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Organizational Change and Dealing with Employees' Resistance


Abstract and Figures

One of the biggest challenges in implementing change is to cope up with the resistance that evolves during incorporation of change in organizations. The intensity of resistance depends upon the type of change being introduced and the way it is being introduced. This article gives a deep insight on organizational change, forces that trigger change, resistance to change that raises as an outcome and certain ways to deal with this change. The article also provides a comparative analysis on different approaches towards organizational change (guided, planned and directed) and the causes of resistance for this change. Overcoming employee resistance to change is a challenge towards effective change management. ADKAR model can be used as a tool towards effective change management. Leaders and managers are key contributors towards overcoming resistance
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International Journal of Management Excellence
Volume 2 No. 3 February 2014
©TechMind Research, Canada 237 | P a g e
Organizational Change and Dealing with Employees
Dr. Fareeha Zafar1, Kanwal Naveed2
1University of Derby-UK, Currently Working at GC University Pakistan,
2Ms in Management Sciences, UET Lahore Pakistan,
Abstract- One of the biggest challenges in implementing change is to cope up with the resistance that evolves during
incorporation of change in organizations. The intensity of resistance depends upon the type of change being introduced and
the way it is being introduced. This article gives a deep insight on organizational change, forces that trigger change,
resistance to change that raises as an outcome and certain ways to deal with this change. The article also provides a
comparative analysis on different approaches towards organizational change (guided, planned and directed) and the causes
of resistance for this change. Overcoming employee resistance to change is a challenge towards effective change
management. ADKAR model can be used as a tool towards effective change management. Leaders and managers are key
contributors towards overcoming resistance.
Keywords- Organizational change; employee’s resistance to change; dealing employees’ resistance and change.
The term "change" refers to an important and fundamental
development. Change is a strategic dimension, because it
is "the movement of a company of the current situation to
a desired future situation of the competitiveness [1].
Adapting to change is the key to survival. Organizations
can survive in a dynamic environment as their speed of
learning and change meets to the dynamics of the
environment. Therefore, organizations should prepare for
the creation of complexity to cope up with the complexity
of environment. [2]. As a result of globalization, economic
crises, technological innovation, and information on
availability, more and more troubled and aggressive
business environment often requires organizations to make
changes. [3].Resistance plays a crucial role in the
organization influencing toward greater stability. While
pressures from both external and internal environments
continue to encourage change, resistance is a factor that
can balance these demands against the need for constancy
and stability. [4]
Change is the one of the most important and difficult
problem with which organizations is dealing. The ability
to change rapidly, efficiently, and almost continually is a
major dilemma for organizations in today‟s rapidly
changing environment. [5]
2.1 Types of Organizational Change
The scale of change may be categorized as wide-ranging,
frame-breaking “transformational change” or small-scale
and slow-shifting in “incremental change" models.
2.1.1 Incremental Change / 1st Order Change
Incremental change/1st order change is generally
categorized by changes in functional processes, including,
communication systems, recognition and reward
programs, and decision-making processes as shown in fig
1&2 in Appedix. 1st order change is considered part of a
continuous process. A low demand for change results in
1st order. [6].Incremental models/1st order of change
suggest that change should be implemented in a gradual
manner ,however ,Waterfield suggest that an incremental
approach to change „will not work‟ and did not deliver the
required scale of change as the focus on re-engineering
and restructuring as ways of implementing change, citing
only small-scale improvements as a result.[7] It includes:
Cost changes: These changes are occur when
organizations attempts to reduce costs in order to improve
efficiency or performance of organizations.
Process changes: These changes are implemented to
improve efficiency or effectiveness of organizational
processes and procedures. [8]
2.1.2 Transformational / Radical Change / 2nd Order
The radical/2nd order change is a multi-dimensional,
multilevel, qualitative, discontinuous change as shown in
fig.1&2 in Appendix. These change involving a
paradigmatic shift in organization. It leads to a new
identity of the considered organization. It is viewed as
deep structural and cultural change .A 2nd order change
occur due to high demand of change. [6].
Different researchers like Kleiner and Corrigan argues
that transformational change/2nd order can be described as
radical, groundbreaking alterations that exhibit a profound
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Volume 2 No. 3 February 2014
©TechMind Research, Canada 238 | P a g e
break with accepted patterns of organizational behavior
and operation.[7]. It includes;
Cultural changes: These changes are the least
tangible of all the types of change, but they can be are
the most difficult changes. An organization‟s culture
is its shared set of assumptions values, beliefs, and
Structural changes: In this change the structure of
organization changes. Mergers, acquisitions,
consolidations, and divestiture of operating units are
all examples of attempts at structural change.[8]
Pressure from the external or internal environment
stimulates change. Due to globalized economy more
hazards and more opportunities are creating for everyone
and to compete, prospers and for survival, it forces firms
to make dramatic improvements. A set of broad and
powerful forces driven the globalization like
Technology changes
International economic integration
Domestic market maturation
Worldwide Communism
No one is immune to these forces. Globalization puts the
more competition on organization with increased speed.
Due to technological advancements more communications
systems are developed that connect the people globally.
Maturation and integration of markets imports and exports
increases. More countries linked to capitalist system. The
following fig.3 showed the economic and social forces that
drive the need of major change in organizations. [10]
There are three interrelated approaches that can be used to
implement change in organizations .The table no.1 in
Appendix shows the details of task of each approach about
how the change would implement in organization, what
steps are taken by the change maker, the hierarchical level
in each process, the role of leader and the pace of change
in each approach.
Directed change: This approach driven from the top
of the organization and relies on authority, persuasion
and compliance. It is a tightly constrained process.
Planned change: It is a very popular approach to
change management, it may arise from any level in
the organization but ultimately is sponsored by the is a flexible and participative approach.
Guided Changing: Guided change is very different
approach that is use to implement change. It is an
emergent process that can start at any location within
the organization. It shows the commitment of
employee‟s and their contributions to the purpose of
the organization. [10]
Resistance is expected in every change process and
considered natural part of it. Resistance occurs as the
organizations going from the known to the unknown. Due
to employee resistance many large-scale corporate change
programs are failed. [11]. Previous studies and researches
shown that all business gets many benefits from a change
that will be derived through people, not through a network
of business processes and technologies, companies are still
not addressing the impacts of change on their employees.
Furthermore many researches have indicated that the
change associate with an initiative or project
implementation will impact how stakeholders perceive
their role, which has a direct correlation to their
productivity, as shown in the figure 4. In the early stages
of any business change whether it is large or small, people
form initial expectations about what the benefits of change
will be for the organization as a whole. Then they begin to
ask how this change will impact their work group or them
and what benefits they can get from this change. This is a
crucial stage. If the leaders fail to answer their questions
their productivity will begin to spiral downward. The lack
of information will cause them to perceive the change in
their own way thus creating barriers in the implementation
of change .If their questions are addressed effectively and
their perceptions are well managed then the productivity
begins to increase as indicated by the dashed line in the
Change Management Opportunity Curve. [12].
It is very difficult to identify the reasons for the resistance
because resistance to change can take many forms .[13]
Despite the fact that change is implemented for positive
reasons like adapting to volatile environment conditions
and remaining competitive, organization members often
react to change efforts negatively and resist change. [14]
The following are the common reasons for resistance to
change within organizations and are the cause of failure of
many projects as shown in figure 5 in Appendix.
Lack of communication
Lack of communication is the major cause of resistance in
organizations because employees are not communicated
properly why change is implement in organization, how it
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Volume 2 No. 3 February 2014
©TechMind Research, Canada 239 | P a g e
will work, what approaches will use. Due to lack of
communication, employees start perceiving that change
will change their status quo. 20 % project fails due to lack
of communication.
Unaware of change objectives
When the employees are unaware about the change
objectives or management fails to define the objectives of
change, they start to resist.17% part of project failure is
due to unawareness of employees with change objectives.
Knowledge and skill obsolescence
Employees resist the change when they have not sufficient
knowledge or skill for the change implementation. They
have unfamiliar about the technical issue of the change or
have no experience about the scope of change and
complexity due to which projects fails to deliver its
desirable results.
Organizational structure
Employees resist the change due to unsupportive
organizational structure and poor management problems.
Management fails to define the hierarchy level in
organization for change implementation. Poor
management problem is the major reason of project
Limited resources
Organizations not having available resources prefer to
maintain their status quo since change requires resources
like capital and people having appropriate skills and time.
Inadequate resources may lead to abandon the desired
changes. [15] [16]
There are numbers of way through which resistance can be
managed or overcome.
7.1 Building Change Capacity
Change capacity is the ability of an organization to change
not just once, but as a normal course of events in response
to the internal and external shifts. Change readiness is the
ability to implement a specific change. It is different from
change capacity. Building organizational change capacity
requires focused intervention at the three different levels.
Micro level: At this level, understanding and acceptance
of different approaches to change are developed and
enhancing willingness and ability to change. Different
actions like establish change agent networks to share best
practices, tools and insights about changing ,select, hire,
evaluate and reward people based on their ability to thrive
on change are taken as shown in table 2.
Mesco level: At this level, organizations creating a change
facilitative infrastructure, providing appropriate resources
and budget to implement change. Different actions are
taken as shown in table 2.
Macro level: At this level, leaders build a facilitative
culture, ongoing strategizing levels of the organization. As
shown in table, actions like emphasize learning and
information sharing, valuing alternative viewpoints,
stakeholder orientation and creating a shared purpose are
taken. [17]
7.2 Leaders And Managers Competence
Leaders play a very vital role in change process. Leaders
create a vision of the future and then develop a logical
strategy about how to implement change for making it a
reality. They also motivate people so that the pursue the
vision, achieve the target. Managers, on the other hand,
have the job of monitoring tasks so that complex tasks run
smoothly. They have to work out the implementation
details, round up the required resources, and keep
employee energy channeled in the right direction. Leaders
create a vision and plan that extending the train tracks into
new directions managers get the tracks built and make sure
that the trains run on time. [18]. Change implementation is
more common in every organization. Leaders play an
important role in setting an example for all those values,
behaviors and considerations expected from employees.
Leaders should have different competence to tackle with
change and its successful implementation in organization
and to help employees in their resistance phase as shown
in figure 6. Leaders create an environment that helps the
employees to implement change in organization in a way
that results not only in better job performance but also in
general understanding and satisfaction.[19]
7.3 Communication and Perceived Organizational
The major problem in unsuccessful change is a lack of
communication. Researches show that many companies
fail to keep managers and employees informed about how
changes are to implement in their organizations. [21]
Organization‟s new mission and vision is seldom
communicated in an effective and satisfactory manner.
Communication with employees should be carried out in
every phase of change to reduce resistance. Keeping
employees informed about the progress of change is
necessary to make the transition smooth. [22]
7.4 Participation And Involvement
Participation means to allow employees to give their input
during the process of organizational change. Participation
means that both managers and employees are willing to
share things with each other like decision making process
and responsibilities for these decisions. Allowing people
to participate in the early diagnosis of problems, the
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Volume 2 No. 3 February 2014
©TechMind Research, Canada 240 | P a g e
design of the solution, planning the implementation, or the
actual execution helps motivate constructive behavior
during the transition phase. Participation not only
improved responsiveness to change, but also quality
improvement, job satisfaction and commitment among
employees, and job performance and productivity. [23]
7.5 Training And Perceived Organizational Change
Training relates to the technical aspects of change and
helps ensure that employees have acquired the necessary
skills to carry out new tasks and convey new values,
frameworks, and approaches .Training can also increase
employees‟ confidence in dealing with challenges and
changes, and smoothly performing new tasks or adapting
to a new environment. Training is a contributor to
successful change efforts. [23]
ADKAR model can be used to identify gaps in our change
management process and to provide effective coaching for
our employees. The ADKAR model can be used to:
diagnose employee resistance to change
help employees transition through the change process
create a successful action plan for personal and
professional advancement during change
develop a change management plan for your
The ADKAR model has the ability to identify why
changes are not working and help you take the necessary
steps to make the change successful. This make us able to
break down the change into parts, understand where the
change is failing and address that impact point. Effective
management of the people dimension of change requires
managing five key goals that form the basis of the
ADKAR model:
Awareness of the need to change
Desire to participate and support the change
Knowledge of how to change (and what the change
looks like)
Ability to implement the change on a day-to-day basis
Reinforcement to keep the change in place.[24]
In context of the review of literature discussed above, it is
justified that organizational change is a key driver behind
employee resistance towards change. Incremental changes
are easier to trigger as compared to radical changes that
require a rigorous transformation in culture and structure.
The three main approaches towards change (planned,
guided and directed) have their respective pros and cons.
In comparison, because planned changes are flexible,
participative, go slow and have a clear road map, they can
be more effective. Lack of communication, unsupportive
organizational structure, knowledge or skill obsolescence,
and limited resources are the some reasons due to which
employees resist change The resistance to change can be
overcome through building change capacity. Building
organizational change capacity requires focused
intervention at micro, meso and macro levels. The
implementation of organizational change is triggered
through leaders and managers of the organization.
ADKAR is the key tool used to manage the employee
resistance to change. Overall the paper provides a critical
review of literature to trigger a successful organizational
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Figure 1: Types of Organizational Changes
Source: Levy, A., Merry, U., (1986). “Organizational Transformation Approaches, Strategies, and Theories”, Greenwood
Publishing Group, New York
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Volume 2 No. 3 February 2014
©TechMind Research, Canada 242 | P a g e
Figure 2: Types of Organizational Change
Source: Dawson, P. (2003).” Reshaping Change: A Processual Perspective”. London: Routledge. [9]
Figure 3: Forces of Change
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Volume 2 No. 3 February 2014
©TechMind Research, Canada 243 | P a g e
Source: Kotter, J.P. (2012)” Leading Change”, Harvard Business School Review, pg18-19
Figure 4: Change Management opportunity Curve
Source: “Overcoming Employees Resistance to Change”, pg. 1
Figure 5: Causes of Resistance
Lack of
communication 17%
Unaware Of Change
Objectives 17%
Organizational Structure
Limited Resources
Knowledge &Skill
Obsolescence 17%
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Volume 2 No. 3 February 2014
©TechMind Research, Canada 244 | P a g e
Figure 6: Leadership Competences for Effective Change Management
Source: Abbas ,W&, Asghar,I.(2010).“The Role Of Leadership In Organizational Change”, university of Gavle, pg . 21. [20]
Figure No 7:ADKAR model
Source: Change Management Learning Center pg 1
Table 1 : Different Approaches to Changes
Linear, “road map”
Change Goals (Ends)
Clear goal, with some
modification as needed
Change Process (Means)
Flexible, participative
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Volume 2 No. 3 February 2014
©TechMind Research, Canada 245 | P a g e
Change Leadership
Devise a plan to accomplish
the goal
Changemaker Dynamics
Influence, cooperation
Pace of Change
Go slow during planning to
go fast during
Table No 2: Building Change Capacity
Developing an understanding and
acceptance of different change
approaches & Enhancing willingness
and ability to change
Adopt a common, enterprise-wide framework for
thinking and talking about change
Develop widespread knowledge about different
approaches to change and when each is appropriate
Provide change coaching and consulting services
Establish change agent networks to share best
practices, tools and insights about changing
Select, hire, evaluate and reward people based on their
ability to thrive on change
Form diverse teams to encourage innovation and
Develop, reward and promote supervisors and
managers who enable change
Create a climate of trust, honesty, and transparency
Building a change-supportive
Infrastructure & Providing appropriate
Frequent meetings to identify and critically assess
Encourage low-cost experiments with new ideas
Creation of systems to share knowledge, information
and learning across boundaries
Responsive and proactive training and education
Devote resources to continually scanning the
environment for new idea
Encourage external contact with stakeholders,
especially with customers
Shelter breakthroughs with their own budgets and
Creating a change-facilitative
Culture & Ensuring ongoing
Emphasize learning and information sharing
Valuing alternative viewpoints and tolerance for
mistakes in the interest of learning
Stakeholder orientation
Creating a shared purpose
Thinking dynamically and systemically so that
strategies can change quickly
Examining future markets, competitors, and
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Volume 2 No. 3 February 2014
©TechMind Research, Canada 246 | P a g e
Factoring future scenarios into today‟s decisions
Creating and communicating a change friendly
... A dynamic and uncertain business environment further complicates the process [21]. The narrow frame of reference of the company's current situation visà-vis the changes being implemented, inadequate quality standards, the ability to maintain the new infrastructure and the cost of implementation are other factors rooted in the business paradigm [22]. Technical challenges often arise during the implementation of new technologies, for example, when there is a digitization of operations in production, requiring changes in processes as well as work methods [23]. ...
... where: c represents the center of the function, and σ denotes. Adequacy of quality indicators (for a specific production system) [22], [36] 2 ...
... Fear and uncertainty about replacing humans with robots on the job site [17], [21] 3 Ability to maintain co-bot infrastructure [15], [22] 4 ...
... this means that organizations need to prioritize and cultivate a culture of readiness for change (Rc) throughout all levels of the organization (Kebede & Wang, 2022). Organizational change can be understood as an effort undertaken by a company to transform the current state into a desired future situation (Zafar & naveed, 2014). companies must consider various contingency factors, such as industry characteristics, economic conditions, available technology and consumer behavior (nguyen et al., 2023). ...
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The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the direct effects of authentic leadership (AL) and organizational culture (OC) on organizational learning (OL) and readiness for change (RC). Additionally, this research aims to investigate the moderating role of internal locus of control on these effects. The population consists of 555 employees from the chemical industry in Indonesia, with a sample size of 240 obtained through stratified proportional random sampling, a type of probability sampling. The analysis method employed is structural equation modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS version 3.2.8 software. In the data analysis, the outer model was rigorously assessed to ensure it meets the necessary criteria for validity and reliability. This assessment included checking indicator loadings, convergent validity and discriminant validity. The results confirmed that the outer model meets these criteria, validating the measurement model and allowing for further analysis of the inner model. The findings indicate that AL and OC significantly influence OL, whereas their impact on RC is not significant. However, the mediating role of OL yields the expected results in these relationships. Additionally, internal locus of control can strengthen the influence of OL on RC. This study highlights the importance of fostering AL and a strong OC to enhance learning within organizations and demonstrates how internal locus of control can play a crucial role in this dynamic.
... Meski telah mempertimbangkan lima kategori tersebut dalam menerapkan perubahan, perubahan tersebut juga tidak dapat secara langsung dapat diterapkan, karena kerap kali muncul penolakan dari internal karyawan yang dapat berpengaruh pada produktivitas dari anggota dari organisasi dan kesediaan mereka untuk comply pada perubahan yang ditetapkan (Zafar & Naveed, 2014). Dalam menerapkan perubahan dalam sebuah organisasi, penting untuk memahami kesiapan untuk berubah atau readiness to change baik dari karyawan maupun dari segi organisasi secara keseluruhan (Samaranayake & Takemura, 2017). ...
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Technological and economic developments in Indonesia have made Bank Indonesia continue to adjust, one of which is in the form of changes to the organizational structure carried out on the Payment System and Rupiah Management Team at the Representative Office of Bank Indonesia Province X. This study aims to see the effectiveness of these changes by providing an overview of the process of change in qualitative descriptive using the Star Model approach which consists of five aspects, namely strategy, structure, process, rewards, and people. Data collection was carried out using interviews and observations of informants who had been selected based on the purposive sampling method to 3 (three) employees of the Rupiah Money Management Division at the Bank Indonesia Representative Office Province X with different positions, namely cash administration assistant, cash administration senior executive, and an assistant supervisor. Furthermore, the data is analyzed by reviewing all available data sources until a synthesis is produced and a working hypothesis is developed. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of changes has considered policies in each category of the Star Model.Perkembangan teknologi dan ekonomi di Indonesia membuat Bank Indonesia terus melakukan penyesuaian, salah satunya adalah dalam bentuk perubahan struktur organisasi yang dilakukan pada Tim Pengelolaan Uang Rupiah di Kantor Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Provinsi X. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektivitas perubahan tersebut dengan memberikan gambaran proses perubahan secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan Star Model yang terdiri dari lima aspek, yaitu strategy, structure, process, rewards, dan people. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi terhadap informan yang telah dipilih berdasarkan metode purposive sampling kepada 3 (Tiga) pegawai Divisi Pengelolaan Uang Rupiah Kantor Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Provinsi X dengan jabatan yang berbeda-beda, yaitu asisten administrasi perkasan, pelaksana senior administrasi perkasan, dan asisten penyelia perkasan. Selanjutnya data dianalisis sesuai dengan menelaah seluruh sumber data yang ada hingga kemudian dihasilkan sintesisasi dan menyusun hipotesis kerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi perubahan telah mempertimbangkan kebijakan dalam setiap kategori pada Star Model.
... Employee resistance to change is not necessarily due to disagreement but can stem from a lack of knowledge and skills or ineffective communication about the change [102]. The pandemic has further highlighted the need for employees to acquire technological skills for remote work, which may lead to fears about their ability to adapt or misunderstandings due to lack of communication [103]. Therefore, SME owner-managers need to motivate and communicate with employees effectively, ensuring that they believe in, understand, and are committed to change for successful HRM implementation. ...
BACKGROUND: Existing literature lacks in-depth analyses and identification of barriers to implementing HR practices that affect employee health and well-being, especially during and after the pandemic. Moreover, existing studies primarily focus on large organizations with generic HR contexts. Therefore, this research contributes by evaluating the contextual relationship between barriers to implementing pandemic Human Resource Management (HRM) practices in Indian manufacturing SMEs. OBJECTIVE: The post-pandemic landscape has necessitated a reevaluation of Human Resource (HR) practices, particularly in terms of employee health and well-being while balancing organizational performance goals. This study seeks to identify and evaluate the significant barriers hindering the implementation of re-designed HR policies, focusing on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector in developing countries during and after the pandemic transition. METHODS: The study initially identified ten barriers through a thorough literature review, which was then validated by experts. Subsequently, the interrelationships among these barriers were explored, and their structural hierarchy was established using the Total Interpretive Structural Modelling (TISM) approach. Additionally, a MICMAC (Matriced Impact Croises Multiplication Applique) analysis was performed to assess the driving-dependence power of each barrier. RESULTS: “Manager’s resistance to change” and “employee’s resistance to change” were found to be highly dependent on the other identified barriers. Among these, “lack of skilled managers at affordable costs” and “implementation expenses of new normal HRM practices” emerged as the most critical barriers, with the potential to impact all other barriers in the implementation of re-designed policies. CONCLUSIONS: The study helps owners of manufacturing SMEs and managers to understand the significant barriers to implementing HR policies, particularly in frequent pandemic situations for enhancing employees’ health and well-being while ensuring organizational performance. The planned framework might make it easier for practitioners and decision-makers to comprehend how the various implementation barriers relate to one another. The study’s focus on Indian manufacturing SMEs limits the generalizability of findings to other contexts. Reliance on expert opinions introduces bias, and further validation through empirical research is needed.
... In this context, it is important for organizations to develop and implement careful communication strategies and effective training programs to address this resistance. Encouraging active employee involvement in the planning and implementation process can also be an effective step in minimizing resistance and increasing acceptance of change throughout the organization (Zafar & Naveed, 2014). Strengthening the relationship between management and employees and creating a supportive work environment, organizations can optimize the potential of change and achieve transformation goals more efficiently (Pervaiz et al., 2021). ...
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The era of globalization signifies an increase in competition in the global market, with large organizations facing pressure to continuously adapt to rapid and complex changes in the global business environment. Information technology plays a pivotal role in business transformation in the digital era. The development of new technologies and changes in IT infrastructure affect how organizations operate and compete in the global market. The aim of this research is to investigate the influence of change management strategies on the readiness of large organizations in the globalization era. The primary focus of this research is to understand the roles played by four key factors: leadership, communication, information technology, and employee participation in addressing business dynamics in the globalization era. This research method involves a literature review with a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis. The literature review was conducted by gathering, reviewing, and synthesizing relevant scholarly articles found through searches on Google Scholar within the timeframe of 2001-2024. The study results indicate that in the ever-changing and evolving era of globalization, large organizations must be prepared to adapt quickly to remain relevant and competitive. The implementation of change management strategies is crucial in ensuring organizational readiness to face modern business dynamics. The influence of these strategies is highly significant and involves various factors such as leadership, communication, information technology, and employee participation. Strong leadership, effective communication, leveraging advanced information technology, and high employee participation are essential elements of these strategies. Therefore, one of the recommendations that can be drawn from this research is that organizations should focus on developing strong and visionary leadership to inspire and guide the organization through the change process.
... This proposed framework is a comprehensive guide to aligning knowledge-based performance management systems and corporate culture. By examining alignment frameworks, best practices, measurement tools, and (Ajayi, 2020;Juli, 2017;Zafar & Naveed, 2014). ...
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Purpose: This study proposes a conceptual framework for aligning performance management systems (PMS) with corporate culture development to cultivate organizational excellence. Method: The study employs an exploration approach. It involves analyzing and observing existing performance management systems, identifying corporate culture development and intervention alignment in the resource capabilities area, and offering detailed benchmarks for improvement. Results and Conclusion: By emphasizing strategic alignment, the framework facilitates nuanced benchmarking, enabling organizations to prioritize and implement decisions that harmonize the PMS with corporate culture development. The study contributes to effective management practices in the dynamic mining sector, providing a tailored solution for organizations striving for operational excellence through the integration of KBPMS and corporate culture development. Implications of the Research: The proposed conceptual framework offers practical implications for mining enterprises. It guides the enhancement of organizational performance by aligning KBPMS with corporate culture. Originality/Value: This study adds value by introducing a comprehensive conceptual framework tailored to the mining industry, addressing critical aspects of PMS and corporate culture alignment for achieving operational excellence.
... Effective change management hinges on strong communication strategies, early consultation with all stakeholders, and generating enthusiasm for change [47]. These strategies help mitigate against resistance and enhance implementation success [48] and encourage active participation and engagement of staff in the change process [49]. ...
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Background Intellectual disability services have and continue to experience changes in service provision. This has an implication for leadership in practice as the quality of leadership has a direct influence on staff practice and care provided. Aim To design, deliver, and evaluate a leadership programme for nurse and social care managers in Ireland. Design An accredited programme was designed based on evidence from literature, practice, and national expertise. A cross-sectional survey was used to collect information on the attitudes and behaviour of participants before commencing and after completing the programme. Data from the questionnaires were analysed using SPSS and open-ended questions were analysed using content analysis. Setting Intellectual disability services. Participants 102 participants completed the programme and survey. Methods Pre-post survey and reported using the CROSS guidelines. Results Participants’ expectations were rated highly, and all items scored higher in the post-survey. Qualitative data was overall positive regarding opportunities for more time to work through each aspect of the programme. The key learning was through the forum day where participants shared their group projects. Conclusions Overall, the programme was positively evaluated and through engaging with the programme participants’ perceptions moved from seeing leadership as mostly task-oriented to realising that qualities such as good communication, person-centredness, advocacy, supporting, role modelling, and empowering are key to leadership.
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Objective: This study aims to investigate business transformation and its relationship with organizational agility in the software industry sector. Theoretical Framework: The main concepts related to change management and organizational agility are presented. The importance of continuous adaptation of organizations in a dynamic business environment is highlighted. Method: A three-stage study design was employed that included literature analysis and interviews with managers in the software industry. Data collection was conducted through focus group interviews. Results and Discussion: The results reveal the need for effective change management to improve organizational agility. Implications of the findings in the theoretical and practical context, as well as possible limitations of the study, are discussed. Research Implications: The practical and theoretical implications of the results for the software industry sector are explored. Areas that could benefit from the study's findings are highlighted. Originality/Value: This study contributes to the field of change management and organizational agility by providing new insights into the relationship between business transformation and organizational adaptability in the software industry sector.
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Dalam era transformasi digital yang berkembang pesat, bisnis modern dihadapkan pada tantangan dan peluang yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Perubahan dramatis dalam teknologi, perilaku konsumen, dan ekosistem bisnis menuntut perusahaan untuk menyelaraskan strategi mereka dengan dinamika yang terus berubah. Pada tingkat inti dari transformasi ini, infrastruktur bisnis digital muncul sebagai pendorong utama yang mendukung evolusi dan keberlanjutan model bisnis modern. Dalam membangun Infrastruktur bisnis digital tidak sekadar tentang perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak; ini melibatkan konsep yang lebih luas tentang bagaimana suatu perusahaan merancang, mengelola, dan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk mencapai tujuan bisnisnya. Konsep ini mencakup fleksibilitas untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan, kemampuan untuk mengintegrasikan teknologi terkini, dan fokus pada pelayanan pelanggan yang lebih baik. Sebuah model bisnis modern tidak bisa dipisahkan dari fondasi infrastruktur digital yang solid dan terintegrasi. Infrastruktur bisnis digital bukan hanya alat pendukung; namun merupakan elemen kunci yang membentuk DNA organisasi di era digital ini. Perannya meluas dari menyediakan infrastruktur teknis untuk operasional sehari-hari hingga menjadi katalisator untuk inovasi. Dengan memahami peran ini, perusahaan dapat lebih efektif mengelola risiko, memanfaatkan peluang, dan memberikan nilai tambah kepada pemangku kepentingan peranan teknologi informasi dalam meningkatkan mutu mekanisme pelayanan .
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Resistance to organisational change is seen as one of the impediments to organisational expansion and growth due to its negative repercussions. This study therefore sought to investigate the factors that influence resistance to or-ganisational change at Oti-Yeboah Complex Limited. De-scriptive survey design was adopted to collect information using stratified sampling and self-administered question-naires. Descriptive statistics, bi-variate correlation, regres-sion analysis and t-test were used to analyse the data. The results indicated that less employee participation in deci-sion making and lack of trust in management contributed highly to resistance at Oti-Yeboah Complex Limited. In addition, factors such as lack of motivation, poor chan-nels of communication, and information exchange also contributed to resistance. The study suggests that manage-ment should encourage employee participation in decision making, build confidence, accept constructive criticism, be transparent and communicate clearly the need for change to employees.
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Observes that the published literature on resistance to organisational change has focused more on organisational issues rather than individual psychological factors. The present study investigated the role of both adaptive and maladaptive defence mechanisms in individual resistance. Surveys were conducted in nine organisations undergoing major change and responses were obtained from 615 employees. The results indicate that five maladaptive defence mechanisms are positively correlated with behavioural intention to resist change, namely, projection, acting out, isolation of affect, dissociation and denial. The adaptive defence mechanism of humour was found to be negatively correlated with resistance intention. Identifies two intervention strategies which can be used by management to address the effects of defence mechanisms on resistance during periods of change in organisations.
This book is written for managers in organizations that practice western style of management. The central theme of the book is the importance of generating core values, vision and mission within an organization, extending core values of work into practical and concrete ways of infusing them into day-to-day activities at work. Many of the central ideas and theories of western style of management are questioned, and readers are introduced to theories of contemporary writers in the field. Based on a critical interpretation of theory, this practical book is distilled from the authors’ experience in developing core values within a variety of organizations over the last decade. © 2007 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.
This book highlights the theoretical and practical value of using a processual perspective to make sense of organizational change. Featuring data collected over 20 years of fieldwork, it does much more than provide a simple overview of theory and change models and instead makes the processual approach understandable and accessible to both researchers and practitioners. The author's case studies of radical and large-scale change programmes include those from General Motors, Pirelli, Shell, Britax and Laubman and Pank, and considers aspects of processual research, the context, politics, and substance of change and finally the future of the processual perspective. This is an innovative and highly practical study that captures the truly complex processes of the changing organization and illustrates how best to understand them from a processual point of view.
Permanent organizations, such as companies, divisions, profit and cost centres, as well as temporary organizations, i.e. projects and programmes, change. Different change types, namely organizational learning, further developing, transforming and radical re-positioning can be described by specific chains of processes. For performing change processes of permanent organizations projects and programmes can be applied.In the literature the differences between changes, processes, programmes and projects are not clearly defined and therefore also change management is not related appropriately to process, project and programme management. There exists a misperception regarding the relationship between changes and programmes (and projects). Changes are perceived to be managed within programmes (and projects) instead of perceiving programmes (and projects) as organizations to manage the changes.For the definition of change types, of change objects and for the description of changes an action research approach was applied. The author developed together with representatives of different client organizations models for change management and applied those as practical solutions for these organizations.
Traditionally, resistance has been cast as adversarial - the enemy of change that must be defeated if change is to be successful. While it is apparent that classical management theory viewed resistance in such a manner, recent literature contains much evidence that suggests resistance may indeed be useful and is not to be simply discounted. Present day suggestions and prescriptions for managing resistance have evidently disregarded this research and left little room for utility in resistance. This paper argues that the difficulty of organisational change is often exacerbated by the mismanagement of resistance derived from a simple set of assumptions that misunderstand resistance’s essential nature. It is suggested that management may greatly benefit from techniques that carefully manage resistance to change by looking for ways of utilising it rather than overcoming it.