
Influence of motivation on students' academic performance

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This study investigated, the influence of motivation on students' academic performance. Four research questions and 4 null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study employed the survey design. The sample comprised of 720 respondents comprising of 640 students and 80 teachers randomly drawn from 16 secondary schools and 15 people from different walks of life. Researcher's self-developed motivational questionnaire (IMOAP) on influence of motivation on academic performance for secondary school students and teachers duly vetted by specialists in educational measurement and evaluation, guidance and counselling and educational psychology were used to obtained information from the respondents. Data collected were analysed using the simple percentage. The results of data analysis showed that: Motivation of students is very important for better output in the academic pursuit. Students' motivation has high positive correlation in their academic performance. There is significant relationship between school environment and structure and students' motivation. Based on the findings some relevant educational implications were highlighted and some recommendations were made.

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... According to Oriahi (2009) on the personality type theories, the extroverts and introverts are two fundamentally different categories of people. The personality type theories say that introversion and extroversion are part of a continuous dimension in which many people are in the middle. ...
... The personality type theories say that introversion and extroversion are part of a continuous dimension in which many people are in the middle. According to Oriahi (2009), it is one's psychological type that determines a person's judgment. Also, according to Egbule and Egbule (2008), there are two major factors which are responsible for human development; these are physical and biological factors. ...
... The result from hypothesis 2 shows that there is no significant relationship between parental motivation and students' academic performance. This finding is supported by the findings of Oriahi (2009), which indicated that examination malpractice is rampant in higher institutions of learning because of lack of motivation on students, by parents, during their secondary school education. He said that the poor level of motivation is as a result of low income level, unemployment, low level of education etc. ...
... It has been exhaustedly believed that students' motivation is relevant in attaining high academic performance. Meanwhile, (Orhan-Özen, 2017; Yazıcı & Altun 2013; Oriahi, 2009) [10,15,11] broadly believed that students' motivation has high positive significant correlation in their academic performance or achievement. Moreover, both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation could lead to deep involvement in learning, but the preponderance of teacher-centered method in instruction that greatly matters (Hanrahan, 1998) [5] . ...
... It has been exhaustedly believed that students' motivation is relevant in attaining high academic performance. Meanwhile, (Orhan-Özen, 2017; Yazıcı & Altun 2013; Oriahi, 2009) [10,15,11] broadly believed that students' motivation has high positive significant correlation in their academic performance or achievement. Moreover, both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation could lead to deep involvement in learning, but the preponderance of teacher-centered method in instruction that greatly matters (Hanrahan, 1998) [5] . ...
... Further, it could be observed that there is a high percentage of those who excelled than in satisfactory level. [10,15,11] broadly believed that students' motivation has high positive significant correlation in their academic performance or achievement. In this study, it revealed a dramatic difference between the variables being tested. ...
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Motivation is intrinsic or extrinsic that is essential to achieve good, if not, excellent in performance of both academic and extra-curricular activities. This study revolves its investigation on the influence of motivation to the academic performance specifically in games and sports. Descriptive-correlation research design was utilized to describe and look for the relationships of the identified variables in this study. The respondents were universally identified comprising the 42 interns of BSED-MAPEH of Surigao del Sur State University (SDSSU). This exploration found out that the respondents are having an extreme intrinsic motivation than extrinsic motivation. However, it also revealed that intrinsic motivation cannot directly affect the academic performance in Games and Sports as their field of specialization because extrinsic motivation showed a significant relationship to their academic performance in Games and Sports. Consequently, the respondents are more extrinsically motivated when they are appreciated by their instructors and classmates. Thus, appreciation is vital for extrinsic motivation to build students' empowerment. Hence, teachers shall reinforce a positive and genuine appreciation to students who are performing well to drive an increased participation and involvement throughout the class activities. Accordingly, the respondents seemed to be intimidated on the various educational activities when paired to extremely intelligent or proficient peers because they will feel inferior to the superiority of their pair.
... Thus, hypothesis 2 that there is no significant influence of students' motivation on their performance in Basic Science and Technology examinations was rejected. The result agrees with Oriahi (2009), who stressed student motivation for better output in academic pursuit. Students' motivation correlates with academic performance (Oriahi, 2009). ...
... The result agrees with Oriahi (2009), who stressed student motivation for better output in academic pursuit. Students' motivation correlates with academic performance (Oriahi, 2009). Reporting from the same dimension, Sukor, MohdAyub, Norhasnida and Norkhaizura (2017) found that inspiration is positively related to academic performance but that the level of motivation was moderate. ...
... Thus, hypothesis 2 that there is no significant influence of students' motivation on their performance in Basic Science and Technology examinations was rejected. The result agrees with Oriahi (2009), who stressed student motivation for better output in academic pursuit. Students' motivation correlates with academic performance (Oriahi, 2009). ...
... The result agrees with Oriahi (2009), who stressed student motivation for better output in academic pursuit. Students' motivation correlates with academic performance (Oriahi, 2009). Reporting from the same dimension, Sukor, MohdAyub, Norhasnida and Norkhaizura (2017) found that inspiration is positively related to academic performance but that the level of motivation was moderate. ...
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This study investigated self-efficacy and motivation as determinants of students' performance in basic science and technology examinations in Mkpat Enin Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. The study employed a survey research design. The population comprised 1645 JS3 basic science and technology students from 16 public secondary schools in Mkpat Enin Local Government Area. A sample of 217 JSS3 basic science and technology students was drawn from 4 randomly selected secondary schools. The instruments used were validated for face and content validity by peer review. The reliability was determined using Cronbach Alpha for the Students' Self-Efficacy Questionnaire and Students' Motivation Questionnaire. Data were analysed using means, standard deviation, and one-way ANOVA to test the hypotheses at a 0.05 level of competence. The results revealed a significant influence of self-efficacy on students' performance in basic science and technology examinations. The result also showed that students' motivation significantly influenced their academic performance. It concluded that self-efficacy and motivation are elements of learning. Based on the findings, school guidance counsellors should encourage students to develop a high self-efficacy towards basic science and technology examinations.
... A longitudinal study by Liu and Hou (2017) has shown that intrinsic motivation considerably promotes academic performance.A study carried out by Oriahi (2009) revealed that motivation generally has a high positive correlation in students' academic performance. Arbabisarjou, Zare, Shahrakipour, and Ghoreishinia (2016) found that there was a significant relationship between motivation and academic performance of students. ...
... This implies that when students are adequately motivated, theytend to achieve better academically. This result is in agreement with earlier findings bya study carried out by Oriahi (2009) who found that motivation generally has a high positive correlation with students' academic performance. Also, Arbabisarjou et al. (2016) found that there was a significant relationship between motivation and academic performance of students. ...
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In Nigeria, the growing rate of low enrollment and poor academic achievement of secondary school students in physics has become a source of concern to stakeholders in education. The study assessed home education environment and motivation as correlates of students' academic achievement in physics using correlational survey research design. A sample size of 333 SS2 physics students participated in the study. Home Education Environment and Motivation Questionnaire (HEEMQ) and Students' Physics Academic Achievement Spreadsheet (SPAAS) were used for data collection. Results reveal that 40% and 33% of the variation in students' academic achievement in physics is attributed to home education environment and motivation respectively. Home education environment and motivation significantly predicted students' academic achievement in physics. However, parents should create a favourable and conducive homeenvironment that can motivate their children to develop positive attitude towards learning physics and as well enhance their academic achievement in the subject.
... A good motivation is then reflected through the active participation of students in the learning process (Adegboyega, 2018). It is also one of the essential aspects that play a crucial role in achieving many fundamental goals in a student's academic life (Christiana, 2009;Williams & Williams, 2011). ...
... Hence, motivation to learn is a psychological condition that encourages students to learn with pleasure and sincerity. It is argued to affect the quality of the learning process and the learning outcome of the students (Adegboyega, 2018;Christiana, 2009;Williams & Williams, 2011), that is, the higher the students' motivation, the higher the intensity of efforts made to achieve the desired learning outcomes (Sikhwari, 2014). To obtain optimum motivation in the classroom, the principles of motivation in learning should be known and applied in teachinglearning activities (Ames, 1990). ...
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This study explored the motivational types of English and Arabic language major students at one of the state Islamic universities in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. A questionnaire was given to 30 English and 30 Arabic major students to measure the level and type of students' learning motivation. A five-point Likert scale was used in the questionnaire, and the data were analyzed quantitatively using SPSS software. The results revealed that the English major students had a high integrative motivation in choosing English as their major compared to instrumental motivation (M=3.15˂M=4.19). Similarly, the Arabic major students dominantly had integrative motivation in learning Arabic compared to instrumental motivation (M=3.09˂M=4.29). The results further showed that integrative motivation could bring positive learning outcomes to the students because their goal of learning was to be accepted, and or be part of the language community they were learning. To conclude, English major students were enthused to study English because they wanted to be knowledgeable in English and used it to interact with other speakers of this language. In the same way, Arabic major students were also driven to learn Arabic for the sake of being knowledgeable in Arabic, to use it to interact with other people who use this language and to increase their appreciation towards the Arabic arts and literature. Finally, the findings of this study can increase awareness among students, teachers, researchers, and policymakers who work on enhancing motivation to increase students' interest in learning foreign languages at Indonesian universities.
... Among the indicia of development of a country is the education industry. It is an instrument par excellence which serves as a medium for harnessing and harmonising human potentials, things of national interest and objective (Christiana, 2009), and bringing national productivity to the fore both in the long-term and short-term, as well as at micro and macro levels (Haolader, Hakim, Kassim & Mubarak, 2017). Schools, colleges and universities are the agencies for transformation and educational experience. ...
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Education is a transformative tool for inculcating a relatively permanent change in behaviour, and every human behaviour is a product of motivation, either intrinsic or extrinsic, as motivation is the propelling force of action that results in achievement or underachievement. Academic achievement is an integer of the behavioural objective a subject teacher seeks to achieve in instruction. Consequently, this study ventured its inquiry on the impact of motivation and gender on students' academic achievement and interest in government: a study of some selected secondary schools in Enugu State. Purposefully, the study investigated the difference in impact levels of motivation strategies and gender on the achievement and interest of students in government. It employed a quasi-experimental design and two sets of research instruments tagged Government Academic Achievement Tests Questionnaire (GAATQ) and Interest Inventory Scale on Government (IISG). Two hypotheses were developed to guide the study and were tested for significance at a 0.05 margin of error using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). It was found that gender is not the foremost pre-determinant of students' achievement and interest in government. The study concluded that motivation and interest are the major determiners of students' achievement in government and not gender. From the findings of the study, it was recommended that motivation strategies be robustly enforced in government instructional delivery. And that making government lessons interesting and interactive be prioritized through motivation since students perform better and achieve higher in the subjects they have more interest in than the one(s) they have less or no interest at all.
... The study also revealed that there is a positive significant relationship between academic motivation and students' achievement in number classification. This is in tandem with the findings of Oriahi (2009) which show that 90% of students, 100% of teachers and all the respondent to an oral interview accepted that motivation is necessary for students' academic performance. However, it is in contrast with the result of Onete et al. (2012), which suggests that there is no noteworthy influence of education students' academic motivation on their academic performance. ...
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Abstract The crux of this study is to examine the influence of Academic Self-Efficacy and Motivation as predictors of students’ achievement in Number Classification among senior secondary school students in Etinan Education Zone. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design and was conducted in Etinan Education Zone which comprises of three Local governments. Five public Senior Secondary schools were randomly selected for the study from all the public senior secondary school in the zone and 50 students from each school were randomly selected giving a sample size of 250 students. Three research questions were formulated and answered. The study used three instrument for data collection they are: Students’ Self Efficacy Scale in Number Classification (SESNC), Academic Motivation Scale on Number Classification(AMSN) and number classification Achievement Test (NCAT) which was subjected to reliability check and the coefficient obtained were 0.75, 0.80 and 0.82 respectively. Findings from the study reveals that Academic Self-Efficacy and Motivation are very influential predictors of students’ achievement in Number Classification and it was recommended among others that educational bodies should put more efforts and teachers practices should be tailored towards increasing students’ level of self-efficacy and motivation and teachers should pay attention not only to the actual competence of students but also to their perceptions of competence as this may actually predicts students’ motivation and actual success. Key words: Self-Efficacy, Academic Motivation, Predictors, Number Classification
... Although students may be equally motivated to perform a task, the sources of their motivation may be different. According to (Christiana, 2009) Motivation is an essential factor that plays a major role in achieving many fundamental goals in a students' academic life. ...
The objective of this study was to figure out whether there is any correlation between students’ motivation and English learning achievement at Grade XI Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Kota Bengkulu. In this research, the researcher used Correlational research in a quantitative design. In correlational method, the researcher used the correlation statistical test to describe and measure between two variables. The population of this study was the whole students of XI grade MAN 1 Bengkulu City with total students 355. The researcher took all of population as the sample of the research. Therefore, the sample of this research was about 350 students at eleventh grade MAN Model Bengkulu. To obtain the data, the researcher used questionnaire and documentation as the instruments of this research. The questionnaire of students’ motivation was adopted from The Attitude / Motivation Test Battery by R. C Gardner cited in (Rafasah, 2019). Moreover, the students’ learning achievement was identified by collecting the students’ English score in UTS or UAS or daily test. After collecting and analyzing the data, the researcher found that the sign. (2-tailed) Pearson correlation = 0.00 > 0.05 which means that there was a correlation between students’ motivation and English learning achievement at XI A students of SMAN 1 Kota Bengkulu. The researcher suggested for English teachers in developing some strategies to facilitate the students to have a good motivation. The researcher also suggested for the students to be more active in practicing English even though this research findings showed that the students’ motivation was good. Keywords: The Correlation, Students’ Motivation, English Learning Achievement
... As for academic motivation, it plays a key role in influencing the attitude of students towards learning as motivation often allows students to properly manage the challenges that existed during the learning process (13). This correlates with a study by Oriahi (14), that reveals most of their student respondents strongly agreed that the motivation of students enhances their academic performance and thus students need to be motivated to pursue a better academic achievement. Certain factors related to the university, family, and lecturers can also affect the quality of students academically, not only the students themselves. ...
Students' academic performance is one of the fundamental concerns as outstanding academic performance can be proof of the intellectuality of those students. The purpose of this study is to assess the correlation of the academic performance of students between student factors, family factors, university infrastructure factors, and faculty factors. This study used a stratified sampling design that was carried out through a questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by the Social Sciences Statistical Package (SPSS) and the degree of relationship between factors that affect academic performance with the academic performance of students was evaluated by the weighted mean. Three domain factors, lecturer factors with a mean of 4.01, university infrastructure factors (3.91), family factors (3.35), and the three subdomains include learning techniques (3.68), academic interest and motivation (3.32), and student’s attitude (3.05) were found to have a varying impact upon pharmacy student’s and significant influence on their academic achievement as well. This result is primarily important because it can be used by academic administrators and lecturers as a basis to devise and execute an intervention plan aimed at allowing pharmacy students to enhance their academic performance. Students will be more aware of potential factors that may influence their academic performance.
... On motivation, the more motivated the student, the more likely to be engaged in class, complete assignments and seek help when needed. Students who are highly motivated are more likely to achieve academic success (Christiana, 2009;Kusurkar et al., 2013;Steinmayr et al., 2019) The attitude, self-efficacy, and mathematical skills of the students are predictive of their mathematical achievement. The type of school, that is private or public, educational organizations regularly assess the educational plan in relation to the achievement gap between public and tuition-based schools (Callaman & Itaas, 2020). ...
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This research aimed to determine the predictors of academic performance in mathematics of Grade 10 students using descriptive correlational design. The respondents were 435 Grade 10 students from the three identified public high schools in Lapu-Lapu City and Liloan, Cebu, Philippines. A survey questionnaire was used to describe student-related factors, teacher-related factors, and environment-related factors while the First Quarter Grades were used to measure students’ academic performance in mathematics. Data gathered were treated statistically using frequency count, percentage, weighted mean, and multiple regression. The results showed that most of the respondents were 14 to 15 years old and were female; most of the parents were high school graduates and had a combined family monthly income of 10,000 pesos and below. The respondents had satisfactory performance. Also, teaching skills and instructional materials used by the teacher are significant predictors of academic performance in mathematics. However, the students’ interest, study habits, teacher’s personality, school environment and home environment of the students were not significant predictors of the mathematics performance of the students. It was concluded that the teacher-related factors as to teaching skills and instructional materials used can predict the academic performance of the students. The researchers recommended that the proposed intervention plan could be utilized and monitored.
... According to Fidiastuti et al. (2021), students' motivation to learn directly impacts their learning outcomes. Correspondingly, Christiana (2009) believes that motivation is an essential aspect that plays a significant role in a student"s ability to achieve many important academic goals. The most important factor affecting students" language learning success or failure is their motivation (Engin, 2009;McDonough, 1983;Rakhimova, 2021). ...
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Motivation is a crucial concept for being successful in learning. Highly motivated students will do their best in learning any subject. This quantitative study aimed to investigate the predominant type of motivation among Gayonese students and their level of motivation to study English at the Department of English Language Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. The research samples were 33 students from batch 2014 to batch 2018 from the Department of English Language Education from Gayo highland Districts (Central Aceh, Gayo Lues, and Bener Meriah Districts). The random sampling technique was used to select participants with close-ended questionnaires as the data collection instrument. The results showed that the overall intrinsic motivation score was greater than the extrinsic one (4.21 ˃ 3.05). As a result, the implication of this study requires teachers to boost students’ extrinsic motivation to increase their academic achievement in studying English at the university.
... 70 Christiana (2009), motivation is vital in achieving many fundamental goals in a student's academic life. While learning a language, motivation becomes the most excellent factor influencing students' success or failure in learning English (McDonough, 1983). ...
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The importance of English as a lingua franca requires students to master English. However, many students still cannot speak English, especially those who live in a country where English is a foreign language. For example, Indonesian students still face numerous problems in learning English, especially speaking. Hence, this study aimed to determine the factors that influence students' speaking performance from teachers' and students' perspectives in learning English speaking to assist students in overcoming difficulties in learning to speak English. Utilizing a survey, a total of one hundred eighty-nine students (n=189) and six teachers (n=6) in SMAN 1 Sape participated in this study. The main research instrument used was a questionnaire. The results showed that the teachers' and students' perspectives on speaking performance were quite similar. Regarding the problem of speaking performance, teachers and students agreed that (1) students were worried that making mistakes was the biggest problem and (2) they were shy to speak English. Moreover, in dealing with factors that influence speaking performance, teachers and students agreed that the highest factor was 1) lack of confidence as they were not familiar with English, (2) lack of time for preparation, and (3) lack of motivation to speak.
... In this study, researchers took into students' motivation of priority for learning, which is a powerful component in fostering enthusiasm in their academic pursuits. Christiana (2009) investigated the impact of motivation on students' academic performance and discovered that the school environment has an impact on students' motivation and that motivation improves performance. Similarly, the meta-analysis study conducted by Orhan Özen (2017) produced somewhat comparable but dissimilar findings. ...
... Motivation is the basic drive that moves someone to behave (Uno, 2012). Motivation has an important role in the learning process to get better academic results (Christiana, 2009;Awan et al., 2011;Singh, 2011). The results of other studies on learning motivation proposed by several researchers also state that student learning motivation is an important variable that affects the success of achieving learning goals (Supriyatin et al., 2017;Azrai et al., 2016). ...
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In the 2013 curriculum students are required to be active in all learning activities. Through active learning that has been applied, students are expected to be able to explore deeper information about Biology material that has or has not been explained by the teacher. This attitude shows that students have curiosity which will then lead to self-confidence so that it encourages students to achieve good results. This study aims to determine the correlation between self-confidence in studying biology and curiosity (curiosity) with student achievement motivation. This research was conducted at SMAN 97 Jakarta in the even semester 2020/2021 academic year. The method used is a quantitative method through correlational studies. The sample used was 100 students taken from three classes of XI MIPA using simple random sampling technique. The data in this study were taken using three test instruments, namely: self-confidence test, curiosity test and student achievement motivation test. Most of the results obtained from the three tests are in the high category, with the percentage of confidence in studying biology by 62%, curiosity by 62% and student achievement motivation by 57%. Therefore, based on the results of the study, it was found that there was a positive correlation between self-confidence in studying biology and curiosity with student achievement motivation.AbstrakPada kurikulum 2013 siswa dituntut aktif dalam segala kegiatan pembelajaran. Melalui pembelajaran aktif yang sudah diterapkan, siswa diharapkan dapat mengeksplor informasi yang lebih dalam tentang materi Biologi yang telah ataupun belum dijelaskan oleh guru. Sikap tersebut menunjukkan bahwa siswa memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang kemudian akan memunculkan rasa percaya diri sehingga mendorong siswa untuk mencapai hasil yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepercayaan diri dalam mempelajari biologi dan rasa ingin tahu dengan motivasi berprestasi siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMAN 97 Jakarta pada tahun ajaran 2020/2021 semester genap. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif melalui studi korelasional. Sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 100 siswa yang diambil dari tiga kelas XI MIPA dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dengan menggunakan tiga instrumen tes, yaitu: tes kepercayaan diri, tes rasa ingin tahu dan tes motivasi berprestasi siswa. Hasil terbanyak yang diperoleh dari ketiga tes tersebut masuk dalam kategori tinggi, dengan presentase kepercayaan diri dalam mempelajari biologi sebesar 62%, rasa ingin tahu sebesar 62% dan motivasi berprestasi siswa sebesar 57%. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara kepercayaan diri dalam mempelajari biologi dan rasa ingin tahu dengan motivasi berprestasi siswa.
... A wealth of empirical evidence substantiating and linking motivation to learning outcomes abound. For instance, Oriahi (2009) investigated the Influence of Motivation on Student's Academic Performance, and developed four research questions and four null hypotheses to guide the study, using a survey design. The sample comprised of 720 respondents comprising 640 students and 80 teachers randomly drawn from 16 secondary schools and 15 people from different works of life. ...
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This study aimed to ascertain Influence of Motivation on Students' Academic Achievement in the Teaching of JSS III Social Studies in Jalingo Metropolis Taraba State. Three research questions were raised to guide the study, and descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The target population was 3150 students covering all the 17 public secondary Schools across Jalingo metropolitan. 320 respondents were randomly sampled from five selected Junior Secondary Schools, and a 30-item research instrument, based on 4-point Likert scale, tagged Motivation for Academic Achievement Questionnaire (MAAQ), developed by the researcher and dully vetted by three specialists in measurement and evaluation, guidance and counselling and educational psychology in the Faculty of Education of the University, was used for data collection. Test-rest was used to ascertain reliability of the research instrument using Pearson Product Moment Correlation technique which yielded a coefficient of 0.67. The data collated was analysed using simple frequency count and mean, and the decision mean point was 3.00. It was concluded that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in a proper blend has the potency to improve students' academic achievement in social studies. The study finally recommends among others that, students should be conscientised as well as be empowered to realize that they play the most important role in motivating themselves first, before anyone else; and also social studies alongside other teaching subject areas be made interesting so as to arouse and sustain students' interests and enhance learners' achievement motivations.
... In his own contribution Oriahi (2009) opines that what takes places in the classroom, even though the classroom itself is not an island, is critical. Sequel to this depending on the degree of congruence with classroom practices and school environment, teachers teaching activities may dilute or enhance students 'performance. ...
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The study explored "Teachers 'motivation as a factor for classroom effectiveness, students 'academic performance and school improvement in secondary schools in educational zones in Enugu State". The design for the study was a descriptive survey design. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study was made up of five (5) principals, Ten (10) Vice principals, four hundred eighty three (483) teachers and five thousand three hundred and sixty eight (5,368) students. The total population was (5,866) people. The researcher could not study all the subjects in the population, he therefore used simple random sampling to select three hundred (300) subjects to serve as the sample size of study. The respondents consist of five (5) principals, Ten (10) vice principals, one hundred teachers (100) and one hundred and eighty seven (187) students, making total of three hundred (300) subjects. The instrument that was used for this study was developed by the researcher is called Impact of Teachers Motivation on Students' Academic Performance (TMFCESAP). Questionnaire was use for data collection and mean, standard deviation and variance were used for data analysis. The findings of the study showed that prompt payment of teachers' salaries, adequate remuneration. And professional development of students makes teachers to have strong desire to promote academic performance of students in secondary schools in Enugu and Agbani education zones. Following from the analyses and findings made in this study, the following recommendations are made: Government should look with keen interest into the plight of teachers by reviewing upward their welfare packages, the condition of service and the benefits. Government should motivate teachers through regular payment of salaries.
... This can be seen from the results of data processing which show the significance value of motivation, namely 0.00, which is smaller than 0.05. This study is in line with Oriahi [10] which states that student motivation is very important for better results in academic pursuits. Student motivation has a high positive correlation in their academic performance. ...
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This study aims to determine the effect of instruction models using animation and motivation on student chemical learning results and the interaction between instruction models and motivation. The study was conducted on all students of class XI IPA SMA Negeri 10 Medan in 3 classes and samples were taken randomly. This research is an experimental research with 2x2 factorial anava design. The factors tested were PBL model factors with Macromedia Flash, PBL models with Power Point media, while motivational factors with high and low criteria. Based on the hypothesis test at a significant level a = 0.05, it was obtained that F count (A) was 5.530, F count (B) was 29.584, and F count (AB) was 4.556, while the price of Ftable (0.05) (1.56) = 4.01 then F count > F table which means there is influence and interaction of learning models using animation media and motivation on student learning results. The results of this study indicate that students who are taught with the PBL model using Macromedia Flash media on highly motivated students show the highest average of 85,667, and the average of low motivated students is 80.000. Furthermore, students who were taught with the PBL model using Power Point media on highly motivated students showed an average of 85.294, and an average of students with low motivation was 72.308. Thus it was concluded that in chemical learning the topic of buffer solutions is better to use PBL models with Macromedia Flash media.
... This is because motivation is very important to their teaching (Wlodkowski and Ginsberg, 2017). In addition, Christiana (2009) state that teachers' motivation is an important factor in student learning because a lack of motivation for teaching may result in a low level of teaching effectiveness. Han et al. (2015) argue that motivation for teaching has a correlation with teaching methods, effective teaching, and students' achievement. ...
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A previous study from Claypan (2014) found that the pre-service teachers who were teaching these subjects had a low level of effectiveness. This is because there are many responsibilities during their practicum, such as teaching plans and coaching, among others. They focused on their assignments to finish on time, as well as having low levels of confidence in teaching. Such reasons contributed to the low level of effectiveness in teaching. Hence, this study aims to investigate the level of motivation and teaching effectiveness among pre-service physical education teachers during their practicum. Moreover, it aims to examine the relationship between their motivation and teaching effectiveness. Using the survey method, this study collected data from 157 pre-service physical education teachers doing their practicum in five higher education institutions in the border provinces of Southern Thailand. The sources of data were questionnaires on motivation and teaching effectiveness in physical education. The results showed that the motivation and teaching effectiveness of the respondents were at a high level. Furthermore, it was found that there was a significant positive relationship between the motivation and teaching effectiveness of the participants. This study hopes to guide and support the pre-service physical education teachers during their practicum to increase their motivation and effective teaching.
... Hasil ini sesuai dengan hasil penelitian (Kurniawan & Wustqa, 2014;Muhammad, Bakar, Mijinyawa, & Halabi, 2015;Tella, 2007), dimana penelitianpenelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar secara signifikan mempengaruhi prestasi akademik siswa. Terkait dengan temuan penelitian itu, penelitian yang dilakukan oleh (Christiana, 2009) juga menyatakan bahwa motivasi belajar siswa sangat penting untuk memperoleh hasil yang lebih baik dalam prestasi belajar siswa. Dengan kata lain, motivasi belajar siswa memiliki korelasi positif yang tinggi dalam prestasi belajar siswa, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa motivasi merupakan kunci keberhasilan dalam prestasi belajar siswa. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh keterlibatan orang tua, perilaku guru, dan motivasi belajar baik terhadap prestasi belajar mata pelajaran matematika siswa kelas X SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian expost facto. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X MIPA SMA Negeri 4 Yogyakarta, Indonesia, tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Sampel penelitian sejumlah 121 siswa ditentukan menggunakan simple random sampling technique. Pengumpulan data menggunakan studi dokumen hasil belajar matematika siswa dan angket yang telah dibuktikan validitas serta diestimasi reliabilitasnya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan masing-masing variabel yaitu keterlibatan orang tua, perilaku guru, motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Yogyakarta; dan (2) secara bersamaan (simultan) variabel keterlibatan orang tua, perilaku guru, dan motivasi belajar berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Yogyakarta. The effect of parental involvement, teacher behavior and learning motivation on students’ mathematics achievement Abstract This research aimed to describe the effect of parental involvement, teacher behavior, learning motivation on students’ mathematics achievement in grade X of Junior High School. This research was ex post facto research. The population was grade X students of SMA Negeri 4 Yogyakarta, Indonesia in the 2016/2017 academic year. The sample of 121 students was established using the simple random sampling technique. The data were collected through documents study of students’ mathematics achievement results and using a questionnaire that had been proven its validity and estimated its reliability. The data analysis technique used is linear and multiple regression. The research finding shows that (1) there is a positive and significant effect of each variable namely parental involvement, teacher behavior, learning motivation on mathematics achievement of grade X students of SMA Negeri 4 Yogyakarta; and (2) parental involvement, teacher behavior, and learning motivation simultaneously provide a positive and significant effect on mathematics achievement of grade X students of SMA Negeri 4 Yogyakarta.
... This implies that student's motivation influences their academic achievement. This agrees with the findings of Oriahi (2009) which showed a very strong positive correlation between students' motivation and their academic achievements. Review of The study by Oriahi concluded that motivation of students is paramount for academic success. ...
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The study examined the influence of emotional readiness on the achievement of Economics education students of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The study employed the Ex-post facto research design. The population of 41 first-year students, 20 second-year students, 20 third-year students and 34 final year students from the Department of Social Science Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka were used for the study. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire titled an Emotional Readiness Scale (AERS) and Students CGPA from the first year to the fourth year. Mean and standard deviation of means were used to answer research questions, while the Student's t-test was used to test the null hypothesis at 0.5 level of probability. Findings revealed that student's personality, motivation and gender influence academic achievement. Recommendations were made based on the findings.
... Research conducted by Knoell (2012), supports and agrees that learning occurs best in an environment where positive interpersonal relationships prevails, because it has the power to empower classrooms with a kind of climate where learners feel appreciated, acknowledged, respected. Maintaining a positive, supportive, motivational and intellectually stimulating environment for teaching learning process is the responsibility of a mentally healthy teacher (Oliver & Reschly, 2007;Christiana 2009). Hughes & Kwok (2007), in one of their study concluded that student who enjoy a close and supportive relationship with a teacher are getting themselves more engaged with their academics, work smartly in the classrooms, encouraging self-initiating learning, show persistence when they face difficulties, and cope better with stress of any kind. ...
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In an emerging “age of diversity” the role of teachers in the teaching learning process has changed drastically. He has to update himself at regular intervals of time to meet the required demands. Since it is a well known fact that teaching is not everybody’s cup of tea, but an extremely complex professional business as for as its structure is concerned. To function properly in and outside school, mental health has a special role to play both for his own well being and in bringing effectiveness and quality in carrying out teaching-learning processes in the classroom in general, and in particular, for the all round development of students. As a teacher of high mental health is able to modify his/her teaching methodology as per the requirement or what situation demands and knows how & when to change from one instructional delivery to another and balances his teaching kite without any interference of external calls. In this paper the investigator has highlighted the role mental health has on teacher’s professional life and its impact on teaching learning process. Also some of the important suggestions will be made for promoting the mental health of teachers. Key words: Mental health, Teachers, Self, Self Efficacy, Emotional Intelligence, Adjustment.
... Stronge, Ward ve Grant (2011) etkili öğretmenliğin önemli niteliklerinden birini olumlu öğrenme ortamları oluşturmak olarak belirtmişlerdir. Sağlıklı öğretmen-öğrenci ve öğrenci-öğrenci etkileşiminin sağlandığı öğrenme ortamları çocukları öğrenmeye karşı motive eder ve başarıyı arttırır (Caballero, 2010;Christiana, 2009;Knoell, 2012;Nugent, 2009). Darling-Hammond (2010) etkili öğretmenleri yüksek standartlar belirleyerek öğrencilerini teşvik eden, motive eden ve öğrencilerinin kendi öğrenmelerini gerçekleştirebilmeleri konusunda onlara liderlik eden bireyler olarak tanımlamıştır. ...
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ABSTRACT: In this study, the opinions of parents, who have children in the preschool period and work in different professions, on preschool teachers were evaluated. The study group of the research consisted of 20 mothers and 18 fathers, 38 parents in total, who had children in the preschool period, graduated from university and worked in the state sector in different professions. In this study, the phenomenology pattern, one of the qualitative research techniques, was used. The data were collected using the “Personal Information Form” including questions for parents and the semi-structured “Parent Interview Form”, which was prepared by the researcher and contained open-ended questions. The Parent Interview Form consisted of questions regarding the status of preschool teachers in the society, their difference from other teaching areas, their personality traits, the professional skills they must have, the way they prepare children for the first grade in primary school, their work hours and dialogues with families. According to the findings of the study, parents stated that preschool teachers had a position far from the value they deserved and provided children with life skills differently from other teaching areas, they must be kindhearted and create different learning environments, they prepared children for the primary school adequately, their working hours were too long, and they must be in cooperation with families continuously. This study is significant in terms of the determination of parents’ expectations about preschool teachers, making different suggestions and enabling cooperation between the teacher and the parent as a result of the data obtained. Keywords: preschool teachers, preschool period, an employee of a different profession, parents’ opinions. ÖZ: Bu çalışma ile okul öncesi dönemde çocuğu olan farklı meslek çalışanı ebeveynlerin okul öncesi öğretmenlerine dair görüşleri değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu okul öncesi dönemde çocuğu olan, üniversite mezunu ve devlet sektöründe çalışan farklı meslek gruplarından 20 anne ve 18 baba olmak üzere toplam 38 ebeveyn oluşturmuştur. Bu araştırmada, nitel araştırma tekniklerinden biri olan olgu bilim (fenomenoloji) deseni kullanılmıştır. Veriler ebeveynlere yönelik soruları içeren “Kişisel Bilgi Formu” ve araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan, açık uçlu sorulardan oluşan yarı yapılandırılmış “Ebeveyn Görüşme Formu” kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Ebeveyn Görüşme Formu; okul öncesi öğretmeninin toplumdaki konumu, diğer öğretmenlik alanlarından farkı, kişisel özellikleri, sahip olması gereken mesleki beceriler, çocukları ilkokul birinci sınıfa hazırlama durumu, çalışma süreleri ve ailelerle diyaloğuna dair sorulardan oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın bulgularına göre ebeveynler, okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin hak ettiği değerden uzak bir konumda olduğunu, diğer öğretmenlik alanlarından farklı olarak çocuklara yaşam becerileri kazandırdıklarını, sevecen olmaları ve farklı öğrenme ortamları oluşturmaları gerektiğini, çocukları ilkokula yeterli düzeyde hazırladıklarını, çalışma sürelerinin oldukça uzun olduğunu ve ailelerle sürekli işbirliği halinde olmaları gerektiğini ifade etmişlerdir. Bu çalışma okul öncesi öğretmenlerine yönelik ebeveynlerin beklentilerinin ve düşüncelerinin tespit edilmesi, çeşitli önerilerde bulunulması ve elde edilen veriler neticesinde öğretmen, ebeveyn iş birliğinin sağlanması bakımından önem taşımaktadır. Anahtar kelimeler: okul öncesi öğretmenleri, okul öncesi dönem, farklı meslek çalışanı, anne-baba görüşleri.
... However, Obini, (2005) cited in Maliki (2009) indicates that young individuals from wealthy background are predisposed to engaging in cultism. Christiana (2008), also found out that there is positive attitude examination malpractice among the high-income-earning families. ...
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This study examined the impact of mobile‐based mentoring, socio‐economic background and religion on girl’s attitude and belief towards ASB in Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria. The study adopted a mixed method research design. The participants in the study comprised forty (40) students purposively selected from Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The platform ( was adopted for mobile‐based mentoring. One research question was raised and three null hypotheses were tested in the study at .05 level of significance. Data were analysed using content analysis for Focus Group Discussion, Analysis of Covariance and Estimated Marginal Means. The results reveal a significant main effect of socio‐economic background on girl’s attitude towards ASB. Also, there was no significant impact of mobile‐based mentoring on girl’s attitude towards ASB. Based on the findings, using mobiles in mentoring girls could significantly reinforce or change their belief in engaging in antisocial activities. Also, the socio‐economic background plays a significant role in determining the attitude and belief of girls in engaging in antisocial activities. Girls’ religion has little or no effect on their belief and attitude towards antisocial behaviours (ASB). Girls from low‐income family are susceptible to engage in ASB, while those from wealthy homes are less likely to engage in ASB.
... Our study suggests students' motivational level can be increased by stimulating their positive emotions by showing them an inspirational event accompanied by music and inspiring lyrics. High self-motivational can contribute to good academic achievement, as revealed in past studies (e.g., Christiana, 2009;Gamboa et al., 2013). For future studies, it might be interesting to measure specific elements of music, such as the melody, dynamics, timbre and rhythm in future studies as studied by past researchers (e.g., Madsen, 1997;Geringer and Madsen, 1996). ...
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This study examines the effects of positive and negative emotions on students’ self Participants' emotions were stimulated with music, lyrics, and inspirational event. There were 259 participants taking part in this study; 56 males (21.6%) and 20.16 (SD=.95). We predicted that both positive and negative emotions contributed to self We measured emotional levels using the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) scale and motivational levels experimental (141) vs. control (118). Both groups watched videos of runners in the Olympic Games. In the experimental group, all three elements (music, lyrics, & an inspirational event to the participants; in the control group, only two elements (music & an inspirational event) were presented. In the experimental group, positive emotions (i.e., being alert, active, determined, inspired & attentive) contributed to 16.9% whereas, in the control group, positive emotions contributed only 7% of the variance in self-motivation β = .41, t (110) = 2.88, p=.00. In both groups, negative emotions (i.e., hostile, ashamed, nervous, & afraid) showed that emotions stimulated by combined music, lyrics, and an inspirational event contributed more significantly and positively to self. Therefore, we suggested that music, lyrics and inspirational events could be used to stimulate students’ self-effect on self.
... (Tella, 2007; Long, Monoi, Harper, Knoblauch, & Murphy, 2007; Christiana, 2009; Ayub, 2010题的总分, 作为学习动机强度的测量指标, 最后将 其代入网络自相关模型中。 Ding & Lehrer, 2006; Burke & Sass, 2008; Lavy, Paserman, & Schlosser, 2011 ...
... Motivation is very important to students' learning; according to Christiana (2009), motivation has high positive correlation in the academic performance of students. The best motivation any student can have towards learning comes from parents; where student lack this parental motivation it always reflect in their academic performance. ...
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The paper reviewed students’ academic performance in physics caused by failure of classroom to meet up with teaching and learning process due to students and teachers attitude; professional and pedagogical factors. The paper discussed the full potentials available in our communities that can be used to teach physics for students’ better understanding. Some problems like school location, class size and others were seen as problems to the use of community resources. Some recommendations were suggested at the end of the review one of such recommendations was that government should develop rural communities to assist youth education.
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In the learning process, motivation has an important role because motivation can foster interest in learning. This research will be conducted on semester 1 students of the Islamic Religious Education study program at IAIN Palopo with the aim of describing student motivation in learning English and the factors that influence student motivation in learning English. This research is a descriptive research, which describes existing events by combining quantitative and qualitative. Data collection techniques are questionnaires, observations, and interviews. The subjects of this study were first semester students of the Islamic Religious Education study program who took Basic English courses. The results showed that second semester students of Islamic Religious Education had high motivation in learning English, which consisted of internal and external factors
The implementation of this service is motivated by the importance of mastering English in this day. Based on the facts in the field that the world of work demands English proficiency for applicants from all educational backgrounds. This is of course a concern for educators how to motivate students to like English from an early age. Therefore, the purpose of this service is to provide information about effective English learning strategies for Riau Islamic University students. The service team chose FKIP students as service participants on the grounds that they could increase their knowledge so they could master English well. It is hoped that FKIP graduates will be able to use their English language skills to get wider job opportunities and open up opportunities for them to be able to teach Indonesian to foreign speakers abroad. This activity was carried out online using a Google meeting which was attended by 29 semester 6 students. The service team divided the activities into 2 sessions, namely the first session was a presentation on English learning strategies and continued with a second session on motivating FKIP graduates with information on the benefits of mastering English for the world Work. The results of the dedication that has been carried out received a positive response from all participants. All service participants said that they gained additional knowledge about English learning strategies, were motivated to master English and increased their knowledge of mastering English vocabulary. So it can be concluded that the service mentioned above has provided benefits and knowledge about English, especially regarding English learning strategies for UIR FKIP students.
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Motivation is a significant factor of academic success to actively engage the students in a more meaningful discussion. And the big challenge here is getting the students motivated enough to cope with the new system, learn, and succeed on their own which is critical to their academic performance and overall success. This study aimed to measure and analyze if there is significant relationship between the motivational factors as perceived by the science students and their academic performance. Likewise, association between the motivational factors and learners' satisfaction is also measured. The study is a descriptive-correlational in nature and employ in sixty-five (65) science students of Laguna State Polytechnique University. Survey questionnaire is adapted in Science Motivational Questionnaire (SMQ-II) and a researcher-made questionnaire are administered to gather data that are needed and crucial for this study. The study found out that there is no significant relationship between the motivational factors and academic performance of the students. Notably, there is enough evidence that supported the claim that motivational factors are significantly correlated with the satisfaction of the students towards learning components. However, it appears that the assessment in anxiety as motivational factors has no significant relation with any of the learning components. Likewise, the component learning environment, is also not associated with any motivational factors.
This study investigated whether students’ academic motivation during the Hyflex learning modality have a significant relationship with parental autonomy support, parental involvement, and academic achievement and the level of parental autonomy support, parental involvement, Academic Achievement among college Student Motivation during HyFlex Learning Modality. A sample of 100 college students of National University- Baliwag participated to complete a series of questionnaires, Pearson Correlation was used to attain the relationship bet ween the variables that was used. The result of the study found that the college students’ Parental Autonomy Support, Parental Involvement, and their Academic Achievement, when combined, significantly predicts the dependent variable level of Academic Motivation during Hyflex Learning Modality (F [3, 96] = 4.744, p = .004). This implies that the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected; thus, there is a significant relationship between the parental autonomy support, parental involvement, academic achievement of college students and their academic motivation during Hyflex learning modality when taken as a whole. The implies that among parents, providing better emotional and mental support, on top of the material supports could affect positively the academic achievements of college students. Based on these results, parents would benefit by considering different approach that suits the educational needs of the college students by providing autonomous support and becoming more physically and emotionally involved.
p style="text-align: justify;">This study aims to describe achievement motivation on outstanding students in learning to write at the fifth grade primary schools students. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Subjects in this study were 18 achieving students. The data were collected through questionnaire, interview and observation. Analytical techniques used are interactive analysis consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the achievement motivation on outstanding students in learning writing is good, this happens because of several factors that support outstanding students in learning writing have good achievement motivation. There are factors of individuals (intern) and environmental factors (external), an individual factor which consists of 1) the competence of students; 2) belief to succeed, while environmental factors consists of 1) the competitive situation; 2) support from parents, 3) schools, including how to teach teachers.</p
The implementation of this community service activity aims to increase the understanding of FKIP students at the Islamic University of Riau in working on TOEFL questions. This is very much needed by students as early as possible so that they can prepare themselves to compete in the world of work later after they graduate from college. The facts on the ground show that there are many job opportunities for those who have English proficiency both orally and in writing. Therefore, the service team sees the need for educators to equip students with the ability to work on TOEFL questions, so that later they will understand how to do it and get the maximum score according to the needs of the world of work. This service is carried out in the English laboratory of FKIP UIR. The mentoring participants were 25 final semester students of the English Education Study Program FKIP UIR. With this assistance, it is hoped that they will be motivated to study TOEFL and be able to prepare themselves to compete for jobs. This service activity received a positive response from all activity participants. They said that such activities could be carried out on an ongoing basis so that they would continue to receive guidance in studying the TOEFL. Furthermore, participants are motivated to continue to improve their ability to work on TOEFL questions in order to get better job opportunities for the future.
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The study examined the effects of two modes of peer tutoring on secondary school Biology students' motivation. Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) experimental design was used. Three research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. The population consisted of 2, 636 senior secondary one (SSI) Biology students (10 th graders), from 30 public secondary schools. A sample of 224 (109 males and 115 females) students was drawn from three different school types (single-sex male, female and mixed-sex) through simple random sampling. Two intact classes were randomly sampled from each of the three school types and were assigned randomly, to experimental groups I and II. Students in experimental group I were exposed to Reciprocal Peer Tutoring (RPT) while those in experimental group II were exposed to Peer Assisted Tutoring (PAT). Data were collected using Biology Motivation Inventory (BMI) with reliability index of .85 established using Cronbach alpha. Research questions were answered using mean and standard deviations while hypotheses were tested using ANCOVA at 0.05 level of significance. Results obtained indicated that RPT mode promoted students' motivation in Biology significantly better than PAT mode. The study revealed no significant gender influence and no significant interaction effect of modes of instruction and gender on students' motivation. The study authenticates Vygotsky's theory that through child-centered teaching and learning, learners attain their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) by problem-solving in collaboration with peers, specifically with more academically brighter peers within heterogenous groups. We recommend that teachers target learners ZPD through child centered teaching and learning such as RPT, in Science (Biology). The strategy supports Deci and Ryan Self-determination theory that striving together by all students' increases their motivation to learn and persistence in tasks.
Vocabulary is viewed as a major part of language proficiency as it allows learners to use four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The present study was carried out to compare Iranian undergraduate and postgraduate EFL learners’ use of vocabulary learning strategies. After that the study tried to see if there was any difference between highly-motivated and low-motivated learners with regard to vocabulary use. Finally, it aimed at investigating the differences between the Iranian EFL male and female learners’ use of vocabulary learning strategies. A group of 150 Iranian undergraduate and postgraduate EFL learners (75 males and 75 females) both at BA and MA levels from Zahedan universities were selected randomly. The participants’ ages ranged between18 to 42. The data were obtained through two questionnaires: Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies developed by Schmitt (1997) and Gardner’s (1985) Attitude/ Motivation Test Battery (AMTB). The findings of the study showed that there was a significant difference between undergraduate and postgraduate EFL learners’ use of vocabulary learning strategies. Also, there was a difference between highly-motivated learners and low-motivated learners’ use of vocabulary learning strategies. Moreover, the results showed that the interaction between the learners’ gender and motivation was significant. The results are theoretically and pedagogically significant for EFL teachers and applied linguists
Introduction. The following study examines gender differences existing in various cognitive-motivational variables (causal attributions, academic goals, academic self-concept and use of significant learning strategies) and in performance attained in school subjects of Language Arts and Mathematics. Method. For this purpose, a sample of 521 students were selected from the second cycle of mandatory secondary education [N.T. 9th and 10th grades]. The following questionnaires were used: AFA, MAPE-II, EMA-II and LASSI. Results. Results show the existence of gender difference in variables under consideration, with girls showing lower levels of extrinsic motivation, taking more responsibility for their failures, using information processing strategies more extensively, and getting better marks in Language Arts. Gender differences were not found in academic self-concept, in intrinsic motivation, in success-related attributions and in performance attained in Mathematics. Discussion: Results suggest that differences exist in the cognitive-motivational functioning of boys and girls in the academic environment, with the girls have a more adaptive approach to learning tasks. However, the influence of contextual variables that may differently affect boys' and girls' motivation was not taken into account. Thus future research should address the influence of such factors.