
Sprouted buckwheat an important vegetable source of antioxidants

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Germination process is the only food processing which provides a significant increase of the nutritional value by enhancing the bioavailability of some nutritional compounds, such as vitamins. The aim of our study was to test the antioxidant properties of the buckwheat sprout. The total polyphenols, flavonoids and ascorbic acid contents during seven days of germination were determined. The results indicate that important changes occur in the amount of biologically active compounds during germination: the amount of polyphenols increases from 50.26 to 298.03 mg/100g d.w., the amount of rutin increases from 13.66 to 283.43 mg/100g d.w., the amount of quercitin increases from 4.77 to 223.76 mg/100g d.w., whereas the amount of ascorbic acid increases from 0 to 1.09 mg/100g d.w. Due to the excellent antioxidant properties, the buckwheat sprouts can be considered good candidate ingredients for functional foods to be used for lowering the risk of various diseases and/or for exerting health promoting effects in addition to its nutritive value.

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... Changes that occurred as a result of sprouting were positive and beneficial in both common beans and bambara groundnuts. According to Brajdes and Vizireanu (2012), germination is the only process of agro-food processing which provides significant increase of the nutritional value by increasing the bioavailability of vitamins, bioelements and other biologically active compounds. ...
... Methanolic extract of mungbeans that was sprouted for 7 days had total phenolics ranging from 166.5 to 191.7 mg ferulic acid equivalents (FAE) kg /DW whereas that for dry seeds ranged from 97.8 to 101 (FAE) kg/DW (Kim et al., 2012). A study by Brajdes and Vizireanu (2012) reported a number of important changes in the amount of biologically active compounds when buckwheat was germinated for 7 days. The amount of polyphenols increased from 50.36 to 298.3 mg GA / 100g DW, the amount of rutin increased from 13.66 to 283.42 mg / 100g DW, the amount of quercetin increased from 4.77 to 223.76 mg / 100g DW, whereas the amount of ascorbic acid increased from 0 to 1.09 mg / 100g DW Changes in the total polyphenol concentration during sprouting may be attributed to the enzymatic activies in the seed during germination process. ...
... During the enzymatic degradation of the said cellular components, bound phenolics may be released and made available for quantification. According to Brajdes and Vizireanu (2012), the increase of phenolic compounds in the germinated seeds can be explained by an increase in the amount of free forms occurring as a consequence of hydrolytic enzyme activity, due to the breakdown of the cell wall during germination. It can be assumed that conjugated phenolic acids are released from the breakdown of cell walls, maybe to protect the inner parts of the caryopsis which is still needed to support the developing germ (Engert et al., 2011). ...
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Consumption of sprouted legumes is a popular trend at household level in Africa at the moment. This study investigated the effect of sprouting on the phenolic phytochemicals of the red bambara groundnuts and red beans. Plant-derived phenolic compounds are important as antioxidants in our diet. Phenolic phytochemical profiling was performed using HPLC-PDA-ESI-MS and Folin Ciocalteu assay. There were noticeable changes in the phenolic profiles due to sprouting of the two legumes. The total polyphenol content increased by 1.3-fold and 3-fold after sprouting in red bambara groundnuts and red beans respectively. The HPLC-PDA-ESI-MS profiling of the methanolic extracts of the sprouts revealed new emerging compounds. In red bambara groundnuts, eleven new compounds emerged. The new compounds identified include caffeic acid hexoside, resveratrol glucoside, a caffeic acid derivative, naringenin and kaempferol glucoside. In red beans, eight new compounds emerged. Catechin glucoside, quercetin-3-O-glucoside, quercetin-3-rutinoside, luteolin hexoside, quercetin glucoside acylated and p-coumaric acid hexoside were new compounds identified. Sprouting therefore enhances the polyphenolic profiles of the two legumes.
... Heljdine klice (Fagopyrum esculentum) mogu biti jako dobar izvor antioksidativnih komponenti [23], ali osim fenola i flavonoida sadrži i fagopirine, koji kod čovjeka izazivaju fotoosjetljivost, zbog čega se ne preporučuje konzumiranje više od 30 g heljdinih klica dnevno. Sadržaj fenola, flavonoida, rutina, kvercetina i vitamina C je praćen tokom 7 dana klijanja i utvrđen je konstantan porast sadržaja svih ispitivanih komponenti [23]. ...
... Heljdine klice (Fagopyrum esculentum) mogu biti jako dobar izvor antioksidativnih komponenti [23], ali osim fenola i flavonoida sadrži i fagopirine, koji kod čovjeka izazivaju fotoosjetljivost, zbog čega se ne preporučuje konzumiranje više od 30 g heljdinih klica dnevno. Sadržaj fenola, flavonoida, rutina, kvercetina i vitamina C je praćen tokom 7 dana klijanja i utvrđen je konstantan porast sadržaja svih ispitivanih komponenti [23]. Heljdina krupica i mekinje imaju manji antioksidativni kapacitet (mjeren DPPH i ABTS metodom) od klica što je povezano sa manjim sadržajem rutina u krupici i mekinjama [24]. ...
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Prirodni antioksidansi su predmet intenzivnog izučavanja zbog njihove sposobnosti da gase slobodne radikale koji se smatraju odgovornim za razvoj degenerativnih bolesti. Istraživanja su naročito fokusirana na biljke koje se tradicionalno koriste u narodnoj medicini podneblja u kojem rastu. Ekstrakcija aktivnih materija se vrši korištenjem raznih rastvarača, a njihov antioksidativni potencijal se mjeri različitim metodama, tako da rezultate njihove primjene često nije moguće upoređivati. Ipak, povremeno je radi preglednosti i izbjegavanja nepotrebnog ponavljanja neophodno sistematizovati saznanja iz ove oblasti. U ovom radu je dat pregled literature antioksidativnog djelovanja rodova Polygonum, Rumex, Fagopyrum, Reynoutria, Fallopia i Rheum iz familije Polygonaceae. Osim porijekla biljne vrste i načina pripreme uzorka, navedeni su rastvarači pomoću kojih je izvedena ekstrakcija, testovi koji su korišteni za određivanje antioksidativne aktivnosti, kao i za određivanja sadržaja jedinjenja koji su nosioci antioksidativnog djelovanja.
... It is thought that buckwheat may prevent genesis of diseases such as high cholesterol, hypertension, atherosclerosis and diabetes [9,19,20]. Rutin, high concentration in buckwheat, is also used for medical purposes in many countries in order to prevent or reduce capillary deformations that occur as a result of some hemorrhagic diseases and hypertension [21]. ...
... This leads to a rise in the functional food consumption of consumers by increasing the availability of functional foods in the market [5,22]. Since buckwheat is used in many functional foods produced worldwide, buckwheat products are used as food and medicine [9,21]. Positive effects of buckwheat on health are shown in Fig. (1). ...
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Abstract: Buckwheat is a plant used for many purposes, such as consumed as a food and used in the treatment of diseases. It is a good source of many vitamins and minerals and has balanced nutritional value. Because of its nutrient content and many positive effects on human health, buckwheat has become a functional food, recently. Main effects of buckwheat on human health are its hypotensive, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic, neuroprotective and antioxidant effects. Thus, it is considered an alternative food component in dietary treatment for chronic and metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and celiac disease. Also, its rich nutrient content supports daily diet and provides a better eating profile. As a result, buckwheat is accepted as a functional food, suggested to improve human health and is used in the treatment of diseases. The aim of this review is to explain some positive effects of buckwheat on human health.
... The germination process is a complex processing of grain raw materials, which provides a significant increase in nutritional value due to the bioavailability of a number of nutrients, in particular vitamins [10]. During the malting of buckwheat, 64 metabolites were identified. ...
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The result of the conducted research is the development of buckwheat malt production technology using plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions. Buckwheat grain with high starch content became the object of research. The main technological problem is obtaining high-quality brewing malt suitable for the production of gluten-free beer. The expediency of using plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions as an intensifier of the process of germination of buckwheat grains and an effective disinfectant of buckwheat malt has been experimentally proven. It is shown that the use of plasma chemical activation of technological solutions allows to speed up the process of moistening of buckwheat grain by more than 2 times. The energy and germination capacity of buckwheat grains, when using plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions, underwent positive changes. The effect of increasing the energy of germination was from 8 to 14 %, and the ability to germinate was 2–9 %. The amylolytic activity of buckwheat malt was analyzed, an increase in amylolytic activity in the range of 30–77 units/g was noted. The extractability of buckwheat malt was investigated separately. This indicator increased by 2–9 % depending on the concentration of peroxides in the solution. The Kolbach index also increased by 2–10 %, which indicates an intensive course of proteolysis. The total amount of amino acids in the experimental samples increased by 619 mg/100 g. There was a significant decrease in the viscosity of the wort, which indicates the high solubility of the obtained buckwheat malt. The technology can be applied in the industrial production of brewing malt and sprouted buckwheat grain of functional purpose. The developed buckwheat malting technology will receive priority in the production of environmentally friendly buckwheat malts of universal purpose that are not contaminated with pathogenic microflora
... Pseudo cereals are typically high in protein and glutenfree, and are considered whole grain. 1 Buckwheat is nutritionally valuable due to the content of protein, lipid, dietary fiber, and minerals and in combination with other health-promoting components. 2,3 The amino acid composition and nutritional value of buckwheat are superior from other grains, also one of the protein sources having high biological value. 4-6 At the same time, buckwheat contains minerals such as zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium; also it contains vitamins such as B1, B2, B3 and B6, flavonoids, polyphenols, inositol, organic acid, and high dietary fiber. ...
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Buckwheat is one of the pseudo cereals, which goes by the scientific name The Buckwheat has many medicinal properties, it reduces Gastro-intestinal disorder and it also helps to reduce diabetes because of its low glycemic index. Papad is a traditional savory food also known as appalam, papadam, is a popular tasty food item in Indian dietary science. In this study buckwheat papad was prepared by using different concentrations of buckwheat with the replacement of rice (20, 40, 60, 80, and 100%) and labeled as B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6. These formulations were analyzed for sensory attributes (n=30) by semi-trained panelists. Proximate analysis was carried out using standard A.O.A.C. methods. When the papad was evaluated for its sensory attributes, it was observed that the incorporation of buckwheat of 40% showed similar acceptability on par with control, whereas 80 and 100% replacement had lower scores in terms of overall acceptability. Papad prepared with 40% replacement of buckwheat was used for nutritional analysis, which was rich in protein, fiber, & minerals like, calcium, and iron content when compared to the control. Better nutritional profile of pseudo cereal papad makes it superior compared to traditional rice papad.
... It is understood that buckwheat could prevent the origin of many diseases like diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension. Rutin, a flavonoid present in higher amount in buckwheat, is used in the medical field in various countries to decrease or prevent capillary deformations which arise as an outcome of hypertension and hemorrhagic diseases [8][9][10][11]. ...
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The perception of food and nutrition security is multi-dimensional. Food security happens when all individuals have physical and economic access to enough and nutritious food which meets their dietary requirements and food choice for an active and healthy life. Limited quantity and supply of nutritious food is a big threat for food security. Because of huge population and high level of malnutrition in India, it is a very big challenge to make sure the supply of sufficient food and nutrition. Buckwheat has become a functional food because of its nutrient content and positive effects on human health. It can be consumed as a food and also used in the treatment of many diseases. The major impacts of buckwheat on human health are its hypotensive, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic, neuroprotective and antioxidant effects. Hence, it is used in the treatment for chronic and metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and celiac disease. Buckwheat flour was incorporated in sesame laddu at four different proportions (10%, 20%, 30% and 40%) and the formulated samples along with the standard were standardized. After standardization, it was subjected to sensory analysis and most acceptable proportion was selected and subjected for nutrient analysis. The cost of the product was also estimated. The selected product was popularized among adults. The sensory analysis proved that the sensory characteristics are acceptable with the addition of buck wheat flour. The carbohydrate content was high and the fat content was low in the selected product than in the standard product. The selected product costs little higher than the standard product.
... It has been found that the levels of anti-nutritional compounds present in cereals and pseudocereals are lowered, thereby increasing the levels of essential nutrients. This is a consequence of the activation of enzymes and their involvement in the synthesis of chemical compounds that improve nutritional quality (Brajdes & Vizireanu, 2012). ...
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The study aimed to investigate the effect of modification of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench sprouts by probiotic yeast strain on their nutritional value related to protein and starch. For this purpose, an attempt was also made to 1) evaluate the digestibility of protein and starch and 2) examine anti-nutritional factors that may affect the digestibility of the indicated macronutrients. Probiotic-rich sprouts were characterized by the highest content of total protein, free amino acids and peptides, resistant starch, and total free sugars. In addition, the amino acid profile of buckwheat sprouts changed compared to seeds. Modified buckwheat sprouts were characterized by a higher content of sulfur amino acids compared to seeds and control sprouts. The highest methionine content was found in sprouts rich in probiotics, 4.65 ± 0.29 mg/g 16gN. The results show also that the modification reduced protein and starch digestibility by 7.4% and 4.2%, respectively, compared to the seed. The digestibility may have been influenced by anti-nutritional compounds contained in the raw material, i.e. condensed tannins, phenols and α-amylase inhibitor. The presented research gives a new direction for the use of the raw material of buckwheat sprouts.
... The emerging phenolic compounds reported by the authors include caffeic hexoside, resveratrol glucoside, naringenin, caffeic acid derivatives and kaemferol glucoside. The increase in total phenol content after sprouting has been linked to biochemical action of hydrolytic enzymes on the cellular components (such as carbohydrates, lignin and protein) in the seeds during germination, where bound phenols are released into free forms (Caterina and Camelia 2012). During this biochemical action on the cellular components, bound phenolic compounds can be released through the breakdown of the cell wall of the seed-the free phenolic compounds are assayable (Engert et al. 2011). ...
Bambara groundnut (BGN) is considered to be the third most important African legume because of its nutritional and health promoting properties. Specifically, phytochemicals present in BGN occur in different forms including phenolic acids, flavonoids, phytates, tannins and their derivatives. Ingestion of Bambara phytochemicals have been linked to the prevention of chronic diseases and the forms in which these bioactive phytochemicals exist directly affect their bioavailability and bioaccessibility in the body to promote different health benefits. Different food processing operations enhance the availability of these phytochemicals and aid bioconversion. The different forms, characteristic and benefits of BGN phytochemicals are discussed in this chapter.
... After 7 days of germination, the content of flavonoids increases nearly 20 times (C. BRAJDES & C. VIZIREANU [19]). Functional beverage based on sprouted buckwheat presents high flavonoid content. ...
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The sprouted buckwheat contents a large amount of polyphenols, especially flavonoids. Based on soluble antioxidants and other bioactive compounds the functional beverage derived from sprouted buckwheat can exert beneficial effects on human health. The nutritive assimilation and the in vivo effect are very important to assure human health. The aim of this study is to examine through by using classical and modern methods the content of polyphenols from a new functional beverage based on the lactic fermentation of the sprouted buckwheat and their biochemical stability by in vitro simulation of gastrointestinal conditions. The results show that polyphenols from functional beverage present a quantitative content decreasing of 39.19% and also a reduction of 27.41% of antioxidant activity in gastrointestinal tract.
... In sprouted grain, phytates are partially destroyed, blocking the absorption of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and other mineral elements. In the process of buckwheat germination, it was found that the amount of polyphenols increases from 50.26 to 298.03 mg/100 g, the amount of rutin increases from 13.66 to 283.43 mg/100 g, in, quercetinfrom 4.77 to 223.76 mg/100 g [16]. In addition, sprouted buckwheat is also rich in flavones, flavonoids, phytosterols, D-chiro inositol, and myo-inositol [17]. ...
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In order to determine the influence of temperature and time of germination of the Bogatyr variety buckwheat on a change in the content of vitamins E, C, and B group, the germination parameters were optimized when developing a new type of seasoning. To optimize the germination parameters, the response surface methodology was used. The maximum total content of B, E, and C group vitamins in the sprouted buckwheat (4.591 mg/100 g) was observed at a temperature of 21.5 °C and the duration of germination of 3 days. The Bogatyr variety buckwheat was sprouted for 4 days. Changes in the nutritional and biological value of the sprouted grains were registered after 24 hours. Based on the comparative chemical analysis, it was established that the content of protein, fiber, vitamins, amino acids increases during the germination of buckwheat in comparison with the control sample. The protein content on day 4 increases by 1.38 times compared to control. At the same time, the mass fraction of carbohydrates on day 4 is reduced by 1.57 times; the mass fraction of fat ‒ by 2 times. It was established that the prototype seasoning that contains 30 % of sprouted buckwheat is characterized by a higher content of protein, vitamins, micro-and macronutrients compared to the control sample (without the addition of sprouted buckwheat). Adding the sprouted buckwheat grain to the seasoning has made it possible to increase by 25 % the antioxidant activity of the finished product compared to the control sample, which is 259.09 and 383.72 mg/100 g, respectively. In terms of safety indicators, the new product fully complies with the requirements for sanitary and hygienic safety. The results reported here give reasons to recommend the production of a new type of seasonings of enhanced nutritional value based on the sprouted Bogatyr variety buckwheat, which could expand and improve the quality of nutrition
... Enzymatic hydrolysis can be naturally achieved during the crop sprouting process. Germination has been found to efficiently enhance the functional properties of crops and legume flours [12][13][14]. Germination enhanced the water [14] and fat absorption capacities and the emulsifying capacity of legume flours [12], favoring the antioxidant capacity. However, the process is time-consuming, also requiring a vast infrastructure. ...
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Legumes are valuable sources of proteins and other functional components. However, the high starch content can be an impediment in developing new vegan food formulations. Enzyme-assisted hydrolysis was used to hydrolyze the starch from chickpea and broad bean vegetable milk to further develop vegetable lactic acid-fermented products. The antioxidant activity of legumes was tested, and it was observed that the overall antioxidant activity (DPPH radical scavenging ability) significantly increased after enzyme-assisted hydrolysis while total phenols content decreased. The obtained vegetable milk was then fermented using exopolysaccharides-producing lactic acid bacteria. A significant decolorization was observed after fermentation in the case of broad bean-based products. Rheological behavior of the fermented products was determined using small amplitude oscillatory measurements and the three-interval thixotropy test. Results showed higher complex viscosity values for broad bean-based products, which displayed a weak gel-like structure. The starter cultures used for vegetable milk samples fermentation influenced the resistance to flow.
... Fats, protein and starch are broken down into energy source compounds and substrates from which newly synthesized compounds are formed. This is essential information in the context of functional foods and industry that uses this raw material (Benincasa et al., 2019;Brajdes and Vizireanu, 2012;Lewicki, 2010;Zhang et al., 2012;Zhang et al., 2015). ...
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Background: The study aims to present an assessment of the effect on the composition of fatty acids of a modification of buckwheat sprouts Fagopyrum esculentum Moench by the addition of the probiotic strain of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii. The study is innovative. Methods: Seeds, control and modified buckwheat sprouts lyophilisates constituted the research material. Fat analyses were performed using the standards methods. However, the determination of fatty acids was carried out following the AOCS Ce 2-66 methodology. Results: The results indicated that the germination process increased the total fat content of the sprouts as well as changed the fatty acid profile. Statistically significant differences were found in the content of palmitic, arachidic, ginkgolic, oleic, eicosenoic and linoleic acids between the control and probiotic-rich sprouts. It was also found that the quality indicators of buckwheat lipids, such as atherogenic and thrombogenic, are optimal in terms of nutritional value. Conclusions: Buckwheat sprouts modified by adding probiotic yeast might be a new functional product that can be used as part of a diet that reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
... Likewise, for the early stage of germination, Zhang et al. (2015) found the increase in crude protein, reducing sugar, total phenolic and flavonoid contents in buckwheat seeds from China with the prolongation of germination time to 72 h. The amounts of total polyphenols, rutin, quercetin and ascorbic acid increased during the whole period of germination for 7 days at 25°C as reported by Brajdes & Vizireanu (2012). Moreover, Kim et al., (2004) investigated that the concentration of the saturated fatty acids rapidly decreased during germination, while myristic acid and stearic acid disappeared in the sample after germination. ...
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The objective of this study was to investigate changes in nutritional and bioactive compounds in buckwheat seeds during germination under unchanged air and humidity conditions. The germination increased the crude protein, total lipid, reducing sugars, essential amino acids (EAA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids, but decreased the total ash, total carbohydrate and saturated fatty acids. After germinating for 48 h, the total EAA and polyunsaturated fatty acids significantly increased by 5.22% and 3.66%, respectively, as compared to those of ungerminated buckwheat. The total phenolics and flavonoids contents of both free and bound phenolic extracts of germinated buckwheat were also significantly higher than those of ungerminated buckwheat. The rutin content was found to gradually increase during germination, whereas the quercetin content was the highest in the 36 h‐germinated buckwheat (0.26 mg g⁻¹ flour). Therefore, germinated buckwheat is considered as a potential material for producing healthy functional foods.
... Some authors explained the high antioxidant activity of sprouted buckwheat flour by the fact that germination enhanced the accumulation of antioxidant compounds. There is also mentioned in the literature, that the enzymes contained in sprouts could be responsible for enhancing the radical scavenging activity [17,21]. ...
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In recent years, food products manufactured with buckwheat and sprouts flours have attracted widespread interest due to their high nutritional value with various health benefits, becoming more and more popular. The purpose of this study was to assesses the influence of buckwheat and sprouts flours on the nutritional, sensorial and textural characteristics on the final baked products. In order to achieve these goals, methods like HPLC-RID (High-Perfomance Liquid Chromatography with Refractive Index Detection), aluminum chloride colorimetric assay, Folin-Ciocalteu and 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) were used to determine fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose; total flavonoids, total phenols and antioxidant activity. Sensorial analysis was realized by using hedonic test and texture profile was performed on a CT 3 Texture Analyzer. The results proved that wheat flour could be successfully replaced by 20% buckwheat and 10% sprouts flours, respectively, improving their nutritional value, without negative influence on texture parameters and sensorial features. The obtained buns were accepted by consumers with a total hedonic score of 9.1 and 8.7, respectively. Hardness, gumminess and adhesiveness were improved by using Magimix improver, meanwhile cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess and adhesiveness were improved by using guar gum.
... Fats, protein and starch are broken down into energy source compounds and substrates from which newly synthesized compounds are formed. This is essential information in the context of functional foods and industry that uses this raw material (Benincasa et al., 2019;Brajdes and Vizireanu, 2012;Lewicki, 2010;Zhang et al., 2012;Zhang et al., 2015). ...
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Background. The study aims to present an assessment of the effect on the composition of fatty acids of a modification of buckwheat sprouts Fagopyrum esculentum Moench by the addition of the probiotic strain of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii. The study is innovative. Materials and methods. Seeds, control and modified buckwheat sprouts lyophilisates constituted the research material. Fat analyses were performed using the standards methods. However, the determination of fatty acids was carried out following the AOCS Ce 2-66 methodology. Results. The results indicated that the germination process increased the total fat content of the sprouts as well as changed the fatty acid profile. Statistically significant differences were found in the content of pal-mitic, arachidic, ginkgolic, oleic, eicosenoic and linoleic acids between the control and probiotic-rich sprouts. It was also found that the quality indicators of buckwheat lipids, such as atherogenic and thrombogenic, are optimal in terms of nutritional value. Conclusions. Buckwheat sprouts modified by adding probiotic yeast might be a new functional product that can be used as part of a diet that reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
... In this process, several dormant enzymes are activated to initiate various biochemical processes that change the biochemical composition of germinating seeds (Nonogaki 2006). The germinated seeds require high amount of energy for their growth and development, resulting in elevated levels of polyphenols (Koyama et al. 2013), anti-oxidants (Brajdes and Vizireanu 2012), and nutritional components and decreased levels of anti-nutrients compared with those in the non-germinated seeds. Anti-nutrients including protease inhibitors, lipase inhibitors, amylase inhibitors, phytic acid, oxalic acid, and oxalates are natural or synthetic compounds that interfere the absorption of amino acids and essential nutrients (Akande et al. 2010). ...
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Buckwheat sprouts are used as a functional food in several countries owing to their soft and slightly crispy texture and attractive fragrance. They possess excellent anti-oxidant activity and are rich in amino acids, minerals, and flavonoids; however, sprout growth and flavonoid content may vary among buckwheat germplasms. The present study was performed to evaluate 87 common and 13 tartary buckwheat germplasms for sprout growth traits and rutin and quercetin content. We found that the common type buckwheat sprouts had considerably higher leaf length and width, fresh shoot weight, and extract weight than those of tartary buckwheat sprouts, but the rutin and quercetin content was significantly higher in tartary buckwheat sprouts. The rutin content ranged from 323.7 to 750.6 mg/ 100 g DW in common buckwheat sprouts and 2220 to 3185 mg/100 g DW in tartary buckwheat sprouts. Similarly, the quercetin content ranged from 0.27 to 1.82 and 4.76 to 30.41 mg/100 g DW in common and tartary buckwheat sprouts, respectively. Additionally, there was no significant correlation between the growth traits and rutin content in common buckwheat sprouts, whereas, the leaf length of tartary buckwheat sprouts showed a significant positive correlation with the rutin content. This information can be used by plant breeders and plant geneticists to study the genetic and genomic approaches for buckwheat breeding program.
... It is used as complete meal for chapati and biscuits preparation. As stated earlier it is rich in nutrition with high calcium (344 mg/100 g), phytates (0.48%), polyphenols (0.61%), trypsin and dietary fibers (Brajdes and Vizireanu 2012). The entire seed is edible with its seed coat as rich source of phytochemicals, dietary fiber and polyphenols (0.2-3.0%) (Hadimani and Malleshi 1993;Ramachandra et al. 1977). ...
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Food security is a burning problem before scientists, which mainly concern with the scarcity and accessible food for all. Scientists are ever-involved to find-out the solutions to overcome on these hurdles, majorly by boosting soil fertility. Over the last 20 to 30 years, the role of soil microbiome in the improvement of soil fertility and crop productivity by involving role of the microbial life has been emerged sustain and facilitated soil nutrients availability to the plants. The microbial life as the great engines enriching soil and helping to facilitate the breakdown of organic matter, that can be recycled into new life, if only they could be unlocked from that organic matter and also, from the mineral matter. The microbes, especially endospore forming Bacilli are incredibly important in the rhizosphere. Bacillus is a versatile candidate providing its services in plant growth and health promotion tirelessly. This aerobic microorganism is powered with super abilities to produce endospore resting fruiting bodies, whenever it feels unhappy under adversity. Bacillus is also known for its several characteristics, to help crop plants by virtue of producing metabolites similar to plant in the form of phytohormones. Besides, it is able to mineralize rocks and minerals into bio-available form and can metabolize organic matter into much simpler forms. Plant pumps huge amount of sugar and other organic matter in the soil through roots, which attract bacteria to fasten their growth on spent of these supplements. In addition, Bacillus is known to produce sort of secretions of which assist in root colonization due to rhizo-competence on root surface and sometimes invade in root cells. In this chapter, we have reviewed the benefits of Bacillus species to the food security crops in term of raising productivity and yield.
... Interestingly, buckwheat showed the highest antioxidative activity of methanolic extracts among the cereal grain, such as barley, oat and wheat [4]. The rutin, as the main components of flavonoids in Tartary buckwheat, accounted for around 85% of total antioxidative activity [5,6]. Flavonoids were detected in all the plant organs of both Tartary and common buckwheat, including sprouts, seeds and seed hull [7,8]. ...
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Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) is considered a profitable crop that possesses medicinal properties, because of its flavonoid compounds. However, the dehulling issue is becoming the bottleneck for consumption of Tartary buckwheat seed. In this study, we investigated the relation between dehulling efficiency and content of lignin and cellulose in the seed hull. Moreover, the untargeted metabolomics analysis, including partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and principal component analysis (PCA), were performed to examine the pattern of metabolic changes in the hull of Tartary buckwheat seeds, XQ 1 and MQ 1, during seed development using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In mature seed hull the accumulation of highest lignin and lowest cellulose were observed in the hull of MQ 1 seed, a dehulling-friendly variety with highest dehulling efficiency (93%), than that in other dehulling recalcitrant varieties, such as XQ 1 with a range of dehulling efficiency from 2% to 6%. During seed development, the total content of lignin and cellulose increased. MQ 1 and XQ 1 displayed a similar trend in the change of lignin and cellulose that the content was decreased in lignin and increased in cellulose. PCA result showed the metabolic differentiations between MQ 1 and XQ 1 during seed development. The results of our study suggest the compensatory regulation of lignin and cellulose deposition in the hull of mature and developing seed, and deviation of MQ 1 from the ratio of lignin to cellulose of other dehulling recalcitrant varieties may have been a contributing factor that resulted in the dehulling differentia.
... Likewise, for the early stage of germination, Zhang et al. (2015) found the increase in crude protein, reducing sugar, total phenolic and flavonoid contents in buckwheat seeds from China with the prolongation of germination time to 72 h. The amounts of total polyphenols, rutin, quercetin and ascorbic acid increased during the whole period of germination for 7 days at 25°C as reported by Brajdes & Vizireanu (2012). Moreover, Kim et al., (2004) investigated that the concentration of the saturated fatty acids rapidly decreased during germination, while myristic acid and stearic acid disappeared in the sample after germination. ...
Background and objectives Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) is a source of nutrients whose total content relies on various factors like genotype, environmental stresses, and developmental phase. The objective of this study was to investigate chemical composition, nutritional values (amino acid and fatty acid composition), bioactive compounds (total phenolic and flavonoid contents, antioxidant) and diabetic enzyme inhibition capacity of a tetraploid Tartary buckwheat “Shinano kurotsubu” cultivated in Japan as compared to other kinds of buckwheat varieties including a common buckwheat and a Tartary buckwheat “Hokkai T8″. Findings The protein content of the tetraploid Tartary buckwheat groats (14.14%) was significantly higher than that of the common or Tartary buckwheat groats (p<0.05). However, the tetraploid Tartary buckwheat groats had lower lipid and ash contents as compared to the Tartary buckwheat groats. Amino acid composition and total amounts of unsaturated fatty acids of the tetraploid Tartary buckwheat were somewhat similar to those of the Tartary buckwheat. The tetraploid Tartary buckwheat was also found to have high total phenolic, total flavonoid, rutin and quercetin contents, high antioxidant and diabetic enzyme inhibition capacities similar to the Tartary buckwheat. Conclusions The tetraploid Tartary buckwheat was found to be a good source of nutrients and functional components and could be used for food processing. Significance and novelty Recently, a new buckwheat variety named tetraploid Tartary buckwheat (var. ‘Shinano kurotsubu’) was successfully developed and this variety is of more benefit for the milling process because of larger grain and more easily dehulled as compared to the Tartary buckwheat. This is the first report on the nutritional composition, bioactive compounds and diabetic enzyme inhibition capacity of this buckwheat variety. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... Quantification of protein content of selected samples of Glycine max with respect to BSA was found to be 90.6µg/ml, 82µg/ml, 94.5µg/ml and 79.1µg/ml respectively [41]. Thus the results are also clear evidence that sprouting enhanced the amount of carbohydrates, protein content and various other bio-constituents like flavonoids, terpenoids making the sprouts highly nutritious than the seeds. ...
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Objective: The main objective of the study is to analyze the medicinal properties, by giving scientific validation to the existing bioactive compounds present in the coconut sprouts and recommending the coconut sprouts as a natural product for the treatment of bacterial infection leading to inflammations.Methods: Phytochemical screening by qualitative and quantitative analysis of the primary and secondary constituents were carried out in aqueous and methanol extracts of the coconut sprouts (fresh and dried) using standard procedures. The phytochemicals were characterized using FT-IR, TLC and GC-MS analysis. Antibacterial activity was studied against several human pathogens by agar well diffusion method. Antioxidant activity using Reducing power, Hydrogen peroxide scavenging and DPPH radical scavenging methods and Anti-inflammatory activity through protein denaturation method were carried out. Further confirmation of the functional role of the phytoconstituent through in-silico docking was studied.Results: The qualitative phytochemical screening revealed the presence of essential phytoconstituents. The quantitative analysis revealed the presence of maximum Carbohydrates (0.60±0.1 mg/g), Proteins (39±0.8 mg/ml), Flavonoids (0.28±0.1 mg QE/g) and Terpenoids (95±1.2 mg/g) in methanolic fresh coconut sprout extract with respective standards. Maximum zone of inhibitions were shown by Shigella flexneri, Salmonella typhi and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory studies proved the presence of therapeutic bioactive potential in the sample. Through in-silico analysis, docking studies were performed to confirm the functional role of the specific therapeutic phytochemical.Conclusion: The fresh coconut sprouts are natural, economically potent food source for human health and can be a nutrient supplement with cost effective approach. The dried sprouts can also be recommended to the food industry for the large-scale production of nutrient-based foods with a quality check.
... Result showed that blood glucose level of diabetic mice lowered [28] . Germinated buckwheat extract [29,30] decreases blood pressure [31] . Table 2. Nutrition Chart (100gm of buckwheat): ...
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Now-a-days people consumption habits are changing they are inclined to buy healthy food that fulfills the need of essential nutrients in the body. With increasing educational level, people are becoming ready to accept different types of food & beverages that have added nutritional ingredient. Hence with this change, nutraceutical ingredient is gaining importance. Nutraceutical are those that combine technological and health properties. Nutraceutical Ingredients are substances with clinically confirmed health benefits and have broad applications in foods, beverages, dietary supplements and nutritional preparations. There are huge numbers of ingredients which are still unexplored. They have still not gained popularity in food industry. In this review paper a brief introduction of nutraceutical ingredient, its market and detailed knowledge of- Ginseng, Pine Bark Extract, Seabuckthorn, Buckwheat is mentioned.
... After 7 days of germination, the content of flavonoids increases nearly 20 times (C. BRAJDES & C. VIZIREANU [19]). Functional beverage based on sprouted buckwheat presents high flavonoid content. ...
The sprouted buckwheat contents a large amount of polyphenols, especially flavonoids. Based on soluble antioxidants and other bioactive compounds the functional beverage derived from sprouted buckwheat can exert beneficial effects on human health. The nutritive assimilation and the in vivo effect are very important to assure human health. The aim of this study is to examine through by using classical and modern methods the content of polyphenols from a new functional beverage based on the lactic fermentation of the sprouted buckwheat and their biochemical stability by in vitro simulation of gastrointestinal conditions. The results show that polyphenols from functional beverage present a quantitative content decreasing of 39.19% and also a reduction of 27.41% of antioxidant activity in gastrointestinal tract.
... Moreover, sprouted vegetables as an excellent source of dietary fibres, nutrients and bioactive components are widely consumed in Asian countries and becoming popular in the USA and European countries (Liu et al., 2008). Sprouting has been extensively used as an inexpensive, fruitful and easy mechanism convenient for enhancing the nutritional and functional potential of cereals, pseudo cereals, cruciferous vegetables and legumes (Swieca & Gawlik-Dziki, 2015) and reported to be associated with increase of moisture, protein, ascorbic acid contents, total polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidant activity (Khalil et al., 2007;Brajdes & Vizireanu, 2012). Sprouting leads to development of compounds having phytochemical properties and health maintaining effects that play a potential role in the prevention of diseases and thus can be utilised for the development of functional foods (Sangronis & Machado, 2007). ...
This study investigated the impact of sprouting in four Indian onion varieties (Punjab White, Punjab Naroya, PRO-6 and Commercial). Results showed significant (P < 0.05) increase in protein, crude fibre, ascorbic acid content, total phenol content, total flavonoid content, antioxidant activity, anthocyanin content and significant (P < 0.05) decrease in total carbohydrate, energy value and hardness due to sprouting in all the four varieties. HPLC analysis revealed irregular pattern of increase and decrease in flavonoid components. There was no particular trend observed within analysed flavonols due to sprouting in all the four varieties except with the maximum increase in quercetin (219.3–287.4 mg kg−1), kaempferol (13.8–17 mg kg−1), myricetin (34.6–40.9 mg kg−1), quercetin-3ꞌ-glucoside (2.9–4.1 mg kg−1) and quercetin-4ꞌ-glucoside (83–87.1 mg kg−1) in case of PRO-6 variety only. The present research work implied sprouting to be beneficial in onion as nutritional and functional potential of all the four onion varieties was improved by sprouting.
... Recently, Chitarrini et al. (2014) showed that the healthy antioxidant compounds present in buckwheat possess antimicrobial activity.Thus, the authors suggested that buckwheat antioxidants could be considered as markers for tolerance against mycotoxigenic pathogens and used for improving food safety (Chitarrini et al., 2014). Phenolic extracts from the sprouts of buckwheat also have been shown to exhibit strong antioxidant activity (Brajdes & Vizireanu, 2012;Ren & Sun, 2014). A study has shown that buckwheat honeys could protect non-site-specific hydroxyl radical-mediated DNA damage and site-specific hydroxyl radical-mediated DNA strand breaks under in vitro conditions (Zhou et al., 2012). ...
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Buckwheat sprouts are a source of various nutrients, e.g., antioxidant flavonoids, which have a positive effect on human health. This study analyzed the content of phenolic compounds and assessed their impact on the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and dietary fiber in modified buckwheat sprouts. For this purpose, the buckwheat seeds were modified by adding Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii. The modified buckwheat sprouts showed a higher content of total phenol compounds (1526 µg/g d.w.) than the control sprouts (951 µg/g d.w.) and seeds (672 µg/g d.w.). As a consequence, a higher antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory effect were noted. Probiotic-rich sprouts also had the highest content of total dietary fiber and its soluble fraction. A correlation between phenolic compounds and the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as dietary fiber, was shown. The interaction between dietary fiber and phenolic compounds affects the bioaccessibility, bioavailability, and bioactivity of phenolic compounds in food. The introduction of probiotic yeast into the sprouts had a positive effect on increasing their nutritional value, as well as their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. As a consequence, the nutraceutical potential of the raw material changed, opening a new direction for the use of buckwheat sprouts, e.g., in industry.
Dünyada en çok görülen gıda alerjilerinden birisi olan çölyak, hasta bireylerde önerilen miktarlardan daha az B vitamini, demir, kalsiyum ve lif gibi besin ögelerinin emilimine, dolayısıyla besin eksikliğine bağlı komplikasyonların oluşmasına neden olmaktadır. Çölyak hastaları için yüksek besin değerine sahip yeni gıda formülasyonlarının oluşturulmasında, zenginleştirmenin yanı sıra, kinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd), amarant (Amaranthus sp.) ve karabuğday (Fagopyrum sp.) gibi yalancı tahılların kullanımı da giderek artmaktadır. Çimlendirme, yenilebilir tohumların besleme kalitesini iyileştiren basit bir proses olarak görülmektedir. Dolayısıyla glutensiz gıdaların besin değerinin artırılmasındaki bir diğer yaklaşım ise formülasyonda kullanılabilecek yalancı tahıllara çimlendirme prosesi uygulamaktır. Bu çalışmada, yalancı tahıllardan kinoa, amarant ve karabuğdayın çimlendirilmesi ile besin içeriklerinde gerçekleşen değişimler hakkında yapılan çalışmalar derlenmiştir.
Global research and commercialization efforts to expand the utilization of Bambara groundnut (BGN) for food and nutrition security discussed in this chapter covers flour for protein enrichment in foods, innovative technology to reduce cooking time, micronisation of BGN, flour in beverages and meat analogue, and formulated complementary foods. The chapter also presents examples of traditional and novel food products from BGN like biscuits, pasta, prototype meat-alternatives, gluten-free baked products, Some BGN food processing companies exist like the Aonyx Foods and NamZ BGN healthy and good for the environment instant noodles.
Bioactive compounds in plants are essential phytochemicals because they have natural beneficial compounds. The chapter profiles the phytonutrients and reviews antioxidant and antimicrobial activity in BGN seeds. Consumption of sprouted legumes being a popular global trend, phenolic compounds in sprouted BGN are comparable to those of sprouted legumes.
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Christa K., Soral-Śmietana M. (2008): Buckwheat grains and buckwheat products - nutritional and prophylactic value of their components - a review. Czech J. Food Sci., 26: 153-162. Buckwheat is introduced into the diet as an alternative crop of renewed interest due to its nutritive and health- promoting value. Experiments with animal models have demonstrated that buckwheat flour may alleviate diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia. A number of nutraceutical compounds exist in buckwheat grains and other tissues. These are a rich source of starch, proteins, antioxidants, and dietary fibre as well as trace elements. The biological value (BV) of buckwheat proteins is comparable to BV of other protein sources. Besides high-quality proteins, buckwheat grains contain some components with prophylactic value: flavonoids, fagopyrins, or thiamin- binding proteins. For the food industry, buckwheat grains are a valuable raw material to be used for the production of functional foods. Buckwheat flour may be a valuable and important ingredient in diets or food products, taking into consideration its nutritive value and potential promotion of human health.
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The effects of malting and fermentation on some chemical and functional properties of maize grains were determined. White maize kernels (variety TZW, 2005 harvest) were germinated over a period of 96 h and flours of 72 h germinated grains were fermented by back-slopping. Analysis of the selected physico-chemical parameters of the resulting samples were carried out using standard analytical methods. Germination of grains resulted in significant (p<0.05) increase in crude protein, total soluble sugars and reducing sugars up to 72 h and ash content. Conversely, there was significant decrease (p<0.05) in crude fat and carbohydrates during this period. After 72 h, protein and crude fibre content reduced slightly, while carbohydrate, crude fat and ash increased though not significantly (p>0.05). There was also a significant decrease (p<0.05) in pH (6.80-5.94) as germination progressed while there was a gradual increase in TTA which was not significant (p>0.05). Accelerated natural fermentation of the maize flour also showed a similar trend for all the parameters. Malting and fermentation gave rise to decrease in packed bulk density (1.17-0.54 g mL<SUP>-1</SUP>) swelling index (6.47-3.46 mL g<SUP>-1</SUP>) and viscosity (343.33-288.26 cP) while increasing the water absorption capacity (3.70-3.92 g g<SUP>-1</SUP>) and reconstitution index (4.82-6.40 mL g<SUP>-1</SUP>). There was also a significant reduction in tannin content (2.62-0.42 g/100 g), phytates (2.30-0.84 g/100 g), oxalates (2.32-0.34 g/100 g), cyanide content (2.20-0.42 mg/100 g) and fibre (2.12-1.11 g/100 g).
This Scientific Status. Summary addresses the primary plant and animal foods that have been linked with physiological benefits.
The influence of germination time and germination temperature on protein breakdown in buckwheat and oats was investigated using RSM as a statistical tool. Variations in germination temperature between 10°C and 20°C and germination times between 48 h and 144 h had no statistically significant (p < 0.05) impact on Total Nitrogen (TN) and Soluble Nitrogen (SN) in buckwheat malts; only Free Amino Nitrogen (FAN) increased as a consequence of prolonged germination time. Protease activity was low and was not influenced by the germination parameters. In oat malts, TN was not affected, however the SN increased with prolonged germination times and FAN was also affected by germination time and temperature. Protease activity in oat malts could be strongly increased by choosing appropriate germination conditions. The molecular weight of the malt proteins was investigated using a Lab-on-a-chip system based on capillary electrophoresis. Protein breakdown was more pronounced in samples germinated for longer times in both grains; however, not all proteins were affected. Proteins in oats appeared to be affected more strongly than the proteins in buckwheat, as a consequence of the higher proteolytic activity in oat malt.
In Korea, buckwheat has historically held a very important position because it has been used as a food and traditional medicine. The objectives of this report were to mainly review the up to present papers includings 75 references about buckwheat's rutin, functional ingredients and their variations. Buckwheat provides an abundance of such nutrition as protein, amino acids, vitamin(, E, P), minerals(Fe, Zn, Mn, Mg, P, Cu, Ca, Se) and dietary fiber. Buckwheat's essential amino acid, lysine, is notably higher amount than cereals. Rutin(vitamin P), one of a group of flavonoids, is abundant in buckwheat and noted for its beneficial function of reducing every kinds of radiation and vascular diseases, diabetes mellitis and retinal hemorrhage, etc. Rutin also acts as a pigment stabilizer and acetone extracts of buckwheat have a potent tyrosinase inhibitory activity.
Whole buckwheat grains were milled into 16 flour fractions using the gradual milling system and the phenolic compounds and the antioxidant capacity of each flour fraction were investigated. The phenolic and flavonoid contents of both free and bound phenolic extracts of buckwheat flour fractions significantly increased in the order from the fraction number 1 (phenolics less rich fraction) to the fraction number 16 (phenolics rich fraction). The phenolic compounds in buckwheat existed primarily in free form, whereas the flavonoids existed in grain in insoluble bound forms, bound to cell wall materials. The amounts of ferulic acid and rutin increased from 2.5 and 2.5μg/g flour of the phenolics less rich fraction to 609.5 and 389.9μg/g flour of the phenolics rich fraction of grain, respectively. The higher phenolic contents in the phenolics rich fractions exhibited the stronger antioxidant capacity than the phenolics less rich fractions. As a result, the flour milled from the outer layers of buckwheat grains with large amount of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity are considered to have significant health benefits. Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Buckwheat has been used as a traditional food and medicine in Korea and their utilization and applied products are being widely tried in recent years. The objective of this study was to develop and provide the buckwheat sprout as a functional vegetable and to increase its utility. The developed cultural procedure for buckwheat sprouts is as follows; 1) washing the buckwheat seeds to removed the dust and immatured seeds 2) germinating the buckwheat at 25 + 2 "C under the dark condition for 3 days 3) when buckwheat sprouts are grown up to 2~ 3cm, the way of water supply must be turn-over to water spray system and supply the water for 1~ 2 minutes at every 3 hours intervals 5) after 3~4 days buckwheat sprouts are grown up to 12 ~ 15cm and 0.9~ Imm on their hypocotyl diameter. Buckwheat sprouts have light-yellow cotyledon and bright-white hypocotyl, so their appearances are very similar to those of soybean sprouts. Buckwheat sprouts provides an abundance of such nutrition as protein, amino acids, minerals (Fe, Zn, Mn, Mg, Cu, Ca), crude fiber and rutin. The free sugars in both buckwheat seed and early stages of seedling were mainly sucrose and maltose, but its composition was gradually changed as seedling days increased and glucose and fructose were detected as the main free sugars of buckwheat sprouts. Lysine contents of buckwheat sprouts were notably higher amount than buckwheat seeds and the other cereals. Rutin(vitamin P), one of a group of flavonoids and noted for its beneficial function of reducing vascular diseases and diabetes etc., is abundant in buckwheat sprouts and its contents were increased about 27 times than buckwheat seeds. Buckwheat sprouts have very soft and mild flavor and slightly crisp texture, furthermore buckwheat sprouts dose not have beany flavour as in soybean sprouts but have a very attractive fragrance. For these characteristics, buckwheat sprouts could be used as fresh vegetable, salad and various purpose including natural vegetable juice material.
It is well-known that flavonoids including rutin exert a wide range of pharmacological effects. This study was carried out for further characterization of the pharmacological effect of rutin. A significant rise in the serum 5-HT levels was found 2 h after the administration of rutin (25 mg kg−1 i.p.). The same dose of rutin caused no significant change in the serum 5-hydroxytryptomine levels after 8 and 72 h when compared to controls. In the in vivo experiments, rutin (25 mg kg−1 i.p.) was ineffective on the blood pressure and respiratory tract of the guinea-pigs in spite of its smooth muscle relaxant effects in the in vitro preparations. These findings strongly suggest a physiological antagonism in the effects of rutin in intact animals.
Recalcitrant seeds of Ginkgo biloba L., Quercus cerris L., Aesculus hippocastanum L. and Cycasrevoluta Thunb. are shed by the plant at a high moisture content, contain a large amount of ascorbic acid (ASA) and maintain high ascorbate (ASC) peroxidase (EC activity. Three proteins showing ASC peroxidase activity are present in G. biloba seeds. Conversely, dry orthodox seeds (Vicia faba L., Avena sativa L., Pinus pinea L.) are completely devoid of ASA and ASC peroxidase. Experimentally induced rapid variations of the water level in both recalcitrant and orthodox seeds do not affect the ASC peroxidase; slow dehydration affects the ASC peroxidase activity moderately in recalcitrant seeds, but provokes a complete loss of germinability. Another peculiar difference between orthodox and recalcitrant seeds concerns the ascorbate recycling enzymes, ascorbate free radical (AFR) reductase (EC and dehydroascorbate (DHA) reductase (EC The DHA reduction capability is low in recalcitrant seeds, but is high in the orthodox ones. In contrast, AFR reductase activity is high in recalcitrant seeds and low in the orthodox ones. Data reported here concerning the ASC system appear to contribute to better understanding the recalcitrance. The presence of three different proteins showing ASC peroxidase activity in the archaic seed-bearing plant G. biloba and its involvement in the spermatophyte evolution is discussed.
This study examined the polyphenol composition and antioxidant properties of methanolic extracts from amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat and wheat, and evaluated how these properties were affected following two types of processing: sprouting and baking. The total phenol content amongst the seed extracts were significantly higher in buckwheat (323.4 mgGAE/100 g) and decreased in the following order: buckwheat > quinoa > wheat > amaranth. Antioxidant capacity, measured by the radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picylhydrazyl scavenging capacity and the ferric ion reducing antioxidant power assays was also highest for buckwheat seed extract (p < 0.01). Total phenol content and antioxidant activity was generally found to increase with sprouting, and a decrease in levels was observed following breadmaking. Analysis by liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector revealed the presence of phenolic acids, catechins, flavanol, flavone and flavonol glycosides. Overall, quinoa and buckwheat seeds and sprouts represent potential rich sources of polyphenol compounds for enhancing the nutritive properties of foods such as gluten-free breads.
The rutin content of buckwheat products was compared to the rutin content in their raw materials, in order to evaluate their value for producing functional foods. There is much less rutin in noodles (78 mg/kg, d.w.b. – dry weight basis), than in the dark buckwheat flour (218 mg/kg, d.w.b.) from which they are produced. One of the possible explanations is the presence of the rutin degrading enzyme. In raw (uncooked) groats there is 230 mg/kg (d.w.b.) of rutin and in precooked groats, 88 mg/kg (d.w.b.). In buckwheat beer and vinegar there is a negligible content of rutin. Buckwheat leaf flour contains about 2700 mg/kg (d.w.b.) rutin, and is thus a suitable material for enriching functional foods, giving it the potential for preventive nutrition.
Results from a number of recent studies have highlighted the need for an improvement in the nutritional quality of cereal-based gluten-free products. Several gluten-free grains exist, such as the pseudocereals amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat; these are characterized by an excellent nutrient profile. Thus, an increasing trend in research is focusing on their use in the formulation of high quality, healthy gluten-free products such as bread and pasta. However, commercialization of these products is still quite limited. The availability of palatable pseudocereal-containing gluten-free products would represent a significant advance towards ensuring an adequate intake of nutrients in subjects with celiac disease.
The antioxidant activities of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Möench) extracts were evaluated and compared with butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) using a β-carotene bleaching assay, a 2,2-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay and the Rancimat method. Buckwheat was extracted with solvents of different polarities. The methanol extract showed the highest antioxidant activity coefficient (AAC) of 627 ± 40.0 at 200 mg/l by the β-carotene bleaching method and longest induction time of 7.0 ± 0.2 h by the Rancimat method. The acetone extract showed the highest total phenolics of 3.4 ± 0.1 g catechin equivalents/100 g and the highest scavenging activity of 78.6 ± 6.2% at 0.1 mg/ml by the DPPH method. The properties of the extracting solvents significantly affected the yield, total phenolics and antioxidant activity of buckwheat extract.
Total antioxidant capacity, total phenolic contents (TP) and anthocyanins contents (ANT) were determined in Amaranthus cruentus and Chenopodium quinoa seeds and sprouts. Antioxidant activity of the investigated seeds decreased in the following order: quinoa, amaranth v. Rawa, amaranth v. Aztek for FRAP and quinoa, amaranth v. Aztek, amaranth v. Rawa for both ABTS and DPPH. Sprouts activity depended on the length of their growth, and the peak values were reached on the fourth day in the case of amaranth and on the sixth day in the case of quinoa. The data obtained by the three methods showed significant correlation between TP content in seeds and sprouts. In sprouts grown in the daylight and in the darkness we observed some significant changes of TP, ANT and antioxidant activity. Amaranth and quinoa seeds and sprouts can be used in food, because it is a good source of ANT and TP with high antioxidant activity.
A growth-promoting medium was developed to enhance the production of a hydroxyl radical inhibitory water-soluble protein from germinated millet. The single factor test indicated that H2O2 plays a key role in the inhibition activity. An optimal medium composition, consisted of H2O2, gibberellin, Protamex and Tween-40, was achieved using statistical experimental designs. A fractional factorial design was applied to determine the key factors that affected the hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, and a central composite experimental design and response surface methodology were used to optimize those factors, respectively. A second-order polynomial prediction equation was obtained, that could determine the effects of H2O2 and Protamex on the response. It was found that a low concentration of H2O2 and Protamex could enhance the inhibition of hydroxyl radicals. The optimal medium composition for growth-promoting was as follows: H2O2 1.56 mL/100 mL, gibberellin 0.2595 mg/L, Protamex 0.25 mg/mL and Tween-40 0.7 mL/100 mL. With the optimal medium, the highest hydroxyl radical inhibition (58.16%) was achieved.
This study aimed to further increase the yield of the hydroxyl radical inhibitory water-soluble protein from stress germinated millet. For this, the effects of the sprouting conditions (temperature, time and pH of stress medium) on the hydroxyl radical inhibition were investigated carefully by single-factor experiments and statistical experimental designs, which included a fractional factorial design, steepest ascent experiments, a central composite experimental design and response surface methodology. The optimal conditions were identified as temperature 28 °C, culture time 54 h and stress medium pH 7.5. Under the optimum conditions, the highest inhibition (60.38%) was achieved.
Antioxidant activities of buckwheat seeds, dehulled seeds, hulls, straws and leaves were evaluated and compared with those of oats and barley. Schaal oven test at 70 °C with gravimetric indication and lard as the substrate was applied. Protection factors ranged from 1.3 to 8.0 and increased in the order: buckwheat straws < buckwheat hulls = oats <barley <buckwheat seeds <buckwheat dehulled seeds <buckwheat leaves. Methanol extract of buckwheat seeds showed higher antioxidant activity in comparison with petrolether extract, protection factors amounted to 2.9 and 1.9, respectively Total phenolics, rutin and tocol contents in tested samples were determined and related to the antioxidant activities. Statistically significant relationship between total phenolics content as well as rutin content and antioxidant activity of buckwheat material was observed (R2 = 0.987, P <0,002, R2 = 0.972, P<0.002, respectively) Significant correlation between tocol content and antioxidant activity was not found.
Fermented buckwheat sprouts (FBS) are used as multifunctional foods. Their production process includes fermentation with lactic acid bacteria. The major strains were found to include Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus pentosus, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, and Pediococcus pentosaceus in an investigation of the lactic acid bacteria. We searched for the functional components, and nicotianamine (NA) and 2″-hydroxynicotianamine (HNA) were identified as angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. NA and HNA increased during fermentation. Indole-3-ethanol was identified as an antioxidant (a SOD active substance), and may have been generated from tryptophan during fermentation because it was not contained in green buckwheat juice. A safety test demonstrated that FBS contained were safe functional food components, showing negative results in buckwheat allergy tests. Any buckwheat allergy substances might have been degraded during the fermentation process.
The fat-storing endosperm of Ricinus communis L. was found to contain an ascorbate peroxidase (EC, which is nearly as active as catalase (EC in degradation of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) at its physiological concentrations. This ascorbate peroxidase probably functions together with monodehydroascorbate reductase (EC or dehydroascorbate reductase (EC and glutathione reductase (EC to remove the H 2 O 2 produced during the transformation of fat to carbohydrate in the glyoxysomes. The activities of these enzymes as well as the content of ascorbate and glutathione increase parallel to the activities of glyoxysomal marker enzymes during the course of germination. Inhibition of catalase by aminotriazole results in increases of the ascorbate peroxidase activity and of the glutathione content. All four enzymes are predominantly localized in the cytosol of the Ricinus endosperm with low activities found in the plastids and the mitochondria. The results suggest, that the ascorbate-dependent H 2 O 2 scavenging pathway, which has been shown to be responsible for the reduction of photosynthetically derived H 2 O 2 in the chloroplasts, operates also in the Ricinus endosperm.
The practice of sprouting is widely used to improve the nutritional value of grain seeds. Several nutritive factors such as vitamin concentrations and bioavailability of trace elements and minerals increase during germination. The objective of this work was to study the enrichment of various essential trace elements during germination of wheat (Triticum aestivum), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum), and quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) seeds in order to improve their nutritional role as a source of bioavailable trace elements. Seeds were sprouted either in distilled- or tap-water and in five different electrolyte solutions to investigate the concentration-dependent uptake. The time-dependence was investigated by analyzing aliquots of the sprouts after certain germination periods. Samples were analyzed after freeze drying for their Li, V, Cr, Fe, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Sr, Mo, As and Se concentrations with inductively-coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (ICP-MS). As a control for possible changes in the biochemical metabolism of the sprouts, the biosynthesis of vitamin C was also determined by using reversed-phase ion-pair HPLC. It was shown that quinoa was the most resistant to the applied electrolyte solutions and had the highest uptake rates for almost all elements, followed by buckwheat and wheat. Greatest increases were observed for Co, Sr, and Li. No significant changes in vitamin C biosynthesis were observed between sprouts grown in different electrolyte solutions. The time-dependent uptake for most elements was characterized by a significant absorption during soaking of the seeds, followed by a lag phase during the first day of germination and an increased uptake during the second and third day. Se and As showed distinctly different uptake behaviors.
Buckwheat originated in North or East Asia and is widely adapted in North America. It has been grown since at least 1000 BC in China. It has very strong adaptability to adverse environments with a very short growing span. Many varieties are growing around the world, but mainly in the north hemisphere. Currently the most common buckwheat spice is Fagopyrum esculentum Moench (common buckwheat or sweet buckwheat), while Fagopyrum tartaricum is also available in some mountainous regions. Many nutraceutical compounds exist in buckwheat seeds and other tissues. Buckwheat has been used and will be better used as an important raw material for functional food production. In this review we focus on works related to the development of functional foods from common buckwheat, Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. A lot of research has be conducted in the functionalities and properties of buckwheat proteins, flavonoids, flavones, phytosterols, thiamin-binding proteins, and other rare compounds in buckwheat seeds. Buckwheat proteins have unique amino acid composition with special biological activities of cholesterol-lowering effects, antihypertensition effects, and improving the constipation and obisity conditions by acting similar as to dietary fiber and interrupting the in vivo metabolisms. The trypsin inhibitors isolated from buckwheat seeds are heat stable and can cause poor digestion if they are not suitably cooked before consumption. The allergenic proteins existing in the buckwheat seeds and their derivatives were reviewed with respect to their chemical and biochemical characteristics as well as the physiological reactions after digestion. Some possible mechanisms involved in these effects are discussed in this review. Experiments, both with animal models and with human beings, revealed that buckwheat flour can improve diabetes, obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and constipation. Methods to exploit buckwheat seeds and flour to produce highly effective nutraceuticals are also reviewed.
Buckwheat is a traditional food widely utilized throughout the world. Buckwheat contains some nutritionally beneficial components at high levels and may have many characteristics as a functional food. This chapter describes various characteristics of buckwheat as an important and traditional food. Buckwheat belongs to the Polygonaceae family and is taxonomically distant from the Gramineae family to which cereals such as rice, wheat, and maize belong. However, buckwheat seed has chemical and utilization characteristics similar to cereal grains, and thus is usually classified as a cereal. It is often alternatively classified as a pseudocereal. Buckwheat is mainly classified into three types with respect to harvesting season: summer type, autumn type, and middle type. This classification may be due to susceptibility to the day length. Buckwheat breeding has been extensively discussed. Chloroplast DNA analysis in buckwheat species has shown that the DNA of Fagopyrum esculentum is phylogenetically distant from those of Fagopyrum tataricum and Fagopyrum cymosum. Evaluation of genetic variability among common buckwheat populations has shown that the dendrogram separates accessions into a European group and an Asian group.
Two samples of tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.) from China and one from Luxembourg were studied by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to reveal the possibilities of growing tartary buckwheat herb as a possible source of rutin, quercetin, and quercitrin. The content of rutin was determined as up to 3% dry weight (DW) in tartary buckwheat herb. Quercitrin values were in the range of 0.01-0.05% DW. Only traces of quercetin were detected in just some of the samples. Tartary buckwheat seeds contained more rutin (about 0.8-1.7% DW) than common buckwheat seeds (0.01% DW). Rutin and quercetin content in seeds depends on variety and growing conditions. Tartary buckwheat seeds contained traces of quercitrin and quercetin, which were not found in common buckwheat seeds.
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