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Abstract and Figures

Maple syrup production is an important economic activity in north-eastern North-America. The beginning and length of the production season is linked to daily variation in temperature. There are increasing concerns about the potential impact of climatic change on this industry. Here, we used weekly data of syrup yield for the 1999-2011 period from 121 maple stands in 11 regions of Québec (Canada) to predict how the period of production may be impacted by climate warming. The date at which the production begins is highly variable between years with an average range of 36 days among the regions. However, the average start date for a given region, which ranged from Julian day 65 to 83, was highly predictable (r2 = 0.88) using the average temperature from January to April (TJ-A). A logistic model predicting the weekly presence or absence of production was also developed. Using the inputs of 77 future climate scenarios issued from global models, projections of future production timing were made based on average TJ-A and on the logistic model. The projections of both approaches were in very good agreement and suggest that the sap season will be displaced to occur 15-19 days earlier on average in the 2080-2100 period. The data also show that the displacement in time will not be accompanied by a greater between years variability in the beginning of the season. However, in the southern part of Québec, very short periods of syrup production due to unfavourable conditions in the spring will occur more frequently in the future although their absolute frequencies will remain low.
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Impacts of Climate Change on the Timing of
the Production Season of Maple Syrup in
Eastern Canada
Daniel Houle
*, Alain Paquette
, Benoît Côté
, Travis Logan
, Hugues Power
Isabelle Charron
, Louis Duchesne
1Direction de la recherche forestière, Ministère des Forêts de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec, 2700
Einstein, Québec, QC G1P 3W8, Canada, 2Consortium sur la climatologie régionale et ladaptation aux
changements climatiques (Ouranos), 550 Sherbrooke W, Montréal, QC H3A 1B9, Canada, 3Centre for
forest research, Université du Québec àMontréal, P.O. Box 8888, Centre-ville Station, Montréal, QC H3C
3P8 Canada, 4Dep. of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, 21,111 Lakeshore Rd., Ste. Anne de
Bellevue, QC H9X 3V9 Canada
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Maple syrup production is an important economic activity in north-eastern North-America.
The beginning and length of the production season is linked to daily variation in tempera-
ture. There are increasing concerns about the potential impact of climatic change on this
industry. Here, we used weekly data of syrup yield for the 19992011 period from 121
maple stands in 11 regions of Québec (Canada) to predict how the period of production
may be impacted by climate warming. The date at which the production begins is highly var-
iable between years with an average range of 36 days among the regions. However, the
average start date for a given region, which ranged from Julian day 65 to 83, was highly pre-
dictable (r
= 0.88) using the average temperature from January to April (T
). A logistic
model predicting the weekly presence or absence of production was also developed. Using
the inputs of 77 future climate scenarios issued from global models, projections of future
production timing were made based on average T
and on the logistic model. The projec-
tions of both approaches were in very good agreement and suggest that the sap season will
be displaced to occur 1519 days earlier on average in the 20802100 period. The data
also show that the displacement in time will not be accompanied by a greater between
years variability in the beginning of the season. However, in the southern part of Québec,
very short periods of syrup production due to unfavourable conditions in the spring will
occur more frequently in the future although their absolute frequencies will remain low.
Maple syrup production from sap goes back to the first nation peoples of north-eastern North-
America [1]. With time, the methods were modernized and maple syrup production is now an
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0144844 December 18, 2015 1/14
Citation: Houle D, Paquette A, Côté B, Logan T,
Power H, Charron I, et al. (2015) Impacts of Climate
Change on the Timing of the Production Season of
Maple Syrup in Eastern Canada. PLoS ONE 10(12):
e0144844. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144844
Editor: Gisèle LaPointe, University of Guelph,
Canada, CANADA
Received: July 7, 2015
Accepted: November 24, 2015
Published: December 18, 2015
Copyright: © 2015 Houle et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author and source are
Data Availability Statement: Third party data under
confidentiality restrictions due to their private nature.
Data are available from the "Fédération des
Producteurs Acéricoles du Québec" upon request.
Furthermore, the data was gathered from private
producers under conditions of confidentiality. The
Federation may be contacted at: http://www.
Funding: The costs associated with this research
were covered by the Ministère des Forêts, de la
Faune et des Parcs du Québec(DH) and Le Fond
Vert du Ministère du Développement Durable,
Environnement, et Parc du Québecwithin the
important economic activity for the region. Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.), a dominant
species throughout north-eastern North-America, is the most-used species because of its high
sugar sap content (23%) [2]. In addition to sap sweetness, there is increasing interest in the
chemical composition of maple syrup, particularly the phenolic compounds, because of their
antioxidant, antiradical and antimutagenic properties [3].
The period of syrup production [4] as well as the annual yield [5,6] have been shown to
depend on climatic conditions, and therefore vary between years and regions. Recently, sugar
maple producers in the province of Québec (which is responsible for 75% of the world produc-
tion) have expressed concerns about the high year to year variability in the timing of the season
(Houle, unpublished data). Similarly, in a survey conducted among producers of Québec,
Ontario, Atlantic Canada and northeastern USA, 73% mentioned that start of the season was
showing increasing between years variability [7].
Sap volume and sugar content are associated to climatic conditions that prevail during the
production season, as well as in the months preceding it [811]. Several processes are involved
in initiating spring sap production, which is based on alternating positive and negative pressure
in the trunk and branches which is favoured by freezing temperatures at night followed by
above-zero temperatures during the day (freeze/thaw cycle) [8,12,13].
The physiological processes involved, as much for volume as for sugar content, can be
related to a few determinant conditions. Some authors noted that the ideal climatic conditions
for sap production are temperatures close to 0°C at night rising above 4°C during the day [11,
12,14]. Others identified the maximum daily temperature [8] or the difference between the
minima and maxima as factor determining production [13]. Climatic conditions in the months
preceding sap production can also be determinant [6]. Precipitation (snow or rain) between
October and April (inclusively) are positively correlated to syrup production in the following
spring [11]. Cold winters are also positively correlated to yield because they are associated with
increased sugar content in sap [6]. Warm temperatures in April may abruptly halt production
by favouring bud break and the proliferation of microorganisms in the tap [6].
Because of the close links between climate and maple syrup production, climatic change is
likely to have a strong impact on the industry [4,6]. Predicted climate change effects for north
eastern North-America include an increase in annual temperature and precipitation which will
be particularly strong during winter, as well as a reduction in the duration of the snow cover
[15]. Below freezing winter temperatures must last long enough for the tree to begin the dehar-
dening process necessary for the beginning of sap production [16]; should this period become
too short, tree physiology and vigor could be affected which would reduce sap production.
Although no significant trends are projected in the number of freeze/thaw cycles [15], the
period of the year where the frequency of those cycles is at its peak is expected to happen
sooner in the season. The possible impacts of these changes on maple syrup production are
many. Because of its dependence on freeze/thaw cycles, the production season should occur
earlier in time [4]. Duchesne et al. [6]suggested that the period of sugar maple production will
have to be shifted 12 and 19 days earlier in 2050 and 2100 respectively, in order to capture the
optimum climatic conditions necessary to maintain the syrup production at its current level.
This paper aims at investigating the impact of climate change on the timing and duration of the
sap season. To date, the temporal variability of syrup yield has been studied mainly on an annual
basis [1,6], or on finer temporal scales (days) but for only one specific site at a time for a one-year
period [11,13]. As a result, models capable of taking into account the variability in fine temporal
scales and regional differences in timing of the sap season are still lacking. Here, we use a weekly
data set of maple syrup production from 121 sugar maple producers located in 11 regions of Qué-
bec for a period of 13 years along with climate data to build models of maple syrup production
timing. These models are then used to make projections of the impact of climate change on the
Climate Change and Timing of Maple Syrup Production
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framework of the Action Plan 2006-2012 on climate
change in association with Natural Resources
Canada (DH and BC) (
accueil.jsp), (
ministere/fonds-vert/). The funders had no role in
study design, data collection and analysis, decision to
publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
timing (beginning and end) of maple syrup production based on 77 climate change scenarios
issued from global climate models. We hypothesize that the period of syrup production will occur
sooner in spring and that it will become more variable between years.
Maple syrup production and climatic data
Weekly maple syrup production data (kg per tap) for the 19992011 period were obtained
from surveys collected by the « Fédération des Producteurs Acéricoles du Québec » (FPAQ)
from 121 producers scattered over 11 regions in Québec (Fig 1 and Table 1). Weekly data from
all contributing producers from a given region were aggregated to obtain a total of 143 observa-
tions (13 years times 11 regions) for the beginning, end and length of the sap production
period. Daily climate data from several weather stations in each region (Fig 1) were used to
compute the weekly climate variables needed for the predictive model. The modeling was
Fig 1. Study area showing the 11 regions, the location of the producers (grey dot) participating in the survey (19992011) and the weather stations
(black triangle). BSL: Bas-Saint-Laurent; CTS: Côte-du-Sud; BEA: Beauce; QUE: Québec; MAU: Mauricie; LAN: Lanaudière; EST: Estrie; LAU:
Laurentides, Outaouais, Abitibi-Témiscamingue; CDQ: Centre-du-Québec; STY: Saint-Hyacinthe; VAL: Valleyfield.
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carried out with the objective of selecting a small number of variables known to be associated
with one or several mechanisms influencing sap flow. One of the most important process iden-
tified, freeze/thaw cycles, was assessed by testing several temperature variation thresholds
between -3 and +5°C as well as mean daily temperature intervals to obtain the best predictors
of the timing of sap flow (see S1 Table for the complete list of variables used and their descrip-
tion). For consistency, we maintain the term freeze/thaw cycle for climate variable names even
when the threshold temperatures was not 0°C. Similarly, for cumulated degrees days above
(thawing) and below (freezing), the threshold is always calculated relative to the threshold tem-
perature considered. Since the freeze/thaw cycle and cumulative degree day calculations are
inherently sensitive to any smoothing of the temperature signals that result from the averaging
of multiple locations, weekly climate variables were first calculated for individual weather sta-
tions and subsequently averaged for each of the 11 regions.
Timing and duration of production season model
We modeled the duration of the production season, which was defined as the interval between
the first (start) and the last (end) week of production for a given region and year. It is important
to note that this definition may not always match exactly with the physiological sap flow
period, but rather with the period during which maple sap is actively transformed into syrup.
In some circumstances, the actual sap flow period may extend over the production season
because the producers may cease to produce syrup because of low sap quality or volume, espe-
cially towards the end of the season. Our definition thus combines both the physiological and
operational aspects of maple syrup production. Logistic regression was used to predict the
duration, start and end of the production season (Eq 1). The outcome modelled in this case is
whether production is achieved or not in a given week.
Where ^
yis the probability of a given week to have some production, β
to β
are the parame-
ters to estimate, x
to x
the independent explanatory variables, and εthe residual error of the
Table 1. The number of producers surveyed within each region as well as the statistics on the starts, ends and lengths (Julian days) of the period
of production.
Region Number of producersSurveyed Starts Ends Lengths
BSL 15 83±8 (6798) 116±4 (109121) 33±7 (2142)
CTS 12 77±7 (6691) 115±3 (109119) 38±6 (2849)
BEA 15 73±11 (6098) 107±6 (95118) 33±10 (1449)
QUE 15 71±9 (6091) 110±5 (95115) 38±8 (2149)
MAU 8 77±12 (6098) 108±8 (88117) 31±12 (835)
LAN 8 73±10 (5491) 106±7 (94115) 33±8 (2156)
EST 12 73±11 (6098) 108±6 (95115) 35±10 (1449)
LAU 10 73±13 (59104) 110±10 (95139) 37±9 (2149)
CDQ 10 71±11 (5491) 105±8 (93115) 34±12 (2156)
STY 8 66±9 (5381) 102±5 (94111) 34±10 (1442)
VAL 8 65±7 (5676) 101±6 (87106) 34±7 (2142)
Shown is the average±standard deviation as well as the range in brackets.
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A categorical variable was created to discriminate the weeks that belong to the period of pro-
duction. To select the explanatory variables, Pearsons correlation was calculated between the
categorical variable and the climatic variables. Climatic variables with the largest correlations
with the categorical variable were tested individually in a logistic model. The Akaike criterion
(AIC) [17] was used to compare the different models. The model with the smallest AIC was
selected and the correlation between the residuals of the selected model and the climatic vari-
ables was calculated. Variables with high correlation with the residuals were added individually
to the initial model in order to produce improved models. Each improved model was compared
to the initial model with a likelihood ratio test. If the likelihood ratio test detected a significant
difference between the original model and the improved model, the improved model was
retained. Among all the retained improved models, the model with the smallest value of AIC
was kept and the precedent steps were repeated in an attempt to improve the model. These
steps were repeated until additional variables did not improve the model. Once a final model
was obtained, a ten-fold cross-validation was used to test model dependency on the "training"
dataset used to calibrate it [18].
The cut-point (the value between 0 and 1 over which the week was considered as a produc-
tion week) was first established at 0.5 and adjusted iteratively to 0.51 in order to maximise the
sensitivity (ability of the model to accurately classify the production weeks) and specificity
(ability of the model to accurately classify the non-production weeks) of the model.
Climate scenarios
A set of 77 simulations from global climatic models (GCM) was used for syrup production sea-
son projections [19], belonging to three greenhouse gas (GHG) emission scenarios [20]. Simu-
lated daily data, necessary to compute changes in sap flow dates and total production, were
obtained for three temporal horizons: 19712000 (reference), 20462065 (2050 horizon) and
20812100 (2090 horizon). To build local climatic scenarios adapted for the projection of
future maple syrup production, a post-processing method (daily translation) was applied on
the raw climate model data variables of daily min and max temperatures and daily precipita-
tion [21]. The required reference database of daily observations needed for the post-processing
procedure was obtained from the ~10km x 10km gridded daily data described in Hopkinson
et al. [22] and Hutchinson et al. [23].
Projecting the production season timing
The model previously obtained for predicting the start, end and length of the production sea-
son was run with the 77 climatic scenarios to predict the impact of climate change on the tim-
ing and duration of the maple syrup production for each of the 11 regions (Fig 1). Weekly
predictive climate variables used in the timing and duration were first calculated for all simu-
lated years. For each of the 77 climate scenarios, each simulated year of data is used to deter-
mine the start, end and length of the syrup production season using the timing and duration
Results and Discussion
Variability in production period between regions and years
The average day (Julian day) when the production of syrup started for the reference period ran-
ged from 65 (VAL and STY) to 83 (BSL) between regions (Fig 2,Table 1). A similar range was
also observed for the end of the production with average Julian days of 101 and 116 for the
same regions, respectively. The average temperature for the period of January to April (T
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that ranged from -3.7 (VAL) to -7.3°C (BSL), was a strong predictor of the start and end date
(not shown) for each region (Fig 3). Although such a relationship may appear likely, this is the
first time the temperature sensitivity (corresponding to the slope of the relationship shown on
Fig 3) of the phenologyof maple syrup production is quantified. Based on the latter equation,
the onset of syrup production is expected to advance by about four days for each degree of
warming. This value is in good agreement with reported values of changes in the date of flower-
ing and leafing for many plant species that fall within 2.5 to 5 days for a warming of 1°C [24].
Clearly, such a model based on average temperature cannot be used to predict the day at which
the season will start for a given year but it can be used to predict the long term changes in the
onset of the maple syrup production using only scenarios of annual temperature (see below).
Despite the fact that the period of observations is not long in terms of absolute number of
years (n = 13 years), the data set included strong between years and between regions variability
in terms of weather and timing of maple syrup production. Weekly data for the years 2010 and
2008, the years with the earliest and the latest production periods, respectively, showed a 45
week difference in the timing of peak syrup production (data not shown). On a regional and
yearly basis, the earliest date of onset of syrup production, Julian day 53, was observed in the
STY region in 2010 while the latest (Julian day 104) was observed in LAU in 2003 (Table 1).
Ends of the production period showed similar variability with the earliest and latest ends of
production being observed on Julian day 87 (VAL, 2000) and 139 (LAU, 2003), respectively.
Given that when the production starts later it normally ends later, the average length of the
production season was much less variable than start and end dates (Fig 2;Table 1), ranging
from 31 (MAU) to 38 Julian days (CTS and QUE).
Modelling the season of maple syrup production with the logistic model
For explaining/predicting the production or absence of production of syrup in a given week,
the following model was obtained:
Production ¼5:09 þ0:722 FrThw3
:NbCum 0:014 ðFrThw3:NbCumÞ20:07 GDDCum ð2Þ
The logistic model is made of the cumulated number of freeze/thaw events with a threshold
of 3°C (FrThw3:NbCum) along with the same variable squared. It has often been mentioned
Fig 2. Variation in the start (closed circles) and end (open circles) of season (Julian days, left axis). Regions are ranked by increasing mean annual
temperature (closed triangles, right axis).
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that freeze-thaw cycles (with a 0°C threshold) are necessary to induce sap flow for sugar maple.
The threshold of 3°C obtained here may indicate that fluctuations around a given temperature
close to 0°C are sufficient for sap flow to occur. However, the 3°C threshold is the one mea-
sured at the meteorological stations disseminated within each region. It is possible that the
sugar maple stands under study may be located at higher elevation and that they were exposed
to temperature variations closer to 0°C than 3°C. The model also includes the cumulated num-
ber of growing degree-days starting on Julian Day 1 using a 5°C threshold (GDDCum). This
latter variable has a negative effect on the number of weeks with maple syrup production. Its
role in the model is likely for predicting the end of the production period when too much heat
has been accumulated by the maple stands. Overall, the model was successful at classifying
weeks in the proper bin (production or not). The global model accurately predicted 83% of the
production weeks and 95% of the non-production weeks (data not shown).
Projections of future changes in the timing of the production season
The logistic model (Eq 2) was used with the climatic data of 77 scenarios to project future dates
of start and end of the season of syrup production, as well as its length. The absolute values as
well as the delta (changes as compared to the reference period 19712000) are shown in
Table 2. Depending on the regions, the logistic model predicts that the start and end of the pro-
duction season will occur 913 days, and 1519 days earlier for the 20462065 and 20812100
Fig 3. Relationship between average annual spring temperature and average Julian day of the
beginning of the season of syrup maple production for the 11 regions studied. The equation is shown
on the figure along with the r
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periods respectively, as compared to the reference period (Table 2). Given that changes in sea-
son start and end of production dates are nearly similar, the simulations predict no changes in
season length for the 20462065 period and only a small (12 days) but insignificant increase
for the 20812100 period. Overall the magnitude of the changes predicted here are coherent
with the results of Skinner et al. [4] who predicted shifts in the sap season in the order of 15
and 30 days for 2100 using only the B1 and A1fi climate change scenarios, respectively. The B1
Table 2. Projections (average ±standard deviation) for the start, end (Julian days; jd), and length (days; d) of production season and the total
annual production for the reference period 19712000, and two future periods, 20462065 and 20812100.
Mean average date for each period Mean average change relative to 19712000
(n = 77 scénarios) (n = 77 scénarios)
Region Variable (19712000) (20462065) (20812100) (20462065) (20812100)
BSL Start (J.d) 86.2 ±1.4 76.5 ±5.3 69.3 ±7.9 -9.7 ±5.0 -16.9 ±7.7
End (J.d) 123.1 ±0.8 114.0 ±5.4 108.2 ±7.7 -9.1 ±5.2 -14.8 ±7.5
Length (d) 43.9 ±1.9 44.5 ±6.3 45.6 ±8.1 0.6 ±5.8 1.7 ±7.5
CTS Start (J.d) 81.3 ±1.5 71.1 ±5.1 64.3 ±7.0 -10.3 ±4.8 -17.0 ±6.7
End (J.d) 118.3 ±0.9 108.6 ±4.7 102.8 ±7.1 -9.7 ±4.5 -15.5 ±6.9
Length (d) 44.0 ±2.0 44.2 ±6.3 44.9 ±8.7 0.2 ±5.3 0.9 ±7.5
BEA Start (J.d) 74.5 ±1.9 62.7 ±5.3 55.5 ±7.1 -11.8 ±5.5 -19.0 ±7.2
End (J.d) 114.1 ±1.1 103.2 ±5.1 97.2 ±7.1 -10.9 ±4.8 -17.0 ±6.9
Length (d) 46.6 ±2.5 47.1 ±7.6 47.8 ±9.2 0.5 ±7.0 1.2 ±8.2
QUE Start (J.d) 82.5 ±1.8 72.4 ±4.9 65.9 ±6.6 -10.0 ±4.5 -16.6 ±6.4
End (J.d) 118.2 ±0.8 108.7 ±4.6 103.3 ±6.6 -9.5 ±4.5 -14.9 ±6.4
Length (d) 42.7 ±2.0 42.9 ±6.2 43.8 ±8.1 0.3 ±5.2 1.1 ±7.0
MAU Start (J.d) 82.5 ±1.6 73.5 ±4.7 67.3 ±6.3 -9.0 ±4.2 -15.1 ±5.9
End (J.d) 116.7 ±0.9 107.8 ±4.7 102.7 ±6.1 -8.9 ±4.6 -14.0 ±5.9
Length (d) 41.2 ±1.9 41.0 ±6.2 41.8 ±7.4 -0.3 ±5.3 0.6 ±6.3
LAN Start (J.d) 77.3 ±1.5 67.0 ±4.8 60.4 ±6.6 -10.4 ±4.6 -16.9 ±6.2
End (J.d) 113.5 ±0.8 103.2 ±4.9 98.0 ±6.3 -10.3 ±4.7 -15.5 ±6.1
Length (d) 43.1 ±1.9 43.0 ±6.6 44.1 ±7.9 -0.2 ±5.9 1.0 ±6.9
EST Start (J.d) 67.5 ±1.9 55.0 ±5.7 49.0 ±7.7 -12.4 ±6.1 -18.4 ±7.6
End (J.d) 109.4 ±1.1 98.2 ±5.7 91.7 ±7.6 -11.2 ±5.3 -17.6 ±7.2
Length (d) 48.9 ±2.3 49.6 ±8.5 48.8 ±10.4 0.7 ±8.2 -0.1 ±9.6
LAU Start (J.d) 76.3 ±1.5 64.7 ±5.5 57.9 ±6.8 -11.6 ±5.5 -18.4 ±6.6
End (J.d) 111.6 ±0.9 101.3 ±4.9 95.8 ±6.7 -10.3 ±4.7 -15.8 ±6.6
Length (d) 42.3 ±1.7 43.3 ±7.0 44.6 ±7.7 1.0 ±6.6 2.3 ±7.1
CDQ Start (J.d) 69.4 ±1.7 56.3 ±5.3 50.1 ±7.2 -13.1 ±5.6 -19.3 ±7.1
End (J.d) 108.7 ±1.1 98.4 ±4.6 92.3 ±6.9 -10.3 ±4.4 -16.4 ±6.7
Length (d) 46.2 ±2.2 48.7 ±7.2 48.6 ±9.1 2.4 ±6.9 2.4 ±8.5
STY Start (J.d) 61.7 ±1.6 48.3 ±6.3 42.9 ±7.6 -13.4 ±6.4 -18.8 ±7.5
End (J.d) 103.5 ±1.4 92.7 ±5.0 86.2 ±7.0 -10.8 ±4.7 -17.3 ±6.8
Length (d) 48.8 ±1.9 50.8 ±8.5 49.7 ±10.0 2.1 ±7.9 0.9 ±9.3
VAL Start (J.d) 60.6 ±1.6 47.2 ±6.3 42.1 ±7.5 -13.3 ±5.9 -18.5 ±7.0
End (J.d) 102.7 ±1.3 91.7 ±4.9 85.9 ±6.9 -11.0 ±4.6 -16.8 ±6.8
Length (d) 49.1 ±2.3 51.0 ±8.5 50.0 ±10.1 1.9 ±7.5 0.9 ±8.9
Shifts in season start and end between the reference (19712000) and future periods are also reported as delta days; d). It is important to note that
the ±standard deviation values reported are indicative of uncertainty in the mean Julian date between the 77 climate scenarios and do not represent year
to year variability. Please see Fig 1 title for region acronyms.
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scenario is more similar to the median scenario used in our simulations while the A1fi scenario
is one of the most extreme in terms of increased temperature which explains the particularly
strong changes (30 days) in season timing obtained with the latter scenario.
The projections obtained with the logistic model were compared with the projections of the
model based on average T
temperature. For this comparison, the emphasis was put on the
start of the production season since the length is not projected to be affected in the future.
Moreover, the start of the season is crucial from an operational point of view for the producers
since they normally tap the maple trees a few weeks before they expect the season to begin. On
some occasions, if sap flow starts much earlier than usual, the producers may not be ready to
collect sap and may face economic losses.
The comparison between the projections of the two models is shown in Fig 4 for the first
day of production (panel A) as well as for its displacement in time (panel B) for the 20812100
period (n = 847, 77 simulations x 11 regions). There was a strong agreement between the two
models (r
= 0.80, p <0.001) regarding the first day of production which was mainly driven by
the regional gradient (both models are ranking the regions fairly in the same order since there
is an average annual temperature gradient between regions, Fig 2). The displacement in time of
the first day of production (panel B) was also comparable in terms of dispersion (similar vari-
ability and range) and both models yielded identical average displacements of -17.5 ± 7 days
(n = 847). A strong correlation between the numbers of days of displacement was not expected
(as compared to day of start, panel A) since there is no major regional differences in the projec-
tion of displacement (Table 2). The large number of simulations as well as the very good agree-
ment of the two models which are based on different and weakly interrelated variables, suggest
a robust assessment of the projected changes in the future. The results mean that sugar maple
trees, as well as syrup producers, must adapt to seasons that will start earlier than at present
which appears plausible given that past observations included some very early and very late
Fig 4. Relationship between the Julian day of the start of the season production (left panel, A) as projected with the logistic model (x axis) and the
model (y axis) for the 20812100 period for each of the 77 simulation for the 11 regions (n = 847). The right panel (B) shows the distribution of the
displacement (delta Julian day) of the 20812100 vs the 19712000 period.
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In our study, the use of a great number of climatic scenarios is useful not only for obtaining
a robust estimation of changes in the timing of the maple syrup production season, but also to
assess the variability around the average estimates. Although the use of the median result of
many climatic simulations is seen as robust [15], there is quite a lot of variation among the 77
simulations for a given region. An example of the detailed results obtained with the logistic
model is illustrated on Fig 5 for the Valleyfield region (VAL). The density probability curves of
each of the date of onset (panel A) or ends (panel B) of production for a given year obtained by
each of the 77 individual simulations and for each period of time considered are shown as well
as for season lengths (panel C). Overall, our projections for the start, end and length of the pro-
duction season tend to suggest an increase in variability for the future, as shown by the density
probability curves that show an increasing spread (panels B and C for date of end and season
lengths) in future projections and also by the increasing standard deviation coefficient in the
period 20412060 and 20812100 as compared to the 19712000 period (Table 2). However,
this apparent increase could be simply due to the large number of climate scenarios used
(based on multiple climate models, driven with different scenarios of GHG emissions), whereas
only one "scenario" will be realized in the future. In fact, total climate projection uncertainty is
known to increase into the future as families of GHG emissions (SRES families) diverge and by
the fact that the various climate models have different sensitivities to a given amount of GHG
forcing [25]. To investigate the potential for a higher variability in the future, we computed the
standard deviation in annual production for each period (n = 20 years each) and simulation. In
other words, we compare the variation in the results obtained for each simulation between
periods, not among simulations. We could not detect a significant change in variation for the
future (Table 3). We thus concluded that the shift to an earlier sap season in the future will not
be accompanied by an increase in between year variability in the timing of maple syrup
The data for the VAL region also show that a few simulations for the 20812100 period are
projecting years with short seasons (13 weeks), or even no season at all (Fig 5C; red lines
crossing the Y axisintercept = 0 means no season). These rare events will correspond to
extremeyears in a climate where the average start of the season for the VAL region will be
displaced by 19 days (Table 2). These events will be more frequent for the southernmost
regions (data not shown), where the climate is already warmer but since their absolute fre-
quency is still projected to be small, no significant impacts on between year variability are pro-
jected. Interestingly, such effect (quasi-absence of a season resulting in a low syrup yield) was
already observed in several US states [26] in the exceptionally warm spring of 2012, perhaps
telling of what the future holds for these regions.
In this study, we built models capable of predicting the start and the end (and thereby length)
of the maple syrup production period based on a unique data set of weekly observations made
at 121 maple stands spread in 11 regions of the province of Québec (which is responsible for
75% of the world sugar maple syrup production). There was a strong spatial and temporal vari-
ability in the timing of the production period. In warmer regions, production began on average
17 days earlier as compared to colder regions. The average date of the beginning of production
can be predicted with success with the average temperature from January to April. A logistic
model using climatic variables associated with the physiological process of sap flow was also
built from the 143 individual observations (13 years x 11 regions) for predicting the period of
syrup production. When used in combination with 77 global climate scenarios, the models pre-
dict that the period of production will begin 913 and 1519 days earlier for the 20462065
Climate Change and Timing of Maple Syrup Production
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and 20812100 periods, respectively, but its length is not projected to change. The strong
agreement between the two independent models suggests a robust assessment of the changes in
Fig 5. Probability density for the start (A), end (B) and length (C) of production season for the Saint-Jean Valleyfield region for the 19712000,
20462065 and 20812100 periods, respectively. Each thin line represents the distribution of the different years within each of the 77 projections based on
the 77 global climate scenarios.
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Table 3. Year to year variability (mean standard deviation ±1 SD) for the start and end, and duration of the season for the three study periods.
standard deviation for each period
(n = 77 scenarios)
Region Variable (19712000) (20462065) (20812100)
BSL Start (J.d) 12.3 ±2.4 13.2 ±2.9 14.4 ±3.5
End (J.d) 7.4 ±1.6 7.7 ±1.9 8.8 ±2.6
9.6 ±1.9 11.2 ±2.9 12.4 ±3.3
CTS Start (J.d) 14.3 ±2.6 14.9 ±3.1 15.5 ±3.4
End (J.d) 7.8 ±1.8 8.4 ±2.0 9.5 ±2.6
11.3 ±2.0 13.4 ±3.2 13.8 ±3.7
BEA Start (J.d) 16.4 ±2.0 16.4 ±3.1 16.8 ±3.0
End (J.d) 8.5 ±1.6 9.4 ±2.4 10.7 ±2.9
13.4 ±2.2 15.2 ±2.9 15.6 ±3.7
QUE Start (J.d) 12.6 ±2.5 13.2 ±2.9 14.4 ±3.3
End (J.d) 7.4 ±1.6 8.1 ±2.0 9.0 ±2.5
9.9 ±2.2 12.0 ±3.1 12.9 ±3.3
MAU Start (J.d) 12.0 ±1.9 12.8 ±2.9 14.0 ±3.5
End (J.d) 7.6 ±1.5 8.4 ±1.9 8.9 ±2.1
9.6 ±1.7 11.6 ±2.8 12.4 ±3.3
LAN Start (J.d) 13.9 ±2.0 14.7 ±3.0 15.3 ±3.5
End (J.d) 8.1 ±1.4 8.9 ±2.1 9.5 ±2.4
11.1 ±2.2 13.2 ±2.8 13.3 ±3.3
EST Start (J.d) 17.7 ±2.4 17.0 ±2.9 16.2 ±2.6
End (J.d) 9.3 ±2.1 9.9 ±2.4 11.1 ±2.3
14.9 ±2.3 15.7 ±2.8 15.3 ±3.2
LAU Start (J.d) 14.0 ±1.9 15.4 ±3.0 16.1 ±2.9
End (J.d) 8.2 ±1.6 9.0 ±2.1 9.7 ±2.3
11.6 ±2.0 14.0 ±2.9 13.8 ±3.1
CDQ Start (J.d) 16.8 ±2.0 16.8 ±3.0 16.6 ±2.7
End (J.d) 8.2 ±1.5 8.9 ±1.9 10.3 ±3.0
13.8 ±2.0 15.5 ±3.1 15.2 ±3.5
STY Start (J.d) 17.8 ±1.7 16.5 ±3.0 15.5 ±3.0
End (J.d) 8.9 ±1.9 9.6 ±2.2 10.8 ±2.5
15.0 ±2.0 15.7 ±2.8 14.9 ±3.3
VAL Start (J.d) 18.6 ±1.9 16.7 ±2.9 15.6 ±2.9
End (J.d) 8.9 ±1.7 9.8 ±2.3 10.6 ±2.5
15.7 ±1.8 15.8 ±2.7 15.1 ±3.4
The standard deviation reported is indicative of uncertainty between the 77 climate scenarios. Please see Fig 1 for region acronyms.
Climate Change and Timing of Maple Syrup Production
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timing. The results also show that there will be a higher frequency of extreme years with short
season of production in the future, especially in the southern part of the province. However,
according to our projections, this would not be sufficient to quantitatively increase the inter-
annual variability in the dates of beginning and end of the production season. Given that pre-
dicting extremeyears with very short season of production is more difficult than predicting
average yearsin terms of production season timing, and considering that the data available
for model calibration covered a relatively short period of time (13 years), caution is warranted
when interpreting the projected occurrence of short seasonsin the future. More research is
needed to further investigate this possibility and to assess the potential impacts on maple syrup
Overall, the results show that syrup producers will be facing sap seasons starting earlier than
at present which means that they must adapt by being ready to tap the sugar maple trees earlier
in the season. On the other hand, the projected stability of the inter-annual variability in the
beginning of the sap season, indicate that the syrup producers will not be confronted to a
greater between years uncertainty with regards to the moment of tapping the trees.
Supporting Information
S1 Table. Description of climate variables used in the construction of statistical models.
We would like to thank Jean-Pierre Bellegarde and Simon Trépanier from the Fédération des
Producteurs Acéricoles du Québecfor their support and for giving us access to their unique
data base of weekly sugar maple production. Special thanks also to Anne Blondlot from Oura-
nos for her invaluable help in starting this project. The costs associated with this research were
covered by the Ministère des Forêts,de la Faune et des Parcs du Québecand Le Fond Vert du
Ministère du Développement Durable,Environnement,et Parc du Québecwithin the frame-
work of the Action Plan 20062012 on climate change in association with Natural Resources
Canada. Regarding the GCM data, we acknowledge the modeling groups, the Program for Cli-
mate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI) and the WCRP's Working Group on
Coupled Modelling (WGCM) for their roles in making available the WCRP CMIP3 multi-
model dataset. Support of this dataset is provided by the Office of Science, U.S. Department of
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: DH BC LD. Performed the experiments: HP BC DH
TL. Analyzed the data: HP BC TL AP IC. Wrote the paper: DH AP BC HP TL LD IC. Drafting
of manuscript for publication, translation to English, and critical reviewing: AP.
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Supplementary resource (1)

... As temperature is involved in the physical properties and physiological reactivation of maple (Kim and Leech 1985), climate change may have a strong impact on sap production (Houle et al. 2015). Climatic events involving earlier and warmer springs are expected to occur more frequently under the current climate change, mainly at the northern latitudes (Wegge and Rolstad 2017), potentially modifying the temporal dynamics (i.e., timing of sap production) or the amount of sap produced (Skinner et al. 2010;Houle et al. 2015). ...
... As temperature is involved in the physical properties and physiological reactivation of maple (Kim and Leech 1985), climate change may have a strong impact on sap production (Houle et al. 2015). Climatic events involving earlier and warmer springs are expected to occur more frequently under the current climate change, mainly at the northern latitudes (Wegge and Rolstad 2017), potentially modifying the temporal dynamics (i.e., timing of sap production) or the amount of sap produced (Skinner et al. 2010;Houle et al. 2015). In Quebec, the Canadian Earth System Model predicts warmings of 3.9 °C and 8.5 °C under RCP 4.5 and 8.5, respectively, and an increase of precipitation of 10 and 7% for 2100 (Boulanger et al. 2021). ...
... In Quebec, the Canadian Earth System Model predicts warmings of 3.9 °C and 8.5 °C under RCP 4.5 and 8.5, respectively, and an increase of precipitation of 10 and 7% for 2100 (Boulanger et al. 2021). Accordingly, the production period may advance by 2 to 3 weeks (Duchesne et al. 2009;Houle et al. 2015). A warmer temperature could also advance bud burst (Ren et al. 2020), possibly shortening the season of maple syrup production. ...
Global warming is affecting plant phenology, with potential consequences on the dynamics of growth reactivation of sugar maple and the timings of maple syrup production. In this study, we assess the temperatures inducing the daily reactivation or cessation of sap production. We selected 19 sugarbushes across Quebec, Canada, using a tapping method associated with the tubing system, we recorded the daily timings of onset and ending of sap production during winter and spring 2018, and we associated the hourly temperatures at each site. Sap production occurred from mid-February to the end of April, starting on average between 10 and 11 AM, and ending from 6 to 8 PM. We observed a seasonal pattern in the onset and ending of sap production during spring, with the onset showing a greater change than the ending. Onset and ending of sap production occurred mostly under temperatures ranging between -2 and 2 °C. The production of sap in maple is closely related to circadian freeze-thaw cycles and occurs under nighttime and daytime temperatures fluctuating below and above 0 °C. The daily lengthening of the duration of sap production mirrors the changes in the timings of freeze and thaw events and can be explained by the physical properties of the water and the physiological processes occurring during growth reactivation. The ongoing warming will result in earlier and warmer springs, which may anticipate the cycles of freeze and thaw and advance sap production in sugar maple.
... Thermal thresholds, above and below 0 °C play a critical role in triggering sap exudation, and the specific conditions required to initiate the sugar season are well documented (Skinner et al. 2010, Rapp et al. 2019. In North America, this season typically occurs within a specific timeframe in late winter and early spring (Houle et al. 2015). The northern sites, located in the same climatic zone and experiencing similar weather, showed similar timings of sap exudation, with trees within the same site exhibiting comparable onset, ending and duration of the sugar season (Kurokawa et al. 2022). ...
Sap yield for maple syrup production is well studied at annual scale. However, the phenological timings of sap production have been less explored. Our study tested the use of rain gauges for monitoring timings and dynamics of sap production at daily temporal resolution. The batteries of the rain gauges were tested under controlled conditions at temperatures ranging from -20 to 5 °C and logging intervals of 15 and 30 minutes. In 2022, eight rain gauges were installed in the field on maples located in four sites along a latitudinal gradient in Quebec, Canada. The batteries performed well at all temperatures in both field and controlled conditions, showing a higher state of charge at logging intervals of 30 minutes with temperatures warmer than -15 °C. The dynamics of sap exudation were correlated among and within sites, demonstrating that trees respond to common environmental factors at regional scale. The natural sap production was discontinuous, alternating productive and non-productive days. Overall, 74% of the sap was exudated during 20% of the sugar season, which matched the proportions described by the Pareto law. Such a heterogeneous and unbalanced distribution in sap exudation exposes small producers to challenges for the use of equipment and makes maple syrup production sensitive to climate hazards in a context of climate change.
... In the past, most of the literature focused on the relationships of meteorological conditions with sap yield (Ceseri and Stockie, 2013;Graf et al., 2015;Tyree, 1983). Meteorological variables have been linked to both sap yield and sugar content (Duchesne and Houle, 2014;Houle et al., 2015;Pothier, 1995;Rapp et al., 2019). Variations in sap yield and sugar content due to non-climatic factors, such as tap, tree, and site characteristics, have long been suggested as an additional source of variation (Taylor, 1956), yet they have received much less attention. ...
Full-text available
Maple sugaring mainly uses sugar and red maples (Acer saccharum and Acer rubrum) by tapping them for sap in the leafless-state across large portions of their ranges. How much sap exudes from a tap hole and how sweet this sap is, can vary substantially. Year-to-year variation in sap yield and sugar content can be primarily traced to differences in meteorological conditions that drive sap runs. Yet, how much of the total variation in sap yield and sugar content is linked to the year, site, species, tree, or tap has not been investigated systematically. Here, we reviewed the literature and also compiled a dataset of sap yield and sugar content from gravity taps on 324 red and sugar maples. The compiled data originates from multiple studies at ten sites across a large proportion of the ranges of sugar and red maple and stretches over eleven years. Using about 15 000 data points on sap yield and sap sugar content, we analysed the importance of tap and tree characteristics, such as height of the tap hole on the stem or diameter at breast height. We also review previous research on the importance of tap and tree characteristics in maple sugaring. Moreover, we partition variability in the data to attribute it to species, site, tree, year, and tap characteristics. Our results indicate that species, site and tree characteristics are the three largest sources of variability with regards to sap yield and the sap's sucrose concentration. However, differences between years and tap characteristics, which were found to be comparatively minor sources of variability in sap yield and the sap's sucrose concentration, have attracted far more attention in the past. We advocate for the continuation and expansion of systematic measurements of sap characteristics across a network of sites to further improve our understanding of maple sugaring. Such an understanding will be instrumental to prepare maple sugaring operations against the imminent effects of the climate and biodiversity crises and ensure their sustainability to perpetuate this traditional activity.
... (2) Farmers in New England are primed with an interest in new forms of agriculture and may be interested to adopt insect farming if they are provided evidence demonstrating the viability of regional entomoculture (Houle et al., 2015). A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a New England insect farm could generate in situ productivity estimates, as well as measures of potential ecological impacts and sustainability, including opportunities to produce case studies of the benefits, costs, and overall financial potential of a regional entomophagy-based business model (Halloran et al., 2016;Smetana et al., 2021). ...
Full-text available
Edible insects recycle food waste, which can help feed a hungrier planet by making food systems more circular and diversifying protein production. The potential for entomophagy (i.e., insect cuisine) to contribute to waste recycling and lower input food production is only beginning to be explored in the U.S., although insects have been consumed by people for millennia in a wide range of cultures. In this perspective piece, we consider as a case study the potential for university foodservice programs in New England to serve as incubators for circular entomophagous food systems. Students are likely early adopters of entomophagy because they increasingly demand sustainable non-meat protein options. University foodservices meanwhile purchase large amounts of food wholesale from local producers, utilize standardized pre-processing, and generate consistent waste streams which may be valuable feed for local insect farmers. Current Farm to Institution approaches strengthen regional food systems by connecting small farmers with university foodservices; we argue that a similar model (Farm to Institution to Farm) could support establishment of local insect farms, introduce edible insects to a relatively receptive base of university student customers, and provide a more sustainable mechanism for repurposing university food waste as insect feed. But to enable this type of food system, additional requirements include: (1) research on domestication of native insect species; (2) investment in processing capacity, ensuring new insect farmers have reliable markets for raw insect products; (3) infrastructure to recirculate waste streams within existing food systems; and (4) creation of recipes that entice new insect consumers.
Ce rapport présente des perspectives régionales sur la façon dont les changements climatiques impactent nos communautés, notre environnement et notre économie ainsi que la manière dont nous nous adaptons. Dirigé par Ressources naturelles Canada, les chapitres de ce rapport seront publiés sur une base continue entre 2020 et 2022.
We demonstrate the application of synchrotron x-ray microtomography (microCT) to non-invasively examine the internal structure of a maple and birch sapling. We show that, through the use of standard image analysis techniques, embolised vessels can be extracted from reconstructed slices of the stem. By combining these thresholded images with connectivity analysis, we map out the embolisms within the sapling in three dimensions and evaluate the size distribution, showing that large embolisms over 0.005 mm3 in volume compose the majority of the saplings' total embolised volume. Finally we evaluate the radial distribution of embolisms, showing that in maple fewer embolisms are present towards the cambium, while birch has a more uniform distribution.
Full-text available
The use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in commercial greenhouse production is rapidly increasing due to technological advancements, increased spectral control, and improved energy efficiency. Research is needed to determine the value and efficacy of LEDs when compared to traditional lighting systems. The primary objective of this project was to establish the impact of narrow bandwidth blue(B)/red(R) LED lighting ratios on flavor volatiles in hydroponic basil (Ocimum basilicum var. ‘Genovese’) in comparison to non-supplemented natural light controls and traditional high-pressure sodium (HPS) lighting. Emphasis was placed on evaluating the efficacy of LED/HPS lighting sources and their impact on biomass, nutrient uptake, and flavor volatile concentrations in basil. Specific ratios of narrow-band B/R (447 nm/627 nm) LED light were used in addition to incremental daily light integrals (DLIs) to determine the impact of spectral quality and light intensity on primary and secondary metabolism of basil. Edible biomass and nutrient uptake were significantly impacted by supplemental lighting treatments and growing season. The 20B/80R LED treatment had the greatest total fresh biomass (FM) and dry biomass (DM) accumulation. Mineral analyses showed that both macro and micronutrient accumulations were impacted with supplemental lighting and across growing seasons. Many flavor volatiles varied across light treatments and showed a non-linear relationship with increasing B/R LED ratios, with the highest concentrations observed in LED ratios ranging from 20B/80R to 50B/50R. However, the concentrations of some compounds, such as methyl eugenol, were 3-4x higher in the control treatments, and decreased significantly for basil grown under supplemental lighting treatments. Every compound evaluated showed significant differences across lighting treatments and growing seasons. The results of this study show that supplemental narrow-wavelength light treatments from LED sources may be used to manipulate plant development and secondary metabolism. In addition, spectral quality and DLI have significant impacts on biomass accumulation, nutrient uptake, and flavor volatile composition in basil. The application of LED lighting to supplement natural DLI has great potential for improving overall flavor quality for high-value specialty herbs.
Full-text available
Sugar maple syrup production is an important economic activity for eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. Since annual variations in syrup yield have been related to climate, there are concerns about the impacts of climatic change on the industry in the upcoming decades. Although the temporal variability of syrup yield has been studied for specific sites on different time scales or for large regions, a model capable of accounting for both temporal and regional differences in yield is still lacking. In the present study, we studied the factors responsible for interregional and interannual variability in maple syrup yield over the 2001-2012 period, by combining the data from 8 Quebec regions (Canada) and 10 U.S. states. The resulting model explained 44.5% of the variability in yield. It includes the effect of climatic conditions that precede the sapflow season (variables from the previous growing season and winter), the effect of climatic conditions during the current sapflow season, and terms accounting for intercountry and temporal variability. Optimal conditions for maple syrup production appear to be spatially restricted by less favourable climate conditions occurring during the growing season in the north, and in the south, by the warmer winter and earlier spring conditions. This suggests that climate change may favor maple syrup production northwards, while southern regions are more likely to be negatively affected by adverse spring conditions.
Full-text available
The future rainfall series used to drive hydrological models in most climate change impact studies is informed by global climate models (GCMs). This paper compares future runoff projections in ~11 000 0.25° grid cells across Australia from a daily rainfall-runoff model driven with future daily rainfall series obtained using three simple scaling methods, informed by 14 GCMs. In the constant scaling and daily scaling methods, the historical daily rainfall series is scaled by the relative difference between GCM simulations for the future and historical climates. The constant scaling method scales all the daily rainfall by the same factor, and the daily scaling method takes into account changes in the daily rainfall distribution by scaling the different daily rainfall amounts differently. In the daily translation method, the GCM future daily rainfall series is translated to a 0.25° gridcell rainfall series using the relationship established between the historical GCM-scale rainfall and 0.25° gridcell rainfall data. The daily scaling and daily translation methods generally give higher extreme and annual runoff than the constant scaling method because they take into account the increase in extreme daily rainfall (which generates significant runoff) simulated by the large majority of the GCMs. However, the difference between the mean annual runoff simulated with future daily rainfall series obtained using the constant versus daily scaling methods is generally less than 5%, which is relatively smaller than the range of runoff results from the different GCMs of 30%-40%.
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The application of trivariate thin-plate smoothing splines to the interpolation of daily weather data is investigated. The method was used to develop spatial models of daily minimum and maximum temperature and daily precipitation for all of Canada, at a spatial resolution of 300 arc s of latitude and longitude, for the period 1961-2003. Each daily model was optimized automatically by minimizing the generalized cross validation. The fitted trivariate splines incorporated a spatially varying dependence on ground elevation and were able to adapt automatically to the large variation in station density over Canada. Extensive quality control measures were performed on the source data. Error estimates for the fitted surfaces based on withheld data across southern Canada were comparable to, or smaller than, errors obtained by daily interpolation studies elsewhere with denser data networks. Mean absolute errors in daily maximum and minimum temperature averaged over all years were 1.1° and 1.6°C, respectively. Daily temperature extremes were also well matched. Daily precipitation is challenging because of short correlation length scales, the preponderance of zeros, and significant error associated with measurement of snow. A two-stage approach was adopted in which precipitation occurrence was estimated and then used in conjunction with a surface of positive precipitation values. Daily precipitation occurrence was correctly predicted 83% of the time. Withheld errors in daily precipitation were small, with mean absolute errors of 2.9 mm, although these were relatively large in percentage terms. However, mean percent absolute errors in seasonal and annual precipitation totals were 14% and 9%, respectively, and seasonal precipitation upper 95th percentiles were attenuated on average by 8%. Precipitation and daily maximum temperatures were most accurately interpolated in the autumn, consistent with the large well-organized synoptic systems that prevail in this season. Daily minimum temperatures were most accurately interpolated in summer. The withheld data tests indicate that the models can be used with confidence across southern Canada in applications that depend on daily temperature and accumulated seasonal and annual precipitation. They should be used with care in applications that depend critically on daily precipitation extremes.
Temperature, sunlight and precipitation were studied to examine their influence on sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh) sap flow over a five-year period. Temperature was the most important climatic factor influencing the amount of sap flow. Sunlight also increased the sap flow, but rain one day before the sap collection reduced it.
On 1 July 1961, the climatological day was redefined to end at 0600 UTC at all principal climate stations in Canada. Prior to that, the climatological day at principal stations ended at 1200 UTC for maximum temperature and precipitation and 0000 UTC for minimum temperature and was similar to the climatological day at ordinary stations. Hutchinson et al. reported occasional larger-than-expected residuals at 50 withheld stations when the Australian National University Spline (ANUSPLIN) interpolation scheme was applied to daily data for 1961-2003, and it was suggested that these larger residuals were in part due to the existence of different climatological days. In this study, daily minimum and maximum temperatures at principal stations were estimated using hourly temperatures for the same climatological day as local ordinary climate stations for the period 1953-2007. Daily precipitation was estimated at principal stations using synoptic precipitation data for the climatological day ending at 1200 UTC, which, for much of the country, was close to the time of the morning observation at ordinary climate stations. At withheld principal stations, the climatological-day adjustments led to the virtual elimination of large residuals in maximum and minimum temperature and a marked reduction in precipitation residuals. Across all 50 withheld stations the climatological day adjustments led to significant reductions, by around 12% for daily maximum temperature, 15% for daily minimum temperature, and 22% for precipitation, in the residuals reported by Hutchinson et al.
A study was initiated in 1975 on a sugar maple (Acersaccharum Marsh.) stand of the Station forestière de Duchesnay (46°57′N, 71°39′W) to determine the effect of thinning on sap production of sugar maple. From 1975 to 1989, spring sap flow and sugar concentration were measured in 58 sample plots distributed in five blocks within which three intensities of thinning (0, 22, and 35% of the initial basal area) were applied. Thinning intensities only accounted for a small part of the variation in sap volume per tap and sap sugar concentration. However, more than 60% of the variation of these two sap characteristics was related to year-to-year variations. This suggests that sap yield and sap sugar concentration were largely controlled by the different climatic conditions that occurred during these years. Hence, sap yield was strongly correlated with the number of days characterized by temperature fluctuations around 0 °C during springtime and by winter precipitation. Sap sugar concentration was also correlated to the number of days with temperature fluctuating around 0 °C during springtime but all other tested meteorological variables failed to improve this relationship. While thinning intensities did not affect sap yield per tap and sugar concentration, sugar yield per hectare could be improved by thinning over the long term since it increased the potential number of taps per hectare.
It has already been shown that a relation exists between the daily rate of spring sap flow and the twig temperature of sugar maple. The authors first develop a method to calculate this temperature from radiation, wind speed, and air temperature. For each sap flow cycle, the values of four factors controlling the phenomenon are determined: the number of hours and degree-hours below 0 °C and above 0 °C. Each factor is then converted into an efficiency function. The combination of the four functions gives the global efficiency of the climatic conditions for each sap flow cycle. The flows calculated from the global efficiency are strongly correlated (r = 0.94) with the measured ones.