The dinosaur fauna of the Kadzi Formation, central Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe, includes all 4 sauropod genera found at Tendaguru, Tanzania-Barosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Dicreaeosaurus, and Tornieria. Two genera, Barosaurus and Brachiosaurus, are also typical of the Morrison Formation of the W United States. Camarasaurus might also be present at Kadzi. This genus is not known from Tendaguru, but a camarasaurid (Algoasaurus) is found in beds of roughly comparable age on the SE coast of South Africa. The coexistence of Brachiosaurus and Tornieria in the Kadzi Formation suggests that this dinosaur bed was deposited some time between the Middle and Upper Saurian Beds of Tendaguru. The Gokwe Formation (SW Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe), the Dinosaur Beds of NW Malawi, and the possibly homotaxial fossiliferous post-Karoo pebble beds of the Luangwa Valley in Zambia are probably all of similar age.-from Authors