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Developing a conceptual model of user engagement for mobile-based augmented reality games


Abstract and Figures

This paper suggested a conceptual model of user engagement for mobile based augmented reality (AR) games. Literature revealed the importance of user engagement for defining a successful technology application such as game. However, user engagement in particular is still not clearly studied for the mobile augmented reality games area. This paper critically reviewed the relations of user engagement elements in the mobile augmented reality game and guidelines that related to engagement for such type of games. It then recommended eight attributes of user engagement conceptual model for mobile based augmented reality games that can be used by game designer to design engaging mobile AR games for the industry and future AR engagement research.
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77:29 (2015) 913 | | eISSN 21803722 |
Full Paper
Dendi Permadi, Ahmad Rafi*
Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University Cyberjaya,
63100 Malaysia
Article history
1 July 2015
Received in revised form
3 September 2015
11 October 2015
*Corresponding author
Graphical abstract
This paper suggested a conceptual model of user engagement for mobile based
augmented reality (AR) games. Literature revealed the importance of user engagement
for defining a successful technology application such as game. However, user
engagement in particular is still not clearly studied for the mobile augmented reality games
area. This paper critically reviewed the relations of user engagement elements in the
mobile augmented reality game and guidelines that related to engagement for such type
of games. It then recommended eight attributes of user engagement conceptual model
for mobile based augmented reality games that can be used by game designer to design
engaging mobile AR games for the industry and future AR engagement research.
Keywords: Augmented reality, mobile game, user engagement
Kertas ini mencadangkan satu model konsep penglibatan pengguna untuk mudah alih
berasaskan realiti diperkukuhkan (AR) permainan. Kesusasteraan mendedahkan
kepentingan penglibatan pengguna untuk menentukan aplikasi teknologi yang berjaya
seperti permainan. Walau bagaimanapun, penglibatan pengguna khususnya masih tidak
dikaji dengan jelas bagi kawasan permainan realiti tambahan mudah alih. Kertas kerja ini
dikaji semula secara kritikal hubungan unsur-unsur penglibatan pengguna dalam mudah
alih diperkukuhkan permainan realiti dan garis panduan yang berkaitan dengan
penglibatan untuk apa-apa jenis permainan. Ia kemudian disyorkan lapan sifat-sifat
penglibatan pengguna model konseptual untuk mudah alih berasaskan permainan realiti
tambahan yang boleh digunakan oleh pereka permainan untuk mereka bentuk
melibatkan diri permainan AR mudah alih untuk industri dan penyelidikan penglibatan AR
masa depan.
Kata kunci: Realiti diperkukuhkan, permainan mudah alih, penglibatan pengguna
© 2015 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved
Augmented reality (AR) is defined as a technology
whereby computer generated information and input is
blended into our real environment view via the
camera live feed in real-time [1]. Highlighted by [2]
mobile AR especially should receive more attention as
its progress is remarkable and potentially have millions
of users. However, they stated there are still difficulties
remained thus no killer AR apps appear. Pucihar and
Coulton [3] addressed the challenge in designing user
experience for evaluating future AR applications.
According to [4] designing AR game is a challenging
task and required to look at the perspective of how to
create lasting player experiences. They highlighted
that it must encompass all traditional aspects,
10 Dendi Permadi & Ahmad Rafi / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 77:29 (2015) 913
particularly on how to combine elements from
classical games with the technology of AR to
enhancing player experience. There is still lack of study
in user engagement criteria that specifically
addressed for mobile AR game research to benefit
designer in the future [5]. Moreover, there are issues
along with design guideline to enhance engagement
for mobile AR games [3] [5]. Therefore, the present
study aims to propose a conceptual AR user
engagement model within the mobile game context
in order to fill the gap within AR user engagement
Chapman [7] stated that engagement is something
that attracts and holds our attention. Quesenbery [8]
also proposed engagement as a dimension of usability
that is influenced by the user’s first impression of the
application and enjoyment from using it. A more
detailed research identified by [9] discovered aspects
that lead to the engagement which are challenge,
fantasy, curiosity and control [10]. Similarly, [11]
conducted a study to define engagement as a quality
of user experience. They categorized engagement as
attributes of challenge, positive affect, aesthetic and
sensory appeal, feedback, attention, endurability,
interactivity, variety/novelty, and perceived user
Mayes and Cotton [12] defined engagement as
how fun is involving and motivating a task in computer
games. Chen, Kolko, Cuddihy and Medina [13]
presented their model of engagement for digital
games where they stated three main factors that
determine engagement namely interest, attention
and immersion. Another work in engagement for video
games also developed by [14] which they
investigated and revised the existing work of user
engagement scale by [15] to fit user engagement in
video games based environment. Four factors that
determined user engagement scale specifically for
video games were identified i.e. focused attention,
perceived usability, aesthetics and satisfaction.
Rutledge and Neal [16] introduced the Positive
Engagement Evaluation Model (PEEM) to incorporate
holistic, qualitative experience in interactive and
mobile and augmented reality applications. They
presented the eight evaluation matrix to evaluate
engagement using the theoretical framework into a
series of evaluation prompts that may come from
either the developer or the user i.e. goal, attention,
interaction, concentration, content, identity
collaboration and emotional outcome of satisfaction.
This matrix has been tested on AR application, and
compared with several AR applications such as e-
learning, e-business, e-government and AR game [5]
Additionally, [17] presented mixed fantasy triad that
identified virtual, real and imagination are three
content aspects in achieving mixed fantasy.
Imagination that blend with virtual and real content
will trigger player’s emotional which important in
engaging player.
Table 1 Summary of Related Models to Develop User Engagement Conceptual Model for Mobile-based AR Games
Element from the
Related to digital games
Related to AR technology
UES for Video
of good game
UE in Games
Fantasy Triad
Player skill
Social Interaction
Perceived Usability
Felt Involvement
11 Dendi Permadi & Ahmad Rafi / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 77:29 (2015) 913
Many researchers have selected the flow theory to
define engagement [11] [7]. This theory suggested
that flow [20] as the state where user or person
become so engaged with and really focused on an
activity, then felt of lose track of time and
experiencing satisfaction as being totally absorbed,
well suited for game design and AR application [18].
Sweetser and Wyeth [19] for example considered this
theory as their basis of developing a new model
called GameFlow to identify eight elements of
enjoyment namely concentration, challenge, player
skill, control, clear goals, feedback, immersion, and
social interaction. This paper has evaluated six
related models with the elements of user
engagement as presented in Table 1.
The results of the study suggested eight factors that
are able to maximize the impact of user
engagement for AR mobile games development.
These are:
3.1 Clear Goals
According to [16], the process towards the goal is the
main source of the reward experience in achieving
optimal engagement for AR applications. Goals are
clearly as one of components should provide in
games. Additionally, [19] explained overriding and
intermediate goals would require players to continue
playing the games to find out the answers.
3.2 Satisfaction
As suggested by [14] that satisfaction in user
engagement as novelty, endurability and felt
involvement. Novelty is represented as the level of
interest and curiosity whereby trigger from something
unfamiliar or new. However, in mobile AR games,
novelty for engagement is not related to the novel
interaction of AR technology. As reported by [21] the
wow effect on the novelty of interaction in AR
technology only amazed the first time people when
see it, but it quickly regressed. In actual fact, curiosity
and novelty tend to be more mystery and
puzzlement thus triggered people for wanting to
learn more till they ensured to complete in
understanding it [9]. Endurability on the other hand,
pertained the concept of like hood to returns to the
application and future recommendation to other
users. It is explained as an overall user experience
evaluation in the form of successful, rewarding and
worthwhile. The third aspect, felt involvement
suggested the user to have a feeling of being
engaged with enjoyment in interaction process. In
the context of mobile user engagement, this aspect
may involve enjoyment, fun and relaxation, but
depend on the specific time and places [11].
3.3 Focused Attention
Focused attention is defined as the mental activity
for concentrating on only one stimulus attention and
ignoring all others [22]. This in fact will keep the user’s
attention in order to engage or immerse them in any
activity of AR applications [16] and is a component
of Flow [11]. The fidelity and presentation of the
game’s audio and graphics are affected the level of
engagement during playing video game. In this
context, the visual and audio need should be easier
to understand [23]. In addition to this, [19] suggested
that users be introduced a background story and
kept the attention by providing variety of mission and
feedback, high workload while still being appropriate
for players and not distracted game task.
3.4 Mixed Fantasy
In the mixed fantasy triad, it is important to balance
between both virtual and physical content.
Stapleton [17] suggested three different content to
be considered i.e. virtual, real and imagination
content. Other factors included the way to locate a
precise virtual 3D object in real environment setting
[6]. Unlike in the virtual world, objects in AR games
are immersed in the real worlds. Thus, it would be a
challenge to design seamless merge content
between virtual and physical world. Rutledge and
Neal [16] added that identity is crucial in this context
to engage user imagination via integration or
imaginative projection of user into experience.
3.5 Perceived Usability
According to [11], usability refers to the how
convenience and ease of use to everyday life
situations particularly for mobile technology.
Nylander, Lundquist, Brännström and Karlson [24]
found that participants were more comfortable in
doing simple activity such as reading on mobile
device, whereas computer is for a more complex
activity. A guideline in choosing marker tracking
effectively, ease of use and convenience has been
highlighted by [4] particularly sensor unreliability and
connectivity loss [25]. For instance, [3] stated that
marker-based tracking are not optimal for gaming,
as users have to obtain new marker and continually
carry the marker.
3.6 Challenge
Challenge motivates the player to continue play the
game by finishing all challenges provide inside game
such as surpassing opponents, reaching desired goal,
mastering skills and testing skills [19]. In this context,
games should be sufficiently challenging to match
the player’s skill level. The level of difficulty needs to
increase and vary through the game process in order
to maintain the player interest and keep appropriate
pace [19].
12 Dendi Permadi & Ahmad Rafi / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 77:29 (2015) 913
3.7 Interaction
Interaction in AR is slightly different than other
technology for the users to interact with real physical
world. Good interaction design will create more
enjoyable feeling [25] [19] that significant for
engagement [4]. According to [26], mobile user
tends to play for negative reasons mainly due to
boredom, depression and escapism or killing time
3.8 Social
According to [16] the social element in game such as
multiplayer function, leader board, and social
network links are necessary include in order
engaging user in interactive mobile technology.
Persuasion power of social connection, competition
and collaboration in design decision for game are
affecting user to voluntary engage with other, it will
become motivation for future use and
recommendations to other. The importance
explained by other study that found unique social
interaction shown in same player’s behavior for both
normal real face to face conversations and in the
collaboration augmented reality application [28].
The proposed user engagement model for mobile-
based AR game is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Proposed Conceptual User Engagement Model for Mobile-based AR Game
There were eight attributes have been examined
based on the existing model, studies and theories of
engagement as a basis to draw a conceptual model
of mobile based AR game. The analysis were
carefully studied the pattern of the models and
tailored it to suit this type of game for better
engagement of users’ experience. This research
finding should benefit both, industry and academic
by elaborating on the theoretical understanding of
the potential eight attributes that influence mobile
AR games user engagement. As for game designer,
this research revealed that there are various avenues
that should be explored in order to ensure an
engaging experience in designing mobile AR games.
Further, this conceptual model can also be extended
to other AR-related application. The researchers are
currently developing other studies in order to
evaluate the capability of AR in enhancing the users’
imagination in real physical world.
13 Dendi Permadi & Ahmad Rafi / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 77:29 (2015) 913
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... It is defined as the investment a learner is ready to commit when interacting with a digital system based on the quality and intensity of the interaction [62]. High levels of engagement may attract the user, hold the attention and interest, improve performance, and thus contribute to the effectiveness of learning [47,63]. Several research works have investigated the aspect of engagement with AR learning environments and report that AR has the potential to increase engagement [35,47,57,63,64]. ...
... High levels of engagement may attract the user, hold the attention and interest, improve performance, and thus contribute to the effectiveness of learning [47,63]. Several research works have investigated the aspect of engagement with AR learning environments and report that AR has the potential to increase engagement [35,47,57,63,64]. Higher levels of engagement are connected to AR, as it offers and promotes different forms of interaction with the system, media, or technology [65,66]. ...
... When the AR learning environment is offered without a game (setting B), user engagement is higher than for the combined learning approach (A) (r= 0.32) ( Table 9). Our study thus supports the results of previous studies according to which AR can help to strengthen user engagement [35,47,57,63,64]. ...
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In the course of digitalization, new technologies and innovations are continuously introduced to the educational sector. For instance, augmented reality (AR) is increasingly applied in science teaching in both school and higher education. Combining real and virtual content potentially enhances interactivity and understanding of the learning process. This teaching and learning approach can positively impact various learning outcomes, such as learning gains and motivation. This paper aims to investigate the positive learning effects of AR using a game-based AR learning environment: “Beat the Beast”. In line with the concept of an education for sustainable development (ESD) topic, microplastics, this learning environment follows an interdisciplinary approach, combining the subjects of biology, chemistry, and engineering. To determine and distinguish the effects of implementing the technology AR in science learning environments as well as the principles of game-based learning, we contrasted the learning environment into two factors: one with AR and one without AR and the other with a game and without a game. A quasi-experimental design with 203 pre-service teachers of the first semester of all subjects was chosen to evaluate the four different types of settings with questionnaires on motivation, technology acceptance, user engagement, cognitive load, computer self-efficacy, knowledge, and ESD outcomes in higher education. Our research demonstrates that although augmented reality (AR) imposes a relatively elevated cognitive load, it does not negatively affect learning effects. In spite of the increased cognitive load, learners in AR settings do not exhibit lesser knowledge acquisition compared to those in alternative environments. Moreover, our investigation highlights AR’s potential to amplify motivation and user engagement. Contrary to expectations, in the context of the selected subject matter and target audience, game-based adaptations of the educational environment fail to enhance learning outcomes. These versions actually underperform compared to other formats in both motivational and engagement metrics.
... Although the usage of this persuasive technology is on the rise, there is a scarcity of conceptual and practical models to serve as a guide when designing AR applications for UX. Most of the existing models focused only on the AR application development [25], [26], games development [27], [28], or AR for learning [29]. Although there exist models on AR UX, their emphasis has been on overall system development [30] and researching user acceptability on AR applications [31], rather than investigating the relationship between AR design components, emotions, and UX. ...
... The summary of the existing AR models is presented in Table I. Table I, most of the existing models focused on the overall AR product development [25], [26], [53], [58], user engagement [28], AR learning [29], [55], [56], games development [27], [28], [57], and user acceptance or adoption of the MAR applications [31], [40]. However, none of these models put an emphasis on the AR design components that may elicit a positive emotional UX, thus need further research [59], [60]. ...
... The summary of the existing AR models is presented in Table I. Table I, most of the existing models focused on the overall AR product development [25], [26], [53], [58], user engagement [28], AR learning [29], [55], [56], games development [27], [28], [57], and user acceptance or adoption of the MAR applications [31], [40]. However, none of these models put an emphasis on the AR design components that may elicit a positive emotional UX, thus need further research [59], [60]. ...
... Despite the fact that a model presented by [26] focused on UX, the model was intended only for overall AR system development, comparable to a model presented by [41]. While there are models that concentrated on user engagement, the model proposed by [42] emphasized on identifying the game elements that foster user engagement, while [39] focused solely on the engagement factors for hearing impact users. Other UX models were merely concerned on user acceptance and adoption [33], [40]. ...
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The user experience, often known as UX, is the key factor in determining a product success and increase user’s acquisition. However, this field of research lacks conceptual and practical models to follow when designing pervasive technologies such as mobile augmented reality (MAR). To convey a pleasant UX, it is necessary to identify the contributing factor and the components that influence the enhancement of the MAR design. The findings of the study indicated that emotions are the main factor that drives the user’s perception and hence, their choice and pleasure. This paper presents a preliminary model for designing an emotional UX mobile augmented reality application with the use of Kansei engineering approach. Ultimately, this model will provide insight into the design fundamentals that influence the user experiences. The outcomes of this study will assist researchers and designers in shaping the emotional user experience design.
... Not only does it matter in terms of getting visibility and growing a user base, but it is also essential from a business perspective, since users' actions online; like clicking, commenting, and sharing have an impact on important behaviors to the application, such as purchasing or donating [11]. As it stands, an increase in user engagement can result in a rise in revenues and app growth [13]. ...
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Most people nowadays use mobile phones, and they do a lot of things with this device, including online shopping through an app since it saves a lot of time, and they can choose a broad range of products even with just a small screen. User engagement is one of the factors that affect the design of an app. Referring to the quality of the user that emphasizes the interaction between the user and the app. Numerous studies internationally have studied user engagement and app design but not specifically with the user engagement towards shopping apps design. We conducted this study to assess the effectiveness of user engagement towards online shopping apps design. Also, the purpose of this study is to identify user engagement factors that will produce a successful good shopping app design. The results show a high level of user engagement and online shopping apps design. It has also been found that among the indicators of user engagement, attention and satisfaction are the two predictors of the design of online shopping apps.
... The research raised the understanding of how user engagement can be essential to a mobile augmented reality application's success, and also presented how it is necessary to company's looking for more user attraction. Not only in terms of getting more visibility, but it is also essential for flexibility of work by company employees [35]. Recently, academic institutions brought this concept into their core business strategy. ...
Conference Paper
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With the rapid advances in mobile technologies, new generations are becoming increasingly looking for engagements and being able to access information anytime and in anywhere. In the other hand, one of the main goals of Colleges and universities is to reach national and international recognition. Recently many Universities used new strategies to stay competitive, trying to adopt new technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) To capture students’ attention. This new technology is shaping the future of many filed like education, marketing and advertisement, empowering it by interactivity and 3D content. Augmented Reality (AR) had used as a useful tool in education, but besides teaching and learning, technology may play an important role in university and student engagement. The research aims to study the effect of using augmented reality (AR) on human interaction and engagement. The study focuses on designing an AR prototype framework and a pilot AR application to test its impact on the user's interaction engagement with the university building wayfinding and information platform. The researcher assumes that by applying AR technology, it will help in conveying complex data to solve a real problem, improve two way of communication between universities and students, employees and visitors, provide them with information, engage them with building facilities. Research findings assume that AR UI and UX collaborate to achieve students engagement. Universities may consider thinking of the efficacy of AR implementations within their business strategy, to follow up with rapid changes in the student perception and expectations to enrich its recognition in recent intense competition. Keywords: Augmented Reality (AR), User Experience (UX), user interface (UI), Engagement
... The research raised the understanding of how user engagement can be essential to a mobile augmented reality application's success, and also presented how it is necessary to company's looking for more user attraction. Not only in terms of getting more visibility, but it is also essential for flexibility of work by company employees [35]. Recently, academic institutions brought this concept into their core business strategy. ...
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With the rapid advances in mobile technologies, new generations are becoming increasingly looking for engagements and being able to access information anytime and in anywhere. In the other hand, one of the main goals of Colleges and universities is to reach national and international recognition. Recently many Universities used new strategies to stay competitive, trying to adopt new technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) To capture students’ attention. This new technology is shaping the future of many filed like education, marketing and advertisement, empowering it by interactivity and 3D content. Augmented Reality (AR) had used as a useful tool in education, but besides teaching and learning, technology may play an important role in university and student engagement. The research aims to study the effect of using augmented reality (AR) on human interaction and engagement. The study focuses on designing an AR prototype framework and a pilot AR application to test its impact on the user's interaction engagement with the university building wayfinding and information platform. The researcher assumes that by applying AR technology, it will help in conveying complex data to solve a real problem, improve two way of communication between universities and students, employees and visitors, provide them with information, engage them with building facilities. Research findings assume that AR UI and UX collaborate to achieve students engagement. Universities may consider thinking of the efficacy of AR implementations within their business strategy, to follow up with rapid changes in the student perception and expectations to enrich its recognition in recent intense competition. Keywords: Augmented Reality (AR), User Experience (UX), user interface (UI), Engagement
Recently, the virtual laboratory is developing rapidly. One indicator is the number of Mathematics students both state and private Universities in Central Java who are looking for references related to practical geometry courses via online between lectures. This raises concern as a lecturer in adding value to lectures, which are adapted to the 21st-century learning era today by creating virtual laboratories based on Virtual Reality. This research employed the ADDIE R & D model (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation and Evaluation) after the product is finished, the next step is implementing and marketing the product in state and private university in the region of Central Java and its surroundings. The consideration of creating the virtual lab is that the science virtual lab product has not been developed much in Indonesia, in fact, this lab is able to display virtual and augmented reality which can increase motivation and learning outcomes. Based on the validation of media and material experts on the virtual geometry lab product, the scores show that the virtual geometry lab product is very suitable for implementing and more than 90% of lecturers and students at the PGRI Semarang University are very happy to implement it.
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Mobile augmented reality (AR), which features computer-generated imagery overlaid onto the physical world, has been recognized as a promising interface to support human–computer interaction bound to physical and social contexts. By wearing or carrying mobile devices, users are able to access and manipulate AR contents in a broad range of indoor and outdoor environments. The enhanced engagement in constructing meaning and understanding in the real world provides a basis for analyzing cognitive issues in mobile AR from an embodied perspective. Recognizing the close connection between mobile AR interaction and human cognition, this chapter provides an overview of cognitive issues through the lens of mobile AR interaction. Information presentation, physical interaction and shared experience are identified as three primary categories of cognitive issues in mobile AR interaction. The relevant aspects involved in these three categories are discussed in order to deepen the understanding of the influence of mobile AR interaction on cognitive functioning. This chapter aims to provide insights into the significance of cognitive issues affecting the usability of mobile AR systems and has implications for fulfilling the potential of mobile AR technology in strengthening users’ cognition in the future design.
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Despite considerable progress in mobile augmented reality (AR) over recent years, there are few commercial entertainment systems utilizing this exciting technology. To help understand why, we shall review the state of the art in mobile AR solutions, in particular sensor-based, marker-based, and markerless solutions through a design lens of existing and future entertainment services. The majority of mobile AR that users are currently likely to encounter principally utilize sensor-based or marker-based solutions. In sensor-based systems, the poor accuracy of the sensor measurements results in relatively crude augmentation, whereas in marker-based systems, the requirement to physically augment our environment with fiducial markers limits the opportunity for wide-scale deployment. While the alternative online markerless systems overcome these limitations, they are sensitive to environmental conditions (i.e. light conditions), are computationally more expensive, and present greater complexity of implementation, particularly in terms of their system-initialization requirements. To simplify the operation of online markerless systems, a novel, fully autonomous map initialization method based on accelerometer data is also presented; when compared with alternative move-matching techniques, it is simpler to implement, more robust, faster, and less computationally expensive. Finally, we highlight that while there are many technical challenges remaining to make mobile AR development easier, we also acknowledge that because of the nature of AR, it is often difficult to assess the experience that mobile AR will provide to users without resorting to complex system implementations. We address this by presenting a method of creating low-fidelity prototypes for mobile AR entertainment systems.
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Why talk about usability in a book about information design? Although there is not yet a consensus on a single definition of information design, one that I like is making "information accessible and usable to people" (Sless, 1992, p. 1). It is not enough to design well: We must also achieve information design that is usable. We therefore need to establish what "usable" means, so in this chapter I present five dimensions of usability, which can be used in several ways: • As a model, they provide a way to understand what kind of usability is needed in different contexts; • As a tool, they help guide the design process, suggesting both a general approach and specific choices; • For evaluation, they are both useful as a way of understanding why a design is failing, and suggest appropriate techniques to get the design right. This multifaceted view of usability allows designers of both complex and simpler products to understand user requirements and evaluate the success of the design. The work of an information designer shares elements with others including user experience designers, information architects, graphic artists, interaction designers, user interface designers, usability engi-neers, writers, content managers, indexers, and quite a few more.
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Interactive technologies and applications are pushing the boundaries of traditional user experience (UX) design, development, and testing. Users are mobile and actively interact with content across multiple media and technologies. On the content producer side, the trend toward collaborative, transmedia narrative-based properties unfolding over time and multiple devices, challenges the utility of domain or technology-specific evaluation frameworks. As user expectations rise and multi-device applications become more complex, traditional and singularly-focused usability and functionality testing provides insufficient requirements to create user engagement. This paper introduces the Positive Engagement Evaluation Model (PEEM), designed to incorporate qualitative experience in interactive and mobile applications. To identify the core drivers of user experience, the PEEM integrates current findings in neuroscience, cognition, and perception with theories of optimal engagement, flow, narrative transportation, persuasion, and motivation. Currently in pilot testing, this model incorporates a decision-tree and evaluation matrix that distinguishes between the critical differences of task-based and narrative-based applications. This paper discusses the theoretical development of the model and the task-based matrix, the first of the two evaluation matrices in development. The matrix presents evaluation criteria framed from both the designer/developer and user perspectives. Our goal is to provide developers, designers, and producers with a customizable tool based on current findings across the social sciences and neurosciences, to guide decisions and iterative processes of testing and development. Limitations and implications for further research are discussed.
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This paper describes a study that was performed to define a model of "engagement" in digital games and the problems encountered with our testing methods. Drawing upon multiple disciplines, our working model of engagement was meant to help describe, predict, and analyze the conditions that create a high level of engagement in players. To refine the model and develop a methodology for studying engagement, an exploratory prototype study was performing in which participants were observed playing a pair of games (The Curse of Monkey Island and The Oregon Trail 5 th Edition). This study used common usability testing methods along with a pre-and post-test modeled after Witmer and Singer's Presence Questionnaire and a flow test at timed intervals. Unfortunately, it became clear that our testing methods needed refinement, though we believe the engagement model may still be useful as a common artifact informed from multiple disciplines.
The intermolecular potential energy surface (PES) of the ground electronic state for the Ar–BrCl dimer is constructed at the CCSD(T) level with the aug-cc-pVQZ basis set and mid-bond functions. The PES is characterized by three minima and two saddle points. The global minimum corresponding to a collinear Ar–BrCl configuration, which has been observed experimentally, is located at R = 4.10 Å and θ = 2.5° with a well depth of −285.207 cm−1. A nearly T-shaped structure and an anti-linear Ar–ClBr geometry is also predicted. The bound state calculations are preformed to study intermolecular vibrational modes, rotational levels and average structures for the complex. Our transition frequencies, spectroscopic constants and average structures for all isotopomers of the collinear isomer agree well with experimental data. We have also provided pure rotational transitional frequencies for both nearly T-shaped and anti-linear isomers. These results are significant for further experimental investigations of the Ar–BrCl dimer.
Video games continue to grown in popularity and presently account for annual revenues in the billions of dollars. Although the technologies underlying a modern video game are well understood, the characteristics of a game that make it a success are not. The Engagement Questionnaire (EQ) is introduced in an attempt to capture those dimensions that are thought to influence the degree to which a user becomes engaged while playing a video game. Our goal was to develop a metric that could be applied to a broad range of video game genres (e.g., action, adventure, strategy, sports) and video game users (e.g., expert/novice, male/female, young/old). Factor analyses of data representing 243 participants suggested the existence of five stable factors among 46 questionnaire items. These dimensions were labeled Interest, Authenticity, Curiosity, Involvement and Fidelity. Though further empirical testing is necessary, we expect that the questionnaire will prove to be a useful tool for the appraisal of video games, as well as for the identification of critical differences between those who play them.
Designing successful products for e-commerce, e-learning, and e-government has many challenges. This is especially true for emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR) where one of the primary determinant success factors is user acceptance. While much is known about usability and user experience (UX) design, less has been researched about creating designs to support a psychological flow state, where users become fully engaged with a product. Designers should consider flow state as optimum user experience and seek to keep their users in a broadly defined flow channel. Potential interruptions to flow affecting usability are identified as flow exit points and can be actively accounted for in design. Flow exit points indicate potential issues with a continuous interface experience, such as those found in many augmented reality applications. This paper examines psychological flow and offers incremental steps in an application design process to seek optimum user experience for augmented reality applications.
This research investigated the use of the User Engagement Scale (UES) as a psychometric tool to measure engagement during video game-play. Exploratory factor analysis revealed four factors (Focused Attention, Perceived Usability, Aesthetics, and Satisfaction) as compared to the six found in the original development of the UES. In the context of video game-play, a revised UES (UESz) demonstrated better psychometric properties than the original UES defined by six subscales, including enhanced reliability. Further validity analysis included comparisons with the Flow State Scale (FSS), showing the complementary nature of the two scales and what constructs both scales might be measuring in a video game context. Criterion validity analysis demonstrated that UESz was more predictive of game performance than the FSS. Findings related to both the UESz and FSS were discussed relative to an overarching framework of hedonic and utilitarian qualities of game-play.