This collection of articles is based on the presentations given during the ViKiPeda-2007 (Foreign Language Education) Conference in Helsinki on May 21–22, 2007. ViKiPeda-2007 continued a series of conferences focusing on foreign language education, teaching and research. The first ViKiPeda Conference was held at the University of Jyväskylä in 1999, very much thanks to the initiative of Professor Viljo Kohonen, University of Tampere, and Professor Pauli Kaikkonen, University of Jyväskylä. The second ViKiPeda Conference was held at the University of Tampere in 2001, the third at the University of Oulu in 2003, and the fourth at the University of Turku in 2005. In 2009, the ViKiPeda Confer- ence will be organised by the University of Joensuu.
ViKiPeda-2007 represents an important step in this series of conferences. As its predecessors, ViKiPeda-2007 made it possible for some 60 experts on foreign language education, teaching and research to come together, to exchange ideas of mutual interest, and to network with colleagues from different universities.
It was a great pleasure to have two international Keynote Speakers at our conference: Dr Daniel S. Janik from Hawai’i, USA, and Dr Elena Borzova from Russia.
I would like to thank the Finnish Ministry of Education for the grant that made it possible to organise ViKiPeda-2007, to invite two international guests, and to publish these conference proceedings. I would also like to thank the following sponsors, whose contributions to ViKiPeda-2007 were highly appreciated: CICERO Learning for covering an important part of the international travel costs, and Finn Lectura, Otava, Suomen Tietokirjailijat, Tammi and WSOY for special treats between the lectures. Their book exhibitions were also an important part of the Conference.
I am very grateful to the Members of the Local Organising Committee, whose work was invaluable when solving different kinds of technical, logistical and scientific problems: Dr Pirjo Harjanne, Dr Raili Hildén, Dr Esa Penttinen and Dr Leena Vaurio. Professor Annikki Koskensalo from the University of Turku, the main organiser of the previous ViKiPeda, gave us important advice based on their own experiences two years earlier, thank you very much indeed, Annikki!
My special thanks go to the authors of the articles published in this book. This way an exchange of knowledge and expertise can be shared and fully disseminated. But we must not forget the vivid discussions during the ViKiPeda-2007, all informal exchanges of ideas and enthusiasm that was so concretely tangible thanks to all participants.
When finalising these proceedings, I had once again a good chance to lean on Mr Kari Perenius’s expert knowledge of layout. Thank you Kari!
Professori Juhani Hytönen, Director of the Department of Applied Sciences of Education, has kindly given us permission to publish the ViKiPeda-2007 Conference Proceedings in the Research Reports series of the Department of Applied Sciences, University of Helsinki.
Helsinki, March 1, 2008
Seppo Tella
Chair of the Organising Committee
Director, Research Centre for Foreign Language Education (ReFLEct) Vice Dean, Professor, University of Helsinki