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Abstract and Figures

In agriculture under controlled environment, soil has been replace by substrates due to physical, chemical and biological limitations. The use of materials coming from agro industrial wastes or byproducts facilitate the use of low cost substrates and enable a positive ecological impact, which is the case of the forest industry that produce a large volume of pine sawdust with potential as a substrate. Physical properties of the substrates are the most important, because once the crop has been settled, it can hardly be modified and it must remain constant throughout crop cycle. The objective of this work was to evaluate the variation in physical properties of the substrate formed by a sawdust/volcanic rock mixture during several crop cycles to determine the feasibility of their use. For this purpose, 10 treatments were used, which consisted of the combination of three volcanic rock particle sizes (≤3, 3-6 and 6-12 mm) and three sawdust/volcanic rock ratios (90/10, 80/20 and 70/30) plus a treatment 100 % pine sawdust. These treatments were tested during five continuous tomato crop cycles (thirty months). Total porosity, particle size, moisture retention capacity, air capacity and bulk density were measured at the end of each cycle and also from the original substrate. Little variation in bulk density was observed, but total porosity, moisture retention capacity and air capacity decreased gradually during the five tomato crop cycles. Air capacity was the physical characteristic that showed greater variation, showing values below the appropriate after 24 months of cultivation.
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Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura 18(1): 95-111, 2012
Recibido:22 de julio, 2010
Aceptado: 24 de enero, 2012
Joel Pineda-Pineda; Felipe Sánchez del Castillo2; Armando Ramírez-Arias3;
Ana María Castillo-González2; Luis Alonso Valdés-Aguilar4; Esaú del Carmen Moreno-Pérez2
1Departamento de Suelos, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. km 38.5 carretera México-Texcoco. Chapingo Estado de México.
C. P. 56230 Correo-e: (Autor para correspondencia).
2Profesor-Investigador. Departamento de Fitotecnia, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. km 38.5 carretera México-Texcoco.
Chapingo Estado de México. C.P. 56230.
3Profesor-Investigador. Departamento de Preparatoria Agrícola, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. km 38.5 carretera México-Texcoco.
Chapingo Estado de México. C. P. 56230.
4Profesor-Investigador del Departamento de Horticultura. Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Saltillo, Coahuila, MÉXICO. C. P. 25315.
En agricultura bajo ambiente protegido se ha dado una sustitución gradual del suelo por sustratos, debido a limitantes físicas, químicas
y biológicas. La utilización de materiales que son subproductos o desechos agroindustriales posibilita tener sustratos más baratos y un
impacto ecológico positivo, como es el caso de la industria maderera que genera grandes volúmenes de aserrín con potencial como sus-
trato. Las características físicas de los sustratos son las más importantes, ya que una vez establecido el cultivo, difícilmente se pueden
modificar y deben permanecer constantes a lo largo del ciclo del cultivo.
El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la variación de las características físicas del sustrato formado por mezclas aserrín/tezontle durante
varios ciclos de cultivo para determinar su factibilidad de uso. Para ello se establecieron 10 tratamientos que se formaron de la combi-
 más un
trato original y al final de cada ciclo se midieron porosidad total, volumen de partículas, capacidad de retención de humedad, capacidad
de aireación y densidad aparente. Se encontró poca variación en la densidad aparente, pero la porosidad, la retención de humedad y
la capacidad de aireación disminuyeron gradualmente durante los cinco ciclos de cultivo con jitomate. La capacidad de aireación fue la
característica física que presentó mayor variación, mostrando valores por debajo del adecuado después de 24 meses de cultivo.
PALABRAS CLAVE ADICIONALES: Porosidad, humedad, aireación, densidad aparente.
In agriculture under controlled environment, soil has been replace by substrates due to physical, chemical and biological limitations. The
use of materials coming from agro industrial wastes or byproducts facilitate the use of low cost substrates and enable a positive ecolo-
gical impact, which is the case of the forest industry that produce a large volume of pine sawdust with potential as a substrate. Physical
properties of the substrates are the most important, because once the crop has been settled, it can hardly be modified and it must remain
constant throughout crop cycle.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the variation in physical properties of the substrate formed by a sawdust/volcanic rock mixture
during several crop cycles to determine the feasibility of their use. For this purpose, 10 treatments were used, which consisted of the com-
a treatment 100 % pine sawdust. These treatments were tested during five continuous tomato crop cycles (thirty months). Total porosity,
particle size, moisture retention capacity, air capacity and bulk density were measured at the end of each cycle and also from the original
substrate. Little variation in bulk density was observed, but total porosity, moisture retention capacity and air capacity decreased gradually
during the five tomato crop cycles. Air capacity was the physical characteristic that showed greater variation, showing values below the
appropriate after 24 months of cultivation.
ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: Porosity, moisture, aeration, bulk density
Aserrín de pino...
Debido al incremento de los sistemas de producción
agrícola bajo ambiente protegido y a las limitantes físicas
(profundidad, textura, pedregosidad, compactación),
químicas (salinidad, alcalinidad, acidez, inmovilización
y fijación nutrimental) y biológicas (contaminación
con patógenos y nematodos) que presentan muchos
suelos, se ha dado una sustitución gradual del suelo por
sustratos hidropónicos.
Existe gran variación de materiales que pueden
ser adecuados como sustratos de cultivo, pero se
deben considerar sus características físicas, químicas y
biológicas, las necesidades del cultivo, así como la compleja
interacción de procesos y fenómenos que se suscitan en la
relación contenedor-sustrato-planta-ambiente.
      
sustrato debe cumplir cuatro condiciones: 1) proveer agua,
       
gases entre la zona radicular y el exterior del sustrato, y
4) dar soporte a las plantas. Además, Raviv y Lieth (2008)
indican que debe proporcionar un ambiente que mantenga
un balance biológico.
De todas las propiedades del sustrato, las físicas son
las más importantes, ya que una vez establecido el cultivo,
difícilmente pueden manipularse (Abad et al., 2004; Blok
et al., 2008) y deben permanecer estables durante el ciclo
del cultivo (Raviv y Lieth, 2008). Para materiales orgánicos,
la resistencia o facilidad que ofrecen a la descomposición
microbiana (bioestabilidad) es un aspecto muy importante
que influirá en el mantenimiento de las propiedades físicas
durante el crecimiento de las plantas.
De acuerdo con varios autores (Abad et al., 2004; Burés,
et al., 2008), las consecuencias de la degradación
biológica sobre las propiedades físicas del sustrato son
las siguientes: 1) pérdida de volumen y disminución de
la porosidad debido a la compactación del sustrato, 2)
disminución de la capacidad de aireación y aumento de la
capacidad de retención de humedad a capacidad contenedor,
Además, en el proceso del cultivo se presenta la
compresibilidad del sustrato por la acción de fuerzas
mecánicas durante la manipulación, compactación durante
el transporte o contracción del sustrato cuando se presenta
variación en el contenido de humedad (humedecimiento
y secado), y segregación de partículas finas al fondo del
contenedor durante el riego, lo que hace que se pierda
la forma y acomodo original del sustrato y se presente
alteración en las relaciones agua/aire del sustrato (Lemaire,
1995; Abad et al., 2004).
El perfeccionamiento del manejo de los sistemas de
producción agrícola usando sustratos, requiere una base de
conocimientos mayor sobre la variación en las características
físicas durante el ciclo de cultivo para poder manejar el
suministro de agua y nutrimentos (Medrano et al., 2001;
Soil has gradually been replaced by hydroponic sub-
strates, due to the increase of agricultural production sys-
tems under protected environment and physical (depth, tex-
ture, stoniness, compaction), chemical (salinity, alkalinity,
acidity, immobilization or fixation of nutrients) and biological
limitations (pollution with pathogens and nematodes) found
in many soils.
There is wide variety of materials, which may be suit-
able as growth media, but their physical, chemical and bio-
logical properties, crop requirements and the complex in-
teraction of processes and phenomena that arise in relation
container-substrate-plant-atmosphere must be considered.
  
must meet four conditions: 1) to provide water, 2) to supply
and the exterior of the substrate, and 4) to provide support
to the plants. Raviv and Lieth (2008) indicate that it should
provide an environment that maintains biological balance.
Physical properties are the most important of all sub-
strate properties, because once the crop is established,
they can hardly be manipulated (Abad et al., 2004; Blok
et al., 2008) and they must remain stable during the crop
cycle (Raviv and Lieth, 2008). In the case of organic mate-
rials, resistance or facility offered to the microbial decom-
position (biostability) is a very important aspect that will
influence the maintenance of physical properties during
the growth of plants.
According to several authors (Abad et al., 2004; Burés,
et al., 2008), the consequences of biological deg-
radation on physical characteristics of the substrate are as
follows: 1) loss of volume and decrease of the porosity due
to compaction of the substrate, 2) reduction of the aeration
capacity and increase of the moisture retention capacity to
Furthermore, in the growing process occurs the com-
pressibility of the substrate due to the action of mechanical
forces during handling, compaction during transport or con-
traction of the substrate when there is variation in moisture
content (wetting and drying), and segregation of fine par-
ticles at the bottom of the container during irrigation, caus-
ing the loss of the original form and place of the substrate
and generating an alteration in the water/air substrate ratio
(Lemaire, 1995; Abad et al., 2004).
Improving the management of agricultural production
systems using substrates, requires a greater knowledge base
on the variation in physical properties during the crop cycle to
manage the distribution of water and nutrients (Medrano et al.,
2001; Suay et al., 
systems (Kläring et al., 1999; Roca et al., 
Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura 18(1): 95-111, 2012
Suay et al.,        
comercial (Kläring et al., 1999; Roca et al.,
Actualmente se comercializan sustratos de
características y orígenes diversos, de forma pura o en
mezclas de dos o más materiales, que buscan satisfacer
las necesidades específicas de cada cultivo; sin embargo,
sus altos precios (varios de ellos son de importación) limitan
su acceso y uso a muchos productores. En las últimas
décadas, se ha encontrado aplicación como medios de
crecimiento a materiales que son subproductos o residuos
de desecho de muy diversas actividades domésticas,
urbanas e industriales (Resh, 1998; Sánchez y Escalante,
1988; Maher et al., 2008). La incorporación de estos
materiales posibilita tener productos más baratos y, a largo
plazo, un impacto ecológico positivo.
El aserrín de pino (Pinus sp), que proviene de la
industria maderera, es un material que tiene potencial
como sustrato. En México se procesan anualmente poco
más de 8 millones de metros cúbicos de madera, de la cual
producto de desecho es el aserrín y virutas, con una
producción estimada de 2.8 millones de metros cúbicos
  Las propiedades físicas del aserrín
dependen del tamaño de sus partículas y se recomienda
que del 20-40 % sean inferiores a 0.8 mm. Es un sustrato
ligero, con una densidad aparente de 0.1 a 0.45 g·cm.
La porosidad total es superior al 80 %, la capacidad de
retención de agua es de baja a media, pero su capacidad
de aireación suele ser adecuada (Maher et al., 2008). La
ventaja principal del aserrín es su bajo costo, pero al ser un
material orgánico entra en descomposición, lo que reduce
su vida útil como sustrato. Es posible que mezclando el
aserrín con materiales inorgánicos como el tezontle (arena
volcánica), los cambios en sus propiedades físicas sean
más lentos, proporcionando un sustrato más durable sin
incrementar los costos.
Con base en lo anterior, el objetivo de este trabajo
fue determinar la variación en las características físicas del
aserrín de pino solo y mezclado con distintas proporciones
de tezontle durante cinco ciclos de cultivo, para determinar
el tiempo que se mantienen las características principales
que definen la calidad de un sustrato hidropónico, como
son la retención de humedad, la capacidad de aireación, la
densidad aparente y la porosidad total.
Ubicación del estudio
Éste se llevó a cabo en un invernadero de cristal
con ventilación lateral y cenital ubicado en la Universidad
Autónoma Chapingo. El control del microclima se realizó
con extractores de aire húmedo para evitar temperaturas
   oC en verano, mientras que en invierno
se utilizan calentadores eléctricos que suministran aire
caliente para mantener temperaturas arriba de 10 oC.
Today, substrates from different origins and with dif-
ferent properties are sold in pure form or in mixtures of two
or more materials, seeking to meet the specific needs of
each crop; however, their high prices (some of them are
imported) limit their access and use to many producers.
In the last decades, materials coming from byproducts or
waste residues of very different domestic, urban and indus-
trial activities have been found as substrates (Resh, 1998;
Sánchez and Escalante, 1988; Maher et al., 2008). The use
of these materials enable to have cheaper products and in
the long term a positive ecological impact.
Pine sawdust (Pinus sp), which comes from the tim-
ber industry, is a material that has potential as substrate. In
Mexico, just over 8 million cubic meters of wood are pro-
where the main waste product is sawdust and shavings,
with an estimated production of 2.8 million cubic meters
      
size of sawdust particles and it is recommended that 20-40
% of these particles have a size lower than 0.8 mm. It is a
light substrate with a bulk density of 0.1 a 0.45 g·cm. Total
porosity is greater than 80 %, moisture retention capacity
is low to medium, but their aeration capacity is usually ad-
equate (Maher et al., 2008). The main advantage of saw-
dust is its low cost, but being an organic matter it decom-
poses, reducing its useful life as a substrate. It is possible
that when mixing the sawdust with inorganic materials such
as volcanic rock (volcanic sand), the variation of physical
properties are slower, providing a more durable substrate
without increasing costs.
Based on the foregoing, the objective of this work was
to determine the variation in physical properties of pine
sawdust alone and mixed with different proportions of vol-
canic rock during five crop cycles, to determine the time of
preserving the main properties that define the quality of an
hydroponic substrate, such as moisture retention, aeration
capacity, bulk density and total porosity.
Study location
This study was carried out in a glass greenhouse
with lateral and zenithal ventilation located at the Universi-
dad Autonoma Chapingo. The control of the microclimate
was carried out using humid air extractors to avoid tem-
heaters supplying hot air were used to keep temperatures
Treatments and experimental design
         -
rangement. One factor corresponded to the particle size
Aserrín de pino...
Tratamientos y diseño experimental
Los tratamientos se formaron utilizando un arreglo
a relaciones aserrín/tezontle y los niveles fueron 90/10,
   
        
          
           
se incluyó además un T10 que consistió en 100 % aserrín
de pino. Se usaron bolsas de plástico bicolor (blanco-negro)
de 15 L, de las cuales se llenaron 10 con cada tratamiento
de sustrato y se trasplantaron dos plántulas de jitomate
(Licopericon esculentum L.) variedad Tequila F1 en cada
una. Las unidades experimentales se distribuyeron de
acuerdo a un diseño completamente al azar, con un total de
10 tratamientos y 10 repeticiones.
Instalación y desarrollo experimental
El experimento se instaló en dos camas, cada una
con dos hileras de bolsas y dos plantas por bolsa. Se
establecieron cinco ciclos de cultivo con duración en
promedio de seis meses cada uno. Al final de cada ciclo
se removían los tallos junto con las raíces más gruesas,
se tomaban las muestras para el análisis físico del
sustrato y se acondicionaba el sistema para establecer
el siguiente ciclo, periodo que duraba una semana. El
fertirriego consistió en ocho riegos diarios con un sistema
de goteo, colocando una estaca por planta. Durante los
diferentes ciclos de cultivo, se aplicó la solución nutritiva
de Steiner (1984) con una carga iónica de 20.5 meq·L-1,
meq·L-1, para lograr el equilibrio entre cationes y aniones
en la solución nutritiva.
Para el control del riego diario se consideró un
drenaje de 15-25 %. Los cuidados principales consistieron
en control preventivo de mosquita blanca (Bemisia tabaci)
y de enfermedades producidas por Phytoptora sp, Phytium
sp, y Rhizoctonia sp, así como las labores de manejo de la
planta (eliminación de brotes laterales, tutoreo, deshojado,
polinización) para conducir el cultivo hasta formar seis a
siete racimos.
Variables medidas
Al inicio del experimento y al final de cada ciclo de
cultivo se determinaron en los sustratos las propiedades
físicas aplicando la metodología del porómetro propuesta
      et al. (1999) y
Handreck y Black (2005), que en términos generales
consistió en saturar el sustrato y posteriormente poner
los contenedores a libre drenaje hasta el punto en que
las fuerzas de retención del sustrato ya no permitieron
la pérdida de agua. En este momento se midió el agua
mm diameters, while the second factor corresponded to
 
      
was used. The combination of factors and levels provided
  
   
included which consisted of 100 % pine sawdust. Two-color
(black inside and white outside) bags of 15 L were used,
10 were filled with each substrate treatment and 2 with
tomato seedlings (Licopericon esculentum L.) Tequila F1
variety. The experimental units were distributed according
to a completely randomized design, with a total of 10 treat-
ments and 10 replications.
Installation and experimental development
The experiment was place in two beds, each one with
two rows of bags and two plants per bag. Five crop cycles
were established with an average duration of six months
each. At the end of each cycle, stems were removed to-
gether with thicker roots; samples were taken for physical
analysis of the substrate and then the system was prepared
for the next cycle, a period that lasted a week. Fertigation
consisted of eight daily irrigation using a drip system, plac-
ing a stake per plant. During the different crop cycles, the
nutrient solution of Steiner (1984) was applied with an ionic
charge of 20.5 meq·L-1, increasing the concentration of P
      -1, in order to achieve balance
between cations and anions in the nutrient solution.
To control the daily irrigation a 15-25 % drain was
used. Main care consisted of preventive control of whitefly
(Bemisia tabaci) and diseases caused by Phytoptora sp,
Phytium sp, y Rhizoctonia sp, and plant management tasks
(removal of side shoots, tutoring, leafless, pollination) to
conduct the crop to form six to seven clusters.
Variables measured
At the start of the experiment and after each crop cy-
cle, physical properties in substrates were determined us-
ing the methodology of the porometer proposed by Fonteno
    et al. (1999) and Handreck
and Black (2005), which consisted of saturating the sub-
strate and then putting the containers to drain freely until
the point at which the restraining forces of the substrate not
allowed water loss. At this moment drain water was mea-
weight of the dry substrate was also determined. Physical
properties: total porosity, particle volume, aeration capacity,
moisture retention and bulk density were determined with
the data obtained.
An analysis of variance with the obtained data was
performed to determine the interaction among factors, also
Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura 18(1): 95-111, 2012
drenada, se pesó el sustrato húmedo, se secó el sustrato
(105 C) y se obtuvo el peso del sustrato seco. Con la
información obtenida se calcularon las propiedades físicas:
porosidad total, volumen de partículas, capacidad de
aireación, retención de humedad y densidad aparente.
Con los datos obtenidos se realizó un análisis de
varianza para determinar la interacción entre factores,
así como pruebas de medias por factor, de las diferentes
variables, mediante la prueba de Tukey (P0.05). Para
lo anterior se utilizó el programa estadístico SAS (SAS
Institute, 2002).
En el Cuadro 1 se observan diferencias altamente
significativas para casi todas las variables y para todas
las fechas de muestreo estudiadas con respecto a la
relación aserrín/tezontle, y también para casi todas las
fechas estudiadas se encuentran diferencias significativas
en porosidad total, capacidad de retención de humedad
y capacidad de aireación para el tamaño de partícula de
tezontle empleado en la mezcla con aserrín; la densidad
aparente fue la característica menos afectada por este
factor, presentando diferencia estadística sólo al inicio y a
CUADRO 1. Niveles de significancia de las variables físicas medidas en los tratamientos formados por la combinación de diferente diámetro
de partícula y relaciones aserrín/tezontle, durante 30 meses de cultivo con jitomate.
Fac-tor Pt (%) CRH (%) CA (%) Dap (g·cm-3)
Meses de cultivo
   
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ns ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ns ns ** ns **
** ns ns ** ** **
   
R: factor relación aserrín/tezontle, P: factor diámetro de partícula del tezontle, CV: coeficiente de variación, Pt: porosidad total, CRH: capacidad de retención de humedad, CA: capacidad de aireación,
Dap: densidad aparente, **Efecto altamente significativo, ns: efecto no significativo.
TABLE 1. Levels of significance of the physical variables measured in treatments formed by the combination of different particle diameter
and sawdust/volcanic rock ratio during 30 months of tomato crop.
Fac-tor Pt (%) CRH (%) CA (%) Dap (g·cm-3)
Months of cultivation
   
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ns ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** **
** ns ns ** ns **
** ns ns ** ** **
   
R: factor sawdust/volcanic rock ratio, P: factor volcanic rock particle diameter, CV: coefficient of variation, Pt: Total porosity, CRH: moisture retention capacity, CA: aeration capacity, Dap: bulk density, **
highly significant effect, ns: no significant effect.
mean test per factor from the different variables were con-
ducted using the Tukey test (P-
gram (SAS Institute, 2002).
In Table 1, highly significant differences for almost
all variables and all sampling dates studied were ob-
served regarding the sawdust/volcanic rock ratio; for al-
most all dates studied significant differences were ob-
served in total porosity, moisture retention capacity
and aeration capacity for the particle size of volcanic rock
mixed with sawdust; bulk density was less affected by this
factor, showing statistical difference only at the start and at
The interaction between the proportion of volcanic
rock mixed with sawdust and the particle size of volcanic
rock was also highly significant for total porosity (in all dates
studied), moisture retention capacity and aeration capacity
Aserrín de pino...
La interacción entre la proporción de tezontle en la
mezcla con aserrín y el tamaño de partícula del tezontle
usado también fue altamente significativa en todas las
fechas estudiadas para la porosidad total, capacidad de
retención de humedad y capacidad de aireación y a los 0,
Efecto del tamaño de partícula y de la relación aserrín/
En el Cuadro 1 se observa que para la mayoría de las
la interacción entre los factores diámetro de partícula del
aserrín y relación aserrín/tezontle.
Porosidad total
En la Figura 1 se presenta el comportamiento de la
porosidad total del sustrato antes de establecer el cultivo y
porosidad se redujo conforme disminuyó la proporción de
aserrín y aumentó la proporción de tezontle en la mezcla
lo que, según algunos autores (Abad y Noguera, 2005; Blok
et al., 2008), los ubica fuera del intervalo adecuado, que debe
estar entre 85-95 %, si se trata de un sustrato hidropónico.
También se observa que la disminución en la porosidad
del sustrato aserrín/tezontle fue menor cuando se usó
una mayor similitud entre tamaños de partículas del aserrín
y del tezontle, ya que cuando se mezclan partículas con
diámetros muy diferentes se da un mayor empaquetamiento
entre ellas, disminuyendo la porosidad (Ansorena, 1994;
         
mezclas aserrín/tezontle con mayor diferencia en diámetro
degradación biológica, las partículas del aserrín se fueron
fraccionando al pasar los ciclos de cultivo (Lemaire, 1995),
lo que influyó también en el comportamiento observado. La
variación en la porosidad afectará la distribución del tamaño
de macro y microporos, además de que se modificarán
las fuerzas de adhesión a la superficie sólida del sustrato
(potencial matricial) y con ello la capacidad de retención
y disponibilidad de humedad, así como la capacidad de
drenaje y aireación del sustrato (Lemaire, 1995).
Capacidad de retención de humedad
Con relación a la capacidad de retención de
humedad, en la Figura 2 se observa una tendencia similar
a la porosidad (Figura 1); es decir, la retención de humedad
disminuyó conforme se redujo la proporción de aserrín y
aumentó la proporción de tezontle en la mezcla aserrín/
tezontle. De manera general, en los diferentes ciclos de
cultivo (Figura 2a, b, c, d, e, f), también se presentaron
mayores valores de retención de humedad en las mezclas
Particle size effect and sawdust/volcanic rock ratio
Table 1 shows that for most of the physical variables
was highly significant effect on the interaction between
the factors ‘sawdust particle diameter’ and ‘sawdust/vol-
canic rock ratio’.
Total porosity
Figure 1 shows the behavior of the total porosity of the
substrate prior to establishing the crop and after each crop
trend observed was that porosity was reduced when the
proportion of sawdust decreased and the proportion in saw-
dust/volcanic rock mixture increased. The lowest values
Noguera, 2005; Blok et al., 2008), located them outside the
proper range, which should be between 85 to 95 % if it is a
hydroponic substrate. It is also observed that the decrease
in the porosity of the substrate sawdust/volcanic rock was
which is attributed to a higher similarity between particle
size of sawdust and volcanic rock, because when particles
with very different diameters are mixed a higher packing
between them is produced, decreasing porosity (Ansore-
        -
ity in sawdust /volcanic rock mixture with larger difference
   
sawdust particles were splitting when passing crop cycles,
due to biological degradation, (Lemaire, 1995), which also
influenced the behavior observed. The variation in porosity
affects the size distribution of macro and micropores, and
will change the forces of adhesion to the solid surface of
the substrate (matrix potential) and thereby the retention
capacity and moisture availability, and the drainage capac-
ity and the aeration of the substrate (Lemaire, 1995).
Moisture retention capacity
In relation to moisture retention capacity, Figure
2 shows a similar trend of porosity (Figure 1), in other
words, moisture retention decreased when the propor-
tion of sawdust decreased and the proportion in sawdust/
volcanic rock mixture increased. In general, the different
crop cycles (Figure 2a, b, c, d, e, f), also had higher val-
ues of moisture retention in sawdust/volcanic rock mixture
been linked with a greater amount of micropores formed
in mixtures of substrates with fine particles (Bunt, 1988;
Handreck and Black, 2005).
According to Abad and Noguera (2005), Bunt (1988)
and Handreck and Black (2005), substrates with more than
this case) should have minimum moisture retention between
Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura 18(1): 95-111, 2012
situación que se ha relacionado con una mayor cantidad
de microporos formados en mezclas de sustratos con
partículas finas (Bunt, 1988; Handreck y Black, 2005).
De acuerdo con Abad y Noguera (2005), Bunt (1988)
FIGURA 1. Efecto del tamaño de partícula del tezontle y de la relación aserrín/tezontle (v/v) sobre la porosidad del sustrato durante 30 meses
de cultivo con jitomate.
note that at the initial substrate stage (Figure 2a) moisture
retention is low, but it increased with the crop cycles, this is
explained by the formation of more micropores when biologi-
cal degradation of sawdust occurred (Lemaire, 1995).
Aserrín de pino...
y Handreck y Black (2005), en sustratos con más de 90
% de porosidad, la retención de humedad mínima debe
        
pueden observarse en la Figura 2. Es importante notar que
en el sustrato inicial (Figura 2a) la retención de humedad
era más baja, pero aumentó conforme se desarrollaron los
ciclos de cultivo, situación que se explica por la formación
de mayor cantidad de microporos al darse la degradación
biológica del aserrín (Lemaire, 1995).
Aeration capacity
that the reduction of sawdust and the increment of volcanic
rock in mixture of sawdust/volcanic rock, similarly to the po-
rosity and moisture retention, (Figure 1 and 2) also produce
a decrease in aeration capacity, which was more evident in
        
tained the aeration capacity within the proper range, which
FIGURE 1. Particle size effect of volcanic rock and sawdust/volcanic rock ratio (v/v) on porosity of the substrate during 30 months of tomato
Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura 18(1): 95-111, 2012
FIGURA 2. Efecto del tamaño de partícula del tezontle y de la relación aserrín/tezontle (v/v) sobre la capacidad de retención de humedad del
sustrato durante 30 meses de cultivo con jitomate.
Aserrín de pino...
FIGURE 2. Particle size effect of volcanic rock and sawdust/volcanic ratio (v/v) on moisture retention capacity of the substrate during 30
months of tomato crop.
Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura 18(1): 95-111, 2012
      
   et al., 2005), or above the minimum
value, which is 10 % (Bunt, 1988; Lemaire, 1995). It is not
recommended to have an aeration capacity lower than 10
%, especially in organic substrates that require two or three
times more oxygen than inorganic substrates, to prevent
oxygen deficiency in plants by competing with the microor-
Capacidad de aireación
En cuanto a la capacidad de aireación o porosidad
de aire, la muestra su comportamiento durante
aserrín e incremento de tezontle en la mezcla aserrín/
tezontle, de manera similar a la porosidad y retención de
humedad (Figuras 1 y 2), también produjo una disminución
en la capacidad de aireación, la cual fue más notoria en
FIGURA 3. Efecto del tamaño de partícula del tezontle y de la relación aserrín/tezontle (v/v) sobre la capacidad de aireación del sustrato
durante 30 meses de cultivo con jitomate.
Aserrín de pino...
FIGURE 3. Particle size effect of volcanic rock and sawdust/volcanic ratio (v/v) on aeration capacity of the substrate during 30 months of
tomato crop.
Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura 18(1): 95-111, 2012
la capacidad de aireación dentro del intervalo adecuado,
  
et al., 2005), o bien por arriba del valor
mínimo, que es 10 % (Bunt, 1988; Lemaire, 1995). No es
recomendable una capacidad de aireación menor a 10 %,
sobre todo en sustratos orgánicos que requieren de dos
a tres veces más oxígeno que sustratos inorgánicos, para
evitar deficiencia de oxígeno en las plantas por competencia
con los microorganismos (Ansorena, 1994; Bunt, 1988). A los
estuvieron por debajo de la capacidad de aireación mínima
exigida a un buen sustrato hidropónico. La disminución en la
capacidad de aireación es un fenómeno normal en sustratos
orgánicos después de estar sometidos a degradación
biológica (Lemaire, 1995; Bunt, 1988).
Estos resultados concuerdan con Abad y Noguera
        
características físicas más importantes de los sustratos
está la porosidad total o espacio poroso total y su relación
con la distribución de agua y aire dentro de esa porosidad.
Densidad aparente
Finalmente, aunque en el Cuadro 1 se indica significancia
para la interacción entre diámetro de partícula y mezcla
      
la densidad aparente tuvo un incremento muy marcado en
función de la relación aserrín/tezontle (Figura 4).
       
valores por arriba de 0.4 g·cm, los demás tratamientos
están por debajo de este valor, que es considerado como
óptimo (Abad y Noguera, 2005; Blok et al., 2008). Es
importante notar que la densidad aparente presentó muy
         
significa que aun cuando la porosidad disminuyó y aumentó
el volumen de partículas, la relación masa del sustrato/
volumen total fue ligeramente afectada.
En resumen, se observó que solo la densidad
        
cultivo, mientras que la porosidad total, volumen de
partícula, retención de humedad y capacidad de aireación
variaron significativamente. Considerando el balance
entre estas características para definir el sustrato ideal, se
observa que las características físicas iniciales del aserrín
quedó fuera de los intervalos normales, principalmente la
capacidad de aireación, que se redujo a valores por debajo
de los adecuados.
La capacidad de aireación es una característica muy
importante, ya que tiene influencia en diversos procesos
que afectan el crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas, para
las que en condiciones de contenedor el efecto podría ser
       
minimum aeration capacity required to a good hydroponic
substrate. The decrease in the aeration capacity is com-
mon phenomenon in organic substrates after being submit-
ted to biological degradation (Lemaire, 1995; Bunt, 1988).
These results agree with Abad and Noguera (2005)
portant physical properties of substrates, are found the total
porosity or total pore space and its relationship with water
and air distribution within porosity.
Bulk density
Finally, although Table 1 shows significance for the
interaction between particle diameter and the sawdust/vol-
sity had a very marked increase in function of the sawdust/
volcanic rock ratio (Figure 4).
      
with values above 0.4 g·cm, all other treatments
are below this value, which is considered optimal (Abad
y Noguera, 2005; Blok et al., 2008). It is important to say
months of cultivation, which means that even when porosity
decreased and the volume of particles increased, the ratio
substrate mass/total volume was slightly affected.
In short, it was observed that only bulk density had
tal porosity, particle volume, moisture retention and aera-
tion capacity varied significantly. Regarding the balance of
those properties to define the ideal substrate, it appears
that the initial physical properties of sawdust and sawdust/
ance was outside the normal range, mainly the aeration ca-
pacity, which was reduced to values below adequate.
Aeration capacity is a very important feature, because
it has an influence on several processes that affect growth
and development of plants, for those under container con-
ditions the effect could be more important. Aeration capac-
ity determines the gas exchange (CO2 and O2) between the
interior and exterior of the substrate (Fonteno y Bilderback,
the root orientation and root metabolic status. Oxitropismo
permits the roots to avoid the substrate areas with low oxy-
gen levels, and it could also be a physiological mechanism
developed to reduce competition for water, nutrients and
oxygen between roots (Morard et al., 2000; Porterfield and
Musgrave, 1998).
Plants growing in containers especially those that
last confined for long periods, usually develop more roots
at the bottom and in the space between the substrate and
on the container walls. This is due to compaction, pro-
duced by oxygen deficiency and root death in the center of
the container (Asady et al., 1985). This phenomenon may
be more noticeable when the growth medium contains or-
ganic matter that decomposes by means of oxygen con-
suming microorganisms.
Aserrín de pino...
más importante. La capacidad de aireación determina el
intercambio gaseoso (CO2 y O2) entre el interior del sustrato
el medio de crecimiento desempeña un papel crítico, ya
que determina la orientación radicular así como el estado
metabólico de la raíz. El oxitropismo permite a las raíces
evitar las zonas del sustrato con bajos niveles de oxígeno,
y podría ser también un mecanismo fisiológico desarrollado
para reducir la competencia entre las raíces por agua,
nutrimentos y oxígeno (Morard et al., 2000; Porterfield and
Musgrave, 1998).
The downward vertical growth is a natural re-
sponse to gravitropism and hydrotropism, typical of all
active roots. However, in the case of containers, this of-
ten results in a tangle of roots growing in the bottom
of the tank, where they can be exposed to oxygen defi-
ciency, due to the competition between roots for oxygen
associated with the frequent accumulations of water at
the bottom of the container. It has been shown that even
with 10-minute interruption in the supply of oxygen, root
        -
tion, death occurs in the elongation zone above the root tip
(Huck et al., 1999).
FIGURA 4. Efecto del tamaño de partícula del tezontle y de la relación aserrín/tezontle (v/v) sobre la densidad aparente del sustrato durante
30 meses de cultivo con jitomate.
Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura 18(1): 95-111, 2012
FIGURE 4. Particle size effect of volcanic rock and sawdust/volcanic ratio (v/v) on bulk density of the substrate during 30 months of tomato
Las plantas que crecen en contenedores,
especialmente las que duran confinadas por largos
periodos, normalmente desarrollan mayor cantidad de
raíces en el fondo y en el espacio entre el sustrato y las
paredes del contenedor. Esto se debe a la compactación
del medio de crecimiento, el cual produce deficiencia de
oxígeno y muerte de las raíces en el centro del contenedor
(Asady et al., 1985). Este fenómeno puede ser más
acentuado cuando el medio de crecimiento contiene
materia orgánica que entra en descomposición por
microorganismos consumidores de oxígeno.
In containers, substrates tend to compact due to lack
of care in handling, physical impacts on the substrate sur-
face when moving the containers, and due to the excessive
supply of water. Once the substrate is compacted in the
container, the process is irreversible and root growth is re-
duced (Kafkafi, 2008).
According to the results of this study, the use of sawdust
a period of 24 months of continuous growth can be recom-
mended, without risk of negative effects(variation in physical
properties) on tomato’s growth and development.
Aserrín de pino...
El crecimiento vertical hacia abajo es una respuesta
natural al gravitropismo e hidrotropismo, típico de todas las
raíces activas. Sin embargo, en contenedores esto resulta
frecuentemente en una maraña de raíces desarrollándose
en el fondo del depósito, donde pueden ser expuestas a
deficiencia de oxígeno debido a la competencia entre raíces
por el oxígeno asociado a las frecuentes acumulaciones de
agua en el fondo del contenedor. Se ha demostrado que aun
con 10 min de interrupción en el suministro de oxígeno, el
crecimiento de las raíces puede detenerse, y con ausencia
 
elongación arriba de la punta de la raíz (Huck et al., 1999).
En contenedores, los sustratos tienden a compactarse
debido a la falta de cuidado en la manipulación, los impactos
físicos en la superficie del sustrato cuando se mueven los
contenedores y por la sobreirrigación. Una vez compactado
el sustrato en el contenedor, el proceso es irreversible y el
crecimiento de la raíz se reduce (Kafkafi, 2008).
De acuerdo con los resultados de este trabajo, se
puede recomendar el uso del aserrín mezclado con tezontle
de cultivo continuo, sin riesgo de producir efectos negativos
sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo del jitomate por variación
en las características físicas.
Tanto en el aserrín como en las mezclas aserrín/
tezontle, la densidad aparente presentó poca variación
La disminución de la proporción de aserrín y el
aumento en la de tezontle disminuyeron la porosidad, la
retención de humedad y la capacidad de aireación del
El balance adecuado en las propiedades físicas
       
%), capacidad de aireación (>10 %) y densidad aparente
(<0.5 g·cm) del sustrato se mantuvo hasta los 18-24
meses de cultivo con jitomate.
La capacidad de aireación fue la característica física
que presentó mayor variación, mostrando valores por de-
 
continuo con jitomate.
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density (<0.5 g·cm) of the substrate was maintained until
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End of English Version
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Hydroponic or greenhouse production systems allow daily fertilization of vegetable crops, depending on its life cycle, substrate and available water. Sawdust is currently being used successfully as substrate in crop production and for this reason we evaluate the effect of mixtures (v/v) of volcanic rock with fresh and recycled sawdust in production and nu- trient extraction of tomato. A completely randomized design was used with five different treatments, T1: volcanic rock, T2: volcanic rock/recycled sawdust (20/80), T3: volcanic rock/recycled sawdust (30/70), T4: volcanic rock/fresh sawdust (20/80) and T5: volcanic rock/fresh sawdust (30/70). The maximum absorption rate occurred between 60 and 136 days after transplanting (DAT), with a similar pattern in the extraction dynamics, higher than 70 % in all treatments in a decreasing order K > N > Ca > P > Mg. The results indicate that mixtures of volcanic rock/recycled sawdust produce an equal fruit yield and efficiency of nutrient uptake than volcanic rock and mixtures of volcanic rock/fresh sawdust. This indicates that recycling the growing media is a viable alternative and may provide higher yields during several crops cycles if management is appropriate. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: Growing media, reuse, nutrient efficiency, mineral nutrition.
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Pore sizes have traditionally been divided into macropores and micropores with the division between the two being arbitrary. Since most mixes used in container production are ≥ 80% pores by volume, a more detailed pore-fraction analysis seems warranted. Taking into account hydraulic properties and irrigation parameters, pore-size distribution curves were separated into four ranges. Macropores were selected as pore sizes > 416 μ. Pore sizes within the macropore range cannot hold water under tension induced by gravity when allowed to drain after saturation. Mesopores were selected as being in the pore size range of ≤ 416 to ≥ 10 μ. Micropores were categorized into the pore-size range of 0.2 to 10 p. This would be equivalent to volumes of water held between 30 kPa and 1.5 MPa. The water in these pores may be viewed as a type of water stress "buffer" not commonly used under normal irrigations but extracted by plant roots when suctions exceed 30 kPa. Ultramicropores hold water at suctions > 1.5 MPa and would be found in pores with effective pore diameters < 0.2 μ. This water would be considered unavailable to plants. Data derived from this analysis were in good agreement with traditional measures of pore space and particle size distributions for peat-based, bark-based, and soil-based substrates.
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Addition of a polyacrylamide hydrogel to pine bark and pine bark + sand substrates had no effect on total porosity, regardless of incorporation rate. Container capacity was increased with increasing rate of hydrogel in both substrates. Air space in pine bark was slightly increased at the lowest rate but was reduced with higher incorporation rates. Air space in pine bark + sand was reduced with all hydrogel additions. The dry weigh', of hydrogel cubes recovered from both substrates was similar to amounts predicted. This result indicates that blending hydrogel granules into the substrates was uniform and did not contribute to variability in hydrogel studies. After allowing dry hydrogel granules to expand freely in distilled water for 24 hours, hydrogel granules expanded 317 and 372 times their dry weights at the lowest and highest rates, respectively. Reduction of expansion (in water) at higher rates may have been due to physical restriction of expansion. Conversely, recovered hydrogel cubes from substrates watered to drainage (-10% excess) for 6 weeks absorbed 25 to 55 times their dry weight while in the container. Subsequent rehydration of extracted gels in distilled water was greater for hydrogel cubes from the pine bark + sand medium (104 to 130) than in pine bark alone (51 to 88). Because of anomalies in hydraulic conductivity and pressure plate contact, three techniques were used to study unavailable water content in gels expanded in distilled water. Hydrogel cubes placed in direct contact with the pressure plate released ≈95% of their water at pressures ≤ 1.5 MPa. Effectiveness of ployacrylamide gels in coarse-structured substrates is influenced by physical restrictions to expansion in the substrate and hydraulic conductivity between the hydrogel cubes and the surrounding substrate.
Plant production in hydroponics and soilless culture is rapidly expanding throughout the world, raising a great interest in the scientific community. For the first time in an authoritative reference book, authors cover both theoretical and practical aspects of hydroponics (growing plants without the use of soil). This reference book covers the state-of-the-art in this area, while offering a clear view of supplying plants with nutrients other than soil. Soilless Culture provides the reader with an understanding of the properties of the various soiless media and how these properties affect plant performance in relation to basic horticultural operations, such as irrigation and fertilization. This book is ideal for agronomists, horticulturalists, greenhouse and nursery managers, extension specialists, and people involved with the production of plants. * Comprehensive discussion of hydroponic systems, irrigation, and control measures allows readers to achieve optimal performance * State-of-the-art book on all theoretical aspects of hydroponics and soilless culture including a thorough description of the root system, its functions and limitation posed by restricted root volume * Critical and updated reviews of current analytical methods and how to translate their results to irrigation and fertilization practices * Definitive chapters on recycled, no-discharge systems including salinity and nutrition management and pathogen eradication. * Up-to-date description of all important types of growing media.
Microclimate and transpiration measurements of a greenhouse cucumber crop grown in substrate were carried out during spring in 1997 in the South of Spain. Under high radiation conditions the air evaporative demand inside mediterranean greenhouses can reach greater values than outside. During May and June the mean daily global radiation was 20 MJ m-2 d-1. Diurnal transpiration rate was increasing from 2800 g m-2 (LAI 1) to 4100 g m-2 (LAI above 2), whereas night transpiration rate reached values between 120-200 g m-2. Transpiration rate and air vapour pressure deficit (VPD) followed a linear relationship even when values were higher than 3 kPa. The use of a simplified model derived from Penman-Montheith formula, based on climate variables (solar radiation and VPD) both correlates with the canopy development (LAI, leaf area index), gave a good prediction of the hourly transpiration rate. However, for different climate conditions, crops or crop configuration, new coefficients for the particular situations should be adjusted.
This chapter deals with the root system of the plant, focusing on its functions. The root is the first organ to emerge from the germinating seed. Root elongation is a continuous process that is essential for healthy plant growth. It allows the plant to explore new soil volumes for water and nutrients and as a support for the growing plant. Any reduction in the rate of root elongation negatively affects the growth and function of aerial organs which, eventually, is translated into restricted plant development. Continuous root elongation is needed for mechanical anchoring, water uptake, nutrient uptake, and the avoidance of drought conditions. This chapter presents early observations on the importance of root growth and elongation as well as recent work that has unveiled the reasons underlying the field observations. Furthermore, it highlights that knowledge of all the hurdles to root growth is an important tool for increasing world food production. Following this, it discusses the depth of the root system, which has important biological and agronomic consequences: the deeper the roots, the better the plant’s ability to withstand environmental extremes such as long periods of drought and short frost events, and to access nutrients. The phenomena of water uptake and the response of root growth to local nutrient concentrations are also explained. Finally, it provides an understanding of the interactions between environmental conditions and form of nitrogen nutrition and describes the role of roots as source and sink for organic compounds and plant hormones.
Hydroponics and transplant production
This chapter deals with the organic materials used in soilless production: peat, coir, bark, wood products, and compost. It describes their physical and chemical properties and their effect on plant performance. It also discusses the composting process and reviews the biological stability of growing media and disease suppression. Peat has long been used as a component of potting mixes and has become the most widely used growing medium for containers as a complete growing medium by itself. However, the use of peat in horticulture has recently been questioned from an environmental standpoint, since peat is a non-renewable resource and since it plays a major role in atmospheric CO2 sequestration. Alternative organic substrates in organic--inorganic media mixes include waste organic by-products, such as wood industry wastes, urban wastes, cork, wood fibers, livestock manure composts, coconut wastes, etc. While some of these have been in use for a long time, others, such as coir and coconut wastes, have been tried more recently, sometimes with promising results. Alternative organic substrates that are well characterized and corrected by suitable blending with inorganic components make it possible to produce high-quality horticultural plants and contribute to the reduction of overexploitation of natural peat-lands. Chief among replacement materials has been bark and wood fiber from forestry and the wood industry. There is also increasing interest in coconut fiber (coir dust), green waste, and other plant and animal residues.