
The Tomatis Method with Severely Autistic Boys: Individual Case Studies of Behavioral Changes

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Six severely autistic males ranging in age from 4 years to 11 years received the Tomatis Method to assist in alleviating the severity of behaviours contributing to the diagnosis of autism. Ten minute video samples were taken of each boy, under two conditions of play, every time he completed one section of the treatment programme. As measured by the Children's Autism Rating Scale (CARS) all of the boys were severely autistic at the beginning of treatment. Three (50%) of the boys demonstrated positive behavioural changes by the end of the treatment. One boy was no longer considered to be autistic, two boys showed mild symptoms of autism and three boys remained within the severely autistic range. Of particular interest were the changes that occurred in pre-linguistic areas for five of the six boys. These included Adaptation to Change, Listening Response, Non Verbal Communication, Emotional Response and Activity Level. These behaviours are considered prerequisites for successful verbal communication. The children who demonstrated behavioural change were 6 years of age or younger at the beginning of treatment. The author suggests that the Tomatis Method may be helpful in making prelinguistic behaviours manageable and thus help prepare the child to learn basic skills necessary for the development of language and learning.

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... Eight of these studies were utilized the Berard AIT method (Bettison, 1996;Brown, 1999;Gillberg, Johansson, Steffenburg, & Berlin, 1997;Link, 1997;Mudford, et al., 2000;Rimland & Edelson, 1994;1995;Zollweg, Palm, & Vance, 1997). The Tomatis AIT approach was used in one study (Neysmith-Roy, 2001) for the population of interest. An additional study of the Tomatis AIT method demonstrating no positive benefits for children with significant learning disabilities is also published (Kershner et al., 1990) but is not included in this review. ...
... Of the nine AIT studies reviewed in total, three used randomized, controlled methods with either no treatment or an alternate treatment/placebo, (Bettison, 1996;Rimland & Edelson, 1995;Zollweg et al., 1997), two utilized other methodological designs with various levels of control (Neysmith-Roy, 2001;Mudford, et al., 2000), one was a pre-post open trial (Gillberg et al., 1997), two were descriptive case reports (Brown, 1999;Link, 1997), and one compared various types of AIT devices (Rimland & Edelson, 1994). These are summarized below. ...
... Studies with sample selection biases and unmasked evaluation processes would tend to favor outcomes for the treatment groups; however, this was not always the case. Some studies, using various types of methodologies, reported improvements in either behavior or audiological measures (e.g., Brown, 1999;Link, 1997;Neysmith-Roy, 2001;Rimland, 1994;1995) at some points in time for some children. However, it is important to note that if changes are seen in behaviors without concomitant changes in hearing sensitivity, an alternative mechanism than that proposed by AIT theory may be responsible for the improvements. ...
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Idiosyncratic responses to sensory stimuli and unusual motor patterns have been reported clinically in young children with autism. The etiology of these behavioral features is the subject of much speculation. Myriad sensory- and motor-based interventions have evolved for use with children with autism to address such issues; however, much controversy exists about the efficacy of such therapies. This review paper summarizes the sensory and motor difficulties often manifested in autism, and evaluates the scientific basis of various sensory and motor interventions used with this population. Implications for education and further research are described.
... Oceniając skuteczność metody Tomatisa u dzieci z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu w literaturze, dysponujemy głównie oceną pojedynczych bądź zbiorczych studiów przypadku (Neysmith-Roy 2001;Tatum i Md RCTC 2004;Gerritsen 2010). dlatego trudno jest wysnuwać zgeneralizowane wnioski dotyczące efektywności treningu w tej grupie pacjentów. ...
... dlatego trudno jest wysnuwać zgeneralizowane wnioski dotyczące efektywności treningu w tej grupie pacjentów. Przypuszcza się, że metoda może być pomocna w kształtowaniu przedpola do komunikacji, a tym samym w przygotowaniu dziecka do nauki podstawowych umiejętności niezbędnych do rozwoju (Neysmith-Roy 2001). W innych badaniach z kolei odnotowuje się brak pozytywnego wpływu treningu Tomatisa na kształtowanie się sprawności językowej u dzieci z diagnozą autyzmu (Corbett i in. ...
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Wstęp: Metoda Tomatisa, zwana inaczej stymulacją audiopsycholingwistyczną, jest metodą terapeutyczną, która opiera się na treningu układu słuchowego, mającym na celu rozwinięcie umiejętności czynnego słuchania (Tomatis 1995), co przekłada się na lepsze przetwarzanie słuchowe. Cel: Głównym założeniem artykułu jest pokazanie efektywności metody Tomatisa na przykładzie studium przypadku sześcioletniego chłopca ze zdiagnozowanym zespołem Guillaina-Barrégo. Materiał i metoda: Przedstawiono charakterystykę kliniczną pacjenta, oddziaływania terapeutyczne oraz dokonano próby oceny skuteczności stymulacji audiopsycholingwistycznej w połączeniu z innymi metodami psychopedagogicznymi. Zgromadzono dokumentację medyczną, integracji sensorycznej, logopedyczną, audiologiczną, psychologiczną sięgającą początków diagnozy zespołu Guillaina-Barrégo oraz dokonano przeglądu literatury dotyczącej wymienionego zespołu. Wyniki: Test uwagi słuchowej przeprowadzony po trzecim etapie treningu pokazał lepszą percepcję i mniejszą nadwrażliwość słuchową w porównaniu do etapu pierwszego. Konkluzje: W efekcie terapii metodą Tomatisa połączoną z oddziaływaniami terapeutycznymi odnotowano progres w przetwarzaniu słuchowym, realizacji fonemów, koncentracji uwagi, funkcjonowaniu układu przedsionkowego i proprioceptywnego.
... 15 Literatürde randomize-kontrollü araştırma sayısı kısıtlı olsa da, son yirmi yıldır başta otistik spektrum olmak üzere, zihinsel yetersizlik/anlıksal yetiyitimi, özgül öğrenme bozuklukları (ÖÖB) ve dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu (DEHB), iletişim bozuklukları ile motor bozukluklar gibi nörogelişimsel bozuklukların rehabilitasyonunda dinleme terapisi kullanılmakta ve son derece olumlu sonuçlar alınmaktadır. [16][17][18][19][20][21] "Duyan" kulağı, "dinleyen" kulağa dönüştürmeyi hedefleyen bu programlar, pek çok nörogelişimsel bozukluğu olan çocuk ve yetişkinlerin "dinleme" işlevini tam olarak yerine getiremediklerini öngörmektedir. Nitekim bu çalışmada, iki yetişkin Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu (DEHB) tanısıyla, günde iki saat olmak üzere, haftanın beş günü, toplamda otuz seanslık dinleti programı alan iki olgu üzerinden müzik terapi çeşitlerinden biri olan dinleme/ses terapisinin olası etkinliği tartışılmıştır. ...
... Pasif müzik terapisi türü olarak kabul edilen Ses (Sound) ya da Dinleme (Listening) terapisi nörogelişimsel bozukluklarda görülen bilişsel, duygusal ve davranışsal belirtilerin azaltılmasında giderek daha sık kullanılmaktadır. [15][16][17][18][19][20][21] Biz de bu amaçla birbirine benzer özellikli iki erişkin DEHB olgusunda, bu terapi programlarının bilişsel, davranışsal ve duygusal alandaki potansiyel düzenleyici rolüne dikkat çekmek istedik. Bu tür programların tamamlayıcı bir terapi olması ve yan etkilerinin bulunmaması önemli bir avantajdır. ...
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Sound or Listening Therapies, carried out by audio-psycho-phonological methods, which are accepted as passive music therapy type, argue that listening action is different from hearing. Sound therapies are psycho-educational programs carried out with passive listening firstly and then with some active audio-vocal activities within a certain period and program specific to the individual through air and bone conduction. It is assumed that these programs re-arrange the pathways between the ear and brain and the entire nervous system in terms of neuropsychological, neurophysiological and neuroanatomical, and it has started to be used especially in neurodevelopmental disorders. In this study, two clients/cases diagnosed with Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) were given listening therapy for a total of thirty sessions five days a week, two hours a day. Listening Skills Checklist, Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale, Continuous Performance Test (Moxo d-CPT), Beck Depression Inventory and Beck Anxiety Inventory were applied before and after the program. Positive feedback was obtained from the patients and their significant others, and the results were found to be satisfactory. The possible effectiveness of these listening programs are discussed within the framework of the literature, through two case reports. As a result, Listening or Sound Therapy can be a complementary method in reducing the cognitive, emotional and behavioral symptoms that occur in neurodevelopmental disorders, and may be the subject of further studies. Keywords: Music therapy, Listening therapy, Sound therapy, Neurodevelopmental disorders, Attention deficits hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
... The Tomatis Method (TM) has been shown to help people with various psychological disorders (autism, dyslexia, ADD and more) [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [20] though in some controlled trials the results were also inconclusive [8], [19]. It uses music, but it is not purely music therapy, as it is based on brain and inner ear stimulation by selective sound filtering. ...
... They showed the opposite view and pointed out missteps in the previous research. These two and another one [11] show a significant improvement after the TM rehabilitation measured in the Children's Autism Rating Scale (CARS) or in Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS). ...
... The Tomatis Method (TM) has been shown to help people with various psychological disorders (autism, dyslexia, ADD and more) [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [20] though in some controlled trials the results were also inconclusive [8], [19]. It uses music, but it is not a music therapy, as it is based on brain and inner ear stimulation by selective sound filtering. ...
... They showed the opposite view and pointed out missteps in the previous research. These two and another one [11] show a significant improvement after the TM rehabilitation measured in the Children's Autism Rating Scale (CARS) or in Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS). ...
... While there are no published studies regarding TLP specifi cally, research into sound-based therapy for ASD is beginning to emerge regarding similar programmes. The Tomatis Method has had several published studies regarding effi cacy (Gilmor, 1999;Neysmith-Roy, 2001;Ross-Swain, 2007). The Gilmor (1999) meta-analysis of the Tomatis Method research indicated that studies have found the treatment to have favorable outcomes regarding behaviour. ...
... The Gilmor (1999) meta-analysis of the Tomatis Method research indicated that studies have found the treatment to have favorable outcomes regarding behaviour. Neysmith-Roy (2001) and Ross-Swain (2007) echo this sentiment, indicating that, for the Occup. Ther. ...
The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of The Listening Program (TLP) in treating a child with pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). Using a single-subject case study design, one child with PDD-NOS was administered a 20-week TLP intervention focused on improving sensory processing and language function. Data collection included pre- and post-evaluations using video footage, and Sensory Profile and Listening Checklist questionnaires. Results of the study indicated improved behaviour and sensory tolerance in the post-intervention video footage, including active participation in singing and movements to song. Sensory Profile and Listening Checklist questionnaires indicated significant improvements in sensory processing, receptive/expressive listening and language, motor skills, and behavioural/social adjustment at the post-intervention assessment. Although small in scope, this study highlights the need for continued research by occupational therapists into sound-based interventions. Particularly, occupational therapists need to perform larger-scale studies utilizing TLP to verify the efficacy of this alternative treatment method.
... The relationship between duration and frequency of auditory training and the benefits achieved also remains unclear. 32 A previous study suggested that a minimum of four weeks of intervention (generally preliminary studies) is required to achieve the desired treatment outcome 33 while other studies suggested a minimum of two weeks of clinical sessions and eight weeks of home programs for the best result. 34 Notably, the suggestions were based on researchers' observations and experience from conducting sound therapy studies, which explains the variation between studies. ...
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To map the evidence from the relevant studies regarding the use of music and sound-based intervention for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) using a scoping review study design. Scoping review was conducted according to the inclusion criteria using Google Scholar, PubMed, CINAHL, MEDLINE, and Scopus. The review was accomplished in five steps: 1) identify the inclusion criteria, 2) search for relevant studies, 3) studies selection, 4) data extraction and charting, and 5) data analysis and presentation. Four major themes emerged from 39 studies that matched the inclusion criteria as follows: 1) forms of sound therapy discussing methods of sound therapy and stimulus used, 2) duration of the intervention explain in terms of listening time and total listening sessions, 3) clinical characteristics of the intervention exploring the main interest of sound therapy study in ASD, and 4) evidence for the intervention effectiveness looking into the positive, negative, and mixed findings of previous studies. Each theme was explored to identify the knowledge gaps in sound-intervention therapy. This review demonstrated the need for further studies to address several issues including identifying the effectiveness of sound-therapy intervention for ASD according to the individual sound types, the minimum duration for ASD sound-therapy intervention and more details on the use of technology, and clinical features of the sound-therapy intervention. These elements are important to further demonstrate the effectiveness of sound therapy intervention for ASD children.
... Выборки испытуемых в опубликованных исследованиях достаточно часто были малочисленными, или публиковались результаты одного ребенка (Neysmith-Roy 2001;Nicoloff 2004), поэтому вопрос об эффективности использования этого метода для детей с аутизмом нуждается в дальнейшем изучении. ...
В статье приводятся результаты оценки влияния аудио-психо-фонологического тренинга по методу Альфреда Томатиса на скорость проведения слуховой информации структурами ствола головного мозга у двух групп детей. В первую группу вошли дети с аутизмом, во вторую — дети с расстройствами речевого развития и аутистическими проявлениями в поведении. Диагнозы были установлены психиатром, неврологом и логопедом до проведения тренинга. Для проведения тренинга по методу Томатиса использовалась аппаратура компании Besson of Switzerland (Швейцария). Дети слушали акустически модифицированную музыку Моцарта, григорианские хоралы, запись голоса своей матери и собственный голос во время активных сессий с микрофоном. Программа создавалась индивидуально после проведения теста слухового внимания с помощью аудиометра. Вопрос об эффективности использования метода Томатиса для детей с аутизмом и нарушениями речи актуален, так как метод широко применяется во всем мире, но количество исследований с использованием аппаратных методов оценки эффективности этого воздействия недостаточно. Для анализа эффективности тренинга мы использовали электрофизио-логическую диагностику — оценку акустических стволовых вызванных потенциалов (АСВП). Обследование назначалось неврологом в качестве диагностической процедуры и проводилось в детской неврологической клинике. Кроме классического варианта АСВП проводился модифицированный вариант исследования, который позволяет оценить время проведения слухового сигнала от улитки внутреннего уха до медиального коленчатого тела таламуса — регистрация шестого пика. Обследование детей проводилось до тренинга по методу Томатиса, после первого и второго циклов тренировок. У всех детей, которые принимали участие в исследовании, по результатам АСВП до тренинга была выраженно снижена скорость проведения слуховой информации структурами ствола мозга. Это могло быть причиной центральных нарушений обработки слуховой информации. Статистически значимое улучшение показателей АСВП было выявлено с помощью модифицированной методики уже после первого курса тренинга. После второго курса показатели не только сохранились, но и улучшились. Полученные результаты позволяют высказать предположение, что нейроакустические тренировки по методу Томатиса способствуют ускорению темпов морфофункционального созревания слуховых центров и трактов в стволе головного мозга как у детей с аутизмом, так и у детей с нарушениями речи.
... Despite the high prevalence of practical use of these programs in the world as an alternative treatment rather than mere cure for many neurodevelopmental disorders, there has been relatively little randomize-controlled research on the effectiveness of sound therapies. A review of the existing empirical research with audio-psycho-phonological methods has shown that there are significant improvements on cognitive, linguistic, behavioral and social adjustment, and psychomotor skills of children presented different problems including tinnitus, ADHD, learning disorders, emotional and behavioral problems, motor problems and autism (e.g., AbediKoupaei, Poushaneh, Mohammadi, & Siampour, 2013, Esteki & Soltani, 2015Kershner, Cummings, Clarke, Hadfield, & Kershner, 1990;Neysmith-Roy, 2001;Ross-Swain, 2007;Stillitano, Fioretti, Cantagallo, Eibenstein, 2014). Eventhough some of the studies indicated lack of improvement based on statistical analysis such as Corbett et al. (2008) found that 5 children out of 11 showed no significant improvements, it has been proved that either these studies have small sample sizes or lack of random assignments (see Gerritsen, 2010;Gilmor, 1999 for reviews). ...
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Music heals (Habibi & Damasio, 2014). Since ancient times, healing through music which evokes and regulates emotions from agony to euphoria has been accepted as a remedy method for centuries. For instance, in Anatolia, Greeks used to place an ill person into the middle of the amphitheater and exposed specific sounds and voices to him for recovery (Thompson & Andrews, 2000). Similarly, particularly during Ottoman Empire, having been accepted of the notion that “music is medicine” led different timbres and notes of Classical Turkish Music to be evolved and used for healing in various clinical conditions especially for psychiatric patients at hospitals called “Şifahane” (Gençel, 2006). Accordingly, many people today still tend to use music for feeling better, managing their emotions, concentrating more, coordinating their movements. Especially in the last 20 years, music pyschology literature has shown that music processing even passive music listening affects the neurochemistry of the brain structures in both hemispheres (e.g., Bidelman, Krishnan, & Gandour, 2011; Blood & Zatorre, 2001; Brown, Martinez, & Parsons, 2004; Menon & Levitin, 2005; Peretz, & Zatorre, 2005). Hence, there has been a growing interest in the world related to music-making and music-listening therapies including sound therapies particulary used for various developmental difficulties (e.g., Esteki & Soltani, 2015; Molnar-Szakacs & Heaton, 2012; Neysmith-Roy, 2001) since the efficacy of auditory processing which plays a fundamental role in many sensory, perceptual, and even higher-order cognitive functions empirically has been proved(see Kraus & Banai, 2007). Sound therapies such as audio-psycho-phonological methods (Tomatis, 1996) promote the training of listening perception instead of passive hearing that increase learning, listening and language skills. Also, keeping a steady beat can help individuals to develop a sense of security and internal stability feeling which bring order and harmony. Hence, the present paper aims to review on the roots of therapeutic use of music, the impacts of music on the nervous system, and lastly focus on the description and the implications of the audio-psycho-phonological methods with current literature findings. Keywords: Music therapy, sound therapy, auditory stimulation, neuro-developmental disorders.
... To date, most research on SBIs has been focused on the Tomatis Method and Auditory Integration Training and has produced mixed empirical results [36,37]. Some studies have suggested that these interventions may be effective for individuals with ASD, citing improvements in areas such as language, psychomotor skills, personal and social adjustment, non-verbal communication and adaptation to change [38,39]. However, other research has found little to no significant improvement in individuals who received SBIs as compared to the control groups [40,41]. ...
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Occupational therapists (OT) offer a wide range of therapies for individuals with ASD on the basis of specific deficits and difficulties. This chapter explores the role that OT plays, and the expertise, in relation to the interdisciplinary team. In addition, it discusses and presents empirical support for several therapeutic approaches commonly used by OTs working with individuals with ASD.
... Auditory interventions currently used in practice are based on the original work of Tomatis (Tomatis Method) and Berard (Auditory Integration Training). Studies on the Tomatis Method have demonstrated mixed results (Corbett, Shickman, & Ferrer, 2008;Kershner, Cummings, Clarke, Hadfield, & Kershner, 1990;Neysmith-Roy, 2001). However, these studies have been criticized for methodological flaws (Gilmor, 1999). ...
This phenomenological study explored parents’ perspectives of Therapeutic Listening (TL) implemented as a home program to treat their children with sensory processing difficulties. Ten parents participated in semistructured interviews. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed thematically. Parents were concerned about their child’s anxiety and distress, which they commonly perceived to be reduced with TL. Parents perceived that TL brought a sense of calm to their child, which they linked to improvements in their family life and child’s participation in social and daily activities. Parent engagement (problem solving) enabled successful implementation of the program. Findings are discussed in relation to existing literature.
... The TM, which impacts hearing and listening, communication, brain and posture, was devised by a French ear-nose-throat specialist Alfred Tomatis (1996). Applied initially with singers, its impact on voice, posture and communication (Tomatis, 1996) lead to progressive extensions, amongst others in stuttering (Van Jaarsveld & Du Plessis, 1988), learning difficulties (Tomatis, 1996) and autism (Neysmith-Roy, 2001). Observations of its application in general clinical contexts suggest that persons become more open to external and internal stimuli, more receptive and responsive to therapeutic interventions, and experience a rapid relaxation response and affect balance. ...
Rapid escalation of Subclinical Eating Disorders (SED) in the form of high levels of body dissatisfaction and drive for thinness, both globally and locally, and the at-risk status of university females are underscored by recent studies. As yet there exist no South African programmes tailored to the needs of afflicted female students whatsoever, and especially which includes a risk-protective focus grounded in positive psychology theory. In this chapter, a theoretical overview of the nature and definition of SED, its prevalence, and the rationale for a risk-protective focus grounded in positive psychology theory are provided. Thereafter, three preliminary South African studies are discussed, including two correlation studies (De Pãz Fransisco, Associations between identity style, psychological well-being and psychological traits linked with eating disorders in adolescent females. Unpublished masters thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom, 2007; Kirsten, Du Plessis, and Swanepoel, The link between eating disorders, mindfulness, and self-compassion and -forgiveness. Paper presented at the 5th European Positive Psychology Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2010) and the Weight Over concern and Well-being programme by Kirsten, Du Plessis, and Du Toit (Development of a secondary prevention programme for female students with Subclinical Eating Disorder symptoms. Unpublished doctoral thesis. North-West University, Potchefstroom, 2007). Findings of these preliminary studies highlight the promise of utilizing positive psychology’s theoretical approaches to practically significantly reduce risk factors and to promote protective factors. As such, well-being therapy (Fava and Ruini, J Behav Ther Exp Res 34:45–63, 2003) that promotes the six dimensions of psychological well-being (Ryff and Keyes, Pers Soc Psychol 69(4):719–727, 1995), and Self-determination Theory (Ryan and Deci, Am Psychol 55(1):68–78, 2000), with its inherent self-compassion, kindness, and self-forgiving manner, and which promotes true self-esteem in the form of self-determination and mindfulness (Kabat-Zinn, Meditation. In: Holland (ed), Psycho-oncology. Oxford University Press, New York, pp 767−779, 1998), show promise. More in-depth studies with larger samples are, however, still needed.
... Madell (Madell & Rose 1994, Madell 1999), a proponent of AIT, states clearly that "the goal of the therapy is to reduce auditory symptoms that that may be interfering with a child's auditory functioning," (1999, p. 372) and that "{AIT} is a treatment (not a cure) for auditory symptoms." (1994, p. 16) In addition, another proponent of the therapy cautions readers that "typically only 60% of children with autism respond" to auditory integration training (Neysmith-Roy 2001). ...
... To date, most research on SBIs has been focused on the TM and AIT and has produced mixed empirical results (Spencer et al., 2006;Case-Smith and Arbesman, 2008). Some studies have suggested that these interventions may be effective for individuals with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), citing improvements in areas such as language, psychomotor skills, personal and social adjustment, non-verbal communication and adaptation to change (Gilmor, 1999;Neysmith-Roy, 2001). However, other research has found little to no significant improvements in individuals who received SBIs as compared with the control groups (Corbett, Ferrer, and Shickman, 2008;Sinha et al., 2009). ...
Sound-based interventions (SBIs) involve listening to psychoacoustically modified music as a means for promoting new neural pathways in individuals with neurological dysfunction. Multiple forms of SBIs exist and are being used by healthcare professionals despite the lack of evidence to support their efficacy. The purpose of this study was to describe how occupational therapists (OTs) are using SBIs as an intervention in paediatric practice. An online survey was conducted using SurveyMonkey® and was completed by OTs describing their use of SBIs with paediatric clients. Paediatric OTs are using SBIs in a variety of practice settings, with children with a variety of medical and developmental conditions, and primarily use a subjective assessment process for determining effectiveness. Most referrals for SBIs come from other OTs and parents, and reimbursement primarily is achieved through private-pay mechanisms. This study had a small sample size (n = 74) and an estimated response rate of 14.7%, so generalization to occupational therapy practice in the United States is not possible. Further research is needed to identify the internal and external influences on the selection of SBIs as an OT intervention in paediatric practice. Copyright
... Although not presenting a systematised theory of depression, Tomatis's writings allude to possible causes of depression and a therapeutic approach, applicable to 'nervous depression'. Though positing a unique, research based, auditory stimulation context, (Madaule, 1994;Tomatis, 1991 ;1994), beneficial across a diversity of psychological problems, from learning difficulties (Stutt, 1983) to autistic spectrum disorders (Neysmith-Roy, 2001) its relation with the above approaches, will be briefly indicated. The central thread in Tomatis's theory is that the well-being of individuals is intimately linked to their auditory functioning (Van Jaarsveld & Du Madaule, 1994;Tomatis, 1991 ). ...
Word processed copy. Thesis (M.A.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2001. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 37-42).
... Unfortunately, there are several errors in her research invalidating the conclusions she reached. First of all, Corbett et al. did not report or consider that typically only 60% of the children with autism respond to Tomatis Therapy (Neysmith-Roy 2001), reducing the effective sample size to six subjects. Such a small sample size does not have the power to detect even meaningful differences. ...
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1. Music and Autism 2. Alfred Tomatis and audiopsychophonology 3. The neuroscientific basis of the music-brain relationship 4. Marta Herbert's thesis 5. Music, neuroscience and mirror neurons. For a long time, the role of music in relation to autism and other neurodiversities has been confined to the therapeutic field, mainly on the basis of observation that has suggested affinities and positive effects. In fact, extensive cross-sectional studies (here, for example, a parallel with Williams syndrome will be described) have shown that music, and sound in general, have precise neuroscientific correlations with cerebellar structures and their conformation and development. This chapter will particularly describe the neuroscientific basis of the correlation between music and the brain and studies in the neuroscientific correlates between music and the activity of the mirror neuron system.
Many therapeutic and dietary regimens have been studied for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the last three decades. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and Tomatis sound therapy (TST) in an Egyptian cohort of children with ASD. This study was a prospective, open label, randomized interventional clinical trial. One hundred forty-six children with ASD with no previous rehabilitation therapy were enrolled in our study. Patients were randomly divided into four groups: the first group received hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the second group received Tomatis sound therapy, the third group received a combination of both modalities, and the fourth group, the control group, received no intervention. We found that the combination of Tomatis sound therapy with hyperbaric oxygen therapy had a superior effect in improving autism symptoms than each intervention alone (CARS after therapy 35.04±13.38 versus 49.34 ± 17.54 before the intervention, p< 0.001). The combination of both modalities may be helpful for children with ASD. The most distinctive evidence that supports the use of combination therapy for ASD is still controversial; however, our study provides some evidence of the benefit of combination therapy for children with ASD. Future studies should use a more sophisticated research design and begin by finding a consistent baseline measure that can be used to evaluate the effects of these therapies for ASD.
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common disorder that affects individuals throughout life, although generally diagnosed during the school years. Multimodal perspectives are recommended during treatment. A variety of non-pharmacological interventions, including psychoeducational approaches, are widely available particularly for clients who refuse to use or are resistant to medication, although the real effect sizes remain uncertain. The effect of music therapy as a complement to ADHD treatment has emerged especially in the last 20 years with neuroimaging studies. Recent research has indicated that music experience influences reward, emotion, motivation and pleasure, stress and the immune system, and social relationships, as well as cognitive skills. Listening to filtered music also influences auditory functions. Sound or listening therapy originated from the Tomatis audio-psycho-phonological (APP) method aims to train the vestibular system auditory functions that are assumed to be connected with both top-down (higher brain structures) and bottom-up (peripheral to central) brain functioning and the peripheral nervous system. In this case report, we discuss the probable impact of listening or sound therapy in the management of ADHD symptoms, particularly in terms of sustained attention, reaction time, and inhibitory control (impulsivity/hyperactivity) measured by a distracted continuous performance test (CPT) and learning and behavioral problems assessed by rating scales. Three adolescents (aged 14, 15, and 17 years) in Turkey with ADHD-combined presentation diagnosed by a psychiatrist were given 30 sessions (totaling 60 h) of the sound program with an auditory stimulation device developed by an APP method. The participants were assessed before and after the program and their scores compared using the CPT (MOXO d-CPT), Conners Rating Scales for Parents (CPRS) and Teachers (CTRS), and Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) based on the ages of the participants, in addition to the listening checklist. Although the differences in the scores did not represent any statistical significance, the findings could still be noteworthy indicators of future prospective studies for the exact role of these non-pharmacological supportive interventions.
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Objetivo. Determinar el efecto de un programa de estimulación neurocognitivo musical sobre las Funciones Ejecutivas (FE) de niños colombianos diagnosticados con TDAH.Metodología. Específicamente, se estudiaron las FE control inhibitorio, memoria de trabajo y planificación. Con este fin, se seleccionó una muestra de 12 niños escolarizados (11 niños y 1 niña) de 10 años, diagnosticados con TDAH para participar en el programa Estimularte. Estimularte es un programa novedoso de estimulación cognitivo musical, se diseño tomando como punto de partida los elementos del entrenamiento musical activo y pasivo como herramienta para fortalecer las FE. Para evaluar las FE antes y después de la administración del programa, se utilizó la Evaluación Neuropsicológica de las Funciones Ejecutivas en Niños (ENFEN). Las funciones evaluadas fueron: planificación, memoria de trabajo, control inhibitorio y flexibilidad cognitiva.Resultados. Se evidenciaron que hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas debido a un incremento de la media después de la intervención con el programa EstimulArte, lo que repercutió en un desempeño significativamente mejor de los niños tras haber sido parte del programa en el control inhibitorio, memoria de trabajo y planificación. Esto significo una mejora en cuanto a la capacidad de modificar, corregir errores o incorporar nuevas conductas en función del desarrollo de un plan de acción para alcanzar un objetivo. Asimismo, hubo un incremento en la capacidad de manipular y retener simultáneamente la información relevante para la ejecución de la tarea.Conclusión. Se concluye que el Programa NeuroArte y la estimulación musical se convierten en una herramienta alternativa para apoyar los procesos de desarrollo de las Funciones Ejecutivas, aunque se debe seguir investigando su efectividad en niños con TDAH, se ha demostrando que la terapia musical estimula procesos cognitivos que pueden beneficiar a esta población.
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Objective: The effect of the Tomatis sound therapy method on the reduction of autistic symptoms in children with autism was studied. Method: 34 autistic children (aged 4-8 years) were selected from a rehabilitation centre in Tehran and then assigned randomly to two equal-sized experimental and control groups. The experimental group received sound therapy for 30 sessions of 120 minutes. The GARS was administered as the pre- nd post-test, before and after the treatment. Meanwhile, the sound therapy profile was used as a basic tool for the remediation plan. Results: ANCOVA analysis showed that there were significant differences among mean scores of autistic symptoms in the 2 groups. Conclusion: this research showed that the Tomatis method can reduce autistic symptoms, increase social interaction, communication, and reduce stereotypical movements, and can be used as an effective treatment for autistic children. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This was a pilot study that used the Tomatis Method to see the effects it had on L2 reading fluency in a group of Taiwanese learners. Eight volunteers participated in this study undertaking 40-hours of before-and-after-experimental treatments. The results from the analysis showed that the participants had significant improvements in the areas of fluency, tone, stress, and intelligibility. However, there was not a significant improvement in pronunciation. This study concludes that the Tomatis Method seemed to help participants improve their reading fluency as well as increase the levels of confidence and motivation when learning the target language.
This article presents a reanalysis of a previously reported study on the impact of the Tomatis Method of auditory stimulation on subjects with autism. When analyzed as individual case studies, the data showed that six of the 11 subjects with autism demonstrated significant improvement from 90 hours of Tomatis Therapy. Five subjects did not benefit significantly, at least not on the measures used in this research. The results of this study support previous findings reported in peerreviewed research. The benefits from the Tomatis Therapy varied from subject to subject. In this study, one subject transitioned from nonverbal to verbal, one began to spontaneously repeat words, and others increased their receptive and expressive vocabulary. Additional findings included improvements in skills of daily living, motor skills, socialization, and overall communication skills. The findings of this study also indicated reductions in hyperactivity, atypical behavior, and inattention.
The Auditory Behavior Questionnaire (ABQ) evaluates abnormal behavioral responses to auditory stimulation in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This study reports preliminary reliability, construct validity and standardization of the ABQ. Parents of children with ASD aged 7-21 years (n = 165) completed the ABQ on-line. Cronbach's alpha was 0.94 indicating strong internal consistency. Factor analysis revealed a four-factor structure supporting previous theoretical discussion of global sensory processing difficulties and the construct validity of the ABQ. The 4-factors, (1) Difficulty in Background Noise, (2) Aversive Reactions, (3) Unresponsiveness, and (4) Stereotypic/Repetitive Behaviors, are very similar to Dunning's (Development of a questionnaire to assess auditory behaviors in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, The Ohio State University, Columbus, 2003) hypothesized factor domains. Standard factor scores for children with ASD are reported.
This study investigated the effects of a sensory diet and therapeutic listening intervention program, directed by an occupational therapist and implemented by parents, on children with sensory processing disorders (SPD) and visual-motor delays. A convenience sample was used of 10 participants, ages 5 to 11 years, with SPD and visual-motor delays. In the first phase, each participant completed a 4-week sensory diet program, then an 8-week therapeutic-listening and sensory diet program. The Sensory Profile was completed by the participants' parents before and after both study phases. The Draw-A-Person test, Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration (VMI), and Evaluation Tool of Children's Handwriting (ETCH) were administered before and after each phase. Over 12 weeks, the participants exhibited significant improvement on the Sensory Profile, increasing a mean of 71 points. Parents reported improvements in their children's behaviors related to sensory processing. Scores on the VMI visual and ETCH legibility scales also improved more during the therapeutic listening phase. Therapeutic listening combined with a sensory diet appears effective in improving behaviors related to sensory processing in children with SPD and visual-motor impairments.
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Due to the myriad of problems associated with autism, parents often consider alternative treatments. The investigation was undertaken to determine the effects of the Tomatis Method on language skills in children with autism utilizing a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design. The results indicated that although the majority of the children demonstrated general improvement in language over the course of the study, it did not appear to be related to the treatment condition. The percent change for Group 1 (Placebo/Treatment) for treatment was 17.41%, and placebo was 24.84%. Group 2 (Treatment/Placebo) showed -3.98% change for treatment and 14.15% change for placebo. The results reflect a lack of improvement in language using the Tomatis Method for children with autism.
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Pregnant women recited a short child's rhyme, “the target”, aloud each day between the thirty third and thirty seventh weeks of their fetuses' gestation. Then their fetuses were stimulated with tape recordings of the target and a control rhyme. The target elicited a decrease in fetal heartrate whereas the control did not. Thus, fetuses' exposure to specific speech sounds can affect their subsequent reactions to those sounds. More generally, the result suggests that third trimester fetuses become familiar with recurrent, maternal speech sounds.
Assessment of autistic disorder (autism) symptoms, primary and secondary, poses more challenging problems than ordinarily found in multisite randomized clinical trial (RCT) assessments. For example, subjects may be uncommunicative and extremely heterogeneous in problem presentation, and current pharmacological treatments are not likely to alter most core features of autism. The Autism Research Units on Pediatric Psychopharmacology (RUPP Autism Network) resolved some of these problems during the design of a risperidone RCT in children/adolescents. The inappropriateness of the usual anchors for a Clinical Global Impression of Severity (CGI-S) was resolved by defining uncomplicated autism without secondary symptoms as a CGI-S of 3, mildly ill. The communication problems, compromising use of the patient as an informant, were addressed by several strategies, including careful questioning of care providers, rating scales, laboratory tests, and physical exams. The broad subject heterogeneity requires outcome measures sensitive to individual change over a wide spectrum of treatment response and side effects. The problems of neuropsychologically testing nonverbal, lower functioning, sometimes noncompliant subjects requires careful instrument selection/adaptation and flexible administration techniques. The problems of assessing low-end IQs, neglected by most standardized test developers, was resolved by an algorithm of test hierarchy. Scarcity of other autism-adapted cognitive and neuropsychological tests and lack of standardization required development of a new, specially adapted battery. Reliability on the Autism Diagnostic Interview (currently the most valid diagnostic instrument) and other clinician instruments required extensive cross-site training (in-person, videotape, and teleconference sessions). Definition of a treatment responder required focus on individually relevant target symptoms, synthesis of possible modest improvements in many domains, and acceptance of attainable though imperfect goals. The assessment strategy developed is implemented in a RCT of risperidone (McDougle et al., 2000) for which the design and other methodological challenges are described elsewhere (Scahill et al., 2000). Some of these problems and solutions are partially shared with RCTs of other treatments and other disorders.
Five objective scales for diagnosis of autism are evaluated with reference to psychometric criteria of reliability (test-retest, interrater, internal consistency) and validity (content, construct, concurrent, discriminant). The five scales are the Diagnostic Checklist for Behavior Disturbed Children (Form E-2), Behavior Observation Scale for Autism, Behavior Rating Instrument for Autistic and Atypical Children, Autism Screening Instrument for Educational Planning, and Childhood Autism Rating Scale. Although all scales have strengths and weaknesses, the Childhood Autism Rating Scale emerges as the strongest scale in terms of demonstrated psychometric properties.
the purpose of this presentation is to extend the sensory-processing dysfunction hypothesis to an information-processing dysfunction hypothesis by utilizing the Jacksonian principle that higher levels of the nervous system represent and re-represent, but do not replace, lower levels through an analysis of recent experimental neurophysiological findings, I attempt to demonstrate (1) the influence of the brain stem and diencephalic regions involved in the modulation of sensory input on those cortical centers involved with information processing; (2) the relevance of the functions of those higher centers to autistic behavior; and (3) the way in which these higher centers might elaborate an autistic dysfunction of sensory processing to a disorder of information processing (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
reports his recent discovery of specific cerebellar abnormalities in autistic individuals / considers the possible effects of abnormal cerebellar development on brain functioning and how these effects could be related to autistic symptoms (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
SummaryA systematic study was made of a representative group of 21 same-sexed twin pairs (11 MZ and 10 DZ) in which at least one twin showed the syndrome of infantile autism. There was a 36 per cent pair-wise concordance rate for autism in MZ pairs compared with o per cent concordance in DZ pairs. The concordance for cognitive abnormalities was 82 per cent in MZ pairs and 10 per cent in DZ pairs. It was concluded that there were important hereditary influences concerning a cognitive deficit which included but was not restricted to autism. In 12 out of 17 pairs discordant for autism, the presence of autism was associated with a biological hazard liable to cause brain damage. It was concluded that brain injury in the infancy period may lead to autism on its own or in combination with a genetic predisposition. Uncertainty remains on both the mode of inheritance and exactly what is inherited.
Diagnoses for autism based on the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) were examined for 83 individuals with suspected autism. Agreement between systems reached 85.7%. Participants receiving diagnosis of autism based on only one system were significantly younger in age than individuals receiving diagnoses according to both systems. Individuals who did not receive diagnosis of autism on the ADI-R had lower chronological and mental ages and lower CARS scores compared to individuals who received diagnosis of autism based on the ADI-R. Eighteen females and 18 males were matched to examine possible gender differences. No significant findings were revealed, suggesting that the symptoms of autism according to the ADI-R and CARS do not differ between males and females when matched for chronological and mental ages.
Pregnant women recited a particular speech passage aloud each day during their last 6 weeks of pregnancy. Their newborns were tested with an operant-choice procedure to determine whether the sounds of the recited passage were more reinforcing than the sounds of a novel passage. The previously recited passage was more reinforcing. The reinforcing value of the two passages did not differ for a matched group of control subjects. Thus, third-trimester fetuses experience their mothers' speech sounds and that prenatal auditory experience can influence postnatal auditory preferences.
A critical examination of the data for and against genetic factors in early infantile autism and childhood schizophrenia is presented. The extreme rareness of both disorders made analysis difficult. No strong evidence exists implicating genetics in the development of childhood psychoses that begin before the age of 5. Family pedigree data fail to support psychogenic transmission because very few siblings of early onset cases are affected. Biological but not genetic etiological agents are more likely. Genetic factors are implicated in the development of psychoses that begin near pubescence and such factors appear to overlap with those for adult schizophrenia. Reevaluation of the minimum age of onset for adult-type schizophrenia is suggested.
The UCLA Registry for Genetic Studies in Autism was established in 1980 to test the hypothesis that genetic factors may be etiologically significant in subsets of patients. To date 61 pairs of twins have enrolled and 40 meet research diagnostic criteria for autism. The authors found a concordance for autism in these 40 pairs of 95.7% in the monozygotic twins (22 of 23) and 23.5% in the dizygotic twins (four of 17).
A comprehensive report to the National Institute of Health on the diagnosis, etiology, epidemiology, and treatment of autism indicated that early intervention has the potential of being an effective intervention (Bristol et al., 1996). In spite of this positive outlook, several research and methodological questions remain regarding time of treatment initiation, intensity of treatment and duration of treatment, random assignment, comparative treatment designs, and treatment integrity. Against this backdrop we consider the claims made by the Early Intervention Project (EIP; Lovaas, 1987, 1993; McEachin, Smith, & Lovaas, 1993). The EIP claims to produce recovery from autism in 47% of the cases and to greatly reduce its severity in an additional 42% of cases. This article evaluates the EIP against threats to internal and external validity and is found to suffer from a number of methodological problems. Based on rebuttals to criticisms of their program, the EIP authors seem unwilling to admit any methodological flaws in the sampling, design, and analysis of data of the EIP. It is recommended that parents and fair hearing officers adopt an attitude of healthy skepticism before proceeding to an unqualified endorsement of the EIP as a treatment for autism.
Genetic epidemiology is the study of inherited factors involved in the etiology of a disease or disorder and uses the methods of both medical genetics and clinical epidemiology. In general, genetic epidemiology tries to answer the following four questions: Is the disorder inherited; What phenotype is inherited; How is it inherited or what is the mode of transmission; and What is the nature of the genetic mutation, if any, that gives rise to the disorder? The hope is that by identifying the gene or genes involved in pathophysiology, a much better understanding of the steps from gene product to phenotype will be possible, leading to improvements in diagnosis, an opportunity for thoughtful family planning, and perhaps, most important, to the development of treatments based on an understanding of the biochemistry of the disorder. We review the current knowledge of the genetic epidemiology of autism and the other pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) and highlight promising new directions. There seems to be widespread agreement that the PDDs are caused, at least in part, by genetic factors. There is also some agreement on the phenotypic boundaries associated with these same genetic factors. However, many points of uncertainty remain, and several methodologic issues need to be resolved before further progress in mapping susceptibility genes is possible. We do not specifically review molecular studies, medical conditions associated with autism, or the broader autism phenotype, as these topics are covered in other papers in this special issue.
A group of 199 children and adolescents (153 boys, 46 girls) with autistic disorder was audiologically evaluated. Mild to moderate hearing loss was diagnosed in 7.9% and unilateral hearing loss in 1.6% of those who could be tested appropriately. Pronounced to profound bilateral hearing loss or deafness was diagnosed in 3.5% of all cases, representing a prevalence considerably above that in the general population and comparable to the prevalence found in populations with mental retardation. Hearing deficits in autism occurred at similar rates at all levels of intellectual functioning, so it does not appear that the covariation with intellectual impairment per se can account for all of the variance of hearing deficit in autism. Hyperacusis was common, affecting 18.0% of the autism group and 0% in an age-matched nonautism comparison group. In addition, the rate of serous otitis media (23.5%) and related conductive hearing loss (18.3%) appeared to be increased in autistic disorder. The study emphasizes the need for auditory evaluation of individuals with autism in order to refer those with pronounced to profound hearing loss for aural habilitation and to follow those with mild to moderate hearing loss because of the risk of deterioration.
Developmental regression among children with autism is a common phenomenon of unknown origin. The purpose of this study was to identify the differences between children with autism who reportedly regressed with those who did not regress. A representative group of 39 mothers were interviewed (40 children--1 pair of twin girls) about familial, pregnancy, perinatal, as well as medical history and developmental milestones. The study focused on mothers' perceptions of developmental regression. Nineteen children (47.5%) regressed in verbal and nonverbal communication and social but not in motor abilities. Mean age of regression was 24 months, with 11 children who regressed before and 8 after this age. No significant differences were reported by mothers of children who did or did not regress. More mothers of children who regressed, than those of children who did not, expressed guilt feelings regarding the development of autism, and almost all of them had an "explanation" for the possible mechanisms that might have influenced their children's developmental course. In conclusion, developmental regression in our population appears to be a typical event in the natural course of autism. There is little difference between those children who regressed and those who did not regress in maternal perceptions and reports of development, family, and medical history.
Opening communication: A new perspective on autism
  • T Gilmore
  • P Madaule
L'oreille et la language
  • A Tomatis
Infancy and early childhood: The practice of clinical assessment and intervention with emotional and developmental challenges
  • S Greenspan
How an autistic person views the world
  • T Grandin
An introduction to audio-psycho-phonology: Tomatis electronic ear technique
  • R Roy
Somebody somewhere: Breaking free from the world of autism
  • D Williams