
Formation documentaire et projets pédagogiques

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This article is the fruit of a reflective study carried out over ten years by the group Formation des utilisateurs de l'Association belge de documentation. After a description of «the informational space» offered by this group and without forgetting the place of the Internet, it offers an outline proposal on general documentation training, largely methodological and integrated in pedagogical projects. Information literacy includes aspects as varied as taking account and expression of information needs, the knowledge of the space of information, the criticism and evaluation of information, and its exploitation... It concludes with the need to construct a solid pedagogical project and with a call to all documentation professionals.

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... L'apprentissage par simple immersion ne fonctionne pas. Une formation spécifique est indispensable (Pochet et al., 1999). La formation peut être, et nous l'avons vu hélas trop souvent, simplement technique (« pressebouton »). ...
This article is based on a doctoral study on the role of scientific literature in the teaching of bioengineering at Gembloux. It is essentially a summary incorporating recent advances in Information Literacy. Data analysis indicates that the bioengineers working at Gembloux publish at least as much as research as other scientists in Belgium. These bioengineers choose to publish articles in journals with a high impact factor, preferring to read articles rather than books and using all the electronic resources available to them. Their fields of research, and reading, go beyond the bounds of agronomy in the strictest sense. The bioengineering courses provided at Gembloux are based on the concept of Information Literacy. This concept refers to a set of skills that allow individuals to recognize an information need and enable them to locate, evaluate and use the required information. The area of Information Literacy has evolved over the last two decades. The scope of education of this area goes well beyond the bounds of the library. In addition to intellectual skills, Information Literacy also involves social and cultural skills. These include an understanding of media and new information technologies, without being reduced to technical or technological skills. At Gembloux, education in Information Literacy is included in the student's timetable. It incorporates the production of scientific papers and is based on a methodological approach with its own didactic and specific content.
... Cotta-Schønberg (1984),Forskningsbibliotekernes (1975):4 ff.,Plum (1984),Pochet, Thirion (1999)) ...
... Knowing how to find, evaluate and use information will be a major asset in their career. Pochet and Thirion state that library instruction must not be limited to simply obtaining information but the subsequent steps must be taught such as: how to understand and critically evaluate the information to ascertain whether it fills the initial need; how to use, manage and integrate information into ones' knowledge base; and how to reformulate the information need, taking into account the new knowledge [3]. ...
Conference Paper
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This study assessed Information Literacy (IL) skills of first year undergraduate engineering students of a Pakistani university in order to plan instruction; and to provide the university with reliable data for integration of instruction in the university curricula. Independent samples t-test and ANOVA were applied to check gender and program based differences in IL skills of students. No gender or program-based difference in IL skills of students was found. It was also revealed that students did not possess IL skills good enough to help them in their university level studies. They do not have a fair idea about methods and tools to be used to retrieve required information from various resources. This low level of IL skills shows the need for an IL program properly planned, designed and carried out in a consistent manner.
... Knowing how to find, evaluate and use information will be a major asset in their career. Pochet and Thirion state that library instruction must not be limited to simply obtaining information but the subsequent steps must be taught such as: how to understand and critically evaluate the information to ascertain whether it fills the initial need; how to use, manage and integrate information into ones' knowledge base; and how to reformulate the information need, taking into account the new knowledge [3]. ...
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This study assessed Information Literacy (IL) skills of first year undergraduate engineering students of a Pakistani university in order to plan instruction; and to provide the university with reliable data for integration of instruction in the university curricula. Independent samples t-test and ANOVA were applied to check gender and program based differences in IL skills of students. No gender or program-based difference in IL skills of students was found. It was also revealed that students did not possess IL skills good enough to help them in their university level studies. They do not have a fair idea about methods and tools to be used to retrieve required information from various resources. This low level of IL skills shows the need for an IL program properly planned, designed and carried out in a consistent manner.
... L'apprentissage par simple immersion ne fonctionne pas. Une formation spécifique est indispensable (Pochet et al., 1999). La formation peut être, et nous l'avons vu hélas trop souvent, simplement technique (« pressebouton »). ...
Scholarly publication and education in Information Literacy within the bioengineering curriculum, the Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (ULg) case. A review. This article is based on a doctoral study on the role of scientific literature in the teaching of bioengineering at Gembloux. It is essentially a summary incorporating recent advances in Information Literacy. Data analysis indicates that the bioengineers working at Gembloux publish at least as much as research as other scientists in Belgium. These bioengineers choose to publish articles in journals with a high impact factor, preferring to read articles rather than books and using all the electronic resources available to them. Their fields of research, and reading, go beyond the bounds of agronomy in the strictest sense. The bioengineering courses provided at Gembloux are based on the concept of Information Literacy. This concept refers to a set of skills that allow individuals to recognize an information need and enable them to locate, evaluate and use the required information. The area of Information Literacy has evolved over the last two decades. The scope of education of this area goes well beyond the bounds of the library. In addition to intellectual skills, Information Literacy also involves social and cultural skills. These include an understanding of media and new information technologies, without being reduced to technical or technological skills. At Gembloux, education in Information Literacy is included in the student's timetable. It incorporates the production of scientific papers and is based on a methodological approach with its own didactic and specific content.
Les bibliothèques universitaires des pays d’Afrique francophone sont confrontées à un défi en matière d’offre documentaire dans un contexte marqué par un manque de moyens financiers, une augmentation des coûts de la documentation, et certaines formes organisationnelles peu efficientes. Cette thèse vise dans un premier temps, à partir d’enquêtes et de recueils de données diversifiées, à dresser l’état de l’offre documentaire papier et numérique à l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, en Sciences humaines et sociales (SHS), tout en soulignant des points de comparaison avec d’autres universités francophones subsahariennes. Les résultats visent à quantifier et à qualifier cette offre, à pointer les nouvelles dynamiques dans le cadre de la documentation numérique avec différents types d’acteurs. Par ailleurs, les bibliothécaires cherchent à s’appuyer pleinement sur l’Open Access tant au niveau de l’accès à des ressources qu’au niveau de la valorisation des fonds locaux. L’information numérique est de plus en plus perçue comme le meilleur moyen de satisfaire les besoins en information de la communauté universitaire de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) de Dakar. Néanmoins, elle est souvent confrontée à des problèmes d’accès à l’information mais également d’usage des ressources documentaires. Cette recherche s’intéresse, dans une seconde partie, à l’appréciation de l’usage des ressources numériques, une appréciation qui se fera comparativement entre plusieurs disciplines de l’UCAD et entre enseignants et étudiants de ladite université. Des recommandations sont formulées dans la troisième partie pour tenter d’y améliorer les services documentaires.
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Ces dernieres annees, de plus en plus d’institutions d’enseignement superieur, particulierement en Amerique du Nord, ont inclus dans leurs enonces de mission l’affirmation de la necessite de former les etudiants a l’usage de l’information et ont cree des formations creditees a cet effet. Cet article presente un etat de la question sur la formation a l’usage de l’information dans les universites nord-americaines, avec quelques references a des formations recensees en France et en Belgique.
Comme le fait remarquer l’Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), l’abondance de l’information disponible ne rend pas nécessairement les citoyens plus informés (2000a). La mission des universités étant de former des spécialistes de domaines en constante évolution, la formation à l’usage de l’information occupe une place légitime dans cette formation. Cette légitimité est appuyée par le dynamisme de ces formations dans les bibliothèques universitaires ainsi que par les développements récents en France, aux États-Unis et au Québec. Ce dynamisme s’oriente généralement vers l’intégration de la formation à l’usage de l’information aux programmes d’études. Parallèlement, les contenus présentés ont été révisés, élargis. Devenus interdisciplinaires, ils visent maintenant l’autonomie de l’étudiant dans sa propre formation et s’intègrent à la méthodologie de travail intellectuel. À partir de la définition de la formation à l’usage de l’information, cet article aborde les activités classiques de formation ainsi que les outils d’autoformation. Il s’attarde ensuite à l’intégration de la formation à l’usage de l’information dans les programmes d’études ainsi qu’aux contenus présentés aux étudiants.
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