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Discovery and its tectonic significance of the Proterozoic Miaowan ophiolites in the southern Huangling anticline, western Hubei, China


Abstract and Figures

Studies of strongly deformed and metamorphosed mafic-ultramafic rocks from the Proterozoic Miaowan Formation in the high-grade metamorphic Kongling Group in the southern Huangling anticline show that the mafic rocks are composed of layered fine-grained aniphibolites, nietagabbro rockbodies and dykes and diabase dykes, while the ultramafic rocks are mainly composed of serpentinized dunite and harzburgite, cropping out as tectonite slices and blocks within aniphibolites. The geochemical features of the fine-grained layered amphibolite rocks including: TiO2=1.14%-1.48%, slightly depleted-flat type PvEE curve with no obvious Eu anomaly, (La/Yb)N=0.87-1.12, average La/Nb, Ce/Zr, Zr/Nb, Zr/Y, Ti/Y are respectively 1.04, 0.15, 18.78, 2.53, 290.51, and the average of Nb/Th is 9.88. These features show that these aniphibolites are N-MOPvB type tholeiites typical of those formed in mid-ocean ridge tectonic settings. The metagabbro have typical cumulate texture, flat REE distribution and obvious positive Eu anomaly; The REE characteristics of serpentinized dunite show a U-shape of slight loss of middle REE, representing cumulates meta-somatized by LREE slightly enriched mande. All these features indicate that the mafic-ultramafic rocks from the Proterozoic Miaowan Formation within Kongling Group in the southern part of Huangling anticline, are a structurally dismembered ophiolite resting above an ophiolitic melange, sitting on top of the Proterozoic shelf sequence on the Yangtze Craton. The discovery of the Proterozoic Miaowan ophiolite supplies important evidence for the existence of an Mesoproterozoic oceanic basin, as well as tectonic events of Columbia supercontinent aggregation and break-up.
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!"#$#!%&’$ ()$$"*%+ #, &-%+.
/9卷第 1
/010 1
李昌年 1
Kusky Timothy M2
张先进 1
蒋幸福 1
熊承仁 2
PENG Song-bai1,2, LI Chang-nian1, KUSKY Timothy M2, WANG Lu2
ZHANG Xian-jin1,2, JIANG Xing-fu1,2, XIONG Cheng-ren2
1. 中国地质大学武汉地球科学学院湖北 武汉 430074;
2. 中国地质大学/教育部长江三峡库区地质灾害研究中心湖北 武430074;
3. 中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院山东 青岛 266100
1. !"#$%&’ () *+(,#-+.#+,!/0-." 1.-2+3,-&’ () *+(,#-+.#+,!4$0". 430074!5$6+-!/0-.""
2. 703++ 8(39+(, :+,+"3#0 /+.&+3 )(3 8+(0";"3<= >-.-,&3’ () ?<$#"&-(.@/0-." 1.-2+3,-&’ () 8+(,#-+.#+, (78:/)!
4$0". 430074!5$6+-!/0-.""
3. >"3-.+ 8+(,#-+.#+ A+B"3&C+.&= D#+". 1.-2+3,-&’ () /0-."= E-.9<"( 266100, F0".<(.9= /0-."
榄岩呈构造岩片岩块分布于斜长角闪岩之中细粒斜长角闪岩 TiO2=1.14%~1.48%稀土元素配分型式为略亏损平坦型
明显的 Eu 异常(La/Yb)N=0.87~1.12La/NbCe/ZrZr/NbZr/YTi/Y 平均分别1.040.1518.782.53290.51Nb/Th
均为 9.88显示为大洋中脊构造环境形成的 N-MORB 型拉斑玄武岩变辉长岩具典型的堆晶结构特征稀土元素配分型式为
平坦型具明显的 Eu 正异常蛇纹石化纯橄榄岩的稀土元素配分型式具中稀土元素略亏损的 U形特征显示为 LREE 略富
中图分类号$P534.3;P542+.4 文献标志码$A文章编号$1671-2552%2010&01-0008-13
Peng S B, Li C N, Kusky T M, Wang L, Zhang X J, Jiang X F,Xiong C R. Discovery and its tectonic significance of the
Proterozoic Miaowan ophiolites in the southern Huangling anticline, western Hubei, China.Geological Bulletin of China,
2010, 29(1):8-20
Abstract: Studies of strongly deformed and metamorphosed mafic- ultramafic rocks from the Proterozoic Miaowan Formation in the
high-grade metamorphic Kongling Group in the southern Huangling anticline show that the mafic rocks are composed of layered
fine-grained amphibolites, metagabbro rockbodies and dykes and diabase dykes, while the ultramafic rocks are mainly composed of
serpentinized dunite and harzburgite, cropping out as tectonite slices and blocks within amphibolites. The geochemical features of the
fine-grained layered amphibolite rocks including: TiO2=1.14%-1.48% , slightly depleted-flat type REE curve with no obvious Eu
anomaly, (La/Yb)N= 0.87-1.12, average La/Nb, Ce/Zr, Zr/Nb, Zr/Y, Ti/Y are respectively 1.04,0.15,18.78,2.53,290.51, and the
average of Nb / Th is 9.88. These features show that these amphibolites are N-MORB type tholeiites typical of those formed in
作者简介#彭松柏%1963- &)))从事岩石大地构造*显微构造和活动构造研究
2! "
#$% &’()*+ ,$%-) .)(.’+$( /)..$+-/0 12) #).*-*33,’ 2*4) .56$(*7 (8#87*.) .)9.8,): ;7*. <== %$/.,$38.$’+ *+% ’34$’8/ 6’/$.$4) =8
*+’#*75> 12) <== (2*,*(.),$/.$(/ ’; /),6)+.$+$?)% %8+$.) /2’@ * AB/2*6) ’; /7$-2. 7’// ’; #$%%7) <==: ,)6,)/)+.$+- (8#87*.)/ #).*-
/’#*.$?)% 35 C<== /7$-2.75 )+,$(2)% #*+.7)D E77 .2)/) ;)*.8,)/ $+%$(*.) .2*. .2) #*;$(&87.,*#*;$( ,’(F/ ;,’# .2) G,’.),’?’$( H$*’@*+
I’,#*.$’+ @$.2$+ J’+-7$+- K,’86 $+ .2) /’8.2),+ 6*,. ’; L8*+-7$+- *+.$(7$+): *,) * /.,8(.8,*775 %$/#)#3),)% ’62$’7$.) ,)/.$+- *3’4)
*+ ’62$’7$.$( #é7*+-): /$..$+- ’+ .’6 ’; .2) G,’.),’?’$( /2)7; /)M8)+() ’+ .2) N*+-.?) O,*.’+0 12) %$/(’4),5 ’; .2) G,’.),’?’$(
H$*’@*+ ’62$’7$.) /8667$)/ $#6’,.*+. )4$%)+() ;’, .2) )9$/.)+() ’; *+ H)/’6,’.),’?’$( ’()*+$( 3*/$+P */ @)77 */ .)(.’+$( )4)+./ ’;
O’78#3$* /86),(’+.$+)+. *--,)-*.$’+ *+% 3,)*FQ86D
Key wordsL83)$> L8*+-7$+- *+.$(7$+)> G,’.),’?’$( H$*’@*+ ’62$’7$.)> 87.,*#*;$(&#*;$( ,’(F/> .)(.’+$( /$-+$;$(*+()
11K 灰色片麻岩和变质表壳岩系R"&ST后被新元古
V套岩系下部古村坪杂岩以太古宙 11K 灰色
早在 UX YXZX 年代湖北省第十地质队
作为独立岩体进行的区域地质调查!X 年代后
中元古代梅子厂序列并利用 [#Q\% 全岩等时线
法在庙湾组获得斜长角闪岩的形成年龄 "YX]H*±
村一带总体呈北西西向带状展布")。 蛇纹石化
超镁铁质岩连续出露的最大长度达 "VF#宽度近 U
布的构造蛇绿混杂岩系U)。 超镁铁镁铁质岩
彭松柏等鄂西黄陵背斜南部元古宙庙湾蛇绿岩的发现及其构造意义 !
!"#$#!%&’$ ()$$"*%+ #, &-%+. 2010
Fig. 1 Geological section of Miaowan ophiolites from southern Huangling anticline area
Fig. 1 Geological sketch map of southern Huangling anticline area
2! "
主要矿物为辉石 &’()’*(橄榄+’()&’(
+()’(磁铁矿 ,()#(蚀变矿物主要为滑石
$%)。 辉石主要为斜方辉石常蚀变为透
粒径 ’),*--长轴具定向分布特征
+*()&*(蛇纹石 ’*()1*(方辉2()+(
铁矿 ,()+(橄榄石呈他形粒状晶体较粗粒径可
图版$34)。 主要矿物为普通辉石 +’()&*(
性斜长石 &*()&’(普通角闪石 ’(),*( 磁铁矿
形程较高粒径比辉石略小一般为 +)
变而成呈半自形柱粒状粒径一般为 #)+--
岩石具条纹状构造主要矿物为普通辉石 +’()
&*(基性斜长石 &*()&’(普通角闪石 ’(),*(
铁矿 ,()#(普通辉石一般为他形不规则状粒径
一般为 ,)#--多退变为角闪石绿帘石绿泥石
半自形粒径一般为 *6’),--主要为拉长石
$78)。 变余斑晶斜长石的粒度一般为 #)&--
彭松柏等鄂西黄陵背斜南部元古宙庙湾蛇绿岩的发现及其构造意义 ,,
!"#$#!%&’$ ()$$"*%+ #, &-%+. 2010
29 1
彭松柏等鄂西黄陵背斜南部元古宙庙湾蛇绿岩的发现及其构造意义 13
!"#$#!%&’$ ()$$"*%+ #, &-%+. 2010
Fig. 3 Classification diagram and discriminant diagram for the amphibolites in Miaowan ophiolites
(a) Zr/TiO2vs.Nb/Y 分类图; (b) FeO*-Na2O+K2O-MgO 判别图!
0.1~0.3mm"基质主要矿物为#普通角闪石 40%~
45%$35%~40%$透辉石 1%~2%$石英 5%~10%$
绢云母 2%~3%$磁铁矿 2%~3%"普通角闪石呈短柱
测试中心完成!微量元素测试由中国地质大学 (
)地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室 LA-ICP-
MS 分析实验室完成%分析精度优于 1%~3%*蛇绿岩
析结果列于表 1%数据处理采用路远发[9]的地球化学
工具软件包 GeoKit "由于样品经历了角闪岩相
3.1 斜长角闪岩的地球化学特征
3.1.1 主量元素
[10]的火山岩 Zr/TiO2-Nb/Y 岩石化学分类图上%
(3-a)% Nb/Y 比值较低(0.13~0.15)%故其原岩属
亚碱性玄武岩"Irvine [11]的玄武岩系列 FeO*-
(Na2O+K2O)-MgO 分类判别图中%样品点落入拉
斑玄武岩系列范围(3-b)" 从主量元素分析结果
可以看出%细粒斜长角闪岩 MgO 含量中等(MgO=
7.22% ~8.65% %Mg#=47~57)%CaO/Al2O3=0.75~0.88%
1.5%)非常接近"Al2O3MgO 呈负相关关系%表明
Pearce [12]TiO2-K2O -P2O5(
4-a)%斜长角闪岩的样品点均落入 OT 范围"
Glassley[13]TFeO/Mg-TiO2(4 -b )%
品点落入 MORB 范围"因此%从主量元素构造环境
29 1
!"#$% 1&"’()* +)",% %$%-%.+ "./ 012 "."$3+4, )%56$+5 (7 +8% )(,9 6.4+5 4. &4"(:". (;84($4+%5 7)(- <6".=$4.= ".+4,$4.%
主量元素含量%稀土元素和微量元素含量 10-6
彭松柏等鄂西黄陵背斜南部元古宙庙湾蛇绿岩的发现及其构造意义 15
!"#$#!%&’$ ()$$"*%+ #, &-%+. 2010
Fig. 4 Major elements tectonic discriminant diagrams for the amphibolites in Miaowan ophiolites
3.1.2 微量元素和稀土元素
元素略亏损平坦型稀土元素总量为 36.50×10-6~
49.05 ×10 -6LREE/HREE =1.57 ~1.91(La/Yb)N=
0.87 ~1.12(La/Sm)N=1.22 ~1.56La/Nb =0.86 ~1.19
17.31~20.41平均 18.78),Zr/Y=2.42~2.64平均 2.53),
Ti/Y=283.89~300.00290.51无明显的 Eu
N-MORB 相似这表明细粒斜长角闪岩形成于亏
量元素分布图5-b斜长角闪岩中 LILSr
Ba对于 MORB 明显富集LIL 元素Th
HFSE REE基本上与标准 MORB 布型
表明它们很可能来源于 N-MORB 或类似 N-
MORB 的地幔源区玄武岩基本上没有受到地壳物
斜长角闪岩样品具有比较一致的 Ti/V
20.00~22.20),MORB [20]Wood[21]
地幔洋中脊玄武岩N-MORBPearce [22]
Ti-Zr-Sr 判别图6-b落入洋中脊拉斑玄武
样品点落入 N-MORB 俯冲带上山岛
武岩IABJenner [24]Nb/Th-Y 火山弧
9.12~10.619.88 Nb/Th 比值大于7.4与原
始地幔相比均显示正异常Th 明显比 Nb 亏损
化学特征与 N-MORB 型大洋中脊构造环境形成
3.2 变辉长岩的地球化学特征
!! "
微量元素 %&’( 标准化蛛网图!)"
*+,- . /01234+5672148$9+:63 ’;; 3+$,4$8< =$> $23 %&’(72148$9+:63
54$?6 6968625 <@+36473+$,4$8< =)> A14 506 41?B C2+5< +2 %+$1D$2 1@0+19+56<
%+339681<5 EF#G 的火成岩 H+&I7!J$I& KLF&"M4N
O+&F7J)NP 岩石化学分类图上&变辉长岩 J)NP
元素配分型式呈平坦分布!#7$ "( 稀土元素总量
#-UV "WQ 7RSX-R! "WQ 7R&Y’;;NZ’;; [W-X. SI -QV&
=Y$NP)>J[W-UX 7W-U!&=Y$NH8>J[W-XX SW-X!$Y$NJ) [
P) [Q -W! S Q- IX !Q- IU "&J)NP)[Q-RTSQ-XW!
Q-TU"( %重稀土元素分异较弱&具明显的 ;C
]-] 蛇纹石化纯橄榄岩的地球化学特征
岩最为常见(蛇纹石化程度一般可达 .Q^SRQ^(
纹石化纯橄岩中的橄榄石属镁橄榄石&*1 [!W-]XS
!F-QQER7TG(蛇纹石化纯橄岩主量元素的平均含量 H+&F
_Q-FT^%‘9F&]W-_]^%*6F&]T-QT^ %*6&
W-T.^%%,& ]R-WT^%/$& Q-W.^%J$F&Q-Q]^%
%2& Q-WW#%O+&FQ-Q]$%aF&.Q-QW^&镁铁
比值 %,b[%,&N=%,&KO*6&>XTS!Q 之间&
彭松柏等)鄂西黄陵背斜南部元古宙庙湾蛇绿岩的发现及其构造意义 WT
!"#$#!%&’$ ()$$"*%+ #, &-%+. 2010
6斜长角闪岩微量元素 Hf-Th-Nb 图解(a)[21]Ti-Zr-Sr 构造判别图解(b)[22]
Fig. 6 Trace element tectonic discriminant diagrams for the amphibolites in Miaowan ophiolites
N-MORB!亏损型洋脊玄武岩"E-MORB!富集型洋脊玄武岩"IAT !岛弧拉斑玄武岩"CAB!钙碱性玄武岩"
WPT!板内拉斑玄武岩"WPAB!板内碱性玄武岩"ORTB !洋中脊拉斑玄武岩"ITB!岛弧玄武岩"!茅垭斜长角闪岩
的地幔橄榄岩$暗示可能与 N-MORB 的成因有
%蛇纹石化纯橄岩稀土元素&REE 总量较低
&1.77 ×10-6$(La/Yb)N=4.17$(La/Sm)N=3.04 ~6.40$
亏损的 U形特征&5-a$这与造山带蛇绿岩中
纯橄岩的特征相似[31-33]%蛇纹石化橄榄岩 REE
的结果[26, 31, 33-35]%
冲带岛弧特征的低 Ti 的钙碱性玄武岩$这种情况通
常出现在大洋中脊构造环境[17, 36-41]%变辉长岩具典型
的层状堆晶结构和明显的 Eu 正异常$变辉长岩(
式具型的 U形特征$与洋壳底部地幔橄榄岩
部分熔融聚集形成的堆晶岩浆岩 &变辉长岩(辉绿
绿岩似层状斜长角闪岩中利用 Sm-Nd 全岩等时
线法获得的形成年龄为 1608Ma±81Ma$但其测年的
群小渔村岩组(庙湾岩组前人所测的 Rb-Sr
2! "
!#$%& 法等同位素年龄分析后认为"庙湾岩组的
形成时代可能在 "’()*+")),- 之间#近年来"
/"1姜继圣;黄陵变质地区的同位素地质年代及地壳演化/<1; 长春地
质学院学报""!’2= >$"%("$"";
/>1"张本仁;扬子地台北部太古宙 @@A 片麻岩的发现及其地质
意义/<1; 地球科学""!!:= "(B2CD2?(.2?!;
/<1; 地球学报""!!?= "’$>%(+>>.+0";
/<1; 湖北地质""!!>=?B+ED+:.>"F
/?1徐云鹏"张方明F宜昌镁橄榄石的开发利用途径研究/<1F 湖北地
步研究/<1F 湖北地质""!!(= !$+%(!:.!?F
/!1路远发F AG4#9HD 一个用 I%J 构建的地球化学工具软件/<1;
球化学"+::0">>B(ED 0(!.020;
/":1K9LMNGOHG& < %= P54QR S %F AG4MNG79M-5 R9OM&979L-H94L 4T R9TTG&GLH
7-U7- OG&9GO -LR HNG9& R9TTG&GLH9-H94L V&4R6MHO 6O9LU 9774895G G5G-
7GLHO/<1F 3NG7F AG45F= "!??= +)D >+(.>0>F
/""1W&X9LG @ Y =J-&-U-& K Z %F % U69RG H4 HNG MNG79M-5 M5-OO9T9M-H94L
4T HNG M4774L X45M-L9M &4M[O/<1F 3-L F<F \-&HN ]M9F= "!?"= ’D (+>.(0’F
/"+1SG-&MG @ ^= A4&7-L J \= J9&[GHH; @ 3; @NG @9_+$#+_$S+_(R9--
U&-7D - 7GHN4R 4T R9OM&979L-H94L 8GH‘GGL 4MG-L9M -LR L4L$4MG-L9M
8-O-5HO/<1; \-&HN S5-LGH-; ]M9; aGHH;= "!?(= +0D 0"!$0+2;
&4M[O = _5Q7V9M SGL9LO65-= K-ON9LUH4L/<1; AG45; ]4M; %7; J655;= "!?0=
’(D ?’($?!0;
/"01]6L ] ]= ,Mb4L46UN K P; 3NG79M-5 -LR 9O4H4V9M OQOHG7-H9MO 4T 4-
MG-L9M 8-O-5HOD W7V59M-H94LO T4& 7-LH5G M47V4O9H94L -LR S&4MGOOGO/31
cc]-6LRG&O % b=Y4&&Q , <; ,-U7-H9O7 4T HNG _MG-L J-O9LO;a4L-
R4LD AG45; ]4M; ]VGM; S685;= "!’!= 0+D >">$>0(;
/"(1Y96 d= ZGUG546O ,= KGLRH < W= GH -5; AG4MNG79OH&Q 4T LG-&$\SZ
&9MNGR 7-LH5G M47V4LGLH/<1; \-&HN S5-LGH; ]M9; aGHH;= +::+="!!D>+?$
的地质地球化学特征/<1; 岩石学报""!!(= ""$增刊%("(0$"20;
/"?1"周国庆;中国蛇绿岩/,1; 北京D科学出版社= +::"("$>+;
/"’1张本仁""张宏飞";秦岭造山带地球化学/,1; 北京D科学出
版社= +::+(0?$":2;
/"!1SG-&MG < %; @&-MG G5G7GLH MN-&-MHG&9OH9MO 4T 5-X-O T&47 RGOH&-MH9XG
V5-HG 846LR-&9GO/31cc@N4&VG Z ]; %LRGO9HGO; YG‘ d4&[DK95GQ= "!’+(
/+:1]NG&X-9O < K; @9$I V54HO -LR HNG VGH&4UGLGO9O 4T 74RG&L -LR 4VN9-
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4T HGMH4L47-U7-H9M M5-OO9T9M-H94L -LR H4 GOH-859ON9LU HNG L-H6&G 4T
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... It is composed of voluminous Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic igneous intrusions containing minor mafic to ultramafic rock associations along the margins, while Paleoproterozoic to Archean rocks crop out mainly in the Huangling dome that is located about 200 km away from the northern margin of the craton (Li et al., 2008;Wang et al., 2013a;Zheng et al., 2013;Guo et al., 2014;Xu et al., 2014, and references therein). A study of the sedimentary rocks associated with the late Mesoproterozoic-early Neoproterozoic mafic to ultramafic rock associations can provide an excellent opportunity to resolve outstanding questions about Precambrian tectonothermal events that occurred during the evolution of the Yangtze craton (Jiang et al., 2002;Xiong et al., 2004), especially for the assembly and break-up of the Rodinia Zhou et al., 2007;Zhang et al., 2008;Peng et al., 2010;Zhang and Zheng, 2013) and the Columbia supercontinents (Zhang et al., 2006;Xiong et al., 2008;Wu et al., 2009;Peng et al., 2012c). Peng et al. (2010) showed that the mafic to ultramafic rock association, formerly called the Miaowan Formation, in the southern Huangling dome in the Yangtze craton represents a Proterozoic ophiolite, named the Miaowan Ophiolite Complex (MOC) (Fig. 1b). ...
... A study of the sedimentary rocks associated with the late Mesoproterozoic-early Neoproterozoic mafic to ultramafic rock associations can provide an excellent opportunity to resolve outstanding questions about Precambrian tectonothermal events that occurred during the evolution of the Yangtze craton (Jiang et al., 2002;Xiong et al., 2004), especially for the assembly and break-up of the Rodinia Zhou et al., 2007;Zhang et al., 2008;Peng et al., 2010;Zhang and Zheng, 2013) and the Columbia supercontinents (Zhang et al., 2006;Xiong et al., 2008;Wu et al., 2009;Peng et al., 2012c). Peng et al. (2010) showed that the mafic to ultramafic rock association, formerly called the Miaowan Formation, in the southern Huangling dome in the Yangtze craton represents a Proterozoic ophiolite, named the Miaowan Ophiolite Complex (MOC) (Fig. 1b). Subsequent studies Jiang et al., 2012;Peng et al., 2012a) suggested that the MOC formed in a forearc tectonic setting at an intra-oceanic supra-subduction zone at ca. 1.0 Ga. ...
... The latter can be further subdivided into three major suites: (1) gray granitic gneisses with few amphibolite lenses; (2) graphite and aluminous gneiss; and (3) mafic-ultramafic rocks. The third suite is dominated by metamorphosed dunite, harzburgite, layered and massive gabbros, massive diabase, basalt, sheeted dikes, plagiogranite, and a small amount of mylonites (Peng et al., 2010Deng et al., 2012). ...
... The Miaowan Ophiolite Complex has been recognized in the northern margin of the Yangtze Craton, China ( Fig. 1; Peng et al., 2010Peng et al., , 2012a. Peng et al. (2010Peng et al. ( , 2012a initially proposed that the ophiolite complex includes spatially and temporally associated metamorphic rocks including serpentinized harzburgite and serpentinized dunite, isotropic and layered gabbros, diabasic sheeted dikes, plagiogranite, basalt and sedimentary rocks. ...
... The Miaowan Ophiolite Complex has been recognized in the northern margin of the Yangtze Craton, China ( Fig. 1; Peng et al., 2010Peng et al., , 2012a. Peng et al. (2010Peng et al. ( , 2012a initially proposed that the ophiolite complex includes spatially and temporally associated metamorphic rocks including serpentinized harzburgite and serpentinized dunite, isotropic and layered gabbros, diabasic sheeted dikes, plagiogranite, basalt and sedimentary rocks. On the basis of geochemical data and zircon U-Pb ages, it was suggested that this ophiolite complex formed in a forearc setting during late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic times (1120-970 Ma) (Peng et al., 2012a). ...
... The Miaowan Complex (previously defined as Miaowan Group, Ma et al., 1997) mainly consists of layered fine-grained metabasites with intermittently exposed serpentinized harzburgite, serpentinized dunite, gabbro, diabase and basalt with minor metasedimentary units (Fig. 1b;Peng et al., 2012a). Peng et al. (2010Peng et al. ( , 2012a proposed that the Miaowan Complex is a Proterozoic ophiolite complex. However, in this contribution, based on differences of intensity of deformation, ages of igneous rocks, and geochemical characteristics of mafic-ultramafic rocks, we divide the Miaowan Complex into two ...
The Miaowan Complex in the Northern Yangtze Craton consists mainly of layered fine-grained metabasites, pillow lavas, sheeted dikes, gabbros, sepentinized harzburguite, and sepentinized dunite, with rare metasedimentary rocks in the metabasite section, and was initially regarded as an ophiolite complex. In this study, we divide the Miaowan Complex into two suites including the Miaowan Ophiolite Suite and a Late Magmatic Suite, based on differences in the degree of deformation, age and geochemical characteristics. The Miaowan Ophiolite Suite (MOS) mainly consists of ductily deformed serpentinized harzburgite, sepentinized dunite, gabbro, sheeted dikes, basalt, plagiogranite, and layered metasedimentary rocks. All these units were then intruded by the Late Magmatic Suite (LMS) consisting of pegmatitic-isotropic gabbro and massive diabase. Magmatic zircons from a deformed gabbro in the MOS yield an age of ca. 1115 Ma, consistent with the whole-rock Sm-Nd errochron age (1135±54 Ma) of harzburgite, gabbro and basalt in the MOS. Hence, the formation age of the MOS is interpreted to be ca. 1115 Ma. Harzburgites in the MOS are characterized by smooth LREE-depleted and flat MREE-HREE patterns; whereas dunites in the MOS display U-shape REE patterns. Deformed gabbro and basalt in the MOS display flat to slightly LREE enriched patterns, and low Th/Yb ratios and a lack of Nb anomalies, showing N-MORB affinities. The initial εNd (t) values of rock units in the MOS range from +6.6 to +7.8, indicating that the MOS was derived from a strongly depleted mantle source. Accordingly, the harzburgite, gabbro and basalt in the MOS are interpreted to have formed in an oceanic spreading center and the dunites in the MOS were formed by reaction between the harzburgites and the subduction-related boninitic melts when the MOS was trapped with the harzburgites as a part of the mantle wedge above a subduction zone in response to the initiation of an intra-oceanic subduction system. Igneous zircons from late pegmatitic-isotropic gabbros in the LMS yield weighted mean ²⁰⁷Pb/²⁰⁶Pb ages of 973±15 Ma, 999±17 Ma and 1002±19 Ma, respectively, suggesting that the LMS was intruded between ca. 1000 Ma and ca. 970 Ma, consistent with their whole-rock Sm-Nd errochron age (1007±62 Ma). Pegmatitic-isotropic gabbro and diabase in the LMS are characterized by enriched-LREE patterns with high Th/Yb ratios and negative Nb and Zr anomalies, consistent with a subduction-related setting. The initial εNd (t) values of rock units in the LMS range from +6.0 to +7.2. It is suggested that the LMS formed in a depleted fore-arc setting. Collectively, the Miaowan Complex consists of two magmatic suites including an older MORB-type ophiolitic suite and a younger arc-related magmatic suite, recording the evolution of geodynamic settings in a Proterozoic ocean.
... 1a). The Miaowan Ophiolite Complex, defined by Peng et al. (2012Peng et al. ( , 2010, crops out in the southern Huangling dome (Jiang et al., 2016;Gao et al, 2011;Ma et al., 1997;Fig. 1b). ...
... The older ophiolite suite, occurs along a WNW strike for 13 km long and with nearly 4 km wide, which has tectonic contact with the Archean TTG (tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite) (Deng et al., 2017;Zhang et al., 2011), showing location of the Huangling dome. (b) Geological map of the Miaowan ophiolite complex in the southern Huangling dome (Jiang et al., 2018;Deng et al., 2017;Peng et al., 2012Peng et al., , 2010 gneisses and Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks and has intrusive contact with the Neoproterozoic Huangling granitoids (Fig. 1b). The suite has a formation age of ~1 115 Ma and consists from base to the top of ultramafic rocks, metagabbro and metadiabase, sheeted dike complex, metabasalt, pillow lava and metasedimentary rocks (Deng et al., 2017;Jiang et al., 2016). ...
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Coronitic microstructures have been used to interpret the late-stage solidification history of igneous rocks and to constrain the corresponding chemical and/or physical changes. Coronas with three shells were also recognized in the Miaowan olivine norite, Yangtze Craton, South China. In our study, orthopyroxene intergrowth with vermicular magnetite in the inner shell is in optical continuity with magnetite-free orthopyroxene in the middle shell. In the outer shell of brown amphibole remaining magnetite-free orthopyroxene inclusions sporadically occur. Meanwhile Mg# values of orthopyroxene (76–80) in the inner and middle shells are basically consistent with olivine (78–81). In this paper, we propose a multi-stage genetic model for the formation of coronas in the Miaowan olivine norite. In the first stage, the magnetite-free orthopyroxene shell formed through reaction between primocrystal olivine with the residual Si-rich melt at 990–1 053 °C and 6.2–6.5 kbar. In the second stage, the orthopyroxene-magnetite symplectite shell formed when primocrystal olivine reacted with the late-stage residual Fe-rich melt promoted by high oxygen fugacity condition at 927–1 035 °C and 6.0–6.5 kbar. In the third stage, the brown amphibole shell formed as the presence of residual hydrous melt and replaced the middle shell at 821–900 °C and 5.5–6.0 kbar.
... The South Kongling Complex mainly consists of the Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic Miaowan ophiolitic complex (Peng et al., 2010Jiang et al., 2016;Deng et al., 2017;Lu et al., 2020) and Archean TTG gneisses and Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks (Gao et al., 2011). The South Kongling Complex was largely intruded by the Neoproterozoic Huangling granite, which separated the South Kongling Complex from the North Kongling Complex. ...
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Ultramafic massifs are minor but meaningful components of orogens because they record the mantle properties and the processes of plate generation, subduction, accretion, and collision, thus providing key information about crust-mantle interaction processes and the evolution of orogens. Here, we present an integrated study of field observations, whole-rock and mineral geochemistry, zircon U-Pb ages, and whole-rock Sm-Nd and Re-Os isotopes for serpentinized harzburgites and olivine pyroxenites from the Paleoproterozoic Shuiyuesi mélange belt, North Kongling Complex, to constrain the tectonic evolution of the Yangtze craton, South China. The serpentinized harzburgites are characterized by enrichment of light rare earth elements (LREEs) and negative εNd(t) (−4.3 to −3.9) values, but they have high olivine Mg# (91.7−93.1) and very low Re contents (<0.09 ppb) and negative γOs(t) (−5.1 to −4.0) values. The Archean Re-Os model ages (TRD = 2.82 Ga) of the harzburgites that have the most depleted Re-Os isotope composition represent estimates for the age of the initial melt extraction. Metasomatic zircons from the serpentinized harzburgites yield a weighted average age of ca. 2.04 Ga, which is interpreted to represent the age of metasomatism during a subduction event. These geochemical and isotopic features and geochronologic results suggest that the protolith of the serpentinized harzburgites in the North Kongling Complex originated as fragments of late Mesoarchean (ca. 2.82 Ga) subcontinental lithospheric mantle and experienced melt/fluid metasomatism in a subarc mantle wedge at 2.04 Ga. The olivine pyroxenites are cumulates, and they are characterized by high MgO, Ni, and Cr contents and depleted to slightly enriched LREEs but depletion in high field strength elements (HFSEs). They have positive εNd(t) (+2.0 to +6.6) values and Paleoproterozoic Nd model ages (2.41−2.05 Ga), suggesting that the olivine pyroxenites were derived from a Paleoproterozoic depleted mantle source. Metamorphic zircons from the olivine pyroxenites indicate subsequent metamorphism at 2.0 Ga, in response to a collision. The olivine pyroxenites together with the metabasites in the Shuiyuesi mélange belt represent the dismembered fragments of oceanic lithosphere that formed in a suprasubduction zone during the Paleoproterozoic. Combined with the Archean and Paleoproterozoic rocks in the North Kongling Complex, it appears that the Mesoarchean subcontinental lithospheric mantle peridotites and Paleoproterozoic ophiolitic rocks were simultaneously accreted during a Paleoproterozoic orogenic event. We further propose that a subduction channel may have played an important role in the architecture of the accretionary orogen, in which both oceanic lithospheric materials and subcontinental lithospheric mantle wedge materials would have been simultaneously scraped off and accreted during slab subduction-accretion.
... It is a typical dome structure, which has continuous sedimentary strata and an abundant fossil record. This area has always been a hotspot for studying the frontier issues of geoscience, such as the growth and evolution of the Early Precambrian continental crust of the South China Yangtze Craton, and intracontinental compression, uplift and extensional tectonics of South China in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic era [48]. The structure has six strata from inside to outside, namely, Baota Formation, Nanjinguan Formation (including Honghuayuan Formation, Dawan Formation, Guniutan Formation, etc.), Longmaxi Formation of Ordovician, Shamao Formation, Luoraping Formation of Silurian, and Paomagang Formation of Cretaceous. ...
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Geological maps have wide coverage with low acquisition difficulty. When other geological survey data are scarce, they are a valuable source of geological structure information for geological modeling. However, for structures with large deformation, geological map information has difficulty meeting the requirement of its 3D geological modeling. Therefore, this paper takes the dome structure as an example to explore a 3D modeling method based on geological maps, DEM and related geological knowledge. The method includes: (1) adaptively calculating the attitude of points on the stratigraphic boundaries; (2) inferring and generating the bottom boundary of the model from the attitude data of the boundary points; (3) generating the model interface constrained by Bézier curves based on the bottom boundary; (4) generating the top and bottom surfaces of the stratum; and (5) stitching each surface of the geological body to generate the final dome model. Case studies of the dome in Wulongshan in China and the Richat structure in Mauritania show that this method can build a solid model of the dome based only on geological maps and DEM data, whose morphological features are basically consistent with those embodied in the section view or the model generated by traditional methods.
... H. Zhao et al., 2013, 2011, andreference therein). Recently, Peng et al. (2010) interpreted Mesoproterozoic ultramafic-mafic rock association consisting of serpentinized dunite and harzburgite, ductile basalt, massive gabbro and diabase and associated metasedimentary rocks as an oceanic relict, and labeled it Miaowan ophiolite ( Figure 1b). Further studies (Deng et al., 2017;Jiang et al., 2016;Peng et al., 2012) proposed that ca. ...
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The Kongling terrane (Huangling dome) outcrops Precambrian metamorphic basement of the Yangtze craton. However, the Precambrian tectonic evolution of the southern Kongling terrane remains poorly constrained. In this contribution, we report zircon geochronology of the metasedimentary rocks from southern Kongling terrane of the Yangtze craton. Zircon U‐Pb dating results yielded magmatic age clusters at ca. 3,000 Ma, ca. 1,520 Ma, ca. 1,150 Ma, ca. 860 Ma, 900–920 Ma, and 980 Ma, and metamorphic age at ca. 2,900 Ma. These data display that the southern Kongling terrane witnessed Mesoarchean magmatism and metamorphic event, Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic magmatism. In combination with previous studies, it is proposed that the Precambrian metamorphic basement of the Yangtze craton was amalgamated by the multi‐stage subduction‐collision processes at ca. 3,000–2,900 Ma, ca. 2,000–1,800 Ma, and ca. 1,100–940 Ma. In addition, the Proterozoic processes were related to the assembly and breakup of Columbia and Rodinia supercontinents.
... However, a few researchers paid attention to trace element characteristics of chromites in mantle peridotites from Precambrian ophiolites (Rui et al., 2019;Yu et al., 2019). The Proterozoic Miaowan ophiolitic complex (MOC) is located in the northern margin of Yangtze Craton of southern China (Deng et al., 2017;Jiang et al., 2016;Peng et al., 2010). Previous studies (Deng et al., 2017;Huang et al., 2017;Peng et al., 2012) have revealed that chromites in mantle peridotites of the MOC have similar characteristics to those of podiform chromites from ophiolites worldwide (Thayer, 1964). ...
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The chrome spinel (chromite) in mantle peridotites from ophiolites can shed light on the formation and evolution process of ophiolites. Podiform chromites were found in the Late Proterozoic Miaowan ophiolitic complex (MOC), Yangtze Craton. Due to the metamorphism and intense deformation, most chromite grains in the MOC peridotites show typical chemical zoning (core-rim texture). The values of major and trace elements largely vary from core to rim within chromite grains, indicating that the chromites have undergone strong alteration and element mobility. Major and trace elements in the core parts of chromites are used to infer the tectonic origins and evolution of mantle peridotites in the MOC. The chromites from the MOC peridotites have higher Cr# values and lower Ni and Ga contents with respect to those from Phanero-zoic mantle peridotites, indicating a higher degree of depletion. In-situ major and trace elements (e.g., Ga) characteristics of podiform chromites in the MOC show that chromites from both harzburgites and dunites have strong subduction-related signatures, indicating that the MOC has formed in a supra-subduction setting which is consistent with the geological and geochemical data presented in previous studies.
Mid-Neoproterozoic (850–720 Ma) magmatism around the periphery of the Yangtze Block records an intense extensional event related to the breakup of Rodinia. However, the detailed geodynamic mechanisms of this extensional tectonism are still poorly constrained. To address this issue, we undertook a whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic, and zircon U–Pb–Hf–O isotopic study of mid-Neoproterozoic silicic meta-igneous rocks from the Feidong Complex and Zhangbaling Group in the northeastern Yangtze Block. These rocks can be classified into two groups: Group A (granitoids) and Group B (volcanic rocks). Zircon U–Pb dating revealed that Group A (808–786 Ma) pre-dates Group B (762–750 Ma). All these rocks are characterized by A-type granite features, with high heavy REE, Zr, and Hf contents, (K2O + Na2O)/CaO ratios, Fe index values, and zircon saturation temperatures, and formed during a mid-Neoproterozoic extensional event. However, the extremely enriched whole-rock Sr–Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions (ISr = 0.7024–0.7068, εNd(t) = −19.3 to −14.1, and εHf(t) = −25.7 to −11.8) of Group A suggest derivation by reworking of ancient crustal basement. Group B is characterized by relatively depleted Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic compositions (ISr = 0.7015–0.7063, εNd(t) = −1.6 to +3.6, and εHf(t) = −4.8 to +4.1), indicating a significant contribution from juvenile-crust-derived material. Group A contains zircons with δ¹⁸O = 4.1‰–7.1‰, whereas Group B contains zircons with δ¹⁸O = 1.6‰–3.1‰. These chemical and isotopic data, along with the gradual change in residual mineralogy from garnet to plagioclase (Group A to B), indicate that magmatism transitioned from an ancient lower crustal source to a juvenile middle–upper crustal source that had experienced intense high-temperature meteoric water–rock interactions. Our results provide new insights into the tectonic evolution from early extension to peak rifting driven by upwelling asthenosphere, due to rifting of the Yangtze Block from Rodinia during the mid-Neoproterozoic.
Some metamorphosed pelites (commonly called as kondalites) expose over the Archean crystal basement in the Kongling terrane of the Yangtze Block. These sedimentary rocks mainly contain biotite – plagioclase gneisses, garnet bearing biotite – plagioclase – silimanite gneisses, garnet bearing biotite – plagioclase – silimanite – cordierite gneisses, graphite schists, and some marbles and quartzites. Amphibolites and mafic granulites always occur as lenses or layers in these metasedimentary rocks. In this study, three kinds of metasedimentary rocks, which are Grt-Bi-Pl gneiss, Grt-Sil-Crd-Bi-Pl gneiss and Grt-Sil-Bi-Pl gneiss, are chosen for petrographic, zircon U-Pb, and Lu-Hf isotopic analysis. The mineral assemblages of these three rocks are Grt + Bi + Pl + Q, Grt + Sil + Crd + Bi + Pl + Q + Spl + Kf and Grt + Sil + Bi + Pl + Q respectively, which imply granulite facies metamorphism. In addition, garnet porphyroblasts in both of these metasedimentary rocks and the mafic granulites which are enclaves in these meta-sedimentary rocks develop decompressional coronas, indicating isothermal decompression (ITD) processes during retrograde metamorphism. Core-Rim structures in zircons can be observed in all these three samples based on cathodoluminescence images. Morphological characteristics, Th/U ratios and trace element compositions indicate that zircon cores are of magmatic origin while zircon rims and some single grain zircons are of metamorphic origin. Ages of magmatic zircon cores in Grt-Bi-Pl gneiss are between 3532 ± 20 Ma to 2286 ± 47 Ma while those of metamorphic zircons are 2022 ± 22 Ma. Most zircons in the Grt-Sil-Crd-Bi-Pl gneiss are of metamorphic origin and they have a weighted mean ²⁰⁷Pb/²⁰⁶Pb age of 2017 ± 15 Ma. Magmatic zircon cores in Grt-Sil-Bi-Pl gneiss have a weighted mean ²⁰⁷Pb/²⁰⁶Pb age of 2160 ± 31 Ma and metamorphic zircons have a weighted mean ²⁰⁷Pb/²⁰⁶Pb age of 2028 ± 43 Ma. One zircon core (3199 ± 25 Ma) in Grt-Bi-Pl gneiss possesses the oldest two-stage Hf model age of 3676 ± 85 Ma. Two-stage Hf model (TDM2) ages of all the other analyzed zircon cores in this sample range from 3452 ± 40 to 3277 ± 43 Ma, and the metamorphic zircons give a weighted mean TDM2 age of 3471 ± 14 Ma. Metamorphic zircons in the Grt-Sil-Crd-Bi-Pl gneiss have a weighted mean two-stage Hf model (TDM2) age of 3468 ± 16 Ma. These TDM2 ages indicate that the sources of these metasedimentary rocks are obviously older than those documented by previous studies and they also suggest that protolith of these metasedimentary rocks belong to Archean crustal materials of the Kongling terrane, but with obviously different sedimentary sources. The widespread decompressional textures around garnet in various samples in the study area suggest that the Kongling area underwent a high-pressure granulite facies metamorphism and an isothermal decompression process at ∼2.0 Ga, corresponding to the assemblage of the Paleoproterozoic Nuna Supercontinent.
Chromian-spinel (chromite) is a common mineral in ophiolitic rocks and the study of chromite from the mantle sections of ophiolites can help shed light on their petrogenetic origin and tectonic setting for formation. The Proterozoic Miaowan Ophiolite Complex (MOC) in the Yangtze Craton contains disseminated chromite grains in mantle harzburgites and podiform chromitites associated with serpentinised dunites. Most chromite grains display compositional zoning due to alteration but the fresh cores preserve primary igneous compositions. Podiform chromitites in the MOC dunites and harzburgites are compositionally similar to typical ophiolitic chromitites elsewhere. The chromite grains contain numerous inclusions of clinopyroxene and amphibole with minor amounts of olivine, chlorite, base-metal sulphides (BMS) and platinum-group minerals (PGM). The abundant hydrous mineral inclusions within the chromite grains suggest a hydrous mantle source. Core compositions of chromite grains indicate that the parental melts of the chromitites were similar to typical boninitic melts in a forearc settings. However, chromite grains in the harzburgites show mixed MORB and arc signatures. Thus, the mineralogy and geochemistry of the MOC peridotites suggest that the chromitites in the MOC formed in a forearc setting during reaction between boninitic melts and MORB-type harzburgite in a supra-subduction zone (SSZ) mantle wedge.
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To understand the connection between continental cratonization and global tectonothermal event is essential for recognizing the formation and evolution of continental crust. Paleoproterozoic is an important era with occurrence of megascale tectonomagmatism in the world, but it has been intriguing whether they also influenced the oldest continent in South China. In order to decipher the nature of Paleoproterozoic event in South China, a combined study of zircon U-Pb dating, Hf and O isotope analyses was carried out for metasediments and amphibolite from the Kongling terrane, the only Archean microcontinent outcropped in South China. U-Pb ages of 1.97±0.03Ga were obtained with low Th/U ratios of 0.01–0.14, indicating that the ages are a record of Paleoproterozoic metamorphic event. δ18O values of ∼11‰ and ∼8‰ were measured for quartz from the metasediments and garnet from the amphibolite, respectively, suggesting that their sources experienced supracrustal recycling. ɛHf(t) values of about −6.5 and model Hf ages of about 3.0Ga were acquired for zircons from the metapelites, suggesting an Archean source. Thus a response to the Paleoproterozoic global tectonothermal event in South China is reworking of Archean continental nucleus. Compared with Archean rocks at Kongling, abrupt changes in K2O/Na2O, REE and other trace elements are observed in the Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks. This is interpreted to reflect a change in upper crustal composition at the Archean–Proterozoic boundary. A survey of Paleoproterozoic ages throughout the Yangtze Block suggests that metamorphic event and subsequent magmatic activity occurred in the north, but only magmatic activity in the south. Both metamorphic and magmatic activities are associated with formation of a unified basement responsible for cratonization of the Yangtze Block. This provides a geodynamic connection between the formation of this craton and the global tectonomagmatism in the Paleoproterozoic, marking continental accretion by arc-continent collision orogeny during assembly of the supercontinent Columbia.
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Mafic volcanic rocks incorporated within the Churchill-Superior Boundary Zone at Ospwagan Lake, Moak Lake, Assean Lake and the Fox River Belt constitute part of the Circum-Superior Belt. Major and trace element data have been obtained from mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks from four localities. The data provide a means of comparing and contrasting the geochemistry of the rocks from the portion of the Circum-Superior Belt surrounding the Archean Superior Province in Manitoba with other units from elsewhere in the belt, and with rocks from the adjacent Proterozoic Churchill Province.Major element geochemical data are consistent with the rocks having originally formed in a oceanic environment. Trace element and rare earth element data suggest that the environment was a marginal basin. Al2O3/TiO2 ratios indicate that the magmas were derived from a mantle source by small degrees of partial melting. High field strength element patterns show that the mantle source region giving rise to the rocks was relatively uniform in composition.Trace element, mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and chondrite-normalized patterns indicate similarities in alkali element enrichment for the rocks at Asean and Ospwagan Lakes. Virtually all the rocks have Ti, Zr, Nb, Y and P levels < MORB, which is consistent with the mantle source region having undergone a small degree of partial melting. Zr/P ratios for the rocks from the Fox River Belt are consistently lower than those from the other localities, and the Assean Lake rocks show slight enrichment in light rare earth elements, which may suggest local compositional variability in the mantle source regions supplying the magmas to the Fox River Belt and the Ospwagan, Assean and Moak Lake areas.
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Major- and trace- element analyses of samples from the upper and lower members of the Crescent Formation demonstrate that these volcanic rocks are dominated by tholeiitic compositions, with minor amounts of alkali basalt also present. Basalt flows from both members have undergone little differentiation, and are compositionally similar. Differences in TiO2 and REE contents demonstrate, however, that these members are geochemically distinguishable. Lower-member tholeiites are identical to ridge tholeiites and are interpreted as representing a slice of oceanic upper crust. The upper member is similar to oceanic island basalts, but its primary tectonic significance is uncertain. It is postulated that the lower member was generated at a mid-ocean ridge and was subsequently subducted to a shallow level. Miocene uplift then juxtaposed the upper and lower members.
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A revision of previous models of Proterozoic crustal accretion in the southwestern U.S. is presented, based on the more extensive data now available. Five Early Proterozoic predominantly volcanic supracrustal terranes are recognized, with ages of 1760-1800 Ma, 1730-1740 Ma, 1720 Ma, 1680-1700 Ma, and 1650 Ma. In some areas they are overlain by a sixth, comprised chiefly of quartzite-pelite. In the oldest three terranes mafic volcanic rocks of largely submarine origin are more abundant than felsic. In the 1680-1700 Ma and 1650 Ma terranes felsic rocks exceed mafics, volcanics are mixed submarine and subaerial, and non-volcanogenic sediments are important. Least mobile incompatible element distributions in basalts from the 1760-1800 Ma and 1720 Ma terranes are similar to those in basalts from evolved oceanic arcs and associated back-arc basins. Basalts from the other terranes resemble those from continental-margin arcs and associated back-arc basins at early stages of opening. Incompatible element ratios in...
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The incomplete Evros ophiolites in NE Greece form a NE−SW-oriented discontinuous belt in the Alpine orogen of the north Aegean. Field data, petrology and geochemistry are presented here for the intrusive section and associated mafic dykes of these ophiolites. Bodies of high-level isotropic gabbro and plagiogranite in the ophiolite suite are cross-cut by NE–SW-trending boninitic and tholeiitic–boninitic affinity dykes, respectively. The dykes fill tensile fractures or faults, which implies dyke emplacement in an extensional tectonic regime. The tholeiitic–transitional boninitic gabbro is REE-and HFS-depleted relative to N-MORB, indicating derivation from melting of a refractory mantle peridotite source. Associated boninitic dykes are slightly LREE-enriched, showing mineral and whole-rock geochemistry similar to the gabbro. The plagiogranite is a strongly REE-enriched high-silica trondhjemite, with textures and composition typical for an oceanic crust differentiate. Plagiogranite-hosted tholeiitic and transitional boninitic dykes are variably REE-enriched. Geochemical modelling indicates origin of the plagiogranite by up to 75 % fractional crystallization of basaltic magma similar to that producing the associated tholeiitic dykes. All mafic rocks have high LILE/HFSE ratios and negative Ta–Nb–Ti and Ce anomalies, typical for subduction zone-related settings. The mafic rocks show a similar trace-element character to the mafic lavas of an extrusive section in Bulgaria, suggesting they both form genetically related intrusive and extrusive suites of the Evros ophiolites. The field occurrence, the structural context, the petrology and geochemical signature of the studied magmatic assemblage provide evidence for its origin in a proto-arc (fore-arc) tectonic setting, thus tracing the early stages of the tectono-magmatic evolution of Jurassic arc-marginal basin system that has generated the supra-subduction type Evros ophiolites.
The abundances of the REE in Alpine peridotites, ultramafic rocks associated with ophiolites, ocean-floor peridotites, and ultramafic inclusions in basalts and kimberlites are each discussed in some detail, and the implications of REE data for upper mantle composition and upper mantle processes are examined.-R.A.H.
Ion microprobe (SHRIMP II) U-Pb zircon analyses reveal trondhjemitic magmatism at 2.90 2.95 Ga in the Kongling area of the Yangtze craton, south China, about 150 km south of the Permian-Triassic Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. Detrital zircons from nearby Archean metapelites are 2.87 3.28 Ga, and the rocks have Sm-Nd depleted mantle model ages of 3.07 3.21 Ga. The new data reveal, for the first time, >3.2 Ga sialic crust in the Yangtze craton, part of which predates that of the adjacent southern North China craton. Both trondhjemites and metapelites contain ca. 2.75 Ga high-grade metamorphic zircons, and ca. 1.9 Ga zircons, related to intrusion of the Quanqitang K-feldspar granite into the Archean basement. Many zircons also underwent Pb loss ca. 1.0 Ga during the Jinning orogeny, when the Cathysian block accreted to the Yangtze craton. The new data support correlation of part of the Korean Peninsula with the Yangtze craton along the eastern extension of the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt.
The Paleozoic Trinity terrane is a massif of ultramafic rock and mafic intrusive complexes that forms the basement of eugeoclinal rocks in the eastern Klamath Mountains. The origin of the Trinity terrane has been particularly enigmatic and several mutually exclusive origin models have been proposed; (1) mantle diapir; (2) slice of obducted monogenetic oceanic lithosphere; (3) monogenetic backarc-basin lithosphere; (4) forearc lithosphere; and (5) volcanic arc basement. We have compiled new and existing field, petrograpic, geochronologic, isotopic, and whole-rock chemical data for the Trinity terrane to evaluate these models and conclude that the Trinity terrane is an supra-subduction zone ophiolite whose mafic intrusive complexes record subduction-related magmatism and forearc extension that occurred during the inception of intraoceanic subduction. According to this extensional forearc model, all four terranes in the eastern Klamath Mountains evolved principally during the inception and evolution of a single, E-dipping, mid-Paleozoic convergent margin analogous to the Eocene Izu-Bonin-Marianas arc system. Conventional wisdom has been that the Devonian volcanic succession in the Eastern Klamath terrane records the inception of Paleozoic subduction-related magmatism in California. New U-Pb zircon age data for gabbros in mafic intrusive complexes of the Trinity terrane range from Early Silurian to Early Devonian (431 to 404 Ma), indicating that subduction-related magmatism began earlier than previously believed. Silurian and Devonian igneous rocks of the Trinity and Eastern Klamath terranes are coeval, broadly cogenetic, and represent different levels of exposure of the same ophiolite. This interpretation provides the first integrated explanation of the origin of seemingly disparate Paleozoic lithotectonic elements in the eastern Klamath Mountains.
The nearly parallel Dinaridic ophiolite belt and the Vardar zone western belt are assumed to be the remnants of two distinct oceanic basins, constituting different parts of the Tethys Ocean that separated the Gondwana and Eurasia continents during Mesozoic time. These belts comprise numerous large peridotite massifs and small bodies whose petrology was poorly known. This paper presents a large set of internally consistent analytical data for peridotites, including primary mineralogy, major-element chemistry and clinopyroxene geochemistry for massifs of both the ophiolitic belts. We propose, discuss and apply a set of mineralogical, geochemical and petrologic criteria that allow a recognition of the probable geodynamic setting of formation of the ultramafic massifs.