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The morphology and anatomy of Crocus flavus Weston subsp. flavus (Iridaceae)



The morphological and anatomical characteristics of Crocus flavus Weston subsp. flavus, (Iridaceae) were investigated. Cross-sections of the root, stem, corm and leaf parts of C. flavus subsp. flavus were examined and cross-sections of the root, stem and leaf demonstrated by illustrations. The corm-tunic is membranous, splitting into vertical fibres and lacking distinct horizontal rings at the base. The style is obscurely trilobed or slightly divided. These features are characteristic of C. flavus subsp. flavus. Differences such as shape of leaf keel and branching of style were determined by comparing the results obtained from this subspecies with the results obtained from the other subspecies Crocus flavus Weston subsp. dissectus and species of Iridaceae in previous studies.
... Turkish endemics C. flavus Weston and C. flavus subsp. Dissectus [16], two closely related taxa, are outwardly similar, and have yellow flowers, but differ significantly from each other in the shape of the transverse section of the leaves. Erol O. and Kuchuker O. [17] studied the morphological and anatomical features of six endemic crocus taxa: C. fleischeri, C. gargaricus, C. wattiorum, C. antalyensis, C. olivieri and C. candidus. ...
Plants of the genus Crocus L. have a wide spectrum of pharmacological action. To date, many of their species have not been fully studied. Morphological and anatomical features of Crocus alatavicus Regel & Semenow have not been studied and there is no regulatory documentation. The literature review indicates the absence of a specific, complete description of these features that make it possible to identify and standardize Crocus alatavicus raw materials. The aim of this study is to research the features of morphological and anatomical diagnostic features of the plant C. alatavicus. Morphology of raw materials were studied using a binocular magnifier. Anatomical and diagnostic signs were determined by preparing temporary preparations according to the pharmacopoeia technique using an MS-300 microscope with a camera. Morphological and anatomical features of the reduced stem, leaves, and flower were studied. It has been established that the leaves of C. alatavicus have a unique and peculiar shape in cross-section, like most species of Crocus L. It consists of a central quadrangular "keel" and two side "arms". C. alatavicus differs from other species in the triangular shape of the "keel" and the tips of the "arms" are strongly curved to the "keel". There is a pale stripe in the axial direction along the center of the "keel". The leaves of C. alatavicus are amphistomatic in the arrangement of stomata and belong to the anomocytic type. These signs of plant are used to identify medicinal plant raw materials. It is important to emphasize that the standardization of C. alatavicus domestic raw materials creates new opportunities for its further use in medicine. Сrосиѕ L. тұқымдасының өсімдіктері фармакологиялық әсердің кең спектріне ие, олардың көптеген түрлері бүгінгі күнге дейін аз зерттелген. Олардың ішінде шикізатқа нормативтік құжаттама жетіспейтін Crocus alatavicus Regel & Semenow бар, өйткені бұл өсімдіктің морфологиялық-анатомиялық белгілері зерттелмеген. Әдебиеттерге шолу Crocus alatavicus шикізатын анықтауға және стандарттауға мүмкіндік беретін осы белгілердің нақты, толық сипаттамасының жоқтығын көрсетті. Зерттеудің мақсаты C. alatavicus шикізатының морфологиялық және анатомиялық-диагностикалық белгілерін зерттеу. Шикізаттың морфологиялық белгілері бинокулярлық лупаның көмегімен зерттелді, анатомиялық-диагностикалық белгілер фармакопеялық әдіске сәйкес уақытша препараттарды дайындау арқылы фотокамералы МС-300 микроскопын қолдана отырып анықталды. Қысқартылған сабақтың, жапырақтың, гүлдің морфологиялық және анатомиялық-диагностикалық белгілері зерттелді. C. alatavicus жапырағының көлденең қимасы Crocus L. тусының басқа түрлері сияқты ерекше пішінге ие екені анықталды. Ол Орталық төртбұрышты "кильден"және екі бүйірлік "қолдардан" тұрады. Алатау шафранының зерттелген басқа Crocus L. түрлерінен айырмашылығы, "киль" үшбұрыш пішінді және "қолдарының" ұштары "кильге" өте иілген болып келеді. Осьтік бағытта "киль" орталығының бойында бозғылт жолақ бар. Алатау шафранында лептесіктердің орналасуы бойынша жапырақтары амфистоматикалық, лептесіктері – аномоциттік типті болып келеді. Өсімдік шикізатының осы белгілері шикізатты сәйкестендіру үшін қолданылады және дәрілік өсімдік шикізатын стандарттаудың маңызды аспектілерінің бірі болып табылады. Растения рода Сrocus L. обладают широким спектром фармакологического действия, многие их виды на сегодняшний день мало изучены. В их числе Crocus alatavicus Regel & Semenow, на сырье которого отсутствует нормативная документация, так как не изучены морфолого-анатомические признаки этого растения. Обзор литературы свидетельствует об отсутствии конкретного, полного описания этих признаков, которые делают возможным идентификацию и стандартизацию сырья Crocus alatavicus. Целью настоящего исследования является изучение морфологических и анатомо-диагностических признаков растение C. alatavicus. Морфологические признаки сырья изучали с помощью бинокулярной лупы, анатомо-диагностические признаки определяли путем приготовления временных препаратов согласно фармакопейной методике, используя микроскоп МC-300 c фотокамерой. Изучены морфологические и анатомо-диагностические признаки редуцированного стебля, листьев, цветка. Установлено, что листья C. alatavicus, как и большинство видов Crocus L. в поперечном сечении имеет уникальную и своеобразную форму. Состоит из центрального четырехугольного «киля» и двух боковых «рук». В отличие от других изученных видов Crocus L., у C. alatavicus «киль» имеет трехугольную форму и кончики «рук» очень изогнуты к «килю». В осевом направлении вдоль центра «киля» имеется бледная полоса. По расположению устьиц листья C. alatavicusназываются амфистоматическими, по структуре относиться аномоцитному типу. Данные признаки растительного сырья применяется для идентификации сырья, и являются одним из важных аспектов стандартизации лекарственного растительного сырья.
... Saffron is a spice derived from the dried stigma of the Crocus sativus flower, which is a sterile triploid plant that propagated by means of corms (Botella, et al., 2002;Gómez-Gómez, 2012). From the ancient times, the red scarlet stigmas of saffron have been used mainly in drug applications, textile dye, incense, cosmetics and food purposes (Zdemür, et al., 2006;Juana, et al., 2009;Rubio-Moraga, et al., 2009, Anastasaki, et al., 2010. Recently, there has been increasing interest in the biological effects of the components of saffron. ...
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To develop saffron planting in Urmia, West Azerbaijan, Iran, a split-split plot experiment based on CRBD was carried out in the Urmia University's research farm for two years (2013-14). Nanofertilizers (Fe, P, K and no-fertilizer (control)) as main plots, saffron ecotypes (Mashhad, Torbat-Heydarieh, Torbat-jam, Gonabad, Ghaen and Birjand) as subplots and maternal corm weight (6, 8, 10 and 12 g) as sub-sub plots were considered. Throughout the two years of the study, results showed significant differences between nanofertilizers levels, saffron ecotypes, maternal corm weight and their interactions in terms of all flowering traits. Results highlighted the importance of the nanofertilizers on improving saffron yield. In addition, it was also clear that Fe, P and K nanofertilizers all had positive effects on the saffron flowering. The results also illustrated that the high yield ecotypes Torbat-Heydarieh and Mashhad in Urmia region were due to similar climatic conditions of these regions. These results emphasized the importance of the mother corm weight on increasing saffron flowering was much better than both the nanofertilizer and saffron ecotype. As the mother corm weight increases from 6 to 12 grams, all the studied traits, including dry saffron yield and flower number also increased, by 5.17 times and 4.4 times, respectively. The results of stepwise regression and correlation coefficients noted that flower number, dry and fresh flower weight were the most effective traits on dry saffron yield. In total, it was concluded that saffron flowering traits are strongly influenced by environmental conditions and farm management. Therefore, the correct choice of saffron ecotypes, nanofertilizer and maternal corm weight are vital factors in farm management and economic saffron production.
... Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) is the oldest plant species which is expensive (Özdemİr et al. 2006;Gómez-Gómez et al. 2012). The vegetative propagation is through corms and it is sterile triploid plant (Turhan et al. 2007;Gómez-Gómez et al. 2012). ...
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To determine the effective traits to improve saffron yield, a split plot design based on RBCD was done in Mashhad region in Iran for three years (2012–2014). The results showed that all traits except number of daughter corm, fresh weight of daughter corm and dry leaf weight had low general heritability. Results of genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation and genetic advance demonstrated that the majority of traits had a low diversity and the selection did not have any effect in improving the traits. As a result, the best way to increase saffron yield is improvement of farm management. It was also found that saffron yield had the highest phenotypic and genotypic correlations with fresh and dry weight of daughter corm and dry and fresh flower weight. Therefore, the efforts to improve these traits will increase saffron yield. According to the present study 5-Jun to 5-Jul was found to be the best sowing date for planting saffron. Also, the Mashhad and Torbat ecotypes were the best ecotypes in this study. Phenotypic and genotypic path analysis showed that in the first step three traits number of daughter corm, fresh flower weight and flower number and in the second step traits fresh weight of daughter corm, dry flower weight and dry leaf weight interred to the regression model and had the highest positive direct and indirect effects on saffron yield. Mainly, it can be derived that the implementation of correct farm management including appropriate sowing date, saffron ecotypes, proper density, bigger and higher quality saffron corm can play an important role in improving yield components and subsequently increasing saffron yield.
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6 Şubat 2023 tarihinde Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık ilçesinde TS 04:17’de meydana gelen 7.7M w büyüklüğündeki deprem ve aynı gün içerisinde TS 13:24’te Elbistan merkezli 7.6M w büyüklüğündeki deprem sonucu 50.096 vatandaşımız vefat etmiş (AFAD, 2023) birçok yapı yıkılmış, ağır hasar almış ve kullanılamaz duruma gelmiştir. 9 saat arayla olan ve 11 şehri etkileyen bu depremler sonucunda yıkılan ve ağır hasarlı teknik raporu verilen yapıların değerlendirilmesi; meslek etiği kavramını, malzeme kalitesini ve inşaat işlerinde uygulama hatalarını gündeme getirmiştir. Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği Bakanlığı Yapı İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü’nün son verilerine göre 197 bin 825 bina az veya orta hasarlı, toplam yıkılan bina sayısı 18 bin 200 ve acil yıkılacak ağır hasarlı ve yıkılmış işyeri sayısı ise 61 bin 890 olarak kayılara geçmiştir. Bu kapsamda çalışmada yıkılan ve ağır hasar alan yapıların bulundukları zemin geoteknik özellikleri, zemine uygun temel seçimi, taşıyıcı sistem düzensizlikleri, inşaat malzeme kaliteleri ve şantiye uygulaması sırasında gerçekleşen hataların değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır.
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In this study; the two Crocus L. taxa endemic to Bolu province, Crocus abantensis T. Baytop et Mathew and Crocus× paulineae Pasche & Kerndorff (hybrid) together with C. ancyrensis (Herbert) Maw subsp. ancyrensis, and C. olivieri J.Gay, were used to reveal their detailed leaf anatomical features. In view of these characteristics, it was aimed to determine the true parents of the hybrid and possible other hybrid taxa distributed in the south-southeast coasts Abant Lake. These two Crocus taxa, which are endemic to this region, have no previous anatomical studies. In this sense, deficiencies related to Crocus taxonomy have been completed. The main differences of C. × paulineae from the other taxa; having the thickest cuticle (3.80 µm), the longest parenchyma (20.93 µm) cell in the mesophyll, and having papillae like structure on the keel corners of cuticle. This structure was also observed in C. olivieri over the cuticle at the corners of the keel. The other important differences was the number of small vascular bundles among the studied taxa. The chromosomal number of hybrid was also given for the first time.
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Herbal plants are using for folk medicine since immemorial times. Hippocrates who is the father of medicine, refer to 400 medicinal plants and advised ‘‘let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food’’. Most of plants are using today for medicine. It is still acceptable today that prevention is more important than treatment. Saffron was utilized in folk remedy against scarlet fever, smallpox, colds, asthma, eye and heart diseases, tumours, and cancer.
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Herbal plants are using for folk medicine since immemorial times. Hippocrates who is the father of medicine, refer to 400 medicinal plants and advised ‘‘let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food’’. Most of plants are using today for medicine. It is still acceptable today that prevention is more important than treatment. Saffron was utilized in folk remedy against scarlet fever, smallpox, colds, asthma, eye and heart diseases, tumours, and cancer.
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In this study, the morphological and anatomical characteristics of Crocus biflorus subsp. pulchricolor (Iridaceae) were investigated. The subsp. pulchricolor has 4 leaves, 1 mm broad; bracts drying brownish. These properties are characteristics of these plants. In anatomical studies, cross-sections of the root, stem and leaves were examined. These parts photographed and compared with the other Crocus species and Iridaceae family species.
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The paper reports morphological and anatomical features of Crocus asumaniae Mathew and Crocus mathewii Kerndorff et Pasche, endangered plants. Transvers sections of plant parts stem, scape and leaf were investigated. Characteristically, style is dividing into 3 slender yellow to orange branches, flowering takes place in autumn and is hysteranthous. In anatomical studies, the walls of root endodermal cells of both species show thickenings completely and hairs are found on the abaxial epidermis of leaf. Presence of sclerenchymatic tissues around the vascular bundles of the leaf is a characteristic feature.
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Morphological and anatomical characteristics of Crocus danfordiae Maw and C. fleischeri Gay which are endemic to small areas of Turkey were investigated. C. fleischeri has flowers with stained purple at base and on tube, C. danfordiae has anthers with black basal lobes at it's base. These properties are characteristics for the investigated species. In anatomical studies, cross section of C. danfordiae and C. fleischeri root, stem and leaf parts were examined and demonstrated.
Meiosis is described in thirty-seven taxa ranging from low to high chromosome numbers. Most were regular and bivalent forming.C. flavus subsp.flavus was observed at first anaphase only and was highly irregular.C. speciosus had one or two possible interchange quadrivalents and theC. vernus aneuploid cultivars exhibited multivalents, bivalents and univalents together with some anaphase bridges and fragments. Chiasma frequency is determined here for the first time.