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Probiotics as complementary therapy for hypercholesterolemia



The role of probiotic organisms as alternative or complementary therapy in combating large number of gastro intestinal disorders and their ability to enhance immune response attracts global attention. In addition, their therapeutic use towards cholesterol-lowering activities has further increased their applications as effective probiotics for humans as supplements in milk and yoghurt, since there are no other supplements for hypercholesterolemia, which is the crucial risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Changes in dietary habits, stressful life and lack of physical activities are the precursors for increasing incidences of hypercholesterolemia and subsequently cardiovascular diseases. The present review focuses on some of the animal studies and clinical trials conducted with probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. This review may throw some light to prove the ability of these probiotics as a novel alternative or adjuvants to chemical drugs to help fight hypercholesterolemia.
Review Article Biology and Medicine, Vol 1 (4): Rev4, 2009
Probiotics as complementary therapy for hypercholesterolemia
M Ratna Sudha1, Prashant Chauhan1, Kalpana Dixit1, Sekhar Babu1, Kaiser Jamil1&2*
1Centre for Research & Development, Unique Biotech Limited, Hyderabad, India.
2School of Biotechnology, MGNIRSA, Domalguda, Hyderabad, India.
*Corresponding Author:
The role of probiotic organisms as alternative or complementary therapy in combating large number of gastro
intestinal disorders and their ability to enhance immune response attracts global attention. In addition, their
therapeutic use towards cholesterol-lowering activities has further increased their applications as effective probiotics
for humans as supplements in milk and yoghurt, since there are no other supplements for hypercholesterolemia,
which is the crucial risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Changes in dietary habits, stressful life and lack of
physical activities are the precursors for increasing incidences of hypercholesterolemia and subsequently
cardiovascular diseases. The present review focuses on some of the animal studies and clinical trials conducted with
probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. This review may throw some light to prove the ability of these probiotics as a
novel alternative or adjuvants to chemical drugs to help fight hypercholesterolemia.
Keywords: Probiotics, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, hypercholesterolemia, adjuvants.
Probiotics and their Health Benefits
Probiotics are defined as “living microorganisms,
which upon ingestion in certain numbers exert
health benefits on the host beyond inherent
basic nutrition” (Guarner and Schaafsma, 1998).
Various studies have indicated that probiotics
may alleviate lactose intolerance; have a
positive influence on the intestinal flora of the
host; stimulate/modulate mucosal immunity;
reduce inflammatory or allergic reactions;
reduce blood cholesterol; possess anti-colon
cancer effects; reduce the clinical manifestations
of atopic dermatitis, Crohn’s disease, diarrhea,
constipation, candidiasis, and urinary tract
infections; and competitively exclude pathogens
(Mercenier et al., 2003; Reid et al, 2003; Gill and
Guarner, 2004)
Considering this impressive list of potential
health-promoting benefits, it is not surprising that
there continues to be considerable interest in the
use of probiotics as biotherapeutic agents
(Mercenier et al., 2003; Shanahan, 2003).
Furthermore, given a heightened awareness
among consumers of the link between diet and
health and the fact that probiotic-containing
foods are generally perceived as “safe” and
“natural,” the global market for such foods is on
the increase, particularly dairy-based products
marketed for the prophylaxis or alleviation of
gastrointestinal disorders (Stanton et al., 2001).
The selection of potential probiotic strains that
would be capable of performing effectively in the
gastrointestinal tract is a significant challenge
(Figure-1). Strain selection is generally based on
in vitro tolerance of physiologically relevant
stresses: e.g., low pH, elevated osmolarity, and
bile (Saarela et al., 2000; Dunne et al., 2001;
Tuomola et al., 2001).
Probiotics may play a beneficial role in several
medical conditions, including diarrhea,
gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome,
inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, depressed
immune function, infant allergies, failure-to-
thrive, hyperlipidemia, hepatic diseases,
Helicobacter pylori infections and others
mentioned earlier, all of which were suggested
by certain research studies to improve with the
use of probiotics. Probiotics should be further
investigated for their possible benefits to
patients affected by these and possibly other
medical conditions. At the same time, the
potential for negative side effects from probiotics
should also be researched. The correct
combination and concentration of
gastrointestinal microflora is determined by
nature and numerous interdependent variables.
Changing one factor such as concentration and
trying to “optimize” nature’s delicately balanced
Review Article Biology and Medicine, Vol 1 (4): Rev4, 2009
gastrointestinal environment may very well be
altering a condition that nature never intended to
alter. The short- and long-term effects of this
change may be difficult to evaluate given the
multifactorial nature of the gastrointestinal
environment (Brown and Valiere, 2004).
Risk Factors: Obesity and Hypercholesterolemia
Weight gain beyond normal limits and obesity is
a significant problem in both developing and
developed countries. It is estimated that there
are roughly 40 to 50 million overweight subjects
in India as on today and the obesity has reached
epidemic proportions in India affecting 5% of the
country's population. Obesity is not only a
physiological disorder but also is the root cause
of several diseases and pose increased risk of
health problems such as cardiovascular disease,
hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and certain type
of cancers (American Academy of Pediatrics). In
spite of the fact that cholesterol is the main lipid
found in blood, bile and brain tissues it is
required for the formation of sterols and cellular
membranes. It is well known that higher levels of
serum cholesterol are generally considered to
be a risk factor for coronary heart disease.
Hypercholesterolemia occurs when there is an
elevated level of total cholesterol in the
bloodstream. It is the result of high levels of low-
density lipoprotein (LDL) as compared to high-
density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. LDL, the
‘bad’ cholesterol, leaves behind fatty deposits or
plaques in the blood vessels. Accumulation of
these plaques congests blood vessels and
blocks blood supply to the organs. HDL, the
‘good’ cholesterol, cleans up excess cholesterol
from the body, thus minimizing the amount of
congestion and blockage. Hypercholesterolemia
hardens and narrows blood vessels in various
parts of the body, leading to fatal diseases such
as chest pains, heart attack and stroke. Blocked
blood vessels in the limbs can cause pain,
ulcers, infections and gangrene.
During the last few decades, numerous
epidemiological, laboratory, and clinical studies
have demonstrated a connection between high
serum cholesterol and increased risk for
atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, the
latter being a major cause of death in Western
countries (Barr et al., 1951). Potential
hypocholesterolemic pharmaceuticals and food
products are continuously being developed to
control hypercholesterolemia in humans
(McNamara and Sabb, 1989; Suckling et al.,
1991). With the emergence of a more health-
conscious society, the role of probiotic food
products has gained attention from consumers
and producers (Perdigon et al., 1991). In this
respect, the ingestion of probiotic lactic acid
bacteria might be a more natural way to
decrease serum cholesterol in humans (Taranto
et al., 1999).
Cholesterol Biosynthesis and Uptake
Although humans synthesize cholesterol to
maintain minimum levels for biological
functioning, diet also is known to play a role in
serum cholesterol levels. The extent of influence
varies significantly from person to person. HDL
cholesterol, known as good cholesterol, is an
important scavenger of surplus cholesterol by
transporting it from cell membrane to the liver,
where it is degraded or converted into bile acids.
The increase in HDL cholesterol level is known
to have protective effect on the risk of coronary
heart disease. A number of mechanisms
involving cholesterol itself and a number of
hormones regulate the synthesis, uptake and
metabolism of cholesterol. HMG-CoA Reductase
is a key reaction in the biosynthesis of
Bile and Cholesterol
Bile is a yellow-green aqueous solution whose
major constituents include bile acids,
cholesterol, phospholipids, and the pigment
biliverdin (De Smet et al., 1994; Hofmann,
1994). It is synthesized in the pericentral
hepatocytes of the liver, stored and
concentrated in the gallbladder inter-digestively,
and released into the duodenum after food
intake. Bile functions as a biological detergent
that emulsifies and solubilizes lipids, thereby
playing an essential role in fat digestion. This
detergent property of bile also confers potent
antimicrobial activity, primarily through the
dissolution of bacterial membranes (Begley et
al., 2005). The primary bile acids, cholic and
chenodeoxycholic acid are synthesized de novo
in the liver from cholesterol. The solubility of the
hydrophobic steroid nucleus increases by
conjugation of an N-acyl amidate with either
glycine (glycoconjugated) or taurine
(tauroconjugated) prior to secretion. The
resulting molecules are therefore amphipathic
and can solubilize lipids to form mixed micelles.
Bile acids are efficiently conserved under normal
conditions by a process termed enterohepatic
Review Article Biology and Medicine, Vol 1 (4): Rev4, 2009
recirculation. Conjugated and unconjugated bile
acids are absorbed by passive diffusion along
the entire gut and by active transport in the
terminal ileum (Carey and Duane, 1994).
Reabsorbed bile acids enter the portal
bloodstream and are taken up by hepatocytes,
reconjugated, and resecreted into bile.
Approximately 5% of the total bile acid pool (0.3
to 0.6 g) per day eludes epithelial absorption
and may be extensively modified by the
indigenous intestinal bacteria (Bortolini et al.,
1997). One important transformation is
deconjugation, a reaction that must occur before
further modifications are possible (Batta et al.,
1990). Deconjugation is catalyzed by bile salt
hydrolase (BSH) enzymes (EC, which
hydrolyzes the amide bond and liberates the
glycine/taurine moiety from the steroid core. The
resulting acids are termed unconjugated or
deconjugated bile acids (Begley et al., 2006).
Treatment for Hypercholesterolemia
3-Hidroxy 3-metylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-
CoA) redutase inhibitors, also known as statins,
are considered the most effective drugs in the
management of hypercholesterolemia and
prevention of atherosclerosis-related disorders
(Vaughan et al., 2000; Cortese and
Liberatoscioli, 2003). Statins are selective
inhibitors of HMG CoA redutase, the rate-limiting
enzyme of cholesterol biosynthesis, reducing
low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low density
lipoprotein (VLDL) and triglyceride levels
(Lutgens et al., 2004). Besides lipid lowering,
statins have additional effects on atherosclerosis
vascular disease, that includes anti-inflammatory
(Sparow et al., 2001), anti-thrombotic properties
(Halcox and Deanfield, 2004) and improve the
endothelial function (Wassmann et al., 2003).
Statins competitively inhibit HMG-CoA
reductase, the rate-limiting enzyme of the
mevalonate pathway, thereby decreasing intra-
cellular cholesterol synthesis. The resulting
decrease in hepatic intra-cellular cholesterol
concentration results in compensatory increase
in the expression of hepatic LDL receptors,
which clear LDL from the circulation (Lutgens et
al., 2004).
Currently, the high cost of medicines is a
limitation for pharmacological therapy adhesion.
Therefore, alternative strategies for CVD
prevention, such as dietary therapy, have
received considerable attention of scientific
community (Cavallini et al., 2009).
Significance of Some Probiotic Strains
Some of the products available in the USA
market are listed in Table-1. Some commercially
available strains are listed below:
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus acidophilus, being the natural
inhabitant of intestine and possessing bile-salt
hydrolase activity, can be exploited for the
manufacture of acidophilus milk and its
application as a means for reducing cholesterol
level is recommended. Anderson and Gilliland et
al (1985) reported that Lactobacillus acidophilus
reduces the blood cholesterol by direct
breakdown of cholesterol and deconjugation of
bile salt. Anderson and Gilliland (1999) also
examined effects of consumption of one daily
serving of yogurt on serum lipids and found a
significant reduction in serum cholesterol by
performing two controlled clinical studies.
Therefore, it can be concluded that since every
1% reduction in serum cholesterol concentration
is associated with an estimated 2% to 3%
reduction in risk for coronary heart disease,
regular intake of fermented milks containing an
appropriate strain of L. acidophilus has the
potential of reducing risk for coronary heart
disease by 6 to 10%.
The cholesterol-reducing abilities of six strains of
L. acidophilus were investigated and it was
reported that in vivo cholesterol lowering ability
was due to the assimilation of cholesterol by L.
acidophilus cells or/and attachment of
cholesterol to the surface of L. acidophilus cells.
Sarkar (2003) in his study reported the factors
influencing the efficacy of acidophilus milk to
lower serum cholesterol and the type of milk
employed for product manufacture, in addition
data on age, sex, food habits and initial
concentration of cholesterol of test subjects was
noted before after treatment. Liong and Shah
(2005) screened eleven strains of lactobacilli
and analyzed bile salt deconjugation ability, bile
salt hydrolase activity (BSH) and co-precipitation
of cholesterol with deconjugated bile.
Lactobacillus acidophilus strains had higher
deconjugation ability than L. casei strains.
Cholesterol co-precipitation with deconjugated
bile increased with decreasing pH. L.
acidophilus showed highest deconjugation ability
Review Article Biology and Medicine, Vol 1 (4): Rev4, 2009
and BSH activity towards bile mixtures that
resembled the human bile, and may be a
promising candidate to exert beneficial bile
deconjugation activity in vivo.
The study performed by Kim and coworkers
(2008) characterized the factors responsible for
the cholesterol reduction by Lactobacillus
acidophilus ATCC 43121. The results showed
that the cell-free supernatant (CFS) produced by
ATCC 43121 in the presence of bile salts could
also reduce the cholesterol in the broth, unlike
previous reports which suggested a mechanism
by live cells only.
Lactobacillus plantarum
In a study conducted by Nguyen et al., (2007), a
strain of Lactobacillus plantarum, L. plantarum
PH04 was fed to hypercholesterolemic mice with
107 CFU per mouse per day for 14 days.
Compared with a control group, the serum
cholesterol and triglycerides were respectively
7% and 10% lower in the group fed L. plantarum
PH04 and fecal lactic acid bacteria increased
while no other significant differences (P < 0.05)
in body weight, visceral weigh index or bacteria
translocation between two groups were
observed. The results indicated that L.
plantarum PH04 could be effectively used as a
probiotic with cholesterol-lowering activities. In
another study made by Ha et al., (2006)
Lactobacillus plantarum strains were isolated
from human faeces and evaluated for bile salt
hydrolase (BSH) production and its effects on
serum cholesterol level. The cholesterol
lowering effect by L. plantarum CK 102 could be
utilized as an additive for health-assistance
foods. In conclusion, these results suggest that
the L. plantarum strains could be used
commercially as a Probiotic with sound
cholesterol lowering activity.
Lactobacillus casei
Initial studies in poultry have demonstrated the
ability of food fermented or inoculated with
Lactobacillus casei and other lactic acid bacteria
to significantly lower serum levels of total
cholesterol and/ or LDL (Mohan et al., 1996).
Takeshi (2003) reviewed the biological activities
of L. casei that favorably influenced human
health. Liong and Shah, (2004) evaluated the
combination of Lactobacillus casei ASCC 292
and six prebiotics, namely, sorbitol, mannitol,
maltodextrin, high-amylose maize,
fructooligosaccharide (FOS) and inulin, in order
to determine probiotic activity that would remove
the highest level of cholesterol. The
concentration of L. casei ASCC 292 had the
most significant quadratic effect on all responses
studied. In another study by same workers in
2006, the effectiveness of 3 synbiotic diets [(a)
containing Lactobacillus casei ASCC 292 and
fructooligosaccharides (LF diet), (b) containing
L. casei ASCC 292 and maltodextrin (LM diet),
and (c) containing L. casei ASCC 292,
fructooligosaccharide, and maltodextrin (LFM
diet)] were evaluated to reduce serum
cholesterol in male Winstar rats. Results from
this study showed that the synbiotic diet that
contained L. casei ASCC 292, fructo-
oligosaccharide, and maltodextrin beneficially
altered cholesterol levels and produced a
healthier bowel microbial population without
translocation of lactobacilli to other organs
(Liong and Shah, 2006).
Similarly, four selected Lactobacillus casei
strains were examined by Minelli et al. (2004) for
their potential use as novel probiotics in rats by
evaluating their technological performances,ie
in vitro adhesion capacity and intestinal transit
tolerance after oral administration in fermented
milks. Serum, tissue and faecal samples were
analyzed before and during treatments. In
treated rats it was reported that the levels of
serum triglycerides, cholesterol, transaminase
and total bilirubin decreased. In addition,
microbiological and haematological parameters
indicated that all four L. casei strains presented
favourable strain-specific properties for their
utilization in functional, health-favouring foods
(Minelli et al., 2004). Kawase et al.(2000)
reported a decrease of triglyceride levels in
humans by with combined supplementation of L.
casei and S. thermophilus.
Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Lactobacillus bulgaricus is known to everyone
as dairy starter bacteria that make yoghurt (a
type of fermented milk) in symbiosis with
Streptococcus thermophilus. Lactobacillus
bulgaricus is an acid-producing bacterium and in
general, it occurs in dairy products and some
plant products. In 1979, the first trial to evaluate
the effects of lactic acid bacteria on serum
cholesterol levels in human subjects was
conducted. Fifty four volunteers participated in a
randomised cross over trial; the results of which
revealed reductions of between 5-10% in serum
cholesterol levels after several weeks of
Review Article Biology and Medicine, Vol 1 (4): Rev4, 2009
moderate consumption of yoghurt fermented
with Lactobacillus bulgaricus and S.
thermophilus (Fried et al., 1979]. Studies in rats
have demonstrated the ability of fermented food
inoculated with Lactobacillus bulgaricus to
significantly lower serum levels of total
cholesterol (Beena and Prasad, 1997).
Lactobacillus fermentum
Lactobacillus fermentum is a normal resident of
the human gut microflora and is reported to be
able to adhere to the epithelial cells, with a
preference for the small intestine (Henriksson et
al., 1991; Rojas et al., 2002). It has also been
shown to colonize the intestine after oral
administration (Reid et al., 2001). Moreover, it
produces surface-active components, which can
inhibit the adhesion of uropathogenic bacteria
(Gusils and Oliver, 1999; Heinemann et al.,
2000). The effect of L. fermentum on
representative microbial populations and overall
metabolic activity of the human intestinal
microbiota was investigated using a three-stage
continuous culture system. In addition, the use
of galacto-oligosaccharides as a prebiotic to
enhance growth and/or activity of the
Lactobacillus strain was also evaluated.
Administration of L. fermentum resulted in a
decrease in the overall bifidobacterial population
(ca. 1 log unit). In the in vitro system, no
significant changes were observed in the total
bacterial (Lactobacillus, Bacteroides, and
clostridial) populations through L. fermentum
supplementation. Acetate production decreased
by 9 to 27%, while the propionate and butyrate
concentrations increased considerably (50 to
90% and 52 to 157%, respectively). A general,
although lesser, increase in the production of
lactate was observed with the administration of
the L. fermentum strain. Supplementation of the
prebiotic to the culture medium did not cause
statistically significant changes in either the
numbers or the activity of the microbiota,
although an increase in the butyrate production
was seen (29 to 39%). Results from this in vitro
study suggest that L. fermentum KC5b is a
probiotic candidate, which may affect cholesterol
metabolism. The short-chain fatty acid
concentrations, specifically the molar proportion
of propionate and/or bile salt deconjugation are
probably the major mechanism involved in the
purported cholesterol-lowering properties of this
Other lactobacilli
Taranto et al. (2000) reported that administration
of Lactobacilllus reuteri was effective in
preventing hypercholesterolemia in mice. In
addition, he observed a decrease in total
cholesterol (22%) and triglycerides (33%), as
well as a 17% increase in the ratio of HDL to
LDL. In a study conducted by Usman (2000)
Lactobacillus gasseri was shown to lower serum
lipids in hypercholesterolemic rats, receiving
nonfermented milk produced from L. gasseri.
The total reduction in cholesterol and LDL levels
was found to be 42 and 64%, respectively.
Bacillus coagulans
Bacillus coagulans, formerly known as
Lactobacillus Sporogenes, is a shelf stable, non-
pathogenic Gram positive spore-forming
bacteria that produces L(+) lactic acid
(dextrorotatory) in homofermentation conditions.
In particular, B. coagulans strains were used to
reduce serum cholesterol in certain formulations
(Mohan, 1990). Seok, (1987) concluded that L.
sporogenes lowers LDL cholesterol by
eliminating it directly from inside the intestines
before it can be absorbed into the blood stream.
In another clinical study, L. sporogenes not only
lowered total serum cholesterol and LDL
cholesterol in humans, it also improved the ratio
of “good” HDL cholesterol to total cholesterol.
The American Heart Association says that HDL
cholesterol is beneficial because, they quote
that- “high levels of HDL seem to protect against
heart attack”.
US patent was given to a therapeutic
composition including Bacillus coagulans, in
combination with bifidogenic oligosaccharides or
other cholesterol-reducing agents for use in
reducing LDL cholesterol and serum
triglycerides (US patent 7232571). This unique
microorganism proved effective in lowering
cholesterol by 104 points in a three-month study
performed at the G.B. Pant hospital in New
Delhi, India. There was a highly significant
reduction in the LDL cholesterol levels, and a
small but significant increase in HDL cholesterol
levels. Use of this microorganism is an attractive
alternative to drug therapy since there are no
side effects. It also provides an excellent
preventative effect against various diseases of
the intestine according to one researcher.
Review Article Biology and Medicine, Vol 1 (4): Rev4, 2009
Bifidobacterium longum
Kim et al., (2004) purified Bile salt hydrolases
from Bifidobacterium bifidum ATCC 11863,
Bifidobacterium infantis KL412, Bifidobacterium
longum ATCC 15708, Bifidobacterium longum
KL507, and Bifidobacterium longum KL515 to a
maximum extent. All BSH enzymes from five
strains hydrolyzed six major human bile salts,
and showed a better deconjugation rate on
glycine-conjugated bile salts than on taurine-
conjugated forms. Tahri et al. (1966) studied the
removal of cholesterol by B.longum, B. infantis,
B. breve, B. animalis and B. thermophyllum in
the presence of bile salts and observed that the
removal of cholesterol from the growth medium
by Bifidobacteria strains is due to both bacterial
assimilation and precipitation of cholesterol. In
one study, the hypocholesterolaemic effect of
yoghurt supplemented with Lactobacillus
acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum have
been assessed on twenty-nine healthy women,
aged 19-56 years. Fifteen of these were
normocholesterolaemic and 14 women were
hypercholesterolaemic. They found that long-
term daily consumption of 300 g yoghurt over a
period of 21 weeks (control and synbiotic)
increased the serum concentration of HDL
cholesterol and lead to the desired improvement
of the LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio [60] (Kiessling
et al., 2005).
Mechanistic Approach of Probiotic Action
There are number of reports regarding health
benefits of probiotics and their promising role as
safe and natural therapeutics (Ötles et al, 2003).
Probiotics could be helpful in controlling excess
weight by reducing glucose absorption from the
intestine and increase the metabolic use of
glucose, though the expected results could only
be achieved with adoption of balanced and
healthy lifestyle. Moreover, probiotic lactobacilli
strains are also known to produce conjugated
linoleic acid (CLA), which has anti-obesity effect.
There are various reports in animal subjects
inferring the role of lactobacilli in alleviating the
symptoms of hypercholesterolemia by lowering
the levels of serum cholesterol to a significant
level (Gilliland et al., 1985; Suzuki et. al., 1992;
Derodas et al., 1996). Ashar and Prajapathi
(1998) confirmed the hypocholesterolemic
activity of Lactobacillus acidophilus in human
Probiotic strains assimilate cholesterol for their
own metabolism. The organisms bind to the
cholesterol molecule, degrading it to its catabolic
products. Thus, the cholesterol level gets
reduced indirectly by deconjugating the
cholesterol to bile acids, thereby reducing the
total body pool. The bile acids commonly occur
in the form of bile salts with glycine and taurine.
The cholesterol lowering effect of L. acidophilus
is due to inhibition of 3-hydroxy 3-methyl
glutamyl CoA reductase, which is a rate limiting
enzyme and responsible for the endogenous
cholesterol biosynthesis in the body. The
enzyme is also responsible for deconjugation of
bile acids in the intestine, which is an important
mechanism in reducing the cholesterol
concentrations. Increase in deconjugation of bile
acids also results in the greater excretion of bile
salts from the intestinal tract that again
stimulates synthesis and replacement of bile
acids from cholesterol levels in the body (Naidu
et al., 1999). The lowering of triglycerides may
be due to production of lipase by probiotic
organisms, which breaks larger molecules of
fats in to simple and easily digestible substrates.
One beneficial effect that has been suggested to
result from human consumption of LAB is a
reduction in serum cholesterol levels, as
demonstrated in several human and animal
studies (Pereira and Gibson, 2002). This can
partly be ascribed to the enzymatic
deconjugation activity of bile acids (Klaver et al.,
1993; Tahri and Schneider, 1996; Usman,
2000). Deconjugated bile salts are less soluble
and less efficiently reabsorbed from the
intestinal lumen than their conjugated
counterparts, which results in excretion of larger
amounts of free bile acids in feces (De Smet et
al., 1994; De Rodas et al., 1996). Also, free bile
salts are less efficient in the solubilization and
absorption of lipids in the gut (Reynier et al.,
1981). Therefore, the deconjugation of bile acids
by LAB bacteria could lead towards a reduction
in serum cholesterol either by increasing the
demand of cholesterol for de novo synthesis of
bile acids to replace that lost in feces or by
reducing cholesterol solubility and, thereby,
absorption of cholesterol throughout the
intestinal lumen. Moreover, Gilliland et al.,
(1985) have observed a significant relationship
between cholesterol assimilation by lactobacilli
and their degree of bile deconjugation.
Bile salt hydrolase (BSH), the enzyme
responsible for bile salt deconjugation during
enterohepatic circulation, has been detected in
several LAB species indigenous to the
Review Article Biology and Medicine, Vol 1 (4): Rev4, 2009
gastrointestinal tract (Chikai et al., 1987; Walker
and Gilliland, 1993; De Smet et al., 1994). It has
also been suggested that BSH activity should be
a requirement in the selection of probiotic
organisms with cholesterol-lowering properties,
as non deconjugating organisms do not appear
to be able to remove cholesterol from the culture
medium to any significant extent (Tahri et al.,
1996, 1997).
Effect of Fermented Dairy Products in
Lowering Of Blood Cholesterol
Mann and Spoerry (1974) were the first to report
that consumption of fermented milk was
associated with reduced serum cholesterol
levels in the Maasai people. This stimulated
much interest in the cholesterol lowering effects
of fermented milks and lactic acid bacteria.
Several animal studies have shown that
administration of fermented milks or specific
strains of lactic acid bacteria are effective in
lowering blood cholesterol levels. Studies in
human subjects, however, have yielded
conflicting results. The most frequently used
probiotics found in dairy-based food products
are Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. Since these
belong to the indigenous human microflora, they
have a long history of safe use and there are
evidences to support their positive roles, some
of these have been designated as GRAS
(generally regarded as safe) by the FDA (Food
and Drug Administration) due to their long
history of use in food fermentations (Teitelbaum
and Walker, 2002).
Human and animal studies have suggested that
the use of dairy products fermented with
probiotics (lactic acid bacteria and
bifidobacteria) may reduce serum lipid levels
(Meydani and Ha, 2000; de Vrese et al., 2001;
Heyman, 2001) Two studies with normal-
lipidemic subjects reported that probiotic
administration resulted in a reduction in serum
triglycerides (19% and 27%, respectively), along
with slight changes in serum total and LDL
cholesterol.94 The proposed mechanism by
which probiotics may decrease serum
cholesterol is suggested to be related to the
fermentation of indigestible dietary
carbohydrates. Products of bacterial
fermentation, specifically short-chain fatty acids,
may inhibit cholesterol synthesis in the liver
and/or mobilize plasma cholesterol to the liver
(Rafter, 2002) Some gastrointestinal bacteria
may also prevent cholesterol absorption by
deconjugating bile salts that then affect
cholesterol metabolism.
Future Perspectives
Gill and Guarner (2004) reported that there is
unequivocal evidence that administration of
probiotics could be effective in the treatment of
acute infectious diarrhoea in children and the
prevention of antibiotic associated diarrhoea and
nosocomial/community acquired diarrhoea.
The future will see the development of new,
well-characterized, scientifically proven probiotic
strains with specific health benefits. There are
enough evidences to support the beneficial
effects of probiotics on hosts over a wide range
of clinical conditions. However, some issues like
dosage and viability of probiotic strains,
industrial standardization and safety aspects
need to be dealt with. At present, cholesterol,
cancer and immunology are the three major
areas of research on probiotics. Genetic
engineering and other approaches are being
used to enhance the beneficial effects of
probiotic microbes. Supplementation of
promising strains of probiotic organisms may
offer exciting solution to minimize the problem of
high cholesterol levels in human beings.
However, extensive research is required to
screen the potent probiotic strains and their
evaluation for the effective management of good
and bad cholesterol in the body and the
sustainability of the desired results. In addition to
the clinically proven benefits (grade A
recommendations) described above, the use of
probiotics for the prevention and management of
over expressed immune function such as atopy
and inflammatory bowel diseases, and for
enhancing immune function and improving
efficacy of vaccines in population groups with
less than optimum immune functions (for
example, infants, elderly, immunocompromised)
hold great promise.
Treatment with microencapsulated LF11976
formulation produces significant reductions in
serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and
serum triglyceride levels in diet-induced
hypercholesterolemic hamsters. Findings
suggest the potential of the oral
microencapsulated probiotic cell formulation as
a functional nutritional alternative for managing
excessive serum cholesterol and triglyceride
levels (Bhathena J, Martoni C, Kulamarva A et al
Review Article Biology and Medicine, Vol 1 (4): Rev4, 2009
2009). With the increased evidence of multidrug
resistance among pathogens and a continued
failure to manage gastrointestinal virus
infections, plus a desire by consumers to use
natural methods for health maintenance rather
than long-term chemotherapeutic agents, the
time is right for probiotics to be taken seriously.
It is also time for scientists to provide the data,
which give a basis and mechanism of action for
the human utilization of well-studied organisms.
We are grateful to the management of Unique
Biotech for providing the facilities and NIN for
useful suggestions.
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Table-1 and Figure-1 follow…..
Review Article Biology and Medicine, Vol 1 (4): Rev4, 2009
Source - Internet
Review Article Biology and Medicine, Vol 1 (4): Rev4, 2009
Source - Internet
... Similarly, the growth rate and meat quality of quails can be improved by the administration of Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bacillus toyonensis (Abou-Kassem et al., 2021). Furthermore, the presence of Lactobacillus casei in the diet of broiler chickens can lead to an increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels and a decrease in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels (Sudha et al., 2009). In contrast, probiotics have been acknowledged for their beneficial effects in treating diseases such as salmonellosis in hens. ...
Full-text available
The extensive use of antimicrobial growth promoters (AGPs) in livestock has raised global concerns due to increasing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among pathogenic microbes. This review examines probiotics as a sustainable alternative to AGPs, offering a safer approach for promoting animal growth and health. Probiotics enhance animal productivity and immunity by producing antimicrobial compounds and competing with pathogens for nutrients. In addition, probiotics strengthen the gut barrier and modulate the gut microbiome, facilitating beneficial bacterial growth while suppressing pathogenic species. Studies demonstrate the efficacy of probiotic strains of genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in inhibiting pathogens such as Clostridium perfringens and Salmonella in livestock. This comprehensive evaluation highlights probiotics' potential to advance sustainable livestock practices, reduce reliance on antibiotics, and mitigate AMR risks, underscoring the need for further research and regulatory considerations for their use in animal husbandry.
... Concerning serum biochemical parameters it was observed that supplemented groups showed markedly increased serum TC,TG glucose ALT AST urea creatinine levels along within a marked increase in total proteins albumin due liver kidney damage-On comparing serum albumin rabbits given experimental diets when compared with controls,a significant change was observed-results also revealed significant increases glucose level among rabbit groups fed experimental diets compared to control groups. Everard et al., (2011) demonstrated that prebiotic treatments exhibited anti-obesity anti-diabetic antioxidant,and anti-inflammatory effects among obese mice-they altered intestinal microbial composition-Serum cholesterol triglycerides levels were significantly increased after supplementing Beta glacto oligisachride rabbit diets- Liong & Shah,(2005); Sudha et al., (2009) ;Ooi & Liong,(2010) hypothesized about pro-biotic microorganism effects lipid metabolism including:bile salt hydrolase activity; precipitation cholesterol e.g.Lactobacillus&Bifidobacterium incorporation binding bacteria producing short-chain fatty acids. Fukushima & Nakano (1995) demonstrated probiotic microorganisms inhibit hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A-an enzyme involved cholesterol synthesis pathway thus reducing cholesterol synthesis-According Zhao, (2008), the activity levels ALAT, ASAT, the serum ASAT/ALAT ratio are those commonly used specifically identify liver damage domestic animals detect biliary obstruction(mild progressive liver damage)-thus non-modification blood parameters between two groups during 14 weeks experiment can for instance explained absence liver damage-however,it is worthy note finding study similar design our trial, (2017)showed significant increase ASAT ASAT/ALAT ratio,but after longer period 28 weeks induction using diet rich fat sucrose Arias-Mutis, 2017-based previous statements results observed our trial maybe related extent administration diet (,.2016). ...
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The current study investigated the impact of dietary supplementation with β-galacto-oligosaccharides on the improvement of hepatic functions and blood metabolites in physiologically stressed rabbits. A total of 40 rabbits, including both bucks and does aged 3+0.98 months with an average weight of 1.48±0.41 Kg were randomly assigned to five different dietary treatments consisting of 8 rabbits per group in a 12-week trial. The groups included: a notable increase in the maximum body weight was observed. in Group E. Group A exhibited a markedly superior feed intake in comparison to all other groups., while FCR was better for Group E when compared to Groups AD. The comprehensive findings indicate that adding beta galacto oligosaccharide to a diet can improve daily weight gain, hepatic functions and blood metabolites for better health outcomes, especially under stressful conditions. Practical applications in animal nutrition and further investigation across various species and stress models are warranted.
... A nonsignificant difference (P > 0.05) was found in all MOS treatment groups for broiler chicks in terms of ALT, AST, total protein, globulin, albumin, and cholesterol, according to Muhammad et al. (2020). According to Sudha et al. (2009) and Ooi and Liong (2010), MOS may affect cholesterol levels by affectation bile salt hydrolase action, precipitating cholesterol by several bacteria alike Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium nourished on MOS, integrating cholesterol into bacteria or attachment to bacteria, and causing probiotic bacteria to produce short-chain fatty acids. ...
Full-text available
This study aimed to determine the influence of dietary mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS) on the immune system, hematological traits, blood biochemical parameters, and histological state of laying hens. At 34 wk of age, The Mandarah chicken strain's 120 laying hens and 12 cocks were divided into 4 groups, each with 30 hens and 3 cocks. The first group performed as a control group, which nourished on a basal diet. The second, third, and fourth experimental groups received 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5 g/kg of MOS and a base diet, respectively. Birds obtained MOS at numerous doses significantly (P ˂ 0.05) raised serum levels of immunoglobulin Y (IgY), immunoglobulin M (IgM), and avian influenza (AI) antibodies compared to control birds. Furthermore, adding MOS at a level of 0.1 g/kg diet significantly improved the immune response of the control group. Additionally, compared to the control group, treated birds with MOS at various dosages did not significantly enhance hematological parameters such as red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), hemoglobin, and hematocrit. Compared to control birds, birds fed MOS at all levels exhibited considerably lower serum cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) values. Also, compared to other treated birds, MOS-treated birds displayed improved histological examination of the small intestine, isthmus, and testis compared to the control group, particularly in birds fed MOS at 0.1 and 0.2 g/kg diet. It could be concluded that using MOS at 0.1 or 2 g/kg diet can successfully improve the physiological performance and overall health of laying hens.
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The human gut is home to trillions of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms, collectively known as the gut microbiota. These microorganisms play a crucial role in digestion, immune function, and even the regulation of mood and metabolism. Prebiotics and probiotics are two key components that significantly influence the health and composition of the gut microbiota. While prebiotics are substances that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that can provide health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. Abstract IntroductIon
The aim of this work was to reduce the postweaning stress of growing rabbits by using fasting regimen and probiotic supplementation. Twenty‐four weaned males new Zealand rabbits (5 weeks of age) were randomly divided into four equal groups including (1) rabbits fed ad labium diet served as control, (2) rabbits fasted for 12 h (two days/week) for 8 weeks, (3) rabbits fed ad labium diet with 2.0 cm ³ probiotic/litter for 8 weeks, (4) rabbits fasted for 12 h (2 days/week) and take 2.0 cm ³ probiotic/litter for 8 weeks. The probiotic inclusion corresponded to Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis were supplemented to water in the probiotic groups. Results showed that food consumption was significantly higher ( p < 0.01) in growing rabbits of ad libitum group (control group) compared to other in restricted rabbits, but body weight (BW) of growing rabbit in probiotic group at 6 and 12 week of age increased by12 and 19%, respectively, than other in control group and also improved daily weight gain (DWG) during all experimental periods. Compared with control, significant reductions ( p < .01) in Plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, ALT, AST and urea were found in oral probiotic groups with or without fasting programme. Oral administration of probiotic without fasting regimen significantly improved all carcass characteristics compared to other groups. Total bacteria, fungi, coliforms and cellulolytic bacteria counts were significantly improved in the fasting group with or without adding probiotics compared to control group. Conclusively, using probiotics with or without fasting regimen for 8 weeks postweaning improved growth performance during fattening and enhancement cecum activity of growing rabbits.
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Coagulopathies disorder may include hemorrhage caused by a raptured blood vessel, thrombosis, caused by blockage of such vessels and embolism, which is basically obstruction of blood flow, all which represent the most pronounced clinical symptom of hematological disease. Normally, blood loss is majorly controlled by a fibrin clot formation, which is initiated by platelets formation, presence of plasma proteins (PP), and remodification of the vessel wall. Thrombotic disorder can be triggered by several factors, which include long travel leading to immobility, immobility due to injury sustained, pregnancy, surgery, and trauma. However, acquired risk factors and presence of undelaying disease like cancer, obesity, and hormone treatment has all been found to contribute to the suggested to reduce the risk factors associated with thrombotic disorders. Cardiovascular diseases are biochemically known to be characterized with aggravated serum, cholesterol, lipids, and increased production blood platelet. In this chapter the role of probiotics and prebiotics in the treatment of thrombotic disorder have been discussed.
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ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Reports from human studies indicated that activity these individuals are exposed to oxidative stress during their exercises and activities, hence studies on determining the antioxidant activities of probiotics might benefit humans undergoing stress relate activities. The ability of probiotics possessing antioxidant activities will assume greater importance if this hypothesis is tested, antioxidant Probiotics are defined as viable microorganisms sufficient amounts of which reach the intestine in active state and exert positive health effects by improving gut health. The aim of this study was to determine the e plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, domestic sources using standard probiotic testing assays.In using standard protocols have shown that compared to other probiotics. This investigation could determine that these few test organisms their additional anti their ability for not only acid tolerance properties, therefore qualifying as safe commercial probiotic products.
Cholesterol is a chemical that is naturally created by the liver but can also be present in animal-based meals like meat and milk. Cholesterol is required by the body for the formation of healthy cells, the production of several hormones, and the production of vitamin D. Although cholesterol is necessary for the body, high levels can be harmful to one's health, hence therapy to lower cholesterol levels using natural products or the aid of bacterial metabolism is required. Lactobacillus plantarum 2DA is a lactic acid bacterium that has potential as a probiotic, so further analysis is needed on its ability as a therapy to reduce cholesterol through a bioinformatics approach. The method used in this research is to search for bacterial secondary metabolites by studying literature from published journals. Each compound is then searched in the PubChem database for its canonical structure and isomeric SMILE (simplified molecular-input line-entry system) and secondary metabolites in bacteria from the literature study were analyzed for potential using WAY2DRUG PASS prediction (http://www.pharmaexpert. ru/passonline/predict.php) as a cholesterol-lowering treatment. The results of the study based on the prediction of the SAR Way2 Drug Pass Server seen in the Probability To Be Active (Pa) values obtained 0.45, 0.49 and 0.37 for anti-hypercholesterolemic, cholesterol antagonist and cholesterol oxidase inhibitors. From the results obtained, it can be recommended that Lactobacillus plantarum 2DA can be further researched in vivo for cholesterol-lowering therapy.
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Functional foods as a marketing term was initiated in Japan in the late 1980s and is used to describe foods fortified with ingredients capable of producing health benefits. This concept is becoming increasingly popular with consumers because of a heightened awareness of the link between health, nutrition, and diet. Food manufacturers are enthusiastic about developing such products because the added ingredients give increased value to food. The global market for functional foods in the coming years is predicted to grow rapidly. Although Japan currently accounts for about one-half of this market, the fastest rate of growth is expected to be in the United States. Probiotic products represent a strong growth area within the functional foods group and intense research efforts are under way to develop dairy products into which probiotic organisms such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species are incorporated. Such probiotic foods may modulate gut microbial composition, thereby leading to improved gut health, for example, through improved tolerance to lactose in lactose-intolerant individuals or improved resistance to pathogenic bacteria. Large numbers of viable microorganisms are likley to be required in the food product, which should be consumed regularly to experience the health effect. The probiotic market, especially dairy products such as yogurts and fermented milks, has experienced rapid growth in Europe. The long-term exploitation of probiotics as health promoters is dependent on several factors, including sound, scientifically proven clinical evidence of health-promoting activity; accurate consumer information; effective marketing strategies; and, above all, a quality product that fulfills consumer expectations.
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Selected Lactobacillus casei strains were examined for their potential use in new probiotic fermented milks by evaluation of their technological performances, in vitro adhesion capacity and intestinal transit tolerance after administration to rats. Serum, tissue and faecal samples were analysed before and during treatments.The number of intestinal lactobacilli increased significantly after administration of all four strains as verified by standard microbiological analysis and specific polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). Lactobacillus casei strains were also detected by PCR in faecal samples and specimens of the intestinal epithelium after treatment. Electron microscopy of gut mucosa revealed a thickening of the glycocalyx covering the enterocytes. In all treated rats, levels of serum triglycerides, cholesterol, transaminase and total bilirubin decreased. Microbiological and haematological parameters indicated that all four L. casei strains present favourable strain-specific properties for their utilisation in functional, health-favouring food.
Lactic acid bacteria are often included in the daily diet in order to improve human health. It has been demonstrated that certain species of lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus casei, can increase the systemic immune response, a fact that would point to the capacity of these bacteria to act as immunomodulators. Using BALB/c strain mice as experimental models, we studied the possible side‐effects of oral administration ofL. casei on the liver of the host, as well as its leukopoietic and hematopoietic response as a consequence of the stimulus produced by the bacteria. Animals were fed 2, 5, 7 and 10 consecutive days with a concentration of 1.2 x 10 cells per day per mouse, the total doses administered being 2.4 x 10, 6 x 10, 8.4 x 10 and 1.2 x 10 cells respectively. We analyzed the effect of each dose on the following: (a) induction of hepatomegaly and/or splenomegaly; (b) histological alterations in liver and spleen; (c) glutamic pyruvic transferase (GTP) activity; (d) variations in the number of circulating blood cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes); (e) alterations in bone marrow. The results obtained showed that none of the doses assayed caused either hepatomegaly or splenomegaly. A strong histological variation, which afterwards decreased, was observed; a marked vacuolization in the hepatocytes after the administration of the 8.4 x 10 dose. The levels of the GPT enzyme agreed with the histological modifications in liver, values of 28± 1.5 U ml being obtained for the above dose (normal GPT value=4±0.4 U ml). When using this dose we also observed the appearance of leukocytes (twice the control values). However, treatment with L. casei did not produce variations in the leukopoietic or hematopoietic response in bone marrow. Although prolonged administration of an 8.4 x 10 cell dose of L. casei caused alterations in liver, these were only transitory. In view of the above, we believe that L. casei might prove to be a useful immunomodulator.
Phil Jones – Organon Research, Newhouse, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK, ML1 5SH The statins represent one of the most important drug classes currently available. These compounds were originally designed to inhibit the key cholesterol biosynthesis enzyme HMG-coA reductase with the aim of reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels. Clinical trials of these agents have demonstrated the association between reduced LDL and decreased mortality and morbidity from coronary heart disease. However, in addition to their LDL-lowering effects, statins also demonstrate several other activities that probably contribute to the clinical benefit observed. This review, by key experts in the field, concentrates on the observations made from clinical trials and from in vivo and in vitro experiments that might identify an anti-inflammatory component to the mechanism of action of these important medicines.
Hydroxy-methyl-glutaryl CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors, known also as “statins”: atorvastatin, cerivastatin, fluvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin and simvastatin, are powerful hypolipidemic agents which often enable physicians to attain target values, as established by the NCEP guidelines, especially when a marked and consistent reduction in LDL cholesterol is necessary. With the exception of cerivastatin which was recently withdrawn from worldwide sale because of the worrying incidence of fatal cases of rhabdomyolysis possibly due to high dosages and concomitant use of other drugs such as gemfibrozil or cyclosporin, statins are safe in the long term, as demonstrated by their widespread use in the past 15 years and recently by large-scale clinical trials like the Heart Protection Study. Amongst the currently available statins atorvastatin, extended release fluvastatin and simvastatin have a major effect in lowering LDL cholesterol. Nevertheless, some physicochemical and especially pharmacokinetic differences between the various strains of statins might influence the choice of a particular one as treatment option for an individual patient and might explain some differences that have been described when effects other than the specific hypocholesterolemic one are concerned. These include a possible different action on circulating HDL cholesterol and may be on other systems of biological and physiopathological relevance in the determinism of atherosclerosis and its complications.
An attempt has been made to highlight the recent literature related to the hypocholesterolemic effect of acidophilus milk. Higher levels of serum cholesterol are often associated with cardiovascular diseases. Concentration of cholesterol can be kept lower by encouraging intake of polyunsaturated and monosaturated fatty acids and discouraging saturated fatty acids. Lactobacillus acidophilus, being the natural inhabitant of intestine and possessing bile-salt hydrolase activity, can be exploited during the manufacture of acidophilus milk and its application as a means for reducing cholesterol level is recommended. Factors influencing the efficacy of acidophilus milk to lower serum cholesterol are type of milk employed for product manufacture, age, sex, food habits and initial concentration of cholesterol of test subjects. Consumption of acidophilus milk as a dietary adjunct can be recommended.
Growth and bile salt hydrolase (BSH) activity of the isogenic Lactobacillus plantarum 80 (LP80) strains were studied in vitro. In pure culture experiments viability and growth performance of the BSH- LP80 strain was negatively affected by the presence of conjugated bile salts. The LP80 wild type (WT) and BSH overproducing LP80 (pCBH1) strains did not show a die-off upon supplementation of bile salts. The latter strains hydrolysed glyco-conjugated deoxycholate (GDCA) more readily than tauro-conjugated deoxycholate (TDCA), indicating substrate specificity of the enzyme. BSH activities towards TDCA of LP80 WT and LP80 (pCBH1) stationary phase cells were 017 and 1.02 μmol/mg CDW.h respectively; activities towards GDCA of the respective strains were 3.52 and 54.80 μmol/mg CDW.h respectively. The study of BSH activity as a function of growth revealed a marked difference in behaviour between LP80 WT and LP80 (pCBH1) with LP80 WT hydrolysing GDCA when reaching the exponential phase, whereas LP80 (pCBH1) immediately started to hydrolyse GDCA. TDCA hydrolysis increased after GDCA hydrolysis was completed. BSH activity of LP80 (pCBH1) in a mixed microbial association, resembling that of the small intestine, was comparable to that determined under pure culture conditions, indicating that BSH activity will probably not be influenced by the presence of the normal intestinal microbiota. Based on the BSH activity of LP80 (pCBHl) and on physiological data on the bile salt-cholesterol metabolism interrelationship, it was calculated that a daily intake of a realistic amount of highly BSH active Lactobacillus cells, e.g. in the form of yoghurt, might lead to a significant reduction of cholesterol. Hence, this in vitro study indicates that altering BSH activity can be a valid (micro) biological alternative treatment for patients with severe hypercholesterolaemia.
The bile salt hydrolase (BSH) of Lactobacillus reuteri CRL 1098 is a single, constitutive, intracellular enzyme which is only detectable in stationary phase cells. It has optimal activity at pH4.5–5.5 and 37–45C. The enzyme (80kDa apparent mass) has sulphydryl groups in the catalytic active site and hydrolyzes both glycine and taurine conjugated bile acids with higher affinity for glyco-conjugates.
Eleven strains of lactobacilli were screened for their bile salt deconjugation ability, bile salt hydrolase activity (BSH) and co-precipitation of cholesterol with deconjugated bile. Bile salt deconjugation as determined by the release of cholic acid showed that more cholic acid was liberated from the deconjugation of sodium glycocholate than sodium taurocholate, and Lactobacillus acidophilus strains had higher deconjugation ability than L. casei strains. BSH activity, as quantified by the amount of taurine or glycine liberated from conjugated bile salts, indicated that substrate specificity was more towards glycine-conjugated bile compared to taurine-conjugated bile. Co-precipitation of cholesterol with cholic acid was observed from deconjugation of both conjugated bile, with more cholesterol being precipitated upon deconjugation of sodium glycocholate than upon that of sodium taurocholate. Cholesterol co-precipitation with deconjugated bile increased with decreasing pH. L. acidophilus ATCC 33200, 4356 and 4962 and L. casei ASCC 1521 showed highest deconjugation ability and BSH activity towards bile mixtures that resemble the human bile, and may be promising candidates to exert beneficial bile deconjugation activity in vivo.
Cholestyramine was administered to hamsters at 6 doses in the diet for 1 week. Plasma cholesterol, LDL + VLDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol were measured after this period. Bile acid excretion was measured in faeces collected over the final 24 h of the experiment. A dose-response curve for each parameter measured was constructed using data from individual hamsters. For the bile acid and the cholesterol measurements a maximum response was observed at the highest doses. A correlation between the bile acids excreted over 24 h and the LDL + VLDL cholesterol showed that the maximum effect of cholestyramine on lowering plasma and lipoprotein cholesterol occurred at a submaximal excretion level of bile acids. Comparison of the efficiency of cholestyramine in reducing plasma cholesterol in the hamster with limited data in the dog and in man suggest that a greater lowering of plasma cholesterol is achieved in the dog and in man for an equivalent increase in bile acid excretion caused by the sequestrant. As is already known, cholestyramine treatment caused an increase in hepatic cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase and HMG-CoA reductase activity. Interestingly in this study the novel observation was made that the bile acid sequestrant reduced the activity of hepatic acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase.