Dogs that perform best for guarding and herding livestock have different behavioural profiles, as stated by the authors: 'herding dogs are selected to show hunting behaviours, such as eye, stalk, grip or heel. Guarding dogs are selected to show more of the wild ancestor's puppy-like or juvenile behaviour, preferring to stay with the "litter" of livestock to which they are bonded, and to react to novelty by barking an alarm'. In addition, the chase and bite behaviours are absent in guarding dogs. Ranchers in the western USA have reported that cattle located in areas of high wolf predation learn to react to Border Collie herding dogs by attacking them and so they are no longer useful for herding. The guarding dog that does not perform threatening movements towards cattle is tolerated. Ranchers have observed that the reintroduction of wolves has made mother cows more aggressive towards domestic dogs. Previously, the presence of smaller coyotes did not cause mother cows to be aggressive towards herding dogs. The protection of sheep against wolves will require two to five guard dogs.