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Escherichia coli is one of the common microbial flora of poultry gut. Most of E. coli isolates are nonpath-ogenic but are considered to be an indicator of fecal contamination in food industry. A study was carried-out on the prevalence, incidence, isolation and antibiogram of E. coli from table eggs. A total of 100 table eggs were collected from various locations of district Peshawar, Pakistan and divided into three parts viz., the egg-yolk, egg-white and eggshell. These were cultured on different media and identified organism was subjected to antibiogram study using the disk diffusion method. The overall prevalence of E. coli was found as 37%. While, incidence was recorded as 15% in egg-shells, 12% in egg-whites and 10% in egg-yolks. It was concluded that the table eggs were contaminated with E. coli and higher incidence of E. coli was recorded in eggshells as compared to other components of the eggs. The antibiotics ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin were recorded highly active against E. coli.
Academic Publishers
Journal of Animal Health and Production
January 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | Page 1
Poultry farming is widely adopted in Pakistan and al-
most every farmstead keeps some poultry mainly for
consumption and cash sales. e science and technolo-
gy have contributed widely for the expansion of poultry
industry and a number of strategies have been adopted
to modulate the quality of poultry products (Abel et al.,
2014). In Pakistan, there are about 25000 poultry farms,
providing employment and income for livelihood of fteen
thousand people. In the country, there are 400 hatcheries,
150 feed mills, 8.5 million broiler breeders, 0.428 million
layer breeders and their feed consumption is 5.51 million
metric tons per year (Anonyms, 2011; FAO, 2011).
E. coli are one of the common microbial ora of gut of
farm animals, poultry and human being. Most of E. coli
isolates are harmless, however, some strains are pathogenic
and may cause serious food poisoning in human beings
(Begum et al., 2014). A recent survey about prevalence of
virulence E. coli based on Congo red binding ability have
indicated more than 90% isolates as pathogenic (Yadav et
al., 2014). In past two decades, severe outbreaks with gas-
trointestinal symptoms have been occurred by food borne
pathogenic E. coli, particularly 0157:H7 (Armstrong et al.,
1996). E. coliand its related species are named as “enteric
bacteria”; because they mostly live in the intestinal tracts
of human and other animal species (Minnock et al., 2000).
About 10 to 15% of intestinal coliforms are opportunistic
and pathogenic serotypes and cause a variety of lesions in
immuno-compromised hosts including poultry (Daini et
al., 2008; Mailk et al., 2013); and may cause omphalitis,
yolk sac infection, cellulitis, colibacillosis and swollen head
syndrome (Gross, 1994).
Table eggs are the primary source of protein in human diet.
ese are used in a number of traditional Pakistani dishes
from decades. However, the recent studies have declared
Research Article
Abstract | Escherichia coli is one of the common microbial ora of poultry gut. Most of E. coli isolates are nonpath-
ogenic but are considered to be an indicator of fecal contamination in food industry. A study was carried-out on the
prevalence, incidence, isolation and antibiogram of E. coli from table eggs. A total of 100 table eggs were collected from
various locations of district Peshawar, Pakistan and divided into three parts viz., the egg-yolk, egg-white and eggshell.
ese were cultured on dierent media and identied organism was subjected to antibiogram study using the disk
diusion method. e overall prevalence of E. coli was found as 37%. While, incidence was recorded as 15% in egg-
shells, 12% in egg-whites and 10% in egg-yolks. It was concluded that the table eggs were contaminated with E. coli
and higher incidence of E. coli was recorded in eggshells as compared to other components of the eggs. e antibiotics
ciprooxacin and enrooxacin were recorded highly active against E. coli.
Keywords | Escherichia coli, Egg-shell, Egg-yolk, Prevalence, Egg-white, Antibiogram, Peshawar
AurAngzeb KhAn1*, rAhmAtullAh rind1, muhAmmAd ShoAib1, ASghAr Ali KAmboh1, gulfAm
Ali mughAl2, ShAKeel AhmAd lAKho1, KAnwAr KumAr mAlhi1, Ali rAzA nizAmAni3, AdnAn
Isolation, Identication and Antibiogram of Escherichia coli from
Table Eggs
Editor | Sanjay Kumar Singh, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar 243122, Bareilly (UP), India.
Received | October 13, 2015; Revised | November 03, 2015; Accepted | November 06, 2015; Published | December 12, 2015
*Correspondence | Muhammad Shoaib, Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan; Email: vet.socialray@gmail.
Citation | Khan A, Rind R, Shoaib M, Kamboh AA, Mughal GA, Lakho SA, Malhi KK, Nizamani AR, Yousaf A (2016). Isolation, identication and antibio-
gram of Escherichia coli from table eggs. J. Anim. Health Prod. 4(1): 1-5.
ISSN | 2308–2801
Copyright © 2016 Khan et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distri-
bution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
1Department of Veterinary Microbiology; 2Department of Livestock Management; 3Department of Veterinary Pa-
thology; 4Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan.
Academic Publishers
Journal of Animal Health and Production
January 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | Page 2
that enteric bacteria like Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, etc.,
could contaminate these eggs and may cause egg-borne
diseases (Adesiyun et al., 2006; Adesiyun et al., 2007).
Some global epidemics have also been linked with egg
consumption and known to cause egg-borne pathogens
present in poultry eggs and their contents (CDC, 1990;
Rocourt et al., 2003). Food poisoning associated with egg-
borne pathogens may cause severe morbidity or mortali-
ty with diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and abdominal cramps
(Mitchell, 2005). e present investigation was therefore,
designed to study the prevalence and incidence of E. coli in
table eggs sold in retail market of district Peshawar. More-
over, the antibiogram study of isolated E. coli from poultry
eggs was also carried out to investigate the susceptibility
pattern of various antibiotics.
StudY deSign
A total of one hundred poultry table eggs were collected
randomly from dierent markets existed in various local-
ities of district Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
Eggs were collected from four dierent localities (n= 25
from each locality) i.e., Bacha Khan Chowk, Karkhano
Road, Nahaqi and Palossi Markets of Peshawar. Although,
the eggs were kept at room temperature at sale outlets, so it
was ensured that these should not be older than 24 hours.
Moreover, the eggs with visible fecal shell contamination
were not taken as samples. e collected eggs were trans-
ported to laboratory under cold chain and were kept in
refrigerator at 4°C until they were processed for microbial
lAborAtorY ProcedureS
For the isolation of E. coli, table eggs were processed ac-
cording to procedure described by Adesiyun et al., (2006).
In brief, using aseptic conditions one sterile swab mois-
tened in normal saline (0.9% NaCl w/v) was applied to the
surface of each egg. It was dipped in 1ml saline in universal
bottle to form a representative egg shell sample. For egg-
yolk and egg-white samples, the eggs were immersed in
75% ethanol for 5 minutes and then pointed end of each
egg was disinfected on Bunsen burner ame for 5-10 sec-
onds. en, a small hole was made on the shell surface and
the egg-yolk and egg-white were emptied separately into
the sterilized polythene bags. e contents were blended
manually. e resultant mixtures and egg shell samples
were used for bacteriological culture as described earlier
(Nazia et al., 2015). e isolated E. coli were then subjected
towards dierent biochemical and sugar fermentation tests
for species conrmation like starch test, lipid hydrolysis
test, casein hydrolysis test, gelatin hydrolysis, carbohydrate
fermentation test, triple sugar iron test, which were based
on their capability to breakdown complex molecules in to
simpler nutritional elements.
In-vItro SuScePtibilitY of E. coli to
e antibiotics (Difco, Michigan, USA) used during the
study were amoxicillin (10ug), colistin (10ug), gentamycin
(10ug), enrooxacin (05ug), kanamycin (10ug), ciproox-
acin (05ug), noroxacin (10ug), tetracycline (30ug) and
doxycycline (30ug). All the E. coli isolates of table eggs
were investigated for their in-vitro susceptibility pattern to
various antimicrobial agents using disk diusion method as
described by Bauer et al. (1966). In brief, the Muller Hin-
ton agar (Difco, Michigan, USA) was prepared, dispensed
in Petri dishes and surface was dried by incubating at 37oC
for 30 minutes. e isolated colonies were selected and sus-
pended evenly in 4ml sterile normal saline solution (0.9%
NaCl w/v; pH: 7.0). A sterile cotton swab was dipped into
the suspension and culture was smeared on the surface of
Muller Hinton agar in such a way that all agar surfaces
would be covered evenly with the bacterial suspension. e
plates were then placed in incubator for 30 minutes to get
dried. e antibiotic discs were placed on the agar surface
with the disc disperser and slightly pressed with sterile
forceps to keep it adhere to the surface. e plates were
then closed, wrapped in polythene bag, inverted in such
a way that medium and discs would be in upward portion
and placed in incubator for 24 hours at 37oC. e zones of
inhibition were observed as a clear area, free from growth
around the discs. Clear zones of inhibition made against
organism by the antibiotics were recorded in mm from the
centre of disc of zone with the observed annotations.
All the experimental results were calculated and presented
in percentage format using the Excel Spreadsheets.
Of the total 100 table eggs examined, the overall prevalence
of E. coli was recorded as 37.00%, while 63.00% eggs were
found free from E. coli contamination (Table 1). Of the 25
eggs examined from Bacha Khan Chowk, the prevalence
of the E. coli species was noted in 40.00% eggs. Similarly,
25 eggs acquired from Karkhano Road market, the prev-
alence was observed as 48.00%. When the same number
eggs were examined from Nahaqi market, the prevalence
of E. coli was recorded as 32.00% in eggs. Whereas 25 eggs
collected from Palossi market showed the prevalence of E.
coli as 28.00% (Table 2).
e results regarding the incidence of E. coli in dierent
components of eggs has been summarized in Table 3. Of
the 100 egg shells examined, the incidence was recorded as
15.00%. Similarly, among 100 egg-whites, the incidence of
E. coli was noted as 12.00%, whereas within 100 egg-yolks
E. coli was detected in 10.00% egg-yolks.
Academic Publishers
Journal of Animal Health and Production
January 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | Page 3
Table 1: e overall prevalence of Escherichia coli in table eggs collected from retail markets of Peshawar
Total No. of eggs examined No. of eggs positive % of eggs positive No. of eggs negative % of eggs negative
100 37 37 63 63
Table 2: e number and percentage prevalence of Escherichia coli in table eggs collected from dierent localities of
S. No Name of area Total No. of eggs
Total No. of
positive eggs
% of positive
Total No. of
negative eggs
% of negative
1 Bacha Khan Chowk 25 10 40 15 60
2 Karkhano Road 25 12 48 13 52
3 Nahaqi 25 8 32 17 68
4 Palossi 25 7 28 18 72
Table 3: e number and percentage incidence of Escherichia coli in dierent components of table eggs
Egg com-
Total No. of egg com-
ponents examined
Number of posi-
tive components
Percentage of posi-
tive components
Number of nega-
tive components
Percentage of nega-
tive components
Egg-yolk 100 10 10.00 90 90.00
Egg-white 100 12 12.00 88 88.00
Egg-shell 100 15 15.00 85 85.00
Table 4: Antibiogram results of Escherichia coli isolates of
table eggs
discs used
Zone around
of sensitivity
Degree of
2 mm + Weakly sen-
8 mm +++ Quite sensitive
10 mm +++ Quite sensitive
14 mm ++++ Highly sensi-
2 mm + Weakly sen-
14mm ++++ Highly sensi-
4 mm ++ Moderately
0 mm - Not sensitive
3 mm ++ Moderately
-: Absence of clear zones around disc; +: clear zone up to 2mm; ++:
clear zone with >2-5 mm; +++: clear zone with >5-10 mm; ++++:
clear zone with >10-15mm
During present experiments, nine dierent antibiotics
were tested to demonstrate the in-vitro susceptibility of
E. coli isolates recognized from the table eggs and results
were given in Table 4. e antibiotics ciprooxacin and
enrooxacin were recorded as highly active against E. coli
isolates and inhibited its growth, while antibiotics colistin
and gentamycin were recorded as quite active against E.
coli. Whereas, drugs noroxacin and doxycycline showed
moderate sensitivity against E. coli, as these drugs inhib-
ited the growth of the organisms and showed small zones
of inhibition (>2-5mm) around the discs. Furthermore,
the antibiotics amoxicillin and kanamycin were marked as
weakly active against the organism. However, the antibi-
otic tetracycline failed to inhibit the growth of bacterial
organism on agar plate and was recorded as completely re-
sistant against E. coli.
It has been estimated that many nutrient substances found
in table eggs create an excellent environment for the
growth and development of potential spoilage or infectious
microorganisms. Present study has demonstrated an over-
all 37.00% E. coli contamination in table eggs. is nd-
ing is in agreement with a study conducted by Adesiyun et
al. (2006) in Trinidad. e researchers reported a 71/184
(38.6%) table eggs positive for enteric microbes including
E. coli, Salmonella, etc. Likewise another Polish study re-
ported a 40.30% bacterial contamination in table eggs with
E. coli as most dominant contaminant (Stępień-Pyśniak,
We got 28-48% contamination of bacterial organism in
table eggs collected from dierent localities of Peshawar.
However, another study reported the 36.3 to 69.6% con-
tamination in poultry eggs collected from dierent points
i.e., supermarket, mall and farm (Adesiyun et al., 2006).
ese dierences might be due to dierence in man-
agement, handling and hygienic conditions used at farm
and/or sale outlets. e poultry eggs can get contamina-
Academic Publishers
Journal of Animal Health and Production
January 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | Page 4
tion either horizontally (through the shell) or vertically
(trans-ovarial), and could serve a potential source of path-
ogens participating in the etiology of foodborne diseas-
es (Stępień-Pyśniak, 2010). Indar et al. (1998) reported
trans-ovarial transmission of Salmonella spp. in table eggs
collected from commercial poultry farms in Trinidad.
Although, egg-yolk contains maternal immunoglobulin
IgG (also called IgY), but its level could be inuenced by
various factors like, functional quality of immunological
system and/or antibiotics exposure to fowl (Tokarzewski,
2002). Moreover the quantitative contamination of eggs
depends upon bacterial load in the environment where
eggs laid and/or handled (Stępień-Pyśniak, 2010).
e results of the present study indicated the bacterial
contamination level as 15, 12 and 10% on eggshells, egg-
whites and egg-yolk respectively. Adesiyun et al. (2006)
reported in their investigation the contamination level as
19% and 13% in eggshell and egg contents respectively. It
has been suggested that temperature, and/or storage con-
ditions provided to the eggs at retail outlets signicantly
impact the bacterial load of eggs without aecting the bac-
terial prevalence (Suresh et al., 2005). In consistent with
this study, Stępień-Pyśniak (2010) also reported a high
contamination level of eggshells as compared to other in-
ternal contents. is is probably due to exposure of egg-
shell with the environment.
e results about in-vitro susceptibility of E. coli isolat-
ed from table eggs of poultry birds recorded during pres-
ent investigation were in line to the ndings reported by
previous studies. Like, Akond et al. (2009) isolated and
identied E. coli from poultry sources of dierent poul-
try markets and sensitivity to antimicrobials was recorded
as 86, 80, 60, 36, 30 and 26% to noroxacin, gentamicin
and chloramphenicol, neomycin, tetracycline, streptomy-
cin and ampicillin, respectively. Raji et al. (2007) observed
ciprooxacin as highly active (85-100%) antibiotic against
E. coli isolates. Adesiyun et al. (2007) studied the resist-
ance of bacterial species to seven antimicrobial agents us-
ing the Disc Diusion Method. An overall, 131 bacterial
isolates of E. coli and Enterobacteriaceae were tested, and
125 (95.4%) exhibited resistance to one or more antimi-
crobial agents. e high resistance was recorded against
streptomycin (90.1%), tetracycline (51.9%) and kanamy-
cin (30.5%).
In present investigation we have found 3/9 (33.33%) an-
timicrobial agents as resistant or weakly sensitive to E. coli
isolated from table eggs. is nding is in agreement with
a study conducted by Musgrove et al. (2006). e study in-
dicated that most (73.2%) of E. coli isolated from eggshells
were susceptible to all antimicrobial agents. Moreover, the
E. coli isolates showed 29.9, 6.2 and 3.1% resistance to tet-
racycline, streptomycin and gentamicin respectively. Simi-
lar results were also reported by Ansari et al. (2014).
It could be concluded from present investigation that table
eggs sold in retail market of district Peshawar contained
E. coli, hence may pose a health hazard to human beings
if consumed improperly cooked or raw eggs. Eggshells
contained more bacterial contaminants as compared to
egg contents. Antimicrobial agent tetracycline was found
completely resistant to E. coli isolates, whereas, amoxicillin
and kanamycin were observed as weakly sensitive. ere is
a need to educate the people to adopt signicant hygienic
measures in handling of table eggs and should not be con-
sumed inadequately cooked eggs or egg products.
e author is thankful to the honourable Supervisor, Dr.
Rahmatullah Rind, Professor, Department of Veterinary
Microbiology, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veter-
inary Sciences, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam,
for his courteous professional pieces of advice, untiring
guidance, full support, motivation, fruitful suggestions and
encouragement during the whole period of study and also
thankful to the respectable and sincere teacher Dr. Asghar
Ali Kamboh, Assistant professor, Department of Veteri-
nary Microbiology SAU Tandojam for his technical facili-
tation and all others for their co-operation during research
ere is no conict of interest.
Mr. Aurangzeb was the main researcher, Dr. Rahmatullah
Rind was his supervisor, Dr. Asghar Ali Kamboh revised
the article, Muhammad Shoaib did all the correspondence,
Gulfam Ali Mughal, Shakeel Ahmad Lakho, Kanwar Ku-
mar Malhi, Ali Raza Nizamani and Adnan Yousaf con-
tributions in statistics, and other activities related to the
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... Depending on the stage and age of the embryo, different temperatures and humidity levels are needed [4,15]. Water loss, chick weight, chick yield, hatchability, and temperature have all been shown to be tightly correlated [16]. Since temperature influences embryo development, temperature, humidity, and water loss are the three most important factors to consider while managing egg hatching [13]. ...
... Only oval-shaped good-quality intact eggs were selected for hatching. The substandard eggs such as cracked, misshapen, blood-stained, dirty, and elongated were rejected (Khan et al., 2016) [17]. ...
... Age-wise wise incubation stage program has three different incubation temperatures and humidity set points for the eggs given by different ages of breeders i.e. prime, young, and old which provides uniform temperature and humidity for growing embryos, helps to achieve good quality chicks, and ideal water loss. Uniform temperature and humidity of every stage for developing embryos enhances the water loss [16,19]. Similarly, the age-wise breeder eggs incubation regimen had a high water loss and better chick quality as compared to the combined incubation program. ...
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During incubation, water loss and chick yield are the two most crucial variables. The purpose of this study was to look into how water loss and chick yield were affected by the age-wise incubation profile. Eggs from Ross-308 breeders were gathered for this experiment, and the breeders' ages were used to split them into four groups, each of which had an identical number of eggs (n=538560 eggs). A Young (24-31 weeks), B Prime (32-50 weeks), C Old (50+ weeks), and Group D (control), and are the four groups. The setting machine was left incubating for 456 hours (19th day) for groups A, B, and C, and for 449 hours (18.7 days) for group D, which was the control. Fertility of eggs was performed through candling and shifted to hatchers for the next 50 hours for A, B, and C while 56 hours for D. Group B showed significantly better P<0.05 (89.02±0.41) as compared to A and C which are significantly P<0.005 same (88.66±0.33), (88.80±0.65) than D (control) (86.25±1.22) in term of hatchability. Excellent performance in terms of chicks yields C Significantly P<0.05 remains the same (69.28±0.54) as compared to A (69.17±0.54) and B (69.99±0.54), While high yield was recorded for D (71.45±0.54). Dead in the shell (DIS) was significantly the same for A (6.18±0.29), B (6.20±0.37), and C (6.13±0.60) than D (7.70±0.67) which contain higher DIS percentage. In terms of eggs, water loss was significantly the same for A (11.93±0.26), B (12.24±0.26), and C (12.31±0.26) which was recorded as ideal then D (10.16±0.26) which contained low water loss percentage. Groups A, B, and C were better as compared to D but overall group B was significantly better which means the eggs from different ages of birds require different conditions of incubation.
... In Pakistan about 400 hatcheries are present. In addition, the country has feed mills (150), about 8.5 million broiler breeders, 0.428 million layer breeders, and 5.51 million metric tons consumed on their feed every year (2). ...
... There are different mechanisms by which eggs can become contaminated such as exposure to a contaminated environment (6). Recently it has been documented that different types of bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, etc. can enter and contaminate the egg, which ultimately gives rise to different types of food-borne diseases (2). Eggs act as a vector for pathogens like extraintestinal infectious E. coli (7). ...
... They revealed that the E. coli and Salmonella showed 100% resistance to oxacillin, penicillin G, nitrofurantoin and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim and 100% resistance was reported in Salmonella to tetracycline. Our study is also consistent with Khan et al. (2) study, which documented that the isolated E. coli were weakly sensitive to amoxillin, and they were almost completely resistant to tetracycline. The high level of antibacterial resistance was similarly observed in SXT and tetracycline among Salmonella isolates by Ekundayo et al. (24). ...
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Background: The current study was carried out with the aim to reveal the presence of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Salmonella species (spp.) in table eggs sold for human use in Peshawar, and their antimicrobial resistance to different drugs used in Pakistan for poultry and human practices. Methods: A total of 80 eggs were bought from different shops. E. coli and Salmonella spp < /em>. were isolated from 85.36% (70) and 14.63% (12) of the total collected egg samples (80), respectively. The antibiotics susceptibility test was done using the disk diffusion method. Results: The shells of eggs showed significantly higher contaminations as compared to egg internal contents for both E. coli and Salmonella spp < /em>. The isolated organism presented a significant resistance to multiple drugs. They were found to be completely resistant to penicillin G, nitrofurantoin, oxacillin, and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim. Furthermore, Salmonella spp. was also completely resistant to tetracycline. The susceptibility pattern of both these isolates was quite different for some antimicrobials, as Salmonella isolates were completely sensitive to neomycin, whereas 100% susceptibility was observed in E. coli isolates to amikacin, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, levofloxacin, and neomycin. In addition, resistance frequency among isolates of ­E. coli against amoxicillin (77.14%), minocycline (54/28%), streptomycin (80%), and tetracycline (80%), and in Salmonella spp. against amikacin (50%), amoxicillin (66.66%), amoxicillin-clavulanic (66.66%), levofloxacin (33.33%), minocycline (50%) and streptomycin (83.33) were also high. Conclusion: Hence it can be concluded from the present study that the table eggs sold in the markets of Peshawar Pakistan are infected with multidrug resistance (MDR) strains of E. coli and Salmonella spp < /em>.
... Escherichia coli O157:H7 (E. coli O157:H7) is a very important food-borne pathogen to human, especially from animal products [6]. All species of E. coli isolates are not cause the disease to the animals and harmless; only some strains are pathogenic and may cause serious food poisoning [7]. Escherichia coli is an important opportunistic pathogen that persist as a commensal microorganism in healthy humans and animals [8]. ...
... coli species that showed multiple drug resistance to antimicrobial agents commonly used in veterinary and human practice [7][8][9][10][11][12][13], ...
... Comparing the distilled water, NaCl and AgNPs treatment, AgNPs direct injection treatments exhibited higher antimicrobial activity. Total aerobic counts can be used to measure the level of overall bacterial contamination of food [26]. It was observed from the results that the number of count increased as the duration of storage increased though CP-AgNPs treatment showed highest inhibitory activity. ...
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Oreochromis niloticus is a highly nutritious aquatic food with limited shelf life. The mode of preservation of O. niloticus has raised concerns about its safety and public health due to food borne illnesses. Studies have shown that chemical preservatives are toxic and harmful to humans thereby leading to growing interest in Calotropis procera for its antibacterial properties, and there is limited information on the use of C. procera silver nanoparticles (CP-AgNPs) to preserve O . niloticus . Hence, this study aimed at evaluating its preservative effect of CP-AgNPs on O . niloticus . A total of one hundred and fifty-six samples of adult wild O . niloticus (97.41± 0.95 g) were sourced from a local river using simple random sampling. The O. niloticus fishes were subjected to four different treatments which included: dipping into sterile distilled water, dipping into NaCl solution, dipping into Calotropis procera silver nanoparticles (CP-AgNPs) solution and injecting CP-AgNPs. These were allowed to stand for 30 min, thereafter drained and held in clean basket at ambient conditions for 48 h. Samples were taken at 4 h interval for microbiological analysis according to standard methods. The isolated bacteria were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. All analysis was carried out in triplicates with statistical significance set at P<0.05. The microbial count showed that CP-AgNPs exhibited antimicrobial and antifungal activities. The best treatment for preservation was the injected CP-AgNPs. Bacteria identified were Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Streptococcus agalactiae , Escherichia coli , Enterobacter sichuanensis, Enterobacter cloacae, Staphylococcus aureus , Citrobacter portucalensis, Klebsiella pneumoniae , Klebsiella variicola , Proteus mirabilis and Aeromonas caviae . This study concluded that, injecting CP-AgNPs into O. niloticus was the best treatment option; however, CP-AgNPs displayed antibacterial activities and preservative effect on O. niloticus .
... Regarding E. coli, it was isolated from eggshells by 36% in CON eggs, and 18% in PRO eggs, which were higher than egg contents which had the incidence of E. coli in albumin (16% in CON eggs, and 4% in PRO) and in the yolk of eggs (18% in CON eggs, and 8% in PRO eggs). Khan et al. (2016) recorded that table eggs were contaminated with E. coli and the highest incidence of E. coli was found in eggshells when compared with eggs' components (in egg shell 15%, in albumin 12%, and in yolk 10%). Our results were in agreement with the results recorded by Adesiyun et al. (2005) who found that E. coli on eggshells was (58.7%) and (4.3%) in egg contents. ...
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Background This study discussed the effect of probiotic supplementation on laying hens’ diets and the enhancement of egg quality during the cold storage period. Aim To study the efficacy of the addition of probiotics to hen diets in terms of improving the egg’s quality during the cold storage period and protection against enteric pathogens. Methods 100 table eggs were collected from farms of laying hens on a battery system, 46 weeks old HylineW36 white in Sharkia Government. The collected eggs were separated into 2 groups (50 each); the control group from hens fed on diets without probiotics, and the probiotic group from hens fed on diets with (100 g/ton) of supplemented probiotics preparation. All groups were separated into 5 sub-groups for the examinations; on the fresh day, 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th days on cold storage at 4°C. Chemical, physical, and microbiological examinations were done for internal egg contents and eggshells. Results Our results showed that probiotics supplements have advantageous effects on the quality of eggs during cold storage periods. Also, microbiological examination proved that eggshells from hens fed on diets with probiotics supplemented (100 g/ton) have decreased the level of bacterial contamination with Salmonella and Escherichia coli than hens fed on a regular diet. Conclusion It could be shown that the probiotics supplementation may decrease and reduce the effect of the storage period on the quality of shell, albumen, and yolk.
... NSP antibodies were detected in serum samples using an NSP ELISA kit [30], which is simple to use and ideal for largescale serological monitoring [32]. It can also tell the difference between animals that have been vaccinated and those who have been infected [25]. It can also detect 3ABC antibodies, which have a greater serum concentration than other NSPs [37]. ...
The microbiological quality of meat is influenced by the conditions of hygiene prevailing during production and handling. Thus, this study aimed to assess the prevalence of Salmonella enterica and its antimicrobial resistance, load of hygiene indicator bacteria including E. coli (ECC), coliforms (CC), total coliform (TCC), Enterobacteriaceae (EB) and aerobic plate count (APC), and meat handler’s food safety knowledge and hygiene practices in butcher shops in two cities, Addis Ababa and Hawassa in Ethiopia, during 2020 and 2021. A total of 360 samples of beef carcasses (n = 120), knives (n = 60), chopping boards (n = 60), weighing balance (n = 60), and personnel’s hands (n = 60) were randomly collected for microbial analysis. Besides, 120 participants were selected to participate in a food safety knowledge and hygiene practices assessment. The S. enterica isolates were identified by agglutination test followed by qPCR targeting invA gene. Phenotypic antimicrobial resistance profiles of S. enterica were determined using disk diffusion assays as described in CLSI. The ECC, CC, TCC, EB, and APC populations were quantified by plating onto petrifilm plates. A structured questionnaire was used to determine food safety knowledge and hygiene practices of participants. Overall prevalence of S. enterica was 16.7% (95% CI, 8.3—26.7) and location seems to have no effect (p = 0.806). Only 20% of the S. enterica were resistant to ampicillin and tetracycline. However, the majority (80%) of S. enterica isolates were susceptible to the panel of 11 antimicrobials tested. The overall mean ± SD (log CFU/cm2) of ECC, CC, TCC, EB, and APC were 4.31 ± 1.15; 4.61 ± 1.33; 4.77 ± 1.32; 4.59 ± 1.38 and 5.87 ± 1.52, respectively. No significant difference (p = 0.123) in E. coli contamination was observed between samples of beef carcasses and chopping boards. The EB contamination showed no significant difference (p > 0.05) among sample sources. The APC contamination levels on beef carcass were significantly higher (p > 0.05) than other sample sources. A total of 56% (95% CI: 46.7 – 65.0) of the participants had poor knowledge and 65% (95% CI: 56.7 – 73.3) had poor hygiene practices towards food safety. This study highlighted the poor hygiene status of butcher facilities with a potential risk of beef safety. Thus, appropriate food safety control strategies and inspection is needed at retail establishments.
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Self-medication is an increasing global public health issue that affects both low and middle-income countries and developed nations. The residents of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, face a serious malaria problem and have limited access to healthcare. Consequently, many of them resort to self-medication to treat the disease. The purpose of this study was to assess the level of awareness among Port Harcourt residents about the negative consequences of self-medication for malaria on their health. A descriptive survey method was employed to select 105 participants randomly from two local government districts in Port Harcourt. The collected data were analyzed using percentage-based descriptive statistics. The study found that the majority of the participants engaged in self-medication, but they were mostly uninformed about the adverse effects of self-medication for malaria on their health. The participants in the study believed that they could handle their malaria symptoms, likely due to prior experiences and a proper diagnostic laboratory test confirming their diagnosis. Low income and a lack of health insurance were identified as the main reasons for self-medication, while other factors included limited healthcare facilities, expensive drugs, the inability to afford medical expenses, proximity to hospitals, and negative perceptions of healthcare professionals. The study indicates that self-medication for malaria will persist as a problem in the research region unless measures are taken by authorities and the government to address the issue.
The present study assessed the prevalence, virulence characteristics, antimicrobial resistance and biofilm-forming ability of E. coli and S. aureus recovered from egg samples in Ludhiana, Punjab. A total of 393 samples from hatcheries (n = 238), retail shops (n = 94), and households (n = 61) were collected. The prevalence of E. coli was observed as 11.70% and 9.16% for S. aureus. A total of 41.30% of E. coli isolates were positive for aggR gene and 52.17% were for fimA gene; while 36.11% of the S. aureus isolates were positive for coa gene. A high proportion of E. coli (76.10%) and S. aureus (69.44%) isolates were resistant toward ≥3 tested antibiotic classes. A total of 39.13% of E. coli isolates were moderate biofilm former, whereas the majority of the S. aureus (41.67%) were weak biofilm former. No significant difference regarding biofilm formation was observed between MDR and non-MDR isolates of E. coli and S. aureus. Biofilm genes viz., fimC and crl were reported in 43.47% and 80.43% of E. coli isolates, respectively; while icaA and icaD genes were reported in 58.34% and 47.22% of S. aureus isolates, respectively. A strong metabolic activity among 52.17% of E. coli and 41.66% of S. aureus isolates was observed using XTT assay. The present study highlights the need for applied food safety measures across the egg production chain of the region to prevent the development of MDR strains and biofilms.
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The study was conducted to investigate the effect of different stocking densities and quantitative feeding regimens on starting broiler chicks. A total of one hundred and sixty two (162) Marshall strain chicks having average initial weight of 44.23g at day old were randomly distributed and used for the trials. The treatments under stocking densities were D1 (0.25m2/bird), D2 (0.17m2/bird) and D3 (0.13m2/bird) while under the quantitative feeding regimen were 0% feeding restriction (F1), 15% feed restriction (F2) and 30% feed restriction (F3). All were replicated three times making a total of 27 observations and randomly distributed into a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement in a completely randomized design. The growth performance, economic cost, nutrient digestibility and haematological characteristics were measured, data obtained were subjected to one way analysis of variance. Results showed that stocking density had no significant effect (p>0.05) on the daily feed intake and the body weight gain. The body weight gain decreased with increasing stocking density from 20.53g in D1 to 19.25g in D2. The best feed conversion ratio (FCR) value of 3.05 was recorded in D3 compared to 3.20 recorded in D2. Stocking density had no effect on the dry matter digestibility, crude protein digestibility, crude fibre digestibility and ether extract digestibility (p>0.05). The stocking density however had an effect (p < 0.05) on the haematological parameters like red blood cell (RBC), mean cell volume, mean cell haemoglobin concentration, blood glucose and blood corticosterone levels. The blood cholesterol was significantly highest in D1 (94.28mG/dl) compared to the lowest value of 88.17mG/dl in D3. Stocking density had no significant effect on the cost of feed per kg weight gain. The quantitative feed restriction significantly decreased both the daily feed intake and weight gain. A lower daily weight gain of 16.40g in F3 compared to 22.95g in F1. A better FCR value was recorded in the restricted groups compared to the F1. Birds in F3 recorded a marginally better digestibility coefficient when compared to F1 and F2 respectively. The packed cell volume and RBC was significantly lower in feed restricted birds compared to F1 but the white blood cells were significantly highest in F3 than in F1 and F2. The blood glucose and cholesterol level was significantly highest in F1 than F2 and F3 birds. The heterophil: lymphocyte ratio (H: L) was significantly highest in F3 than in F1 and F2 respectively. Feed restricted birds (F2 and F3) had significantly (p < 0.05) lower cost of feed intake/ bird (N5.32 and N6.15, respectively) compared to N7.64 in F1 birds. Also, the cost of feed/kg weight gain was significantly lowest in F3 at N317.20 compared to N334.53 in F1. It was concluded that that birds in D3 and F3 had the best FCR and a better digestibility coefficient though higher haematological values were recorded in the D1 and F1 compared to other treatments. Birds in F3 had lower haematological profiles and reduced costs of production per bird due to the quantitative feed restriction.
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Neonatal calf diarrhea (NCD) is a common disease affecting the newborn calf and the most critical period is in the first few days following birth of the calf which is also known as calf scours. Keeping animals in close confinement where the opportunity for transmission of causative agents of NCD. The diarrhea and other clinical signs seen with the disease are caused by the interaction of any of several possible infectious causes. This study was carried out to isolate, identify and detect the antimicrobial resistant profile of E. coli and Salmonella from diarrheic calves. A total of one hundred and twenty five fecal specimens were collected directly from the rectum of diarrheic calves. Of the samples collected 35 (25%) and 11 (8.8%) was found positive for E. coli and Salmonella respectively. Antimicrobial resistance of these two isolate was found against Amoxycillin and Tetracycline whereas a high sensitivity was found towards Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacillin, Azithromycin and Cefotaxime. Serotyping was done by using specific antisera to identify variants of the somatic (O) and flagellar (H) antigens. Cultural and biochemical features also reveal the presence of pathogens in the diarrheic calves.
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This study was designed to determine the isolation rate, serovars and biochemical profiles of e. coli from cases of colibacillosis and dead-in-shell embryos in Zaria-Northern Nigeria. The isolation rate of e. coli from hatcheries studied were 4.67% and 7.50% from farms of Simtu Agricultural Company and National Animal Production Research Institute (NAPRI) Shika Zaria, Nigeria respectively. Twenty e. coli isolates from clinical cases of colibacillosis were also used for this study. The Simtu farm e. coli isolates showed 97.5% motility, while isolates from both NAPRI and clinical colibacillosis cases were 100% motile. The results of carbohydrate fermentation are variable without specific character, except for e. coli isolates from clinical cases of colibaccillosis that showed 100% fermentation especially for lactose, ducitol, rhamnose and xylose. The major serovars recorded from clinical cases of colibacillosis were serovars O8:K50 and O9:K30. Serovars from the dead-in-shell embryos were O78:K80, O8:K50, O9:K30, and O26:K60. Untypable isolates made up the greatest percentage of serogroup of e. coli studied. The antibiotic susceptibility testing indicated that many of the isolates were resistant to more than one antibiotic. Ciprofloxacin was the antibiotic to which majority of isolates were sensitive (85% of the clinical cases and 100% of both the Simtu and the NAPRI farms' isolates). It is concluded that other methods for controlling e. coli should be evaluated, so that the emergence of resistant isolates be limited and the cost involved in prophylactic and therapeutic treatment programs be reduced.
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The aim of this study was to analyse the qualitative composition of Gram-negative microbes, mainly of the family Enterobacteriaceae, including pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella, in the albumens and yolks and on the shells of hens' eggs, depending on their source and on the temperature and duration of their storage. A total of 375 table eggs were studied, from a large-scale poultry farm, a small-scale poultry farm and a supermarket. Each group was divided into 5 subgroups according to the temperature and duration of their storage during the study. Two serotypes of bacteria of the genus Salmonella were identified: S. Enteritidis and S. Arizonae. Strains of Salmonella spp. were also isolated. Apart from Salmonella and Escherichia coli, among the most frequently isolated bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae were Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella spp. and Citrobacter freundii. Qualitative analysis of the bacterial microflora of the eggs also showed the presence of other Gram negative bacteria, including Acinetobacter spp., Pseudomonas spp., Tatumella ptyseos, Providencia stuartii, Serratia liquefaciens, Flavimonas oryzihabitans, Vibrio metschnikovii, Leclercia adecarboxylata, Kluyvera spp., Rahnella aquatilis, Proteus mirabilis, and Achromobacter spp. The study demonstrated that the conditions applied, i.e., the temperature and duration of storage, did not significantly influence the prevalence of particular species of Gram-negative bacteria in the eggs. However, based on the analysis of contamination of eggs with Salmonella depending on their source, it can be concluded that the system in which the hens are housed affects the risk of contamination of eggs with these pathogens.
A total of sixty-one resistant stains of Escherichia coli from 105 clinical specimens obtained from different body sites at the University College Hospital, Ibadan were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing and plasmid profiling. Among the various classes of antibiotic tested, high resistance was found with Amoxicillin (90.16%), followed by tetracycline (88.52%) and co-trimoxazole (78.69%) while Nitrofurantoin and Ofloxacin being the most potent with (90.16%) and (54.10%) sensitivity. All the strains that were resistant to any antimicrobial agents were also resistant to amoxicillin. Plasmids ranging in molecular sizes from 0.12kb to 23.1kb were extracted from 40 (65.57%) of these isolates and grouped into seven plasmid profiles.Transformation experiment revealed that 40% of the resistant strains carried a common R – plasmid of size 23.1kb. Plasmid determined resistance to Amoxicillin was identified.
The prevalence of potential spoilage microorganisms on the shells and in the egg contents of table eggs sold in Trinidad was determined. Table eggs samples were obtained from 23 poultry layer farms, 14 shopping malls and 102 supermarkets across the country. Each farm was visited twice approximately one month apart and 25 pooled eggs constituted a composite sample. Shopping malls were each visited twice usually one month apart while supermarkets were each visited once over a 4-month period. For both mall and supermarkets, six pooled eggs constituted a composite sample. Swabs of egg shells and pooled yolk and albumen (egg content) were tested for selected bacteria using standard methods. The resistance of bacteria to seven antimicrobial agents was detected using the disc diffusion method. Of a total of 184 composite eggs (shells, yolk/albumen or both) sampled, 71 (38.6%) samples were positive for enteric microbes, other than E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter spp. and Listeria spp. Enterobacter spp. and Klebsiella spp. were isolated from 15 (8.2%) and 14 (7.6%), respectively, of pooled egg shells alone and from 6 (3.3%) and 3 (1.6%), respectively, of egg content samples alone. Prevalence of enteric bacteria in egg contents was generally higher than found on egg shells with faeces/blood or cracks compared with those without, but the differences were not significant (P>0.05; X2). The microbial load of egg content was not significantly affected by type of housing of laying birds, source of feeds, use of medicated feeds and temperatures at which eggs were kept at sale outlets. Of a total of 131 bacterial isolates tested, 125 (95.4%) exhibited resistance to one or more antimicrobial agents and resistance was high to streptomycin (90.1%), tetracycline (51.9%) and kanamycin (30.5%). Failure to properly handle or heat table eggs sold in Trinidad poses a potential health hazard to consumers because of their poor microbial quality and high frequency of resistance to antimicrobial agent.
The antimicrobial sensitivity of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli isolated from the shells and contents of table eggs sampled from sale outlets in Trinidad was determined using the disc diffusion method. The phage types of S. Enteritidis isolates, the phenotypic characteristics of E. coli isolates and the presence of O157 strain were also investigated. Of a total of 74 isolates of Salmonella tested, 17 (22.9%) exhibited resistance to one or more of the seven antimicrobial agents used compared with 104 (88.1%) of 118 E. coli isolates. The difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05; X2). For both microorganisms, resistance was relatively high to streptomycin (54.2%) and tetracycline (35.9%) but low to gentamicin (11.5%) and sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim (9.4%). Only 1 (1.4%) isolate of Salmonella was multi-resistant while 55 (46.6%) of E. coli isolates were resistant to three or more antimicrobial agents. The frequency of resistance to antimicrobial agents amongst both bacteria was not significantly (P > 0.05; X2) affected by the location of isolation on the egg (shell or content) or source of eggs (farms, shopping malls or other retailers). Eight (19.5%) of 41 S. Enteritidis isolates tested were resistant compared to 4 (26.7%) of 15 isolates of S. Ohio. All S. Enteritidis isolates belonged to phage type 1 (PT1) and all E. coli isolates were non-haemolytic, non-mucoid, sorbitol fermenters and non-O157 strains. It was concluded that the relatively high resistance amongst the bacteria tested could pose therapeutic problems in consumers, particularly in egg-borne salmonellosis or colibacillosis.