) (Petkantchin, 2005) ...
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This study sought to identify the obstacles that limit the entrepreneurial desire among university students, in order to provide accurate guidance to universities, as well as to encourage university students’ entrepreneurial behaviour. The final sample includes information from 1458 university students (Costa Rican private university). Cronbach alpha estimates were employed in the empirical analysis. Additionally, a descriptive sociodemographic analysis based on ordinal logistic regression models was used to identify variables associated to each of the stages of the process. The findings indicate that the most influential factors explaining the entrepreneurial intention of university students are the lack of innovative ideas, the perception about business people, their age, their management background, the government support, the education level of the mother, the father’s economic activity, and the awareness of what it means to own and run a business.
... Baldacchino (2008) states that entrepreneurship is a creative and innovative ability that is made necessary, tips, and resources for finding opportunities for success. Yaghoobi et al. (2010) state that entrepreneurs are people who dare to open independent, productive activities. The importance of entrepreneurship is the ability to create something new and different from opportunities. ...
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Even though the investment sector generally governs economic growth in developed countries. Indonesia's economic growth so far has been dominated by the consumption sector. On the other hand, one of the significant contributors to the investment sector is the entrepreneurs' role in any country. Therefore, the challenge for Indonesia is to make the entrepreneurs reach substantial contributions. This study investigates on three variables; namely entrepreneurial orientation, cooperatives , and entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial orientation is the exogeneous variable, cooperative is the mediator variable and, the entrepreneur is the endogenous variable. These three variables are formed into three sub-models and one complete model. Each sub-model is to find out whether the dimensions contribute to each variable, and the entire model is to find out a significant relationship among the variables. The method used is the structural equation model (SEM), with computer software LISREL. This research will produce a breakthrough in how cooperative can mediate from entrepreneurial orientation to entrepreneurs. Besides, the study will deliver how cooperative stake-holders to get some understanding of entrepreneurial orientation so that cooperatives as an institution can persuade members of organizations to become entrepreneurs to be ready to contribute to economic growth. Moreover, the results provide the science of sustainable management on how to apply creativity and innovation to the cooperative organization.
... Baldacchino (2008) states that entrepreneurship is a creative and innovative ability that is made necessary, tips, and resources for finding opportunities for success. Yaghoobi et al. (2010) state that entrepreneurs are people who dare to open independent, productive activities. The importance of entrepreneurship is the ability to create something new and different from opportunities. ...
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The application of business management systems and cooperative organizations faces the challenges of the development of business dynamics due to the development of science and technology. The use of information technology in all business actors is a form of adaptation to anticipate business development that aims to increase competitiveness and win competition. Cooperative is a business that still has obstacles in optimizing the use of IT to manage businesses in providing services to members. Therefore, through the use of the cooperative organization's business identification methods, the analysis of the guidelines for the use of cooperative online systems, training and outreach, and evaluating the implementation of activities. In this case, the community service activities can provide results that have an impact on optimizing the online cooperative system in improving services and incomes of members and cooperatives.
... Maintaining the quality or quality of human life between generations in accordance with their habitat. In addition, according to Yaghoobi et al. (2010) entrepreneurs dare to get an open, independent and a productive breakthrough. Therefore, the importance of entrepreneurship is a must to create something new and different from opportunities. ...
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The concept of sustainable development is inseparable in the business world. In that term, there are three aspects, namely economic, social, and environmental that must be balanced with each other. It is hoped that this concept is needed to know by entrepreneurs in starting their businesses. After that, this business is expected to become a sustainable business that can survive to face the challenges. Mediation input is given in the form of entrepreneurial orientation which can accelerate the creation of sustainable businesses, thus there is a correlation between sustainable development and entrepreneurs. In addition, the entrepreneur variables correlate to entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial orientation has a relationship with sustainable business. In turn, sustainable development, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial orientation, and sustainable business also deserve further study. This paper examines the relationship between the four variables to the SMEs in Jakarta. Where we want to know how the relationship between the variables of sustainable development with entrepreneurs that aim to achieve sustainable business by mediating entrepreneurial orientation. It also examines the direct comparison between entrepreneurs and sustainable businesses and the relationship between the two variables mediated by entrepreneurial orientation variables. The research data was taken from business operators in Jakarta totaling 245 out of 49 dimensions of the four variables. Data processing is done by structural equation modeling (SEM) through the Lisrel version 8.7 program. Then the calculation results are analyzed based on statistical provisions in get-ting indications of the relationship between variables. It is found that there is a positive relationship between sustainable development and entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs also have a positive relation-ship with entrepreneurial orientation, and entrepreneurial orientation has a positive relationship with sustainable business. It turns out that the relationship between entrepreneurs who have gained an understanding of the concept of sustainable development and sustainable business is a significant positive compared to mediating entrepreneurial orientation which remains positive but not significant through the Sobel test that has conducted.
... Demikian pula dengan risiko yang dihadapi, penuh dengan tantangan yang akibatnya dapat menjadi semanagat dalam meningkatkan kinerja. Yaghoobi et al. (2010) menyatakan bahwa wirausahawan adalah orang yang berani membuka kegiatan produktif yang mandiri. Jong and Wennekers (2008) menyatakan bahwa kewirausahaan dapat didefinisikan sebagai pengambilan risiko untuk menjalankan usaha sendiri dengan memanfaatkan peluang-peluang untuk menciptakan usaha baru atau dengan pendekatan yang inovatif sehingga usaha yang dikelola berkembang menjadi besar dan mandiri dalam menghadapi tantangantantangan persaingan. ...
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em>This study aimed to analyze the impact of the employee's performance towards the development of entrepreneurship. This study of employee performance involved variables of creativity, innovation and motivation. It analyzed the impact of creativity, innovation and motivation towards employee performance; it also analyzed the impact of creativity, innovation and motivation for the development of entrepreneurship and analyzed the impact of employee performance towards the development of entrepreneurship. The study focused on ‘Jenang Kudus’small scale businesses in Kudus Regency that covered 396 firms (Department of Industry and Trade, Kudus Regency, 2010) and focused on the small scale businesses under the auspices of the Department of Industry and Trade. The population in this study were all ‘Jenang Kudus’ Small Scale Business companies in Kudus Regency. The sample consisted of 86 companies. The purposive sample technique was used by selecting samples of the small scale businesses in Kudus Regency. Data were collected by using questionnaires and in-depth interviews and they were analyzed by using descriptive method. Employee performance was affected by the creativity, innovation, and motivation. Creativity had a significant and strong direct impact to the employee performance that could create improved performance for employees. Innovation also had a significant and strong direct impact towards employee performance; it is the yardstick in carrying out the day-to-day development of the company so that innovation was needed to improve the performance of employees in the interest of the company. Motivation didn’t have any strong and significant impact towards employee performance, it means that motivation is needed to create the performance of employees, so that employees will feel more comfortable and secure in carrying out their job. Both creativity and innovation had strong and significant impact towards the development of entrepreneurship, and on the other hand, motivation had no strong and significant impact towards the development of entrepreneurship.</em
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Bu araştırmanın amacı, Meslek Yüksekokulu öğrencilerin girişimcilik eğilimleri ve girişimcilik dersi hakkındaki düşünlerini incelemektir. Bu çalışmada, öğrencilerinin demografik yapısı ve girişimcilik hakkındaki düşünceleri ile Girişimcilik eğilimi ve girişimcilik dersine yönelik düşünceleri arasındaki ilişkiler araştırılmıştır.
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo is one university located in Sidoarjo from year to year working to improve its quality. During this time centered on the entrepreneurial activities of SMEs entrepreneurial student affairs, but in an increase in the capacity to be entrepreneurial is not optimal. The purpose of science and technology program for Entrepreneurship (IBK) at the University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA), namely the establishment of new independent entrepreneurs tenacious, resilient, creative and able to provide innovation into market demand. With the IBK this program, students are expected to be part of society that can create jobs, reduces unemployment and become change agents of social life that is more powerful and useful. Method approach entrepreneurship capacity building program is using PALS (Participatory Action Learning System). So that the target output of this activity is the training to increase the capacity of tenants (students) in biddng kewirauahaan and to improve the quality of products for business tenants.
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The aim of the presented research is to identify and evaluate external economic barriers to the functioning of small trade enterprises in Poland. The analyzed data are from Badanie koniunktury gospodarczej [Study of Business Tendencies] conducted by the Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS). An econometric model is used to evaluate the influence of a range of factors on enterprises functioning.
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The role of SMEs can be said to be very important in the national economy. The role is mainly in the aspects such as increased employment opportunities,equity, income ,rural economic development ,and increase non-oil exports. Entrepreneurship is the ability to be creative and innovative basic, tips, and resources to look for opportunities to success. The essence of entrepreneurship is the ability to create something new and different through creative thinking and innovative action to create opportunities. The purpose of the study include: first to identify and analyze variables influence creativity and innovation simultaneously towards entrepreneurship. Second, to identify and analyze variables influence creativity partially towards entrepreneurship. Third, to identify and analyze the innovation variables the partial effect on entrepreneurship. Fourth, to identify and analyze the dominant influence between creativity and innovation of entrepreneurship. Location of the research done on small welding shop in the district of Malang regency Pujon. Number of respondents 53. This type of research is exploratory. Types of data used is data collected by primary and save a list of questions. The results are as follows: first, variables influence creativity and innovation simultaneously towards entrepreneurship. Second, creativity variables partially influence on entrepreneurship. Third, innovation variables partially influence on entrepreneurship. Fourth, innovation variables have the most impact on entrepreneurship.