... The quadrants are derived from crossing two fundamental distinctions that can be made about reality: interior versus exterior and individual versus collective. This yields four dimensions, which adequately tional (Corcoran & Mallinckrodt, 2000), conceptual (Shantz, 1975;Flavell, 1968;Miller et al., 1970), intentional (Shantz & Voydanoff, 1973;Irwin & Ambron, 1973;Kugelmass & Breznitz, 1968), cognitive (Kegan 1982(Kegan , 1994Labouvie-Vief, 2005), affective domain (Feshbach & Roe, 1968;Borke, 1971;Burns & Cavey, 1957); 2) the exterior-individual, or spatial (Flavell et al., 1981;Ackermann, 1996;Piaget & Inhelder, 1956), perceptual (Kurdek & Rodgon,1975), behavioral domain (Sessa, 1996;Selman et al., 1986); 3) the interior-collective, or cultural, semantic domain (Calvard, 2010;Dawson & Stein, 2011); and 4) the exterior-collective, or social, systemic, syntactical domain (Williams et al., 2007;Dawson & Stein, 2011). ...