Sexual activity has been universally recognized as a vital component of a normal and healthy lifestyle and general well-being. Sexual dysfunction especially erectile dysfunction is a serious public health problem as reflected in epidemiological data. Aphrodisiac is the word derived from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexual, love and beauty. An aphrodisiac is defined as an agent (food or drug) that arouses sexual desire. From time immemorial, man's endeavour have been to increase his sexual powers. When man did not know metals and used only stones, he exhibited his sexual powers by ritual dances accompanied by hunting. This leads early man was motivated by his quest for food, sex and self-preservation. The possibility of bioactive aphrodisiacs which may be derived from plants, animals or minerals, has been attractive throughout recorded history. Aphrodisiac are mentioned there as Vajikaranas, the word vaji meaning horse and karanta meaning making, i.e., measure to excite lust by charms, etc. Many natural substances have been historically known as aphrodisiacs in Africa and Europe, such as Yohimbine and the Mandrake plant, as well as ground Rhinoceros horn in the Chinese culture and " Spanish fly " which is actually toxic. Sexual relationships are some of the most important social and biological relationship in human life. Male impotence also called erectile dysfunction (ED or SD) is a common medical condition that affects the sexual life of millions of men worldwide. Erectile dysfunction is defined as the persistent inability to obtain and maintain an erection sufficient for naturally satisfactory intercourse. Sexual dysfunction is a serious medical and social symptom that occurs in 10%-52% of men and 25%-63% of women. Erectile dysfunction is adversely affected by diabetes mellitus, antihypertensive, antipsychotic, and antidepressant therapeutic drugs. Organic causes of ED include hypogonadism, hyperprolactinaemia, and neurological disorders. Treatment of ED involves several natural aphrodisiac potentials. Aphrodisiac In India, indigenous remedies have been used in treatment of sexual dysfunction since the time of Charaka and Sushruta. Plants have been always an exemplary source of drugs and many of the currently available drugs have been derived directly or indirectly from them. An aphrodisiac is defined as an agent that arouses sexual desire. Erectile dysfunction or sexual dysfunction (ED or SD) or male impotence is defined as the inability of a man to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for mutually satisfactory intercourse with his partner. Sexual health and function are important determinants of quality of life. To overcome the problem of male sexual (or) erectile dysfunction, various Indian natural aphrodisiac plants potentials were preferred. The ethnobotanical information reports that about 200 plants possess aphrodisiac potential. Out of several Indian medicinal plants, 33 plants were reviewed. In this review, studies on Indian medicinal plants were reviewed and their possible therapeutic applications were discussed. This review discusses about aphrodisiac potential of Indian medicinal plants, its botanical name, common name, family, extract, models used, part used and references, which are helpful for researchers to develop new herbal aphrodisiac formulations. In the recent years, interest in drugs of plant origin has been progressively increased.