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Abstract and Figures

The genus Rhododendron L. (Ericaceae) is represented by about 80 species in India. It is distributed mainly in different regions and altitudes of Himalayas with a greater concentration in the eastern Himalayas. In this paper, the habitat and ecological aspects of rhododendrons in India are presented with particular emphasis on different physical factors. The influences of anthropogenic as well as catastrophic activities, which cause serious depletion of rhododendrons in their natural habitats, are also discussed.
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14 WINTER 2008
Debjyoti Bhattacharyya* and M.
Botanical Survey of India, CGO Complex,
3rd MSO Building, Block F, 5th
Floor, DF Block, Sector I, Salt Lake
City, Kolkata 700 064. West Bengal.
e genus Rhododendron L. (Ericaceae)
is represented by about 80 species in India.
It is distributed mainly in different regions
and altitudes of Himalayas with a greater
concentration in the eastern Himalayas.
In this paper, the habitat and ecological
aspects of rhododendrons in India are
presented with particular emphasis on
different physical factors. e influences
of anthropogenic as well as catastrophic
activities, which cause serious depletion of
rhododendrons in their natural habitats,
are also discussed.
Keywords: Rhododendron, India, habitat,
physical factors, threats.
Rhododendrons are among the most
popular flowering plants that adorn the
mountains with fantastic and ineffable
flowers of different shades. e rich
variety of rhododendron foliage can equal
the delights of their blooms, especially
the young shoots. Some species are also
very charming for their attractive fragrant
It is the largest genus of the family
Ericaceae as well as among one of the largest
flowering plant genera in Asia (Cullen
and Chamberlain, 1978). Globally, the
genus is represented by about 1025 species
(Chamberlain et al., 1996).
e genus is mostly concentrated
in the temperate regions of northern
hemisphere especially in Sino-Himalayas
(Eastern Himalayas and Western China).
Besides this main center,
rhododendrons are further extended
towards southern China as well as to
northeastern China and Japan. About 571
species are found in China (Mingyuan et
al., 2005). A good number are also found in
Myanmar, ailand, Malaysia, Indonesia,
Philippines and New Guinea. 155 species
are endemic in New Guinea (perhaps
a secondary center of distribution).
A few species are also reported from
Afghanistan, Pakistan, southern Europe
and northern America. Two species are
reported from Australia. e most striking
fact is that there are no rhododendrons
in Africa, central and southern America
(Hutchinson, 1947). In India, there are
about 80 species with 10 subspecies and
14 varieties (Bhattacharyya, 2005).
Distribution in India
Rhododendrons of India are widely
distributed in different regions and
altitudes mainly in the Himalayas
(Figure 1). Of the four parallel ranges in
Himalayas, rhododendrons are practically
absent in the Siwaliks, a few are found in
the lesser Himalayas and majority of them
are in the greater Himalayas. Only one
species occurs in Trans-Himalayan region
located in extreme north-west of India
(including the cold deserts of Jammu and
Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh). e
greater Himalayas are thus an ideal locality
for rhododendrons in India. Besides this, a
good number of species are found in north-
eastern India particularly in Naga and
Khasi hills. One subspecies nilagiricum of
Rhododendron arboreum occurs in Western
State-wise, Arunachal Pradesh
harbours the maximum number of
species (67 species) followed by Sikkim
(36 species). 19 species are recognized
from Darjeeling district of West Bengal, 7
from Nagaland, 5 from Manipur, 2 from
Mizoram and Meghalaya each, 6 species
from Uttaranchal and 4 from Himachal
Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir each.
Only one subspecies is found in Tamil
Nadu and Kerala (Figure 2).
e habitat of the genus Rhododendron
ranges from subtropical and temperate
to subalpine and alpine ecosystems. In
India, maximum species diversity (48
species) is recorded from the temperate
and subalpine regions of the Himalayas
between 3000-3500 m (Figure 3). Most
rhododendrons are found in high rainfall,
humid temperate regions of highly organic
well-drained acidic soils and reach their
magnificent development in the high hills
and mountains that have dry, cool summer
and rainy seasons (Milleville, 2002).
Mosses and lichens are commonly
found in association with Rhododendron
species. e epilithic/epiphytic rhododen-
drons grow on the moss-wrapped rocks
and tree trunks associated with Agapetes,
Vaccinium and orchids. Eight species are
found growing epilithically/epiphytically,
which are confined to eastern Himalayas
and north-east India. Such species are
entirely absent in western Himalayas.
Most of the arboreal species are found
in mixed broad-leaved forests in subtropical
regions, sometimes form the dominant
canopy of pure ericaceous forests (Figure
4a) along with Gaultheria. Shrubby
species grow in temperate forests (between
2700-2900 m) and in subalpine regions
(between 2900-3500 m) in association
with Abies, Tsuga, Betula, etc. In western
Himalayas and in eastern Arunachal
Pradesh (Lohit district), rhododendrons
are found associated with chir pine (Pinus
roxburghii). Alpine rhododendron scrubs
(Figure 4b) are found above 3500 m and
Rhododendron Habitats in India
Figure 1. Map showing distribution of Rhododendrons in
(Map source National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organi-
sation, Department of Science & Technology, Government of
India, Kolkata – 700 064; Map outline drawn from India-Phys-
iography, Plate 2).
Figure 2. Species richness of Rhododendrons in different
states in India.
Figure 3. Species richness of Rhododendrons in different al-
titudes in India.
are dominant between 4200-4600 m.
Rhododendron nivale occurs above 5000
m, sometimes near glacier. Many species
are cultivated in the gardens of subtropical
Factors Responsible for Supporting
Rhododendrons, in general, grow in
well-drained acidic soils, which are rich
in organic matter and low in elements.
Most species grow on slopes where there
is no water logging. Some species like
R. hodgsonii, R. falconeri, etc., are found
in swampy soils and they usually leave
behind fibrous remnants of old leaves on
the ground. Epilithic/epiphytic species
grow either on heavily moist mossy rocks
or pendulous from cliffs (Figure 4c) or tree
trunks. Alpine species like R. anthopogon,
R. lepidotum, R. setosum and R. nivale grow
in soil with limited water and nutrients. In
alpine pastures, all these species are buried
under snow during winter, and when the
snow melts in summer, the soil is exposed
for a period of 3-4 months and the plants
start sprouting (Figure 4d) and flowering.
e soil of the temperate regions are
exposed a little earlier to that of subalpine
and alpine areas and the sprouting starts
at lower elevation and gradually proceeds
upward. e soil of the subtropical
regions of the Himalayas and Western
Ghats remains free from snow, where R.
arboreum grows.
Humidity and Rainfall
According to Indian meteorological
tables (1931-1990), the North-East India
experiences high rainfall (240-1142 cm
per annum) because of its proximity to
Bay of Bengal and direct exposures to
the South-West Monsoon. e Eastern
Himalayas receive 200-500 cm annual
rainfall. It gradually decreases towards
west and becomes minimum (11-75 cm
per annum) in the Trans-Himalayas. e
16 WINTER 2008
Eastern Himalayas receive as much as 100-
200 cm more precipitation per annum
than the Western Himalayas. Annual
average rainfall of one of the collection
localities (Darjeeling district) of different
species of Rhododendron is c. 285 cm. Six
species occur in western Himalayas, where
annual average rainfall is c. 195 cm. e
species like R. anthopogon, R. lepidotum
grow in higher elevations of Jammu and
Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh, where
annual average rainfall is c. 34 mm. R.
nivale occurs at an elevation of more
than 5000 m, where the habitat is totally
dry with incessant cold rain or sleet in
summer. As the weather is very dry in
their habitat, there is an adaptation to
check the transpiration rates by reducing
the leaf surface area. On the other hand,
maximum number of species occurs in
the moist region like north-eastern India.
R. arboreum subsp. nilagiricum grows in
moist areas of Western Ghats particularly
in Ooty, Kodaikanal (Tamil Nadu) and
Munnar (Kerala). In the moist region, tree
species are abundant which form mixed
or pure Rhododendron forest (Figure 4e).
Some species survive in both the moist
and partly dry conditions.
e alpine meadows above 3000 m are
relatively shiny compared to subtropical
Himalayas. e rhododendrons in these
areas have dwarf, stunted habit (Figure 4f).
Duration of light period in Himalayas is
severely affected between 1500-3000 m
due to formation of fog and clouds during
flowering season of rhododendrons (late
March-May). Different rhododendrons in
cloud-affected areas include many broad-
leaved species like R falconeri, R. grande, R.
hodgsonii, R. sinogrande, etc. Some other
species found in association with these
broad-leaved species are R. barbatum, R.
campylocarpum, R. thomsonii, etc., which
are characterized by relatively smaller
leaves. Species occurring in the foggy/
cloudy area (below 3000 m) show broader
and longer leaves than those occurring
above 3000 m.
Exposed hills in north and north-
east are the places of luxuriant growth of
rhododendrons. Flower colour sometimes
may vary with different slopes on which
they grow. Generally, plants with darker
shades of flowers grown in sun-exposed
slopes become pale and faded when grown
in the shade.
e effect of temperature on the growth
and flowering of different species of
Rhododendron is directly related as
observed during the course of this study.
A plant of R. arboreum subsp. arboreum
var. arboreum from Lachung (altitude ca
3000 m; temperature recorded was 8°C-
12°C during day, 1°C-3°C during night
in the month of April), North Sikkim
was introduced in the nursery of Indian
Botanic Garden (IBG), Howrah (sea
level) grew to c. 10 cm in 5 years where
the average temperature ranges from 25°-
33°C. Another plant of R. falconeri from
Varsey Rhododendron Sanctuary (2900
m, temperature recorded was 12°C-
15°C during day, 1°C-5°C during night
in the month of April) West Sikkim was
introduced in the Garden of Sikkim
Himalayan Circle (ca 1800 m, average
temperature ranges from 15°C-23°C),
Botanical Survey of India, Gangtak
whose growth rate was also very slow. In
contrast, the other species like R. formosum
(introduced from Elephant falls, upper
Shillong, 1960 m, temperature recorded
during day 12°C-15°C during late March)
is somewhat heat tolerant which flowered
in the gardens of Eastern Circle, Botanical
Survey of India, Shillong (1550 m) where
the average day temperature recorded at
the beginning of April was 19°C-21°C.
R. griffithianum also flowers in slightly
warmer conditions in comparison to other
In alpine zones, the dwarf
rhododendrons remain dormant under
snow during winter seasons to overcome
unfavourable cold period. ough, no
snow is observed in alpine meadows
during flowering seasons (particularly
July) of these species, the temperature
is much less (near 0°C at night). e
alpine rhododendrons adapt themselves
physiologically to withstand the cold
conditions throughout the year. Cox
(1990) reported that the curling of leaves
in cold weather is a natural mechanism,
not only to reduce water loss but also to
shed snow.
e habit of the Rhododendron species
is directly related to the altitude of
their habitat. Any tall tree species of
comparatively lower elevations may get
dwarfed when exposed to unfavourable
conditions in higher elevations. Altitude
coupled with other factors like light and
temperature is supposed to be responsible
for the growth patterns of different species.
Cox (1990) stated that high elevations
and wind can make species dwarf, which
normally attain much larger proportions
in lower, more sheltered positions. Species
growing in higher altitudes often have
thicker indumentum than those occurring
in the lower elevations. Moreover, the
thickness of the indumentum sometimes
also varies within the same species growing
in different altitudes. Further, J. D.
Hooker (1854) showed that the duration
between flowering and seed ripening
is directly related to the altitude of the
habitat of a particular species. Generally,
plants at higher elevation take less time for
seed ripening than those at lower altitudes.
According to Kingdon-Ward (1934), the
alternate wetting, drying and freezing day
after day in frosted environment may be
responsible for earlier maturity of seeds.
Slope is also an important factor,
which has direct bearing on diversity
of species. Some species like R.
falconeri, R. grande, R. hodgsonii, R.
maddenii (when terricolous), R niveum,
etc., prefer to grow in flat ground (Figure
4g) whereas others (R. formosum, R.
johnstoneanum, etc.) like growing in ravines
and on slopes (Figure 4h). is factor is
directly related to the water content of the
soil. As most species prefer well-drained
soils, thus they are slope loving. Maximum
species occurs in south facing slopes due to
availability of light and moisture.
Atmospheric Pressure and Velocity of Wind
In alpine zones, low atmospheric pressure
and high velocity of wind cause desiccation
of Rhododendron species, which in turn
modify their growth-form into dwarf
shrubs with stunted or prostrate woody
Optimal Requirement for Growth and
Flowering of Species
It can be concluded that in general the
physical factors discussed above coupled
with other biological factors have influential
role on the growth pattern and flowering
of different species of Rhododendron. Well-
drained, well-aerated, acidic soil rich in
humus and low in elements, high rainfall,
humid atmosphere, low temperature,
high elevations and sunexposed slopes
are optimal for luxuriant growth of
rhododendrons. Any imbalance in the
ecological factors may cause deterioration
of rhododendron habitat in high
Species Rarity due to Habitat
With the diminishing of green cover
almost everywhere, rhododendrons are
also experiencing the impact of disturbed
habitats. Herbarium study and field
observations reveal that many species are
gradually becoming rare. For instance,
entire populations of R. niveum have
almost disappeared and only one patch
of few plants could be traced in the
Yumthang valley, Sikkim during present
study. R. edgeworthii once collected from
Sinchul Lake area, Darjeeling is hardly seen
now. R. vaccinioides could not be located
from the place of its earlier collection in
Fambanghlo Wildlife Sanctuary, Sikkim.
Population coverage of many species like
R. baileyi, R. dalhousieae var. rhabdotum,
R. nuttallii, R. pumilum, etc., are not
considered common species. Rarity
of 14 species is evident from its poor
representation in herbaria. R. maddenii
has also become very rare in its earlier
reported locality (Choongtam) and is now
represented by 1 or 2 plants in isolated
localities along the bank of Lachung Chu
river. Specimens of 7 species were not
found in any Indian herbaria visited during
this study nor could they be collected from
known localities of their earlier collection.
us, out of 80 species in India, 21 can
be considered as rare. However, current
exploration to Arunachal is bringing more
new information regarding the species
richness of the area.
Some of the major causes for rarity of
different species of rhododendrons may
be the changes in climatic conditions of
alpine, subalpine and temperate habitats,
retreating of glaciers, natural disasters like
major landslides and earthquakes. Habitat
destruction due to anthropogenic activities
like logging for firing in construction
of roads (in Tawang and Yumthang),
disposal of waste by tourists and trekkers,
over grazing and over exploitation of
plants for fodder and other purposes are
great potential threats. Jhum cultivation
(shifting cultivation) practiced particularly
in Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland is
also a major threat for disappearance of
low-altitude species like R. arboreum.
During present study, Saramati mountain
peak, Nagaland (floristically similar to
Japoo hills, which is the Type locality
of many species of Rhododendron) was
visited which is one of the richest areas for
endemic species R. macabeanum. ough
the area was declared as Wildlife Sanctuary
(Fakim WL Sanctuary) but the people
of the nearest village (anamir) totally
depend upon this dominant tree species
of Rhododendron for firewood, which
may cause adverse effect on the entire
population of this species. Leaves and
twigs of R. anthopogon are burnt as dhupi
(incense) in monasteries and temples in
Sikkim, Darjeeling district of West Bengal
and western Arunachal Pradesh (Tawang).
is may lead to large-scale depletion of its
natural population.
Conservation - A Prerequisite
To safeguard the habitats of
rhododendrons from further extinction,
in situ conservation is inevitable. However,
several measures have been taken to protect
the natural habitats of rhododendrons.
e Government has declared many spots
as protected areas in Sikkim (Tiwari and
Chauhan, 2006). Several NGOs are also
engaged in protecting the natural habitat
particularly in Yaksam, West Sikkim. Ex
situ conservation of rhododendrons in
India have also been initiated by G. B.
Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment
and Development at its arboretum near
Pangthang, Sikkim at c. 1800 m altitude
where 24 species are grown (Singh et al.,
2003). Moreover, any effort to check
global warming may secure Rhododendron
habitats from further deterioration.
e first author (DB) is thankful to the
Director, Botanical Survey of India for
help and encouragement and for awarding
a Research Fellowship. anks are also
due to the Principal Chief Conservator
of Forest of all the States and Divisional
Forest Officers of all the Protected Areas
visited during the study for issuing research
permit and to forest guards and porters for
their assistance and help during field trips.
1. Bhattacharyya, D. 2005. Revision
of the genus Rhododendron L. (Ericaceae) in
India. Ph.D. thesis, University of Calcutta,
Kolkata. (Unpublished).
2. Chamberlain, D. F., R. Hyam,
G. Argent, G. Fairweather, and K. S.
Walter. 1996. e genus Rhododendron:
Its classification & synonymy. Edinburgh:
Royal Botanic Garden.
3. Cox, P. A. 1990. e larger
Rhododendron species. London: B. T.
Batsford Ltd.
4. Cullen, J., and D. F. Chamberlain.
1978. A preliminary synopsis of the genus
Rhododendron. Notes Roy. Bot. Gard.
Edinburgh 36:105-126.
5. Hooker, J. D. 1854. Himalayan
journals. London, Melbourne, New York:
Ward Lock, Bowden Co.
6. Hutchinson, J. 1947. e
Distribution of Rhododendrons. e
18 WINTER 2008
Rhododendron Year Book 1947: 87-98.e
Royal Horticultural Society, London.
7. Kingdon-Ward, F. 1934. A Plant
Hunter in Tibet. London: Jonathan Cape.
8. Milleville, René de. 2002. e
Rhododendrons of Nepal. Nepal: Himal
9. Mingyuan, F., F. Ruizheng, H.
Mingyou, H. Linzhen, Y. Hanbi, and D.
F. Chamberlain. 2005. Rhododendron in
W. Zhengyi, P. H. Raven and H. Deyuan.
Flora of China 14: 260-455. Beijing:
Science Press and St. Louis: Missouri
Botanical Garden Press.
10. Singh, K. K., S. Kumar, L. K. Rai,
and A. P. Krishna. 2003. Rhododendrons
conservation in the Sikkim Himalaya.
Curr. Sci. 85: 602-606.
11. Tiwari, O. N., and U. K. Chauhan.
2006. Rhododendron conservation in
Sikkim Himalaya. Curr. Sci. 90: 532-541.
*Present address: Institute of Environ-
mental Studies and Wetland Management,
B-4, LA Block, Sector III, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata 700 098. West Bengal. India.
Figure 4. Different habitats of rhododendrons. a, Varsey Rhododendron Sanctuary,
West Sikkim, 2900 m – pure broad-leaved rhododendron forest; b, Above Dzongri, West
Sikkim, 4200 m – alpine scrubs dominated by R. anthopogon; c, On way to Chhangu,
East Sikkim, 3100 m epilithic R. camelliiorum hanging from moist cliffs; d, Katao,
North Sikkim, 4100 m – R. lepidotum adapted to survive in snow; e, Above Bikebhanjan,
Darjeeling district, West Bengal, 3100 m dense population of R. arboreum; f, Sela,
Tawang district, Arunachal Pradesh, 4200 m – alpine zone dominated by dwarf, stunted
R. lepidotum (i) and R. anthopogon (ii); g, Valley of Lachung Chu, Choongtam, North
Sikkim, 1830 m R. maddenii in at river bank; h, On way to Elephant falls, above
Shillong, Meghalaya, 1800 m – scattered population of R. formosum in association with
... This is well illustrated from the fact that besides representation by more than 1000 species across the globe (Chamberlain et al., 1996;Fang et al., 2005) it has well established itself in the temperate regions of the Himalayan ecosystem (Fang et al., 2005;Bhattacharya, 2011). Rhododendrons show a wide range of distribution and habitats, covering almost all continents of the world except Africa and Central and South America (Bhattacharya and Sanjappa, 2008). In India, the genus is represented by nearly 87 species 12 sub-species and 8 varieties (Sekar and Srivastav, 2010) with maximum species being reported from Arunachal Pradesh followed by Sikkim (Bhattacharya and Sanjappa, 2008) indicating the North-Eastern dominancy for its occurrence and settlement. ...
... Rhododendrons show a wide range of distribution and habitats, covering almost all continents of the world except Africa and Central and South America (Bhattacharya and Sanjappa, 2008). In India, the genus is represented by nearly 87 species 12 sub-species and 8 varieties (Sekar and Srivastav, 2010) with maximum species being reported from Arunachal Pradesh followed by Sikkim (Bhattacharya and Sanjappa, 2008) indicating the North-Eastern dominancy for its occurrence and settlement. As far as North-Western Himalaya (Uttarakhand in particular) is concerned, the genus is represented by 6 species, Rhododendron arboreum (Sm.), Rhododendron barbatum (Wall.), ...
Full-text available
Rhododendron arboreum (Sm.) is widely known for its multi-purpose use as well as the ecological adaptability it shows encountering different environmental conditions. It is amongst the important taxa of the Indian Himalayan region (IHR). However, being one of the most extensively studied species yet there are many loop areas which are still unexplored particularly for Uttarakhand, India. For instance, there are no records of the number of sub�species and varieties for the genus in the entire Uttarakhand state. Additionally, no emphasis is laid on the study of factors that are responsible for such wide morphological variations in the species. There are no published account highlighting and comparing these variations for entire North-Western Himalayan region. The present paper deals with one such character-the white flowered variant of Rhododendron arboreum (Sm.) which has been not reported from the entire North-western Himalaya region in India, also, it is the first morphological comparative study of both flowers (red and white) of Rhododendron arboreum (Sm.) in India.
... The most widely distributed tree in Himalayas and Uttarakhand's state tree -Rhododendron arboreum (R. arboreum) (Bhattacharyya and Sanjappa 2008) was studied for its distribution in the future climate. Apart from its cultural and medicinal signi cance, R. arboreum is considered as keystone species in Western Himalayan region which thrives well in fair light, moist, and acidic soil (Srivastava 2012). ...
... Since R. arboreum typically needs wet, well-drained, and acidic soil, these generally grow well in sub-tropical regions of the Western Himalayas typically at an elevational range of 1500 m -3000 m. Above 4000m, harsh climatic conditions limit the survival chances of R. arboreum (Bhattacharyya and Sanjappa 2008). ...
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Global warming leads to changes in distribution of species across the globe. Himalayan altitudinal gradients are one of the most susceptible ecosystems to varying climatic drivers and predicting distribution of species on this rugged topography in future climate seeks attention in terms of both ecological and economic importance. Western Himalayan states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand shelter one-tenth of world’s known higher-altitude plant species. Rhododendron arboreum , the most widely distributed tree in Himalayas, was studied for its distribution in future climate. Ensemble models were employed to predict distribution by 2070 in Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 4.5 and RCP 6.0 scenarios. Altitudinal shift was studied by incorporating spatial measures, considering minimum horizontal distance the species can move. Centroidal shift was estimated in terms of both direction and magnitude, and altitudinal analysis was performed at centroidal shift. Results showed that, Himalayan locations in RCP 4.5 scenario would get warmer than RCP 6.0 scenario, and species is just as likely to shift upwards (higher elevations in RCP 4.5 scenario) as downward (lower elevations in RCP 6.0 scenario) despite consistent warming across the study area. Highest suitable elevation range for the species presence is likely to be ~ 2100m in current scenario, 2200m – 2400m in RCP 4.5 scenario, and 1800m – 2100m in RCP 6.0 scenario. Temperate zone of Himalayas may turn out as the most suitable zone for R. arboreum and species is likely to move in Northwest direction with a horizontal distance of 60km and 25km in RCP 4.5 and RCP 6.0 scenarios, respectively.
... Our study found that annual temperature range is the key factor governing R. campanulatum distribution, while coldest month minimum temperature and warmest quarter precipitation also contributes significantly. Bhattacharyya and Sanjappa (2008) found elevation, winter minimum temperatures, and well-drained soils on north-and northeast-facing slopes were key factors controlling Rhododendron habitats in Himalaya. Our study supported much of these findings. ...
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Himalayan species conservation faces major challenges due to unprecedented climate change. Alpine Rhododendrons are crucial components of Himalaya, yet their vulnerability to climate change remains poorly understood. This study examines niche shifting of Rhododendron campanulatum, a keystone species of alpine treeline, under different climate change scenarios using ensemble models. The study presents extensive use of four machine learning models and three global circulation models for niche modelling. Models achieved True Skill Statistic ≥0.8, Area Under Curve ≥0.9, Cohen’s Kappa ≥0.7, and overall accuracy of ≥0.9. Results showed distribution of R. campanulatum is governed by annual temperature range, minimum temperature of coldest month and precipitation of warmest quarter. Analyses revealed niche contraction and expansion of a 3–5%. Contractions are particularly evident at lower treeline boundaries. Both upward and downward shifts are anticipated under future climatic scenarios.
... Apart from its aesthetic appeal, a few chemical compounds-dihydrotaraxerone, ursolic acid, and taxifolin-have been isolated from the leaves of R. formosum (Rangaswami and Venkateswarlu 1968). High rates of anthropogenic intrusions for habitat destruction, climate change, unsustainable extraction, and human interruption in forests for agriculture are causing a rapid reduction in its natural plant populations (Paul et al. 2005;Bhattacharyya and Sanjappa 2008). As per the IUCN Red List, R. formosum has been categorized as critically endangered in its natural habitat (Gibbs et al. 2011). ...
Rhododendron formosum Wall. is an endemic plant to Eastern Himalaya (Meghalaya). Due to excessive collection from its natural habitat and deforestation, its populations have been reduced to a great extent and are becoming a rare sight in the wild. The present study was designed to establish a sustainable regeneration protocol to yield large-scale propagation of R. formosum and the genetic stability of regenerated plants was ascertained using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) primers. The highest percentage (91%) of seed germination was observed in Woody Plant medium (WPM), followed by 87.20% and 70.80% in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium and Anderson medium (AM), respectively. Furthermore, WPM basal medium was found to be beneficial for the growth of seedlings as it generated more healthy plants with well-grown leaves. WPM medium supplemented with 2iP (2.0 mg L−1) recorded a maximum number of shoot proliferation (8.3 ± 0.95 shoots/explant) with the highest mean shoot length (1.2 cm). NAA (0.5 mg L−1)-enriched WPM produced the highest number of roots (5.1 ± 0.47) per explant, with an average root length of 2.11 cm. An autoclaved compost mixture containing potting soil, soil inoculum, rotten wood, and leaf mold (3:1:1:1) was used as a potting medium for hardening and the survival percentage of in vitro-derived plants was about 70%. The genetic uniformity of regenerated plants was ascertained using ISSR primers, which recorded a 91.94% monomorphic banding pattern along with low levels of intra-clonal polymorphisms. A cluster dendrogram was obtained based on the ISSR banding profiles that exhibit genetic similarity among the micropropagated plants, as evidenced by the similarity coefficient, which ranged from 0.96 to 1.00. The present study optimized a rapid and cost-effective micropropagation protocol to conserve these plant resources as well as in vitro raised plants could be an excellent source for sustainable commercial utilization.
... In Nepal, it is locally called as Lali Guras which means 'rose tree' (Sonar et al., 2012). Rhododendron arboreum is the most common species in India (Bhattacharyya and Sanjappa, 2008). Rhododendron has various health benefitting properties which is being used in treatment of diarrhea, asthma inflammation, constipation, dysentery, bronchitis and detoxification purpose (Nisar HYPERLINK " ...
... Of these, Arunachal Pradesh has the highest number of taxa with 119 (74 species, 21 subspecies, and 24 varieties), followed by Sikkim with 42 taxa (25 species, 11 sub-species, and six varieties), Manipur with 10 taxa, 4 taxa in Mizoram and 11 taxa in Nagaland respectively. One species is found in south India R. nilagiricum (Bhattacharyya and Sanjappa, 2008). The flower has significant ecological and economic importance. ...
The Rhododendron L., a member of the Ericaceae family, is a compact evergreen tree with pinkish or red flowers. The members of the family are distributed throughout the world, with approximately 1025 species. As many as 135 species have been reported thriving at altitudes ranging from 1500 to 5500 metres above sea level from the Indian Himalayas. Besides its immense horticultural importance, it has many medicinal and economic uses. Its flowers have been utilised to prepare various items such as pickles, juice, syrup, and honey. Its several species are used to cure various health issues, including swelling, pain, gastrointestinal disorders, common cold, headaches, asthma, skin conditions, and sore throat. Some rhododendrons are considered toxic and have been used traditionally as poison. This chapter comprehensively covers its taxonomy, geographical distribution, and reproductive biology. Further, its threats and conservation strategies have also been discussed in detail in this chapter.
Trees are essential for global biodiversity, pollution reduction, and mitigating the effects of climate change, as well as an alternative source of bioenergy. They provide timber and with the rise of the population, the demand has been increased for large-scale production. The conventional multiplication of forest trees through seed and cuttings faces challenges like long juvenile phases for seed production, and the destruction of mother plants. Seed propagation has limitations of storage as the majority of tree seeds are recalcitrant in nature and non-uniformity of seedlings. These problems can be overcome by utilizing powerful biotechnological approaches like somatic embryogenesis (SE). It is an in vitro micropropagation technique used for mass multiplication of genetically uniform planting materials in a multistep process by exploiting the totipotency nature of plant cells. Here, a somatic plant cell is converted into a somatic embryo under different plant growth regulators and induced stress conditions. Along with hormones, other factors like the genetic makeup of the donor plant, culture conditions, and the type of explants used decide the success of this method. Once the SE is induced, they develop into a complete plantlet as normal seeds with root shoot systems. This method enables large-scale multiplication of true-to-type plants even in cross-pollinated species within a limited space and time. It is also useful for the development of transgenic trees to express specific traits, such as better tolerance to stress or improved wood quality. The recent developments in the somatic embryogenesis of forest trees are discussed in this chapter.
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Rhododendrons form a major plant group at upper temperate locations having a characteristic slow growth rate and sizable horticultural value. Asia is the homeland for rhododendrons and many species had been hunted out of the region during British rule. About 98% of the Indian species are found in the Himalayan region, among which 72% are found in Sikkim. Due to human interference the natural populations of rhododendrons in the entire Himalaya are gradually diminishing. The major threats to rhododendrons are deforestation and unsustainable extraction for firewood and incense by local people. A set of rhododendrons which are classified as rare/endangered may be wiped out from the biota in the near future if proper conservation measures are not made. The present work incorporates biotechnological and conventional methods to counter the threat on survival of these plants. Studies on in vitro Rhododendron maddeni from the cotyledonary nodal segments, young leaves and stems, have yielded positive results. The goal of the work is to find out means of conservation through in vitro and ex situ mass propagation and restoration of rhododendron population in the wild.
A review on the rhododendron conservation effort in the Sikkim and other parts of Indian Himalaya is presented here, with particular emphasis on ecology, baseline assessment, uses, growth studies, ex situ and in situ conservation initiatives. Identification of major gaps and constraints of forestry policy and plans and current practices of rhododendron conservation and management have been made. The impact of land use and management on the conservation of diversity is analysed and discussed. Species richness and diversity are significantly lower in heavily utilized forest. This study emphasizes that the forest rhododendrons in the habitats are severely threatened. Deforestation is the consequence of the tourist pressure for fuelwood along with other reasons in Himalaya. The degradation of rhododendrons in Himalaya is also due to lack of appropriate policy to guide the legal, institutional and operational development for the conservation. There is a need to implement the conservation obligations by transforming them into regulations in order to make them legally binding.
by Joseph Dalton Hooker. "In two volumes." Includes index.
Revision of the genus Rhododendron L. (Ericaceae) in
  • D Bhattacharyya
Bhattacharyya, D. 2005. Revision of the genus Rhododendron L. (Ericaceae) in
The genus Rhododendron: Its classification & synonymy. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden
  • Walter
Walter. 1996. The genus Rhododendron: Its classification & synonymy. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden.
Himalayan journals The Distribution of Rhododendrons. The Rhododendron Year Book
  • J D Hooker
  • J Hutchinson
Hooker, J. D. 1854. Himalayan journals. London, Melbourne, New York: Ward Lock, Bowden Co. 6. Hutchinson, J. 1947. The Distribution of Rhododendrons. The Rhododendron Year Book 1947: 87-98. The Royal Horticultural Society, London.
  • F Chamberlain
F. Chamberlain. 2005. Rhododendron in W. Zhengyi, P. H. Raven and H. Deyuan. Flora of China 14: 260-455. Beijing: Science Press and St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press. 10. Singh, K. K., S. Kumar, L. K. Rai, and A. P. Krishna. 2003. Rhododendrons conservation in the Sikkim Himalaya.
The Distribution of Rhododendrons. The Rhododendron Year Book
  • J Hutchinson
Hutchinson, J. 1947. The Distribution of Rhododendrons. The Rhododendron Year Book 1947: 87-98. The Royal Horticultural Society, London.