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Highly Challenging Balance Program Reduces Fall Rate in Parkinson Disease


Abstract and Figures

Background and purpose: There is a paucity of effective treatment options to reduce falls in Parkinson disease (PD). Although a variety of rehabilitative approaches have been shown to improve balance, evidence of a reduction in falls has been mixed. Prior balance trials suggest that programs with highly challenging exercises had superior outcomes. We investigated the effects of a theory-driven, progressive, highly challenging group exercise program on fall rate, balance, and fear of falling. Methods: Twenty-three subjects with PD participated in this randomized cross-over trial. Subjects were randomly allocated to 3 months of active balance exercises or usual care followed by the reverse. During the active condition, subjects participated in a progressive, highly challenging group exercise program twice weekly for 90 minutes. Outcomes included a change in fall rate over the 3-month active period and differences in balance (Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test [Mini-BESTest]), and fear of falling (Falls Efficacy Scale-International [FES-I]) between active and usual care conditions. Results: The effect of time on falls was significant (regression coefficient = -0.015 per day, P < 0.001). The estimated rate ratio comparing incidence rates at time points 1 month apart was 0.632 (95% confidence interval, 0.524-0.763). Thus, there was an estimated 37% decline in fall rate per month (95% confidence interval, 24%-48%). Improvements were also observed on the Mini-BESTest (P = 0.037) and FES-I (P = 0.059). Discussion and conclusions: The results of this study show that a theory-based, highly challenging, and progressive exercise program was effective in reducing falls, improving balance, and reducing fear of falling in PD.Video abstract available for more insights from the authors (see Supplemental Digital Content 1,
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Highly Challenging Balance Program Reduces Fall Rate
in Parkinson Disease
David Sparrow, DSc, Tamara R. DeAngelis, PT, DPT, GCS, Kathryn Hendron, PT, DPT, NCS,
Cathi A. Thomas, RN, MS, CNRN, Marie Saint-Hilaire, MD, FRCPC, and Terry Ellis, PT, PhD, NCS
Background and Purpose: There is a paucity of effective treatment
options to reduce falls in Parkinson disease (PD). Although a variety
of rehabilitative approaches have been shown to improve balance,
evidence of a reduction in falls has been mixed. Prior balance trials
suggest that programs with highly challenging exercises had superior
outcomes. We investigated the effects of a theory-driven, progressive,
highly challenging group exercise program on fall rate, balance, and
fear of falling.
Methods: Twenty-three subjects with PD participated in this random-
ized cross-over trial. Subjects were randomly allocated to 3 months
of active balance exercises or usual care followed by the reverse.
During the active condition, subjects participated in a progressive,
highly challenging group exercise program twice weekly for 90 min-
utes. Outcomes included a change in fall rate over the 3-month
active period and differences in balance (Mini-Balance Evalua-
tion Systems Test [Mini-BESTest]), and fear of falling (Falls Ef-
ficacy Scale-International [FES-I]) between active and usual care
Results: The effect of time on falls was significant (regression
coefficient =−0.015 per day, P<0.001). The estimated rate ra-
tio comparing incidence rates at time points 1 month apart was 0.632
(95% confidence interval, 0.524-0.763). Thus, there was an estimated
37% decline in fall rate per month (95% confidence interval, 24%-
48%). Improvements were also observed on the Mini-BESTest (P=
0.037) and FES-I (P=0.059).
VA Boston Healthcare System and Department of Medicine (D.S.), Boston
University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts; Center for Neu-
rorehabilitation (T.R.D., K.H., T.E.), Department of Physical Therapy and
Athletic Training, College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent,
Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts; and Department of Neurology
(C.A.T., M.S.H.), Boston University Medical Campus, Boston University,
Boston, Massachusetts.
This study was funded by the Boston Claude D. Pepper Older Americans
Independence Center (NIH 5P30AG031679). Additional support was pro-
vided by the American Parkinson Disease Association (ADPA); ADPA MA
The authors declare no conflict of interest. registration number: NCT02302144.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citation
appears in the printed text and is provided in the HTML and PDF versions
of this article on the journal’s Web site (
Correspondence: Terry Ellis, PT, PhD, NCS, Boston University, College
of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent, 635 Commonwealth Ave,
Boston, MA 02215 (
Copyright C2016 Neurology Section, APTA.
ISSN: 1557-0576/16/4001-0024
DOI: 10.1097/NPT.0000000000000111
Discussion and Conclusions: The results of this study show that a
theory-based, highly challenging, and progressive exercise program
was effective in reducing falls, improving balance, and reducing fear
of falling in PD.
Video Abstract available for more insights from the authors (see
Supplemental Digital Content 1,
Key words: balance, exercise, falls, Parkinson disease, postural
control, rehabilitation
(JNPT 2016;40: 24–30)
Impaired balance is one of the cardinal signs of Parkinson
disease (PD). Sixty-eight percent of people living with PD in
the community sustain at least one fall per year, which is double
the fall rate reported in healthy older adults.1Notably, 50.5%
of fallers with PD report recurrent falls (at least 2) over a 1-
year period.2Falls are a major cause of disability and reduced
quality of life in people with PD and result in devastating
injuries such as hip fractures, which are significantly more
common in PD than in those with other medical conditions.3,4
In addition, falls are associated with increased risk of hospital
and nursing home admissions and ultimately with decreased
survival rates. The economic impact related to health care costs
is about twice as much in fallers as nonfallers with PD.5
Identifying interventions that successfully improve pos-
tural control and reduce fall rate is critical to reduce disabil-
ity, improve quality of life, and potentially increase survival
in people with PD. Although the gold standard dopaminer-
gic pharmacological interventions are effective in reducing
bradykinesia, rigidity, and tremor, these medications are not
effective in ameliorating balance deficits and reducing falls in
people with PD.6,7 Several randomized controlled trials show
that a variety of rehabilitative approaches have been effective
in improving balance in persons with PD.8A meta-analysis
of 15 randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials of
exercise and motor training interventions targeting balance in
PD found significant improvement in balance in the context
of walking velocity, transitioning from sitting to standing, and
standing balance activities.9Despite the evidence of improved
balance, results revealed no evidence of a reduction in falling;
however, only 2 trials included falls as an outcome.9
More recent clinical trials have specifically examined the
effects of exercise interventions on reducing falls in persons
with PD. A 10-week group strengthening and balance training
Copyright © 2016 Neurology Section, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
24 JNPT rVolume 40, January 2016
JNPT rVolume 40, January 2016 Highly Challenging Balance Program Reduces Fall Rate in Parkinson Disease
program in persons with PD showed no significant difference
in incidence rate for falls compared with a usual care con-
trol condition.10 A 6-month tai chi program in PD resulted
in a lower incidence of falls compared with stretching but not
compared with resistance training.11 An 8-week strength train-
ing program and a movement strategy training program both
resulted in significantly fewer falls at 12 months compared
with a life-skills education program.12 In addition, a 6-month
minimally supervised, home-based balance and strengthening
program plus cueing strategies to reduce freezing of gait did
not significantly reduce fall rate compared with a usual care
condition.13 Finally, a 4-week sensorimotor agility program
was found to be of value for improving balance when deliv-
ered as individualized physical therapy, but not when delivered
as a group class, or through a home exercise program.14 Al-
though these recent studies provide some evidence suggesting
that falls are modifiable in PD, results are mixed.
Balance exercises alone, balance combined with
strengthening exercises, cueing, gait training on a treadmill,
tai chi, and functional training have all been shown to improve
balance control in PD.8,9,1517 The large degree of variabil-
ity in these rehabilitative approaches suggests they may share
salient, common features that contribute to the greatest im-
provements in balance and therefore may be most likely to
impact falls.8,9 The aforementioned meta-analysis suggested
that higher doses of training and highly challenging balance
training (ie, exercises that specifically involved movement of
the center of mass, narrowing the base of support, and minimiz-
ing the upper extremity support) had the most robust outcomes
(5 studies) and may be necessary to reduce falls.9
Given the relative paucity of trials examining the effects
of exercise training on falls and the suggestion that higher
doses of highly challenging approaches may lead to better out-
comes, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects
of a theory-driven, highly challenging balance program on fall
rate in a randomized, controlled cross-over trial. We hypoth-
esized that the number of falls among subjects in the active
treatment period would significantly decline over the course of
the 3-month intervention period. In addition, we hypothesized
that balance and fear of falling would significantly improve
during the active treatment period compared with the inactive
period in which usual care was provided.
Design Overview
A randomized cross-over trial of a 3-month high-
intensity balance exercise intervention for people with PD
was conducted in 2012 to 2013. Participants were recruited
from Boston University’s Parkinson’s Disease and Movement
Disorders Center and the Center for Neurorehabilitation. Sub-
jects participated in a baseline assessment session, followed by
random allocation to 3 months of active balance exercises or
3 months of inactivity. After this 3-month period, active sub-
jects were switched to 3 months of usual care and subjects
receiving usual care were switched to 3 months of active bal-
ance exercises. A computerized randomization schedule was
generated and held by an investigator not involved in subject
recruitment or assessment (TE). All subjects were reassessed at
3 and 6 months by a physical therapist blinded to participants’
group allocations (Figure 1).
Twenty-three subjects with idiopathic PD (using UK
Brain Bank Criteria) were enrolled (Figure 2). Subjects had
stage 2 and 3 disease on the Hoehn and Yahr (H&Y) staging
scale in the “on” medication state, were on a stable dose of
PD medications for 2 or more weeks before enrollment, ex-
perienced 1 or more fall in the past 3 months and 2 or more
falls in the past year, and were able to walk without physi-
cal assistance or an assistive device for at least 5 continuous
minutes. Subjects were excluded if they had a diagnosis of
atypical Parkinsonism, a Mini-Mental Status score of less than
26, previous surgical management of PD, or serious comorbidi-
ties that may interfere with ability to participate in the exercise
program. Subjects were required to sign informed consent ap-
proved by the institutional review board at Boston University
( NCT02302144).
During the active condition, subjects participated in
a highly challenging group exercise program focusing on
improving balance and reducing falls. The exercise pro-
gram was held twice weekly for 90-minute sessions over a
3-month period at the Center for Neurorehabilitation at Boston
University. Three physical therapists with expertise in PD ad-
ministered the group exercise program. To ensure an adequate
level of challenge across all sessions for all participants, the
exercise program was conducted in the clinical setting only—
without supplemental practice of the exercises at home.
The intervention was developed using Horak’s theoret-
ical balance framework for PD, which describes 6 interacting
systems contributing to balance control (Figure 3).18 Each
of the exercises (ie, strengthening, range of motion, anticipa-
tory and reactive balance activities, altering sensory input, and
gait training) was developed to address one or more of the 6
systems of balance control (Figure 3) and consisted of a pro-
gression ranging from less challenging to more challenging.
Figure 1. Study design.
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C2016 Neurology Section, APTA 25
Sparrow et al JNPT rVolume 40, January 2016
Figure 2. CONSORT diagram.
Participants rated the challenge level of each exercise using
a 10-point Likert scale (10 being the greatest level of chal-
lenge and 1 being no challenge) as it related specifically to
balance control. Exercises were tailored to each individual and
were progressed to increase challenge level when perceived
challenge to balance was less than 7. Weighted vests and/or
variable surface conditions were used to increase resistance
and challenge level in a strengthening exercise. During the
inactive condition, participants received usual care.
Subjects from both groups were interviewed during the
active intervention phase to collect detailed information about
falls following the recommendations of the Prevention of Falls
Network Europe consensus statement.19 At each session, pa-
tients were asked whether they had any falls since the previous
session. A fall was defined as a loss of balance where the person
inadvertently came to rest on the ground or other lower level.2
The date of the fall along with the circumstances surrounding
it (ie, location, direction of fall, activity being performed, and
presence of environmental trigger) was recorded.
The Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test (Mini-
BESTest) assesses dynamic balance and contains 14 items
from the original BESTest.20 Each item is scored on a 3-level
ordinal scale from 0 to 2, with 2 representing no impairment
in balance and 0 representing severe impairment of balance.
The maximum total score is 28. The Mini-BESTest has high
interrater and test-retest reliability in PD.21 The Mini-BESTest
was administered by a trained physical therapist not involved
in the intervention and blinded to treatment condition.
Fear of Falling
The Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) is a self-
report questionnaire developed for use in elderly populations
to assess fear of falling.22 A series of 16 questions assesses
the respondent’s fear of falling for a range of activities of daily
living. Each one is rated on a 4-point scale from 1 (not at all
concerned) to 4 (very concerned). The FES-I has been found to
Copyright © 2016 Neurology Section, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
26 C2016 Neurology Section, APTA
JNPT rVolume 40, January 2016 Highly Challenging Balance Program Reduces Fall Rate in Parkinson Disease
Figure 3. Balance interventions corresponding to the 6 interacting systems contributing to balance control.
have extremely good internal consistency (Cronbach α=0.96)
and test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient =
Statistical Analysis
A paired ttest was used to compare each outcome (FES-I
and Mini-BEST) measured at the end of the active period with
that measured at the end of the inactive period in the same
patient.23 Thus, for each subject in sequence group 1 (active
inactive), the outcome score at the end of period 2 (inactive)
was subtracted from the outcome score at the end of period
1 (active). For each subject in sequence group 2 (inactive
active), the outcome score at the end of period 1 (inactive)
was subtracted from the outcome score at the end of period 2
(active). Thus, the overall treatment effect is the mean of the
mean differences in outcome measurements between the active
and inactive periods in sequence group 1 and sequence group 2,
respectively. To assess carry-over effects, the mean of the 2
outcome scores measured at the end of each period (active,
inactive) is calculated for each subject ([subject score period
1+subject score period 2] / 2). The mean of these subject
means of sequence group 1 is compared with that of sequence
group 2 using a 2-sample ttest for independent samples. If
there is no carry-over effect, there would be no difference in
the means of the subject mean scores between the 2 sequence
To test whether the number of falls is a function of length
of time in the intervention among subjects in the active treat-
ment period, we modeled daily fall count as a linear function of
time (intervention day) using generalized estimating equations
with the log link function, the negative binomial distribution,
and the exchangeable correlation structure to account for cor-
related counts from each patient.24
Analyses were carried out using SAS v9.3 using PROC
TTEST with the CROSSOVER option to account for the
crossover design and PROC GENMOD to fit the negative bi-
nomial regression model for the number of falls.
Twenty-three subjects with PD were enrolled and 16
completed the study. Six subjects withdrew due to scheduling,
transportation issues, or unrelated comorbidities, and one was
withdrawn by the principal investigator due to a change in
diagnosis from typical to atypical PD. Sixty-three percent of
participants were male, and the mean age was 66.7 years with
a disease duration of 4.3 years (Table 1). Participants had mild-
to-moderate PD (mean H&Y stage 2.5, mean motor Unified
Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale [UPDRS] score 36).
There was no significant difference between the mean
scores of the 2 sequence groups at baseline on FES-I and Mini-
BESTest scores. Analysis of the overall treatment effect of
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics (n =16)
Mean ±Standard
Variable Deviation or n (%)
Age, y 66.7 ±5.7
Male 10 (62.5)
Female 6 (37.5)
Disease duration, y 4.3 ±3.3
Hoehn and Yahr stagea
2 4 (25)
2.5 8 (50)
3 4 (25)
MDS-UPDRS-III score 36.0 ±9.6
FES-I 28.3 ±7.3
Mini-BESTest 20.9 ±4.1
Abbreviations: FES-I, Falls Efficacy Scale-International; Mini-BESTest, Mini-
Balance Evaluation Systems Test; MDS-UPDRS-III, MovementDisorder Society Unified
Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale-III.
aHoehn and Yahr stage in the “on” state.
Copyright © 2016 Neurology Section, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
C2016 Neurology Section, APTA 27
Sparrow et al JNPT rVolume 40, January 2016
the exercise intervention (active vs inactive) on each outcome
was performed using a paired ttest with a cross-over design
(Table 2). The estimated overall treatment effect on FES-I
scores was 3.2 (95% confidence interval [CI], 6.4to0.1;
P=0.059). To check for a carry-over effect, we analyzed the
mean patient scores of both periods comparing the 2 groups
using a 2-sample ttest for independent samples, which was not
significant (P=0.944). The estimated overall treatment effect
on Mini-BESTest scores was 1.5 (95% CI, 0.1-2.9; P=0.037).
Although the test for the carry-over effect was only borderline
significant (P=0.061), as a precaution, we analyzed the treat-
ment effect in the first period only using a 2-sample ttest for
independent samples. This yielded an estimated treatment ef-
fect of 4.8 (95% CI, 1.3-8.2; P=0.010). L-dopa equivalents
were not significantly different between the active and inactive
conditions (P=0.54).
The number of daily falls per patient was modeled on the
length of time in the active phase of the intervention (number
of days) to determine whether the intervention reduced falls
over time (total falls observed =150). A repeated measures
negative binomial regression using the generalized estimating
equation approach indicated a statistically significant effect
(coefficient =−0.015 per day, P<0.001). The estimated rate
ratio comparing incidence rates at time points 1 month apart
was 0.632 (95% CI, 0.524-0.763) indicating an estimated 37%
decline in the fall rate per month (95% CI, 24%-48%).
There were 2 adverse events (back pain and abdominal
pain) during the inactive period. There were 5 adverse events
(back pain, knee pain, abdominal pain, quadriceps pain, and
lightheadedness) during the active period. Two of these were
considered to be related to the intervention (knee pain and
quadriceps pain). These occurred during one exercise session
and were resolved by the subsequent session.
The results of this study show that a theory-based, highly
challenging, and progressive exercise program was effective in
reducing falls, improving balance, and reducing fear of falling
in persons with PD. Although previous studies show improved
balance in PD with a variety of approaches to rehabilitation,
there is limited evidence of the impact of rehabilitation on
reducing falls.9Few studies have included falls as an outcome,
and results have been mixed among studies investigating the
impact of rehabilitation on reducing falls.913, 25 ,26 Studies
included in a recent meta-analysis provided a relatively low-
dose of intervention, which may have contributed to the lack
of impact on fall reduction.9
Previous studies that included highly challenging bal-
ance training programs seemed to have the most robust out-
comes regarding improvements in balance-related activity
performance.9Prior studies also suggest that balance train-
ing that included a strengthening component was more ef-
fective in improving balance compared with balance training
alone.2730 In addition, a recent randomized controlled trial in
PD also showed significant improvements in off-medication
UPDRS-III scores after a 2-year progressive resistance exer-
cise program compared with a nonprogressive stretching, bal-
ance, and strengthening program suggesting the importance of
progressively more challenging exercises.31 Also, prior work
in the area of exercise in both animal models and humans with
PD suggests the importance of goal-based motor skill training
to enhance motor learning and motor control.32, 33
Balance exercise programs derived from a sound theo-
retical framework targeting the essential postural control sub-
systems may also contribute to more robust improvements in
balance control and a subsequent reduction in falls. Despite
an incomplete understanding of postural control mechanisms
underlying postural instability and falling in PD,34 multiple
physiological systems are known to contribute to postural
control. Horak and colleagues18, 35 have identified 6 different
balance control systems (biomechanical constraints, stability
limits/verticality, anticipatory postural adjustments, postural
responses, sensory orientation, and stability in gait) underly-
ing the complex skill of balancing that may be important to
systematically target in exercise programs aimed at fall reduc-
tion in PD.
The exercise program in our study incorporated the most
salient features from prior work (eg, theory-driven, highly chal-
lenging, progressive, goal oriented, balance plus strengthening
exercises, and high dose), which may explain the significant re-
duction in falls observed over 3 months. Exercises were chosen
on the basis of theoretical framework described by Horak and
colleagues18, 35 to address key elements of postural instability
in PD while ensuring sufficient challenge across the 6 interact-
ing systems. We operationalized “challenge to balance” using
a 10-point Likert scale to determine when to progress sub-
jects. At each session, subjects rated the level of difficulty of
Table 2. Summary Statistics of Treatment Efficacy
Sequence Group
Active Inactive (n =7) Inactive Active (n =9) Overall Treatment Effect
Active Inactive DifferenceaMeanbActive Inactive DifferenceaMeanbActive vs Inactive
Mean 24.1 26.0 1.9 25.1 22.7 27.1 4.4 24.9 3.2 (P=0.059)
SD 7.1 7.6 6.1 6.7 3.5 5.3 6.0 3.3
Mean 25.0 24.1 0.9 24.6 22.3 20.2 2.1 21.3 1.5 (P=0.037)
SD 2.3 2.1 1.7 2.0 4.5 3.7 3.1 3.9
Abbreviations: FES-I, Falls Efficacy Scale-International; Mini-BESTest, Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test; SD, standard deviation.
aPatient difference between active and inactive scores.
bPatient mean of active and inactive scores.
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28 C2016 Neurology Section, APTA
JNPT rVolume 40, January 2016 Highly Challenging Balance Program Reduces Fall Rate in Parkinson Disease
each exercise on the basis of the level of challenge to balance.
Exercises were goal oriented in that patients were given a tar-
get to achieve (ie, reaching greater distances out of base of
support). The program included both balance and strengthen-
ing exercises that were progressive (eg, increased load added
to weighted vests); 90-minute sessions were performed twice
weekly over 3 months (total of 36 hours over 12 weeks) that
exceeds the dosage provided in most of the previous balance
trials (average 18 hours over 7 weeks).9
Our results also revealed significant improvements in
balance and fear of falling. In a meta-analysis examining the
effect of balance interventions on gait and balance outcomes,
Hedge’s g effect sizes ranged from 0.622 to 1.271 among
the 19 PD studies reviewed.9In the present study, the Hedges’
g effect size for the mini-BESTest was 1.22, suggesting that
the exercise program contributed to a large improvement in
balance. With regard to the FES-I, the effect size (0.77)
suggested that fear of falling can be attenuated with a highly
challenging balance exercise program.
There are several limitations to our study including a
small sample size. However, despite a small sample, signifi-
cant improvements were observed in fall rates, balance, and
fear of falling, suggesting the potential benefits of this in-
tervention approach. Consistent with other exercise trials in
PD, our results revealed a limited carry-over effect, suggesting
that the benefits of treatment dissipate over time—confirming
the need for ongoing, sustained participation. Study subjects
had mild-to-moderate PD (stages 2 and 3 on the H&Y stag-
ing scale), so results may not be generalizable to more severe
disease. Although frequent, in-person interviews were used to
optimize ascertainment of all falls, this approach still relied on
the accuracy of patient report.
These results show that a theory-based, highly challeng-
ing, and progressive exercise program was effective in reduc-
ing falls, improving balance, and reducing fear of falling in
persons with mild-to-moderate PD. The data suggest the po-
tential efficacy of these aspects of training in persons with
mild-to-moderate PD, but this requires further investigation.
We thank Bernard Rosner for his assistance in many
aspects of the study design and data analysis and Deborah De-
Molles for her invaluable technical and programming support.
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30 C2016 Neurology Section, APTA
... En el programa de equilibrio desafiante de Sparrow et al. (2016) se demuestra que un programa de equilibrio altamente desafiante puede reducir la tasa de caídas en personas con Parkinson, lo que resalta la importancia de la intensidad y el desafío en el ejercicio terapéutico. ...
... Hubo evidencia débil de que el entrenamiento de resistencia libremente coordinado podría ser más efectivo que el entrenamiento de equilibrio. Sparrow et al. (2016). Highly Challenging Balance Program Reduces Fall Rate in Parkinson Disease. ...
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El objetivo del artículo es conocer la influencia del ejercicio terapéutico aeróbico y anaeróbico en personas que sufren de la enfermedad de Parkinson en estadio 3, con un énfasis particular en su impacto en el equilibrio y la capacidad motora. Metodología: se realizó una revisión narrativa con artículos publicados desde el 2015 hasta el 2021 en bases de datos como PEDro y PubMed, abarcando un período de los últimos 8 años, desde 2015 hasta 2021. Los criterios de elegibilidad se centraron en la selección de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados relacionados con el estadio 3 de la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) en personas mayores de 45 años. Estos ensayos debían estar vinculados al uso de ejercicios de equilibrio, ejercicios aeróbicos y anaeróbicos. Resultados: se seleccionaron 13 artículos según criterios de elegibilidad, subrayando la relevancia de considerar el ejercicio como parte integral de las estrategias de tratamiento para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con esta enfermedad neurodegenerativa. Conclusiones: Si bien las investigaciones brindan pautas generales de dosificación terapéutica, faltan hallazgos clínicos de los beneficios a largo plazo de estas intervenciones. Palabras claves: ejercicio terapéutico, Parkinson, enfermedad neurodegenerativa, ejercicio aeróbico. Abstract. The aim of this article is to investigate the influence of aerobic and anaerobic therapeutic exercise on individuals suffering from stage 3 Parkinson's disease, with a particular emphasis on its impact on balance and motor capacity. Methodology: A narrative review was conducted using articles published from 2015 to 2021, sourced from databases such as PEDro and PubMed, covering the last 8 years, spanning from 2015 to 2021. Eligibility criteria focused on the selection of randomized clinical trials related to stage 3 Parkinson's disease (PD) in individuals over 45 years of age. These trials were required to be associated with the use of balance exercises, aerobic exercises, and anaerobic exercises. Results: 13 articles were selected according to eligibility criteria, underscoring the significance of considering exercise as an integral part of treatment strategies to enhance the quality of life for patients with this neurodegenerative disease. Conclusions: While research provides general therapeutic dosing guidelines, there is a lack of long-term clinical findings regarding the benefits of these interventions. Keywords: therapeutic exercise, Parkinson's disease, neurodegenerative disease, aerobic exercise.
... Structured exercises have been shown to cause improvements in cognitive and physical functioning, leading to a reduction in fear of falling and enhancing the quality of life (Schoene et al, 2019). Fall-related self-efficacy significantly improved in the intervention group (−15%, p<0.001) who received a 12-week intervention programme consisting of balance, strength, and jumping over a mini-trampoline in a randomised control trial conducted among clients with osteopenia (Posch et al, 2019).A Hedge's g effect size of -0.77 was found for FES-I after a challenging balancing exercise programme of 12 weeks, revealing a reduction of fear of falling among elderly with Parkinson's Disease (Sparrow et al, 2016). ...
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Purpose: Fear of falling is experienced by a sizeable percentage of the elderly, a segment of the population that is increasing in most of the countries across the world. A review was therefore undertaken of the current literature on fear of falling, evaluation and management of this fear. Method: Extensive literature search was Results: Out of 478 retrieved articles, only 46 met the inclusion criteria of the current review. The abstracts were reviewed initially and the studies which met the inclusion criteria were then used for the review. Conclusion: Fear of falling is reported by up to 65% of the non-fallers and 92% of fallers among the elderly. Fear of falling arises due to various biopsychosocial factors. The measuring tools are classified into those that measure fear of falling and those measuring fall efficacy. The two main management strategies are physical interventions and psychological interventions, and a combination of these two interventions is more effective in the management of fear of falling.
... After two independent reviews of each title and abstract, 137 citations remained potentially relevant and were sought for full-text review ( Figure 1). From those, we identified 27 studies for inclusion (Atterbury and Welman, 2017;Chen et al., 2023;Cherup et al., 2021;Conradsson et al., 2015;Cugusi et al., 2015;Earhart, 2012, 2014;Ebersbach, Edler, Kaufhold, and Wissel, 2008;Hackney and Earhart, 2008;Hashimoto et al., 2015;King et al., 2015;Kunkel et al., 2017;Leal et al., 2019;Li et al., 2022;Mulligan et al., 2018;Ni et al., 2016;Rios Romenets et al., 2015;Sage andAlmeida, 2009, Silva andIsrael, 2019;Solla et al., 2019;Sparrow et al., 2016;Tollár, Nagy, Kovács, and Hortobágyi, 2018;Van Puymbroeck et al., 2018;Wan et al., 2021;Zhu et al., 2020). Three of the included studies were reported in two reports each (Conradsson et al., 2015;Harro et al., , 2014bHortobágyi, 2018, 2019;Wallén et al., 2018) resulting in a total of 27 included studies and 30 included reports. ...
Background: High-quality evidence shows that exercise helps people with Parkinson's disease improve functional abilities including balance. However, few studies have investigated whether the setting and format through which balance-focused exercise programs are provided matters. This systematic review investigated group exercise compared to individual exercise, and to no-exercise control (CTL), on clinical measures of balance for people with Parkinson's disease. Methods: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and Cochrane CENTRAL databases were searched through March 24, 2024, on terms for Parkinson's disease; exercise or physical activity; community-based or group classes; balance or postural control. Citations, abstracts and full-text articles were independently reviewed, and included studies were rated on risk of bias by two authors. Results: Twenty-seven randomized controlled trials (30 reports) with 1200 participants met criteria. Meta-analysis using mean difference (MD) compared group exercise to CTL on seven clinical measures of balance. Three yielded significant differences favoring group exercise: Timed Up and Go = -2.29 (MD), -3.56 to -1.02 (95% Confidence interval) (95% CI); Mini-BEST = 2.72 (MD), 1.88 to 3.57 (95% CI); Berg Balance Scale = 4.31 (MD), 1.33 to 7.29 (95% CI). Meta-analyses were also conducted on six clinical measures of balance, comparing group exercise to individual exercise, yielding no significant differences. Conclusions: For people with Parkinson's disease, group exercise may be more effective than CTL on some clinical measures of balance and it yields similar results to individual exercise. People with Parkinson's disease are encouraged to participate regularly in group or individual exercise based on preference and accessibility.
... The use of proprioceptive information is facilitated by exercise. Facilitating usage in proprioceptive feedback improves in people with Parkinson's disease 23 . Balance problems have been linked to impaired sensory processing in parkinsons disease. ...
... Collectively, these studies affirm the significance of including elderly patients in intervention programs tailored to their specific needs, from preventing falls to addressing broader neurological and physiological vulnerabilities. Similarly, for Parkinson's disease, there is evidence that exercise regimes emphasizing balance, flexibility, yoga, or tai chi can offer considerable benefits [221]. Similarly, strength training exercises have been shown to significantly improve mobility and movement control, reducing the likelihood of falls. ...
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This comprehensive review explores the dynamic relationship between sports, nutrition, and neurological health. Focusing on recent clinical advancements, it examines how physical activity and dietary practices influence the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of various neurological conditions. The review highlights the role of neuroimaging in understanding these interactions, discusses emerging technologies in neurotherapeutic interventions, and evaluates the efficacy of sports and nutritional strategies in enhancing neurological recovery. This synthesis of current knowledge aims to provide a deeper understanding of how lifestyle factors can be integrated into clinical practices to improve neurological outcomes.
Interdisciplinary care is increasingly promoted to enhance satisfaction and outcomes for individuals with complex medical conditions, such as Parkinson's disease (PD). However, there is little research on the feasibility or efficacy of interdisciplinary care in clinical settings. And, while the use of an integrated team of allied health professionals has the potential to provide significant health benefits to individuals with PD, there are educational and logistical barriers to the use of interdisciplinary care in clinical settings. An interdisciplinary care model was described that aimed to facilitate these benefits and alleviate some of these known clinical feasibility challenges. Three cases are also provided to exemplify how this approach to collaborative care was used to address individual needs and to highlight some of the successes and challenges associated with the implementation of an interdisciplinary and person-centered care model via telehealth. These cases may help clinicians adopt techniques to facilitate greater collaboration across disciplines or aid in the development of a feasible interdisciplinary program in their own clinics. Further research is needed to further enhance individual outcomes and integrate other disciplines into the care team.
Background: Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) impairs balance due to sensory loss, proprioceptive deficits, muscle weakness, altered gait, and delayed reflexes. Targeted aerobic and balance training seem promising to mitigate these issues. However, the exact content of a recommended training regime is yet to be determined. Objective: To delineate and synthesise balance training content and efficacy for people with DPN. Methods: The literature search was conducted on PubMed and Embase in accordance with the PRISMA-checklist. Last search was performed on April 29, 2024. Inclusion criteria were established using the PICO-framework. Methodological quality was assessed using the TESTEX Scale. Meta-analyses were exclusively applied to studies featuring a passive control group. Results: A total of 2007 articles were identified. Twelve studies were included in the qualitative synthesis. Seven studies were included in the meta-analyses. Two studies were of high quality. Most studies reported the frequency, session time, duration, and setting of balance training, while none reported the intensity. The meta-analyses showed a standardized mean difference in favor of balance training compared to passive control for One-Legged Stance (openeyes) (0.89[0.5,1.28]), One-Legged Stance (closed eyes) (1.48[0.36, 2.60]), Postural sway (-0.71[-1.04, -0,37]), Timed Up and Go(-0.94[-1.78, -0.10]), and Berg Balance Scale (2.26[0.48, 4.05]), respectively. Conclusion: Studies are few and generally of low methodological quality. The content of balance training interventions is minimally described, especially concerning the applied intensity. However, balance training does seem to improve balance outcomes in people with DPN, but given the methodological limitations, interpretation must be cautious.
Background: Physical exercise is effective in managing Parkinson's disease (PD), but the relative benefit of different exercise types remains unclear. Objectives: To compare the effects of different types of physical exercise in adults with PD on the severity of motor signs, quality of life (QoL), and the occurrence of adverse events, and to generate a clinically meaningful treatment ranking using network meta-analyses (NMAs). Search methods: An experienced information specialist performed a systematic search for relevant articles in CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, and five other databases to 17 May 2021. We also searched trial registries, conference proceedings, and reference lists of identified studies up to this date. Selection criteria: We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing one type of physical exercise for adults with PD to another type of exercise, a control group, or both. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently extracted data. A third author was involved in case of disagreements. We categorized the interventions and analyzed their effects on the severity of motor signs, QoL, freezing of gait, and functional mobility and balance up to six weeks after the intervention using NMAs. Two review authors independently assessed the risk of bias using the risk of bias 2 (RoB 2) tool and rated the confidence in the evidence using the CINeMA approach for results on the severity of motor signs and QoL. We consulted a third review author to resolve any disagreements. Due to heterogeneous reporting of adverse events, we summarized safety data narratively and rated our confidence in the evidence using the GRADE approach. Main results: We included 154 RCTs with a total of 7837 participants with mostly mild to moderate disease and no major cognitive impairment. The number of participants per study was small (mean 51, range from 10 to 474). The NMAs on the severity of motor signs and QoL included data from 60 (2721 participants), and 48 (3029 participants) trials, respectively. Eighty-five studies (5192 participants) provided safety data. Here, we present the main results. We observed evidence of beneficial effects for most types of physical exercise included in our review compared to a passive control group. The effects on the severity of motor signs and QoL are expressed as scores on the motor scale of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS-M) and the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire 39 (PDQ-39), respectively. For both scales, higher scores denote higher symptom burden. Therefore, negative estimates reflect improvement (minimum clinically important difference: -2.5 for UPDRS-M and -4.72 for PDQ-39). Severity of motor signs The evidence from the NMA (60 studies; 2721 participants) suggests that dance and gait/balance/functional training probably have a moderate beneficial effect on the severity of motor signs (dance: mean difference (MD) -10.18, 95% confidence interval (CI) -14.87 to -5.36; gait/balance/functional training: MD -7.50, 95% CI -11.39 to -3.48; moderate confidence), and multi-domain training probably has a small beneficial effect on the severity of motor signs (MD -5.90, 95% CI -9.11 to -2.68; moderate confidence). The evidence also suggests that endurance, aqua-based, strength/resistance, and mind-body training might have a small beneficial effect on the severity of motor signs (endurance training: MD -5.76, 95% CI -9.78 to -1.74; aqua-based training: MD -5.09, 95% CI -10.45 to 0.40; strength/resistance training: MD -4.96, 95% CI -9.51 to -0.40; mind-body training: MD -3.62, 95% CI -7.24 to 0.00; low confidence). The evidence is very uncertain about the effects of "Lee Silverman Voice training BIG" (LSVT BIG) and flexibility training on the severity of motor signs (LSVT BIG: MD -6.70, 95% CI -16.48 to 3.08; flexibility training: MD 4.20, 95% CI -1.61 to 9.92; very low confidence). Quality of life The evidence from the NMA (48 studies; 3029 participants) suggests that aqua-based training probably has a large beneficial effect on QoL (MD -15.15, 95% CI -23.43 to -6.87; moderate confidence). The evidence also suggests that mind-body, gait/balance/functional, and multi-domain training and dance might have a small beneficial effect on QoL (mind-body training: MD -7.22, 95% CI -13.57 to -0.70; gait/balance/functional training: MD -6.17, 95% CI -10.75 to -1.59; multi-domain training: MD -5.29, 95% CI -9.51 to -1.06; dance: MD -3.88, 95% CI -10.92 to 3.00; low confidence). The evidence is very uncertain about the effects of gaming, strength/resistance, endurance, and flexibility training on QoL (gaming: MD -8.99, 95% CI -23.43 to 5.46; strength/resistance training: MD -6.70, 95% CI -12.86 to -0.35; endurance training: MD -6.52, 95% CI -13.74 to 0.88; flexibility training: MD 1.94, 95% CI -10.40 to 14.27; very low confidence). Adverse events Only 85 studies (5192 participants) provided some kind of safety data, mostly only for the intervention groups. No adverse events (AEs) occurred in 40 studies and no serious AEs occurred in four studies. AEs occurred in 28 studies. The most frequently reported events were falls (18 studies) and pain (10 studies). The evidence is very uncertain about the effect of physical exercise on the risk of adverse events (very low confidence). Across outcomes, we observed little evidence of differences between exercise types. Authors' conclusions: We found evidence of beneficial effects on the severity of motor signs and QoL for most types of physical exercise for people with PD included in this review, but little evidence of differences between these interventions. Thus, our review highlights the importance of physical exercise regarding our primary outcomes severity of motor signs and QoL, while the exact exercise type might be secondary. Notably, this conclusion is consistent with the possibility that specific motor symptoms may be treated most effectively by PD-specific programs. Although the evidence is very uncertain about the effect of exercise on the risk of adverse events, the interventions included in our review were described as relatively safe. Larger, well-conducted studies are needed to increase confidence in the evidence. Additional studies recruiting people with advanced disease severity and cognitive impairment might help extend the generalizability of our findings to a broader range of people with PD.
Comparative studies of exercise interventions for people with Parkinson disease (PD) rarely considered how one should deliver the intervention. The objective of this study was to compare the success of exercise when administered by (1) home exercise program, (2) individualized physical therapy, or (3) a group class. We examined if common comorbidities associated with PD impacted success of each intervention. Fifty-eight people (age = 63.9 ± 8 years) with PD participated. People were randomized into (1) home exercise program, (2) individual physical therapy, or (3) group class intervention. All arms were standardized and based on the Agility Boot Camp exercise program for PD, 3 times per week for 4 weeks. The primary outcome measure was the 7-item Physical Performance Test. Other measures of balance, gait, mobility, quality of life, balance confidence, depressions, apathy, self-efficacy and UPDRS-Motor, and activity of daily living scores were included. Only the individual group significantly improved in the Physical Performance Test. The individual exercise showed the most improvements in functional and balance measures, whereas the group class showed the most improvements in gait. The home exercise program improved the least across all outcomes. Several factors effected success, particularly for the home group. An unsupervised, home exercise program is the least effective way to deliver exercise to people with PD, and individual and group exercises have differing benefits. Furthermore, people with PD who also have other comorbidities did better in a program directly supervised by a physical therapist.Video Abstract available for additional insights from the authors (see Video, Supplemental Digital Content 1,
Freezing of gait (FOG) increases fall risk in persons with Parkinson disease (PD). Cueing improves gait parameters associated with freezing, but it is unclear whether a cueing program can address falling. We used a parallel-groups delayed- (n = 12) or immediate-start (n = 9) randomized controlled trial design to evaluate a cueing exercise program for FOG and falls in participants with PD. Each group received preintervention falls monitoring, followed by a 6-month standardized, home-based, cueing exercise and education program. Participant questionnaires rated program value and compliance. Freezing was measured with the New Freezing of Gait Questionnaire (NFOGQ). Falls were recorded by weekly diaries. Self-reported adherence was high; 83% of participants reported exercising after 6 months. Participants reported that the program was beneficial (89%), walking improved (78%), falls were fewer (73%), and self-management of freezing improved (61%). Mean (standard deviation) NFOGQ scores were 14.8 (5.0), for the immediate (n = 10), and 16.0 (7.7) for the delayed group (n = 9), after 6 months (difference -1.0 [95% confidence interval, -7.9 to 6.0; P = 0.78]) . With baseline NFOGQ scores as a covariate, the estimate of difference was -0.7 (95% confidence interval, -6.1 to 4.7; P = 0.79). The relative rate of falls for immediate compared with delayed groups was 1.22 (95% confidence interval, 0.45 to 3.26). The cueing program intervention is acceptable and participants feel they improve; however, this small feasibility study lacks statistical power to detect important changes in falls rates or FOG severity. A larger study is warranted to further investigate the potential to influence FOG and falls.Video Abstract available for more insights from the authors (Supplemental Digital Content 1,
Background. Falls are common and disabling in people with Parkinson's disease (PD). There is a need to quantify the effects of movement rehabilitation on falls in PD. Objective. To evaluate 2 physical therapy interventions in reducing falls in PD. Methods. We randomized 210 people with PD to 3 groups: progressive resistance strength training coupled with falls prevention education, movement strategy training combined with falls prevention education, and life-skills information (control). All received 8 weeks of out-patient therapy once per week and a structured home program. The primary end point was the falls rate, recorded prospectively over a 12 month period, starting from the completion of the intervention. Secondary outcomes were walking speed, disability, and quality of life. Results. A total of 1547 falls were reported for the trial. The falls rate was higher in the control group compared with the groups that received strength training or strategy training. There were 193 falls for the progressive resistance strength training group, 441 for the movement strategy group and 913 for the control group. The strength training group had 84.9% fewer falls than controls (incidence rate ratio [IRR] = 0.151, 95% CI 0.071-0.322, P < .001). The movement strategy training group had 61.5% fewer falls than controls (IRR = 0.385, 95% CI 0.184-0.808, P = .012). Disability scores improved in the intervention groups following therapy while deteriorating in the control group. Conclusions. Rehabilitation combining falls prevention education with strength training or movement strategy training reduces the rate of falls in people with mild to moderately severe PD and is feasible. © The Author(s) 2015.
To determine whether falls can be prevented with minimally supervised exercise targeting potentially remediable fall risk factors, i.e., poor balance, reduced leg muscle strength, and freezing of gait, in people with Parkinson disease. Two hundred thirty-one people with Parkinson disease were randomized into exercise or usual-care control groups. Exercises were practiced for 40 to 60 minutes, 3 times weekly for 6 months. Primary outcomes were fall rates and proportion of fallers during the intervention period. Secondary outcomes were physical (balance, mobility, freezing of gait, habitual physical activity), psychological (fear of falling, affect), and quality-of-life measures. There was no significant difference between groups in the rate of falls (incidence rate ratio [IRR] = 0.73, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.45-1.17, p = 0.18) or proportion of fallers (p = 0.45). Preplanned subgroup analysis revealed a significant interaction for disease severity (p < 0.001). In the lower disease severity subgroup, there were fewer falls in the exercise group compared with controls (IRR = 0.31, 95% CI 0.15-0.62, p < 0.001), while in the higher disease severity subgroup, there was a trend toward more falls in the exercise group (IRR = 1.61, 95% CI 0.86-3.03, p = 0.13). Postintervention, the exercise group scored significantly (p < 0.05) better than controls on the Short Physical Performance Battery, sit-to-stand, fear of falling, affect, and quality of life, after adjusting for baseline performance. An exercise program targeting balance, leg strength, and freezing of gait did not reduce falls but improved physical and psychological health. Falls were reduced in people with milder disease but not in those with more severe Parkinson disease. This study provides Class III evidence that for patients with Parkinson disease, a minimally supervised exercise program does not reduce fall risk. This study lacked the precision to exclude a moderate reduction or modest increase in fall risk from exercise. Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12608000303347). © 2014 American Academy of Neurology.
Exercise interventions in individuals with Parkinson's disease incorporate goal-based motor skill training to engage cognitive circuitry important in motor learning. With this exercise approach, physical therapy helps with learning through instruction and feedback (reinforcement) and encouragement to perform beyond self-perceived capability. Individuals with Parkinson's disease become more cognitively engaged with the practice and learning of movements and skills that were previously automatic and unconscious. Aerobic exercise, regarded as important for improvement of blood flow and facilitation of neuroplasticity in elderly people, might also have a role in improvement of behavioural function in individuals with Parkinson's disease. Exercises that incorporate goal-based training and aerobic activity have the potential to improve both cognitive and automatic components of motor control in individuals with mild to moderate disease through experience-dependent neuroplasticity. Basic research in animal models of Parkinson's disease is beginning to show exercise-induced neuroplastic effects at the level of synaptic connections and circuits.
The effects of progressive resistance exercise (PRE) on the motor signs of Parkinson's disease have not been studied in controlled trials. The objective of the current trial was to compare 6-, 12-, 18-, and 24-month outcomes of patients with Parkinson's disease who received PRE with a stretching, balance, and strengthening exercise program. The authors conducted a randomized controlled trial between September 2007 and July 2011. Pairs of patients matched by sex and off-medication scores on the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, motor subscale (UPDRS-III), were randomly assigned to the interventions with a 1:1 allocation ratio. The PRE group performed a weight-lifting program. The modified fitness counts (mFC) group performed a stretching, balance, and strengthening exercise program. Patients exercised 2 days per week for 24 months at a gym. A personal trainer directed both weekly sessions for the first 6 months and 1 weekly session after 6 months. The primary outcome was the off-medication UPDRS-III score. Patients were followed for 24 months at 6-month intervals. Of 51 patients, 20 in the PRE group and 18 in the mFC group completed the trial. At 24 months, the mean off-medication UPDRS-III score decreased more with PRE than with mFC (mean difference, -7.3 points; 95% confidence interval, -11.3 to -3.6; P<0.001). The PRE group had 10 adverse events, and the mFC group had 7 adverse events. PRE demonstrated a statistically and clinically significant reduction in UPDRS-III scores compared with mFC and is recommended as a useful adjunct therapy to improve Parkinsonian motor signs. © 2013 Movement Disorder Society.