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Evaluation of Pomegranate Peel Fortified Pan Bread on Body Weight Loss

International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences
2014; 3(5): 411-420
Published online September 10, 2014 (
doi: 10.11648/j.ijnfs.20140305.18
ISSN: 2327-2694 (Print); ISSN: 2327-2716 (Online)
Evaluation of pomegranate peel fortified pan bread on
body weight loss
Sayed-Ahmed, E. F.
Special Food and Nutrition Department, Food Technology Research Institute, ARC, Giza, Egypt
Email address:
To cite this article:
Sayed-Ahmed, E. F.. Evaluation of Pomegranate Peel Fortified Pan Bread on Body Weight Loss. International Journal of Nutrition and
Food Sciences. Vol. 3, No. 5, 2014, pp. 411-420. doi: 10.11648/j.ijnfs.20140305.18
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) peel is a nutritive, antioxidant rich by-product, easily available after
production of pomegranate juice and ready to eat arils. The aim of present study was to utilize of pomegranate peel powder
(PPP) as a good source of fiber ingredient and antioxidant bioactive compounds to produce value add bakery product based
on pomegranate peel powder 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5% and investigation of weight loss activity in rats fed on high fat diet (HFD).
Chemical composition, total phenols, total flavonoids and anti-oxidative activity (DPPH) of PPP and pan breads were
determined. Texture profile analysis (TPA), sensory evaluation and physical properties of pan breads were investigated. Pan
bread fortified with 2.5% and 5% PPP had higher score in overall acceptability and physical properties when compared to
control pan bread and other various concentration (7.5%) of PPP. Thirty-six female albino adult rats with an average weight
(180 ±5 g) were divided into six groups 6 rats for each. The first group (G1) fed on basal diet as a (negative control group).
The other rats (30 rat) were divided as follow : (G2) fed on HFD as a positive control (PC), (G3) fed on HFD with PPP free
pan bread , (G4) received HFD with 2.5% PPP fortified pan bread, (G5) received HFD with 5% PPP fortified pan bread and
(G6) fed on HFD with 7.5% PPP fortified pan bread. Food intake, food efficiency, body weight, gain %, epididymal adipose
tissue (g) and organs weight were recorded. Serum lipid profile and liver enzymes were analyzed. Our results showed that
pomegranate peel powder 7.5% followed by 5% fortified breads reduced body weight by (47.61±1.27% and 40.65±1.11%)
respectively, compared with PC group. Total lipid, triglycerides total cholesterol, LDL-C, VLDL-C and liver functions were
decreased by increasing of PPP level in pan bread while HDL-C was increased .In conclusion, our results concluded that
pomegranate peel powder fortified breads with high fiber and anti- oxidative activities is recommended to gain nutritional
and healthy benefits to weight loss activity and the risk of obesity.
Obesity, Albino Rats, Pomegranate Peel Powder, Bread, Sensory Evaluation, Lipid Profile& Liver Functions
1. Introduction
Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or
excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. Around
3.4 million adults die each year as a result of being
overweight or obese [1]. Obesity is one of the most common
and important health concerns facing our society today.
Childhood obesity affects the developed and developing
countries of all socioeconomic groups irrespective of age,
sex, or ethnicity [2].
According to the World Health Org., there are currently
more than 1 billion overweight adults, 300 million of whom
are obese [3].Weight loss in obese persons of any age can
decrease the obesity-related medical complications and
increase physical function and quality of life [4]. Once
considered a high-income country problem, overweight and
obesity are now on the rise in low- and middle-income
In fact, raised body mass index (overweight and obesity)
is an important cause of chronic disease, prevalence of
overweight in Egypt is expected to remain relatively
constant in men (69% in 2005 and 2015 ) and increase in
women from 82% in 2005 to 84% in 2015 [5].
About 50% of the total fruits weight corresponds total
peel which as important source of bioactive compounds such
as phenols, flavonoids, ellagitannins and proanthocyanidin
compounds that acted more dramatically in against
oxidation as compared to the pulp extract [6]. Food
processing by-products have become an important sanitary
problem material to be studied. Such efforts have been made
412 Sayed-Ahmed, E. F.: Evaluation of Pomegranate Peel Fortified Pan Bread on Body Weight Loss
for converting these refused materials into valuable products.
During processing, pomegranate peel is a major by-product
which attracts attention due to its apparent wound-healing
properties [7], immunomodulatory activity [8],
anti-atherosclerotic and anti-oxidative capacities [9].
Bread and baked products are the most important sources
of dietary fiber in the total food consumption. High fiber
bread is one of the known products categorized in functional
food which is health beneficial [10]. White bread has more
popular because of its organoleptic properties [11]; however,
there are increasing demands toward consumption of high
fiber breads due to their health promoting properties.
Meanwhile, utilizing some bread enhancers such as calcium
propionate and proper processing can significantly improve
the texture of high fiber breads [12]. The aim of this
research is to utilize pomegranate peel as a good source of
fiber ingredient and antioxidant bioactive compounds in pan
bead to produce value add bakery product based on
pomegranate peel powder and investigation of weight loss
activity of pan bread substituted with PPP as a functional
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials
2.1.1. Plant Material
Ripened pomegranates (punica granatum L.) were
purchased from local market at Giza, Egypt.
2.1.2. Chemical and Kits
Bread-making ingredients such as (wheat flour extracting
rate 72%, instant yeast, sugar and salt, etc), starch and oil
were purchased from local market at Giza. Casein, minerals,
vitamins and cellulose were purchased from El-Gomhoria
Pharm and Chem. Ind. Company, Cairo, Egypt. All kits for
biochemical analysis were purchased from Biodiagnostic
Co., Dokki, Giza, Egypt. 1,
1-diphenyl-2-picrylhdrazylradical (DPPH) and
Follin-Ciocalteus phenol reagent were purchased from
Sigma-Aldrich Inc. (St.Louis, Mo, USA).All chemicals used
for analysis were of analytical grade.
2.2. Animals
Thirty six female albino rats with average weight 180 ±5 g
were obtained and housed individually in the
Ophthalmology Research Institute, Giza, Egypt. The rats
were kept under normal health laboratory conditions and fed
on basal diet for one week (adaptation period). Water and
basal diet were provided ad libitum. Basal diet composition
prepared according to AIN- 93M diet guidelines [13].
2.3. Methods
2.3.1. Preparation of Pomegranate Peel Powder (PPP)
Ripened pomegranates were rinsed with running tap water.
The fresh peels and seeds were manually separated. Peels
were cut into small pieces and dried in a fan oven at 40
then dried peels were powdered using a hammer mill and
sieved through 40-mesh sieve. The obtained pomegranate
peel powder was kept in the fridge at -20
C until use.
2.3.2. Preparation of Pomegranate Peel Fortified Pan
Bread (PPB)
The standard formula according to [14] showed in Table
(1): Included 1500g of wheat flour, 22.5g yeast, 22.5g salt
(NaCl) , 45g shortining, 45g sugar ( sucrose). Three
formulas were prepared with different levels of pomegranate
peel powder 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% on wheat flour replacement
basis and pure water added to make the dough. All dry
ingredients were weighed and placed in a mixer for 5 sec,
and then a suspension of the yeast in water was added. The
mixture was further run at high speed for 92sec and water
was added to the mixture for making the dough. The doughs
were scaled into three portions, rounded into balls by hand in
fermentation bowls and placed in fermentation cabinet at
C and 85% relative humidity for 20 min. The fermented
doughs were placed in pans and finally returned into the
fermentation cabinet for 50 min. The pans were placed in a
convection oven at 212
C for 18 min. Loaves were weighed
after cooling at room temperature, sensory evaluation and
the volume of loaves were recorded.
Table (1). Formulas composition of pomegranate peel pan bread
Pan bread
Ingredients (g)
PPP formula (gm)
Control pan bread
2.5% 5% 7.5%
wheat flour 1500 1462.5 1425 1387.5
PPP - 37.5 75 112.5
Instant yeast 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5
Improver 15 15 15 15
Sugar 45 45 45 45
Salt 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5
Oil 25 25 25 25
Shortening 45 45 45 45
Water 850 850 850 850
Total 2525 2525 2525 2525
2.3.3. Chemical Composition
Moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber and
carbohydrate (by difference) of pomegranate peel powder
and pan bread formulas were done according to the standard
A.O.A.C. method [15]. Total phenols were estimated by the
Folin-Ciocalteu method reported by [16]. The amount of
total flavonoids was measured spectrophotometrically by
the method according to [17]. The DPPH (2,
2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity of
methanolic extracts was determined following the method
reported by [18].
The loaf volume was measured by rapeseed displacement
method according to [19]. Specific volume was calculated
from loaf volume and loaf weight taken after 1 h of baking.
2.3.4. Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) of pan Bread
Bread texture (firmness, cohesiveness, gumminess,
chewiness, springiness and resilience) was determined using
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 2014; 3(5): 411-420 413
Texture Profile Analyzer (TPA) according to [20]. Crumb
texture was determined by universal testing machine
(Conetech, B type, Taiwan) provided with software. An
aluminum 25 mm diameter cylindrical probe was used in a
TPA double compression test to penetrate to 50% depth, at
1mm/s speed test. Texture determinations were carried out,
after removing the crust, in (40*40*30) mm-sized samples.
2.3.5. Sensory Evaluation of Pan Bread
Samples of pan bread were evaluated by 10 panelists
(staff in Food Tech. Res., Institute Agric. Res. Center) for
color of crust (15), color of crumb (15), taste (20), flavor
(15), crumb distribution (15) and general appearance (20) .
The total value of these sensory properties was evaluated as
overall acceptability and descriptive category as follows:
90-100: very good 80-90: good 70-79: satisfactory: less than
70: questionable [21].
2.4. Experimental Protocol
Thirty-six female albino adult rats with an average weight
(180±5g ) were obtained from animal house,
Ophthalmology Research Institute, Giza, Egypt. The rats
were kept under normal laboratory conditions (temperature
remain 25± 2
C) for one week before the beginning of
experiment (8 weeks). During this period, the rats were
allowed free access of water and basal diet. Body weight
was recorded for each rat. The basal diet prepared according
to AIN- 93M diet guidelines [13], casein 14%, soybean oil
4%, salts mixture 3.5%, vitamins mixture 1% and cellulose
5% and the remaining were completed with corn starch.
High fat diet 30% fat (soybean oil, 7% and animal fat, 28%)
was prepared according to [22] and used to induce a rapid
increase in body weight and obesity. Rats were randomly
divided into six groups, the group one (G1) fed on basal diet
and reserved as negative control. Group (2) fed on high fat
diet (HFD) and reserved as positive control (PC). Groups
(3-6) fed on HFD plus 30% PPP free pan bread, 30%
pomegranate peel powder fortified pan bread (PPB) 2.5%,
5% and 7.5% respectively. Each diet was prepared to give
equal amount of nutritional value as control casein diet. The
changes in body weight were recorded. At the end of
experimental blood samples were also taken and centrifuged
at 3000 rpm for 15 min to obtain the serum which was kept
frozen at -20°C until analysis. The organs and epidermal
adipose tissues were excised immediately and weighted.
Gain in body weight, food intake and food efficiency ratio
were estimated according to [23].
2.5. Biochemical Analysis of Serum
Total lipids determined was carried out according to the
method of [24].Total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-C were
determination according to the methods of [25], [26] and
[27], respectively. LDL-C and VLDL-C were calculated by
using the method of [28]. Serum liver activities AST and
ALT were determined according to the method of [29].
2.6. Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was carried out according to [30]. LSD
(Least significant difference) test was used to compare the
significant differences between means of treatment [31].
3. Results
3.1. Chemical Composition of PPP, WF and Fortified Pan
Chemical composition (g/100g) of pomegranate peel
powder (PPP) and wheat flour is shown in Table (2). Results
showed that significant increases were found in protein and
carbohydrate contents for wheat flour 12.71±0.08 and
85.30±0.28, respectively compared with pomegranate peel
powder 5.76±0.076 and 65.61±0.25 respectively. On the
contrary, significant increases were found in fat, ash and
fiber contents for pomegranate peel powder 3.59±0.053,
5.50±0.05 and 19.54±0.16, respectively compared with
wheat flour 0.74±0.01, 0.70±0.03 and 0.55±0.26
Table (2). Chemical composition of pomegranate peel powder fortified pan bread.
Chemical composition Wheat Flour (72%)
PPP Control bread
PPP fortified pan bread
2.5% 5% 7.5%
Protein 12.71±0.08
Fat 0.74±0.01
4.94± 0.14
5.15± 017b
5.37± 0.25
5.6± 0.11
Ash 0.70±0.03
0.95± 0.081
1.26± 0.096
1.35± 0.04
1.44± 0.07
Fiber 0.55±0.26
0.59± 0.03
1.15± 0.13
1.48± 0.11
1.71± 0.059
Carbohydrates 85.30±0.28
80.42± 0.14
79.55± 0.26
79.08± 0.18
78.72± 0.08
Carbohydrates calculated by difference
PPP: Pomegranate Peel Powder
Chemical composition (g/100g) of raw materials and pan
bread formulas fortified with different levels (2.5%, 5% and
7.5%) of pomegranate peel powder are presented in Table
(2). These results showed that significant decreases in
protein were found in 5% and 7.5% pomegranate peel
powder (PPP) fortified pan bread 12.72±0.02 and
12.53±0.23, respectively compared with unfortified pan
bread (control) 13.1±0.07. Insignificant increase in fat
content at the level of 2.5% pomegranate peel powder
fortified bread 5.15±0.17 and control bread 4.94±0.14.
414 Sayed-Ahmed, E. F.: Evaluation of Pomegranate Peel Fortified Pan Bread on Body Weight Loss
While significant increases in fat content were found at the
level of 5% and 7.5% (PPP) fortified pan bread, 5.37±0.25
and 5.6±0.11, respectively compared with control bread. On
the other hand, significant increases 1.26±0.08, 1.35±0.04
and 1.44±0.07 of ash content were observed at the levels of
2.5%, 5% and 7.5% of (PPP) fortified bread, respectively
compared with unfortified bread 0.95±0.08. Fiber content
was significant increase by increasing of the level of PPP to
reach to the maximum value 1.71±0.05 at the level of 7.5%
of PPP fortified bread compared with control bread
(0.59±0.03). On the contrary, significant decreases of
carbohydrate content were observed by increasing in PPP
levels to reach to the minimum value 78.72±0.08 at 7.5%
compared with unfortified bread 80.42±0.14.
3.2. Sensory Evaluation of Pan Bread
Sensory properties of pan breads made from pomegranate
peel powder and wheat flour as well as the 100% wheat
bread are shown in Table(3). All sensory scores of color,
taste, flavor, general appearance and overall acceptability
were insignificantly between all fortified pan breads except
7.5% PPP fortified bread for color of crumb (12.03± 2.4),
color of crust 12± 1.00,general appearance (13.31± 2.8) and
overall acceptability (77.17±11) which were significantly
lower than 2.5%(88.21±9.8) and 5%(81.9±12.74 ) PPP
fortified pan bread. The control pan bread (100% WF)
recorded the highest scores for all sensory attributes
compared with PPP fortified pan breads.
Table (3). Sensory evaluation of pomegranate peel powder fortified pan bread
Pan bread Color of
Crust (15)
Color of
crumb (15)
Distribution (15)
Taste (20) Flavor (15) General
appearance (20)
Control 14.5±1.8
Very good
2.5% PPP 13±1.4
14. ±1.1
5% PPP 12.5.±2.00
7.5% PPP 12±1.00
3.3. Physical Properties of Pan Breads
Physical attributes (height, loaf weight, loaf volume,
specific volume and density) of pan bread samples are given
in Table (4). The results showed that PPP fortified loaves
were lower in loaf volume and higher in loaf weight
compared with unfortified bread (control), while the loaf
volume of 7.5% PPP fortified bread was 1845±8.66 that
control was 2100±6.3 with 12.14% reduction. On the
contrary, the loaf weight of PPP fortified bread was
increased by increasing in substitution of PPP to reach
665.12±1.75 by 7.5% substitution level compared to control
bread 645.2±1.36 by 3.09% raising. Bread specific volume
decreased significantly with increasing pomegranate peel
powder substitution level. The highest specific volume of
bread was 3.25± 0.02(cm
/g) obtained with 100% wheat
flour (control). While 7.5% substitution level resulted in the
lowest pan bread specific volume of 2.77± 0.08(cm
the other hand, density of PPP fortified bread formulas were
increased to reach 0.335±0.02 and 0.36±0.06 at 5% and
7.5% levels of PPP fortified bread, respectively.
Table (4). Physical properties of pomegranate peel powder fortified pan bread.
Pan bread
Properties Control bread PPP fortified pan bread
2.5% 5% 7.5%
Height (cm) 8.74±0.076
Loaf weight (g) 645.2±1.36
Loaf volume (cm
) 2100±6.3
Specific volume (cm
/g) 3.25±0.02
Density 0.31±0.01
3.4. Texture Profile Analysis (TPA)
Texture profile analysis (TPA) (firmness, cohesiveness,
gumminess, chewiness, springiness and resilience) is shown
in Table (5). From the results in this table it could be
observed that addition of PPP in formulation of pan bread
samples significantly affected the textural properties of the
breads. Firmness, cohesiveness , gumminess , springiness
and resilience of pan bread samples were significantly (p <
0.05) decreased by increasing of PPP level in their formulas
from 2.72±0.07, 0.94±0.03 , 1.25±0.05 , 1.45±0.02 and
0.44±0.03 respectively, for bread control to 2.18±0.08,
0.49±0.04, 0.74±0.02, 0.76±0.02 and 0.16±0.01 respectively
in 7.5% PPP bread formula. On the contrary, chewiness was
significantly (p < 0.05) increased by increasing of PPP level
in their formula from 5.61±0.01 for bread control to
8.32±0.02 in 7.5% PPP pan bread formula. Level of 2.5%
and 5% PPP pan bread formulas were better than 7.5% PPP
pan bread formula for texture profile properties.
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 2014; 3(5): 411-420 415
Table (5). Texture profile analysis (TPA) of pomegranate peel powder fortified pan bread
Pan bread
TPA Control bread PPP fortified pan bread
PPP 2.5% PPP 5% PPP 7.5%
Firmness 2.72±0.07
Cohesiveness 0.94±0.03
Gumminess 1.25±0.03
Chewiness 5.61±0.01
Springiness 1.45±0.02
Resilience 0.44±0.02
3.5. Total Phenolic Contents, Total Flavonoids and DPPH
Total phenolic contents, total flavonoids and DPPH
radical scavenging activity of PPP and pan bread are
presented in Table (6). Total phenols and flavonoids were
expressed as mg gallic acid/gm and mg quercetin /gm of dry
weight, respectively, while DPPH was expressed as
inhibition percent. From the data presented in Table (6) it
could be noticed that, the pomegranate peel powder is a
good source of total phenolic content 116.75±2.72, total
flavonoids 50.06±1.14 and had a great free radical
scavenging activity (DPPH) 88.88%.Substitutiion of wheat
flour with 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% of PPP for making pan breads
resulted in significant increases in total phenolics,
flavonoids and DPPH respectively. PPP (7.5%) substituted
pan bread characterized with the highest values of total
phenolic contents 5.24±0.96 mg GAE/g DW, total
flavonoids, 3.17±0.2 mg Que/g DW and DPPH, 77.58%
respectively compared with control bread (100% wheat
flour). While PPP (5%) substituted bread recorded
3.53±0.44 mg GAE/g DW, 1.83±0.12 mg Que/g DW and
63.9% for total phenolics, total flavonoids and DPPH (%)
Table (6). Total Phenols (TP), Total Flavonoids (TF) and DPPH % pomegranate peel powder fortified pan bread
Pan bread Total Phenols(TP) Total Flavonoids (TF) DPPH
mg GAE/g mg Que/g %
PPP 116.75±2.72
Control 0.79±0.08
2.5% 2.26±0.72
5% 3.53±0.44
7.5% 5.24±0.96
PPP: Pomegranate Peel Powder
GAE: gallic acid equivalents; Que: Quercetin equivalent.
3.6. Body Weight, Gain, Food Intake and Epididylmal
Adipose Tissue
Body weight changes, gain, food consumption and food
efficiency ratio are presented in Table (7). The results
indicated that the rats fed on high fat diet had significant
increase in food consumption, food efficiency ratio and gain
body weight compared with the others fed on basal diet
(Negative control).The rats fed on PPP fortified pan bread
formulas resulted in significant decrease in food intake, food
efficiency and body weight gain compared with the others
fed on high fat diet (PC) and control bread .G.B.W% and
epididymal adipose tissue of rats fed on 5% and 7.5% PPP
fortified pan bread diets were (47.61±1.27% and
40.65±1.11%) and (10.77±0.93 , 9.063±0.43 ) lower than
unfortified bread diet and high fat diet free bread. The
pomegranate peel powder substitution of wheat flour for
making pan bread had a powerful antioxidant activity and
weight loss effects.
Table (7). Body weight (gm), gain%, food intake (gm) and food efficiency ratio of rats fed on pomegranate peel powder fortified pan bread.
Groups NC PC Control bread 2.5% 5% 7.5%
Initial 177.92±2.24
Final weight 242.4±3.1
Body gain 64.45±0.96
Food intake 946.8±5.6
Food Efficiency ratio 6.81±0.1
Body gain % 36.22±0.24
Epididymal adipose tissue(g)
Relative liver weigh (gm) 1.30±0.1
Relative heart weigh (gm) 0.21±0.03
3.7. Relative Organs Weight
Relative organs weight of (liver and heart) are shown in
Table (7). The results showed that, there is significant
increase in these relative organs weight of the rats fed on
high fat diet (HFD) free pan bread compared with the rats
fed on basal diet or PPP fortified pan bread diets.
Insignificant differences were found between the organs
weight of rats fed on high fat diets containing PPP fortified
pan bread fortified.
416 Sayed-Ahmed, E. F.: Evaluation of Pomegranate Peel Fortified Pan Bread on Body Weight Loss
3.8. Lipid Profile
Serum lipid profile in rats fed on HFD and HFD
containing PPP fortified pan breads are presented in
Serum total lipids, triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL-C
and VLDL-C were significantly (p<0.05) higher in rats fed
on HFD ( positive control )group, 581.4±0.95 , 245.8±0.56,
170.3±1.86, 99.52±0.81 and 49.15±0.11, respectively while
HDL-C was significantly lower (21.57±1.01) than negative
group. Diets contained PPP fortified pan breads significantly
decreased for the previous parameters particularly, 7.5 %
PPP fortified bread which were 442.3±1.67, 141.9±1.51,
85.68±0.62, 13.82±0.84, 28.39±0.31, respectively.
Significant reduction of HDL-C (48.36%) was observed in
rats fed on HFD (PC) compared to the others fed on basal
diets (NC). On the other hand significant reductions
(19.02%) and (23.92%) of total lipid were observed in rats
fed on 5% and 7.5% PPP fortified pan breads respectively.
Table (8). Lipid profile of rats fed on PPP fortified pan bread.
Total lipid
Total cholesterol
NC 412.1±1.07
PC 581.4±0.95
Control bread 562.1±1.48
2.5% 527.1±1.71
5% 470.8±0.83
7.5% 442.3±1.67
3.9. Liver Functions
Table (9) shows the estimated levels of serum AST, ALT
in control and various experimental group of rats. Serum
AST, ALT levels in high fat diet fed rats were highly
significant when compared with the corresponding control
rats. Administration of pomegranate peel powder pan breads
to high fat diet fed rats caused marked reduction in the
elevated activities of AST, ALT towards the normal values.
Table (9). Liver functions of rats fed on PPP fortified pan bread.
Parameter groups AST (U/L) ALT(U/L)
NC 26.36±0.28
PC 88.19±1.25
Control 76.01±1.57
2.5% 67.72±0.57
5% 56.55±1.21
7.5% 42.68±0.96
4. Discussion
At the present time, functional foods, which in principle
apart from their basic nutritional functions provide
physiological and healthy benefits and are very important
[32]. There has been a virtual explosion of interest in the
pomegranate as medicinal and nutritional product because of
its multifunction ability and its great benefit in the human.
Our results showed that chemical composition of wheat
flour and pomegranate peel powder confirmed those
obtained by [33]. Who found that wheat flour (72%
extraction) contained 13.19%, 1.24%, 0.56%, 0.68% and
84.38% protein, lipids, fiber, ash and carbohydrates,
respectively. Concerning pomegranate peel powder, it
contained 5.76±0.076, 3.59±0.053, 5.50±0.045, 19.54±0.16
and 65.61±0.25 for protein, fat, ash, fiber and carbohydrates,
respectively. These results in the line of [34]. Significant and
insignificant changes in (protein, fat, ash, fiber and total
carbohydrates of pomegranate peel powder substituted pan
bread samples at 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% level may be due to
changes in chemical composition of wheat flour and
pomegranate peel powder.
Pomegranate peel powder substituted pan bread increased
loaf weight these may be due to presence of hydrocolloids
(pectin) in the pomegranate peel powder; meanwhile the
reduction of loaf volume could be due to the reduction of
dough gas retention power [35]. Our results agree with [36]
who reported that hydrocolloids, commonly can bind as 100
times of their weight from water. Gluten is responsible for
increase in bread volume and partial replacement of wheat
flour with non-glutinous flour results in lower bread volume
[37], also bread supplemented with different dietary fibers
had decrease in loaf volumes [38]. Specific volume is
directly related to loaf volume hence an expected decrease in
specific volume was observed while density is inversely
decreased significantly with substitutions. Density reflects
the size and ratio of air cells to solid product. A similar trend
in physical attributes was observed by [38] who suggested
that it could be probably due to higher water absorption
capacity in non-gluten flour thus it contributed in higher
density. Our results agree with [39] who reported that, partial
substitution of wheat flour with some grains such as barely,
cellulose and oat caused a reduction in volume of loaves of
bread this could be due to gluten dilution and consequently,
affect the optimal gluten matrix formation during the mixing,
fermentation, and baking steps.
Recently, natural antioxidants have become very popular
for medical and food applications and are preferred by
consumers than synthesized antioxidants. Oxidation leads to
a significant loss of a foods nutritional value (vitamins and
essential fatty acids). It also affects the food sensory quality
changes in color, texture and taste which shorten its shelf life
and can results in rejection by consumers [40]. The
antioxidant activity of pomegranate peel components has
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 2014; 3(5): 411-420 417
been the subject of many studies [41]. All these activities
may be related to the diverse phenolic and flavonoids
compounds presence in pomegranate peel.
Our results indicated that total phenolic, total flavonoids
and DPPH increased of substituted pan bread by increasing
of substitution levels. This could be due to pomegranate peel
powder contains phenols and flavonoids more than wheat
flour, subsequently increase DPPH of substituted pan bread
formulas. These results in the line of [42] who found that the
amount of total phenols was 124.34 mg GAE/g and [43]
who reported that total phenols was 64.2 mg GAE /g dw. by
MeoH extraction, total phenols was 85.6 mg GAE /g dw [44].
According to condition of extraction [45], reported that
methanol (MeoH) extract of pomegranate peel exhibit 81%
free radical scavenging activity and [6] reported that
pomegranate peel contains flavonoid higher than the pulp
(59 vs. 17 mg/g).
The replacement of wheat flour with pomegranate peel
powder significant increased chewiness (the energy required
to chew a solid food into a state for swallowing) this could be
due to attributed to change in protein quantity, quality and
water absorption. Firmness, cohesiveness, gumminess,
springiness and resilience were significantly decreased at the
high level of substitution of pomegranate peel powder could
be due to decrease in gluten forming proteins and increase in
dietary fiber contents contributed by pomegranate peel
powder which affected the formation of gluten network.
Springiness of the bread samples were significantly reduced
by high addition of PPP in their formulation, interaction
between gelatinized starch and gluten dough which cause
dough to be more elastic can form continuous sponge
structure of bread after heating [46]. Lower amount of gluten
cause lower ability to hold gases which caused an elasticity
reduction in breads. The reduction of cohesiveness could be
the bread formulated with PPP has low ability to resist before
the bread structure deformed under the teeth. These results
agree with [14] who found that the replacement of wheat flour
with sorghum flours decreased cohesiveness and resilience in
bread samples, particularly at the high level of substitution
and reported that the bread required more time to recover its
shape after stress. Pan bread formulated 2.5% and 5% PPP
were better for TPA than 7.5% level of substitution.
Color of bread is one of the important factors in sensory
evaluation [47] depending on their perception of bread type.
The color of bread was changed and become whiter by
increasing levels of starch in the formula. Because of
browning of regular baked products depends to a large of the
presence protein. So the bread samples with high level of
fiber content, low protein and starch have darker color and
negative effect on consumers overall acceptability [35], in
this line [48] found that the addition of apple pectin extract
at 2% dry matter to wheat dough increased intensity of crust
browning and gave darker and soft crumb compared with
untreated bread. The control pan bread (100% w f) recorded
the highest scores for all sensory attributes compared with
PPP fortified pan bread.
Pan bread samples substituted with 2.5% and 5% PPP had
higher scores of color, general appearance and overall
acceptability for panelists. The breads with PPP substitution
will be superior in nutritional quality and provide more
health benefits. Taste scores decreased significantly as the
level of PPP increased 7.5% may be due to slight better of
phenolics and tannins compounds. The sensory properties of
pan breads made from pomegranate peel powder and wheat
flour as well as the 100% wheat bread are shown in Table (6).
All sensory score ( color , taste , flavor , texture , general
appearance and overall acceptability) were insignificantly in
all blends pan bread except 7.5% PPP fortified bread for
color (12.53±2.4) general appearance (13.31±2.8) and
overall acceptability (70.08±11) which were significantly
lower than 2.5% and 5% PPP fortified pan bread.
Obesity is characterized by increased adipose tissue mass
that results from both increased fat cell number and
increased fat cell size. Adipose tissue is a dynamic organ that
plays an important role in energy balance and changes in
mass according to the metabolic requirements of the
organism [49]. ]. In our results, the weight of epididymal
adipose tissue in pomegranate peel fortified pan bead treated
groups was significantly decreased compared to the
HFD-control group. These results suggest that pomegranate
peel fortified pan bead may prevent the accumulation of
white adipose tissue (WAT) in HFD-induced obese rats or
anti-obesity effects of pomegranate peel bioactive
compounds may be elicited by regulating the expressions of
lipogenesis-related genes in WAT. [50], Investigated the
effects of pomegranate extract (6% punicalagin) in female
rats following exposure to a diet containing 20% of the
extract for 37 d. The exposure to pomegranate extracts result
in an intake of 4800 mg punicalagin/kg/d. A significant
decrease in feed consumption and body weight of the
animals. PPP had beneficial effects on reduction of body
weight, and fat accumulation through controlling in
hormones related obesity (Leptin-a diponectin pathway) ,
high concentration of tannin may reduce intake, digestibility
of protein and carbohydrates, and animals performance
through their negative effect on palatability and digestion
[51]. Inhibiting the absorption of dietary TG may play an
important role on weight loss because an excessive intake of
TG from the diet is relevant to the development of obesity.
Our, results agree with [52] who found that pomegranate
juice and molasses antioxidants activity induced weight loss
in the animals. Hypercholesterolemic rats administrated
with different levels of pomegranate peel powder had
significant decrease in food consumption and body weight
gain ratio [53]. Significant increase in organs of rats which
fed on HFD (positive control), on the other hand significant
decrease were occurred in liver, heart to body weight ratio of
rats fed on diet containing different levels of PPP fortified
pan bread, these results agree with [53] who found that
pomegranate peels powder significant decreased weight
organs of rats near the normal values. It has been clinically
reported that the pancreatic lipase inhibitor orlistat
prevented obesity and hyperlipidemia by decreasing the
absorption of dietary fat into blood and increasing the fat
418 Sayed-Ahmed, E. F.: Evaluation of Pomegranate Peel Fortified Pan Bread on Body Weight Loss
excretion in feces [54].
Pomegranate peel powder fortified breads and its
compounds, phenolics and flavonoids, may be a significant
effect on inhibiting the pancreatic lipase activity and
increasing the fecal fat excretion, which suggests that it is
one of the mechanisms responsible for decreasing the serum
TG concentrations and transforms VLDL-C into LDL-C.
Increment of plasma LDL-C level after HFD consumption
could be explained via involvement of two enzymes namely
cholesterol ester hydrolase (CEH) and cholesterol ester
synthetase (CES). These enzymes balance the cholesterol
levels in the blood [55]. Phenols and flavonoids are very
important plant constituents because of their antioxidant
activity [42]. Pomegranate juice is rich in polyphenols and
demonstrates high capability in scavenging free radicals and
inhibiting LDL-c oxidation in vitro and in vivo [56].
Higher activities of these enzymes in serum have been
found in response to oxidative stress induced by high fat
diets [57]. In our study these parameters were significantly
enhanced by the high fat diet, suggesting that excessive fat
intake might cause critical injury to the organ due to the
over-production of free radicals and ROS, which exert
deleterious effects on liver. Rats fed diet-induced obesity
models showed an increase in the levels of oxidative stress
in their liver and that oxidative stress can result from the
excessive production of reactive oxygen species and/or
deficient antioxidant capacity [58]. In our study, because the
strong antioxidant activity of pomegranate peel powder
fortified bread (rich in total phenolic and flavonoids
compounds) secretion of AST , ALT were regulated and the
liver was protected from toxicity of feeding on HFD.
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, the results suggested that pomegranate peel
powder fortified pan bread with high fiber and anti oxidative
activities is recommended to considered hypolipidemic diet,
nutritional and healthy benefits to weight loss activity and
the risk of obesity with acceptable physical and sensory
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... Various studies have incorporated pomegranate peel powder (PPP) into experimental bread formulations [21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. Typically, wheat bread has been fortified with PPP within the range of 1-7.5% [22][23][24]26,28]. ...
... Various studies have incorporated pomegranate peel powder (PPP) into experimental bread formulations [21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. Typically, wheat bread has been fortified with PPP within the range of 1-7.5% [22][23][24]26,28]. However, other authors have tested higher levels of PPP addition, reaching up to 10-18% [21,22,27]. ...
... Overall, the acceptability of bread fortified with PPP was higher at addition levels that did not exceed 5%. For instance, Sayed-Ahmed (2014) [23] reported that bread fortified with 2.5% and 5% PPP received higher scores in overall acceptability and physical properties when compared to control bread and the 7.5% treatment. Similarly, based on sensory evaluation, Palak et al. (2020) [27] found that bread with 5% PPP treatment scored better than the 10% and 15% treatments in terms of color and appearance, body and texture, taste and flavor, and overall acceptability of the product. ...
Full-text available
The consumption of dietary fiber (DF) has been associated with a reduced incidence of non-communicable diseases. Despite various strategies implemented worldwide to increase DF intake, it remains low. Therefore, the development of new fiber-rich food products that are widely consumed could be a strategy to improve DF intake. In this study, an agro-industrial by-product, pomegranate peel powder (PPP), was used as an innovative source of DF and antioxidant. The objective was to develop a bread enriched with DF, antioxidants, and sensory characteristics by partially replacing wheat flour (WF) with PPP at levels of 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10%. Bread with 2.5% and 5% PPP was chosen for a clinical trial to evaluate glycemic response (GR) in healthy subjects and determine the bread’s glycemic index (GI). As the percentage of PPP increased, both the DF and total polyphenol content increased significantly. The highest overall acceptability was achieved with bread containing up to 5% PPP. Consumption of bread with 2.5% and 5.0% PPP significantly reduced the GI compared to the control bread, while the decrease in GR was not significant. PPP could be a potential food and low-cost ingredient to improve the bread’s nutritional quality through its contribution to DF and antioxidants.
... Insulin-dependent diabetes (type 1 diabetes) is a condition in which the patient's body cannot produce insulin due to autoimmune destruction of β-cells (American Diabetes Association, 2010). While, type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes), present more than 90% of diabetic patients, occurs as a result of inadequate release or poor response of the body's tissues to insulin, causing pancreatic β-cells to secrete a higher amount of insulin, leading to their significant damage (Ahmed &Ashiq, 2018 andDoostkam et al., 2022). There are several synthetic hypoglycemic drugs used to manage diabetes, but these synthetic drugs are often expensive and show undesirable side effects (Laulloo et al., 2021). ...
... Group (2) was a positive control group that received a basal diet after receiving a streptozotocin injection. Following a streptozotocin injection, groups 3, 4, and 5 were fed pan bread containing 5, 10, and 15% of the waste from okra, respectively, with 30% of their diet (Sayed- Ahmed, 2014). During the trial period of 30 days, the amounts of food intake and waste were recorded daily to determine the food intake. ...
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Vegetable processing waste is considered a cheap source of bioactive substances that are applicable as additives in the processing of some functional foods. So, this study aimed to use okra pod waste with substitution ratios of 5, 10 and 15 % of wheat flour in pan bread manufacture. The physicochemical, rheological and sensory properties of ready-made pan bread were studied. Also, the impact of feeding diabetic rats pan bread containing okra pod waste on some biological parameters and histological variations of pancreas, kidney and liver was evaluated. The obtained results revealed that okra pod waste powder showed a higher content of protein, fat, ash and crude fiber than wheat flour. Antioxidant activity of okra pod waste was 88.74%. In comparison to the control sample made from only wheat flour, the farinograph and extensigraph results of wheat flour combined with okra pod waste indicated a decrease in dough development, degree of softening, elasticity, and extensibility, but an increase in water absorption and stability time. Pan bread containing 15% okra waste had the highest loaves weight (873.33 g), and the lowest specific volume (1.81 cm 3 /g) compared with control bread (810.67 g and 2.28 cm 3 /g, respectively). When the ratio of okra waste powder in pan bread was increased, there was a substantial rise in the content of moisture, fat, protein, fiber, ash and Antioxidant activity. No significant differences were found in all sensory evaluation scores between pan bread containing 5% okra pod waste and the control. Whereas, pan bread containing 15% okra pod waste obtained the lowest scores but it was satisfactory. Feeding diabetic rats on pan bread containing 5, 10 and 15% of okra pod waste led to a significant reduction in glucose, HbA1c rates and increased insulin levels in blood samples. Also, it caused a significant amelioration in the lipid profile, kidney and liver functions, also pancreas, kidney and liver tissue sections of diabetic rats. In conclusion, pan bread containing okra pod waste can improve the glucose level and protection against diabetes diseases and their complications. Future studies are needed to find a new sources of bioactive compounds from food factory waste and use them in the processing of functional food products.
... The biofunctional components were recorded as being higher in pomegranate peel powder-fortified bread when compared to bread from white wheat flour. The effect of fortification of pomegranate peel powder (2.5%, 5%, and 7.5%) in pan bread on the body weight loss of rats was investigated by Sayed-Ahmed [81]. The weight loss activity was evaluated in rats fed on a high-fat diet. ...
... Pomegranate peel powder (5%, 7.5%, and 10%) -Decline in dough extensibility and stability -Bread loaf weight increased and loaf volume decreased -Increase in total phenols and antioxidant activity [78] Pomegranate peel powder (0 to 10%) -2.5% pomegranate peel powder is recommended in overall acceptable bread -Decrease in peroxide value -Increase in antioxidant activity [79] Pomegranate and banana peel powder (5, 10, 15%) -5% of pomegranate and banana peel powder enhanced the acceptability of bread -Rich in dietary fiber, protein content, and highenergy value -Higher staling stability [80] Pan bread Pomegranate peel powder (2.5%, 5%, and 7.5%) -Dietary fiber and antioxidant bioactive compounds increased [81] Pomegranate peel powder (2 to 6%) and pomegranate seed powder (4 to 12%) -Increase in protein and fiber content [82] Biscuits Pomegranate peel powder (0, 6, 12, and 18%) -Increase in total dietary fiber, antioxidant activity, and total phenol content -Biscuits acceptable with 12% pomegranate peel powder [83] Pomegranate peel powder (0 to 10%) -Biscuits with 7.5% pomegranate peel powder were acceptable -Increase in dietary fiber, minerals, phenol content, and antioxidant activity -Increase in farinograph water absorption, peak viscosity, pasting temperature, and hardness of biscuits dough [84] Pearl millet flour (50%) and pomegranate peel powder (3%) ...
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Purpose of the Review Pomegranate is one of the super fruit and a storehouse of several antioxidants and health-promoting compounds which can act as a natural food additive. The pomegranate processing industry generates huge quantities of by-products, particularly peels (50% of fresh fruit weight), that cause environmental pollution due to improper disposal. In this perspective, the present review article focuses on the chemical composition of pomegranate peel and its application as a natural food additive in different food products such as bakery, dairy, meat/meat products, fish/fish products, edible oils, and packaging materials. Recent Findings There is a continuous demand for processed foods exhibiting natural food additives over foods containing synthetic additives/colorants, which can cause serious health implications such as cancer with regular consumption. The food industry is looking for an alternative to synthetic/artificial food additives. To overcome these problems, pomegranate peel or its extract can be used as a natural biopreservative in food products that are prone to fat oxidation and microbial growth. Summary Pomegranate peel contains bioactive compounds, especially tannins, phenolic acids, and flavonoids, which have nutraceutical value and possess higher antioxidant activity and antimicrobial properties. Due to these properties, pomegranate peel prevents lipid oxidation in fatty foods and can also retard the microbial growth.
... For the preparation of PPP-rich bread, 3.5 grams of PPP per 100 grams was added to the wheat our. This dosage was safe and was selected on the basis of previous studies [14]. Other constituents that are used for bread preparation include sourdough, rye our, salt, sugar, yeast, and water. ...
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Background: To assess the effects of bread fortified with pomegranate peel powder (PPP) on inflammation, oxidative stress, and mood indices in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods: In total, 90 T2DM patients were randomized to receive either bread fortified with 3.5% pomegranate peel powder (PPP) (n=45) or PPP-free bread for 12 weeks. Dietary intake throughout the trial was assessed via food records. Laboratory parameters, including total antioxidant capacity (TAC), malondialdehyde (MDA), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and psychological disorders, including depression, anxiety, and stress, were assessed at the beginning and end of the study. Results: 77 diabetic patients completed the trial (PPP group = 39 and control group = 38). Based on the compliance assessment, adherence to the interventions was high in the trial. We detected significant reductions in hs-CRP levels (intervention group: change = -0.56 ± 1.29, P=0.01; control group: change = -0.81± 1.16, p<0.001) and depression scores (intervention group: change= -1.33 ± 3.66, P=0.04; control group): -1.44 ± 2.83, p=0.01). There was no significant difference between the groups. After adjusting for confounding factors, the significant effect within the group disappeared. Other variables, including MDA, TAC, anxiety, and stress, did not significantly change in the PPP-fortified bread group. Conclusion: While intake of PPP-fortified bread for 12 weeks did not significantly affect oxidative stress, hs-CRP, or mental health in T2DM patients, some positive outcomes related to inflammatory and mood states should be explored. Trial registration Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials: The trial was registered in the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (available at, with ID: IRCT20191209045672N1) on 21/09/2020.
... Forty-ve participants were given 100 grams of wheat bread with 3.5% PPP for 12 weeks, and 45 control participants were given free PPP wheat bread for 12 weeks. Based on previous studies, the dosage was chosen (24). During the study, participants did not change their medication regimens, physical activity, or dietary habits. ...
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Background Among the leading causes of mortality in the world is type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and diet plays an important role in T2DM risk factors. A primary objective of this study was to explore the effects of pomegranate peel powder (PPP) fortified bread on glycemic control, lipid profile, and anthropometric indicators in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Methods The PPP was added to the bread by adding 0, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, and 5 percent. We measured phenol content using Folin-Ciocalteu and antioxidant activity using DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl). Ninety participants were allocated to a randomized parallel controlled intervention study and the effect of consuming 100 g/day of bread with PPP (3.5%) on glycemic markers, lipid profile, and anthropometrics was assessed. Results No significant effects of bread with PPP intake compared with the control bread were observed on anthropometric, blood pressure, glycemic, and lipid markers after adjusting age, sex, and change in calorie. Conclusions Further investigations are warranted to elucidate the preventive roles of PPP on diabetes metabolic complications. Trial Registration: IRCT20191209045672N1 is the trial ID in the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials. Date of registration 21/09/2020.
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Background and Aims: To assess the effects of bread fortified with pomegranate peel powder (PPP) on inflammation, oxidative stress, and mood indices in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods and Results: In total, 90 T2DM patients were randomized to receive either bread fortified with 3.5% pomegranate peel powder (PPP) (n=45) or PPP-free bread during 12 weeks. Dietary intake throughout the trial was assessed using food records. Laboratory parameters including total antioxidant capacity (TAC), malondialdehyde (MDA), hs-CRP-reactive-protein (hs-CRP), and psychological disorders including depression, anxiety, and stress were assessed at the beginning and end of the study. Overall, 77 diabetic patients completed the trial (39 in the PPP group and 38 in the control group) and were included in the analysis. Based on the compliance assessment, adherence to the interventions was high in the trial. PPP bread intake led to a significant reduction in hs-CRP levels (change: -0.56 ± 1.29, P=0.01) and depression score (-1.33 ± 3.66, P=0.04)), in the intervention group. Other variables including MDA, TAC, anxiety, and stress, showed no significant changes for PPP-fortified bread. Conclusion: Our findings showed that while intake of PPP-fortified bread for 12 weeks had no significant effect on oxidative stress, hs-CRP, and mental health in T2DM patients, there might be some positive outcomes regarding inflammatory and mood states. Trial registration Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials: Trial was registered in the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (available at:, with ID: IRCT20191209045672N1) on 21/09/2020.
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Every year, a significant amount of agricultural waste is produced, which can be utilized as a cost-effective and dependable source for the production of natural drugs. These wastes contain secondary metabolites that have biological and antioxidant activity, which are crucial for human health. The study aims to investigate the chemical compounds in pomegranate peels and its potential use in various biological systems, focusing on its antioxidant activity and reducing waste. Pomegranate peels is a valuable source of bioactive compounds such as phenolic acids, tannins, and flavonoids. Due to the native nature of this plant and its compatibility with most climates of the country and the demand of various industries, the cultivation of this plant is increasing. The use of pomegranate peels as an antibacterial agent against some pathogenic bacteria and as a preservative and stabilizer for proper food preservation in the food industry is also being explored. Additionally, pomegranate peels has biomedical and biotechnological applications in the cosmetics industry and medicine production, providing a wide range of effective substances needed by medicines.
Functional foods, nutraceuticals, designer foods and pharma foods are all synonyms for foods that can prevent or treat diseases. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an inborn error of phenylalanine metabolism caused by the deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase, which converts phenylalanine to tyrosine. In the present study, four formulas were prepared for production of low phenylalanine pan bread suitable for PKU patients. The formulas were based on partial replacement of wheat flour with different levels of corn starch. Pectin and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) were used as a texture modifier and to improve staling rate of bread. Chemical composition, amino acids content, dough characteristics, baking test, sensoryevaluation and staling rate of bread were investigated. The obtained results revealed that bread samples had lower protein and phenylalanine content than control as a result of replacing wheat flour using corn starch. Phenylalanine and protein content of formula "D" which contains 66 g corn starch, 30 g wheat flour, 2 g pectin and 2 g CMC reduced by 67 and 65%, respectively compared with control. The rheological properties of the dough, sensory evaluation and staling rate of bread were affected by starch and hydrocolloids incorporation. It was found that all formulas were acceptable, while formula "D" which had the lowest phenylalanine content seemed to be superior for PKU patients.
Pomegranate molasses (PM) is a large compound of the eastern diets, yet no research has been performed on this product. In this study, we measured the total polyphenols content of PM, compared to fresh pomegranate juice, obtaining 252.28 and 79.49 mg of Gallic Acid equivalent/L respectively. The antioxidant effect of PM and juice was then measured in vitro using electrolysis as a free radical generating system. At the concentrations of 100 to 600 μl PM has strong antioxidant properties (4 times more active than juice). Moreover, molasses or juice were added to the drinking water of mice (4 ml/l) during 11 weeks leading to a significant decrease of weight curve compared to control animals; also triglycerides and lipid peroxidation were decreased in the heart, lungs, and the liver, while superoxide dismutase activity increased. In conclusion, Pomegranate molasses possesses a powerful antioxidant activity and a weight loss effect in mice.
This study was carried out to investigate the baking properties of whole, decorticated sorghum-(Sorghum bicolor) - wheat (Triticum aestivum Desf.) composite flours as well as to determine the physical characteristics and organoleptic quality of pan and balady breads made from those flours. Whole and decorticated sorghum flours were used to replace 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% by weight of bread wheat flour. Sensory evaluation results showed that up to 20% wheat replacement with whole or decorticated sorghum flour produced acceptable pan and balady breads. Decreases, however, were noted in all sensory properties except odor.