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Abstract and Figures

A qualitative survey was carried out during 2005- 2010 of all indigenous and naturalized plants of Gadchiroli district, Maharashtra, India. There are 237 species belonging to 184 genera and 73 families which are listed in this paper. Out of 73 families listed, 63 belong to dicotyledonae and 10 belong to monocotyledonae. Dominant families were Fabaceae (21 genera), Acanthaceae (12 genera) followed by Asteracece (9 genera). The nomenclature system followed in this paper is up to date. Three plants (1.63%) listed in this paper come under Vulnerable (VU) and two (1.09%) comes under Lower Risk (LR) categories. Eleven genera (5.98%) are reported to be endemic to Maharashtra state of India. Only one plant species (Agave americana var. americana) was not native of the area and is cultivated. Voucher specimens of the representative plants are submitted at Medicinal Plants Conservation Center (MPCC), Pune, Maharashtra, and the voucher number is provided along with names of plants.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Journal of species lists and distribution
Chec List
Lists o f species
Check List 9(1): 051–058, 2013
© 2013 Check List and Authors
ISSN 1809-127X (available at
the south and southwest (Figure 1). Gadchiroli district lies
between 19°31’ & 19°45’ N latitude and 80°15’ & 80°45’ E
longitude (Tiwari 1994). Total land cover of the study area
is 14412.0 sq. km. Out of which, nearly 78.4% (i.e.11694.0
sq. km. ) is covered by reserve or protected forest. Dhanora,
Etapalli, Aheri and Sironcha talukas in the eastern part
of the district are covered by forest. Remaining 1.55%
land of the total area is wasteland. The area receives an
annual rainfall of nearly 1510 mm (
been published for various states, districts and regions of
India (Kumar et al. 2007). However, for Gadchiroli district,
no taxonomical study of the available plants has been
carried so far, although few ethnobotanical studies are
previously reported.
Major portion of the study area is covered with forest and
the chief vegetation type is dry-deciduous (Tewari 1994;
Tiwari and Padhye 1993) where teak and bamboo were
found to be dominant elements. Many of the plants listed in
this paper are utilized for medicinal purposes by the local
tribal people, for example tree like Butea monosperma,
Lannea coramandelica, Holarrhena pubescens, Pterocarpus
marsupium, Soymida febrifuga, shrubs like Ceriscoides
turgida, Gardenia resinifera, and herbs like Andrographis
paniculata, Cullen corylifolia, Curculigo orchioides and
Orthosiphon rubicundus. Summarily, the study aims to
provide a list of plants occurring in Gadchiroli district of
Maharashtra state of India.
Present work is the outcome of 11 several seasonal
        
attempts were made to collect speciments from all the
areas of the district. Plants specimens were collected, dried,
        
et al. 1996;
Singh et al. 2001; Singh and Karthikeyan 2001) (Nagpur,
       
herbarium specimens . Plant specimens are deposited in
      
Gadchiroli District, is situated in the South-eastern
       
district in the west, Gondia District in the north,
 A qualitative survey was carried out during 2005- 2010 of all indigenous and naturalized plants of Gadchiroli
district, Maharashtra, India. There are 237 species belonging to 184 genera and 73 families which are listed in this
paper. Out of 73 families listed, 63 belong to dicotyledonae and 10 belong to monocotyledonae. Dominant families were
Fabaceae (21 genera), Acanthaceae (12 genera) followed by Asteracece (9 genera). The nomenclature system followed
in this paper is up to date. Three plants (1.63%) listed in this paper come under Vulnerable (VU) and two (1.09%) comes
under Lower Risk (LR) categories. Eleven genera (5.98%) are reported to be endemic to Maharashtra state of India. Only
one plant species (Agave americana var. americana) was not native of the area and is cultivated. Voucher specimens of the
number is provided along with names of plants.
 
Pin-411 043, Maharashtra, India
 
Suresh Jagtap * and Sourav Mukherjee
Plant Diversity of Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra,
India: A brief survey
 Map showing study area at Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra,
Jagtap and Mukherjee | Plants of Gadchiroli district, India
divisionalcommissioner/Dist_info/GAD.html). The main
to east and forms the southern boundary of the district.
      
Tipagad, Palasgad and Surjagad area (Tiwari 1994) and
(Tiwari and Padhye 1993).
Main text of the research paper is table number 1 which
      
names of plants are given under family names (arranged
alphabetically) followed by distribution, local names and
the voucher specimen number under which the specimens
Species diversity
During the study, as many as 237 species of 184 genera
belonging to 73 families (Table 1) were recorded. Out
of these families, 10 belong to monocotyledonae (13.7
%) and 63 are from dicotyledonous plant families (86.3
% dicotyledones). The families with highest number of
species were Fabaceae (21 genera; 11.41 %), Acanthaceae
(12 genera; 6.52 %), Asteracece (9 genera; 4.89 %),
Euphorbiaceae and Rubiaceae (8 genera; 4.35 %) followed
     
genera. Amongst monocotyledonous plants, Liliaceae
represented maximum number of genera (4; 2.17 %)
followed by Araceae, Poaceae and Zingiberaceae (3 each;
1.63 %). Thirty two (32; 43.8 %) families were represented
by single genus and single species in the study area. In our
sample most of the species (99.5 %) were native to the
region and only one plant was cultivated (Agave americana
var. americana). Tree species of the study area plays a vital
role for day to day life of the tribal communities. Teak,
bamboo being predominant components of the forest and
are regularly used by the tribes for making home. Many
plants listed here are used by local tribes for different
purposes including medicinal aspect (Tewari 1994; Tiwari
and Padhye 1993). Distribution of these listed plants were
documented as abundant, common, cultivated, occasional
based on the number of times they were encountered
during exploration.
Status Determination of taxa
To assign status of distribution pattern of a taxa, the
         
and Karthikeyan (2001) were referred. Eleven plants
(5.98%) which are endemic to Maharashtra state of
India are reported from the study area, viz., Alysicarpus
belgaumensis, Amorphophallus commutatus, Arisaema
murrayi, Barleria gibsoni, Blumea eriantha, Boswellia
      var.
trichophor, Curcuma pseudomontana, Gantelbua urens,
Haplanthodes verticillatus. Three taxa (1.63 %) reported
form the study area fall under vulnerable category
(VU) like Alysicarpus belgummensis, Arisaema murrayi,
Barleria gibsonii, and two (1.09 %) fall under lower risk
(LR) category like Amorphophallus commutatus and
Haplanthodes verticillatus (Singh et al. 2001; Singh and
Karthikeyan 2001).
       
composition of Gadchiroli district.
 List of plants their families, distribution, local name and herbarium number.
   
Andrographis paniculata  52
Barleria cristata var. cristata L. Oc 1552
Barleria gibsoni Dalz. Oc Katrangi 1775
Barleria prionitis ssp. prionitis L. 2060
Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) Roth 699
Gantelbua urens Oc 3407
Haplanthodes verticillatus  2512
Hemigraphis lateborsa var. lateborsa (Heyne ex Roth) Nees. 2027
Hygrophila schulli  -
Justicia adhatoda L. 2064
Justicia glauca Rottl. 3357
Lepidagathis cristata Kumbha, Kateri zendu 1556
Rostellularia crinita  274
Rostellularia diffusa Nees. 121
Ruellia tuberosa L. Oc Mendholi -
Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees. 1557
Agave americana var. americana L. 
Alangium salvifolium var. salvifolium (L. f.)  R Aankol -
Achyranthes aspera var. aspera L. Aghada 1599
Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. ex Schult. 2003
Amaranthus spinosus L. 2033
Jagtap and Mukherjee | Plants of Gadchiroli district, India
 Continued.
   
Buchanania cochinchinensis (Lour.) Almeida   2023
Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr. Mowai -
Mangifera indica L. Amba -
Semecarpus anacardium var. anacardium L. f. R  863
Holarrhena pubescens Pandra kuda 2007
Wrightia tinctoria var. rothii (G. Don) Ngan Kadu kuda 152
Amorphophallus commutatus Engl. -
Arisaema murrayi Hook. O Var -
Colocasia esculanta Schott Oc Kochai 1891
Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. R Shindi -
Calotropis gigantea (L.) Ait. Oc Rui 2022
Calotropis proceraOc Rui -
Cryptolepis buchanani Roem. and Schult. 261
Pergularia daemiaOc 784
Ageratum conyzoides L. 1513
Bidens biternata (Lour.) Merr. and Sherff. 187
Blumea Tambati 1183
Eclipta prostata (L.) L. Oc 2714
Elephantopus scaber L. Jata shankar 77
Emilia sonchifolia 1567
Lagascea mollis 2741
Sphaeranthus indicus L. Ab Godhurli -
Tridax procumbens L. Kubadmodi 1544
Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. Oc -
Impatiens balsamina var. balsamina L. R 2057
Stereospermum chelenoides R Parad 90
Stereospermum colaisMabberley. Oc Surya 2081
Dolichandrone falcata Medshingi -
Bombax ceiba L. Oc Semal -
Brassica nigra (L.) Koch Oc 1323
Boswellia serrataOc Salai -
Bauhinia purpurea L. 707
Bauhinia racemosa Lam.   903
Bauhinia tomentosa L. Oc 2622
Cassia  L. Oc  -
Cassia pumila Lam. - 1572
Cassia tora L. Tarota 1107
Tamarindus indica L.   2012
Wahlenbergia erecta (Roth ex R and S.) Moeliona and Tuyn Oc -
Capparis zeylanica L. Oc  777
Cassine glauce (Rottb.) O. Ktez. R 2246
Celastrus paniculatus Oc Pinphar 2087
Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Excell   2479
Jagtap and Mukherjee | Plants of Gadchiroli district, India
 Continued.
   
Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alst. Ghongal -
Anogeissus latifolia  Dhawda 2211
Calycopteris  (Roxb.) Poir. Ab Jilbuli 367
Combretum albidum G. Don Fr piwalwel 106
Combretum latifolium Fr piwalwel 2786
Terminalia bellirica (Gaerten.) Roxb. Oc -
Terminalia chebula Retz. Oc ajan 158
Terminalia elliptica Ain 731
Cyanotis cristata Don. 2600
Murdannia   1591
Argyreia sericea Dalz. and Gibs. Oc 1077
Cuscuta chinensis var. chinensis Lam. Oc -
Cuscuta  Roxb. R -
Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L. Vishnu kranta 2717
Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet Ganbhowara 3121
Ipomoea pes-tigrides L. Oc  122
Merremia gangetica  2059
Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt R Tondalvel, Rantondli -
Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb. Oc Randodka -
Momordica dioica Katul 735
Mukia maderaspatana (L.) Roem. Oc 3154
Trichosanthes anguina L. Indravan -
Trichosanthes cucumerina L. Indravan -
Trichosanthes tricuspidata Lour. Padora 925
Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. -
Kyllinga melanosperma Nees.
Kyllinga nemoralis Nees. 3191
Kyllinga tenuifolia Steud. 1148
Dioscorea belophylla Haines Oc Kadukanda -
Dioscorea bulbifera L. Mataru vel 906
Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. Tendu 3217
Diospyros montana Roxb. Oc 2336
Eriocaulon cinereum 2580
Eriocaulon elenorae Fyson -
Acalypha ciliata Forssk. Oc 1125
Antidesma acidum Retz. R 860
Bridelia hamiltoniana Kudurshi -
Bridelia retusa (L.) Spr. Oc Kasai 464
Cleistanthus collinus Ab Garari -
Emblica  Gaertn. Oc Aawarun / Amla 1533
Euphorbia geniculata Orteg. 2504
Euphorbia hirta L. Kachara 1507
Euphorbia rosea Retz. 2915
Mallotus philippinesis (Lam.) Muell.-Arg. R Shendri 927
Phyllanthus urinaria L.   702
Phyllanthus virgatus Forst. f. Oc  871
Aeschynomene aspera L. Oc -
Alysicarpus belgaumensis Oc Mothi chiputi 1373
Jagtap and Mukherjee | Plants of Gadchiroli district, India
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Alysicarpus hamosus Edgew. 24
Alysicarpus tetragonolobus Edgew. 119
Butea monosperma var. monosperma Palas 2904
Butea superba Oc Palaswel -
Cajanus platycarpus Supulsheng 3403
Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) du-Petit-Thours 67
Crotalaria  var. trichophora Oc 2631
Crotalaria hebecarpa  3156
Crotalaria hirsuta Oc Tichakali 40
Cullen corylifolia (L.) Medik. R 946
Dalbergia lanceolaria ssp. lanceolaria L. f. Shevdor -
Desmodium gangeticum  87
Desmodium    1570
Desmodium velutinum   145
Indigofera trita var. trita L. Ranmethi 3423
Macrotyloma  (Lam.) Verdc. Oc 709
Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre Oc Karanj -
Pterocarpus marsupium var. marsupium Roxb. Ab  755
Teramnus labialis (L. f.) Spreng. Ranudid, Tipani 2629
Teramnus mollis Oc 3166
Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Marechal 89
Vigna dalzelliana (O. Ketz.) Verdc Rangavar 1558
Zornia gibbosa Span. Ab 1571
Caeseria graveolens Dalz. R Kukuddawana -
Caeseria tomentosa Roxb. R -
Flacourtia indica Kakai -
Canscora decurrens Dalz. Oc 942
Canscora decussata (Roxb.) A.schult and J.H.schult Oc 1555
Exacum pumilum Griseb. 3363
Curculigo orchioides Geartn. Oc Dukkarkand, kali Musli 1142
Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. Oc 2202
Lavendula bipinnata var. rothina O. Ketz. 940
Leucas aspera  2062
Leucas stelligera 1935
Leucas stricta 195
Ocimum americanum L. 2005
Ocimum basilicum var.   1114
Ocimum  L. Oc 3431
Orthosiphon  867
Tectona grandis L. f. sag -
Careya arborea Roxb. Oc Kumbha -
Leea indicaOc 3161
Asparagus racemosus var. racemosus A Marbat 1558
Chlorophytum laxum Musali 667
Chlorophytum tuberosum Safed musali 668
Gloriosa superba L. Oc Karkari 1523
Scilla hyacinthina  2006
Mitreola petiolata (J.F.Gmel.)Torr.and A.Grey O 61
Dendrophthoe falcata var. falcata (L. f.) Etting Oc -
 Continued.
Jagtap and Mukherjee | Plants of Gadchiroli district, India
   
Ammannia auriculata Oc 133
Lagerstromea  Roxb. Oc Sehna 265
Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz Jilbuli 54
Sida acuta 118
Sida cordifolia L.   2537
Sida rhombifolia L. 2408
Urena lobata L. 1771
Martynia annua L. Oc Vagh nakhi 2938
Osbeckia muralis Naud. Oc -
Azadirachta indica A. Juss. R -
Chlroxylon swietenia R Mhasawad -
Soymida febrifuga (Roxb.) A. Juss. Rohan 2618
Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Theob. Oc vasanvel 105
Acacia catechu (L. f.)  Oc Khair 1115
Acacia leucophloea Hivar 2245
Acacia torta   -
Albizia lebbeck var. lebbeck Oc -
Albizia odoratissima var. subhedarii (L.)    772
Albizia procera Oc -
Xylia xylocarpa(Roxb.) Taub. R Surya
Ficus amplissima J. E. Sm. R Pakali 1878
Ficus benghalensis L. R -
Ficus racemosa L. R -
Ficus religiosa L. Oc Pimpal -
Boerhavia repens var. diffusa L. 2509
Olax psittacorum Oc Haradphari 656
Schrebera swietenioides Roxb. Oc Mokha -
Ludwigia octovalis var.  (Micheli.) Raven Oc 2705
Cansjera rheedii Gmel. Oc Haradfari -
Rhynchostylis retusa Oc Kanda -
Vanda tessellata (Roxb.) Hook. Oc  587
Vanda testacea Reich. f. Oc 383
Biophytum candolleanum Lajalu 75
Biophytum reinwardtii (Zucc.) Klotz. Lajalu 2431
Sesamum orientale L. Til 3411
Hemidesmus indicus (L.) Schult. 494
Cymbopogon martinii  2647
Cynadon dactylon Pers. -
Dendrocalamus strictus Nees. Oc  255
Polygala arvensis 1128
 Continued.
Jagtap and Mukherjee | Plants of Gadchiroli district, India
   
Ventilago denticulata Oc Popati 101
Ziziphus caracutta Roxb. Oc Guti 856
Ziziphus mauritiana Lam.   904
Ziziphus oenoplia (L.) Mill. Oc - 63
Catunaregam spinosa (Thunb.) Tirvengadum Oc Ghera -
Ceriscoides turgida (Roxb.) Tirveng. R Phedra pandra -
Gardenia latifolia Soland. Oc Kudmodi -
Gardenia resinifera Roth. Mali, Jondhurli 2206
Haldina cordifolia (Roxb.) Rasad. Oc 2510
Ixora pavetta Andr. R Lokhandi 2621
Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) Korth. Kalam 957
Spermacoce articularis L. f. Oc 3105
Tamilnadia uliginosa (Retz.) Tirveng. and Sastre. R Kala phedra -
Aegle marmalosR -
Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken Oc Kojab 386
Madhuca longifolia var. longifolia (Koen.)  Ab Mahuwa / Mowa -
Bacopa monnieri (L.) Penn. R 959
Buchnera hispida Oc 2067
Lindernia ciliata  68
Lindernia viscosa  1817
Sopubia delphinifolia var. delphinifolia (L.) G. Don Oc 2579
Striga  Oc Agaya 2641
Smilax perfoliata Lour. Oc Sherdira 2473
Datura metel L. Oc -
Physalis minima L. 2507
Solanum virginianum L.  2403
Eriolaena quinquelocularis   3188
Helicteres isora L. Atai 60
Sterculia urens Roxb. Oc -
Corchorus olitorius L.   30
Corchorus tridens L. 3164
Grewia damine Gaertn. 864
Grewia tiliifolia Vahl. Oc Dhaman 856
Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon. R Pimphar / Pinkphar 936
Symphorema involucratum Roxb. R -
Vitex negundo L. 2624
Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F. v. Muell. Lendoli 3178
Ampelocissus latifolia (Roxb.) Planch. Oc Dokel 2010
Cissus repanda Vahl Dokel vel 706
Costus speciosus Sm. Oc Harduli, Kevkand -
Curcuma pseudomontana Grahm. Ranhalad -
Zingiber cernuum Dalz. R Ran ale -
 Continued.
Jagtap and Mukherjee | Plants of Gadchiroli district, India
 The authors are grateful to Prof. P K Ranjekar,
the opportunity to work.
The Flora of The Presidency of Bombay volume 1. Taylor
and Francis, London. 645 p.
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and Francis, London. 1083 p.
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of Jharkhand, India. Check List 3(4): 297-304.
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State (Flora of India Series 2): Monocotyledones
Survey of India. 789 p.
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Fitoterapia 64(1): 58-61.

Supplementary resource (1)

... The breakdown of plant types revealed that 40.5% were trees, 33.1% were herbaceous, and 89% were dicot taxa (Fig. 4). In terms of plant parts usage, 26.6% of the species had edible whole plants, 31.1% had leaves with medicinal properties, and 56.9% are categorized as least concern under the IUCN status [17][18][19]. ...
... Analysis revealed that 37.4% of the plants exhibit herb habits, and 85% belong to dicot taxa. Leaves were found to be the most widely used plant part both for nutritional (36.3%) and medicinal (26.5%) purposes (Fig. 7) [30][31][32]. In terms of threat assessment, 56.3% of the plants were classified as least concerned (Fig. 7). ...
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Food is the most fundamental necessity for humans to meet their calorie and nutrient requirements and stay healthy. In India, the green revolution helped to achieve food security; however, it threatened the overall nutritional security of the country, due to the agricultural adaptation of selected crops for cultivation over decades. Similarly, climate further threatens the overall food security set-up. Hence, bringing back wild edible plants with potential medicinal and nutritional value in the food chain is crucial to achieving food and nutritional security in climate change scenarios, as these plants have nutritional diversity, seasonal availability, and resistance to climate change. Considering the importance and potential of wild edible plants, a study was done to document the plants along with related details from the Deccan Plateau Regions of India. In this review, we summarized 314 wild edible plants from 84 families occurring in the State of Maharashtra, the largest portion of the western peninsular and Deccan Plateau regions of India. The parts of these species used as food and their reported biological activities are also highlighted. Of these, 70% of the plants were categorized as least concern for threat status by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). These plants have both food and medicinal uses. Around 136 plants are reported to have promising antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties, highlighting their utility as a functional food. Considering sustainable utilization, nearly 131 plants can be cultivated or directly sourced for consumption from their ecological niche. We believe these wild edible species have the potential to improve people's food and nutritional security, including livelihoods in the region.
... Gadchiroli district in Maharashtra, India, is known for its dense forests and the biodiversity covering 76% of the area of the district [17]. The clean and green forestry environment of this district has a source of different natural foods with high purity. ...
... Gadchiroli district in Maharashtra, India, is known for its dense forests and the biodiversity covering 76% of the area of the district [17]. The clean and green forestry environment of this district has a source of different natural foods with high purity. ...
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... The authors evaluated the "vulnerability of gastric mucosa to ulceration in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM was produced in 5-day-old rat pups by administering streptozotocin (70 mg/kg, i.p)) rats vis-à-vis the protective effects of the methanolic extract of Pterocarpus marsupium heartwood (PMS, an antidiabetic herbal plant)" 19 . Epicatechin, Liquiritigenin, Liquiritigenin, Isoliquiritin had isolated by several researchers and reported to possess antiulcer properties. ...
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Medicinal plants play a vital role in human health as these are nature's gift to human beings to make disease-free, healthy lives. The various families such as Amaranthaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Euphorbaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Myrtaceae, Orchidaceae, Piperaceae, Solanaceae etc. comprises several medicinal properties distributed in the tropical and subtropical region of India. The medicinal usage of these families has been reported in the traditional systems of medicine. An exhaustive literature survey was performed on the medicinal plants of the district which revealed that 90 plants belong to different families is reported antiulcer property used by tribal region. Different parts of Fabiaceae family plant extract are widely used by tribal (Gond Madiya Jamat) of Gadchiroli to heal ulcer and relieve stomach pain without precipitating any side effects. The present review was conducted and focuses on the ethnomedical, phytochemical and antiulcer activity of different plant extracts of the Fabiaceae family.
... Several workers have done vegetation analysis all over the world but most of them are restricted to forest vegetation (Gregory et al. 1991;Nilsson et al. 1994;Zogaris et al. 2009;Omoro et al. 2010;Calmon et al. 2011;Callisto et al. 2012). With regard to India, the majority of published research on phytodiversity has as well focused on forests (Khera et al. 2001;Jaya Kumar et al. 2002;Chandrashekhar et al. 2003;Pascal et al. 2004;Kharkwal et al. 2005;Supriya Devi and Yadava 2006;De 2007;Shukla 2009;Rana et al. 2010;Manhas et al. 2011;Jagtap and Mukherjee 2013). There exists little authentic quantitative ecological information pertaining to riparian vegetation in relation to species diversity of Indian as well as Kerala watersheds. ...
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The present work aimed to evaluate the riparian species diversity of five subwatersheds of the Meenachil river basin (1208.1 km2) and to compare that with the main river channel. A total of 441 species were recorded belonging to 106 families. The Leguminosae was represented by the highest number of species (39 spp.) followed by Poaceae (25 spp.). The quantitative features such as density and importance value index of species varied greatly. In the present study, the diversity index of shrubs and herbs was found to be higher than the tree species. The concentration of dominance was recorded highest in the tree species. Shannon-Wiener index (H′) ranged from 1.0 to 2.95. The Margalef’s species richness index varied from 2.43 to 6.69, equitability or evenness index varied from 0.62 to 1.42, the species heterogeneity index varied from 0.4 to 0.83, and Mc Intosh diversity index varied from 56.57 to 329.27. A greater number of tree species fell in 41-60 cm girth at breast height, but less number of tree individuals is represented in above 100-cm diameter class.
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The present paper deals with reports of ethnomedicinal plants used by Gond tribes of Chandrapur and Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra State, India.
The paper, incorporating the ethnobotanical survey of Halbi tribe, indicates that 25 genera belonging to 18 families are being used as ethnomedicines. Plants are arranged alphabetically with botanical name, family, local name, herbarium number and uses. Only lesser known species are included here.
The Flora of The Presidency of Bombay volume 2
  • T Cooke
Cooke, T. 1908. The Flora of The Presidency of Bombay volume 2. Taylor and Francis, London. 1083 p.
  • P Kumar
  • J S Jalal
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Kumar, P., J.S. Jalal and G.S. Rawat. 2007. Orchidaceae, Chotanagpur, state of Jharkhand, India. Check List 3(4): 297-304.
Flora of Maharashtra State (Flora of India Series 2): Monocotyledones. Calcutta: Botanical Survey of India
  • B D Sharma
  • S Karthikeyan
  • N P Singh
Sharma, B.D., S. Karthikeyan and N.P. Singh. 1996. Flora of Maharashtra State (Flora of India Series 2): Monocotyledones. Calcutta: Botanical Survey of India. 789 p.
Flora of Maharashtra State (Flora of India Series 2): Dicotyledones, volume 1. Calcutta: Botanical Survey of India Editorial responsibility
  • N P Singh
  • S Karthikeyan
Singh, N.P. and S. Karthikeyan. 2001. Flora of Maharashtra State (Flora of India Series 2): Dicotyledones, volume 1. Calcutta: Botanical Survey of India. 882 p. Received: September 2011 Accepted: November 2012 Published online: February 2013 Editorial responsibility: Angelo Gilberto Manzatto Singh, N.P., P. Lakshminarasimhan, S. Karthikeyan and P.V. Prasanna. 2001. Flora of Maharashtra State (Flora of India Series 2): Dicotyledones, volume 2. Calcutta: Botanical Survey of India. 1079 p.
Nagpur District Office. Version
  • Noaa
NOAA. 2012. Nagpur District Office. Version 2012.2. Electronic database accessible at info/GAD.html. Captured on 22 January 2012.
Flora of Maharashtra State (Flora of India Series 2): Dicotyledones
  • N P Singh
  • S Karthikeyan
Singh, N.P. and S. Karthikeyan. 2001. Flora of Maharashtra State (Flora of India Series 2): Dicotyledones, volume 1. Calcutta: Botanical Survey of India. 882 p. Received: September 2011 Accepted: November 2012 Published online: February 2013 Editorial responsibility: Angelo Gilberto Manzatto
Flora of Maharashtra State (Flora of India Series 2): Dicotyledones, volume 2. Calcutta: Botanical Survey of India
  • N P Singh
  • P Lakshminarasimhan
  • S Karthikeyan
  • P V Prasanna
Singh, N.P., P. Lakshminarasimhan, S. Karthikeyan and P.V. Prasanna. 2001. Flora of Maharashtra State (Flora of India Series 2): Dicotyledones, volume 2. Calcutta: Botanical Survey of India. 1079 p.