
What open source webpublishing software has the scientific community for e-journals?

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Nowadays a scientific community can use different electronic publishing systems for the e-journals (journal management systems). Open-source ones were developed solely for e-publications' management and now, in 2007, we can say three of them are of general use for e-journals: Digital Publishing System (DPubs), ePublishing toolkit (ePubTk), Open Journal System (OJS). There exists also different content management systems (CMS), yet those were not primarily built for e-journals and are usable only with a special publication module. Finally, the third option is to pay for a service of different publishers and providers with their own publication systems. This paper deals with comparison of the first two options: specialised systems for e-journals on one side and general CMS on the other side. With examples of open-source publication systems we want to compare their advantages and disadvantages, area of aplication, and their functions for the management of the e-journal publishing process.

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... При анализе названных систем использовались результаты работы [14], в которой сравнение проведено по набору ключевых параметров; среди нихбазовое программное обеспечение (как следствие, различная степень сложности установки), количество успешных инсталляций, наличие и полнота сопровождающей технической документации. ...
... In the analysis of such systems the results in [13][14][15] were used; the comparison was conducted using a set of parameters such as basic software, the number of successful installation, and the fullness of the techni cal documentation. As well, we used [4], which con tains the results of the survey of more than 100 univer sities using publishing platforms. ...
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In this article, the authors present modern information systems for the automatization of the full cycle of electronic scientific journal creation and publishing. The advantages of using open-access journal systems are shown. The choice of the Open Journal System (OJS) as the platform for creating an electronic base of scientific journals is substantiated. The authors present the structure of an electronic scientific journal-management system and describe the features of its implementation within the framework of the pilot system of the e-Government of the Republic of Tatarstan.
... El movimiento de Acceso Abierto (OA) tiene como el propósito de que el acceso a los resultados de las investigaciones científicas académicas sea gratuito, es decir, que no sea necesario pagar a las editoriales por acceder a la información publicada en sus revistas científicas [Chýla, R. 2007]. Las editoriales desempeñan un rol importante en la cadena producción-publicación-acceso a las publicaciones, el cual se resume a continuación: ...
... OJS was the result of the cooperation between 250 editors of 40 journals in the past 4 years. The software is designed around a model of a standard workflow: author submits a paper, section editors assign reviewers and then interact with the system until the point where the article is proofread and copyedited followed by the publication [Chyla 2007]. ...
This paper looks into the functionality that current authoring tools for producing enhanced publications offer or are missing. By reviewing a selection of enhanced publications the properties of these publications are identified; this results in eleven properties for enhanced publications. Six authoring tools for enhanced publications are identified from scientific literature. The enhanced publications and the authoring tools could not be matched. There is no standard for an enhanced publication and therefore it is hard to create an authoring tool that matches with the properties. This research provides a base of eleven properties for the creating of an enhanced publication. And the conclusion that specialized tools cannot support these properties and therefore the creating of enhanced publications still depends on common tools.
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У статті представлено порівняльний аналіз основних програмно-технологічних характеристик і функціональних особливостей використання електронних журнальних систем відкритого доступу. Здійснено детальний огляд спеціалізованої літератури, сайтів розробників і аналіз світового досвіду інсталяції систем даного класу. Подані рекомендації щодо використання таких сервісів електронної публікації вітчизняними науковими установами і навчальними закладами в процесі випуску науково-освітніх видань. Зроблена спроба добору сервісу, що найкраще задовольнятиме потреби і ресурси окремого видання і наукової установи, що його підтримує.
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English abstract This book deals with the use of specific content managers for the management of journals in the academic field. It focuses specifically on the use of Open Journal Systems, an open source software that, today, is a part of one of the fundamental pillars of the Open Science movement: to publish research results through channels other than those commercial. Created and maintained by the Public Knowledge Project, an interuniversity initiative that, at a global level, promotes the improvement of the quality and the diffusion of the academic publication through the design of free software, OJS is already in its version number 3. The work contains a brief introduction on the panorama of academic journals, which also reviews the different tools available for its management. After it, the book focuses on shelling the ins and outs of version 3 of OJS, to constitute a guide for those who want to become, or are already, managers or editors of academic journals, being in fact the only one that has been published in Spanish Until now. Spanish abstract Este libro aborda el uso de gestores de contenido específicos para la gestión de revistas en el ámbito académico. Se centra concretamente en el uso de Open Journal Systems, un software de código abierto que, a día de hoy, forma parte de uno de los pilares fundamentales del movimiento por la Ciencia Abierta: poder publicar resultados de investigación por canales y cauces distintos a los comerciales. Creado y mantenido por el Public Knowledge Project, una iniciativa interuniversitaria que, a nivel global, promueve la mejora de la calidad y de la difusión de la publicación académica mediante el diseño de software libre, OJS va ya por su versión número 3. El trabajo contiene una breve introducción sobre el panorama de las revistas académicas, en la que además se repasan las diferentes herramientas disponibles para su gestión. Tras ella, el libro se centra en desgranar los entresijos de la versión 3 de OJS, para constituir una guía para aquellos que quieran convertirse, o sean ya, gestores o editores de revistas académicas, siendo de hecho la única que se ha publicado en español hasta el momento.
India, the second most populous country, and the most populous democracy in the world. Economic reforms have transformed it into the second fastest growing large economy. It has one of the largest English speaking populations in the world. India offers one of the largest higher education systems in the world. It has around 300 universities with 15000 Colleges of Engineering, Medical, Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Commerce, Science and Management Education out of which nearly 10000 Ph.Ds are being awarded every year. Scholarly journals are considered to be the main carrier of quality scholarly knowledge. In majority of the cases public money is utilized in research projects. Scientists and scholars working on these projects produce articles containing research results. These are sent to scholarly journals for publication. These articles carrying nascent information are expected to generate new cycles of knowledge. However the traditional process of publishing system of print-only journals prevent easy and quick access to these articles. Providing open access to the research work will help the researchers, especially in the developing world, to have access to the research literature from across the world. The paper outlines the features of one of most popular open source software Open Journal Systems (OJS) for Open access journal publishing. More and more number of open access journals in India will bring a significant increase in the productivity and visibility of Indian scientific research.
We report on a research study commnissioned by ALPSP into the current status Of online submission and peer-review systems, the perceptions of these by authors, referees and editors, and the impact of their introduction on journals.