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1877–0428 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 15 (2011) 2319–2323
Emotional intelligence and self-efficacy beliefs as predictors of
academic achievement among high school students
Hikmet YazÕFÕa
1*, Sevda Seyisa , Fatma Altuna
aKaradeniz Technical University,KTU Fatih Faculty of Education,Trabzon,61335, Turkey
Abstrac t
The purpose of the present cross-sectional study was to investigate the influence of emotional intelligence and self efficacy
beliefs on academic achievement of high school students. The sample consisted of 407 (Female= 236, Male= 171) participants
recruited from high school students. The instruments of this study were: The Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, Self-Efficacy
Beliefs Scale and a demographic information form. The results indicated that age, gender and self-efficacy are the significant
predictors of academic achievement. We found statistical evidence of an interaction effect between academic achievement and
socio-economic status. On the other hand females’ academic achievement scores were found to be significantly higher than
© 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Self- Efficacy and Academic Achievement
1. Introducti on
On the basis of increasing technology and knowledge-based occupations, academic qualifications and
equipment of high school students today are of great importance more than ever. Academic deficiencies and low
levels of secondary school students on the way of being professional staff, may cause great damages as both
individual and societal. Despite the critical importance of education at secondary education level, has been reported
that in one year, more than 360 thousand high school students whose ages are between 15-19 had dropout the school
in Turkey (E÷itim Reformu Giriúimi, 2009). According to this report, there is a negative relationship between
academic achievement of students and leaving the school. In other words, students' academic failure may be the
reason of school dropouts. When we consider the growing importance of education of secondary students, it is not
surprising that many studies have been made investigating the factors affecting students' academic success in this
period. Academic achievement, as well as intelligence and ability were found to be associated with many factors,
such as socio-economic factors (Lillydahl, 1990), peer relationships (Bjarnason, 2000), motivation (Bergin, 1998;
Bong, 2001), test anxiety and the perception of social support (YÕldÕUÕm & Ergene, 2003).
Recently, another factor that is thought to have an impact on the academic achievement is the emotional
intelligence. Initially, the emotional intelligence that was regarded as a sub-dimension of social intelligence, in the
further studies has been suggested as a wide type of intelligence that also takes the social intelligence into (Salovey
1 Hikmet Yazici. Tel.: +90 462 377 7084
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Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
2320 Hikmet Yazıcı et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 15 (2011) 2319–2323
& Mayer, 1997). Emotional intelligence is defined by Salovey and Mayer (1990) as the process of one's assessment
of his own and others' emotions accurately, to express feelings appropriately and process of emotional information
including the regulation of emotion to make the life better. According to Cooper and Sawaf (1997), the emotional
intelligence is the ability of using effectively the emotions’ power and acumen, as a source of human energy,
information, connection and influence. Goleman (2010) has been defined the emotional intelligence as recognizing
and managing feelings, self-action, the ability of understanding the others’ feelings and to conduct the relationships.
According to Espstein (1998), emotional intelligence is a mental a skill and requires not only having emotions, but
also to understanding of their means. Individuals with higher emotional intelligence, are persons who grew up in
families emotionally sensitive, open to criticism, know how to express their feelings in different and effective ways,
can share and discusses their feelings, aesthetics, morals, ethics, leadership, social, and are individuals with
advanced level of knowledge related to problem solving and spiritual issues (Mayer, Salovey and Caruso, 2004).
When all these positive features are considered, it is pleasing to know that the emotional intelligence is learnable
and property can be developed (Mayer and Salovey, 1997). In educational applications with giving importance to
cognitive intelligence as well as emotional intelligence, it is thought that there will be positive developments in
academic achievement and quality of life of the students.
Other features that are effective on students' academic achievements are the self-efficacy beliefs. Self-efficacy
beliefs that emerged with Social Learning Theory for the first time can be defined as personal judgments about how
well the individual act in dealing with possible situations (Bandura, 1982). Academic self-efficacy belief is about
how extent a person feels himself in completing the academic tasks successfully. Students' goals, motivation levels,
academic achievements affect their adequacy beliefs in learning and getting greater academic achievements
(Schunk, 2009). Bandura (1995) stated that the self-efficacy beliefs have four main sources. These are direct
experiences and indirect experiences provided by social or models, verbal persuasion, and individuals' physical and
emotional situations. The most effective of these on self-efficacy beliefs are direct experiences. While a person can
develop a strong belief in self-efficacy with having success as a result of his own experiences, in opposite his
failures may effect these beliefs negatively. Efficacy beliefs related with past experiences’ consequences, affect the
success or failure status in the future and consequently affect the academic motivation. Students with high self-
efficacy beliefs, become more willing in learning activities comparing with students with low self- efficacy. They
spend more effort toward the activities and can develop more effective strategies against the difficulties they have
faced (Eggen ve Kauchak, 1997). Self-efficacy is known to provide individuals acquire new knowledge and to
develop their skills for a better life or for their own purposes (Bandura, 1995). Therefore, strengthening students'
individual resources such as self-efficacy, would contribute to achieve to the objectives of education system.
In this study it is being investigated that how emotional intelligences and self-efficacy beliefs of secondary
school students, can be predictor of their academic achievements. In addition it is examined if there is differentiation
in the students’ academic achievement as regards of gender and socio-economic status.
2. Method
2.1. Participants
The research group is composed of 407 (171 females, 236 Males) secondary school students. The mean of ages
of the students is 11.16 (SD = 1.1) and the average of their academic scores is 75.93 (SD = 13.49). The majority of
the students (82.8%) have a moderate level of economic income. 128 of the participants (31.4%) study in the ninth
grade, 110 (27%) in the tenth grade, 114 (28%) in the eleventh grade and 55 (13.5%) in the twelfth grade.
2.2. Instruments
2.2.1. Data Collection Form
It is developed by the researchers to determine of academic achievements and some demographic
characteristics of the students participating in the research. In this form, there are questions related the age, gender,
class, socio-economic status of the family and the last semester academic scores averages.
2.2.2. Emotional Intelligence Scale
Turkish version of the scale that originally developed by Hall, were made by Ergin (2000). Totally 30-item
scale, consists of five sub-factors as awareness of emotions, managing emotions, motivating oneself, empathy and
handling relationships. The scale is a 6 Likert-type scale. The high scores from the scale, indicates a high emotional
Hikmet Yazıcı et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 15 (2011) 2319–2323 2321
intelligence. As a result of "item-total" factor analysis made for the EIS, it is understood that scale items range from
.73 to .89. In the studies of the reliability of the scale, it is found that the scale total score correlation of the first-end
application were .84. Half test reliability result of the scale obtained from the Cronbach alpha coefficient, were .79
(cited in Erol, 2004).
2.2.3. Self-Efficacy Scale
The self-efficacy scale to assess behavior and changes in behavior developed by Sherer and Madduks in
1982, have been translated into Turkish by Gözüm and Aksayan (1999). It is a 5 Likert-type self-evaluation scale.
There are totally 23 item and four sub-factors in the scale as "starting behavior," “continuing behavior," "behavior
completion" and "fight with obstacles". Some substances have required reverse scoring. Increase of the total score
taken from the scale, means the good level of self-efficacy perception of the individual. The scale is applicable to
adolescents and adults because it requires adequacy of the individual in perception of his own efficacy and judiciary
about his own. With the Principal Component Analysis that has been done related to "construct validity" of Self-
efficacy scale, the factoral structure of the scale has been examined. In the developed four-factor structure, factor
weight of 22 articles from the 23, has been found over .40. In the studies Oriented to the reliability of the scale, test-
retest correlation reliability has been found .92 and Cronbach alpha internal consistency coefficient has been found
3. Results
3.1. Results of Multiple Regression Analysis Related Prediction of Students' Academic Achievements
As shown in Table 1, the variables explained 19% of the total variance (F
11,394= 8.38, p< .001). While the
original contribution of the " being aware of emotions" (ȕ = .18, p <.01) that is the sub factor of emotional
intelligence, gender (ȕ = -. 16, p <.01), age (ȕ = -. 23, p <.01) and, "continue to the behavior" (ȕ = .28, p <.01) that
is the sub-dimension of self-efficacy are meaningful to the model, emotional intelligence and self-efficacy’s other
sub-factors are not significant in original contribution to the model.
Table 1: Multiple R egression Analysis on Students' Academic Achievements Prediction
Variables B SE ȕtpRR²ǻ R² F
Fixed 111.79 10.87 - 10.23 .001
.44 .19 .17 8.38
Gender -4.46 1.37 -.16 -3.26 .001
Age -2.76 .57 -.23 -4.86 .001
Being aware of emotions * .46 .17 .18 2.69 .008
Managing emotions * .13 .14 .05 .93 .354
Self-motivating * -.27 .17 -.11 -1.64 .102
Empathy * -.18 .17 .-.07 -1.06 .292
Handling relationships * .17 .15 ..07 1.11 .268
Start behavior ** -.23 .14 -.10 -1.63 .103
Behavior resume** .71 .16 .28 4.54 .001
Behavior completion ** -.28 .20 -.08 -1.43 .152
Fight against the obstacles** .29 .26 -.06 1.13 .258
* Sub-factor of Emotional Intelligence Scale ** Sub-factor of Self-efficacy Scale
3.2. Gender-Based Differences in Students' Academic Achievement
As shown in the Table 2, significant differences were found between male and female students' academic
achievement (t = 5.17, p = .001). These differences have been occurred because the females' academic average
(Mean = 79.87, SD = 11.20) is higher than academic average of the males’ (Mean = 73.07, SD = 14:29).
Table 2: Differences in Students' Academic Achievements Related to the Variable of Gender
Gender N Mean SD tp
Female 171 79.87 11.20 5.17 .001
Male 236 73.07 14.29
2322 Hikmet Yazıcı et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 15 (2011) 2319–2323
3.3. Differences in Academic Achievement of Students Based on the Level of Socio-Economic Status
Differences based on level of socio-economic income on the academic success of students were tested with
one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) if there are. The results are shown in Table 3. Significant differences have
been found among group’s academic success (F(2,404) = 6, p< .01). As a result of the Tukey HSD test, have been
found that this difference is due to the fact that students with higher level of socio-economic income have
meaningfully higher academic average (82.28) than academic average of students with middle socio-economic
income (75.85) and the low socio-economic income (71.24).
Table 3: Differences in Students' Academic Achievement Based on Socio-Economic Status
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p
Between Groups 2129.87 2 1064.94
6.00 .003
Within Groups 71765.92 404 177.64
Total 73895.79 406
4. Discussion
The results of the study showed that variables like gender, age, "being aware of the emotion" and "continue
to the behavior" explained academic achievement meaningfully. It has been seen that the most powerful predictor
was variable of “continue to the behavior” that is self-efficacy belief’s sub-factor. According to these, there are
meaningful relationships between the students' academic achievement and self-efficacy beliefs in positive direction.
This finding has been found consistent with the results of researches in the literature of self-efficacy beliefs that are
positively related with the academic achievement (Schunk & Swartz, 1993; Wood & Locke, 1987) and are qualified
in prediction of academic success (Lent, Larkin, & Brown, 1986; Pajares & Johnson, 1996).
Other variable that is a positive predictor of academic success of students is "being aware of the emotions”
dimension that is one of the sub-factors of emotional intelligence. This finding is consistent with the findings of the
literature that indicate the Emotional intelligence is a predictor of academic success (Erdo÷du & Edge, 2008; Parker,
et al., 2004). However there are studies that suggesting the emotional intelligence is not a powerful predictor of
academic success (O'Connor, Jr.. & Little, 2002). Still, can be said that IQ and EQ are not concepts opposite to each
other, contrarily they support each other. If we consider that education system aims not only to gain general
intellectual skills to the students, but also aims to bring some of the attitudes and behaviors; can be concluded that
developed emotional intelligence is very important in the school environment.
It is also found that the age is a negative predictor of the academic success. Accordingly, it can be said that a
decline will occur in academic success with increasing the age. Especially, when we consider the increased
importance of peer relationships and social acceptance in adolescence, it is known that students’ academic
motivation and academic achievements can be affected negative (Phillips and Lindsay, 2006) or positively (Wentzel,
1991) according to the qualification of the friendship relationships.
According to the findings of the study, another significant predictor of the students' academic achievements is
gender. It has been seen a negative relationship between academic achievement and gender. In addition, in analysis
for determine of differences between the genders, has been seen that the academic success of female students were
significantly higher than male students. This result is similar to other research results that show the females’
academic motivation was higher than the males’ (Pajares and Voliante, 2002). However, there are a lot of findings
that indicates male and female students provide excellence to each other in different academic areas (e.g.
Kitchenham, 2002; Warrington &Younger, 2000). These differences between the genders may occur with the effect
of social gender roles should not be neglected.
Another finding of the study is that there are significant differences between students' socio-economic status
and their academic achievements. According to this result that is similar to Muijs (1997) and Yang’s (2003) study,
the academic achievement of students with higher level of socio-economic status, are higher.
As a result, emotional intelligence and self-efficacy beliefs are significantly predictor of academic success.
In addition, the academic achievements of students differ by gender and socio-economic status. There are many
variables explaining academic achievement. In this study, only emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, age and gender
Hikmet Yazıcı et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 15 (2011) 2319–2323 2323
are discussed. For next studies, we recommended examination of different variables that predicted students’
academic achievement. With longitudinal studies, can be examined that the secondary school students’ emotional
intelligence and self-efficacy beliefs how can predict the success rates of the university exam.
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