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Noise Levels in the Health Club Setting

SAGE Publications Inc
Ear, Nose, & Throat Journal


Nonoccupational noise exposure increasingly has become an issue in society as a possible cause of noise-induced hearing loss. Leisure activities such as rock concerts, snowmobiling and auto racing have been shown to produce dangerous levels of noise exposure. Noise-induced hearing loss also has become problematic in the health club setting. A study of the noise levels measured during 125 aerobics classes revealed that club noise levels often exceeded those recommended for occupational noise exposure. Average noise levels during aerobics classes ranged from 78 to 106 dB(A), with 79% of readings reaching 90 dB(A) or more for 60 minutes of class time. Instructors reported that, after class, they received subjective complaints of fluctuating hearing loss and tinnitus from class members 50% of the time. Education of participants and instructors should be encouraged, to increase their awareness that loud noise levels can cause permanent hearing loss and to prevent the occurrence of such loss.
Noise Levels in the Health Club Setting
Kathleen L. Yaremchuk, MDa
Detroit, Michigan
Janet C. Kaczor, MDb
Park Ridge, Illinois
Table. Recommendations for Permissible Noise
Exposures and Duration.*
' From Part 50-204 Safety and Health Standards for Federal Supply
Contra cts, Federal Register, May 20,1969, with c orrect ion of July 15,
with loud noise level s. Because of indi vidual susceptib il-
ity to noise, however, the current regulations will protect
85% of indi vidual s expo sed to reco mmende d noise level s
during a lifetime.'
Many repo rts of nonoccupational or leisure noise expo-
sure that causes hearing loss appear in the literature.>"
Becau se the effect of noise on hearing is cumulative,
individuals must be aware of the risk that certain leisure
activities have in terms of noise exposure.
Music is an integral part of many so cial activities a nd is
played loudly intentionally for the desired effe ct. Rock
concerts and discotheques have been found to be a major
source of noise expo sure .7-10 Rock concerts use high-gain
amplifiers and large speaker systems, the output of which
is usually reamplified by powerful sound reinforcement
systems. The audience is routinely exposed to sound
levels of 120 dB(A) to 140 dB (A). Tempo rary thresh old
shifts of up to 30 dB(A) at 4 kHz have been documented,
with reco very occurring within a few hours to a few days
after expos ure. The risk to performers for noise-induced
hearin g loss is greater than that for the audience and
would be considered occup ational in nature.
Nonoccupational noise exposure increasingly has be-
come an issue in society as a possible cause
induced hearing loss. Leisure activities such as rock
conce rts, snowmobiling and auto racing have been shown
to produce dangerous levels
noise exposure.
Noise-induced hearing loss also has become problem-
atic in the health club setting. A study
the noise levels
measu red during 125 aerobics classes revealed that club
noise levels
ten excee ded those recommend
or occ u-
pational noise exposure. Ave rage noise levels during
aerobi cs cla sses ranged fr om 78 to 106 dB(A), with 79%
readings reaching 90 dB(A) or mo refor 60 minutes
class time. Instructors reported that,
ter class, they
received sub
tive comp laints
flu ctuatin g hearing loss
and tinnitus f rom class members 50 %
the time. Educa-
tion of pa rticipants and instructors should be encour-
aged, to increase their awareness that loud noise levels
can cause permanent hearing loss and to prevent the
such loss.
Occupational noise is known to be a cause of noise-
induced hearing loss.
US Department of Occupa-
tional Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) devel-
oped the Hearin g Con ser vation Am endm ent (De partment
of Labor 1983) that limited occupational exposure to
noise.1The regulations recommend allowable noise lev-
els and duration of noise exposure (Table).
tions apply to all industries with gov ernment contracts or
to those that engage in interstate commerce. Whenever
recommended noise level s are exceeded, emplo yees are
requ ired to partic ipate in a hearing conservation program.
The intent of the regulations was to cover most industries
' Senior St aff, Department of Oto laryngolog
ead a nd Neck Sur gery.
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit , MI.
"North Shore Ear Nose &Th roat, PC, Park Ridge, IL.
Reprint requests to: Kathleen L. Yaremchuk, MD, Department of
Oto laryngo logy- Head an d Neck Surgery , Henr y Ford Hospi tal ,
2799 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48202. Phone : (3 13)
876-3282. Fax: (3 13) 876-7263.
Duration (Hr/Day)
1 1/2
1/4 or less
Sound Level dB(A)
Slow Response
54 ENT-Ear, Nose &Throat
January 1999
Figure 1. Aerobics classes use music as background sound during
structured exercise activities.
Figure 2. Sound pressure
levels were measured with a
portable sound level meter
(Realistic, Model 42-3019).
Methodsand Materials
our study, sound-
pressure levels were mea-
d uri ng
classes at five different
local health clu bs for a
125 classes. Read-
ings were taken at five-
minute intervals using a
porta ble sound-level me ter
with a unidirectional con-
den ser micr
one and
the A
(Fig ure 2). Twelve read-
ings wer e obt ain ed fo r
bic exercise classes are led by an instructor in a health club
setti ng and generally la st for an hour .
participants while music is playe d in the background.
As in the previously discussed situations, the music
tends to be loud to mo tivate participants. Inst ructor s often
find them selve s shouting com mands to par ticip ants, wh ich
may result in vocal fold
abnormalities. To over-
come the strain
ing over mu sic, some in-
structors will use micro-
phon es that are louder than
the bac k
ortunately,thi s allows
music to be played at an
even louder volume .
Elec tronic arcade
are a popular pas-
time amo ng the yo uth in Japan. Mirbod et al
visited three ga me centers and measured noise
88 to 90 dB (A).11They estimated that
these levels
noise might cause 4-8 dB(A)
orar y thresh old shift at 4.0 kHz in indi vidu-
als with less than one hour
exposure.Em ploy-
ees wo uld be at eve n grea ter risk beca use of th
noi se expos ure.
Bess and Pozner evaluated the effects of high -
speed snowmobile engine noise on drivers and
participants.'? Sound pressure level measure-
ment s were obtained on representative samples
of snowmobile eng ines and on spectator areas
aro und th e track . The racing s now mobiles pro-
duced maximum sound levels
136 dB(A) at
level. Measurements in the spec tator area
range d from 85 dB(A
o 11
performed on the drivers a nd pit m echa nics de m-
onstrated the t ypical hi gh-f requ ency no tchin g co mmon ly
seen in noise-induced hearing loss. These losses were
considered to be greater than expected by age when the
threshold s were co
red with a similar age group with
no known noise exposure. T he study indica ted that rac ing
snow mo biles caused hearing damage to drivers and pit
mechanics and suggested that the audie nce was in poten-
tial danger, as well.
Participant s often view noisy enviro nments as excitin g
and necessary to their enjoyment
a parti
Calvert and Clark described this view as a
cial noise
phen om
." In other word s, the "loude r
ul" the activity is con sider ed to be.1
oise also is
associated with power; for instance, a motorcycle engi ne
that is l
is associated with a more
ul delivery
competitio ns are held for automobile
audio enthus iasts who co mpe te o n a udio p erform an ce,
frequency response and noise levels
audio sys-
terns."The ma
sou nd level measured in thi s study
was 154.7 dB (A). Ear protection was not advised for
participants unless so und levels exceeded 115 dB (A).
Th e use
personal head cassetteplayers was studied in
48 7 you ths aged 15 to 24 yea rs in Ho ng Kong.
The mean
canal so und level was
dB (A ). Fo ur yo uths mai n-
tained levels greater than 85 dB(A). Anot
youth chose
a level
116 dB (A) ; subsequent audio metric ev aluation
this individual revealed a high-frequ ency hearing loss.
The prese nce of dangerou s noise levels during aerobics
classes in he alth club s has not b een pre viousl y described.
Aerobics is a form of exe rcise set to music, with planned,
structured, repetitive bodily movements performed to
improve or to maintain phy sical fitness (Figure I). Aero-
Volume 78, Number 1 55
3. Average sound pressure levels (S PL) were measured every five
minutes during classes. The number of readings were plotted against the
average SPL dB(A).
Classes vs. Average Sound Pressure Level
11090 100
4. Individual clubs were compa red for average
noise levels . Sound pressure levels were found to be
highest at the club that utilized a microphone during
their increased freq uency
exposure. Because
many instructors are pa rt-time employees at health clubs,
they also may have anot her occupation with noise expo-
. sure.
This study also showed that noise levels were 100
dB( A) or higher inclubs in w hich a micro pho ne was used .
This practice sho uld be aba ndoned because it predisposes
to continual increases in sound levels.
Currently, no reg ulations exist for acceptable levels
noise exposure during leisure activities, even though po-
tentially hazardous noise levels have been widely docu-
me nted. Cohe n et al hav e suggested criteria for nonoccu-
patio nal noise exposure; these standards are 15 dB(A) less
than those provided by OSHA.5Itis important to recognize
the cumulative effect
hether occupational or
n hearing.
A review
the so und levels measured during 125
aerobics classes demonstrates that participants need to be
informed if noise levels are greater than 90 dB(A), espe -
cially if they also experience occ upational noise expo-
sure. Instructors are at greater risk than participants be-
Noise levels ranged from 78 to 106
dB(A) . Seventy-nine percent (92/125)
readi ngs meas ured be tween 90 and 98
dB(A), and six readings were above 100
dB(A) . Only 2 1%(27)
readings were
below 90 dB(A) (Fig ure 3).
W hen indiv idual health cl ubs were co m-
pared, all values
100 d B(A) or grea ter
were from the same health club. The instructor at this
healt h club used a m icroph one dur ing classes . All val ues
less than 90 dB(A) also were from one club (Fig ure 4) .
Questionn aire resul ts showed that instructors' ages
ranged from 24 to 38 years, with an average
31. The
classes taught per weekranged from two to ten,
with an average
five. The average len gth
instructors had bee n teachin g was four years , with a range
from one to eight years. Fo ur
the 20 instructors sur-
veyed believed that their hearing fluctuated after class
more than 50%
the tim e. Six
the instructors said that
they had tinnitus more than 50%
the time. Audiometric
luations we re offered to instructors to determine
base line hearing levels , but no ne
the ins tructors was
inte rested in an eval uation.
each class, which lasted 60 minutes eac h.
The resultant sound-pressure levels we re
then averaged to obtain one value per
class. Questionnaires were distributed to
20 instructors to determine age, years
experience and number of classes taught
per week. The q uestio nna ire also surveyed
for history of hearing loss, head trauma,
previous otologic surgery, exposure to
ototoxic antibio tics and presence
tom sre ferable to temporary threshold shift,
such as tinnitus or aural fullness.
56 ENT-Ear, Nose &Throat
January 1999
Instructors' subjective co mplaints of tinnitus and fluc-
tuating hearing correlate with temporary threshold shifts
and hearing loss. Unfo rtunately, the instructors surveyed
were not interested in audiometric evaluation. This is not
an unusual response for a young, healthy population that
enjoys loud music. Although this popul ation may be
awar e that loud music can ca use hearing loss ,they have no
real concerns that a disability will occur.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention re-
cently have issued a publi c health recommendation that
every adult participate in moderate-intensi ty physical
activity on most, preferably all, days of the week.IS This
recommend ation could increase involvement in aerobic
group activities and put a substantial number of adults at
risk for hazardous noise exposure.
The ae robics classes that were studied have noiselevels
that may expose participants and instructors to acoustic
trauma, espec ially if these individuals are sub
ted to
occupational noise exposure, as well. Because increased
emphasis rece ntly has been placed on participation in
physical activity and exercise, th e risks of noise expos ure
during these activities needs to be stressed.
The practice of increas ing sound levels to moti vate
participants during aerobics classes is dangerous and
should be abando ned. Health club s should monitor so und
levels in classes to ensure a safe environment for their
members and employees.
I. Federal Register
tment of Lab
Occu pation al
and Health Administra tion-Occ upational Noise E xposure ; Hear-
ing Conservation Amend ment, 1983.
2. Melnick W. Industrial hearing con servation. In: Katz J, editor.
Ha ndbook of clinical audio logy . Baltimo re: Willia ms and Wil kins,
3. Clark W. Noise exposure from leisure activities: A rev iew. J
Aco ust Soc Am 1991; 90: 175-8 1.
4. Lee s R, Rober ts J , Wald Z . Noise- induce d he aring loss and leisure
activities of young people: A pilot study. Can J Public Health
5. Cohen A , Anticag lia J, Jon es H. " Socio cusis" - Hea ring loss
from non-occ upational noise exposure. Sound and Vibration
6. Hughes E, Fortnum AC, Davis MP, et al. Damage to hearing
arising from leisure noise. Br J Audiol 1985;20:157-64
7. Ri ntelman n W . Te mpora ry th reshol d s hift and reco very patt erns
fro m two types of rock and roll music prese ntation . J Aco ust Soc
Am 1972;51: 1249-55.
8. Lebo C, Oliphant K. Musi c as a source of acoustic trauma.
Laryngoscope 1968;78:1211-1 8.
9. Gallagher G. Hot music, high noise and hurt ears. The Hearing
Jo urna l 1987 ;42:7-11.
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10. Barry J, Thomas I. A cli nical stu dy to ev aluate rock music ,
symphonic music and noise as sources of acoustic trauma. J
Aud io En ginee ring Societ y 1972 ;20: 27 1-4.
Mirbod SM, InabaR,Yoshida H,etal. Noiseexposure level while
operating electronic arcade games as a leisure time activity.
Industrial Health 1992;30 :65-76.
12. Bess FH, Poyner RE. Noise- induced hearing loss and snowmo-
biles. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1974;99:45-51.
13. Calvert D, Clark W . The s ocial noise phenomenon and hearing.
Newsnotes, 1983.
14. Wo ng T, Va n Hassel t C. T ang LS , et a l. The use of perso na l
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AmericanCollege of Sport s Medicine. JAMA 1995;273:402-7.
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... These sound levels have the potential to cause noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Temporary threshold shift (TTS, i.e., temporary hearing loss) and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) have been associated with listening to music via personal listening devices and loud speaker systems (Nassar, 2016;Pitts, 2019;Wilson & Herbstein, 2003;Yaremchuk & Kaczor, 1999). For example, Gaeta and John (2016) found 81% of participants in a 60-min Zumba class experienced tinnitus or TTS following the class and Nie and Beach (2016) found half of the fitness instructors they surveyed reported noise-related auditory symptoms such as tinnitus and TTS. ...
... The vast majority of NIHL cases result from long-term noise exposure that is painless, with hearing loss developing slowly over years or decades, making it one of the most insidious disabilities (Pitts, 2019). Although the connection between NIHL and loud recreational activities has been well established (Beach et al., 2013;Beach & Nie, 2014;Nie & Beach, 2016;Sinha et al., 2016;Yaremchuk & Kaczor, 1999), what has not been explored as thoroughly are other human psychophysical responses to music. ...
Purpose Research has documented hazardous sound levels in group fitness classes; however, perceptions of loud sound by fitness class participants, such as how loud and soft sound impacts motivation, whether participants feel empowered to change sound levels, and how sound impacts motivation compared with other characteristics of fitness classes, has not been examined. Method This study examined online survey responses from 249 participants to gain insights into how music level and other environmental aspects of group fitness classes are perceived by participants. Results Findings indicated nonauditory aspects of fitness classes, such as number of attendees, class schedule, difficulty level, and instructor attitude, tended to have a greater impact on motivation than music level. Participants suggested more control over music selection would improve motivation. Too soft music was perceived as a demotivator more often than too loud music. Participants rarely reported trying to modify the sound environment in fitness classes. Conclusions Findings from this study align with a recent theoretical framework proposed by Welch and Fremaux (2017) , called the Conditioning, Adaptation, and Acculturation to Loud Music model, which suggests humans are conditioned to first accept loud music (overcoming natural aversion) and eventually to associate loud music with pleasure. Future research using a modified survey and distributed to large fitness center networks, should be conducted to more fully explore perceptions associated with sound environment in fitness classes.
... Other studies have found average noise levels ranging from 59.0 dBA to 84.0 dBA in various restaurants around the U.S [23][24][25]. Noise levels in aerobics and other fitness classes reportedly range from 78 to 106 dBA [26][27][28]. ...
... Spin (and presumably other exercise) classes represent a unique environment in which both employees and patrons are potentially at risk of developing NIHL. For example, an evaluation of 125 60-minute aerobics classes demonstrated that average noise levels ranged from 78 to 106 dBA, with 79% of the classes generating exposures in excess of 90 dBA [28]. Researchers in England measured noise exposure during a 60-minute aerobics class and reported a mean noise level of 91.8 dBA (±1.5 dBA) and other researchers have found that noise levels have not decreased over time [26,27]. ...
While occupational noise exposures are well understood in certain industries, increasing attention has recently been given to exposures in non-traditional and non-occupational settings. Further, there is growing interest in the use of smartphone sound level meter applications (apps) as an alternative to traditional noise measurement devices such as personal dosimeters. This research utilized a smartphone running the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) sound level meter app and a noise dosimeter to measure noise exposures in office, coffee shop, commuter train, restaurant, and spin class settings. Overall (N = 166), noise levels ranged from between 47.7 dBA and 42.6 dBA in the office setting to 101.2 dBA and 101.7 dBA in the spin class, for the smartphone and dosimeter, respectively. The mean difference in measurements was found to be less than 2.0 dBA (within the accuracy of typical noise measurement instruments) for measurements made in a commuter train, restaurant, and spin class locations. Our results suggest that the NIOSH app (without calibration or an external microphone) can be used as an effective screening tool in some settings, particularly when noise levels are stable and exceed 75 dBA. These results are especially timely as wearables (watches and fitness bands) begin to use internal microphones to measure sounds levels. These technologies may face similar measurement issues as we have identified for smartphones without an external calibrated microphone.
... Others have underscored that, since high-intensity music listening in aerobic classes was shown to relate to enjoyment and motivation to work, exercisers do generally not regard it as dangerously loud. As such, aerobics and variant fitness activities become at-risk activities for noise-induced hearing loss (Yaremchuk and Kaczor, 1999;Nassar, 2001;Wilson and Herbstein, 2003). This notion has also been supported by the trainers themselves, with aerobics/fitness instructors complaining about fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus, and other auditory problems from their profession (Yaremchuk and Kaczor, 1999;Beach and Nie, 2014;Nie and Beach, 2016). ...
... As such, aerobics and variant fitness activities become at-risk activities for noise-induced hearing loss (Yaremchuk and Kaczor, 1999;Nassar, 2001;Wilson and Herbstein, 2003). This notion has also been supported by the trainers themselves, with aerobics/fitness instructors complaining about fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus, and other auditory problems from their profession (Yaremchuk and Kaczor, 1999;Beach and Nie, 2014;Nie and Beach, 2016). Consequently, fitness studio attendance has been explicitly included in a portfolio of potentially harmful activities for adolescents' and young adults' hearing (Beach et al., 2013). ...
Full-text available
In the sports and exercise domain, it has been suggested that musical intensity might boost performance. Previous research revealed that pumping up the volume of music might increase running speed, grip strength, and choice reaction time while simultaneously decreasing time to exhaustion and level of perceived exhaustion. However, evidence is still scarce, experimental designs and tested groups vary significantly, and contradicting evidence exists as well. Yet, listening to high-intensity music could be a risky business and exercisers employing such a strategy to improve performance are vulnerable to developing noise-induced hearing problems. Therefore, future research should inquire more profoundly into the inherent boosting qualities of musical intensity and juxtapose experimental results and auditory repercussions in order to uncover possible strategies to combine both in such a way that the exerciser’s health can be safeguarded at all times.
... Beach and Nie [4] reported average levels of over 93.1 dB(A) during high-intensity fitness activity. Yaremchuk and Kaczor [7] indicated that noise levels during aerobic classes often exceeded the levels recommended for occupational noise exposure, with average noise levels ranging from 78 to 106 dB(A). Maffei et al. [8] found that about 20-25% of physical education teachers could achieve a weekly noise exposure higher than 80 dB(A) induced by sport activity and schools. ...
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This paper deals with noise problems in industrial sites adapted for commercial training venues. The room acoustics of such an object were analyzed in the scope of the reverberation time and potential acoustic adaptation measures are indicated. Identification and classification of noise sources in training facilities and gyms was carried out based on the acoustic measurements. The influence of rubber padding on impact and noise reduction was investigated in the case of chosen noise-intensive exercise activities performed in a previously described acoustic environment. Potential noise reduction measures are proposed in the form of excitation reduction, vibration isolation, and room acoustics adaptation.
... W trakcie zajęć w klubach fitness z rejonu Manchesteru odnotowano poziomy natężenia dźwięku rzędu 89,6 dBA [19], a w San Diego -87,1 dBA [20]. Yaremchuk i Kaczor, analizując głośność muzyki podczas 125 zajęć fitness (w 5 różnych klubach), uzyskali wartości 78-106 dBA [21]. Należy zwrócić uwagę, że natężenie muzyki w trakcie zajęć zależy od wielu czynników, w tym intensywności ćwiczeń, wielkości sali i liczby for the healthy population not exposed to noise, equivalent in terms of sex and age, b) hearing threshold distributions estimated according to ISO 1999:2000 for the healthy population exposed to noise, equivalent in terms of sex, age, job experience and exposure levels uczestników. ...
Full-text available
Background: Music is for many people an integral part of their lives. In recent years, loud music, whether recorded or played live, has been a significant source of noise. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between exposure to high sound levels and temporary threshold shift (TTS) in people working as fitness instructors. Material and methods: The study included a total of 29 people (26 women and 3 men, age: 33±6 years) employed in 8 fitness clubs. The sound levels and the frequency characteristics of noise were assessed using individual dosimetry. Hearing threshold was evaluated by pre- and post-exposure pure tone audiometry (PTA), yielding a total of 116 audiograms. Results: Occupational exposure of fitness instructors to noise lasted 60-120 min and the A-weighted sound pressure level (LAeq,T) in their workplace ranged 76.3-96.0 dBA (M = 87.1 dB). In 12% of individual measurements, the maximum admissible intensity (MAI) value for noise at the workplace was exceeded (MAI = 85 dB). In 41% of the surveyed instructors, a TTS of ≥6 dB at 4 kHz was observed. Conclusions: Fitness instructors may be a risk of hearing impairment related to their work. Med Pr. 2021;72(4):391-7.
... Assessments of noise exposure in sports instructors have shown very high continuous equivalent sound pressure levels [14]. In addition, studies have investigated risks related to noise exposure, symptoms of hearing loss, and awareness of hearing problems among fitness instructors [15][16][17][18][19]. The results from a recent study [20] showed that more than half of fitness instructors were potentially exposed to excess noise and had signs and symptoms of hearing loss. ...
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People seek health and leisure in gyms and fitness halls. In this study, interior acoustics including reverberation time (T) and activity noise levels were studied in 20 indoor sports and gymnasium (IS & G) halls in Amman, Jordan. Interviews and questionnaires were also applied to assess the subjective comfort levels of the acoustic environment in these IS & G halls. The measured values were correlated with the subjective evaluations. The range of measured T values was 1.09–5.38 s. The activity noise level, which was measured with LA,eq over 50 min of activity, ranged between 80.0 and 110.0 dB(A). The average personal noise exposure for instructors was 92.6 dB(A), ranging from 81.0 to 108.0 dB(A), whereas 90% of the measurement results were above the occupational exposure limit (OEL) of 85.0 dB(A), and 40% of instructors were potentially exposed to excessive noise levels. The subjective rating of listening conditions correlated significantly with the reverberation time rather than noise level (p < 0.01). In conclusion, the results from this study show that noise levels generated in the studied IS & G halls present a possible workplace noise hazard. Raising awareness of the risk of hearing problems among instructors working in IS & G halls is highly recommended.
... These researchers concluded that the noise levels occurring during games were much higher than people expected and that frequent exposure to such levels could negatively affect the health of spectators and stadium employees. [7] In a study on health clubs, Yaremchuk & Kaczor [6] found that the noise levels at 125 health clubs ranged from 78 to 106 dBA. In addition, ten of twenty trainers (50%) employed in the health clubs experienced ear pain and suffered from tinnitus. ...
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Background: Many public health professionals have expressed concern that regular participation in recreational settings with high noise levels might induce hearing loss. This study measures the noise levels in a baseball stadium and analyzes baseball fans' attitude of effect of recreational noise exposure on their hearing. Methods: In the baseball stadium, noise levels from the beginning to the end of four games were measured in four seating sections, the red, blue, navy, and outfield sections using a sound level meter. For the survey sample, 344 randomly selected participants who visited the stadium and/or were baseball fans completed a 16-question survey on their noise exposure during the game and on the potential risk of hearing loss. Results: The LAeq average of the 16 measures produced 91.7 dBA, showing a significantly high noise level in the red and navy sections. As a function of frequency by LZeq analysis, the noise levels of low frequencies between 0.05 and 1 kHz were significantly higher than other frequencies except for the outfield section, but the levels abruptly decreased above 1 kHz. Despite the very high noise levels, 70% of the respondents preferred sitting in either the red or the navy section to be closer to the cheerleaders and to obtain a good view. Most respondents reported that they did not consider wearing earplugs, and one-third experienced hearing muffled speech after the game. Notably, they agreed that an information announcement regarding loud noise and hearing protection was needed at the stadium. Conclusions: We conclude that the noise levels in baseball stadiums are high enough to cause hearing damage and/or tinnitus later when applying a rule of 85 dB LAeq for 8 hours with a 3-dB exchange rate. We expect these results to improve public education regarding safe noise exposure during popular sports activities.
... The study concluded that a majority of the aerobic classes tested were significantly above the recomme nded 85 dB level. Interestingly, in the classes that exceeded 100 dB the instructor used a microphone to amplify voice commands [16]. Another study conducted by [17] reiterated previous studies that a typical group exercise class can repeatedly exceed the recommended decibel level. ...
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Abstract Little research exists on hearing health of individuals using cardiovascular entertainment (CE) systems while exercising.The authors have previously researched and discovered patrons of a fitness center voluntarily prefer volume settings above the recommended safe hearing levels. The purpose of this study was to investigate preferences for volume settings of CE systems within the environment of a university fitness center when hearing health warning signs are posted. Participants (N=104) completed a cardiovascular workout while listening to music and/or television on a CE system with earphones. All participants exceeded the manufacturer’s suggested volume setting levels while hearing health warning signs were posted, thus endangering hearing health. Keywords Exercise, Hearing Loss, Cardiovascular, Fitness, Health Clubs
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‘Good health and wellbeing’ is one of the key United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs). By ensuring healthy lives and promoting positive wellbeing, physical and mental activities have been encouraged for all at all ages. In recent decades, fitness culture and industry has significantly grown in many countries to enhance healthy lives and positive wellbeing. With the vigorous development of the fitness industry, a gym has become one of the common facilities within a neighborhood or on a campus in order to promote more and more people to participate in fitness activities. At the same time, the rapid increase in gym construction also provides more employment opportunities for professional fitness coaches. On the other hand, excessive noises and vibrations stemming from certain heavy gym activities can be observed. Accordingly, the NIHL (noise-induced hearing loss) in a gym should receive more attention. According to critical literature reviews, the high-intensity noise in gyms is mainly caused by the drops of heavy steel bars or dumbbells. Today, most gyms adopt cushioned flooring in specific areas, but the effectiveness of noise suppression still needs to be evaluated. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of hearing loss caused by noise doses in a gym. Noises derived from heavy gym sources (i.e., lifting of heavy weights) were monitored and collected for analyses in order to estimate the risk of NIHL in a traditional gym, as well as to assess the measurements against the authoritative criteria to derive some technical guidelines for fitness and gym managers. The outcome of this study will improve insights into acoustic monitoring techniques and practical management within a gym environment.
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This study measures the noise levels in a baseball stadium and analyzes baseball fans’ attitude of effect of recreational noise exposure on their hearing. In the baseball stadium, noise levels were measured in four seating sections using a sound level meter during the games. The LAeq average of the 16 measures produced 91.7 dBA, showing a significantly high noise level in the red and navy sections. As a function of frequency by LZeq analysis, the noise levels were significantly higher in low frequencies than other frequencies. For the survey sample, 688 randomly selected participants completed a 16-question survey on their noise exposure during the game and on the potential risk of hearing loss. Despite the very high noise levels, 70% of the respondents preferred sitting in either the red or the navy section to be closer to the cheerleaders and to obtain a good view. Most respondents reported that they did not consider wearing earplugs, and one-third experienced hearing muffled speech after the game. We conclude that the noise levels in baseball stadiums are high enough to cause hearing damage and/or tinnitus later, but expect these results to improve public education regarding safe noise exposure during popular sports activities.
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Objective. —To encourage increased participation in physical activity among Americans of all ages by issuing a public health recommendation on the types and amounts of physical activity needed for health promotion and disease prevention.
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In order to study noise levels associated with electronic arcade games, noise measurements were made in 3 selected game centers and 192 samples were taken in each location. The background noise was recorded at a level of 61 dB(A) and 64 dB(C). When the electronic games were performed these levels of noise reached to 88 approximately 90 dB(A). The 1/3 octave bands analyzing sound pressure levels showed that more intense noise levels arose in a frequency range between 0.5 and 2.0 kHz. The computed values for noise pollution levels (LNP) and L90 (fast response A-weighted sound level exceeded 90% of the measurement time) ranged from 93.3 to 96.6 and from 85.1 to 87.3 dB(A), respectively. Concerning our results and according to Melnic (1979), it was estimated that these levels of noise might cause 4-8 dB temporary threshold shift (TTS) at 4.0 kHz in an individual with less than one hour of exposure to such a level of noise. As for the employees of the 3 game centers, the 8-hr equivalent continuous sound levels (Leq,8) were in the range of 80.3 approximately 87.5 dB(A), although their exposure time could not be exactly determined. It was suggested that: 1) The maximum levels should be limited to a reasonable level, either by the manufacturers or by the game center owners; 2) Education programs in industry should inform the employees about other factors outside the work that may affect their hearing; and 3) For policy-making on hearing conservation, recreational warning and standards should be established.
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of high-speed snowmobile engine noise on the auditory mechanism. Pre-exposure hearing tests were obtained on 21 racing drivers (42 ears) and five snowmobile mechanics (ten ears). Sound-pressure-level measurements were obtained on representative samples of high-speed engines and also on spectator areas around the race track. All data was collected at Michigan's largest snowmobile racing event, the International 500 at Sault St. Marie, Mich. Results of this study indicated that the racing snowmobiles produced intensities at ear level as great as 136 dB(A) (two thirds throttle). Measurements taken within the spectator area ranged from 85 dB(A) to 113dB(A). Such intensities were thought to be responsible for the high-frequency impairment found in all of the drivers and mechanics.
The purpose of this experiment was to clarify the effects of exposure to intermittent and continuous rock and roll music on hearing threshold level. Twenty normal‐hearing females were exposed to recorded rock and roll music on two occasions in a sound field at 110‐dB sound‐pressure level. One taped recording consisted of music played continuously for 60 min; the other recording was the same music, but with 1 min of discotheque ambient noise (“break times”) spliced between each 3‐min musical selection. Pure‐tone air‐conduction threshold levels were measured monaurally via Békésy audiometry at 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 Hz prior to, and four times following, each exposure. Temporary threshold shift (TTS) and recovery patterns from the continuous and intermittent conditions were compared. Statistical analysis revealed that TTS2 in the intermittent condition was significantly less than in the continuous condition at 2000, 3000, 4000, and 8000 Hz. Recovery time, however, was similar under both conditions.
Recent studies have implicated rock music as a potential source of hearing damage. The present study was designed to evaluate, under carefully controlled clinical conditions, the relative damage potential of rock music, symphonic music, and bandlimited white noise. Ten normal‐hearing subjects were exposed to each program source for 60 min at an average SPL of 95 dB binaurally through electrostaticheadphones. After each exposure a TTS5 was obtained by Békésy audiomerry at each of 10 frequencies. An octave‐band analysis demonstrated that both the rock and symphonic music had very similar frequency spectra being within ±4 dB from 125 to 8000 Hz and having maxima at 500 Hz. The TTS5s for both rock and symphonic music were nearly identical with maximum TTS5s from 2000 to 5000 Hz and averaging 8–10 dB. The white noise, being richer in high frequencies, produced average TTS5s of 11–17 dB for the same test frequency range. Males showed generally higher TTS than females; for example the white‐noise induced TTS5 at 4000 Hz was 22 dB for males and 11 dB for females. In conclusion symphonic music is just as potentially harmful as rock music if played at the same intensity and daily 1‐h exposures at less than or equal to 100 dB SPL appear quite safe for the average listener.
Over the past two decades there has been increasing concern about the role of nonoccupational, or leisure noise on hearing. This paper reviews published studies that detail the noise levels and potential effects of some noisy leisure activities. Considered are the most common sources of leisure noise: exposure to live or amplified rock, classical, or jazz music; exposures from personal listening devices ("walkman" type); noise around the home, and hunting and target shooting. Although all activities listed above have the potential for dangerous levels of noise exposure, the most serious threat to hearing comes from recreational hunting or target shooting.
To assess the prevalence of use of Personal Cassette Players (PCP) among youths in a residential community in Hong Kong, we interviewed 487 youths aged 15-24 years who attended various activities in eight Youth Centres in Shatin, Hong Kong. 394 (81%) reported using the Personal Cassette Player regularly. The mean duration of PCP use was 2.8 years with a median of 2 years. The mean time of listening to PCP was 4.5 hours per week. We further examined 124 subjects by otoscopy and of the 103 otoscopically normal individuals, audiometric tests were performed. Among the 78 PCP users and 25 non-users, no significant difference in the mean hearing threshold was observed for the frequencies tested. The mean ear canal sound level was 70.4 dBA. Four subjects were habitually exposed to sound levels higher than 85 dBA. One was exposed to 116 dBA and was found to have a 4000 Hz dip on his audiogram, suggestive of noise-induced hearing loss. In general, despite the high prevalence of PCP use, most youths used their PCP at relatively safe sound levels with low risk of hearing loss. However, education directed towards the youth with respect to the potential hazard on hearing due to improper and prolonged use of PCP is still warranted.