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Receptiveness of mobile banking by Malaysian local customers in Sabah: An empirical investigation


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study is to investigate the factors that determine the local people of Sabah (also known as Sabahan) bank customers' intention to use mobile banking. This study extends the applicability of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to mobile banking and includes "perceived credibility", "perceived enjoyment" and "perceived selfefficacy", in addition to "perceived usefulness" and "perceived ease of use". The results indicate that perceived credibility, perceived enjoyment and perceived self-efficacy are important determinants to predicting the intentions of Malaysia's customers' to use mobile banking. However, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are not that of importance in predicting the intentions of the local customers to use mobile banking. The study contains a sample of local people of Sabah, in Eastern-Malaysia, and a limited number of measures in the model. Nonetheless, it provides new insight into factors affecting mobile banking use among local people in Sabah, a Malaysia's state. The results also provide general guidelines to banking institutions to better planning of mobile banking services as their future gadget of banking channel.
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Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
An open access Internet journal (
Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, April 2012, vol. 17, no.1
Hanudin Amin
Lecturer, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Postal Address: Labuan School of International Business and Finance, Universiti
Malaysia Sabah – Labuan International Campus, Jalan Sungai Pagar, 87000
Labuan Federal Territory, Malaysia and IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and
Finance (IIiBF), International Islamic University Malaysia, No. 205A, Jalan
Damansara, Damansara Heights, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Author's Personal/Organizational Website:
Hanudin Amin is a lecturer/researcher at the Labuan School of International Business
and Finance, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. He is currently working as a PhD candidate at
the IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF) in Damansara, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. His areas of interest are Islamic banking, bank management, Islamic
accounting and e-banking.
Rostinah Supinah
Lecturer, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Postal Address: Labuan School of International Business and Finance, Universiti
Malaysia Sabah – Labuan International Campus, Jalan Sungai Pagar, 87000
Labuan Federal Territory, Malaysia
Author's Personal/Organizational Website:
Rostinah Supinah is currently a lecturer/researcher at the Labuan School of International
Business and Finance, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Her areas of interest are credit card,
Internet banking and Islamic finance.
Masmurniwati Mohd Aris
Lecturer, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Postal Address: School of Business and Economics, Universiti Malaysia Sabah,
Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
JIBC April 2012, Vol. 17, No. 1 - 2 -
Author's Personal/Organizational Website:
Masmurniwati Mohd Aris is currently a lecturer/researcher at the School of Business and
Economics, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Her areas of interest are Internet banking and
Islamic finance.
Ricardo Baba
Assoc. Professor, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Postal Address: Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak,
94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia
Author's Personal/Organizational Website:
Ricardo Baba is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and
Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. His research interests are in international
banking and finance, Islamic finance, entrepreneurship, and strategic management.
The aim of this study is to investigate the factors that determine the local people of
Sabah (also known as Sabahan) bank customers’ intention to use mobile banking. This
study extends the applicability of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to mobile
banking and includes “perceived credibility”, “perceived enjoyment” and “perceived self-
efficacy”, in addition to “perceived usefulness” and “perceived ease of use”. The results
indicate that perceived credibility, perceived enjoyment and perceived self-efficacy are
important determinants to predicting the intentions of Malaysia’s customers’ to use
mobile banking. However, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are not that
of importance in predicting the intentions of the local customers to use mobile banking.
The study contains a sample of local people of Sabah, in Eastern-Malaysia, and a
limited number of measures in the model. Nonetheless, it provides new insight into
factors affecting mobile banking use among local people in Sabah, a Malaysia’s state.
The results also provide general guidelines to banking institutions to better planning of
mobile banking services as their future gadget of banking channel.
Keywords: Mobile banking; Consumer; Technology acceptance model; Financial
transactions; Eastern-Malaysia; Malaysia
© Hanudin Amin et al. (2012)
Sabah is best known as “the land below the wind”. It is one of the wonderful states in
Malaysia. The state is blessed with amazingly beautiful landscapes, cultural diversities
and natural resources. Kota Kinabalu is the capital city of the state that houses diverse
banking and financial institutions. Customers of banks in the city play a major role in
JIBC April 2012, Vol. 17, No. 1 - 3 -
performing a various types of financial activities. The bank customers in Sabah were
composed of Kadazandusun, Bajau, Murut, Bisaya, Ubian, Kedayan, Rungus and Suluk,
to mention some. Needless to say, the local people of Sabah are easily recognized
mainly through their slangs. For instance, bagus bah Bank Islam tu! Siya orang Malaysia
bah! The slang “bah” reflects the local people identity (Sabahan) in Malaysia.
On that basis, the current study is aimed at investigating factors that affecting these local
people using mobile banking services. The reasons of choosing the local people are
two-fold. Firstly, there is a paucity of studies that have adequately explained the effects
of mobile banking use to the Sabahan (Guriting & Ndubisi, 2006; Ndubisi & Sinti, 2006).
Secondly, the local people involved in various monthly financial commitments such as
utility bill payment, home loan, ASTRO (Malaysian direct broadcast satellite), fund
transfer and prepaid. Traditional mode of payment requires local people to visit
banks/non-bank financial institutions to service these financial commitments and it is
relatively time-consuming. The use of mobile banking would of particular interest to
tackle this situation.
Importantly, using mobile banking will help to improve one’s access to banking
transactions without walking to the bank’s counter. In this study, we generally defined
mobile banking as a “banking-technology” used to conduct banking transactions via
bank customers’ handheld mobile phones. It is proven by previous studies that, mobile
banking offers many advantages to bank customers (e.g. Hamzah, 2005; Riivari, 2005;
Kohli, 2004). Hamzah (2005) said that “mobile banking” brings convenience and
enhanced value. Riivari (2005) claimed that the opportunity for mobile services is three
times as many mobile phone users as those who use online Personal Computers (PCs)
and they are now ready for anywhere, anytime applications that match their lifestyles.
On the same note, Kohli (2004) asserted that the mobile banking service gives
customers the convenience of account access information and real-time transaction
capabilities. The clarifications rendered by these studies imply that mobile banking is not
only improves one’s access to financial transactions but also reducing one’s transaction
costs (e.g. time and money).
The present study investigates the factors affecting bank customer’s use of mobile
banking in Sabah. Deliberately, the technology acceptance model (TAM) was used as a
point of departure to explore the factors affecting bank customers’ use of mobile
banking. This study extends the applicability of TAM into mobile banking, which has
limited to study in Sabah, Malaysia. The original elements of TAM notably perceived
ease of use and perceived usefulness are found to be the most important constructs in
predicting information systems (IS) acceptance. These two constructs are useful and
valid in understanding individual’s intention to adopt IS (Ramayah & Mohd-Suki, 2006;
Guriting & Ndubisi, 2006; Pikkarainen et al., 2004; Ramayah et al., 2003; Venkatesh &
Morris, 2000). However, depending on the specific technology context, additional
explanatory predictors are often employed. As such, perceived enjoyment, perceived
credibility and perceived self-efficacy are added to the TAM in order to escalate the
understanding of bank customers’ use of mobile banking. Worth to mention, this study
indeed is beneficial by providing an analysis of bank customers’ mobile banking
acceptance to researchers and practitioners. This study is of value to notify public about
the availability of mobile banking in local banks.
JIBC April 2012, Vol. 17, No. 1 - 4 -
The paper is structured into 5 sections. The following section is section 2 that presents
about literature review, followed by section 3 that discusses about the methodology.
Section 4 will present the results of study includes hypotheses testing and discussion of
results. Finally, this paper closes with a conclusion that can be viewed at the end part of
this paper.
Concerned with TAM, an investigation on previous studies had been conducted in order
to reveal the TAM applicability in various IS applications. The following discussion
provides an overview of the previous studies relevant to the current study.
Perceived usefulness
The first element of TAM was perceived usefulness. Guriting and Ndubisi (2006)
examined online banking adoption in Sabah. Guriting and Ndubisi (2006) found that
perceived usefulness was a strong determinant of online banking adoption among bank
customers. Similarly, a study by Ramayah and Mohd-Suki (2006) on mobile PC also
found that perceived usefulness was a strong determinant of mobile PC adoption among
MBA students at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Another study by Ramayah and
colleagues, Ramayah et al. (2003) examined the receptiveness of Internet banking by
Malaysian consumers. The result of their study indicated that perceived usefulness was
the driver of the intention to use Internet banking, which means if the system is useful,
therefore the willingness of bank customers to use the system will be likely higher.
Consequently, with a good value carries by a mobile phone, the inclusion of banking
function will able to enhance the value carries by the gadget. In a normal situation,
mobile phone is useful with respect to make our contact with the loved ones better
through sharing feeling and emotion. This also explains that the banks contact with their
customers would be better by offering banking services through their customers’ mobile
Perceived ease of use
The second element of TAM was perceived ease of use. It is defined as how clear and
understandable interaction with the system is, ease of getting the system to do what is
required, mental effort required to interact with the system, and ease of use of the
system (Guriting & Ndubisi, 2006; Davis et al., 1989). In more detail, Guriting and
Ndubisi (2006) found that perceived ease of use had a positive relationship with
behavioral intention to use Internet banking in Sabah. Similarly, Ramayah et al. (2003)
examined that perceived ease of use had significant impact in the development of initial
willingness to use Internet banking. Furthermore, Luarn and Lin (2005) also found that
there existed a positive causality between perceived ease of use and usage intention.
Similarly, in a study of Kleijnen et al. (2004) about wireless finance in Netherlands,
perceived ease of use was significant measure in the development of people’s intention
to use wireless finance.
Perceived credibility
The issue of security and privacy to the acceptance of Internet banking has been noted
in many banking studies (Pikkarainen et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2003; Howcroft et al.,
2002; Polatoglu & Ekin, 2001; Sathye, 1999). Perceived credibility refers to the two
important dimensions – security and privacy – that are identified across many studies as
JIBC April 2012, Vol. 17, No. 1 - 5 -
effecting intention by users to adopt the Internet-based transaction systems (Wang et al.,
2003). Wang et al. (2003) examined about Internet banking found that perceived
credibility had a significant positive effect on behavioral intention over Internet banking.
The study also strongly suggests that perceived credibility has the higher ability to
predict and explain the intention of users to adopt Internet banking. Ramayah et al.
(2003) found that the respondents placed security as one of the important factors when
adopting Internet banking. Fundamentally, most of the individuals are reluctant to use
Internet banking as they have concerns over the security and privacy issues. However, a
study by Pikkarainen et al. (2004) showed contradicts result. Their study showed that
perceived credibility to be statistically non-significant. In that sense, security and privacy
were found to have a relatively weak relationship with the acceptance. The result is
consistent with the study conducted in Malaysia by Ndubisi and Sinti (2006) who found
that the risk was a weak predictor because of the assurance of the banks over the
security of their internet banking. All the cyber banks in Malaysia promote this product as
a fully secure option with 128-bit encryption technology (Ndubisi & Sinti, 2006). The
inclusion of “perceived credibility” is still relevant owing to the fact that mobile banking is
subject to the unauthorized access, phantom fund transfers and data sabotage.
Understanding consumers’ perception with regard to the credibility of utilizing the system
is able to provide key points to service providers for better planning of the mobile
banking facilities.
Perceived enjoyment
Perceived enjoyment is defined as the extent to which the activity of using a computer is
perceived to be enjoyable in its own right (Davis et al., 1992). A number of studies on
perceived enjoyment have noticed the importance of the construct (Nysveen et al., 2005;
Pikkarainen et al., 2004; Teo et al., 1999). Explained in more detail, Nysveen et al.
(2005) found that perceived enjoyment correlated positively with intention to use mobile
chat, which was a stronger determinant for female users compared to male users. The
result reported by Nysveen et al. (2005) is similar to what was found by Teo et al.
(1999). Teo et al. (1999) found that perceived enjoyment correlated positively with
frequency of Internet usage. Teo et al. (1999) definitely believed that Internet usage
offers fun, pleasant and exciting since it is flexible. On the other hand, Pikkarainen et al.
(2004) examined online banking acceptance and found that perceived enjoyment was
not significantly related to the use of Internet banking. In a similar vein, Igbaria et al.
(1995) found that enjoyment had no statistically significant effect on the acceptance of
data processing systems. It is expected that using mobile banking would generate an
enjoyment to bank customers. On this basis, it is expected that perceived enjoyment
would be affecting the acceptance of mobile banking.
Perceived self-efficacy
By definition, perceived self-efficacy refers as the belief that one has the capability to
perform a particular behavior (Compeau & Higgins, 1995). The importance of this
construct in IS has been well documented by many previous academic studies (Luarn &
Lin, 2005; Wang et al., 2003; Agarwal et al., 2000; Venkatesh, 2000). As far as mobile
banking is concerned, perceived self-efficacy can be defined as the judgment of one’s
ability to use mobile banking. Indeed, there is empirical support for the causal
relationship between perceived self-efficacy and behavioral intention (Agarwal et al.,
2000; Venkatesh, 2000; Compeau & Higgins, 1995). Luarn and Lin (2005) found that
perceived self-efficacy had a significant positive influence on behavioral intention to use
JIBC April 2012, Vol. 17, No. 1 - 6 -
IS. A study conducted by Wang et al. (2003) found that computer self-efficacy had
significant positive influence on behavioral intention. Bank customers are likely to adopt
mobile banking when they have ability to perform it. Perceived self-efficacy can be
improved in oneself if an education program, seminar, and even short-course are
organized to instill the skills and knowledge of individuals pertaining to mobile banking. It
is of interest to examine the effect of the factor on the mobile banking use among the
local people of Sabah, Malaysia. The results of this effort are expected to add to the
limited knowledge presently available about mobile banking particularly from a Sabah’s
This study was conducted in Sabah, situated in Northern Borneo, Malaysia. The
population of this study consists of bank customers in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
The respondents were customers of banks in Kota Kinabalu who had mobile phones but
yet to use mobile banking. For this reason, this study tends to investigate their
willingness to use mobile banking in the future based on suggested factors as introduced
in the earlier part of this paper. The unit of analysis was the local people of Sabah or is
best known as Sabahan. Other respondents such as Malays, Chinese, Indians, and
foreigners are not analyzed in the current study. This research used a convenience
sampling owing to the fact that it is particularly was self-funded. The survey was
conducted in March 2007. This study provided 200 questionnaires to be distributed,
however due to the time and cost constraint only 160 were managed to be distributed.
Of these, only 152 questionnaires were usable and qualify for the further analysis of the
data. There is 95 percent response rate. Table 1 depicts the profile of respondents with
regard to gender, age, education level, monthly income and ethnicity.
Table 1: Profile of respondents
Demographics Details Frequency Percentile
Gender Male 54 35.5
Female 98 34.5
Age (year) Less than 20 3 2.0
21-25 58 38.2
26-30 26 17.1
31-35 23 15.1
36-40 14 9.2
Above 41 27 17.8
Education level Secondary 49 32.3
Diploma 12 7.9
Degree (bachelor) 69 45.4
Postgraduate degree 22 14.5
Monthly income (RM) Less than 1,000 63 41.4
1,001-2,500 44 61.3
2,501-3,000 20 13.2
3,001-3,500 24 15.8
Above 3,500 20 13.2
Ethnicity Kadazan-Dusun 40 26.3
JIBC April 2012, Vol. 17, No. 1 - 7 -
Bajau 32 21.1
Murut 12 7.9
Rungus 21 13.8
Bisaya 10 6.6
Kedayan 18 11.8
Suluk 8 5.3
Others 11 7.2
The items of the questionnaire were adapted from previous studies. The scale used in
this study which 5 points likert scale is similar to what was used by Pikkarainen et al.
(2004). Therefore, as a basis of questions, 5 points likert scale ranging from “5=strongly
agree” to “1=strongly disagree” were employed. The items for perceived usefulness were
adapted from Ramayah et al. (2009) and Pikkarainen et al. (2004). The items for
perceived ease of use were adapted from Ramayah et al. (2009), Pikkarainen et al.
(2004) and Davis (1989). The items for perceived credibility were adapted from Luarn
and Lin (2005). The items for perceived enjoyment were adapted from Pikkarainen et al.
(2004). The items for perceived self-efficacy were adapted from Luarn and Lin (2005).
Prior to the actual survey, the questionnaire was pre-tested using 10 bank customer
subjects in Kota Kinabalu. The purpose of the test was to prevent any ambiguousness in
the items of the questionnaire as well as to evaluate respondents’ comprehension.
Further, the results of the study were then used in order to modify and finalize the
research questionnaire.
Research model and hypotheses
The following model is extracted from Davis et al. (1989). Additional constructs namely
perceived credibility, perceived enjoyment and perceived self-efficacy are added into the
Figure 1: Modified model for mobile banking
ease of use
Mobile banking
JIBC April 2012, Vol. 17, No. 1 - 8 -
Based on Figure 1, the following null hypotheses are developed in this study:
H1.Perceived usefulness will not have a positive effect on mobile banking use
H2.Perceived ease of use will not have a positive effect on mobile banking use
H3.Perceived credibility will not have a positive effect on mobile banking use
H4.Perceived enjoyment will not have a positive effect on mobile banking use
H5.Perceived self-efficacy will not have a positive effect on mobile banking use
All employed items were reliable; mobile banking use (α = .938); perceived usefulness (α
= .936); perceived ease of use (α = .909); perceived credibility (α = .873); perceived
enjoyment (α = .803); and perceived self-efficacy (α = .894). In short, the Cronbach’s
alpha values for all dimensions range from 0.803 to 0.938, exceeding the minimum
alpha of 0.6 (Hair et al., 1998), thus the constructs measures are deemed reliable.
Table 2: Summary of regression result and alpha
R2 Adjusted
Beta t Sig. F α
Constant 0.711 0.701 1.301 0.195 71.952
0.088 1.005 0.317n.s. .936
ease of use
0.097 1.319 0.189n.s. .909
0.282 4.431 0.000** .873
0.240 2.899 0.004** .803
0.277 4.150 0.000** .894
Note: **p<0.01, *p<0.05, n.s. denotes not significant
As recommended by Pikkarainen et al. (2004), the independent variables of the current
study were aggregated. This includes perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use,
perceived credibility, perceived enjoyment and perceived self-efficacy. The similar
approach is also extended to the dependent variable. As displayed in Table 2, perceived
usefulness had a weak relationship to the mobile banking use (t=1.005, p-value=0.317).
The results are somehow contradicted with the study Guriting and Ndubisi (2006) and
Ramayah and Mohd-Suki (2006) who generated a significant relationship between
perceived usefulness and IS adoption. The similar result is also extended for perceived
ease of use. Perceived ease of use had an insignificant relationship to the mobile
banking use (t=1.319, p-value=0.189). The results produce a contradiction as compared
to the original TAM (Davis, 1989), where perceived usefulness and perceived ease of
use were significant predictors for IS adoption. Furthermore, the present study is
inconsistent to what was found by Luarn and Lin (2005). Luarn and Lin (2005) found a
significant relationship between perceived ease of use and mobile banking adoption. In
JIBC April 2012, Vol. 17, No. 1 - 9 -
short, the two TAM’s constructs are not the predictors for mobile banking use. On the
other hand, the added explanatory variables have found to be significant.
Perceived credibility had a significant relationship to the mobile banking use (t=4.431, p-
value=0.000). The previous argument from Ramayah and Ling (2002) and Pikkarainen
et al. (2004) are consistent with the current result, which indicated that perceived
credibility affects individual decision to use the system. Similarly, perceived enjoyment
and perceived self-efficacy were also had a significant relationship to the mobile banking
use with (t=2.899, p-value=0.004) and (t=4.150, p-value=0.000) respectively. The latter
is consistent to what was found by Pikkarainen et al. (2004) and Nysveen et al. (2005).
The former is consistent to what was Luarn and Lin (2005) and Wang et al. (2003)
found. Overall, out of 5 hypotheses, only three hypotheses were rejected namely H3, H4
and H5 whilst H1 and H2 were not rejected.
This study has discussed mobile banking acceptance among Sabahan bank customers
in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Eastern-Malaysia, Malaysia. The result of this study
demonstrates that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have low impact on
mobile banking use. On the other hand, perceived credibility, perceived enjoyment and
perceived self-efficacy were found to be very important patronage factors for mobile
banking use.
Note: **p<0.01, *p<0.05, n.s. denotes not significant
Figure 2: Analyzed modified model for mobile banking
This study evidently has shown that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are
found to be insignificant to the mobile banking use. This explains that Sabahan bank
ease of use
Mobile banking
JIBC April 2012, Vol. 17, No. 1 - 10 -
customers possess little awareness about the usefulness and ease of mobile banking
use. Placing a banner that carries the title of “Mobile Banking Is Your Future Bank” at
bank branches is possible to escalate one’s familiarity with regard to mobile banking
services. Similarly, more brochures should be made available at the branches for mobile
banking to encourage effective mobile banking information dissemination. Importantly,
bank officers can also address the usefulness of mobile banking to bank customers
when it is necessary. These efforts are at least able to elevate bank customers’
knowledge on the usefulness and ease of use of mobile banking services.
The added variables namely perceived credibility and perceived self-efficacy have a
strong influence over the mobile banking use. The bank management therefore should
render focus on the issue of perceived credibility. Matters on security need to be
effectively mentioned in brochures/booklet of mobile banking. This helps to instill
confidence of prospective users. Concerned with perceived self-efficacy, people
relatively possess little skills in operating mobile banking services. Opening e-banking
counters would at least able to facilitate the use of mobile banking services.
Since mobile phone is viewed as an entertainment gadget to some individuals, therefore
perceived enjoyment can play an essential role in expounding mobile banking use. The
present study reported that perceived enjoyment had a significant affect to the mobile
banking use. In order to reduce bank tendency to the manufacturers such as Erikson,
Samsung and Nokia, it is therefore possible for them to work on collaboration in order to
create a friendlier device of mobile phone that incorporates the function of banking
transactions and also the inclusion of multimedia elements that promote perceived
enjoyment whilst one’s performing banking transactions. This explains that mobile phone
is not only a gadget for communications but also for interactive banking transactions.
Particularly, this study suffered from three limitations. Firstly, this study examined the
local ethnic communities from Sabah with respect to their perceptions on the mobile
banking usage intentions. This means that the sample used in this study is referred to a
particular geography only in which it is not be fully generalizable to other users groups in
other geographies. It is of utmost importance for future studies to include other
geographies in order to meeting the generalization of the finding to other environments.
Secondly, this study is based on behavioral intention of individual for mobile banking
use. This explains that different factors perhaps influence those who are actually use
mobile banking. In order to tackle this limitation, the future research could be working on
a study that investigates user and non-user of mobile banking not only in Sabah but also
other states in Malaysia. Thirdly, this study results revealed the original constructs of
TAM, namely “perceived usefulness” and “perceived ease of use” are found to be
insignificant. These explanatory factors have limited impacts on the mobile banking
acceptance among Sabahan bank customers. Future studies should re-work on the
factors using comprehensive samples in order to yield significant results.
JIBC April 2012, Vol. 17, No. 1 - 11 -
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... So, in this research, mobile banking is defined as any financial transaction done through a mobile phone via various fintech channels (SMS-based, web-based, and mobile Apps). Previous research (Amin et al., 2006(Amin et al., , 2007(Amin et al., , 2012Amin & Ramayah, 2010;Cheah et al., 2011;Masrek et al., 2014;Tan & Lau, 2016a;Teo et al., 2012) has shown that ease of use, performance expectation, and functional characteristics are significant variables in acceptability and adoption of mobile banking. For example, while using a bank's mobile banking app, one expects the app to offer different services such as money transfer, top-up, bill payment, credit card, etc., wherever and whenever. ...
... Despite their significance, few studies have examined how religion or religiosity influences mobile banking usage Thye Goh et al., 2014). The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), extended TAM, and Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) was often used in Malaysian research (Amin et al., 2006(Amin et al., , 2007(Amin et al., , 2008(Amin et al., , 2012Amin & Ramayah, 2010;Cheah et al., 2011;Daud et al., 2011;Shanmugam et al., 2014;Shuhidan et al., 2017;Tham et al., 2017). Despite its compactness, the UTAUT and UTAUT2 were seldom utilized Afshan & Sharif, 2015;Alalwan et al., 2017;Baptista & Oliveira, 2015;Liang, 2016;Mahfuz et al., 2016). ...
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The usage of financial technology has developed considerably in recent years. Its worldwide use in the financial sector is notable. Such as social finance, which includes zakat institutions. As a result, this study aims to examine factors that could influence asnaf in Selangor, Malaysia, using mobile banking for efficient zakat distribution. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT) was employed and extended with additional components. The primary analysis used the SEM approach for principal analysis. It was found that religiosity, intention, facilitating conditions, and habit impact the use of mobile banking for zakat distribution.
... So, in this research, mobile banking is defined as any financial transaction done through a mobile phone via various fintech channels (SMS-based, web-based, and mobile Apps). Previous research (Amin et al., 2006(Amin et al., , 2007(Amin et al., , 2012Amin & Ramayah, 2010;Cheah et al., 2011;Masrek et al., 2014;Tan & Lau, 2016a;Teo et al., 2012) has shown that ease of use, performance expectation, and functional characteristics are significant variables in acceptability and adoption of mobile banking. For example, while using a bank's mobile banking app, one expects the app to offer different services such as money transfer, top-up, bill payment, credit card, etc., wherever and whenever. ...
... Despite their significance, few studies have examined how religion or religiosity influences mobile banking usage Thye Goh et al., 2014). The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), extended TAM, and Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) was often used in Malaysian research (Amin et al., 2006(Amin et al., , 2007(Amin et al., , 2008(Amin et al., , 2012Amin & Ramayah, 2010;Cheah et al., 2011;Daud et al., 2011;Shanmugam et al., 2014;Shuhidan et al., 2017;Tham et al., 2017). Despite its compactness, the UTAUT and UTAUT2 were seldom utilized Afshan & Sharif, 2015;Alalwan et al., 2017;Baptista & Oliveira, 2015;Liang, 2016;Mahfuz et al., 2016). ...
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The usage of financial technology has developed considerably in recent years. Its worldwide use in the financial sector is notable. Such as social finance, which includes zakat institutions. As a result, this research examines factors that could influence asnaf in Selangor, Malaysia, uses mobile banking for efficient zakat distribution. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT) was employed and extended with additional components. The primary analysis used the SEM approach for the principal analysis. It was found that religiosity, intention, facilitating conditions, and habit influence the use of mobile banking for zakat distribution. Keywords: Fintech; Mobile Banking; Zakat; UTAUT eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license ( Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI:
... Consequently, in this study, mobile banking is defined as any financial transaction that could be done via mobile phone through a variety of channels of fintech (SMS-based, web-based and mobile apps). Several previous studies (Amin et al., 2007(Amin et al., , 2008(Amin et al., , 2012Amin and Ramayah, 2010;Cheah et al., 2011;Daud et al., 2011;Shanmugam et al., 2014;Tan and Lau, 2016;Teo et al., 2012) have proven that among the most important factors of acceptance and adopting mobile banking include ease of use, performance expectancy (PE) and utilitarian attributes. For example, when one is using a mobile banking app that is provided by the subscribed bank, naturally one will be expecting the app to be able to provide various functions such as fund transfer, top up, bill payment and credit card anywhere and anytime. ...
... However, few researches had included religion or RE as a construct in influencing mobile banking adoption in spite of their importance Sun et al., 2012). Generally, most of the researches that were undertaken in Malaysia commonly used the theory of reasoned action (TRA), theory of planned behaviour (TPB), technology acceptance model (TAM), extended TAM and diffusion of innovation (Amin et al., 2006(Amin et al., , 2007(Amin et al., , 2008(Amin et al., , 2012Amin and Ramayah, 2010;Cheah et al., 2011;Daud et al., 2011;Shanmugam et al., 2014;Shuhidan et al., 2017;Tham et al., 2017). The unified theory of acceptance and usage of technology (UTAUT) and UTAUT2 were rarely used in spite of their compactness of constructs (Abbas et al., 2018;Afshan and Sharif, 2015;Alalwan et al., 2017;Baptista and Oliveira, 2015;Liang, 2016;Mahfuz et al., 2016). ...
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Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact factors towards the use of mobile banking among the asnaf for efficient zakat payments by using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) model with additional constructs such as religiosity, attitude and trust (initial trust model) in the Malaysian context. Design/methodology/approach The structural equation modelling is used to analyse the data collected from 470 asnaf in Selangor, Malaysia, using the survey methodology. Findings This study highlights factors that could influence the asnaf to adopt financial technology (fintech) in order for them to enjoy the benefit of efficient zakat distribution by the zakat institutions. Research limitations/implications This study only investigates and contributes added value from the Malaysian context. While it may be similar to other countries that share similar demographic profiles, it might differ for countries that do not have any demographic similarities with Malaysia. Practical implications The result of this study highlights the significant factor that practitioners (zakat institutions) in Malaysia could improve fintech adoption and at the same time enhance the efficiency of zakat distribution for the asnaf. Social implications This research is basically addressing Islamic social financing. Thus, this study has social implications to address the society's poverty eradication scheme pertaining to the efficiency of zakat institutions in Malaysia for the speedier zakat payments to the asnaf. However, other emerging issues also arise particularly in using the zakat funds by the zakat institutions. By right whatever expenditure that the institutions use from the zakat funds need to have the consent from the asnaf because of their religious and legal rights. Hence, this new gap found from the findings of this study could be further explored by other researchers in future studies especially focusing on the drive towards more efficient administration by the zakat institutions of Malaysia in particular and other zakat institutions spread over Muslim countries elsewhere. Originality/value This study found that the UTAUT2 model is rarely used and adopted in investigating technology acceptance and adoption especially when it is related to religious matters such as zakat. Indeed, the findings of this study could be acknowledged as something of original value and significance, therefore contributes to the body of knowledge in this field.
... It serves as a fundamental determinant of technology acceptance and usage (Brown & Venkatesh, 2005). Amin et al. (2012) substantiated a positive relationship between PHM, and the adoption of online banking. Nevertheless, some studies suggest that the incorporation of enjoyable attributes may lead to user confusion (Oly Ndubisi & Sinti, 2006). ...
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This empirical investigation precisely explores the allure that drives customers to embrace mobile banking apps. This paper aims to examine the combined roles that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived security and trust, and perceived hedonic motivation play in the adoption of mobile banking apps. It also aims to determine the effect of perceived hedonic motivation as a mediating variable in the relationship between these factors and the allure to embrace mobile banking apps. The research employed a positivist research philosophy and a descriptive research design, utilizing a survey method. Data were collected from 409 users of mobile banking apps from Karnali Province, employing a purposive sampling technique. The study exclusively conducted inferential analysis, employing the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique to achieve its objectives. The study found a statistically significant positive impact of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived security and trust, and perceived hedonic motivation on the adoption of mobile banking apps. Additionally, it identified the complementary partial mediating role of hedonic motivation. It accentuated its supportive influence on the relationships between PEoU, PSaT, and PU, and the allure to embrace mobile banking apps. These findings offer actionable insights for practitioners seeking to enhance mobile banking apps' appeal and user experience, acknowledging the intricate interplay of factors that collectively shape consumer willingness in the dynamic digital finance landscape
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Mobile money services have been dominating the financial environment of Cameroon for years. Many small businesses are using these services in their operations. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of mobile money services on the sales performance of SMEs in Kumba. Specifically, the research aims to assess the effect of mobile payments, and mobile financial services on the sales performance of SMEs in Kumba. An explanatory research design was employed to conduct the study. The quantitative data was collected using questionnaires administered to a sample of 75 respondents chosen through a combination of quota and purposive sampling techniques among the owners and/or Managers of small businesses. The findings indicate that there is a strong effect of mobile payments on the sales performance of SMEs in Kumba. The findings also indicate that only 10.7 percent (not enough to be analysed of SMEs in Kumba used mobile financial services. In light of the results, the researcher recommended that owners and managing directors of SMEs in Kumba should make full use of mobile money services. Also, the government should ease access to credit for SMEs. Finally, the researcher recommended mobile money services providers to educate users to only validate transactions that carry the name of the company so as to solve the issue of scamming.
Digital Banks assumed a critical role in the digital economy in providing fully digitalised services to cover underserved and unserved markets. Following the recent announcement by Bank Negara Malaysia (the Central bank of Malaysia) on April 29, 2022, these banks are expected to begin their operations within 12–24 months. Thus, this study investigates the technology acceptance of Malaysians to digital banking services. Malaysians' technology acceptance towards digital banking services. The study employs the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model, considering variables such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. Data was gathered from 384 respondents in major cities throughout Malaysia. The analysis revealed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and facilitating conditions significantly and positively impact intention to adopt digital banking services, while social influence was found to be statistically insignificant. These findings provide valuable insights for digital banks and the central bank, enabling them to understand user perspectives on technology and enhancing the penetration of digital banking services to the public.
The adoption of mobile banking in Malaysia is low despite the government’s efforts to digitalize the national banking system. Malaysian citizens are uncomfortable embracing mobile banking due to the absence of adequate knowledge-based trust. As only 54.2% of Malaysians are willing to adopt mobile banking in daily life, this research was conducted to boost mobile banking acceptance. This study empirically investigates attributes influencing mobile banking acceptance in Malaysia. New attributes of mobile banking acceptance, such as perceived competence, perceived benevolence and perceived integrity, have been examined in this study to address the acceptance problems faced by the banking industry and customers. The purposive sampling method was used where the targeted respondents must have prior experience in mobile banking. The data was collected using an adapted questionnaire, and a total of 385 valid responses were analyzed. For hypothesis testing, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to confirm the relationship between variables. Perceived ease of use, perceived relative advantage, perceived compatibility, perceived competence, perceived benevolence, and perceived integrity were found to have a significant effect on mobile banking acceptance. Understanding the impact of new constructs, such as perceived competence, perceived benevolence and perceived integrity, benefits banking institutions, policy makers and mobile commerce practitioners in addressing problems relating to mobile banking acceptance.
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The use of mobile banking is growing globally. However, the adoption of mobile banking has been sluggish among senior population. Seniors has become a significant market segment in online marketing field, but to date, few studies have investigated adoption of mobile banking by older customers. This study investigated the key factors affecting adoption of mobile banking among senior citizens in Malaysia. An integrated model was developed by assimilating factors from UTAUT2 model along with a factor from personality trait group namely dispositional resistance to change that is a second-order construct. A questionnaire based survey was conducted on seniors aged above 50 who were non-users of mobile banking in Kuala Lumpur (N = 384). The result of structural equation modelling revealed the negative influence of dispositional resistance to change and the positive impacts of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition and hedonic motivation on seniors’ intention to adopt mobile banking.
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ABSTRACT As the mode,of learning moves,from the traditional face-to-face delivery to a more,remote method such as online learning, the need for students to embrace technology has become more evident and pressing. The results of this study indicate that perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use,(PEU) have,positively influenced the learners attitude. Perceived usefulness,is more influential in predicting attitude which,indicates the importance,of utility of the technology,in ensuring acceptance. Attitude is also positively related to the intention to use. It is also further proven that attitude has partially mediated the relationship between PEU, PU and intention which
In the three eras identified in the previous chapters, the evolution of Islamic finance was paradoxical. The creation of the first Islamic banks could be seen, especially in the context of oil crisis and the calls for a New International Economic Order, as a challenge to the existing political-economic order. In reality, the first Islamic banks were firmly rooted within the existing Western financial system. By the same token, the age of globalisation allowed a financial system rooted in the Middle Ages to survive and to thrive. What is more striking is that even amid the Islamaphobia spurred by the September 11 events and the ‘Global War on Terror’, Islamic finance experienced its most dramatic growth in the first years of the twenty-first century. These paradoxes can be understood only in connection with the evolution of the global political economy during those three periods. The first section of this chapter discusses the political and economic context of the birth of modern Islamic finance, as well as the emergence of pan-Islamism, petrodollar windfall and relations with the West. The second section discusses Islamic finance and the global economy, as well as the transformation of banking and the rise of Islamism.
Islamic banking system was established in Malaysia since 1983. To date, Islamic banking products are available at two full pledged Islamic banks and at all commercial and merchant banks in Malaysia. However, these products are still not fully accepted by customers. At the end of 2000, total deposit at conventional banks was RM381 billion while total deposit in Islamic system was RM31 billion. In the case of loans, RM416 billion was extended by conventional system, and RM21 billion was given by Islamic system. Since corporate customers are the key players in the economy, it is imperative that the reasons for them to choose or not to choose Islamic system be studied. This seminal study explores the perceptions of persons responsible in financial affairs of public listed companies in Malaysia. Among issues covered in this study were usage of conventional and Islamic banking facilities, respondents' understanding of Islamic banking system, and their personal opinion on various aspects of Islamic banking products.