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... Scenario development research highlights the importance of scenarios being both feasible and original (Lewis, 2000;Treffers et al., 2020). Feasibility ensures that scenarios fit decision makers' perspectives ( de Geus, 1988;Schwarz, 1996;Grant, 2003), and that they can be implemented with the available organizational resources (Hitt and Tyler, 1991). Originality is needed to achieve distinctive strategic advantages (Szulanski and Amin, 2001). ...
... Optimizing the intake of explicit knowledge is seen as particularly important in steps 1, 2 and 4 of the scenario development process and aimed at meeting decision makers' information needs while creating feasible and fact-based Table 2 Overview on the epistemological and ontological perspectives of recent research streams on knowledge-related challenges in scenario development. Conversational methods/dialogic forms de Geus, 1988;Schoemaker (1993); Schwarz (1996);Grant (2003) Knowledge as a "justified true belief" (Nonaka, 1994, p. 15 (2017) scenarios (Mietzner and Reger, 2005;Kuosa, 2012). ...
... Since the inception of scenario development research, scholarly work was geared towards developing methodological approaches to challenge the mental models of managers, starting with the foundational and seminal work by scholars such as de Geus (1988), Schoemaker (1993), Schwarz (1996), and van der Heijden (1996). However, from the outset, scholars also report about difficulties in guiding strategists to leave their comfort zone (e.g., van der Heijden, 1996;Bradfield et al., 2005;Durance and Godet, 2010;Amer et al., 2013). ...
... Upon completing the impact analysis, action options in the form of strategic or policy options, elaborate roadmaps, or knowledge and innovation agendas are made available to the policymaker or client with the future question. Active involvement of the policymaker or client in this step is vital, as they play a central role in shaping the approach and fostering a joint learning process with stakeholders and experts (De Geus, 1988). Table 1. ...
... We have therefore designed this foresight approach in such a way that decision-makers can actively participate from the start. However, their participation in the process is just as important as it is in the results: clients and other stakeholders should also view the foresight process as a joint learning process, in which active participation is required to gain insight into external developments and their impact (De Geus, 1988). ...
Ante los rápidos avances tecnológicos y los imprevistos sociales, predecir el futuro del trabajo resulta todo un reto. La prospectiva, la exploración de futuros potenciales, se perfila como una valiosa estrategia para sortear las incertidumbres del mercado laboral. Sin embargo, los métodos de prospectiva existentes no suelen estar en consonancia con los objetivos prioritarios de los agentes sectoriales y organizativos. Para colmar esta laguna, presentamos PRO-SPECT (PROfessional Sectoral perSPECTive), un enfoque de prospectiva modular elaborado mediante revisión bibliográfica, entrevistas a expertos y talleres. Adaptado a las necesidades de los responsables políticos, las organizaciones y las comunidades, PRO-SPECT consta de cuatro pasos fundamentales: Alcance, Exploración, Impacto y Perspectiva. Este enfoque basado en pruebas tiene por objeto dotar a las partes interesadas de ideas prácticas para el futuro del trabajo y más allá. Este artículo ofrece una visión general de PRO-SPECT y anima a su adopción y al desarrollo del conocimiento en las prácticas de prospectiva.
... The Economics of Learning Working Paper 2.0 5 March 2024 Steven Flinn the information is accessed through an explicit search or the automatic surfacing of the information, which we can call "discovery." The accessed information is then used to make predictions. ...
... The Economics of Learning Working Paper 2.0 5 the answer converges on a common understanding of the essential characteristic of learning. ...
... Upon completing the impact analysis, action options in the form of strategic or policy options, elaborate roadmaps, or knowledge and innovation agendas are made available to the policymaker or client with the future question. Active involvement of the policymaker or client in this step is vital, as they play a central role in shaping the approach and fostering a joint learning process with stakeholders and experts (De Geus, 1988). Table 1. ...
... We have therefore designed this foresight approach in such a way that decision-makers can actively participate from the start. However, their participation in the process is just as important as it is in the results: clients and other stakeholders should also view the foresight process as a joint learning process, in which active participation is required to gain insight into external developments and their impact (De Geus, 1988). ...
In the face of rapid technological advancements and unforeseen societal events, predicting the future of work proves challenging. Foresight, the exploration of potential futures, emerges as a valuable strategy to navigate labor market uncertainties. However, existing foresight methods often lack alignment with the goals prioritized by sectoral and organizational stakeholders. Addressing this gap, we introduce PRO-SPECT (PROfessional Sectoral perSPECTive), a modular foresight approach crafted through literature review, expert interviews, and workshops. Tailored to meet the needs of policymakers, organizations, and communities, PRO-SPECT consists of four key steps: Scope, Scan, Impact, and Perspective. This evidence-based approach aims to equip stakeholders with actionable insights for the future of work and beyond. This article provides a comprehensive overview of PRO-SPECT, encouraging further adoption and knowledge development in foresight practices.
... Thus microworlds are powerful devices for communicating and internalizing strategy across an entire senior management team, dramatically accelerating learning about a shared vision of the firm's future (Gary et al. 2012). The "gaming is learning" theme examines how managers explore strategic issues together in a risk-free environment, to gain wisdom on difficult strategic problems (De Geus 1988;Kark 2011;Waller et al. 2014). Higher order learning is escaping from an entrenched perception and implementing a mind-set different from the old one (Espedal 2008). ...
... The gaming simulation enabled managers to stress-test a new strategy or business model, i.e., strategies were tested for robustness to various market and competitor scenarios and trying to "shoot holes" in the robustness of the strategy. This follows the "gaming is learning" theme (De Geus 1988;Kark 2011;Waller et al. 2014) where managers explore together and gain wisdom in a risk free environment. It can include experimenting with approaches currently thought to be too risky to action for real. ...
This empirical qualitative study explores the role of gaming simulations in catalyzing changes to organization-wide management’s perspectives on a novel strategy for aircraft orders and retirements. A large US airline developed the new strategy to tackle the pervasive problem of profit cyclicality, driving poor average profit performance across the cycle. Based on the dynamic model used to develop the strategy with senior management, a gaming simulation workshop was designed and delivered in groups of 20 to over 200 organization-wide managers. They tested various strategies for aircraft orders and retirements, under scenarios for market demand and conduct for competitors and regulators.
A qualitative methodology was used to capture the workshop participants’ perspectives on the efficacy of various capacity strategies, before, during and after the workshop. The findings are that managers experiment risk-free with innovations in strategies for capacity orders and retirements and they do indeed discover for themselves that there are counterintuitive alternatives that can achieve large and stable profitable growth. These strategies depend on competitors (role-played by workshops participants in the simulation) cooperating to create a win-win equilibrium. Performance far exceeds the industry benchmark profit cycle.
The contribution is the empirical evidence of the effectiveness of gaming simulations to catalyze managers’ shared beliefs and buy-in to a new strategy or business model. There are implications for practitioners in airlines and other sectors on the use of a gaming simulation workshop toolset, to help create such buy-in for an emerging strategy or business model. Protocols for best practice gaming simulation workshop design are discussed.
... Literature diversion exists in conceptualization and organizational learning (Fiol & Lyles, 1985;Huber, 1991: Crossan, et al., 1995. Organizational learning is considered as an important indicator for a feasible competitive lead, which is the requirement of each company (De Geus, 1988). It is crucial to be elastic and adaptive for an incessant learning that helps to endure the efficiency to strive (Burke, et al., 2006). ...
Leadership is to keep things in an absolute direction, its concern not only related to the splendid acts but also keep the team on straight direction with the help of learning organizational procedures, practices, and encourage team members to achieve set target with combine efforts. The focus of this study is to examine the role of transactional and transformational leadership on learning organizations by using Full Range Leadership Theory (FRLT). Transactional leadership measured by three dimensions; contingent reward, management by exception-active and exception-passive. Transformational leadership has four dimensions; idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual stimulation. Feedback sought from faculty and non-faculty from public and private selected 10 universities (5 public and 5 private universities) in Pakistan, within the radius of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Contingent reward in terms of transaction leadership, on the other side idealized influence, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration in terms of transformational leadership showed strong contribution for organizational learning. From comparative results, significant differences were noted in organizational leadership among these sectors. The study also confirmed FRLT perspective that end up by providing conclusion and future recommendations.
... Drivers of innovation and sustainable firm performance with specific reference to BMI have been studied for decades in the learning school of the strategic management literature since strategic learning is one of the critical abilities behind innovative achieve-mentsAlpkan et al., 2021). Towards the end of the last century, the most critical source of sustainable competitive advantage was the organizational "ability to learn" faster than competitors by contributing to the emergence of some unique combinations of organizational skills to be utilized in developing new products and entering new markets (de Geus, 1988). In this concern, organizational capabilities need to be dynamic to reshape competition by integrating, building, and reconfiguring competencies, addressing rapidly changing environments, and then achieving innovative forms of competitive advantage (Teece et al., 1997). ...
The construction industry has a crucial place in any country's economy. However, compared to other sectors, construction companies have been relatively slow to adopt new technologies, while most companies in different sectors have already begun to adopt the latest technologies to renovate their way of doing business and improve their overall performance. Therefore, Construction 4.0, as the digital transformation of construction companies in the era of Industry 4.0, attracts the attention of both practitioners and researchers. This empirical study aims to uncover the complex relations among Construction 4.0, Business Model Innovation (BMI), and firm performance in a developing country context. We propose an original model of relations purporting that BMI mediates the positive effects of Construction 4.0 on Firm Performance, drawing mainly on the dynamic capabilities view. All statistical analyses were performed by using R statistical language. Data was gathered from 152 managers in the Turkish construction sector via the convenience sampling method. Descriptive statistics, validity, reliability, correlation, and PROCESS mediation analyses were used to test research hypotheses. The results show that both digital and physical layers of Construction 4.0 positively relate to firm performance and that BMI fully mediates this positive relation. Managerial and further research implications are forwarded.
... This discipline, usually top-down, helps business leaders partly accommodate bounded rationality when exploring futures and assessing their strengths and weaknesses (Mintzberg, 1991(Mintzberg, , 1994. This type of strategic planning does indeed correlate with higher firm performance (Grant, 2003;Miller & Cardinal, 1994), faster organizational learning (de Geus, 1988;Kaplan & Beinhocker, 2003), and managing in changing environments (Wolf & Floyd, 2017). In contrast, the notions of agility and resilience relate more to how organizations can cope with and navigate unanticipated disruptions. ...
Whether and how organizations should enhance their agility depends greatly on the nature, scope, and time frames of the challenges involved. We review the literature on strategic and operational agility in supply chains, focusing primarily on better integrations of Strategy Theory and Operations Management. We interpretively review relevant literature in these two fields, each with its own journals, theoretical approaches, and professional organizations, to discern key concepts and approaches. We then develop conceptual syntheses of the main agility factors for supply chains and examine six prototypical cases, followed by additional contextual insights. We conclude with unsettled research issues for supply chain agility and extend this further to the field of strategic management, including promising topics – some canonical - for further research.
... Organisational learning has become a source of competitive advantage and performance, giving rise to extensive research over the last three decades (De Geus 19881998, Tsang 1997. Family businesses, faced with international competition, must develop new strategies (Baker andSinkula 1999, Farrell 2000), in particular, organisational learning strategies, that enable them to take new directions based on newly acquired knowledge (Birdthistle and Fleming 2005), allowing them to constantly evolve and meet ever-changing customer needs (Kaufman 1992). ...
It appears that research rarely focuses on the specificity of the types of organisation studied, or when it does, it focuses on public organisations. Yet, varying organisational contexts allows for a more robust progressive theoretical construction. This article therefore asks: to what extent do social networks contribute to industrial family firms exhibiting the characteristics of the learning organisation? We use the theoretical framework of the learning organisation and its seven dimensions to analyse a single case study based on an industrial family business based in China in which two social networks are increasingly used. The results highlight their complementary contribution to organisational learning. We conclude by elaborating on the theoretical contributions and managerial implications of this research.
... Finally, it should be noted that the methods used rest upon the scenario planning method. Scenario planning is a tool for strategic thinking (Schwartz 1997) and a source for learning (De Geus 1988). Note that scenario planning is not about foretelling the future. ...
Germany has one of the most ambitious energy transition policies dubbed ‘Die Energiewende’ to replace nuclear- and fossil power with renewables such as wind-, solar- and biopower. The climate gas emissions are reduced by 25% in the study period of 2002 through 2022. By triangulating available information sources, the total nominal expenditures are estimated at EUR 387 bn, and the associated subsidies are some EUR 310 bn giving a total nominal expenditures of EUR 696 bn. Alternatively, Germany could have kept the existing nuclear power in 2002 and possibly invest in new nuclear capacity. The analysis of these two alternatives shows that Germany could have reached its climate gas emission target by achieving a 73% cut in emissions on top of the achievements in 2022 and simultaneously cut the spending in half compared to Energiewende. Thus, Germany should have adopted an energy policy based on keeping and expanding nuclear power.
... Grâce à l'utilisation de capacités dynamiques, les organisations peuvent intégrer, développer et reconfigurer leurs capacités internes et externes pour faire face à des environnements en évolution rapide (Teece et al., 1997). Les capacités organisationnelles émergent au fil du temps grâce à un processus d'apprentissage organisationnel (Levitt et March, 1988;Szulanski, 2003 (Geus, 1988). Cette capacité dynamique crée au fil du temps une dépendance historique ou de chemin (Collis, 1991;Winter, 1987;Lei et al., 1996), créant une ambiguïté causale; c'est-à-dire, des barrières à l'imitation et rendant très difficile pour d'autres entreprises de recréer l'évolution historique unique que chaque organisation développe. ...
L'émergence de l'économie de la connaissance a conduit de nombreuses organisations à reconnaître l'importance de la connaissance comme une ressource cruciale, et a créé un défi de gestion complexe « la gestion des connaissances (KM) ». En raison des complexités culturelles, opérationnelles, dispersions géographiques et autres, ce défi est plus aigu pour les grandes organisations. Au cours des dernières années, plusieurs théories ont été avancées pour la pratique de GC. Cependant, étant donné la nature abstraite du domaine, il y a peu de consensus sur les composants et les modes de gestion des connaissances. Une grande partie de la recherche actuelle porte sur un ou quelques éléments organisationnels de la gestion des connaissances. Les relations critiques et fondamentales entre tous les éléments sont souvent ignorées. Le besoin de théories, principes et méthodes empiriques pour la gestion des connaissances est largement reconnu dans la littérature existante sur la gestion. Le but de cet article est de mettre en lumière les principales théories de la gestion des connaissances y compris les modèles pratiques de gestion de connaissances, et de contribué à une bonne compréhension des bénéfices de la GC dans l'entreprise. Abstract The emergence of the knowledge economy has led many organizations to recognize the importance of knowledge as a crucial resource, and has created a complex management challenge "knowledge management (KM)". Due to cultural, operational, geographic dispersions and other complexities, this challenge is more acute for larger organizations. In recent years, several theories have been put forward for the practice of KM. However, given the abstract nature of the field, there is little consensus on the components and modes of knowledge management. Much of the current research focuses on one or a few organizational elements of knowledge management. The critical and fundamental relationships between all elements are often overlooked. The need for theories, principles and empirical methods for knowledge management is widely recognized in the existing management literature. The aim of this article is to highlight the main theories of knowledge management including practical knowledge management models, and to contribute to a good understanding of the benefits of KM in the company.
... Se debe entender y aprender de clientes y competidores, comprender las tendencias de la industria, desarrollar una relación de confianza con proveedores y trabajadores de la organización. Aprendizaje organizacional es "el proceso por el cual una organización evoluciona para seguir estando en armonía con el entorno cambiante" (De Geus, 1988), clave para que las organizaciones sobrevivan y prosperen. El poder del equipo bien organizado es superior a cualquier organización construida en torno a una o dos estrellas. ...
Las relaciones productos-mercados exigen que la organización tenga apertura y adaptabilidad a su entorno turbulento. Para dirigir en este contexto, el líder debe desarrollar las habilidades estratégicas: capacidad de visualizar el futuro (orientación estratégica): visión trascendente; un fuerte sentido de rumbo (energía-carisma): alinear; con flexibilidad al cambio (aprendizaje organizacional): adaptabilidad-apertura;orientación al desarrollo de las personas (gestión del talento): delegar; y un análisis y síntesis (retroalimentación razonable): análisis reflexivo. Estas habilidades las desarrolla practicando el liderazgo transformacional, cuyas raíces y faros de luz son sus valores personales (Fardella, 2013).
... Corporate longevity (CL) is another common variable to evaluate organizational performance plans. Although the topic is highly debatable, increases in performance may foster stronger group affiliation within an organization and this leads to lower turnover and therefore enables organizational continuity, which is associated with retention of knowledge (Senge, 1990;Chermack et al., 2006;Burt & Chermack, 2008;De Geus, 1988, 2002. ...
The purpose of the present research was to identify and assess key organizational factors affecting work performance via Gilbert´s Behavioral Engineering Model (BEM). Therefore, a self-made scale considering BEM´s dimensions was developed and tested. Data were gathered from the 1st of April to end of May 2023, using a randomly stratified sample of 297 Mexican companies of Sonora State. The final questionnaire – named ADOPTproved adequate psychometric properties to assess eight organizational factors of human performance proposed. ADOPT liability and validity are shown in the light of commented literature and data on present organizational effectiveness and corporate longevity. Main results indicate a global alpha scale liability of .92 being Task Support, knowledge/Competences, and Context most valued predictors of organizational effectiveness, followed by Aims/Objectives and Feedback factors. It was also confirmed that both contextual (environmental level) and behaviour (individual level) type of supports are equally important in predicting work performance. Evidence indicates that organizational performance management in SMEs is highly achieved on a long-term basis by attending these key factors in a specific loop, i.e. contextualising, system maintenance (feedback), and empowering. This sequence support personnel assessments as essential for empowering decision-making processes.
... The QSPM model has brought very powerful results in many economic and business aspects [18,11] by using the resources from Internal Factors Evaluation (IFE) and External Factors Evaluation (EFE) to create an approach that will enable many managers and leaders of organizations to take a closer look at a new way of makes long-term decisions [28,21]. What the research will bring to the surface is the help and support that I will find using internal and external variables to build a practical and very clear guide to make strategic planning [13] towards creating leaderism in the industry. ...
Evaluation of alternatives to making decisions still remains as the most difficult field for every manager. Considering that uncertainty, stress, emotions and many other factors still remain insurmountable during decision-making in the work of managers. The research will bring a contemporary approach to the evaluation of alternatives through the multi-stage method by conducting a series of exhibitions for an effective decision. Model will create a logical structure derivation of exhibitions by revealing options and paths toward strategic leadership. The research used mixed methods of data collection to create a more meaningful and integrative research design. The sample was elongated over a survey of 250 organizations. The research brings to the surface a clear analysis of the following path as a guide and practically used to gain differentiating advantages towards the long-term through Strategic Attractiveness Position in Industry (ST-API). From this analysis structure, a clearness leadership orientation is created for managers, a recommendation for strategic leadership, revealing a group of strategies to undertake depending on the ST-API dimension IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation) or ST-API dimension EFE (External Factor Evaluation) through crafting "Option's" since the organizations are concentrated in the vicinity of the corner (nook) in quad IV, conclusively in "growth and build". Occurrated in this axle, organizations are advised to orient their actions towards the "develop products" in order to go towards longevity and leaderism in the industry.
... A primary sustainable advantage an organization can have is its ability to learn faster than its competitors (de Geus, 1988). This means that thriving requires a strategic approach to learning at an increasingly rapid rate across all levels to improve competitiveness and deliver effective products and services (Stewart, 2007). ...
... Where organisations refuse to change, there is the tendency of going into bankruptcy. Though organisations should learn due to increase demand on organisations to change; and the fact that change accelerates quickly, therefore, organisations are supposed to find their footings in an environment that is becoming more complex[35] [36]; as learning is certain the only enduring solution to achieving possible advantage ...
... As a result, causal maps, as representations of those aspects of a person's thoughts which are relevant to a given question or problem, can play a useful role in representing, communicating and exploring empirical material. The maps, as representations, become relatively independent from the person (interviewee) whose thoughts have been mapped as well as from the mapper (interviewer); therefore, they become transitional objects, which means that maps can be edited along with a person's change in their understanding of the world and analyzed in themselves (De Geus, 1988;Dörfler, 2020;Winnicott, 1953). Study participants typically have a sense of ownership of the emerging map. ...
Perhaps more than ever, contemporary management studies are tasked with the urgent need to understand and keep up with the increasingly complex and fast-changing world. In light of the grand challenges and societal and organizational stresses, it is no wonder that when crafting management studies, researchers have to embrace complexity. Nonetheless, when rich, qualitative data are explored, popular analysis methods such as thematic analysis are not tailored for studying the mutual dependencies between studied phenomena and their knock-on effects without reducing the complexity and richness of the gathered qualitative material. In this paper, we systematize Eden and Ackermann's idiographic approach to causal mapping as a technique that can be used for crafting qualitative research. By doing so, we aim to popularize causal mapping as an accessible yet structured and formalized method that can be used in various studies within broad organization and management research. In particular, we argue that causal mapping helps to address three problems in studying complex organizational settings: i) capturing and exploring systemic interdependencies within the data, ii) unpacking complexity without reducing the richness of data, and iii) resolving 'getting stuck' when working on the analysis of messy data. We problematize the methodological and philosophical considerations, exploring possible integrations of causal mapping with other methods for analyzing qualitative data. Finally, we elaborate on the suitability of causal mapping for working with complex organizational phenomena and contemporary topics prominent in management studies and propose ways to extend and popularize its application in future research.
... Es por ello por lo que las empresas requieren generar un aprendizaje y creatividad para aumentar los recursos y habilidades que van generando sus propios trabajadores, para lo cual es necesario fortalecer el compromiso organizacional para retenerlos y con ello lograr empresas que generen ventajas competitivas (Barney, 1991;De Geus, 1988;Garvin, 1993;Mahoney, 2001;Peteraf, 1993;Wernerfelt, 1984). ...
Los autores hacen un análisis sobre cómo los diferentes mercados como es el de trabajo, elenergético, el de salud y el automotriz en su relación con la competitividad y a su vez se estudia como la mujer ha tomado un liderazgo importante en el desarrollo empresarial, el cual es un detonante para el desarrollo de los países.
En este proyecto de investigación involucró catorce capítulos donde participaron 34 investigadores de cinco diferentes universidades de México como son el Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Universidad de Guadalajara y la Universidad Michoacana San Nicolás de Hidalgo, todas las aportaciones fueron basados en evidencia empírica de empresas y de instituciones de gobierno. En cada uno de los capítulos se aporta avances en los siguientes objetivos de PRONACES; energía y cambio climático, sistemas socio ecológicos y sustentabilidad.
... The notion of the strategic planning process is basically synonymic with strategic management [24,25]. The strategicmanagement process can be described as an objective, logical, systematic approach for making major decisions in an organization [26]. ...
... Regarding the set of choices that can generate to make decisions, the creation of alternatives is a process and spectrum of creationism and creativity [4,5] which is based on the generation of ideas and solutions that managers build to find variants or solutions to face the externative problems of organization environment. Paying special attention to decision making is a segment which explains the connections with the factors of the organization's environment which constantly and inextricably influence organizations. ...
Research reveals the externative organizational factors, their impact on the weight of managers in the decision-making process for a development and creation of sustainable leaderism. Emphasizing that the factors of the managerial environment constantly have an effect and produce changes, bringing challenges for managers to make decisions. Research will analyze their impact and the attention that managers pay to this unstructured and non-routine dimension of decisions. This research is based on the derivation of analyzes through the Correlational Field Study (CFS), the use of some models for measuring impact and sustainability such as General Linear Model (GLM) the analysis of consistency index (CI) measurements for decision making (DM) through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Research highlights the SEM-PLS approach by closely identifying the inter-connection and the weight of the interlinkage between externative factors and decision-making. Study was conducted in 100 study organizations in Kosovo. Firstly, brings the correlation analysis between the factors by looking more closely at their correlation and decision making, secondly the impact on the weight that these factors lading during managerial analyses, thirdly through the AHP method we highlight the clear analysis of the consistency index (CI) and random consistency (CR) proving that decision making is influenced day-to-day by extern factors such as: uncertainty, risk, turbulence dynamics etc. Inevitably be considered for future research the new era of business peripherically changes such: competitiveness, ambiguity and ambidextrous.
... A further benefit of using a GSS when working with groups is that the publicly displayed model provides the group with a "transitional object" (de Geus 1988;Winnicott 1953) and "boundary object" (Carlile 2004;Franco 2013) reflecting the continuous transition of the changing views of the group and members of the group. Typically a GSS-supported meeting will commence with some form of data capture where the individual views are elicited and projected on the public display. ...
... This may be classified as a significant contributor to the long term sustainability of the economy (Bandera et al., 2017). Researchers have suggested the study of antecedents that lead to the knowledge entrepreneurship process by fostering a supporting climate (De Geus 1988;Day 1994;Sinkula 1994;Huber 1991). Knowledge entrepreneurship commonly is also referred to the academic entrepreneurship. ...
Higher education institutions, in the knowledge economy, have a significant role in encouraging innovation and ultimately accelerating economic growth by the creation and transfer of knowledge. This study concentrates on the construct of knowledge entrepreneurship in higher education institutions of the public and private sectors in Pakistan. It highlights the competencies required to enhance knowledge entrepreneurship in presence of an encouraging organizational climate. Using the dynamic capability theory, this study theorizes the essential role of Personal, Professional and social competencies of faculty members in Higher education institutions in creating and disseminating various forms of knowledge while the organization maintains support, encouragement, leadership and the vision to accomplish the same. Implications and areas for future research are highlighted for further expansion in literature.
... 83) (van der Heijden, 1996). Moreover, both strategy tools ) and scenario planning (De Geus, 1988) have long been viewed and used as transitional objects (artefacts that link changes between two states, Winnicott, 1971); Burt (2003) explores their 'epigenetic' and transformative role. Extending this argument, Worthington et al. (2009) show that scenario planning can help organisations move 'beyond risk mitigation' by exploring opportunities within uncertain environments. ...
It is well established in the foresight literature that strategy tools, such as scenario planning, have multiple reported outcomes. Much of the existing research focuses on direct outcomes, such as identifying uncertainties and developing strategies. While indirect outcomes, such as improving organisational learning and culture, are acknowledged, the existing literature provides limited empirical evidence. This paper focuses on an indirect outcome of scenario planning that has largely been ignored: entrepreneurial orientation. This research investigates whether the use of scenario planning affects key dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation among organisations that engage with it. Our model is tested through a series of hypotheses, taking advantage of a unique dataset of 133 companies from the health sector in France. This study uses a partial least squares (PLS) analysis; the findings show that scenario planning promotes risk-taking and proactive behaviour, but does not affect the innovativeness of organisations that use it. Based on these findings, we theorise about the impact of scenario planning on the entrepreneurial behaviour of organisations and discuss the practical implications of this research.
... Hotel yang mempunyai lingkungan yang dinamis harus memproses informasi yang telah dihasilkan secara efisien (Nonaka, 1994). Ahli berpendapat bahwa dalam lingkungan yang dinamis dan tidak pasti, kemampuan sebuah perusahaan untuk belajar dapat memberikan keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan (De Geus, 1988;Stata & Almond, 1989 dengan cepat dan memperbaiki diri menjadi kebutuhan yang mendesak (Lakomski, 2001 (Solso, Maclin, & Maclin, 2007). ...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh sistem pengukuran kinerja strategik terhadap kinerja manajer. Penelitian ini juga menginvestigasi peran pembelajaran organisasi sebagai mediator pada pengaruh sistem pengukuran kinerja strategik terhadap kinerja manajer. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebesar 75 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei yang dilakukan dengan pengumpulan kuesioner pada manajer dan kepala departemen hotel berbintang 3, 4, dan 5 di Kota Makassar. Sebelum dilakukan analisis, terlebih dahulu dilakukan pengujian kualitas data, yaitu dengan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, serta uji asumsi klasik. Analisis penelitian ini berfokus pada path analysis dan uji sobel untuk menguji pengaruh variabel mediasi antara variabel independen dengan variabel dependen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sistem pengukuran kinerja strategik memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja hotel. Sistem pengukuran kinerja strategik juga berpengaruh positif terhadap pembelajaran organisasi, yang secara tidak langsung juga berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja manajer. Secara singkat, sistem pengukuran kinerja strategik sepenuhnya memiliki pengaruh terhadap kinerja manajer dengan bantuan pembelajaran organisasi sebagai mediatornya.
... They involve considering (or visualising) an event or condition in terms of its possible consequences and the responses that could be made to prevent, mitigate, or benefit from it. Schwartz [34], van der Heijden [35] and de Geus [36] all support that learning is a crucial outcome of scenario planning, and Chermack [37] adds that performance improvement should be another outcome. In particular, tasks facilitate adaptive organisational learning and organisational anticipation about uncertain events (van der Heijden et al. [38]). ...
This study aims to test further the RISKometric previously developed by the authors. This paper is the second of three studies: it compares individuals’ RISKometric results in the first study with their performance in a risk scenario exercise in this second study; so, providing a reliability review for the RISKometric. A risk scenario exercise was developed that required participants to individually undertake a risk management process on a realistic, potentially hazardous event involving working at heights during simultaneous operations. Two observers assessed their responses, rating the participants’ competence in each of the seven risk management process elements. Twenty-six participants individually undertook the risk scenario exercise, known as round one. Analyses found that participants’ individual competence ratings given to them (by observers) when undertaking the risk scenario exercise were strongly and positively associated with the competence ratings given to them by their peers and downline colleagues in the RISKometric in an earlier study; for each of the seven elements in this second study. This finding supports the RISKometric as a useful tool for rating the competency of individuals in the seven elements of the risk management process. Work was also undertaken in preparation for a planned future third study whereby eight participants of the original 26 were selected to individually undertake the risk scenario exercise again to determine any difference in ratings, e.g., if there was a learning effect. The analysis found no significant difference over the two rounds.
In today's technology-driven landscape, companies face intense competition due to rapid technology application and industry convergence. Upon these phenomena, this study aims to comprehensively understand the factors that influence the success of interdisciplinary knowledge combination and its impact on initiating technology convergence. Drawing the dynamic capabilities framework, this study explores how three dimensions of dynamic capabilities influence the initiation of technology convergence: the pace of assimilating prior knowledge, the diversity of cross-disciplinary knowledge integrations and refiguration, and the propensity for differentiated knowledge adoption. USPTO data from 1976 to 2019 is retrieved to measure these attributes. Findings reveal that firms fostering the initiation of technology convergence assimilate knowledge more rapidly, across diverse fields, and demonstrate a propensity for differentiated knowledge. It operationalizes the dynamic capabilities framework within the context of technology convergence and takes a proactive approach by examining the trajectories preceding the initiation of technology convergence. Executives and R& D team can leverage these findings to assess their current positioning and determine the direction for future collaboration or exploration efforts.
This version 2.3 is a minor update to version 2.2, incorporating the perspective that learning can be considered a process of lossy compression, which can further be considered process for abstracting, and therefore while we might not typically think of it this way, abstraction is most fundamentally a means to reduce uncertainty. And since, as is discussed later in the paper, abstraction is fundamental to innovating, innovation is ultimately tethered to the process of better predicting, and hence to reducing uncertainty.
This working paper presents formalizations and extensions of the concepts outlined in my book, Optimizing Data-to-Learning-to-Action, which was oriented toward practitioners in the field of business performance improvement. My intention with this series of working papers, which are designed for feedback and collaboration, is to ultimately serve as a basis for a book with the working title of "The Economics of Learning" that is more formalized and is more specifically focused on the field of economics. Believed advances presented in this paper that extend beyond the existing literature in the field of economics include:
1) A more rigorous and extensible treatment of learning and innovation at the micro-economic level
2) Derivation and generalization of the exploration/exploitation trade-off from micro-level principles
3) Derivation of core features of endogenous growth theory from these micro-level principles.
This empirical research aimed to determine the organizational learning influence extent on the organizational core competencies in improving the private university organizations performance in the East Nusa Tenggara province. This study was conducted in some stages in order to determine the partial effect of organizational learning on the organization’s core competencies, and organizational performance. The aforementioned aspect contributed to further studies in the strategy management. It concerned the effect of organizational learning on core competencies, and organizational performance, especially in organizing private universities. Previous research was reviewed to aid variables and hypothesis development. The variables used in the research were organizational learning, organizational core competencies, and work performance. The following stages were conducted through the course of the research: browsing articles, separating articles, extracting data, synthesizing data, reporting data. Data analysis method used path analysis. The approach used was quantitative positivists. The populations in this study were all private universities in the scope of Region VIII LLDIKTI Bali and Nusa Tenggara, focusing in East Nusa Tenggara. The sample were university and college in East Nusa Tenggara province: 40 PTS (High Education Institutions) consisting of 12 universities and 28 college. This study focused on the phenomenon occurred in NTT province higher education. The higher education organization management has not been well standardized. It exhibited low quality organizational competency, educational qualifications, lecturer competencies, facilities and infrastructure. Offered study programs were not in accordance with the regional condition. The graduate’s competence did not suit the regional need. The local governments did not focus its effort in higher education. Regardless of this obstacle, the community kept sending their children to higher education institutions. This was indicated by increased number of universities in NTT and high-interest rate in entering higher education. This condition encouraged researchers to determine the phenomenon’s crucial aspects. This research aimed to illustrate how organizational learning and core organization competencies needed to be developed in improving private university institutions performance in NTT province.Keywords: Organizational Learning, Core Organization Competencies, Organizational Performance, Private Universities Organizations
The paper aims to investigate the importance of leadership – distributed leadership (DL) – for the relationship between organizational learning (OL) and business sustainability (BS).
Extensive literature research was carried out to investigate the relationship among leadership, OL and BS. Two theoretical frameworks of the relationship among DL, OL and BS were formulated and tested on the basis of the empirical studies conducted in 694 Polish and Danish companies. The moderated multiple regression and mediation analysis were used.
In-depth, critical literature analysis has shown that the theoretical foundation of the relationship between leadership and BS is limited and not empirically verified. However, the empirical study has revealed a positive, statistically significant effect of DL on both OL and BS and the mediating role of OL on the relationship between DL and BS (a partial and complimentary mediation).
Research limitations/implications
It would be valuable to simultaneously consider other leadership types (beyond DL) in terms of their impact on OL and BS. Additionally, due to the nature of BS challenges and the specificity of DL, other factors influencing BS should be included for a more profound understanding of the relationships under investigation. Finally, additional contextual factors need to be taken into account.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the paper is one of the first studies that present the relationship between OL and BS with reference to factors influencing BS, i.e. leadership. The value of the paper is the development of two alternative models of the relationship among DL, OL and BS and their verification through large-scale empirical cross-country research. Furthermore, the results obtained in the course of the research open up new research directions with respect to the development of the concept of sustainable leadership and deepen the knowledge of the relationship between leadership types and OL.
The present paper analyzes psychometric properties of a self-made instrument to measure individual performance based on Gilbert’s BEM. This research is quantitative, descriptive, correlational, causal; cross-sectional, using exploratory factor analysis and principal component analysis with Varimax orthogonal rotation. Empirical support was obtained by using a randomly stratified sample of 297 Mexican companies of Sonora State. The questionnaire – named DOPT- proved adequate to assess relevant organizational factors of human performance that could guide organizational performance policies accordingly. Its 40 items assess organizational level achieved in the following areas: Aims and objectives, Feedback, Task support, Incentives, Knowledge/Competences, Context, Sanctions, and Work processes. Psychometric properties results are commented in the light of commented literature about current overall organizational assessment and corporate longevity. In addition, organizational performance areas are discussed under a timing perspective defining mapping and tracing loops of organizational performance management.
In processual approaches to the sociology of organizations, there are prevalent assumptions differentiating ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ process research. In this paper, we challenge this assumption and suggest a novel, non-dualistic hybrid approach that is methodologically strong-weak. This approach integrates both flux (becoming) and its temporary material instantiations (being), addressing tensions between slow-moving and mid-range elements of process. We argue that both strong and weak process views can contribute to understanding organizing. We explore how their dualism can be overcome methodologically through the combination of time horizons, incorporating substantialist and flux views, as well as proximal and distal perspectives. Using a strong-weak dualism creates an unnecessary theoretical and methodological divide between process as flow and process as material instantiation. We advance three hybrid approaches which we call reifying, liquefying, and embedding. Our contribution consists of strategies to overcome strong-weak dualism for conceptualizing organizations in a sociologically dynamic and holistic manner.
This working paper presents formalizations and extensions of the concepts outlined in my book, Optimizing Data-to-Learning-to-Action, which was oriented toward practitioners in the field of business performance improvement. My intention with this series of working papers, which are designed for feedback and collaboration, is to ultimately serve as a basis for a book with the working title of "The Economics of Learning" that is more formalized and is more specifically focused on the field of economics. This version 2.2 includes additional emphasis on macroeconomic aspects, particularly with respect to endogenous growth theory-related topics. Believed advances presented in this paper that extend beyond the existing literature in the field of economics include: 1) A more rigorous and extensible treatment of learning and innovation at the micro-economic level 2) Derivation and generalization of the exploration/exploitation trade-off from micro-level principles 3) Derivation of core features of endogenous growth theory from these micro-level principles.
A learning organization is one of the popular concepts in management literature in the 1990's. Learning is a deliberate effort by someone to change behavior out of an interaction. The implications of the learning organization are collective learning, question and answer sessions. The manager expects colleagues are a part of a learning organization. Practice community is the combination of work and learning.
Knowledge management in organizations has received significant attention in recent years and corporate training is currently considered a strategically very important resource. This paper suggests the adoption of a tool to support experiential training, since in the current complex socio-economic context organizations must know how to adapt their corporate training to the sudden changes in the market and to the needs of their workers and employees. Through the revision of the experiential model proposed by Kolb and of the complexity curve, the paper aims to propose a suitable tool to support experiential training. The purpose is to create synergies between heterogeneous types of contexts, different styles of learning and appropriate inferences for problem solving. An epistemic model illustrates the most effective learning styles and paths in conditions of high complexity. The originality of this article is expressed in the systemic learning model suggested: the Managerial Learning Framework (MLF), which allows to associate learning styles to different levels of complexity of the managerial context. In addition, the theoretical and practical implications related to the selection of employees and recruitment process of managers in the current postmodern era are suggested from a corporate training perspective.
Eroding competitiveness, declining productivity growth, and explosive technological, political, and environmental change form the familiar litany of problems that threaten traditional organizational structures and management practices. Organizations stressed by these pressures have worked to clarify their missions, visions, and values. Many seek to reorganize into leaner, more locally controlled, and market-responsive structures. Yet all too often the core operating (as opposed to espoused) policies guiding organizational behavior remain unchanged. Efforts to improve strategic management often founder because new strategies and structures threaten traditional habits, norms, and assumptions. The problem lies, in part, with failing to recognize the importance of prevailing mental models. New strategies are the outgrowth of new world views.
هدفت الدراسة إلى محاولة إيجاد العلاقة النظرية بين التعلم التنظيمي والاستجابة التنافسية باعتبارهما من الأساليب الحديثة للإدارة،
وبما يمكن أن تساهم هذه العلاقة في مساعدة المنظمات في إثراء استخداماتها للأساليب الحديثة، وكيف لها أن تربط بينها، تكيفا مع
التغيرات السريعة والمفاجئة في جميع المجالات، وجميع القطاعات. وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج النظرية كان أبرزها:
- أن هناك علاقة ارتباط قوية بين التعلم التكيفي والاستجابة التنافسية؛
- أن التعلم التنظيمي يؤثر بالإيجاب على قدرة المنظمة على الاستجابة التنافسية
The goal of this article is to investigate the influence of a family firm’s commitment to learning on open innovation. First, the research suggests that commitment to learning would allow the family firm to develop organisational knowledge useful to initiate and develop open innovations. Second, the conceptual model suggests that this relationship would be negatively moderated by the socio-emotional goal of family-to-the firm identification. Indeed, it is argued that a family firm’s identity preservation may inhibit open innovation because the firm may be reluctant to collaborate with other firms, or to license its intellectual property to others, for fear that this will erode its competitive advantage. While the first hypothesis is corroborated, unexpectedly the second is not, as the findings show that the stronger the identification, the stronger the influence that learning would have on open innovation.
This study has the purpose of analyzing the implications of the organizational socio-ecosystem on innovation. It begins from the assumption that organizations are open and dynamic concepts of socio-ecosystems composed of technical, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainability departing from growth-based policies and jointly optimized in management strategies for organizational innovation and development that results in improved performance. The method employed is critical analysis and reflection based on the theoretical and empirical review of the literature. It is concluded that the organizational socio ecosystems innovation is the result of multiple organizational factors and environmental dimensions stimulated by the involvement of a diversity of actors, agents, stakeholders, government institutions, research centers and universities, organizational business, among others.
This thesis examines the subject of succession planning. It takes the form of a blue chip company case study and compares and contrasts their succession planning practice with 6 other companies of similar size and global reach whose succession planning practices are regarded as exemplifying best practice. The research employs qualitative research methods. The primary data is informed by 16 interviews with senior management who are subject to and tasked with the implementation of succession planning. The research culminates with the development of a new succession planning conceptual framework for the implementation and management of succession planning.
Keywords. Succession Planning, Case Study, Qualitative Research, Human Capital, Knowledge Management, Adult Learning.
This chapter explores deeper into the meaning of strategy through the theme ‘Strategy Making and Implementing’. Specifically, it focuses on strategic thinking, strategic analysis, and strategic planning. Major works on these concepts are reviewed and assessed, including the contributions of Ohmae, Hamel and Prahalad, Mintzberg, and Rumelt. Asian and Western modes of thinking are noted. The impact of values and beliefs on strategic thinking and analysis is discussed. The decision making process and the limitations of rational decision making are explored. Do strategies come from strategic planning or ‘emerge’ is examined. Implementation is the graveyard of strategies. The problems in strategy implementation are reviewed, with particular reference to Porter, Mintzberg, and Kim and Mauborgne. Challenges like whether strategic thinking can be modelled and taught is also taken up. Together with Chap. 1, the parameters of strategy become clearer. The confusion and consensus in the understanding of strategy become more apparent.