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Engineering Students and Entrepreneurship Education:
Involvement, Attitudes and Outcomes*
Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Purdue University, 1201 State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA.
School of Engineering Education, Purdue University, 701 West Stadium Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA.
School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 701 West Stadium Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA.
Changes in the economy and workforce needs have driven many engineering schools to consider offering entrepreneurship
education to their students. Although entrepreneurship education is believed to be complementary to an engineering
education, little is known about the degree to which it plays a role in contemporary students’ academic programs. The
purpose of this study was to explore a broad array of attitudes toward and outcomes of entrepreneurship education on
engineering students in order to understand the characteristics of students participating in related courses and activities,
the nature and extent of their involvement, entrepreneurship’s role in their career plans, and its impact on entrepreneurial
self-efficacy. Survey data were collected from 501 engineering students enrolled in senior-level capstone design courses at
three institutions with established entrepreneurship programs. The study found that while two-thirds or more of
engineering students intended to work for medium or large size companies after graduation, a similar number felt that
entrepreneurship education could broaden their career prospects and choices. Less than one third of those surveyed felt
that entrepreneurship was being addressed within their engineering programs or by engineering faculty. Students who had
taken one or more entrepreneurship courses showed significantly higher levels of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on a number
of measures. Students in certain engineering disciplines such as electrical and mechanical engineering were found to
participate in entrepreneurship education at higher rates than others. The results of this study provide valuable baseline
data that can be useful for program development and evaluation.
Keywords: entrepreneurship; engineering education; assessment
1. Introduction
Economic trends and changes in the way employers
organize and make decisions have led to an
increased awareness of the potential value of entre-
preneurship education to engineering students. In
an article about de-industrialization and its effect on
engineering education, Wei (2005) states that,
‘research and development in manufacturing com-
panies used to be viewed as a glamorous career for
the brightest engineering graduates, but the number
of attractive job offers has been declining for many
years’ (1, p.130). Today, a glamorous job for an
engineer might be to work in a smaller, more
entrepreneurial company, which requires ‘a broad
range of skills and knowledge beyond a strong
science and engineering background’ [2, p. 185].
To prepare students for this new reality, universities
are increasingly aware that they must graduate
engineers who not only understand science and
technology, but who are also able to identify oppor-
tunities, understand market forces, commercialize
new products, and have the leadership and commu-
nication skills to advocate for them. This has
prompted a significant increase in the delivery of
entrepreneurship education to engineering students
through new courses, programs, and experiential
learning opportunities, a movement that has gar-
nered support from influential publications and
professional organizations such as the National
Academy of Engineering (NAE) and the American
Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) [3].
Further evidence of this trend is the National
Science Foundation’s recent $10 million award to
launch a national STEP Center at Stanford Uni-
versity which will address what is described as a
critical need for entrepreneurial engineers across the
United States. The center is intended to ‘catalyze
major changes in undergraduate engineering pro-
grams by developing an education, research and
outreach hub for the creation, collection and shar-
ing of innovation and entrepreneurship resources
among the almost 350 engineering schools in the
U.S.’ [4].
* Accepted 20 August 2011. 425
International Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 425–435, 2012 0949-149X/91 $3.00+0.00
Printed in Great Britain #2012 TEMPUS Publications.
Engineering students appear to be very well
suited to become entrepreneurs. A study of the
economic impact of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) found that of their alumni, 50 to
100 percent more engineering than science alumni
eventually became company founders. The study
also discovered that engineering students were at
least as inclined as management students to become
entrepreneurs, and that more than 20 percent of
total founders came from MIT’s electrical engineer-
ing and computer science department (one depart-
ment at the institution) [5]. As Wei (2005) states,
engineering graduates who go on to become success-
ful CEOs and senior officers of companies ‘are often
vocal in praise of the virtues and benefits of their
engineering education, and they believe they
acquired a number of positive attributes that are
useful outside of a career in manufacturing and
construction, such as rigorous discipline, a general
knowledge of science and technology, the habit of
collecting relevant information followed by quanti-
tative analysis of data to construct conclusions and
recommendations, teamwork, and strong oral and
written communication skills’ [1, p. 131].
The degree to which entrepreneurship plays a role
in contemporary engineering students’ academic
programs or career paths is largely unknown.
Although more engineering students are being
exposed to entrepreneurship education, minimal
research has examined engineering student attitudes
toward it, its impact on their learning, or profes-
sional competence. This is not surprising given that
the integration of entrepreneurship in engineering is
a relatively new effort, where definitions of what it
means to be entrepreneurial within an engineering
program as well as program models vary greatly [6].
Even within the field of management, entrepreneur-
ship education is considered by some to be a
relatively new field, still engaged in conceptual and
methodological debates [7]. For example, there is a
lack of consensus as to the degree to which entre-
preneurship is a set of principles, terms, competen-
cies, and skills that can be learned, versus a set of
attributes that make one opportunistic, competi-
tive, proactive, risk tolerant, autonomous and inno-
vative [8–10]. The objectives and content of
entrepreneurship programs also vary widely, lead-
ing Henry, Hill, and Leitch (2005) to state that the
‘content of syllabi of courses developed by entre-
preneurship scholars differs to such an extent that it
is difficult to determine if they even have a common
purpose’ [9, p. 103].
Shartrand, Weilerstein, Besterfield-Sacre and
Olds [11] described much of what has been docu-
mented by engineering faculty developing courses
and programs in entrepreneurship as descriptive
case studies, ‘addressing the process of gaining
administrative approval and student interest,
describing content knowledge that is covered, ped-
agogical approaches utilized, challenges of imple-
mentation, and, in some cases, assessment plans’
(p.2). A review of assessment instruments in the field
of entrepreneurship education shows that there are
few valid and reliable instruments being used widely
in the field, and very few are intended specifically for
engineering students [12]. Ohland, Frillman, Zhang,
and Miller (2004) stated that, ‘While much has been
written recently about engineering entrepreneur-
ship curricula, comparatively few investigators
have provided hard evidence to substantiate their
programs’ successes’ [13, p. 159].
There is evidence, however, that educational
programs directed at engineers can influence and
inspire students to be entrepreneurs. A study of over
500 engineering students at MIT, Lu
¨thje and
Franke (2004) found that personality had an indir-
ect impact on the readiness to become self-
employed, while perceived contextual factors had
a direct impact. They concluded that public policy
and universities would be ‘well advised to intensify
their activities to implement educational, research
and resource programs on entrepreneurship’ [14,
p. 143]. Another study conducted with engineering
and science students in Europe, examined which of
the benefits of entrepreneurship programs, learning,
resources, or inspiration, raised entrepreneurial
attitudes and intention. The study found that
inspiration proved to be most strongly associated
with an increase in entrepreneurial intention, parti-
cularly among undergraduates who are very
unlikely to start a business immediately after gra-
duation [15]. The authors concluded that if the
target is to increase the number of students who
become entrepreneurs, then the inspirational aspect
of the program must be purposeful. Course and
program evaluation conducted as part of North
Carolina State University’s Engineering Entrepre-
neurs Program (EEP) provides evidence that entre-
preneurship education can have a positive impact
on the retention, GPAs, and entrepreneurial activ-
ity. Data collected from alumni found that relative
to a control group, EEP alumni were 73 percent
more likely to have started a new company, 23
percent more likely to have created new products
or services, and 59 percent more likely to have high
confidence in leading a start-up [16].
Given the potential value of entrepreneurship
education to engineers, this paper will investigate
a broad array of attitudes toward, and outcomes of,
entrepreneurship education on engineering students
in an effort to understand the characteristics of
engineering students participating in entrepreneur-
ship programs, the extent to which entrepreneurship
plays a role in their academic programs and career
N. Duval-Couetil, T. Reed-Rhoads and S. Haghighi426
aspirations, and the impact of entrepreneurship
education on their entrepreneurial self-efficacy.
This research is a component of a larger NSF-
funded study, Entrepreneurship Education and its
Impact on Engineering Student Outcomes: The Role
of Program Characteristics and Faculty Beliefs. The
intent of the larger study is to clarify the relationship
between engineering student outcomes, program
characteristics, and faculty beliefs and practices in
order to help faculty and administrators create
programs, improve educational experiences, and
evaluate their success.
2. Purpose and research questions
Given the interest and involvement of engineering
schools in creating entrepreneurship curricula, the
purpose of this study was to investigate student
attitudes toward entrepreneurship and examine
how entrepreneurship education impacts a variety
of engineering student outcomes. The research
questions addressed are:
What are the characteristics of engineering
students participating in entrepreneurship pro-
To what extent does entrepreneurship play a role
in engineering students’ academic programs?
To what extent does entrepreneurship play a role
in engineering students’ career plans?
What are engineering student perceptions of their
entrepreneurship-related abilities?
3. Methods
A new assessment instrument was developed by the
authors to be administered at universities that have
entrepreneurship courses available to engineering
students [12]. The 135-item web-based survey was
administered to engineering students enrolled in
senior-level capstone design courses. Attitude and
self-efficacy scales showed high reliability (Coeffi-
cient Alpha range = 0.83– 0.96). This paper presents
results from the following categories of items in the
Demographics: Fourteen items in this category
collected data related to sex, race/ethnicity, resi-
dency, family background related to entrepre-
neurship, university affiliation, major, and
minors. These were selected to investigate differ-
ences across groups.
Attitudes: Of the 40 items in this category, 14
related to students’ level of interest in entrepre-
neurship, the nature of the interest, and the
attractiveness of entrepreneurship as a career
choice. Twenty-six items asked students to iden-
tify reasons why they are or are not interested in
entrepreneurship. These were taken with permis-
sion from a study by Shinnar, Pruett, and Toney
[17] and modified slightly.
Behaviors: Twelve items in this category mea-
sured students’ level of participation in entrepre-
neurship-related activities, such as owning a
business, interning for a start-up company, devel-
oping a product for a real customer, writing a
business plan, or participating in an entrepre-
neurship-related competition.
Self-efficacy: Twenty-three items in this category
investigated student perceptions of their ability to
perform entrepreneurial tasks. Fifteen were taken
with permission from Lucas, Cooper, Ward, &
Cave’s [18] venturing and technology self-efficacy
scale, an instrument found to be valid and reli-
able. Other items in this category address self-
perceptions of analytical, communication, and
presentation skills, as well as risk tolerance.
Perceptions of programs and faculty: Nine items
asked students to rate the level of involvement
with, or encouragement of, entrepreneurship in
their engineering programs and by engineering
Surveys were distributed to engineering students at
three large public universities with established
entrepreneurship programs available to engineering
students. Two of the entrepreneurship programs are
embedded within the colleges of engineering and
primarily offered to engineering students. The other
is a multidisciplinary program administered at the
central university level, whereby engineering stu-
dents take ‘core’ entrepreneurship courses with
students in a variety of majors and complement
these with approved engineering courses to com-
plete program requirements. Senior-level students
were selected in order to provide sample homoge-
neity across institutions and to capture exposure to
entrepreneurship education, which could have
occurred at any point during the students’ academic
programs. Moreover, many entrepreneurship and
innovation-related activities, such as formulating
an idea for a product/business, developing proto-
types, presenting, researching markets, and prepar-
ing business plans, typically occur at the capstone
level [19].
Students at each institution received the survey
via faculty members teaching capstone design
courses. Initial contacts with faculty were made
either through personal connections at each institu-
tion, or through internet searches to identify depart-
ment heads and other appropriate decision-makers.
Faculty members were sent an email describing the
intent of the study and what would be required of
Engineering Students and Entrepreneurship Education: Involvement, Attitudes and Outcomes 427
them and their students. If faculty agreed to parti-
cipate, they were sent an email to be forwarded to
students, which included a brief explanation and the
survey URL. Since the survey was voluntary, over
the course of the month following its release, faculty
were asked to remind students to take it.
The sample was comprised of 501 engineering
students. Over three semesters, the survey was
distributed to approximately 30 courses across the
three institutions involved in the study. Response
rates per course ranged from 3 to 58 percent, with a
mean of 21 percent. To evaluate the self-selection
bias resulting from this methodology, the sample
was compared to the 2008 ASEE Online Profiles of
undergraduate engineering degrees by discipline
and gender for the three institutions involved in
the study [20]. Over-represented disciplines in the
sample were agricultural and biological engineering
(4.1 times larger), construction engineering (4.5x),
and chemical engineering (2.2x). A slightly under-
represented discipline was mechanical engineering
(0.5 times smaller). Women were over-represented
in the sample (22%) relative to the overall popula-
tion of women engineering graduates (16%).
Statistical analyses focused primarily on examin-
ing differences between two groups of engineering
students: 1) those who had never taken an entrepre-
neurship course, referred to in the text of this
manuscript as ‘no-entrepreneurship students,’ and
2) those who had taken one or more entrepreneur-
ship courses, referred to as ‘entrepreneurship stu-
dents.’ Normality of survey responses was assessed
using the Shapiro Wilk test and most were found to
not be normally distributed. Based on this result,
nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney
U post-hoc tests were used to examine statistical
differences between groups. All assumptions of
these nonparametric tests were met in the analysis.
The majority of survey items used Likert-type, 5-
point, ordinal responses that represented verbal
statements, therefore, data are presented as fre-
quencies or percentages of responses in each cate-
gory. To simplify the reporting of the data, 5-point
response scales were collapsed into three by group-
ing responses. For example, the responses ‘strongly
agree and agree’ were combined as were ‘strongly
disagree and disagree.’ One exception is the analysis
of responses to the fifteen items in the self-efficacy
scale [18]; these items used an 11-point numerical
scale (0-10) related to confidence and were analyzed
using standard t-tests. The level of statistical sig-
nificance was set at a p-value < 0.05. For multiple
comparisons, the significance level was set at 0.05
divided by the number of comparisons.
4. Results
Question 1: What are the characteristics of
engineering students participating in
entrepreneurship programs?
The sample of engineering students was fairly well
distributed across the universities involved in the
study (Table 1). Women represented 22 percent of
the engineering students surveyed and 18 percent of
the entrepreneurship students, however, the differ-
ence in female and male participation was found to
be not statistically significant. Although a higher
proportion of entrepreneurship students had par-
ents who were entrepreneurs (51% versus 38%) this
difference was not found to be statistically signifi-
cant. Similarly, although international students
appeared to participate in entrepreneurship courses
at a higher rate than both in-state and out-of-state
domestic students (38% versus 29% and 26%) this
difference was not statistically significant. In terms
of race and ethnicity, differences in the rate of
participation in entrepreneurship education of Cau-
casian (26%) and Asian (35%) students was not
statistically significant. Sample sizes were too
small to make conclusive statements about other
groups. Significant differences in participation were
found for the top four majors represented in the
sample (n> 50) (p< 0.05). Electrical (54%) and
mechanical (47%) engineering students had signifi-
cantly higher levels of involvement than chemical
(22%) and civil (18%).
Significant differences were found when examin-
ing the characteristics of students who participated
in a multi-course entrepreneurship program. Stu-
dents whose parents were entrepreneurs were twice
as likely (13%) to participate in a multi-course
program than students whose parents were not.
Similarly, both domestic out-of-state (14%) and
international students (19%) were two to three
times as likely to participate in a multi-course
program, than were in-state students (6%).
Question 2: What role does entrepreneurship play in
students’ engineering programs?
Of the entrepreneurship students, 73 percent
reported that they had taken an entrepreneurship
course through their colleges of engineering, which
is reflective of programs offered by the institutions
involved in the study. Several survey items asked
students about the degree to which entrepreneur-
ship was being addressed within their engineering
programs or by their engineering professors
(Table 2). Significant differences (p< 0.05) in the
responses for both groups were found for four out of
nine items. Entrepreneurship students more
strongly agreed that students should learn more
N. Duval-Couetil, T. Reed-Rhoads and S. Haghighi428
about entrepreneurship. They also more strongly
agreed that they were taught entrepreneurial skills,
were encouraged to take entrepreneurship courses,
and had opportunities to interact with entrepre-
neurs within their engineering programs. Overall,
one third or less of all the students surveyed agreed
or strongly agreed that entrepreneurship was pre-
sented as a worthwhile career option, that they were
encouraged to develop entrepreneurial skills, that
engineering faculty discussed entrepreneurship or
that they were taught entrepreneurial skills as part
of their engineering programs. Less than 15 percent
of no-entrepreneurship students felt they were
encouraged to take entrepreneurship courses, to
participate in entrepreneurship-related activities,
or consider starting their own companies. Overall,
a majority of both groups felt that students should
learn more about entrepreneurship.
Engineering Students and Entrepreneurship Education: Involvement, Attitudes and Outcomes 429
Table 2. Student perceptions of the degree to which entrepreneurship is addressed within their engineering programs
No e-ship
One or more
e-ship courses
Students should learn more about entrepreneurship 61 74 0.000
There are opportunities to interact with entrepreneurs 35 44 0.022
Students are encouraged to develop entrepreneurial skills 28 35 0.298
Entrepreneurship is presented as a worthwhile career option 23 28 0.116
Faculty discuss entrepreneurship 19 27 0.146
Students are encouraged to take entrepreneurship courses 13 27 0.003
Students are taught entrepreneurial skills 18 26 0.028
Students are encouraged or required to participate in entrepreneurship-related activities 14 18 0.333
Students are encouraged to consider starting their own companies 13 18 0.270
Table 1. Demographics of Participating Engineering Students
No e-ship courses One or more e-ship courses Total
Variable N (%) N (%) N (%)
Total Participants 354 (100) 147 (100) 501 (100)
University 1 96 (27) 62 (42) 158 (32)
University 2 106 (30) 33 (22) 139 (28)
University 3 152 (43) 52 (35) 204 (41)
Male 272 (77) 120 (82) 392 (78)
Female 82 (23) 27 (18) 109 (22)
White 291 (82) 100 (68) 391 (78)
Asian 28 (08) 15 (10) 43 (09)
Black/African American 6 (02) 7 (05) 13 (03)
Hispanic/Latino 10 (03) 2 (01) 12 (02)
Other 18 (05) 23 (16) 41 (08)
Entrepreneurial Parent(s)
Yes 88 (25) 45 (31) 133 (27)
No 259 (73) 98 (67) 357 (71)
Unsure 6 (02) 4 (03) 10 (02)
In-State 256 (73) 107 (73) 363 (73)
Out-of State 77 (22) 27 (18) 104 (21)
International 20 (06) 12 (08) 32 (06)
Engineering Major
Chemical 64 (18) 18 (12) 82 (16)
Civil 50 (14) 11 (07) 61 (12)
Mechanical 30 (08) 27 (18) 57 (11)
Electrical 23 (06) 27 (18) 50 (10)
Agricultural/Biological 35 (10) 11 (07) 46 (09)
Industrial 27 (08) 9 (06) 36 (07)
Computer 17 (05) 16 (11) 33 (07)
Materials 26 (07) 1 (01) 27 (05)
Construction 20 (06) 6 (04) 26 (05)
Aeronautics/Astronautics 19 (05) 5 (03) 24 (05)
Nuclear Engineering 18 (05) 2 (01) 20 (04)
Other 25 (07) 14 (10) 39 (08)
Percentages are given as total number of respondents/total valid.
The reasons why engineering students are inter-
ested in entrepreneurship were investigated by
asking students to rate their level of agreement
with a number of statements (Table 3). Not surpris-
ingly, students who had taken one or more courses
in entrepreneurship reported more interest in the
topic than those who had not. Significant differences
were found for all items (p< 0.05). Students in both
groups were very much in agreement with the
statement ‘entrepreneurship education can broaden
my career prospects and choices.’ Students who had
not taken an entrepreneurship course had a rela-
tively strong interest in doing so. Forty-seven per-
cent were interested in taking an entrepreneurship
course and 60 percent wanted to learn about entre-
preneurship in their engineering courses.
To measure entrepreneurial behaviors, students
were asked about the degree to which they partici-
pated in related activities while in college (Table 4).
Approximately half or less of all of the engineering
students surveyed reported participating in activ-
ities that could be considered related to entrepre-
neurship. However, significant differences were
found in the responses of both groups (p< 0.05)
for all but one activity. Moderate involvement for
both entrepreneurship and no-entrepreneurship
students was in the area of ‘developed a product
or technology for a real client or customer’ (45%
and 26%, respectively) and relatively low but similar
levels of involvement in ‘patenting a technology or
protecting intellectual property’ (18% and 13%,
respectively). Entrepreneurship students were
three or more times as likely to participate in
activities such as conducting market research,
giving elevator pitches, writing business plans, or
interning in a startup company. Almost half of
entrepreneurship students and 32 percent of those
who had not taken a class reported having an idea
for a business, product or technology.
Question 3: What are engineering students’
attitudes about entrepreneurship as a career path?
To understand how entrepreneurship factored into
career goals, students were asked to rate their level
of interest in a number of post-graduation options.
Students in both groups were most interested in
working for a medium—or large-size business,
followed by attending graduate school (Table 5).
Significant differences between the two groups of
students were found for careers that were related to
entrepreneurship; 43 percent of entrepreneurship
students agreed that they wanted to start their
own business or work for a small business or
startup, which was significantly higher than the
N. Duval-Couetil, T. Reed-Rhoads and S. Haghighi430
Table 3. Comparison of general interest in entrepreneurship: ‘Please rate your level of agreement with the following’
No e-ship
One or more
e-ship courses
Entrepreneurship education can broaden my career prospects and choices 69 82 0.000
I have a general interest in the subject of entrepreneurship 59 79 0.000
I would like to learn about entrepreneurship in my engineering courses 60 78 0.000
I am interested in taking entrepreneurship classes 47 71 0.000
I would like to know if I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur 57 65 0.023
I want to become an entrepreneur 34 59 0.000
I have an idea for a business product or technology 32 46 0.000
Table 4. Comparison of level of student involvement in entrepreneurship-related activities
No e-ship
One or
n p
Conducted market research and analysis for a new product or technology 17 53 129 0.000
Given an ‘elevator pitch’ or presentation to a panel of judges about a product or
business idea
13 47 107 0.000
Developed a product or technology for a real client/customer 26 45 154 0.000
Written a business plan 11 42 95 0.000
Participated in an entrepreneurship-related competition (e.g., product development,
business plan)
6 39 72 0.000
Participated in entrepreneurship-related workshops (extra-curricular, non-credit) 4 29 52 0.000
Interned or worked for an entrepreneurial or start-up company 11 29 78 0.000
Been involved in entrepreneurship- or business-related student organizations 5 26 52 0.000
Been involved in patenting a technology or protecting intellectual property 13 18 68 0.153
no-entrepreneurship students. No-entrepreneur-
ship students were also significantly more interested
in working for the government.
Students were also surveyed about reasons why
they would and would not start a company. Rank-
ings of responses were similar for students who had
and who had not had exposure to entrepreneurship
education (Table 6). There were, however, signifi-
cant differences in the extent of their agreement.
Top reasons for entrepreneurship students were to
‘satisfy a need in a market,’ ‘focus on a technology
that interests me,’ and ‘create something of my
own.’ A main difference for no-entrepreneurship
students was that to ‘have more flexibility and
independence’ was among their top reason to start
a business.
Top ranked reasons that students would not start
a company for both groups were ‘lack of initial
Engineering Students and Entrepreneurship Education: Involvement, Attitudes and Outcomes 431
Table 5. Comparison of interest in post-graduation options
No e-ship
One or more
e-ship courses
Work for a medium- or large-size business 72 66 0.311
Attend graduate/professional school 42 50 0.125
Start my own business or be self-employed 27 43 0.000
Work for a small business or start-up company 34 43 0.034
Work for the government 34 29 0.049
Work for a non-profit organization 13 11 0.371
Serve in the military 7 8 0.068
Table 6. Reasons why students would start a company
No e-ship
% Rank
One or more
e-ship courses
% Rank p
Satisfy a need in a market 75 2 86 1 0.001
Focus on a technology that interests me 75 3 82 2 0.017
Create something of my own 74 4 79 3 0.042
Have more flexibility and independence 76 1 76 4 0.120
Solve a social problem 63 5 69 5 0.011
Be at the head of an organization 55 8 60 6 0.205
Manage people 48 9 58 7 0.020
Make more money 59 6 58 8 0.790
Create jobs 55 7 56 9 0.325
Have more free time 43 10 36 10 0.021
Gain high social status 21 11 25 11 0.501
Follow a family tradition 17 12 21 12 0.987
Table 7. Reasons why students would not start a company
No e-ship
% Rank
One or more
% Rank p
Lack of initial capital for start-up 76 1 66 1 0.010
Excessively risky 63 4 59 2 0.324
Lack of legal assistance or counseling 65 3 56 3 0.043
Lack of ideas regarding what business to start 62 5 54 4 0.255
Lack of knowledge of the business world and the market 67 2 51 6 0.000
Lack of assistance available to assess business viability 55 8 51 5 0.083
Lack of experience in management and finance 62 6 43 7 0.000
Current economic situation 55 7 41 8 0.001
Irregular income 52 9 41 9 0.022
Having to work too many hours 30 11 26 10 0.052
Fear of failure 32 10 25 11 0.015
Lack of support from people around me (family, friends, etc) 21 13 23 12 0.704
Doubts about personal abilities 26 12 19 13 0.028
Problems with employees and colleagues 19 14 16 14 0.071
capital for startup,’ ‘lack of legal assistance or
counseling,’ ‘excessively risky,’ and a ‘lack of ideas
of what business to start’ (Table 7). One area where
the rankings differed between groups was that a
‘lack of knowledge of the business world and the
market’ was ranked second for students who had
not taken an entrepreneurship course and sixth
among those who had.
Question 4: What are engineering student
perceptions of their entrepreneurship-related
A number of survey items evaluated student percep-
tions of their entrepreneurial ability. The first was a
technology and venturing self-efficacy scale [18],
which asked students to rate how confident they
were, on an 11-point scale from 0 (not at all con-
fident) to 10 (100 completely confident), to perform
a set of fifteen skills related to venturing and
technology self-efficacy. Since this used a numeric
response scale without individual verbal statements
representing each point, differences between stu-
dents who had and who had not taken one or more
entrepreneurship courses were calculated using
standard t-tests (Table 8). A comparison of means
showed that entrepreneurship students rated their
level of confidence significantly higher than those
who had not for all of the items (p< 0.01). Skills
suggesting a need for business knowledge, such as
‘pick the right marketing approach for the introduc-
tion of a new service,’ ‘write a clear and complete
business plan,’ ‘work with a supplier to get better
prices to help a venture become successful,’ ‘recog-
nize when an idea is good enough to support a major
business venture,’ accounted for some of the largest
differences between both groups. A few items
included in the self-efficacy scale did not appear to
be directly related to entrepreneurship, yet entrepre-
neurship students rated themselves significantly
higher on these items as well. They included ‘develop
your own original hypothesis and a research plan to
test it,’ and ‘understand exactly what is new and
important in a groundbreaking theoretical article.’
Students were also asked to rate their ability from
poor to excellent on more general skills and traits
associated with entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs
(Table 9). There were no significant differences
between the groups in the areas of communication,
presentation, analytical skills, and their ability to
deal with uncertainty. However, when the cate-
gories above average and excellent are broken out,
there were more ‘excellent’ than ‘above average’
N. Duval-Couetil, T. Reed-Rhoads and S. Haghighi432
Table 8. Comparison of perceptions of venturing and technology self-efficacy: ‘For each statement indicate how confident you are that you
could perform that skill or ability now’
Item No e-ship
One or more
e-ship courses
Lead a technical team developing a new product to a successful result 5.99 2.47 6.81 2.18 0.001
Translate user needs into requirements for a design so well that users will like the outcome 6.00 2.48 6.78 1.99 0.001
Design and build something new that performs very close to your design specifications 6.08 2.32 6.76 2.22 0.003
Grasp the concept and limits of a technology well enough to see the best ways to use it 5.77 2.27 6.64 2.16 0.000
Develop your own original hypothesis and a research plan to test it 5.61 2.54 6.38 2.40 0.002
Understand exactly what is new and important in a groundbreaking theoretical article 5.70 2.42 6.37 2.17 0.005
Convince a customer or client to try a new product for the first time 5.10 2.62 6.30 2.25 0.000
Convert a useful scientific advance into a practical application 5.47 2.52 6.23 2.39 0.003
Recruit the right employees for a new project or venture 5.13 2.53 6.10 2.28 0.000
Recognize when an idea is good enough to support a major business venture 4.78 2.53 6.02 2.50 0.000
Work with a supplier to get better prices to help a venture become successful 4.41 2.66 5.65 2.35 0.000
Write a clear and complete business plan 4.37 2.50 5.65 2.49 0.000
Estimate accurately the costs of running a new project 4.76 2.62 5.42 2.41 0.011
Pick the right marketing approach for the introduction of a new service 3.85 2.51 5.16 2.45 0.000
Know the steps needed to place a financial value on a new business venture 3.39 2.40 4.60 2.37 0.000
Table 9. Comparison of students’ perceived aptitude for entrepreneurship skills and traits
No e-ship courses
Above average
or excellent
One or more e-ship
Above average
or excellent p
Analytical skills 83 90 0.191
Communication skills 67 75 0.274
Presentation skills 60 67 0.088
Ability to evaluate business ideas 35 60 0.000
Ability to deal with uncertainty 48 54 0.069
Level of risk tolerance 35 45 0.002
responses from entrepreneurship students. Their
perceptions of their ability to evaluate business
ideas and their level of risk tolerance, were found
to be significantly higher than students who had not
taken an entrepreneurship course (p< 0.05).
Finally, students were asked two overarching
questions related to their entrepreneurial self-
efficacy and significant differences in the responses
for both groups were found (p= 0.001). The first
was, ‘Overall how would you rate your entrepre-
neurial ability?’ to which 49 percent of entrepre-
neurship students versus 21 percent of no-
entrepreneurship students rated their ability as
above average or excellent. The second was ‘How
would you rate your ability to start a business now’
to which 35 and 11 percent, respectively, responded
above average or excellent (p= 0.001).
5. Discussion
The results of this study show that senior-level
engineering students show considerable interest in
learning more about entrepreneurship, however
most do not expect to pursue entrepreneurial
careers. Although, approximately 70 percent of
students surveyed felt that that entrepreneurship
education could broaden their career prospects
and choices, approximately 70 percent of all engi-
neering students reported that they were most
interested in working for a medium to large size
organization after graduation. Not surprisingly,
students who had taken an entrepreneurship
course were more interested in starting their own
business or working for a startup than those who
had not. They were also more likely to have an idea
for a business, product, or technology. Neverthe-
less, 30 percent of no-entrepreneurship students also
reported having an idea for a business, product, or
technology. Less than one-third of all students
surveyed felt that entrepreneurship was presented
as a worthwhile career option in their engineering
program or that it was being addressed by their
engineering programs or engineering faculty. Both
groups of students expressed a strong interest in
taking an entrepreneurship course and even a
greater percentage of entrepreneurship students
were interested in learning more about entrepre-
neurship within their engineering courses (60 and
78, respectively). These data suggest that there is
more demand than supply for entrepreneurship
education among engineering students. However,
whether this demand would translate into actual
course enrollment is unknown.
Taking even one course in entrepreneurship
appears to positively impact engineering students’
perceptions of their entrepreneurial self-efficacy.
The entrepreneurship students rated their abilities
significantly higher on every measure of a venturing
and technology self-efficacy scale. They also rated
their ability to evaluate business ideas, and deal with
risk and uncertainty significantly higher. Entrepre-
neurship students also reported to have higher
perceived self-efficacy in areas that were more
loosely tied to entrepreneurship (e.g., ‘understand
exactly what is new and important in a ground-
breaking theoretical article’). A ranking of reasons
why engineering students would and would not start
a business were similar for both groups, however,
fewer entrepreneurship students felt strongly about
potential obstacles than no-entrepreneurship stu-
dents, suggesting that entrepreneurship education
may lessen perceived barriers to entrepreneurial
careers. These findings pose some interesting ques-
tions such as: Is the knowledge gained in entrepre-
neurship courses making students more confident in
a wide range of activities relevant to their majors?
Or, are more confident students gravitating to
entrepreneurship courses and programs? Addi-
tional research is necessary to examine which
might be the case and the degree to which individual
demographic and other factors contribute to entre-
preneurial self-efficacy.
Engineering students with particular character-
istics may participate in entrepreneurship courses
and programs at higher rates than others. An
examination of program participants by demo-
graphic group could be a useful exercise when
making program development and recruiting deci-
sions. The analyses of differences by engineering
major are also interesting and warrant further
investigation. Potential questions include: Is entre-
preneurship more relevant to those engineering
majors? Is it being addressed to a greater degree
by those disciplines? Are students with particular
characteristics more attracted to specific disciplines
or universities? If so, what are these characteristics?
How can entrepreneurial involvement or relevance
be duplicated or translated across engineering
majors? Larger sample sizes and additional research
are necessary to answer these questions.
This study has several limitations. First, the over-
all sample of engineering students has a higher
proportion of students who have enrolled in entre-
preneurship courses than would be found in the
general population of engineering students across
the three institutions. This occurred for two reasons:
1) purposive sampling was necessary to ensure that
there was an adequate representation of students
who had exposure to entrepreneurship education in
order to make comparisons between groups, and 2)
since the study was voluntary, faculty and students
who were interested in the topic of entrepreneurship
were more likely to participate. Since the study was
conducted at institutions with entrepreneurship
Engineering Students and Entrepreneurship Education: Involvement, Attitudes and Outcomes 433
courses and programs that are available to engi-
neers, there may also be increased awareness of
entrepreneurship by engineers on these campuses.
Also, certain engineering majors were over and
underrepresented relative to general enrollment in
these majors and the reasons why need to be
examined more closely. Another limitation is that
data related to learning outcomes relied on students’
self-report of abilities and knowledge and future
research should include additional measures to
triangulate these findings.
Future analyses of this dataset will examine how
engineering student attitudes and perceptions differ
by university, entrepreneurship program model
(within or outside of engineering), and/or engineer-
ing major. It will also examine the degree to which
participating in a multi-course program impacts
entrepreneurial self-efficacy, as compared to parti-
cipation in a single course, and will examine differ-
ences in entrepreneurial self-efficacy based on
demographic characteristics. Given the constraints
of relatively full and structured engineering pro-
grams, additional research should also be con-
ducted to understand where entrepreneurship
education is situated relative to the other curricular
priorities for engineering students, faculty, and
administrators. Finally, the ultimate measure of
the outcome of entrepreneurial education is the
degree to which it impacts students’ post-gradua-
tion careers, which requires longitudinal analysis.
6. Conclusion
This study summarizes data related to engineering
student interest and involvement in entrepreneur-
ship education, attitudes toward entrepreneurship
as a career option, how this involvement relates to
students’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and the char-
acteristics of students who participate in these
courses and programs. Overall, engineering stu-
dents expressed interest in learning more about
entrepreneurship but relatively few reported being
exposed to it even at institutions with formal
entrepreneurship programs. Those who took one
or more courses were found to have significantly
higher entrepreneurial self-efficacy than those who
did not. They were also much more likely to get
hands-on skills related to market analysis, technol-
ogy commercialization, business communication,
or internships within start-up companies all of
which are in demand by employers today. The
results of this study provide valuable baseline data
that can be useful for program development and
evaluation. Additional research is necessary to
validate learning outcomes and to explore the
impact that entrepreneurship education ultimately
plays in engineering students’ careers.
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N. Duval-Couetil, T. Reed-Rhoads and S. Haghighi434
Nathalie Duval-Couetil is the director of the Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program, associate professor
in the College of Technology, and associate director of the Burton D. Morgan Center at Purdue University. She is
responsible for the launch and development of the university’s multi-disciplinary undergraduate entrepreneurship
program. As part of the program, she has established entrepreneurship capstone, global entrepreneurship, and women
and leadership courses and initiatives. Her research interests include entrepreneurship education, women and leadership,
and program evaluation and assessment. She received her BA from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, her MBA
from Babson College, and Ph.D. from Purdue. Prior to her work in academia, Dr. Duval-Couetil spent several years in the
field of market research and business strategy consulting in Europe and the United States with Booz Allen and Hamilton
and Data and Strategies Group.
Teri Reed-Rhoads is assistant dean of engineering for undergraduate education, associate professor in the School of
Engineering Education, and director of the First-Year Engineering Program at Purdue University. She received her BS in
petroleum engineering from the University of Oklahoma and spent seven years in the petroleum industry, during which
time she earned her MBA. She subsequently received her PhD in industrial engineering from Arizona State University. Dr.
Reed-Rhoads’ teaching interests include statistics, interdisciplinary and introductory engineering, diversity and leader-
ship. Her research interests include statistics education, concept inventory development, assessment/evaluation of learning
and programs, recruitment and retention, diversity, equity, and cultural humility. She has received funding from the
National Science Foundation, Department of Education, various foundations, and industry. Professor Reed-Rhoads is a
member of the American Society for Engineering Education, the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers, and the
Institute of Industrial Engineers. She serves as an ABET EAC evaluator for ASEE.
Shiva Haghighi Shiva Haghighi is a graduate research assistant in Engineering Education and Civil Engineering. She
received her BS in civil engineering from Purdue University, and is continuing her studies in Civil Engineering in the area of
architectural engineering and green building design. Her research interests include green building and urban planning and
design. Shiva is a LEED Accredited Professional and an Engineer in Training (EIT).
Engineering Students and Entrepreneurship Education: Involvement, Attitudes and Outcomes 435