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Synchrony and Diachrony of Sinitic Languages: A Brief History of Chinese Dialects


Abstract and Figures

Even though Sinitic languages are spoken by more than one billion people, very little research has been carried out on the synchronic grammar of major languages and dialect groups of Chinese, apart from standard Mandarin or pǔtōnghuà 普通话, and Cantonese to a lesser extent. The same situation applies to the diachrony of Sinitic languages with respect to the exact relationship between Archaic and Medieval Chinese and contemporary dialects. Since diachronic and historical research reveal important insights into earlier stages of grammar and morphology, they cannot but form a crucial link with synchronic studies: First, it can be expected that different kinds of archaic and medieval features are potentially preserved in certain of the more conservative dialect groups of Sinitic. Second, clues to the pathways of grammaticalization and semantic change can only be clearly delineated with reference to precise analyses of earlier stages of the Chinese language. These are two decisive factors in employing both approaches to syntactic research in the one analysis. Indeed, the main motivation behind compiling this volume of studies on the grammar of Sinitic languages (or Chinese dialects) is to highlight the work of linguists who use the two intertwined perspectives of synchrony and diachrony in their research. A corollary of this first view, espoused in this anthology either explicitly or implicitly, is that if only standard Mandarin grammar is analysed, then such connections between the diachronic and the synchronic state may often be overlooked. This could simply be due to Mandarin innovating where other dialect groups have remained more conservative in their retention of features of Archaic and Medieval Chinese. This possibility has been pointed out in seminal studies by Hashimoto on Hakka (1973, 1992) and shown to be the case for various features of grammar in Southern Min by Y.-C. Li (1986) on aspect and negation, Mei and Yang (1995) on chronological strata in Min, not to mention in the research of scholars such as Zhu Dexi (1990) and Anne Yue-Hashimoto (1991b, 1993a,b) on Southern Sinitic syntactic typology, particularly interrogative structures. The same phenomenon for morphosyntax has been described for Min passive and comitative markers in Chappell (forthcoming (a)), which resembles Late Medieval Chinese more closely than Mandarin where grammatical renovation has occurred. It will be seen that the studies in this volume effectively meld these two approaches of synchrony and diachrony.
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Hilary Chappell
1.1 Introduction
Even though Sinitic languages are spoken by more than one billion people, very little
research has been carried out on the synchronic grammar of major languages and
dialect groups of Chinese, apart from standard Mandarin or pǔtōnghuà 普通话, and
Cantonese to a lesser extent. The same situation applies to the diachrony of Sinitic
languages with respect to the exact relationship between Archaic and Medieval
Chinese and contemporary dialects.
Since diachronic and historical research reveal important insights into earlier
stages of grammar and morphology, they cannot but form a crucial link with
synchronic studies: First, it can be expected that different kinds of archaic and
medieval features are potentially preserved in certain of the more conservative dialect
groups of Sinitic. Second, clues to the pathways of grammaticalization and semantic
change can only be clearly delineated with reference to precise analyses of earlier
stages of the Chinese language. These are two decisive factors in employing both
approaches to syntactic research in the one analysis. Indeed, the main motivation
behind compiling this volume of studies on the grammar of Sinitic languages (or
Chinese dialects) is to highlight the work of linguists who use the two intertwined
perspectives of synchrony and diachrony in their research.
A corollary of this first view, espoused in this anthology either explicitly or
implicitly, is that if only standard Mandarin grammar is analysed, then such
connections between the diachronic and the synchronic state may often be
overlooked. This could simply be due to Mandarin innovating where other dialect
groups have remained more conservative in their retention of features of Archaic and
Medieval Chinese. This possibility has been pointed out in seminal studies by
Hashimoto on Hakka (1973, 1992) and shown to be the case for various features of
grammar in Southern Min by Y.-C. Li (1986) on aspect and negation, Mei and Yang
(1995) on chronological strata in Min, not to mention in the research of scholars such
as Zhu Dexi (1990) and Anne Yue-Hashimoto (1991b, 1993a,b) on Southern Sinitic
syntactic typology, particularly interrogative structures. The same phenomenon for
morphosyntax has been described for Min passive and comitative markers in Chappell
(forthcoming (a)), which resembles Late Medieval Chinese more closely than
Mandarin where grammatical renovation has occurred. It will be seen that the studies
in this volume effectively meld these two approaches of synchrony and diachrony.
1.2 Typological features of Sinitic
Sinitic and Tibeto-Burman form the two major branches of the Sino-Tibetan language
family located in East and Southeast Asia. Sinitic languages are, nonetheless, as
diverse as Slavonic, Romance or Germanic languages within the Indo-European
family. Despite continuous use of written forms of Chinese dating back three
millennia, the spoken forms of Chinese languages are not mutually intelligible: a
speaker of the Fuzhou dialect, a variety of Min spoken in the southern coastal
province of Fujian, will not understand a compatriot from Lake Tai in Jiangsu
province of central China, who speaks a Wu dialect. The lack of comprehensibility, in
this case, refers to the use of the normal colloquial register, questions of bilingualism
in the standard language, Mandarin, temporarily set aside. Even within dialect groups
such as Min or Yue there is a high degree of mutual unintelligibility between
subdivisions such as Coastal versus Inland Min or one of the Guangxi or Western Yue
dialects versus Hong Kong Cantonese. The use of a common script in the domain of
officialdom and education has served as a culturally unifying force over many
centuries. Despite the fact that this literary language - wényán 文言- is quite distinct
from any spoken form of Chinese and was a genre mainly learned by an elite (see
Chen 1999), its unifying use as a written medium has reinforced the belief that the
spoken varieties in China are dialects of the one language rather than related
Typologically, Sinitic languages are tonal languages which show a certain
degree of analytic or isolating features, although historically Archaic Chinese
possessed inflectional morphology. Agent-Verb-Object is one of the basic word
orders, while object preposing is used as a common contrastive device: AOV or
simply patient topicalization with OV. Postverbal intransitive subjects are common in
presentative constructions: VS. These word orders are subject, however, to important
discourse constraints and processes of anaphora (see Tao 1996).
Some of the major typological features of Sinitic are described in the
contributions to this volume, including those shared with surrounding language
families. In general, modifier precedes modified. This allows us to predict the basic
form of a large number of structures. In complex clauses of cause and condition,
subordinate clauses precede main clauses, while in VP syntax, adverbials of manner
in general precede verbs apart from some notable exceptions in Southern Sinitic
languages for time and frequency adverbs which may follow (Ch 10).
Modal verbs also precede main verbs with semantic change from deontic to
epistemic meanings attested as early as Late Archaic Chinese (fifth to third centuries
BCE), research made possible by the large corpus of ancient texts available to the
historical linguist (Ch. 6). Even three millennia ago, markers of predication with
modal, focalizing and copular functions filled a preverbal position in the Shang
dynasty inscriptions of the forteenth to 11th centuries BCE (Ch. 6). It is well-known
that the domains of modality, negation and interrogatives are closely linked by their
irrealis feature: One of the main strategies in Sinitic for the interrogative is the
Yes/No question type, neutral in presupposition. This is formed through simple
juxtaposition of the positive and negative forms of the verb: V-NEG-V and shown to
be subject to certain diachronic changes affecting word order in the VP for Cantonese
in Ch. 8.
NP syntax similarly shows prenominal modification: relative clauses,
possessors and attributives all precede the head noun. Classifier constructions of
{(Demonstrative)/(Numeral)}-Classifier-Noun are used in specifying nouns which are
otherwise opaque as to number or referentiality, as well as in other relational
functions such as marking the functional equivalent of the relative clause in
Cantonese (Ch. 10)
The relation between events, situations (Sachverhältnisse) and time is
predominantly coded by aspectual systems in Sinitic, realised as enclitics to the verb
in most dialect groups (Ch. 3), apart from a tendency to express progressive or
durative aspects preverbally in some of the languages. Aspect systems also include
the use of verb reduplication V1V1 to code tentativeness ‘do an action for a short
while’ which is very widespread in Sinitic (Ch. 11). It has been shown that aspect
markers follow a similar path of grammaticalization to other kinds of postverbal
complements which have developed out of V1V2 serial verb constructions (see Ohta
1958, Cao 1997). Postverbal complements may indicate the result an event, manner of
an action, or its potential to take place (Ch. 4, Ch. 9). The close relationship between
such markers of aspect and of complements is explored in Ch. 4. It is possible for
aspect markers to undergo further semantic change and develop into markers of
epistemicity, treated in Ch. 3 on the category of evidentials.
Furthermore, locative verbs can grammaticalize into both locative coverbs
(prepositions or postpositions) and into aspect markers. From V1 position in a V1V2
series the tendency is to develop into preverbal markers of the progressive aspect
while from V2 position, they develop into postverbal markers of the perfective and
durative (Ch. 2). Other kinds of coverbs or prepositions which have grammaticalized
out of verbs come to serve the function of marking case roles such as agent, patient
and benefactive (Ch. 13).
Despite the characterization as isolating, Sinitic languages show many kinds of
productive affixing processes. Prefixes on nouns form vocatives or designative kin
terms while typical functions of suffixes are as nominalizers, agentive markers and
diminutives (Ch. 12). Gender may be marked by either prefixes (Northern Chinese) or
suffixes (Southern Sinitic). Traces of earlier infixes and prefixes reconstructible for
Archaic Chinese can be detected in some of the more conservative dialects, used both
on nouns and verbs with different semantic effects (Ch. 5). I next describe each Sinitic
language or dialect group in turn.
1.3 Dialect history and geographical distribution
It is generally recognized that the Sinitic stock comprises at least seven major dialect
groups. Major works on Chinese such as Yuan (1960), Ramsey (1987) and Norman
(1988) use this classification, based on earlier pioneering work on Chinese
dialectology by Li Fang-kuei (1939) :
I. Northern Chinese (Mandarin) 北方话
(i) Northern
(ii) Northwestern
(iii) Jiang-Huai or Xiajiang (Lower Yangtze) dialects
(iv) Southwestern
II. Xiāng
III. Gàn
IV. Wú
V. Mǐn dialect group
(i) Western or Inland Min
(ii) Eastern or Coastal Min
VI. Kèjiā or Hakka 客家
VII. Yuè dialects
Mandarin covers the largest expanse of territory, from Manchuria in the
northeast of China to Yunnan and Sichuan provinces in the southwest. The other six
main dialect groups fall neatly into almost complementary geographical distribution
with Mandarin, covering the east and southeast of China.
Since the 1930s, a further three dialect groups have been identified or their
establishment as a separate group argued for: these are the Jìn dialects of Northern
China (Shanxi province and Inner Mongolia); the Huī dialects found in parts of
Anhui, Jiangxi and Zhejiang provinces; and the Pínghuà dialects of Guangxi. The Jin
dialects are the only other Sinitic dialect group to be found natively in northern China.
VIII. Jìn dialects
IX. Pínghuà 平话
X. Huī dialects
Research into the classification of these dialect groups is only at a rather
preliminary stage, although scholarly descriptions of various dialects within each
group are available (see section 1.3 for some references). I next discuss the dialect
groups in more detail. In addition to these, some dialects or groups of dialects remain
unclassified. These include the Shaozhou patois spoken in northern Guangdong and
Waxiang or Xianghua, spoken in northwestern Hunan province.
The area around the Huang He or Yellow River is considered to be the
mainspring of early Han Chinese civilization, with expansion occurring in a
southwards direction to cross the Yangzi River into the former kingdoms of the Wu,
Chu and Yue. The development of Sinitic has thus been moulded by a long history of
migrations from north to south of present day China in conjunction with ensuing
language contact with the ‘barbarian’ tribes of the newly settled areas. Successive
waves of migration from the North over many centuries led to the superimposing of
further new layers of different Northern Chinese dialects onto these evolving southern
dialects. The end-effect is that Sinitic languages are each a product of many factors
including genetic inheritance, language convergence, areal diffusion and stratification.
No simple tree diagram could effectively capture all these contributing factors (see
Sagart 1997 on dialects as fuzzy entities; Chappell 2001).
Table 1.1 A chronology of Chinese dynasties
XIA or YIN HSIA or YIN 21st – 17th century BC
SHANG SHANG 17th – 11th century BC
ZHOU CHOU: Western 11th c. –
771 BC; Eastern 770- 256 BC
11th century – 256 BC
QIN CH’IN 221 – 207 BC
HAN 西漢 Western Han 206 BC – 24 AD
(Former Han)
東漢 Eastern Han 25 AD – 220 AD
(Later Han)
206 BC – 220 AD
Wei 220 – 265 AD
蜀漢 Shu Han 221 – 263 AD
Wu 222 – 280 AD
220 – 280 AD
JIN Western Jin 265 – 316 AD
Eastern Jin 317 – 420 AD
265 – 420 AD
北魏 Northern Wei 386 –534
東魏 Eastern Wei 534 – 550
北齊 Northern Qi 550 – 577
西魏 Western Wei 535 – 556
北周 Northern Zhou 557 – 581
Song 420 – 479
Qi 479 – 502
Liang 502 – 557
Chen 557 – 589
420 – 589 AD
SUI SUI 581 – 618
TANG T’ANG 618 – 907
後梁 Later Liang 907 – 923
後唐 Later Tang 923 – 936
後晉 Later Jin 936 – 946
後漢 Later Han 947 – 950
後周 Later Zhou 951 – 960
907 – 960
北宋 Northern Song 960-1127
南宋 Southern Song 1127-1279
960 – 1279
LIAO LIAO 907 – 1125
JIN CHIN 1115 – 1234
YUAN YUAN 1206 – 1368
MING MING 1368 – 1644
QING CH’ING 1616 – 1911
The earliest known description of dialect differences is given in the Lǐ礼记
or Record of Rites, a compilation of works based on the rites, ceremonies and
etiquette of the Zhou dynasty (You 1992: 91) for which the dating is controversial.
Conservative historiographers place it in the Former or Western Han dynasty
(206BCE – 24CE), although the material clearly relates to and describes an older
period (Loewe 1993). In the Record of Rites, names of the languages of the barbarians
are given, specifically the Jì in the east, Xiàng in the south, Dídī 狄鞮 in the
west, and Yì I n the north. However, it is far from clear whether these names refer
to dialects of the Xià language, that is, the language of the Western Zhou rulers
whose kingdom was in present day Henan province during the period from 11th
century to 771 BCE, or to completely different languages. Nonetheless, other
historical events can aid in building a clearer picture of dialect history.
There were at least four main series of migrations – planned and unplanned -
which took place over a fifteen hundred-year period. The first one occurred under the
Qin Emperor who unified China in 221 BCE. He was responsible for sending half a
million soldiers to settle the frontier territories in southeastern China and set up
garrisons. Colonization continued into this area, particularly during the Later Han
dynasty (25-220CE). These population movements laid the foundation for the six
oldest dialect groups, Min, Wu, Yue, Gan, Hakka and Xiang with a substratum of the
languages of the original inhabitants, possibly Austroasiatic in some areas in the view
of Norman and Mei (1976); Norman (1988) on Min and Pan (1991) on Wu; Hmong-
Mien in the area of present-day Hunan, Jiangxi and western Fujian provinces (Sagart
1993a); and the ancestors of the Tai in the present-day Guangxi region and
Guangdong province.
Two further population movements in the following millennium also played a
important role in dialect formation. The first set occurred during the five hundred-year
period between the Eastern Han dynasties (25-220 CE) and the Sui (581-618 CE),
particularly after the fall of the Jin capital, Luoyang, in 313 which saw the nobility
flee south to re-establish their capital in Jinling (present-day Nanjing).
The third major set of migrations occurred during the Tang dynasty (618-907
CE), either due to active colonization policies or at times of war and upheaval, while
the fourth was at the end of the Northern Song dynasty (960-1127) when the ruling
class moved south again, re-establishing its capital in Hangzhou, in Wu territory.
Sagart (1999, Ch. 5) proposes three main pathways for migration during this extended
period of dialect formation along the major axes of (1) the Xiang River valley in
Hunan, (2) the Gan River valley in Jiangxi and (3) the coast south of the Yangzi.
These three routes laid the foundation respectively for the Xiang and Nanling dialect
groups, possibly extending further south to the Yue group; the Gan and Hakka dialect
groups; and the Wu and Min dialect groups.
The larger dialect picture or situation for Sinitic languages was basically in
place by the time of the Southern Song (1127-1279), apart from the later formation of
the Hui dialects by the time of the Ming dynasty. A brief description of each Sinitic
language or dialect group is given in the next section.
I. Northern Chinese or Mandarin 北方话
Mandarin is the official language of three countries: (1) the People’s Republic of China,
where it is called pǔtōnghuà 普通话 ‘the common language’; (2) Taiwan, where it is
called guόyǔ 国语 ‘the national language’ but is only the first language of a 12%
minorityand (3) Singapore, where Huáyǔ 华语, originally an elegant appellation for
‘Chinese language’, is one of four official languages alongside English, Malay and
Tamil. Demographically it has the largest number of speakers of any Sinitic language,
spoken by 71.5 per cent of the population in China in one of its four main dialect
varieties (Ramsey 1987: 87). The four subdivisions of Mandarin are listed below with
their geographical location. The reader may refer to Map 1.1 for the precise distribution.
(i) Northern
Hebei, including Beijing, Henan, Shandong, Manchuria, northern Anhui, parts of Inner
(ii) Northwestern
Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia, parts of western Inner Mongolia
(iii) Jiang-Huai or Xiajiang (Lower Yangtze) dialects
Nanjing, Jiangsu province north of the Yangtze, central Anhui province
(iv) Southwestern
Hubei, northwest Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, northwest Guangxi
The Northwestern dialects are claimed to be the most heterogeneous of the four
varieties of Mandarin.
The concept of běifānghuà 北方话‘northern speech’ is first mentioned in the
dialect work by Guo Pu 郭璞 known as Fāngyán Zhù 方言注 (Commentary on the
Fāngyán) and compiled during the Eastern Jin dynasty (317-420 CE). Certain dialect
words, listed in earlier works such as the first century Fāngyán 方言(Dialects) by Yang
Xiong, are given in this later work by Guo Pu as the common term in northern speech
(You 1992: 94). This is interesting in that it suggests some unification of the northern
dialects of Chinese had already taken place by this time - the period of Early Medieval
Chinese in the fourth and fifth centuries CE.
In the provinces where Han Chinese settlement occurred en masse much later,
postdating the Song dynasty, older varieties of Chinese and non-Sinitic languages have
been progressively replaced by Mandarin during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties
(see Table 1.1 for chronology). These are the border regions of the northwest, the
northeast and the southwest. This is true even where Han Chinese arrived at much earlier
periods. For example, although Chinese settlers arrived in the western region of Qinghai
as early as the Han dynasty {1}, they were never in the majority until the Ming dynasty
(1368-1644 CE), when large-scale migration led to their outnumbering other
nationalities, particularly in the eastern parts of Qinghai.
Southern Sinitic languages began to evolve out of Early Medieval Chinese
during the first half of the first millennium CE, with diversification resulting from factors
such as substratum influences, geographical isolation in the inaccessible regions of
southeastern China, and successive overlays of Northern Chinese, creating degrees of
convergence, particularly for the dialect groups of central China, Wu, Xiang and Gan, or
sharp stratification as in the more isolated Min dialects.
II. Xiāng
The language of the Chu kingdom, an important dialect before the Jin dynasty was
established in the third century CE, was spoken in the area of modern-day Hunan and
Hubei. It appears not to have been mutually intelligible with the court language of the
Zhou, Xià , the goal of reconstruction for Archaic Chinese. You (1992) regards Old
Chu as the basis for Old Xiang which probably split off from Medieval Chinese some
time prior to the Tang dynasty. Today the Xiang dialects are spread over most of Hunan
province, except for the north, northwest and some southern areas where Southwestern
Mandarin has encroached upon Xiang territory. They are spoken by 4.8 per cent of the
population in China. The name is taken from the major river in this region.
By the time of the Southern Song, early Mandarin extended only as far south
as the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze, apart from one small pocket where
Northern speakers had crossed the Yangtze into the Northwest Xiang area after the
Ānshǐ 安史 turmoil of the mid-Tang dynasty, with a resultant dramatic impact on
Northern Xiang. Consequently, the more archaic features from Old Xiang are now
better preserved in the southern dialects of Xiang. The dialect of the provincial capital
Changsha is an example of New Xiang which has steadily converged towards
Southwestern Mandarin, with the result that there is apparently little difficulty in
communication between speakers of both languages. The complex interrelationship
between Changsha Xiang and Mandarin is described in Y. Wu (1992). Wu, in fact,
contributes the single study on Xiang in this book investigating locative structures in
the Changsha dialect and their grammaticalized aspectual functions (see Ch.2).
Norman (1988: 190) characterizes Xiang and Mandarin as sharing a weak dialect
boundary and suggests that some of the southwestern Mandarin dialects may
originally have been Xiang.
III. Gàn
The focal territory for Gan is Jiangxi province. Gan dialects are also found in eastern
Hunan and southeastern Hubei. Speakers account for 2.4 per cent of the population in
China. The Gan group can be split into northern and southern types. Northern Gan was
probably formed during the period between the end of the Eastern Han and the
beginning of the Tang dynasty (third to seventh centuries CE) when a melange of
speakers of various northern Chinese dialects flowed into Jiangxi province along the
Gan river valley, one of three main roads to the south (Ch. 5). This mixture of dialects
was superimposed on the local Jiangxi dialects, which were possibly a merger of the Old
Wu and Old Chu languages of former eponymous kingdoms (You 1992).{2}
The early formation of these Northern Gan dialects meant they escaped the
influence of the newly emerging standard language of the Tang capital in Chang’an, in
contrast to the situation for Southern Gan which developed under the influence of the
Chang’an koine brought south during a second larger wave of migration in the middle
and late Tang periods (eighth to ninth centuries CE). The merger of such a superstrate of
dialects close to Chang’an Northern Chinese with Northern Gan speakers thus created
Southern Gan in the broad area of central Jiangxi (detailed in Sagart 1993a).{3}
The Gan dialects were originally grouped together with Hakka due to sharing
certain major sound changes from the time of Medieval Chinese. However, some
striking lexical differences, combined with exceptions to these sound rules have led
linguists more recently to treat them as separate groups, although the relationship is close
(see Sagart 1988, 1997 for more discussion).
IV. Wú
Like Gan, the Wu group can also be split into northern and southern types. The focal
area of the Wu dialects is Zhejiang province on the central eastern coast of China. In
addition, Wu dialects are spoken in the contiguous regions of southern Jiangsu and
southeastern Anhui province. Shanghainese is the most prominent member of this dialect
group and, in terms of population, Wu is second largest Sinitic language after the
Northern Chinese group, with 8.5 per cent of the population, or over eighty million
speakers. P. Wu (1991) and You (1992) both view Wu as the oldest dialect group,
having its homeland in southern Jiangsu province with southwards expansion to northern
Zhejiang and ultimately to the rest of the region. This early southwards migration of the
first century CE along a coastal pathway was followed by three further waves of
northern Chinese immigrants who moved through Wu territory in the third, fourth and
twelfth centuries CE.
The more archaic Wu dialects are thus to be found in the south of Wu territory in
Southern Zhejiang. You (1992) strongly supports the hypothesis that the Wu dialects are
the basis for Min which preserve, in his view, the most archaic Wu features, citing
lexical and phonological evidence shared by Wu dialects spoken in Southern Zhejiang
with those of Min. Norman (1988: 189, 1999) claims, nonetheless, that there is a strong
demarcation line between Min and Wu dialects. The less contentious standpoint would
be to posit a common ancestor for Wu and Min, formed by the first century CE, from
which both split off. The proximity of Wu to Northern Chinese dialects has led to
constant incursions into Wu territory, with resultant Mandarinization of certain features,
as opposed to Min, whose isolation allowed for preservation of older features. This is
further discussed in the section on Min below.
V. Mǐn
The Min group is a very diverse group of dialects whose subdivisions are, in the main,
not mutually intelligible. This dialect group is spoken by 4.1 per cent of China’s
population. Its speakers live principally in the southeastern coastal province of Fujian,
with some incursions into the Guangdong region.
Bielenstein (1959) uses historical records detailing the establishment of
prefectures to show that Fujian was sinicized at a much later date than other frontier
areas of China. Before settlement by the Han Chinese, the Fujian region was originally
inhabited by the Yue, who conquered and destroyed the state of Wu in the first half of
the fifth century BCE, but were then themselves defeated by the Chu in 333 BCE.
Emperor Qin (221-210 BCE) made a commandery out of the territory, but it remained
outside of China proper for another ten centuries. The problem was a topographical one:
there were no natural north-south river routes through this region of high impassable
mountain chains. Consequently, the area was bypassed during the large scale migrations
to the south during the Eastern Han dynasty (25-220 CE). In fact, major migrations to
Fujian province first took place in the seventh century and comprised mainly farmers,
rather than soldiers, who opened up this territory to Chinese habitation in a peaceful
In the third century CE, there is however, evidence of smaller scale migration
into northern Fujian from the inland, first from Zhejiang in the north and then from
Jiangxi in the west. The reason that the coastal areas were only settled four to five
centuries later is a consequence of their remoteness and the difficulty of reaching the
coast of Fujian from Zhejiang except by boat. It is the 742 CE census, which records
ninety-one thousand households in Fujian compared with twelve- to thirteen-thousand
households recorded in the 609 CE census, that points to such a second large-scale
migration south from Zhejiang and Jiangxi in the 7th century, which proceeded this time
along the coast.
These migration routes tally well with the dialect divisions independently
established for Min: the basic one is between Inland (or Western) Min and Coastal (or
Eastern) Min (see Norman 1988, 1991b, 1999; You 1992). Inland Min is divided into
Northwestern and Far Western versus Central, which form a natural correspondence to
the two different routes of migration taken in the third century CE, from Jiangxi in the
west and Zhejiang in the north. The formation of Coastal Min would correspond to the
seventh century migration down the coast from these same two provinces.
(i) Inland Min
a. Northwestern: Jìan dialects
b. Far Western: Shàowǔ, Jiānglè
c. Central: Yǒng’ān
(ii) Coastal Min
a. Northeastern: Fúzhōu, Fú’ān
b. Southern: Xiàmén, Taiwanese, Cháozhōu, Hainanese
The traditional view is that Min split off from mainstream Chinese during the
transition time between the two Han dynasties (early in the first millennium CE) (see
Ting 1983, and Sagart’s critique in Ch. 5). There is general agreement that Proto-Wu
(also called Old Wu-Min) is the likely basis for the development of Min, given that the
early colonists moved into Fujian from Wu territory from the end of Han times and
throughout the Three Kingdoms period in the third century CE (Norman 1991b, You
1992). On the other hand, as Ting (1983) and Norman (1988, 1999) propose, its very
archaic features could simply be due to early bifurcation from Medieval Chinese, before
the period reflected in the sixth century rhyming dictionary, the Qièyùn which has been
used in the reconstruction of the Middle Chinese phonological system. Nonetheless, the
historical evidence suggests its formation must have begun in Wu territory and, if this is
true, it must have occurred during the period of the two Han dynasties (206 BCE - 220
CE), as explained above.
The stark contrast between literary and colloquial pronunciations is a well-
known phenomenon in Southern Min, known as wén-bái yì-dú in
Mandarin. Williams (1896: xxxiii) describes the difference between reading and
colloquial pronunciations of the Amoy dialect in the following manner in the
introduction to his syllabic dictionary (note that his use of the term ‘Amoy dialect’
encompasses the two departments of Zhangzhou 漳州 and Quanzhou 泉州 as well as
Formosa or Taiwan):
‘The colloquial used by the people of this region differs widely from
the style in which books are written, -- as much perhaps as anywhere in
China. They substitute other words or disyllabic phrases for the single
terms used in books, and vary the inflection of even common words;
giving them a nasal or contracted ending, or changing their sound and
tone altogether. The greatest part of them are earlier forms of what is
now accepted as the authorized reading sound which has gradually
become assimilated to the mandarin; but some are manifestly derived
from characters which have dropped out of use and some perhaps from
an older aboriginal speech.’
Several strata can be detected in the Min lexicon: The earliest stratum can be
traced back to the Han dynasty while the second is from the Nanbeichao period. The
third stratum of reading pronunciations, used to recite texts in Min, reflects the late Tang
koine, based on the prestige dialect of the capital, Chang’an (Norman 1991b: 338-9).
This resulted in the present-day stratification, aspects of which are treated by Lien (see
Ch. 12) who shows this third stratum cannot be simply explained as a literary register
and also in Yue-Hashimoto (1991a) on Min interrogative structures.
During the Song dynasty, the Min continued to spread southwards along the
coast to Chaozhou (Teochiu) and Shantou (Swatow) areas in northeastern Guangdong,
even settling as far south as the Leizhou peninsula in this province. Both Chaozhou and
Shantou dialects are varieties of Southern Min, classified under Coastal Min. Min
speakers began to migrate to Hainan Island and Taiwan from Southern Fujian from the
early Qing dynasty onwards, that is, from the seventeenth century CE.
Taiwanese is the language under investigation for three studies in this volume
concerning reduplication, lexical diffusion and prepositions (Chs. 11, 12 and 13
respectively). It remains very close to the dialects of Southern Min spoken in Xiamen
(Amoy), Quanzhou and Zhangzhou on the mainland of China.
VI. Kèjiā or Hakka 客家
There are two main opposing views about the formation of Hakka (discussed in detail in
Sagart 1988). In the first view, espoused by Lo (1933), Hakka was already formed in the
north in the area of present-day Henan province, before the first southwards migration
took place in the fourth century CE following the fall of the Western Jin dynasty in 313.
This view assumes that there were specific Hakka migrations, separate from those of
other Han peoples. The folk genesis of the Hakka people certainly appears to support
this view in its depiction of a migrant people who moved southwards from the
Zhōngyuán or central plains area of China in five successive waves. However, this is
based on family genealogies compiled in the south long after the migrations took place
and reflects the desirability of establishing an orthodox northern ancestry, as Hashimoto
(1973), (1992: 6) and Sagart (1988: 148) separately observe.
In the second more plausible view, Hakka evolved in the south in the period of
the Song dynasty, specifically in southeastern Jiangxi and western Fujian, after
migration had taken place (Sagart 1988: 148; You 1992: 103), with a following
movement south to northeastern Guangdong. This constitutes the modern heartland of
the Hakka with further settlements scattered over these three provinces and as far west as
Sichuan. According to the second view, Hakka develops from Southern Gan by the end
of the Song, possessing a possible substrate of non-Chinese languages spoken in the
mountainous border areas straddling Jiangxi and western Fujian such as the She and Yao
(Hmong-Mien). Its recent development would explain the relative uniformity of the
Hakka sound system from one dialect to another (see Hashimoto 1992; Sagart 1988).
The Hakka, whose name means ‘guest people’, make up 3.7 per cent of China’s
population. Migration to Taiwan began in the early Qing period, where the Hakka
constitute twelve per cent of the current population of 21.4 million. A third, very recent,
view groups Yue, Hakka and Southern Gan together as subdialects of a Guangzhou
dialect type (Lau 1999).
VII. Yuè
The core area for Yue is Guangdong province and the southeastern part of the Guangxi
region in south China. Cantonese is the best-known member of this group of
heterogeneous dialects spoken by five per cent of China’s population. This area, known
as Lǐngnán 岭南 ‘south of the five ridges’, was gradually settled during the two Han
dynasties. Records from the Han period indicate that this area was originally populated
by many ‘barbarian’ tribes of the Bǎi Yuè 百越 or ‘One Hundred Yue’. The Yue dialects
were thus formed in a language contact situation with non-Han peoples in a frontier area,
first annexed as Chinese territory in the Qin dynasty (late 3rd century BCE), as outlined
above. Yue-Hashimoto (1991b: 298) suggests that two main migration routes were used
over many centuries and these were along the Xiang and Gan rivers from North China.
She also cites evidence for two substrata in Yue dialects: Tai and Hmong (1991: 305).
Yuan (1989: 179) similarly lists lexical items that Yue dialects share with Zhuang [Tai]
languages, still spoken in this region, particularly in Guangxi province.
It is thus interesting to note that the sound system of Guangzhou and Hong Kong
Cantonese remains remarkably close to the Medieval Chinese of the Tang and early
Song. Possibly, the final formation period for Yue was shaped by northern Chinese
refugees fleeing to this area in the Song dynasty when North China was under attack
from the Inner Asian invaders, the Liao and the Jin. This saw a tripling of the population
in Guangdong in comparison with that of the Tang dynasty (You 1992). Today, Hong
Kong Cantonese is one of the few non-Mandarin dialects with its own flourishing
popular literature based on the vernacular form (see Bauer 1988). Specially-created
characters, evident in newspapers, comic books, novels and advertisements, are used for
morphemes that have no cognates in Mandarin, for example, lexical items such as leng2
‘pretty’ and tau2 ‘take a rest’ ; grammatical particles such as the plural suffix -dei4
; the relative clause and subordination marker ge3 (Ch.10) and the perfective aspect
marker -jo2 ; not to mention the large number of clause-final discourse markers,
including woh4 for surprising news or reminders; lok3 for irrevocable situations
and la4 for polite refusals (see Matthews and Yip 1994: chapter 18). Three chapters
in this book form a section on Yue, specifically the Hong Kong Cantonese dialect
investigating interrogative structures (Ch. 8); verb complementation (Ch. 9) and relative
clauses (Ch. 10).
Jin dialects are spoken by more than 45 million people in Northern China in the most of
Shanxi province, central and western Inner Mongolia, and also in parts of Hebei, Henan
and Shaanxi. They are less diversified than those of southern China. This is the only
dialect group to be spoken in an area within the Mandarin zone of North China. The Jin
dialects all share the feature of a or entering tone which the surrounding Mandarin
dialects do not possess, nor standard Mandarin (J. Hou 1989, Map B-7 in Wurm and Li
(eds.) 1987).
Since Jin dialects represent a peripheral area, confined by mountainous areas and
the Ordos desert to the northwest, it is not surprising that they preserve features
reflecting earlier stages of Chinese. Hence, Jin dialect material can be profitably used in
the reconstruction, for example, of affixes already lost in many modern Mandarin
dialects (Ch. 5).
IX. Huī
The Hui or Huizhou dialects are spoken by 1.8 million people mainly in the southern
part of Anhui province, with incursions into northeastern Jiangxi and western
Zhejiang. Hirata (1998) classifies and describes Hui as comprising six main dialects,
observing that these are in the main mutually unintelligible. Moreover, neither a koine
nor a prestige dialect has emerged which could serve as a means of interdialectal
communication. The linguistic situation reflects the historically isolated nature of Hui
communities, predominant in the mountainous areas of Anhui. Hirata (1998: 18) is of
the view that the Hui sound system stabilized by the early Ming dynasty (14th
century), based on a comparison of contemporary dialects with the rhyme system of
Ming dynasty plays using this vernacular.
The evolution of the Hui dialects is not at all transparent. Some suppose that
the Wu dialects are the basis for Hui which split off during the Ming dynasty (see You
1992). According to Hirata, however, Hui is composed of many layers: its dialects are
spoken in an area originally occupied by the Yuè tribe, suggestive of a possible
substrate, later to be overlaid by migrations from Northern China in the Medieval
Nanbeichao period and the Tang and Song dynasties. This was followed by the Jiang-
Huai Mandarin dialects of the migrants who arrived during the Ming and Qing
periods, and more recently by Wu dialects in particular, acquired by peripatetic Hui
merchants who represented an active social force in the region from the Qing dynasty
onwards. According to its typological features, Hirata (1998: 19) describes Hui as
being fundamentally a Southern Sinitic type of language with some encroachment
from the Northern type.
According to Zheng-Zhang (1987), Hui dialects show some traits which are
similar to the Gan dialects to the south, such as voiceless aspirated initials, and other
traits which are similar to the Wu dialects to the east, such as the rhymes or final
sections of syllables. Not surprisingly, the Yanzhou Hui dialects spoken in western
Zhejiang show an overlay of Wu features. This is merely the starting point for further
research on the relationship between Hui and other dialect groups.
X. Pínghuà 平话
Pinghua dialects are spoken by an estimated two to three million Chinese, mainly
living in Guangxi whose population is predominantly Zhuang [Tai subfamily]. They
are also found in adjacent areas of Hunan and Yunnan provinces. This dialect group
comprises the Guinan 桂南 and Guibei 桂北 types , which are not mutually
Guinan is mainly spoken in the outskirts of Nanning, alongside Cantonese, and
in other towns in the southern parts of Guangxi while Guibei is spoken in the outskirts
of Guilin, alongside Southwestern Mandarin, as well as in many towns in northern
Guangxi, particularly along the waterways.
It has become a widely held view among scholars in China that the Pinghua
dialects should be treated as separate from Yue, with which they were formerly
classed. The Yue dialects were introduced relatively late in the Qing dynasty whereas
the history of Pinghua goes back at least 1000 years to the Song dynasty (Liang and
Zhang 1999; S. Wei 1996). Some of the Guinan Pinghua dialects appear to have a
close relationship, however, with Yue, which is not suprising, given the fact that they
are co-extensive in the southern and southeastern parts of Guangxi, adjacent to
Guangdong province. Sagart is of the view that they do in fact belong to Yue and their
Cantonese features are not the result of convergence or borrowing (Sagart, pers.
comm.). Furthermore, he considers that Guibei Pinghua dialects may have shared a
common ancestor with Xiang and he classifies these as the separate dialect group of
Nánlíng 南岭 (Ch. 5).
Historical records relate that large contingents of soldiers, many from
Shandong, settled in Guangxi, particularly after the southern expedition of General Di
Qing to suppress a Zhuang uprising during the Song dynasty. Many of the subsequent
waves of migration also appear to have originated in the Central Plains region,
travelling through Hubei and Hunan. The Song dynasty may thus have been a crucial
formation period for the Pinghua dialects.
1.4 Periodization
An informative periodization for the history of Chinese which bears great relevance
for syntactic studies is given in Peyraube (1988) and (1996). Even though this is
designed to represent the different stages for the grammar of mainly vernacular forms
of written Chinese, in the case of post Han times, it can be profitably used to
summarize the preceding section on dialect history:
Table 1.2 Periodization for written Chinese
Pre-Archaic Chinese: language of the
oracle bone inscriptions
14th - 11th c. BCE
Early Archaic Chinese: 10th - 6th c. BCE
Late Archaic Chinese: 5th - 2nd c. BCE
Pre-Medieval: (transition period) 1
st c. BCE - 1st c. CE
Early Medieval: 2nd - 6th c. CE
Late Medieval: 7th - mid-13th c. CE
Pre-Modern: (transition period) mid-13th - 14th c. CE
Modern: 15th - mid-19th c. CE
Contemporary: mid-19th - 20th c. CE
This periodization is useful in that it does not pre-empt the development of the
Sinitic languages other than Mandarin by assuming a vertical line of descent from
proto-Chinese to Mandarin. Furthermore, it allows for certain correlations to be made:
Early Archaic Chinese corresponds to the period reconstructed for Old Chinese, and
Late Archaic Chinese to the representative period for the literary language, Classical
Chinese. Classical Chinese is modelled on historical texts from the Warring States or
Zhànguό period (5th - 3rd centuries BCE) as well as the philosophical treatises of
Mencius and Confucius. It became codified as a literary genre during the Han
The Pre-Medieval period coincides with Han dynasty expansion to the
southern and southeastern frontiers that laid the foundation for the imminent
diversification into new dialects, while the Early Medieval period from the end of the
Han dynasty to the beginning of the Sui coincides with the formation period for the
majority of Chinese dialects. It also corresponds to the period reconstructed for
Middle Chinese on the basis of the seventh century Qièyùn rhyming dictionary,
compiled in 601 CE by Lu Fayan, (Norman 1988; Ramsey 1987; see also Ch. 5).
For the Late Medieval period of the Tang and Song dynasties, texts exist
containing both dialect materials or discussion of clear dialect differences between
regions in China which are relevant to the modern dialect groups.{4} There is general
consensus that this must have been the crucial period when many Southern Sinitic
languages became clearly identifiable entities, separate from Northern Chinese, apart
from the dissension concerning Min noted above. Thus, by the end of the Song
dynasty in the thirteenth century, the Sinitic subfamily of languages was largely
discernible in its present form. The modern period from the thirteenth century
onwards is applicable in the sense of it being diachronically relevant to a
developmental period for the majority of Sinitic languages. It appears that only Hui
had its formative period after the Song dynasty.
1.5 Analyses of Sinitic grammar in this volume
In the final section of this introduction, abstracts of the studies in this book are
presented in order of their appearance.
The first section of this volume sets the overall theoretical framework of a
descriptive and functional approach used in the analysis of the grammar and
morphosyntax of Sinitic languages. This section comprises three studies which
employ an essentially typological and comparative perspective to examine aspect
markers and their close semantic relatives - locatives and verb complement markers of
manner and extent. Furthermore, locatives are one of the typical lexical sources that
trigger grammaticalization into aspect in the right syntactic environment. This is not
only true of Sinitic but is found as a recurrent pattern crosslinguistically (Dahl 1985;
Bybee, Perkins and Pagliuca 1994). Verb complement markers and aspect markers
often develop from the same structures, as Lamarre shows (Ch. 4), while aspect
markers may metalinguistically extend their scope to the whole clause upon semantic
change into epistemic markers of evidentiality, for example (Ch. 4).
Yunji Wu presents a study of grammticalization processes which have
synchronically resulted in the co-existence of four locative constructions in the
Changsha dialect of Xiang, each with its own distinctive semantic and syntactic
characteristics. Using spoken narrative data, Wu shows that the markers tau41/tau45
and tsai21 can occur in both postverbal and preverbal position, while t
24 and
ta21 , showing only the postverbal use, have developed additional aspectual uses as
perfective and durative markers. Although t
24 is the most common of these four
locative markers used postverbally, ta21 is less restricted than t
24 in its use as
an aspect marker. Wu argues that, in fact, t
24 and ta21 have the same lexical
source in a verb ‘to get, catch’, while tsai21 is a Mandarinization, progressively
replacing the native Xiang locative ku13 ‘to squat, to stay’. She provides further
evidence of the allomorphs of the essentially locative morpheme [tau41] and [tau45]
- being conditioned by their function, respectively, as a verb complement with
perfective meaning, and as a postverbal preposition introducing a locative noun of
Hilary Chappell investigates verb enclitics in Sinitic languages, such as
Mandarin kuo55, Cantonese Yue kwo33, and Shanghainese Wu ku34 (˛iI/5), or
preverbal markers such as Taiwanese bat and Fuzhou pei/31 tseiŋ52, both Min dialects.
These have commonly been described as experiential aspect markers whose function
is defined as indicating an event has taken place at least once in the past (see, for
example, Comrie 1976: 58).
The main purpose of this study is to challenge the view that this category is
primarily aspectual in the case of Sinitic languages. After discussion of the syntactic
and semantic features of these markers in eight Sinitic languages in terms of prototype
theory, Chappell argues that the experiential aspect in Sinitic languages should be
reclassified as an evidential marker.
The analysis shows that the relevant marker in each Sinitic language is used to
express the speaker’s commitment to the truth of the proposition, namely, certainty
about the occurrence of an event. One use of these markers can be classified as a kind
of inferential evidential, since the source of information is based on an inference made
from an observable result state (cf. Willett 1988: 57). The other use is as an
immediate evidential of personally experiencing an event (hence the traditional label).
This conditions a person split.
Other non-core uses are also examined such as imperatives of repeatability
expressing ‘do a certain event again’, and marking the verb in the protasis of
conditionals. Further extensions of meaning for these evidential markers are found in
constructions of ‘partial effect’ and as a phase complement marker of completion in
Mandarin. It is shown how these are semantically linked with the prototypical
meaning through discussion of the grammaticalization process of these markers from
two main sources: verbs meaning ‘to cross, pass through’ which are cognate in most
Sinitic languages, or verbs meaning ‘to know’ in Min dialects. This is the first study
to analyse this grammatical category in Sinitic as a whole.
Christine Lamarre sets up a four-way classification for the treatment of verb
complement structures in terms of the markers for manner, extent and potential
complements in Sinitic languages. Standard Chinese represents the first type, where
these distinctions are neutralised, all three kinds of complement structures using DE
. In the second type, distinct markers are used for potential versus manner and
extent complements. While the potential complement marker is generally DE <
‘able, obtain’ in the different Southern Sinitic languages surveyed, the manner or
extent complement is drawn from a set of high frequency verbs such as LAI <
‘come’, ZHUO < ‘hit:the:target, touch, be:attached’, QI < ‘start’, QU <
‘go’, or DAO < ‘arrive, reach’. The data show, however, that Northern Chinese
DE is encroaching on the semantic territory of these manner/extent markers. It is
significant that diffusion of the Mandarin stratum is clearly morphologically
constrained, for example, to monosyllabic stative verbs in the complement. Lamarre
also investigates a second Northern Chinese pattern belonging to this type, where the
potential marker is LIAO or its cognates, while manner and extent are marked with
DE . This includes many Jin dialects of North China.
The third type of complement marking distinguishes manner from extent
complements, in many cases conflating manner with the potential. This is
characteristic particularly of Wu and Yue dialects. Min dialects form the fourth type
in which at least three kinds of complements are distinctly marked: manner, extent
and potential.
Lamarre also discusses the paths of grammaticalization in detail for each of the
attested markers for the three categories of complements, and investigates their
polysemy. A recurrent pattern is for aspect and resultative markers to develop into
markers of manner and extent or potential complements. The data come from
Lamarre's own fieldwork in China as well as a large corpus of published works on this
In the second section of this book, three chapters on syntax and morphology of
earlier periods of Chinese are presented, including the reflexes of reconstructed
prefixes and infixes in Archaic Chinese found in certain contemporary dialects and
their semantic function; predicate markers found in the Shang bone inscriptions of
Pre-Archaic Chinese (14th – 11th centuries BCE); and a functional analysis of modal
verbs in Archaic Chinese. This set of studies is informed by either approaches in the
methodology of comparative and historical linguistics combined with linguistic
geography (Sagart), in structural descriptive linguistics (Djamouri), or in functional
diachronic syntax and grammaticalization (Peyraube).
Laurent Sagart presents evidence from modern Chinese dialect groups,
particularly the Jin, Min, Yue and Hakka dialect groups, to argue that: (i) they possess
reflexes of the Archaic Chinese prefix *k- and the Archaic Chinese infix *-r- and
that, similarly, (ii) the core meaning of these affixes has also been retained. These are
affixes which had disappeared in the standard language by the time of Medieval
Chinese. Referring to evidence from etymological sources such as Chinese classical
texts and on the basis of phonological reconstruction, Sagart shows that the reflexes of
these affixes in certain conservative dialects play a derivational role with an
identifiable meaning.
Sagart first examines the *k- prefix which can derive verbs, nouns and
adjectives in some of the Jin dialects as well as in some Southern Min, Wu, Yue and
non-standard Mandarin dialects. In its verbal use, and applied to a verbal base, it
derives verbs which code dynamic action of limited duration ‘V for a little while’ and
progressives. When it derives nouns from nouns, the prefix is used only with concrete,
count nouns. The adjectival meaning is not so clearcut, the examples in some cases
coding result states of dynamic action or psychological events.
Next, Sagart examines the *-r- infix and shows that in the Jin dialects, certain
Min dialects of northern Fujian, and in Mandarin dialects of the peripheral area of
Shandong, it codes distributed or iterative action when infixed to verbs. In the Jin
dialects, it can also be infixed in nouns, coding objects that occur in pairs or
multiples; in Min and Yue in classifiers coding collectives while in one Min dialect, it
gives an intensifying function to some adjectives. For both affixes, the semantic and
phonological relationship with the reconstructed forms for Archaic Chinese is given
and the basic meaning established on comparative grounds.
Redouane Djamouri examines five markers of predication from the Shang
bone inscriptions (ca. 1500-1028 BCE). These are wéi huì , , , and
. He applies a structural approach to describe the verbal syntax of this period. In the
Shang bone inscriptions, word order is clearly the means for signalling relations
between verbs and their actants, there being no morphological marking of dependency
relations, apart from the optional use of and zài to mark benefactive and
locative functions. However, Djamouri argues that these five morphemes are,
nonetheless, not to be considered as adverbs but rather as abstract operators of
predication. Evidence for this view is presented first of all in the semantic analysis of
wéi as assertive modality, ‘be the one who’, huì as injunctive deontic modality,
‘must’, and as future modality, ‘will’, which not only express these modal
meanings when they modify verbs but can also be used as obligatory copular verbs in
equative, descriptive and nominalisation constructions. These three markers of
predication have a further use in focalising the various actant roles of subject, object,
benefactive and circumstantial NPs in preverbal position.
Djamouri next discusses the two negators, ‘not’ and ‘must not’
which are more restricted in use than wéi , huì and
. While can be
used as a copula and to focalise subjects, only has the focalisation use and
requires the coverb before the benefactive actant. Finally, the distribution of
is contrasted with that of the negator of transitive verbs with overt object NPs,
, to show that is the negator of both intransitive verbs and predicates of low
transitivity such as descriptive and passive clauses. However, , and not , is
the obligatory negator when a verb has a pronominal object. This fact points to an
earlier focalisation construction for objects with that has become fully
grammaticalized by the period of the Shang inscriptions. The three main uses of these
modals as auxiliary verbs, copular verbs and as preverbal markers of focalisation thus
supports their analysis as markers of predication, and not as adverbs.
Alain Peyraube discusses four main auxiliary verbs of volition in Classical
Chinese, a written genre represented in works from the 5th –3rd century BCE. These
are g
n ‘dare to’, kěn ‘be willing to’, ‘ wish’, and yuàn ‘to wish’. Of
these , g
n ‘to dare to’ and ‘to wish, intend’ are the two most common
auxiliaries of volition in Late Archaic Chinese. Both the syntactic and semantic
features of these four auxiliaries are discussed in detail in the main analysis, which is
preceded by a brief overview of a related group of modal verbs expressing possibility.
The verb g
n ‘to dare to, to have the necessary courage to do’ is typically found in
either negative declarative sentences or in interrogative sentences when these are not
negated. Its use in interrogative sentences far outweighs its use in declarative ones,
however, by the time of Late Archaic Chinese. In contrast to this, the verb
‘wish, intend to’ is mainly used in affirmative declaratives. Occurrences of negated
forms are rare. In the case of kěn ‘be willing to, consent to’, Peyraube observes
that it was infrequent in Late Archaic Chinese, where it was used mostly in negated
declarative sentences, but in the affirmative form for interrogatives. Moreover, this
complementary distribution was maintained well into the transitional Han period
(206BCE - 220CE).
The fourth verb discussed, yuàn ‘wish to’, is equally infrequent in use
before the Han period. Its meaning is, however, more subjective than kěn ‘be
willing to’ in that it concomitantly expresses the notion of hoping. It is shown to be
used exclusively in the declarative sentences that rarely occur in negated form. These
Classical Chinese data neatly show how the concepts of modality and negation are
closely intertwined, given the complementary syntactic distribution for three of these
verbs of volition across interrogative and declarative sentence types with respect to
negation. Hence, g
n ‘dare to’ and kěn ‘be willing to’ favour negated
declaratives while ‘wish’ and yuàn ‘wish to’ tend to appear in affirmative
The focus of the third section of this volume is the Cantonese language, as
representative of the Yue group of dialects within Sinitic. All the data are based on the
variety spoken in Hong Kong, including historical texts as used in the studies by
Cheung and Yue, and contemporary colloquial data used in Matthews and Yip’s
analysis. The first two studies are diachronic ones which respectively pinpoint
changes over the last century for Cantonese interrogatives (Cheung) or describe the
evolution of affirmative and negative forms of verb complement structures from
Archaic to Medieval Chinese, then relate these findings to modern Cantonese (Yue).
The third study uses a stratificational account to explain the coexistence of several
relative clause structures in contemporary Cantonese (Matthews and Yip).
Hung-Nin Samuel Cheung carries out a longitudinal study of the A-not-A or
Yes/No question structures in Cantonese Yue in order to pinpoint a major word order
change affecting VP-NEG-VP that has occurred over the last century. A database of
twelve sets of language teaching materials compiled between 1828 and 1963 is the
reference point for this diachronic study tracing the evolution of six major subtypes of
the A-not-A constructions identified by Cheung. He argues for the predominance of
the forward deletion process (VP NEG V) from the early nineteenth century up until
the mid-twentieth century, when the backward deletion process (V NEG VP) began to
gain ascendancy.
In some texts of the early twentieth century, both structures are found side-by-
side, for example: Néih sīk sé jih m$h sīk nī? 識 寫 唔識 ? (2SG-know-write-
character-NEG-know-PRT) (forward deletion: VP-NEG-V) versus Néih sīk m$h sīk sé
jih nī? 你識 識寫 ? (2SG-know-NEG-know-write-character -PRT)
(backward deletion: V-NEG-VP) ‘D o you know how to write?’. In fact, Cheung is
able to locate the 1930s and 1940s as the pivotal period during which backward
deletion to V-NEG-VP became the favoured process, extending by analogy from V-O
predicates to disyllabic verbs and compounds. Furthermore, Cheung shows that the
VP- [VP-ma] and the VP- [VP-meih] (which replaced VP- 唔曾 [VP-m$h
chahng]) can be analysed as reflexes of this early Cantonese forward deletion VP-
NEG-V structure. On the basis of such internal evidence, he argues that the forward
deletion, or VP-NEG-V structure, is native to Cantonese and not a borrowing from
Northern Mandarin as some researchers have supposed.
Anne Yue traces the development of the verb complement structure when co-
occurring with an object noun phrase, comparing examples from Archaic and
Medieval Chinese texts with their reflexes in modern Cantonese. Residues of archaic
structures can still be found in nineteenth century Cantonese texts such as the pattern
of Verb-Object-Complement, prevalent in extant Tang (618-907CE) and Song
dynasty (960-1279CE) materials. She limits the scope of the discussion to the
causative/resultative and aspectual types of verb complements which allow formation
of the potential mode with dak1 ‘can’, for example: da2-sei2 jek1 wu1ying4 打死隻
烏蝇‘(hit and) kill a fly’. It is shown that pivotal constructions of the form V1tr + NP
+ V2intr, where the noun phrase is both object of the first verb and subject of the
second (and not a coordinative V1 V2 structure), formed a transitional construction out
of which the Verb-Complement structure emerged as early as the Han period
(206BCE-220CE). However, examples are rare from this period as the V-C (O)
structure was not fully established until the Early Medieval period.
Yue also analyses the development of the negative form of the Verb-
Complement structure and its interaction with the development of the negative
potential mode, showing that it has more structural freedom in contemporary
Cantonese than does its positive counterpart. Yue argues on the basis of a set of thirty-
seven Cantonese language materials from 1841 to 1993 that this asymmetry can be
attributed to temporal and spatial stratification of the different syntactic patterns.
Stephen Matthews and Virginia Yip analyse two main types of relative clause
structure in Hong Kong Cantonese within a framework of ditaxia. This term refers to
the parallel use of two syntactic structures, differentiated only by register: colloquial
Cantonese typically uses classifiers as relative markers as in (1) while in formal
Cantonese, a structure formed with the possessive ge3 mirrors the use of Mandarin
de as a relativizer, as in (2). Compare the following examples:
koei5 coeng3 go2 sau2 go1
3SG sing that CL song
‘the song she sings’
koei5 coeng3 ge3 go1
3SG sing PRT song
‘the song(s) she sings’
In addition, different semantic and syntactic constraints apply to these two structures,
while studies in language acquisition of Cantonese show that the classifier relative is
acquired first. Typologically, the relational, including possessive, use of the classifier
in the colloquial Cantonese is characteristic of some Southern Sinitic languages and
also Hmong-Mien languages. A third and innovative construction represents a
hybridization of these two, where both the appropriate classifier and the possessive
marker ge3 are present, with the form [...CL ge3 N].
Matthews and Yip show that a deletion analysis cannot be used to derive the
ge3 construction from the classifier relative clause. Nor can an analysis as an
internally-headed relative clause explain all types of relative clause data in Cantonese.
Consequently, they argue for the incorporation of ditaxia into linguistic description to
provide a multistratal model of grammar which can more adequately account for these
The fifth and final section of this volume comprises three studies on the
grammar and morphosyntax of Southern Min, specifically, the Taiwanese variety. As
discussed in Section 3, Min represents one of the most archaic of the Sinitic dialect
groups and, thus, can shed much light on the evolution of grammar within this
subphylum, an area which Li has pioneered (see Li 1986). Tsao uses a functionalist
approach of prototype theory to compare Southern Min and Mandarin verbal and
adjectival reduplication processes while Lien presents a seminal study of
morphological devices such as noun affixation. These form semantic domains
revealing the co-existence of lexical items from both the native Southern Min and
literary strata. Lien makes use of the notion of competing morphological forms within
the framework of lexical diffusion theory. The volume ends with éclat in the form of
the broad overview given by Li of the historical processes involved in the formation
of the preposition (or coverb) inventory found in Southern Min and Mandarin.
Appropriately to this volume, he makes use of a comparative typological approach in
his analysis and surveys a large number of construction types, including the passive,
the locative and the disposal.
Feng-fu Tsao carries out a comparative analysis of Taiwanese Mandarin and
Taiwanese Southern Min for two main kinds of reduplication processes - verbal and
adjectival - showing that neither the functions nor the reduplicated forms are
completely symmetrical in these two Sinitic languages. He first argues that
reduplication has a perfective aspectual function, then proceeds to compare the
Mandarin and Southern Min structures. For verbal reduplication, Mandarin and
Southern Min both exhibit the core meaning of tentativeness and the semantic feature
of ‘short duration of an action’. In addition to this, the Southern Min verbal
reduplication structure can express the notion of ‘rapid completion’ of an action,
when used in combination with either a resultative complement, a phase marker, a
directional complement or an intended result introduced by complementizer hoo7.
Only Mandarin verbal reduplication, however, shows the function of trial action.
For adjectival reduplication, the contrast is even greater between the two
languages: the Mandarin structure expresses intensity or ‘vividness’ as its core
meaning for both monosyllabic and disyllabic adjectives, the latter being reduplicated
in the form of AABB, for example, l
o-shi-shi 老老實實‘very honest’. The main
type of Southern Min adjectival reduplication is, however, predicative, taking the
form of ABAB. Its core meaning is extended metalinguistically to code tentativeness
in categorising or in ascribing a property to some object, for example, láusit-láusit
實老實 ê ‘kind of honest’. Nonetheless, for some disyllabic adjectives in Southern
Min, the Mandarin AABB structure is possible and, so too, the meaning of vividness.
This is described as a loan into Southern Min. In general, however, for monosyllabic
adjectives, tripling of the syllable must be used in order to achieve the ‘vividness’
interpretation. In conclusion, Tsao uses the framework of prototype theory to
elucidate these meaning extensions, aptly choosing ‘tentativeness’ as the core
meaning for verbs.
Chinfa Lien presents an analysis of morphological change in Taiwanese
Southern Min which has resulted in stratificational distinctions in the lexicon for
colloquial and native versus literary and alien forms. Since the variation is present in
everyday colloquial language, it cannot simply be explained as the existence of
separate registers, resulting from the impact of Mandarin on Taiwanese over many
centuries. Thus, by adapting the theory of lexical diffusion in phonological change
used in Wang (1969) and Wang and Lien (1993), Lien sets out to account for this
variation in terms of bidirectional lexical diffusion which results in competing
morphological changes between chronological strata. He first compares allomorphs
which are etymologically related but assume different morphological and semantic
characteristics, such as lό~láu~ lāu ‘old’. Next, synonyms which are non-cognate
such as lâng and jîn ‘person’ and negative markers are examined to show how
stratificational features can often predict collocation possibilities as well as their
resultant morphological composition as either compounds, derivatives or phrases.
Lien then discusses two main cases of morphological competition which have
been synchronically resolved in favour of either the colloquial or literary strata.
Ordinal numbers and the morpheme lâng ‘person’ are examples of the first type
where the colloquial strata is in the ascendant, while an example of the second type
concerns the use of the literary suffix su to derive names for more prestigious
professions and occupations which is winning out over the colloquial suffix sai
(with the same etymon) used to name different kinds of tradespeople. Other
morphological alternates which are in complementary distribution are also described,
such as ke versus ka , used as agentive suffixes or nominalizers but in different
semantic fields. Finally, three main features which distinguish the colloquial from the
literary strata are proposed. These are (1) the features of free versus bound, (2)
belonging to basic and popular vocabulary versus technical or cultural, and (3)
concrete versus abstract.
Ying-Che Li carries out an historical study of the divergent paths of
development of prepositions in Taiwanese Min and in Mandarin. These are the
prepositions which act as formal markers of the passive, disposal and comparative
constructions in both languages, as well as markers of location, time and focus
phrases, among other categories. The inventories contrast in terms of both number and
kind. He shows that Mandarin has by far the larger stock of prepositions, possessing
ninety-three forms, with the consequence that a high degree of specialization of
meaning has occurred. For Taiwanese, with a smaller inventory of forty-nine forms, it
proves to be the case that where these prepositions are cognate with Mandarin, which
is true of thirty-five of the forms, they belong to the literary stratum of Taiwanese,
acquired through education. Thus, only fourteen prepositions are commonly used in
the colloquial register, reinforcing linguistic differences. In terms of structure,
Mandarin has more disyllabic prepositions, including doublets and aspectually-
marked prepositions. Li observes that the development of the aspectually-marked
prepositions postdates the Medieval Chinese period and is one that is clearly
structurally dispreferred by Taiwanese, not possessing any in its native inventory. Li
also considers the historical development of prepositions, observing that the
inventories for Archaic and Medieval Chinese have largely undergone attrition with
new prepositions arising after each period at the rate of three times the quantity of
inherited prepositions.
I hope that this volume will inspire further in-depth research in these two main areas
of Chinese linguistics, synchronic and diachronic and conclude by mentioning two
First, more detailed analyses of the grammar of historical texts are needed which take
into account the diachronic relationship with contemporary dialects, not just with
Mandarin. This endeavour should increasingly include investigation of early texts
written in the vernacular of dialects other than Mandarin, which continue to be
unearthed in various libraries and private collections around the world, or are well-
known exemplars of Min, Wu and Yue dialects as in the case of plays and ballads.
Second, more fieldwork is necessary, particularly in terms of research teams to survey
and work on the grammars of many Sinitic languages and dialects which have not
been fully described, or even recorded at all, yet face obsolescence within the next
century, given the effective governmental implementation of the use of standard
Mandarin or pǔtōnghuà in China and consequent language shift.
1. For convenience only I refer to the names of modern provinces and countries
to define ancient dialect boundaries.
2. The term ‘Old Wu’ refers to an ancient kingdom and should not be confused
with the dialect group of the same name situated in the neighbouring province.
3. More details can be found in Sagart (1988, 1997) and You (1992).
4. Note that mention of dialect differences is made in texts as early as the
Chunqiu period (770-476 BCE) such as those of M
ngzi (Mencius). However, it is
usually not clear whether reference is being made to different dialects of the one
language or to different languages. A lexicon of dialect words from Western Han
times is also represented in the F
n by Yáng Xióng from the first century BCE.
This is extensively examined in Serruys (1959) and discussed in Ramsey (1987),
Norman (1988) and Wang (1996).
... From this perspective, Cantonese can be treated as a language and thus Mandarin is considered a second language for native Cantonese speakers. On the other hand, the traditional criterion of mutual intelligibility is questionable (Chappell, 2001), mainly because among the native Cantonese population there is a high degree of mutual unintelligibility between subdivisions. In this paper, we refer to Cantonese as a language for the sake of simplicity, but remain neutral on the debate. ...
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Previous research has provided evidence for cross-language phonological activation during visual word recognition. However, such findings mainly came from alphabetic languages, and readers’ familiarity with the two scripts might differ. The present study aimed to test whether such cross-language phonological activation can be observed in Chinese, a logographic script, without the confounding factor of script familiarity as readers read the same script in different languages. Cantonese–Mandarin bilinguals were tested in an eye-tracking experiment in which they were instructed to read sentences silently. A target word in the sentence was replaced by either a homophone in both Cantonese and Mandarin, a homophone in Cantonese or in Mandarin only, or an unrelated character. The results showed that native Cantonese readers could activate phonological representations of L1 and L2 while reading Chinese sentences silently. However, the degree to which they relied on phonological decoding in L1 and L2 varied in the two languages.
... H uman behavior, such as phenotypes and survival strategies, is well-adapted to most features of contemporary environments (Chagnon and Irons, 2002). For example, the internal nasal fossa and mid-facial morphology show an ecogeographical distribution consistent with climate adaptation, partly because the nasal cavity plays a major role in adapting to extremely cold and dry climates (Maddux et al., 2017;Evteev et al., 2014). ...
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Are the sound systems of languages ecologically adaptive like other aspects of human behavior? In previous substantive explorations of the climate–language nexus, the hypothesis that desiccation affects the tone systems of languages was not well supported. The lack of analysis of voice quality data from natural speech undermines the credibility of the following two key premises: the compromised voice quality caused by desiccated ambient air and constrained use of phonemic tone due to a desiccated larynx. Here, the full chain of causation, humidity → voice quality → number of tones, is for the first time strongly supported by direct experimental tests based on a large speech database (China’s Language Resources Protection Project). Voice quality data is sampled from a recording set that includes 997 language varieties in China. Each language is represented by about 1200 sound files, amounting to a total of 1,174,686 recordings. Tonally rich languages are distributed throughout China and vary in their number of tones and in the climatic conditions of their speakers. The results show that, first, the effect of humidity is large enough to influence the voice quality of common speakers in a naturalistic environment; secondly, poorer voice quality is more likely to be observed in speakers of non-tonal languages and languages with fewer tones. Objective measures of phonatory capabilities help to disentangle the humidity effect from the contribution of phylogenetic and areal relatedness to the tone system. The prediction of ecological adaptation of speech is first verified through voice quality analysis. Humidity is observed to be related to synchronic variation in tonality. Concurrently, the findings offer a potential trigger for diachronic changes in tone systems.
... Dryer's detailed studies (2003Dryer's detailed studies ( , 2008 on the typological features of Sino-Tibetan and mainland Southeast Asian languages are a case in point. By way of contrast, this diversity -which is only starting to be measured and appreciated for Sinitic languages -has to be ultimately linked with migrations and consecutive episodes of language contact, particularly in the North-to-South direction in China over the past two millennia (Chappell 2001a and You R.1992 on migration patterns in China and the formation of Sinitic; LaPolla 2001 on migration patterns and the formation of Sino-Tibetan). ...
... Language varieties that comprise the Chinese branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family (main varieties, e.g., Cantonese, Hakka, Gan, Min, Xiang, Wu, and hundreds of smaller ones) are as distinct from each other as Romance languages are (e.g., French, Italian, Spanish, and Romanian), but these are considered "dialects" of the Modern Standard Mandarin (Chappell, 2001). On the other hand, closely related language varieties once considered to be dialects become codified as distinct languages if the territory where they are spoken acquires independent statehood (as was the case with Serbo-Croatian splitting into Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin after the dissolution of Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakian splitting into Czech and Slovak after the breakup of Czechoslovakia, or Hindustani splitting into Hindi and Urdu after the partition of India). ...
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It is generally assumed that learning to read involves a straightforward learning of the mappings from speech to spelling. Yet, the majority of the world’s children learn to read frst in a language or dialect that is not what they speak at home or in the neighborhood with their families and friends. Some of these children must learn to read frst in a foreign language (e.g., Bemba speakers in Zambia learning to read in English), but many are learning to read in a dialect that shares some similarities with the formal written word but that also differs substantially from it. Positioned within an extended ecological approach to literacy development (McBride, 2016), this Handbook highlights some of the theoretical and practical issues that a mismatch between dialect and literacy requirements involves. These include a variety of lin�guistic aspects, but they also affect individuals demonstrably at many levels, includ�ing psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, education, and many aspects of social interactions. A broad understanding of the interface between dialects and literacy acquisition is fundamental for all research that highlights interactions among lan�guage, literacy, and society. The current Handbook studies literacy acquisition at the intersection of sociolin�guistics and psycholinguistics by addressing literacy acquisition in diglossia and in dialectal contexts. The Handbook emanates from an international conference orga�nized in 2018 by Elinor Saiegh-Haddad and Lior Laks at Bar-Ilan University, Israel, under the auspices of the Israel Science Foundation (Grant number 2346/17) and the Arabic Language Academy in Israel. The conference brought together researchers from various regions across the world including Asia, Europe, the Far East, and North America to share research questions, methods, and fndings on literacy devel�opment in diglossic and in dialectal contexts. The Handbook at hand features some of the talks presented at the conference in 2018 and additional chapters addressing similar questions in various other regions and languages in the world. Some of the questions that are addressed include the following: How does dialect factor into literacy development and disorder in children? Which sociolinguistic features of dialectal contexts affect literacy acquisition? Is the role of sociolinguistic features of dialectal variation similar or different in different contexts and languages? Do dif�ferent dialectal contexts differ in the settings and functions of language, and do the differences yield different literacy outcomes for children? What are the milestones of literacy development in different dialectal contexts? How should educational assessment of language and literacy address sociolinguistic features of dialectal contexts? What are the most benefcial instructional practices for children raised in dialectal contexts. Given that the majority of the world’s children learn to read in a context that includes diglossia, dialectalism, and multilingualism, much more of an understand�ing of the complexities of these contexts is needed. The various perspectives offered in this Handbook underscore some of the most important issues in the feld of lit�eracy in relation to diglossia and dialectalism. We hope that this Handbook contrib�utes critically to inquiry that will beneft our children’s well-being and their prospects for success.
... Language varieties that comprise the Chinese branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family (main varieties, e.g., Cantonese, Hakka, Gan, Min, Xiang, Wu, and hundreds of smaller ones) are as distinct from each other as Romance languages are (e.g., French, Italian, Spanish, and Romanian), but these are considered "dialects" of the Modern Standard Mandarin (Chappell, 2001). On the other hand, closely related language varieties once considered to be dialects become codified as distinct languages if the territory where they are spoken acquires independent statehood (as was the case with Serbo-Croatian splitting into Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin after the dissolution of Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakian splitting into Czech and Slovak after the breakup of Czechoslovakia, or Hindustani splitting into Hindi and Urdu after the partition of India). ...
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Arabic is considered a classical case of diglossia because conventionally, one form of Arabic is spoken (SA) and another is used in the domain of written language (MSA). In the recent past, globalization of English-based technology, together with the absence of Arabic supporting keyboards, had resulted in the reliance on Latin script as the main writing system when communicating through computers (CMC). This writing was known as ‘Arabizi’, which represents Spoken Arabic (SA). The advent of Arabic supporting software has allowed the writing of SA in Arabic letters, but has not completely eradicated Arabizi. Although the use of Arabizi today is less ubiquitous than it was half a decade ago, its effects on the cognitive processes involved in literacy are scientifically interesting. The present chapter explores the way that Arabizi affected reading, writing, and personal and social dynamics in a sample of Arabic-speaking adolescents in 2014. We focused on three areas of inquiry: The first aimed to provide a description of writing practices, perceptions, and attitudes for the two writing systems, Arabizi and MSA. The second examined literacy skills and abilities in MSA and Arabizi. And the third tried to evaluate the stability of the Arabizi orthography in order to evaluate to which extent it is standardized.
... The languages spoken by Han Chinese belong to the Sinitic branch of the Sino-Tibetan family. Despite often being considered a single language by Chinese scholars, Sinitic languages show a degree of internal diversity comparable to that of the Romance or Germanic languages within the Indo-European family (Norman 1988;Chappell 2001;cf. Szeto 2001), and feature a north-south divide in typological traits due to influence from different neighbouring languages (Hashimoto 1976(Hashimoto , 1985Szeto 2019;Szeto & Yurayong 2021). ...
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This paper attempts to discuss the convergence phenomena in the Amdo Sprachbund in the light of genetic and cultural/religious factors. As an ethnolinguistically diverse region, the Amdo Sprachbund constitutes a natural laboratory for the study of language contact and human interaction at large. Unsurprisingly, populations within the Amdo Sprachbund show considerable signs of genetic admixture which sometimes result in disagreement between genetic structure and linguistic affiliation. More remarkably, their languages appear to show varying degrees of structural convergence towards Amdo Tibetan depending on their religious practice. To wit, syllable-initial consonant clusters and a three-term evidential system, two features which are clearly attributable to Tibetic influence, are only found in languages whose speakers practise(d) Tibetan Buddhism. These observations suggest that genetic and various sociohistorical factors should be taken into account in the study of areal linguistics.
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The Han Chinese history is shaped by substantial demographic activities and sociocultural transmissions. However, it remains challenging to assess the contributions of demic and cultural diffusion to Han culture and language, primarily due to the lack of rigorous examination of genetic–linguistic congruence. Here we digitized a large-scale linguistic inventory comprising 1,018 lexical traits across 926 dialect varieties. Using phylogenetic analysis and admixture inference, we revealed a north–south gradient of lexical differences that probably resulted from historical migrations. Furthermore, we quantified extensive horizontal language transfers and pinpointed central China as a dialectal melting pot. Integrating genetic data from 30,408 Han Chinese individuals, we compared the lexical and genetic landscapes across 26 provinces. Our results support a hybrid model where demic diffusion predominantly impacts central China, while cultural diffusion and language assimilation occur in southwestern and coastal regions, respectively. This interdisciplinary study sheds light on the complex social-genetic history of the Han Chinese.
The majority of the world’s children grow up and receive education in multilingual societies, many being first introduced to literacy in a second language. Most reading science research, however, does not address the influence of linguistic diversity on literacy acquisition and tacitly assumes a scenario in which children learn to read in their mother tongue, spoken in a linguistically homogeneous community. We discuss some of the key issues regarding linguistic diversity, its effects on literacy acquisition and the challenges linguistically diverse societies experience in meeting the educational needs of their people. We use global adult literacy rates to explore the relationship between linguistic diversity and literacy by examining respective contributions of a country’s Language Diversity Index and its economic wealth (GNI per Capita) to its literacy rate. The results reveal significant independent contributions by both factors. We discuss the implications of these issues for literacy research.KeywordsMultilingual societiesLinguistic diversityLiteracy acquisition
Selibu is a Mandarin-Khams Tibetan mixed language with about 900 native speakers in northwest Yunnan, People’s Republic of China. As a Form-Semantics mixed language, it derives most of its lexicon and grammatical morphemes from Southwest Mandarin and borrows its morphosyntactic and semantic structure from Alangu Tibetan. This article examines the contact-induced emergence of a five-category complex evidential system in Selibu with a detailed comparison with its source system in the model language, Alangu Tibetan. Our discussion focuses on the hybrid features of Selibu evidentiality in both forms and functions and also on its structural formation, which does not represent a Form-Semantics mixed type in this particular domain.
BCE) such as those of Mëngzi (Mencius). However, it is usually not clear whether reference is being made to different dialects of the one language or to different languages. A lexicon of dialect words from Western Han times is also represented in the Fàngyán by Yáng Xióng from the first century BCE
Note that mention of dialect differences is made in texts as early as the Chunqiu period (770-476 BCE) such as those of Mëngzi (Mencius). However, it is usually not clear whether reference is being made to different dialects of the one language or to different languages. A lexicon of dialect words from Western Han times is also represented in the Fàngyán by Yáng Xióng from the first century BCE. This is extensively examined in Serruys (1959) and discussed in Ramsey (1987), Norman (1988) and Wang (1996).