
Effect of micronutrients on physiological parameters in relation to yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in rice-fallow Gangetic alluvial soil

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... The dry matter production increased continuously up to maturity. The process of dry matter accumulation in sunflower was continuous due to its genetic ability to absorb inorganic materials for synthesizing carbohydrates until it matures (Sarkar et al., 1998) [10] . Application of sulphur significantly affected the dry matter accumulation in plants. ...
... The dry matter production increased continuously up to maturity. The process of dry matter accumulation in sunflower was continuous due to its genetic ability to absorb inorganic materials for synthesizing carbohydrates until it matures (Sarkar et al., 1998) [10] . Application of sulphur significantly affected the dry matter accumulation in plants. ...
... P play an important role in the translocation of assimilates to the panicles and also as a constituent of protoplasm. This explains the reason for the increased length of the panicle, panicle weight and number of grains per panicle [33,34]. It was observed that application of zinc increased the number of panicles per unit area. ...
... As zinc is a part of various enzymes and hormones, it favoured increased synthesis of enzymes and hormones along with the metabolization of major nutrients which would inturn promote growth components. Sarkar et al. (1998) reported that use of increased doses of ZnSO 4 increased the shoot dry matter production in wheat. The treatment T 4 (50% RDF) recorded the lowest dry matter due to less number of tillers per hill as it received less nutrients and no biofertilizers. ...
... Similarly, the highest leaf area index was recorded at 75 DAS. The decrease in CGR towards maturity might be due to natural senescence of older leaves (Sarkar et al. 1998). A quick response was observed at 0.75 kg boron per ha which was higher than the increased rate of boron application i.e. 1.5 kg/ha. ...
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A field experiment was conducted during spring seasons of 2005 and 2006 on a sandy loam soil at the research farm of the Division of Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to study the effect of different nitrogen sources, sulphur and boron on growth, physiological parameters and productivity of spring sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). The effect of the two sources of nitrogen, i.e. prilled urea (PU) and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) on various growth parameters of spring sunflower like leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR), relative growth rate (RGR) and net assimilation ratio (NAR) were remained statistically on par with each other. However, the application of higher doses of sulphur (50 kg sulphur/ha) and boron (1.5 kg boron/ha) enhanced significantly all the growth parameters. LAI increased substantially between 50-75 days after sowing (DAS) and the highest values were recorded at 75 DAS. Application of the nutrients increased the dry matter accumulation of the crop plant and hence, other growth indices like CGR, RGR and NAR also increased significantly. The crop achieved the highest CGR in between 50-75 DAS while the RGR and NAR values were recorded highest at the initial crop growth stages and declined thereafter. The highest seed yield (2 011.9 & 2 001.9 kg/ha in 2005 and 2006 respectively) and total biological yield (4 207.1 & 4 177.4 kg/ha in 2005 and 2006, respectively) were obtained with application of 1.5 kg B/ha, S application also showed a significant effect on seed and biological yields. Harvest index (HI) was not influenced significantly due to above fertilization. very low because of the existed sub-optimal soil fertility conditions. Nitrogen supply strongly influences the crop growth through its effect on leaf area development and photosynthetic capacity (Tenebe et al. 1996, Tonev 2006). Ammonium (NH 4 +) and nitrate (NO 3 -) are the two sources of nitrogen supply, which influences crop growth, especially at the initial crop growth stage. Calcium ammonium nitrate is supposed to be a better source as it alters sugar metabolism and certain physiological phenomena. Sunflower is considered as a heavy feeder of nutrients, particularly sulphur, being an oilseed crop.
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This study was conducted to determine the effects of foliar molybdenum and zinc application at different rates on some yield and quality traits in sunflower in Samsun in 2002. The experiment was set up in two factor randomized complute block design with three replication. In trial, AS-6310 sunflower variety was used. Molybdenum was provided from Molytrac contain 250 g/lt Mo and Zinc was provided from Zintrac 70 % w/v Zn. Molybdenum doses applied four rates (0, 100, 200 and 300 g/da) and Zinc doses applied five rates (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 ppm/da). Table diameter, oil content, protein content and oil yield were not effect of different molibdenum and zinc doses. Increased molibdenum doses was reduced sunflower seed yield. Seed yield was not effect different zinc doses. (PDF) Farklı Dozlarda Uygulanan Molibden ve Çinkonun Ayçiçeğinde Verim ve Bazı Özelliklere Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Available from: [accessed Dec 01 2018].