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Prevalence of renal disorders among the residents of Canacona in India: Analysis of the data from a free urological medical camp



The high incidence of renal disorders/diseases in Canacona tuluk of Goa in India has been a matter of great concern. We analyzed the pattern of genitourinary problems in patients attending a free medical camp organised by the Department of Urology, KLES Kidney Foundation at Canacona. 298 patients attended the camp, which included 166 males and 132 females. 40.9% had urolithiasis, 12.9% had chronic renal failure and 12.8% had LUTS secondary to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. There is a high prevalence of renal disorders among the inhabitants of Canacona taluk. These disorders include urolithiasis and chronic renal failure.
Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 3 (Mar 2010) ISSN: 0974- 6846
Research communication “Epidemiological study of renal disorder in India” Nerli et al.
©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) Indian J.Sci.Technol.
Prevalence of renal disorders among the residents of Canacona in India: analysis of the data from a free
urological medical camp
R.B. Nerli, Tanmaya Metgud, M.B. Hiremath, Ajay Guntaka, Shivagouda Patil and Vikram Prabha
Dept. of Urology, KLE University’s JN Medical College & KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC,
Belgaum 590 010, India
The high incidence of renal disorders/diseases in Canacona tuluk of Goa in India has been a matter of great concern.
We analyzed the pattern of genitourinary problems in patients attending a free medical camp organised by the
Department of Urology, KLES Kidney Foundation at Canacona. 298 patients attended the camp, which included 166
males and 132 females. 40.9% had urolithiasis, 12.9% had chronic renal failure and 12.8% had LUTS secondary to
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. There is a high prevalence of renal disorders among the inhabitants of Canacona taluk.
These disorders include urolithiasis and chronic renal failure.
Keywords: Health monitoring, Urolithiasis; renal disorders, mycotoxins, India
The high incidence of renal disorders/diseases in
Canacona taluk of Goa has been a matter of great
concern for the local people for several decades. This
problem has vexed the local medical practioners as well
as health administrators. The local people have made
several representations to the Director of health services,
Goa. This matter has also been raised in the discussions
of Rajya Sabha. Answering to queries raised by the
member of parliament, Mr. Shantaram Naik in the Rajya
Sabha, then, Union Minister of State for Health and
Family Welfare Panabaka Lakshmi (Anon, 2007)
admitted that according to ICMR (Indian Council for
Medical Research), there was a high prevalence of renal
diseases in the Canacona taluk and had been a matter of
concern. The team from ICMR, NIOH (National Institute
of Occupational Health, Meghaninagar, Ahmedabad) had
visited and carried out environmental cum biological
monitoring in February 2005 and had stated that clinically
the disease seemed to be similar to Balkan Endemic
Nephropathy (BEN), which was an environmentally
acquired disease, possibly caused by mycotoxin
produced by fungi in mouldy cereals and food products
and aromatic compounds in drinking water (NIOH, 2005).
Materials and methods
A free medical examination camp was organised by
the Dept of Urology, KLES kidney foundation at Dr.
Dhavalikar Hospital, Canacona on 20th Dec 2009. Pre-
camp advertisements were displayed at various public
locations in the Canacona town. The camp was targeted
towards patients with genitourinary complaints. Patients
attending the free camp were questioned regarding their
symptoms. They were examined in detail, underwent
screening ultrasonography, basic laboratory tests and
Uroflowmetry if needed. A preliminary diagnosis was
made and patients advised regarding treatment and
further management. Patients were offered free samples
of drugs wherever possible.
A total of 298 patients attended the camp, of which
132 (44.3%) were females and 166 (55.7%) were males.
The age distribution of the patients was as shown in
Table 1, with 90 (30.2%) patients being above the age of
50 years. The mean per capita income of the patients
was above 36,000 per annum. Most of the patients
belonged to middle income group. Through all the age
groups the most common presenting symptom was pain
in the loins/lumbar area. All these patients had history
suggestive of urolithiasis. Of these, 20 (6.7%) patients
had been treated for urolithiasis in the past, and the
treatment included endoscopy, ESWL (Extracorporeal
shock wave lithotripsy) and open surgery. 54 (18.1%) of
the patients were using herbal/ayurvedic/allopathic
treatment for the treatment/prevention of urinary stones.
Urinary examination revealed abnormalities in 72 (24.2%)
patients which included pyuria, microscopic hematuria,
crystaluria and bacteriuria. Ultrasonography revealed
evidence of urolithiasis in 122 (40.9%) patients. Of these
20 (6.7%) showed evidence of hydronephrosis and
hydroureter suggesting ureteric urolithiasis. 102 (34.2%)
patients showed evidence of renal calculi on
ultrasonography . Most of these calculi were multiple,
small (<5 mm) in size and distributed bilaterally. In 16
(5.4%) patients the calculi were big in size (>10 mm)
needing some form of therapy. The second most common
group of complaints included lower urinary tract
symptoms (LUTS) .These included both irritative as well
as obstructive symptoms with the former being more
Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 3 (Mar 2010) ISSN: 0974- 6846
Research communication “Epidemiological study of renal disorder in India” Nerli et al.
©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) Indian J.Sci.Technol.
common. 24 (8.1%) females had irritative symptoms, with
urine examination showing pyuria, bacteriuria and
microscopic hematuria. Ultrasonography revealed cystitis
like picture of the bladder. All these women were advised
Urine culture sensitivity and put on urinary antiseptics. 38
(12.8%) men, most of them above the age of 50 years
had enlargement of prostate on their ultrasonography
pictures. 26 of them were put on drugs which were a
combination of α-blockers (Tamsulosin) and 5α-reductase
(Dutasteride) inhibitors The remaining who had very poor
flow (Qmax < 10 ml/sec) were advised to undergo
cystometry and further treatment. 4 (1.3%) other women
had history suggestive of overactive bladder. All were
counselled and advised bladder relaxants, failing which
they were advised to undergo cystometry and further
A total of 36 (12.1%) patients had evidence of chronic
renal failure (CRF). Of these 4 were already on
hemodialysis, eight needed creation of a vascular access
for hemodialysis. The rest were having evidence of CRF
in the form of raised renal parameters, echogenic and
small kidneys on ultrasonography. Most of these patients
were in their 4th to 5th decade of life. All were advised
medications, counseled about their renal status and need
for dialysis/renal transplantation.
One adult male was diagnosed to have renal mass
and two others had bladder mass on ultrasonography. 26
(8.7%) of the patients had normal ultrasonography and
urine examination.
The lifetime prevalence of kidney stone disease is
estimated at 1% to 15%, with the probability of having a
stone varying according to age, gender, race, and
geographic location. In the United States, the prevalence
of stone disease has been estimated at 10% to 15%
et al.,
1976; Sierakowski
et al,
1978; Johnson
1979). Stone disease typically affects adult men more
commonly than adult women. By a variety of indicators,
including inpatient admissions, outpatient office visits,
and emergency department visits, men are affected two
to three times more frequently than women (Hiatt,
et al.,
1982; Soucie,
et al.,
1994; Pearle
et al.,
2005). However,
there is some evidence that the difference in incidence
between men and women is narrowing. The geographic
distribution of stone disease tends to roughly follow
environmental risk factors; a higher prevalence of stone
disease is found in hot, arid or dry climates such as the
mountains, desert, or tropical areas. However, genetic
factors and dietary influences may outweigh the effects of
geography. Seasonal variation in stone disease is likely
related to temperature by way of fluid losses through
perspiration and perhaps by sunlight-induced increases in
vitamin D (Prince & Scardino, 1960) noted the highest
incidence of stone disease in the summer months, July
through September, with the peak occurring within 1 to 2
months of maximal mean temperatures (Prince
et al.,
1956). Heat exposure and dehydration constitute
occupational risk factors for stone disease as well. The
association of body size and incidence of stone disease
has been investigated. In two large prospective cohort
studies of men and women, the prevalence and incident
risk of stone disease were directly correlated with weight
and body mass index in both sexes, although the
magnitude of the association was greater in women than
men (Curhan
et al.
, 1998; Taylor
et al.
, 2005). The
beneficial effect of a high fluid intake on stone prevention
has long been recognized. In two large observational
studies, fluid intake was found to be inversely related to
the risk of incident kidney stone formation (Curhan
et al.,
1993; Curhan
et al.,
1997). Geographic differences in the
incidence of stone disease have been ascribed in some
cases to differences in the mineral and electrolyte content
of water in different areas. Although several investigators
reported a lower incidence of stone disease in geographic
regions with a ‘hard water supply compared with a ‘soft’
water supply, where water ‘hardness’ is determined by
content of calcium carbonate (Churchill
et al.,
et al.,
1979) others found no difference.
Schwartz and co-workers (Schwartz
et al
., 2002) found
no association between water hardness and incidence of
stone episodes, although they did observe a correlation
between water hardness and urinary magnesium,
calcium, and citrate levels.
With 40.9% of the patients attending the camp having
evidence of urolithiasis on ultrasonography, it only
confirms the fear that there is a high prevalence of
urolithiasis among the residents of Canacona taluk. Of
these 20 (6.7%) had ureteric calculi and 16 (5.4%) had
renal calculi >10 mm in size, needing intervention. With
most of the factors such as diet, ancestry, climate,
geography and quality of water being similar in the
southern districts of Maharashtra (Sindhudurg), North
Goa and North Karnataka (Karwar), this high prevalence
of urolithiasis in the residents of Canacona is noteworthy.
Certain local factors must be prevailing to explain the
high incidence of urolithiasis.
The incidence of chronic renal failure in patients
attending the camp was 12.1%. This high prevalence of
renal failure in the residents of Canacona is well
established (NIOH, 2005). Studies done in the past, as to
the reason for this high prevalence, is that clinically this
disease seems to be similar to Balkan Endemic
Nephropathy (BEN). BEN is an environmentally acquired
disease and the most plausible environmental agents
responsible are the mycotoxins produced by fungi. These
mycotoxins are natural products produced by the fungi
that evoke a toxic response when consumed in low
concentration by higher vertebrates. Ochratoxin A (OTA)
is mainly produced by the species
Aspergillus ochraceus
Penicillium verrucosum,
which is mutagenic,
oncogenic and nephrotoxic (NIOH, 2005). OTA is
responsible for chronic nephropathy in pigs and also may
be the cause of BEN and some interstitial nephropathies
Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 3 (Mar 2010) ISSN: 0974- 6846
Research communication “Epidemiological study of renal disorder in India” Nerli et al.
©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) Indian J.Sci.Technol.
seen in North Africa and France (NIOH, 2005).
Ochratoxin A has been associated with BEN and
urothelial tumors (UT). Although a direct link between
BEN/UT and OTA remains to be established,
epidemiological data correlates a moderate increase in
serum OTA levels with a significantly higher incidence of
nephropathy and urothelial tumors in humans. Studies
carried out in several countries including Tunisia, Egypt
and France have indicated a link between dietary intake
of OTA and the development of renal and urothelial
tumors (NIOH, 2005). A study done by Gilbert
et al
(2001) shows the correlation between urinary OTA conc.
and dietary intake appears stronger than the
corresponding relationship between plasma OTA level
and intake. Humans consume OTA by ingesting
contaminated cereals, coffee, beer, wine, foods of animal
origin etc. European Union has set the maximum
permissible limit for OTA in raw cereal grains and cereal
products at 5 and 3 μg/Kg, respectively and in dried fruits
at 10 μg/Kg (EC, 2002).
It is for the benefit of the residents of Canacona that
either Governmental or non-governmental organisations
come forward to identify these avoidable toxins so that
the prevalence of these disorders comes down.
There is a high prevalence of renal disorders including
urolithiasis and chronic renal failure among the residents
of Canacona.
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... A high prevalence of CKDu has also been reported in the Canacona taluk of Goa in South India, with one study reporting that 12.1% of participants in a medical screening camp had CKD, with urolithiasis in 40.9% and urinary abnormalities in 24.2% [30]. Yet another potential hotspot is the Cuttack district in the state of Odisha in Eastern India, with a reported CKD prevalence of 20% [31]. ...
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The term chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu) refers to chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the absence of diabetes, long‐standing hypertension, glomerulonephritis, obstructive uropathy or other apparent causes. An increasing number of CKDu cases have been reported from Latin America, Sri Lanka, India and others over the last two decades. These regional nephropathies share the following common attributes: (a) they affect low‐to‐middle income countries with tropical climates, (b) involve predominantly rural agricultural communities, (c) male predilection, (d) absence of significant proteinuria and hypertension, and (e) chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis on kidney biopsy. The current body of literature suggests that CKDu may be caused by heat stress, agrochemicals, contaminated drinking water or heavy metals; however, considerable regional disparities in CKDu research make it difficult to establish a common causal link. In the absence of a definite aetiology, specific preventive and therapeutic interventions are lacking. Improvement of working conditions of farmers and labourers, provision of safe drinking water and changes in agricultural practices are some of the measures that have been implemented; however, there is lack of data to assess their impact on the incidence and progression of CKDu. There is a need for a concerted global effort to address the current knowledge gaps, and to develop effective and sustainable strategies to tackle this devastating disease.
... In three studies only, prevalence was mentioned. Of these seven were case control studies (11,12,14,17,(21)(22)(23), five surveys (13,16,(18)(19)(20) and two retrospective studies (1,15). The risk factors identified were, less frequency of urination /day, consumption of red meat once a month or more, higher consumption of calcium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus, high intake of coffee and tea, sugar, and ground water consumption. ...
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Introduction and Aim: In India approximately two million persons are affected by urolithiasis per year and some areas of India have been named as a stone belt. This article reviews information regarding associated risk factors of urolithiasis from Indian perspectives. Methods: The studies were retrieved from eight electronic databases. All the cases of an adult above the age of 18 with urolithiasis were included in this review. The studies conducted in different states of India on human subjects and published between 2010 -2017, which are available in electronic media were included. The quality of studies was assessed by the help of Joanna Briggs Institute Checklist for Systematic Reviews and Research Syntheses. A narrative approach was adopted to analyze the data. Results: The risk factors identified were, less frequency of urination /day, consumption of red meat once a month or more, higher consumption of calcium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus, high intake of coffee, tea, and sugar, working in high temperatures, lack of physical activity, obesity, and ground water consumption. Habits like smoking and alcohol consumption. Some of the disease conditions like urinary tract infection, renal cyst, horseshoe kidney, atrophic kidney, benign prostatic hyperplasia. Conclusion: The urolithiasis among adults is a public health problem and calls for appropriate action against this.
... In a medical camp conducted in 2009, 13% of 298 screened participants had reduced eGFR, and urinary abnormalities were noted in 24%. 24 No data was provided on risk factor prevalence. An environmental and biological audit in 2005 attributed the disease to mycotoxin in moldy cereals and food products and aromatic compounds in drinking water 25 . ...
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Background: Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown origin (CKDu) excludes known primary renal conditions or systemic disease (such as diabetes mellitus or hypertension). Prominence of CKDu has been noted for some decades in Sri Lanka, especially among men in particular rural areas, prompting many studies directed towards environmental causation. This article critically reviews relevant primary studies. Methods: Articles for this literature review (n = 86) were found by searching Medline, Embase, Global Health and ProQuest databases over 2000-2020 utilising a standard algorithm. Articles were critiqued according to criteria for diagnosis of CKDu, aetiological agents investigated, analytic methods employed, and findings. Results: Criteria for diagnosis of CKDu varied significantly, including pre-selection by proteinuria, eGFR and biopsy proven interstitial nephritis. Prevalence studies have been largely conducted in the North Central Province, with recent studies demonstrating the presence of CKDu in other regions. Aetiological factors investigated in primary studies included water source, use of agrochemicals, agricultural work, heavy metals, snake bites, ayurvedic medication, heat stress, infectious diseases, and usage of tobacco and betel leaf. There is no conclusive evidence for any one aetiological agent despite consistent evidence of distal factors such as male sex, rural residence, and farming. Conclusions: The current body of evidence for any aetiological agent as the cause of CKDu in Sri Lanka is limited. Further research with stronger study designs is necessary to increase knowledge of aetiology of CKDu in Sri Lanka to identify and eliminate exposure to possible causative agent(s) prior to concluding that the disease is multifactorial.
... In a medical camp conducted in 2009, 13% of 298 screened participants had reduced eGFR, and urinary abnormalities were noted in 24%. 24 No data was provided on risk factor prevalence. An environmental and biological audit in 2005 attributed the disease to mycotoxin in moldy cereals and food products and aromatic compounds in drinking water 25 . ...
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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) not associated with known risk factors has been reported from parts of India and presumed to be similar to CKD of unknown etiology (CKDu) described from Central America. The reports from India have been fragmented, without clear description of the disease phenotype or its determinants. This paper summarises the current state of knowledge around CKDu in India based on a review of literature, multistakeholder consultation, and a survey of the membership of the Indian nephrologists. We also contacted individual research groups to solicit data. Our findings suggests that that CKDu is reported from most regions in India but is different from the phenotype described from Central America and Sri Lanka. The differences include lack of a clear demographic or occupation group, older age of affected participants and presence of mild hypertension and low-grade proteinuria. Well-designed prospective field studies with appropriate diagnostic workup are needed to establish the disease burden and identify etiologies, along with socioeconomic and health consequences, the intersection with the environment, and the public health response. Community-based research should phenotype the entire CKD population rather than be restricted to cases with presumed CKDu based on predefined criteria. Guidelines are needed for clinical evaluation, referral and management, and harmonization of clinical documentation and health records. More data are needed to support the existence of a unique CKDu phenotype in India.
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Chronic kidney disease is globally recognized as a highly impactful non-communicable disease. The inability of early identification contributes to its high mortality rate and financial burden on affected individuals. Chronic kidney disease of uncertain etiology (CKDu) constitutes a significant global public health concern. This condition does not arise from traditional risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, or glomerulonephritis. More than 150 articles were analysed to understand risk factors of CKDu. This study aimed to investigate the potential association between dissolved organic compounds, such as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Humic Acid, and the incidence of CKDu. Through a comprehensive literature review, we identified CKDu clusters worldwide, including notable nephropathies, and explored their potential links with organic compounds. Our analysis revealed that organic compounds can leach from sediments and low-rank lignite deposits into groundwater, subsequently contaminating water supplies and food. These compounds have been implicated in the development of diabetes and increased heavy metal mobility, both of which are risk factors for kidney disease. Our findings suggest that exposure to organic compounds may contribute to the etiology of CKDu, underscoring the need for regular monitoring and establishment of baseline and threshold values in water and soil. We also emphasize the importance of analyzing organic compounds in groundwater in CKDu hotspots and establishing distinct registries for CKD and CKDu implementation.
Objectives: This work proposes a feature extraction procedure named as Global Neighbour Preserving Local Ternary Co-occurrence Pattern (GNPLTCoP) in the Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) Task for ultrasound kidney images retrieval. Methods/Analysis: The proposed GNPLTCoP feature finds the local pattern based on the co-occurrence of first order derivatives in ternary fashion from radius 1 and radius 2 neighbourhoods of the center pixel in a small 3X3 square region. Then the pattern is classified into two in order to integrate the global information. The classification is based on the correlation between the global and local region mean intensities. Findings: The Performance of GNPLTCoP is compared with the Ternary co-occurrence Pattern (LTCoP) as it computes the co-occurrence of first order derivatives. The LTCoP considers the co-occurrence of 8 pixels in the radius 1 neighbourhood with the 8 pixel candidates in the radius 2 neighbourhood. Among the 16 pixels in the radius 2 neighbourhood, 8 pixels are used and 8 pixels information are left in the LTCoP computation. This problem is addressed in the computation of GNPLTCoP. The proposed GNPLTCoP feature is different from the LTCoP by means of considering the pixel candidates of radius 2 neighbourhood and adding in the global information. The pixel candidates of radius 2 neighbourhood are replaced by the mean value of itself and its two neighbours to preserve the neighbour pixels information. This work employs GNPLTCoP feature as a feature extraction procedure in image retrieval system consists of database of ultrasound kidney images. The performance of GNPLTCoP is compared with LTP and LTCoP. The discriminative power of GNPLTCoP is substantiated through Precision and Recall measures. Conclusion/Application: The proposed GNPLTCoP can be applied as the feature extraction procedure for other types of medical images and pattern recognition applications.
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A variety of factors influence the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones, including gender, diet, and urinary excretion of calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. Several of these factors may be related to body size. Because men on average have a larger body size and a threefold higher lifetime risk of stone formation than women, body size may be an important risk factor for calcium oxalate stone formation. The association between body size (height, weight, and body mass index) and the risk of kidney stone formation was studied in two large cohorts: the Nurses' Health Study (NHS; n = 89,376 women) and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS; n = 51,529 men). Information on body size, kidney stone formation, and other exposures of interest was obtained by mailed questionnaires. A total of 1078 incident cases of kidney stones in NHS during 14 yr of follow-up and a total of 956 cases in HPFS during 8 yr of follow-up were confirmed. In both cohorts, the prevalence of a stone disease history and the incidence of stone disease were directly associated with weight and body mass index. However, the magnitude of the associations was consistently greater among women. Specifically, the age-adjusted prevalence odds ratio for women with body mass index > or = 32 kg/m2 compared with 21 to 22.9 kg/m2 was 1.76 (95% confidence interval, 1.50 to 2.07), but 1.38 (95% confidence interval, 1.16 to 1.65) for the same comparison in men. For incident stone formation, the multivariate relative risks for the similar comparisons were 1.89 (1.51 to 2.36) for women and 1.19 (0.83 to 1.70) in men. Height was inversely associated with the prevalence of stone disease but was not associated with incident stone formation. These results suggest that body size is associated with the risk of stone formation and that the magnitude of risk varies by gender. Additional studies are necessary to determine whether a reduction in body weight decreases the risk of stone formation, particularly in women.
The authors have examined the relation of drinking water hardness to the incidence of urolithiasis in the United States. Water hardness in the allometric model accounted for the greatest portion (33%) of variation in the incidence of urolithiasis. Other environmental, dietary, and genetic factors undoubtedly interact with the drinking water hardness as etiologic factors. A significantly higher incidence of urolithiasis has been found in parents and siblings of patients who form calcium-oxalate stone than in a control group. Stone formers ingesting an increased amount of dietary oxalate will have a higher urinary-oxalate excretion than will nonstone formers on the same diet.
Considering the general impression of an increased number of patients with acute renal colic, the frequencies of roentgenologically verified ureteral and kidney calculi in a Swedish urban district have been studied for the periods 1953-55 and 1968-70. In a material of 986 outpatients (793 men and 193 women) we have proved an increase in incidence for upper urinary tract calculi in men from 2.2 to 3.3 0/00 (p less than 0.001) and in women from 0.5 to 0.8 0/00 (0.01 less than p less than 0.05). For the material as a whole, we have found a 50% increase (from 1.3 to 2.0 0/00; p less than 0.001) of acute urolithiasis between the periods studied. Some implications of the results in connection with primary hyperparathyroidism are discussed.
A high dietary calcium intake is strongly suspected of increasing the risk of kidney stones. However, a high intake of calcium can reduce the urinary excretion of oxalate, which is thought to lower the risk. The concept that a higher dietary calcium intake increases the risk of kidney stones therefore requires examination. We conducted a prospective study of the relation between dietary calcium intake and the risk of symptomatic kidney stones in a cohort of 45,619 men, 40 to 75 years of age, who had no history of kidney stones. Dietary calcium was measured by means of a semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaire in 1986. During four years of follow-up, 505 cases of kidney stones were documented. After adjustment for age, dietary calcium intake was inversely associated with the risk of kidney stones; the relative risk of kidney stones for men in the highest as compared with the lowest quintile group for calcium intake was 0.56 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.43 to 0.73; P for trend, < 0.001). This reduction in risk decreased only slightly (relative risk, 0.66; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.49 to 0.90) after further adjustment for other potential risk factors, including alcohol consumption and dietary intake of animal protein, potassium, and fluid. Intake of animal protein was directly associated with the risk of stone formation (relative risk for men with the highest intake as compared with those with the lowest, 1.33; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.00 to 1.77); potassium intake (relative risk, 0.49; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.35 to 0.68) and fluid intake (relative risk, 0.71; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.52 to 0.97) were inversely related to the risk of kidney stones. A high dietary calcium intake decreases the risk of symptomatic kidney stones.
Calcium intake is believed to play an important role in the formation of kidney stones, but data on the risk factors for stone formation in women are limited. To examine the association between intake of dietary and supplemental calcium and the risk for kidney stones in women. Prospective cohort study with 12-year follow-up. Several U.S. states. 91,731 women participating in the Nurses' Health Study I who were 34 to 59 years of age in 1980 and had no history of kidney stones. Self-administered food-frequency questionnaires were used to assess diet in 1980, 1984, 1986, and 1990. The main outcome measure was incident symptomatic kidney stones. During 903,849 person-years of follow-up, 864 cases of kidney stones were documented. After adjustment for potential risk factors, intake of dietary calcium was inversely associated with risk for kidney stones and intake of supplemental calcium was positively associated with risk. The relative risk for stone formation in women in the highest quintile of dietary calcium intake compared with women in the lowest quintile was 0.65 (95% CI, 0.50 to 0.83). The relative risk in women who took supplemental calcium compared with women who did not was 1.20 (CI, 1.02 to 1.41). In 67% of women who took supplemental calcium, the calcium either was not consumed with a meal or was consumed with meals whose oxalate content was probably low. Other dietary factors showed the following relative risks among women in the highest quintile of intake compared with those in the lowest quintile: sucrose, 1.52 (CI, 1.18 to 1.96); sodium, 1.30 (CI, 1.05 to 1.62); fluid, 0.61 (CI, 0.48 to 0.78); and potassium, 0.65 (CI, 0.51 to 0.84). High intake of dietary calcium appears to decrease risk for symptomatic kidney stones, whereas intake of supplemental calcium may increase risk. Because dietary calcium reduces the absorption of oxalate, the apparently different effects caused by the type of calcium may be associated with the timing of calcium ingestion relative to the amount of oxalate consumed. However, other factors present in dairy products (the major source of dietary calcium) could be responsible for the decreased risk seen with dietary calcium.
The approach to assess exposure to ochratoxin A from the diet by the analysis of human plasma and urine samples has been developed. Composite duplicate diet samples from 50 individuals and corresponding plasma and urine samples were obtained over 30 days. Samples were analysed using sensitive methods capable of measuring ochratoxin A at 0.001 ng g(-1) in food, 0.1 ng ml(-1) in plasma and 0.01 ng ml(-1) in urine. Analysis of the foods indicated ochratoxin A levels contributing to an average intake in the range 0.26-3.54 ng kg(-1) bw day(-1) over the 30 days. Ochratoxin A was found in all plasma samples and in 46 urine samples. The correlation between the plasma ochratoxin A levels and ochratoxin A consumption was not significant (95% confidence limit). However, a significant correlation was found between ochratoxin A consumption and the urine ochratoxin A concentration expressed as the total amount excreted. This new work offers the possibility of using ochratoxin A in urine as a simple and reliable biomarker to estimate exposure to this mycotoxin.
To analyze the impact of water hardness from public water supplies on calcium stone incidence and 24-hour urine chemistries in patients with known calcium urinary stone formation. Patients are frequently concerned that their public water supply may contribute to urinary stone disease. Investigators have documented an inverse relationship between water hardness and calcium lithogenesis. Others have found no such association. Patients who form calcium stones (n = 4833) were identified geographically by their zip code. Water hardness information from distinct geographic public water supplies was obtained, and patient 24-hour urine chemistries were evaluated. Drinking water hardness was divided into decile rankings on the basis of the public water supply information obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency. These data were compared with patient questionnaires and 24-hour urine chemistries. The calcium and magnesium levels in the drinking water were analyzed as independent variables. The number of total lifetime stone episodes was similar between patients residing in areas with soft public water and hard public water. Patients consuming the softest water decile formed 3.4 lifetime stones and those who consumed the hardest water developed 3.0 lifetime stones (P = 0.0017). The 24-hour urine calcium, magnesium, and citrate levels increased directly with drinking water hardness, and no significant change was found in urinary oxalate, uric acid, pH, or volume. The impact of water hardness on urinary stone formation remains unclear, despite a weak correlation between water hardness and urinary calcium, magnesium, and citrate excretion. Tap water, however, can change urinary electrolytes in patients who form calcium stones.
Concern over kidney disease in Canacona taluk of Goa. The Hindu
Anon (2007) Concern over kidney disease in Canacona taluk of Goa. The Hindu. http;// 853120300.htm.