
Una nueva especie de justicia (Acanthaceae) del sur de Costa Rica

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... Además de los artículos de descripciones botánicas, se destacan: un artículo relacionado con aspectos históricos -desde la perspectiva de la oceanografía costera, la climatología y la botánica-, de la estadía de "los tres Colón" (Cristóbal, Bartolomé y Fernando) en la bahía de Limón (Vargas et al., 2011); tres artículos descriptivos de la flora en la numismática nacional (Vargas & Gómez-Laurito, 2004, 2005, 2006; y siete publicaciones relacionadas con la temática de las plantas medicinales y sus constituyentes (López et al., 1993(López et al., & 1995Locklear et al. 2007Locklear et al. & 2010Cicció & Gómez-Laurito 2002, y 2010Doyle et al. 2009), En vida le fueron dedicados en su honor los nombres de tres especies vegetales: Quararibea gomeziana (Alverson 1989), Ocotea gomezii (Burger 1990) y Dichaea gomez-lauritoi (Pupulin 2007). ...
... BIOGEOGRAPHY -According to the locality data available for both species, they are geographically separated (Map 1 Gómez-Laurito 2006). A well defined floristic pattern is present in Cordillera Costeña and its neighboring areas. ...
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ABSTRACT: In order to integrate the information contribution to the knowledge of Justicia spicigera Schlechtendal and deepen the knowledge of the hypoglycemic activity of the plant species studied research reports were reviewed. The document systematizes information concerning the morpho- taxonomic characteristics of the Acanthaceae family and gender specific Justicia and properties. It is concluded that studies are needed concerning the composite triangle between the user, production conditions and plant development and environmental factors, the results found and investigated with J. spicigera are encouraging, allowing specific search for processes using species vegetables potential to reduce blood glucose levels in patients with DT2. Also, depending on the results of J. spicigera hypoglycemic activity represents an opportunity to assist with drug treatments.
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Lycaste bruncana from Costa Rica is described and illustrated. This species is sister to L. tricolor, its closest relative, from which is easily distinguished by the lip shape, with a narrow isthmus and spathulate midlobe, the lanate to lanulose infrastigmatic surface, the pollinarium with a longer stipe, the subrectangular pollinia and the tomentose anther cap. However, among Costa Rican species of Lycaste, the most remarkable character of L. bruncana is the twisted column, which may be indicative of a reproductive barrier. Information related to biogeography, distribution, morphology, molecular data and pollination is provided and discussed.
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