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Moerman, F, Rizoulières, Ph. & Majoor, F.A. (2014), ‘Cleaning-in-place’, Ch. 10, in
Lelieveld, H.L.M., Holah, J. & Napper, D. (eds.), Hygiene in Food Processing: principles and
practice, N° 258, 2nd ed., Cambridge, United Kingdom, Woodhead Publishing, pp. 303-383.
F. Moerman, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group, Belgium
P. Rizoulieres, Boccard Food, France
10.1 Introduction
10.1.1 Definition of ‘’cleaning in place’’
Cleaning-in-place (CIP) is an automatically performed method of cleaning, applied to remove residues
from complete items of plant equipment and pipeline circuits without dismantling or opening the
equipment. It is a system of cleaning engineered to provide fast, productive, consistent and
reproducible high quality cleaning of all product contact surfaces to a predetermined level of
cleanliness, by circulating chemical (detergent and disinfectant) solutions and rinsing water through
tanks and piping of a food processing plant that remains assembled in its production configuration,
and by jetting or spraying of the product contact surfaces under conditions of increased turbulence
and flow velocity (Moerman, 2002; Majoor, 2003).
10.1.2 Main advantages/disadvantages of ‘’cleaning in place’’
CIP has been widely applied in dairy, brewery, food and wine processing for more than 50 years,
because food manufacturers quickly understood that the method of in-place cleaning brings along
more advantages (Table 10.1) than disadvantages (Table 10.2) (Adams & Agarwal, 1990; Christi,
1999; Cerulli & Franks, 2002; Majoor, 2003).
Table 10.1 Advantages of CIP systems (Adams & Agarwal, 1990; Christi, 1999; Majoor, 2003).
More s
pecific …
Suitable to clean a broad se-
lection of process equipment
Cleaning of tanks, pipelines, pumps, valves, heat ex-changers,
centrifugal machines and homogenizers, etc.
Minimum manual effort Manual operations can be reduced or eliminated entirely depending
upon the degree of automation.
Easy to automate Consistent and reproducible high quality cleaning with less cross-
contamination between product batches and less off-spec products
because each cleaning program is the same as the previous one.
Improved hygiene In a closed system CIP process with no human contact, higher
temperatures and stronger detergents can be used for circulation, and
many times more cleaning fluid per unit time and per unit area under
conditions of increased turbulence and flow velocity can be applied.
Fluid can be distributed more evenly, or more solution can be applied
to highly soiled areas while less-soiled areas can be treated less
aggressively. Because the physical integrity of the process equipment
is maintained during CIP, recontamination is less likely. The overall
result is less product rejections.
Traceability of the cleaning
Automated CIP systems can record all cleaning sequences and key
parameters (time, temperature, chemicals and physical action),
providing validation monitoring, documentation and traceability.
Reduced processing plant
Tanks and pipelines can be cleaned as soon as they are empty, and
in reverse they can immediately be refilled after cleaning. No time has
to be spent in disassembly and reassembly of process equipment.
CIP allows faster cleaning than manual cleaning.
Reduced disassembly wear
and damage
The high frequency of dis- and re-assembly of process equipment
components that is typical for manual cleaning operations may cause
irreversible damage to their machined surfaces. As this is not the
case with CIP, lower maintenance and repair costs are observed.
Lower environmental impact
Due to partial or total recovery of cleaning solutions and rinsing
waters, significant savings on water, detergent and energy
consumption can be realized. The amount of effluent and the pollution
load will be much lower.
Considerable cost savings Savings on water, detergents, disinfectants, energy, effluent
treatment, labour, rework of off-spec products.
Greater operator safety CIP reduces the exposure of the operating personnel to hazardous
atmospheres and cleaning conditions such as high temperatures, and
aggressive cleaning agents and disinfectants. The use of ladders or
temporary supports for dangerous vessel entry and the risk of falls on
slippery internal surfaces are also eliminated.
Table 10.2 Disadvantages of CIP systems (Adams & Agarwal, 1990; Christi, 1999; Majoor, 2003).
More specific …
High capital cost Investment costs for implementing CIP in a new facility or retrofitting
an existing plant are considerably high, especially because most CIP
systems are custom designed. The complexity of the hardware and
software to control and monitor the CIP process further increases
capital expenditure. But payback of the investment is usually less
than a year, due to the lower labour, raw material and energy costs
Less suitable to remove in-
soluble heavy soils
CIP lacks effectiveness in removal of heavy soils in the meat and
poultry industry. In these areas, the application of CIP is limited to
vacuum thawing chambers, pumping and brine circulation lines, pre-
blend/batch silos, and edible and inedible fat-rendering systems.
Process equipment must be
hygienically designed For both hygienic processing and adequate CIP, process lines and
equipment should be hygienically engineered at the very beginning of
their design. An efficient CIP system by itself is not enough.
Inflexibility Stationary CIP systems only allow cleaning of adjacent process
equipment at reduced operational cost. Mobile CIP-units allow more
flexibility, as they may cover process equipment over a larger area.
Increased maintenance More sophisticated equipment requires more maintenance.
10.2 Key factors for an effective cleaning-in-place process
To clean the whole process equipment and piping system in a minimum of time, a CIP system aims to
combine the benefits of high solution temperature (thermal energy) and chemical activity of the
detergent chemicals (chemical energy) with the mechanical action caused by the turbulent flow and
impact of the sprays/jets of cleaning solution on the equipment surfaces (mechanical energy). But to
be successful, other factors are equally important, such as the quality of the water to prepare the
cleaning solutions (low counts of spoiling microorganisms, low water hardness), the intimate contact
between the cleaning solution and soil (all surface to be cleaned must be covered), the applied CIP
programme, the hygienic design of the process equipment to be cleaned, and the quality of work of
the cleaning staff.
10.2.1 Cleaning chemicals
A cleaning process can be considered to consist of three primary steps: (1) displacement of organic
and/or inorganic soil from the equipment substrate by chemical reactions and physical processes, (2)
dispersion of the soil into the cleaning medium and (3) prevention of soil re-deposition on the
substrate. The first step demands a cleaning agent with an excellent wetting power to reduce the
surface tension of the cleaning medium and to help the cleaning liquid to penetrate into the soil and
surface pores. The solubilisation of the soil can be increased because detergents may disperse and
sequester respectively the organic and inorganic soil. The second step requires detergent chemicals
with excellent suspending and emulsifying power to bring the insoluble soils into suspension and to
keep oils and fats dispersed within the cleaning solution. To finally prevent the re-deposition of the soil,
the dispersing and sequestering properties involved in the first and second step are addressed again.
Because there exists no universal detergent formulation that has the ability to remove every type of
soil and that may clean every type of process equipment, a detergent should be selected that gives
the best cleaning results for a specific process equipment. The selection of an adequate cleaning
agent is a demanding task, because a preferred detergent must meet several criteria:
• effective against a wide range of soils;
• excellent wetting, fat emulgation and sequestration properties;
• potential to bring soil in suspension and keep it dispersed within the cleaning solution;
• provide optimal cleaning at low concentration;
• allow quick and complete mixing with water (fast and complete solubility in water);
• possess an excellent hard water tolerance;
• low-foaming to allow fast and complete rinsability;
• allow fast and free rinsing (with no detergent residues left);
• food grade (non-toxic, free of perfumes and dyes, etc.);
• safe to use;
• compatible with all materials of construction, non corroding ;
• no deleterious effects on the equipment surfaces;
• environmentally friendly (e.g., biodegradable);
• preferably authorised by regulations;
• low cost
In function of the cleaning result required, which varies from physically clean over chemically clean to
microbiologically clean, a broad selection of multiple-component detergent formulations are available
on the market. They are of the alkaline, neutral or acid type.
Alkaline detergent formulations
Alkaline detergent formulation are typically used to remove organic residues, and they commonly
consist of the following ingredients (Moerman, 2002 & 2003; Rohsner, 2005):
• NaOH or KOH have equal hydrolysation and peptisation power with respect to respectively fat and
proteins. In spite of its better rinsibility characteristics, the use of KOH is less common for reasons of
cost price.
• Silicates, phosphates, phosphonates and citrates are ‘builders’ used for their suspending properties
and to enhance the efficacy of surfactants in the removal of soil.
• Surface active agents have as many tasks: wetting, soil penetration, soil suspension, dispersion and
emulsification. Further, they help in the rinsing of the equipment surface by reduction of the surface
tension. Non-ionic surfactants are most frequently used in detergent formulations, because anionic
surfactants are highly foaming. Cationic surfactants have rather low detergency but high biocidal
properties. In combination with non-ionic surfactants, amphoteric surfactants are sometimes
supplemented for their microbiocidal effect.
• Stochiometric sequestrants such as EDTA, NTA, gluconate work within alkaline cleaners in strictly
stoichiometric ratios as real complexing agents, suppressing the negative impact of water hardness
and improving the removal of inorganic soil.
• Threshold sequestrants such as phosphonates, polyphosphonates, polyacrylates are active in sub-
stoichiometric concentrations having the additional property to prevent deposition of water scale on
equipment surfaces during the rinse cycles. During the rinsing, the remaining film of the cleaning
solution on equipment surfaces is diluted and reduces the concentration of EDTA and NTA in such
an extent that residual alkalinity on surfaces causes the surplus water hardness to precipitate.
• Hypochlorites and hydrogen peroxide assist in the removal of tenacious and insoluble soil due to
their oxidizing effect. Hypochlorites may pit on stainless steel and taint certain plastics.
• Corrosion inhibitors like polysilicates, modified carbohydrates and phosphonates are usually added
to the detergent formulation to prevent corrosion of stainless steel by detergent chemicals
• Hydrophobic non-ionic surfactants work as defoamers, reducing the negative impact that foaming
has on cleaning efficiency and the time required to rinse the equipment free of detergent.
• Hydrotrophic substances stabilize liquid formulations at high and/or low temperature.
Neutral detergent formulations
Neutral cleaners are rather used in these circumstances where NaOH and KOH based detergents
have a corroding effect, e.g. on aluminium, galvanized and other soft metal surfaces. To obtain a pH
of 6-8, NaOH and KOH are replaced in these neutral cleaners. Neutral detergent formulations may
contain the following components (Plett & Graßhoff, 2006; Moerman, 2003; Rohsner, 2005):
• Phosphates, phosphonates and citrates give mild alkalinity and buffering capacity to the cleaning
solution. They are also very effective in removing heavy soil without risk for bloom formation and
corrosion, which typically occurs with caustic alkalis as they gradually convert to carbonates. In
wetting power, soil lifting power, dispersion and emulsification power, they are even superior to
NaOH and KOH. However, they are more expensive.
• Non-ionic or anionic surfactants provide soil penetration, soil emulsification, surface wetting and low
surface tension. Non-ionic surfactants are more preferred than anionic surfactants due to the
foaming caused by the latter.
• Enzymes such as proteases and lipases may remove respectively tenacious protein deposits and fat
in the absence of surfactants. Enzyme based cleaning products are commonly used for the cleaning
of membrane filtration equipment because they are less aggressive than the common detergents.
They also have proven their value in the cleaning of plate and tube heat exchangers.
• Hydrotrophic substances stabilize liquid formulations at high and/or low temperature.
Acid detergent formulations
Mineral deposits on equipment are nearly impossible to remove with alkaline cleaners, and to varying
degrees, an alkaline cleaner may even contribute to a mineral deposit. Hence, an acid cleaning cycle,
is required to dissolve mineral salts or to remove scale formed after the alkaline cleaning cycle. Also
notice that CIP processes in the fermentation and brewery industry are mainly based on acid cleaning
practices, as CO2 generated during the fermentative process will rapidly break down NaOH and KOH
to respectively Na2CO3 and K2CO3 These sodium carbonates can quickly precipitate as process-
generated scale, while the loss of CO2 can create an underpressure within the fermentor, increasing
the risk for reactor implosion.
To be effective, an acid type detergent should produce a pH of 2.5 or lower in the final use solution.
It should work well in hard as well as soft water, and show a minimum of corrosion on metals. Acid
detergent formulations are typically blends of inorganic acids, organic acids, or acid salts, usually, with
the addition of other ingredients (Moerman, 2003; Rohsner, 2005):
• Inorganic acids, such as nitric, sulphuric, sulphonic and phosphoric acid have high acidic strength
but are often corrosive, may be dangerous to work with (irritating to skin, eyes, etc.), are injurious to
clothing or will precipitate some soluble salts.
1-2 % nitric acid cleaning solutions may remove inorganic residues such as scale, milk stone, beer
stone, etc. They are used to clean and demineralise heat exchangers and evaporators, although
nitrous vapours can pose risks of skin burns and hamper operators in their work. Due to its oxidising
properties at higher concentrations, HNO3 cannot be used in more complex formulations, e.g. with
surfactants. Moreover, nitrates contribute to the eutrophication of the surface water.
In its raw form, sulphuric acid is corrosive towards stainless steel and should be formulated with a
corrosion inhibitor. H2SO4 in 1 % solution is the cheapest source of acidity, but its inherent
detergency is poor and it is not cost-effective. The application of H2SO4 in cleaning practice is also
limited to 40°C. H2SO4 is used in some sanitizer formulations in which the low pH is a prerequisite for
effective use of the biocide present. Major drawbacks of H2SO4: sulphates contribute to the salt load
of the effluent, and under aerobic conditions high levels of sulphate cause physical damage to the
concrete walls of the waste water treatment plant. Water purification plants with an anaerobic
treatment step can also give rise to H2S formation, even at low sulphate concentrations. Hence,
more common in cleaning practices are phosphoric acid or organic acid cleaning solutions
Phosphoric acid is of course quite acceptable, but, when frequently used, a significant increase in
the phosphorous waste water load can occur. For reasons of eutrophication, many countries demand
supplementary taxes per unit phosphorous wasted in the environment. As few food processing
companies have a P-removal step available in their waste water treatment plant, phosphoric acid
should be replaced by organic acids.
Sulfamic acid is frequently used for removal of rust and limescale. Compared to most of the common
strong mineral acids, sulfamic acid has desirable water descaling properties, low volatility, and low
toxicity. It is a water soluble solid that may form soluble calcium and iron-III salts. Although it is
considered as less corrosive, corrosion-inhibitors are still required.
• Organic acids like formic, acetic, citric, tartaric, lactic and gluconic acid are much less aggressive
than mineral acids. They are also less corrosive, less dangerous to use, and are generally accepted
in food practice because they are mentioned on the “positive” EU food additives list with an E-
number. However, notice that they will increase the COD-load of the waste water. Although they are
quite biodegradable, large amounts of these acids can trouble the breakdown of waste water
effluents rich in organic material of low degradability. In most cases, however, these problems can
be ascribed to the insufficient treatment capacity of the waste water plant due to a shortness in
oxygen supply needed for the degradation of the waste load.
• Sulfonic acids which are much stronger acids than the corresponding carboxylic acids can be used
as an alternative. They are usually soluble in water, colourless and non-oxidizing, and exhibit
detergent-like properties, which is convenient in the cleaning of food processing equipment.
• An acid oxidising agent that is regularly used in cleaning practice, is peracetic acid (PAA). PAA is
non-foaming, and effective both as a detergent and disinfectant. However, PAA has an irritant smell,
may attack rubber gaskets, and may cause corrosion. Moreover, the biomass in the water treatment
plant can suffer from too high PAA loads, resulting in a lot of effluent treatment problems.
• Non-ionic or anionic surfactants provide cleaning efficacy regarding organic soil, enhance scale-
removing properties and are the choice for removing fat residues.
• Corrosion inhibitors like phosphonic acids are added to prevent the corrosion of stainless steel.
• Hydrophobic non-ionic surfactants working as defoamers.
• Hydrotrophic substances
10.2.2 Disinfectants
Disinfection aims to reduce the number of food spoiling microorganism (responsible for off-colours, off-
flavours and off-odours) and pathogens which may be present on process equipment after cleaning.
For the disinfection process to be successful, process equipment surfaces have to be cleaned to a
sufficient level. If large quantities of soil are still present, the efficiency of the disinfectant will decrease.
The disinfectants must be correctly applied to the equipment surfaces according to the pre-scribed
procedure of application and in the correct amounts (at the recommended concentration). Substances
that disinfectant formulations may contain (Roshner, 2005; Rizoulières et al., 2009):
• Disinfectants, with two main types: oxidizing disinfectants (hypochlorites, iodophores, ozone,
peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide) that kill microorganisms as result of their oxidizing activity, and
non-oxidizing disinfectants (quaternary ammonium compounds, ampholytes, alcohol) that inactivate
microorganisms by non-oxidative complex reactions on either the outside or inside of the microbial
cell. Formaldehyde and phenolics are very effective but they are either toxic, either irritating or may
cause off-odours. Avoid the use of quaternary ammonium compounds for reasons of foaming.
• Buffering agents, pH-regulators (bases, acids or salts), that are used either to provide the optimum
pH required for the biocide to be active, either to control the corrosion risk typical for oxidizing
disinfectants, or to provide the necessary stability to the disinfectant in solution or concentrated form.
• Non-ionic or anionic surfactants improve wetting or enhance foam applications
• Hydrophobic non-ionic surfactants working as defoamers
• Hydrotrophic substances
10.2.3 Detergent concentration
The detergent concentration must be set according to the type of soil and the most difficult to clean
part of the processing line or process equipment. For removal of milk deposits from the heated
surfaces of a plate heat exchanger, Timperley and Smeulders (1988) obtained the best results at a
detergent concentration of 2.5% (Fig. 10.1). They demonstrated that increasing the detergent
concentration above 2.5% w/w increases the cleaning time. Hence, it is important to monitor the
strength of the detergent solution, especially in a re-use system, because high detergent
concentrations (i.e., above 2–3%) are often not economic. The chemical concentration/ detergency
should be controlled either manually (measuring, diluting) or automatically.
As general recommendations, a caustic soda solution about 1% in strength is sufficient for cleaning
storage tanks, pipelines and fermentation tanks, while 1-2% is recommended for cleaning multi-
purpose tanks and plate heat exchangers, and 2–3% for cleaning UHT plants. However, up to 5% may
be necessary to clean heavily soiled equipment. Acid solutions are normally used in the region of
<1%, since at higher concentrations corrosion of metal surfaces may occur (Majoor, 2003).
Fig. 10.1 The effect of the detergent concentration on the cleaning time over an 1-2.5% w/w range is small. The
best results are obtained at a detergent concentration of 2.5%. Higher concentrations increase the cleaning time.
However, up to 5% may be necessary to clean heavily soiled equipment (Timperley & Smeulders, 1988).
10.2.4 Temperature
Timperley and Smeulders (1988) have demonstrated that the natural logarithm of the cleaning time is
inversely proportional to the absolute temperature (Fig. 10.2). In the Arrhenius equation the logarithm
of the reaction rate is also inversely proportional to the absolute temperature, meaning that the higher
the temperature of the detergent solution, the more effective its cleaning action.
Fig. 10.2 The natural logarithm of the cleaning time is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature. The
cleaning time may be reduced by almost 60% for an increase in cleaning solution temperature from 60 to 90°C,
but the main reduction of 40% occurs when the temperature of the cleaning solution increases from 60 to 75°C
(Timperley & Smeulders, 1988).
It is important to maintain the cleaning solution in the CIP retour line at sufficiently high temperature
to avoid re-deposition of soil in this CIP retour line. A CIP system must keep the temperature between
certain target values during all stages of the cleaning process .
While manual cleaning has to be carried out at around 45–50ºC, CIP cleaning may well take place
at 85–90ºC. Higher temperatures (e.g. 100–105ºC) are used during the alkaline wash of a UHT plant.
Notice, however, that too high temperatures may negatively impact the physical and chemical stability
of the target soil, resulting in the formation of a tenacious dirt film. In example given, many proteins are
denaturated at temperatures above 80°C and even much lower, causing them to form difficult to clean
films. Acid treatments are usually carried out at around 60–70ºC. Because an enzyme-based
detergent would tend to be inactivated by excessively high temperatures, the temperature of an
enzymatic CIP solution must be limited to 55ºC (Majoor, 2003).
10.2.5 Mechanical effect of fluid flow and impact
Mechanical effect of fluid in piping
The actual cleaning mechanisms within the CIP circuit is divided into the cleaning of pipelines (and
other items submersed in the cleaning fluids) and the cleaning of vessels. The cleaning of pipelines is
undertaken by circulating the cleaning fluids at a velocity that causes a scouring action on the pipe
walls. The flow characteristics of a liquid in a pipe can be either laminar (Re < 2000), transitional (Re
2000–4000) or turbulent (Re > 4000), and are influenced by such factors as pipe diameter, fluid
momentum and fluid viscosity. Too low a velocity results in a laminar flow pattern through the pipe
which limits the interaction between the cleaning solution and the soiled surface and thus reduces
cleaning potential. Hence, the effectiveness of the cleaning operation can be greatly improved by
increasing the velocity of the solution.
With respect to the cleaning of a plate heat exchanger, Timperley & Smeulders (1988) found that
the cleaning time is reduced by almost 90% by increasing the flow rate from 0.2 to 1.5 m/s (Fig. 10.3).
However, the main reduction in cleaning time of some 70% is obtained for an increase in velocity from
0.2 to 0.5 m/s. After 0.5 m/s, the rate of improvement decreases with increasing flow rate, with an
asymptote occurring at around 1.5 m/s. If we consider a tee with a pocket ratio of 1.12 (corresponding
with the recommended max. length of 28 mm for a tee with pipe diameter of 25 mm) and considering a
flow of 0.2 m/s as minimum required to start soil removal during a CIP process (Timperley &
Smeulders, 1988), then the required flow in the main pipe should be at least 1.35 m/s. For already
many years, the figure of 1.5 m/s is widely quoted as the target design value throughout the whole of
the pipeline system. In principle, much higher flow rates than 1.5 m/s give no better cleaning results,
and too high a flow can even result in ‘pipe hammer’ which can cause damage to the seals and
Fig. 10.3 In pipelines, the main reduction in cleaning time of some 70% is obtained for an increase in mean
velocity of flow from 0.2 to 0.5 m/s. After 0.5 m/s, the rate of improvement decreases as the flow rate increases,
with an asymptote occurring at around 1.5 m/s. Higher flow rates give no better cleaning results, too high a flow
can even result in ‘pipe hammer’ which can cause damage to the seals and equipment.
The design and operation of a CIP system needs to ensure that a target velocity of at least 1.5 m/s
for the passage of cleaning fluids is maintained. Parallel flows in line-cleaning circuits must be avoided
because it is impossible to control the fluid velocity in these parallel pipelines fed by the same pump.
When vessels and pipework are cleaned simultaneously, for example, care should be taken that the
right velocity can be obtained to effectively clean piping downstream of a tank. A tank can first be
cleaned by spray-balls, after which the tank can be partly filled with the cleaning liquid to create a
sufficient buffer for subsequent line-cleaning. For larger-scale and more complex systems, tanks and
pipes are often cleaned by individual cleaning circuits because such lines require a higher throughput
to obtain the required 1.5 m/s linear velocity
When sizing the CIP supply pump, it is important to consider that the pump has to overcome
pressure loss in the pipe system resulting from friction loss in the pipe itself, elbows, tees as well as
any installed equipment or instruments. When pipes with different diameters are combined in a
system, it is important to observe and calculate the flow velocity for each pipe as well as to
compensate for varying pressure losses.
Mechanical effect of fluid in vessels
For spray-ball cleaning of tanks, simultaneous cleaning of tanks is possible, provided that the spray-
balls give a significant backpressure. The CIP supply pump must have the required capacity at this
given back-pressure. For tank cleaning normally a capacity of approximately 10 m3/h per tank is
sufficient. At the outlet of the tank to be cleaned, a CIP return pump should have at least the same or
preferably a slightly higher capacity (25% higher).
10.2.6 Time
In generally, the longer the cleaning-in-place process goes on, the better the cleaning effect and
cleaning result. However, increasing the time beyond a given value provides little additional increase
in effectiveness, while the available production time decreases. Since relatively high volumes of
solution must be applied to soiled surfaces for periods of time ranging from as little as 5 min to as
much as 1 h, recirculation of the cleaning solution is essential to maintain economic operation.
It is very difficult to estimate cleaning times, because they change according to the structure of the
soils, the level of clogging, the type of equipment to clean, the characteristics of the detergents and
their concentration, the temperature of the cleaning solution, the velocity of cleaning solution in
pipelines, the impact of the spray/jets of cleaning solution on the equipment surface, etc. With respect
to the soil type, it is important to know that moist product residues are easier to remove than tenacious
films formed when the product is burned or dried on the equipment surfaces. Performing process
operations at too high temperatures and waiting too long before starting the cleaning-in-place process
results in increased product cohesion (soil-soil bonds) and adhesion (soil-surface bonds). As a result,
the factor energy in the Arrhenius equitation to overcome these higher cohesion and adhesion forces
increases, so that more chemical, thermal and mechanical energy must be supplied to the soiled
surfaces before the cleaning reaction starts to proceed. Hence, longer cleaning times will be required.
In practice, a complete validation testing procedure may allow to find the suitable contact and rinsing
times for each part of the equipment to clean. The fastest way is by carrying out visual inspections on
some critical parts of the process equipment (elbows, tees, etc.) at the end of the cleaning cycle (Plett
& Graßhoff, 2006; Majoor, 2003).
10.2.7 Applied CIP programme
Although there exist standard cleaning programmes for each food and beverage industry type, there is
no universal cleaning programme that is applicable in all companies active within the same food
branch, even if a process line is (nearly) similar to a process line found in another factory. A simple
process aid such as the water used in the CIP operation may give already complete different cleaning
results, although the same CIP installation, the same CIP variables and the same CIP programme are
applied. Worldwide, water hardness is usually different in several regions, and if that water is not
treated to a same degree of quality, a different level of cleanliness will be observed. Also notice that
each process line or component in a food and beverage factory can have different CIP requirements.
For example, the CIP requirements differ in open systems (e.g. vessels) and in closed systems (e.g.
pipes), from which the CIP performance of the latter is easier to assess visually.
Cleaning parameters (detergent-type and concentration, temperature, flow rate, etc.) and CIP
programme (sequence of cleaning and rinsing steps, duration of each step) largely depend on the type
of soils that must be removed, and must be determined experimentally, in e.g. by means of cleaning
trials. If a selected cleaning programme gives an appropriate level of cleanliness, only then limitations
of temperature, time, or cleaning chemical cost may be considered and adjustments to these variables
may be made. Although, many variations exist, the following sequence is a typical CIP programme for
a re-use CIP system, and it may be considered as a standard CIP programme and a reference to start
up cleaning-in-place trials for a given food processing line:
Product flush
A pre-flush operation is applied to remove or recover process fluid, to reduce the soil load prior to
cleaning and to reduce the amount of (pre-)rinse water required. A pre-flush operation is often carried
out using a process gas/compressed air blow, a pig or eventually water (if allowed). In older process
installations, sending and forcing a blast of oil-free compressed air into tanks and pipelines before the
start of a cleaning cycle is an old but convenient method of evacuating residual product from the plant.
A pre-flush step is only successful if all soiled process paths are flushed clear. The volume of air
delivered and the duration of a purge are calculated to an amount that effectively may empty the
The pre-rinse uses either a fresh, clean, cool (25°C) potable water source, or re-uses the previous
intermediate or final rinse (eventually slightly alkaline, often warm, with temperatures up to 45°C). The
pre-rinse is used to remove as much gross and loosely-adherent soil (organic fat, carbohydrates or
proteinaceous soil) as possible prior to the formulated alkaline wash. The pre-rinse step is usually
once through, which means that the rinse water - once soiled - is sent to drain, still often by purging
with food grade compressed air or a process gas. The pre-rinse water can be diverted in a re-
circulatory loop for a timed period, but usually it is not desirable to introduce excessive soiling into the
pre-rinse water tank. Immediate drainage of the pre-rinse water is still the most common practice. A
pre-rinse step is usually done during 3-10 min, and is completed once the effluent runs out clear. A
major objective is to remove 95% of all soil.
Recirculated alkaline wash
Residual rinse water could be heated and fed with caustic or other detergent to make up the alkaline
(typically 1-3% caustic) wash. This sequence brings hot (typically 55-90°C), chemical-laden solution
into intimate contact with all soiled surfaces under a variety of time and temperature combinations.
Since relatively long contact times (10 up to 30 min, occasionally 60 min) are required for this primary
cleaning step, recirculation of the cleaning solution is essential for economical operation. This is the
step which normally provides the most benefit from an increase in time. Air blows are used after
chemical washes to maximize chemical removal and make the succeeding rinse easier. After sorting,
this solution is recycled to the caustic tank. Where possible, the CIP circuit should be purged free by
means of food grade compressed air or a process gas.
1st intermediate rinse
This rinse with potable water at ambient temperature or warm is used to remove the residual alkaline
cleaner and additional loose dirt. The rinse water may be applied once through or recirculated.
Sometimes this solution is recovered for the pre-rinse in the next CIP cleaning program. This rinse is
completed once no further residual chemical is detected (monitoring may occur by means of pH,
conductivity, indicator, etc.). The 1st intermediate rinse is usually done during 3-10 min depending on
the type of process equipment that must be cleaned. For heavy soils, occasionally, a pre-rinse time of
up to 30 min is applied. The rinse water is usually drained, eventually by purging with food grade
compressed air or a process gas.
Recirculate acidified wash/rinse
If necessary, an acid wash/rinse is recirculated to neutralize residual alkaline cleaner (alkaline
cleaners form “films” on equipment that are not readily removed by a simple post-rinse with water), to
solubilize remaining dirt (inorganic), to remove mineral deposits, and to passivate the surface. This
step is sometimes omitted, and it may be made up from the residual rinse fluid from the previous step.
The commonly used concentrations of acid are 0.5-2%; solution temperatures may vary from 50-70°C,
and cleaning times may amount from 3-20 min (occasionally 30 min). After sorting, this solution is
recycled to the acid tank. Where possible, the CIP circuit should be purged free by means of food grade
compressed air or a process gas.
2nd intermediate rinse
Residual acid and any additional dirt loosened in the acid wash is removed with cold rinse water. This
rinse also may be recirculated. If no subsequently disinfection is done, the 2nd intermediate rinse water
is often heated to permit fast drying of the equipment. This rinse is completed once no residual
chemical is detected (monitoring may occur by means of pH, conductivity, indicator, etc.). Common
rinse times are 3-10 min, and occasionally up to 30 min. The water used is usually recovered as pre-
rinse water. Where possible, the CIP circuit should be purged free by means of food grade
compressed air or a process gas.
A chemical or heat-based disinfection step is applied to reduce the number of microorganisms from
previously cleaned surfaces. Chemical disinfection usually proceeds with fresh water at room
temperature supplied with disinfectant chemicals injected in the water just before the CIP supply
pump. In function of the decontamination acceptance criteria imposed by the quality assurance
department, the disinfectant solution may be heated. Recirculation of the disinfectant solution usually
occurs cold, during 10-30 min. If the food manufacturer has a preference for hot pressurized water
sterilization, fresh water is heated by recirculation over a plate heat exchanger or direct steam
injection. The water spent during the thermal inactivation process is either recovered or drained. The
length of this hot water sterilization process and the temperature of the hot water applied may vary in
function of the accepted level of residual pathogens and food spoiling microorganisms. Commonly
used recirculation times are 5 up to 60 min; and disinfectant solution temperatures may amount 70-
95°C. For inactivation of spores, dry, saturated steam (not overheated and free from non-condensable
gases) should be used, and temperatures should be maintained at 130-140°C for at least 20 minutes.
Final rinse
The post-rinse serves to remove residuals of disinfectants. Clean potable rinse water is pumped via
the CIP route and subsequently recovered as pre-rinse water. Rinse times and temperatures may be
variable but commonly used rinse times are 5-10 min and the rinse water is either cold or warm. The
final rinse is monitored with pH, conductivity, or resistivity (compared to inlet) to ensure complete
removal of chemical solutions.
Sometimes the post-rinse water is left in the system until the next cleaning cycle starts. It helps to
reduce water hammer effects that may occur when the lines are filled at the start of the next cleaning
cycle. However, when a pipe section between two closed valves is completely filled with a liquid,
temperature changes may cause mechanical damage to these valves and seals. Moreover, the
continuous presence of post-rinse water in a pipe section may increase the risk of contamination of
food product running in an adjacent process line, especially if both piping are interconnected and just
separated by means of an ordinary single-seat valve. As ordinary single-seat valves may leak, food
product may become contaminated with post-rinse water if the latter is continuously present against
that valve.
To aid in equipment drying, the post-rinse period may be followed by purging of sterile heated air or
sterile ambient temperature air through the process equipment. The air is commonly blown in the
process line through the CIP spray devices or via separate supply ports.
Fully automated control of cleaning programs is preferable to manual control and should include
variables of rinse, drain and recirculation times, temperatures, detergent concentration, flow-rate, etc.
all monitored and governed via either instrumentation or engineering design.
10.2.8 Water quality
Water is the main component in cleaning solutions, usually 95% and more. To obtain optimal and
consistent cleaning results, the water used to prepare the cleaning solutions must be of sufficient
quality. The following substances or parameters have proven to be problematic during cleaning-in-
place processes and must be carefully monitored:
• Total hardness is the sum of the carbonate hardness (Ca(HCO3)2, CaCO3, Mg(HCO3)2, MgCO3) and
the non-carbonate hardness (CaCl2, MgCl2, CaSO4, MgSO4, Ca3(PO4)2, Mg3(PO4)2). Total hardness
can be expressed as equivalent CaCO3, e.g. in mg/l CaCO3. Very hard water has a total hardness of
> 200 mg/l CaCO3, hard water has a total hardness of 120-200 mg/l CaCO3, moderately hard water
has a total hardness of 60-120 mg/l CaCO3, and soft water has a total hardness of 0-60 mg/l CaCO3.
As the temperature and/or alkalinity of the water increases, the solubility of these hardness
constituents decreases, resulting in scale formation. The presence of excess inorganic salts, mainly
calcium and magnesium, can reduce the effectiveness of detergents
• Carbonate hardness (Ca(HCO3)2, CaCO3, Mg(HCO3)2, MgCO3) breaks down when heated, releasing
CO2 and depositing scale on the inside of a kettle, evaporator, heat exchangers, etc. Deposits of
these calcium and magnesium salts on the surfaces of such equipment not only reduce the overall
heat transfer efficiency of the plant, but can also provide a nucleus for other soil depositions to take
• The conversion non-carbonate hardness into insoluble deposits is due to the presence of certain
alkalis. Specific constituents are incorporated into a detergent to minimize the precipitation.
• Silicate in high concentrations can form dull layers on stainless steel surfaces. The removal of silica
may proceed by means of a strong base anion exchanger.
• Iron and manganese may react with sequestrants, being a major disadvantage because both ions,
as part of the waters redox system, contribute to the corrosivity of water. Soluble iron and
manganese salts in concentrations above 0.3 ppm will cause coloured deposits on equipment
surfaces. Iron and manganese may be removed by precipitation and filtration.
• Chlorides in amounts as low as 40-50 mg/l and in combination with pH-values < 9.5, may cause
pitting, stress corrosion and/or failures on stainless steel. Municipal water may contain as much as
300-600 mg/l (ppm).
• Sulphates, which in concentrations in water of more than 250 mg/l are corrosive to iron.
• Nitrates, when converted to nitrite in the gut of babies may cause methaemoglobinaemia (blue-baby
syndrome). Concentrations over 20 to 50 mg/l will attack iron if the water is soft. High levels of nitrate
in raw water are usually due to the excessive use of manure or fertilizers on agricultural land.
• Turbidity is caused by suspended solid particles in water. Suspended solids comprise colloidal
suspensions (1 to 200 µm) and clay, fine sand and silt (about 100 µm). Suspended solids in a
concentration of 1 ppm causes visual turbidity, and may form deposits on clean equipment surfaces.
Suspended matter is best removed by sedimentation/filtration.
• Total bacterial count, which must be < 100 cfu (colony forming units)/ml. Coliforms and E. coli must
be absent in 100 ml.
• Objectional tastes, odours and colours may be removed by ozone treatment or activated carbon
• Dissolved gases such as O2, CO2 and H2S may cause a lot of problems. Dissolved oxygen promotes
oxidation of metals, especially iron, brass, and galvanized metal, while CO2 may form weak acids
that may cause corrosion. Hence, supplementation of additional alkali will be required. Hydrogen
sulfide may disrupt the ion-exchange activity of ion-exchange resins, may promote tarnishing of
certain metals and may cause organoleptic deviations. De-aeration is the most common method to
remove dissolved gases.
• Total dissolved solids (TDS) is the total of all chemicals dissolved in the water (usually not
problematic for cleaning and disinfection).
If the food manufacturing company is situated in a hard water area, the water can be heavily loaded
with scale forming minerals. In that case, the detergent formulation must be adjusted with
sequestering agent and additives to hold the calcium in suspension, or the water must be treated to
reduce the mineral content prior to use for cleaning. Absolutely soft water (total hardness of 0 mg/l
CaCO3) is not recommended since it can be corrosive. The efficiency of post-cleaning rinses is directly
related to water quality. Because mineral salts in rinse water are precipitated more readily from
alkaline solutions than from acid solutions, the rinse water should be conditioned with acid (pH 6.5 or
less) to minimize the deposition of mineral salts on clean equipment surfaces (Seiberling, 1997).
For CIP processes, potable water that is fit for human consumption (free from toxic metal ions,
spoiling microorganisms and pathogens, etc.) should be used (Table 10.3)
Table 10.3 Quality of the water used for CIP (Holah, 2003)
Temperature 20°C
pH 6.5-8.5 (max. allowable pH is 10)
Total hardness < 50 mg/l (ideal 5 – 10 mg/l) CaCO3
Alkalinity (HCO3
) < 30 mg/l
Calcium (Ca) < 100mg/l
Magnesium (Mg) 30-50 mg/l (preferably < 10 mg/l)
Silicate (SiO2) < 40 mg/l
Nitrates (NO3
) < 50 mg/l
Sulphates (SO4
) < 250 mg/l
Chlorides (Cl) < 250 mg/l (preferably < 50 mg/l)
Iron (Fe) < 0.2 mg/l
Manganese (Mn) < 0.05 mg/l
Turbidity < 1 NTU (preferably < 0.5 NTU)
Suspended solids (mg/l) < 1 mg/l and < 25 µm
Colloidal particles < 1 mg/l (preferably: none)
Silt density index < 1
Dry matter (after drying at 180°C) 1000-1500 mg/l (preferably: < 500 mg/l)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) < 0.4 mg/l
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) 0-5 µg/l
Tastes organoleptically undetectable
Odours organoleptically undetectable
Colours none
Total bacterial count < 100 cfu/ml
Mesophilic microorgansms < 5 cfu/ml
Psychrophilic microorganisms < 50 cfu/ml
Coliforms 0 per 100 ml
Escherichia coli 0 per 100 ml
10.2.9 Coverage
To obtain efficient and effective cleaning, all soiled surfaces must be brought into intimate contact with
the cleaning solution during a sufficiently long time interval. With respect to the cleaning of pipelines,
dead legs should be eliminated; (instrument) tees should be as short as possible (length of T-section
to the internal pipe diameter, L/D < 1.12); and upwards and downwards pointing dead zones should be
avoided. With respect to the coverage of tank cleaning surfaces, the correct tank cleaning devices
must be selected (section 10.6).
10.2.10 Design and construction parameters of the process equipment to clean
The cleaning time is largely determined by the overall hygienic design of the process equipment and
by the nature of the surfaces to be cleaned. These equipment parameters are generally determined
during the construction or purchase of the food processing equipment. Correct design of process
equipment is important, especially with respect to the elimination of dead areas that prevent cleaning
solutions from doing the work where they are used for. Equally important is the proper choice of
materials of construction, which must have minimal electrostatic binding forces and high chemical
compatibility. A last important aspect is the finish and condition of the equipment’s surfaces, which
must be as smooth as possible..
10.2.11 Quality of work done by the operators and quality staff
The main disadvantage of manual cleaning is that the final cleaning result largely depends on the
quality of the work done by the operators involved in that manual cleaning process. Some operators
put forward higher requirements to the quality of the job they are doing than others. Differences in the
amount of detergent used, the temperature of the cleaning solution and the intensity of scrubbing all
effect the finally attained level of cleanliness. Moreover, operators also may have a different view on
“what is clean”. Some are more quickly satisfied than others. In those circumstances where cleaning-
in-places processes are still manually controlled by operators, CIP cleaning of a given process
equipment can still proceed different, especially if the pre-defined optimal duration of each step in the
cleaning programme is not respected. As a consequence, even if cleaning of the process equipment
occurs by means of CIP, the pre-defined level of cleanliness may not be met. Because most CIP
processes are nowadays automated, the repeatability of a same cleaning operation is much higher
giving more consistent cleaning results. However, the human factor still plays its role during the
process of cleaning validation and the sampling of the cleaned equipment surfaces to monitor the
attained level of cleanliness. Although pre-defining and monitoring of the level of cleanliness is no
longer the work of the operators on the floor, it is still done by humans, usually the quality control
and/or quality assurance staff active within that particular food factory. Even when the staff has
defined a correct pre-set level of cleanliness by means of appropriately chosen analytical methods that
have proven to generate reproducible and consistent results, if the sampling of the equipment
surfaces cleaned is not done appropriately or if the analysis is not correctly executed, then the level of
cleanliness observed will be null and void.
To exclude the human error factor as much as possible, operators involved in the CIP operations
should be well trained to gain basic knowledge about food safety, contamination risks, the differences
between manual cleaning and automated cleaning by means of CIP, cleaning procedures (do’s and
don’ts), monitoring of cleanliness (either visually, or by sampling of the cleaned surfaces annex
analysis), what is clean or not clean, safety issues related to manual or automated CIP cleaning, etc.
10.3 The main types of CIP systems
A CIP system is usually composed of one or more tanks, a CIP supply and CIP recirculation pump,
metering pumps for feeding cleaning chemicals, a heat exchanger for heating the cleaning solutions,
CIP supply and CIP return piping, valves, instrumentation (temperature and conductivity probes,
pressure transmitters, etc.), flow meters and a more or less automated control system.
There are four basic types of CIP concepts: fill-boil-and-dump cleaning, single-path CIP systems,
single-use CIP systems and re-use CIP systems. To choose what type of CIP station should be
installed in a process plant, economic criteria, local regulations regarding water and waste water as
well as the size and numbers of objects to be cleaned, the frequency of cleaning operations and the
risk of potential cross contamination by allergens must be considered
10.3.1 Fill-boil-and-dump-cleaning
This method is possible when, at the start of a process, an ingredient tank with a volume sufficient to
contain enough cleaning solution for the whole system to be cleaned is present. In fill-boil-and-dump
cleaning (Fig. 10.4), after manual cleaning, the tank is filled with water and detergent is supplied. The
cleaning solution is then heated to boil-up, and line flushing which is effective for cleaning piping 7.5
cm or smaller in diameter is executed. The advantages of boil-up are that it is straightforward and
requires no additional piping or spray devices beyond those required for the process. As no additional
equipment is needed, no or little capital investment is required. However, in addition to being time and
energy intensive, boils-up do not make the most effective use of aqueous cleaning solutions. There is
no residual circulation and the cleaning solution is drained, making this concept of cleaning expensive
because high amounts of water and detergents are used. This technique also suffers from poor
repeatability and the results may be inconsistent or unsatisfactory. Hence, the fill-boil-and-dump
cleaning method is also difficult to monitor and to validate (Cerulli & Franks, 2002; Jeffery & Sutton,
Fig. 10.4 In fill-boil-and-dump cleaning, after manual cleaning, the tank is filled with water, after which detergent is
supplied. The cleaning solution is then heated to boil-up. There is no residual circulation in the cleaning system,
and the cleaning solution is drained
10.3.2 Single-path CIP system
In the single-path CIP system (Fig. 10.5), a freshly made-up cleaning solution is supplied from a single
tank filled with water to which cleaning agents are dosed in the tank or in-line. There is no residual
circulation in the cleaning system (wash and rinse solutions are not returned to the CIP-installation),
and the cleaning solution is drained. Hence, no soil is spread through other parts of the system. In this
concept, hardly any investment in additional equipment is needed. The main disadvantage of this
system is that cleaning fluids are used only once, because they are discharged at the end of the cycle.
Hence, running costs may be high in energy, water and detergent and disinfectant chemicals, and
large quantities of effluent are produced increasing the water treatment and waste disposal costs.
Cleaning also may take a long time because, after each cycle, a new batch of cleaning solution has to
be prepared. The single-path cleaning system is also difficult to monitor and to validate (Majoor, 2003;
Jeffery & Sutton, 2008).
Fig. 10.5 In the single-path CIP system, a freshly made-up cleaning solution is supplied from a single tank filled
with water to which cleaning agents are dosed in the tank or in-line. There is no residual circulation in this
cleaning concept, and the cleaning solution is drained.
This single-path cleaning-in-place method is only recommended for relatively small process plants,
very dirty processing equipment or special process equipment (e.g., separation membranes because
of the specificity of cleaning products that are used). This concept is also appropriate when the risk of
cross-contamination is high. This method of cleaning-in-place is commonly used in the pharma-
ceutical industry (Lorenzen, 2005).
10.3.3 Single-use CIP systems
Single-tank, single-use systems operate on the basis of smaller volumes of solution automatically
adjusted to the required detergent concentration and temperature by using a preparation loop. Singe-
tank single-use systems (Fig. 10.6) are usually small packaged units (skids) with one tank, pipes,
centrifugal pumps, valves, a direct steam injection device (direct heating of detergent solutions), a
heating coil in the tank or an external heat exchanger (indirect heating of detergent solutions), several
dosing pumps to automatically feed cleaning chemicals from the shipping containers or bulk storage,
etc. These systems use the solution only once at the lowest possible strength, and discharge it to the
sewer at the end of each cycle.
The tank must have a large enough capacity for the process equipment and pipes to be cleaned.
When located adjacent to the equipment to be cleaned and disinfected, the inlet and outlet paths for
the cleaning media are short, and losses from intermediate rinsing steps and flush-outs are reduced.
As such, consumption of cleaning solutions (and cleaning chemicals) can be minimized and effluent
rates reduced. Sometimes, an additional water tank is installed for recovery of last rinse water, which
can be used as pre-rinse in a next cleaning cycle. To further reduce the total amount of water,
cleaning agents and energy required for cleaning operations, several installations also have
incorporated systems for recovery of water from spent cleaning solutions. As an example, the dairy
industry has attempted to recover water from spent cleaning solution by concentration through
ultrafiltration or through use of an evaporator. Also that recovered water is then temporarily stored to
be used as a pre-rinse for the subsequent cleaning cycle.
Single-use CIP systems are small in size, simple in design, low in initial investment, and flexible in
application. However, single-use CIP stations are seldom used in the agro-food industry (AFI). They
are suitable for relatively small equipment that is heavily soiled, or for processes where cross-
contamination is strictly forbidden (e.g., process installations with solids and chunks, process
equipment containing allergens, membrane plants, etc.). Single-use systems are especially used in
the pharmaceutical industry due to the fear of cross contamination that could arise by recycling of
cleaning solutions (Rizoulières et al., 2009).
Fig. 10.6 Singe-tank single-use CIP systems are usually small packaged units (skids) with one tank, pipes,
centrifugal pumps, valves, a direct steam injection device (direct heating of detergent solutions) a heating coil in
the tank or an external heat exchanger (indirect heating of detergent solutions), several dosing pumps to
automatically feed the cleaning chemicals from the shipping containers or from bulk storage, etc. (courtesy of
10.3.4 Re-use CIP systems
Preparation of cleaning solutions of required strength and at sufficient temperature
A typical reuse CIP system (Fig. 10.7) consists of (a) caustic tank(s), an acid tank, a water recovery
tank (e.g., to recover the last-rinse water of a previous cleaning cycle, which is re-used as pre-rinse
water for a next cleaning cycle), and one tank containing the water for the final rinse. All tanks are
interconnected by piping, provided with valves and manifold fitted with CIP supply and return pumps.
From containers, metering pumps feed metered amounts of concentrated caustic or acid cleaning
chemicals directly into the water-filled caustic and acid tank, or these chemicals are injected in-line in a
preparation loop. A preparation loop is a very efficient system, especially when the caustic and acid
tanks of the CIP station are tall. For big CIP stations, each tank (caustic, acid and water tanks) is
equipped with its own preparation loop. The content of each of the CIP tanks is mixed by recirculation
over the corresponding CIP tank through the CIP supply/recirculation pump. To bring and keep the
cleaning solutions at adequate strength, conductivity sensors are used because the conductivity is
proportional to the detergent concentration. Detergent chemicals are generally fed directly on an “on-
demand” basis of the conductivity sensor signal.
The recirculation loop is also fitted with a plate or tube heat exchanger to heat the solutions to the
desired temperature or to keep the required temperatures for CIP solutions. Alternatively, in-tank
heating by means of a heating coil or direct injection of steam in the tank or preparation loop may be
applied. If an external heat exchanger is used, the steam supply to this heat exchanger is controlled
by the temperature signal of the temperature sensor positioned in the recirculation loop over
respectively the acid or caustic CIP detergent tank. Recirculation goes on until the cleaning solution
receives the adequate chemical strength and temperature to start the CIP process.
CIP return
The cleaning solutions can be routed back to the CIP system either by gravity (where feasible) or via a
low-speed CIP Return pump. The return pump should have a no-flow protection, to prevent premature
failure of the pump. Sometimes, the return pump is aided by an eductor. An eductor generates suction
in the return line, thus ensuring that the return pump never air-locks. To generate that vacuum, the
eductor requires a motive fluid that can be delivered by a small motive pump. One of the CIP solutions
(usually the same one as the returning solution) is sent from the source tank through the eductor and
back to the source tank. Thus the motive fluid is different at different stages of CIP. The CIP return line
may have a sample point and a sight glass, allowing validation of a cleaning process (Seiberling,
1997; Christi, 1999).
Sorting and recovery
Upon return to the CIP system, the solution can go into one of the CIP tanks or diverted to drain. Re-
use CIP systems are generally programmed to “waste” a small part of the solution at the end of each
cleaning cycle to continuously remove soiled solution from the system. This is followed by the addition
of fresh water to bring the solution tank to the normal operating level after which the conductivity-cell
based chemical feed system will add more cleaning chemical. A detergent solution that becomes less
quickly polluted during its recirculation through the process equipment being subjected to a caustic
cleaning step can be re-used many times. This is especially possible in process plants where parts of
the process equipment are not heavily soiled, and where the pre-rinse water succeeds to remove a
high percentage of soil during the preliminary rinse.
Fig. 10.7 A typical reuse CIP system consists of (a) caustic tank(s), an acid tank, a water recovery tank and a
final rinse water tank, all interconnected by piping and provided with valves and manifold fitted with CIP supply
and return pumps. Detergent chemicals are fed in-tank or in-line. The content of each of the CIP tanks is
mixed by recirculation over the corresponding CIP tank through the CIP supply/recirculation pump,
and is meanwhile heated during its passage over the heat exchanger. At the adequate strength and
temperature, all monitored by conductivity and temperature sensors, the recirculation valve closes and
the cleaning solution flows in the CIP supply line. The cleaning solutions can be routed back to the
CIP system either by gravity (where feasible) or via a low-speed CIP Return pump. Solutions are
recovered to the corresponding tanks or sent to drain (courtesy of Sanimatic).
CIP supply
At that moment, the CIP tank recirculation valve closes and the CIP supply valve opens, allowing the
cleaning solution to pass a strainer, to finally flow in the CIP supply line. The strainer may be a self-
cleaning type that discharges accumulated debris to drain whenever the pressure drop across the
device exceeds a pre-set value. The CIP supply line is connected to the spray devices located in a
vessel or other pieces of process equipment, and the piping that needs to be cleaned. Dry running of
the supply pump which could damage the pump is prohibited by a no-flow sensor.
Maximum recovery of caustic and/or acid detergent solutions is only possible after adequate
sorting of the cleaning solutions and rinse waters. Sorting/recycling of solutions is governed by a
conductivity sensor which is installed at the end of each CIP return line on the CIP station. When this
sensor detects that the conductivity of a solution is higher than a pre-set target value, the CIP solution
is returned to the corresponding detergent tank. In a subsequent rinse step, the cleaning solution is
flushed away by the rinse water, with as result that the conductivity signal decreases and finally drops
below a pre-set value, triggering a changeover valve that routes the rinse water to drain instead of to
the relevant detergent tank. But once a pre-set minimum conductivity value has been reached,
indicating complete removal of acid or caustic from the system, the intermediate or final rinse is
stopped. Usually, the entire CIP sequence is automated, allowing the CIP system to stop regularly at
specific steps.
Sorting of solutions is only efficient if intermixing between cleaning solutions and water phases is
minimal. Hence, the transition and boundary between two successive phases (in e.g., between the
caustic and rinsing sequence) must be sharp. The transition between two phases will be long if too
much intermixing as the consequence of poor hygienic design of the process equipment (e.g., due to
dead legs) occurs, or because different equipment units are cleaned in series. Sorting of solutions
could also be governed by timers but is less appropriate than sorting by means of conductivity
Additional tanks
The water consumption in a re-use system can be further optimized by providing a recirculation facility
for the hot water. The unit could also be fitted with neutralisation tanks in which the alkali and/or acid
solutions are neutralized prior to their disposal into the effluent system. The capacity of the tanks is
defined in advance by the circuit volume, temperature requirements and desired cleaning. An ideal re-
use CIP system has the ability to fill, empty, recirculate, heat and dispense contents automatically.
CIP re-use systems versus single-use CIP systems
Re-use systems are more complex than single-use systems, and hence the additional investment
costs are high. However, the payback period is very short because of the considerable savings in
water, detergent chemicals and energy.
10.4 Centralized/decentralized CIP systems
Depending on the size of the process plant and other criteria such as cost effectiveness and food
safety, three types of CIP systems can be used (Bylund, 1995; Majoor, 2003).
10.4.1.Centralized CIP station
A centralized CIP concept is normally used in small plants where the distance between the CIP station
and the equipment to clean is relatively short. In the eighties, it was quite popular to build large CIP
systems for cleaning an entire production plant. Incidents with finished products contaminated with
Salmonella and Listeria triggered food manufacturers to cease cleaning of all process lines in different
areas (low, medium and high hygienic risk) of the food factory by means of one and the same CIP
station. They preferred to separate at least the cleaning of the ‘raw’ and the ‘processed’ side
(increased risk for re-contamination of finish food that underwent a decontamination step) of the plant,
by choosing a centralized CIP unit with corresponding satellite CIP stations or a system of de-
centralized CIP stations. The major drawback of centralized CIP stations is the cost factor. Cleaning
solutions and rinsing water have to be transported over long distances, increasing the likelihood of
heat losses and requiring for larger amounts of water and detergent chemicals. Therefore, nowadays,
the use of this concept is limited to small process plants with relatively short CIP lines. An advantage
is that only one PLC is required, that may control the in-place cleaning of all equipment in the food
factory. Detergent chemicals and detergent solutions are only stored or prepared at one location,
which is more suitable from an operator safety point of view, because less space is required and
because no additional tanks, pumps, valves, etc. are located in other process areas where they may
compromise the hygiene in the process room.
10.4.2. Centralized CIP-unit with several satellite CIP stations
In this system, the alkaline and acid detergent solutions are still stored in a main station which
distributes these cleaning solutions to the individual satellite CIP units (Fig. 10.8). The supply and
heating of the rinse waters, however, are arranged locally at the satellite stations. These stations
operate on the principle that the various stages of the cleaning programme are carried out with a
carefully measured minimum volume of liquid – just enough to fill the circuit to be cleaned. A powerful
circulation pump is used to force the detergent solution through the circuit at a high flow rate. As
opposed to the standard practice of detergent recycling in centralized systems, smaller CIP satellite
stations that operate at smaller amounts of cleaning solutions are also suitable for a once through
(total loss) concept of CIP cleaning. The one-time concept is based on the assumption that the
composition of the detergent solution can be optimized for a certain circuit. The solution is considered
spent after having been used once. However, in some cases, it may be used for pre-rinsing in a
subsequent programme.
Fig. 10.8 Centralized CIP unit with several satellite CIP stations and one completely decentralized CIP station: 1.
alkaline storage tank, 2. acid storage tank, 3. pipelines for detergent and disinfectant supply, 4. equipment to be
cleaned, 5. satellite CIP units, 6. decentralized CIP system with its own detergent tanks (Bylund – Tetrapak,
10.4.3 Completely decentralized system of smaller CIP stations
In this concept the main station is replaced by a number of small CIP stations, that each on their own
are dedicated to clean process equipment or specific groups of process equipment in a given sector of
the food factory. For that purpose, each separate CIP-station is located adjacent to the process line(s)
that have to be cleaned. Decentralized CIP stations (Fig. 10.8) are recommended for large process
plants where the distance between a centrally located CIP station and peripheral CIP circuits would
become extremely long. With decentralized CIP-stations, CIP solutions and rinsing water need to be
transported over much smaller piping trajectories, reducing heat losses and the volume of water
needed to fill the whole piping system. Because less water is involved in the rinsing process, residues
from the first rinse are obtained in a more concentrated form and the waste water load that the waste
water treatment plant has to handle is much smaller. As less heat is lost during the CIP operations,
also steam consumption is greatly reduced. Further, this decentralized system of smaller CIP stations
also has the same benefits as the satellite CIP stations mentioned just above. Major drawbacks of
decentralised CIP units are the presence of detergent tanks in the production area and the need for
one PLC at each CIP station.
10.5 Design of CIP line circuit
10.5.1 Obstructive objects in the flow
When obstructions (e.g., pH probes, conductivity sensors, temperature sensors) are unavoidable in
the flow, the positioning of these items in relation to the flow direction – during both processing and
cleaning – should exclude ‘shadow’ areas protected from the passage of cleaning fluids. For this
reason the flow during cleaning should preferably have the same direction as the product flow during
10.5.2. Exclusion of ‘dead areas’
A ‘dead area’ is one where either product or cleaning fluid can collect. To be effective, the design of
CIP infrastructure must be free of these ‘dead areas’, because cleaning fluid cannot contact the
internal surfaces of a pocket or leg at the required velocity. A good example are the upward-pointing
T-pieces in pipes for the installation of instrumentation. Cleaning fluid either by-passes these areas
altogether or fails to circulate with sufficient velocity to remove soil effectively.
To avoid ‘dead areas’, valves should be installed very close to the main CIP supply line at the
upstream side of the branches to the process tanks, as is shown in Fig. 10.9. If these valves are rather
located at the downstream side of these branches, at too large distance from the CIP supply line, dead
areas of stagnant cleaning solutions will be observed. That stagnant cleaning liquid will not be properly
removed when changing to the next stage of the cleaning cycle of a particular tank subjected to a
cleaning process. In a similar manner, if the valves on the branches from the process tanks to the CIP
return line are not positioned close to the CIP return line, stagnant liquid consisting of pre-rinse water
and product residues, or cleaning solutions will accumulate in the return branches. Installation of
valves very close to the main CIP return line and/or non-return valves in the CIP return branches will
solve the “dead area” problem. Non-return valves could, however, obstruct the CIP return flow.
Various types of valves are available that can branch pipelines without creating stagnant areas (for
example, flow-through or cross-flow valves).
The CIP supply and CIP return line should be directly interconnected beyond the branches to or
from the process tanks, which also can be observed in Fig. 10.9. If this is not the case, cleaning fluids
will be present and stagnate in the CIP supply line and the CIP return line, and cannot be flushed
away between successive cleaning stages. This loop still must be provided with a block valve. On
opening the block valve, cleaning solutions and rinsing waters can be removed over the whole CIP
supply and CIP return circuit. Fluids from a previous step in the cleaning cycle can be replaced by a
subsequent one via the interconnection CIP supply–CIP return line. Hence, as circulation can take
place over the whole CIP supply–CIP return circuit, the CIP lines will no longer remain polluted by
residues from, e.g., the former pre-rinse or pre-wash. Moreover, less intermixing between successive
liquid phases of a cleaning cycle will occur, resulting in less wastage of detergent chemicals.
Fig. 10.9 To avoid ‘dead areas’, valves should be installed very close to the main CIP supply line at the upstream
side of the branches to the tanks, which is the case in the branches 2, 3 and 4. If this is not the case, a dead area
of stagnating liquid will be formed. During in-place cleaning of tank D, a dead area will be formed in the branch 1
to tank A, because the valve is installed at considerable distance from the CIP supply line. That stagnant cleaning
liquid will not be properly removed when changing to the next stage of the cleaning cycle of tank D. In a similar
manner, the branches from the process tanks to the CIP return line should have valves positioned close to the
CIP return line, which is the case in the branches 2’, 3’, 4’ and 5’. In branch 1’ to the CIP return line, a dead area
may be observed. Further, the CIP supply and CIP return line should be directly interconnected (5) beyond the
branches to or from the process tanks. This loop (5), which is provided with a block valve (6), allows removal of
cleaning solutions and rinsing waters over the whole CIP supply and CIP return circuit. A fluid from a previous
step in the cleaning cycle can be replaced by a subsequent one via the interconnection CIP supply-CIP return
line. Single-seated valves between cleaning fluids and food product are not safe enough because of the risk of
occasional leakage over the valve seat. Because only one single-seated valve is installed in branches 1 and 2,
the product in tanks A and B is at risk for contamination if cleaning fluids leak over the valve seats. Contamination
of food product also may occur if cleaning fluids leak over the valve seats of the singe-seated valves in branches
1’ and 2’. A double block-and-bleed arrangement of two butterfly valves in series with an inline separation cavity
between both butterfly valves (points 3, 4, 3’ and 4’) allows to safely separate CIP fluids from product.
10.5.3 Self-drainability of the CIP supply and CIP return lines
To avoid the formation of standing “pools” of liquid food product, it is a general rule in the food industry
that it should be transported through process piping that is free of dead ends, properly supported to
prevent line sagging and provided with a downward slope of 1 m per 120 m in the direction of flow.
Besides quick removal of product, also cleaning solutions and rinse waters must be quickly drained.
Piping systems that are self-draining facilitate evacuation of residual rinsing water during and/or after
cleaning, which results in less intermixing of the rinse waters with the cleaning solutions. A better
separation of successive liquid phases of a cleaning cycle (e.g., a rinse water and a cleaning solution)
makes that less detergent chemicals are wasted along with the rinse waters being sent to drain. A
better preservation of the concentration of detergent chemicals in the cleaning solutions, gives better
utilization of detergent chemicals. Therefore, all pipe runs of the CIP system (CIP supply and CIP
return piping) should be equally supported and sloped with a downwards pitch to the same extent as
process piping. CIP supply and return lines are usually drained when a cleaning procedure is
terminated, and therefore should have drain valves at appropriate places.
10.5.4 Separation between product and CIP solutions
To avoid that cleaning liquids contaminate the final product, process circuits that are cleaned in-place
always must be properly separated from food product that needs further processing or from finished
food product. Single-seated valves between cleaning fluids and food product are not safe enough
because of the risk of occasional leakage over the valve seat. Moreover, any leakage cannot be
observed from the outside. The risks of contamination can be eliminated by using one of the following
• Use of key pieces
• Transfer panels
• Double block and bleed butterfly valve system
• Mixproof system of three single-seated valves
• Mixproof system of one shut-off valve and one change-over valve
• Double-seated mixproof shut-off valves
Use of key pieces
The use of key pieces also offers a high degree of security. If installed, for example, at two places in a
tank installation (bottom fed), the first will be positioned at the bottom when the product is being
handled, while the second will be positioned at the top (i.e. above spray-ball(s)) during the CIP
Transfer panels
Transfer panels (Fig. 10.10) are composed of a series of nozzles or ports (“plug-in” ports with tri-clamp
ends) welded into a 316L stainless steel plate. Transfer panels are free standing with legs and foot
plates or wall integrated. The nozzles are connected by hard sanitary stainless tubing to the inlets and
outlets of process vessels or other functions (e.g., CIP system) in an all welded construction. The
interconnection between the different ports is made with sanitary U- and J-bends. With the addition of
proximity switches, transfer panels enable electronic confirmation of proper line connections before a
particular process circuit is initiated, thus preventing accidental miss-transfers. A system of transfer
panels is suitable for small plant operations, and allows separate in-place cleaning of different process
Fig. 10.10 By application of two flow plates, the two process units can be cleaned in-place separately via two
different CIP circuits (courtesy of Suncombe CIP & Process engineers, Ltd.).
Double block-and-bleed butterfly valve system
A double block-and-bleed arrangement of two butterfly valves in series with an inline separation cavity
between both butterfly valves allows to safely separate CIP fluids from product (which can be
observed in Fig. 10.9). Nowadays, double block and bleed systems consisting of two sets of butterfly
valve components arranged in series within a single integral valve body exist, to provide an inline
separation cavity when both valves are in the closed position. That cavity allows safe in-line separation
of CIP fluids and product. Facilities are provided to drain leaking fluids to atmosphere, should either of
the separate valve seats fail. They additionally allow turbulent circular washing action in the separation
cavity (Fig. 10.11).
Fig. 10.11 This double block-and-bleed arrangement of two sets of butterfly valve components arranged in series
within a single integral valve body allows to safely separate CIP fluids from product. The separation cavity has two
pneumatically interlocked poppet valves, tangentially opposed to provide for turbulent circular washing action and
proper drainage of CIP or flushing liquids. Their position also facilitates a drain to atmosphere should either of the
separate valve seats fail (courtesy of Tyco Flow Control).
Mixproof system of three single-seated shut-off valves
The mixproof configuration in Fig. 10.12 allows product to flow from one line to the other. By a suitable
combination of single-seated shut-off valves, when properly closed off, two different media can flow
through the two lines without being mixed. Any leakage is immediately observed and can be drained
without any possibility of one medium being mixed with the other.
Fig. 10.12 Mixproof intersections can be designed by a suitable combination of three single-seated shut-off
valves, that allow safe in-line separation of CIP fluids and product. When valves 1 and 2 are shut off, the line
intersection between both valves can be open to atmosphere by bringing valve 3 in an open position. Any leakage
over the seats of the valves 1 and 2 is immediately observed and can be drained via the drain port without any
possibility of one medium being mixed with the other (Bylund – Tetrapak, 1995).
Mixproof system of one shut-off valve and one change-over valve
This mixproof system with one shut-off valve and one change-over valve (Fig. 10.13) allows flow of
product from one line to the other. When both valves are appropriately closed, the lines are isolated
from each other and two different media can flow through the two lines without being mixed. Should
either of the separate valve seats fail. leakage may be observed and go to drain without any possibility
of one medium being mixed with the other.
Fig. 10.13 A mixproof system with one shut-off valve (1) and one change-over valve (2) allows flow of product
from one line to the other if both valves are in their open position. When both valves are appropriately closed
(such as demonstrated), the line intersection between both valves is open to atmosphere, and any leakage of the
CIP solutions or product will fall outside the system via the drain port.
Double-seated mixproof valves
Double-seated mixproof shut-off valves are used for mixproof separation of incompatible media such
as cleaning solutions and liquid food product at flow path intersections within the pipe system. In the
closed position of the valve (non-actuated position), always two seals are located between the pipes. If
one of the seals fails, leakage may drain via the therefore provided leakage outlet to the atmosphere
(usually the drain pipe in the bottom shaft of the lower closure device) without intermixing with the
product being in the second pipe. The operation principle of a mixproof valve is explained in Fig.
Also double-seat mixproof valves need cleaning: both the upper and lower chamber of the valve
housing soiled by the product being conducted through the pipeline, the seat area between the two
chambers soiled when the valve is in the "open" position, and the cavity with the drain pipe in the
bottom shaft due to operational leakage and leakage due to worn seat seals. The housing chambers
can be independently of each other cleaned by CIP, limited by the shaft seal on the one side and the
seat seal on the other side. The seat seal and leakage chamber can be cleaned by seat lifting, that
may occur periodically during each cleaning phase. The duration of the lifting pulses and intervals
between them depend on the level of soiling, and are generally between 10 and 60 seconds in
duration, with 3-5 minutes between pulses. As an alternative of cleaning by means of seat lifting,
cavity spray cleaning via an external CIP line connected to the leakage chamber can be done. Shaft
cleaning is done to reach the shaft surface and the area behind the shaft seals.
Figure 10.15 shows a system with double-seated mixproof valves at critical points. Because of the
rather high costs of such valves, they can be replaced at the points of connection to the CIP circuit by
mixproof system with one shut-off valve and one change-over (flow-diversion) valve as described in
Fig. 10.13. An additional advantage is that occasional draining of a process tank can be done
independently from the CIP circuit. The same safety precautions have to be taken when formerly
cleaned and rinsed parts of a line have connections with parts that are being cleaned at a later stage
or by other CIP supply circuits. It is important to prevent cleaning liquids from penetrating unnoticed
into already clean parts of the system.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 10.14 (a) A typical design of a double-seated mixproof valve consists of a valve housing with an upper valve
chamber (1) and lower valve chamber (2). Between the two chambers the valve seat area is arranged with two
seats, usually one on top of the other with a separation cavity (3) in between. The seats consist of an upper
closure device (4) and a lower closure device (5), typically a disc, which are connected to independent the upper
shaft (6) and lower shaft (7) for opening, closing and individual seat lifting. The cavity acts as a leakage chamber
(3) and is open to the outside via a drain pipe in the bottom shaft (8) for leak detection. In the closed position, the
upper valve chamber (1) and the lower valve chamber (2) are each sealed by a valve disk, held independently on
its seat by spring pressure. (b) To open the connection between the upper pipeline (9) and lower pipeline (10), the
actuated lower valve disk (5’) is raised off its seat first and then moves upwards a short distance before contacting
the upper valve head (4’). As a consequence, the drainage chamber (3’) between the upper and lower body is
gradually decreased. (c) Both valve disks move then further together into the open position. Meanwhile, in the
more modern double-seated mixproof valves, the remaining cavity between the upper and lower valve disks
remains sealed against the product area (11). It is important that the lower plug should be hydraulically balanced
(12, balancer) to prevent pressure shocks from opening the valve that may allow products to mix. When the valve
closes, first the upper plug seals and then the lower plug seals. Both opening and closing of double-seated
mixproof valves may give very small product losses getting in the cavity between the two valve discs during
operation. However, this cavity can be flushed clean with cleaning fluid via a hose connection (13). The cleaning
fluid will drain to the outside via the bores (10) and drain pipe (8) of the lower closure device. ln aseptic
applications, steam or a sterile barrier may be applied in the atmospheric opening (vent) to prevent ingress of
microorganisms (courtesy of GEA).
Fig. 10.15 System of double-seated mixproof shut-off valves is used for mixproof separation of incompatible
media such as cleaning solutions and liquid food product at flow path intersections within the pipe system. Tank
filling, emptying and CIP processes may run at the same time.
Fig. 10.16 Because of the rather high costs of mixproof valves (1), they can be replaced at the points of
connection to the CIP circuit by mixproof system with one shut-off valve and one change-over (flow-diversion)
valve (2). An additional advantage is that occasional draining of a process tank can be done independently from
the CIP circuit.
10.6 Cleaning of process vessels, large-volume equipment and tanks
10.6.1 Fill-boil-and-dump cleaning
In fill-boil-and-dump cleaning, a cleaning solution is heated to boil-up, and subsequently sent to a
drain at the end of the cleaning procedure (cfr.10.3.1).
10.6.2 Major objectives of spraying or jetting the vessel, equipment or tank surfaces with
cleaning solution
As alternative to manual or fill-boil-and-dump cleaning, the interior of tanks, vessels and other large-
volume pieces of equipment is best cleaned by means of tank cleaning devices, stationary or rotary.
Compared to manual and fill-dump-and-boil cleaning, they permit fast, productive, consistent and
reproducible high quality cleaning while ensuring operator safety, with less cross-contamination
between product batches, less off-spec products, increased economy (due to reduced consumption of
water, cleaning agents and energy during CIP), less effluent, and reduced downtime (increased
productivity). Some tank cleaning technologies can reduce costs more than others.
10.6.3 Key parameters that determine the effectiveness of a tank cleaning process
Tank cleaning is defined by Sinner (1960) as spraying or jetting of vessels, equipment or tank walls
with a hot cleaning solution, to loosen and remove the soil by the impact of the spray or jet streams
or/and by the mechanical action of the free falling film of cleaning solution along the vessel surface.
Tank cleaning devices apply chemical (detergent chemicals), thermal energy (heat) and
mechanical/kinetic energy to the surfaces to be cleaned, three of the four factors in the well-known
Sinner’s circle that allow the cleaning process to take place. The importance of each of these factors is
different for each of the three broad categories of tank cleaning devices:
• stationary spay devices
• rotary spray devices
• rotary jet devices
10.6.4 The important role of tank cleaning devices in the energy- and cost-efficiency of a tank
cleaning process
With respect to the tank cleaning process, increasing the mechanical action factor allows for significant
reduction of the higher cost factors in the Sinner circle, such as heat, detergent chemicals, time and
also water. Savings on energy (e.g. heating of cleaning solutions and energy for recirculation) and
water usage provides significant financial benefits to the food manufacturer. Moreover, notice that the
cost of energy and water is still raising, and likely to continue to raise. The time spent for cleaning
leaves less time for the production of food products. Reducing the cleaning cycle time and thus the
downtime always has a direct financial benefit.
10.6.5 Effect of mass concentration and velocity on the impact per unit tank area of a fluid
stream expelled from a cleaning nozzle
The resultant force of a fluid stream acting on a surface is equal to the rate of change of momentum
(Moerman & Leroy, 2002):
F = _______ = v.∆m/∆t + m.∆v/∆t
This equation shows that the impact force of fluid hitting an area of the target surface changes if either
the velocity or the mass changes. With increasing distance from the tank cleaning device, the water
spray or jet breaks up into drops and droplets due to collapse of unstable fluid sheets by internal
friction, or due to the shearing action and entrainment of air. When drops and droplets become smaller
in size, their mass decreases concomitantly with as result that they hit the target surface (e.g., tank
wall) with much less force. Moreover, notice that moving drops are decelerated by air friction, with
smaller drops losing more rapidly velocity than the larger ones. Hence, the smaller sized droplets and
drops with lower velocity will hit the target surface (e.g., tank wall) with much less force.
The highest impact per cm2 in a specific target spot will be obtained if the fluid mass remains
concentrated along the centre line over an as far as possible stand-off distance L from the nozzle.
That high density water jet or spray also better maintains its velocity during its travel towards the tank
wall. However, if the same water mass is distributed over a larger area, the impact per cm2 at that
specific target spot will be much less, especially because the drops and droplets also have lost a lot of
their initial velocity.
It is the type of nozzle, spray angle, spray pattern, spraying pressure and rotation speed (rotary
spray and jet device) that determine the spray/jet concentration, distribution, velocity and impact.
There are also other factors that have influence on the spray/jet concentration, such as the viscosity
and surface tension of the cleaning solution, and the specific gravity that has both mass and velocity
effects (this gravitational effect depends on the direction of the spray and jet). Every factor that
promotes the break-up of the water sprays or jets will decrease the impact of the cleaning fluid on the
tank wall. One of these factors is fluid pressure.
Although most people think that increasing the nozzle’s inlet pressure is beneficial for better
cleaning, beyond certain pressure limits stationary spray devices become prone to atomization.
Instead of a spray of cleaning solution reaching the vessel wall surface, a fine, atomized cloud of
drops will drift in the atmosphere and all impingement action will be lost. The throw length of the water
sprayed will decrease drastically, because - if dispersed - the sprayed water no longer can wet the
vessel wall at considerable distance from the nozzle. But also with free-spinning rotary spray devices,
increasing the pressure beyond a certain critical pressure limit Pcrit will give raise to a rapid decrease
of their cleaning power. When they rotate at too high a speed, the compact solid fluid streams
produced by these spray devices break open very quickly, with as result that they become less
effective impact wise. However, they still may be effective wetting wise. To anticipate that problem,
tank cleaning equipment manufacturers have developed rotational controlled (also called constant
speed) rotary spray devices with a built-in speed reduction mechanism that suppresses the rate of
rotation of the rotary spray component when the pressure exceeds a critical pressure limit Pcrit. Hence,
an increase of the inlet pressure of a rotational controlled tank cleaning device provided with orifices
that don’t support dispersion or atomization of liquid, does not result in a decrease of the impact of the
water sprays on the surface, but to the contrary will increase the impact. Fig. 10.17 illustrates how the
impact per cm2 decreases when the inlet pressure of a spray ball or free-spinning rotary spray device
exceeds a critical pressure limit Pcrit.
However, it all depends on what you want to achieve with a rotary spray device. For full 100%
coverage, a free-spinning rotary spray device still remains very effective because water is distributed
to the entire tank (all around the perimeter) almost at the same time, whereas a speed-controlled
cleaning device distributes liquid only to a limited area of the tank at a time.
Fig. 10.17 By forcing liquid through a nozzle or orifice, pressure is converted in velocity energy. But with
increasing distance from the cleaning nozzle, the water spray or jet starts to fan out and gradually breaks up into
smaller drops and droplets with less mass and velocity, with as result a decline in the impact per cm2. Beyond a
critical pressure that process of break-up is accelerated due to atomization, with the impact per cm2 falling from a
cliff. But the same graphic also may explain why beyond a critical pressure limit, the cleaning power of free
spinning rotary spray devices starts to decrease with further increasing pressure. When they rotate at too high a
speed, the compact solid fluid streams produced by these spray devices break open very quickly, with as result
that they become less effective (Moerman & Leroy, 2002).
10.6.6 Selecting the most appropriate tank cleaning devices
Worldwide, a large selection of tank cleaning devices in countless shapes, sizes and configurations,
and in a huge range of prices is available. Also a wealth of sales literature exists but objective
information to identify the best tank washing nozzle for your application is lacking. It is very difficult to
compare the performance and effectiveness of the multitude of cleaning devices available on the
market, because test operating conditions are often so different. Experience has also shown that a
universal solution does not exist, because the problems (e.g. soil type) and challenges the food
manufacture has to cope with vary case by case. Table 10.5 gives an overview of several
factors/criteria that the food producer must take into account to choose the right cleaning device for his
cleaning process. Selection of the most appropriate cleaning device demands for comparable
information that only can be obtained by performing controlled tests under the same conditions of soil
type, cleaning solution, liquid temperature, cleaning devices pressure, flow rate, cleaning time, etc. for
each cleaning device that the food manufacture keeps an eye on. Experiments performed by several
research groups revealed that no specific cleaning device is a universal best for all applications,
because each cleaning device has its own advantages and disadvantages (Welander, 2002b, Stenby
et al., 2011).
Table 10.5 Several issues that have to be considered in the selection of the most appropriate cleaning device for
the cleaning of a given process vessel or tank (Moerman & Leroy, 2002)
Factors in tank cleaning equipment selection
soil type (determining the cleaning impact required)
application conditions - chemical, corrosive and explosive environments
- temperature during production and washing conditions
tank dimensions (longest distance between the cleaning device and the furthest point in the tank)
tank shape and position
internal tank structure (coils, baffle plates, agitators, flange and port connections)
hygienic design of the equipment to clean
positioning possibilities of the tank cleaning machine
corrosivity of the cleaning solution
temperature of the cleaning solution
available cleaning time
spraying pressure required versus available pump pressure
water consumption in view
self-cleaning power of the cleaning nozzle (especially important for permanent installation)
robustness and wear
ease of application & maintenance
energy consumption
bacteria tightness
documentation (FDA, EHEDG, material certification, etc.)
pay-back time
10.6.7 Stationary spray devices
Stationary cleaning devices (Fig. 10.18) are static spray devices without moving parts that just spray
the cleaning solution in a static pattern on the interior surfaces of a vessel, equipment or tank (often
the upper region of the tank), to give a cleaning result that relies more heavily on chemical action, the
effect of temperature and the duration of the cleaning process rather than on mechanical action. The
mechanical action to loosen and dissolve the residues is provided by the gravity assisted dispersion
(wetting) and cascading of the cleaning media on the lower parts of the vessel, equipment or tank. The
theoretical turbulence of the free falling film is only slightly above the laminar flow (1000 < Re < 2000),
and the wall shear stress τw is from the order 2-3 Pa at 60°C. There are stationary tank cleaning
devices that may supply higher amounts of mechanical energy in pre-defined areas, and the rest of
the tank will still only be cleaned at low shear stress where rather soaking action is taking place (Alfa
Laval Tank Cleaning Equipment A/S, 2004; Jensen et al., 2011).
The best well-known tank cleaning devices in this category are:
• Static spray balls
Static spray balls (Fig. 10.18) are spherical shaped thin-walled (1 mm) or thick-walled (2-6 mm) non-
rotating spray devices available in various kinds of material, covered with bore holes that produce
many small semi-solid stream sprays. Although spray balls are the most widely applied vessel
cleaning devices, they have nearly zero cleaning power, and only provide partial direct coverage of
the tank surface with fluid. Direct wetting is frequently limited to the head of tank, while indirect
wetting of the other parts of the tank is due to the cascading flow of liquid running down the tank
walls. Installable in any position, they produce a 360°, 270° (upward or downward), 180° (upward or
downward) or 90° (upward) spray pattern, just enough to exert a rinsing effect that is sufficient to
remove soluble non-sticking residues on interior surfaces of small vessels with a maximal diameter
of 4-6 m, and tanks without internal structures such as agitators, baffle plates, dip tubes, heating
devices, etc. In tanks having a large diameter, higher flow rates are needed to generate the required
turbulent free falling film along the tank wall. At these higher flow rates, the velocity with which the
liquid is expelled through the holes of the static spray balls becomes in fact too high to avoid jet or
spray dispersion. However, that dispersion may be suppressed if thick-walled static spray balls are
chosen where each hole drilled through the thick-wall is virtually a nozzle tube, resulting in the fluid
streams traveling much farther than normal before breaking up.
Pre-filtration of recycled cleaning solutions is required, because spray balls may act as a strainer
trapping debris. Holes must be regularly inspected for blockage, and a drain hole should be provided
for self-drainage.
Fig. 10.18 Stationary cleaning devices spray the cleaning solution on the interior surfaces of a vessel, equipment
or tank. Spray balls with a 185-195° upward spray pattern are recommended, spraying cleaning solution on the
upper region of the tank, to give a cleaning result that relies more heavily on chemical action, the effect of
temperature and the duration of the cleaning process rather than on mechanical action. The mechanical action to
loosen and dissolve the residues is provided by the gravity assisted cascading of the cleaning media on the
surface of the vessel, equipment or tank (courtesy Alfa Laval Tank Cleaning Equipment A/S).
• Stationary “cluster” spray device
A stationary “cluster” spray device (Fig. 10.19) is a non-spherical multi-nozzle spray assembly, made
of PTFE, PVC, PVDF, stainless steel or alloy, that is provided with easy removable screw mounted
nozzles (solid cone, solid stream, of spiral type nozzles), or that just contains bore holes drilled in
and flush with the thick-wall of the body. Due to the absence of threaded screw mounted nozzles and
the lack of sharp corners, the flush type is the most hygienic and suitable for the food industry. The
spray device with screw mounted nozzles should not be used in the food industry (for the very
reasons that they are not hygienic), unless they are removed after cleaning of the tank. For complete
liquid drainage, all types of “cluster” spray devices must be equipped with a lower drain hole. Static
“cluster” spray devices are applied to achieve satisfactory removal of (slightly) soluble non-sticking
residues on interior surfaces of small tanks by a simple rinsing action. Installed on a supply pipe, in
the top, at the bottom or in the side wall of a vessel, equipment or tank via a threaded connection,
they produce a 180° (downward or upward), ≤ 270° (downward or upward) or 360° spray pattern.
Several of these cluster spray devices can be installed at several tank depths on the same supply
type, one below the other (Moerman & Leroy, 2002).
Fig. 10.19 stationary “cluster” spray device
10.6.8 Rotary spray devices
Rotating spray devices are fluid (or occasionally motor) driven cleaning devices, consisting of either a
rotating ball, ring or disc provided with strategically drilled holes, ports or slots that rotates around just
one axis. The flow is concentrated into a smaller number of sprays that have higher radial velocity,
resulting in more impact in the area where the fans or droplets hit the tank wall. The rotating fan
optimizes the distribution of cleaning fluid by ensuring complete impact coverage on all interior tank
surfaces within the impact pattern. Increased turbulence in the liquid film running down the walls
results in higher wall shear stress τw that further helps to loosen residues. Hence, mechanical action is
provided partially by the enhanced impact of the cleaning fluid hitting the wall and partially by the
gravity assisted low to medium turbulent (2100 < Re < 6000) flow of cleaning solution on the surface of
the vessel, equipment or tank (Fig. 10.4). For medium insoluble soil-types, even rotational controlled
rotary spray devices may be considered (Franks & Seiberling, 2008).
Fig. 10.20 Rotating spray devices optimize the distribution of cleaning fluid by ensuring complete impact coverage
of all interior tank surfaces, while increasing the turbulence in the liquid film running down the walls (courtesy of
Alfa Laval Tank Cleaning Equipment A/S).
Free spinning rotary spray devices
Free-spinning spray balls, the ring-washers and the spinners are reactionary force driven, which
means that the water streams leaving the nozzle orifices as a spray generate the reactionary forces
necessary to produce and further maintain the rotary motion. Disc washers, however, are brought in
rotation due to the impact of cleaning solution on a disc. Free spinning rotary spray devices usually roll
on stainless steel roller bearings, that favour fast spinning. Rotary spray balls can be mounted in any
position within a vessel, equipment or tank. However, they require two roller bearing rows to prevent
blockage under their own weight (especially in sideward position). When prone to corrosion or wear,
blockage typically occurs in free-spinning rotary spray devices with one single row of roller bearings.
Spray ring and disc washers and also some rotary spray devices make use of slide (usually PTFE)
and/or hydro-bearings.
• A rotary spray ball
This cleaning device consists of a compact spray ball, made of sanitary polished stainless steel
316/316L or alloy), sometimes egg-shaped, with drilled holes or extended nozzles present over the
whole or a fraction of the ball, that rotates around one axis due to the reactionary forces originated
by the solid fluid streams exiting the nozzle tubes or extended nozzle orifices. These solid fluid
streams have much higher impingement effect than the full cone sprays produced by stationary
spray balls. Soil may accumulate at the roller bearing level, and orifices can become obstructed by
soil or scale. Therefore, the supply-line must be equipped with a strainer filter to filtrate recycled
cleaning solutions, especially if the rotary ball cannot be disassembled from the supply-body. Pre-
filtration of recycled cleaning solutions is required, because spray balls may act as a strainer trapping
debris. Holes must be regularly inspected for blockage, and a drain hole should be provided for self-
drainage. To improve self-cleaning of the rotary washer, one nozzle may be directed on the surface
of the supply-body and the supply-line. If the supply line comes through an tank head nozzle, then
the water directed up along the supply line and hitting the top of the tank will fall down as a free
falling film on the supply line (Moerman & Leroy, 2002).
• Disc washer (spray deflectors)
A disc washer (Fig. 10.21) is a cleaning device where the cleaning solution is directed through a
series of holes onto the curved surface of a saucer-like disc, in order to bring that disc in rotation
around a static body attached to the liquid supply tube, with as final objective the conversion of the
cleaning solution into a cloud of fast moving, high energy droplets that may hit the tank surface. They
can be positioned into the vessel, equipment or tank at any angle; but usually they are installed in
the top or at the bottom of the vessel or equipment, secured to a vertical inlet tube by means of
screw (unhygienic), weld-on or clip-on connection.
Disc-type spray deflectors tend to move slightly or bend under expansion, such that the
distribution of cleaning solution often becomes one-sided, leaving the other segment of the vessel
uncleaned. As the saucer-like disc may deflect spray in an irregular manner, the upper and lower
parts of the tank frequently remain uncovered with cleaning solution. These cleaning devices should
only be considered for very simple and small applications. Moreover, proper cleaning of the inlet
sleeve of these cleaning devices is often observed as problematic. Although the clogging risk is low,
water scale and rust particles can cause these devices to stick. The disc is usually designed inverted
to improve self-drainage (Tamplin, 1990; Moerman & Leroy, 2002).
Fig. 10.21 Disc-type spray deflector (courtesy of Breconcherry, acquired by GEA Tüchenhagen)
• Rotary spray ring devices
This rotary spray ring washer (Fig. 10.22a) usually consists of a solid plastic ring (PTFE, PVDF, PP)
provided with multiple slope-wise drilled holes, that rotates over a thin liquid film (hydro-bearing)
around a plastic of stainless/alloy static body attached to the liquid supply tube by means of a
threaded or clip-on (locking pin) connection. There are cleaning devices on the market with a spray
ring made of stainless steel 316(L); but then a PTFE or PEEK slide bearing is inevitable for smooth
rotation (minimum friction and wear) of that stainless steel/alloy disc around its stainless steel or
alloy body. Common spray patterns are 360° all around, 180° (downward or upward) and 270°
(downward or upward) in all possible positions. The spray ring may jam because of dirt, or at high
rotation speed due to too high pressure (Moerman & Leroy, 2002).
To simplify cleaning and maintenance, types that allow detachment of the spray ring from the
nozzle body are preferred. To prevent blockage of the drilled holes, pre-filtration of recycled cleaning
solutions to approximately half of orifice diameter is required. All plastic types are excellent to
operate in corrosive environments at operating temperatures of 95-100°C. They are suitable to rinse
easy removable residues in small tanks.
(a) (b)
Fig. 10.22 Reactionary force driven tank cleaning devices: (a) rotary spray ring washer consisting of a solid
plastic ring provided with multiple slope-wise drilled holes that rotates over a thin liquid film (hydro-bearing)
around a plastic of stainless/alloy static body; (b) free-spinning slotted swirling fan rotary spray device (courtesy of
Lechler GmbH).
• Spinner (slotted swirling fan rotary spray device)
A spinner (Fig. 10.22b), made of stainless steel or alloy, is a cleaning device that rotates by the
reaction force of the cleaning water sprayed out of the slots or flat-shaped gaps of a rotating sphere
rolling on two ball bearing rows, to provide a rotating fan-like cleaning action (swirling and surging
impact). They may rotate in any position but with time, wear to the roller bearings can be the cause
of rotary spray device starting to block under its own weight. Before installation and during operation,
users must verify proper rotation of the rotating component. Introduced in a tank through a small
flange hole, a spinner can be installed at various depths, connected by means of a clip-on, weld-on
or threaded connection at a stainless steel lance (316 or 316L). These cleaning devices are excellent
in the cleaning of vessels fouled by flaky and sticky soil, because the centrifugal forces generated
during the rotation of the spinner can easily sweep the flaky material out of the rotating sphere via
these slots. A slot/flat-shaped gap in the lower part of the sphere facilitates complete leaking of the
cleaning/rinsing solution laden with flaky soil out of the spray ball, that makes spinners an excellent
substitute to static and rotary spray devices covered with bore holes that accumulate flaky material at
the inside due to their strainer effect (Moerman & Leroy, 2002).
Rotational controlled (also called constant speed) rotary spray devices
These are momentum driven tank cleaning devices, and have a built-in speed reduction mechanism
that - with increasing pressure beyond a critical pressure limit Pcrit - suppresses the rate of rotation of
the rotary component. Usually this category of rotary spray devices have plastic bearings (PTFE or
PEEK) combined with other steel components. These bearing normally may limit the rotational speed,
at least until they begin to wear and loosen. Because the PTFE can deform under high pressure or
high temperature conditions with bearing failure as result, some manufacturers offer special materials
for such applications, e.g., PEEK or PDVF.
• Rotational controlled rotary spray balls
Rotational controlled rotary spray balls (Fig. 10.23a) look similar to the free spinning rotary spray ball
but they have a drive system preventing high speed spinning once the fluid pressure has passed the
critical pressure limit. Because these spray balls rotate at a constant speed, they maintain their
cleaning power, which even may increase with increasing nozzle pressure. Solid streams impinge
with higher impact force onto the tank wall. The result is better cleaning power, faster cleaning cycles
and lower volumes of cleaning solution required. Instead of a rotating spray ball, other rotating non-
spherical multi-nozzle spray assembly (e.g., rod) are designed to fit in smaller tank openings. The
rotary spray balls can be fixed in several positions within a vessel, equipment or tank. The constant
speed rotary spray balls are usually secured to the supply pipe via its supply body and - although
less hygienic - a screw connection. The use of such a screw connection is not problematic if supply
tube and tank cleaning device are removed from the tank after cleaning of the vessel.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig.10.23 Rotational controlled tank cleaning devices that use the momentum of the fluid flow to drive the spray
device. (a) Rotational controlled rotary spray ball; (b) Spraying Systems’ stainless steel RokonTM with small
stainless steel elliptical “cat eye” spray orifice inserts; (c) Lechler’s ACCUClean® with elliptical discharge
• Rotational controlled tank cleaning devices with elliptical spray orifices
On the market, we also may find fluid driven rotational controlled tank cleaning devices with elliptical
spray orifices. They use the momentum of the fluid flow to drive the spray device, and maintain
constant rotating speed with increasing pressure beyond the critical pressure limit. The differential
speed reduction unit prevents in-effectual high speed spinning at liquid pressures > Pcrit. Typical
examples are the RokonTM from Spraying Systems, Co., which has stainless steel elliptical “cat eye”
spray orifices inserted in its rotating body (Fig. 10.23b); and the ACCUClean® and XactClean® from
Lechler GmbH that have elliptical discharge holes (Fig. 10.23c). Both they produce flat- or sheet-type
The orifices, however, may clog but can be manually cleaned with a brush in a little bit soap
solution, a wooden tooth stick or pressurized air. It is absolutely not recommended to use metal tools
to clean the nozzle orifices, as they may become damaged. When using chemicals the nozzles
should be flushed with water after finishing the cleaning operation. A liquid strainer should be
installed to protect the tank cleaning nozzles against particles in the cleaning solution. If the orifices
are worn out, the rotating head of the tank cleaning devices should be replaced (Moerman & Leroy,
10.6.9 Rotary jet devices
Rotating jet devices are fluid or motor driven tank cleaning devices that rotate around their vertical axis
(body) and horizontal axis (the nozzles), while producing synchronized solid water streams that lay
out a tight and thorough scouring spray pattern upon the internal structures and interior surfaces of a
vessel, equipment or tank (Fig. 10.24). The cleaning solution impinge with enough mechanical force to
blast rough residue from the interior tank surfaces, and literally explodes outward, with a force directly
proportional to the initial strike (Fig. 10.25). Significant cleaning also occurs as a result of the
tangential force of the stream that radiates away from that point of impact. Typically, at 60°C, the wall
shear stress τw > 1000 Pa at a distance of less than 5 cm from the point of impact, decreases from
1000 Pa down to 40 Pa over a distance from 5 to 15 cm from the point of impact, to decline further
down to a wall shear stress τw < 10 Pa at a distance of 20 cm from the point of impact. Shielded
(shadow) areas to the cleaning device can be scrubbed thanks to deflective water jets. Finally, the
mechanical action of the gravity assisted highly turbulent falling liquid film (30 000 < Re < 70 000)
provides additionally cleaning (Alfa Laval Tank Cleaning Equipment A/S, 2004; Jensen et al., 2011).
Fig. 10.24 Rotating jet devices produce synchronized solid water streams that lay out a tight and thorough
scouring spray pattern upon the internal structures and interior surfaces of a vessel, equipment or tank (courtesy
of Scanjet & Alfa Laval Tank Cleaning Equipment A/S).
Rotary jet devices with 1, 2, 3, 4 or more nozzles are usually fluid driven (turbine-type) or motor-
driven (electric or pneumatic), while another type is piston-driven, in particularly produced by one
company (Breconcherry, acquired by GEA Tüchenhagen). Rotary jet devices permit high impact
cleaning (usually 360° coverage) in tanks having volumes in the 15-1250 m3 range. Some rotary jet
devices are designed to provide only directional 180° upward or downward impingement cleaning.
Those producing a 180° downward spray pattern are appropriate for the cleaning of the sidewalls,
bottom or internal structures in open-top vessels, equipment or tanks (Fig. 10.26).
Fig. 10.25 Rotary jet devices produce a concentrated stream of cleaning solution that is directed onto the surface
to clean. Cleaning occurs by impingement and by the tangential shear of the stream that radiates away (the
footprint area) from that point of impact. (Courtesy of Gamajet).
Like many other tank cleaning devices, rotary jet devices cannot be installed in the tank suspended
on a hose, because the reaction of the jet will move the rotary jet machine from side to side. They
should be rigidly mounted on a supply-pipe vertical up or down by means of a clamp, weld-on or other
type of connection. Although less hygienic, the use of threaded connections is common practice. But
they should be designed to be cleanable, with no more than 8 threads per 2.5 cm of length, with
threaded grooves no deeper than their width, with thread radii no less than 0.4 mm, and preferably
with thread angles not less than 60° (in e.g., American Standard Acme 60° Stub, or equal). Knuckle
thread DIN405 is also allowed. The use of hygienic enclosed thread connections, however, is still a
better option, because the threads, if not enclosed, become product contact surfaces during
dismantling operations.
Fig. 10.26 Some rotary jet devices provide only directional 180° upward or downward impingement cleaning. 180°
downward spray patterns are appropriate for the cleaning of the sidewalls, bottom or internal structures in open-
top vessels, equipment or tanks (courtesy of Gamajet).
The use of a pre-filter or strainer to prevent particulate clogging in the drive-mechanism is always
required. Further, a nozzle to continuously clean the exterior of the tank cleaning machine is often
provided. Moreover the exterior cleaning of the tank cleaning machine is often done by the intended
leakage flow that also assists in flushing the bearing elements (Moerman & Leroy, 2002).
10.6.10 Operating parameters tank cleaning devices
Table 10.2 gives an overview on the operating characteristics of different tank cleaning devices
Table 10.6 Cleaning devices: cleaning and wetting radius, required pressure, volumetric flow
Cleaning* radius
Wetting* radius
Operating pressure
Flow rate*
Static spray devices
Spray ball 0.5 - 1.5 (max. 4) 1 - 3 (max. 6) 1 - 2.2 10 – 1400
“cluster” spray device 1.2 - 3 2.4 - 3.5 (max. 5) 0.7 - 3.5 20 – 1500
Free-spinning rotary spray devices
Rotary spray ring 0.5-2.5 1 - 3.5 0.7 - 6
(all plastic: max. 3.5)
15 – 1500
Dish washer 0.5 - 2.3 2 - 3.5 0.7 - 4 (opt. 2 - 3.5) 25 – 245
Micro-spinner 0.25 - 0.75 0.5 - 1 1 - 5 (opt. 1 - 3) 15 – 50
Mini-spinner 0.75 - 1.4 1 - 2 1 - 7 (opt. 1 - 3) 50 – 130
Maxi-spinner 1 - 2 2.5 - 3 1 - 7 (opt. 1 - 3) 130 – 450
Rotational controlled spray devices
Rotary spray ball 1.8 - 2.8 2 - 4.8 3 - 14 (opt. 3) 50 – 290
Rotary spray device
with elliptical orifices
1.5 - 3.50 2 - 4.5 2 - 16 (opt. 3-7) 12-128
Rotary jet devices
Motor-driven 2.5 - 15 4 - 40 3.5 - 350 5 – 900
Piston-driven 4.5 - 13.5 6 - 17.5 3-90 (opt. 4 - 9) 25 – 450
Turbine-driven 3 - 15 5 - 40 1.5 – 90 (opt. 3 - 10)
30 – 1100
Robotic-driven 4-6 7-10 3.5 - 300 20 – 55
*Cleaning radius, wetting radius and flow rate depend on: (a) the pressure applied, (b) the number, design and size of
the orifices in the spray body of stationary and rotary spray devices, or (c) the number, the length and the orifice size of
(the) nozzles on the hub of the rotary spray devices.
10.6.11 Hygienic installation of tank cleaning devices in vessels, large equipment or tanks
A tank cleaning device (Fig. 10.27) is commonly installed in a vessel, equipment or tank fixed on a
supply down pipe by means of an internal connection. That supply tube is inserted into the vessel or
equipment via a tank head nozzle, and is fasted onto this top nozzles by means of a tank connection.
At the outside, the down pipe has an external connection with piping or a flexible hose that supplies
the cleaning solution from a CIP-installation. Because hoses are easy to disconnect, they allow quick
removal of the supply tube and tank cleaning device via the tank head nozzle, which is especially
interesting if less hygienic tank cleaning devices are used.
It is important for static spray balls (especially those custom drilled) that they always are inserted in
the same orientation in a top nozzle of the tank, each time they are taken out and afterwards
reinstalled. In that way, the cleaning effect will not change. Typically, one may use a Spray Tube Index
Rod which projects through a tab welded to the tank head nozzle.
Internal connection
Cleaning devices can be assembled onto the supply down pipe in several ways (Moerman, 2002):
• Clip-on connection: the supply down-pipe is inserted in the slip-fit collar of the stationary or rotary
spray device, and a simple wrap around spring pin is inserted in a cross hole drilled in both the end
of the supply pipe and the neck (collar) of the cleaning device. Due to the water circulating
(escaping) through the small annular gap between the neck of the tank cleaning device and the
exterior of the down pipe, the outside of the downpipe inserted into the sleeve of the spray device
and the outer surface of the tank cleaning device can be properly cleaned (Fig. 10.28). This
connection can’t be used for rotary jet cleaning devices, because the reaction of the water jets may
support heavy vibration and bring the machine out of balance.
• Tri-clamp connection: this type of connection requires that both the sleeve of the cleaning device and
the down pipe are provided with a tri-clamp ferule to make a connection that allows quick removal of
the spray device. However, it doesn’t offer the beneficial cleaning of the down pipe, the clamp (which
is not hygienically designed) and the exterior parts of the connected cleaning device.
• Weld-on (butt-weld) connection permanently fixes the cleaning device to the supply pipe in
circumstances where the cleaning device can be left in place, or where the complete assembly of
pipe and washing device can be removed from the top.
• Threaded inlet connections: the collar of the cleaning device has a female thread to screw it on a
supply pipe provided with a threaded male end. Although less hygienic, this connection securely
fastens the cleaning device on the supply pipe. Nowadays, most cleaning device manufactures offer
a hygienic thread connection with a gasket both inside the pipe and on the outside of the pipe, which
protects the thread for 100% from the cleaning solution and the product. Moreover, where supply
pipe and tank cleaning device can be easily removed from the tank after cleaning, a less hygienic
screw inlet connection is no longer an issue.
Fig. 10.27 A tank cleaning device is commonly installed in a vessel, equipment or tank fixed on a supply down
pipe by means of an internal connection. That supply tube is inserted into the vessel, equipment or tank via a top
nozzle in the tank device, and is fasted onto the tank head nozzle by means of a tank connection. At the outside,
the down pipe has an external connection with piping or a hose that supplies the cleaning solution from a CIP-
installation. To guarantee reproducible cleaning, a Spray Tube Index Rod which projects through a tab welded to
the tank head nozzle assures that the spray balls are always inserted in the same position.
Fig. 10.28 Due to the water circulating (escaping) through the small annular gap between the neck of the tank
cleaning device and the exterior of the down pipe, the outside of the downpipe inserted into the sleeve of the
spray device and the outer surface of the tank cleaning device can be properly cleaned (Moerman & Leroy, 2002).
Tank connection and external connection
Standard tank connections are weld-in (downpipe is welded directly onto and flush with the tank),
welding neck flanges of various types (flat or grooved block flange, tri-clamp flange, flange fastened to
the tank with a screw connection) or adjustable flanges. The latter allow manual insertion of the tank
cleaning device at various depths (variation of the inside lance length) and angles (e.g. ball swivel
adjustable flange) to achieve the best possible cleaning effect. Demountable tank connections
facilitate removal of the supply pipe and tank cleaning device out of the tank, allowing them to be
inspected and cleaned. This feature is especially recommended if less hygienic tank cleaning devices
are used. If a permanently welded-in supply tube is used, the equipment design, construction and
installation should provide access to each of the supply pipes for removal or re-installation of cleaning
devices. External connections are of the butt weld, flange, tri-clamp, slip collar or half coupling type.
Retractable tank cleaning devices
In an automated form, retractable tank cleaning devices can be installed in the head or the sidewall of
the tank. The tank cleaning device is automatically extended when the cleaning cycle starts, and is
automatically retracted when the cleaning cycle is complete. During the process, the cleaning device is
not extended into the process but completely sealed off from the product area, flush with the tank wall.
Retractable tank cleaning devices are especially useful in the cleaning of normally submersed
internals in tanks, such as the lower parts of agitators, dip pipes, sparger rings or piping, heating coils,
baffles, etc., where permanently installed tank cleaning devices at lower elevations in the tank may
contaminate sensitive products. This concept of “tank cleaning device extension and retraction” allows
the use of tank cleaning devices that are considered as less hygienic in product areas.
10.6.12 Hygienic tank design
Vessel and appurtenance designers may facilitate the tank cleaning process in several ways (Cerulli &
Franks, 2002; ASME, 2009; Moerman, 2010):
• Vessels need to be designed with smooth, straight walls and curved corners that can be cleaned
easily by liquid spray.
• Flat top surfaces should pitch 4% from centre to sidewalls to encourage the continuous flow of water
sprayed on these surfaces toward the walls.
• Elimination of death corners in the top of the vessel or tank. Difficult to clean areas are the annular
space between the neck of the top nozzles in the tank head and agitator shafts, down pipes, etc.
installed in the tank by means of an exterior tank connection. The ratio nozzle neck length to annular
space gap width should be 2:1.
• Application of short-neck nozzles, which means tank head nozzles with reduced L/D ratios. To avoid
a dead leg, the maximum recommended length to tank head nozzle diameter ratio shall be two-to-
one. Top nozzles should preferably be flush with the tank wall (Fig. 10.29).
Fig. 10.29 The tank cleaning process can be facilitated by applying short-neck nozzles, which means tank head
nozzles with reduced L/D ratios, short in length and large in diameter. By applying flared top nozzles, internal
shadows in the top nozzles can be reduced to a certain extent.
• Reducing the depth of manways to avoid interior shadows, because they are harder to clean and a
source of possible contamination.
• Application of flared top nozzles, eliminating shadows and providing the tank cleaning devices good
“sight” angles into the tank head nozzles.
• Providing sloped drainable (5° angle) side wall sensor ports (Fig. 10.30), rather than ports
perpendicular to the vessel wall.
Fig. 10.30 Use sloped side ports, rather than ports perpendicular to the vessel wall.
• Elimination of dead corners in lower tank parts.
• To provide reasonable flow across the tank bottom surfaces for moving suspended solids, the
bottom of flat vessels should pitch no less than 2% from rear to front outlet, and 4% from side to
centre outlet for round bottom vessels.
• A probe (e.g., pH meter) in the reactor wall shall be inserted in a sloped side port, with an O-ring seal
to prevent the ingress of soil into the sensor port and the probe. An elastomeric O-ring seal should
be placed as close as possible to the vessel wall which makes that only a short annular space is
formed. When this seal is placed at the entrance of the port (end opposite to the tank wall), then a
long and uncleanable annular space is formed. Where cleaning relies on a free falling film, protrusion
of stationary parts like sensor probes in a vessel wall should be avoided. They may form a shadow
area during cleaning (Fig. 10.31).
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 10.31 Probes shall be inserted in sloped side ports. (a) An elastomeric seal at the entrance of the port (end
opposite to the tank wall) gives raise to an uncleanable long and large annular space between the interior
surface of the sensor port and the probe outside. (b) Protrusion of probes in a vessel wall should be avoided, as
they may form a shadow area during cleaning. (c) When the elastomeric O-ring seal is placed close to the
vessel wall, only a short crevice is formed.
• Application of baffles that are only partially fastened onto the wall of the tank instead of full length
fastened baffles. The internal support members to fasten the baffles to the tank wall must be made
from solid round bar stock having a downward slope of 5°. When gaps are left between the baffle
and tank wall, the flow allows the baffles and the tank wall to be cleaned more easily. Recommended
gaps between the baffles and the vessel wall are equal to 1/72 of the internal vessel diameter, and
1/4 to 1 full baffle width between the bottom of the baffles and the vessel base. Instead of full length
baffles, the use of baffles can be limited to the lower part of the tank or the tank may be provided
with intermittent baffles (split baffle, resulting in two shorter baffles one below the other), without loss
in mixing efficiency. Baffles can be omitted in small tanks (< 500 l), and in designs where the agitator
is mounted off-center and at the same time angled. Where material can hang-up or becomes trapped
in stagnant regions around the baffles during drainage, profiled baffles instead of flat-plate baffles
are recommended (ASME, 2009).
• Installation of hygienically designed agitators, free of pockets, sharp corners, crevices, screw
threads, etc. (Fig. 10.32)
Fig. 10.32 Install hygienically design agitators, free of pockets, sharp corners, crevices, screw threads, etc.
10.6.13 Installation of tank cleaning devices in vertical vessels
Radial positioning of tank cleaning devices in vertical tanks
Within a tank with obstructive internal structures (e.g., agitator, baffle plates, filling tubes, heating or
cooling elements, gas spargers, foam breakers, vortex breakers, etc.) and numerous nozzles in the
head or wall of the tank, stationary and rotary spray devices cannot effectively clean the whole interior.
In Fig. 10.33a, the agitator axis and baffle plates give rise to shadow areas and obstruct direct
impingement of the cleaning nozzle fluid spays on these tank areas. They also block cleaning solution
from striking the far side of the element. Therefore stationary and rotary spray devices should be
adequate in number and correctly positioned to compensate for this shadowing effect and to provide
complete coverage. As rule of thumb, the number of stationary and rotary spray devices should at
least correspond with the number of baffles (Fig. 10.33b), and an additional stationary and rotary spray
device is required for each extra shadowing internal structure in the tank.
(a) (b)
Fig. 10.33 (a) Top view of a tank with baffle plates and agitator where shadowing of spray occurs due to
the presence of these obstructions. (b) Multiple spray devices are installed in suitable positions to compensate for
the shadowing effect and to provide complete spray coverage.
Other areas that are difficult to clean are the top nozzles in the head or the dome of the vessel, and
the annular space formed around the agitator shaft, etc. The most optimal location for top nozzles is
as close to the centre as possible. In that way, a tank without internals can be cleaned with one
cleaning device (stationary spray, rotary spray, rotary jet device) positioned in the middle of the vessel,
which may spray enough liquid into each nozzle so that the nozzle neck is covered (Fig. 10.34a). If
the top nozzles in the tank head are located at considerable distance from the centre of the tank head,
a single stationary or rotary spray device in the middle of the vessel cannot clean these tank head
nozzles sufficiently due to the internal shadows they create with respect to that cleaning device (Fig.
14.34b). In that case, 2 or more cleaning devices (stationary and rotary spray devices) should be
positioned in a circle at a distance 1/3th of the internal tank diameter from the centre of the tank (Fig.
10.35a). With tank head nozzles located even farther from the centre, these cleaning devices
(stationary and rotary spray devices) should be located in a circle at a distance 2/3th of the internal
tank diameter from the centre of the tank, especially in a tank with wall mounted baffles (Fig.10.35b).
With rotary jet devices, shielded (shadow) areas to the cleaning device can be scrubbed thanks to
deflective water jets. Hence, a single higher impact tank cleaning device (rotary jet device) may
replace a large number of stationary or rotary spray devices to clean the roof area around the down
pipes feeding cleaning solution. One jet of the rotary jet device may be directed upwards.
Fig. 10.34 (a) The most optimal location for top nozzles is as close to the centre as possible. In that way, a tank
without internals can be cleaned with one cleaning device (stationary spray, rotary spray, rotary jet device)
positioned in the middle of the vessel, which may spray enough liquid into each nozzle to ensure that the nozzle
neck is covered. (b) If the top nozzles in the tank head are located at considerable distance from the centre of the
tank head, a stationary and rotary spray device in the middle of the vessel cannot clean these tank head nozzles
effectively due to the internal shadows they create with respect to that cleaning device. But with rotary jet devices,
shielded (shadow) areas to the cleaning device can be scrubbed thanks to deflective water jets. A single higher
impact tank cleaning device (rotary jet device) may replace a large number of tank stationary or rotary spray
devices to clean the roof area around the down pipes feeding cleaning solution. One jet of the rotary jet device
may be directed upwards. (Moerman, 2010).
(a) (b)
Fig. 10.35 (a) If the top nozzles in the tank head are located at considerable distance from the centre of the tank
head 2 or more cleaning devices (stationary and rotary spray devices) should be positioned in a circle at a
distance 1/4th of the internal tank diameter from the centre of the tank; (b) With tank head nozzles located even
farther from the centre, these cleaning devices (stationary and rotary spray devices) should be located in a circle
(dot line) at a distance 1/3th of the internal tank diameter from the centre of the tank, especially in a tank with wall
mounted baffles. The location of the cleaning devices (stationary and rotary spray devices) provides coverage of
the upper portion of each baffle and “cross-chop” at the sidewalls and agitator collar. Overlapping areas are the
preferred location for top nozzles that might be the most heavily soiled. An extension arm fitted with a bubble is
positioned directly under the centre of the manhole. The bubble can apply cleaning solution directly to the
manhole cover, collar and fittings. In very large tanks, the same rules apply for rotary jet devices (Alfa Laval Tank
Cleaning Equipment A/S, 2004; Franks & Seiberling, 2008).
To facilitate the cleaning process, a vessel designer can also position all top nozzles (in the head
or the dome of the vessel) at one side of the vessel. In that case, the tank cleaning device (stationary
and rotary spray device) can be positioned in that half of the tank head, off-centre at a distance 1/4th to
1/3th of the internal tank diameter from the centre of the tank (Fig. 10.36).
Fig. 10.36 If all top nozzles (in the head or the dome of the vessel) are placed at one side of the vessel, the tank
cleaning device (stationary and rotary spray devices) should be positioned in that half of the tank head, off-centre
at a distance 1/4th to 1/3th of the internal tank diameter from the centre of the tank.
The number of top flanges should be reduced to a minimum but must still be sufficient in number to
allow the processing operations to proceed and the installation of a sufficient number of tank cleaning
devices. If only one top nozzle is left for installing a tank cleaning device, then more-complex cleaning
devices can be used such as arms with bubble sprayers or tee-tubes provided with a spray ball at
each end. Although mounting of angled supply lines in a tank may provide better cleaning of shadow
areas created by several internals in the tank, that angled supply pipe self may also give raise to
shadowing (Cerulli & Franks, 2002; Franks & Seiberling, 2008).
Axial positioning of tank cleaning devices in vertical vessels
The recommendations for the installation depth of tank cleaning devices in vertical tanks are as
numerous as there are tank cleaning device manufacturers and experts. The most commonly found is
0.25 X tank height H.
In a tank without internal structures, it is recommended to install the tank cleaning device on the
centre line of the vessel. A mathematical approach also allows calculation of the required installation
depth in a vertical tank. If the dome height of a tank is known, then the formula of Pythagoras can be
used to exactly calculate the installation depth of a tank cleaning device at the centre line of a vertical
vessel (Fig. 10.37).
Fig. 10.37 Illustration showing how the installation depth of a tank cleaning device at the centre line of a vertical
tank can be calculated. The dome height Hdome (in m or cm) is given by the vessel manufacturer, or can be
calculated with well-known algebraic formulae. Tank heads are usually constructed according to standards
developed by ASME, DIN and AFNOR: torispherical - DIN-28011, semi-ellipsoidal - DIN-28013, elliptical Form
2:1 (ASME), elliptical form 1.9:1 (E81-103) (NF), standard dished, flat dished, convex (spherical cap or cover) and
flat heads. The dome height Hdome also can approximately be calculated with the equation h2 = R•tan 15°. With
the Pythagoras’ equation the height Hcs (about the depth of the tank cleaning device under the horizontal line
drawn between the two top corners of tank) can be calculated. The cleaning radius r can be freely chosen by the
food manufacturer, and is not necessarily equal to the maximum cleaning radius of the tank cleaning device. If the
food manufacture prefers more impact in the top corners of the tank by the fluid leaving the nozzles of the tank
cleaning device, then he can reduce the distance between the tank cleaning device and the top corner of the tank.
However, he still must be aware to install the tank cleaning device(s) in a position to allow for sufficient coverage
of the top nozzles in the dome of the tank with the sprays of cleaning solution emitted by the tank cleaning
device(s). With both Hdome and Hcs known, the installation depth d exactly can be calculated (Moerman, 2010).
If both the total length of the tank (from tank top to tank bottom) and the length of the cylindrical
tank section are known, then the tank head height can be calculated by dividing the difference of both
lengths with two (provided that tank head and bottom are the same).
Tank ports in a wall of a tank can complicate a proper estimation of the tank cleaning device’s
installation depth. It is recommended that the tank cleaning device is installed below the side port in
the tank wall (Fig. 10.38) . If that side port is located in the lower parts of the tank, the user’s logic
would be to install the tank cleaning device deeply in the tank below that tank port. However,
immersing tank cleaning devices in the product is not a practice to promote, because process fluids
may enter the tank cleaning device when not in use and may plug the holes. The result will be
increased risk for contamination and poor soil removal, especially in the top corners of the vessel. It is
highly recommended to install side ports as high as possible, but still sufficiently low to allow correct
measurements during process operations (Tamplin, 1990).
Fig. 10.38 To avoid immersed tank cleaning devices and to guarantee appropriate cleaning of side ports, it is
highly recommended to install these side ports as high as possible but still sufficiently low to allow correct
measurements of process parameters.
In a tank with internals, the recommendations with respect to the depth of installation of the tank
cleaning devices is somewhat different from those applicable for a tank without internal structures.
Fig. 10.39 Franks & Seiberling (2008) suggest to install the tank cleaning devices at a depth where the spray
streams directed at the top nozzles in the tank head have an upward vector component of 35° or greater above
horizontal, allowing the spray to ricochet upward after hitting the target nozzle.
Franks & Seiberling (2008) recommend that fluid should hit the neighbouring top nozzles under an
angle of 55° or less from the vertical (Fig. 10.39), which in fact is the down pipe supplying the cleaning
solution to the tank cleaning device. Where head space restrictions and sensitive food products
(excluding submersion) make installation of tank cleaning devices at that recommended depth
impossible, a greater number of tank cleaning devices will be required.
Referring to Fig. 10.35a, the installation depth of the rotary jet device is calculated by Alfa Laval
Tank Cleaning Equipment A/S (2004) in the same way as suggested for centre line installations of
tank cleaning devices: tan 25° largest horizontally cleaning radius [m] - machine length (between
connection and nozzle) [m]
Fig. 10.40 The installation depth of the tank cleaning device is calculated by Alfa Laval Tank Cleaning Equipment
A/S (2004) in the same way as suggested for centre line installations of tank cleaning devices: tan 25° X largest
horizontally cleaning radius [m] - machine length (between connection and nozzle) [m]
10.6.13 Positioning of tank cleaning devices in horizontal tanks
Number of tank cleaning devices in horizontal vessels
Alfa Laval Tank Cleaning Equipment A/S (2004) recommends installation of an extra tank cleaning
device when the length of tank exceeds 0.5-0.8 x cleaning diameter of the tank