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Journal of ICT, 12, 2013, pp: 147–159
Norlela Samsudin1, Mazidah Puteh2, Abdul Razak Hamdan3
and Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri4
1&2Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Science,
Universiti Teknologi MARA Terengganu,
Dungun, 23000, Terengganu, Malaysia
3&4Faculty of Information Science and Technology,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Corresponding author:
The process of gathering useful information from online
messages has increased as more and more people use the Internet
and other online applications such as Facebook and Twitter to
communicate with each other. One of the problems in processing
online messages is the high number of noisy texts that exist in
these messages. Few studies have shown that the noisy texts
decreased the result of text mining activities. On the other hand,
very few works have investigated on the patterns of noisy texts
that are created by Malaysians. In this study, a common noisy
terms list and an artifi cial abbreviations list were created using
specifi c rules and were utilized to select candidates of correct
words for a noisy term. Later, the correct term was selected
based on a bi-gram words index. The experiments used online
messages that were created by the Malaysians. The result shows
that normalization of noisy texts using artifi cial abbreviations list
compliments the use of common noisy texts list.
Keywords: Noisy texts; normalization of noisy texts; artifi cial abbreviation
The advancement of Internet technology causes a mass collection of online
documents from applications such as e-forums, blogs, Facebook and Twitter.
Journal of ICT, 12, 2013, pp: 147–159
The online social media allow the users to communicate with each other in
an informal environment. Therefore, the online documents are fi lled with
out of vocabulary (OOV) terms or noisy texts and do not follow the usual
structure of a language. Knoblock, Lopresti, Roy and Subramaniam (2007)
defi ne noisy text as “any kind of difference between the surface form of a
coded representation of the text and the intended, correct, or original text”.
Despite being noisy, online created documents contain important information
such as opinions about a particular product, service or political fi gure. Other
than that, customers often give feedbacks or comments about an organization
using online facility. Mining the online documents may reveal interesting
information for the survival of a company. Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
is another application that received input from the customer via the online
application. Unfortunately, the noisy texts that exist in online messages lead
to inaccurate information in text processing activities. Therefore, processing
of online documents is necessary before any information gathering activities
from online created messages is executed. The following is an example of a
typical e-forum entry that is created by Malaysian:
“budak kecik ni asyik sangat tengok 7 petala cinta. br lps tgk
citer ni (-____-)……. best citer ni!!! bc komen2 kt sini...yg
mana lost2 boleh faham balik... “.
This message is fi lled with incorrect sentence structure, improper casing,
incorrect punctuation, misspelled words, mixed of terms from different
languages and creative use of emoticon. Work by Samsudin, Puteh and
Hamdan (2011) and Dey and Haque (2009) showed that the occurrence
of noisy texts reduced the accuracy value of opinion mining processing.
Similarly, Vinciarelli (2004) concluded that noisy text also affects text mining
activities. Other than that, experiments by Tang, Li, Cao, and Tang (2005) also
concluded that the terms extraction from electronic mails was improved by
35% to 45% after the emails had been cleaned from noisy terms.
Normalization of noisy texts in previous researchers uses resources mainly
from English language such as:
1) a standard parser which is used by Clark (2003), Foster, Wagner, and
Genabith (2008), Jing, Lopresti, and Shih (2003);
2) resources from Word Wide Web in Wong, Liu, and Bennamoun (2006);
3) English dictionaries in Wong, Leu, and Bennamoun (2006), Dey and
Haque (2008) or
4) specifi c domain dictionary used by Kothari, Negi, Faruquie, Chakaravarthy,
and Subramaniam (2009).
Journal of ICT, 12, 2013, pp: 147–159
Unfortunately, there is no such reference that is available for the Malay
language. In addition, most previous works try to solve noisy terms involving
words created from its phonetic sound such as ‘cu’, 2u, 2morrow, l8, or lol.
Malaysians rarely use these terms. This study shows that the top fi ve noisy
terms that are commonly used by Malaysians in online documents are tu (itu),
yg (yang), ni (ini), tak (tidak) and x (tidak). The shorter version of a term or
abbreviation is used in order to reduce key punching (especially when a mobile
hardware is used to create the message) and to speed up the communication
process. This project studied the pattern of abbreviations that Malaysians
used in online media and created artifi cial abbreviations list to improve the
normalization process of noisy texts. In addition to that, a list of common
noisy texts that Malaysians normally used in online message was also created
and used in the normalization process.
Kobus (2008) identifi ed three metaphors in cleaning noisy texts i.e. spell
checking metaphor, translation metaphor and speech recognition metaphor.
Spell checking metaphor assumes all out of dictionary words as noisy terms
and need to be corrected. This technique normally uses a specifi c dictionary
to identify a noisy term. Most works in normalization of noisy texts adopt
this metaphor such as work by Toutanova and Moore (2002), Wong, Leu
et al. (2006), Choudhury et al. (2007) and Cook and Stevenson (2009).
Nevertheless, this method does not consider the context where the term is
used. The second metaphor assumes texts with noisy term as another language
and uses a specifi c dictionary to translate these texts into the correct texts.
The researchers normally use statistic techniques to solve the problem such
as phrase-based statistical model by Aw, Zhang, Xiao and Su (2006) and
Hidden Markov Model in Choudhury et al. (2007) and Acharyya, Negi,
Subramaniam, and Roy (2008). The last metaphor is based on works to
convert speech notation into texts. Users of online communication normally
communicate in an informal manner. The use of texts which imitates the
phonetic sound of a word, such as fon (phone), 2nite (tonight) or cite (cerita),
is common in online communication. This method uses predefi ned codes that
translate phonetic sound spelling to written texts spelling based of specifi c
rules (Kobus, 2008).
One of the trends in online messages is using shortened words in the form
of acronym or abbreviation. Acronym is a word that is formed by combining
the initial letters from a group of words such as UUM (Universiti Utara
Journal of ICT, 12, 2013, pp: 147–159
Malaysia), AF (Akademi Fantasia) and lol (laugh out loud). On the other
hand, abbreviation is a shortened form of a word such as gd (good), bst (best)
and kg (kampong). Constrain of a device due to the use of mobile phone as a
medium of communication and constrain of time cause online users to shorten
the spelling of texts in online messages. Several trends on how Malaysians
shorten the Malay terms have been identifi ed in Hussin (2009) and Pustaka
(2008). This paper investigates the used of common noisy terms list and
artifi cial abbreviations list to normalize noisy texts. To the knowledge of the
writer, this work is the fi rst attempt to normalized online messages that are
written by Malaysians.
Preparation of data
The experiment requires a collection of online messages created by Malaysians.
In order to create this collection, 5000 e-forum entries, 5000 Twitter messages
and 5000 Facebook messages believed to be created by Malaysians were
manually extracted. As shown in Figure 1, the following lists were created
from these messages:
a) A list of noisy terms that occur more than three times in these documents.
About 4000 noisy terms have been identifi ed and manually translated.
This list is known as NTTranslate.
b) A list of all correctly spelled words other than proper names. Items from
this list are merged with translation of noisy text from list (a). A total of
10550 words are listed. This list is named as CommonWords.
c) The contents of corrected spelled words from (b) are merged with a
list of Malay words taken from a digital dictionary. This list is known
as CorrectWords list and is used in the project to identify an out of
vocabulary (OOV) term.
d) The online documents were semi-automatically translated and verifi ed.
A list that records the frequency of bi-gram words in the corpus was
created and used to select the most suitable term as a translation for a
noisy text. This list is known as Bi-Gram Index.
Another 100 online messages were extracted as testing data. Noisy texts
were tagged and translated manually. Other terms were tagged as correct
word, numbers, icon, link and symbol. These data were used to check the
effectiveness of normalization processes in this study.
Journal of ICT, 12, 2013, pp: 147–159
Figure 1. Processing of online messages corpus.
Generating artifi cial abbreviations list
A Malay term is made of several syllables. A syllable is the smallest unit of
a speech sound. Normally it is made from several combinations of a vowel
and consonants. For example word ‘kucing’ is a combination of two syllables
i.e ‘ku’ and ‘cing’. In addition to the normal consonant character, the Malay
language also adopts group consonants i.e. gh, kh, ny, ng, sy. The rules in
creating artifi cial abbreviation manipulate the characters and syllable of a
particular word. In 2008, a guideline in creating SMS abbreviation in Malay
Language was published by Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka. Adopting these rules
and observation on the abbreviation pattern of the top 200 noisy texts, a list
of artifi cial noisy texts is created. Rules that are related to manipulation of
characters are:
1. Remove all vowels such as in sklh (sekolah) and slr (seluar)
2. Use the fi rst character and the last character if either of them is not a
vowel such as yg (yang) and kg (kampong).
3. Replace the last character with the character ‘e’ if it is an ‘a’ such as ape
(apa) and berape (berapa).
4. Add character ‘k’ to the end of the word if the word is ended with
character ‘a’ such as bapak (bapa) and mintak (minta).
5. Drop the fi rst vowel if the word starts with a consonant such as sapa
(siapa), slalu (selalu)
6. Drop the last vowel if the last character is not a vowel such ank (anak)
and ingt (ingat).
7. Using the fi rst and the last character such as pi (pergi) and dn (dan).
Extract NT
5000 e-forum messages,
5000 Facebook entries,
5000 Twitter entries
Create Correct
NTTranslate CommonWords
Malay Dictionary
Bi-Gram Indexs
Journal of ICT, 12, 2013, pp: 147–159
8. If the term ends with ‘ar’, replace it with the character ‘o’ such as sabo
(sabar) and terbako (terbakar)
9. If the term starts with ‘ha’, drop the character ‘h’ such as antu (hantu)
and ari (hari).
10. Using a character in replacement to a word with similar phonetic sounds
is also common. The following abbreviations are also added in the
list: w (why), x (tidak), n (dan), g (pergi), s (as), d (di), k (ok), u (you),
t (nanti)
The following rules manipulate the syllables of a word.
1. Use the fi rst syllable such as sem (semester).
2. Use the last syllable such as mak (emak) or ngan (dengan). If the new
last syllable ends with an ‘a’, replace it with ‘e’ such as je (sahaja) or te
(kita). In addition to that, if the character ends with an ‘a’, add character
‘k’ such as gak (jugak);
3. Use the fi rst character of each syllable in a word such as spt (seperti). If
the syllable starts with a group of consonant, the second character will
be used such as tgk (tengok);
In addition rules that are listed previously, the following rules that manipulate
the syllables and the characters are also adopted.
1. Use the fi rst character of each syllable + the last character (if the word
is a consonant) such as byk (banyak) and tgh (tengah).
2. Use the fi rst character and the last syllable such as bleh (boleh) or bru
(baru). If the new term ends with an ‘a’, replace it with the character ‘e’
such as bpe (berapa) and mne (mana).
3. Use the last syllable but replace the fi rst character of the last syllable
with the fi rst character of the word such as tak (tidak) and tgok (tengok).
Using CommonWords list, about 80,000 artifi cial noisy texts were created
and named as Artifi cial Abbreviation list.
Normalization process
Three experiments were conducted in this project. The fi rst experiment is
considered as the based experiment, where normalization of noisy text was
executed using the common noisy texts translation. If more than one translation
were identifi ed, the correct term was selected at random. Figure 2 illustrates
the process.
Journal of ICT, 12, 2013, pp: 147–159
Kukich (1992) suggests three stages in the normalization process of noisy
texts named Detect Noisy Terms, Identify Candidates and Choose Translation
a. In order to identify a noisy term, a word is compared to a list of dictionary
which contains correct words. All words that are not in the dictionary are
considered as noisy terms. The next step identifi es the candidates of correct
words using a list of artifi cial abbreviation which has been created using
rules that have been explained in the previous section. The last step identifi es
the correct term based on the context where the word is used. This is done
by comparing the occurrences of the previous word. These steps made up
the second experiments as illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 2. Using common NT list.
Figure 3. Normalization of noisy text using artifi cial abbreviation.
In the third experiment, in addition to artifi cial abbreviation, the common
noisy terms list is added as one of the references in identifying correct term
candidates as illustrated in Figure 4.
Document Detect and
Translate NT Next Term?
Document Detect NT
Candidate Choose
Abbreviation Bigram
Next Term?
Journal of ICT, 12, 2013, pp: 147–159
Figure 4. Normalization of noisy text using common noisy text and artifi cial
abbreviation list.
The purpose of this study is to check whether artifi cial abbreviation lists and
common noisy text translation can improve the process to ‘clean’ noisy terms
in an online media message that were created by Malaysians. 100 online
messages that stated opinions about a particular movie had been extracted
from various e-forum, Facebook entries and Tweeter messages. These
messages contain between 11 and 170 words with an average of 60 words
per message. On average, 15 noisy texts were identifi ed manually in every
message. Surprisingly, the system identifi ed an average of 17 noisy texts in
every message. This is due to the use of English words that were not listed
in CorrectWords list. This list was created using common words in 15,000
online messages and a Malay dictionary. Therefore, words such as predictable,
private and characters were considered as noisy terms since these words did
not exist in CorrectWords list. In the researchers’ opinion, the English terms
that exist in CommonWords list are enough to identify the common English
words used by Malaysians in online messages. Unfortunately, that is not the
case as shown by an increase of 2% in noisy texts identifi ed by the system.
Other than that, a proper noun, such as the name of a person or a movie that
was spelled without using an upper case letter as the fi rst character, was also
considered as a noisy term. Therefore, the number of noisy texts that was
identifi ed in every experiment was higher than the number of noisy texts that
was identifi ed manually. Correctly identifi ed noisy text is noisy text that was
correctly identifi ed and translated as identifi ed and translated in the manual
process. Incorrect identifi ed noisy text is a word that was not considered as
noisy text in the manual process or a word but was identifi ed as noisy text
and translated wrongly. Table 1 shows the average percentage of correctly
identifi ed noisy texts and the average percentage of incorrectly identifi ed
noisy texts that were captured at each experiment.
Document Detect NT
Candidate Choose
Abbreviation Bigram
Next Term?
Journal of ICT, 12, 2013, pp: 147–159
Table 1
Results of Experiments
NTTranslate Artifi cial
Abbreviation NTTranslate + Artifi cial
Correctly Identifi ed NT 70% 42% 76%
Incorrect Identifi ed NT 40% 58% 34%
The result of the experiment shows that 70% of noisy texts that were
identifi ed in the messages may be corrected using the common noisy texts
list. On the other hand, only 42% of noisy texts can be corrected using the
list of artifi cial abbreviation alone. Nevertheless, the result improved when
both lists were used. NTTranslate is a list of manually noisy text translation
which is extracted from 15000 online media messages created by Malaysians.
Therefore, common noisy texts were captured in this list and produced a better
result in the normalization of noisy texts as compared to using artifi cial noisy
text list alone. Unfortunately, using only the common noisy terms list had
several set- backs. It failed to capture the relation between a word and its
previous word. Neither can it identify other creative short forms of a word that
were not commonly used. In addition, processing of noisy terms that consist
of a number is limited to the existence of the word in the common noisy text
list. This problem was tackled when artifi cial abbreviation list is used. Even
though the artifi cial abbreviation list solves the above problems, it cannot
recognize noisy terms that use phonetic similarity such as 2CU (to see you),
pilem (fi lem), citer (cerita) and siyes (say yes). Other than phonetic sound, the
approach in this study also ignores the following type of noisy texts.
a) Abbreviation that is made from a combination of two or more word
such as dorg (dia orang) and pastu (selepas itu).
b) Identifi cation of proper names such as the name of a person or the name
of a country. Currently, the algorithm assumes words that start with
a capital letter as proper name and hence, they will not be processed.
On the other hand, a proper name that starts with lower case letter is
assumed as noisy text.
c) Double meaning word. For example, sapa is a root word and is being
used in words such as menyapa or disapa. This word is considered as
a correct word and exists in a dictionary. Nevertheless, when it is used
in in a different context such as “kubur sapa ni? “ where the word sapa
is considered as a noisy term. The correct word is siapa. This situation
was not identifi ed and corrected in the normalization process.
Journal of ICT, 12, 2013, pp: 147–159
(d) Slang words such as ma, je, jee, le, bah, gezek and lu. Other than these
words, terms that indicate expressions, such as augh, err, haha, and
hehehehe are also ignored. These words are considered as correctly
identifi ed noisy terms.
Other reasons for incorrect translation are:
Typing errors such as the word tima in the phrase ‘tima aku tengok’
is supposed to be ‘time’. Since the word ‘tima’ is not considered as
common noisy term, it is not listed in NTTranslate, but the term is
listed in abbreviation list as the short term for word ‘terima’.
Noisy texts from unlisted word in digital dictionary such as sgtle which
means sangatlah. This word occurs due to the additional suffi x added
by the users.
Creative words that the users used which are out of norm and so do
follow the usual pattern of noisy terms creation such as ritu (hari
itu),pes (peace) and asik (asyik)
This study showed that common noisy texts list and artifi cial abbreviation list
were effective in the normalization of noisy terms where Malaysian online
messages were involved. Both lists are the main contributions of this study.
The common noisy texts list is a list of noisy texts that occurred three times or
more in 15,000 online messages created by Malaysians. Nevertheless, noisy
terms that are used by the online users varies based on the environment or
domain of the subject. Therefore, the artifi cial abbreviation list complements
the common noisy texts list and produced a better result in the normalization
process. The artifi cial abbreviation list is created by projecting noisy terms that
the users may use based on several common patterns of short forms observed
by the researchers.
At the end of the study, the researchers believed that incorporating other
modules could improve the result of noisy text normalization. Among
them are:
1) using English dictionary in addition to the Malay dictionary to identify
OOV words;
2) incorporating a technique to check noisy term as the result of using
suffi x and prefi x on the Malay words;
Journal of ICT, 12, 2013, pp: 147–159
3) incorporating a technique to solve words that follow the phonetic sound
instead of how it is spelled; and
4) incorporating a list of slang words and words that express expressions
such as arg, oh, zzzz, and hurg.
The impact of using these modules is possible enhancements on the research
in the future. As more and more people use the Internet or other online
applications to communicate with each other, the need to process online text
messages will also increase. The noisy texts that are incorporated in these
messages need to be normalized so that other text processing applications
such as Q & A, customer services, classifi cation and information retrieval,
may produce useful and accurate information. The common noisy text list and
the artifi cial abbreviation list are two references that may be utilized in noisy
texts normalization process for messages created by Malaysians.
This research is supported by the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme
(FRGS) under the ninth Malaysia Plan (RMK-9), Ministry of Higher
Education (MOHE) Malaysia. The grant number is 600-RMI/ST/FRGS 5/3/
Fst (208/2010).
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