
Green tea (Camellia sinensis, L.) ethanolic extract as hair tonic in nutraceutical: Physical stability, hair growth activity on rats, and safety test

  • Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, Indonesia, Depok
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Objective: Herbal and synthetic cosmetic products have been developed to unravel problem of hair loss, yet synthetics are potential to give side effects (e.g. local irritation), whilst herbal products are generally safer. Green tea is one of food derived active ingredient potential as topical hair grower. The purpose of this study is to formulate nutraceutical hair tonic(s) which is stable, effective towards hair growth, and safe. Methods: Ethanolic green tea extract (GTE) was formulated into varied concentrations i.e. 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5%. Physical stability test performed was cycling test, storage in high temperature (40°C ± 2°C), room temperature (25°C ± 2°C), and low temperature (4°C ± 2°C). Activity of hair growth test was conducted by hair length measurements on day 7, 14, and 21, plus diameter measurements and total weights of hair on day 21. Safety test was carried out on 9 volunteers' upper hands. Results: Results showed the hair tonic was stable in storage, except in low temperature (4°C ± 2°C). In addition to giving hair growth activity, all of the formulas had greater activity than synthetic drug i.e. minoxidil 2.5%. These hair tonics were safe and did not irritate skin. Conclusion: The most optimal formulation was formula 1 with GTE concentration of 2.5%.

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... A key differentiator between hair tonics and other styling products, such as pomades, mousse, creams, and gels, is their inclusion of ingredients like alcohol and astringents. These components make the formulation lightweight and quick-drying, allowing hair tonics to be particularly suitable for individuals seeking to achieve a polished, well-groomed appearance without the greasy finish commonly associated with oil-based products 8 . Hair tonics can help hold hairstyles in place, enhance shine, and provide additional benefits, such as promoting scalp health by moisturizing dry scalps, removing product buildup, and unclogging hair follicles 9 . ...
... A hair tonic containing 2.5% Green Tea extract had a higher pH compared to HT B, which contains 10% Green Tea extract. The relationship between pH and Green Tea extract concentration is linked to the phenolic acid content present in the extract 8 . A higher concentration of Green Tea extract increases phenolic acid, resulting in a lower pH 26 . ...
... This supports the higher viscosity of HT B (4.87 mPa/s) due to its 10% Green Tea extract content. The higher ethanol content (75%) in Amin's formulations contributed to their lower viscosities [8], while HT B only contains 10% Ethanol (70%), which explains its higher viscosity. ...
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Hair tonics are commonly used in hair care to improve hair health and manageability through natural ingredients. This study aimed to develop and evaluate polyherbal hair tonic formulations containing white tea, green tea, and cherry blossom extracts, assessing their physicochemical properties, stability, and efficacy in enhancing hair texture, thickness, and manageability. Two formulations were prepared: Hair Tonic A (10% white tea extract) and Hair Tonic B (10% green tea extract). The formulations were analyzed for pH, viscosity, density, and UV-Vis transmittance. Stability testing was conducted at room temperature (25°C), elevated temperature (50°C), and high humidity (75% RH, 40°C). In vitro efficacy tests on human hair tresses (black, blonde, and mixed) in both non-bleached and bleached states evaluated changes in hair thickness, weight, anti-frizz properties, and curl retention. Hair Tonic A demonstrated superior stability, maintaining a pH of 4.78, viscosity of 5.03 mPa/s, and density of 1.014 g/ml, with a UV-Vis transmittance of 88.66%. In contrast, Hair Tonic B showed instability under high temperatures and light exposure, with color changes and odor development by Day 28. Hair Tonic A increased hair thickness and improved manageability, particularly in blonde and black hair, while also showing better anti-frizz and curl retention properties. These findings suggest that the polyherbal formulations, especially Hair Tonic A, offer a promising daily-use hair care solution, with significant benefits in enhancing hair health and stability.
... Hair tonic bekerja dengan melancarkan aliran darah sehingga meningkatkan pertumbuhan rambut, merawat kulit kepala dan akar rambut serta memberikan sensasi segar setelah diaplikasikan [15,22]. Selain itu, hair tonic juga mampu melebatkan rambut sebab dapat membantu durasi efek farmakologisnya sebagai penumbuh rambut lebih maksimal dibandingkan sediaan sampo [23]. Hair tonic memiliki kemampuan penetrasi ke kulit kepala yang baik namun tidak meninggalkan residu serta aman dalam penggunaannya [24][25][26][27]. ...
... Beberapa senyawa marker seperti epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) pada teh hijau (Camellia sinensis) [28,44], gisenoside pada ginseng jawa (Talinum paniculatum) [37], pinocembrine pada madu [45], glycyrrhizin pada akar manis [17] tentunya akan merangsang regenerasi tumbuhnya rambut baik dengan cara melancarkan sirkulasi peredaran darah maupun menghambat produksi 5α-dihidrotestosteron. Adanya kontribusi beberapa senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti flavonoid bekerja sebagai antioksidan, antiandrogen sekaligus vasodilator dengan cara menguatkan kapiler [22][23][24][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][40][41][42]. Senyawa lain seperti saponin (counter irritant) dapat memacu peningkatan aliran darah disekitar folikel dan merangsang pertumbuhan rambut [8,[13][14][15]23,24,32,[34][35][36]41]. ...
... Adanya kontribusi beberapa senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti flavonoid bekerja sebagai antioksidan, antiandrogen sekaligus vasodilator dengan cara menguatkan kapiler [22][23][24][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][40][41][42]. Senyawa lain seperti saponin (counter irritant) dapat memacu peningkatan aliran darah disekitar folikel dan merangsang pertumbuhan rambut [8,[13][14][15]23,24,32,[34][35][36]41]. Alkaloid bekerja dengan memperbesar diameter batang rambut agar suplai nutrisi meningkat [24,32]. ...
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Kerontokan rambut dapat menjadi permasalahan serius ketika dalam jumlah yang abnormal dan terjadi secara terus-menerus hingga berujung kebotakan. Kosmesetika penumbuh rambut berbahan dasar herbal dapat menjadi pilihan terapi yang tepat sebab terkait dengan keamanan penggunaan jangka panjang maupun efektivitasnya. Berbagai bentuk sediaan kosmesetika herbal penumbuh rambut telah dikembangkan yakni emulsi, gel, emulgel, krim, serum, hair tonic maupun sediaan yang dimodifikasi dengan sistem teknologi nano. Artikel review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sediaan kosmesetika herbal terbaik yang memenuhi spesifikasi farmasetik yang telah ditetapkan dan aktivitasnya sebagai penumbuh rambut secara in vivo. Penelitian ini berbasis systematic literature review. Berdasarkan eksplorasi literatur yang telah dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa sediaan kosmesetika herbal terbaik dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan rambut dan memenuhi kriteria karakteristik farmasetik adalah adalah sediaan hair tonic daun kangkung (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) (5%) dengan rerata peningkatan panjang rambut sebesar (2,785 ± 0,021 cm) dan bobot rambut (0,767 ± 0,057 mg/cm2) selama 21 hari. Evaluasi farmasetik hair tonic daun kangkung telah memenuhi persyaratan SNI sediaan hair tonic yang telah ditetapkan. Hair loss can be a serious problem when it is in abnormal amounts and occurs continuously leading to baldness. Herbal-based hair growth cosmeceuticals can be the right choice of therapy because it is related to the safety of long-term use and its effectiveness. Various dosage forms of herbal hair growth cosmeceuticals have been developed, namely emulsions, gels, emulgels, creams, serums, hair tonic and preparations modified with nano technology systems. This review article aims to determine the best herbal cosmeceutical preparations that meet the established pharmaceutical specifications and their activity as hair growth in vivo. This research is based on systematic literature review. Based on the literature exploration that has been carried out, it can be seen that the best herbal cosmeceutical preparation in increasing hair growth and meeting the criteria for pharmaceutical characteristics is the preparation of kale leaf hair tonic (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) (5%) with an average increase in hair length of (2.785 ± 0.021 cm) and hair weight (0.767 ± 0.057 mg/cm2) in 21 days. Pharmaceutical evaluation of kale leaf hair tonic has met the requirements of SNI hair tonic preparations that have been established.
... Anagen merupakan fase pertumbuhan aktif dimana folikel membesar dan mengambil bentuk aslinya dan serat rambut diproduksi. Hampir 85-90% dari semua rambut kulit kepala yang berada di anagen (Erdogan, 2017). Fase katagen adalah perpindahan dari fase anagen ke fase telogen yang ditandai dengan aktivitas mitosis sel-sel matriks yang berhenti dan apoptosis yang terkoordinasi dengan baik. ...
... Fase katagen adalah perpindahan dari fase anagen ke fase telogen yang ditandai dengan aktivitas mitosis sel-sel matriks yang berhenti dan apoptosis yang terkoordinasi dengan baik. Fase katagen sekitar 2 minggu pada manusia, terlepas dari situs dan jenis folikel, selama fase ini bagian proksimal batang rambut mengalami keratinisasi dan membentuk rambut klub, sedangkan bagian distal folikel mengalami apoptosis (Erdogan, 2017). Fase telogen adalah fase pertumbuhan folikel rambut, yang diawali dengan pemendekan sel epitel, membentuk tunas kecil rambut baru dan mengeluarkan rambut lama. ...
... Ekstrinsik adalah pelepasan folikel rambut dengan waktu yang sangat terkontrol (Cotsarelis dan Botchkarev, 2012). Periode telogen berlangsung 2-3 bulan, dengan sekitar 10-15% dari semua rambut pada tahap ini, di mana batang rambut berubah menjadi klub rambut dan akhirnya rambut rontok (Erdogan, 2017). ...
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Ginseng Jawa (Talinum paniculatum Gaertn.) merupakan salah satu tanaman obat herbal yang mengandung berbagai macam senyawa bioaktif seperti saponin, steroid, polifenol dan minyak atsiri. Tanaman ini diduga sebagai sumber antioksidan, seperti yang diketahui bahwasanya antioksidan juga dapat membantu menjaga kesehatan kulit kepala dan rambut. Tonik rambut merupakan sediaan yang mengandung bahan-bahan yang diperlukan oleh rambut, akar rambut dan kulit kepala. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui formula optimum, aktivitas antioksidan dan efektivitas pertumbuhan rambut secara in vivo dengan menggunakan hewan uji mencit jantan dari sediaan tonik rambut ekstrak ginseng jawa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan kuantitatif dengan analisa data menggunakan anova one way. Adapun uji yang dilakukan yaitu uji mutu fisik sediaan yang terdiri dari uji organoleptis, homogenitas, pH, viskositas, hedonik, iritasi, uji aktivitas antioksidan dan uji efektivitas pertumbuhan rambut secara in vivo dengan menggunakan hewan uji mencit jantan yang dilakukan selama 15 hari. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan formula optimum terdapat pada formula 3, nilai IC50 yang didapat dari formula 1 sebesar 73,19579, IC50 formula 2 sebesar 68,13981 dan IC50 formula 3 sebesar 52,76862, berdasarkan hasil IC50 dari ketiga formula aktivitas antioksidan dari sediaan tonik rambut ekstrak ginseng jawa termasuk dalam kategori kuat. Efektivitas pertumbuhan rambut yang dilakukan secara in vivo pada hewan uji mencit jantan dari formula 3 dengan konsentrasi ekstrak sebesar 6% dapat menumbuhkan rambut mencit pada hari ke 15.
... The test animal used was a New Zealand male white rabbit aged 3-4 mo with a body weight of 2-3 kg. The number of rabbits used based on the Federer formula was 4 with each rabbit being given 6 treatments in the back area, namely the normal area (without treatment), sample area (treat with moringa seed oil concentrations of 7.5, 10 and 12.5%), positive control area (treat with 0.1% finasteride) and negative control area (treat with 1% tween 80) [28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39]. ...
... Then proceed with the Mann-Whitney test to saw that there were significant differences in each test group with a confidence level of 95% [28]. ...
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Objective: Alopecia is a condition where there is hair loss or no growth of hair, which can occur as a result of stress, heredity, hormonal factors or due to certain diseases such as diabetes mellitus. This study aimed to determine the anti-alopecia activity of moringa seed oil against rabbits induced by dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Methods: The methods used was the alopecia rabbit model according to Matias with moringa seed oil concentrations of 7.5, 10 and 12.5%, positive control (0.1% finasteride) and negative control (1% tween 80) with parameters hair length and hair weight test. Results: Results showed that moringa seed oil concentrations of 7.5, 10 and 12.5% had anti-alopecia activity with average hair length of 3.4±0.17, 3.9±0.20 and 4.5±0.28 cm, respectively and average hair weight of 118±23.148±30.9 and 175±47.2 mg respectively. Conclusion: Moringa seed oil concentration of 12.5% had optimal activity for developing as anti-alopecia based on the statistical analysis value of hair length (125x10-3>0.05) was not significantly different while hair weight (3x10-3<0.05) was significantly different from the positive control of 0.1% finasteride.
... Beberapa ekstrak tumbuhan terbukti secara ilmiah dapat mengatasi kerontokan rambut, diantaranya seledri (Jubaidah et al. 2018), teh dan pegagan (Trissia 2017), mentimun (Desriani et al. 2018), kembang sepatu (Febriani et al. 2016), lidah buaya (Sona 2018), kelor (Nurbaya & Silalahi 2018), daun mangkokan (Aini 2017), semangka (Lestari 2016), teh hijau (Amin et al. 2014), meniran (Luliana et al. 2018), dan jojoba (Sekar et al. 2016). Tanaman jojoba (Ziziphus jujuba Mill) merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang digunakan sebagai bahan dasar tonik rambut yang mampu meningkatkan aktivitas pertumbuhan rambut pada tikus dengan hasil yang setara dengan obat standar sintetis minoxidil 2% (Sekar et al. 2016). ...
... Tonik rambut berbahan baku ekstrak daun bidara dapat merangsang pertumbuhan rambut tetapi lebih lambat daripada ekstrak seledri, daun mangkokan, kembang sepatu, teh hijau, meniran, dan lidah buaya. Ekstrak daun seledri (Apium graveolens L.), daun mangkokan (Nothopanax scutellarius (Burm.f.) Merr.), daun kembang sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.), teh hijau [Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze], meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.), dan lidah buaya [Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.], dapat merangsang pertumbuhan rambut berturut-turut hingga 24,59 ± 0,013 mm selama 18 hari (Jubaidah et al. 2018), 16,197 ± 0,179 mm selama 22 hari (Aini 2017), 28,44 ± 4,50 mm selama 28 hari (Febriani et al. 2016), 24,64 ± 0,70 mm selama 21 hari (Amin et al. 2014), 13,57 ± 2,88 mm selama 21 hari (Luliana et al. 2018), dan 28,44 ± 4,50 mm selama 18 hari (Sona 2018). Namun, ekstrak daun bidara lebih baik dalam merangsang pertumbuhan rambut dibandingkan dengan jojoba (Z. ...
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Tonik rambut merupakan produk perawatan terhadap kerontokan rambut yang praktis, mudah terserap kulit kepala, serta tidak menimbulkan iritasi. Berbagai ekstrak tumbuhan diformulasikan untuk mengatasi kerontokan rambut sebagai alternatif dari tonik rambut berbahan sintetis yang dapat menimbulkan efek samping. Bidara (Ziziphus nummularia) berpotensi mengatasi kerontokan rambut karena mengandung senyawa antiinflamasi dan antioksidan yang mengurangi efek negatif dari stres oksidatif pada sel papila kulit kepala. Namun, sampai saat ini belum ada pengujian ekstrak daun bidara terhadap pertumbuhan rambut mamalia. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan formula terbaik dari tonik rambut ekstrak daun bidara dan menguji aktivitasnya terhadap pertumbuhan rambut kelinci jantan ras New Zealand. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Fakultas MIPA Universitas Garut dari Maret 2020 hingga Maret 2021. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah formulasi tonik rambut yang menggunakan ekstrak etanol daun bidara dengan konsentrasi 3%, 6% dan 12%; akuades (kontrol negatif) dan minoxidil (kontrol positif). Semua perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Parameter yang diamati adalah karakteristik tonik rambut yang meliputi bau, warna, viskositas, homogenitas, pH, iritasi, pertumbuhan rambut pada kelinci. Formula tonik ekstrak etanol daun bidara 3%, 6%, dan 12% memiliki kualitas bau, warna, viskositas, homogenitas, dan pH yang seragam. Ketiga formula tidak menimbulkan iritasi terhadap kulit kelinci. Konsentrasi ekstrak terbaik untuk formula tonik rambut adalah 3% yang menghasilkan pertumbuhan rambut sebesar 10,67 mm selama 28 hari. Ekstrak etanol daun bidara terbukti meningkatkan pertumbuhan rambut kelinci jantan putih New Zealand lebih baik daripada kontrol dan minoxidil 2%.
... Mentimun juga memiliki kandungan tinggi silikon dan sulfur. Silikon dan sulfur menyediakan nourishments tinggi yang dapat menstimulasi pertumbuhan rambut pada konsentrasi 25% [4]. ...
... Sari ekstrak mentimun didiamkan hingga dingin, disaring kembali, lalu disimpan di lemari pendingin didalam botol kaca. Selanjutnya ekstrak disiapkan sebanyak 25% (b/v) untuk diformulasi menjadi hair tonic [4]. ...
Penggunaan hijab dahulu hanya dianggap sebagai item yang 'ketinggalan zaman', namun berbeda dengan saat ini. Hijab kini telah dijadikan sebagai salah satu item fashion wajib yang dikenakan oleh sebagian besar wanita muslim di Indonesia. Meskipun populasinya semakin meningkat, namun peningkatan ini tidak diimbangi dengan perawatan khusus rambut yang tertutup di balik hijab, karena sering mengalami masalah rambut akibat nutrisi shampo yang kurang mendukung bagi wanita berhijab, sehingga diperlukan suatu perawatan khusus selain shampoo untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Produksi buah mentimun yang cukup tinggi di Indonesia masih belum sebanding dengan pemanfaatan buah mentimun itu sendiri, mentimun umumnya hanya dikonsumsi di kalangan masyarakat, padahal ekstrak buah mentimun kaya akan metabolit sekunder seperti sulphur dan silikon yang dapat digunakan untuk menstimulasi pertumbuhan rambut dan menutrisi rambut rontok pada wanita berhijab. Penelitian diawali dengan pembuatan hair tonic dengan menggunakan bahan yaitu ekstrak mentimun (C. sativus) 25%, dan bahan tambahan seperti etanol 96 %, menthol, propilenglikol, metil paraben, natrium metabisulfit, akuades, dengan berbagai konsentrasi. Setelah pembuatan hair tonic maka dilakukan beberapa evaluasi fisik pada sediaan untuk melihat kestabilannya pada masing-masing konsentrasi untuk memenuhi persyaratan sediaan hair tonic dan mengatasi masalah pada rambut berhijab.Kata Kunci: Ketombe, hair tonic, mentimun, hijab, kosmetik
... The study was carried out for 6 months (1 daily application = 1 mL) and had 85 patients divided in two groups, cetirizine (n = 67) and control group (n = 15). The authors found an increase in terminal hair density and a decrease in the vellus hair den- Another phyto ingredient already tested to treat AGA is pumpkin seed oil (Cho et al., 2014), Camellia sinensis or green tea (Amin, Simamora, Anwar, & Djajadisastra, 2014), Panax ginseng, (Murata, Takeshita, Samukawa, Tani, & Matsuda, 2012), and essential oils. The composition of pumpkin seed oil comprises substances with antiinflammatory, antioxidant and 5αR inhibition properties (Cho et al., 2014). ...
... The composition of pumpkin seed oil comprises substances with antiinflammatory, antioxidant and 5αR inhibition properties (Cho et al., 2014). Green tea is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, its properties are associated with the presence of epigallocatechin-3-gallate, a major constituent of polyphenols (Amin et al., 2014). Panax ginseng, the Korean ginseng, is rich in ginsenosides (Murata et al., 2012). ...
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Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most diagnosed hair loss dysfunction. Its physiopathology comprises a genetic predisposition affording an exacerbated response of the hair follicles cells to androgens aggravated by scalp inflammation and extrinsic factors. Objective: To review the mechanisms and extrinsic factors involved in the AGA physiopathology as well as its conventional and emerging treatments. Design: The research focused on reports regarding AGA physiopathology and treatments published between January 2001 and July 2019 in medical and related journals. Results: The most used medical treatments for AGA - minoxidil and finasteride - present non-satisfactory results in some cases. Currently, the low-level laser therapy is recognized as a safe and effective treatment for AGA. Some minimally invasive techniques - mesotherapy, microneedling, carboxytherapy and platelet-rich plasma - are also used to stimulate hair growth. Pharmaceutical substances with mechanisms differing from the anti-androgen activity are under current investigation and many of them have botanical origins; however, formulations with higher performance are required, and the hair follicles ability of being a drug and nanoparticle reservoir has been researched. Conclusions: The association of different strategies, i.e., substances with synergic mechanisms and the use of advantageous technologies associated with lifestyle changes could improve the treatment outcomes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat diketahui apakah kombinasi ekstrak air daun teh hijau (Camelia sinensis (L.) O.K.) dan ekstrak air herba pegagan (Centella asiatica,(Linn),Urb.) mempunyai aktivitas sebagai penyubur rambut dan kombinasi manakah yang memberikan aktivitas paling optimum sebagai penyubur rambut. Uji aktivitas penyubur rambut meliputi laju pertumbuhan rambut, percepatan pertumbuhan rambut dan bobot rambut (Amin 2014;Priskila 2012;Purwantini 2008). ...
... Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah kelinci putih jantan usia 3-4 bulan dengan bobot badan 2-3 kg dengan jumlah kelinci yang digunakan ditentukan dengan menggunakan rumus empiris Federer : (n-1) (t-1) ≥ 15, t menunjukkan jumlah perlakuan dan n menunjukkan jumlah hewan tiap perlakuan (Amin 2014;Priskila 2012;Purwantini 2008). Berdasarkan rumus empiris Federer maka jumlah hewan yang digunakan adalah 4 ekor kelinci putih jantan. ...
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Hair fertilizer was used to stimulate hair growth that is used topically on the scalp. Natural materials are expected to be used as fertilizer hair is green tea leaves and herb gotukola. Because the green tea leaves contain a chemical polyphenol compounds that are flavonoids and their derivatives and herb gotukola contain lead compound triterfenoid saponin that are asiatikoside, flavonoids, phytosterols, madecassid acid, madecassoside, asiatic acid and amino acids are thought to have properties as fertilizer hair. This study was conduced to determine whether the combination of the water extract of green tea leaves and herb gotukola has activity as a hair fertilizer and combination which has the most optimum activity. Test hair fertilizer activities include the rate of hair growth, hair growth acceleration and the weight of the hair. In this study used three combinations are combination 1 ( the water extract of green tea leaves and 5% water gotukola herb extract 2.5%), combination 2 (the water extract of green tea leaf extract 7.5% and 2.5% water gotukola herb) and combination 3 (the water extract of green tea leaves and 5% water gotukola herb extract 7.5%). The results showed the combination of the water extract of green tea leaves and water extract herb gotukola has activity as fertilizer hair and extract the most optimum combination is a combination of 1 with a concentration of water extract of green tea leaves (5%) and water extract of the herb gotukola (2.5%) the rate of hair growth 2.689 cm in 28 days, accelerated hair growth 0.128 cm / day and the hair weighs 0.1938 grams in 28 days.
... alba 10% w/v, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 10% w/v, N. jatamansi 5% w/v) [151] as well as petroleum ether and ethanolic extracts of Semecarpus anacardium, Trigonella foenum-graecum and Trigonella corniculata formulations [132] had greater hair growth activity than 2% minoxidil topically applicated on shaved skin of rats. Formulations with 2.5, 5 and 7.5% ethanolic Camellia sinensis extract had greater hair growth activity than 2.5% minoxidil topically applied on dorsal skin of male rats after 21 days of treatment [3]. Petroleum ether Tectona grandis seeds extract (5 and 10%) in ointment base had greater number of hair follicles in anagenic phase after 30 days of albino mice treatment than standard minoxidil treatment [61]. ...
... Testing for skin irritation in animals is not always predictive for those found in humans, but they are still the most widely used in toxicity research for herbal extracts and their active constituents are applied topically. It was found that after topical application of herbs used in hair loss treatment such as A. precatorius [157], C. sinensis [3], E. scaber [127], Glycyrrhiza glabra extract [158], M. oleifera [16], P. umbellatus [60], T. grandis [61], T. cucumerina and A. precatorius extract [128] and polyherbal formulation [4,22,41,105,123,124,128] no irritation, erythema, eschar and edema occured. On the other hand, contact dermatitis by herbal preparations has been repeatedly reported, e.g., to tea tree oil [30], camomile (Anthemis nobilis) [39], French marigold (Tagetes Patula) [12] and wide range of traditional Chinese medications [85]. ...
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Currently available conventional therapies of hair loss using synthetic drugs are still imperfect and have a number of limitations. Their effectiveness as well as the safety of their use is often questioned. It has led to an increased interest in alternative treatments with fewer side-effects such as formulations containing herbs and/or their active constituents. For this purpose several electronic databases and hand-searched references were used to summarize current knowledge regarding topically used herbal products for the treatment of hair loss acquired on the basis of preclinical and clinical studies. Moreover, mechanism of their action, follicular penetration and possible adverse effect of herbal products will be also described.
... A hair tonic is said to have a good density if it has a specific gravity value close to water. Water has a density of 0.99713 at a temperature of 25°C (23) . The density of all formulas showed values that were close to water which indicated that the hair tonic preparation was easy to pour. ...
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Cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon essential oil, lauric acid, myristic acid, and oleic acid in virgin coconut oil (VCO) were used in hair tonic preparations as hair growth agents. This study aimed to evaluate particle size and obtain optimum formulation of the hair tonic preparation and to observe growth activity with various levels of cinnamon essential oil and VCO. This research an experimental with rabbit used 4 test were divided into 6 treatment groups: 1) positive control (Regrou®); 2) normal control (without treatment); 3) negative control (hair tonic basis); 4) F1(1% cinnamon essential oil: 2.5% VCO); 5), F2 (3% cinnamon essential oil : 2.5% VCO); and 6), F3 (5% cinnamon essential oil: 2.5% VCO). The particle size analysis selected in formula 2 that cycle stable during storage, and fall into the microemulsion size range of 20-200 nm and there was no difference cycle because the significance was >0.05. The hair growth activity was determined using Average Growth Daily Gain.(AGD) formula and then.was analyzed.statistically using.One Way Anova. The results showed that had hair growth activity that was not significantly different. However, when compared with the positive control, formula 3 has hair growth activity above the positive control.
... Anyhow, the 5α-reductase enzyme inhibitory activity of S. repens extracts is weaker than the activity of finasteride (Dhariwala and Ravikumar, 2019;Zgonc Škulj et al., 2020). EGCG and its main source, C. sinensis extracts were found to stimulate hair growth in vitro and in vivo experimental models (Esfandiari and Kelly, 2005;Kwon et al., 2007;Amin et al., 2014). Cucurbita pepo (Pumpkin) seed oil is another plant-based 5α-reductase inhibitor. ...
The history of phytotherapy begins with dermatological applications primarily. Archeological findings suggest that healers of their eras were mostly using plants to treat skin diseases, especially wounds at all types and stages. In today’s world, the popularity of phytotherapy for skin-related problems is still huge and increasing. Extensive research has been conducted to provide scientific evidence for traditional knowledge, and several medicinal plants have been found to be effective for different dermatological disorders. Among them, acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, hyperpigmentation, Alopecia areata, and skin wounds are the most common complaints. The focus of the present chapter is on the most commonly used medicinal plants in the treatment of these problems, with safety concerns related to phytotherapy applications in dermatology.
... Based on their regional availability and also on their cost, products made from herbs including amaranth, amla, stinging nettle, jatamansi, ginkgo biloba, shatavari, rosemary, licorice, etc., have been frequently used as shown in 2.2. Products like Dr. Batra's Hair Oil, Himalaya Protein Hair Cream, Indulekha Bringha Ayurvedic Shampoo, Marico Jataa for Men Ayurvedic Hair Fall Oil, and 7Days Alopecia Treatment Hair Oil are readily available in South Indian markets at affordable pricing for customers [22][23][24][25] . These products are clinically approved and tested by the authorities. ...
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This article describes herbal remedies and herbal products for alopecia. It mainly states the use of herbal preparations for the treatment of hair loss and also describes their advantages over synthetic products and drugs. As the use of herbal blends have least side effects, maximum efficacy, and are economically and easily prevalent, they can act as naturopathic medicines in treating various types of hair loss. Hair loss can be due to different reasons such as genetic tendency, extreme stress, nutritional deficiency, environmental triggers, exposure to chemicals etc. Hence use of synthetic compounds can show unfavorable outcomes such as scaling, dermatitis, pruritus and other skin related problems and to overcome such effects herbal products which are made by extraction of natural compounds mainly herbs are preferred as they play a role in patient compliance and show more than one mode of action for the treatment of alopecia. The article basically gives the description of various herbal products, remedies and also herbal products with nutrient supplements available with their brand name, manufacturing details along with their cost, indications which can be beneficial to treat hair loss.
... The benefits of green tea leaves as a hair growth-promoting have been proven by Lamria (2013) that 2.5% green tea leaves extract in hair tonic preparations increased hair growth rates significantly compared to Minoxidil 2.5%. Amin et al., (2014) proved that ethanolic green tea extract in varied concentrations i.e. 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5% giving hair growth activity, all of the concentrations had greater activity than synthetic drug minoxidil 2.5%. Noviani et al. (2019) also proved that the ethyl acetate and water fractions of ethanolic extract of green tea leaves contained flavonoids, so it could continue the hair growthpromoting activities with concentrations of 1% and 4%, but the result showed that 4% of water fraction containing flavonoids had the best hair growth-promoting activity. ...
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Hair growth tonics containing herbal and synthetic ingredients have been developed to overcome hair loss and baldness. Advanced technological developments made many Indonesians prefer to use herbal products compared to synthetic products due to their fewer side effects. Green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis L.) is a plant believed to increase hair growth rates due to its flavonoid compounds. The purpose of this study is to formulate hair tonic from water fraction ethanolic extract green tea leaves, to look at the activity of hair growth-promoting, and also to look at physical stability, irritation tests, and microbial contamination. The positive control used is 2% Minoxidil. The hair growth activity test was carried out by applying a hair tonic to rabbits. Hair growth measurement data were statistically tested by the ANOVA test. The formulated green tea leaves tonic met the physical properties test. The tonic produces similar growth activities with the positive control (significance difference (p> 0.05)). In addition, the tonic does not have a skin irritation effect on rabbit skin and is free from bacteria.
... Moreover, derivatives of flavonoid compounds consist of epigallatocatechin gallate (EGCG), epigallatocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), epicatechin (EC) and quercetin. In black tea, the polyphenols have a mechanism of action by stimulating and increasing cell proliferation in hair dermal papilla cells, suppressing the production of Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF alpha), which triggers baldness 14,15 . Meanwhile, saponins are compounds that can stimulate hair growth, seen from their properties as counterirritants. ...
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Black tea contains flavonoid and its derivate which is a mechanism of actions to stimulate and increase cell proliferation of hair dermal papilla cell to suppress the production of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) that trigger baldness. This study aimed to determine the stable hair tonic formula and to investigate the effectiveness of black tea extract hair tonic in rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus) as animal testing. There were 3 different concentrations used in this study namely formula 1 (1.25 % of black tea extract), formula 2 (2.5 % of black tea extract) and formula 3 (5 % of black tea extract). The physical stability evaluation was conducted using some tests such as organoleptic, pH, density determination and viscosity test. The result of this evaluation showed that all the three formulas were stable, its effectiveness as hair restorer then was tested and the result of this test indicated that black tea extract has activity as a hair fertilizer and the optimum extract was shown by the formula 3 with black tea extract concentration of 5% with the hair growth in the 18th day i.e., 9.62 ± 0.365 mm.
... Currently, many natural shampoo formulations are based on synthetic detergents and other chemical additives, with herbal extracts, added only to increase their efficacy. Amin et al. studied a herbal shampoo made from green tea [10]. Al Badi and Khan studied a natural shampoo derived from five herbal extracts (Acacia concinna, Sapindus mukorossi, Phyllanthus emblica, Ziziphus spina-christi, and Citrus aurantifolia) in different proportions in a 10% aqueous gelatin solution [9]. ...
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Objective: Banana waste, especially corms, has potential as a source of haircare agents due to its active compound, anthraquinone, which is known to promote hair growth. This study aimed to assess preparations of hair tonic shampoo containing Musa acuminata Colla corm extract and evaluate their characteristics and stability. Methods: Three shampoo formulas were prepared containing 8%, 10%, and 12% corm extract. Physical stability tests were performed at high (60±2 °C) and room temperature (25±2 °C) for three weeks. The shampoo formulas were evaluated for their organoleptic properties (colour, form, and odour), homogeneity, pH, density, viscosity, rheology, foam height and stability, and surface tension. Results: The shampoo formulas with corm extract were white to yellowish-white, creamy, and smelled of banana, and were homogenous without precipitation. The formulas had a pH of 6.08–6.12, a density of 1.027–1.054 g/ml, foam height of 3.56–3.63 ml, the surface tension of 28.92–29.85 dyne/cm, viscosity of 16,000–120,000 cps and pseudoplastic flow properties. Conclusion: The natural hair tonic shampoo formulas prepared with M. acuminata corm have good characteristics.
... It thought that green tea contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) which a major polyphenol that can give antioxidant and anti-cancer effect (Patel, Sharma, Chauhan, Thakur and Dixit, 2015). Reported that the tea polyphenolic EGCG compound can stimulate human hair growth when it tested among mice that show positive significant elongation of hair follicle (Amin et al., 2014). Apart from EGCG compound present that gives pharmacological effect, there also has catechins in the green tea that can also quickly reduce the 5α-reductase that can act as treatment and prevention agent for hair loss problem (Zink and Traidl-Hoffmann, 2015). ...
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Hair loss or alopecia is a common dermatological issue that can affect millions of human population of all ages and both gender, male and female. Frequently, alopecia has been found to be associated with significant adverse effects or reduction of psychological and self-esteem. Consequently, this may lead to psychological problems such as depression and anxiety, thus it may negatively impact the quality of life as well. There are several types of hair loss including androgenetic alopecia (AGA), alopecia areata (AA), alopecia totalis (AT), Alopecia Universalis (AU), cicatricial alopecia (CA), senescent alopecia (SA), traction alopecia (TA) and telogen effluvium. However, this review will focus on the androgenic alopecia only. Androgenic alopecia (AGA) also known as male pattern baldness is referred to as hair loss that often occurs in men after puberty caused by the androgen. In addition, this review will discuss on the hair growth cycles and their mechanism on the androgenic alopecia and lastly the management of androgenic alopecia using plant derivatives and methods used in order to prolong the efficacy of androgenetic alopecia treatment.
... Hair tonic has been used by Native Americans to overcome baldness using several species of plants [7]. The use of hair tonic has advantages as easy and suitable for use on the scalp, both in trans-appendageal absorption, easily spread, not greasy, and does not leave residues on the scalp that can cause irritation [8]. A gel is a preparation that is easier to formulate than other semisolid preparations and has good dispersion [9]. ...
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Objective: Previous research has proven that the water fraction of the Angiopteris evecta root has hair growth activities. The objective of this research was to determine the formula of gel and hair tonic preparations of pakis munding (Angiopteris evecta L.) which met the requirements as a pharmaceutical preparation, good and effective in stimulating hair growth. Methods: Formulation of hair tonic and gel preparations were made using 7.5, 10.0, and 12.5 % of A. Evecta root water extracts as active compounds. The formulation of the two preparations was based on the standard formulation method. The evaluation and formulation test were carried out by organoleptic examination and homogeneity, pH, viscosity, scattering power test, stability test, and safety test based on the standard preparations including Indonesian pharmacopeia. Statistical tests were carried out on both formulas against rabbits based on the modification of the Tanaka method. Comparison of statistics on both formulas was also carried out. Results: It was found both formulas fulfill standard requirements as pharmaceutical preparations. Statistically, the best activity in hair tonic preparations was at a concentration of 12.5% and for gels at a concentration of 10.0% ethanol extract seen from measurements of hair length. Statistically, using the Independent T-test to find out the significant differences in the average hair length on hair tonic and gel, it was found there was no significant difference between the two formulas. It was found that the best formula for hair tonic and gel was in the addition of 10.0% and 12.5% extracts, respectively. Conclusion: The results obtained in this research work clearly indicated that both hair tonic and gel formulas of A. evecta root water extract may be used as stimulating hair growth.
... The purpose of the ANOVA test was to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference from the treatment group as a whole. Furthermore, to see statistically significant differences between test groups, the smallest significant difference test [8]. ...
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This research has been conducted for 3 (three) months in April to June 2018. The research includes the maintenance of test animals and the manufacture of extracts that will be in the Basic Laboratory of Universitas Samudra. The method used in this study consisted of making coffee extracts, making combination of solvents and test activity of preparation. Hair length data and hair weight obtained were then processed statistically to see if there was a significant difference between the test area and the treatments. Normal and homogeneous data distribution is processed for the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that treatment 3 (0.113 cm day⁻¹) on day 21 was faster than positive treatment (0.101 cm day⁻¹), negative treatment (0.060 cm day⁻¹), 4 treatment (0.099 cm day⁻¹) and 5 (0.090 cm day⁻¹) treatment. From the measurement of hair weight measured for 21 days showed treatment 3 resulted the largest hair weight of 0.207 g, followed by positive treatment 0.193 g, 4 treatment of 0.187 g, treatment 5 with 0.177 g and the lowest weight was in the treatment negative by 0.127 g.
... Some of them have been scientifically reported. These include the mixture of kemiri (Aleurites moluccana) and soybean (glycine max) extracts, seledri (Apium graveolens) extract, daun pare (Momordica charantia) ethanol extract, mangkokan (Nothopanax scutellarium) leaves extract, kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis) leaves extract, and green tea (Camellia sinensis) ethanol extract [4][5][6]. One of the plants that have not been recognized by the public and has long been proven for generations by the community at the foot of the Galunggung mountainside was a plant called Paku/Pakis Gajah or Paku/Pakis Munding (Sundanese) (Angiopteris evecta). ...
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Objective: This study aims to determine characteristics and alopecia activity of Pakis Gajah (Angiopteris evecta (G.Forst) Hoffm.) growing in Galunggung mountainside, West Java.Methods: A. evecta was collected, determined and extracted using ethanol 95% by maceration. The extract was characterized based on Farmakope Indonesia method. Phytochemical screening was applied based on Farnsworth’s method. Its alopecia activity was determined by Tanaka method on male Angora rabbits.Results: The results showed that A. evecta simplicia had dried shrinkage characteristics of 3.35%; ash content 4.73%; water soluble sari content 20.11%; ethanol soluble concentration 5.94%; density 0.820; pH of extract 5.33; microchemical examination with H2SO4 gives a dark brown color, with 2N NaOH giving a bright yellow color, with the alkaline solution giving fluorescence, with FeCl3 giving a greenish-green color; its chemical contents were polyphenols, flavonoid, steroids, triterpenoids, quinones, monoterpenoid, and sesquiterpenoids. Alopecia activity showed that the water fraction and n-hexane had hair growth stimulating activity and water fraction was the fraction that had the most excellent activity, while ethyl acetate did not have such activities. The alopecia results were compared with minoxidil standards.Conclusion: These results indicated that the water fractions A. evecta had the most alopecia activity on research animal. Our results suggest before it can be used in humans, it is necessary to do further research on the bald volunteers.
The first volume to explore Muslim piety as a form of economy, this book examines specific forms of production, trade, regulation, consumption, entrepreneurship and science that condition – and are themselves conditioned by – Islamic values, logics and politics. With a focus on Southeast Asia as a site of significant and diverse integration of Islam and the economy – as well as the incompatibilities that can occur between the two – it reveals the production of a Muslim piety as an economy in its own right. Interdisciplinary in nature and based on in-depth empirical studies, the book considers issues such as the Qur’anic prohibition of corruption and anti-corruption reforms; the emergence of the Islamic economy under colonialism; ‘halal’ or ‘lawful’ production, trade, regulation and consumption; modesty in Islamic fashion marketing communications; and financialisation, consumerism and housing. As such, it will appeal to scholars of sociology, anthropology and religious studies with interests in Islam and Southeast Asia.
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Permasalahan yang belakangan ini sering terjadi pada sebagian besar masyarakat salah satunya adalah kerontokan. Kerontokan adalah suatu kelainan dimana rambut terlepas dari permukaan kulit dengan jumlah diluar batas normal. Beberapa tanaman yang telah diteliti memiliki potensi sebagai perangsang pertumbuhan rambut adalah kangkung, teh hijau, mangkokan, alpukat, kembang sepatu, pakis munding, seledri, lidah buaya, akar manis, mentimun, kacang panjang, waru dan meniran. Tanaman tersebut dibuat sediaan hair tonic untuk memudahkan dalam penggunaannya. Hair tonic termasuk sediaan kosmetik yang berfungsi menjaga kesehatan rambut, merangsang pertumbuhan rambut, serta menguatkan rambut. Tujuan pembuatan artikel review ini untuk memberikan informasi mengenai ekstrak atau fraksi tanaman dengan formulasi dan evaluasi sediaan herbal hair tonic perangsang pertumbuhan rambut yang paling baik. Metode yang digunakan yaitu studi pustaka secara elektronik dengan mengakses situs pencarian jurnal internasional dan nasional menggunakan kata kunci formulation of hair tonic. Hasil dari artikel review ini menunjukkan bahwa formulasi sediaan herbal hair tonic sebagai perangsang pertumbuhan rambut dari ekstrak atau fraksi tanaman harus terdiri dari pelarut, humektan, peningkat penetrasi, anti oksidan, pengkelat, serta pengawet dengan hasil evaluasi meliputi pengujian penampilan, aroma, pH, homogenitas, stabilitas, viskositas, dan bobot jenis sesuai persyaratan yang diperuntukkan. Dari artikel review ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sediaan herbal hair tonic sebagai perangsang pertumbuhan rambut yang mengandung 2.5% ekstrak daun teh hijau menunjukkan formula terbaik dimana formula tersebut terdiri dari bahan 75% etanol, 10% propilen glikol, 1% tween 80, 0.1% mentol, 0.2% sodium metabilsulfit, 0.025% Na2EDTA, 0.075% metil paraben, dan aquades dengan hasil evaluasi sesuai persyaratan yang diperuntukkan dan hasil uji aktivitas dengan parameter bobot rambut sebesar 22.20 mg/cm2.
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Background: The katuk leaf (Sauropus androgynous (L.) Merr.) is one of the plants that are used to overcome baldness by the people of Kampung Mak Kemas, Malaysia. It is suspected that secondary metabolites contained in katuk leaves play a key role in stimulating hair growth. Aims and objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the optimum method to obtain one of the chemical compounds in the water fraction and to identify the hypothesized chemical isolates in the water fraction katuk leave's ethanol extract. Materials and methods: The methods used in this study included the collection and determination of the katuk plant, the processing of the katuk, phytochemical filtrating, extracting with ethanol 96%, and fractionation using the liquid-liquid extraction method with n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and water solvents The water fraction of katuk leaves was analyzed by its components by thin-layer chromatography using the stationary phase of silica gel 60 F254, developer of n-butanol:acetic acid:water (4:1:5), and detection under ultraviolet (UV) light at a wavelength of 366 and 254nm, as well as with vanillin-sulfuric acid reagent. To isolate the compounds from water fraction of katuk leaves, it was then eluted with a vacuum column chromatography by eluent with a level polarity that would get 11 subfractions. Each subfraction was checked by two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography to see subfraction purity characterized by the appearance of a spot on the chromatogram plate. The isolate was analyzed using spot test, ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer, infrared spectrophotometer, and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Results: The isolate was an alkaloid compound with a molecular mass of 406.3131 m/z with the molecular formula C21H39N6O2 as S, S-5, 5'-amino-4,4'-dihexyl-propyldihydropyrazol-3, 3-one. Conclusion: One of the chemical compounds contained in the water fraction of the ethanol extract of the katuk leaf was an alkaloid group.
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Aloe vera contains lignin, folic acid, vitamin A, and 20 types of amino acids, while Glycyrrhiza glabra L. contains glycyrrhizin, steroids, and beta-glycyrrhetinic acid that benefit for hair health. This research aimed to produce hair tonic with the best activity from the combination of aloe vera and licorice extract. The phytochemicals in the aqueous extract of licorice and Aloe vera were screened. The hair tonic was then prepared with 3 formulas using 7.5% Aloe vera extract and 2.5% licorice extract, as well as 96% ethanol with varying percentages, namely 5, 10, and 15%. Afterward, the formulas were tested for their activity as hair fertilizer on 4 white male rabbits for 28 days. The evaluation of hair tonic preparation included organoleptic observation, pH, specific weight, viscosity, and hedonic tests. It measured hair growth rate, the acceleration of hair growth, and hair weight. The results showed that hair tonic containing a mixture of 7.5% of Aloe vera extract, 2.5% of licorice extract, and 96% ethanol with different percentages (i.e., 5, 10, and 15%) created a good hair fertilizer. Hair tonic prepared with 15% of 96% ethanol exhibited an optimum activity. It was characterized by brown color, distinctive odor, homogeneity, a specific weight of 1.0577 g/mL, a viscosity of 2.8479 cP to distilled water, and pH 5.5. Its effectiveness as hair fertilizer was evidenced by a hair growth rate of 2.6617 cm in 28 days, a hair growth acceleration of 0.1635 cm/day, and a hair weight of 0.1854 gram in 28 days.
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Tea (Camellia sinensis) is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. Tea extracts are source of polyphenols, which are antioxidant components. Green tea phenolic compounds are predominately composed of catechin derivatives, although other compounds such as flavonols and phenolic acids are also present in lower proportion. The main catechin compounds found in green tea are (-) Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), (-) Epigallocatechin (EGC), (-) Epicatechin Gallate (ECG) and (-) Epicatechin (EC) and other compounds. An antioxidant is a molecule capable of inhibiting the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that transfers electrons from the substance to an oxidizing agent. Oxidation reactions can produce free radicals. A molecule with one or more unpaired electron in its outer shell is called a free radical. Free radicals are formed from molecules via breakage of a chemical bond such that each fragment keeps one electron, by cleavage of a radical to give another radical and, also via redox reactions. In turn, these radicals can start chain reactions that damage cells. Antioxidants terminate these chain reactions by removing free radical intermediates, and inhibit other oxidation reactions. They do this by being oxidized themselves, so antioxidants are often reducing agents. Antioxidants play a significant role in our health. They are the compounds that protects cell against the damaging effect of reactive oxygen species. This review highlights the potentials of green tea with respect to its antioxidant constituents.
Background: Tea (Camellia sinensis, Theaceae) is the second most consumed beverage in the world. Green tea is the least processed and thus contain rich antioxidant level, and believed to have most of the health benefits. Methods: We commenced to search bibliographic collection of peer reviewed research articles and review articles to meet the objective of this study. Results: From this study, we found that the tea beverage contains catechins are believed to have a wide range of health benefits which includes neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-parasitic effects. The four major catechin compounds of green tea are epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and epicatechin gallate (ECG), of which EGCG is the major constituent and representing 50-80% of the total catechin content. And also contain xanthine derivatives such as caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine, and the glutamide derivative theanine. It also contains many nutritional components, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, fluoride, and potassium. We sum up the various green tea phytoconstituents, extraction methods, and its medicinal applications. Conclusion: In this review article, we have summarized the pharmacological importance of green tea catechin which includes antioxidant potential, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer, antidiabetic and cosmetic application.
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Ethanol is widely used in all kinds of products with direct exposure to the human skin (e.g. medicinal products like hand disinfectants in occupational settings, cosmetics like hairsprays or mouthwashes, pharmaceutical preparations, and many household products). Contradictory evidence about the safety of such topical applications of the alcohol can be found in the scientific literature, yet an up-to-date risk assessment of ethanol application on the skin and inside the oral cavity is currently lacking. The first and foremost concerns of topical ethanol applications for public health are its carcinogenic effects, as there is unambiguous evidence for the carcinogenicity of ethanol orally consumed in the form of alcoholic beverages. So far there is a lack of evidence to associate topical ethanol use with an increased risk of skin cancer. Limited and conflicting epidemiological evidence is available on the link between the use of ethanol in the oral cavity in the form of mouthwashes or mouthrinses and oral cancer. Some studies pointed to an increased risk of oral cancer due to locally produced acetaldehyde, operating via a similar mechanism to that found after alcoholic beverage ingestion. In addition, topically applied ethanol acts as a skin penetration enhancer and may facilitate the transdermal absorption of xenobiotics (e.g. carcinogenic contaminants in cosmetic formulations). Ethanol use is associated with skin irritation or contact dermatitis, especially in humans with an aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) deficiency. After regular application of ethanol on the skin (e.g. in the form of hand disinfectants) relatively low but measurable blood concentrations of ethanol and its metabolite acetaldehyde may occur, which are, however, below acute toxic levels. Only in children, especially through lacerated skin, can percutaneous toxicity occur. As there might be industry bias in many studies about the safety of topical ethanol applications, as well as a general lack of scientific research on the long-term effects, there is a requirement for independent studies on this topic. The research focus should be set on the chronic toxic effects of ethanol and acetaldehyde at the point of impact, with special regard to children and individuals with genetic deficiencies in ethanol metabolism.
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Although telogen effluvium, or shedding-the most common type of diffuse hair loss in both women and men-is usually self-limiting, the condition may become chronic if the trigger is not identified and corrected. The authors discuss the physiologic and emotional triggers, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management strategies, including the importance of patient education and reassurance.
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To pical minoxidil solution 2% stimulates new hair growth and helps stop the loss of hair in men with androgenetic alopecia and women with female pattern hair loss. Results can be variable, and historic experience suggests that higher concentrations of topical minoxidil may enhance efficacy. The purpose of this 48-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, multicenter trial was to compare the efficacy and safety of 5% topical minoxidil with 2% topical minoxidil and placebo in the treatment of female pattern hair loss. A total of 381 women (18-49 years old) with female pattern hair loss applied 5% topical minoxidil solution (n = 153), 2% topical minoxidil solution (n = 154), or placebo (vehicle for 5% solution; n = 74) twice daily. Primary efficacy variables were change in nonvellus hair count at week 48, and patient and investigator assessments of change in hair growth/scalp coverage at week 48. After 48 weeks of therapy, 5% topical minoxidil was superior to placebo for each of the 3 primary efficacy measures. The 2% topical minoxidil group demonstrated superiority over placebo for hair count and investigator assessment of hair growth/scalp coverage at week 48; differences in patient assessment of hair growth at week 48 were not significantly different from placebo. The 5% topical minoxidil group demonstrated statistical superiority over the 2% topical minoxidil group in the patient assessment of treatment benefit at week 48. Both 5% and 2% topical minoxidil helped improve psychosocial perceptions of hair loss in women with female pattern hair loss. An increased occurrence of pruritus, local irritation, and hypertrichosis was observed with 5% topical minoxidil versus 2% topical minoxidil and placebo. In this 48-week study of 381 women with female pattern hair loss, 5% topical minoxidil was superior to placebo on each of the 3 primary efficacy end points: promoting hair growth as measured by change in nonvellus hair count and patient/investigator assessments of hair growth and scalp coverage. Application of 2% topical minoxidil was superior to placebo for assessments of nonvellus hair counts and investigator assessment of hair growth/scalp coverage at week 48; differences in patient assessment of hair growth at week 48 were not significantly different from placebo. At week 48, the 5% topical minoxidil group demonstrated statistical superiority over the 2% topical minoxidil group in the patient assessment of treatment benefit. Both concentrations of topical minoxidil were well tolerated by the women in this trial without evidence of systemic adverse effects. With the introduction of numerous herbal remedies for hair loss, of which most have not been tested in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, it is important to describe well-controlled trials that demonstrate the efficacy and safety of topical drugs.
We have previously established that the relative concentrations of propylene glycol and ethanol as a binary solvent system have a significant effect on the skin penetration of 2% solutions of minoxidil at 50 μL/cm2. The present work extends these studies and investigates the penetration of minoxidil from the different vehicle combinations as functions of application volume and occlusion. Decreasing the application volume has a variable effect which depends on vehicle composition. Penetration of minoxidil from 100% ethanol solutions decreased linearly with application volume. Generally, irrespective of the volume applied, the penetration of minoxidil increased with increasing ethanol fraction with a maximum penetration at 90% ethanol. Penetration from all the formulations was enhanced upon occluding the skin, with greatest increase evident in solutions with higher volatile fraction. Penetration of minoxidil in vivo showed trends similar to those seen in vitro.
Green tea is believed to be beneficial to health because it possesses antioxidant, antiviral and anticancer properties. The potential toxicity of green tea when administered at high doses via concentrated extracts, however, has not been completely investigated. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the safety of green tea extract in ICR mice using a subacute exposure paradigm. In this study, mice were orally administered (gavage) green tea extract at doses of 0 (as normal group), 625, 1250 and 2500mg/kgbody weight/day for 28days. The results showed that oral administration of green tea extract did not cause adverse effects on body weight, organ weights, hematology, serum biochemistry, urinalysis or histopathology. Additionally, administering green tea extract via gavage significantly reduced triglyceride and cholesterol levels. These observed effects could be attributed to the high levels of catechins present in green tea as these compounds have been reported to have beneficial health effects. The no-observed-adverse-effect level for green tea extract derived from the results of the present study was 2500mg/kgbody weight/day.
We examined uptake of the model therapeutic agent, minoxidil, into appendages, stratum corneum (SC), and through human skin, under the influence of different vehicles. Quantitative estimation of therapeutic drug deposition into all three areas has not previously been reported. Finite doses of minoxidil (2%, w/v) in formulations containing varying amounts of ethanol, propylene glycol (PG), and water (60:20:20, 80:20:0, and 0:80:20 by volume, respectively) were used. Minoxidil in SC (by tape stripping), appendages (by cyanoacrylate casting), and receptor fluid was determined by liquid scintillation counting. At early times (30 min, 2 h), ethanol-containing formulations (60:20:20 and 80:20:0) caused significantly greater minoxidil retention in SC and appendages, compared to the formulation lacking ethanol (0:80:20). A significant increase in minoxidil receptor penetration occurred with the PG-rich 0:80:20 formulation after 12 h. We showed that deposition of minoxidil into appendages, SC, and skin penetration into receptor fluid were similar in magnitude. Transport by the appendageal route is likely to be a key determinant of hair growth promotion by minoxidil.
Diffuse hair loss can affect both sexes at any age. Anything that interrupts the normal hair cycle can trigger diffuse hair loss. Triggers include a wide variety of physiologic or emotional stresses, nutritional deficiencies, and endocrine imbalances. Loss of telogen-phase hairs is the most common. Hair loss during the anagen phase is usually caused by chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Finding the cause, or trigger, of the hair loss requires a thorough history and examination and will enable appropriate treatment. Patient education is key in the management of diffuse hair loss.
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of polyphenolic compounds, present in noncommercially available green tea, on hair loss among rodentts. In an experimental study, we randomly assigned 60female Balb/black mice, which had developed spontaneous hair loss on the head, neck and dorsal areas into two equal groups; A (experimental) and B (control). Group A received 50% fraction of polyphenol extract from dehydrated green tea in their drinking water for six months. Group B received regular drinking water. Both groups were fed regular rodent diets (Purina Rodent Chow 5001) and housed individually in polycarbonate cages. The results showed that 33% of the mice in experimental Group A, who received polyphenol extract in their drinking water, had significant hair regrowth during six months of treatment (p = 0.014). No hair growth was observed among mice in the control group, which received regular water.
Green tea is a popular worldwide beverage, and its potential beneficial effects such as anti-cancer and anti-oxidant properties are believed to be mediated by epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a major constituent of polyphenols. Recently, it was reported that EGCG might be useful in the prevention or treatment of androgenetic alopecia by selectively inhibiting 5alpha-reductase activity. However, no report has been issued to date on the effect of EGCG on human hair growth. This study was undertaken to measure the effect of EGCG on hair growth in vitro and to investigate its effect on human dermal papilla cells (DPCs) in vivo and in vitro. EGCG promoted hair growth in hair follicles ex vivo culture and the proliferation of cultured DPCs. The growth stimulation of DPCs by EGCG in vitro may be mediated through the upregulations of phosphorylated Erk and Akt and by an increase in the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax ratio. Similar results were also obtained in in vivo dermal papillae of human scalps. Thus, we suggest that EGCG stimulates human hair growth through these dual proliferative and anti-apoptotic effects on DPCs.