... Given that a definitive diagnosis (positive skin scrapings or fecal flotations) of canine scabies is achieved in a minority of cases, response to a reliable miticide is the only way to confirm a tentative diagnosis (presumed scabies) 1,6,9,11,12,16,17,24,32,34) . Products reported to be effective for the treatment of canine scabies include 2 to 3 % lime sulfur dips 1,6,9,16,17,24,32,34) , 0.09% phosmet dips 6,9,21) , 4% malathion dips 1,34) , 250 to 500 ppm amitraz dips 6,9,11,12,16,17,27,34,42) , deltamethrin spray 36) , fipronil spray 6,8,9,16,22,23,34) , ivermectin pour-on 28) , moxidectin spot-on [13][14][15] , amitraz spot-on 14) , pyriprole spot-on 15) , selamectin spot-on 9,16,24,29,34,35) , moxidectin o r a l l y o r s u b c u t a n e o u s l y 4 1 ) , d o r a m e c t i n subcutaneously 19) , milbemycin orally 5,9,10,16,24,34,37) , and ivermectin orally or subcutaneously 6,9,16,17,20,24,[30][31][32]34) . ...