
Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice

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Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice is a comprehensive and exciting text that demonstrates why nations are embracing the principles of brand management. It clearly explains how the concepts and techniques of branding can be adapted to the context of nations- as opposed to the more usual context of products, services, or companies. Concepts grounded in the brand management literature such as brand identity, brand image, brand positioning, and brand equity, are transposed to the domain of nation branding and supported by country case insights that provide vivid illustrations of nation branding in practice. Nation branding is a means by which more and more nations are attempting to compete on the global stage. Current practice in nation branding is examined and future horizons traced. The book provides: The first overview of its kind on nation branding A blend of academic theory and real world practice in an accessible, readable fashion A clear and detailed adaptation of existing brand theory to the emerging domain of nation branding An original conceptual framework and models for nation branding A rich range of international examples and over 20 contributions by leading experts from around the world Country case insights on nation branding strategies currently being utilized by nations such as Japan, Egypt, Brazil, Switzerland, Iceland, and Russia Clearly and coherently structured, the book is an essential introduction to nation branding for both students and policymakers and will be an essential text for those interested in this fast growing area.

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... Nations are making increasingly conscious eff orts to hone their country branding in recognition of the need to fulfi l three major objectives: attract tourists, stimulate inward investment and boost export (Dinnie, 2008). Some authors, like Anholt (2006Anholt ( , 2007, believe that the strategic management of identity and image can certainly help undeveloped, transition and less known countries to strengthen their respective economies, create their own brands and fi nd an easier way to reach consumers around the world without mediators. ...
... Th e majority of scholarly work on nation branding to date has been produced within the fi eld of marketing and tends to focus on instrumentalist concerns, related to advancing branding applications. Nation branding has also attracted the attention of public relations scholars (Dinnie, 2008) and it is further discussed in reference to international relations (Gilboa, 2008;van Ham, 2008) and public diplomacy (Szondy, 2008;Wang, 2006Wang, , 2008Kaneva, 2014, p. 4). ...
... Th at position then translates into the ability of a country to realize its economic and social potential. Th is is confi rmed by numerous authors, such as Dinnie (2008), Anholt (2007), Jaff e and Nebenzahl (2006), Kunczik (1997), Martin and Eroglu (1993), Papadopoulos and Heslop (1993) and others. Th e same and other authors directly link investment to the image with an increase in income from tourism and investment (Anholt, 2004(Anholt, , 2007Dinnie, 2008). ...
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Country branding, by which the authors imply the management of identity and image, that is, strategic communication with the global audience, is an omnipresent phenomenon. Studies have confi rmed that a country's positive image is refl ected in its international economic and political position. Th erefore, various communication strategies, techniques and branding tools have been developed and applied by many countries. However, these strategies and techniques are not necessarily applicable for branding divided and post-confl ict countries. For this reason, the paper is deals with the challenges, opportunities and methods of communication and branding Bosnia and Herzegovina, which, even twenty years after the end of the war, is still synonymous with an unstable state and a divided society. It provides an adjusted branding methodology based on an analysis of the elements of identity around which there is a consensus of all three ethnic groups-Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs, and reveals the possibilities upon which the modern brand of an European Bosnia and Herzegovina can be built. Th e authors pay special attention to the role of Bosnia and Herzegovina's citizens and argue that their perceptions and attitudes towards Bosnia and Herzegovina-as well as their mutual communication-have signifi cant, if not crucial, role in the development of a branding strategy.
... Largely perceived as a jingoistic, militaristic country pre-1945, Japan had by the dawn of the twenty-first century successfully rebranded itself to being a competitive exporter of globally-renowned brands such as Sony, Toyota, and Mitsubishi (Dinnie, 2008a;Anholt, 2003a). European countries such as Spain, New Zealand and Ireland are other examples of how successful nation branding can be leveraged for competitive advantage (Dinnie, 2008b). ...
... For Machadu (2016) as well as Masango and Naidoo (2019), an unstable economy, political instability, corruption, and hyper-inflation are among other key issues that affect Zimbabwe's nation brand. According to Dinnie (2008b), though perception may not always represent the true reality on the ground, it is a powerful tool in influencing a nation's brand image. Zimbabwe has failed to attract any meaningful FDI over the last two decades due to its negative image (Masango & Naidoo, 2019;Sikwila, 2015). ...
... According to Dinnie (2008b), nations need to put significant effort in identity brand development. An identity-building narrative can be constructed, encapsulating the nation's rich historical and cultural heritage by incorporating a nation's creative industry (Rowala, 2021). ...
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This study examines the extent to which nation branding antecedents can be leveraged to create a strong nation brand for emerging economies. The Anholt (2002) nation branding model was quantitatively applied to develop a hexagon of factors which can affect developing economies. The Republic of Zimbabwe was targeted for analysis due to its national brand challenges and the negative brand equity. Data for the study was collected using structured questionnaires. Structural equation modelling (SEM) using Amos Graphics was the main tool for analysis. Findings suggest that government regulatory framework is the single most important key nation brand element which influences emerging econo-mies' brands today. This is followed by tourism, natural resources, sport and entertainment , diasporic citizenry, and religion. The study concluded that if these affordances are capitalised, nation branding for emerging economies can be greatly improved by 58%. The study recommends government and private sector stakeholders to take active roles in capitalising these affordances in order to achieve the nation brand equity.
... Largely perceived as a jingoistic, militaristic country pre-1945, Japan had by the dawn of the twenty-first century successfully rebranded itself to being a competitive exporter of globally-renowned brands such as Sony, Toyota, and Mitsubishi (Dinnie, 2008a;Anholt, 2003a). European countries such as Spain, New Zealand and Ireland are other examples of how successful nation branding can be leveraged for competitive advantage (Dinnie, 2008b). ...
... For Machadu (2016) as well as Masango and Naidoo (2019), an unstable economy, political instability, corruption, and hyper-inflation are among other key issues that affect Zimbabwe's nation brand. According to Dinnie (2008b), though perception may not always represent the true reality on the ground, it is a powerful tool in influencing a nation's brand image. Zimbabwe has failed to attract any meaningful FDI over the last two decades due to its negative image (Masango & Naidoo, 2019;Sikwila, 2015). ...
... According to Dinnie (2008b), nations need to put significant effort in identity brand development. An identity-building narrative can be constructed, encapsulating the nation's rich historical and cultural heritage by incorporating a nation's creative industry (Rowala, 2021). ...
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This study examines the extent to which nation branding antecedents can be leveraged to create a strong nation brand for emerging economies. The Anholt (2002) nation branding model was quantitatively applied to develop a hexagon of factors which can affect developing economies. The Republic of Zimbabwe was targeted for analysis due to its national brand challenges and the negative brand equity. Data for the study was collected using structured questionnaires. Structural equation modelling (SEM) using Amos Graphics was the main tool for analysis. Findings suggest that government regulatory framework is the single most important key nation brand element which influences emerging economies’ brands today. This is followed by tourism, natural resources, sport and entertainment, diasporic citizenry, and religion. The study concluded that if these affordances are capitalised, nation branding for emerging economies can be greatly improved by 58%. The study recommends government and private sector stakeholders to take active roles in capitalising these affordances in order to achieve the nation brand equity
... The notion of nation branding gained attention in the last years when academics and policymakers started to approach country reputation in the same way as companies and products' brand images. Simon Anholt coined the concept of nation branding in 1996 (Dinnie, 2008). Later, Anholt (2008) refers to an abusive commercial appropriation of the term that excludes other important aspects of a national identity, which also contribute to the formation of a country brand image. ...
... This pressures destination marketing organisations (DMO) to promote and develop the destination's attributes and unique characteristics to attract visitors (Alvarez, 2012). Notwithstanding this, it was a surprise for us to find that there is still a lack of research and academic publications on the link between a nation's heritage and country branding in the Portuguese context (Dinnie, 2008;Oliveira & Panyik, 2014). ...
... Constructs such as national stereotypes, ethnocentrism, expressions of culture, individualism versus collectivism, blurring of national identities and countries-of-origin, are common to national identity and COO. Dinnie (2008) emphasises that these constructs influence the development of a country image and shape the context in which a nation brand strategy is settled. He defines nation branding as 'the unique, multidimensional blend of elements that provide the nation with culturally grounded differentiation and relevance for all of its target audiences' (p. ...
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This paper aims to explore how cultural heritage knowledge leverage country branding and contribute to developing a competitive identity. More specifically, we try to understand the role of visitor experiences and the community’s engagement in this dynamic process. The study focused on Portugal’s country brand and the Portuguese cultural heritage market. Based on the content analysis of the interview scripts of public decision-makers, museum/site managers, academics, and a tourism entrepreneur, the study offers exploratory findings regarding the roles performed by public entities and other institutions and the means used to attract visitors to heritage sites and encourage the engagement of the different ‘actors’ in cultural heritage experiences. Results indicate that cultural heritage represents a dimension of country identity and a driving factor of the tourism sector for Portugal.
... The significant challenges could be in managerial perspective which related to the extent of stakeholder supposed to be involved. Dinnie (2008) argues that this will be related to the three things: coordination of nation-brand touchpoint, the need of nation-branding architecture development, and the nature of nation branding which highly politicized. ...
... (2) the need of nation-branding architecture development Dinnie (2008) discloses Nation-Brand Architecture (NBAR) which has irregular form (no strict rule). Developing NBAR would be a leverage for nation branding development, which link between sub-brands. ...
... Developing NBAR would be a leverage for nation branding development, which link between sub-brands. In his book, Dinnie (2008) gives the example of The NBAR (Nation-Brand Architecture) Model among tourism, talent attraction, exports, sports, and inward investment. The NBAR model is described as follows: ...
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This paper aims to explain how the Anti-Asian phenomenon that occurred during the Covid-19 Pandemic, and its impact on the series of democratic setbacks that occurred globally. The existing policy frameworks at both the domestic and global levels have not shown a significant reduction in racism. Democracy will be on the verge of decline if racism continues to occur. This paper uses descriptive-qualitative methods, with data collection techniques through literature studies and documentation studies. Political racism and democracy are theoretical frameworks used in this study to explain the problems that occur. As a finding, the nature and behavior of anti-Asian discrimination in various countries can be influenced by policies made by domestic political elites themselves, which have an impact on the formation of negative perceptions among the people. One of the triggering factors was Donald Trump’s statement at the beginning of the pandemic using racist words such as “Kung-Flu” and “Chinese Virus”, which resulted in a high level of public negative sentiment in various countries towards Asian society until now. If this situation continues, it will increase the number of cases of racism against Asian descent in the countries and injure their human rights, thus creating setbacks in the application of democratic values both in the state and in society. Based on this, efforts are needed to minimize negative sentiment towards Asian descent, namely that the political elites in each country must avoid creating political discourses that lead to racism and respect for the civil rights of each race. Then the government and grassroots actors need to work together in creating a state climate based on the sustainable implementation of substantial democracy in countries not only during the pandemic but also in the post-pandemic period.
... and a well-defined, efficient governance model is often missing (Freire, 2021). More generally, Dinnie (2008) affirms that nation branding is a compelling and exciting field of study, since there is little theoretical development compared to a huge amount of activity across all continents. Indeed, an increasing number of countries are investing resources to create and manage a nation-brand. ...
... Recent contributions on nation branding highlight the following ideas: the strengthening of a nation's soft power, the promotion of a specific national image, the reinforcement of a state's attractiveness, and a method to attract investment, tourists, and talents. One of the most widely used definitions of a nation brand comes from the book Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice published by Dinnie (2008). It is defined as "the unique, multi-dimensional blend of elements that provide the nation with culturally grounded differentiation and relevance for all of its target audience." ...
... According to Dinnie (2008), nation branding and building are connected since the national narrative is regarded as a component of the brand identity. It typically includes myths, heroes and the (sometimes recent) national history of emancipation / independence. ...
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Nation branding is a widely commented topic and has been increasingly addressed by scholars and practitioners alike. Facing intense competition, states have deployed promotional strategies and rely on certain strengths, which go beyond the “comparative advantages” emphasized in the literature. Our contribution addresses an eluded aspect of nations, that should always be considered: their initial formation and their current institutions. In Switzerland, for instance, multiple brands exist; however, for many of them, the reference to or the inclusion of the Swiss logo is a clear advantage, and many regions capitalize on it to promote their area. In Belgium, regions have also always retained high levels of autonomy, a common trait that is shared with the Swiss case. However, Belgian regions and communities have maintained high levels of mutual mistrust, leading to a complex, fragmented political and institutional landscape. They have developed their own brands, which differ from one another, e.g., Brussels is the “capital of Europe”. The development of a place brand in the French-speaking part of the country is at the same time part of the general effort to build a distinctive “Walloon” nation. Recent initiatives towards the creation of a “Belgium” brand face at least two great challenges: on the one hand, regions have developed their own branding process; on the other, these processes have reinforced the development of regional nationalism. This raises at least two questions: - How can nation branding be developed in such a highly fragmented state? - How would a more integrated, conjoint effort create a more effective nation brand? From a normative perspective, this assessment raises an additional research question: in the Belgian case, is it indispensable to brand the whole country, and to make its constituents benefit from this national brand (municipalities, regions, communities)? In other words, does a national approach, such as the one often mobilized in other countries, such as Switzerland, fit to a much different context like Belgium? Or would regional branding be better suited to the Belgian case? Our contribution lays the conceptual and contextual foundations for future research. Qualitative interviews will certainly constitute the next step to gather information about the development of brands at the local, regional, and national level. Interviewees will include place developers such as economic and tourism developers of the Brussels Capital Region (BCR), representatives of the Invest in Flanders agency, actors that have developed a co-branding process with the Walloon government, and city developers in Belgian cities that have developed their brand, are thinking about a distinctive brand, or are reluctant to engage fully in a place branding process.
... The three strongest national brands are Germany, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland. Dinnie (2016), in his book "Nation Branding", points out the investment of government in nation branding to improve country's influence, tourism, investment, trade, giving examples of specific countries, such as the United Arab Emirates, China, Great Britain, India, Cuba, and others. The author defines a national brand as a unique, multidimensional blend of elements that provide a nation with culturally based differentiation and relevance to its target audiences. ...
... The author defines a national brand as a unique, multidimensional blend of elements that provide a nation with culturally based differentiation and relevance to its target audiences. According to Dinnie (2016), there is an awareness that a brand exists in the consumer's mind and that marketing cannot be controlled entirely. ...
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A message sent to a specific market or an audience contains certain types of information that affect the audience. For this reason, brand identity, nowadays increasingly in a digital form, plays an important role. Each state wants to create a robust, attractive, and different brand identity that will set it apart from other states and thus augment its reputation. This research aimed to determine the elements of brand identity that respondents mostly associate with Croatia and to examine their attitudes towards the belief that the brand identity that influences emotions is essential in the creation of national visual identity, as well as their attitudes towards the assumption that the brand identity of Croatia should be liked first by the inhabitants of Croatia, and only then by foreign tourists. Two research propositions were tested using the structural equation modeling, measuring the relationship between the emotional and formal elements of brand identity with the attitudes towards the emotions concerning the brand identity and the relevance of the brand identity to the country residents.
... Nation branding is about how governments and other actors including companies and advocacy groups use marketing and branding concepts and techniques to promote favourable imagery of a country and to combat negative perceptions and publicity (van Ham, 2001;Giboa, 2008;Szondi, 2008;Copeland, 2009;Pamment, 2013;Dinnie, 2016). While nation branding shares public diplomacy's goal of country promotion and image management, nation branding focuses on short-term marketing goals while public diplomacy takes a strategic long-term approach (Gilboa, 2008). ...
... While nation branding shares public diplomacy's goal of country promotion and image management, nation branding focuses on short-term marketing goals while public diplomacy takes a strategic long-term approach (Gilboa, 2008). Historical and contemporary examples of nation branding have including nation building efforts during the 19 th and 20 th centuries, flags, public expos and fairs, the branding of currency, transportation, soccer matches, and cuisines to reinforce national political identities (Ollins, 2002;van Ham, 2001, Nimijean, 2005Gilboa, 2008;Smits andJensen 2012, Rockower 2012;Pamment, 2013;Dinnie 2016). While there is a wealth of literature on nation branding theories and concepts, this review will focus on those which are most relevant to the research topic: the question of how the nation branding and political marketing activities of various advocacy groups fit into the frameworks of both Israeli and Palestinian public diplomacy. ...
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This thesis explores how advocacy groups in New Zealand and Australia have used a range of communications, relational and recruitment/internal cohesion activities and strategies to advance Israeli and Palestinian public diplomacy. This research uses an analytical framework developed through a synthesis of several advocacy, public diplomacy, nation branding, and political marketing theories and concepts. Taking a qualitative approach, this research examines four case studies: the Palestine Solidarity Network of Aotearoa (PSNA), the Israel Institute of New Zealand (IINZ), the Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC), and the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN). This research draws upon a range of sources including webpages, social media posts, pamphlets, press releases, media articles, and interviews with representatives from the organisations studied. This research draws attention to the role that non-state actors' public diplomacy can play in influencing government policy, media coverage, and public opinion of international issues such as the Israel-Palestine conflict. It also sheds light on how pro-Palestinian advocacy groups engage in public diplomacy and nation branding through their advocacy work. This research also expands the limited New Zealand literature on advocacy groups that take an interest in Israel-Palestine issues. It also explores how pro-Palestinian advocacy groups support Palestinian public diplomacy through their advocacy work. Finally, this research explores how advocacy groups can incorporate political marketing strategies and techniques into their advocacy work. In short, this thesis not only contributes a New Zealand and Australian dimension to the literature on Israeli and Palestinian advocacy but also seeks to expand the frontiers of public diplomacy, nation branding, and political marketing. iii
... The process of the approach to analyze the specificity of the Acropolis Museum is shown in Figure 3. As a component [18] of the architectural experience [19], the architect's intention [20], the architectural drawings, and the process of using the space are examined. To approach these elements individually, we first analyze the architect's interviews, essays, diagrams, and sketches. ...
... This is a case of reproducing the properties of the past in a way that implicitly or explicitly stimulates the imagination. Sculptures that were originally placed in a high position [18] are shown elevated, and parts that were low are shown low. In addition, parts that have been lost with the passage of time may be substituted with similar materials, or a sense of contrast may be emphasized by the use of heterogeneous materials ( Figure 4e). ...
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Bernard Tschumi’s Acropolis Museum represents the historical heritage value entailing the traces of the time with the combinations of diverse elements. The experience of the value of immanent heritage is a special process engaging both body and mind. This paper ranges from the planning of the museum to an examination of the purpose of the design concept and its close relationship with the surrounding urban context. The design concept of the coexistence of the excava tion site and the new museum is analyzed in cross-sectional and structural terms. The way the message of the past of the Acropolis’s heritage meets with the present architecture of today’s museum with the keyword experience is also analyzed. Overall, it focuses on the delicate process of coordination where the old and new meet. In this respect, the Acropolis Museum is an example of recreating authentic heritage.
... Several characteristics centered in the attitudes and behaviors related to the place can be brought up by simply mentioning its name. It has the capacity to influence the decision power and choices in terms of purchases, investment, change of address and trips (Dinnie, 2007). Therefore, there comes the importance of the country brand's image management and also in the development of a PM associated to a government policy, and notwithstanding, following an international significance policy pattern of the Brand -NATION to be explored abroad. ...
... Inúmeras características centradas nas atitudes e comportamentos em relação ao lugar e que podem ser trazidas à tona pela simples menção de seu nome. Fato que tem a capacidade de influenciar no poder de decisões e escolhas no que se refere a compras, investimentos, mudança de domicílio e viagens (Dinnie, 2007). Por conseguinte, surge a importância no gerenciamento da imagem da marca país e no desenvolvimento de um ML associados a uma política de governo e, não obstante, seguindo um padrão de política internacional de significação da Marca -NAÇÃO (grifo nosso), que seja explorada no exterior. ...
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Este capítulo reflexiona e encaminha consequente proposição acerca da utilização da rede de estabelecimentos privados e de espaços e programas públicos destinados à prática de atividades físicas, esportivas e de lazer ativo com objetivos na criação, divulgação, ampliação e consolidação de Políticas Públicas de Promoção da Saúde por intermédio da cultura corporal e esportiva como um legado dos megaeventos esportivos em si, quer seja: o aumento do interesse e consequente procura pela prática de atividades físicas, esportivas e de lazer por parte da população. Nessa perspectiva, destacamos algumas pegadas sob três marcos geradores: antes, durante e após o megaevento esportivo. Palavras-chave: Legados, Políticas Públicas, Promoção da Saúde.
... The next recommendation given is nation branding. According to Dinnie (2008), nation branding is blending unique and multi-dimensional factors to provide cultural differentiation to a country. Nation branding is multi-faceted in nature and entails; exports, investment, people, tourism and sports (Anholt, 2007). ...
... Nation branding is the other element recommended is nation branding. According to Dinnie (2008), nation branding is blending unique and multidimensional factors to provide cultural differentiation to a country. Through nation branding strategies, Saudi Arabia can build and manage its brand across the globe to improve its current image. ...
The aim of this study was to identify the nature of general, specific information and public impressions of the Western (British) about Saudi Arabia. Further, it intended to identify the sources of information and news received by the public about Saudi within their community. In order to answer the research questions, data was collected using questionnaires from 100 respondents. The researcher made a link on Survey Monkey. The findings of the study show that there are number of items associated with a negative image of Saudi Arabia. These include nature of some of the Saudis, safety of the country, discrimination against women, terrorism, and violence. The key positive element of Saudi Arabia is the economy. The main reason given for the high economy was presence of oil in Saudi Arabia. The study showed that the increased oil revenues have permitted the government to steer economic growth of other sectors of the economy. The other positive element noted is that some of the Saudis are kind and polite. Based on the findings of the study, the report recommends the following to improve its image and economy; avoid arms Race, encourage gender equality, improve educational development and nation branding in the West.
... Academic literature is rich with claims of the importance of international mega-events like the Olympics, offering as they do a grandiose global stage to showcase a nation's cultural character and thereby secure or strengthen global footing (Roche 2000;Dinnie 2008;Guajardo 2016). Anyone familiar with Japan's national-cultural performances and discursive rhetoric knows well the central significance of religious tropes and themes in such theaters, most often some version (or vision) of Shinto. ...
... Only after the show had been "thoroughly tamed by the patriarchal control of almost every aspect of the ceremony," as Taeko Teshima and Andrew W. Jones aptly put it (Teshima and Jones 2011, p. 40), did female actors, including the all-important sun goddess Amaterasu, appear in the show. Academic literature is rich with claims of the importance of international megaevents like the Olympics, offering as they do a grandiose global stage to showcase a nation's cultural character and thereby secure or strengthen global footing (Roche 2000;Dinnie 2008;Guajardo 2016). Anyone familiar with Japan's national-cultural performances and discursive rhetoric knows well the central significance of religious tropes and themes in such theaters, most often some version (or vision) of Shinto. ...
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The 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo offer a fitting and timely point of departure to consider the religion-based exclusion of women and, by extension, to peer into the nation-culture-religion-gender nexus in Japan. The Japan Sumo Association, a quasi-governmental corporation, champions itself as the custodian of a divine affair cultivated by male deities and mortal men, and exclusive of women. The Sumo Association bans women and girls from entering or even touching the wrestling ring, lest they violate sumo tradition and taint their so-called sacred battlefield. Critics of sumo’s female taboo denounce the Association’s rule as anachronistic and sexist as well as illegal. The opposition focuses attention on the need for change, and justifiably so, but there exists an equally pressing need to think about why the ban prevails even with strong opposition. Olympic presentations of the male sumo wrestler open our eyes as to one such abetting force: persuasive and politically expedient visions of sumo wrestling as an ancient, sacred, and exclusively male endeavor.
... Це, перш за все, праці Ф. Котлера [1] -маркетолога із світовим ім'ям, с. Анхольта [2] -автора концепції національного брендінгу, К. Дінні [3] -одного з ключових фахівців із брендінгу територій. В Україні дане питання вивчали Н. Качинська [4], В. Терещук [5] та інші. ...
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The article focuses on the changes in forms and methods of creating an international image and reputation of a country, which could have been observed in public diplomacy, cultural and economic policies and were connected with such phenomenon as globalization at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries. The state monopoly for external policy has been destroyed. It may be observed that the instruments of image and reputation formation have been taken from the spheres of marketing, branding and public relations. The new approaches face obstacles in forms of stereotypes, myths, misinformation, which prevented the establishment of trustworthy relations
... In the previous chapters and while exploring nation branding phenomena and the components of the concept of nation branding, media and communications have been a dominant element discussed by most researchers as a key player in the phenomenon (Anholt, 2021;Torres, 2019;Chang, 2018;Dinnie, 2008;Fan, 2009). Media and communications have also been a key element in the branding chapter, globalization chapter, and nation branding chapter. ...
... Using the NBAR, the authors conduct an appraisal of Botswana's brand architecture. They begin by assessing the Botswana portfolio i.e., identifying all brands offered by Botswana in tourism, exports, investment, talent attractions, sports, regions and cities, products and services, specific sectors, national teams and clubs and cultural and political figures as explained by Dinnie (2010). An assessment of the parent or umbrella brand is also done to ascertain the extent to which it incorporates the national colours, symbols, animal, and flower. ...
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Nation brand architecture gives a ‘sense of mission’ which can help unify key players, concentrate resources, increase efficiency, and create synergies in customer attraction Joao (2018). However, what seemingly works for product/ corporate brands appears to be more of a brown study for nation branding. Adoption of nation brand architecture is gaining traction in Western nations. Many countries in Africa such as Botswana seem not to be consciously employing this seemingly beneficial concept.This paper therefore explores the extent to which Botswana; an African nation has adopted this concept. It also focuses on how the nation embeds and applies the existing national identities such as national colours (reflected in the nation flag), symbols, animals, and plants in the brand architecture.The study employs a content analysis approach that investigates the nation against four overarching themes of brand architecture. Using the Dinnie (2008) Nation Brand Architecture Model (NBAR), the paper draws valuable insights from an analysis of brand architecture concepts as well as the current adopted or default brand architecture for the nation of Botswana. The paper forms the initial sequel of papers on Botswana nation brand architecture model. The initial findings present a tenuous understanding of the adopted architecture reflective of both the endorsed and branded house architecture.
... Menurut Varley et al. (2019), brand ambassador adalah sebuah alat yang digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk menyalurkan dan menghubungkan ke pada publik mengenai produk yang mereka miliki agar penjualan produk tersebut dapat meningkat. Kemudian menurut Dinnie (2010), brand ambassador adalah sekumpulan individu yang memiliki pengetahuan yang mendalam terhadap suatu perusahaan dan memiliki kemampuan dalam menyalurkan nilai merek perusahaan kepada pelanggan. ...
Persaingan pada dunia industri kosmetik pada masa kini tentunya sangat mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Terlebih lagi dengan hadirnya produsen kosmetik dari dalam negeri maupun dari mancanegara yang membangun perusahaan di Indonesia. Dengan kejelian produsen mancanegara yang melihat iklim penjualan kosmetik di Indonesia sangat tinggi. Berkat tingginya trend kosmetik di Indonesia membuat berbagai produsen berlomba-lomba memasuki pasar di Indonesia yang membuat persaingan semakin tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Brand Ambassador dan Brand Image terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kosmetik Revlon (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Sam Ratulangi). Populasi dalam penelititan ini adalah mahasiswa aktif Universitas Sam Ratulangi yang berjumlah 9.615 orang kemudian sampelnya dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin menjadi 100 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni dengan kuisioner dan kepustakaan yang dilakukan secara sistematik berdasarkan tujuan penelitian. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Deskriptif Kuantitaif dan teknik analisis data menggunakan Regresi Linear Berganda serta dilakukan Uji Validitas dan Reabilitas, Uji Asumsi Klasik, Uji Hipotesis, Uji Koefisien Determinasi (R2). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel Brand Ambassador dan Brand Image secara simultan dan parsial berpengaruh signifikan ke arah positif terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kosmetik Revlon pada Mahasiswa Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. Kata Kunci : Brand Ambassador, Brand Image, Keputusan Pembelian
... Choć na przestrzeni lat pojęcie marki narodowej doczekało się wielu profesjonalnych omówień (Anholt, 2005;Dinnie, 2009;Gad, 2016;Olins, 2014), to wciąż zdaje się być pojęciem enigmatycznym, przysparzającym specjalistom wielu deinicyjnych problemów (Hereźniak, 2011, s. 20). Podstawowa deinicja, zaproponowana przez Instytut Marki Polskiej, zakłada, że "marka narodowa to spójna całość (kompozycja) wizerunku, reputacji oraz autorytetu kraju, stanowiąca sumę wartości funkcjonalnych oraz wartości emocjonalnych, które kraj dostarcza otoczeniu (światu), a które znają, cenią i których pożądają interesariusze Polski, czyli kraje, organizacje grupy i ludzie, Olins, 2014, s. 281). ...
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Abstrakt. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie zagadnienia mediatyzacji dyskursu ilmowego w kon-tekście brandingu narodowego oraz określenie roli kinematograii w procesie kreowania marki kraju. Zamierzeniem autorki było przyjrzenie się formom promocji kina za granicą oraz udowodnienie, że odpowiednie zorganizowane działanie w tym zakresie może być skutecznym narzędziem biorącym udział w tworzeniu marki narodowej kinematograii. Obszar badań dotyczył przede wszystkim zme-diatyzowanej krytyki ilmowej oraz sposobów promocji polskich ilmów za granicą, a zastosowane narzędzia badawcze zostały opracowane w oparciu o dane uporządkowane i udostępnione w Inter-necie. W artykule przedstawiono analizę zagranicznych recenzji Zimnej wojny Pawła Pawlikowskiego oraz pozycję ilmu na najpopularniejszych zagranicznych portalach gromadzących międzynarodową krytykę, takich jak Rotten Tomatoes i AlloCiné. Otrzymane dane pozwoliły na poznanie opinii kryty-ków i widzów na temat tego ilmu, stanowiąc punkt wyjścia do rozważań o funkcjonowaniu polskich ilmów w globalnym obiegu i roli, jaką odgrywa w nim kinematograia polska. Słowa kluczowe: mediatyzacja dyskursu ilmowego; branding narodowy; Pawlikowski; polska kine-matograia Abstract. The aim of the article is to present the issue of mediatization of ilm discourse in the context of national branding and to deine the role of cinematography in the process of creating a nation brand. The aim of the author was to investigate the forms of promoting cinema abroad and prove that properly organized promotion can be an effective tool for creating a national brand of cinematography. The research area concerned mainly mediatized ilm criticism and methods of promoting Polish ilms abroad, and the research tools used were developed on the basis of structured and available data on the Internet. The article presents an analysis of foreign reviews of the Cold War by Paweł Pawlikowski and Pobrane z czasopisma Mediatizations Studies
... Para Dinnie (2008), a marca país atua como uma marca guarda-chuva, que endossa diversos setores. Entretanto, apesar do crescente interesse acadêmico no tema, Kaneva (2011) indica que ainda não existe acordo sobre o significado e o escopo da gestão de marcas para países, oferecendo a seguinte definição: composto de discursos e práticas direcionados a reconstruir a nacionalidade por meio de paradigmas de marketing e de branding. ...
The purpose of this article is to check for the influence of the country of origin image on brand equity of Spanish banks, analyzing the moderating role of gender and country of origin knowledge. It was found that the image of the country of origin positively influences the brand equity of Spanish banks. Moreover, the greater the knowledge of the country of origin, the more people are influenced by their image. Additionally, men are more influenced by the image of the country of origin.
... Places around the world are facing the effects of globalization in economic, cultural and social aspects, and challenged by global competition to attract human and financial capital. In order to achieve a better competitive position, cities need to distinguish themselves by highlighting and communicating their distinctive features to create a positive image in their users' minds; in fact, cities are trying to become brands (Kavaratzis 2005, Dinnie 2011, Pilenska 2012, San Eugenio Vela 2013, Ashworth, Kavaratzis et al. 2015, Dinnie 2015, Ozbey and Baser 2015. One of the city branding strategies is the establishment of iconic building in cities to create a unique urban identity and image in users' minds (Fainstein 2008, Ashworth 2009, Muratovski 2012. ...
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City branding is defined as the practice of applying brand strategy and other marketing techniques and disciplines to the economic, social, political and cultural development of cities to reinforce the city image, and therefore its tourism industry. One of the city branding strategies is the establishment of symbolic and semiotic structures in cities in order to create a distinctive identity for the city and a clear image of the city in the users’ minds. It seems that these semiotic landmarks have specific influence on the environment and lifestyle of the people living near them. Thus, this research aims to investigate the influence of huge iconic structures, built as the city symbol and tourism brand, on the nearby neighborhoods and residents’ lifestyle, as well as the way they affect each other in a mutual relationship. For this purpose, a theoretical framework has been made based on the literature review of place branding, and also the role of residents in the process of creating a city brand. Next, the case of Milad Tower, as Tehran’s new brand, and its impact on Gisha neighborhood, located in the southern side of the tower, has been studied in order to grasp a deeper understanding of the subject and answer the research question through conducting 23 semi-structured interviews with Gisha’s residents. The findings imply that there is a meaningful reciprocal relationship between the brand and the user; according to results, because Milad tower has been built in an autocratic way in which city branding managers have ignored the feelings, perceptions, and needs of Gisha’s residents toward their neighborhood and their city’s new brand, the residents have a tendency to neglect Milad Tower in return, causing this project to face challenges in achieving its high goals as a successful city brand.
... Nation branding is a systematic process to align the actions, behavior, investment, innovation, and communication of a country to create a clear strategy to achieve a strong identity to compete [27]. Nation branding arises when countries focus on carrying out a series of management techniques related to their country's brand so that they are ready to compete effectively in the global arena [28]. This is different from the concept of "Country of Origin" and "place branding" which focus on promoting certain economic interests (exports, tourism or investment). ...
... The statement of the two denotes the difficulty behind the process of building a country image, its brand, because the image is influenced by a variety of elements that are poorly controllable and as a result difficult to manage. Recently, special attention has been paid to the concept of urban branding, being integrated in the field of marketing as a result of the applicability of the instruments in this field in the creation and development of a country image (Jensen & Richardson, 2005;Okano & Samson, 2010;Grodach, 2009;Gibson, 2005;Kilduff & Núñez Tabales, 2016;Polyorat, 2017;Sun et al.,2016;Dinnie, 2015;Che-Ha et al., 2016;Oguztimur & Akturan, 2016). and practical deepening in order to increase the positive impact that a strong country brand builds on competitive advantages (Agrawal and Kamakura, 1999). ...
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The branding of a country translates the idea of discovering the place or creating its uniqueness, an aspect that differentiates one country from another in order to gain a competitive advantage in the nations' struggle for resources. The paper aims to outline an image of the perception that tourists or potential visitors have on some aspects analyzed but also the importance of their evolution in promoting the country brand. The purpose of this paper was to quantify the collective image of young people from Bucharest regarding the historical towns of Sighisoara, Alba Iulia, Sibiu, Baia Mare and Suceava in terms of the level at which the offer and the tourist infrastructure is perceived in the urban environment of Bucharest and also the potential that these cities represent in promoting the country brand.
... For the promotion of places it is common to focus on diverse and unique elements, such as the landscape, flora and fauna, the history, politics, cultural heritage, -just to mention some (Kladou et al., 2017;Pomering, 2013;Dinnie, 2008). Those elements are often selected as part of the place branding strategy by institutions, such as governmental representations or marketing agencies. ...
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... Semiotika yang dikenal sebagai ilmu tentang tanda (Dinnie, 2014;Harrison, 2003;Littlejohn & Foss, 2011;Sobur, 2013;Stokes, 2007) mempunyai bermacam-macam aliran, sesuai dengan gagasan pencetusnya. Di Indonesia, secara umum semiotika dipahami sebagai pendekatan atau metode untuk menganalisis teks budaya, dimana studi semiotika yang jamak digunakan adalah aliran Peirce, Saussure, dan Barthes (Nazaruddin, 2019), sedangkan semiotika budaya yang diusung Yuri Lotman dari Tartu-Moscow-Semiotic School belum banyak dijumpai. ...
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This paper is intended to be the beginning of an introduction to the cultural semiotics of Yuri Lotman/Tartu-Moscow-Semiotic School school, which is not widely known in Indonesia. This semiotics has an approach that is able to explore cases through a perspective that is closely related to social life, because it has a holistic approach to culture. It also provides a very broad perspective in studying texts, where text analysis is part of identification and transmission of cultural processes in general. The definition of text in the semiotics of Lotman/Tartu-Moscow-Semiotic School school is very broad, so that it can be applied to researching social phenomena such as community issues and natural disasters, SARA issues, and national issues related to nation branding. In Indonesia, that has a pluralistic society, social phenomena ha unique dynamics that are interesting to be examined. Therefore, cultural semiotics is very suitable for studying social, economic and political lives of Indonesian society. ABSTRAK Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi awal dari pengenalan terhadap semiotika budaya mazhab Yuri Lotman/Tartu-Moscow-Semiotic School, yang belum banyak dikenal di Indonesia. Semiotika tersebut mempunyai pendekatan yang mampu menelisik kasus melalui sudut pandang yang rekat dengan kehidupan bermasyarakat, karena memiliki pendekatan holistik terhadap budaya. Ia juga memberi perspektif yang sangat luas dalam mempelajari teks, dimana analisis teks merupakan bagian dari identifikasi dan transmisi proses budaya secara umum. Definisi teks dalam semiotika aliran Lotman/Tartu-Moscow-Semiotic School sangat luas, sehingga dapat diterapkan untuk meneliti fenomena sosial seperti isu masyarakat dan bencana alam, isu SARA, maupun isu kebangsaan yang berkaitan dengan nation branding. Di Indonesia yang masyarakatnya majemuk, fenomena sosial memiliki dinamika unik yang menarik untuk diteliti. Oleh karena itu, semiotika budaya sangat sesuai untuk mengkaji kehidupan sosial, ekonomi, dan politik masyarakat Indonesia.
... These first assets are connected with cultivating the direct experience of a given city or region. The second, however, is a derivative of investment in the perception of that city or region (Dinnie, 2008). ...
... The brand of a city, region, or country is associated with various aspects related to its image, including political, economic, social, environmental, historical, and cultural dimensions (Fetscherin, 2010). This incomparable, multidimensional set of aspects differentiates one place from others (Dinnie, 2008). The brand of a city, region, or country may be used specifically to attract consumers, companies, and/or residents. ...
This study analyzes the effect of Brazil's national tourism brand on the image of Rio de Janeiro as the host city of the 2016 Olympic Games, and the reciprocal effect of Rio de Janeiro on Brazil, considering both as tourist destinations. A quantitative study was employed using structured questionnaires, with a sample of foreign respondents ( n = 340) and a simultaneous equation method. A positive reciprocal effect was found. In general, the perception of a country as a tourist destination influences destinations within that country. However, the Brazil destination brand image did not influence Rio. This situation was proved to be an exception to the rule, the sports mega-event context probably contributing to the result.
... En este sentido, y relacionado con nuestro objeto (territorio, lugar) de estudio, debemos introducir otro concepto: el efecto del lugar de origen (place-of-origin, POO) entendido como el efecto que el origen de un producto o servicio tiene en las actitudes y el comportamiento de los consumidores con respecto a ese producto o servicio (Dinnie, 2008, p. 84). Como Freire (2008, en Dinnie 2008 indica, una imagen positiva de un territorio contribuye a las ventas, ya que "certain feelings and emotional values that emerge from a brand are a direct result of the POO of the brand, which implies that a country's name is part of the brand name and consumers use places as intrinsic cues to help evaluate products and to make appropriate purchasing decisions". ...
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En este artículo se estudia el nacimiento, crecimiento y situación actual de la marca territorio "Costa da Morte-Terra Atlántica" (Costa de la Muerte-Tierra Atlántica), analizando las fases que han transcurrido desde su creación (2018), pasando por su implantación (2019) y llegando a su desarrollo (2020). El proceso y la evolución en esos tres años se analizará detallando las acciones llevadas a cabo y sus resultados, basando el recorrido en las influencias que los textos académi-cos y las experiencias de expertos en el ámbito profesional han ido teniendo en las distintas etapas, principalmente desde la perspectiva de la comunicación.
... Sans compter deux autres études non publiées dans des revues universitaires ou l'intérêt manifesté par Dichter (1962), la première recherche sur la notion d'effet du pays d'origine est attribuée à Robert Schooler (Papadopoulos 1993 Les recherches aussi bien en ce qui concerne le COO que le COB ou le COBO, sur lesquels nous revenons plus avant, ont fait l'objet de critiques quant à leur pertinence ou en raison de problèmes méthodologiques (Dinnie, 2016 ;Usunier, 2006 ; Les premières études signalaient que l'effet COO s'appuyait sur la reconnaissance de la marque en fonction de la représentation culturelle qui était faite du pays présumé de fabrication (cf. Dichter 1962 ;Schooler 1965). ...
Les accélérations de la mondialisation transforment les relations des marques et des consommateurs à travers la délocalisation de la fabrication des produits des premières et la contribution croissante des deuxièmes à des marchés multiculturels. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une perspective multiculturelle des communautés de marque qui dépasse la distinction local, national ou international pour intégrer la culture de la communauté marque avec ses idiosyncrasies comme cadre principal de référence. Dans une approche sémio-anthropologique, nous étudions les échanges d’une communauté de marque en ligne autour des questions de pays d’origine qui est essentiel à l’identité de la marque et est l’objet d’une évaluation constante à travers une analyse sémiotique d’inspiration greimassienne du parcours génératif de sens pour qualifier les valeurs de la marque et sa communauté. Nous réalisons une ethnographie en ligne de discussions sélectionnées que nous traitons par une analyse de contenu par un codage thématique portant principalement sur des pratiques créatrices de valeur et les attitudes interculturelles (xénocentrisme, ethnocentrisme, cosmopolitisme, animosité et affinité du consommateur). Nous poursuivons par une analyse de la narrativité et du carré sémiotique pour qualifier les valeurs de la marque et de sa communauté. Nous produisons un répertoire discursif qui nous permet d’établir les pratiques d’un vivre-ensemble dans la communauté de marque qui tienne aussi compte d’orientations différentes en fonction des diverses relations culturelles et des trajectoires des consommateurs et des marques. Nous introduisons la notion d’endocentrisme de marque, identifions une axiologie des relations multiculturelles de la marque et de sa communauté et proposons les bases d’une matrice de gestion de ces relations. Nous établissons des logiques générales de communication qui peuvent servir à formuler une stratégie cohérente par rapport à l’identité de la marque et la nature de ses publics. En positionnant la marque par rapport à ses valeurs et celles de son public, le gestionnaire pourra développer un message cohérent avec les caractéristiques du vivre ensemble. Nous proposons également des figures rhétoriques qui permettent de décliner le message en fonction du public et de la tonalité souhaitée.
... In the country context, Dinnie (2008) has mentioned key components of nation-brand identity, such as history, territory, sport, icons, and folklore, to represent the enduring essence of a nation. Based on the existing concepts of brand identity, he has made an attempt to present the ways in which nation-brand identity can be transferred and manifested according to the following components (which might be understood as potential components of place brand identity): Brand vision, brand scope, brand name, codes of expression, everyday behavior, what makes the brand different, narrative identity, and being an advocate of an ideology. ...
... Places around the world are facing the effects of globalization in economic, cultural and social aspects, and challenged by global competition to attract human and financial capital. In order to achieve a better competitive position, cities need to distinguish themselves by highlighting and communicating their distinctive features to create a positive image in their users' minds; in fact, cities are trying to become brands (Kavaratzis 2005, Dinnie 2011, Pilenska 2012, San Eugenio Vela 2013, Ashworth, Kavaratzis et al. 2015, Dinnie 2015, Ozbey and Baser 2015. One of the city branding strategies is the establishment of iconic building in cities to create a unique urban identity and image in users' minds (Fainstein 2008, Ashworth 2009, Muratovski 2012. ...
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Place/Space related discussion in urbanism and the associated “user experience” are the main concerns in urban public interactions. Meanwhile, it gets problematic when we look at it through the lens in which cutting edge technology becomes an inseparable part of daily activities. In this regard, “Place Experience” or “Place Attachment” is an integrated object explaining how a human interacts with his surrounding environment containing three dimensions developing an interlinked triangle phenomenon: Cognitive, Behavioral and Emotional interactions. Nevertheless, it is always a vague concept among all stockholders, especially regarding the “cutting-edge technologies”. In this sense, there is a gap in linking cognitive, behavioural, and emotional interactions (with the mentioned emerging technologies; this paper adopting “gamification” introduces a human-centred approach toward enhancing the urban public experience. The mentioned adoption of gamification would link heterogeneous aspects of cognition and knowledge saturated with the needed technology motivating the user’s behaviours and emotions. In the end, this paper suggests implementing “gamification” as a human-friendly approach to improve the experience of place for citizens.
... Hakala&Lemmetyinen, (2011) were pioneer in studying brand identity in terms of nation branding and drawn its significance towards the nation and general public. Promotional tools and campaigns actively support national public institutions in developing national brand identity (Dinnie, 2015). Similarly, the nation as a product, skill specification of a nation, nation identification and national brand equity havea significant role in developing nation brand identity (Anholt, 2011). ...
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The marketers keenly focus on branding for developing effective positioning strategies. The branding concept is also positioned on the basis of country of origin and termed as nation branding. This study highlighted the important components and aspects of nation branding that can help marketers and researchers derive new strategies. Moreover, the research has focused on deep literature analysis for explaining the brand personality, identity and image. This analysis is limited to nation branding and its significance; future studies can quantitatively explain this concept.
Введение. Представленная статья посвящена уточнению доминирующей концепции маркетинга территории на основе исследования эволюции территориального маркетинга в контексте устойчивого развития. Данный вопрос представляется актуальным, поскольку маркетинг территории позволяет планировать развитие определенного региона в рамка желательной траектории, отражающей интересы стейкхолдеров территории. Материалы и методы. Исследуется факт эволюции концепции маркетинга в сторону устойчивости и моделирования ответственного поведения. Анализируется интерпретация маркетинга территории в построениях различных отечественных и зарубежных ученых. В основу методологии положено исследование эволюционных этапов маркетинга территории и доминирующих в них концепций маркетинга. В статье использованы такие методы, как: сбор, сравнение и уточнение мнений специалистов в отношении доминирующей концепции маркетинга, маркетинга устойчивого развития в развитии территории, анализ и синтез полученной информации и формулирование непротиворечивых выводов. Результаты исследования. В рамках этапности эволюции маркетинга территории обоснован четвертый этап, отражающий современную ситуацию, в которой за счет усложнения конкуренции, роста глобальных проблем, связанных с экологическими катастрофами, ограниченностью ресурсов, перенаселением и т.д., возрастает запрос на поиск возможностей эффективного хозяйствования при упрочнении взаимоотношений между стейкхолдерами в регионе, что актуализирует приверженность к концепции маркетинга устойчивого развития. Практические последствия связаны с существованием у территорий возможности учитывать критерии устойчивого развития при разработке маркетинговой стратегии в рамках управленческой концепции маркетинга территории. Обсуждение и заключение. Авторские выводы и результаты позволяют проследить эволюцию маркетинга территории от этапа концентрации промышленных производств до следования целевым установкам устойчивого развития, что дает возможность уточнить понимание характерной для современного этапа концепции маркетинга устойчивого развития территории. Introduction. The presented article is devoted to clarifying the dominant concept of territory marketing based on the study of the evolution of territorial marketing in the context of sustainable development. This issue seems relevant, since the marketing of the territory allows you to plan the development of a certain region within the framework of a desirable trajectory reflecting the interests of the stakeholders of the territory. Materials and Methods. The fact of the evolution of the marketing concept towards sustainability and modeling responsible behavior is investigated. The interpretation of territory marketing in the constructions of various domestic and foreign scientists is analyzed. The methodology is based on the study of the evolutionary stages of territory marketing and the dominant marketing concepts in them. The article uses such methods as: collecting, comparing and clarifying the opinions of specialists regarding the dominant concept of marketing, marketing of sustainable development in the development of the territory, analyzing and synthesizing the information received and formulating consistent conclusions. Results. Within the framework of the phasing evolution of territory marketing, the fourth stage is justified, reflecting the current situation in which, due to the increasing complexity of competition, the growth of global problems related to environmental disasters, limited resources, overpopulation, etc., the demand for finding effective management opportunities increases with the strengthening of relations between stakeholders in the region, which actualizes the commitment to the concept of sustainable development marketing. The practical consequences are related to the possibility for territories to take into account the criteria of sustainable development when developing a marketing strategy within the framework of the management concept of territory marketing. Discussion and Conclusion. The author's conclusions and results allow us to trace the evolution of marketing of the territory from the stage of concentration of industrial production to following the target settings of sustainable development, which makes it possible to clarify the understanding of the concept of marketing of sustainable development of the territory characteristic of the modern stage.
This research aims to analyze the influence of brand ambassadorship, price, product quality on purchasing decisions for Ms Glow products. The sample in this study were 37 respondents who had purchased MS Glow products. The data collection technique used was a survey method with the research instrument used was a questionnaire. The results of the instrument test stated that the data in this study was proven to be valid and reliable. In the Classic Assumption Test, it is stated that the data in this study is normally distributed and produces a regression model that is free from multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation. The results of this research prove that: 1) The R Square value is 0.759. This means that 75.9% of the variations in APBD preparation variables can be explained by the Brand Ambassador, Product Price and Product Quality variables which jointly influence Product Purchasing Decisions. Meanwhile, the remaining 24.1% is explained by other factors outside the model. researched. 2) Partially, the ambassador brand has a significant influence on the decision to purchase Ms Glow products. 3) Partially, product quality has a significant influence on the decision to purchase Ms Glow products. 4) Simultaneously, the ambassador brand and product quality have a significant influence on the decision to purchase Ms Glow products. These results have implications for future researchers to study consumer behavior towards various environmentally friendly toiletry products. The findings of this research have implications for Ms Glow producers to formulate pricing strategies to be able to influence consumer purchasing decisions.
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Developing countries face unique challenges in building and managing their national image due to various socio-political and economic factors. Thus, this study explored the extent of citizens’ deprecating behaviour and factors that breed citizens’ deprecating behaviour focusing on Zimbabwe as a case study. An interpretivist philosophy based on the exploratory approach was employed where a total of 20 personal interviews were conducted with purposively selected government officials, business leaders/marketing experts, sports personalities, media experts, local university students, and international diplomats. Findings indicated a high prevalence of citizens’ deprecating behaviour while national injustices, economic mismanagement, bad governance, foreign government interference, and human rights abuse top the list of factors breeding citizens’ deprecating behaviour. The study recommends the government and the nation branding stakeholders to adopt an inclusive approach in implementing strategies that result in the effective development of a compelling nation brand while promoting social cohesion and equity among the citizens.
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Nation branding, which demonstrates countries’ power on an international platform, has gained prominence in the literature in recent years. How countries can build their strategies around these factors and make themselves attractive has become an issue of increasing interest to countries in recent years. Increasing a country’s role in the political arena, making the country more attractive to tourists, increasing the volume of foreign trade and foreign direct investment, and making the country more attractive in terms of skilled labor will improve its reputation and image, as perceived by other countries. The main objective of the study is to investigate the impact of foreign direct investment, tourism expenditure, human capital, and export on nation branding in the ten countries with the highest value in nation branding (USA, Germany, China, Japan, England, France, Italy, Canada, India, South Korea) applying the dynamic panel data model for the period 2010–2020. In the present study, we use the cross-sectional dependence, the slope homogeneity test, the CIPS unit root test, and the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) method, one of the dynamic panel data methods. This study examined the factors involved in nation branding and found a positive and statistically significant relationship between exports, foreign direct investment, tourism, human capital, and nation branding.
In the era of globalization, the problem of national image becomes more prominent, and international brand marketing becomes one of the powerful ways for a country to enhance its national image. National branding is an active process aimed at enhancing the reputation of a country, while national image is something that exists in the perception of the audience. Since the reform and opening-up, China's comprehensive national strength has continuously increased, and the world's perception of China has become stronger. Chinese enterprises and brands have gradually overcome the stereotypical impression of being low-quality and cheap. However, in the increasingly fierce competition among major powers, it is urgent to construct China's national image through national brand marketing. China should implement a nation brand plan from a top-level design, involve the entire society, strengthen open communication with the international community, and further promote Chinese enterprises and brands to go global.
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This article analyzes the attempts of four countries created upon the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia-Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia-to use communication as a tool for establishing themselves as distinct travel destinations and for creating attractive brands in the international political and economic markets. The paper focuses particularly on the analysis of the communication and promotion approaches, and concepts and strategies used by these countries in terms of the processes behind the aims outlined in the preceding sentence. The level of success of each country, as regards the subject matter of this article, is determined for the purpose of the analysis in question, by the best known brand perception surveys. The paper also analyzes the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the context of the newly-created countries' attempts to establish themselves internationally and compares their approaches to developing their brands and the models they are using for it. The countries in question are focused on tourism promotion. In these countries we see a tendency towards ignoring other aspects of branding. None of the analyzed countries have introduced the systematic management of their brands due to the fact that the process of brand development is obstructed by unresolved political issues or a failure of their politicians and ordinary citizens to understand the advantages of branding. Slovenia, according to the criteria used in this analysis, has adopted more efficient practices than the other three countries covered in this paper but it is important to stress that Croatia ranks first when it comes to tourism branding. The paper suggests that the importance of country branding has not yet been fully appreciated in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia and that no integral branding concepts are being used, despite sporadic attempts undertaken by the mentioned countries.
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The purpose of this research is to examine how Bangladesh can develop a distinctive brand identity by analyzing the country's branding. The study employs a mix of primary and secondary data sources, including a structured questionnaire, and has utilized purposive sampling to select 230 participants from a range of backgrounds. Factor analysis has been used to identify the elements that contribute to the country's branding, including tourism, culture, international sporting events, apparel and clothing industry, education, research, good governance practices, university ranking, and safety and healthcare. These factors play a dominant role in creating a unique brand identity that reflects the country's culture, heritage, and economic potential. The research aims to provide policymakers with recommendations to promote Bangladesh's brand image globally, as well as assist businesses, academia, and other stakeholders interested in the country's branding and economic development. Ultimately, this research aims to contribute to a better understanding of the significance of branding in promoting a country's identity and strengths in the competitive global market. Keywords: Branding, Bangladesh, History, Nation
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Las relaciones internacionales han cambiado de forma sustancial en los últimos veinte años, ante la creación de un sistema internacional que ha puesto en cuestión las bases sobre las que se sostiene. Tales cambios han favorecido la expansión de la diplomacia pública. El artículo describe las dimensiones y los elementos de las estrategias de la comunicación, así como los retos para su consolidación en el marco de la acción exterior de los actores de las relaciones internacionales.
Artikel ini akan membahas mengenai upaya yang dapat dilakukan oleh diaspora Indonesia dalam mempromosikan budaya Indonesia di Era New Normal. Makanan khas Indonesia merupakan sebuah aset terpenting negara untuk memajukan perekonomian dan pariwisata. Masa pandemi Covid-19 merupakan masa-masa tersulit bagi seluruh masyarakat global untuk mengembalikan ekonomi secara normal. Mempromosikan budaya Indonesia melalui Gastrodiplomasi penting dilakukan untuk membangun citra Indonesia di kancah Internasional pada era New Normal. Penerapan kebiasaan baru yang diterapkan masyarakat membuat para diaspora Indonesia di Amerika Serikat dituntut melakukan sebuah strategi alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk mempromosikan makanan khas Indonesia. Tulisan ini akan mencoba menganalisis mengenai strategi yang dilakukan oleh diaspora Indonesia di Amerika Serikat dalam membangun nation-brand melalui promosi kuliner Indonesia di era New Normal
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Environmental communication emphasizes the interactions between ecological issues and human beings and the communication process resulting from these interactions. Communication, in general, is a broad field that encompasses many research areas, including environmental communication. Environmental communication is based on interpersonal communication and includes participatory decision-making, political socialization, media, and communication elements. Premised on this context, this chapter presents the emergence of environmental communication. The chapter discusses politics, democracy, media and political socialization, the effect of political communication, and the connection between political communication and environmental communication. Also, the impact of communication and media on social construction will be discussed using ecological issues. Against this background, the chapter examines the national branding process through environmentalism.
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In the history of Indonesian diplomacy, there have been several outstanding diplomat figures who have made achievements, such as Soebandrio. Then, it is important to realize that the success of Soebandrio in connecting Indonesia with the world when he was in London and Moscow; and his role in various significant state missions cannot be apart from his wife’s role, Hurustiati Soebandrio. During Soebandrio’s career, Hurustiati’s diplomatic role began when her husband became the Indonesian Ambassador in London, at least from 1947 to 1954. During that time, Hurustiati took part in various efforts to build a good image of Indonesia to support the implementation of foreign policy. This study focuses on examining the role of Hurustiati Soebandrio as a wife of a diplomat from 1947 to 1954. Therefore, the study aims to present the role of women as diplomatic wives in the writing of the history of Indonesian diplomacy. In general, it also aims to encourage the writing of a history of diplomacy that pays attention to the role of women. This study employed the historical method by placing archives, magazines, and newspapers as primary sources. The study shows three images of Indonesia that Hurustiati formed in London, namely Indonesia as an independent country, a country that try to reach gender equality, and a multicultural county. To achieve these three images, Hurustiati made various efforts, such as giving official lectures, holding talks with diplomatic officials and their wives, and initiating exhibitions.
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Artigo Rev. Conj. Aust. | v.12, n.58 | abr./jun. 2021 Este é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto e distribuição sob os termos da Licença Creative Commons de Atribuição Não-Comercial Compartilha-Igual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), que permite seu uso, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio bem como sua transformação e criações a partir dele, desde que o autor e a fonte originais sejam creditados. Ainda, o material não pode ser usado para fins comerciais, e no caso de ser transformado, ou servir de base para outras criações, estas devem ser distribuídas sob a mesma licença que o original. 63 O desenvolvimento da marca de um país: é possível estimular o reconhecimento internacional de um Brasil tecnológico e inovador? Resumo Este artigo analisa as razões de esforços empreendidos para promover a narrativa de um Brasil tecnológico e inovador no exterior. A premissa é de que países investem em iniciativas de diplomacia pública e marketing a fim de melhorar a inserção internacional de produtos, serviços ou processos tecnológicos, bem como a atração de investimentos e mão de obra qualificada estrangeiros. O propósito da pesquisa é o de identificar limitações e fortalezas da diplomacia pública brasileira para se alcançar o desenvolvimento da marca-país no setor de tecnologia. Trata-se de pesquisa exploratória, que recorre à análise de bibliografia especializada e de estratégias adotadas por cinco países (Estônia, Índia, Suécia, Suíça e Reino Unido), para fins ilustrativos, com vistas à compreensão do problema. Concluiu-se que para que se atinja esse objetivo a atuação da Chancelaria não é suficiente. Todos os órgãos do governo, em níveis federal, estadual e municipal e, de preferência, também do empresariado e da sociedade civil deveriam estar envolvidos. Este trabalho sugere que o SICOM concentre o processo decisório da formulação e implementação da política da marca-Brasil, inclusive do componente tecnológico. Abstract This article seeks to understand the reasons of the efforts to promote the narrative of a technological and innovative Brazil abroad. The premise is that countries invest in public diplomacy and marketing initiatives, in order to improve the international insertion of technological products, services or processes, as well as the attraction of foreign investments and qualified workers. The purpose of the research is to highlight the constraints and strengths of Brazilian public diplomacy in order to achieve the goal of developing the country brand related to the technological sector. This is an exploratory research, which resorts to the specialized bibliography and to the assessment of the strategies adopted by five countries (Estonia, India, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom), for illustrative purposes, to better understand the problem. It was concluded that, in order to achieve such objective, the work performed by the Chancellery is not enough. All government agencies, at federal, state and municipal levels, and preferably also business and civil society should be involved. This work suggests that SICOM should concentrate the decision-making process and initiatives related to the country-branding of Brazil, including the technology component. Este trabalho reflete as opiniões pessoais do autor e não do Ministério ao qual se vincula. Conflitos de interesse: O autor não reportou potenciais conflitos de interesse
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There is widespread attention in the academic literature to brand management and the roles that brands play in shaping their reputations and communicating messages in a traditional “top-down” fashion. As part of this article, we examine the “bottom-up” alternative model by analyzing a case study of a national brand and how it is represented in the media. This study examines the use of the “Start-Up Nation” catchphrase in the journalistic text for a vote on the technological state of Israel. Based on analyses of the appearance of the catchphrases in articles in 2010-2021 (N = 220) and semi-structured interviews with journalists (N=6), we find that the catchphrase arose from repetition of different sources, internalized and resonating the technological nickname. The study points out that media content providers and distributors can frame a metaphorical symbol according to their vision and bring it to life over time. Accordingly, media-news play an instrumental role in defaming Israel and promoting it as a technologically advanced country. The results of this study suggest that the “bottom-up” marketing mechanism can be applied to the marketing of a wide range of large institutions, such as corporations, financial institutions, educational institutions, municipalities, or any other country.
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The article focuses on identifying and structuring the linguistic frames which are activated in relation to the representation of Kyivan Rus’ in the U.S.English media discourse. The research aimed to examine the connections between the first historically recorded East Slavonic state and present-day Ukraine. The linguistic analysis is based on the rhetorical version of framing analysis, seeking to explore the ways how the rhetorical means used by the media contribute to shaping the audience’s perceptions in specific historical and political areas.
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——————PT————— A gestão do território é política, mas ao Design reconhece-se a eloquência de conformar o lugar comum e de o comunicar de forma memorável. É precisamente pela conformação (atribuição de forma, logo de limites) que o Design é mediador cultural, e será pela comunicação do Design da marca territorial (pôr em comum, logo dar a conhecer), que ganha coerência holística através da gestão vertical do Design (fazendo refletir a ideia em todos os níveis da organização), que poderá tornar a forma, memorável. Com o objetivo principal de posicionar o Design no centro da decisão estratégica sobre o território, tornando-o visível e relevante na academia, na produção industrial e nas políticas públicas de valorização territorial, esta investigação apresenta um conjunto de trabalhos científicos, publicados internacionalmente nos últimos dez anos, e sujeitos a arbitragem científica (parte 2), cujo caráter inovador se encontra devidamente enquadrado (parte 1). Como dispositivo teórico, afirmamos o contributo do Design a cada um dos agentes definidos como estratégicos, nas recomendações europeias para a investigação (Científico – Universidade; Económico – Indústria e Político – Autarquia), daqui resultando a orientação tripartida da sua contextualização, em Design e conhecimento, Design para a inovação e Design do território, e um quarto ponto Sociedade, economia e política baseadas no conhecimento, que identifica os desafios de cooperação entre os anteriores. Assim, caracteriza esta investigação a sua predisposição holística que encontra no cruzamento dos vários domínios, a oportunidade de contributo inovador para a disciplina do Design e que nos permite afirmar o Design da marca como mediador territorial entre os agentes científico, económico e político. —————EN————— Territory management is political, but the Design is acknowledged by the eloquence of shape to the commonplace and communicating it memorably. It is precisely by the shaping (attribution of limits) that Design is cultural mediator, and it will be through the communication of the territorial brand Design (put in common, thus make it known), which gains holistic coherence through vertical Design management (applying the idea at all levels of the organization), that it will be able to take shape, memorable. With the main goal of placing Design at the centre of strategic decision on the territory, making it visible and relevant in academia, industrial production and public policies for territorial enhancement, this research presents a set of internationally published scientific works of the last ten years, which were subject to scientific arbitration (part 2), and whose innovative character is duly framed (part 1). As a theoretical device, we affirm the contribution of Design to each of the agents defined as strategic in the european research recommendations (Scientific – University; Economic – Industry and Political – Municipality). Hence derives the tripartite orientation of its contextualization in Design and knowledge, Design for innovation and territorial Design, and a fourth point Society, economic and politics based on knowledge, which identifies the challenges of cooperation among the above. Thus, this research is characterized by its holistic predisposition that finds at the crossroads of various domains, the opportunity for an innovative contribution to Design's discipline and allows us to assert brand Design as a territorial mediator between the scientific, economic and political agents.
The Korean Wave can be analyzed as a specific kind of soft power. In fact, it is “sweet power” that is deployed using values-based diplomacy that encourages exchanges and hybridization and is disseminated in the form of the Korean “cultural package.” This sweet power has benefited from the rise of aesthetic capitalism and the emergence of a multipolar world in terms of cultural exchanges. South Korea has also developed its own brand of “pop nationalism” that appears innocuous and therefore much more palatable, given that it comes from a country with no stated hegemonic ambitions. This form of power is heavily reliant on aesthetics and fully exploits the possibilities of the internet age, while benefiting from the absence of any problematic imperialist legacy.
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The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated inequalities, destabilized geopolitical balances, empowered authoritarians, distorted democratic processes and curbed the enjoyment of human rights, particularly the right to free speech. The right to freedom of expression includes an exception for public health. However, Covid-19 has become a pretext for many governments to assume abusive control over the Internet and other sources of information. These issues include Internet freedom approaches of liberal states conflict with digital authoritarianism and illiberal cyber sovereignty, online human rights violations such as surveillance and prosecutions targeting journalists, academics, minorities, and pro-democracy activists. Such repression continues without effective consequences from the international community due to the disunity of the West and the United Nations (UN). Big tech corporations are complicit in distortions of democracy and freedom of expression. The Habermasian intersubjectivity paradigm provides a theoretical lens that can be applied to online discourse and freedom of speech, emphasizing how essential Internet freedom is for meaningful democracy. The abilities of netizens and civil society to communicate, organize, and mobilize are inhibited, and human rights and democracy are declining. At this time, when unprecedented global challenges such as Covid-19 and climate change require increased cooperation between the governments, the private sector and civil society, digital authoritarianism and cyber sovereignty are significant obstacles to collective international efforts. There is an urgent need for a human right to the Internet and digital democratization should complement this. This paper explores digital authoritarianism and cyber sovereignty highlights discourses on a right to the Internet and considers new approaches to protecting Internet freedom. Its purpose is to encourage further research into a right to the Internet.
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Marketing plans are one of the key strategic documents for the management of modern cities. If cities want to effectively use marketing tools to support the comprehensive development of their territory, it is necessary to design and implement their unique marketing strategy. A lot of European cities have been doing this for several decades, and their steps have already become an inspiration for many Czech cities. The quality of the document is determined not only by the sufficient depth of processing of individual parts but also by a detailed analysis of the target groups on which attention is to be focused. Only in this way is it possible to propose measures and activities that will fulfill the city's visions and goals. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the marketing strategies of selected Czech cities in the light of theoretical background and concepts. The paper focuses on three Czech towns that have a marketing plan, namely Hodonín, Břeclav and Trutnov. Hodonín's marketing plan is too general and has an analytical rather than a developmental character. On the other hand, Bruntál has a clear plan based on a precisely performed analysis stemming from the results of a questionnaire survey. All objectives and measures are clearly and comprehensibly defined, and measurable indicators enhance their achievement. The plan looks realistic and ambitious at the same time. Trutnov's marketing plan significantly focuses on the role of the media in the implementation of the communication strategy. Considerable emphasis is also placed on the specification of target groups.
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A number of studies in the international marketing literature have focused on the identification and discussion of differences across nations and cultures. Unfortunately, the majority of these investigations focus on existing differences without addressing which of these differences have the potential to substantially affect international operations or how to make comparisons within a framework which allows some measure of flexibility across nations and cultures. The objectives of this study were twofold: (1) to develop and measure the national identify of several different cultures in order to establish a means by which similarities and differences can be placed into a practically applicable context for international marketing decision making; and (2) to establish initial generalizable national identity norms for making broad cross-cultural/cross-national comparisons. The results based on a five-country sample (i.e. the USA, Mexico, Japan, Sweden and Hong Kong) show that, within the theoretical framework of national identity it is possible to identify such differences. Implications for both academic research as well as managerial decision making in an international marketing context are presented.
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Purpose – Aims to review, update, and extend the understanding of country-of-origin (COO) effects in China. This involves examining the nature and extent of the COO effect amongst urban Chinese consumers and the impact of COO on actual purchase behaviour. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire is used to collect COO information from a sample of 432 Shanghai consumers and a consumer panel is used to track the purchase behaviour of the same consumers over 6 months. Findings – First, Chinese consumers generally say they prefer to buy local Chinese grocery brands. Second, Chinese consumers believe it is important to buy local brands for a range of Chinese-style and Western-style product categories. Third, however, the stated preference for Chinese brands was generally not reflected in actual purchase behaviour. Research limitations/implications – The results support the growing view that Chinese consumers are not necessarily attracted to foreign brands. However, the disparity between stated preferences and behaviour suggests that there are other factors that may moderate the COO effect, such as imperfect knowledge of which brands are local or foreign. Practical implications – To capitalize on the stated preference for local brands, and to address consumers’ imperfect knowledge of which brands are local or foreign, managers may benefit by promoting the Chinese origin of their brands and by positioning their brands as being local. Originality/value – In contrast to the experimental designs used in previous studies, actual purchase data is measured here in a real-life setting. The study provides a strong empirical update on the COO effect in China.
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Managers of mature or established brands have received little guidance regarding the strategic and tactical decisions they must make to keep their brands healthy. By focusing on how existing consumers perceive, choose, and use brands, this paper suggests how managers can generate and prioritize strategic and tactical opportunities for revitalizing their brands. Specific recommendations are presented as to how these strategies can be successfully implemented by brands with differing levels of market share and resources.
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Environmental quality makes good business sense, particularly in remote and marginal contexts like Armenia. Certain enforceable environmental quality standards may prove to be crucial in order to create a distinct place brand that can penetrate the upper niche of global markets. The aim of place branding should be to draw visitors and investors, to enhance social cohesion and to pursue a substantial and holistic sustainability by turning the 'quality of context' into competitive advantage in international business. It is proposed that the business community and governments of remote areas like Armenia collaborate to adopt a clear and compatible place brand strategy, which may eventually add extra value and a new dimension to all their products and services. In the case of Armenia 'place branding' means requalifying the habitat and designing a distinct country image, replacing the popular perception of its remote and trouble-prone ex-Soviet-client status and making a clear case for its distinctive qualities, human capital, landscape and cultural heritage. If properly positioned in the world market the place brand (a certain 'Wonder-full Armenia') may ultimately triumph as a special tourist destination as well as a particular kind of business environment. Creating such a place brand strategy calls for collaborative, interdisciplinary research to design an imaginative economic policy and, of course, a strong political will to implement it.
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The article discusses the potential impact of consumers' age, socioeconomic group, and sex on the magnitude of country of origin effects for lager and sparkling wine and presents the results of an empirical study into the subject. It is found that older consumers show stronger country of origin effects, which may be due to a generally stronger reliance of older people on broader mental categories, in order to compensate for a decrease in working memory. Socio-economic groups AB are found to show stronger country of origin effects for sparkling wine, whereas socio-economic groups C7C2 show stronger country of origin effects for lager. This may be related to relative differences in consumption patterns and expertise for the studied products between the two groups. Sex is not found to have any impact on the magnitude of country of origin effects in this study.
What became of the golden age of global marketing? Where are the multinational companies churning out standardized products for a world of voracious consumers? A global economic slump and mounting anti-American sentiment put an end to that party. But the multinationals' retreat to local harbors may leave them ill prepared for what's about to happen.
Places have long sought a defining image to drive their economic and social initiatives. Many of the branding strategies have been examined extensively and utilised in the marketplace. For emerging, transition, negatively viewed, and newly industrialised nations considering the possibilities for differentiation, a relatively underused positioning is incorporating sports into the branding mix as both a primary and secondary tool. There are a number of specific strategies that can be used to implement this initiative, and the authors explore and analyse these sports place branding possibilities.
An analysis of the opinions of decision makers who select software for business use indicated that a software quality assurance certificate would add value to and confidence in a software product. Marketing research techniques were used to obtain and analyze data from business users of software. Their problems, anxieties, influences on software choice, the value of a certificate in the choice process, and the importance of auditing the various aspects of the software development process were assessed. The findings indicate that such a certificate would benefit users and demonstrate how marketing research techniques can be applied to assess market acceptability. This study used three market segments and proposed two services to cater to their needs.
Given the growing role of affective factors in consumer behaviour and particularly on brand loyalty, the deterioration of these factors can provide an additional explanation of the dissolution of the relationship between the brand and the consumer. A new concept, brand detachment, was developed in marketing research to enhance understanding of the dissolution process of the relationship between brands and consumers. Brand detachment results from the dissolution of the affective bond existing between a brand and a consumer and can be seen as an attitudinal aspect of the dissolution process of certain relationships. After conceptualizing brand detachment, the results of a quantitative study (N=434, use of regression analysis) allow this concept to be used as an indicator of the consumer's propensity to end the relationship with the brand. Thus brand detachment has a negative influence on the consideration of the brand and the consumer's subsequent buying behaviour in relation to it.
This article aims to explore, from a figurational perspective, the complex inter-relationship between sport, national identity politics and habitus codes. It addresses the significance of this relationship through an investigation into the role of the media in constructing and representing the nation through the sport of rugby union. More specifically, these processes are examined by analysing the national habitus codes employed by the British media in relation to the men's international team representing England during the 1995 Rugby World Cup held in South Africa. This investigation into the media's representations of `patriots at play' in some corner of a foreign field provides an interesting insight into the interlinkage between sport, the media and national character.
Location branding is a hot topic throughout the world, not least in the UK, principally as a key driver for tourism, inward investment and/or export revenue. International tourism receipts into the UK have been in long-term decline in an increasingly competitive market — how should a highly diverse Britain be cohesively positioned to meet the demands of the future and the changing visitor? This paper lays out the principles of approach, the team structure, the detail of the process and the framework for strategic resolution and creative execution, along with providing some broader conclusions with regard to location branding projects. The strategic hypothesis, positioning concept development, international research and synthesis into a usable and inspiring brand model are described and the principles of the brand identity implementation outlined.
Most studies of the effect of country-of-origin on consumer evaluation of products are based on static models, even though it is recognized that country image changes over time. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a normative model of country-of-origin as a dynamic process.
The increase in global trade has prompted the need for managers to control the impact of negative country of origin (COO) effects on consumers' product evaluations. Yet, extant research in the area is limited and findings are mixed. This study empirically tests whether theories from the social stereotype change literature, known as subtyping and conversion theories, are effective in diluting consumers' negative country-oforigin stereotypes. Additionally, it examines the specific conditions under which dilution may take place. Two experiments were conducted utilizing mall intercept methodologies in the United States. Evidence suggests that conversion theory is an effective COO stereotype change agent. The results imply that international marketers may be able to reduce negative country-oforigin beliefs merely through exposing their consumers, under particular conditions, to disconfirming product information.
Asks whether service provider nationality significantly influences consumer decision making and, if so, whether the influence of national stereotype is moderated by the presence of additional information, such as professional credentials or service availability, or by the consumer's nationality. Identifies a significant three-way interaction effect involving provider nationality, supplemental advertising information and consumer nationality.
The study examines the effects of e-mail marketing on brand loyalty and also reveals the kinds of e-mail content valued by consumers. Data were gathered from 890 consumers, who were users of a multinational cosmetics brand and had received regular permission-based e-mail messages from the marketer. Results reveal that regular e-mail marketing has positive effects on brand loyalty. E-mail-activated consumers visited retail stores. Consumers exposed to e-mail marketing recommended the brand to their friends. Loyal customers appreciated regular communication and various other information content from the brand more than mere offers. These results encourage marketers to keep in frequent contact with customers via e-mail with the aim of enhancing brand loyalty.
The main objective of this paper is to present in the case of Poland the complexity and multidimensionality of the branding process and how it differs from branding products and companies. This paper explains a number of reasons why Poland needs a strong country brand. The basis of a nation's strength in its brand is the creation of core brand identity, the basis upon which it is possible to build opinions and attitudes among prospective receivers. The author's example illustrates the importance of such a brand essence. The paper explains the tools as well as the determiners of country brand implementation. It concludes that in the case of Poland the most important challenges include coordination between organisations responsible for and influencing country branding, collaboration between private and public sectors as well as between particular territorial units, financial backing and finally the fulfilment of the Poland brand by the people of the country.
Having a clear, differentiated positioning gives a country an advantage in attracting investment, business and tourism, and in building markets for its exports. Countries like Greece, Spain and Chile are successfully repositioning themselves using coordinated marketing and highly visible events like the Olympics. Positioning and national image also matter greatly in public diplomacy and cannot be taken for granted. Recommendations are given for positioning a nation-state based on a frank appraisal of perceptions and realities.
This paper illustrates how country image has been actively managed by the government of Taiwan, by means of a national advertising campaign since 1990. Using theories from marketing, advertising and consumer behaviour, it postulates that individual companies, such as Taiwan's Acer, may also benefit from the national ad campaign, leading to enhanced country-of-origin effects and global marketing success. While it is difficult to answer satisfactorily the larger theoretical questions of proximate cause and effect between a national image campaign and any presumed spillover effects that may benefit an individual company, the paper tries to provide some persuasive empirical and theoretical evidence to support this proposition. Future hypothesis testing is needed to explore interactions between the conceptually related activities of international advertising, place branding, company reputation management, brand-name marketing and cross-cultural consumer attitude change.
Branding is finally understood to play a critical role in the national and international success not only of firms but also of countries. Unlike the brand of a firm, a place brand is not created to be sold or to increase in value on the stock market. Altruistic goals such as sustainable, long-term employment and prosperity are primary objectives. A coherent place brand architecture is fundamental to an emerging nation's growth strategy as it provides a structure for forging powerful alliances and driving the country's overall development strategy. This paper examines the extent to which nations can learn from successful companies and countries, and outlines the critical success factors providing foundations for a successful place brand strategy. It considers the case of repositioning a damaged nation brand, and emphasises the importance of branding through all aspects of a place — its commodities, citizens, industry and even regions beyond its borders — through culture and all forms of cluster and kinship alliances. It seeks to suggest an approach that could help developing countries to make their mark on the world map so as to compete with vigour and confidence. It also highlights the potential threat of new forms of colonialism that could possibly be posed through foreign direct investment by global brands, and suggests instances where nation branding and even the simplistic strapline approach to nation branding could backfire.
Brand architecture is a concept born in commercial branding. It is used to design and manage a portfolio of brands, providing each brand with purpose, relevance and clarity. Some authors have hinted at the possible use of this concept in place brand management. Other authors have used theoretical place brand examples to show how this concept might be applied. This study goes further by providing a case study of South Africa's brand architecture and discussing the principles used to develop it. The findings illustrate challenges and success factors in designing, managing and interpreting the brand architecture of places.
This article attempts to move beyond assumptions that nationalism is essentially cultural and/or narrowly political, and that it is primarily past-oriented and defensive. We do this by examining evidence relating to the creative (re)construction of the nation from a contemporary economic perspective. Paying particular attention to Scotland and Wales, we show that the mobilisation of national identity within this process of (re)construction is not exclusive to those who seek greater political autonomy. National identity is also mobilised, often in a ‘banal’ fashion, by non-political national institutions such as economic development agencies. We argue that, within the strategies and discourses of economic development, historic national characteristics are reconciled with contemporary needs and aspirations through four processes: reiteration, recapture, reinterpretation and repudiation.
In this conceptual paper, the authors review literature on how consumers react when a piece of brand communication is incongruent with established brand associations. Although brand experts typically criticize such brand image incongruity, it is a fact that companies do communicate in a way that challenges existing associations, for example in advertising or when launching brand extensions. The article integrates previous work—which has been scattered across several poorly connected domains—into a coherent framework. The authors propose effects of brand image incongruity on consumers' processing and evaluation. They also identify marketing implications and avenues for future research. The propositions imply opportunities for brand management, thus suggesting the need for a balanced view on brand image incongruity. Copyright
This article examines how people set about the task of national identity construction and maintenance in the context of a study of landed and arts elites in Scotland. With reference to our empirical material throughout, we outline the key national identity processes: claim, attribution and the receipt of claims and attributions. Central to these are identity markers and rules. Identity markers are those social characteristics presented to others to support a national identity claim and looked to in others, either to attribute national identity, or receive and assess any claims or attributions made. Identity rules are probabilistic rules of thumb, guidelines to how these identity markers are interpreted, combined or given precedence over others within these three processes. Particular attention is given to identity rules, and consideration of the contexts in which they are adhered to or transgressed.
Every day, thousands of companies spend millions of dollars to build external brand identity and customer loyalty. Branding implies more than just selling a product or service; the best companies create a strong emotional connection between the message and the product. The brand attaches meaning, the lifestyle, the transformation, the potential, the joy, and the fulfillment to the product. Today, competing for employees is as difficult as competing for customers; building employee loyalty is as important as building customer loyalty; and treating employees right is the key to treating shareholders right. Here we discuss what Yahoo! has done to build its strong branding image. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
This article examines the strategies for achieving differentiation through a network approach. The generic strategies models of positioning and the resource-based view have opened up the possibility of strategic difference, but, drawing on a social network approach, this article argues that, rather than accepting strategy as simply market given or internally driven, firms can draw on their unique social networks of relations to make a difference to their strategies. Illustrations from three successful Taiwanese computer firms seeking to secure differentiation of action show that one enjoys a policy-driven network advantage over its domestic rivals, another has developed both technological and familial networks, while the third exploits its established management and production links in the Taiwanese industrial culture. These comparative case studies illustrate that strategies for achieving differentiation can be based on a wide variety of external social networks of relationships (including political, familial, friendship and alumni links, as well as alliances via boards, trade unions and banks etc). The implications for managers are that firms need to expand their external networks of relationships to secure their survival and growth, and should seek to identify and develop structures that are resourceful, rare and inimitable.
Country-of-origin reputations are endogenized in this paper and it is shown that otherwise identical countries can be correctly perceived as differing in their percentage of high-quality producers. These self-fulfilling reputations determine not only the average quality of a country’s exports but also the type of products in which a country specializes. Hence, the pattern of international trade can be determined by this ‘reputational comparative advantage’. An inferior country-of-origin reputation leads to lower national welfare, therefore, several trade and industrial policies that can improve country-of-origin reputation are examined.
In this article, the author suggests that reputation results from actions taken over time. He consequently views an organization's own behavior as the most serious threat to its reputation, rather than the media or business adversaries. The author is wary of the notion of “reputation management” as this could lead organization leaders to believe that the effects of their actions on their reputations can be manipulated. Ultimately, this approach could dangerously widen the gap between appearance and reality. Based on data describing the public perception of the U.S. insurance industry, he advocates reputable behavior supported by credible and energetic communications as the main determinants of reputation. The Geneva Papers (2006) 31, 480–499. doi:10.1057/palgrave.gpp.2510091