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Current state of knowledge of the liverwort and hornwort flora of the Vologda Region, Russia

  • Institute of Biology of the Komi Science Centre UrD RAS
  • Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract and Figures

Dulin M.V., Philippov D.A., Karmazina E.V. 2009. Current state of knowledge of the liverwort and hornwort flora of the Vologda Region, Russia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica. 2009. Fasc. 45. P. 13–22. An annotated checklist of liverworts and hornworts is presented for the Volodga Region, Russia, based on the authors' collections and those of their colleagues, as well as the literature. The paper presents the first published checklist for the region and includes 84 species from 42 genera and 22 families. Three species are reported for the first time for the region: Conocephalum salebrosum Szweykowski et al., Scapania subalpina (Nees ex Lindenb.) Dumort., and Trichocolea tomentella (Ehrh.) Dumort.
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Folia Cryptog. Estonica, Fasc. 45: 13–22 (2009)
Bryophytes, including mosses, liverworts, and
hornworts, form a conspicuous and important
component in many ecosystems throughout
the world. Their biological, ecological, and phy-
logenetic signicance is well documented (e.g.,
Pócs, 1980; Frahm, 1990; Coxson et al., 1992;
Hallingbäck & Hodgetts, 2000; O’Neill, 2000;
Gignac, 2001; Gradstein et al., 2001; Wellman
et al., 2003). Yet, compared to vascular plants,
liverworts remain a signicantly understudied
group, possibly due to their generally small
plant size coupled with difculties of identica-
tion. This concerns both the knowledge of their
ecological and biological features and their taxo-
nomic diversity. The importance of the present
paper is in summarizing the results of long-term
research in compiling an inventory of the spe-
cies of liverworts in the Vologda Region, one
of the largest areas of the Northern European
Russia (Fig. 1).
The Vologda Region is situated within the
East-European Plain and divided into 26 ad-
ministrative districts. The Region has an area
of 145 700 km2 and is of hilly relief, with alter-
nating depressions, ridges and elevations, with
the Northern Ridge at the east of the area. The
climate is moderately continental with a cold
winter (mean temperature of January is -14 C°)
and warm summer (mean temperature of July is
+18 C°) (Skupinova, 2007). The combination of
the relatively high mean precipitation, 500 mm
per year, and low evaporation, contributes to
the region abounding in rivers, lakes and bogs.
Vegetation is typical for middle and southern
taiga. The forests are mostly spruce woods and
occupy two-thirds of the area. Soils are podzolic
and soddy-podzolic, with boggy soils in some
areas (Vorob’ev, 2007).
Mosses of the Vologda Region were rst
mentioned in 1780 (Lepyokhin, 1780). Studies
devoted to liverworts of the Vologda Region have
been fragmentary and conducted in various
times in the 1890’s, 1950’s and 1960’s, the late
1980’s, as well as more recently in the present
decade. Signicant works in the last 200 years
include: Zickendrath (1900); Warnstorf (1913);
Perl’ev (1914, 1915), Abramova & Abramov,
1961; Akhminova & Zhukova, 1971; Volkova
et al., 1994; Andreeva, 2002. There are also
scattered papers that include notes on the liv-
Current state of knowledge of the liverwort and hornwort flora
of the Vologda Region, Russia
Michail V. Dulin1, Dmitriy A. Philippov2 & Elena V. Karmazina3
1Institute of Biology of the Komi SC UB RAS, Kommunisticheskaya st., 28, Syktyvkar, 167982, Komi Republic, Russia
2I.D. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of the RAS, Borok, 152742, Yaroslavl Region, Nekouz district, Russia
3Vologda State Pedagogical University, Pobedy pr., 37, Vologda, 160035, Vologda Region, Russia
Abstract: An annotated checklist of liverworts and hornworts is presented for the Volodga Region, Russia, based on the
authors’ collections and those of their colleagues, as well as the literature. e paper presents the first published checklist for
the region and includes 84 species from 42 genera and 22 families. ree species are reported for the first time for the region:
Conocephalum salebrosum Szweykowski et al., Scapania subalpina (Nees ex Lindenb.) Dumort., and Trichocolea tomentella
(Ehrh.) Dumort.
Kokkuvõte: Helvik- ja kõdersamblad Vologda regioonis (Venemaa)
Autorite kollekstsioonide ja kirjanduse põhjal on koostatud Venemaa Vologda oblasti helvik- ja kõdersammalde kommen-
teeritud nimestik. See on esimene selle piirkonna trükitud liiginimestik ning sisaldab kokku 84 liiki 42 perekonnast ja 22
sugukonnast. Esmakordselt registreeriti piirkonnast järgmised liigid: Conocephalum salebrosum Szweykowski et al., Scapania
subalpina (Nees ex Lindenb.) Dumort. ja Trichocolea tomentella (Ehrh.) Dumort.
14 Folia Cryptog. Estonica
erwort ora of Vologda Region (e.g., Karmazina
& Andreeva, 2004; Bakalin, 2005; Bobrov &
Chemeris, 2004, 2005; Bobrov, 2005; Ahti &
Boychuk, 2006; Philippov & Dulin, 2008). From
these references, 80 liverwort and 1 hornwort
species have been reliably reported for the region
up to the present time.
Collections made by E.V. Karmazina and D.A.
Philippov during eld seasons from 2001 to
2008 throughout 10 municipal districts of the
Vologda Region formed the primary basis for
the present list. The studies were conducted
using a traditional route-based method, with
subsequent processing and identication of the
collections mainly by M.V. Dulin. Altogether ca.
350 samples were collected and studied, the ma-
jority of which are kept in the herbaria of the of
Department of Botany of the Vologda State Peda-
gogical University and I.D. Papanin Institute
for Biology of Inland Waters of the RAS (IBIW);
duplicates are deposited in the herbarium of the
Institute of Biology of the Komi Science Center
UB RAS (SYKO) and Lomonosov Moscow State
University (MW). In addition, we were also able to
study selected specimens from the Tsitsin Main
Botanical Garden of the RAS (MHA, collections
of M.S. Ignatov and E.A. Ignatova in the basins
of the Sukhona and the Yug rivers, 2001) and
from IBIW (collections of E.V. Chemeris and A.A.
Bobrov, 1996–2007).
The taxa in the checklist are arranged in
alphabetic order. Nomenclature follows Kon-
stantinova, Potemkin & Schlyakov (1992) with
some updates from the recent literature (Kon-
stantinova & Vasiljev, 1994; Konstantinova &
Potemkin, 1996; Grolle & Long, 2000; Damsholt,
2002). Taxonomy of Lophozia (Dumort.) Dumort.
follows Bakalin (2005). We share the ideas of
Schlyakov (1980, 1981), who followed the nar -
row generic concepts suggested by Scandinavian
researchers (Buch, 1933; Arnell, 1956). Modern
analysis of molecular data have provided more
precise denition of the systematic position of a
number of taxa (Vilnet et al., 2007). Synonyms
from regional papers are given in parenthesis
Fig. 1. The main collecting sites of liverworts in the Vologda Region.
after the accepted names of species. Because
only limited numbers of liverworts have been col-
lected in the Vologda Region, all known habitats
and localities are listed, by administrative divi-
sion. We include the geographical location of the
collection, collection dates, and the surnames
and initials of the collectors. Further information
on ecotopes and substrate types of the species is
presented in the checklist. Frequency of occur-
rence is estimated according to a 5-point scale:
very rare (1 nd), rare (2–5), sporadic (6–10),
frequent (11–15), very frequent (over 15). The
conservation status (category) is indicated for
rare endangered species registered in the Red
Data Book of the Vologda Region (Konechnaya
& Suslova, 2004). Species included in the Red
Data Book of the Vologda Region are marked
with #. Species recorded in Vologda Region for
the rst time are marked with *.
The main collecting sites of liverworts in
the Vologda Region
(Fig. 1; abbreviations: distr. – district; vill.
– village; coll. – collector)
Babaevo distr.: 1) the Koloshma river near Ko-
loshma vill.; 2) the Nozhema river near Pyazhelka
vill.; 3) the Parans river; 4) the Pyazhelka river
in the vicinity of the Pyazhelka vill., coll. E.V.
Chemeris & A.A. Bobrov in 2000–2008 (station
1–4 by Bobrov & Chemeris, 2004, 2005).
Babushkin distr.: 5) valley of the Zyablikha
river, coll. Mironova in 1957 (Akhminova &
Zhukova, 1971); 6) valley of the Mokrusha river,
coll. Mironova in 1957 (Akhminova & Zhukova,
1971); 7) left bank of the Staraya Tot’ma river
at Bol’shoy Dvor vill., coll. M.S. Ignatov & E.A.
Ignatova in 2001; 8) mire Mikhalyovo, vicinity
of Logduz and Pleshkino vill., coll. D.A. Philip-
pov in 2006.
Belozersk distr.: 9) vicinity of. Mishino vill,
coll. Metel’kova in 1956 (Akhimova & Zhukova,
Cherepovets distr.: 10) Darwinskiy State Natu-
ral Biospheric Reserve, coll. N.D. Nemtceva in
1987, 1991; A.L. Zhukova & A.D. Potemkin in
1988, 1990 (Volkova et al., 1994) & A.A. Bobrov
in 1996 (Bobrov, 2005).
Kharovsk distr.: 11) slope of riverbank of the
Sit’ river near Kharovsk settlement, coll. 1965
(Akhminova & Zhukova, 1971).
Kirillov distr. (all localities within the National
Park “Russkiy Sever”): 12) near Okulovskoe
Lake, vicinity of Okulovo vill., coll. T.A. Suslova
in 1987, E.N. Andreeva in 2002, E.V. Karmazina
in 2003; 13) near Gora Maura, coll. E.V. Kar-
mazina in 2003; 14) near Tcypina Gora, vicinity
of Oden’evo vill., coll. E.V. Karmazina in 2003;
15) vicinity of Goritcy vill., coll. E.V. Karmazina
in 2003; 16) near the Topornya river, nature
monument «Sokol’skiy Pinewood», coll. E.V. Kar-
mazina in 2003 & 2004; 17) vicinity of Kovarzino
vill., coll. E.V. Karmazina in 2003 & 2004; 18)
vicinity of Rusanovo vill., coll. E.V. Karmazina
in 2004; 19) vicinity of Vognema vill., coll. E.V.
Karmazina in 2004; 20) vicinity of Gorka vill.,
landscape reserve «Shalgo-Bodunovskiy For -
est», coll. E.V. Karmazina in 2003 & 2004, D.A.
Philippov in 2006; 21) along the Kishemskiy
Channel, coll. D.A. Philippov in 2007; 22)
Nikol’skoe Lake, vicinity of Schidorovo vill., coll.
D.A. Philippov in 2008.
Nikol’sk distr: 23) southwards from Nikol’sk
town, left bank of the Yug river near Permas vill.,
coll. M.S. Ignatov & E.A. Ignatova in 2001; 24)
mires on the slope of the Borovoy Kachug river,
near Kachug vill., coll. D.A. Philippov in 2006.
Nyuksenitca distr.: 25) bank of the Sukhona
river near Nyuksenitca settlement, coll. M.S.
Ignatov & E.A. Ignatova in 2001.
Sokol distr.: 26) no exact site specied, prob-
ably near town of Sokol, coll. M.S. Ignatov in
1990 (Bakalin, 2005); 27) mire Sludka, coll. D.A.
Philippov in 2007; 28) mire Alekseevskoe-1, vicin-
ity of Kadnikov town, coll. D.A. Philippov in 2007;
29) mire Durkovskoe northwards from railway st.
Morzhenga, coll. D.A. Philippov in 2007.
Tarnoga distr.: 30) the Ajga river vicinity of Il-
ezskiy Pogost vill., coll. D.A. Philippov in 2007;
Tot’ma distr.: 31) bank of the Kamchuga river,
near Kamchuga vill., coll. A.A. Korchagin in
1969 (Akhminova & Zhukova, 1971); 32) bank
of the Sukhona river, vicinity of Tot’ma town,
coll. 1965, 1969 (Akhminova & Zhukova, 1971);
33) vicinity of Bryukhachikha vill., coll. A.A.
Korchagin & O.F. Hase in 1926 (Akhminova &
Zhukova, 1971); 34) vicinity of Sovetskiy settle-
ment, coll. 1969 (Akhminova & Zhukova, 1971);
35) vicinity of Chernyakovo vill., coll. 1969
(Akhminova & Zhukova, 1971); 36) vicinity of
Ponomaryovo settlement, coll. 1969 (Akhminova
& Zhukova, 1971).
Ust’-Kubenskoe distr.: 37) north-eastern bank
of the Kubenskoe Lake, coll. E. Zickendrath in
1890 (Zickendrath, 1900).
16 Folia Cryptog. Estonica
Velikiy-Ustyug distr.: 38) slope of riverbank of
the river Sukhona near Opoki vill., coll. 1895
(Zickendrath, 1900); coll. 1968 (Akhminova &
Zhukova, 1971); 39) vicinity of Gorka settlement,
coll. E. Zickendrath in 1895 (Zickendrath, 1900);
40) mire near the Sinega settlement, coll. 1895
(Zickendrath, 1900); 41) bank of the Luza river,
coll. A.G. Kolmovskiy in 1895 (Zickendrath,
1900); 42) vicinity of Poldars settlement, on the
slope of river Sukhona, coll. 1968 (Akhminova
& Zhukova, 1971).
Vologda distr.: 43) vicinity of Vologda city, coll.
E. Zickendrath, 1891 (Zickendrath, 1900), A.A.
Snyatkov in 1896 (Zickendrath, 1900), I.A.
Perl’ev, G.I. Shiryaev & A.A. Snyatkov (Perl’ev,
1915), A.A. Korchagin (Akhminova & Zhukova,
1971); 44) vicinity of Nikolaevskoe-Vosimskoe
settlement, coll. E. Zickendrath in 1893 (Zick-
endrath, 1900); 45) vicinity of Severnaya Ferma
vill., coll. A.A. Snyatkov in 1895 (Zickendrath,
1900); 46) western bank of the Kubenskoe Lake,
near Kubenskoe settlement, coll. M.S. Ignatov
& E.A. Ignatova in 2001.
Vozhega distr.: 47) vicinity of railway st. of Kad-
nikovskiy vill., coll. 1958, 1963, 1965, 1966
(Akhminova & Zhukova, 1971); 48) vicinity of
Kuklinskaya vill., coll. D.A. Philippov in 2007.
Vytegra distr.: 49) vicinity of Andomskiy Pogost
vill., near Kivruchey, coll. A.K. Cajander in 1899
(Ahti & Boychuk, 2006); 50) mire Zhabinskoe,
vicinity Oshtinskiy Pogost settlement, coll. L.S.
Korotkevich in 1949 (Konechnaya & Suslova,
2004); 51) mire near the Panskoe Lake, vicinity
of Kedra vill., coll. D.A. Philippov in 2006; 52)
mire Vytegorskoe, vicinity Vytegra town, coll.
D.A. Philippov in 2006; 53) mire Gladkoe near
Vytegra town, coll. D.A. Philippov in 2006; 54)
Tudozero Lake, near Ostrov & Panovo vill., coll.
D.A. Philippov in 2005 & 2007; 55) mire in the
Palaya river valley, coll. D.A Philippov in 2006;
56) mire Shidry, vicinity of Pustosh’ & Nasonova
vill., coll. D.A. Philippov in 2006; 57) mire Soro-
zhskoe-Dol’noe, left bank of the Povreka valley,
near Tudozerskiy Pogost vill., coll. D.A. Philippov
in 2006; 58) slope of Onezhskoe Lake, vicinity
of Ol’kovo vill., coll. D.A. Philippov in 2006; 59)
mire Krestenskoe, vicinity of Ol’kovo vill., coll.
D.A. Philippov in 2006; 60) mire Desyatochnoe,
vicinity of Oktyabr’skiy settlement, coll. D.A.
Philippov in 2007; 61) the Oshta river, vicinity
of Kurvoshskiy Pogost vill., coll. E.V. Chemeris &
D.A. Philippov in 2007; 62) the Vodlica river near
Gornruchey vill., coll. D.A. Philippov in 2007; 63)
the Kurzheksa river, near Tikachyovo vill., coll.
E.V. Chemeris & D.A. Philippov in 2007.
In the following list ‘small-leaved forest’ refers
to woodland of birch (Betula), aspen (Populus)
and alder (Alnus) trees.
AneurA pinguis (L.) Dumort. (Riccardia pinguis (L.)
Gray). – 10, 24, 38, 47, 48. Among the mosses
on sedge-moss spring bogs, in humid sites in
boggy spruce woods, on silty soil along the
banks of watercourses. Sporadic.
#ApometzgeriA pubescens (Schrank) Kuwah.
(Metzgeria pubescens (Schrank) Raddi)
– 47. Among beds of leafy forest mosses in
a boggy spruce forest. Very rare. Critically
bArbilophoziA bAr bAtA (Schmidel ex Shreb.)
Loeske – 7, 18, 37, 47, 48. On rotten stumps
and spruce trunks mainly in boggy spruce
woods, less frequent in pine forests on sandy
sloping riverbanks. Sporadic.
#bArbilophoziA lycopodioides (Wallr.) Loeske – 12,
47. On forest litter in blueberry and humid
mixed spruce forests. Rare. Least Concern.
blAsiA pusillA L. 10, 16, 32, 35, 47, 58. On
sandy, less frequent on clay soil, on stream
banks, in various types of pine forests, once
in a swampy forest. Sporadic.
blephArostomA trichophyllum (L.) Dumort. var.
trichophyllum – 10, 16, 20, 21, 25, 34, 35, 40,
43, 45, 47. In small-leaved, mixed and conif-
erous forests of various degrees of humidity,
on rotten wood, stumps and at the foot of
birch and spruce trunks. Very frequent.
cAlypogeiA AzureA Stotler et Crotz (Calypogeia
trichomanis auct.; Kantia trichomanes auct.)
32, 43, 47. Boggy spruce forests, on wet
soil and on rotten fallen trees, less frequently
in bogs. Rare.
cAlypogeiA integristipulA Steph. 10, 12, 17,
48. In boggy coniferous and mixed forests,
on rotten timber, trunk buttresses and less
frequent on soil. Frequent.
cAlypogeiA muelleriAnA (Schiffn.) Müll.Frib.10,
18, 20. In spruce and aspen woods, on rotten
wood and fallen trees. Sporadic.
cAlypogeiA neesiAnA (C.Massal. et Carestia) Müll.
Frib. – 6, 10, 12, 14, 27, 32, 47. In spruce
woods (mainly boggy), less frequently pine
forests, at the edges of Sphagnum mires,
on rotten wood, at the foot of aspen trunks,
sometimes on soil and litter, and also on
stumps and bare roots, among Dicranum sp.
and Tetraphis pellucida Hedw. Sporadic.
cAlypogeiA sphAgnicolA (Arnell et J.Perss.) Warnst.
et Loeske – 10, 28, 29, 52, 60. In meso- and
oligotrophic pine and dwarf-shrub Sphagnum
mires, on dwarf shrub/moss hummocks and
pine trunk burls, between beds of Sphagnum
ssp. Rare.
cAlypogeiA suecicA (Arnell et J.Perss.) Müll.Frib.
10, 16, 20. In a blueberry/monkshood
(Aconitum) pine forest, in a mossy pine for-
est, on rotten wood, stumps, once on peaty
soil. Rare.
cephAloziA Affinis Lindb. ex Steph. – 10. On birch
bark at base of trunks at the edges of mire.
Very rare.
cephAloziA bicuspidAtA (L.) Dumort. var. bicus-
pidAtA 10, 16, 20, 32, 47. In coniferous
forests (mainly spruce woods) of various
degrees of humidication, in brook valleys,
on rotten wood, fallen trees and bare sandy
soil. Sporadic.
cephAloziA connivens (Dicks.) Lindb. 10, 27,
32, 47, 59, 60. Between Sphagnum mosses
in boggy forests and on (mainly oligotrophic)
forest mires, on bare peat, at the foot of trees,
less frequent on sandy soil in dry woods and
at sloping riverbanks, sometimes on rotten
wood. Frequent.
cephAloziA loitlesbergeri Schiffn. 10, 28.
On trunk buttresses on pine/dwarf shrub
Sphagnum bogs and in boggy pine forests.
cephAloziA lunulifoliA (Dumort.) Dumort. (Cepha-
lozia media Lindb.) – 10, 16, 18, 20, 21, 32,
43. In small-leaved and coniferous forests
of various types, on rotten timber and for-
est soil, less frequent on peat, fallen trees or
sandy soil. Frequent.
cephAloziA pleniceps (Austin) Lindb. 12, 17,
21, 40, 41, 43, 48, 53. Mainly on mires, on
hummocks, at the foot of trees and on bark
of pine stumps, among several Sphagnum
species (including Sphagnum centrale C.E.O.
Jensen et al.). Sporadic.
cephAloziellA divAricAtA (Sm.) Schiffn. (Cephaloz-
iella byssacea (A. Roth.) Warnst.) – 10, 43.
On sandy soil, in relatively dry pine forests.
Growing mixed with Buxbaumia apophylla
Hedw. Rare.
#cephAloziellA elAchistA (J.B.Jack ex Gottsche et
Rabenh.) Schiffn. 50. On mesotrophic mire,
among Sphagnum and Hypnum mosses,
frequently mixed with other liverworts. Very
rare. Data Decient.
cephAloziellA hAmpeAnA (Nees) Schiffn. – 10, 32,
44. At sides of forest paths, on soil among
Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid., Polytri-
chum sp., on a hummock near tree trunk in
a wet grassy birch forest. Rare.
cephAloziellA rubellA (Nees) Warnst. 10. On
soil in relatively dry pine forests, at edges of
ditches, on rotten timber. Sporadic.
cephAloziellA spinigerA (Lindb.) Warnst. 29, 48,
60. On meso- and oligotrophic pine/dwarf
shrub Sphagnum mires, on tussocks, among
Sphagnum. Rare.
chiloscyphus pAllescens (Ehrh. ex Hoffm.) Du-
mort. – 10, 12, 16, 17, 20, 47. In wet forests
(mainly spruce and birch woods) and stream
gullies, on soil, fallen trees, less frequently on
fallen leaves and rotten timber. Sporadic.
chiloscyphus polyAnthos (L.) Corda – 10, 16, 18,
19, 20, 21, 43, 49, 55, 56. In wet and boggy,
less frequent in dry spruce woods and small-
leaved forests, at shrubby and mesotrophic
mires and their edges, on rotten timber, fallen
trees, less frequently on bark and on soil
among fallen leaves. Frequent.
chiloscyphus rivulAris (Schrad.) Hazsl. – 1. On
banks and rapids of a rapid dark-water
stream with sandy-rocky ground. Rare.
clAdopodiellA fluitAns (Nees) H.Buch – 10, 28,
59, 60. In wet hollows and between tussocks
of mesotrophic and oligotrophic mires, and
also at edges of small lakes on bare peat be-
tween and on Sphagnum mosses. Sporadic.
conocephAlum conicum (L.) Dumort. – 9, 11, 12,
17, 20, 25, 30, 34, 48. On shrubby and for-
est-covered banks of brooks and on stones in
beds of small streams, in boggy small-leaved
forests, on wet soil, less frequently on fallen
trees. Frequent.
*conocephAlum sAlebrosum Szweykowski et al.
61. On forest-covered river bank on wet
soil. Very rare.
crossocAlyx helleriAnus (Nees ex Lindenb.) Meyl.
(Anastrophyllum hellerianum Schust.) – 34.
On rotten timber in a wood-sorrel (Oxalis)
spruce forest. Very rare.
crossogynA AutumnAlis (DC.) Schljakov (Jameso-
niella autumnalis (DC.) Steph.) 43. Mire.
Very rare.
#frullAniA bolAnderi Austin 34. On spruce
and stumps of elms and rowans in mixed
broad-leaved forest. Very rare. Critically
18 Folia Cryptog. Estonica
gymnocoleA inflAtA (Hads.) Dumort. – 10, 44. On
peaty soil and rotten timber at the edges of
boggy ditches and on mires. Rare.
isopAches bicrenAtus (Schmidel ex Hoffm.)
H.Buch (Lophozia bicrenata (Hoffm.) Dum.)
– 10. On sandy, less frequent loamy soil in
dry woods and at the banks of the Rybinsk
reservoir. Sporadic.
leiocoleA heterocolpos (Thed. ex Hartm.) H.Buch
var. heterocolpos 10. On soil at eroded
sloping riverbank. Very rare.
leiocoleA rutheAnA (Limpr.) Müll.Frib. – 57. Eu-
trophic mire site saturated by groundwater,
in Sphagnum cover. Very rare.
lepidoziA reptAns (L.) Dumort. – 6, 10, 16, 18,
20, 21, 23, 25, 43, 47, 56. In coniferous and
small-leaved forests, on rotten stumps, rot-
ten timber, at foot of birch trunks, on peaty
soil in boggy forests and on eutrophic and
mesotrophic forest mires. Very frequent.
liochlAenA lAnceolAtA Nees 20, 21, 60. On bare
peat at sedge tussocks and on super-humid
semi-rotten stumps of Salix aurita L. at
shrubby edges of eutrophic and mesotrophic
mires. Rare.
lophocoleA bidentAtA (L.) Dumort.This species
has been indicated for the Vologda Region
without geographical and ecological data
(Andreeva, 2002). Rare.
lophocoleA cuspidAtA (Nees) Limpr. (Lophocolea
alata Mitt. et Larter) – 36. In alder forest at
the foot of a tree. Very rare.
lophocoleA heterophyllA (Schrad.) Dumort. – 8,
10, 16, 20, 21, 27, 32, 34, 36, 47, 48, 52, 53.
In forests of all types, streamside shrubs, on
mesotrophic and oligotrophic mires, at the
edges of eutrophic bogs, on rotten timber and
on bark of the lower parts of birch, alder, wil-
low, aspen, spruce, and lime trunks, frequent
on fallen trees, on ne earth between roots of
fallen trees, sometimes on soil and on fallen
spruce trees covered with sandy-silty sedi-
ments. Also found on Sphagnum centrale and
among Plagiothecium sp. Very frequent.
lophocoleA minor Nees 7, 10, 14, 20, 32. In
aspen forests, on bark, roots and at foot of
aspen trees, less frequent on decomposed
timber and on soil at sloping stream banks.
lophoziA excisA (Dicks.) Dumort. var. excisA
(Jungermannia socia Nees ab. Es.) – 10, 20,
37. On sandy and podzolic soils in dry leafy
and mixed forests. Rare.
lophoziA longidens (Lindb.) Macoun 17, 20, 42,
47. On rotten timber, less frequent at the
foot of trees and on tree roots in coniferous
(mainly spruce forests) and small-leaved
forests. Rare.
lophoziA silvicolA H.Buch 26, 60. On super-hu-
midied semi-rotten stumps of Salix aurita in
shrubby sedge-Menyanthes-Sphagnum bog
edge, mainly on rotten timber in coniferous
forests. Rare.
lophoziA ventricosA (Dicks.) Dumort. var. ven-
tricosA – 18, 39, 40, 47. In spruce woods of
various degrees of humidity, on mires, on
bark and rotten timber. Sporadic.
– var. guttulAtA (Lindb. et H.W. Arnell) Bakalin
(Lophozia longiora (Nees) Schiffn. var. gut-
tulata (Lindb. et H. Arn.) Schljak.) – 10, 20.
In spruce woods and aspen forests, on rotten
timber and decomposed fallen trees.
var. longiflorA (Nees) Macoun (Lophozia porphy-
roleuca (Nees) Schiffner; L. longiora (Nees)
Schiffn. var. longiora (Nees) Schiffn.) – 10,
43. On soil in forests.
lophoziA wenzelii (Nees) Bakalin var. groenlAn-
dicA (Lophozia groenlandica (Nees) Macoun.;
L. confertifolia Schiffn.) – 10. On soil, trunk
buttress, rotten timber in mixed and conifer-
ous forests. Rare.
mArchAntiA polymorphA L (Marchantia aquatica
(Nees) Burgeff) – 6, 10, 34. On silty soil on
banks of forest brooks and on shallow banks
of the Rybinsk reservoir, less frequent in river
valleys on soil among large sedge clumps.
mArchAntiA stellAtA Scop. (Marchantia poly-
morpha auct.) – Reliably known in over 50
sampling sites from Babaevo, Velikiy Ustug,
Verkhovazh’e, Vozhega, Vologda, Vytegra, Ki-
rillov, Sokol, Syamzha, Tot’ma, Cherepovets
districts on bare wet soils in grassy forests,
on stream banks, brooks, sites of old res, on
eutrophic grassy bogs, on soil between bricks
of walls and paths of Kirillovo-Belozerskiy
Monastery and Spaso-Prilutskiy Monastery.
Very frequent.
mArsupellA AquAticA (Lindenb.) Schiffn. 4. In
rapid poorly-mineralized streams on siliceous
boulders, usually together with Scapania
undulata and Fontinalis dalecarlica Bruch
et al. Rare.
myliA AnomAlA (Hook.) Gray – 10, 12, 27, 28, 39,
43, 51, 52, 59. On mesotrophic and oligo-
trophic mires on hummocks and in hollows,
less frequent on hummocks around trunks,
on bare peat, sometimes among Sphagnum
mosses. Frequent.
nArdiA geoscyphus (De Not.) Lindb. – 10. On soil
in a wet coniferous forest. Very rare.
obtusifolium obtusum (Lindb.) S.W.Arnell (Lo-
phozia obtusa Evans) 32. On soil at sloping
riverbank. Very rare.
odontoschismA denudAtum (Mart.) Dumort. – 10.
On peaty soil of a path at the edges of raised
bogs. Very rare.
#orthocAulis floerkei (F.Weber et D.Mohr)
H.Buch (Barbilophozia oerkei (F. Weber et D.
Mohr) Loeske) – 50. On a mesotrophic mire,
among leafy mosses and on trunk buttress.
Very rare. Endangered.
orthocAulis kunzeAnus (Huebener) H.Buch (Bar-
bilophozia kunzeana (Hübener) Buch) – 44,
53. On meso-olygotrophic pine/dwarf shrub
Sphagnum mire, on bark and burls of pine,
and also on Sphagnum centrale. Rare.
pelliA endiviifoliA (Dicks.) Dumort. – 11, 30, 32.
On wet soil at sloping stream bed, especially
near the water (at bank-water interface).
Together with other species of Pellia and
Marchantia. Rare.
pelliA epiphyllA (L.) Corda. – 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 15.
On soil in humid forests of various types, on
steep banks of streams, forming Association
Pellio-Conocephaletum Maas 1959 var. Pellia
epiphylla. Sporadic.
pelliA neesiAnA (Gottsche) Limpr. – 10, 16, 20. On
wet soil in spruce forest and in pine wood, on
sandy soil of a re-protection ditch. Rare.
plAgiochilA Asplenioides (L. emend. Taylor) Du-
mort. (Plagiochila major (Nees) S. W. Arnell)
5, 20, 25, 31, 32, 43, 44, 45. In wood-
sorrel (Oxalis) and wood-sorrel/blueberry
spruce and spruce/aspen forests, and also
at eroded banks of ravines and brooks, on
soil. Sporadic.
plAgiochilA porelloides (Torr. ex Nees) Lindenb.
10, 18, 19, 20, 30, 37, 43, 48. In boggy
spruce woods, at the edges of eutrophic
mires, in stream gullies, on wet almost bare
soil, less frequently on rotten timber, fallen
leaves and twigs, trunk buttress and at foot
of aspens. Very frequent.
plectocoleA hyAlinA (Lyell) Mitt. (Jungermannia
hyalina Lyell.) – 10. Sandy stream bank, on
soil. Very rare.
preissiA quAdrAtA (Scop.) Nees – 11. On soil on
sloping riverbank. Very rare.
ptilidium ciliAre (L.) Hampe 10, 18, 45. On soil in
dry moss-lichen pine forests, on bark and at
foot of trees in boggy spruce woods. Rare.
ptilidium pulcherrimum (Weber) Vain. –Widespread
all over the region. It is reliably known
(over 100 specimens in recent years) from
Verkhovazh’e, Vozhega, Vytegra, Kirillov,
Sokol, Syamzha, Tarnoga, Tot’ma, Chere-
povets districts. In small-leaved, mixed and
coniferous forests of various humidity levels,
on bark, lower limbs, tree burls, at the foot of
trees (frequent on birch, aspen, less frequent
on alder, rowan tree, spruce, juniper, lime),
rotten timber and fallen trees, seldom on
rocks. Very frequent.
rAdulA complAnAtA (L.) Dumort. – 12, 13, 14, 18,
20, 21, 38, 46, 47, 60. In mixed forests and
at the edges of mires, on bark of deciduous
trees (aspen, rowan, less frequently alder),
sporadic on fallen leaves of Populus suaveo-
lens Fisch. Very frequent.
riccArdiA lAtifrons (Lindb.) Lindb. – 20, 32, 40,
47. On rotten timber in spruce and birch
woods, on forest bogs. Sporadic.
riccArdiA pAlmAtA (Hedw.) Carruth. 16, 43,
45. On rotten timber in mossy pine wood.
#ricciA cAnAliculAtA Hoffm. – 10. On the banks
of water bodies on wet silty soil among
grassy vegetation. Very rare. Critically En-
ricciA cAvernosA Hoffm. 10. On silty soil of
banks in the ooded zone of Rybinsk reser-
voir. Rare.
ricciA fluitAns L. – 10, 46. On lake banks, wet
silt, or on exposed soil near water line of
water bodies, and in open water of ooded
sedge meadows and black alder wood around
beaver ponds. Sporadic.
ricciA huebeneriAnA Lindenb. – 4. In a very rapid
stony stream, on siliceous boulders. Rare.
ricciA sorocArpA Bisch. – 14. In a track rut on a
path. Very rare.
ricciocArpos nAtAn s (L.) Corda 10, 22, 54.
In shallow slow-moving streams, bays of
streams and lakes, at the edges of oodplain
lakes, between sedge-reed beds. Rare.
scApAniA curtA (Mart.) Dumort. var. curtA – 10,
32, 33, 47. On sandy soil on sloping stream
banks, on forest edges and along paths in
small-leaved forests. Sporadic.
scApAniA irriguA (Nees) Nees – 5, 16, 32, 47, 56,
60. On soil, less frequent on rotten wood in
boggy birch and mixed forests, at the edges
of Sphagnum mires, on wet soil of sloping
stream banks and ditch edges, less frequent
on tussock sides in bogs. Frequent.
scApAniA pAludicolA Loeske et Müll.Frib. 53.
Mesotrophic margin of a raised bog, sedge-
20 Folia Cryptog. Estonica
Hypnum-Sphagnum willow wood, on trunk
buttress of Salix cinerea L. and on sedge-Hyp-
num-Sphagnum carpet by shrubs. Rare.
*scApAniA subAlpinA (Nees ex Lindenb.) Dumort.
62, 63. On a semi-submerged log and rocks
near the stream bank. In pure patches or
mixed with Chiloscyphus polyanthos. Rare.
scApAniA undulAtA (L.) Dumort. – 1, 3, 4, 30. On
soil at wet meadows, in beds of small streams,
on stones, less frequently on wet timber. On
siliceous boulders in rapid streams together
with Marsupella aquatica (Association.
Scapanietum undulatae Schwick. 1944; Bo-
brov & Chemeris, 2004). Sporadic.
schistochilopsis incisA (Schrad.) Konstant. (Lo-
phozia incisa (Schrad.) Dum.) – 18, 20, 32,
40, 43, 47. In spruce woods (mainly boggy),
on rotten wood, decomposed fallen trees and
on soil. Sporadic.
solenostomA cAespiticium (Lindenb.) Steph.
(Jungermannia caespiticia Lindenb.) – 10. On
soil at the edge and bottom of a dry ditch in
a dry pine wood. Very rare.
#solen ostomA sphAerocArpum (Hook.) Steph.
(Jungermannia sphaercarpa Hook.) – 32, 40.
On bare soil at sloping stream banks and on
bare peat in bogs. Rare. Near threathened.
*trichocoleA tomentellA (Ehrh.) Dumort. – 48.
In humid meadowsweet (Filipendula)/mossy
spruce forest, on wet soil. Very rare.
phAeoceros lAevis (L.) Prosk. – 10. On a channel
bank, on sandy soil. Very rare.
We report a total of 84 species and two varieties
of liverworts from 42 genera and 22 families for
the Vologda Region. Most of the liverwort spe-
cies belong to subclasses Jungermanniidae and
Marchantiidae of division Marchantiophyta and
only one species Phaeoceros laevis to division
Three liverwort species, Conocephalum sale-
brosum, Scapania subalpina and Trichocolea
tomentella are listed for the rst time for the
Vologda Region.
Seven liverwort species are included in the
Red Data Book of the Vologda Region (Konech-
naya & Suslova, 2004) (Table 1).
All red-listed species are known only from
rare occurrences, except for Barbilophozia lyco-
podioides and Solenostoma sphaerocarpum, both
found at two geographical sites. Three montane
species, Apometzgeria pubescens, Orthocaulis
oerkei, and Frullania bolanderi, can be con-
sidered objectively rare owing to the absence or
extreme scarcity of available habitats. The lat-
ter species is a relic. In Europe it is known only
from several localities in Norway and Sweden
(Damsholt, 2002). In Russia it was found in the
Caucasus, the Northern and the Southern Urals,
the Altay, West Siberia, Yakutiya, and the Far
East including Sakhalin and Kamchatka (Kon-
stantinova et al., 1992). Cephaloziella elachista,
a boreal Atlantic liverwort, is found further to
the north in the Komi Republic and Karelia
(Bakalin, 1999; Dulin, 2008) and most likely it
Table 1. Rare liverwort species in the ora of the Vologda Region. Localities in the list of collecting
sites and Fig. 1. Each locality represents only one nding.
Taxa reat category No of localities Habitat Substrate
Apometzgeria pubescens Critically Endangered 47 Boggy spruce forest Among forest mosses
Barbilophozia lycopodioides Least Concern 12, 47 Blueberry and humid
On forest litter
Cephaloziella elachista Data Deficient 50 Mesotrophic mire Among Sphagnum and
Hypnum mosses
Frullania bolanderi Critically Endangered 34 Coniferous/broad-
leaved forest
On stumps of elm and
Orthocaulis floerkei Endangered 50 Mesotrophic mire Among leafy mosses
Riccia canaliculata Critically Endangered 10 Banks of a water body On wet silty soil
Solenostoma sphaerocarpum Near threathened 32, 40 Peat bog and sloping
stream bank
On bare soil
is overlooked during collecting owing to its tiny
size. The nemoral amphiatlantic liverwort Riccia
canaliculata obviously has the north-eastern
limit of its distribution in the region. The rar-
ity of arctic-boreal circumpolar Barbilophozia
lycopodioides and Solenostoma sphaerocarpum
is presumably caused by insufcient study of
regional bryoora, and without any doubt future
study will reveal new localities for these spe-
cies. We recommend excluding Barbilophozia
lycopodioides and Solenostoma sphaerocarpum
from the threatened species list of the Red Data
Book and propose including some rare species
to it (Crossocalyx hellerianus, Lophocolea cus-
pidata, Marsupella aquatica, Odontoschisma
denudatum, Phaeoceros laevis, Riccia cavernosa,
Trichocolea tomentella).
Among the new discoveries, Conocepha-
lum salebrosum, a recently described taxon
(Szweykowski et al., 2005) is of interest. An
insufcient knowledge coupled with consider-
able morphological similarity to the closely
allied species, C. conicum, made it difcult to
identify C. salebrosum both in the eld and
during processing of collections. However, a
careful revision of our collections enabled us
to detect C. salebrosum among samples previ-
ously identied by us as C. conicum. Although
C. salebrosum is cited only from one locality,
we predict that it has a wider distribution than
currently reported.
Authors express their gratitude to N.A. Kon-
stantinova (PABSI RAS, Kirovsk) for checking
the authenticity of some samples and also ac-
knowledge E.V. Chemeris & A.A. Bobrov (IBIW
RAS, Borok), M.S. Ignatov (SBG RAS) & E.A.
Ignatova (MSU) for providing the opportunity to
work with herbarium samples. They also express
sincere gratitude to S.V. Balina for assistance
in translation of the article and V.V. Elsakov for
help in creating of the map. The research of M.V.
Dulin was performed under the nancial sup-
port of Russian Foundation for Basic Research
(project No. 09-04-00281).
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... Работа отчасти поддержана РФФИ 09-04-00281, 09-04-90788, а также Фондом содействия отечественной науке. 85,173,193,275], N-UR [252,299] S-UR [241], SIB: W [168,169], E [292] [113], / 18, 19, 117, 141, 147, 151, 191, 283], WS [III / 195, 296] [73], KLN [115], C [I, IV / 12,14,15,85,103,105,106,125,193,202,274,275] 274,275 ], N-UR [252,299], S-UR [217], SIB: W [169], E [292,294] [73], C [IV / 12, 14, 85, 105, 274], ?N-UR [252], SIB: E [292,294] W [168,169] 85,125,173,193,202,274], N-UR [252,299], S-UR [21,22] [72a, 115], C [103,180,193] [238,239]. Crossocalyx koriakensis Schljakov is known from the original description, but no type specimens were found neither in LE, nor KPABG. ...
... Работа отчасти поддержана РФФИ 09-04-00281, 09-04-90788, а также Фондом содействия отечественной науке. 85,173,193,275], N-UR [252,299] S-UR [241], SIB: W [168,169], E [292] [113], / 18, 19, 117, 141, 147, 151, 191, 283], WS [III / 195, 296] [73], KLN [115], C [I, IV / 12,14,15,85,103,105,106,125,193,202,274,275] 274,275 ], N-UR [252,299], S-UR [217], SIB: W [169], E [292,294] [73], C [IV / 12, 14, 85, 105, 274], ?N-UR [252], SIB: E [292,294] W [168,169] 85,125,173,193,202,274], N-UR [252,299], S-UR [21,22] [72a, 115], C [103,180,193] [238,239]. Crossocalyx koriakensis Schljakov is known from the original description, but no type specimens were found neither in LE, nor KPABG. ...
... Работа отчасти поддержана РФФИ 09-04-00281, 09-04-90788, а также Фондом содействия отечественной науке. 85,173,193,275], N-UR [252,299] S-UR [241], SIB: W [168,169], E [292] [113], / 18, 19, 117, 141, 147, 151, 191, 283], WS [III / 195, 296] [73], KLN [115], C [I, IV / 12,14,15,85,103,105,106,125,193,202,274,275] 274,275 ], N-UR [252,299], S-UR [217], SIB: W [169], E [292,294] [73], C [IV / 12, 14, 85, 105, 274], ?N-UR [252], SIB: E [292,294] W [168,169] 85,125,173,193,202,274], N-UR [252,299], S-UR [21,22] [72a, 115], C [103,180,193] [238,239]. Crossocalyx koriakensis Schljakov is known from the original description, but no type specimens were found neither in LE, nor KPABG. ...
... Настоящая работа является логическим продолжением ранее начатых нами исследований гепатикофлоры Вологодской обл. (Dulin et al., 2009;Филиппов, Дулин, 2013 и др.) и посвящена характеристике и анализу флоры печёночников Шиченгского регионального комплексного (ландшафтного) заказника. ...
... Стоит заметить, что ранее нами уже были опубликованы первые сведения о гепатикофлоре Шиченгского ландшафтного заказника (Дулин, Филиппов, 2010б), а также информация о находках нескольких редких видов печёночников, обнаруженных на его территории (Dulin et al., 2009;Дулин, Филиппов, 2010а;Филиппов, Дулин, 2011). ...
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This paper presents the results of studying of the state of Rheum altaicum Losinsk. coenopopulations in Ka- zakhstan Altay. It is established that the main coenopopulations of rheum altaicum are located on the Kalbinskiy ridge and Southern Altay. Phytocenotic composition for each coenopopulation is determined and the existing state of the species is estimated. Morphometric characteristics of the plants were analysed in order to determine the average yield. The main limiting factors for coenopopulations of rheum altaicum are found. Keywords: Rheum altaicum Losinsk., coenopopulation, productivity, Kazakhstan Altay.
... The study summarises the authors' materials collected in the rivers of the European part of Russia between 2005 and and Western Siberia in 2021. A small part (5.5%) of the data was published in the research articles (Ivicheva et al. 2018), but mainly as short notes on the new records (Dulin et al. 2009, Afonina et al. 2010, Abolin et al. 2011, Bobrov and Philippov 2012, Sofronova et al. 2012, Shabunov and Philippov 2014, Vishnyakov and Philippov 2018, Vishnyakov et al. 2020, Vishnyakov et al. 2021. ...
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Background: The data paper contains the authors' materials on the diversity of macrophytes, macroscopic plants regardless of their taxonomic position, in rivers and streams of East European Russia and Western Siberia. These data, collected on 247 rivers and 32 streams in 13 administrative regions of the Russian Federation, were provided as an occurrence dataset presented in the form of GBIF-mediated data. The main portion of the data was obtained in water objects of the Vologda Region (5201 occurrences). In addition, occurrences from the Arkhangelsk Region (347 occurrences), Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (159), Yaroslavl Region (132), Novgorod Region (97), Kostroma Region (41), Republic of Karelia (31), Sverdlovsk Region (29), Komi Republic (28), Orenburg Region (26), Chelyabinsk Region (22), Voronezh Region (22) and Tyumen Region (18) were given. The studies were carried out mainly in the southern and middle taiga and, to a lesser extent, in the northern taiga and the forest-steppe. The analysed watercourses belong to five drainage basins: the Azov Sea, the Baltic Sea, the White Sea, the Caspian Sea and the Kara Sea. The dataset contains materials on the diversity of Plantae (6094 occurrences) and Chromista (59 occurrences). This paper, in a standardised form, summarises mostly unpublished materials on the biodiversity of lotic ecosystems. New information: The paper summarises the data obtained in long-term studies of phytodiversity in a range of rivers and streams of East European Russia and, fragmentarily, Western Siberia. A total of 6153 occurrences were included in the dataset. According to the GBIF taxonomic backbone, the dataset comprises 292 taxa, including 280 lower-rank taxa (species, subspecies, varieties) and 12 taxa identified to the genus level. All the occurrences are published openly through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) for the first time. Most of the data were stored in field diaries and, thus, by adding the data in GBIF, we believe that other researchers could benefit from it.
... В настоящий момент Conocephalum conicum aggr. известен ещё из ряда районов: 16 [57,17], 20 [12, 354; 57, 17], 23 [12, 354; 57, 17], а также упоминался без конкретной привязки для гепатикофлоры области в целом [6, 13; 48, 313; 49, 60; 60, 191]. ...
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Philippov D.A., Dulin M.V. 2012. Predvaritel’nyj spisok pechyonochnikov Vologodskoj oblasti [Preliminary list of liverworts of Vologda Region]. Aktual’nye problem gumanitarnykh i estestvennykh nauk [Actual problems of humanitary and natural sciences]. No. 2/49. P. 22–29. (in Russian). Based on the analysis of works published from 1825 to 2012, a modern list of liverworts of the Vologda Region has been compiled. The list includes 100 species of liverworts and is necessary for the work on the preparation of the second edition of the regional Red Data Book, and also serves as one of the most important steps in the creation of the “Flora of bryophytes of the Vologda Region”. Основываясь на анализе опубликованных с 1825 по 2012 гг. работ, составлен современный список печёночников Вологодской области. Список включает 100 видов печёночников и необходим для работ по подготовке второго издания региональной Красной книгой, а также служит одним из важнейших этапов в создании «Флоры мохообразных Вологодской области».
... Часть публикаций посвящена видовому богатству, распространению и экологии криптогамных макрофитов: макроводоросли (Чемерис, Филиппов, 2010; Чемерис и др., 2011, 2013; Бобров А., Чемерис, 2012; Филиппов, 2013б; Вишняков, Филиппов, 2018), печёночники (Дулин, Филиппов, 2010;Филиппов, Дулин, 2011, 20122015а, 2015б;Софронова и др., 2012, 2014Dulin et al., 2009;Ellis et al., 2010), мхи (Филиппов, Бойчук, 2008, 2015; Софронова и др., 2013, 2018). Также не теряют своей актуальности работы прежних лет (Перфильев, 1934, 1936Бобровский, 1957;Абрамова, Козлова, 1970;Экзерцев, Белавская, 1970, 1975Распопов, 1985;Краснова, Кузьмичев, 1988, 2005Кузьмичев, Краснова, 1989, 2001Орлова, 1993;Папченков, Козловская, 1998;Краснова, 1999;Красная книга…, 2004;Суслова и др., 2004;Завьялов и др., 2005;Папченков, Пакляшова, 2008;Raspopov et al., 1977;некоторые др.). ...
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Chernova A.M., Czhobadze A.B., Levashov A.N., Philippov D.A. 2019. Flora vodoyomov Volzhskogo bassejna: dopolneniya i utochneniya po Vologodskoj oblasti [Flora of waterbodies of the Volga River Basin: additions and updates on the Vologda Region, Russia]. Samarksaya Luka: problemy regional’noj i global’noj ekologii [Samarskaya Luka: problems of regional and global ecology]. Vol. 28, №1. P. 40–54. DOI: 10.24411/2073-1035-2018-10180 (in Russian). The project “Flora of waterbodies of the Volga River Basin” is a crucial milestone in evolution of domestic hydrobotany. Maintenance of the progect in an actual state requires continuous amendments and updates to the species lists, ecologic and coenotic preference profiles of aquatic and semiaquatic vascular plants. This work is the most productive when done on a piecemeal basis, for instance, on a basis of current administrative and territorial division of the Volga River Basin. The present paper is devoted to the flora of the basin of internal drainage in the Vologda Region (54,000 km2, amounts to 37.6% of the Vologda Region area). Upon the results of the revision 88 species from 66 genera and 36 families were added to the local species list; 53 of these species are new to the flora of the Volga River Basin, 35 are new to the flora of the Vologda Region. The updates were made mainly due to the revision of flora of mire water objects, litoral and coastal habitats, true-rare and protected species. Currently, aquatic flora of the Vologda Region part of the Volga River Basin comprises 366 species from 148 genera and 64 families; 100 species are included in the Red Data Book of the Vologda Region. Проект «Флора водоёмов Волжского бассейна» является важной вехой в развитии отечественной гидроботаники. Для поддержания его в актуальном состоянии необходимы постоянные уточнения и дополнения видового состава, экологии и ценотических предпочтений водных и прибрежно-водных сосудистых растений. Такую работу наиболее продуктивно проводить в рамках отдельных частей Волжского бассейна, например, с учётом действующего административно-территориального устройства. Настоящая статья посвящена флоре бассейна внутреннего стока на территории Вологодской области (54 тыс. км2 или 37,6% её площади). По результатам нашей ревизии видовой состав дополнился 88 видами из 66 родов 36 семейств, из которых 53 – новые для флоры бассейна в целом, а 35 – новые для вологодской части бассейна. В основном дополнения связаны с инвентаризацией флоры болотных водоёмов и водотоков, прибрежных биотопов, а также флоры истинно редких и охраняемых в регионе видов. В настоящее время объём флоры водных объектов в границах вологодской части Волжского бассейна составляет 366 видов из 148 родов 64 семейств, из которых 100 видов включены в Красную книгу Вологодской области.
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Suslova T.A., Czhobadze A.B., Philippov D.A., Shiryaeva O.S., Levashov A.N. 2013. Vtoroe izdanie Krasnoj knigi Vologodskoj oblasti: izmeneniya v spiskakh okhranyaemykh i trebuyuschikh biologicheskogo kontrolya vidov rastenij i gribov [A second edition of the Red Data Book of the Vologda Region: revisions in the lists of protected and biological control required species of plants and fungi]. Fitoraznoobrazie Vostochnoj Evropy [Phytodiversity of Eastern Europe], 7(3), 93–104. DOI: 10.24411/2072-8816-2013-10022 [in Russian]. Data on upcoming revisions in the lists of protected species of Plants and Fungi for a new edition of the Vologda Region Red Data Book are given. 16 species are intended to be excluded from the previous List (Red Data Book of the Vologda Region, 2004) and 79 species need to be inserted in the new Lists. Grounds for the adjustments are analyzed. Changes in the Lists of biological control required species are given and analyzed as well. Приводится информация о планируемых изменениях в списках охраняемых растений и грибов для новой редакции Красной книги Вологодской области. Из предыдущего списка (Красная книга…, 2004) предполагается исключить 16 видов, в новые списки необходимо дополнительно внести 79 видов. Анализируются причины корректировки списков охраняемых видов. В этом же ключе рассматриваются изменения в списках видов биологического контроля.
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Sofronova E.V. et al. 2012. New bryophyte records 1. – Новые бриологические находки. 1. Arctoa, 21: 275–286. DOI: 10.15298/arctoa.21.27
Frullania bolanderi is in Europe known from Norway, Sweden and Russia only. The ecology of F. bolanderi in 16 Norwegian localities is described in some detail, while its ecology in Sweden and Russia is given from literature. Frullania bolanderi has a wide ecological amplitude growing on many different trees, often in shady ravines near streams and rivers, but sometimes in only slightly undulating forest, more rarely in an open landscape with scattered trees only. At the beginning of the year 2000 Frullania bolanderi was known from one locality in Sweden, three localities in Norway and about five localities in European Russia. However, during the years 2000-2013 numerous new localities were discovered and this hepatic is now known from about 150 localities in Norway [but only about 60 if merely localities more than 1 km apart are considered], three in Sweden and about 25 in European Russia. In the past F. bolanderi was considered as strongly endangered (EN) or critically endangered (CR) in Norway and Sweden, but the many new records have resulted in it being downgraded to a lower conservation category in Norway, i.e. vulnerable (VU) according to the newest Norwegian redlist. The plant is also a member of the European redlist, but should perhaps be removed from this list.
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This work provides descriptions, illustrations and keys to the 595 genera and 120 families of bryophytes (hornworts, liverworts, mosses) recorded from tropical America. The generic descriptions include data on the diversity, distribution, and ecology of the group within the Neotropics, important morphological characters, salient features of use in plant identification, as well as literature for species identification. The introductory section of the book provides a discussion of the main morphological features of the hornworts, liverworts, and mosses an overview of the different regions and habitats within the Neotropics and their characteristic bryophytes, information on how to collect and process bryophytes, a list of important herbaria in tropical America, a glossary of technical terms, and a bibliography.
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The list includes 38 families, 106 genera, 401 species, 1 subspecies and 7 varieties, those are believed were found in the former USSR. For the accepted species the distribution within the territory is indicated, the 18 region divisions are recognized. Synonyms, systematical arrangement and comments are also provided.
Nonvascular epiphytes within the canopy of tropical montane rain forest in Guadeloupe are exposed to episodes of severe desiccation on >30% of all days each year. This exposure to wetting/drying cycles induces the accumulation of more than 950 kg ha-1 of sugars and polyols by epiphytic bryophytes within the cloud forest canopy. These sugars are then released in pulse form during rewetting episodes and subsequently translocated by throughflow precipitation within the canopy. Total sugar and polyol reserves equivalent to 17 percent of the dry weight were seen for the upper canopy liverwort Frullania atrata. Standing reserves of the lower canopy moss Phyllogonium fulgens were <6% of dry weight. Mean release of sugars and polyols during rewetting episodes was greatest for lower canopy bryophyte mats, at 0.9 g m-2, compared to 0.3 g m-2 in the upper canopy. Net annual release of sugars from bryophytes epiphytic within the upper canopy was 122 kg ha-1. These release episodes probably have significant impact on nutrient cycling in the tropical montane rain forest environment, particularly for processes of microbial decomposition and asymbiotic N-fixation. -from Authors
In Europe and Macaronesia 453 species of Hepaticae (Marchantiopsida, Liverworts) are recognized; 33 of these are confined to Macaronesia. The total species complement is assigned to 105 genera (of which four are confined to Macaronesia: Acanthocoleus R.M.Schust., Cheilolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn., Mnioloma Herzog and Tylimanthus Mitt.). The genera are subdivided into subgenera and sections where sound natural groupings of species are recognizable. Two new subgenera and a new section for Asterella P.Beauv. are proposed. Correct author citations for a number of sectional names are given following strict interpretation of Art. 22.1, including the new combination Marsupella sect. Homocraspis (Lindb. ex Schiffn.) Grolle. Two species in the genus Lophozia and one in the genus Frullania are newly synonymized. A neotype for Jungermannia ventricosa Dicks. (Lophozia ventricosa (Dicks.) Dumort.) is designated. The five extant genera Metacalypogeia (S.Halt.) Inoue, Nipponolejeunea S.Hatt., Notoscyphus Mitt., Spruceanthus Verd. and Trocholejeunea Schiffn. are additionally recorded in Europe as Tertiary fossils (all preserved in Baltic Amber). In the treated area, eight species of Anthocerotae (Anthocerotopsida, Hornworts) are recognized and assigned to three genera. In 373 annotations, the taxonomy, nomenclature and synonymy of many of the accepted species are discussed briefly, based primarily on recent literature sources and the authors' observations.