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GC/MS Analysis and Potential Cytotoxic Activity of Haplophyllum tuberculatum Essential Oils Against Lung and Liver Cancer Cells



Background: Haplophyllum tuberculatum is a plant belongs to family rutacee. It is rich in volatile oils, fixed oils, alkaloids, and furanocoumarins. It is well known for the huge number of folkloric uses in middle east. Objective: The aim of this study is to establish the chemical composition of the essential oils of Libyan H. tuberculatum and to investigate their cytotoxic potentialities.Materials and Methods: The essential oils of the aerial parts and flowers of H. tuberculatum growing in Libya were prepared by hydrodistillation. GC/MS analyses were performed on a Shimaduz capillary gas chromatograph (GC 17A ver.3) instrument directly coupled to mass spectrometer-MS QP5050A. Oil A and F of H. tuberculatum at different concentrations (0-50 μg/ml) in DMSO were tested for cytotoxicity against human tumor cell lines. Results: Oil yield was found 0.4 and 1.5 (v/w %) on dry weight basis respectively. GC/MS analysis resulted in identification of total 35 compounds. 15 compounds were common to both oils. oil A of H. tuberculatum exhibited antitumor activities against. liver carcinoma cell line (HEPG2) and lung carcinoma cell line (H1299) 4.7 μg/ml and 4.1 μg/ml. Conclusion: Essential oil of the aerial parts of H. tuberculatum is potentially active against lung (H-1299), and liver (HEPG2) carcinoma cell lines. The observed cytotoxic, activities can be attributed to the dominance of α and γ-terpinene in this oil.
Pharmacogn. J.
A multifaceted peer reviewed journal in the eld of Pharmacognosy and Natural Products
Original Article
Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 8, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2016 66
GC/MS Analysis and Potential Cytotoxic Activity of Haplophyllum
tuberculatum Essential Oils Against Lung and Liver Cancer Cells
Omar Mohamed Mohamed Sabry1,2*, Abeer Mohamed El Sayed1and Salmin Khalid Alshalmani2
1Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Kasr El-Einy Street, 11562, Cairo, Egypt.
2 Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Benghazi University, Benghazi, Libya.
Background: Haplophyllum tuberculatum is a plant belongs to family
rutacee. It is rich in volatile oils, xed oils, alkaloids, and furanocoumarins.
It is well known for the huge number of folkloric uses in middle east. Ob-
jective: The aim of this study is to establish the chemical composition of
the essential oils of Libyan H. tuberculatum and to investigate their cyto-
toxic potentialities.Materials and Methods: The essential oils of the aerial
parts and owers of H. tuberculatum growing in Libya were prepared by
hydrodistillation. GC/MS analyses were performed on a Shimaduz capillary
gas chromatograph (GC 17A ver.3) instrument directly coupled to mass
spectrometer-MS QP5050A. Oil A and F of H. tuberculatum at different
concentrations (0-50 µg/ml) in DMSO were tested for cytotoxicity against
human tumor cell lines. Results: Oil yield was found 0.4 and 1.5 (v/w %)
on dry weight basis respectively. GC/MS analysis resulted in identication
of total 35 compounds. 15 compounds were common to both oils. oil A
of H. tuberculatum exhibited antitumor activities against. liver carcinoma
cell line (HEPG2) and lung carcinoma cell line (H1299) 4.7 µg/ml and 4.1
µg/ml. Conclusion: Essential oil of the aerial parts of H. tuberculatum is
potentially active against lung (H-1299), and liver (HEPG2) carcinoma cell
lines. The observed cytotoxic, activities can be attributed to the dominance
of α and γ-terpinene in this oil.
Key words: Haplophyllum tuberculatum, Essential oils, Cytotoxicity, Lung
cancer, Liver cancer.
Address for Correspondence:
Dr. Omar Mohamed Mohamed Sabry, Department of Pharmacognosy,
College of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Kasr El-Einy Street, Cairo 11562,
Phone no: +201114886724
DOI : 10.5530/pj.2016.1.14
In Egypt the owering aerial parts of H. tuberculatum are used as a drink
to relieve fever, for abdominal upset, anemia, gastric pains, intestinal
worms, malaria, as aphrodisiac, and the decoction is used for rheumatic
pains.1 In Oman, the leaves are used as a remedy for headaches and ar-
thritis and also used for treatment of skin infections, discoloration and
parasitic diseases.2 In Saudi Arabia, H. tuberculatum is used to treat ma-
laria, rheumatoid arthritis and gynecological disorders,3 while in Sudan
the herb is used as an antispasmodic, to treat allergic rhinitis and breath-
ing diculties.4 e plant is rich in alkaloids, xed oils, volatile oils and
furanocoumarins.5-8 No published report was recorded concerning the
analysis of the volatile oil of the aerial parts and the ower of Libyan
H. tuberculatum and their biological potentialities.
Plant material
Samples of the aerial parts and owers of Haplophyllum tuberculatum
(Forssk) A. Juss (Rutaceae) were obtained from Benghazi, Libya, identi-
ed by Dr. Reem Samir Hamdy, Lecturer of Plant Taxonomy, Botany De-
partment, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. A voucher
specimen of the aerial parts and the owers of H. tuberculatum, were kept
in the herbarium of Department of Pharamacognosy, Faculty of Phar-
macy, Cairo University as a reference material specimen No. 2015224.
Preparation, characterization and analysis of the essential oil
Fresh samples of aerial parts and owers of H. tuberculatum (500 g) were
subjected separately to hydro-distillation. e percentage yield was calcu-
lated on dry weight (v/w) basis of the plant materials. e essential oil was
dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate and kept refrigerated until analysis.
Sample preparation for GC/FID and GC/MS analysis
Samples prepared by mixing 5µl of dehydrated essential oil with
approximately one ml of dichloromethane in auto sampler vials. Injection
volume was 1 µl injected directly to GC-FID and GC-MS.
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (GC/MS)
GC/MS analyses were performed on a Shimaduz capillary gas
chromatograph (GC 17A ver.3) instrument directly coupled to mass
spectrometer-MS QP5050A. Capillary column SLB-5ms (30 m x 0.25
mm, lm thickness 0.25 µm) was used under the following condition:
oven temperature programmed from 40°C (3 min), then temperature
increased at rate 12°C/min to 180°C where it is hold for 5 min, then
temperature increased at rate 40°C/min to reach 240°C, where it is nally
hold for 5 min. e injector temperature was 240°C and was set at split
ratio 1:54. Carrier gas was He at ow rate 0.9 ml/min. e mass spec-
trometer operated on electronic (EI) ionization mode at 70 eV with scan
range 40-500. e transfer line temperature was 230°C.
Gas chromatography analysis (GC-FID)
e GC analysis was carried out using Shimaduz GC gas chromatograph
(GC-17 ver.3) system. FID detector temperature was 240oC. To obtain
the same elution order with GC/MS simultaneous auto injection was
done on a duplicate of the same operational conditions. Identication of
the essential oil components were carried out by comparing their relative
retention times with those of authentic samples or by comparing their
relative retention indices (RRI). e later were computed using a mixture
of a continuous series of n-alkane hydrocarbons (C4-C28) run on SLB-
5ms (non-polar) column using the same conditions as described above.
e components of the oils were fully unambiguously identied by their
mass spectral fragmentation patterns with those reported in computer-
ized MS-data bank spectral libraries (NIST and WILEY)10 or reported in
the literature.11-12 e compounds are arranged in order to GC elution on
SLB-5ms capillary column. Relative percentages were calculated based
on the GC-FID peak areas without the use of correction factors and are
In vitro screening for cytotoxic activity
Human tumor cell lines: lung carcinoma cell line (H-1299) and liver
carcinoma cell line (HEPG2), maintained in the laboratory of the
OMAR SABRY et al.: GC/MS and Potential Cytotoxicity of Haplophyllum tuberculatum Essential Oils
Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 8, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2016 67
Cancer Biology Department of National Cancer Institute, Cairo, Egypt,
were used. Oil A and F of H. tuberculatum at dierent concentrations
(0-50.000 µg/ml) in DMSO were tested for cytotoxicity against the fore-
mentioned human tumor cell line adopting sulforhodamine B stain
(SRB) assay.13 e relation between surviving fractions and oil concen-
tration was plotted to get the survival curve of each tumor cell line aer
the application of the specic concentration. e results were compared
to those of the standard cytotoxic drug, Doxorubicin (10 mg Adriamycin
hydrochloride, in 5 ml IV injection, Pharmacia, Italy) at the same con-
centrations. e dose of the test solutions which reduces survival to 50%
(IC50) was calculated.
Determination of median lethal dose LD50
e LD50 of the volatile oils was determined according to the procedures
developed by Karber (1941).14
Drugs and chemicals
Doxorubicin (10 mg Adriamycin hydrochloride, in 5 ml IV injection,
Pharmacia, Italy).
Statistical analysis
All data were expressed as mean ± SE and the statistical signicance was
evaluated using the ANOVA test followed by Duncan’s multiple range tests.
GC/MS analysis of essential oils
Hydro distillation of the aerial parts and owers of H. tuberculatum
yielded 0.4 and 1.5 % v/w of clear yellow colored oil exhibiting a char-
acteristic agreeable odor. e specic gravity and refractive index were
0.975, 0.968 and 1.487, 1.495, respectively. GC-MS analysis of dierent
oil samples of H. tuberculatum revealed relevant quantitative and quali-
tative variability. e components were categorized according to their
chemical nature and listed in Table 1. e oils of the aerial parts (A) and
owers (F) of H. tuberculatum showed approximately similar amounts
of hydrocarbons and oxygenated constituents e lower percentage of
hydrocarbons was recorded for the oil F (78.28%). Meanwhile, the high-
est percentage of hydrocarbon constituents was found in oil A (89.82%).
Terpene hydrocarbons were detected in appreciable amounts in oil A
(82.34%). Monoterpenes prevailed in the sample A (75.78%) while,
in sample F (72.81%) with the major α-terpinene ranged from (26.40-
24.45%) and β-terpinene ranged from (17.13-14.40%), respectively. Ses-
quiterpenes e.g. Zingiberine and β-sesquiphellandrene were detected in
oil A in traces only (0.36%) and (0.03%). Other monoterpene hydro-
carbons constituents detected in high amounts were: α-pinene (1.43-
1.33%), β-myrcene (5.69-6.05%) and 3-carene (3.87-5.43%), respec-
tively. e prole of both samples were characterized by the presence of
β-phellandrene (10.0-10.40%), 3,4-dimethyl-1,5-cyclooctadiene (6.03-
6.67%) and β-myrecene (5.69-6.04%). In oil A Oxygenated monoter-
penes were represented by 1,8 cineole (1.67%) and piperitone (5.55%).
Evaluation of cytotoxic activity
On assessing the cytotoxic activity under the experimental condition
adopted and from data displayed in Table 2 it could be concluded that the
oil A of H. tuberculatum exhibited variable antitumor activities against
the two tested cell line viz. liver carcinoma cell line (HEPG2) and lung
carcinoma cell line (H1299). In this respect, the oil A of H. tuberculatum
demonstrated the lowest IC50% when tested against H-1299 and HEPG2
cells (4.7 µg/ml and 4.1 µg/ml) respectively.
On the other hand, the oil F showed relatively higher IC50% against
H-1299 and HEPG2 cells (42.3 µg/ml and 19.7 µg/ml) respectively,
which is comparable to the standard cytotoxic drug, doxorubicin (Table
3-4). Results obtained during assessment of the cytotoxic potential of
Table 1: Percentage composition of essential oil of the aerial parts and
owers of H. tuberculatum
No. Compound * RI A (%) F (%)
11-Butanol-3-methylacetate 880 0.52 0.77
2α-ujene 929 0.32 -
3α-Pinene 937 1.43 1.33
4Pentanol 972 - 0.02
ethylethyldiene 977 1.12 -
6β-Myrcene 990 5.69 6.05
7Pentane-2,2-dimethyl 1003 0.08 -
8Octanal 1005 0.36 -
9Isovaleric acid isobutyl ester 1010 0.33 -
10 α –Phellandrene 1010 - 2.33
11 3-Carene 1013 3.87 5.43
12 Cineol 1,4 1020 3.82 0.08
13 Iso-terpinolene 1021 - 0.20
14 2-Pentanone ethylacetone 1025 0.54 0.28
15 Acetophenone-4`-methyl 1029 - 0.27
16 Cyclooctadiene-3,7-dimethyl 1034 6.03 6.66
17 β-phellandrene 1036 10.40 10.00
18 Eucalyptol 1039 1.67 0.70
19 Cis B-Ocimene 1049 0.39 0.42
20 1-Cyclo propyl pentane 1074 0.42 0.25
21 Non-2-en-1-ol 1077 - 0.49
22 n-amyl iso valerate 1099 0.27 0.43
23 Linaloal 1101 - 1.38
24 Butyric acid-2-methyl 1103 - 0.52
25 Isovaleric acid iso pentyl ester 1105 - 2.32
26 n-amyl isovalerate 1108 - 3.23
27 Octanol (n-octan-1-ol) 1130 - 0.50
28 α-Terpinen 1133 26.40 24.45
29 β-Terpinen 1151 17.13 14.40
30 Ocimenol 1175 0.03 0.05
31 Trans piperitol 1207 - 4.66
32 γ-Terpinen 1219 9.07 7.76
33 Piperitone 1267 5.55 2.07
34 (-)-Zingiberene 1505 0.36 -
35 β-Sesquiphellandrene 1540 0.04 -
Identied components 95.83 97.05
Monterpenes hydrocarbons 82.34 72.81
Oxygenated monoterpenes 13.09 7.51
Sesquiterpens hydrocarbons 0.40 0.00
Oxygenated sesquiterpenes 0.00 0.00
Aliphatic hydrocarbons 6.58 6.47
Aliphatic oxygenated compounds 1.51 9.97
Oxygenated components 13.09 17.77
Non-oxygenated components 82.74 79.28
Components are listed in order of their elution. RI*: Relative retention index on
SLB-5ms column.
OMAR SABRY et al.: GC/MS and Potential Cytotoxicity of Haplophyllum tuberculatum Essential Oils
68 Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 8, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2016
the oil A of H. tuberculatum exhibited variable antitumor activities
against the two tested cell line viz, liver carcinoma cell line (HEPG2) and
lung carcinoma cell line (H1299). In this respect, the oil A of H. tubercu-
latum demonstrated the lowest IC50% when tested against H-1299 and
HEPG2 cells (4.7 µg/ml and 4.1 µg/ml) respectively. On the other hand,
the oil F showed relatively higher IC50% against H-1299 and HEPG2
cells (42.3 µg/ml and 19.7 µg/ml) respectively, which is comparable to
the standard cytotoxic drug, doxorubicin (Table 3-4). Results obtained
during assessment of the cytotoxic potential of the oil H. tuberculatum
are in accordance with formerly reported data related to γ-terpinen.15
e study was the rst concerning the cytotoxic activity of the essential
oils of H. tuberculatumon tumor cell lines.
In conclusion, this report was the rst paper indicating the chemical
composition and investigating the cytotoxic potentialities of the es-
sential oils of Libyan H. tuberculatum. It is found that the essential oils
of the aerial parts of Halpophyllum tuberculatum are potentially active
against lung (H-1299), and liver (HEPG2) carcinoma cell lines. e ob-
served cytotoxic, activities can be attributed to the dominance of α and
Special thanks to sta members of Pharmacology Unit, Cancer Biology
Department, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Egypt, for as-
sessment of cytotoxic evaluation in this study
e authors report no declarations of interest.
A: e essential oils of the aerial parts, DMSO: Dimethyl sulfoxide, F:
e essential oil of the ower, GC/FID: Gas chromatography/Flame
ionization detector, GC/MS: Gas chromatography/Mass spectrometry
analysis, IC50%: e dose of the test solutions which reduces survival to
50%, RI: Retention indices, Rt: Retention times, SD: Standard deviation,
SRB: Sulforhodamine B stain assay.
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3. Al-Yahya MA, Al-Rehaily AJ, Mohammed SA, Mansourn S and Farouk S. New
alkaloid from Haplophyllum tuberculatum. J. Nat. Prod. 1992; 55(7):899-903.
4. Mohamed AH, Ali MB, Bashir AK and Salih AM. Inuence of Haplophyllum
tuberculatum on the Cardiovascular System. Pharm. Biol. 1996; 34(3): 213-7.
5. Al-Shamma A, Al-Douri NA and Phillipson JD. Alkaloids of Haplophyllum
tuberculatum from Iraq, Phytochemistry. 1979; 18(8):1417-9.
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1979; 11(1): 25-31.
7. Ulubelen A and Öztürk M. Alkaloids, coumarins and lignans from Haplophyllum
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8. Diar A, Jawad E, Al-Khateeb E, Al-Shamma A. Qualitative and Quantitative
investigations of Furocoumarin derivatives (Psoralens) Haplophyllum
tuberculatum of (Rutaceae). AJPS. 2005; 2 (2):1-13
9. The Egyptian Pharmacopoeia. Central Administration of Pharmaceutical Affairs
(CAPA). 4th ed., Ministry of Health and Population, Cairo, Egypt. 2005.
10. Adams RP. Identication of Essential Oil Components by Gas Chromatogra-
phy/Mass Spectroscopy. AlluredPublishing Corporation Carol Stream, Illinois,
USA. 2004.
11. Woerdenbag H, Bos R, Salomons C, Hendriks H, Pras N , Malingre T. Volatile
Table 2: Results of cytotoxic activity of the essential oil of H. tuberculatum
Tested Solutions
IC50 µg/ml
Lung carcinoma
Liver carcinoma
Essential oil A 4.7 4.1
Essential oil F 42.3 19.7
Standard drug (Doxorubicin) 3.70 7.00
Table 3: Drug cytotoxicity of H.tubrtculatum on Liver carcinoma cell line
Conc µg/ml Essential oil A Essential oil F Doxorubicin
Mean ± SD
0.000 1.000 ± 0.047 1.000 ± 0.047 1.000 ± 0.009
5.000 0.407 ± 0.050 0.857 ± 0.055 0.536 ± 0.017
12.000 0.311 ± 0.065 0.602 ± 0.060 0.441 ± 0.017
25.000 0.323 ± 0.050 0.423 ± 0.029 0.377 ± 0.017
50.000 0.355 ± 0.036 0.380 ± 0.055 0.338 ± 0.011
Table 4: Drug cytotoxicity of H.tubrtculatum on Lung carcinoma cell line
Conc µg/ml Essential oil A Essential oil F Doxorubicin
Mean ± SD
0.000 1.000 ± 0.050 1.000 ± 0.050 1.000 ± 0.057
5.000 0.465 ± 0.033 0.593 ± 0.041 0.353 ± 0.014
12.000 0.224 ± 0.041 0.597 ± 0.044 0.339 ± 0.007
25.000 0.181 ± 0.012 0.639 ± 0.075 0.303 ± 0.023
50.000 0.230 ± 0.032 0.552 ± 0.067 0.369 ± 0.011
the oil H. tuberculatum are in accordance with formerly reported data
related to γ-terpinene.15
Determination of median lethal dose LD50
e 24-hours LD50 was approximately more than 0.05 ml/kg b. wt. for
the essential oils. ese results showed that the essential oils are safe and
To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst report on the chemical
composition of the essential oil of Libyan H. tuberculatum. Neverthe-
less, the composition of the essential oil from H. tuberculatum grown in
dierent regions of Egypt was previously studied.16 Monoterpenes are
non-nutritive dietary components found in the essential oils of herbs.
γ-terpinen, the major component of the oil in the present work (26-38%)
was detected only in trace amounts in the essential oil obtained from
H. tuberculatum in other countries.17-19 On the contrary, limonene (ab-
sent in the Libyan sample), linalool, and beta caryophyllene, were pres-
ent in major quantities (12.8 %, 15.5% and 12.77% ) in the essential oil
of the H. tuberculatum of Iran, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Iran
respectively.17-19 Moreover, the hydrocarbons, β-phellandrene, α-pinene,
and 3-carene were present in Libyan and Egyptian samples in compa-
rable amounts. e dierence in oil yield obtained and the composition
of essential oil in plants were aected by genetical and environmental
conditions, which is determined by growth region and harvesting time
in terms of onto genetical and diurnal variability.
On assessing the cytotoxic activity under the experimental condition
adopted and from data displayed in Table 3 it could be concluded that
OMAR SABRY et al.: GC/MS and Potential Cytotoxicity of Haplophyllum tuberculatum Essential Oils
Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 8, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2016 69
constituents of Artemisia annua L. (Asteraceae).Flavour Fragr. J. 1993; 8(3):
12. Palá-Paúl J, Pérez-Alonso M, Velasco-Negueruela A, Ramos- Vázquez P, Gómez
Contrera F and Sanz J. Essential oil of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. ssp. rosmarini-
folia: rst isolation of capillene, a diacetylene derivative. Flavour Fragr. J. 1999;
13. Skehan P, Storeng R, Scudiero D, Monks A, McMahon J, Vistica D, Warren JT,
Bokesch H, Kenney S. and Boyd M R. New colorimetric cytotoxicity assay for
anticancer-drug screening. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1990; 82(13): 1107-12.
14. Karber G. Pharmacologische Methoden zur Aufndung Von Arzneimittein
und Giffter und Analyse Seiner Wirking Sweise,Von Dr. Med. Leopold. Ther.
Wissenschoftliche Verlag Gess. Gesellschaft, Gmbh. 1941.
15. Romeilah RM. Anticancer and antioxidant activities of Matricaria chamomilla
L. and Marjorana hortensis essential oils. Research Journal of Medicine and
Medical Sciences. 2009; 4(2): 332–9.
16. El-Moataz Bellah El-Naggar, Salama M. El-Darier, Adel Abdalla Sayeda El-Me-
kanen, Emil Švajdlenka and Milan emlièka. Chemical Composition of Essential
Oil of Haplophyllum tuberculatum. (Rutaceae) Grow Wild in Different Habitats
of Egypt, global Journal of Pharmacology. 2014; 8(3): 385-93.
1 7. Al-Yousuf MH, Bashir A K, Veres K, Dobos A, Nagy N, Mathe I, Blunden G and
Vera JR. Haplophyllum tuberculatum Essential oil of (Forssk.) A. Juss. from the
United Arab Emirates. J. Essent. Oil Res. 2005; 17(5): 519-21.
18. Javidnia K, Miri R and Banani A. Volatile oil of Haplophyllum tuberculatum
(Forssk.) A. Juss. (Rutaceae) from Iran. J. Essent. Oil Res. 2006; 18(4): 355-6.
19. Khalid SA and Waterman PG. Alkaloid, lignan and avonoid constituents of Hap-
lophyllum tuberculatum from Sudan. Planta Med. 1981; 43(2): 148-52.
GC/MS analyses of the aerial parts and owers of H. tuberculatum grow-
ing in Libya were performed.
Analyses resulted in identication of total 35 compounds. 15 compounds
were common to both oils.
Oils at different concentrations (0-50 µg/ml) in DMSO were tested for
cytotoxicity against human tumor cell lines.
Essential oil of the aerial parts of H. tuberculatum is potentially active
against lung (H-1299), and liver (HEPG2) carcinoma cell lines.
The observed cytotoxic activities can be attributed to the dominance of α
and γ-terpinene in this oil.
Dr. Omar M. M. Sabry: Received his Ph.D. In medicinal and natural products chemistry from Oregon State
University, college of Pharmacy in 2004, having had Professor William H. Gerwick as his major advisor. His
major eld of specialization is Pharmaceutical sciences. His minor elds of specialization are medicinal and
natural products chemistry, botany and medicinal plants, Pharmacognosy, marine natural products chemistry,
herbal and alternative medicine. His research interests are quality control of alternative medicine preparations,
isolation and structural elucidation of bioactive secondary metabolites from natural sources, detection of herbal
medicinal preparations adulteration with synthetic chemical substances.
Abeer M. El Sayed: Is a lecturer at the Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University,
Egypt. Her research interest is in the area of medicinal plants and its biological potentiality. At faculty of pharmacy
additionally, she is also a manger assistance for the medicinal, aromatic, poisonous plant experimental station.
Dr. Salmin K. Alshalmani: Got her Ph.D. in Pharmacy, School of Biomedical Sciences, Nottingham University -
UK in 2011.
Research Interests of Dr. Salmin are:
1. Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Secondary Metabolites From Natural Sources “Terrestrial Plants And
Marine Organisms” With Important BioPharmaceutical Properties Such As Anticancer, Antimicrobial, Anti- inam-
matory and Antiviral Activities Using Different Advanced Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Techniques.
2. Running biological and pharmacological screening for chemical, natural and semi-synthetic compounds.
3. Formulation of natural products as complementry and alternative medicine.
... essential oils. [17,18,20,25,26,28,31,39] β-Terpinene H. tuberculatum [37] γ-Terpinene H. robustum H. tuberculatum [28,29,37] δ-3-Carene H. tuberculatum H. virgatum [31,34,39] p-Cymene H. furfuraceum [18] Cis-sabinene hydrate H. perforatum H. robustum [25,28] Isobornyl acetate H. tuberculatum [38] Limonene H. buhsei H. laeviusculum [17,20,25,26,[28][29][30][31][32][33][34]38,39] [19,20,27,32,34,37] Sabinene H. acutifolium H. perforatum H. robustum [16,[25][26][27]29] Trans-β-ocimene H. glaberrimum [19] Non-terpene hydrocarbons [17,[19][20][21][23][24][25]31,32] Aromadendrene H. virgatum [39] Valencene H. virgatum [39] As it can be seen from Tables 2 and 3, the literature data concerning the chemical profiles of the EOs of this valuable medicinal genus are abundant, in particular about its most important species, i.e., H. tuberculatum (Forssk.) A. Juss. From a general survey of these data, it could be clearly observed that the characterized chemical profiles of this species differ widely from one another. ...
... essential oils. [17,18,20,25,26,28,31,39] β-Terpinene H. tuberculatum [37] γ-Terpinene H. robustum H. tuberculatum [28,29,37] δ-3-Carene H. tuberculatum H. virgatum [31,34,39] p-Cymene H. furfuraceum [18] Cis-sabinene hydrate H. perforatum H. robustum [25,28] Isobornyl acetate H. tuberculatum [38] Limonene H. buhsei H. laeviusculum [17,20,25,26,[28][29][30][31][32][33][34]38,39] [19,20,27,32,34,37] Sabinene H. acutifolium H. perforatum H. robustum [16,[25][26][27]29] Trans-β-ocimene H. glaberrimum [19] Non-terpene hydrocarbons [17,[19][20][21][23][24][25]31,32] Aromadendrene H. virgatum [39] Valencene H. virgatum [39] As it can be seen from Tables 2 and 3, the literature data concerning the chemical profiles of the EOs of this valuable medicinal genus are abundant, in particular about its most important species, i.e., H. tuberculatum (Forssk.) A. Juss. From a general survey of these data, it could be clearly observed that the characterized chemical profiles of this species differ widely from one another. ...
... essential oils. [17,18,20,25,26,28,31,39] β-Terpinene H. tuberculatum [37] γ-Terpinene H. robustum H. tuberculatum [28,29,37] δ-3-Carene H. tuberculatum H. virgatum [31,34,39] p-Cymene H. furfuraceum [18] Cis-sabinene hydrate H. perforatum H. robustum [25,28] Isobornyl acetate H. tuberculatum [38] Limonene H. buhsei H. laeviusculum [17,20,25,26,[28][29][30][31][32][33][34]38,39] [19,20,27,32,34,37] Sabinene H. acutifolium H. perforatum H. robustum [16,[25][26][27]29] Trans-β-ocimene H. glaberrimum [19] Non-terpene hydrocarbons [17,[19][20][21][23][24][25]31,32] Aromadendrene H. virgatum [39] Valencene H. virgatum [39] As it can be seen from Tables 2 and 3, the literature data concerning the chemical profiles of the EOs of this valuable medicinal genus are abundant, in particular about its most important species, i.e., H. tuberculatum (Forssk.) A. Juss. From a general survey of these data, it could be clearly observed that the characterized chemical profiles of this species differ widely from one another. ...
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Herein, a comprehensive review is given focusing on the chemical profiles of the essential oils (EOs), non-volatile compounds, ethnobotany, and biological activities of different Haplophyllum (Rutaceae family) species. To gather the relevant data, all the scientific databases, including Scopus, ISI-WOS (Institute of Scientific Information-Web of Science), and PubMed and highly esteemed publishers such as Elsevier, Springer, Taylor and Francis, etc., were systematically retrieved and reviewed. A wide array of valuable groups of natural compounds, e.g., terpenoids, coumarins, alkaloids, lignans, flavonoids, and organic acids have been isolated and subsequently characterized in different organic extracts of a number of Haplophyllum species. In addition, some remarkable antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, cytotoxic, antileishmanial, and antialgal effects as well as promising remedial therapeutic properties have been well-documented for some species of the genus Haplophyllum.
... Complete knowledge of the chemical constituents of Satureja hortensis L.:will facilitate synthesis of other chemicals and compounds for their potential applications in the cosmetics, food, and pharmaceutical sectors, [10]. Essential oils are a mixture of various compounds characterized by aromatic smell, generally liquid colorless to slightly yellowish color and insoluble in water, but soluble in organic solvents [11]. The essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of aerial parts Satureja hortensis L.: slightly yellowish color and insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents and possessed a distinct sharp odor. ...
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This study aimed to increase the stability and solubility of the Algerian Satureja hortensis L. (ASHO) essential oil through nanoencapsulation. Nanoemulsions of ASHO (MF-ASHEO) were developed to evaluate their antioxidant and antimicrobial potential, stability, and cytotoxicity using microfluidization at 150 MPa for five cycles. MF-ASHO showed 8 compounds (99.56%) vs ASHEO's 26 compounds (95.46%). Carvacrol increased to 94.51%, replacing γ-terpinene, which decreased to 0.43%. The MF-ASHEO nanoemulsion had a mean particle size of 41.72 nm, a monomodal size distribution pattern, a mean ζ-potential of −39.4 mV, and a polydispersity index (PDI) mean value of 0.291. Micrographs showed spherical nanoparticles with varying diameters in nm. ASHEO was more toxic than MF-ASHEO against HepG2, Vero, and WI-38, according to the MTT and WST-1 assays. ASHEO demonstrated antiradical and antibacterial activity and inhibited biofilm formation. It also had an enhanced antifungal effect and reduced mycotoxin production. The MF-ASHEO sample showed no activity except in reducing mycotoxin production, where it performed better than ASHEO. In silico and ADME results confirmed the inhibitory action of carvacrol on the key enzymes of the aflatoxin biosynthetic mechanism and the target proteins associated with bactericidal/bacteriostatic effects. The microfluidization process dramatically affects not only the oil's volatile content but also its biological activity.
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Haplophyllum tuberculatum (Forssk.) A.Juss. volatile oils were obtained by distillation of the aerial parts of the plant growing in Libya during the summer and spring seasons. A yield and componential analysis revealed that the summer season oil, which is frequently used in traditional medicaments by North African communities, was high in yield (0.858%) compared to the spring season oil (0.47%), and distinguished by the presence of major and various diverse constituents, some of which are considered chemical markers. Owing to the traditional and high incidence of use of the summer-produced essential oil for the treatment of several disorders, including hepatic diseases, and fatigue, the oil was pharmacologically investigated for its varied bioactivities of anti-microbial, in vivo anti-oxidant, and in vitro anti-cancer properties. Thirty-three compounds were identified and represented 96.2% of the peaks in the GC chromatogram of the summer oil, in which the major volatile constituents were δ-3-carene (21.5%), bornyl acetate (16.9%), and limonene aldehyde (15.2%). The summer-based essential oil of the plant demonstrated moderate anti-bacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria and a relatively strong antibacterial effect against Gram-negative bacteria as compared to the positive antibacterial controls, ampicillin and gentamicin, respectively. Also, antifungal activity against Aspergillus sp. was observed. The summer produced oil also exhibited in vivo antioxidant and in vitro anti-cancer activities.
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The present work aimed at characterizing the phytochemical composition of Haplophyllum tuberculatum essential oil (HTEO), assessing its antifungal activity against various fungal strains, evaluating its insecticidal and repulsive properties against Callosobruchus maculatus, and determine its antioxidant capacity. To this end, Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis detected 34 compounds in HTEO, with β-Caryophyllene being the major constituent (36.94%). HTEO demonstrated predominantly modest antifungal effects, however, it sustains notable activity, particularly against Aspergillus flavus, with an inhibition rate of 76.50% ± 0.60%. Minimum inhibitory concentrations ranged from 20.53 ± 5.08 to 76.26 ± 5.08 mg/mL, effectively inhibiting fungal growth. Furthermore, the antifungal, and antioxidant activities of HTEO were evaluated in silico against the proteins Aspergillus flavus FAD glucose dehydrogenase, and beta-1,4-endoglucanase from Aspergillus niger, NAD(P)H Oxidase. Moreover, HTEO displayed strong insecticidal activity against C. maculatus, with contact and inhalation tests yielding LC50 values of 30.66 and 40.28 μL/100g, respectively, after 24 h of exposure. A dose of 5 μL/100g significantly reduced oviposition (48.85%) and inhibited emergence (45.15%) compared to the control group. Additionally, HTEO exhibited a high total antioxidant capacity of 758.34 mg AAE/g EO, highlighting its antioxidant potential. Insilico results showed that the antifungal activity of HTEO is mostly attributed to γ-Cadinene and p-Cymen-7-ol, while antioxidant is attributed to α-Terpinyl isobutyrate displayed. Overall, HTEO offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic products used to manage diseases.
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Among the Mediterranean aromatic plants, Ruta tuberculata Forssk. (Rutaceae) has been widely used as a traditional natural remedy against various disorders resulting from its divers’ pharmacological virtues. The aim of this study is to characterize for the first time the phenolic profile of its ethyl acetate (EtOAcE) and acetonic (AcE) extracts and to screen their in vitro antioxidant, antidiabetic, and neuroprotective activities. Phenolic content was determined using spectrophotometric and cLC-DAD analysis. Pharmacologically, in vitro antioxidant power was evaluated using six different antioxidant methods. Moreover, the antidiabetic and neuroprotective capacities were assessed in vitro by determining the α-amylase, α-glucosidase, and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities. Phytochemically, the highest flavonoid content was found in EtOAcE where the major identified compounds were myrecetin, rutin, sylimarin, naringenin, and quercetin. In presence of other phenolic acids, gallic acid was exclusively detected in AcE. Furthermore, both R. tuberculata extracts showed significantly remarkable antioxidant activities, especially the EtOAcE. Interestingly, AcE strongly inhibited the acetylcholinesterase and α-glucosidase, with the respective IC50 values of 20.48 ± 0.2 and 104.5 ± 1.8 µg/mL. In this study, we also reported the nutritional quality associated with the identified phytocompounds. R. tuberculata organic extracts may offer exciting reserves to achieve new anti-diabetic and anti-Alzheimer drugs which have also antioxidant potential.
Bu çalışmanın amacı Tükiye’nin farklı lokasyonlarından toplanmış bazı endemik Haplophyllum A. Juss. (H. myrtifolium, H. vulcanicum, H. pumiliforme ve H. sahinii) türlerinin toplam fenolik, toplam flavonoid ve antioksidan aktivitelerinin belirlenmesidir. Örneklerin toplam fenolik miktarı 31.8 ila 49.8 mg GAE g-1 ekstrakt arasında değişmiştir. H. vulcanicum ve H. sahinii diğer türlere göre daha yüksek toplam fenolik içeriğine sahip olmuştur. En yüksek toplam flavonoid miktarı H. myrtifolium türünün her iki lokasyonundaki örneklerinde (62.0 ve 63.0 mg KE g-1 ekstrakt), en düşük ise H. pumiliforme türünün her iki lokasyonundaki örneklerinde (36.2 ve 31.7 mg KE g-1 ekstrakt) tespit edilmiştir. Antioksidan aktivitesi olarak DPPH ve ABTS radikal kovucu aktiviteleri incelenmiştir. H. myrtifolium türünün lokasyon1 örnekleri ile H. pumiliforme türünün lokasyon2 örnekleri en yüksek ABTS radikal kovucu aktivitesi sergilemiştir (sırasıyla %78.6 ve %79.0). H. vulcanicum türünün iki lokasyonundaki örnekleri ise iki aktivite içinde en düşük değer göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak, H. pumiliforme türünün düşük fitokimyasal içerdiğine sahip olduğu, fakat yüksek oranda antioksidan aktivite sergilediği tespit edilmiştir. H. vulcanicum, H. sahini ve H. pumiliforme hakkındaki toplam biyoaktif madde içeriği ve antioksidan aktivitesi ilk kez tarafımızdan bildirilmiştir.
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Present study was aimed to enlighten the antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity of Haplophyllum gilesii (Hemsl.) C.C. a narrow endemic plants of northern areas of Pakistan. The antimicrobial potential of H. gilesii extracts in different solvents was assessed using agar well diffusion method against bacterial and fungal strains, while cytotoxic activity was studied in the methanolic extract using brine shrimp’s lethality assay. All the extracts showed significant biological activity against Gram positive, Gram negative bacteria and selected fungal strains. Acetone, chloroform and methanolic extracts showed maximum activity i-e 39mm, 44mm and 35mm followed by ethyl acetate 27mm and n-hexane 26mm against microorganisms studied. Standard antibiotics were used as a positive control for bacteria and fungi respectively. The cytotoxic assay results showed that methanolic extracts of stem and root of H. gilesii had toxic effects on brine shrimp larvae with LD50 values of 116.72 µg/ml and 168.16 µg/ml respectively. The antimicrobial and cytotoxic parameters reported can be considered as quality standards of H. gilesii in herbal industry
Background and Objective: Haplophyllum tuberculatum is a valuable medicinal species with wide distribution in Mediterranean coastal desert of Egypt. It was characterized by high level of intraspecific morphological and biochemical variability. The objective of study was to assess the species status diversity for its coordinated conservation. Materials and Methods: Twenty-seven Operation Taxonomic Units (OTU’s) from nine populations were collected along the Mediterranean coastal desert of Egypt. Eighty seven macro and micro morphological characters, besides 114 molecular attributes from both seed storage proteins and RAPD were evaluated. The agglomerative cluster analysis conducted and the dissimilarity matrix analyzed through three sorting methods, average linkage UPGMA, single linkage and Ward’s. Results: The OTU’s from 19-21 of Abo-Tamr village were discriminated from the other populations due to a large distance between the inflorescence and the first leaf, united sepals and united stamens at base. The studied samples achieved 8 common bands and both El-Karma (OTU’s 7-9) and El-Gophera villages were distinguished by the absence of both polymorphism and the band at 77 KDa. The discrete DNA products per primer ranged from 12-19 bands, the percentage of polymorphism from 24-31% and fingerprinting bands from 1-4. Conclusion: Two biotypes of H. tuberculatum can be distinguished, OTU’s from 19-21 of Abo-Tamr and the other ecotypes. The determination of the rank of these biotypes needs the study of the morphologically similar H. blanche to confirm the presence of the two species.
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Essential oils isolated from the aerial parts of Haplophyllum tuberculatum (Forsskal) A. Juss collected from five different locations of Egypt showed significant differences in their yield and chemical composition among the different locations. Estragole, Myrtenal, Spathulenol and a homologous series of medicinally important monoterpene and sesquiterpenes are succinctly viewed in the analyzed essential oils. The extensive disparity in the abundance and existence of both the major and minor detected bio active compounds reflects a considerable chemo-diversity that can favor the medicinal use of each group towards certain medical conditions the fact that could explain its wide range of different traditional uses reported in literature.
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Adams, R. P. 2007. Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry, 4th Edition. Allured Publ., Carol Stream, IL Is out of print, but you can obtain a free pdf of it at
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Essential oils of Haplophyllum tuberculatum (Forssk.) A. Juss., produced from plants collected in the United Arab Emirates, were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The composition of the oils varied considerably. Those obtained from plants collected in May (1997 and 2001) were similar, with α-phellandrene (10.7–32.9%) being the major component and with signifcant amounts of β-caryophyllene (6.3–12.8%), β-pinene (7.6–8.0%), limonene (4.0–9.6%) and δ-3-carene (5.5–6.0%). However, the oil distilled from plants collected in April (1998) had major components of linalool (15.0%), linalyl acetate (10.6%), β-caryophyllene (9.7%) and α-terpineol (6.7%). The compositions of all three oils prepared from UAE collected plants differed signifcantly from those reported for the same species col-lected in Egypt and Iran.
Haplophyllum tuberculatum is an indigenous plant widely distributed in Iraq.Phytochemical investigation of this plant indicating that the plant is rich in alkaloids, fixed and volatile oils; but non about psoralen contents. Preliminary investigation indicated that this plant has furocoumarins in acceptable amount.Based on these results together with literature survey it was deemed desirable to carry out this phytochemical work with emphasis on isolation and characterization of the furocoumarins compounds.Detailed preliminary investigation of the furocoumarins content of the dried, ground whole plant has been described and the results were discussed.Thin layer chromatography of the petroleum ether (boiling point 60-80ºC) extract demonstrated the occurance of furocoumarins compounds in the plant.The extraction procedure of the plant material, the fractionation and isolation procedures of the furocoumarins are fully described.One compound was isolated and identified as Ammoidin by TLC (compared with standard), melting point (148°C), mixed melting point (148ºC) and HPLC.Spectrophotometer apparatus was used to determine exactly the amount of Ammoidin measured at 304nm at UV absorption. In Haplophyllum tuberculatum the maximum amount of Ammoidin was found in sample collecting from Daquok during June.
Two new alkaloids, tubacetine [3] and tubasenecine [4], were isolated from the aerial parts of Haplophyllum tuberculatum (Rutaceae). Their identities were established from nmr data, including a study of the 2D INADEQUATE spectra of the monoterpene part of 3. In addition, the alkaloid 7-hydroxy-8-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-4-methoxyfuro[2,3b]quinoline [5] has been identified in this source for the first time.
Capillene (1-phenylhexa-2,4-diyne) was found to be the main constituent (35.2%) of the essential oil of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. ssp. rosmarinifolia. The related ketone capillin (1-phenylhexa-2,4-diyn-1-one, 0.4%) was also found. The reset of the oil was made up of monoterpenes (53.3%) and sesquiterpenes (9.6%). The main monoterpenes were: β-phellandrene (14.9%), myrcene (13.1%), β-pinene (7.8%) and sabinene (5.5%), while the principal sesquiterpene was ar-curcumene (4.3%). Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The aerial parts of Haplophyllum tuberculatum (Forssk.) A. Juss. (Rutaceae) were hydrodistilled using a Clevenger-type apparatus to yield an oil of 0.02%. The oil was analyzed by GC and GC/MS; 40 components, representing 91.8% of the oil, were identified. The main components of the oil were linalool (15.5%), α-pinene (7.9%) and limonene (5.3%).
Th e an tican cer activ ity o f h y d ro d is tilled es s en tial o ils o b tain ed fro m f lo w e r s o f Matricaria chamomilla L. and the dried leaves of Marjorana hortensis cultivated in Egypt agains t leukemia HL-60 and N B4 cells were tested in vitro. HL-60 and NB4 cells were incubated with different levels of two essential oils 25, 50, 75, 100, 200 ppm for viability test a nd the p ercentages of dead HL-60 cells after 24h were 22.8, 36, 46.2, 67.5, 78.4% res p e c t iv e ly b y t reated with chamomile oil and 17.55, 21.11, 27.55, 39.2, 52.59% respectively by treated with marjoram oil, while the percen t ages of d ead NB4 cells were 17.1, 26.67, 55.86,76.1, 86.03% res pectively by treated with chamomile o il a n d 21.3, 29.61, 36.23, 57.9, 67.88% respectively by treated with marjoram oil. On the other hand the antioxidant activity of essential oils against DPPH radical was determined in vitro by treated with different concentrations of two essential • oils were e xamined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Chamomile o il was found to contain 47 compounds, the m ajor components being bisabolol oxide A , B (37.85%), chamazulene (14.77%), g uaiazulene (12.42%), á-bisabolol (9.81%) and bisabolone o xide A (4.12%), while m arjoram oil analys is reached 23 compounds , t he majo r components being terpinen-4-ol (35.33%), ã-terpinene (15.0%), á-terpinene (10.72%), á-terpineol (5.89%) a nd linalool (3.81%). The essential oils of Matricaria chamomilla and Marjorana hortensis could be u sed as a po tential natural antioxidant a nd anticancer a g e n t s. Ke y wor ds : Matricaria chamomilla L., Marjorana hortensis, Essential oils, antioxidant, anticancer.